HomeMy WebLinkAboutYR 2012 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN GA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS STATE INMATES BEING HOUSE AT RCCI FROM : FAX N0. : Aug. 10 2011 09:18AM P2 G�ORCxA DEPAY2.'rM�NT OF CORRECTIAIVS t LEGAI. SERVICES OFFICE � ���.!•••N.� � • � � a ...,, ... �,;. IN'�'ERGOV�RN�MENTAL AGx2EEMENT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL ACtREBMENT ("Agreement") is entsred inta a� oi'the lsC da l 2011, by and betw�en the GEORGIA F�PARTMENT F CORRECTIQI�S ("Dep�rnent"), aia agency of the State of C�eorgia, and AUG EOR{3IA, a politxc�l subdivision of the Stato of Geargia, acti�ag by and throu�la it� Boarcl of County Cotnmissioncrs, referred to as "�arty" ox jointly as "pa�tieg." RECXTATIONS WHEREA5, the Department desizes t� �btain appropria.te c�re and custody of State inmates; and WHEREAS, the Count�y desires to provide s�pprnpriate caa,e and custcxly of State inanates at a cu�rectional institution operated by the Cot�nty. NnW, THCREFOY�, i� caneideration of tktsae premises and the r�nuh�l promises end agxeements hereinaftor set forth, th� parties hereby agree �s follows: 1. Care and CustodX, The County agrees to provide complete eare and custody of up to 215 �tate inmat�s daily, for the term of this Agreement and in accoi�dax�ce with State and fed�ral constitutic�na at�d with a1i applicable lews, rules, regulatiot�� and nrders of State, fedet� and local �overnments. With.out limitation to the generality of I;he foregoing, the County sp�cifcally agreew that no State inmate aahar shall bene�it private persons or corporations. 2, Notification_a;F Medical Traatm�n�. The C<xunty shall notify the Departrnent ofi any state irux�ate that the County transfex� to a haspital for #reatment that wi11 require an overni�ht stay or th�t will requir� treattn�ent 1:�at is likely to cost in exeess o�$I,OOO,UO. �aid. notification shall be pmvided via talephone cont�ct with�zt twet�ty-four (24) hours of the inmata being admitted Far treat►nent on an outpatient or inpatieni basis. County shall txoti�y the Depar�xnent pursuant ta tlais pa�'agrapli by �alling the Aepartment's "On Ca.11 Utilization Managemer�t Nurse" at (404) 863-3079 at any time of day or night. FROM : FAX N0. : Aug. 10 2011 09:18AM P3 � i I 3, (`'omnensati�n. The Depai�ttnent agrees to pay the County the sum of $20.00 (Tw�nty and no/one�hundredths Dollars) p�r State inma#e per day for the duration of this Agreement. 'I`he County agrees to invoice the bepartmentmonthly, in eompliance vv'it� a�l bal�in� pxocedures � establis�ed. by th� Departmont, '.l'he Aepa��tmEez�t a�t11 e�det��wor Ya pay tihe Couni,y tor its care � a�.d custody se.rvices within A�5 days of invasce receipt in approved form. Tho (;ounty acicnowledges and agrees that the Commissia�ar o;� Correctiox�us sk�ala laave svle aut}�ox�ity w�th resp�ct to the transfer o� State i�n.��tem ta �nd f'rom the County Correctional Institution, and tk�e Dep�tmeut shatl not incur charges for .i�amiates not under the eare and eustody of the County. 4. ��� o� �greernent. This Agreement shall ba affective from the date hex�eof �t�d sk�all con#inue in force and ef£ect untia June 30, 20i2.The partics may, by mutual agrcornent in wniti�g, e�tend the ef�fectiveness of this Agreornent for addition� time periods. 5. l�lotices• Any nptice x�nder t;his Agr�ernent, other than those refe�enced in Paragt•aph 2, shall be de�m�d duly given if delivered by hand (agr�inst rec�ipt} or if s�nt by registere�cl or ceitified mai.l �� reiurn receipt requested, to a parly herato �t the address set forth balow or to such �ther �ddxes� a� the p�r�ies ma� designate by notice fi•om timE to time in accordancc with this Agreement, lf to the C:�unty: Fred Russell, Adrninistrator 530 Greene Stre�t Augusta, GA 3A9t 1 Wil;h a copy to; L�van A, Jo.