HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEORGIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HOMELAND SECUIRTY 2012 PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT GEC)RGtA EMERGENCI� MANAGEMENT AGEN���'I��� Homeland Security S � P Z � ?Ol2 20I2 Per#urmance Partnership Agrcem�nt C�FM The x012 Pertormance Partnership Agreement, (PPAj� between the Georg/a Emergency Management Agency-Homeland Secvrfty and tha Augusta-Richmond County Govemmen� 1n order to best ensure that state and local gavemments are fully prepared to help their ci#izens in times crf emergency, the Augusta-Richmvnd Cvunty Govemment, the Augusta-Richmand County Emergency Management Agency, (EMA), and iCs Director agree to meet the reGuirements specifieed in the Uf#icial Code of Georgia Annotated (Secaon 38-3-27), the Emergency Management Act of 1981, as amended, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F�MA) 2012 Emergency Management Preparedness Grant (EMPG) Guidance and the �1'12 GEMA- Homeland Security 2012 PPAlWork Plan and those rules, regulations and guidelines dictated by the Directvr of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency-Hometand Security (GEMA- Homeland Security�. GEMA-Homeland Security agrees to provide required and necessary state and federal resources to local govemments qn a Gmely basis in response to major eme�gencies and disasters; a comprehensive training and exercise program for emergency personnel; and ottier criticaf aituational information. GEMArHomeland Security further agrees to provi�e funding support to local auallflgd aovammeat,s for�ppropriate administrative expenses; administer and manage federal and state assistance programs fo� the bene�it of Iocal govemrr►ents; provide necessary and requested information, �dvise, recommendatians and technicaE assisbnce conceming emergency management adminfstrative, operatlons and ptanning issues and to elfminate restricdve and unnecessary adminisVative requirements ln managing Its re�sponsi�llties on behalf of focal govemments. APPROVAL and REVIEW By st�ntng thls Pertormance Partne�h,i�, Agrcement (PPA) tl�e partles ag�e to work cooperatively in accompfishlna the objec�v�s sat fortfi above. This PPA must be signed by the local EMA Dlrector and the Chiet El,ected aflclal (CE�) M the Ixal govemrnent and the Director of GEMA-Homeland Securlty. Evalustlon oi proeross w111 be revEewed by the GEMA-Homeland Securlty Ama FisW Coordinator. �� of sa����tarv 2012 GE�(�„ pp�yQrk Plan nroaroesa msv be cause tor recommandatfon that elisrlbllfiv tor federa/ or ata�e assTstance be wfthdrawn. � /6 / Z.... L 1 EMA Dfrecto► Date . �/��� � � �! CEO Date � $ Di D GE ometand Sscurity Arca Field Caardinator D ' r. VGIMf� r101U Q�.�� 7112 Georqis Emerqency Maaaqemnent Agency STATE�NT oF SvBGRANT A�ARD �.�.. F�PG FFY 2012 �Ep�71L t�A�: Emergency Manageiaent Performance Grant �p�L �p gp�q EMW-2012-�P-0005I-SO1 �� #: 97.042 �71i'�'1"�LT �.ISt F0� f�t7111't : Thia prvject is aupported under DHS Appropra.ations Act of 2fl12 (P.L. X11-83) �1�i DQR�z� �C=: gRp.7iC? ID: OEMl2-123 Augusta-Richmond County 530 Greene Street g�� p� 07/O1/2012 Augusta, GA 30901 y� ��; 06/30/2013 !i2 �: 58-22204274 li�1RD W►TE: 07/09/2012 SVB�71� P�lIDYlf6: l�FR71L I1A71RD I.00.y1L lO1TCH '1'O�1'11L PROdl�(.'T pp,l► gas� 11xa=d 60,1b5. 00 60,165.00 12U, 330.00 SPiCCI71L CONDI'1ZOR8: Shis l! 2012 lMrto�c� pwsta�rship lbrard is tv�d by tlsv D�psrta�t o! Hor3aad �r�t?' �'4�7C ��4�t Ptsfos�sacr tYrmt 4�P6) ]1�rard and inclnd�s a aiaisu� 50 perc�at (caah as�d/ar inl�ind� aatch requira�ent. ]►11 expeases �t be in aacordanc� xith th� Offia� of Naaaq�a��t aad Httclget Circa�].ars ]�-87 , 7►-102 wad 71-133 fbt�,P: //�rwr. whit�onsw. grcrv/aeb/circu2ars/�-elg- aapu�l. ?itle 44 of th� Cod� og ladiszal itsq�ulationa C'haptar 13 part 24 (Match roqa£r�atsl fLttp://ww�r-gpoacaeaa.y�av/cfr/fndax.Ltsl), and the !i 2012 Eaarqrancy 1�anag�nt r+srfor.saaa l3rant �mdissq o�portnaity llanouno.went (h�tP=// ..Qg fos.pdfl, aad yritbia tbe period of p�rfoz�saos. pec�ral luads aaanat b� vaad tio astah this a.rard. ?o rsceive !x 2012 fuadinq Gzantee: • syst bav�e �st the tssss of the 2011 Perfo�ce Partr�rsh�tp ]Iqz+eaosnt (PI'I!) •awat hsva shora satisfsctosy Proqress on t.be 2011 PPI� �orkplsa as d�etsmi�ed hy thQir lield Coordinator i='C) • a�ust hav� s�mftt�d all required 2011 57�6 ac�aiaiatrati� doc�nts to b'�a! .�ast have cc�a�leted 1in(SGST Roll-up for 2011 Pap�rat *rill rtot bw �ade aatil thQ PY12 PPA 1Zoqa�st for Pay�snt Pom is rov�d tb� Cil�! D3r�ctor of li�S.d sat.�oas. l►uthoza�s�d Qr�ant� �flici.al / '�s�r� S. Ca/'Gd*fI'�'� r�•t-{o �C., �� 7! 3`' ' Z..-- Please Print Hame Title Signature Date of Acceptance 7►n Ly - � f� Zo Zdl7� 1 sh irecto Date ( PPAA--10 ) ��-7�jil�� �!