HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND CLG SURVEY & PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION �'�� �.����.� 2011 Historic Preservation Fund ��. =� �r,�� 1JEFAR7FiLN?OFNATUMI.RFSOUpCFS CLG Survey & Pianning Grant H15TORiC PRE,SERYATlOh1 DMS10N a4,p p 1 i c at i t� n General Application Instructions: • Complete atl sections of rhe application and be sure to include all sup,porting dacumentntion, such as photographs. • The upplicr�tion musr he signed by un authorrzed representative of the applicnnl. • Su6nri! �hree sers of the appltcation (one original with original ink signatures nnd two copies), plus three copies of rrll supporting documentation, including photos, if applicable to ihe grant project. Addrtianal sheets may 6e atrached rf»rore space is »ecessary to arrs+ver questions. Photocopied photogruphs are acceptable. • SuGmit three copies of the appJicatian (orre x=ith original ink signatures and nvo copies), and tltree copies of a(7 supporting documentation. �4dditiona! sheets may he attac.hed tf m�re spnce is necessnry to answer guesiions. Photocopiecl photographs are acce�table. • Late or incomplete applrcations wil/ not be considered,jor funding. Send applications to: Carole Moore, Grants Coardinator Historie Preservation Divisian Georgia Departrnent of Natural Resources 254 Washington St. SE Ground Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30334 �,?uestir�r�s? Contact Carole hloore at 404-463-8434 or carole.moore(�a,dnr.state.ga, us i. APPLICANT: Certified Local Go��ernmendOfficial Applicant. Cit o�, f Augusta C6isf Execative Ofticer and Title: Deke Copenhaver, Mavor Address for o�cial correspondence: 530 Greene Street, Room 806, Au�usta, Geargia. 3(3911 Phone Number: 7Q6-821-1831 E-Mail Address: mav�rdeke{a�au�v_sta�a.gov �'edera! Identification Nnmber: SS-2204274 Caunty: Richmond U.S. Cougressionai Districts: 10"' and 12th RC: Central Savatuyah River Area State Senate Districts ZZ 8i1d 23 Stat@ R@p Distaricts: 119 120 121 122 and 123 Z. GRANT PROJECT MANAGERS: Name: Paul DeCamp Title; Plannin I7irector Address {ifdi,J'j'ere»t fr•onr aho<<e): Au�usta-Richmond Co. Plan�iin� Connnission, S25 Telfair St., Au usta,,GA 30901 Phone Number: (7061 82]-1796 E-Mail Address: pdecainv�a�au� sca�;a,�ov Page 1 of 7 If different fram grant project manager above, who will handle the financial management and documentation for the project? Name: Susan Kain Title: Grants Caordinator. Augusta Finance Denartment Address (if different franz abovc); 53fl Greene Street, Room 1d5, Au�usta, GA 309{71 Phane Number: �7db) 821-2427 E-Mail Address: skain .au�ustaga.go�� ��ill the project manager art�d fnancial manager be abte ta attend a grant administration workshop? Yes: � No List any other persons not listed above who will be involved in the project, such ss consuitants, volunteers, c9ty employees, etc. What will be their roles? A historic preservation consultani, n7eeting the applicable professional qualifications at 36 CFR 61, will be hired to conduct the field work, take phatographs and produce a repori documenting the survey of historic resources lacated in a portion of the Summerville National Regisier Historic District. City personnel will assist with GIS map creation and manipulation. Volunteers wi1L assist the consultant with entry af survey data into Georgia's Natural, Archaeological, and Hisioric Resaurces Geographic Informatian System (NAHRGIS) and assist with Sanbom Map and City I7irectory research. An advisory eammittee will include city employees, rnembers of th� Augusta-Richmond County Historic Preservation Commission and other interested pariies. The project consu�tant will supervise the work af all the valunteers, 3. APPLICATIUN PREPARED BY: Name: Paul ➢eCamo Titie: Plannina Director Address (ifdit)ereiat,from ahove): Aurausta-Richmond Co. Plannin� Commissaan 525 Telfair Si Augusta GA_ 3�901 Phone Number: (706) 821-1796 E-Ma�l Address: ndecamnCu�au usta�a.