HomeMy WebLinkAboutPYROTECNICO FIREWORKS DISPLAY $20,000.00 H V ,\ �a"'c �` � � �V l�V. �V� . VITAL( {�AAlIIY lI0.lWO�Il�K.S • IPl9 Fir�works t�isplay Contr�t� TNIS CONTRACT (this "Gontract'� is made thfs ti� day of �t 201i by and between PYRfITECNI60, a f�ennsylvan(a Corporation ("Pyrotecnlco'�, and Au�usta Fti�fimnnd C��nLv ("Sponsor"�, with its prinCl�al plaCe of business located in AuQUSta,-Gearafa , WHERE1tS, Pyrotecnico is desirous of prouiding 5ponsor witlt a fireworics exh[bEtlan attd display far Sponsar's benefit untler such tcrnis antl cnnditlnns as pravided herein, and thereby, the partles agree as foliows: 9., Firewarks Display. Pyroteatica shall sell, fumish and del(ver to 5ponsor certain fireworks which Pyratecnico agrees ko ��chibit ann dlspi�y on b�#E: ,�li y 2,,,,,7bi1 I RJ1iN DA1'E: ..Ti � r �1 � (Rlease flil In Rain rsat�+� (Note: Raln Dates nat available on Ju�y 2-4, 2011 -- If planninc� a Rain Date duriny Ju� week, p�ease Ctxtsult witfi your 5how Producer before submitting. ) in accordance with the program set fflrtt� and agreed upon ai the time af the signiRg of this Contract, the specifics of whicf7 are set torth !n the ° Fireworks Exhibition �nd Dis{�lay Program° atCached hereto and incorpc�rated herein by reference thereto (tt�e "Flrewprks �Isplay'�. 2. Payme�t Schedul�. For and in constder�tion tlf the Frework5 Dlsplay, Sponsar agrees to pay {�yyrotetnlco the contraCt price of _��,QQQ.Ot1• *inducl� 3�d tn Permlt Fees (the "Gontract Price'� paid as foliows: a. SO% of the Gontract Prite due u{�on the signing of this Contract; b. the balance of ttie C�ntr�ct Price due within ten (lp) days of completion of the Firewarks 171splay. 5ponsor agrees to pay Interest at the rate of l�fz °/a per month on any deilnquent balance of khe Contract Prlce untii paid in full. Payment shall t�: made by certified check or otherwise as agreed by Pyrotecnico to Pyrotecmco at P:O. 8ox 149, New Castle, PA 16103. Furthermore,in the event Sponsor €ails to pe�form Its obl4ga�ons and responsibilities as set forih herein and !k becomes necessary for PyrntecniCO to enfocce its rights by hiring an attorney, Sp�snsor shali be �esponslble for all attorneys' fees and costs lncurred by Pyratecnico to collect sald sums. �. Disptay Responsibititie�� Pyrotecnfco and Sponsor wil! collat�orate in the pertormance of ail Wsks relatlng to the Fireworks Dlsplay. 'These #asks inciude, buk are nak limited to, (i) procuring and furnishing a place sulta�le fprthe Pireworks Display (the "Display SfEe'�, (li) applying for, obEafntng and securing all permits, licenses end approvals required by all appiicable (ocai, state and fedecai laws and regulaUons as weli as those required by any larzi police and Frre departments for the Fircwarks Display (collective4y, Yhe "Required Approvals'�, Sponsor Is responsibte for the payment of a11 govemmental fees and expenses fmposed or applied ta thls exhlbitlon, (itl) providing adequata private and/or put�it secunty, police and fire protection, (iv) securing an acceptable locatlon with private a�d/or public security personnel to park the Pyroteenico tireworks trudc(s) overnight (or Far such lon9er or shorter period as Pyrotecnico may reasonably require in order to effectively provide the Fireworks Display), (v} securiny adequate protectian to preclude all individuals, other than those authorfzed by