HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOVERNMENTAL ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR EASEMENT GEORGIA POWER APPLICATION 31239 1/24/2012 2:23 PM FROM: Fax TO: 9, 706-821-1838 PAGE: 002 OF 009 Instrument �Tntnber: 2010048717 BooklPa e: 01284/1539 Date Fi1ed: 12fd712010 12:51:aG.00 k3aok U12$4_1539 J�ugUSt� - Richmond Caunty� R�teun tt�: 201t�48717121�J7120f4 42:5i;0�.t�? Ras�anna �ones �24.OD AGREEMENT Georgia Power Co. ���II���IIl���IRII���� 242 R�1pt� 1►�cGil� B}vd. � 2t)f o04871 � au�usts - Ric�xnanct cow,ty Bia 7,(M434 Atlanta, GA 303Q8 GOVERNMENTAI. ENCR�AGMMENT At3REENlEAIT Ft�R EASEMENT �.. �. � a z;i� APPL1�i4710N #� ,�� ��+� �7 sue.lEC'r: DamJon-llugusta� Ares #� +t6kv TRANS�AIS$!ON RtC�HT-OF-WAY � � Thb GeO�ia Powsr Cort►P�anY, hatsinaRer cal�ed Me'Paeret Company," F�erebY cw�e�rts Augtx�ta. (isord�, a Potitleal Sud�visiolt of �te $ta�s of � Gtra�la , tiereohaRer talied the "llndersipned,` to use arr s�e� wtihin the Powes Compats�a su�ed electric tt�nsmission Une riDM(s)-a#�wnY desralb�d as n UGHOws: c� a Said right(s}-of-way being 100' � wldik� and exiandina in part thro�ph �re 121st GA1E)� af t�mcxnd Count�r, Cioargis4 an whic�s the 1°�v►�er � u Gflmpeny h�s conslrucleQ and raw mai�ta�s and opetBEes sald electtic iransmisslan Itr�a by +rirWe of cenain easetnenta h�etotn� aGqu4�! by o p the Peursr Canpany. The said rlqht(a)-afi-vray Is sNOaefi an plst qaachmd l�reta and m�de a p+act t�aof as Exhibit At lhrougE� A5. � � The u� of the r�rea tlte Undersi ned w3Eitin seid bY p �ht{s}�oP weY, Pucsuant to this c�nsent. slra� be tsmited t� the cvzngtn�tio�r, o�etion and � v rneinfensncs of sanlfary sa�Nrer crtrs$inps at tlie �OC�tiarr 0n�! io Use exEerst as shawn on ssid attach�d p�ia1. R ka s�cif+c��r undetstcod ihat rub buildtnys ar a . y other obstruc3ions pf acry type Wiq b� peemittad Wkhin or on tubje�ct trar�amisaaao�s line rlght(s}�nf-wmy. � y 'ihe plsns arid specifitekions ns subrnitted by the UnderaigrieQ meet tfhe Pbwer Cumpany`s approval provided the tlndsrsier�d +C�ndorrrss to ttse � � f911tmvinS t9rms 8nd Candi4ions; A � i. The ilr�dersi ed roes to obtain all necessa � en �9 ry ri9hts irom the own�rs af ttae lands acsSed by Nw Poroper Comparsy's riy�ht(s}oE-rr�y. � 2. The Unders ned P$ � 8�( � Y `"� � �g �gr9es ta uee said �ro8 Within th� pqvue�r Com n s ri s �va in such a menner as wiit not i�e with the � Pov�+er Compeay`s ac�ivities and facilit�s as now, ac heresfter, exist tl�er�on (t►e�+natter Pow+�r Gw►�pany's'activitiea and 'fa�iti6ea .) n � � 3. Tf�e Undet^�grted a9te� fhat tltie use of Pwves' Campany's tighfi(s�-o�w8�r es he�h provttled �Btt81! in no way 8f� tls� validffy af !h� � Po►�nar Compa�y's �ment(a} as+d shall in n0 way modify a� e+�st�cf ihe usa or tigh#s of tlte Pov►r� Company, iis a�ors