�ov 4. PR4.TECT INFt)RMATION: Praject Name: Historic Resource Survey of the Summerville National Register Historsc District — Phase 1 Project Location: The part of the Summerville National Register Historic District located within the following area -- Heard Avenue on the east, Kings Way an the south, Jahns Raad on the west and the irregular northem boundary af the district (see Pigure 1). This part of the district contains approximately 500 parcels. Project Type X Structural Survey Arehaeological Survey Preservation Flanning Project Natianal Register Nominatian TnforrraatioralEducatian Projeci Tbtai Project Cost (tatal pr��ject cost equals gr•ur:t amoulit r•equeszed �)IIIS IlIRIC{l Jltg share) � 20AOO.Oa Grant Amount Requested (nor m�re t}rarr 60% of tola! project cost) $ 12�OOO.QO Matching Share {czr least 4Q% nf tatal projecl c�st; egual tv total p1-oject c�st mirrus gr•�rnt antoutrt) $ 8,4b0.OQ Project Schedule When r��ill project work begin (after April 1, 201 l}? By June 1, 2011 When wiil the frst drafi of lhe project materials be ready for HPD review {on or before April l, 2012}? By A_pril ], 2d12 Page 2 of 7 When �vill the fina! draft be completed (on or before June l, 2012) B June l, 2012 __ When will final materials be subrniited (on or before August 15, 2012) Bv Au�,ust l 5, 20l 2 5. PR4JECT DESCRiPTXON: Desc�•ibe the project u,rr1 the activities that will �ake place to ca»rplete tlre project. hzdicate the sta�rr�ards a• prcrcedur�es tlaat �1�i/1 be,fo!(o���ed arrd ilre speci�ic p1•oducts r•esulting the project. The pnrpase of the project is to camplete a structural survey af hisiaric resaurces in a pariion of the Surnmerville National Register Historic District. The praject is the first of three phase� ta dacument histaric resaurces in the historic district to the rec�uisike standards and entering the infarn�ation into the Geargia state database using the Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographical Services (NA�-l1tGIS} data entry program. A qualiCied consultant will be hired to conduct a historic resources survey ofthe praject area. The survey will canform to Historic Yreservation Division standards as ovtlined in the Historie Resources Survey Manual. Docunnentatian wili inciude an architectura] description of eaeh resource, its age, history, setting, location and significance. Twa or more digital photo�raphs will be kaken of each praperty depending on its complexity and importance. 'I'he information will be entered into the Georgia state database using the NAHRGIS data entry program. The cansultant will complete a survey report that will include the fallowing infarmation: 1. A descziption of the project, including haw the survey was funded, the name of the project sponsor, the name of the surveyor / cansulta��t, the names of volunteers and other parties invalved in khe survey and the project timeline. 2. The boundaries af the area surveyed and the metht�dology fvllowed in completing the survey. 3. The results of the survey, including the tatal nuiuber of resources, the number of properiies by type (contri6uting, non-cantributing, vacant lots) and architectural style, the current use of the properties and any other general observations and local eccentricities about the area surveyed. 4. A brief developrnenta] history af the histor'sc district, including how the area reflects distinctive aspects of Georgia's histary. 5. fIard copies of the survey map and the NAHRGIS form for each praperty 6. PRQGl2AMMATIC CRITERTA QUESTIONS: Describe how this praject meets the S progrun:matic questions in the scoring criteria for this projeet type, �t�hether it i.s a structural survey, nationa! register nnmtnativn or• local designati�n, �rchaeolo�ic�l surve��, preservatinn,�rlarrning, or infarmatian �Bc education. Structural Survev 1. Does the survev involve an area experieneing ar expecting increased development pressure? Summerville is a#'airly stable, built-out nei�hborhoad, but has been the facus of some development pressure due to its cllaraeter, laeatian and arnenities. Summerville is a relatively campact, walkabie neighborhaad, is located in close proximity ta major employment centers and dawntawn Au,gusta and includes a variety of ho�sing types and styles. On occasioty in the past individua] historic resaurces have been dernolished and replaced with higher density sin�le-family and rnulti-farnily development. Augusta State University, located in ihe heart of the neighborhaod, is experiencing growth in �nrallmevt and facilities that has impacted the neighborhood. 