HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTANDARD MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH SAVANNAH RIVER SITE FIRE DEPT D8/16/2011 .12:35 FAX (�J0002/0005 STANDARD MUTUAL AID AGREBMEN'T � WITNESSETH 1�REAS, ,Augusta-Ric�iiir,��d �Couni�i Cac�solidated Govarnmeants and the Savannah River Site Fire Department of the D�partrnent of Energy's Savannah River Site (DOESRS) (her�einafter refer�ed to individuaily as "agency" and oollectively as "agencias"} listed ia this Ag�ement hav,e r�spocNve zesponsibilitia to pravide for thc protection of tife and prnperty of the citizens of A�gusta-Richmond Camry, Georgia and the Savanaah Rivex Site; and � WHF.RFAS, it is �cogaiud that disasteJS msy occur to a magniwd� wtuch would nocx�sitate the combined effort af both agencies m miag,at�e said disaster; and WF�REAS, the DpF.�SItS is loc�ted in Aiken, Bamweli, and Allendale caunties 5C; and �iJI�REAS, this Agreement is applicable to all a�eas witbin the boundary of • D4�SRS, as we�l as all area� within Augus�a and Richmond County, GA; and WI�RFAS, the agencies listed i�erein have a willingness to provide mutuat assistance when necded. . NOW, THEREFQRE in consideration of the mutusl b�efit w be derivcd by both agenciea oonce:ned, it is hereby agrotd: l. SERVICES: Io the evcnt of a major disaster, or under circurr�stances w6ich indicate that a major dis�stec mig�t develop within an area of Augusta-Rictemand Cousity or the DOPrSRS, che pro[eccion af which is the responsibifity of an � 1 08/16/'LU11 l.`2:35 FAX I�jQ003/0005 agency listod ix�+ein. mutuul ussistarice ir+ mitig�tiag thc thceat will be �+eendered if not already oommittad to respond to the aforementioned threat� Response will bc limited to tho�e resouc+ces whi�h a�ne dinectly ereded to assist in mitigating the ehreac. At no tim� must either agency eommit all available ersources for mutua! aid assistance thus Ieaving its primary coveraga ar+ea uaproo�cted 2. REO[J��TING ASSISTANCE: Assistance under this Agrtcment may be r�equestrr,d or authorizod by the Incident Commander or his or her designee who is diracdng operativns st the incident for which the mutua[ assista�UCe is �ing requested. Requests for assistance should be spxific in nature as to the type and number of resounces �tquested Naither agoncy shall be required W rcspond to areas that do �ot have clearly ekfined fire protection in place. 3. SCOPE OF ALTTHQRFtY: Tht Incident Command�r or his or her designce shall beaar the authority for directing alE activities within his or her gmtecdan area. In compliance with H�omeland Sxurity Pnesidc�tiaf Direcdve 5(I�SPD-5) all agencies incorporating the NaGonal lncidem Managet»et�t System (NIIVIS) ahall irsdtutionaliu the use of the Unified Incid�t CommAnd Syst�. Pmc�dures and training shall be erngloyed and adhubd to by both agencies Lo allaw them ta implement the UeiP�ed Incident Cnmmand Systam. a. The autbority far thc DOESRS to enter into this Agneement is 42 USC � 1$56, et aeq, 2 08/16/L'O11 12:35 Ff�R �0004i00(15 b. The authori[y fw the Augosta Richmoad Couaty Consotidated Governments to enter into this Agreerii�tt is GA. Cod�e Ann. § 36-69-1. e� sey. and 38-3-1, et seq. c. 'I1ie Incident Carnmander is cE�e au person that has absolute controi of the incide�t and �Il of the resources to miagate the inciden� 4. �QST AND REMLTNERATION: No compensaaion wiil accrue or become due for any scrvices r�endered under this Agrocrnen� S. SPSP��V$�,I�ITY A�iD LjABILTTY: Each agency, itsclf and on behalf of its personnel, waives �I c�aims against the other �gency for compen5ation for any loss vr damagc to any cquiprncnt ar prop�ty of any lcittd as well as any iajury or death occu�sing as a consequence of thc performance ar nonperformancc af tWs Agroement. � If circumstances dtiange dtsring an incident w the extent that it is necessaxy to recall pecsannel and equipmen,t from the scene to answer a ca11 elsewhene� that actiae is nac ta be considered a bc�acb af this Agroemenc. 6. 1tFSPONSIBILITY FOR. ����(ZN: Agency beads andlar the designatod rapreseamtive of the political enaty ir which eaci� agency is locatsd must oogether . , 3 � 08/16/2011 12:36 FAX I�]OU05/l?UQ5 executc this Agrcemcnt. In the cvent chat any agency is incEuded in this Agreement which is not affiiiuted n�ith a political enEity, the a;ency head and a cotpoc�te designcc a! the ar�anizaaon lo which ibc agency is affilintec! meist togethcr execnte this Agreernent. 7. AME\�DME�I'I'S: This A=rcement may 4NLY be amended by wriicea aexeernenc benveen the DOE-SRS and other pany. S, TERMFNATiON: Any pa»y may withdraw from this Agreement upon 30-day �vriEten notice to the other �a�ty. This Agrecment becomcs effective upon the date of signature of a!I a�e�cies hereto, :►nci shall remain in e�'fect for a tecm of �ve yesrs there from, unicss tcrminated. . THIS AGREEMCI�T en�cred into this Qic � d:�y of ����� 2011 by and �✓ � among fhose uaencies listcd in this clocument 3nd wtrose author+zed agency heads have af�xed their sign�tures hcre�o. ` � 1����-�----" ��1 � ,, . �� Deke Copcnhaver � r�d Russell Mayor, Au�usta-Richmond Couniy County Adminiscrator ������ ��� .. ! P �, � � �', '^ � O � ._, � :... . . Le ��nncr �. �", �� Ronalcl T. BartE�olomew. Director OSSES �` : .. C!�l:�o� Commission �' ' s Unitcd Statcs Dcpartmcnt of Eaergy �� c�. ''��;•'�> Savannah River Operations Offce , V �r '. °`oow+° " ' „ a j rL 4