HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEASE AGREEMENT WITH GEORGIA POWER TO PROVIDE, INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE EXTERIOR SITE LIGHTING FOR AUGUSTA NEW SHERIFFS OFFICE $39,000.00 r Lighting Services — NESC� 5tandaed Lease Agreement GEORGIQ � Re� � awE # LAMP � P OWER A 30UTHERPt COMP1#NM Ref # DWE # LAMP # Lead # Gustomer's Name: �c�US��.ica►y��;��� �,�,.r�r" T�I #: Alt. Tei #: ServiceAddress: �r.�,� +�__.� C� 'Q`�''�"' 1.�� Sl �w.:. �le�c (street apt � etc.) {� 1'"���4'+t���+c�• � {�' r' �` � ZI�S COde: _ Mailing Address fstreet, apt. � etc.) Zip Code: SS #1Tax I[l: Acct #: Coun ���*� , Region: ��►°° tY: Type Customer: kJ Commercial � industrial ❑ Residentiai ��! New Account �.1 Customer Choice Gonversion? �1 Yes ❑ No Type of Constructian: �f�w � Existing Descri " n of Bu�iness fApartment Comple� Car Dealer, etc.�: �jG� S'�•i.�s �+�� �i ►c�c Governmental CI Non-Governmental �; ,���'''� �+�#1�P#ft���t�'� , ��; � , ,; ; ; � ,,,� ,,,, ,,,, , , ,� ��,; '' Prep�id Amaunt;(�1��lrtdes� �pPlicab/a sal�� i���`)< $ ❑ Bill \ .� Cal(ected TYPE Estimatec! Estimated Lamp � 4M( Ml Equipment Astion �ty Wattsge (MPS, etc.# Fi�€ture Description UG U�fl Amau�t �$) Reg�lat S�} C a ge� $1 Chs� e* � ��� � � c���,;w �-, L�► � � t 5fl �, � c�� �I �, u wt .� �$ M�rn#hly To#al * $ $ $ '�Estimated Aegulated Gharge is suhject ka change at any time as dictated 6y the Geflrgia Public Senrice Commission. "Estimated Manthty Gharge" is the sum of "Equipment AmounY` and "`Estimated ReguEated Charge" and wifl vary wiih the Regufated Charge, fxe�udes any applicable sales tax PCOJ�Gt NOt�S: Initial Tsrm of Agreement: � Months Initiat term starts on the date biffing begins Customer agrees to lease the Eq�ipment described abave from Geargia Power Company on the attached terms and contlitions. Custo er's horize�i �` tur Geargia Power Company ,�... � 4 -C� - � ( _ ������-�-....,.�. atur - pate Signature Date ,� o � I C,� _ �� �a�.-- Prini Name Print Name �l �, ' —� � � � � ul -A� Print Title Print Title �NESG is a federaNy registered trademark of 1EEE Page t of 2 WNITE—Billing CANARY—Sa(es PINK-Customer r . 1. Liah�na Euu3oment tease. Georgfa Power Company ("GPC"} wilt lease to Gustomer the "EguPpmenY' described on Page t of thts Leass Agreement ("Agreement°) tot use at tiie "Premisea" (the "Service Address" showrt on Page 1} and wi8 pravide eEectde seroEce fa operate the Eqaipment, Customer grants a license and righQ af access to GPC (and to GPC's representatives and contractars} to enter the Premises to instali, connect, fnspect, maintain, test, repiace, repair, or remove fhe Equiprnen#; to remove or dfsconnect pre-exisNng equipment as noted; ta provide elecfric service for the Equipmeot; or to conduct any other Agreement-related acGviry (collectively, �e "GRG Acftvities°). Customer acknowiedges that tfie Equipment, though attaehed ta reai prope�ty, wEli aiways remain the exctusive personal property of GPC and that GFC may remoue the Equipment when this Agreement ends. Gustomer aiso ack�owiedges that regutafory change during the Agreement term may require CPG to modify ar repiace some Equipmant. 2. Terrn, The "in9tlat Term" of thls Agreemeat is the period stated on Page 1, caCcuEated from the date oF the ftrst monthiy bill. After fhe tnifial Term, #he Agreement wiii automaticatly renew on a month-to•month basis uniil terminated by either Customer or GPG by providing written notice of intent to terminate to the other party at teas# 30 days before the desired teanina#ion date. GPCs address for notice is 1790 MonVeai Circie, Tuaker, GA 30084-68dt; Customer's address far natiae is the Maiifng Address shown on Page 1. 3. en . GPG wiif invaEce Customerper the terms staked on Page 1. After the First 60 Months, tha monthiy charge may be reduced as noted on Page 1 if Customer �otifies GPG Lighting Seruices Business Urtit at 1-888-768-8d58. Custamer acknowledges that the etectric seevice charge wili vary as dictated by the Georgia Pubitc Service Gommission, Gustomer agrees to pay the amount bitied by the due da#e {20 days aPEer biiling date). if tttere is a bakance outstanding past the due date, Custamer agrees to aiso paya 1.5°fo tate fee vn ihe unpaid balanne and aiso acknowledges they may be required to pay a deposit of up to two times the EsUmatetl Monthiy Gharge in orde� to continue servtce. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT GPC MAKES NO REPRESENTA710N OR WARRAM7'Y REGARDING TREATMENT OF THkS TRANSACTION BY THE INTERNAt REVENUE SERVICE OR 7HE STA'fUS OF TNlS AGREEMENT UNDER ANY FEDERAL OR STATE TAX LAW; CUSTOMER ENTERS IN70 TMIS AGREEMENT fN SOLE REUANCE UPON CUS7QMER'S OWN ADVISORS. 4. E�uipment Protectlon. Throughouf this Agreement's term, Gustomer vaili inform its personnei {and any Contractor ar person pecfacming construcUon at the Premises or digg�ng near the Equtpment} of the Equipmen#'s presence. Either Customer or ths other party must provide notices and tocate requests fo the Georgia Utilit€es ProtecYion CenEer and must coordinate ait activtties with the Utiiities Prolec#ion Center and wiEh ail utitity faciiity owrters or operators as tequired bythe then-curtent Geargia UUI[ty Facility ProtecNon Act (O.G.G.A. § 25-9-1 et seq:} or Hi$h-voitags Safety Act (O.C.G.A. § 46-3-30 et seq.j. Rs 6efween Customer and GPG, Gustomer vriii bear all costs arising from faifure to compty with these laws or for Equipment damage caused by anyone other than �PC {or GPG's represen#atives or contractors). !E TNE EQUIPMENT tS DAMAGED, GUSTOMER WtLL REPORT THE DAMAGE fi0 GPC AS SQON AS P433t9LE BY CALtiNG (888) 680-5890. S, Maintenance. durtng thts AgreemenYs term, GPG witE maintain the Egulpment and wili bear the cost of routine tepair or repiacement. Customer must noiify GPC of any need for Equtpment repair by either caili�g (888j B&0-5890 or reporting the need onl{ne {httn:tloutdoorlighGng_georgiaoower.com}. if the Equipment damaga was caased by Gustomer or a third party, Customer wili reimburse GPC for the repair or reptacement cos#. 6. Safetv: Damaaes. GUS7�MER ACKNOWLEDGES SOl.E RESPONStBiLITY FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PREMlSES AND ACKNOWL€DGES TFfATGPC NEITH�R NA3, NOR ASSUMES, ANY OBLIGATlON TO ENSt1RE THE PREMISES' SAFETY. GPC MAKES NO COVENANT, WARRANTY, OR REPRESENTATIDN OF ANY KINd (INClUDIN�a WARRANTY OF PITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF MERCFlANTABILITY} RHC,ARDING THE ECtUtPMENT 4R ANY GPG ACTIVlTY UNDER 7HIS AGREEMENT, Gustomer wlti not be enGUed to indirect or eonsequential damages from GPG of any kind {including loss of reve�tue, toss oF actua! or anNcipated profi#s, loss of cspital costs, loss of business reputation, or punitive damages) arising from any damage or defay iovolving the Eqaipment or this Agreement. 7. in e i. 7o the fuliest exfen# ailowed by law, Customer agrees fa indemnify, defend (if requested by GPC), and hold harmiess �?G and its affilfatea and contracFors (and their afficers, directors, employaes, rep�esehtaUves, and agentsj from and against any claim, demand, damage, expense (Including attorneys' fees and cou�t cosls), action, proceeding, judgment, penaity, fine, cos#, ar other liability (whether based upon tort, bseach of co�tract, sirEct liabiliry, equity, or o#herwise) of any kfnd or nature for bodf#y injury (including death} to perso�s, damage ta real or personai property {including iosa of use), mo�etary damage, or equitabte relief caused by ot arising out of any act or omEss3on of Customer inuolving this Agreemenf, the Equ#pment, or the Premises, in whatever manner caused and regardless of whether caused by or arising out of the Joint, concurrent, or contfibutory (6tit nat sole) negtigence of GPC, any qther parson intlemnifisd under this Agreement, or any other person not a pa�ty to #his Agreement. $. C?efa i. Gustomer wiil6e !n defauit if any amount owed undet this Agreement is not paid within 45 days af bilt€ng. GPC's waiver aF any past defauft wili nat waive any other defauk. it detau€t occurs, GPC may, at its discretion, immediately te�rninate this Agreemant; coiisct ali past due atnounts and ali amounts due for the Equipment during the Agreement's remainEng tenn, semove the Equipment from #he Premises, and seek arty other ava#lable remedy. 