2. Does the prc�ject area lack an existing survey or does its existing survey document less thsn 54% of the totgl potential sun�eyed properties? The existing survey documenis only about 10°l0 of the 1,500 prdperties in the Summerville historic district. The survey done in cc►njunction with khe National Register nomination is 30 years old, includes only representative examples of Page 3 af 7 historic resources in the district anc3 does not document surveyed resources ta an acceptable le�el of detail. A windshield survey, campleted in 1993 in conjunetion with the designation of Summerville as a local historic district, resulted in the classification of each property as contributing, nan-contributing or vacant. Na written documentation was compiled on individual praperties and no ph4tographs were taken as part of the windshield survey. 3. Will the survey be foflowed b�+ a district, multiple property ar thematic National Register nominafion? The Summerville Historic Districx is a National Register distnet. It is alsa a designated loca3 historic district. The survey results will be used ta update the Nationa] Register documentation an the district and will be heIpful to the Augusta Histaric Preservatzon Commission in carrying out design review responsibilities. 4. Will the survey be used for planning purposes or ather preservation activities (designation, land use planning, Main Street, etc.)? The survey dacumentation will be used in a number of ways. Summerville property owners can incorporate survey informaiion into applications Cor rehabilitation tax credits and / or preferential praperty tax assessrneni prograrns. The inforrnation will be useful to the Augusta Historic Preservation Cammission in campleting design review activities under tl�e City's historic preservation ardinanee. The neighborhood association, eivie groups, realtors and okhers will use the infonnatian i❑ proinoting neighborhood events and marketing neighborhood houses. It will alsa be useful in heritage- education and tourism activities and prograzns. Researchers, students and historic preservation organizations will use the information for a wide variety af purposes. It will also be used in neighborhood planning and development projects. 5. Is the survey cvunty wide, ar daes it complete a caunty wide survey? 'rhe survey is not county-wide survey and does not eomplete a county-wide survey. The survey, and subsequent phases, wilt document approximately 1,SQ0 historic resources that have nat been fully surveyed to date. Thc survey will provide complete information on all resources in the district, including phatographs, and will reclassify some resources that are now more than 50 years old. 7. PCJBLIC PARTIC�PATJON; A. Describe how the public will be involved in the project ar informed about the praject, if appGcable: The public wlil participate in the project in a variety of ways. Summerville neighborhooc� residents will assist the consultant in completing the survey, thereby gaining hands-on experience in documenting historic resources. The public wi13 h�ve an apportunity to review and comment on the project during monthly rneetin�s of the Augusta Historic Preservation Commission and during the two public meetings that will be held regarding the project. The first public meeting wil] be held at the beginning of the project and the second will be he2d after the survey resulks have been drafled. In additian, information about the project will be disseminated thraugh the Surnmerville Nei�hbarhood Assaciatian and Historic Auguska, Lnc. B. If imformation, such as printed, sudio/�zsual, website materials or warlcshvps/conferences are ta be produced during this project, how many capies will be produced? �ow will they be used? How widely distributed will the materials be? Will there be a registration fee for the workshap? Hard capies of the survey map, the NAHRGIS forms for each praperty, and six (6} copies of the survey report will be sent to ihe I7NR IIistoric Preservation Division. Hard copies of the s�rvey map, the NAI fonns for each praperty, and the survey report will also be sent to the