or assigns, in and bo 0 the +�ea to be used The Undersi�ned acknowled� tha Power Con'iRa�'s ri�ht snd ti�e tc saiQ eas�meat(s) and ihe prfflrit�t o€ N�e Ptriwer '"' Cort�pan�s rigM of Use and hereby a� not to res�t or assafi s�id priority. � 4. Tha use of said �rea vvithin said righ#(s)-of-way by the Underoi�ned sha11 be at the so�e riak and ex#�ensa of the Undersipned, and tfie s Power Comparry is apecitically oet�eved af anY rea�ponsib�itY for damage to the f�a�ties and proPerty o# the ltt�alerst�et! resut�r�g or oceurring from �e use of satd r�ght(s)-oi�nray by the Power Company as �rovid8d herein. 7h� t}ndersign�! Caver�a�rts ncst trr �ue Power Company i� #1at lnatanrs�. -° s 5. The Undersigned har�p agrees and cove� not trs u� and wiil prohibit apents, e�npbyees and conhaQo�s of Undeqsigned frem � usln� any taol�, equipmenf br �macfuinery within t�n (1t!) �at of the Power Cortip�rny'a ovtrh�ad c+� 'fhe Undorsiqr�d �g�aea ta aomply with � Otiiaial Cade M G�orgia, Seciion 46�3-30 et s�q., (Ht�3H-Vt�i.TA('�E 3A��E'fY ACT'} and �ny �nd a� Rules end Regul�itons cE the S4ata oi C�aorqi�a pramulgate� in amnectian ther�with, aIE as now enaated or as {�,reunatEer mnendeQ; and furtt�or �� t�t rtotity any contrat�or{s) �at may be em�tcyed by tMe Undersi�ned ta Peciorm any of the wadc rofemad to in ti�ta Agr+eemant af the exb�enve af said code sectia�s and reg�aUons by requ�ring said wurk to be pertar�t�ed ih uompiianea wiih seid code sectic>ns and regulati�ans by induding same as s requirernerit in �ts re�est fcx bids er�d Mdu�g safd e�equir�rnerrta in any e�nbact let as a rssu� oS said bfd. The Undersi�nad turlher agrees and covenaMs to wam aU pe�reons wham ttte tlnc�ersigr�ed tsnarrra or should reasonpb{y snticipafe icr any reasan may resort to tt� vtcf�iiy oT suCh oandu�nrs of Uwa fact that sudi c�ondUaWrs �e (a) eleCUical coni#uctois, (b) etter9ized, (�j,uni�ustttand �nd �`tl) dart�etOua. 6. Notw�tlt�fanding enytkiin� ta the rx�rt�ty contained hereYn. the Undersign8d sgr�� to Rsimburse the Powec' Corr�p�ny iar atl cnat and � For ar�y dem�qe ta the Power Gompeny�s iscili�es resu�icsg from the use by Uv� U�ier3��ctied of said 8� within �id dght(s}-of way. Atso, the Undersignad agre�s that �f in the opinlon af ttse Pawse Co�pany, It b�oarr�es rueaessaey, as a reault of the e�ercise tsf th� petmiesirne her�in grar►fed, ta reiocate, rearrange, change or raise any of t!u �� Company's facil�fes, ba PrompdY �mbursa the Povwer Company far aN oosf and exPense irnolved in sudi rNocatia�� �earrar�gement ar raising cf sairi fsat�ti�s. 7. The Undersigned agreas t+o natify or have ths Undersigned's oontradcr nOtify the Ao+r� Car�ar+�s R�resentaiaiYe in Augu�la, Geargia� Phone: 706�6T-6654, at leasx three (3} bu8in+�s�s days priar to a�uai ooastruction on the Power Company'8 r%Sht(s}of�ray. �.00c Thia document is not to scale. 