Fyrotecnko, from entering the security area desfgnated by Ryrotecnica, (vi} keeping unauthorized perso�s or persanal or re�! propertyr of any kind, irsduding, withouY 6imltatlon, motor vehfcles, outside of ttie Display Site, faliout area or safe zone. Pyrotecnico and Sponsor shali fut�il their responslblli�es as set fortt� herein Mn acc�rdanee. with ail iocal, state and federal n,les, 1aws, orders and regulations, indudl�g those crf tite Natlortal Fire Pratection AssoCiaUan (NFRA), $. �t'@€���liil�. Sponsar agrees to crediC Pyrotecnica as "Fireworks by Pyroternieo" in aEl advertising(markeUng materials that are w6thin �he Sponsors authority. 5. �rtd�rnnification and �.imlt�it�an of Liahiltty. ' Sponsor shall indemnffy, defend and hold Pyratetnko and Its shareholder�, directors, o�ices5, emplqye�es, ac�ents, tepresentakives and insurers harmless From any and aiI damands, riaims, causes of atYlan, judgments or Ilability (inquding, without IlmlWtlon, the costs of suit and reasonable costs of experts and attomeys) arising from damage ta or deSGvrtlan of property {inciuding, wikhout Ilmitation, real and personaE) or bodlly or persanal In�urles (induding, without IimltaUon, death), whether arising from tort, contad or otherwise, that accur directly or indi►ectiy from (a) the gross negligenre or wilful mistonduct of Sponsor or its employees, agents, contractors or representatives, or (b) the failure nf S�ansor to camply with its obligatlons an8 responslbitikies as set forth herein. Pyrotecnioo 5hall indemMfy� defend and hold Sponsar harmless from any and aii demands, claims, causes af actton, judgments ar liability (inc(uding, withaut limitation, the msts of suit and reasonable eosts of expert5 and attorneys) arisfng from damage to ar destructlon of property {{ncludfr�g, without Ilmltatlon, real and personal} or bodily or personal injuries (induding, wlthouk limitation, death), whether arising fram tort, contact ar otfierwise, that acur directJy ar indirectly irom the gross negli�ence ar wiliul misconduck of Pyroternico or its employees, agents, contractors or reQresentatives. Sponspr shall npt under any circumstances be entlUed ta recover any tansequentlal, incidental, exemplary, special and/or pun(kive damac�es fram Pyrotecnico, induding, vrithout limitation, loss of income, business or profits. la. PQ5��I1£Il76E1t. 4li8f201 i Pg. 11 ofi 12 ARC 7-2-11 $20,0{70' R�,.r— 'Ro<k 'n Roti energy taok centsr stxge at ehe worid'c mazt pres[ig(ous fireworks venue: CaROnde in ����` ��ue�... Montreal, Cana<fa. Pyrotecnico's desig�r team developed "Rotk Loves...", a flve•act thrilfer that brought the internationai <rowd to its ieet and were awa�ded ihe caveted Gold Juplter. rotkloves.com r � . O� �� ��O . V17A�t IAU�(V i��RE�WOA�F3 • 16E�9 . In the event that weather Is such that Pyrotecnico, in its so4e and abso4ute d(scretion, determines t#�at the Fireworks Display would be : impossible, impractical or would unneceSSaNiy increase the r(sk of damage or danger to person and/or praperty, the parties agree ta immedlatefy hold a postponement meeting at which Cime an attempt to resctredule the Fireworks Dispiay shall be discussed w€th a vlew towarci reaching a mutuaily satlsfactory postponement time and/or dake. in the event the mutual{y 5atisFactory postponement time and)or date is beyond the day (Ne�ct day may not be applfcabfe for July