HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUSTA GEORGIA EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK• ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Augusta, Georgia Employee Handbook on the date written below. I further acknowledge and understand that it is my responsibility to read and understand the policies and procedures included in this handbook. I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the policies and procedures in this handbook at this time, and have been provided with the telephone number for the Augusta - Richmond County Human Resources Department in case I have questions at a later time. I acknowledge that I have been informed that the policies and procedures in this handbook are not and do not form an express or implied contract between Augusta, Georgia or the Augusta - Richmond County Commission and the employees of Augusta, Georgia. I acknowledge that I have been informed that the policies and procedures in this handbook are general statements of the policies of Augusta, Georgia and the Augusta - Richmond County Commission and are not intended to address every situation which may occur. I acknowledge that I have been informed that the Augusta - Richmond County Commission may add to, revoke, and/or modify the policies and procedures in the Augusta, Georgia Employee Handbook from time to time. Date Employee Signature Employee Printed Name Employee Number AUGUSTA, GEORGIA EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK • PART 1 GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1.A PURPOSE 2 1.B EMPLOYEES COVERED 2 1.0 DEFINITIONS 2 1.D APPLICATIONS AND EXAMINATIONS 4 1.E SEPARATIONS 6 1.F DISCIPLINARY ACTION 7 1.G EMPLOYEE RECORDS 9 1.H ON CALL 10 1.1 PAYROLL AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION 10 1.J ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE 10 1.K NEPOTISM 15 11 POLYGRAPHS 15 1.M SMOKING 15 1.N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 16 1.0 VIOLENCE AND HARASSMENT 16 1.P OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT 17 1.0 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES 17 1.R DRESS CODE AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE 17 PART 2 SUBSTANCE ABUSE 2.A SUBSTANCE ABUSE 19 2.B REHABILITATION 22 PART 3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3.A COMPUTER USAGE 23 3.B TWO-WAY RADIOS 26 3.0 CELLULAR TELEPHONES 27 PART 4 FLEET MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS 4.A VEHICLES 28 PART 5 COMPENSATION 5.A PERFORMANCE REVIEWS 29 5.B SALARY ADMINISTRATION 30 PART 6 RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY 6.A PURPOSE 32 6.B PROGRAM GOALS 32 6.0 VEHICLE SAFETY 34 6.D VEHICLE ACCIDENTS 36 6.E TRAINING 38 6.F PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 39 6.G SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE 40 6.H VIOLATION PENALTIES 41 6J EMPLOYEE FILES 42 6.1 RISK MANAGEMENT 42 6.K WORKERS' COMPENSATION 43 61 INJURY PROCEDURES 44 6.M CLAIMS 44 6.N JOB/TASK ANALYSIS 44 6.0 HOUSEKEEPING 45 6.P SAFETY INSPECTIONS 46 6.Q LOSS PREVENTION 46 FORMS 48 -93 with the exception of those positions specifically exclud- ed by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Classification and Pay Plan: The system of assigning jobs to classes and to appropriate salary ranges and grades based on the similarities of positions and based on market research. Continuous Service: Continuous service is employ- ment which is uninterrupted except for authorized leaves of absence, suspension or separation due to a reduction in work force. Contractor: A person or organization(s) providing a service for the Commission or its subordinate depart- ments, divisions, sections or agencies under a specific understanding or arrangement. The understanding can be a written contract or an informal arrangement that reflects an ongoing relationship between the parties. Controlled Substances /Drugs /Illegal Substances: For the purposes of this Policy, "Drugs" include illegal street drugs, legal drugs either taken for non - medical reasons or without a valid prescription, and alcohol. It DOES NOT include prescription medication prescribed for the employee by a qualified health care provider and taken in accordance with that physician's instructions. Some of the drugs which are considered controlled substances under Federal, State or local laws include, but not limited to: marijuana, heroin, hashish, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants and designer drugs, and depressants and stimulants which are not prescribed for current personal treatment by a licensed physician. Department Director: Person holding the position, whether appointed or elected, with overall administra- tive /managerial responsibility for a department. Termination: The termination of a probationary, tem- porary or part-time employee, or the termination of a regular employee for just cause, as set forth by the pro- gressive discipline policy. Elected Official: The persons filling the offices of Sheriff, District Attorney, Tax Commissioner, Probate Judge, Judge and Solicitor General of State Court, Judge of Superior Court, Judge of Civil and Magistrate Court, Coroner, and Clerk of Superior Court are considered to be elected officials. Persons employed by these officials do not have a property interest in their positions and are considered to be "Employees At Will" who work for elected officials and have no Grievance rights, except as may be granted by th elected official's adoption of this handbook. Employee: A person employed in a position in Augusta, for which he or she is compensated on full - time, part-time or temporary basis. Employee Benefits: Participation of regular employ- ees, employees of elected officials, and probationary employees in any Augusta sponsored health, dental, life insurance, retirement plan, vacation and sick leave accrual, long term disability, funeral pay, and holiday pay. Materials outlining various employee benefits are available for review in the Human Resources Department. Firefighters: Employees of the Augusta Fire Department who are certified fire suppression personnel pursuant to 0.C.G.A. sec. 25 -4 -1 et seq. Grievance: Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of these personnel policies and procedures or any decision relative to certain disciplinary actions, dismissal or charge of discrimination. The EEOC Director will handle allegations of discrimination. Lay-Off: The separation of an employee from the classified service due to lack of work, lack of funds, abolishment of a position, economic reduction, or other material changes in duties or organization, as approved by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Medical Review Officer: A licensed physician (medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy) responsible for reviewing laboratory results generated by the Drug Testing program, who has knowledge of substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual's positive test result together with his or her medical history and any other relevant biomedical information. A test result will not be deemed positive for the purpose of disciplinary action until ruled positive by the Medical Review Officer (MRO). Overtime: Time worked in excess of the regular work schedule for the position in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Overtime is defined as all hours in excess of 40 hours in a workweek, excluding any vaca- tion, sick leave, or funeral leave taken during that week. For certain law Enforcement and Fire Protection personnel, "Overtime: and "Work Period" are defined differently pursuant to the 7(k) exemption under the Fair labor Standards Act. Part -time Employee: An employee who works on a continuing basis, but does not work a full or regular work schedule. Employees in this class are not eligible for any employee benefits. Performance Evaluation: The method of evaluat- ing each employee on an annual basis as to his or her performance on the job during the evaluation period. Performance Increase: Salary Increase based on job performance. 3 Probationary Employee: An employee serving the initial twelve months of his or her employment, promo- tion, transfer or re- employment to any position in the classified service. A probationary employee is not a reg- ular employee until completion of the twelve (12) month probationary period. A probationary employee is entitled to accrue vacation and sick leave. Employees of elected officials do not serve a probationary period, and may be terminated at will. Promotion: A change of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class having a high- er minimum and maximum salary and carrying a greater scope of responsibility in the new position. Public Hearing: A meeting of the Augusta-Richmond County Commission or other agency or board, open to the public, at which any interested party may request to be heard. Regular Employee: An employee who has complet- ed their probationary period and is scheduled to work the regular work schedule. (Employees of elected offi- cials do not serve a probationary period and cannot attain regular employee status as defined by these poli- cies and procedures.) An employee in this class is eligi- ble for employee benefits. Employees of Elected Officials have no Grievance rights, except as may be granted by the elected official's adoption of this hand- book. Reprimand: A formal means of communicating, either verbally or in writing, to the employee that a problem exists and that it must be corrected within a reasonable time. Resignation: The voluntary termination of an employee at the employee's request. Resignations must be in writing and submitted to the employee's immedi- ate supervisor or department director. Safety- Sensitive Position: Safety- sensitive employees are those who perform any of the following tasks or duties, or have the following qualifications /job requirements: 1. Certified Law Enforcement Officers; 2. Jailers of Richmond County Sheriff's Department; 3. 911 operators/ communications officers; 4. Fire Fighters; 5. Crash Fire and Rescue employees (Bush Field); 6. Correctional Officers; 7. Employees who mix chemicals with water; 8. Employees who fuel or maintain aircraft; 9. Employees who maintain airfield facilities, including aircraft ramps, taxiways or active runways or median areas around ramps, taxi ways and runways; check by the Human Resources Department. Applicants for Firefighter positions in the Fire Department will be required to meet such physical stan- dards (including without limitation height and weight standards) as may be established by the Fire Department. (Such standards are set forth in the Augusta Fire Department Operations Manual (the "Manual ")). Applicants for Firefighter positions in the Fire Department will also be required to meet all stan- dards and requirements of the State of Georgia for employment of Firefighters, including without limitation the "Employment Requirements" of the Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council. A copy of these requirements is maintained by both the Human Resources Department and the Fire Department and may be reviewed there upon request. Applicants for Firefighter positions in the Fire Department will also be required to pass such written examinations, physical examinations, agility tests and such other requirements as may be set forth in the sec- tion of the Manual titled "Firefighter Qualifications." Receipt and Duration of Applications: Applications from all persons desiring employment with Augusta shall be accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. Rejection of Applications: The Director of Human Resources may reject an application which indicates that the applicant is deficient in any or all of the require- ments as specified in the public announcement of the vacancy. An applicant may also be rejected for fraud or deception in the completion of the application, or if his or her past record of employment is determined to be unsatisfactory by the Director of Human Resources. Notification: All applicants who are interviewed will be notified in writing once the position for which they applied has been filled. Open Competitive Appointments: Positions to be filled by recruitment from outside the classified service shall be filled through a competitive process open to the public. This process may include, but shall not be limit- ed to: education ratings of training and experience; writ- ten, oral, physical or performance tests; or any combina- tion of these as determined by the Director of Human Resources. Factors such as education, job - related qualifi- cations, and experience may be taken into account in making employment decisions. The Director of Human Resources may require the applicant to submit proof of education and military service or any other such docu- mentation as is deemed necessary. Promotional Appointments: Promotional appoint- ments shall be open to all employees who meet the requirements of the position and have an equivalent combination of experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities required for the position. APPOINTMENTS Initial Appointments: All employees shall be employed upon the recommendation of the department director. Types of Appointments: When initially hired, per- sons employed by Augusta shall be given one of the fol- lowing types of appointment. 1. Probationary: A probationary appointment is an appointment to a position in the classified service. An employee serving a probationary period may be dis— charged or returned to his or her previous position at the discretion of the department head and shall not have the right to utilize the grievance and appeal procedure set forth in these policies. 2. Temporary: Temporary appointments may be made to fill positions which are authorized and established for a specified period of time, when the work of an agency requires the services of one or more employees on a seasonal or intermittent basis, or in cases of emergency. Temporary appointments shall not exceed 90 calendar days; however, extensions to such appointments may be granted by the Administrator. 3. Part -time: Appointments A part-time appointment is an appointment to a position which indicates the employee is to work on a continuing basis, but will work less than the normal time specified for regular appointments. 4. Regular Appointments: A classified employee given an initial probationary appointment shall be given a regular appointment upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period. PROBATIONARY PERIOD Objective: No employee shall have a property interest in his or her position during the probationary period. During an employee's probationary period, the employ- ee may be terminated or returned to his or her previous position without notice. Duration: The probationary period shall be twelve (12) months in duration. Promotional Probation: The probationary period shall be used in connection with promotions in the some manner as it is used for new hires. Interruption of Probationary Period If an employee is laid off during a probationary period and such person is subsequently re- appointed in the some department, he or she may be given credit for the por- tion of the probationary period completed before the lay -off. 5 Probationary Period Reports: Probationary per- formance evaluations are conducted by the employee's immediate supervisor or department director. Probationary employees will be evaluated quarterly dur- ing the probationary period. The department Director shall notify Human Resources in writing as to whether or not the employee successfully completes their proba- tionary period. PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS It shall be the policy of the Augusta - Richmond County Commission to fill vacancies in the classified service, as far as practicable, by promotion of existing employees. To this end, closed examinations may be held at the call and under the direction of the Director of Human Resources. Political or Partisan Endorsement Prohibited: Promotions to positions in the classified service shall be based upon job performance and qualification for promo- tion only. No consideration shall be given to political or partisan endorsement. Intra - Departmental Transfers: The appropriate department director may, at any time, transfer an employee in the classified service under his or her juris- diction from one position to another in the same class in the same department. An intro -departmental transfer of an employee to a position in another class shall be made only between classes within the same pay ranges. The Human Resources Department shall be notified of such changes in assignment. Inter - Departmental Transfers: A transfer of an employee from one department to another shall require the approval of both department heads concerned. Requests for such transfer shall show how the employee concerned meets the qualification requirements of the class to which the transfer is proposed. Promotional Examinations: The Director of Human Resources shall conduct competitive promotional exami- nations in accordance with these policies and proce- dures. In competitive promotional examinations, the Director of Human Resources shall admit only those employees to the examination who meet the published qualification requirements. Illegal Substances Screening: Any employee con- sidered for promotion and /or transfer to a safety- sensi- tive position will be required to pass an illegal sub- stances screening prior to being awarded such promo- tion and /or transfer. Promotion Probation: Individuals promoted or advanced will serve on a probationary basis for twelve (12) months from the effective date of promotion. If, during the promotion probation period, it is determined that the promoted individual cannot adequately perform department director within the 72 hour time require- ment will result in termination of the employee's employment. Provisions relating to loss of certification or other job requirements for Firefighters are contained in the Manual section titled "Firefighter's Certification." Under 0.C.G.A. sec. 25 -4 -8, the conviction of certain drug related offenses may cause a Firefighter to lose certifica- tion. Firefighters must reacquire certification within 60 days or the Firefighter will be discharged. Dismissal: Dismissals shall constitute discharges or separations from employment and shall be governed by the provisions of these policies and procedures as here- inafter set forth. Retirement: The retirement of an employee shall con- sist of the voluntary separation of an employee who has met the requirements of age and length of service under the provisions governing any applicable pension plan of which such employee may be a member. Death: Separation shall be effective as of the date of the death of the employee. All compensation, including vacation, due to such employee os of the effective date of separation shall be paid to the beneficiary of the employee, the surviving spouse of such employee, or to the estate of such employee, as may be determined by law or by the applicable executed documents in the per- sonnel folder of such employee. RETURN OF AUGUSTA PROPERTY Any and all property of Augusta or any of its agencies which is in the possession of an employee who is sepa- rated from employment shall be immediately returned to the appropriate department by that employee on their final day of employment. The department director of such employee is responsible for collecting said prop- erty from said employee. EXIT INTERVIEWS All employees separating from employment with Augusta (other than employees of Elected Officials) are encouraged to participate in the exit interview process, which includes an interview by the Director of Human Resources or Employment Manager. Participation is optional to the employee; however, it is a good opportu- nity to provide useful information to the Human Resources Department. FINAL PAYCHECKS FOR TERMINATED EMPLOYEES All final paychecks will be distributed by the Human Resources Department. An employee's final paycheck will not be direct deposited; instead, it will be available in the Human Resources Deportment. 1.F DISCIPLINARY ACTION Effective supervision and good employee relations should reduce to a minimum those instances necessi- tating disciplinary action. The establishment of rules and regulations and the imposition of disciplinary action for a violation thereof is not intended to restrict the rights of any employee, but is for the purpose of insuring the rights of all and for securing cooperation and orderliness throughout the classified service. The severity of the disciplinary action imposed should be related to the gravity of the offense, the employee's record of disciplinary action, and the disciplinary action imposed in similar cases. Any disciplinary action imposed shall be for just cause, in accordance with the policies herein. The Augusta- Richmond County Commission will not allow discrimination against any employee because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, dis- ability/handicap, or political affiliation. CONDUCT SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION The following actions will constitute just cause for disci- plinary action but the imposition of disciplinary action shall not be limited to the offenses set forth: 1. The arrest or conviction of a felony, or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. 2. Absence without leave, or failure to report after the expiration of a leave of absence. 3. Excessive tardiness (i.e. 4 occurrences within 30 days, except for Fire Suppression Personnel, unless justified under Augusta policies). 4. Abuse of sick leave (i.e. 6 occurrences within 6 months, except for Fire Suppression Personnel, unless justified under Augusta policies). 5. Insubordination or serious breach of proper discipline. 6. Inefficiency or incompetence in the performance of an employees job. 7. Abuse, misuse or theft of Augusta property. 8. The borrowing of government equipment for personal use without prior official permission. 9. The loss of job requirements such as the loss of a necessary license, which prevents the adequate performance of assigned duties. 10. The making of false statements to supervisors, officials, the public, boards, commissions, or agencies. 11. The violation of the Augusta- Richmond County Code and ordinances, administrative regulations, departmental rules, or these policies and procedures. 7 12. The consumption, sale or possession of alcoholic beverages and /or illegal substances while at work, or being intoxicated on the job, or being otherwise affected on the job because of the prior use of some illegal substance. 13. The discovery of a false statement in an application or other records. 