1/24/2012 2:23 PM FROM: Fax TO: 9, 706-821-1838 PAGE: 003 OF 004 Instrurnent iVumber: 2010048717 BoaWPa e: 01284t15j{0 �ate Filed: 12/07/2010 12:S1:�G.�O . � Book tJ1284:1�40 Augusta - Richmond Caunty �a1ooA�s717 1��a7l2o10 12:�1;�}s.{7C� s. TnB unde�gned ag++�s, to u,e e�r� it may la�fiulry ao so, �n ad� s�id sav� t�r��s �d d�d the A� co�Y �+�n �he pa'Ym+�nt of arry aum w auma ofi mc�ey fio any pe�s�nps whpmsoQVer (including tk�f peisons, si�bc�o�ra�taa, the U�i�stiatt. ihs F'owMUr Cor�p�any and agents and e�mpbyees of if�ern) on aoc�ax�t of cteims w suifs pmwirg out of a�.rrie� 6� persans �rt� deat�? a►' �� P�P�Y (includin4 prolaenX of the Power Company) tn �ny +i+ak a�s61e b or arising out vf ihe use c�f it� right�sj-of-way, �Y U�e l3nciersi�ned ss l�ein prau;ded. irsc,luding (bwt without 6mita,g ihe �akip o+r fhe faegoktigj �r kena, �er�snmec�s. �, dairte�� su�s. �grr�err#s, rxasts. attvmey's f�s, cost oE it�vestigatic�t and flf cief�ttse. and ejc�g or�y Uw�e sib� where 'lhe p�r�tiai in�uy ar prop�ity +r�me8e c�a�mqd he[ve been cauaed t� r�esan c� the sole n�egligence un the part of ttus PaweR Con�urY. its ageMs or emplayees. 9. The Undef s�i9ned harebY ag�e� io incnrpar�e in any+ ar►c1 aN oi i1s contracis and/ar e�jr�ee�nents, tcx any w�ock o� �shudioa� darwe on or �Do said desa'in�l right4s�-+df-�Ney. wwiihn any anct �n �h+nd �rsana� �rs, cr sube�achus� e pravision �quir�ng sai0 ihi�d pa�ss. �� cx at�bt�ntrac� to ir►�emrtity and de�end Pauu�r Cpmpa�. its a,get�ts 8rtd emPtoy'�s as p�ros+imi�d for sbcs� fincn p�ycna�nt of sny surte or Sums �f maneY �Y �ea,son ai da� or suita n�aullin9 �rwn injuries �lncl� deattt} to any person or d� to 8ny p�+ppekiy which is in any manngi attributat�e � or rese�6r�p irom me cor�an. �sse a n�ei�e oE me una��s fa�ili�s, proje�4s or �s r,onduciea cn Power Cflmpan�fs righl(sj�f�way herein �sait�d. amd waoeptinp t�nn�t tha6e silveAiar�a where th� petsonal � or property dants�ge d�imeci leave b�n catis�d by reasvn c►f ttre sals r�egfiger:ce on 1E�e �art at !�'�a Wawar ContponY. � AG� �' � 20. The l3nders�ned i�xtl�er agress to certy, if perfinnnirp wwic or �or�, and �a �aquire ttbR �y such it�ird p�rty. corrbracmr or s� �doir�y or prrnrGii�g � such wvrk or oc�on orr said �ghftspal'�Y c��F Nab�iy �'a�e whiah shau �pedM�adhr c� aucn contrac�ally assum�d li�a�bi�ily. A aerCilW�ta af acrch ir�xaurio� iaa�rsd by the � in�ut�ne� t�or�p�rs�► �+a+1 be r�eif�lr�d 1t� Ihe Pa�r � Ccxn�anY uPa� �eq�es1. a�Mi amaunt crF h�wa�va to b�e nvt Ie4s ihsn 52,QOt�,00E1 Par a�ur�aiae for bodil�r hy�ny and prv�e+ty darnape v� ai�e �, out af or r�ult fram the Unders�ned's operationa ucrd+ac this agre�t, 'T'tae Prnaru CompanY shall bs r�ned as an a+dditiunal ir�sure+d on this Ii�iC�ty =' in,aurance coverage. tD ] t. Th� �awe� Comper�y tr� ih� righ! to �tc� i�11 ir� and brvsh frQm 1t� limiis c�f tha right(S;-a�sy. Haw�v�, Powe� l;ar�perry will c� pemnt sotrtie p1aMi�g of stuubbety and bw prr�iriQ �rees qnnti►ided 1?