A'" shows) foliowing the sche�uled Fireworks Display and It is impracUcable for the per5onnef and equtpment of Ryrotecnica to remain at Sponsor's location until the rescheduled Firewarlcs Display date, then Sponsor shall pay the adual expenses lncuned by Pyraternico reiated ko the postponement, which shatl not exceed forty �ercent (40�to} of the Contract PrICe. Attual expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses for travel, lodging, labar, meafs, rentals, perm(t fees, set-up antl/or dismantiing of display, additionai taxes or surcharges, or any other additional expenses that incurred prior to �nd/or as a resuit of the postpanernent or cancellation. in the event a mutually satisfadory pastponament date for the Frewurks Oisplay cannot be datermined, this Cantratt shatl become nuii and voEd and nefther parry shali have any further obllgation or responslbllity hereunder, pXpvi�however, ti�at i� such event 5p4nsor shall �ay to Pyrotecnico a sum equai to seventy-Flve (75°/a) of tlre Contract Price as liquidated damages. T. Canc�itation. If (i} 5ponsor cancels tfiis Contract for any reason, or (ii) Pyrotecnica is uoab}e ka timely complete ali Casks relaUng to the Fireworks Dlsplay irt accordance with this Gonnact with the asslstance oF Sponsor a�d cance(s thls Contract despite both partles best effotYs, liquidated damages trrr sueh rarKeliation shaR ke paid by Sponsor to PyrotecnEco as follows: a. In the event t#re Firewotics [�lsplay is cancelled more than thirty {3a} days before the date scheduieti for the Fireworks Dlsplay, twenty-five percent (25%) of the amaunt af the Contratt Prtce; b, In the event the Ffreworks Display is canceAed no more than thirty (3U) days anrl no tess than four (4) days before the Contract, fifty percent (50%0) of ttie Contract Price; c. 1( the Fireworks Dlsplayis ca�celled na more than three (3) days but before the day stheduled for the Ffreworks D(splay, seventy-five percent (75�i) of the Cantract price; ar d. On the day stheduled forthe Fireworks Display, one hundred percent (100%) af the ContraCt Price. 1n the event that Sponsor choos�s to temtinate thls Conkrack, +t ShaN do so by v�tttten notice v�a certified mali addressed to vyrotecnico, P.O. eox 199, New CasEie, PA 161Q3. Notice shalC be effect�ve upon receipt of sald written noHce by Pyrotecnico. Except as provided i� SecUon 5 above witn respeCt to weather postponem�nt, In the event of arcumstances t�yond the eontrol af either parry, such as fire, strikes, deley, acts of God or similar causes wh1c� Q�event khe delivery of materia4s ar performances as set forth herein, the p�rties hereto release one anather From any and al! abifgatlons end respansibiNties contained herein� 8. Uenue. in any action on or relating to tflls �ontr�d, the part'tes heretp onn5ent to ifie exdusive juris,ditkion and venue af the stake tourts loca�ed in Lawrence County, Penr�sy{vania and of ttie f+ederai courts located in the Untted 5tates Disirict Court for tMe Westem distrlct of C�ennsylvan�a. �. �,.@��� �OI1SrtCUG'��t1. Tf any provlsian of this Contract is hetd to be lllegal, invalid or atherwlse unenfarceabi�, then: (a) the same shail not affect other terms or provisions of khis Contract; and (b) such Cerm ar provision shall be deemed rrtaiifled ta ihe e3etenk nec�ssary to render such term or provisi�n enCorceable and the rights and abligation5 af the parttes sha1l be con5trued and enPOrc�d accardingty, preserviny to the fuliest extenY tttie intent anci agreements of the partieS Set Forth hereln, Ryrotecnlco reserves tMe right to substitute producks of equal or greater vaiae. 