9. Ent€re Aareement. This Agreement contalns the parttes' entire agreement relating to the Equipme�t and replaces any priar agreement, w�itten or oral. This Agreement may be�madiBed oniy by an amen8ment signed by each party, except that updafed contact information {e.g., address, phone, websffe} may ba provided a#any time by wt'itten notice fa the nther party. 7his Agreement wilt he govemed By Georgia law. if any provis�on is ruled invaiid ar unenforceable, the Agreement as a whole witi not be a#fected. In this Agreement, "inctuding` rneans "inciuding, but nat fimited to.' 10. Pafe Aftachments. If Cusfomer desires ta atiach anythinq to any EquipmenF (poles, (ight fixtures, etc.j, Customer must first o6tain GPG's written permission. Customer must cafE GPC tighfu�g Services Business Untt at 1-888-768-8458 to obtain ihe praper pole ariachment authodzation. 19. Georaia Sec�rttv immiaration and Comaliance Act (Aaul(cabte Qn{v ff Customer ts a Georaia Governrr�e�tal Entifv) CusEomer is a°pubi3c employer" as de#in�d by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 and this Agreement is a contract for physical �rformance of ssrvices wlthin the State of Georgia. Campliance with the requiremenfs of O:GG.A. § 13-10- 91 and Rufe 300-1Q-9-.p2 is a conditian of this Agreement and is ma�datory. GPC`s comptEance with O.G.G,R. § 13-9q-91 and Rule 300-10-1-.02 wiit be attested by �ecutbn of the conUantor's affidavit attached as Ext�ibit "1" and made a part ot this Agrsement GPC agrees tfiat, if it empioys orcontracts wtith any subaonVacto�{s) in connection with this Agre�ment, GPC will secure from each subcontractar atkestation of #he sabconFractor's camplia�ce with O,C.G.A. § 13-10-91 and Rule S�n-1U-1-•02 by executioa of a subcan#raetor's a�davit in the form attached as Exhibit °2," The affidavit wilt become a part oP the GPCtsubcontractor agreement and GPC wiI{ maintafn records ot the a�davits for inspection by Customer. 12. Customer Represen#at(ons. Customer represents ta GPC thaG {ij Customer is expressiy authorized by ali Premises awners (and any other party with nghis !n the Ptemises) fo enter into this Agreeme�t and fo authorize the GPC Activft3es (including the use a# vehicles, equipment, toois, and materials as necessary); (ii) a!1 Prem€ses propertp lines are cieady and acc�ratety marked; and Cii) the PremIses' tinat gratle w;ll uary no more than six inches from the grade existing at the time of Equipment installation. (a) C�,,stamer , !f GPC agrees ta aibw Customer to pet#orm ar�y part of the Equfpment (nstailation (inctud3ng trenching) itseif or through a third party, Custamer warranfs that its work wili meet GPC's instatlation specifications (wt�ich wiil be provided to Cuskomer and are incorporated by this reference). CusFamer wili bear aii reasonahie addiUonal costs artsing from Gustomets non-comptiance with GPC's speoifications or lack of timely {i.e„ 10 days'� notice to GPG that GPG's portion of #he Equipment installation can commencs. (b} Underaround Faclf�tfesiObstrustions. Because GPG's Activities may require e�ceavation or digging, Gustamer acknowledges that �usfomer mus# mark ail underground oBstrucEfans and private utii(ties and factiities (e>g., gas ifnea, water lines, sewer lines, irngation facilities, tow voEtage data or communication cabtes or llnes, etc.) at the Rremises. Customer warrants either that: (i) aif underground obstructions aad private utifit{es and facilitiss have been marksc! or will be marked before GPG commences Equipment installation or other GPG Activities involving excavation or digging; ar (li) there are no underground obstcuctions or private utifitfes or faci�ities at the Premises. , (C} Unforeseen Gandttions. iP'Customer fails to propedy mark or identify a private utility or faciiity or other underground obstruction, and damage occurs tn cor�nection wikh GPCs Activities, Customer agrees that, as between Customer and GPG, Custamer wili bear sale respansibitity and that GPG will haue no IEabitity ior any damage or resulting delay. Customer aiso acknowiedges #hat the es6mated charges shown on Page 1 i�cludeno ailowance forany subsurface rock, v,rettands, undergro�nd siteam, 6uried waste, unsuitabie or uns#able