�ase Dfa�tffi cb not �ferf�ne w'sih the e�x�B W ar�d opew�Jon Ot Puwes Coir�t�'S �' fe�il►fi'es �td are WBrxhe�d at � dF�n� qre�er iha�n t�-fiw (2�5) �et frasn ariy str�tw'e Or alEaduneM tlterc�Do. A��ted 1Dw �rc�� bsse is � defin�d as a tree which grows rio marra than i8 teet in height � rnetucqy. o ;� 12. 'fY�e l)ndersig�d 8gnees tltai alE ConsWr.Gi�et ac�it�ty ShaN t�e vOr:dtu�ed 6i 8 disLarios �r�' tftA►r farenlyaire lae�t {2:r') ttOtn �r � �: sOrucW1'e ot atmG'►trier►t tl'►e�rEo. �Li v 13. This Agreement 9h8M inuta to tlie berie�it o� a�st) be bindkr8 upon fh� PbrUes. tTtei�r hBks. suioo�rs atxf►ar �eigns. �' � The Undersigned hareby aaxpta 1t�e ia�p�9 oa�M, and t�s by R� af !h8 Ca�annssi�neia. or b�+ oaher legal and Rruper o � a�. dulr aci�OpFe+d ta copy► or whi�h wu� tree tuinist�ed eo Power r.amp�rr�t o�n reque�t} eu�a�d ma e�ae�don and a�ep�r�os or mis � � Agt�ne+st sublecf to the 'te�m� ar�d carrdifir�nea �ef ibrfh �ovr� a�rd in tl� �trrant Ehe Urrde�i� �is ta partvnn as hor�ah�i �'otdded and �I �at � h9YB �9� �ftd t@tutfl0d tti�l A�19a8R18i1t Ofl Of bef0�li 'tl1� OG�obsf' s1, 2C'10, UtFB �@�416itt 5�171N �YCSO�A� ►�Oid ffi�0 tiu i7sC Ci� �1@ PQwBf p � ccmpan�s r�g}�t{s}of-w�r as r�in crovid�a foc sf�an be made. -g_ � � I�I WITNESS WHERE�, this Ag�er+�t 1� Gaen Ctuly �raeprtad� itti� tt,e �� day �pt ���`�_ . 2U �� � c f� .- eo ti � • O �+, � � (Sq�tures c�antinued o� neacf pe�ge.) : a' -s n 0 a � �.o�C a This document is nat to scale. 1/29/2012 2:23 PM FROM: Fax TO: 9, 706-821-1838 PAGE: 009 OF 009 Instrument Nutnber: 2010048717 BonWPa e: Q128411541 Date Filed: 12/a71201Q 12:51:f�G.00 84ok Ot2�4:1541 Augusfa - Riehmond County 2o�oo4s��� ��ta�r�a�� �2:��:as.00 AU�aU$TA-RlCHM!}ND� �EOR�lA (UN[�RSlGNLD) �: ��'�' - WfTiVE�S �{� D,4VI[} 3. (?GtP HAVER , ����MAYO A3bast � na J. Ba r q R � y�a}� As Its: Clerfc of �Qlt+iq ��� r�ora� �ueuc ,� :'� ,..,. �'� �,�#� I�id�mond CauntY, State of Gao�ia ���r j .. �, �' + .�/ • �'� �� '"... j� r R • 1�i� � l'� i� "" Wiy Commigsion �r�aires: ���` �. $!l11rf8f � .`� y � i • � � . �o� .i �" Z.,f A �t Gommitc+�on � 4rr OC�-f i� � ¢+ � ;a � . : v / � (�lotary S�al} 1 �j�� ��''QO�.�„� �•°' ,�; � � �t '...;. '�..n�' � ��ti�v`.. . --- � f o � � � � � � � �I �, The Pawer,�ompany hss by �ks dufy authorized agent ex�cuEeid lhis Agna�nent. t#tis the „� day t>f J��(G�Cl�PG ��• � H -:..ri�:.,.�' G V � N . � ' ' ,�„".: `•, GEORG PO OM ANY n �" `���" , � ►'V177��3 . 8Y: � � �� 4 � C � . `� � ra � r ' , �, _ ' N��. � � �^� A L �:. N��AF�YRUgC1G. \ � : , i , TITLE: Area Transrsussion Maintene Supernsor �.... 