1�}. �I1tiEi'� �t�f�EBli1�11�. 'fi}SS Contract and tt�e Freworks �xh}bition and Display Progrem constituteS the endre �greement between khe partie.s hereto, arsd there 8re no other understandings, either aral or written, regarding to the subject matter hereoC. IN WTTAfESS WNEREOE, kh� underslgned executed this Contract by and thraugh their authoNzed representativ�s whos� names appe�r below. pYROTECNTCX#s i SPtfNSbR: Au R[chm Coun � �� � � / �. � gy, By: "` ,!� / µ s ' � �� Titie: �! l` ��'�<'{ Tltle: /ll�f���i'✓f � 4116t2�1? Pg, '!2 of }� f1RC 7-2-11 �2Q,OF}0" "Rock 'n Rail energy toak center tfagc at the warld's rnost {srestigfaus fi�ewurksvenuP: LaRonde in ���� `����„� Montreal, Genade. Pyrotecnico's dasign taam deveioped "Rock l.oves.,.", a fiive-a[t thriller that brought the intematianaf nowd to its feet and were awarded the coveted Gold lupiter. rotklove>:cam '� @ OATE (MhifD0l7YYY) �� �'� CERTIFICATE C)F L�ABILITY Ifi�ISURAI\ICE o6i��r2o» 7WIS GERTfFtCATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OE INFOFiMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE GERTiFICATE HOLRER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NO7 AFFIRMATiVELY OR NEGA7NELY AMEND, EXTEND flR ALTERTHE COVERAGE AFF4RDED 6YTHE POUCIES BELOW. THIS CER7IFICA7E OFINSURANCE D�ES NO7 CONSTI7UTE A GON7RACT BE?WEEN7HE ISSUING iNSURER(S), AUTHORiZED REPRESENTATIV� OR PRODUCER, ANDTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must bo endorsed. {f SUBROGAfiIdN IS WAIVED, subject ta tlae terms and conditfons of the poticy, certain policies may reryuire an endorsement. A sYatensent on this certtficate does �iot conEer ric�hts to the certiflcate holdQr fn Ifeu of such endorse�nent(s). PR6DUCER co TaCT Mela nie:Rflen NAME: MCGRIFF, SEBELS & WILLtAMS, INC. �' "-" -m ` �nX � ��PHONE �$00-476 2211 A1C No i .O, Box 50265 1�..Ns.V€�{L _ _._ _.._._� _ . ..._.._ ._,_.�f._. , Ji--. . _ ..__._ einningham, A� 35202 E'h�a�� mall c{,ilmcgrifLwm ADDRESS _._ ...-..,- __._...._... _. ___ ._.—_ . INSURER(S� AFfORDING COVERAGE , ____ NAIC # ..... ._.... .. . _. .. .... _ ..... INSURERA:UN[ed SlB�eS�F InSUfBnc@ COnt any � 21113 . ---__._._---- ._,_..____� _..,____.�,....._...�..__ . _�._.._.__._.__._..��..,... , ._. _ �-_ _. INSURED INSURER 8:.18fF12S RiVOt 1�SUfaRCB COtll�B� ,__ _,_ � 1J.?-03 S. Vitale Pyrotechnic fnclustries. lnc. -- " dba Py�Ot¢Cn4CO INSUR@R C.CBUIn Speclett� It15U�8nC� COm�BtIY _. � 16989 _ .__._ r . ..... P.O, Box 149 `� NCw CaSUo, PA 16103 INSURER P:_„ irisuRe� e : i.___ INSURER F : ����.�. � . ���� � � COVERAGES CERTIF{GATE NUMBER:Y9�wurEL REVISION NUMBER: TNIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF WSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE PdUCY P�F210D INDICATED. NOTWI7HSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUh9EiJT WITH RESPECT TO WNICH THIS CERI'1FIGRTE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE tNSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLIGES DESCRIBEU HEREIN IS BUBJEGT TO All "iHE TEF2(viS, EXCLUSIONS ANp CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS. � �._� _ w__._ ___.. . . _ _. . ...,_ INSFE..�....