Au�usta-Richmond County Planning Commission and Historic �lugusta, Inc. Copies af the survey report and map will be sent to the Summerville Neighborhood Association. The survey information will be used in the ways described in response to Programmatic Criteria Question #4 in this applicatior►. No fee will be charged for the distribution of Ihe projeet deliverables, Page 4 of 7 C. Describe the role the local historic preservation commission rvrll play in the project (conduct the project, review drafts, serve on project task force, etc.) Members of the Augusta Historic Preservation Commission will serve on the consultank seiection committee, monitor the progress an the project, and review fhe project deliverables. Project updates will be provided during the rnanthly meetings ofthe Historic Preservation Cammissian. 8. PROJECT IiNPACT: A. Does this project meet stafed preservation gaals within a local, regional ar statewide plan? Explain. The projeci meets goals related to historie resource surveys contained in the follawing plans: • Augusta-Richmond County Historic Preservatian Plan (199�} — "Establish procedures for ongoing identificatior, nomrnatiort, and protectio�z of historic resources. " • Augnsta-Richmond County Comprehensive Plan (�Q08) -- "Update arrd consolidaie local historic resouress surveys. " • Central Savannah River Area Regivnat Plan, 2005-2Q25 — "Need to complete historrc resources surveys. " • Geargia State Historic Preservation Plan, 2007•20I1— "Idenlify r�nd evaluale historic resources and facilitate disseminatio�t of information about them for plannrng attd educ�tion purposes. ° B. Why is this project needed at this time? The projeck is needed at this time because existing documentatian on historic resources is outdated and limited to a fraction of all the praperties in the district. This lack of information hampers a variety of preservation activities in the district, including rehabilitation and restoration of properties, design review by the local preservation commission, heritage tourism and educalian and research by �istarians and other interested parties. C. Wonld the project be completeci if HP'F grant funding is not provided? Explain. The project will not be completed without grant assistance because the city of Augusta does not have funds to support such projects. The Historic Preservation Commission is an appointed, volunteer board that does not have a budget. The staff of the Planning Commission donates tirne and materials in support af the Historic Preservation Commission., but does not have funds to pay for the survey. The other agencies and organizations that otherwise suppart khis project do not have funds to pay for the survey. D. Would partial funding from HPD allow for a successful result? Explain. Partial fu��ding would allow the Phase 1 survey to be completed thanks tr� the in-kind danatian of time and materials, and limited financial support, committed to the project (see Praject Budget}. E. Ts there demonstrated local support for this projeet from 1} the local preservation commission (reqaired); 2) loeal citizens; 3} local historicaUpresewation organizations; 4} local government 5} others? Explain and attach evidence of support, Local support for the project is demonstrated by the attached letters from the following entities: The Augusta Historic Preservation Commissian, ihe Surnmerville Neighborhood Associatian, Historic Augusta, Tnc., the City of Augusta and the Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission. As the letters indicate, all of these eniities wil[ donate time, materials and I or cash to complete the project. Page 5 of 7 9. PFtOJECT BUDGET: A. Budget Consultants $ 12.SOO.Op Staff {Paid Labor) 3,0OO.OQ Donated Labor 4,500,00 Trave� ! � Publication Costs far # Copies of Photagraphy Supplies Indirect Costs {colleges/univ. anly} Approved [nd. Cost Rate: % Other (Specify): TOTAL PTtOJ�ECT COST $ 20,040A0 B. What amount af the fotal badget will be expended on each major nroduct or work item listed 'rn abnve? Survey $ 20.040,00 N.R. Nomination Local Designatipn Design Guidelines Publication Website Workshop/Conference Other (Specify): TOTAL PROJECT CQST $ 2Q,OOQ.OQ (should agree with