1 S - • �.; � �. � - � � � � - � � ' AN�i'A P. Kr4�1'�E�AT = �� � C� , fleo+'D� ° ��5, 2014 n 0 c � zaas.00c � This docam�nt is not ta scale. � Eghibit A-1 to Encroachment Agreement for Easement I � DATE 0� .F1LED SURVEY: . 2004 No R�M � —PENNY BETHEA— � � MP�' � ��� 128-0-,098-00-0 / � � � � ��\ � �614 KARLEEN ROAD ,�oo° � � \ �'� � � � � .� � ' ; � �. .�� � ��� / ��' � � � �\ `v `� � ��o, <v \ ` ��,,� : ?� O \ \�`\. . / `� / �� G � 4' �, ° � ���,�v � �� � �� `�/ � /��''f �' �\ � • � `.` qQ � \%/'/� / � 'c� � X �� s �� �� '� ` � ����� ��. � ,�co . � �� � .� . . 1 \ • � �` � \•� `\� n � ��% ` lJ � / � / � �. . � � T /'� � `. � / � /F ` • v�`.� ��. / � � � r��`� � `. � � ��� / \� / � 1 � `�� �1; � `� �„ . . � \ ' �. �2 q �,�� � .,� � r � � \ / ��%� � \ � ;\ g / \�/ �� � � / �� � � � /� �� ` � . % \�� � �\ � � ��� \ v \ �� �. / � � � �� yo � �°%�,�{ �'� � \ \ , / �` � �\\ � \ �.�►+``Y � �' \ ��/ � / �` �� \ ��� �' X �* �� \ ^� � � �� ���� \� , /� / �� � � , � � `� � `��� ��. • / . h-; �, `1 ���� � . . � �. , i � . a �� � � �' �, � � 20' PERMANENT � • � � � ' x +.�� �y ��,��p��0� EASEMENT �`.. i i /.0 � � �` � �b . '� �' � 2015 •sq.ft, `. ��i J ,C / \ o,� � � ^r ��\ '4�c � � 0.05acres . �`.,� ��/ �/�'4 • � � r.�'� Q �� O .�; �L / / / / �� � q \ . Q � o � Q ,c� . �J ^,�,� ��,^,,� � � o .oQ � � � '� cb� � ` , `�'9p • � G,�� O p / �� i � �� ��0/4 ; / � � •,�N �'� ��, . Gtrs p� p� �,/ � � � � / /� ; i � � 9G, 9 `� � Q � � ��' '� ^�/<v� � � \ ^� `� � �,8 ' ` �p,, ,�, � •Q '�' � O' _�¢ i S �� S � \ �� l � �� y � `?4 � / / Q1 `Z' � �?, � O q�x, � -`7,r ?- 6 � 1 ' ' �q) vj �/ / � / / ?I X9 p � . ry s • C.���� 23o �'L �.''�; I • / '`f Y �'\ : , j l '` � � / ��� ,`�, �"� �;: . i / ,��y O O �o��,� ��o. ;��`"•:�•,�� �q�� 10' TEMPORARY � ' � .ip� Q , � ,:; .� •`;:''. � � . \CONS'f. E'SMT. ��y� � y � � � k��:� � � � � 1009 sq,ft. ti � �v \ / '..,���` ' � .0 3 cres '� O �v \ � ' , ' �"��_�--_717�-��`se �? � \ '�S o � ��.v � 10 TEMPORARY �;;;•'� �''� "-'` � . �� �" CONST. E'SMT. 4j ..' : � • \ ��� ' � � ,�� �^ 1009 sq. ft. _;,.,� '� , \ � ��` c� � � 1. , \ . c 0.023 acres . ` . \ e \ � d � . S• 8' ' .� 'Q� �"� ,�, � � � _ � � s �e p �' � � � \ � � \ \ \ '\� (� ,� '\ \ EV-31239 ( �Gc��p ' � � � ' �� Augusta, Georgia, a Political Subdivision � •� � Q � � Of the State of Georgia � `�� �Q� � � � � �'t � Ref: Horsepen Sewer '� , RD 0�,�� � � �.`�� j �6 DUMJON-AUGUSTA AREA #2 4GKV � G �` . � � • � � 2 Jefferson EMC #5-Bath 46kv Map #L-204 � � � � ��'��' A.9 ' � , BATH-DUMJON 230KV ' �IS ' � Map #N-24, Sheet 6 of Ii FlLE: HORSEPEN ESMT PLATS a 25 50 X3 '" 1^- 121' GNID, Richmond County DATA: 3834, F.B.. 2004-01 SEE: HORSEPEN SEWER Letter File #6-2379 . GRAPHIC SCALE rriivr�a�r»rm ,,,..�., � � rrrrrcYmA r/lsll.l7CYCYT/1TT ., . ..