� Georgia Emergency Management Agency �.. Erner+gency ManagemeM Perfoimance Grarrt CDFA 97.042 2U12 Performartce Partnership Agr�eement (PPA) Base Award Paymerrt Request Form Request: Ur�der pertatty of pe�jury, I ceRity that to the best ofi my krtowt�dge and befief that al! rec�uirements of the 2012 Perfortnance Partnershlp Agreement with the Geor�ia Emergency Managemertt Agency-Home#and Security have been satisfied. I hereby request payrnerrt of the Base Award to cover expenses for the period af July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. Award Number• OEM1�2 - Payee Address: a,.. Emerger�cy Management Agertcy Attn: h��,�i„_,lt,L). `7A [ �1�,P�,u.. /�.R��C qL./ �'� . 4c���, . c���a �m90 / �-� � �� �.- � � � �L�.�.lcv'� 41i��?l.4S��t461.• 9� ��1�/ Ema�l ~ Phone Number Recommend Approval: � Sipneture of Mee Coord"mato� Approval: 5' /���.� - a � a���� , ��-�,z E7�tHIBIT A CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYIlriG; DEBARMENT, SUSPENSIUN, AND DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Lob pa required by scetion 1352, Title 3I of the U.S. Code, aad implemented at 44 CFR Part 18, far petsans entering isito a grant or coaperating agreement over S 100,OQ0, as de�ned at 44 CFR Part 18, t6e applicant csrtifies that: 1. No Federal appr�priated furds have been pe►id or wi11 be paid, by or on behalf of the undorsigaad, to any person for influencing or attexnplxng to influence an officer or e,tnployee of any agency, a Member of Congcess, an offioer or empioyee of Congress, or an employee of a Membex of Congress in connectian with the making of aoy Federal grar�� the e�ering into of any cooperative agreeme� and the e�ension, continvstian, reuewal, amendment, or madification of any Federat grant or cooperative a�reemeat. 2. If any otiter funds than Federat appropriate�d fvnds have bxn paid or wiil be paid to a�ry othe� person for influencing or attempting to influence an ofFicer or employee of any agency, a memb�er of Congress, an officer or an employee of Congress, or employee of a member of Congess in connection with this Federal Grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Stand Fonsz- LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instr�ctions. 3. The undersigned shall require t6at thc language of this certifcation be included in the award documen#s for all subawards at all tiers (including subgrants, conUacts under grants and cooperative agreements, and subcontracts) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Debarment. Susoeasion. and Other Resaaasiln'litv Matt�r';, Dr��-Fr�_W_orkulace This certification is required by the regulaiions unpleme�ting Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 44 CFR Pazt l7 and rnaintenance of a Dnig Free Workplace (44CFR., Subpart F). The applica�rt certifies that it and its principals: 1. Are not presently debarred, susPended, Proposed for deba�ment, declared ineHg�'ble, senteaced to a denial af Fe3eral benefits by a State or Federal couit, or voluntarily excluded frorn covered transactions by any Federal dcpartrncrn or agency; 2. Have not within a thre�year period preceding tbis applicstion been convicted of or had a civilian judgmeat rtndered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offensc ia connection with obtaining, attempting to oFrtain, or perfarm a public (Federal, State, or Iocal} transactian or coutract under a public tiansaction; vioiatian of Federal or State antitrust statutes or cammission of embezzlem�nt, thefk forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction af records, making false statements, or recciving stoltn property; 3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminaUy or civilly charged try a governmental entity (Federal, State, or locally) with comtnission of any of the offenses enumey'ated in paragraph (1}(b) of this certification; and 4. Have not within a three year period proceding tfris application had one or more public transactions (Fedetal, 5tate, or Iocal) tarnunated for cause or default; and 5. As requued i�iy the Pcug-Free '9Vorkpla�ce Act of 1988, and imptemented at 44 CFR Part 17. Se�tioas 17.615 and 17.620, the applicaat certifies it wi11 co�nue to provide a drug-free workpiace per referenced regulations. A,s the duty aut�orize,d repre.se�ttative of the applicant, I hereby certify that the applicant will comply wii� t}►e above certifications. 1. Grantee Name and Address: � F � �� .� � t/ ���'� a. �R• �d�9o/ _..(_�}�"tit /,�� ,/�3 5"� a�2o4�r� 7� 2. Applicatioa Namber and/or Project Name 3. Cra�ates IRS/Vendor Number � Js� �- �'a�'ca �f�4��- 4. TyQed or Prir�ted Name and Tifle of Authorized Representative �..�� 713� l r z . 5. Sig�ture 6. Date r CERTIFICA'rtON REGANDRdO iABHY1MG, DPBAAMEHT, 9USPEN510N AND DRU6 FREE W ORKPLACe Pege Z of2