14. Acceptance of gratuities in conflict with state law or the Augusta - Richmond County Code. 15. The refusal, when so directed, to be examined by a licensed physician designated by Augusta. 16. Political activity in conflict with these Policies and Procedures. 17. Engaging in offensive conduct or using offensive language toward the public, supervisory personnel, or fellow employees. 18. Harassment as explained in the Policy and Procedures on Harassment. 19. Solicitation and Distribution: Solicitation by Augusta employees is prohibited when the person soliciting or the person being solicited is on working time. Working time is the time an employee is expected to be working. Distribution of literature by employees during work time and in working areas is strictly prohibited. 20. Gross misconduct, other than specifically listed above. 21. Violation of the rules and /or provisions set forth in the Augusta Safety /Risk Management Manual. 22. Fighting or causing a fight to occur in the work area or on Augusta Property. ARREST ON FELONY OR CER- TAIN MISDEMEANOR CHARGES Any employee arrested on felony charges or charges of misdemeanor involving moral turpitude is required to notify their Department Director of such arrest within 72 hours of such arrest. An arrest for a felony or a misde- meanor involving moral turpitude as defined under Georgia law shall constitute the basis for immediate sus- pension with pay, or without pay, for a period of five (5) days during which the Director of Human Resources will conduct an investigation to determine whether the pending charges will affect the employee's job perfor- mance or whether the conduct which resulted in the arrest is a basis for disciplinary action. A hearing shall be held after the five (5) day investigation period and, at the discretion of the Administrator, the employee may be placed on leave without pay until final disposition of the charges. If he /she elects, such employee may exhaust any accrued vocation and /or compensatory time off before being placed on leave without pay under this section. Any employee who fails to notify their Department Director within the 12 hour time frame will be terminated. lions set forth in these policies and procedures. Employees of elected officials are Employees At-Will and, as such, have no grievance procedure rights as out- lined in Augusta Personnel Policies and Procedures. Within three (3) working days of the affected employee being notified of the charges, the Administrator or his designee shall hold a pre-termination conference at which time the employee shall be authorized to present information which is pertinent to the charges on his /her behalf. If an employee wishes to have an attorney pre- sent at this conference, said employee must inform the Director of Human Resources of such intentions at least 48 hours prior to the conference. The Administrator or his designee shall render a decision on the proposal for termination based on all of the rele- vant information. The Administrator or his designee shall advise the employee in writing of his /her right to appeal the deci- sion under the procedures outlined in this handbook. VIOLATIONS EXCLUDED FROM PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE There are certain behaviors that are so severe that they subject the employee to immediate termination. These behaviors are thus excluded from the progressive disci- pline policy (the following list is not inclusive of all the behaviors exempted from the progressive discipline poli- cy): • Violation of the Augusta Substance Abuse Policy • Carrying a weapon without a business purpose • Theft of government property as defined by ORDINANCE NO. 6199 of the official Augusta - Richmond County Code Section 1 -7 -51 • Intentional harassment, including sexual harassment • Destruction of properly • Insubordination • Misrepresentation of important facts in seeking information in administrative process DOCUMENTATION A written record of all disciplinary actions taken will be placed in an employee's official personnel file. Disciplinary documentation (written reprimands and ver- bal warnings) will be remain in the employees official personnel file for 12 months if no further disciplinary actions occur within this time frame. Disciplinary suspen- sions without pay will remain in an employee's official personnel file for 3 years. GRIEVANCE AND APPEAL PROCEDURES In order to perform efficiently, employee grievances should receive prompt consideration and equitable reso- lution. Whenever possible, grievances should be resolved or adjusted informally, and both supervisors and employees shall be expected to make every effort to do so. With respect to those grievances, which cannot be so resolved, employees shall be entitled to process the grievances as hereinafter provided. These procedures governing the processing of grievances and providing the right of appeal are established for the purpose of eliminating or correcting justifiable com- plaints or dissatisfaction of regular employees; insuring that all employees shall be afforded fair, equitable and expeditious review of their grievances without fear, coer- cion or discrimination; and providing a systematic and orderly method for resolving complaints and differences between employees and supervisory or management personnel. Any regular employee in the classified service who has been suspended without pay, dismissed, or subjected to any other type of disciplinary action (except oral or writ- ten reprimand, or suspensions with pay) as a result of the application of these policies and procedures, for which a grievance may be filed shall proceed as follows: An employee shall discuss the grievance with his /her immediate supervisor and department director prior to initiating a formal grievance. Within five (5) working days of the disciplinary action, a regular employee must submit their written grievance to the Director of Human Resources. Within five (5) working days of the receipt of the writ- ten grievance, the Director of Human Resources will arrange an appointment with the employee, Department Director, Administrator or his designee, and himself /her- self to discuss the problem and, hopefully, reach a solu- tion. If a settlement is not reached within three (3) working days of the initial meeting, the grievance is car- ried to the next step. If a settlement is not reached, the Director of Human Resources will submit all documentation, including a statement of charges, to the Personnel Board. This will be sent to the Personnel Board within five (5) working days following the three (3) working day settlement period. The Personnel Board will then conduct a general investigation into the charges. At its next scheduled meeting, the Personnel Board will hold an open hearing and receive the evidence in relation to the matter. Within five (5) working days of the hearing, a decision will be rendered by the Personnel Board, unless the Board postpones for the consideration of the appeal. Should the Board fail to overrule the appealed decision, the decision shall stand. The Human Resources Director will notify the employee in writing of the decision of the Personnel Board. No punitive, discriminatory, adverse, or retaliatory action shall be taken against any employee on account of the filing of a grievance or an appeal. 9 1.G EMPLOYEE RECORDS The Director of Human Resources shall be responsi- ble for fostering and promoting in- service training of employees for the purpose of improving the quality of service and enhancing employees in preparing themselves for advancement. PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS All appointments, separations, and other personnel transactions shall be recorded on forms provided by the Human Resources Department. A separate folder shall be prepared and maintained for each employee and shall contain the original or a copy of all pertinent docu- ments. All medical information shall be maintained sepa- rately from the employee personnel files and kept confi- dential. The official personnel record for each employee shall be maintained in the Human Resources Department. PUBLIC INSPECTION The following information relative to employees and for- mer employees shall be available for public inspection at reasonable times and in accordance with such proce- dures as the Administrator may prescribe: name, class title, and salary range. Selection records and perfor- mance rating reports shall be accessible only to the Administrator, the department director concerned, the Augusta - Richmond County Commission, and the employ- ee involved. Other personnel information may be made available for official purposes at the discretion of the Administrator and as required by law or legal process. Social Security numbers are considered confidential and will not be released to anyone for any purpose without written consent. CONFIDENTIALITY All personnel records of employees covered under these regulations and all other records and materials relating to the administration of the personnel system shall be considered confidential and the property of Augusta - Richmond County Commission. An employee charged with this responsibility, as part of official duties, shall not release information obtained in the course of official duties. DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS Employee service records shall be kept in accordance with state and federal regulations after termination of employment. Such records may be kept in their original form or in any other duplicate form the Director of Human Resources deems appropriate. All other records, including correspondence, applications, and examina- tions may be destroyed in accordance with federal or state laws and in accordance with the Augusta records retention policy. Each department director is responsible for administering break schedules and monitoring break time for their deportment employees. Violations of break time will be handled in accordance with the Progressive Disciplinary Policy. USE OF ACCRUED COMPENSATORY TIME OFF Employees may use any accrued compensatory time off in order to extend any period of leave allowed under these policies and procedures, so long as the extension is approved by the employee's department director and the total amount of leave time taken does not extend the six -month limitation. HOLIDAYS All full -time employees (except Fire Suppression person- nel) shall be eligible for holiday leave for the following days and other days as designated by specific action of the Augusta- Richmond County Commission: • New Year's Day • Martin L. King, Jr. Day • Good Friday • Memorial Day • Independence Day • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day • Day after Thanksgiving • Christmas Eve • Christmas Day Holiday schedules in certain departments may vary as directed by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, the proceeding Friday shall be designated a substitute holiday and observed as the official holiday for that year. When the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be designated as the official holiday for that year. An employee who is not on approved leave, is suspended for disciplinary reasons, or who fails to report on his /her scheduled work day, before or after a holiday, will not be paid for the holiday. Holidays, which occur during vacation or sick leave, shall not be charged against vacation or sick leave. Full -time employees shall be paid for holidays based on the num- ber of hours they normally work each day, exclusive of overtime. Temporary and part-time employees will not be paid for holidays not worked. Employees other than Public Safety scheduled to work on an official Augusta holiday shall be paid at one and one -half times the regular rate for each hour worked during the actual holiday and will be paid for the holi- day. Fire Suppression Holiday - Schedule Fire Suppression personnel will be provided five (5) holidays per year. VACATION Vacations are for the purpose of rejuvenating both physi- cal and mental faculties and all employees are urged to avail themselves of vacation periods. Eligibility: All regular employees in the classified ser- vice shall be entitled to earn and accrue vacation. Temporary and part-time employees shall not be eligible for vacation. Vacation Accrual: No vacation accrual is allowed while on leave of absence without pay, while suspended or while on workers compensation or salary continuation in lieu of workers compensation. Regular and Probationary Employees (other than Fire Suppression Personnel) begin to accrue vacation imme- diately upon employment and will be entitled to take vacation upon completion of twelve (12) months employment. Time employed 0 -1 year 1- 3 years 3 - 5 years 5 - 10 years 10- 12 years 12 years and on Monthly Accrual 1/2 day 1 day 1 1/4 days 1 1/2 days 1 3/4 days 2 days Firefighters Vacation Schedule (fire Suppression Personnel) Firefighters begin to accrue vacation immediately upon employment and will be entitled to take vacation upon completion of twelve (12) months employment. Vacation may be taken as earned or allowed to accumu- late not to exceed 288 hours per year. Accrual Schedule Days 0 -12 months= 3.69 hrs /pay period= 96 hrs 4 13 -60 months= 4.62 hrs /pay period =120 hrs 5 61 -120 months= 5.54 hrs /pay period =144 hrs 6 121 -180 months= 6.46 hrs /pay period =168 hrs 7 181 -240 months= 8.31 hrs/poy period =216 hrs 9 240 + months =11.08 hrs/poy period =288 hrs 12 Fire Suppression Personnel will be allowed to carry over vacation accrual from year to year, but no more than seven (7) days. All vacations will be taken between January 1 - December 20 of each year. All vacations for the next year will be scheduled prior to December 31 of the previous year. Maximum accrual is 12 days or 288 hours. Scheduling vacation: Vacation will first be sched- uled in the best interest of the department, and second- ly, at the employee's convenience. Vacation must be approved by the Department Director in advance. 11 Any employee assigned to a position that necessitates handling money and /or accounting records must take a regular vacation. The Augusta- Richmond County Commission must approve exceptions to this section. Notice of vacation: A request for vacation by an employee other than a Firefighter shall be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor within a reason- able time in advance of the beginning date of the vaca- tion. Firefighters must schedule their vacation according to the Fire Departments guidelines stated above. Vacation may be taken only after approval by the appro- priate department director so that, insofar as practicable, the department can function without the hiring of addi- tional temporary help. Vacation shall be authorized in units of days or hours only. Fire Suppression personnel must take vacation in increments of 24 -hour shifts. Maximum allowable vacation carryover. Unused vacation not exceeding 26 days may be carried into the next calendar year, other than for Firefighters. It is the intent of these rules to have employees take their vacation during the calendar year. Therefore, no pay- ment shall be made for non -use of vacation unless approved by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Payment for Unused Vacation: When an employee is separated from the service, such employee shall be paid for all accrued unused vocation (up to 26 days, or 166 hours for Firefighters) unless he /she fails to give proper notice of resignation or has failed to com- plete twelve (12) months of continuous service. SICK LEAVE Sick leave is a privilege given to employees by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission; and except as required by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ( "FMLA ") or other applicable law, it is not a right. Sick leave shall be allowed to an eligible employee: 1. In the case of actual sickness or disability of the employee or for medical, dental, or eye examination or treatment for which arrangements cannot be made out- side of working hours. 2. When the employee is required to care for a sick or injured spouse, child, or parent. Except as required by FMLA, it is inappropriate for the employee to remain absent from work if the adult or child could care for themselves. A physician's certificate can be requested to verify illness for individuals under the employee's care for whom sick leave is taken. Employees shall report illness prior to his/her scheduled work time if possible. If not, the employee shall see that illness is reported within 30 minutes after the time he /she is scheduled to have reported for work. Those employees working shifts and who relieve other employ- ees shall he required to report illness in advance of their reporting time. the newborn child; 3. for placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care; and 4. to care for the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or parent with a serious health condition. A serious health condition entitling an employee to FMLA leave means, generally, an illness, injury, impair- ment or physical or mental condition that involves "inpa- tient care" and /or "continuing treatment by a health care provider" as those terms are defined in the FMLA. Copies of the FMLA and regulations to it are available for inspection in the Human Resources Department. Employees who are unsure whether a leave would quali- fy as FMLA leave are urged to seek assistance from the Human Resources Department. Each FMLA Leave request will be reviewed by the Department Director and the Director of Human Resources to assure that requests meet the guidelines as set forth in the Family Medical Leave Act. FMLA leave taken in connection with the birth or placement of a child may not be taken after the end of the 12 -month period beginning on the date of the birth or placement. Spouses who are both employed by Augusta are entitled to a total of 12 weeks of leave (rather than each receiving 12 weeks) if the reason is for the birth or adoption of a child or for the care of a sick parent. Eligibility: Only employees who have been employed for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1250 hours over the previous 12 months will be eligible for FMLA leave; however, exempt employees (for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act) who hove been employed for at least 12 months will be deemed to have satisfied the 1250 -hour requirement. Notice of Leave: Employees must give at least two weeks advance written notice to the employee's imme- diate supervisor of the need for FMLA leave when the need for the leave is foreseeable. If the need for FMLA leave is not foreseeable, for example, is the result of an accidental injury, the employee must notify the employ- ee's immediate supervisor of the need for leave as soon as practicable and generally, no later than 2 business days, after the employee first learns of the need for the leave. The Human Resources Department reserves the right to delay FMLA leave if notice is not timely provid- ed, but the delay will not extend beyond two (2) weeks from the date written notice is provided to the employ- ee's immediate supervisor. Certification by Physician: If FMLA leave is requested for the employee's serious health condition or to care for a spouse, parent or child with a serious health condition, the employee must furnish the Human Resources Department with a completed medical certifi- cate from a doctor or other health core provider. If the leave is foreseeable, the certification must be delivered to the employee's immediate supervisor before the leave begins. The certificate must be furnished within 15 days of the date the employer requests the certifi- cate. An employee requesting an extension of leave for a serious health condition or to care for a family mem- ber with a serious health condition must give notice of the need for an extension prior to the expiration of the original leave if the need for the extension is foresee- able, and must provide another medical certificate to support the extension. The Human Resources Deportment may require a second and third medical opinion at Augusta's expense and may request periodic certification of the medical necessity of a leave at rea- sonable intervals during a leave. An employee who is out on FMLA leave will be required to report periodically on his/her status and intent to return to work. An employee who returns to work following FMLA leave for his/her own serious health condition must present a doctor's statement of clearance for work to the Director of Human Resources in order to return to work. Benefits During FMLA leave: An employee will be eligible to retain health insurance coverage and other group insurance benefits on the some conditions as would have been available to the employee if the employee had been actively at work during the leave, provided the employee timely pays the applicable premi- um to continue such coverage. An employee on unpaid FMLA leave should make arrangements with the Benefits Coordinator in the Human Resources Department if the employee desires continued group coverage. Maximum allowable accumulation: The 12- month period is a rolling period. Each time an employee takes FMLA leave, the remaining leave entitlement will be the balance of the 12 weeks, which has not been used during the immediately preceding 12 months. Relationship to Other Leaves: An employee will be required to use any accrued sick leave and vacation as FMLA leave before being entitled to additional FMLA leave. Any leave for a FMLA reason, including sick leave, maternity leave, leave for work-related injuries and leave for temporary disabilities will be counted against an employee's FMLA entitlement. An employee's entitlement to sick leave, maternity leave, workers' compensation leave or leave for temporary disability will run concurrently with the employee's entitlement to FMLA leave. FMLA leave generally will be unpaid leave except to the extent an employee uses paid sick leave or vacation for FMLA leave. Intermittent or Reduced Leaves: If it is medically necessary, an employee may take leave for the employ- 13 ee's own serious health condition or to care for a spouse, parent or child with a serious health condition on an intermittent basis (for periods of time less than a full day or a full week) or on a reduced leave basis (the employee reduces his/her usual number of hours worked each week). Intermittent or reduced leave must be approved by the Human Resources Department and the employee may be required to transfer temporarily to an available alternative position for which the employee is qualified and which better accommodates recurring periods of leave. An employee may take FMLA leave in connection with the birth or placement of a child for adoption or foster care on an intermittent or reduced basis only with the prior approval of the Human Resources Department. *NOTE: Fire Suppression personnel are not allowed to take periods of time off in less than 24 -hour increments. Job Restoration: An employee who returns to work on or before the end of the allowable FMLA leave period will return to the some or an equivalent job and shift the employee left with the same or equivalent benefits as required under FMLA. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY Requested upon receipt of a written request from a reg- ular employee accompanied by pertinent supporting doc- ument(s), a department director, after approving the request, will forward it to the Human Resources Department, who will submit it to the Administrator for approval. Leaves without pay may be granted for an ini- tial 30-day period. If additional 30-day periods are requested, a review and decision as to such request will be made by the Human Resources Department. Leaves of absence without pay may be granted for the following reasons: Military duty Employee's illness: physician's statement required Illness in immediate family: illness of spouse, child, or parent supported by physician's statement stat- ing need Advanced training: To upgrade the individual for the position held or promotional opportunities. At the discretion of the Administrator an employee arrested on felony charges or charges of misdemeanor involving moral turpitude may be placed on a leave of absence without pay until final disposition of the charges. Regulations: All departments are required to adhere to the following regulations: 1. Leave without pay shall be granted only when it will not adversely affect the interests of Augusta service. Application for Leave: To request assistance, an employee must submit a leave form request to his Department Director, who forwards the request and appropriate medical verification to Human Resources. The Department Director may request that members within the department donate vacation leave, and may request that other Department Directors request the some of their employees. The prospective donor must submit a written request to the department head or designee, indicating the amount to be donated (8 hours or more) and the name and department of the recipi- ent. The request should also state that the donor under- stands that the donation is voluntary and will not be returned if unused. Donation forms should be forward- ed to Human Resources. Upon approval /denial of the request, Human Resources will forward all necessary paperwork to the Payroll department. Upon return to work the employee will maintain the donated hours in their sick leave bank, however, no further hours can be donated to the employee upon their return to work. 1.K tic . NEPOTISM Nepotism is defined as "the favoritism or patronage granted to relatives." Members of an employee's family, household or rela- tives (including a person for whom an employee has legal responsibility, a parent, step - parent, child, step- child, son -in -law, daughter -in -law, brother, sister, spouse, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandparent, grandchild, brother -in -law, sister -in -law, or persons living in the employee's household) will not be considered for employment when: 1. their position or your position would exercise supervisory, appointment, grievance adjustment, dismissal or disciplinary authority or influence 2. if you or the employee would audit, verify, receive or be entrusted with this government's money or property 3. where Augusta must limit hiring to avoid conflict of interest with customers, agencies, or others with whom Augusta conducts business 4. where Augusta must limit hiring to avoid employment discrimination, personnel policy conflicts or related problems. The Human Resources Department will not knowingly place an employee in a situation where he /she is super- vised by a member of his/her family, immediate house- hold or relative, or where favoritism, interpersonal con- flict, lack of productivity, efficiency or other adverse employment conditions may occur. BECOMING RELATED DURING THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT If the situation occurs where an employee marries or becomes related by marriage (as defined above) to another individual in the department, the employees will have 30 days to decide which one of them will leave. If the employees do not decide, then Human Resources will arrange for a transfer of the employee who was last hired to a comparable position in another department within 60 days. If the transfer is offered and declined by the employee, all continued rights of employment shall cease and such employee will be separated. This policy shall not be retroactive, unless any of the above adverse conditions are being practiced. This poli- cy will be applied in accordance with applicable state and federal law and any employee who violates the pol- icy will be subject to discipline up to and including termi- nation. re cep i c ntl y use 1.1.t POLYGRAPHS This policy is to be followed in the utilization of poly- graph examinations whenever they are used as park of an investigation of alleged impropriety or miscon- duct by officers, employees, or agents of Augusta. All Augusta employees or agents are required to cooperate with supervisors and investigators in the process of conducting investigations of, incidents of, and reports alleging impropriety or misconduct on the part of any officer, employee, or agent includ- ing, but not limited to, the providing of wririen or oral testimony under oath and submission to an examination by polygraph. Supervisory personnel investigating impropriety or mis- conduct by employees, investigators employed by Augusta - Richmond County Commission, or investigative agents of other organizations and agencies specifically approved and commissioned to undertake an internal investigation of any Augusta operated or funded activity, are authorized to employ polygraph examinations. Polygraph examinations may be administered to as few 15 or as many employees as deemed necessary by the investigating personnel. Polygraph examinations may be administered only by persons employed as polygraph examiners by a law enforcement agency or by persons licensed by the Georgia Board of Polygraph Examiners or licensed in some other state to conduct such examinations. The questions asked in any polygraph examination must relate narrowly and directly to the subject's participation in the alleged impropriety or misconduct under investiga- tion or to his/her knowledge of information pertaining to such impropriety or misconduct. Refusal of an order to submit to a polygraph examina- tion under the circumstances covered in this policy shall be considered to be refusal to follow a direct order and shall constitute cause for initiation of adverse action based upon insubordination. 1.M v SMOKING It is the policy of Augusta to provide employees with a work environment that is both safe and healthy. The Restricted Smoking Policy of Augusta will, when feasible, ensure the protection of the health of all indi- vidual employees involved. Every prominent health study conducted during the past two decades has linked smoking with a variety of major health complaints. By the simple acknowledgment that smoking is both a recognized health hazard and is con- trollable, the adoption of a restricted smoking policy is a demonstration by Augusta of a commitment to the well being of the employee. Therefore, in an effort to provide a more healthful work environment, Augusta has implemented the following policy regarding restricted smoking in the work place of all Augusta employees: No smoking is permitted in any Augusta building or facil- ity. Smoking outside of the building in designated areas will be allowed as long as trash receptacles are consis- tently used and areas are kept thoroughly clean. It is the responsibility of all employees of Augusta to adhere to strict enforcement of this restricted smoking policy. All supervisors are responsible for enforcing this policy in their areas of responsibility. Employees are encouraged to assist in the implementa- tion of this policy by informing the visiting public of smoking restrictions and providing directions to designat- ed smoking - permitted areas outside your building. Any noncompliance with this smoking policy by employ- ees may be grounds for disciplinary action. 1.P OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Outside employment shall mean any paid employment performed by any employee in addition to his or her employment with Augusta. Such employment shall be governed by the following regulations: 1.AII outside employment must be approved in advance by the requesting employee's Department Director. Department Director's must have approval from the Administrator prior to engaging in outside employment. The request must include a description of the business for which the employee /Department Director plans to work and the hours and /or schedule he /she plans to work. 2. Outside employment shall not interfere with the efficient performance of the employee's duties. If at any time such interference is found, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge from Augusta employment. 3. Outside employment shall not involve a conflict of interest or conflict with the employee's duties to Augusta. 4. Outside employment shall not involve the performance of duties, which the employee should perform as part of his/her employment with Augusta. 5.Outside employment shall not occur during the employee's regular or assigned working hours unless the employee is on either vacation or compensatory leave. 6. No employee granted permission to engage in outside employment should work at said outside employment for a longer period of time than stated in his /her request for permission to engage in such employment. 7.Any employee accepting outside employment under the terms of these regulations shall make arrangements with the outside employer to be relieved of his /her outside duties if and when called upon for emergency service by Augusta. PROCEDURE Any employee desiring to perform outside employment shall first file a request in writing with his/her deport- ment director for permission to engage in such employ- ment. The request shall state the type of employment and the hours of work, the name of the prospective employer, and the place of employment. The department director may either disapprove or recom- mend approval of the request. If the department director recommends. approval, the request shall be granted by the Director of Human Resources if the regulations out- lined above are satisfied. Any employee failing to comply with this section is sub- ject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. 1.0 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES No employee in the classified service shall engage in political activities at the work place or during business hours, whether at the request of another employee or an elected official or upon the employee's own initiative. No classified employee of Augusta may take an active part favoring or opposing any candidate for nomination or election to elective office at the work place or during business hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, affected employees have the right to express their opinions on all political subjects and candidates. While employees may make voluntary contributions at any time, so long as they are not made to another Augusta officer or employee, they may not solicit, col- lect, receive, disburse, or otherwise handle contributions made for political purposes in a partisan election at the work place or during business hours. Employees may not be involved directly or indirectly in the sale of dinner tickets of a political party or candidate, or in the distribu- tion of pledge cards soliciting subscriptions to such din- ners, at the work place or during business hours. Employees may not distribute campaign literature, badges, or buttons for an election at the work place or during business hours. They are not prohibited from wearing political badges or buttons outside the work place and outside business hours, and may display politi- cal material in the yard or windows of their residence. Employees may display political stickers on bumpers of privately owned vehicles not used for Augusta business. An employee may attend a primary meeting, mass con- vention, caucus and the like, and may cast his /her vote on any question presented, so long as such attendance and voting does not interfere with the employee's duties of employment with Augusta. Employees may be members of political clubs, but they may not be active in organizing such a club, be officers of the club or members or officers of any of its commit- tees, or act as such, or address a political dub on any political matter, if such activities would interfere with the employee's duties of employment with Augusta. An employee is permitted to sign a nominating or recall petition on behalf of or against a candidate, so long as such signing takes place off the work place and outside of business hours. He may not initiate such petitions or canvass for signatures of others at the work place or during business hours. 17 No employee will use any Augusta supplies or equip- ment for the purpose of favoring or opposing any candi- date for nomination or election to Elective office. An employee failing to comply with this section is sub- ject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Any Augusta employee who qualifies to run for public office in a party primary or nonpartisan election must take a leave of absence without pay on the day he qualifies for public office and continue on leave until the day following the primary or nonpartisan election. In the event the employee wins the primary and has no oppo- sition in the general election, or wins the nonpartisan election, he may return to work until the date he assumes his elected office. In the event the employee has opposition in the election, he must continue on the leave until the day following the election date. In the event the employee qualifies to run for public office when there is no primary but only an election, he must take a leave of absence without pay and continue on such leave until the day following the election. "Opposition" as used herein shall mean a nominee of a political parry, or qualified independent candidate, or qualified write-in candidate. This section applies to Augusta employees seeking public offices where the duties of such elected offices conflict with Augusta's interest in maintaining efficiency, integri- ty, and public confidence in Augusta - Richmond County government. 1.R v DRESS CODE AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE Employees of Augusta shall dress in a manner that reflects an efficient, orderly and professional gov- ernment Personal appearance and dress attire shall be professional and in good taste for our govern- ment environment, which fosters a positive public image of the organization. Generally speaking, all clothing shall be conservative by design. Dresses, Skirts, Skorts: Dresses, skirts, and skorts shall be no more than 3 inches in length above the knee. Denim dresses, skirts, skorts, and jumpers are acceptable if they adhere to the 3 inch length require- ment. Dresses with slits on the front or the side shall not be wom with slits that are more than 5 inches above the knee. 2.A SUBSTANCE ABUSE The Substance Abuse Policy adopted by the Augusta - Richmond County Commission is made part of these Policies and Procedures of the Employee Handbook. At times, state or federal law may require that addi- tional Augusta employees be tested, or that addi- tional or different testing mechanisms and proce- dures be implemented. Said state or federal law requirements will supersede the relevant provisions of the Substance Abuse Policy and that Policy may or may not be amended to reflect those changes prior to their effective date. Affected employees will be notified in advance of any changes as a result of state or federal requirements. In recognition of the continued and growing problem of substance abuse, it is the policy of the Augusta - Richmond County Commission to take all reasonable measures to assure that drug and /or alcohol use by employees does not jeopardize the safety of our opera- tions or otherwise adversely affect Commission employ- ees, the community, or the public's trust in our ability to carry out our responsibilities. We cannot and will not tolerate lapses in employee con- trol of their ability to operate safely and productively. It is the policy of the Commission that if an employee required under this Policy to be tested for substance abuse either refuses or fails such test, they will be sub- ject to disciplinary measures up to and including dis- charge. Your cooperation with and adherence to the Commission's policies and procedures regarding sub- stance abuse are conditions of your continued employ- ment. If an employee violates or is insubordinate by refusing to cooperate with any of these policies and pro- cedures, the employee is subject to disciplinary mea- sures up to and including discharge. PROHIBITIONS The possession, unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution or presence in the body, of alcohol, drugs, controlled substances or prescription medicine for which no valid prescription is held, in the workplace is strictly prohibit- ed. Disciplinary action against violators may consist of immediate termination of employment. It is illegal and a violation of this Policy to take a med- ication prescribed for someone else - prescription medi- cine must be prescribed for the user by a licensed physi- cian. All employees are prohibited from consuming alcohol for four (4) hours prior to reporting for duty and for eight hours after an accident, or until he /she has been tested pursuant to this Policy. This prohibition applies equally to Transit Employees and CDl Holders by virtue of feder- al regulations. Any and all employees who are on an on-call work sta- tus will not consume alcohol while on-call. CONFIDENTIALITY The privacy interests of employees and the legitimate interests of Augusta in implementing and maintaining a substance abuse program will be accomplished by: 1. limiting the extent of inquiries to those necessary to effectuate this Policy 2. assuring that disclosure of, and access to, information generated under this Policy is on a strict need - to-know basis 3. informing employees of the purpose for which the information is sought. If a third party requests information (for example, in the context of a reference check), regarding Augusta's deci- sion not to hire an applicant or not to transfer or pro- mote or to terminate an employee, and that decision is based on a violation of this Policy by the applicant or employee, the reason given for such decision will be that the applicant or employee did not comply with poli- cy. No further information will be given to any third party without the prior written consent of the applicant or employee, except in the following circumstances: 1. information may be given to Risk Management, to laboratories and to the MRO 19 SUBSTANCE ABUSE for the purpose of administering this Policy; 2. information may be given to the employee's department head, when a recommendation of disciplinary action has been made and it is that department head's responsibility to carry out such disciplinary action; 3. information may be released to the Department of labor and appropriate representatives of the Augusta - Richmond County Commission in the event an employee discharged for violations of this Policy applies for and /or appeals a denial of unemployment compensation; 4. information may be released pursuant to an order from a court of competent jurisdiction or other tribunal; 5. information may be released to-the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the Human Relations Commission if requested in connection with any inquiry or investigation by either such body; and 6. information may be released to those persons or bodies hearing any appeal by an employee of any action taken pursuant to this Policy. Release of Information as to Transit Employees or CDL Holder: 1. Augusta shall release information regarding a Transit Employee or CDL Holder record as directed by specific written consent from the employee authorizing release of the information to an identified person. 2. A Transit Employee or CDL Holder is entitled, upon written request, to obtain copies of any records pertaining to his or her use of a prohibited substance, including any records pertaining to test results. 3. Augusta may disclose information that is required to be maintained to the decision maker in a lawsuit, grievance, or other proceeding initiated by or on behalf of the employee tested. 4. When requested by the National Transportation Safely Board as part of an accident investigation, Augusta shall disclose information related to its administration of drug and alcohol tests following the accident. ed under the provisions of "For Cause" testing. The injury must be of such gravity as to obviously require medical attention. FOR -CAUSE (REASONABLE SUSPICION) Any employee may be tested for illegal substances and /or alcohol when, based on specific, contemporane- ous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech, or body odors of an employee, it is determined that there is reasonable suspicion that the employee is violating this Policy. An illegal substances screening which shows that a spec- imen may have been diluted, tampered with, or substi- tuted will be considered reasonable suspicion for addi- tional, for -cause testing. The number of employees requested to participate in a for -cause screening based on a workplace incident may range from a single individual to all personnel who were involved in the incident or had access to the work area in which the incident occurred. To initiate a for-cause screening, the appropriate Department Head will use the For -Cause Test Authorization Form (SA -3). RANDOM TESTING PROGRAM Program integrity: To ensure the selection process maintains true random integrity, no names, social securi- ty numbers, employee numbers or any other identifica- tion of individuals will be provided to the agency which is responsible for selecting the random numbers to be tested, which numbers are generated through a comput- er program. Employees classified as safety - sensitive will be randomly tested for illegal substances. A safety - sensitive employ- ee may be tested up to once per month. Criteria and standards for random testing for regular employees are available for review in the Risk Management Office. Criteria and standards for random testing of Transit Employees and CDL Holders are found in the federal regulations cited above, which are avail- able for review in the Risk Management Office. TESTING PROCEDURES Drugs: Urine tests will be used for the detection of drugs and controlled substances. 