� __, EV-3123� . � Augusta, Georgia, a Political Subdivision � Exhibit A-2 to Encroachment Agreement for Easement Of theL5tate of Georgia � Ref: Horse�nen Sewer / - — _ — ' DUMJON AUGI7STA AREA #2 46KV , Jefferson EMC #5-Bath 46kv � � —� � ' Map #L"2o4 / OGD ABANDONED RDA SP�JR � SATH-DUMJON 230KV Map #N-24, sheet 6 of �� i FROM 4L0 TOBACCO ROAD 121 GNID, Richmond County �•�+""�"` ^- � r o -' --� \ Letter File #6-2379 NOK � MH-28,3 � � ` �S � M�` ` � � � ` `.► `�+ / o� . / �'. � � � / / ,` :p � r �-eox � ��' � O� � �' .rcw=�2.sa / �+. Q � /� � uz2s y ��� � �� / � C� C� �CC, Str.102 ./ .'���� �/ Q / � �s Sta. 22�5p `� � �� � J / � / `, / \ � ` � '�� � `O �. � . � O \ � �` � � S `�'� MH-28.4 � .� � �o o � � � � � y . � s ¢ , ��, � � F .������n� �.o . \ � � � � ��� � . � �ti, � � `y v . �` ' � . � ` r ���dr� `� / !s's l ,' � � � � � � �. �J h � � �'ry � S tr SI � � O �`�UG � � \ � / / . / '� � � O / �. � \ �" � . �. 5 � � �.. .n,' / � , � �9 —� � �� �Micx�L a�c�nva— � . � ���J�.,,� ��.� ,`��'2 �-121-00=0 / �� � . � . �� d�, 2924 TO CO ROAD, v / i� �'`� � � � � � . '� ► . �?� � � � "�' `��� � Q �� � h. � � MFI- 8. ,�� �s�,, .� •� � � � o~ Q I ,�� �'�'�' \ � `� � �' � � �� . ` s � t�:��:��� oY �� '`���0 �p ,•� �::•' y � . � t, � ,�, � '�' <�"�:�' a � ; =:=:: � , � `� O � ' : �-' � �� 2Q PERMANENT \ ' � `'�+ C.� �'•`.° +:•, ` � • � Q• '� �;•:.;� '•ti: � �EASEMENT \ `�. �� �: 10i3 sq.ft. / —YUAN JAMES CHI=HSING— �` � p�� . ;,��.�. `'�o.a23 acres � �2$-0-04�-00-0� ..�...... :�� '� .� �. �.� ::� '.... ..' ,.� �. . 2926 0 TABACCO ROAD� �Q'� �` ��,::;;.�� Q � . �. Str,103 �' � � � ,` � . � Sta. 225+50 �\ ' �� � � '¢0 •\� •` ��'� 10 TEMPORARY - - JAMES A. � DASKAL CONST, E'SMT. �♦ � 12$-0-028-00-0 1431 sq.ft. � �. � . O.p32 acres �� 3025 TOBACCO ROAD .\ Not�: . � �� THE PERMANENT EASEMEN7 � SFtALL BE CENTERED ON .� � Sfr.50 THE SEWER, AS SHOWN OR / ��.221+90 AS BUILT. � � .PLAT REF.: R.R. 198, PG. 44S . FILE: HORS�PIN ESMT PLATS 0 25 50 10D DATA: 3834, F.B. 2004-01 . SEE:' HORSEPEN SEWER �GRAPHIC SCALE EfISEh1ENT PI�T AUGrISTA �C011�fMI,�'SION s�a��: �" = so' _- _ .._ r.rnu��nz�nr AT7AC'T+* � v�+�n !*l1TT�/+Tl/f7V CVOTL+7/ Ex�ib.it A=3 to Encroachment Agreement for Easement � --- ___.. . _ � � ' � EV 3123 -j1j�F{j�� j,.. 0� Augusta, Georgia, a Political Subdivision � �OR� . /� 128-0-1� 2-00- Ref�Horsee en Sewer �� � 3644 KA�EEN F P � � ,� / / �.\ J i DITMJON-AUGUSTA AREA #Z 46KV ; � � �.\ ` � / Jefferson EMC #5-Bath 46kv , � �� �''/ Map #L-204 i � � � �`" � / � BATH-DUMJON 230KV '; q� \ � ��� �`�y � � Map #N 24, Sheet 6 of 11 � �l,y '� �� '� �( �� �' �[> • � / 121" GNID, Richmond County � � , � 2 � r �/�/ �\ \ �` / Letter File #6-2379 � \ i . T \/� � �, f` � / � � � �� � � / � \ . 7� � ��. � � ,:� � �o � ��.�-;�� ��. �� , V� � ,��o a � � \ � ��' ;��` . � �� �� � � ��o \�` \ ' � ? / ` � � \ � �'�.�'�Q � .