�eph, Warden 2314 Tobacco Rd Augt�sta, GA 30906 If to the Departmettt Bi�a11 OWens, Commissionor Georgia Department of Corrections 300 Patrel Rdad P.O, Box 1529 Fozsyth, GA 3a429 Wath a copy to; �acili�iee Direciar 300 Patrol Road P.O. Box 1529 �ors�tli, GA 31029 2 FROM : FAX N0. : Aug. 10 2011 09:18AM P4 6. Reimbursement of Medic�l Costs a. C�DC agro�s ta reimburse C�ou�ty for certai� coata of direat medical Aervice� required for emergeney meclical conditions posing an immediate threa# ta .li£e or lim.b if a state � inmate cAn�nat l�e pl�.ced in a�tate inatitution For the receipt of this care; prnrrided, howevar, that 1.he C�DC's obligation arises only when the cost �er inmate p�r incident exceeds $1000.00, and C�DC shall only be liable for the amount in excoss of $1000.00, subject to the following subsections a�d ather applacable laws a�td re�utatic�ns. b, Gount�y_ag�e�s�o inv i e C�I?C monthly for the aetual ec�st of inedic:al service� paid by Cauntv�;�tk�er� e�j t�d �t y��tte a�reement be��yeen �nd Che ho�ital or �pitai authority at the time the setvices were r�ndered, the invoi�e must .reflec� such rate. All invoices from County,must include an invoice or rcceipt from the hospital th�t clearlv shows th� actual cost of modical �ervices �aid lay Coun.ty. c, GDC is not liable to County for any lat� fees or charges or any kind of ass�ssment :��a�Q�exi v he hos»ital or hos»ital aixthoxl (ooll�ctiv�ly. "Late Fees") for l��e or. nonpayment by Count,y. County agrees to exclude Iate faes from its invoices to GDC. d. �_� ��easan�bly detea�nine� that tihere i,� a differ�nce b�tween the actual cost incurred by Countv and the invoice sent to C�DC GbC may assass an administrative f�e of one�,half (�, af ��� d'r�rgnce to cover �e adminis�raiive costg inc rred b GDC, GDC s�all seud Countv written noti�„e ot any administrative �ees and CouniX shall have 30 davs to makepayment or to dispute t�ae fee in �,�2�.g,, �f �.g.�n�y does not malce �ayment of undisputed administrative fees by tho duc date, (�DC is entitle.d to � s�toff of the same amount a�ainst fixturepavments owing ntv e. E�rsuant to HB.44_4_0� 009 l�et �181. O.C.G.A.�,�2-5-2 s�1,��, reimburse Cn�nty no rnore than,the �p�lic�blgGeorgia Medica€d Rate for emergency services t�rovided ta a, state inmato l�y a hQSni f autlaori�y oz:�.su't 1 w ich is not ���y to � �ontract with t3I?�_Qr i s Ag�ntR o� Ju 1. 2009. CDC ql�all n�t be liat�le to Coun f�r a��motui�,paid by County to a hospital or hospital authority over th� Medicaid rate or emerFoncy servic�s provid�d to a state i mAtC 7. Entire Agreement. This Agr�emEnt constitutes the entuo a�reemBnt and undsrstandin� between the partios hcreto and replaces, canaels and supersedes any priar agreemen�ts and understandings rel$tfng ta the �ubject matCer hereof; and all prior representations, agreements, ur�derstac�di�ags and utadertakings between tla�e pa�ties hereto with reapect ta the subject matter hereof are mcrg�d hErein. 8. Amendment, The partie� recog�i�.e and agree th�t it rnay be necec�ary ar convenient foz the parti�s to amend this Agreement so as to provide for the orderly implementatio� o�' al] of the u�dertakin�s described horein, and tho parti�s agrce to cooparate fully in connection with 3 FROM : FAX N0. : Aug. 10 2011 09:19AM P5 � � I such amendmentg if and as necessary. H�wsver, no change, modxfication or �nendnaent to Chi� A,greement shall be e�fective unless the same is �'educed to writing and �9gned by the parti�s hereta. � i 9. Counter,p�t�a. This A�.�eement may be executed in multiple eout�texparts, Each of which shal! be an original but $11 �f which shall constituie on,e agreement, N�o party shall be bound by this Ag��eement until all partie4 have execut�d it. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties har�e caused t�e authorized repre�etatatives of e�ch to execute tliis Agr��ment on ihe day and year first above written, G�O�GIA DEPARTMENT nF CO�tTtECTYONS �_ � �� �� /� D t� -�I�....A :' ` � � � .�...,�..,.�..... �� . Print N�me, Title AUGUSTA, GEORGIA - � �,��'_ _..�� _ 7 �� � ,�y� pavid S. Copenhaver� Mayor bate 7��s�!( � h � , � . rint Name, Tit[e , , , , . , , . . .uwrMV <,• , ...�...:.. : . �d� ���A� � � Lena �.� o��,���":'� G1� o��qm�ssion ate � �� � . �� .� Q ° ,,...�' �i ai �A Px�nt Name Titl � d - a, � .' s �/ � e� �€, ►�sr. �P' � f� �A �� '�+� ��'� + x' p ~,�� �i � ���i�M0 �� ' � �w,r�►� , � \A, � � � ., �.v._�,�, . .,...,:�,;r. ...., .