1. Regular employees: Standards, procedures and processes for drug testing are available for review at the Risk Management office. 2. Transit employees and CDL Holders: Standards, procedures and processes for testing of Transit employees and CDL Holders are found in the federal regulations which are available for review at the Risk Management Office. 3. Every urine specimen shall at a minimum be tested for: (a) Marijuana; (b) Cocaine; (c) Opiates; (d) Amphetamines and Phencyclidine (PCP). Alcohol: Breath and /or blood tests will be used for the detection of alcohol. 1. Regular employees: Standards, procedures and processes for alcohol tests are available for review at the Risk Management office. 2. Transit employees and CDL Holders: Standards, procedures and processes for testing of Transit employees and CDL Holders are available for review at the Risk Management Office. ACTIONS REQUIRED FOR POSITIVE TEST Once a specimen has been tested as positive on an ini- tial screening, a confirmatory test will be conducted prior to the laboratory's reporting the specimen as a positive result. Regular Employees: Once confirmed, the laboratory will report the results with allied documentation to the MRO, through the Risk Management Office. Transit Employees and CDL Holders: All labora- tory reports will be sent from the laboratory testing facil- ity directly to the MRO. The MRO will verify all positive test results by first reviewing laboratory reports, and confirming that a prop- er chain of custody (procedures to account for the integrity of each specimen by tracking its handling and storage from point of collection to final disposition) was followed. The MRO will then contact the employee to discuss the positive result. If verification of prescription drug use is required in connection with the MRO's investigation of a positive result, the MRO shall meet personally with the employee. Otherwise, the MRO may contact the employee by telephone. If the MRO finds that a valid medical reason explains the positive result, the MRO will report the test results to Risk Management as negative. If the MRO is unable to find a valid medical reason for a positive result, the positive result will be reported to Risk Management. Testing of Additional Sample: In accordance with federal regulations(for Transit employees and CDL hold- ers) and Commission authority for all other employees, 21 urine drug tests shall be according to the split sample method, whereby the sample provided is divided into two bottles. Upon being notified of a positive test result by the MRO, a Transit Employee or CDL Holder may request that the split sample be tested. This request must be made within 72 hours of the MRO's notifica- tion. Requests made after 72 hours will only be accept- ed if the delay was due to documentable facts that were beyond the control of the employee. Testing of the split sample will be according to federal regulations. Risk Management: For all employees other than Transit Employees and CDL Holders, Risk Management receives positive reports from the laboratory and for- wards those reports to the MRO. (Reports for Transit Employees and CDL Holders are forwarded from the lab- oratory directly to the MRO). Risk Management is also responsible for notifying the appropriate department when action is required to be taken according to this Policy. Department Management: Upon notification by Risk Management that an employee has tested positive for an illegal substance, department management will inform the employee that he /she is in violation of this Policy and as such will be placed on administrative leave (with pay) with a recommendation for termination. Department management will terminate any safety -sen- sitive employees violating this Policy. Positive alcohol tests: An employee with a blood - alcohol level of 0.04 or high- er is in violation of this Policy and, as such, the employ- ee will be immediately removed from his/her duties and placed on 3 days, paid, administrative leave with recommendation for termination. If applicable, the employee will be advised of programs available for reha- bilitation. Employees who are found to have an alcohol concentra- tion of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04 will not be permitted to perform their job duties until: 1. The employee's alcohol concentration measures less than 0.02; or 2. The start of the employee's next regularly scheduled duty period, but not less than eight hours following administration of the test. Employee Appeals: Any employee wishing to appeal any action taken pursuant to this Policy will do so in accordance with the personnel policies and proce- dures in the Employee Handbook. Rehiring Terminated Employees: Employees ter- minated for violation of this Policy will not be considered for rehire by Augusta for a period of one year from the date of termination. Acceptable proof of completion of an approved rehabilitation program will be required before rehiring will be considered. 3.A o a COMPUTER USAGE 1. No one shall use any County computer or network facility without proper authoriza- tion. No one shall assist in, encourage, or conceal from authorities any unauthorized use, or attempt at unauthorized use, of any of the County's computers or network facili- ties. Comment: Computers and networks are just like any other County facilities - they are to be used only by people who have permis- sion. Using a computer without permission is theft of services and is illegal under state and federal laws. In addition, the following specific computer crimes are defined by state law (Ga. Code 16-9 -90 et seq.): Computer theft: (including theft of computer ser- vices, intellectual property such as copyrighted material, and any other property); Computer trespass: (unauthorized use of comput- ers to delete or alter data or interfere with others' usage); Computer invasion of privacy: (unauthorized access to financial or personal data or the like); Computer forgery: (forgery as defined by other laws, but committed on a computer rather than on paper); Computer password disclosure: (unauthorized disclosure of a password resulting in damages exceeding $500 - in practice, this includes any disclosure that requires a system security audit afterward). Misleading transmittal of names or trade- marks: (falsely identifying yourself or falsely claiming to speak for a person or organization by using their name, trademark, logo, or seal, Ga. Code 16- 9- 93.1). Maximum penalties for the first four crimes in the list are a $50,000 fine and 15 years of imprisonment, plus civil liability. The maximum penalties for computer pass- word disclosure are a $5,000 fine and 1 year of impris- onment, plus civil liability. 2. No one shall knowingly endanger the security of any County computer or network facility, nor willfully interfere with others' authorized computer usage. Comment: Many of the other regulations given here deal with specific acts of this kind. You should not assume that other malicious acts or deliberate security violations are permissible merely because there is no specific rule against them. 3. No one shall use the County's communica- tion facilities to attempt unauthorized use, nor to interfere with others' legitimate use, of any computer or network facility any- where. Comments: State and federal laws forbid malicious disruption of computers. Augusta Richmond County does not tolerate individuals who invade others' privacy, steal computer services, or commit misrepresentation or fraud; nor pranksters who attempt to disrupt computers or network facilities for any other purpose. In addition, you should be aware that ability to use a remote computer does not constitute permission. Some computer services are open to the public, and clearly identify themselves as such; examples are anonymous FTP sites and Gopher servers. However, the mere lack of security measures does not mean that a computer is open to anyone who wishes to use it. The same goes for unauthorized use of communication paths, such as remote dialout modems and the like. 4. No one shall connect any computer to any of the County's networks unless it meets technical and security standards set by Information Technology department. Comments: The applicable requirements depend on what kind of connection is being made. For example, connecting to the countywide Ethernet cable requires special authorization, because one improperly configured machine on a network can cause widespread disruption. The County's agreement with KMC Telecommunications and the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) restricts the dial-in facilities that County units can offer. For specific information, contact Information Technology. 23 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5. All users shall share computing resources in accordance with policies set for the com- puters involved, giving priority to more important work and cooperating fully with the other users of the same equipment. Comments: If you need an unusual amount of disk space, CPU time, or other resources, check with the administrators in charge of the computer rather than risk disrupting others' work. When resources are tight, work that is necessary to the County's mission must take pri- ority over computing that is done to pursue personal interests or self - training on side topics. In addition, no matter how important your work may be, you are only entitled to one person's fair share of the machine unless additional resources are available and appropriate per- mission has been granted. The administrators in charge of it in consultation with the user community set priorities for any particular machine. Obtaining extra computer resources through any form of deception (e.g., secretly opening multiple accounts, mis- representing the nature of your work, or the like) is strictly prohibited. 6. No one without specific authorization shall use any County computer or network faality for non- County business. Comments: By law, the County can only provide com- puter services for its own work, not for private use. In this respect the County's computers are different from those owned by colleges or corporations. If you need unlimited access to computer networks for private pur- poses, you can subscribe to a private service such as MindSpring, America Online or CompuServe. It is improper to use the County's computers for political campaigns, fund - raising, commercial enterprises, mass mailings, or other outside activities that have not been granted the use of the County's facilities. Furthermore, you should be aware that the ability to use a computer and /or service does not constitute permission or autho- rization. If you have questions, contact your supervisor or someone from the Information Technology deport- ment. motion in computers without protecting it appropriately. The County cannot guarantee the privacy of computer files, electronic mail, or other information stored or transmitted by computer unless special arrangements are made. Comments: Ordinary electronic mail is not private. Do not use it to transmit computer passwords, credit card numbers, or information that would be damaging if made public. Bear in mind that some records are required by law, and by County policy, to be kept confi- dential. It is also necessary to protect confidential infor- mation about employees, such as performance evalua- tions. This applies not only to networked computers, but also to computers, tapes, or disks that could be stolen; an increasing number of computer thieves are after data rather than equipment. The County will normally respect your privacy but cannot guarantee it absolutely. A normally private file can end up being read by others many ways. If a disk is dam- aged, a system administrator may have to read all the damaged files and try to reconstruct them. If email is mis- addressed, it may go to one or more "postmasters" who will read it and try to correct the address. For your own protection, system administrators will often look at unusual activity to make sure your account has not fall- en victim to a "cracker." The Georgia Open Records Act applies to information stored in computers. This act gives citizens the right to obtain copies of public records, including any record prepared, received, or maintained by the County in the course of its operations. Some kinds of records are exempt; among these are medical records, confidential hiring evaluations, trade secrets, and material whose disclosure would violate copyright laws. Moreover, the Open Records Act is not a license to snoop; requests for information must be made through proper administrative channels. 14. Users shall take full responsibility for messages that they transmit through the County's computers and network facilities. No one shall use the County's computers to transmit fraudulent, defamatory, harassing, obscene, or threatening messages or any communications prohibited by law. Comments: You have exactly the same responsibilities on the computer network as when using other forms of communication. You must obey laws against fraud, defamation, harassment, obscenity, solicitation of illegal acts, threatening or inciting violence, and the like. Bear in mind that uninvited amorous or sexual messages are likely to be construed as harassment. If you are both- ered by uninvited email, ask the sender to stop, and then, if necessary, consult a system administrator. Use of the computers to circulate chain letters and pyra- mid schemes is not permitted. If someone says, "Forward a copy of this to everyone you know on the Internet," do not. Such messages often contain misun- derstood or outdated information, or even outright hoax- es. Even when the information is legitimate, chain for- warding is a needlessly expensive way to distribute it. Never participate in schemes to deliberately flood a com- puter with excessive amounts of email. "Mail bombing" can incapacitate a whole computer or even a whole sub- network, not just the intended victim. It is considered good practice to use your real name, rather than a nickname or pseudonym, in the headers of all outgoing communications. Use of nicknames is often interpreted as a sign of immaturity or an indication that you are not taking full responsibility for what you are sending out. Fake electronic mail: All users should be aware that there is no guarantee that electronic mail actually came from the person or site indicated in it. Deceptive elec- tronic mail is easy to fake, including the technical infor- mation in the header. Doing so is of course prohibited and is in many cases against the law. Hoaxes, scams, and false warnings: Hoaxes, pranks, and con games are common on the Internet. Be on the lookout for misguided "warnings" (about computer viruses, impending legislation, etc.) and false appeals for charity (usually involving dying children). If you get a message that spurs you to take immediate action, it is very likely to be a hoax, even if the person who passed it along to you was perfectly sincere. In addition, gen- uine appeals that are several years old are still circulat- ing as if they were current. To reduce the spread of such hoaxes, and to avoid annoying other people, do not spread such warnings. If you have a concern, con- tact the Information Technology Department at 821- 2522, or you can forward the message ONLY to the Mail Administrator ( administrator @co.richmond.ga.us). All official warnings and notifications will come from the Information Technology Department of Augusta Richmond County. County letterhead :: Use prudent caution when sending out any message that appears to be an official commu- nication from the County. If the header identifies your message as coming from an administrative office or from the office of someone other than yourself (e.g., "Clerk of Court"), recipients will presume that you are speaking for that office or person. It is important to distinguish actions taken to punish a person from actions taken to protect a system. If your account appears to have been misused or broken into, your system administrator will inactivate it and contact you or wait to hear from you. This is done to stop the misuse and does not presume that you are the guilty person; you can expect to have your privileges reinstat- ed right away, with new passwords, as soon as you identify yourself and indicate willingness to follow the rules. Thus, you can resume using the computer while 25 investigation of the incident continues. 15. Those who publish World Wide Web pages or similar information resources on County computers shall take full responsibili- ty for what they publish; shall respect the acceptable -use conditions for the computer on which the material resides; shall obey all applicable laws; and shall not publish com- mercial advertisements. References and links to commercial sites, advertisements, and especially paid advertisements, are not per- mitted. Users shall not accept payments, dis- counts, free merchandise or services, or any other remuneration in return for placing any- thing on their web pages or similar facilities. Comments: Web pages on the County's network are subject to the some rules as other uses of the same facilities. Different County computers are set up for dif- ferent purposes; System administrators can advise about what is permitted at any particular site. Only Augusta Richmond County Departments are allowed to have pages hosted on the County's computer systems. Furthermore, only links to other government agencies will be allowed on the County's web page(s). When you publish something on the World Wide Web, you are putting it before a potential audience of mil- lions. You have the same responsibilities as if you were publishing a newspaper. If the content is libelous or deceptive, people can sue you and you can be held per- sonally liable. Since there are laws against distributing obscene materi- al (not just creating it), a link to an obscene web site can be a violation of the law. This is true regardless of the status of the Communications Decency Act or other new laws that specifically mention computers. You ore not allowed to view any material that is sexual- ly explicit, obscene, or otherwise offensive. Additionally, the County's sexual harassment policy prohibits you from displaying sexually explicit material that interferes with anyone's work or personal performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. If you want to reproduce copyrighted pictures, cartoons, or comic strips on your web page, you must have the copyright owner's permission. It is not sufficient to reproduce the owner's copyright notice; you must actual- ly obtain permission for yourself, just as if you were publishing the some material in a newspaper. Brief tex- tual quotations do not always require permission as long as the source is acknowledged and you are not repro- ducing a complete work (poem, essay, etc.). You must not accept payments, discounts, or anything of value in return for placing anything on your web page. The County's disk space and communication capacity are not yours to sell. This applies to all comput • • • 3.0 vs CELLULAR TELEPHONES These employee usage guidelines (plus any addition- al restrictions imposed by the department) should be given to and signed for by the employee at the time the cellular telephone is issued. Cellular telephones should not be used for outgoing calls in a City facility where there is a telephone line avail- able. If a pager is provided together with a cellular telephone, the pager should be used to screen calls that can be returned on a line telephone. Cellular telephones are pri- marily for City business purposes only. Every effort should be made to contain calls to five (5) minutes or less. Over limit calls may be evidence of misuse and are subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Reimbursements of calls will be left to the discretion of the Department Director /Manager. Employees are expected to exercise good judgement while using the cellular network. Cellular telephones are subject to monitoring with simplified radio scanner technology, and therefore are not suitable for conversa- tions where privacy or security is a requirement. Cellular telephones should not be left accessible to others such as in an unlocked car or on a desk. Employees are expected to practice safety while using the cellular network. Cellular telephones should not be used while the employee is mobile. This includes walk- ing, driving, biking, etc. Cellular telephone use will be randomly audited. Cellular telephones should not be transferred to individu- als without an approved application for assignment of a cellular telephone. 27 The Compensation Policies and Procedures Manual, adopted by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission is made a part of the Employee Handbook by reference. The following are provi- sions from the Compensation Policies and Procedures Manual. The entire Manual is available for review in the Human Resources Department. 5.AERFORMANCE REVIEWS PROBATIONARY REVIEWS The probationary period for a new employee is 12 months. During this period probationary employees will be reviewed quarterly by their immediate supervisor. A final review will be conducted at the end their 12 month probationary period. This probationary review will be based upon performance on the job only. A rating of "Satisfactory" or greater will meet the minimum stan- dards for the review and allows employees to continue their employment at Augusta. ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS The annual Appraisal process begins every July and the type of plan that Augusta uses is called a "Pay for Performance" program. In this "Pay for Performance" plan, the following cycle will occur over the course of each year between supervisors and employees: Establishment of Performance Expectations and Goals Review of Job Performance: After the supervisor discusses the performance evaluation with an employee, the employee will be given the opportunity to respond in writing to the supervisor's evaluation. Any salary actions affecting the employee will also be discussed in this forum. Immediately after the discussion about the employee's performance in the job for the previous year, the supervisor and the employ- ee should establish performance expectations and goals for the next review cycle. Both steps of this cycle are important because these help determine the expectations and goals of every employee. However, it is also critical for supervisors to remember that an employee's job may be impacted by external factors. At the minimum, these factors should be documented and submitted to the employee's per- sonal file for future reference. Annual Merit Structure: Augusta's "Pay for Performance" plan is a way of rewarding employees for achieving their goals. Only those employees who receive a minimum rating of "Satisfactory" in their over- all performance evaluation are eligible for salary increas- es. Depending upon how well employees achieve their goals, the amount of the salary increase will differ. For example, an employee who receives an "Outstanding" overall rating may be rewarded with an larger salary increase whereas an employee whose job performance warrants a "Satisfactory" rating may receive a lesser increase to salary. Another factor determining the salary increase is where the employee's current salary is positioned within their job's salary range (also known as "salary range pene- tration"). Using the previous example, an employee receiving an "Outstanding" rating and whose salary is currently 5% from the salary range maximum, should only receive a 5% salary increase. After an employee's salary reaches the salary range maximum, their salaries are "frozen" until the structure is adjusted in the future. Until then, they may not receive any additional salary increases. The budgetary process will serve as the basis of fiscal control over total departmental expenditures for salary increases. Departmental Directors' discretion over these funds is limited to the approved budgeted salary increase amount for their overall department. Such dis- cretion does not include budgeted increases not imple- mented due to employee turnover. A Salary Matrix will be provided to each Director to serve as an annual guideline for the Directors' salary increase recommenda- tions. Additionally, Directors will be directed not to exceed the approved salary increase budget for that fis- cal year for Augusto. The approval process for salary increases involves the following: 29 COMPENSATION 1. Each Director will submit to the Director of Human Resources the written Performance Evaluation report and salary increase recommendation for each individual employee one month prior to the designated effective date for salary increases. 2. A Committee consisting of Augusta's Administrator, Director of Human Resources, Equal Opportunity Coordinator, and the Finance Director will review this information in the context of budgetary allocations. The Committee may require additional justification and other considerations from Departmental Directors during this salary review period. 3. Performance appraisals for Appointed Departmental Directors will be submitted directly to the Administrator. 4. Performance Appraisals for Board Appointed employees will be evaluated by their respective independent board. 5. Contractual Deportment Directors will be evaluated based on what their individual contract states in regard to salary increases. 6. The Administrator has final approval authority concerning the entire salary review process for all employees. Augusta's Administrator is responsible for implementing the performance evaluation process for all employees, with the exception of elected officials and appointees of the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. 7. The effective date of approved salary increases will be in October unless designated otherwise by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Green Crde Rate: It is the policy of Augusta not to hire any employee below the minimum of their assigned salary grade. Red Circle Rate: Employees who are above the max- imum of their salary grade are ineligible to receive any additional increase to the base salary. merit increase on the next regularly scheduled review date following their transfer. DEPARTMENTAL DIRECTOR SALARY GRADES The Salary Grades of each Departmental Director is determined by the following criteria: 1. Budget 2. Number of direct reports 3. Department's impact on the organization and /or the general public 4. Scope of responsibilities and duties Depending upon the needs of Augusta, these level assignments may be reviewed periodically and updated. INTERPRETATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS Questions concerning the interpretation of these policies and procedures should be directed to Director of Human Resources. The Administrator must approve exceptions to these poli- cies. Any disagreement between line management and Director of Human Resources will be referred to the Administrator. APPEALS It is the desire of Augusta to adjust employee com- plaints concerning the administration of the Plan on an informal basis. Both management and employees are expected to make every effort to resolve disagreements. Given the nature of performance evaluation and the inherent obligation of management to make objective and justifiable decisions about employee performance, formal appeals under the Grievance Procedure from a performance evaluation report affecting merit adjust- ment will be limited to alleged discrimination because of age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, or national origin. All allegations of discrimination will be handled through the current process. Employees may discuss their performance evaluation with their Department Director related to their complaints. POLICIES SUBJECT TO CHANGE While Augusta is committed to the policies described herein, the policies and procedures may be changed by recommendation of the Administrator to the Commission at any time should conditions warrant such changes. SALARY STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS Base rate: The annual or hourly rate which an employee receives as wages based on the regularly scheduled hours of work. This rate does not include overtime pay. Permanent Downward Transfer: A permanent transfer of an employee in one salary grade to another salary grade that has a lower pay range maximum. "Lower" is defined as a salary range maximum that is five (5) percent less than the current range maximum. Exempt: Exempt salaried employment is defined as work meeting the rules of exemption from overtime pro- visions of the FLSA. Employees with exempt status are compensated for the results they are expected to accom- plish regardless of the number of hours worked. Each of these employees would qualify under the Administrative, Professional, Computer - Related Professional, or Executive exemption standards of the FLSA. Green- circle rate: The rate of pay that is less than the minimum rate for that salary grade. An employee paid under this circumstance will be eligible for increases that will bring that person's salary up to the minimum of the salary range. Hiring rate: The minimum level of compensation to be provided for an individual performing the expected standards of the job. Lateral transfer: A permanent transfer of an employee in one salary grade to a relatively equal salary grade. "Relatively equal" is defined as a change in the new salary range maximum of plus /minus less than five (5) percent. Midpoint: The salary that is halfway between the min- imum and maximum of a salary range. This salary is usually determined to be the market pay, or the average pay of comparable jobs in similar organizations. Non - exempt: Defined as employment which does not meet the provisions of the FLSA allowing for exemption from overtime payment. Includes both salaried employ- ees not qualified under the exemption standards and hourly employees paid for each hour worked. Overtime: Time worked by an employee in addition to regularly scheduled hours and in excess of the legal maximum hours of work. Augusta pays overtime at the rate of one and one -half times the base rate. Compensation may be in the form of overtime pay or compensatory time off. Compensation will be paid for overtime in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as applicable to public employment. Promotion: A permanent transfer of an employee in one salary grade to another salary grade that has a higher pay range maximum. "Higher" is defined as a salary range maximum in excess of five (5) percent of the current salary range maximum. Red -cirde rate: The rate of pay that exceeds the 31 maximum rate for that salary grade. By definition, an employee paid under this circumstance will not be eligi- ble for merit longevity or other increases until the range maximum for the job is increased and exceeds the indi- vidual's salary. Or, the employee is promoted to a salary grade that has a higher salary range maximum. Salary grades: A group of jobs of approximately equivalent worth as determined by job content evalua- tion methods. Salary grades are established as a tool for the administration and control of employee pay. Salary ranges: The minimum and maximum straight - time wages and salaries assigned to a salary grade, and in select cases, to individual jobs. Salary structure: Defined as hierarchies of rates of pay for jobs or groups of jobs within an organization. Salary ranges are identified by a minimum pay rate, a range midpoint, and a maximum rate. INTERIM SALARY POLICY The purpose for this policy is to provide a salary adjust- ment to employees who are placed in a position for an interim basis not to exceed 180 days. This policy will only apply whereas the position will be vacant for at least 30 days. Supplement Pay: The following adjustments will be provided to the employee who is in the interim position based on the following criteria: 1. Employees will be moved to the entry level of the job grade of the vacant position or the employee will receive a 15% increase, whichever is greater. 2. At the end of the interim term, the adjustment will be eliminated and the employee will return to their pre- vious salary. There will be no exceptions to this guide- line. Approval: The Department Director, Director of Human Resources and Administrator must approve all salary adjustments. All salary adjustments will be implemented at the beginning of the pay period following approval. Adjustments will not be made during a pay period. Procedure: All salary adjustments must be submitted in writing to the Director of Human Resources and should include the following: 1. Memo justifying the salary adjustment including the names of both the person who will be out and the per- son to be placed in the interim position. 2. A time frame that states the length of the salary adjustment, not to exceed 90 days. 3. If more than 90 days is needed (not to exceed 180 days), another request justifying the need should be submitted in writing and will require the signature of the Department Director, Director of Human Resources, and Administrator. Safety Review Committee 1. Reviews all property damage involving employees to determine personal liability and makes recommendations, as appropriate,to the Risk Management Committee. (a) May recommend the employee be found at fault as a major contributor to the proximate cause of the accident and disciplinary action as appropriate. (b) May recommend the employee be found not at fault as a major contributor to the proximate cause of the accident. 2. Reviews safety inspection reports, and accident analyses, taking or recommending appropriate actions necessary to ensure an effective safety program. 3. Considers assignments for special safety inspections, investigations of serious accidents, training programs and special safety problems. Director of Human Resources 1. Responsible for administering and supervising the Augusta Safety and Risk Management Program. 2. Develops, coordinates and conducts an aggressive safety program. 3. Takes all actions deemed essential to produce a positive reduction in accidents and determines their causes. 4. Provides technical guidance and direction to personnel and all levels of management in the implementation of safety policy and loss Prevention program. 5. Implements an inspection program to detect existing or potential accident and health hazards and recommends corrective or preventive measures where indicated. 6. Participates in the investigation of accidents and injuries and cooperates in the preparation of reports and evidence for county use. 7. Stops hazardous jobs when prescribed safety precautions are not being enforced. 8. Conducts inspections of equipment, materials, operations or activities to ensure public and employee safety. 9. Administers and coordinates workers compensation claims. 10. Periodically evaluates compliance with the program within the divisions and departments. 11. Periodically attends department staff and safety meetings to promote maximum understanding of the program objectives. 12. Maintains complete records on accidents and publicizes information which will appraise management and employees of trends. Department Heads 1. Responsible for all aspects of safety within their respective departments. 2. Appoints a departmental safety officer to assist in the department safety program. 3. Maintains safe and healthful working conditions within their jurisdiction. 4. Controls injuries, collisions, liabilities and waste material within the department by establishing policies and procedures particular to the department. 5. Publishes an appropriate safety manual or plan designed to accomplish objectives of this policy and objectives unique to their department. A copy to be provided to Risk Management. 6. Charges each supervisor to be fully accountable for an explanation of injuries, collisions and liabilities incurred by their employees. 7. Provides leadership and positive direction essential in maintaining firm safety policies as a prime consideration in all operations. 8. Ensures employees receive appropriate training in those tasks the employee is to accomplish. Training will include safety factors involved in the task(s). Sustainment training and remedial training will be provided as necessary. 9. Ensures hazardous tasks are covered by specific published work rules and employees involved with these tasks have read, understood and demonstrated their abilities to accomplish the tasks. A record of training will be maintained by the department. 10. Provides personal protective items for hazardous tasks as necessary and provides instruction for item use and care. 11. Ensures all new employees are briefed on safety policies within the department. Supervisory Personnel 1. Responsible for the safe actions of their employees and the safe performance of machines and equipment within their operating areas. 2. Enforces the provisions of the policies listed in this manual. 3. Assumes full responsibility for safe and healthful working areas for their employees while they are under their supervision. 4. Ensures all safety policies and regulations are fully implemented for maximum efficiency of each job. 5. Takes the initiative in recommending correction of deficiencies noted in facilities, work procedures, employee's job knowledge, or attitudes that 33 adversely affect loss prevention efforts. 6. Is firm in enforcement of work policies and procedures by being impartial in taking disciplinary action against those who fail to conform, and by being prompt in giving recognition to those who perform well. 7. Ensure each employee is fully trained for the job they are assigned and they are familiar with published work rules. 8. Ensures all employees attend training classes when conducted. 9. Inspects all tools and equipment at frequent intervals and keeps in a safe and serviceable condition. 10. Ensures untrained employees are not permitted to operate any mechanical or electrical equipment until thoroughly trained. 11. Instructs all employees about the reporting of all accidents and the necessity of receiving first aid treatment, even in the cases of minor injuries. 12. Maintains a continuous program of on-the -job training and supervises workers in their accomplishment of all potentially hazardous activities. 13. Uses safety checklist for accomplishment of hazardous operations. 14. Properly maintains all personal protective devices and safety equipment. 15. Ensures all employees are physically qualified to perform their work. 16. Marks all areas designated as dangerous with the type of hazards involved. 17. Ensures as few persons as possible are permitted to enter hazardous work areas. Department Safety Officers 1. Recommends necessary safety equipment and personal protective clothing and devices to be used by employees. 2. Instructs employees in the need for and use of personal protective equipment for hazardous jobs. 3. Conducts training for employees as to an acceptable way for accomplishing a hazardous job. 4. Conducts monthly safety meetings to review accidents, analyze their causes and promote free discussion of hazardous work problems and possible solutions. The Safety Officer will maintain a file of meetings for review. A copy will be sent to the Risk Management Department. 5. Reviews all accident and incident reports to insure that the investigation was thorough, the report is complete and forward reports to the Risk Management Department. 6. Conducts monthly inspections of work areas and equipment to insure that conditions are satisfactory from an accident prevention standpoint. g. Windshield washers and wipers h. Tires (tread and inflation) i. Clutch travel j. Hydraulic systems k. Proper latching of seat belts 2. Commercial type vehicles (CDL): The minimum requirements are established as law and all drivers applying for a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) must demonstrate their knowledge of "pre- trip" inspections prior to being approved for a license. Drivers are responsible for conducting all safety inspections prescribed by law: pre-trip, during operations inspection and end of the driving day inspection. GENERAL GUIDELINES AND PRECAUTIONS 1. Position all adjustments for safe driving before putting the vehicle into gear such as: the seat, properly adjust seat belts, inside and outside mirrors, and seating positions. 2. Drivers of Augusta vehicles must possess a valid state driver's license and they must be thoroughly familiar with the state and local regulations governing motor vehicle operation. The fact that an employee is operating an emergency vehicle does not absolve them from civil or criminal liability for the consequences of wanton reckless driving. The driver must be in the position to satisfy a jury that they used reasonable care and prudence in operating emergency vehicles. Even though emergency equipment has warning devices, the drivers are expected to PROCEED WITH DUE CAUTION. 3. All slow- moving equipment operated in public right -of -ways shall be equipped with proper flashing lights and other devices required by the Georgia Vehicle Code. 4. Load Security a. Supplies transported in motor vehicles shall be secured in such a manner that they will not be dislodged or fall out or forward during transit or sudden stops. b. Drawers in moveable trucks shall always be secured before the truck is driven. c. Ensure load capacity is not exceeded. 5. Drugs or any medication which might affect the ability to drive are not to be token before operating vehicles. Drugs, illness, or extreme fatigue may affect ability to judge distances, speed, and driving conditions. 6. All persons who drive or ride in Augusta vehicles will, in all cases, wear the installed seat belts. The number of seat belts available will establish the maximum passengers of the vehicle. Passengers will not be authorized to ride in the "bed" of pick -up trucks, dump trucks or other utility type vehicles. 7. Not more than three (3) persons, including the driver, shall be permitted to ride in the front seat of any vehicle. Persons shall not be transported in any vehicle unless safe and secure seating is provided for each such person and a seat belt is available for all passengers. 8. Parking vehicle: a. Except when working conditions require otherwise, parked vehicles must have motor stopped, emergency broke set, put gear in park, and keys removed. b. If on a downgrade, front wheels to be turned toward the curb. If on an upgrade, front wheels to be turned away from the curb. Brakes set and transmission left in "park" before driver's seat is vacated. c. Vehicles will not be parked on the wrong side of the street facing traffic except in case of emergency. d. Before leaving the curb, it is essential to see that no cars are approaching from either direction, and signals are to be used. 9. When backing up a vehicle, it is necessary to see that the way is clear. The driver should get out of the vehicle when necessary and inspect the area to be backed into slowly. Horn to be sounded while backing when necessary. If there is another employee along, he will get out and direct the backing. Drivers of dump trucks or heavy construction equipment will, if the vehicle has been parked, prior to backing, actually go to the rear of their vehicle to ensure the area to the immediate rear is clear prior to bucking the vehicle. 10. The vehicle is never to be left unattended with the motor running (excluding emergency type vehicle). Drivers will not go further than 10 feet from any point of the vehicle while running. When parked and unattended, the vehicle will be locked. 11. Drivers must be particularly alert while driving near children. Children must be kept from playing in or around Augusta owned vehicles. While working areas such as schools, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, or community centers, drivers will be especially watchful for children and will drive carefully and slowly at all times. 12. Driver must stay within posted speed limits and slow down when conditions warrant. a. Vehicles pulling trailers will not exceed 25 miles per hour in residential areas nor 45 miles per hour in non-residential or open roads, unless the posted speed is less, in which case the posted speed will be adhered to. b. Vehicles requiring drivers to have CDL licenses to operate the vehicles will not exceed 30 miles per hour in residential areas nor 45 miles per hour in non - residential or open roads, unless the posted speed is Tess, in which case the posted speed will be adhered to. 13. The right -of -way is not to be assumed. The driver who has the last chance to avoid an accident may 35 be the driver in the legal right. DON'T BE PUSHY - YIELD OR STOP. 14. The distance behind other vehicles is to be maintained so as to avoid tailgating and every effort made not to allow others to tailgate. If necessary, slow down, pull over to the side and let the driver pass. 15. Intentions will be signaled at least 100 feet in advance, including a change-in-lanes, and actually a change-in-directions. Avoid sudden braking. 