--- � .....-..._��. �D� SUBR PDLfGY�NUMO€R �.MMfDDlYYYY . 1 VUOYlYYYY�T UMI75 lTR . t L' D 4 �� GEttERAL UA8ICIFY QOQ292603 0�111412011 01/14I2012 EACH OGCURR�NCE )�S 1 000 00D TSA�aA'G AlEtS � t00 Q00 � COb1AdERGIAG GENERf�L LIA&IUTY PRft�ISEB (Ea�qc4urrencoj ��� � „� _ ,._ f CLAfh15-6iADE � DGCUR � MED HRP (Any ono person) �.5� �,000 . PEiiSONAI. & A�V INJURY 5 �i OOO,d00 GEN �S �� S.DOO,QOO _...,._ .... __ ..............�..,...._......_.____�._... ..._.._ ._....._ _..._ ...... _.._...... , . I GEN l AGGREGATE� L@dlT APPLIES PER: F'i30DUCT5 CO"dP/OR RGG � S 2 000 OOD � ..,....._._..,.�.... . _._.._. __._—�,--- --_. _. _ _ POLICY X j�� I,QC � S Fj � AUTOMOOILBLIA91LI7Y � 133730542$� 01114/2011 01/74/2012 �OPdpINEDSINGIELI.tIT i 1p00,0�0�- i jEn acciAOnt) �__._._____. ...� �_ _ . . ......_ _..----.. �X ANY AUiO 60DILY W 3Uf7Y (hor persoo} 5 __ ALL 04dN�D 3GHHDULED SQDILY INJURY (pur aouidanij ��5 AUTOS AUTOS ......... _..._.._.. a.._..__ . _..----- . .. ........ NON-O'NNEO PROPfiRTV DAMAGE � �. . X HIRC-U AUTOS X AUTOS Poracddenl .. ��.. X Tdrintera,p I Gomp.S1000dedU¢tiblo I Cot1.5.t000daductib;c 51rt�n Q U1d�RELLA 1128 X OCCUR EACH 6CCURKENCE y S 4;000,000 � X E%CBSS LIAQ GlA1FdS•h4ApF I AGGREGATE I �002�J2623 01/'Id120T9 0111AJ2612 I � I �. __�___ ___ _ _ d ODO.ODQ 5 . �....._........,.. . __.... .... ............. _w _.� _ _ .�.�...._.......__ � S 6EU RETEN7 5 � OFFI ER/h7�hSDEREXCLUDED7 Y, �� , I N 1 A I � = �$Y L,aMdTS �' �K ,,,,,_,_ .. . ___. j ANYPROPRIETORlP.1RTNEWEXECUTiVE I Et S 5 ANU Ehip60YERS' LIABIUTV i r ' � � � I(fdandAlary In NN) I ' ' S . i If yvs, descrlbe under ; ; UESGKIPTIQN OF OPERATlUN5 bela�v I I i I E-i, DISEASE • POUCY LINET j 5 �� C; EXCFSS UM[3RELl.A COVERAGF � X8A2002800t12 ' 01/1412011 � Ot/tAf?.012 XS Underlying S�i, h4il 5 S;OOD,OAO I S I �S i !S i � i5 DESCRIPTION OF 9PERAT�ON51 LOCATIONS JVEHICLES (Attach ACORD 1Af, Addltional Ramarks 5chetlule,tf moro spaca�Js cnyutrod) Fireworks Display Dale: July 2, 2�11 Location: 5th Slreet Bridge, North Augusta, SC City o! Augusta, GA.-Cily ot Norlh Augusta, 5G; Sta1e of South Caroiina TYie above listed are Additional Insured respacls to General Liahiiity palicy as required by written contract sutijoct to paiicy torms, eonditio�s and exclusions. The Certificate Holder is named es Additional tnsursd with �espect to Generai Liability as required by cvriiten ooniracL ' CERTIFICATE H€?LL1ER CANCELLA710h1 SHOULD ANY OFThIE AqOVE DESCRIF3ED FOLICI�S QE CANCEILED E1[�ORL- THE EXpIRATtON DATETHEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OELIVERED IN ACCaRUANCE WI7HTHE POLICY PROVISIONS. Aupusta Richmond County � PYOCU�enlent Dapi. AU'fHaR12E6��REPRESENFATIVE ;- "�'� � �.. 530 Oreene Sireel, Room Gt75 +.--` � Augusta, GA 3090t ''�"�'' ��••�� � aege t of t C�j �988.2Q14 ACORD CLIRPORA710N. Akl rights reserved. ACflFtD 25 (2090/05} The ACQRD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD . � `�� Sa1es t�r�der ,�� � � � �� ����o�rec���� Date 6/15/2011 Order # SO-C7090 Pyrotecnico P.O. Eiox 149 Terms Nel 10 New Castle PA 16103 P �# (724)652-9555 � Sales Rep Feigert, Jahn Show Date 7/2/2011 Bi11'To Nls. Geri Sams Augusia Richmond County 530 �reene Street Room 605 Augusta GA 3Q901 �' � - � � �";�'� � 7 z " * g �gp �� � � "`"� �, l"'r #� 1 r - �-_ ,;..� . .,�X,,.,.,t�:.�:r.r��.�.,,.,.t,�,:„��'�.. . P3E } .�.������ 4 �� .1 U...°�,a..,am,.,# sa �.