totai in 9A above) C. Grant amount requested $ 12,40Q.00 (Not to exceec� 6C7% af Total Pro,ject Cost; grant arnount requested equals Total Projecl Cost minus 4Ct% lacal match) D. Matching Share (must be partly cashj: � 8,0OO.OQ (Lacal share equals Total Project C'o.rrs mrn:rs 60� grant amount reguested.) Saurce af matching share Donor: Au�usta-Richmond County Plannin�Comm. Donor: Aug�usta Finance Department Source: Plannin� Comm. Dudget Source: Finance Department Budget in-Kind Paid Labar Cash In-Kind: Paid Labor Cash Amount: $ 2,SOO.U(1 Amount: $ 200.00 Donar: Augusta Information Technology Department Donar: Augusta Historic Preservatican Comm. Source: Tnfarmation Technology Depariment Budget Source: Volunteer Labor In-Kind: Paid Labor Cash In-Kind Donsied Labor Cash Amount: ,�300.00 Amount: $ 1,SOQ.00 Donor: Summerville Nei�hbarhaod Association Donor: Summervill Nei�;hbor Association Source: Valanteer Labor Source; Donated Funds In-Kind Donated Labor Cash In-Kind Cash X Amount• $ 3 OOU OQ Amaunt: $ 500.00 10. ADDITIONAL CC)MIVIENTS: No additional camments Ptease attach additional sheets if needed. Page 6 of 7 l l. ASSURANCES: The Applicanl hereby assures and certifies by placing his/her initiats beside each item below that the Applrcant will comply with all applicable regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements including QMB Circular Np's A�87, A-95, A-110 and A-102, as they relate to the application, acceptance, and use of�ederal funds for this Federally-assisted project. Also the Applicant assures and certifies with respect to the grant that: (initial blank beside each number ta signify wilIingness and ability to comp2y} PLEASE INITIAL EACH. b�tii'. Legal Authority - Agplicant possesses legal autharity to apply for the grant; that a resolution, motion or similar action has been or wiil be duly adopted as an official act of the applicant's gaveming body, authorizing the filing of the appiication, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identiSed as tbe official representative of tt�,��plicant to aet in cannection with the applicaUon and to provide such additional infoimation as may be required. ,j� Civil Rights - Applicant wil) comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Aet of 1464 (P.L. 88-352), as amended, attd in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or natianal origin, be excluded frorn participatian in, be denied the benefits of, or be oiherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which , e appiicani receives 1 ederal assistance and wiIl immediately take any measures necessary to effectnate ihis agreement. Nondiscrimination - Applicant wil[ comply with Title Vl of the Civi3 Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d} as amended, pro}ubiting employment discrimination where {a) the primary purpase of the grant is to provide employrnent or {b} discriminatory employment practices will result in unequal treatment ofpersons who are or should be benefiting from the grant-aided activity. Tt will cqmpiy with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act af 1973 as amended, Age Discrimination Act af 1975, and Drug Abuse Office and (,�� a ment Act of 1972. 4. Cnnflict oi Interest - Applicant will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions Cor purposes that are or give the appearance of being motivated by a desire For private gain for themselves or athers, particulariy thosc with whom they I�ve family, business or ather ties. ��5.' Access to Records - Applicant will give the grantor agency or the Comptraller Genera] (through any authorized (� re resentative) the access to and the righl to examine all recards, books, papers, or documents related to the grant. � Programmatic and �'inancial Complignce - Applicant wiU comply with all requirements impased by the Federal grantor ageney concerning special requirements of law, program requirements and other administrative requzrements approved in accardance with appropriate Office of Management and Budget Circular. (For units of governments}; Tt will maintain adequate financial management systems which will be (a) in aceordanee wtith the standards specified in OIviB Circular A-]q2, Attach�vent G, "Standards for Grantee Financial Ivtanagement Systems", and (b) auditory in accardance with the General Accounung Office's Standards for ��� �d , �'.