16. low beam headlights will be turned on during the dark period of the doy such as during rain storms and fog. Headlights should be "on" 1/2 hour before sunset until 1/2 hour after sunrise when driving. Parking lights designate a vehicle is parked. Vehicles are never to be driven with only parking lights on. 17. Filling tanks: a. Motor of the equipment to be shut off. b. No smoking near gasoline pumps. c. Hose nozzle to be kept against the edge of filler pipe. d. Tank not to be filled too fast or too full to avoid spilling gasoline. SEAT BELTS 1. The Augusta - Richmond County Commission has declared that any and all passengers, including the driver, riding in a vehicle owned by Augusta - Richmond County are required to properly wear installed seat belts when operating an Augusta vehicle. Exceptions are as follows: a. Tractors without a "Roll -Over Protection System (ROPS) b. Specialized construction equipment. c. Prisoner /suspect of low enforcement officers being transported for short distances in the back seat of the vehicle when restraining devices or other circumstances prevent the proper wearing of seat belts. d. Other exceptions must be requested in writing giving a full justification. Requests will be addressed to the Risk Management Department for presentation to the Commission. 2. A foilure to use your seat belt is a serious safety violation and is not to be taken lightly. It is a known fact that seat belts can and do help reduce the severity of injuries when they are properly used. Proper use constitutes proper adjustments as well as proper latching of the unit. Employees who receive an auto allowance for operating their personal vehicle on Augusta business are required to wear their seat belts in their personal vehicles as well as those in Augusta vehicles. To bring employees into compliance with this policy: Supervisors: 1. Ensure drivers of Augusta vehicles are trained. 2. Periodically inspect vehicles driven by employees under their supervision to ensure driver compliance with policy to conduct daily inspections and ensure no damage goes unreported. 3. Ensure any damages or accidents are reported immediately and that the "Fleet Accident Report" is prepared and forwarded, to include witness statements, when ever a police report is not made out. 4. Ensure any common use vehicle is inspected by the driver for safety and condition prior to operation. 5. Ensure any employee involved in an accident or as a witness to an accident involving an A -RC vehicle is available to the Safety Review Board when requested. NO SUPERVISOR HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DENY AN EMPLOYEE THE TIME TO ATTEND THE SAFETY REVIEW BOARD. Risk Management Department: 1. Maintains files on each driver involved in an accident and vehicle which has been damaged. 2. Process reports of accidents, incidents or reports of damage. 3. Coordinates the repair of all vehicles. PROCEDURES When an accident occurs or damage to a vehicle noticed, the driver will: 1. Give assistance as required to others involved. The accident will be reported immediately. If the vehicle is equipped with a radio and it is operational, he will report the accident immediately. The driver will get the names, addresses and phone numbers of anyone involved, including any witnesses. 2. Vehicles will not be moved from the accident scene until released by local law enforcement officers investigating the accident. If the vehicle is safe to operate, it will be driven to the respective department or maintenance shop immediately. The supervisor and driver will complete the "Fleet Accident Report" (only if a police accident report was not written by the investigating officer) to include any witness statements from other county employees, if involved. The report will be sent through department channels to the Risk Management Department. 3. If the vehicle is not driveable, the appropriate towing service will be used. Normally this will be called in by the law enforcement officer. The vehicle will be taken to the appropriate maintenance shop. A "Fleet Accident Report" will be filled out on the accident if a Motor Vehicle Accident Report is not prepared by the law enforcement officer investigating the accident. The drivers' written statement will accompany the report along with the statement of any employee passenger. 4. The driver will be notified by letter of his case being reviewed by the Safety Review Committee (SRC). Drivers and /or witnesses will be allowed to appear before the SRC. NO SUPERVISOR MAY DENY ANY EMPLOYEE THE RIGHT TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COMMITTEE. Any driver wishing another ARC employee to be present at the SRC may request their attendance by notifying the Risk Management Department by phone, and requesting their presence. This should be done as soon as possible after receiving the letter of notification. 5. The Committee will review all information concerning the accident and recommend appropriate action to the Risk Management Committee. 6. The driver will be informed of any decision with regard to his or her involvement in the accident. This will be done in letter form. Any employee has the right to appeal to the Risk Management Committee. DAMAGED VEHICLES Any Augusta vehicle which has been involved in an acci- dent and must be towed to the appropriate shop will be under "quarantine" until released by Risk Management. No one is authorized to touch, remove items, move or remove parts, or otherwise physically alter any part of the vehicle unless authorized to do so by the Director or Assistant Director of the Risk Management Department. The only exception would be the authorized law enforcement investigator. This provision will ensure protection of physical evidence for potential liability. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION The purpose of this section is to establish policy, guidance and assign responsibility for the investiga- tion of accidents or damage to vehicles owned by Augusta - Richmond County (A -RC). A Fleet Accident Report or Georgia Motor Vehicle Accident Report will be completed on the following: 1. Any traffic or non - traffic accident involving an A -RC owned vehicle which does not result in a police report being completed, regardless of the law enforcement 37 agency. 2. Any traffic or non - traffic accident which results in damage to property, A-RC or privately owned, involves an Augusta vehicle and for which a Motor Vehicle Accident Report is not completed. 3. Any traffic or non - traffic accident involving a non - motorized secondary vehicle (ie: trailer) which receives damage or causes damage to public or private properly and for which a police report is not completed. 4. Any county vehicle which receives damage as a result of vandalism, an unreported previous accident or is otherwise damaged without the immediate knowledge of the primary driver or department (for common use vehicles) and a police report is not made out. Department Heads: 1. Establish procedures to appoint a department investigating officer for any accident identified in paragraph B. above. 2. Ensure employees designated as drivers are informed of their reporting responsibilities for vehicle accidents. 3. Ensures an accident investigation is initiated as soon as practical and results ore forwarded to the Risk Management Department within 24 hours of the accident. Department Safety Officers: 1. Reviews all department accident reports for completeness and accuracy. 2. Recommends changes in department policy or driving practices as appropriate. 3. Coordinates with the Risk Management Department for technical assistance as required. Driver: 1. Report any accident or damage to A -RC owned vehicles as described in paragraph B, above. 2. Assist in the investigation by writing a full description of the accident or circumstance of damage. FLEET ACCIDENT REPORT The Fleet Accident Report will be prepared by the dri- ver's supervisor or department investigating officer, as directed by the department head, within 24 hours of the accident or report of damage. Explanation of Information Required Page 1 information 1. Date of Acddent: list the month, day and year. 2. Day of the Week: list Monday through Sunday. 3. Time: The time the accident occurred. 4. Number of Vehicles Involved: In the box provided write the number of vehicles involved by type, A-RC or private. 5. Case No.: leave blank. 4. Place him in the correct position for him to work. Presentation: 1. Tell how, and illustrate one important step at a time. 2. Stress each key point. 3. Instruct clearly, completely, and patiently, but cover no more than can be mastered each time. Performance: 1. Have him do the job; coach him while he works. 2. Have him explain each key point to you as he does the job again. 3. Make sure he understands. Continue until you know he knows. Follow - up: 1. Put him on his own. 2. Designate to whom he goes for help. 3. Check frequently; encourage questions. 4. Taper off extra coaching and close follow -up. SPECIALIZED TRAINING Specialized training will be required from time -to -time for special areas of operation and to meet specific requirements of unique tasks. These include special equipment, handling of weapons, etc. First Aid Training for Supervisors: All supervi- sors and selected employees are encouraged to be trained in first aid. Many injuries can be effectively treated in the field, thereby eliminating the need to visit a doctor for each minor injury. Adequate first aid mater- ial should be made available and under the charge of a person trained in first aid. Hazardous Work: To eliminate accidents in high hazard areas, it is mandatory that each supervisor thor- oughly check out his workers on the hazards that exist and ensure that they understand the methods of doing each job safely when such hazards cannot be eliminat- ed. 1. Relying on memory alone during the instruction of an employee is assurance that important items will be overlooked. It is essential that the supervisor use published work rules which define each hazardous task his/her employees are responsible for and define the correct work procedures for safe accomplishment of the task. This enables them to attain a consistent quality of instruction that instills employee confidence in their own capabilities and those of management. 2. Providing the employee with a copy of the work rules after instruction ensures that he has a ready reference for his review. Procedures for job hazard analysis are as follows: a. The job is broken down into basic steps. These steps describe what is to be done and in what sequence. Details which have no bearing on the objective are to be omitted. b. After the steps are listed, each step is analyzed for hazards that could cause an accident. The purpose is to identify as many hazards os possible, whether produced by the environment or connected with the mechanics of the job procedure, so that each step of the entire job can be done safely and efficiently. c. When the hazards and potential accidents associated with each step are identified and their causes understood, ways of eliminating them shall be developed. There are four ways in which this can be handled. (1) Eliminate the process of operations, or provide a substitute action which can be done without the hazards, or (2) Isolate the process or operation so as to eliminate or minimize the hazards, or (3) Provide guards or automatic devices to eliminate or minimize the hazards, or (4) Provide personal protective clothing and equipment and enforce their use to eliminate the possibility of injury. 3. Using the information gathered from the first three steps, work rules shall be written, disseminated among all employees, and maintained on file for periodic review. This becomes a document to assist the supervisor in instructing his employees in the safe method of performing their jobs and determination of the personal protective clothing and equipment required. It also provides each employee a source of information for occasional review. The form at end may be used. 6.F * * PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Protective equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE) for: eyes, face, head, extremities, protective clothing, respiratory devices and protec- tive shields and barriers, shall be provided by the respective departments, used and maintained by the employee and kept in a sanitary and serviceable condition. PPE shall not be altered in any way. RESPONSIBILITIES Department Heads: 1. Ensure PPE is available to employees involved in work requirements which pose a potential hazard through absorption, inhalation or physical contact. 2. fnsure supervisors are instructed in policies relating to the use of PPE by employees. 3. Charge supervisors with the responsibility of 39 enforcing policies relating to the use of PPE. Supervisors: 1. Analyze job tasks to determine essential PPE. 2. Instruct employees on the tasks requiring PPE and the minimum PPE required for the task, to include the proper use of protective equipment. 3. Enforce policies relating to the use of PPE by employees Employee: 1. Use PPE as directed by the supervisor or job task. 2. Identify any potential hazard of a job task which PPE has not been identified and report it to your supervisor. GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT Eye and Face Protection: Protective eye and /or face equipment shall be required where there is reason- able probability of injury that can be prevented by such equipment. Protection will be made reasonably avail- able and employees will use such protection. Eye pro- tection will be provided and used where machines or operation's present the hazard or potential for injury from flying objects, or splashing liquids. Respiratory Protection: Respiratory protection will be provided by the respective deportment to control occupational diseases caused by breathing air contami- nated with harmful: dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays or vapors. The primary objective will be to prevent atmospheric contamination. Respiratory pro- tection will be provided to protect the health of the employee. Product warning labels or material safety data warning labels or material safety data sheets will prescribe the appropriate protection necessary for employee protection. Department heads are responsible for providing employee use and maintenance training as appropriate. Occupational Head Protection: Helmets for the protection of heads from impact and penetration from falling and /or flying debris or objects and from limited electrical shock and burn shall meet the requirements and specifications of the American National Standard Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection; 189.1 -1969. Within the departments, employees will be required to wear protective helmets at: 1. Any construction site. 2. At any work location within 25 feet of a public road (including supervisors). 3. Grass cutting operations requiring tractor type mower with an open /unprotected driver comportment. 4. Drivers of Augusta vehicles, with enclosed driver comportments are not required to wear protective helmets unless they exit the vehicle in an area or operation described above. Departments may designate specific colors for er person or thing. The following criteria applies: 1. The person has a legal duty or obligation to conform to a certain standard of conduct to protect others or property against unreasonable risk. 2. The person failed to conform to that standard. 3. The persons conduct is so closely related to the resulting injury or damage that it can be said to have caused it (proximate cause). 4. Actual damage (property or injury) results from the persons conduct. Proximate Cause: Conduct which is the primary cause from which an injury or damage follows as a direct or immediate consequence and without which the injury or damage would not have happened. AUTHORITY The SRC shall be empowered to: 1. Investigate any and all accidents /incidents involving employees, occurring in the course of their employment, and /or equipment which results in personal injury or property loss or damage. 2. Investigate any accidents /incidents occurring on Augusta Property. 3. Investigate and review all personal injury accidents and Workers Compensation claims and all records and information to the same. 4. Make recommendations to policy, to any department subordinate to the Augusta - Richmond County Commission through the Risk Management Committee on matters pertaining to: a. Fleet Management /Maintenance, b. Safe work practices, c. Loss prevention /security, d. Claims /tort reduction 5. Levy monetary damage assessments against employees found to be at fault in vehicle accidents or incidents resulting in property damage 6. Recommend disciplinary action up to and including discharge of employment or suspension of on employee for: a. Gross negligence which results in losses to Augusta - Richmond County, b. Repeated safety violations (complete documentation is required), c. Accumulation of maximum penalty driving points for driver error (see paragraph K), d. failure to pay damage assessments adjudged by the SRC and upheld by the Risk Management Committee. 7. Review and make recommendations pertaining to all matters relating to motor vehicle and general safety relative to Augusta owned vehicles, equipment and employees. 8. To direct the attendance of employees as it shall deem appropriate for the proper determination of the facts surrounding each accident and obtain such documentary evidence as shall be needed to complete its investigation. 6.H VIOLATION PENALTIES 1. A standard point system will be used for all vehicle violations to insure all employees are treated equally. This point system is not associated with the Georgia drivers point system. 2. Any department disciplinary action taken against the employee will be reported to Risk Management and Human Resources and will be made a part of the accident and personnel record. 3. The SRC will take into consideration any and all disciplinary action taken by the department against the employee and make adjustments to penalties as appropriate. 4. When an employee is involved in an AT FAULT accident /incident which results in property damages less than $500.00, the Committee may elect to set aside any penalties for up to 6 months. a. If the employee is not involved in an AT FAULT accident /incident for that period of time the employees record will be purged of the AT FAULT ruling. b. If the employee is involved in an AT FAULT accident /incident within that time, the incident will remain a part of the employees record. Penalties which were originally set aside would take affect. PROCEDURES 1. Departments will report all vehicle accidents, damage to vehicles, equipment or property using either the Fleet Accident Report or Incident Report unless a report is mode by a law enforcement official. 2. All reports of accidents or incidents will be forwarded to Risk Management within 24 hours. a. Reports requiring additional time for investigation will be telephonically reported to Risk Management. b. Reports will include witness statements from any employee involved. 3. All reports will be logged by Risk Management and scheduled for the Safety Review Committee. 4. Employees will be notified by letter that their accident /incident will be reviewed by the SRC giving the dote, time and location of the SRC. a. Any employee directly involved in the accident/ incident has the right to appear before the SRC. b. Employees desiring to have witnesses speak in their behalf should contact Risk Management prior to the scheduled meeting date giving the name, department and relationship to the accident /incident of the witness. Only witnesses with first hand information will be allowed. c. Risk Management will notify the appropriate department of witnesses to attend. 41 5. 6. 7. 8. d. Employees not able to attend the scheduled meeting may request a delay by notifying Risk Management and giving the reason. e. No one may deny the employee the right to appear before the SRC. Supervisors or Department Heads may request a delay for the employee based on operational necessity but must notify Risk Management of the request. Employees should be present at the scheduled time and place. Once called the employee will provide information as requested by the SRC, usually an explanation of the accident /incident. a. Prior to the meeting the employee should review any documentary evidence, such as the Fleet Accident Report, Incident Report and /or vehicle accident report filed by the investigating law enforcement agency. THIS REVIEW IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EMPLOYEE (1) Fleet Accident Reports and Incident Reports may be obtained from the employee's department or by calling Risk Management at 821 -2301. (2) Law enforcement reports may be obtained from Risk Management. b. Employees who feel the police report is inaccurate should attempt to have the report corrected with the appropriate law enforcement agency prior to the Board meeting. The SRC will review each accident /incident to determine the employees actions to be either AT FAULT or NOT AT FAULT. Employees will be notified by letter of the outcome of the review. The letter will inform the employee found AT FAULT of the penalty ruled by the SRC. Employees who have been given a damage assessment by the SRC may pay by cash, check or payroll deduction using the form . Persons wishing to use payroll deduction should notify Risk Management. Failure to pay damage assessment within allotted times frame will result in automatic payroll deduction. Minutes of the SRC meeting will be prepared by Risk Management and forwarded to the Risk Management Committee for review. 6.K ryv ` WORKERS' COMPENSATION The Workers Compensation policy is established to provide procedures, guidance and information for the medical care of employees who are injured "in the course of their employment ". All aspects of Workers Compensation are governed as a matter of Georgia law. The purpose of this policy is to provide to all Augusta - Richmond County (A -RC) employees a guideline relating to the administration of Workers' Compensation benefits, and to outline their obliga- tion under the Georgia State Workers' Compensation law. Nothing in this policy shall or is intended to conflict with the Georgia State Workers' Compensation law. In the event any information of this policy is in con- Rid with the law, the law prevails. Any questions of the application of the Worker's Compensation Law or interpretation of this policy shall be immediately addressed to the Risk Management Department. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. By law, Augusta is required to provide Workers' Compensation benefits to its employees. Augusta has elected to Self- insure this program. 