soil, underground obstruction, archeologicai artifact, buriei ground, fftreatened or end�ngered species, hazardous subs#ance, eta. not properiy lden#Ified and ma�ked by Customer (°Unforeseen Condition"}. tl an Unforesesn Conditfon is e�countered, GPC, irt its sole discretion, may stop aI1 GPC Activityunfil Gustomer either temediss the Unforeseen Gondition or agrees ta refmburse aii GPC expenses arisi�g from the UnEareseen Corxiition. Customer witl bear aU cosis of any Equipment modification or cher�ge requested by Cusfomer or d'tctated by Unforeseen GanBitions or circumstances ou#side GPC's controi, CUSTdMER REPRESENTATI{7NS AGKN01fVLEDGED BY CUSTC3MER: lnitials pate ��'l 1 Page 2 of 2 �/�,a.x ��-��,d�t . � � y 4 Augusta Richmond County Capital Projects Payments Request DATE: 9/6/2011 P.O. # DEPARTMENT: Recreation, Parks and Facilities PROJECT Richmond County Sheriff s Office Administrative Building PLEASE PAY THE FOLLOWING: PAYEE: Georgia Power Explanation: Georgia Power exterior site lighting for the new RSCO Administrative Building. �1) ACCOUNT NUMBER: 328031130 JOB LEDGER NUMBER 210351003 AMOU NT: $ 39,000.00 � ACCOUNT NUMBER: JOB LEDGER NUMBER AMOUNT: � ACCOUNT NUMBER: JOB LEDGER NUMBER AMOUNT: An obligation in the above amount has been incurred in regard to the project named above.We have verified this expense is for services rendered in accordance with the contractual provisions goveming this project. Project Manager Ron Houck ��� Date: 9/6/2011 Department Head Tom Beck ��� Date: 9/6/2011 Funds have been designated for this expense in accordance with budget policy. AccountanUBudget Staff: Date: Finance Director Date: Date of Payment r � Btn 7;32Ui 41Z(l Eu�ns-To-Lock Road C-uans, 6enrgia 30H09 � 1 .a s�U�a��€tw ���at�aatvv Augusta Richmond County Sheriff's Dept �ebruacy 2�3, 2011 Clay, You have expressed interest in Georgia Pawer p��oviding the parking lot lights at the new Augusta Richn�c�r�d Coullty Sheriff's Dept. Georgia Power is offering yau state of the art fixtcii•es tilat will rr�eet yo�.tr needs. The outdoor lighting fixture saggested to you will be at a ma��tl�ly rate, 'I'he n�c�nthty rate includes energy ancl tnaintennnce c�f the fixturc�s. Conventianal Georgia Pc�wer wiil install (7} 3_5Qw metal halide galleria lights (whitc light} with (5} 2S' sq�.►a��e steel b�onze p�les c�n bases that will l�e 3' out of the grauild. These lighks wi.il nleet the LEEDS c�•iteria. Gcargia Power wil� aIsa install (5) 15Qw inetal halide I:,�ulter�� decax•ative post top lights on 12' decorative pales. See attached layout for pc�lr;s anel light Iocations, Total c�st per month for the (12) lights is $328.00 Upfrc�nt cost for alI of the poles, li�hts and trer�ching including cc�nduit i� $39,Q00. Option: l. No t�pfrU��t and a monthly cnst for the (12) lights of $672.0� Qption: 2. Ilpfr�nt of $19,500 and a nionthly cost for the (12) lights of $500.00 This wi11 give you great Iightit�� throughout the parking lots for security anci liability. You witl i�ave tY�e convenience of one call ta Gec�tgia T'ower to take care of i�epai�•s to this eqcxipn�ei�t. We are seriaas about providing yau with prompt serviee with our c�utdoor lights. This price is good f'or 30 c�ays. Your lighting need4 will be n�et by calling nie aC (706� 6b?-5611. Si cerety, �,�, � ,-�.,-��._...._,..__ Ken Bodnet� Geaz•gi�i Power Lighting Seruices . ��s,>� .. s cw•.na> .«,,..�wunt c.a�u�..cn, sm. . <i ei�oe� s�ai 9» en. > x-�xnp�ev�r � nrs.a o: a.r� ��wreT C) lt p ( y ? rJ t C� Cl L� C) O. � �}'��E .<��� ` �n�T�' ' �a8� ��� �4 �£� � �����@ � ��� 8 �, $ #� i x��k �a �d a? 4 �� �� � � a A A� �� � � � `����'��h'F� '�� ������ �'�� �� �����8 ���� � �£� i � � �� �F�� %� � � h y �r �� � �� k� � $ � . d ��� ��„. {�.:$ � ix� g g p��2F tv 3�� � �S..�y g �d��3IX�S� �+�`� 8n�� * a' R a��s.+ �� r�� F F ¢ � 3��� + � i ���� � °�� ���fi€., ��� "� ��� �e��� 3���=u��j $ � ���� �x a�� , ���� rF����� S�� �� �� 9�� ��������� � � �d�� � � � �� q�� t�P �ik ��� �� �m � m � �a°x � A�r �`��� �`�� ��� �� �a� ��� ���� ��3 � �' a�� � � � k w s �� � � � � i i?� ta� � �� R � q � � �� � �+ �{ � r �� 3 �� � ���� � � �a »�� �� Y ��. 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