�of Governmental Organizations, Pro�rams, Aetivities, and Funetions. 5� Aadit - Applicant will have an organization-wide, independent audit perfarmed for each year in which federal funds are received, if required, This audit will be prefarmed by using the required finaneial and compliance audits in aecordance with Single i�� pcj.it Act of 1984 and will be s'ubmitied to HPD following the end of the contract period. t{�}:' Flood Insursnee - Applicant will comply with the flaad insurance purchases reyuirements of Sectian 102(a) oi'the Flood Disaster Protection Act af 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase llood insurance if the total cost af insurable construction and acquisition is S+10,00Q or more. 12. CERTIFJCAI'ION: I certify that T have read the accompanying Instniction Sheet and Assurances and accept all terms and conditions set forth therein. I alsa eertify that atl information contained in this applicatian is correct, that the matching shaze will be provided as indicated, and thai the project will be undertaken in conformance with the Secretary of the ]nterior's Standards for Archaenlo�v and Hrstaric Pr•eservation and all applicable state and federal guidelines and regulations. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: t t�_ ` �J ' / L ��'' DATE: 1 r��S' i Authorized signature Deke Copenhaver TITLE: Mavor T'yped or printed name APPLICATIONS MUST BE PC}S'I �'VIARKED B�C' FEBI2UARY 1, 2011. Page7�f7 �r ��.■ r . . �.w r'. 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'� j!,�' . , ` � , �i � . 1 �` �' .�rrrrrr�r�. ��� �� � � � � � . ` . � � �� � • �1 . �y • ��7 ►� • _• � • � s � � � . � � , � \ w � „ ` �� � . � �� � , ` � � f � � � u * � * • • �� � (}FFI�E OF THE MAYOR ,--- .� �,,, �� C; C:' (3 Ct G 3 1 DEKE COPEIVtiAVER MAYOR January �7, 20l 1 Ms. Carole Moore, Grants Coordinator Historic Preservation Division Geargia T7epartment of Natura( Resources 254 Washington St. SE Ground Floar Atlanta, Georg►a 30334 Dear Ms. Moore, As Mayor of the City of Augusta, I am writing to acknawledge my support of the application for a 2011 Historic Nreservatian Fund Grant for Certified Locaf Governments in arder ta canduct a Historic Resources Survey of Summerville Historic District. The Summerville Historic District is an architectural significant neighborhood and is greatly admired by residents and visitors alike. The neighborhoad not only offers a glance into the elegant lifestyle of many prominent residents but alsq of the middle class workers who built their homes among the sCately mansians. I realize that a complete historic resources survey is needed to inventory all of the properties within the district so that a thorough record will exist of the conditions of the hames which have never been completed. t appreciate the oppartunity to apply for this grant and toak forward to compieting this project, Sincerely, ✓�•' �.._______�_ Deke Copenhaver Mayor Offite a(the Meyor 530 Greene 5treet, Suite 8b6 Aagusta GA 30901 (7d6} 82�-i831 -rax (706) 821-1835 W WW.ALIGUSTAGA.GUV AUGUSTA-RICHMOND C{JUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION C4MMISSIDN 525 Telfair Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 '7U6-821-1796 FAX 70b-$21-1806 lanuary 27, 2011 Ms. Carole Moore Grants Coordinator Histaric Preservation Division Georgia Qepartment of Natural Resources 254 Washington St. SE Ground Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Ms. Moore, As Chair of the Augusta-Richmond Caunty Historic Preservation Commission, I am writing to express our support af the city of Augusta's 2011 Historic Preservation Fund for Certified Lacal Governments grant application project that will fund a historic resources survey for the Summenrille Hista�ic District. This project will be completed in three phases over three years since there are an estimated 1,540 properties within the district. The SummerviMle Histaric District has never been thoroughly surveyed. The existing survey documents only about 1d� of the 1,500 properties in the Summerville historic district. The survey done