2. Program administration is the responsibility of the Risk Management Department who may use the services of an independent claim handling Service. 3. It is the INTENT of Augusta to comply in all regards with the Worker's Compensation law of the State of Georgia. 4. Any employee involved in an accident which results in him or her requiring and /or receiving medical treatment for injuries will be tested for illegal substances. DEFINITIONS Workers' Compensation Law: The State of Georgia law that requires that Augusta provide and pay certain benefits on behalf of or to an employee: who is injured by an occident which arises out of or during the course of his or her employment, or who suffers an occupational disease as defined in the law. Employee: Any individual (other than elected officials and employees of Independent Service Contractor) employed by Augusta. This includes: full -time employ- ees, part -time employees and temporary employees hired and paid directly by the Augusta- Richmond County Commission. Compensable injury or disease: Any injury by accident which arises out of or during the course of employment or an occupational disease as defined in the State of Georgia Workers' Compensation Law. Benefits: Benefits as defined in the Workers' Compensation law which pay for lost income and med- ical services directly resulting from a compensable injury or disease. 1. The first seven calendar days are not payable unless the employee is out over twenty -one calendar days. If available, accrued leave will be used for the first seven days. 2. Two - thirds of the employees' average gross wages will be paid up to a maximum benefit per week as allowable by state law. Compensation for certain line -of -duty injuries of law enforcement officers, firemen, and employees of the corrections department will be in accordance with the personnel policies and procedures in the Employee Handbook. Disability: The inability of an injured employee to return to suitable work which is a direct result of his or her compensable injury or disease and is supported by an authorized treating physician. Panel of Physicians The list of four or more physi- cians chosen by Augusta to provide medical services to employees who sustain a compensable injury or an occupational disease. Authorized Treating Physicians The list of four or more physicians chosen by Augusta to provide med- ical services to employees who sustain a compensable injury or an occupational disease. Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation: The State Board that is authorized by law to administer Workers' Compensation matters. The Board is empowered to: 1. Make and enforce rules and regulations; 2. Hold hearings concerning disputed issues; 3. Assess penalties for non - compliance and approve settlements of disputed issues. RESPONSIBILITIES Department Heads: 1. Insure that employees and supervisors follow correct procedures for filing job - related accident reports and injury. 2. Insure that supervisors investigate all accidents and report all injuries or alleged injuries, and take the appropriate steps to provide the necessary medical care to treat the compensable injury. 3. Conduct your own investigation and where necessary take appropriate steps to insure the cause of the 43 accident is corrected to prevent a recurrence. 4. Report immediately any concerns relating to the accident or injury to the Risk Management Department. Immediate Supervisors: 1. Insure that the injured employee is provided with first aid treatment or if necessary is provided with emergency medical care. 2. File a First Report of Injury with the Risk Management Department within 24 hours after being made aware that a job related accident /injury has occurred or is being alleged. 3. Report by phone immediately any accident involving a serious injury and /or death. 4. Thoroughly investigate the accident or alleged accident and include the results of the investigation in the First Report of Injury. If all information is not available the report may be submitted as an initial report by marking the appropriate box on the form. 5. If an employee is not able to return to work, will periodically check on the employee by telephone to inquire about the employees recovery. This will be done on a daily basis. Contact Risk Management to advise them of the employees condition and progress. Employees: 1. Report all accidents and /or injuries, regardless of how trivial, to his /her immediate supervisor as soon as the injury occurs. If the injury prevents an immediate report, the employee must report the injury AS SOON AS POSSIBLE or have someone do so on the employees behalf. 2. Those employees who are witnesses to a job related injury must fill out a witness statement. Risk Management Department: 1. Administrates all phases of the Augusta - Richmond County's Worker's Compensation Program. 2. Ensure that all employees, supervisors and department heads comply with procedures relative to Workers' Compensation. 3. Continuously monitor all phases of the Workers' Compensation Program to ensure complete compliance with the State Law and compliance with the purpose and intent of this Policy. 4. Make recommendation and /or approve any additions to or changes related to the panel of authorized physicians. 5. Make recommendations and /or approve any additions to or changes of the Policy and Procedure Manual. 6. Is the only approving authority for medical treatment covered under Workers Compensation. ANALYSIS USE 1. To be used to assist in validating the classification 2. To be used to determine physical qualifications/ requirements for each job 3. To be used for medical reviews of employees injured 4. To identify special equipment needs including safety equipment 5. To identify potential hazards and determine equipment needs in order to reduce potential hazards to an acceptable level 6. Assists in establishing resource needs. PROCEDURES 1. Human Resources Department will identify jobs/ classifications which are common to more than one department and provide this list to the Risk Management Board. 2. The Risk Management Board will determine which department will be the proponent agency for the preparation of the Job/Task Analysis. 3. Departments will be notified to prepare a Job/Task Analysis. 4. Departments with job classifications unique to their department will be responsible for preparing the "Analysis ". 5. All Analyses will be reviewed and approved by the Risk Management Board. 6. For new positions the Analysis will be submitted by the appropriate department within 180 days of the employee being hired against the new position. DISTRIBUTION OF APPROVED ANALYSIS 1. One copy to Risk Management 2. One copy to Human Resources 3. One copy to the Proponent Department 4. One copy to each department with the job requirement 5. One copy to each supervisor of that job. PREPARATION OF JOB /TASK ANALYSIS 1. Department: List the department /agency /office the job title is applicable to. 2. Job Title: List the title from the job description only. Do not modify the Job Title. 3. Classification: This block will be filled in by the Human Resources Department. 4. Employee Name: To be filled in by the supervisor of the employee after review and approval. 5. Review Date: The date the review as completed. Each Analysis will be reviewed every 3 years or upon the addition or deletion of a major task. 6. Task: Review the job description for the position being evaluated. Identify the major tasks /job requirements and list them on the Job/Task Analysis. Like type tasks may be listed as one task if the physical requirements, hazards and equipment overlap; i.e.: if the employee is responsible for inspecting cars, trucks and trailers, the task listed on the Analysis would read "Inspect Vehicles ". The process of inspection is essentially the same for the above listed vehicles. In reviewing and listing the other criteria look at the worst case scenario. In the above example the analysis would identify the criteria while inspecting a dump truck. 7. Physical Requirements: Identifying physical requirements necessary to complete the Task. Attempt to quantify the specific requirements; i.e.: Lifting - 45 pounds - 4 feet (from ground to tail gate).Examples of physical requirements are: a. Walking: How for or how long (time) b. Standing: How long c. Running: How for or how long d. Kneeling: How long e. Stooping: How many times in what time frame f. Hammering: How long g. Climbing: How high and on what h. Crawling: How for 1. Sitting: How long j. Typing /Keyboarding: How long 1. Reaching: How far m. Pulling: How much weight n. Pushing: How much weight o. Bending: With or without weight? p. Twisting: Body or hand. q. Step up /down: How far, number of times r. Hand digging: How long s. Rub (surfaces): It is acceptable to use approximate weights, times, and repetitions (number of times). 8. Potential Hazards: This is a subjective evaluation to list any and all POTENTIAL hazards which may exist. 9. Existing Aids: List all equipment provided by the department to assist in accomplishing the task to include safety items. ASSESSMENT /RECOMMENDA- TION 1. After the initial input to the Analysis from, review the information with the focus of review concentrating on potential hazards versus equipment aids and safety equipment. 2. If the potential hazard can be reduced by the acquisition of safety equipment a notation should be made to that effect. 3. If the potential hazard can be reduced by a procedure or safe work practice it would be appropriate to institute the practice as a policy. This can be accomplished by using the form. When 45 completed and approved by the Department Head it may serve as a written Department Policy. 4. Any Job Hazard Analysis approved as a department policy will be provided to Risk Management for permanent file. 6.041OUSEKEEPING It is the intent of the Augusta- Richmond County Commission to provide for a safe work environment. To this end work sites shall be constantly monitored by supervisors and foreman to ensure potential haz- ards to employees and the general public are reduced to the maximum extent possible. Employees will be required to keep their work areas picked up and free of hazards. Good housekeeping is an important element of acci- dent prevention. It should be of primary concern to all supervisors and foremen. Good housekeeping should be planned at the beginning of the job and carefully supervised and followed to the final clean -up. Housekeeping should be the concern of each worker and not left for the clean -up crew. Confusion will be reduced and operations will be more when the work area is neat and orderly at all times. PROCEDURES Plan Ahead: A materials storage area which has been planned is safer and cleaner than one which has been developed haphazardly. Assign Responsibilities: If the size of the job and working force merits, a crew should be specifically detailed to clean up continuously. In any event, house- keeping should not be haphazard; duties should be assigned to one or more responsible persons. Implement the Program: Housekeeping should be part of the daily routine with clean -up being a continu- ous procedure. GENERAL RULES Storage Areas: All materials should be maintained in neat stockpiles for ease of access. Aisles and walk- ways should be kept clear of loose materials and tools. Work Areas: Loose materials, waste, etc. should be cleaned up immediately. This is especially important in aisles and in the vicinity of ladders, ramps, stairs, and machinery. Areas Used by Personnel: Empty bottles, contain- ers, and papers should not be allowed to accumulate where lunches are eaten on the job site. Trash disposal cans should be provided. Oil and Grease: Spills of oil, grease, or other liquid should be removed immediately or sprinkled with sand 2. Equipment should be inspected upon receipt for serviceability and ensure that no damage is apparent. Inspections should be made at the time of issue by the receiver. 3. Equipment issued for the sole use by the employee may be issued on a Property Receipt Form . A copy of this receipt should be maintained on file at the department. 4. Common use property, issued for short duration should be routinely inspected by the receiving employee at the time of receipt. Any damage should be immediately reported to the supervisor or person issuing the equipment. 5. Employees who have been issued equipment on the Property Receipt and have lost or damaged said equipment (beyond normal fare ware and tear /use) may be responsible for replacing (at the employees expense) that equipment. SUPPLIES Supplies are classified into two categories: expendable but accountable (construction materials, replacement parts, consumable goods, etc.) and expendable - nonac- countable (office materials: pens, paper, etc). 1. Accountable Supplies must be trackable by audit (purchase order to work order, purchase order to job, etc). Materials in excess of job requirements must also be accountable. 2. Expendable supplies should be regulated to protect against misappropriation. 3. Consumable goods should be auditable from the time of issue to the supported activity and bank deposit (if appropriate). Items which have spoiled or must be destroyed (non - sellable) must be accounted for as an annotation on an inventory sheet or a memorandum of destruction, giving all pertinent data to include the reason for destruction. 47 • • List present or most recent employer first: (please cover last eight (8) years, please attach additional page if needed) Present or Last Employer Employer's Address Employer's Phone # Starting Position — Ending Position Full -time, Part -time, PRN, Temporary May we contact your present employer ? Yes ❑ No 0 Your name at time of employment (include any additional names) Dates of Employment: Starting Date ( MO/YR) Leaving Date ( MO/YR) Starting salary — Ending salary Reason for leaving Description of duties Present or Last Employer Employer's Address Employer's Phone # Starting Position -- Ending Position Full -time, Part -time, PRN, Temporary May we contact your present employer ? Yes ❑ No Your name at time of employment (include any additional names) Dates of Employment: Starting Date (MO/YR) Leaving Date (MO/YR) 4* Starting salary — Ending salary Description of duties Reason for leaving Present or Last Employer Employer's Address Employer's Phone # Starting Position — Ending Position Full -time, Part -time, PRN, Temporary May we contact your present employer ? Yes 0 No Your name at time of employment (include any additional names) Dates of Employment: Starting Date (MO/YR) Leaving Date ( MO/YR) Starting salary — Ending salary Reason for leaving Description of duties Present or Last Employer Employer's Address Employer's Phone # Starting Position — Ending Position Full -time, Part -time, PRN, Temporary May we contact your present employer? Yes ❑ No Your name at time of employment (include any additional names) Dates of Employment: Starting Date ( MO/YR) Leaving Date ( MO/YR) Starting salary — Ending salary Reason for Leaving nescription of duties \g ..N 0 as ..0. 0 F.e: o 111 a 0 0 0.. ..S cl- ,- 0 "0 .-...-:. .0 S a. 0 c 0 41 \ a. --,-_ o •*-- to 0 0 ,-• 1, ° 7" 0- .C -0 a) c — a) 4 la .... o) to ._ .... _to t•-• - sii 1 i 1 5 CIO C1L—' 6 \0°'..) c.9:Thonc-Po 3 .... tr) ...... ci- to ,. v, '.. (3 ',,,, -6 a ..c ., 7 Ce. a -Ts. 0 . ) ) 15 to ..... 7-• 0 CO a III o . . ( cs e v. co sa 0 ,,- ,.- , . , . ■ -) „ 0 4. 41 V 0 ,..4) 0 0 Ci. ` C 4. r--0 s aj , 0a--1 k--- -C • ❑ ACCEPTED ❑ NOT ACCEPTED APPLICANT NAME: (LAST, FIRST, MI) DEPARTMENT: INTERVIEWER: TITLE: DATE & TIME OF INTERVIEW: POSITION: The law does not require the selection of unqualified persons for job vacancies. It does require that selections are based on valid and job - related criteria and furthermore that these criteria are applied consistently to all applicants regardless of race, sex, creed, color, age, religion, or national origin. Any of the following statements, if applicable, would be suitable reasons for rejection as long as the selected candidate could not be ruled out the same statement. Please check the appropriate number of blocks ❑ Does not meet requirements as posted. ❑ Has relative in this department. ❑ Can not meet work schedule. ❑ Unrelated experience. ❑ Less related training/education than person selected. ❑ Less related experience than person selected. ❑ Lower skill level than person selected. APPLICANT INTERVIEW FORM Remarks: This position is offered on the condition that all of the City of Augusta Pre - employment requirements in Section C of the City of Augusta Policy & Procedure Manual are met. INTERVIEWER'S SIGNATURE DATE 53 • • AUGUSTA r_11111 r 5i17) 1736 GEORGIA CLASS DESCRIPTION 1 Unavoidable 2 Avoidable with mitigating circumstances: a. Bad Weather b. Road Conditions c. Emergency Response d. Other driver action e. Actions of ground guidE 4 Avoidable with driver error: Drivers action was major contributing factor POINTS ADMIN ACTION $ FORFEITURE FORMULA 0 PENALTIES MATRIX SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE Caution Letter $0 - $0 2 -4 Caution Letter $0.00 to $75.00 3 Avoidable with driver error: All drivers contributing 3 -6 Caution Letter $0 to $500.00 4 -7 Letter of Reprimand $0 to $500.00 Negligence with 10 -15 Suspend driving $0 to $1,000.00 extreme prejudice: privileges a. DUI (alcohol /drugs) for County vehicles b. Excessive speed c. Leaving scene of an accident Recommend d. Willful traffic violations Termination 10% of damages but not to exceed $75.00. First Offense 10% Second Offense 20% Third Offense 30% Same as Class 3 First Offense: 30% of damages Second Offense: 50% of damages CATEGORY SERVICE FORMULA FOR ADJUSTMENTS 0 5 yrs or less Non Senior -lst offense: damages $500 or less= Caution Letter 1 5 yrs 1 day -10 yrs 25% of the damage assessment, all points remain 2 10 yrs 1 day -15 yrs 50% of the damage assessment, all points remain 3 15 yrs 1 day -20 yrs 75% of the damage assessment, all points remain 4 20 yrs 1 day and beyond Caution Ltr for damages under $500 or 10% of damages but not to exceed $50.00, all points remain. ADJUSTMENTS: Adjustments to penalties will be allowed once each 5 yrs, providing the driver is not involved in an AT FAULT accident within the time. Adjustments are not automatic. RECOMMENDED POINT DISCIPLINE 5 -8 pts= Written Reprimand;9 -14 =3 day suspension;15 pts= terminate 55 DATE: TO: Robby Burns Human Resources Department F ROM: Department and Number RE: Advertisement for the position of: Salary & Grade The above position is authorized by Augusta, GA and is contained within the budget for the fiscal year. • This position will be: ❑ New ❑ Replacement Person to be replaced: Departmental Comments: POSITION AUTHORIZATION FORM Title 57 This Posting will be: ❑ In- House(Department Only) ❑ Open Advertisement ❑ Inter - governmental Director of Human Resources Date Administrator Date • EMPLOYEE CHANGE FORM Employee Name: Department No. Social Sec No: Emp No. PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM TO Name Change Address City, St, Zip Telephone Direct Deposit ❑ attach voided check Miscellaneous Employee Signature Date CLASSIFICATION FROM TO Dept Transfer Job Title Class Code /SG Position /Seq Daily Hours Rate of Pay Auto Allowance Car Usage • Effective Date Authorized Signature Date 59 • COLLECTION PROCEDURES CHECKLIST Employee Name: Employee number: In an effort to provide the best protection possible for each employee and the collection agent the checklist is being pro- vided for use with each collection. Your participation is required to ensure that each step of the collection process is completed to standard. You will be required to initial each block by the procedure you were involved in. Your initials sig- nify that the procedure was completed properly. If there is any deviation of procedures you should make a note at the bottom of the sheet and sign your name. Collector Comments: If none, initial Employee Comments: If none, initial I certify that the above procedures were satisfactorily completed and that any questions concerning the procedure by the employee were satisfied at the time of the collection. 1 also state that I was given the opportunity to write comments con- cerning any aspect of the collection process. Signature of Collector Signature of Employee 61 Procedure Collector Donor 1 Prepare collection site; ensure coloring agent present in commode. 2 Verify identity of employee with picture ID. 3 Prepare Top section of Chain of Custody form: (donor ID, reason for test) 4 If required: ask donor to remove bulky or unnecessary items (exterior clothing, store in secure area. 5 Employee washes hands and returns to the collector. 6 Collector gives (sealed collection bottle) or lets donor pick (non - sealed collection bottle). NOTE: only one collection container allowed in the rest room. 7 Employee /donor provides urine sample in the collection container and immediately provides the container to the collector. (Note: do not flush the commode until told to do so) 8 Collector annotates the temperature on the Chain of Custody form and insures there is at least 45 ml. If the temperature is outside the acceptable range follow the procedures of SAMSHA. 9 Donor observes the splitting of the sample and sealing. 10 Collector splits the sample, writes the date on the labels /seals and seals the containers (In the presence of the donor). 11 Donor initials security seal. 12 Donor flushes the commode and washes hands. 13 Donor reads the certification statement on copy 4 of the Chain of Custody form and signs the form. 14 Collector completes the Chain of Custody form and provides copy 5 to the employee /donor. • COLLECTION PROCEDURES CHECKLIST Employee Name: Employee number: In an effort to provide the best protection possible for each employee and the collection agent the checklist is being pro- vided for use with each collection. Your participation is required to ensure that each step of the collection process is completed to standard. You will be required to initial each block by the procedure you were involved in. Your initials sig- nify that the procedure was completed properly. If there is any deviation of procedures you should make a note at the bottom of the sheet and sign your name. Collector Comments: If none, initial Employee Comments: If none, initial I certify that the above procedures were satisfactorily completed and that any questions concerning the procedure by the employee were satisfied at the time of the collection. 