� ��� ,� � Q� / �''�'� �v�' � , � � � ��, ,�;�� � '!� �`�. / `'�' %� �� ! � � ,00 ��.�� � � \ � o � \ � � ��� � � `` �,� � � � �. � �,� �°` ���'� j '���,. \ �,' , p ss �. I �,,\�.. � � \ � �I . , / �' `. ,'� �� � � , / '� j ��� i `\� � � � \ \` \ 8 � � \\ ` .�i � o � � 1 � �` `�" / � o � . \,�'�.. � � f .d�j� � �\�� . . � ,�`.� • •�,�,� / ';� � , , � M \ � �c �. . / �' ` � / +\ / '\! , �`\ \, \ '� `•\ � � � � \` � �� � � � I X� ���� � � q 0 � � � � � ( � / o ���� ' �, � �Gp '�' � Q' � ,� � p � `� ��/ � ��` � � \ ��� ' , � p o t � . o � � O o- � ti , � �`� \ .� 1. `�'t`r ',� ��� � % � � y �p � � � � � \ ,r. � i h .�" ^ � � `A � .�: J � � � � \ � ``s�` � ` . � v� �' ,�.�v�,o��,� ��'� � `/ `�. - .,. 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'� �9 / �� ' PLATS: FOR PAUt UAVIS, BY GEORCE L. � ,9 e�� : ,.;:� � �d � . tij / � G6D LEEN ROAO, FOLLOVYS: G ��F�C` v,�� �,oD�� . fJ�� �Qie� '`. . LA7 DA"IED: 8-23-84 ? . PLA7 UATED: 9-6-84 ' R����O � � h �^/� �� \ / '��� � � . PLAT AkTED: 8-23-84 � � !. 4. PLAT DA'fED: 3-11-91 � �. �+ 5. PLAT DATED: 4—_78-85 StT. il� �� �� O 6. PLAT DATED: 4-24-92 \ O 7. PLAT DATED: 3-11—Ot SY�. ZOO'�'� GJ '� I O 8. Pl.AT DA7ED: 9-5-84 PERMANENT Q r �� 9. PLAT DATEp 8-zs-a+ 2002 sq.ft. � �Q, � 10. PLAT DATED: 8-27-84 0046 ac�es J � �.� `FILE: HORSEPEN ESMT PLATS � 3 •� DATA: 3834, F.B. 2004-01 Str.47 SEE: H�RSEPEN SEWER • 5 �.196+(p _ 0 25 50 100 � � GRAPHIC' SCA�E � �,.�..... � r / 4 \�\���` / � / v�, ° �,�// \ . �`����� �'� .� o Z l �� � ` . � � a�- � � "4 / / \ � / � . �d!j� � .� ° � � � �,j ' � � � f � � � rr "-b \ � �t7. ♦ ° c �,_,�o ..-1`� i � :. . � ° � 'n I � J � ` ry h � � o �.i�' '•�,/ �.� �� �� n �,� 0 � ¢ d �•:. � :- �n o a �° a� /' .. e. ` \ � � + �'� � � �� r r �� -: �,. � ;; o °, G ,e� �/ � �°� ° `_ �: �. m � r-r << j P 4 �� 9 !. '�.'jJ .j' � T c o � � �� �' �,�,��`p � '��:: � Q9 cn o / �, � r� ��b � /� ��' �;/ � ��. ' ,� � �o , � ,�� . /'�}� .�� � .�.l�'�' /� •- � ti.o� �� '� . . {- o � ./ ,1/c�/ � � N � � a � q . rn /�� I c� • / � e + � �. ' ��,� / s � ° � / ,��`�'' i Q .a � � � r ., N / / � � � O o � � �y o o �' �n N ' � '� �., tr o Q,'' / � O � ' ��"''' � � �' t _ � V ,W� p . . O .CC O"�� , GC., � z vz vs � ti`�� � N ~ � � ~�� � a� �. , O / W � / / O' � , � W y0 � � ` ,�1� �� Z � "� � S �1� �.h: apM � � C> R�� �' Q� °�v�� � � �y0�' �zo O� � . � . � � ^.� ��� •� /���.o / ,�' c,v�° ��� � . �� y�� . � / � W � ° � / 4'� . � � � � , � / '� ��� ��v i o / �iS'S'� . . / '� t, W . /. �• -O , ��p� / � � � . a / � < �p�. ,�'� � iJ • d . ` / . /' � / j. �`� � , � p Q-O 1 � �' W W � �a "' i 'Q' ' �'� 'y�' 1 � . W W � � ~ �'F'q��> � �O� O /.� ��+��` � �/G � 'o 0 � W ,s' . ,� �cb � • � � �O. Q „ � ,,, � � 'c� i p � .�` "� O �. ¢ � V � � �. � � �'� � � � o � �, � �" � a `* � o� � �r ; . a � •• N � �% � � .�^ � � p� � �'ry�� W � N � N c.