in conjunction with the National Register nomination is 30 years old, includes only representative examples of historic resources in the district and does not document surveyed resaurces to an acceptable level of detail. The Augusta-Richmond Caunty Historic Preservation Cornmission strangly believes that this survey will strengthen the protection, preservation, and revitalization efforts in the Summerville Historic Dist�ict. Thank you for your consideration of Augusta's grant application. We IaoR forward to working with the city and athers during this project. Sincerely, � d . ��t�L'4�E�/ Annie Rogers, Chair Augusta-Richmand County Historic Preservation Commission ALiGUST.h-RICHIwtON� COUNTY' ., t��_ . r� PLANNTNG COMMISSIfl:�` � �""'"�~ �EfJRGE A. PATTY , s s � t � ri ' � # M �XECUTIVE DIRECTOR x�'�'� • HANK GRIFFIN � � CHATRMAN +� � � . , ,."" r � "'"'" ""`:`} 525 TELFAIR STREET � �' � � ��� AUGUST�I, GEORGIA 3Q901 . . ';. PHON�; {'106) 821-1796 ...... .._...� .>.., ... ;� FAX: (706) 821-1806 www.AugustaGA.gov � J3nuar}� 3l, 2t}11 � Ms. Carole Moore Historic Preservatiqn Division Georgia Departraent afNatura! Resources '��4 Wast�ington St. SE Ground Floor At(anta, Geor�ia �0334 Dear Ms. Moore, The Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission supports the applicatian of the City af Augusta for a 201 l Histaric Preservation Fund Grant for Certificd Local Governments in arder to conduct Phase 1 of a Historic Resources Survey of the Summerville National Register Hiskoric District. Qni}� a fraction of the I,SC10 his#oric resources in the district have been properly docu�nented and the existing informatiot� is more than 30 years old. The prajeet „�ill continue an effort b}� the city and othcr stakeholders to update and document resources Iacated in all of our historic districts. The Augusta-Richmond Caunty Planning Commission will danate pazd labor to manage the pro�ect on bchalf of the cit��. We laak foru>ard to «�orking �i�ith your department, the city and others rn the community. Please cantact Paul DeCamp of our staff should }•ou have an}� questions about the Planning Cammissson's rale in the project. Si� rely, George A. Patty ��ecutive Dire to .� � � i, ❑ � � � �:: �, ; - _ � , � � � � �anuary 28, 2d11 Carolc :�Ic>c�rc, Grants Co�rdinator t Preservat�on Divisic�n Geor�ia Dcpartrnent of Narural Resou�ces ?54 ��ashington St. SE CUround l�leaor ��ltlanta, Georgia 3Q334 Dear ��s. Moore, "I"he Sumrnen�ilte TtiTei�hborhood :�ssQCiation is writin�; in suppnrt vf rlugusta- R.ichmond County's submzttal of its 2011 I 1'res�rvation Fund Certified Local Governrnent Survey and Planning Grant applicatit�n. lt is our undcistanciing that thc �,7-rant �vil1 make possiblc a thr�e phascd histc�sic resources surve}T to dacument both the contrit�uting and noncantributing ]listoric resaurces found throughout the district. ti�'e wil� suppc�rt thc Praject a5 needed �virh tizne and cner�� �vhich ma�g include assisting the choscn consultant �vith historical research and receiving updatcs of the Prc�gress c�f t��� survey at c�ur assc�ciarion meetings. Sincerel}�, ��1r. Jc�c NeaJ Jr. Presidcnt Summe�Tille Ncigl�borhaod �ssociation S�.JJMMERV�LLE 1�'EIGHHORH{�OD ASSOCIATT�N AUGUSTA, G�flRGiA 3Q904 HISTC�KI� ��T�LT��"I`� ..o..t.a.,: 1-=—y� -M_-� �_.._ _ ��._( � 4 �..,,� � January 31, 2011 � � ` � � � Ms. Carole Moore �_ .- - �._.�� Grants Coordinator Historic Preservation Divis+on "�`"``�' Georgia Department of Natural Resaurces x�� H�,�r, < <,,�,m� r.. ���nr ++� ra„� r, �:�n 254 Washington St. SE Gro�nd Floor j"ir4P ! ic <' Yrr! �rPCP�t � u� " t�8mc<<�^n,xm^ Atlanta, Georgia 30334 S�.�e�rvi r:.� r�rr.,r��nr . � . . *.trs W dbaro C urtmrvgham Finpk+n� � .ti'fMt�Ity � . �``" "°"` ° s ` ° '" ite: 2011 CLG Grant Applicatian, Augusta, Georgia r.�.�.�..�, Iit7tit7tt{R1 TKI�STE.ES M¢s laGy�clyrs Vtaox} 8lanchazd tinr Pav��� t� Es�n,chua Q22� C3f0�E, A1r [ P Boudmm II4 �,4n Ronald �t Howcrs . �.s�W w�u,�,,, <z nusn "' """'`"`°°"""` This letter is written is support of the application of the City of Augusta for a Certified '.!r t3ryan �1 tiaP.eRnznn . . riir fcc+r�e S FL.