1 also state that I was given the opportunity to write comments con- cerning any aspect of the collection process. Signature of Collector Signature of Employee 61 AUGUSTA WVAII Y 'ems 1736 GEORG1A PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL FOR - CAUSE /REASONABLE SUSPICION DRUG TEST AUTHORIZATION FOR -CAUSE TEST is requested for: Employee Name: Payroll #: Department: Job Title: PHYSICAL SIGNS /SYMPTOMS ❑ 1. Possessing, dispensing, or using prohibited substance. ❑ 2. Slurred or incoherent speech ❑ 3. Bloodshot or watery eyes ❑ 4. Odor of alcohol 015. Odor of Marijuana ❑ 6. Runny nose or sores around nostrils. ❑ 7. Puncture marks or "tracks" ❑ 8. Loss of physical control, poor coordination, unsteady gait. 0I9. Extreme fatigue or sleeping on the job. ❑ 10. Flushed or very pale face ❑ 11. Nausea or vomiting ❑ 12. Disheveled appearance or out of uniform 0113. Dizziness or fainting ❑ 14. Highly excited or nervous ❑ 15. Dilated or constricted pupils or unusual eye movement ❑ 16. Excessive sweating or clamminess of skin ❑ 17. Shaking hands or body tremors. ❑ 18. Dry mouth U119. Breathing irregularity or difficult breathing ❑ 20. Inappropriate wearing of sunglasses. ❑ 21. Other (describe below) 1. Has there been a change to the employees quality and quantity of work? ❑ NO If so describe: 2. Has the employees work relationships changed with fellow employees? ❑ NO If so, describe: 4111 3. Does the employee appear to "bring his personal /family problems" to work more than usual? ❑ NO If so, describe: 63 • • • PROCEDURES FOR REQUESTING AND HANDLING FOR -CAUSE DRUG SCREENING If you suspect an employee to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, while at work, the following steps are to be taken when requesting a drug screen. STEP 1: Call Risk Management at 821 -2486 (Sandy), 821 -2558 (Ron) or 821 -2302 (Judy) STEP 2: Relay all known factors /information concerning reasons for suspicion (not just a "gut" feeling, must be able to give description /specifics /observation at that moment in time not days earlier). Use the FOR -CAUSE TEST AUTHORIZATION FORM, Form SA -3, found in the Substance Abuse Policy. Fill out Items #1, #2 to include all reasons, #3 and date. Then submit to Risk Management. The information is then evaluated and support/approval may or may not be given based on certain criteria. STEP 3: Approval - If the request is approved, the employee in question is to sign the Substance Abuse Consent Form (Form SA -2) PRIOR to being taken for testing. When fully executed, this form is then to be delivered in to Risk Management. STEP 4: ALCOHOL - If the employee is being tested for alcohol: a. The employee is to be taken to the designated collection site by the Director or high ranking supervisor (the fact of testing is to be kept totally confidential). b. If the test result is negative the employee is allowed to return to work. c. If the breath/blood test is confirmed positive, the employee is to be processed through the normal termination channels. d. Under no circumstance is the employee allowed to operate a vehicle; even his /her own personal vehicle. A taxicab will be provided to transport the individual directly to his /her residence if a family member is not available. This is to be arranged through Risk Management. STEP 4: OTHER DRUGS - If the employee is being tested for drugs other than alcohol: a. The employee is taken by the Director or high ranking supervisor (the fact of testing is to be kept totally confidential) to the designated collection site for testing. b. When the collection process has been completed the employee is NOT allowed to return to work and is placed on administrative leave (leave with pay) pending the outcome of the testing. c. If the test results are negative the employee is allowed to return to work.. If the test result is confirmed positive (through the Medical Review Officer) the department director will be notified by Risk Management of the positive result. The director will then notify the employee of his /her termination in accordance with Augusta- Richmond County Policies and Procedures. NOTE: After normal working hours Department Director has the authority to approve the above referenced testing. 65 • • SUBSTANCE ABUSE COVERAGE I, have read and understand the Augusta - Richmond County Commission Substance Abuse Policy (the "Policy "). I further understand that the manufacture, use, possession, sale or distribution or presence in body of alcohol, drugs or ille- gal substances in the work place is strictly prohibited and may lead to my immediate discharge from employment. For purposes of this Policy, "drugs" or "illegal substances" or "controlled substances" is defined to include illegal street drugs, legal drugs either taken for non - medical reasons or without a valid prescription and alcohol, but not to include prescription medication taken in accordance with a physician's prescription and instructions. I also understand that the presence of such substances in my system during work hours places unacceptable risk and burden on the safe and efficient operation of my job, and, consequently, is strictly forbidden. I understand that if 1 am a Transit employee or an employee required to have a CDL I will be tested in accordance with test- ing requirements established by Federal regulations. I understand that if I work in a safety- sensitive position (as that is defined in the Policy), I may be tested for illegal substances on a random basis. I also understand that Augusta - Richmond County has a zero tolerance policy for safety - sensitive employees, such that I will be terminated for any violation of the Substance Abuse Policy. 1 understand that based on reasonable suspicion, I may be tested for illegal substances (a "for -cause test "). I understand that if I successfully complete a rehabilitation program and return to work for Augusta- Richmond County, I may be tested for illegal substances on a random basis up to twelve times per year for three years and that it is my responsibility to pay for these tests as a condition of my employment. I understand that if I am involved in an accident which results in my requiring and /or receiving medical attention for injuries, I may be tested for illegal substances (a "post- accident test "). I understand that Federal testing requirements, for Transit employees and holders of CDL licenses, may require drug and /or alcohol testing in cases of vehicle accidents, even though there may be no injuries. 1 also understand that my arrest and /or conviction for off- the -job drug and /or alcohol activities, including driving under the influence, may constitute grounds for reasonable suspicion and a for -cause illegal substances screening, and may cause me to have action taken against me, taking into consideration (among other things), the nature of the charges, my job assign- ment and my record with the Augusta - Richmond County Commission. I understand that it is my responsibility to read the Augusta - Richmond County Substance Abuse Policy entirely, and that my cooperation with, and adherence to, the Augusta - Richmond County Commission policies and procedures regarding substance abuse are conditions of my employment with Augusta - Richmond County, and that if I violate or am insubordi- nate by refusing to cooperate with any of these policies and procedures, I am subject to discipline up to and including dis- charge. Employee Payroll # Date FORM SA -1 67 • CRIMINAL HISTORY CONSENT FORM 1 HEREBY AUTHORIZE the City of Augusta Human Resources Department to receive any criminal history record informa- tion pertaining to me which may be in files of any state or local justice agency in Georgia. EXPRESSLY RELEASE the City of Augusta Board Of Commission from any and all liability claim related to the acquisition of any information pertaining to me. 69 Full Name Address Social Security Number Date of Birth Sex Race Signature Date MOTOR VEHICLE RECORDS RELEASE FORM PLEASE READ THE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS REQUEST FORM. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE FORM OR HAVE QUESTIONS LEASE ASK BEFORE SIGNING THE FORM. PLEASE PRINT AND COM- PLETE ALL BLANKS LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME: DEPARTMENT: JOB TITLE: SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: DOB: RACE: LICENSE NUMBER: REGULAR or CDL (circle) • ISSUING STATE: EXPIRES: I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. I UNDER- STAND THAT THE CITY OF AUGUSTA WILL OBTAIN MY DRIVING RECORD AND THAT IS TO BE USED TO DETERMINE MY ELIGIBILITY FOR EMPLOYMENT OR CONTINUATION OF DRIVING PRIVILEGES. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT MY DRIVING PRIVILEGES. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT MY DRIVING RECORD WILL BE OBTAINED ON A YEARLY BASIS AND THAT I MUST INFORM MY SUPERVISOR IMMEDIATELY IF MY LICENSE IS SUSPENDED. SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE/APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF WITNESS DATE 71 General Construction X 0 X X See C,5,a Traffic Control Operations /Flagging X X 0 Heavy Equip Operations 0 0 0 0 Based on the type of operation, Depts establish requirement Tractor Mowing - Unprotected Cab X 0 X Truck Driving -CDL 0 0 Vest is recommended to have available should the driver get out at a construction site Pesticide Spraying X X To be in compliance with the manufactu- ers suggested safety equipment listed on the MSDS or product warning label. Spray Painting X X See above Power Tools X X X Air Tools X X 0 Winches X X X X Sewer Operations X 0 0 X X As directed by Director, W &S Push Mower with gas engine X X X p[JGUST4 � 00.121.•7(.. ta. 1736 GEORGIA X = Required Protection 0 = Recommended Protection Job /Activity H MINIMUM ESSENTIAL PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT E H = Head E = Eye F 73 Hear F = Face R = Respiratory V = Vest R Hand V Foot NOTES The basis for determining the need for protective equipment is, according to OSHA standards, that if the potential for injury exists then protective equipment should be used. pUGUST4 _..,1 I '1f rim :74 1.f r 61 ' . . -_ 1756 GEOR TO: Risk Management FAX To: 821 -2502 Department: Contact Person /phone: Date: Driver: Date of Departure: Date of Return: PURPOSE OF TRAVEL: Drivers License Expires: Vehicle Asset #: ❑ Training Class ❑ Professional Development Seminar ❑ Coordination ❑ Meeting ❑ Maintenance ❑ Inspection ❑ Speaking Engagement (1) If a Training Class: Class /Course Title (2) Meeting with: Other: Sponsor Organization: or ❑ N/A Number of Employees to be transported (count the driver): Number of Non - Employees to be transported: Is a release of liability for non - employees being obtained? ❑ Yes ❑ No If not, why not? APPROVAL Your request for Out of County Use/Travel is ❑ approved ❑ disapproved in accordance with Page 8, Paragraph E, 2, Fleet Management, Operations and Maintenance Policy (February 1997). Sandy Wright Risk Management Manager ACCIDENT NOTIFICATION Risk Management Room 217, Municipal Building 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30911 Phone: (706) 821 -2301 FAX: (706) 821 -2502 OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL NOTIFICATION FROM: FAX #: 75 Destination: (City & State) Date MOTOR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION CARD This vehicle belongs to the Augusta Commission, of Augusta- Richmond County, Georgia, which is a political subdivision of the State of Georgia. It is exempt from the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act: O.C.G.A. 40 -9 -4 1. ENGINE COMPARTMENT a. Belts b. Oil level c. Brake fluid d. Water /coolant e. Transmission fluid f. Hoses g. Battery h. Power steering 2. TIRES (air /tread) 3. LIGHTS a. Head (Hi /Low) b. Park c. 4 -Way flasher d. turn signals e. Brake 4. DRIVER COMPARTMENT a. Horn b. Windshield wipers c. Mirrors d. Seat belts 5. EXHAUST LEAKS Department: Vehicle #: ASSET #: TAG #: DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ITEM DAILY UNASSIGNED VEHICLE INSPECTION DRIVER SUPERVISOR REVIEW 77 SU M T W TH f S ❑ Doors /locks ❑ Windshield ❑ Mirrors ❑ Fire Extinguisher ❑ Gauges ❑ Frame ❑ Drive Shaft ❑ Leaf Springs ❑ Mounting hardware Drain air tanks to eliminate water /condensation CAB ❑ Windows ❑ Wipers ❑ Steering play (less than 2 ") ❑ Warning Triangle ❑ Horn UNDERCARRIAGE ❑ Cross - members ❑ Exhaust ❑ Slack Adjuster (1 in.) ❑ Fuel Tank COMMENTS COMMENTS Signature: TEST LOW PRESSURE WARNING SIGNAL: Shut the engine off when you have enough air pressure that the low pressure warning signal is not on. Turn the electrical power on and step on and off the brake pedal to reduce air tank pressure. The low air pressure warning signal must come on before the pressure drops to less than 60 psi in the air tank (or tank with the lowest air pressure, in dual air systems). If the warning signal doesn't work, you could lose air pressure and you would not know it. This could cause sudden emer- gency braking in a single circuit air system. In dual systems the stopping distance will be increased. Only limited braking can be done before the spring brakes come on. CHECK THAT THE SPRING BRAKES COME ON AUTOMATICALLY: Chock the wheels, release the parking brakes when you have enough air pressure to do it, and shut the engine off. Step on and off the brake pedal to reduce the air tank pressure. The "parking brake" knob should pop out when the air pressure falls to the manufacturer's specification (usually in a range between 20 -40 psi). This causes the spring brakes to come on. CHECK RATE OF AIR PRESSURE BUILDUP: With the engine at operating RPM, the pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within 45 seconds in dual air systems. (If the vehicle has larger than minimum air tanks, the buildup time can be longer and still be safe. Check the manufacturer's specifications.) In single air systems (pre 1975), typical requirements are pressure buildup from 50 to 90 psi within 3 min- utes with the engine at an idle speed of 600 - 900 RPM. If air pressure does not build up fast enough, your pressure may drop too low during driving, requiring an emergency stop. Don't drive until you get the problem fixed. TEST AIR LEAKAGE RATE: With a fully charged air system (typically 125 psi), turn off the engine, release the service brake, and time the air pressure drop. The loss rate should be less than 2 psi in one minute for single vehicles, less than 3 psi in one minute for combina- tion vehicles. Then apply 90 psi or more with the brake pedal. After the initial pressure drop, if the air pressure falls more than 3 psi in one minute for single vehicles (more than 4 psi for combination vehicles) the air loss rate is too much. Check for air leaks and fix before driving the vehicle. Otherwise, you could lose your brakes while driving. CHECK AIR COMPRESSOR GOVERNOR CUT - IN AND CUT - OUT PRESSURES: Pumping by the air compressor should start at about 100 psi and stop at about 125 psi. (Check manufacturer's specifica- tions.) Run the engine at a fast idle. The air governor should cut -out the air compressor at about the manufacturer's speci- fied pressure. The air compressor at about the manufacturer's specified pressure. The air pressure shown by your gauge(s) will stop rising. With the engine idling, step on and off the brake to reduce the air tank pressure. The compressor should cut -in at about the manufacturer's specified cut -in pressure. The pressure should begin to rise. 79 1. Horn 2. Brakes (including Park) 3. Lights: a. Head Lights b. Tail Lights c. Turn Signals d. Brake Lights e. Back up Lights f. 4 way flasher /hazard 4. Tires: (tread /pressure) 5. Seat Belts: 6. Fluid Levels: a. Coolant b. Oil c. Brake d. Power Steering e. Transmission 7. Battery 8. Windshield Wipers and fluid 9. Clutch 10. Damage to interior /exterior Beginning and end of day 11. Note any unusual noise /problem 12. Other • OPERATOR: VEHICLE #: ASSET #: ITEM CHECKED OPERATOR'S DAILY CHECKLIST MILEAGE: O.K. NEEDS MAINTENANCE 81 DATE: • • FACTORS Check the Boxes that apply: Li Mechanical Failure Present ❑ Driver Error ❑ Excessive Speed ❑ Alcohol Involved ❑ Drugs Involved ❑ Seatbelts NOT USED ACCIDENT DESCRIPTION 83 3.7 Fire extinguishers charged. 3.8 Fire extinguishers inspected each month. 3.9 Employees trained in operations of extinguishers. 3.10 Is there a fire evacuation plan (public buildings) 3.11 Flammable items isolated and secured. 4. LIFE SAFETY Satisfactory Needs Improvement Fatal Flaws 4.1 First Aid Kit is available and stocked. 4.2 All exit lamps on and glass is intact. 4.3 Exit ways free and unobstructed. 4.4 Corridors free and unobstructed. 4.5 Fire doors free of obstructions. 4.6 Non -exit interior doors marked "No Exit ". 4.7 All doors operational. 4.8 All hardware apparatus in working order. 4.9 All stairwells or other fire doors automatically close tightly. 4.10 Emergency lighting is present and operational. 5. MECHANICAL /ELECTRICAL Satisfactory Needs Improvement Fatal Flaws 5.1 HVAC filters sufficiently clean, and adequately ventilated. 5.2 Rotating machine parts are guarded. 5.3 Doors to mechanical and electrical rooms are locked. 5.3.1 Breaker boxes in common areas are locked. (Public Bldg.) 5.4 Mechanical rooms not used for storage. 5.5 Electrical rooms not used for storage. 5.6 Circuit breaker box have no open ports. 5.7 Circuit breakers are marked. 5.8 Electrical cords on cleaning machines not cut/spliced /frayed 5.9 Grounding plugs on all buffers are serviceable. 5.10 Electrical cover plates present and serviceable. 5.11 Sure •rotectors •lu• •ed into wall outlet onl . 5.12 Extension cords are UL approved and have grounding plug. 5.13 Extension cord is not cut/frayed /spliced 5.14 Rubber handles on buffers serviceable. 6. ACCIDENT PREVENTION Satisfactory Needs Improvement Fatal Flaws 6.1 "Slippery When Wet" signs are available 6.2 All bottles of cleaning solution marked with contents. 6.3 Handrails secure. 6.4 Stair treads secure. 6.5 Flooring serviceable, no trip hazards. 6.6 Personal protective equipment is available and serviceable. 6.7 Ladders inspected and serviceable. 7. UTILITIES CONSERVATION Satisfactory Needs Improvement Fatal Flaws 7.1 Unnecessary lights turned off. 7.2 Faucets do not leak. 7.3 Flush valves /commodes do not run. 7.4 Water leaks not detected. 7.5 Glass in windows in tact. 7.6 Thermostat is set appropriately. 7.7 Exterior doors fit properly. 7 R Nn Pxrpcc cnars nn I7nnrThrpchnIrl 85 AUGUSTA - RICHMOND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ROOM 601, MUNICIPAL BUILDING (11) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 (706) 821 -2302 (706) 821 -2486 ORDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION MEDICAL TREATMENT Please render the necessary Medical and Surgical Treatment to care for the injury of: EMPLOYEE: SOCIAL SECURITY #: DEPARTMENT: DATE OF INJURY: TYPE OF INJURY: PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT: DATE & TIME OF EXAMINATION: DIAGNOSIS: TREATMENT: MEDICATIONS: REFERRAL: I, , M.D., have examined /treated the above named employee and in my medical opinion he /she is: ❑ able to return to work ( ) without restrictions or ( ) with the following restrictions: ❑ will not be able to work for days weeks. His/Her next office appointment is on NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: This form must be completed and given to the employee for return to his department. In the event that the employee is unable to return the form, please mail it immediately to the RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. Please forward all Workers' Compensation reports and bills to the above address. WHITE COPY: Risk Management YELLOW COPY: Department 87 PINK COPY: Physician WAGE STATEMENT SCIIEDULE OF WEEKLY EARNINGS Week No. 19 Week From To Date Date 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 No. of Days Worked 13 '' Total Average Weekly Earnings Amount Paid Including Overtime or Extra Work Value of Additional Compensation Meals Lodging Rent Tips All Other Total Earnings • ADDITIONAL, INFORMATION WIIEN CONTROVERTING: • .omplete the schedule below for thirteen (13) weeks immediately preceding the accident. lithe employee has not been in your employ for thirteen (13) weeks, complete this schedule showing weekly earnings of a similar employee in the sane employment, tnd write the name of the similar employee here: . Also use to establish wage loss 'Or temporary partial disability )ayments. NOTICE TO EMPLOYER 1. Provide prompt medical attention; allow the employee to select a physician from your posted panel, and explain the panel to the employee. 2. Complete Section A of this form immediately upon your k iowledge of an injury, and send the WC -1 to your insurance company or self insurer claims office. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN A PENALTY. Do ont send this form to the State Board of Worker's Compensation. 3. If you need additional help, call your insurance company or self - insurer claims office. 4. Report serious injuries immediately by telephone to your insurer's claims department, then tile this forth with your insurance company or self - insurer claims office. NOTICE TO EMPLOYEE 1. This form is provided for your information only: If Section B is completed, you will receive income benefits on a weekly basis and the employer will pay medical expenses through approved doctors. If you do not receive payment of benefits, or medical hills are not paid, call your employer or your employer's insurance company or self- insurer claims office. If Section C is completed, your claim of injury has been denied by the employer /insurer. If you disagree with this denial, you must tile a form WC -14, Notice of Claim, within one year of the accident with the State Board of Workers' Compensation, Suite 1000 - South Tower, One CNN Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 -2788. For infornuttwtt or Asststnnce contact the: STATE BOARD OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION; Toll Free Telephone 1- 800 -533 -0682 In Atlanta, 656 -3818 89 • • ❑ APPROVED ❑ NOT APPROVED REQUEST FOR LEAVE NAME: (LAST, FIRST, MI) SS# DEPARTMENT: EMPLOYEE NUMBER: LEAVE BEGIN DATE: LEAVE END DATE: HOURS USED: POSITION: SUPERVISOR: TYPE OF LEAVE ❑ Vacation ❑ Illness ❑ Medical Appointment — Doctors Name: Li Family Leave —Name and Relation: ❑ Funeral —Name of Deceased: ❑ Jury Duty ❑ Military ❑ Administrative — Function and Location: ❑ Unauthorized Leave ❑ Lost Time SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE DATE 91 DATE: EMPLOYEE NAME EMPLOYEE # DEPARTMENT NAME DEPARTMENT # SOCIAL SECURITY # JOB TITLE DATE HIRED SEPARATION DATE (Last day worked) SUPERVISOR NAME SEPARATION CODE (Use codes below) WOULD YOU REHIRE? ❑ Yes ❑ No VQ01 RESIGNATION VQ03 LAYOFF /REDUCTION IN FORCE VQ04 DEATH SEPARATION REASON: VACATION (balance): hours COMP LEAVE (balance) hours Employee gave proper notice of resignation: ❑ Yes ❑ No Department director /supervisor signature Date REVISED 07/99 SEPARATION NOTICE VQ06 DISMISSAL OR DISCHARGE VQ07 RETIREMENT 93