�� � � � c � (� ,x � � � / � � a, w � t � � � � � V �aaa � � � .. „C ^� acod w P� 'Gn ��`�' e �°, Q� o � a , N o� ,� H ra „ o w `� � �`�u� � �� . o o�aN �,������ Q �� Ir �� i�'. `� W N N ir! � � A ' �, � y d 'r�'i � �°�, �t � � L�'7� �. M �� w+ � w N� e� � r�"'. w�oaph����a In my opinion, this pfat is a correct �represen�ation of the 'land . platted and has been prepared in �onformity with the minimum standards and . DATE OF FILED SURVEY: requir�ments of law. � 2004 � Exhibit A-5 to Encroachment Agreement for Easement Np ¢'tN � � � �`� ` \ � , � � � � MP / � `��� � i / �� � � `� M �� � MH-28.1 � � � i � ` � `.� J u.� � MH -28.4 -TRAVIS HOMEBUILDERS LLC- � ,�r � � . a `��� � 2s-a-o2�-00-0 � � �� � ; . �- a ��0 TOBACCO ROAD u � � �.� o ��� �� � i �� i � , � ! o / � '� '�. tA I � � •! � '� , . � N t j� I . - / �� I ��' ii �� � i�� / . �ii +._ Str. o ` � � � � � � � � � ` 102 � / •� � � to i �iii �� Sta. 229+Sp �,� Q�' � � . � � :� , °� � �f�iG �C p � �i. � . `� � 11.8 � �I� � � \ `� �p� o � r / -JAMES A. DASKAL- �,�� ' i � 'v � � � �`� l 128-0—�28—UO-0 �_�'_ � _=- � " �� ���,`` �� �/ � / 3025 TOBACCO ROAD v�� � � (�� � _ � ''� C �� ��� � �` � � � � � I � . / ' ` `G, _ / � '� ��� / � I f , ` Sti'. J'`� ; � \ i + O , Sta. 221+90 �`�� , /�� � .� � � � � ' .0 1 ,_ � � \ �� � � PERMANENT � � ! . � \� % \/ �,\ � � ` O � EASEMENT `� � �._28 m � Str.103 856 sq.ft. if j .�� � Sta. 225+50 �. �.02 acres �� �� � V . i �o� • �- . / , � �, r� � , v�� , C� `�� ( ` � � `� ca.� c�dU �• - { ' � r� � � � � � � � � �'�� '�f � . � � n o � � � Q� 'V � *.' �. �, ��!,g �. . � � � i � . � o O . ,�Q -w\C`� \ , �� � �� � clf ' i i i i V� � �� �.� '�`'� T li i � � ° Q �o. .?�o � � _�.�� 9 `�� ; '� �, � o � �eF �,\ "�, �'r�,���� •� �'� 9,� �� � $�i � �, 6 ,�, � (s � � ("_�` , •\ , ' • \ •�\� kL. I � ! 1 „�� p O \ • � i 0' TEMPORARYy� � • � � ' �. i jj � . �'' � c� � � - CONST. E'S�IT. �`� �� i DMH -28 � � N � � 1,165 sq.ft. '� � � � N � ` � 0.027 acr�� � 1! S��"'� � � Str.104 � ` .7 2'. � � ` . ��� � "� ` + � � `� • � ::�'� n�i `,�` • � � Sta. 221 90 � � �d I �'�:� �, � � �� U� �� ,� i �� � .` Jo .��,:;:'.` � �` . '` � / . � . � � ,.:;•:. u, � . � � � � � ° kv ��''�•:/�- oiiii '� � \ .- n '�::�✓ �n. '� � �'�.'����� �� � EV-31239 ' � � �'':':�• ' �ii `� Str. 51 Augusta, Georgia, a Political Subdivision !�'� �'� �'►� •� Sta. 229+ Of the State of Georgis :: :� � � 50 Ref: Horsepen Sewer � . ' �� `� � DUMJON-AUGUSTA AREA #2 46KV �%'!i i � � Jefferson EMC #5-Bath 46kv / / �•:'' 7•6 � _ �� � ` � Map #L-204 � BATH-DUMJON 230KV s � � �� � � � � � � +i� � Map #N-24, Sheet 6 of 11 .p 25 � 50 100 121' GNID, Richmond County ' Letter File #6-2379 " - GRAPfiIC SCAL:E EAS'�'�ENT FIAT A I�G US?'A C�JIC�MIS'S'ION Scale: i ry= sa� . ,-, �-, ,-, _ HORSEPEN PHAS'E 2 SEWER COLLECTIDN .SYSTE14f _ , _ _ _ . _