�iwn � . +t= x,sn,��� fa�ux«n Local Government grant in the upcoming 20i1 round. We continue to work closely with tiir W Fen1u�J 1layum 7' . .. . ��� J���=�� �5�n the city on addressing ideas that reflect current needs and cancurthat the proposal is of !t!r 1[ 1i t}steen, Jr � . �'' rh°°,°,�' �°�"�°° high priarity. This appiication is the first in the three part plan to complete a historic `�]rs Pku1 S S:rnan ��,,,t:E� resources survey in the Summerville Historic District in Augusta. Sk Nl'-I�am 1 8a4ger � � . 41[+� !lnn f9 Noardmm � w!; (:r.er C Hs � H. �r�na�n Kr�,,.n The original National Register nornination of the neighborhood is now over 30 years old �L� f:xrMFlr�krr ""< <�°°�k�'> "°°h and anf 109'0 of the resources in the district have been dacumented for the nomination. �n. un«+�. n.nay aus� Y "'` The ro erties chasen to be included in the National Re ister nomi�ation onl re resent �, �nannt,��„G�� p P � Y P tiir (' ti'r C�ye, l� 1,�, � r�,�:�;�. ����.,r a small sample of the numerous architectural styles found in the neighborhood and are Iv1ts Joe D C}trtsllan � *+« �>>r.�� r. ��•� mostly high styfes and homes of Augusta'S most prorninent residents. There are many hlrs t:�}1hc fr I3�mond . . . ti+^ �dw�: �. r�u middle class hornes on the outlying fringes of the districts which are facing instability Mre *.:ak w' t..ans "'` R '``'°�" ""` and threats from develapment which will threaten the historic character and integrity of S1a F'tcderickY SI il}nt � Mr I�tph ! aa Nuiden � ��� �e��w ii�;�rG� � th� 2C1tI�E fl@I��1bOYhOOt�,� � 91n 7amc�. McnwtQ�n H�U � � b1r� S�aan 7' Hunn�w!t hUi 11� C N Kr.�rx. tr � ti�= 5,�,�,�� l.��a Thank you for your careful and favarable cansideration of this request for grant funds. W. Ll�O�am L tiac+.wN ""'"�"" "' "'�"#'" We look forward to working on this project as a part af the overall plan to address the \!r4 HaaQrc Phm;ry hiaxs. Ir !.tn E.dHard iirt� ti1r�l+ohm �,, �„� needs in Harrisburg-West End. (}� k 4rttnth.en 41t. !�t,mhd Hrhert�or � !�i*s F2eUtcca 43 Rogeri �ir st �ersman.lr $II1C21'e��/ '�!n Rand,I�hR Smnh � .tin f7 fla� 4Sard 11r. SirDhsn,t Can Nmdaacd �� ._ J ������`�� . �u,c,c:, � F.7i t1�FICU? � 43rs Anne S E7oyd � '�1rs ('hrutmc'�idlu�8cns Erick D. Montgomery tir 1;: ici ScrNeexs 11t ':#r [inrra E. K'hitc Executive Director � ST,1F'i i1r Frt:F C} liiintgomon � F.aec�ietr� c T lnx cfrn � \�b RoF}n S1pm� Antleown P+.s�ner�sn fqn��r.� Il�arin. . `,3i 7ul�x ti 7aak,un Pr:z�ro+�r tln.drrwXnrrn.rar ti. 1[xrv E Bardeeux Admra�rr.�L�.� Rr.�rtnnr . ,OCA4 oAR+i+FN POST C)FFCCC. HO.1 3'T ALCJ�JSA� GEO3iGIA 3V�03"LIt7;�' �.__._ __..._ ...................._ TEL 7Ub.72�.043b FAX 7()fi.724.30R3 '.A7��,QhAt TQU57 POR � . . . . H�STORIC Ppl'YCRVATiQYt" WK'W'.HIS(t11'ICAlI[LllSIfl.OPj3 . . . V 4' �/ ,-., AUGLJSTA-RICHM01�1D COUNTY ; a � '�� PLAi�'NING C0�4'IMISSIOi�` � ��, ���i�r GEDRG� A. PATTY � �t �'��CUTI�'E DIREC70R . .� � HANK GRTEPIh � ��; � CHA]RMAN � � � " � ��' S2S TELFA[R STR��T � ,. .. � ..� . �. � � �1! { .. ' � + .,��.- AtJGUSTA, G�CIRGIA 3d9U1 .._. . ....._.. . ° i, , }'HQNE: {70b) 821-1796 FAX: (7bb} 821-18a6 �v�vu�,Augus taGrl.gov January 3l, 201 I Ms. Carole Maore Grants Coordinatar Historic Preservation Division Geor�ia Department of Natural Resources 254 Washington St. SE Ground Ploor At[anta, Georgia 30334 Re: 2011 CLCr Grant Applicatinn, Augusta, Georgia I7ear Ms. Moore, Enclosed is the City of Au�usta's 201 l Historic Preservatian I'und CLG Survey and Planning Grant application. There are three copies of the application, ane oEwhich contains original ink signatures, plus three copies Qf the supporting documentatian. The requested funds will help fund phase 1 af a histaric resource survey of the Summerville National Re�ister Histaric District. Existing dacumentation an resources in the district is limited and outdated. The survey informatian wili be of use to many stakeholders and contribute ta preservation, historic research and heritage educatian and tourism. ti'Ve greatly appreciate your department's support of the city's previous HPF applications and I�ak fo�ward to your favorable consideratian of the current application. After reviewing the er�closed, please do �iok hesitate to contact Paul DeCamp of our staff`with any questions you may have. S' cerely, eorge , Pat Executive Dire tor