�st`��i;�� x 6k�.,`��_.,+�„�s��.,�... ..... ...��,.�;�;.�m„ r..._.�3 �,�a .., ..td;� � . .. ,...�. . . � ° -j� � Spe�ial Aerial Display ' Shaw Date: July 2, 20'11 j 20,00�.00 ; � bndependence Day Getebration 1 f � � � 1 �Signe��i coniraot�recEived 6114l11 i � ; $10,000.00 deposit due immediately ;�1�,000.00 batance due net 10 days from show dale } � ', ; i f ��� f i 1 1 t i i i , � � � � � � � � i � t � 1 j � � I � �� I � i ` ' ! ; , ; Total �20,OOQ.�O ��I I�I I't���� I ��I���I���I�'i�I� �Il :cn_��nan _ ___ S, C. T?e�artmen# oi'Ls�bot�, Licensittg ns3t1 �teg[alatiarE � I3�ivisiUE� af`Fi��e n�t(! Li�fc 5�r�fety �ffice of St�tc Fire Nf�u•siiai !�k i Monticcl lo "I'ra i I Columbin SC 29203 f'hone: (803} $9G-98(�0 Pex: (80�}896-98n6 P��t�li� Fit�eav�rl�s Di��7l;�y I'er�snit Cit�}° North Auttus�td� Coc�n{y f�t� u�sta� Richmond C��tc o(`Ap�lic,itic�u 6/1511_9_ �. orgart;zaiio,t Sporesor�ng uisn�ay Auqusta Rlchn�ond Coun4ylThuntler ov�r Au�usia , .�d�iress Prc�curemer�t dept.,530 Greene St,Room 605 Ci�y/Sin�c�li� Au usta�GA 30J01____ _ I�edsral iDk Plso��e # 70G-821 23�a5 F:�x H _ lndividunJ Itepresanti��g Org:snizafion Ms. GeCI S2m5 _... ___ _ Ac!€Irass SBFrte �S 2bav� ..� CityfSi�le/ZiE� _____.�._.__ __._.___._ ��tO1iG�Il _._ . i'�Y � . ..__,_ �_..._._ ..�_ . 2. Nrirrae uf Con�pany Sup�>Iyir�g Firc�vorks PyrOtBCnICO i�ax IJ 724-652-128'8 —__.._ A�dress P0 8ox 149 New �asile, F?A 16103 Pha��e lt 72�i 3. Displsy Operntor's t�i+trnc G�aiq $utler _ ______. _,_._ ,�dciress 504 Whiteaak Estate C(rcle ______. Pho��e ii 7QE-595 .._ _ y�+nre of Assisten�s For tlie Dispiny _�____ __ _. 4. 13a�c of Uispl�y July 2, 2011 �_'I"imc of llis�tiny� ap��OX.�J:30PM itt�in Daie l.ocation of �isplay 51i1 StreQt E3ridqe, IVOrth AuqUSt�, SC � C1�te Iteceiviiig 1'irc�varks Sat11� �_. __�. 5. Fire Defla+�i��eiEt Prescnt D��rirrg i?ts�>tr[}� NoFfh AUqilst� F�[7 ____._ _._..__ _— Firc Cl��et`s Nonce Capi. Charles Williams ��, - -. �� z nddress �'�e�+�nMi+�+i1�+c. ��J �. �nylState�z�p North SC_,29a� f7cj�nrtment !'Irone tl 8Q3-4�l1-4251 � I7c{aartanent F�x N aQ3-�ld1-�126d C�ll__ _ Ci. 'i'imm n4ut [?s�tc Dispiny Site tGitl Fl�c fteady Por PiEint lisspcclion by rlcitl�ariucs "l..._.._.__�. __ 7. rltiacH a scpacate sticetskto�ving di�grom ofc�is{�lay sitc, a lisl of l(re typc, sicc �i�ict i�rimber �i' (irecv�7rks to bc usc�i, lacttfion and nddress� of��'ire+uorks stora�;c, aiici dircc�tio�7s�tc� tliesitc: 8. �\ttnch n{:ertii"icxte oC l�}sutajtce �ti�ittt ll�rs pem�it ar�tl se�� 4v : o ntidre 1� ,��- � �' , �_.__����!- Peroi�iUec L7nIc Rcs�ide `���e i�•1�rsl I((•ire CIi�e11 I)a c � ,� G�{�- ►�.i` _ . __ r���e _.�.__ .. _.. _______----- . . _ _.__ . _ . �to��sai! an')iU8 Staie I�irc il(nrsiinl i>iie Phone: ` Fax: FIRED FROM SOUTH CAROLINA SIDE �cation Gontact: Ghris Scheuer Additional Contack; Mis Sroc nski Phane: i06 79b-5025 Fax: 706-821-175�+ Cell Phone: Email: Property Owner: I�hone: Fax; Cell Phone. Email. Shipping/Storage Instructions: Set Piece Description: S ecial Instructions: Permit Informafiion: 5tate Name; State of South Carolina Contact: Address: Phone: Cell Phone: C�ty: State: Zip: Email: Loca) Fire Name: North Ru usta Fire ae t. Contact; Ca t. Charfes W(1liarrrs FAX 8fl3-441-4252 Address; 100 Geor ia Ave. Phone: 803-941-4251 Cell Phone: 803-491-92�� CitY: IVorth Augusta State: SC Zip: 2984i Ema11: cwil[iams(c�northauqusta.net ' Caast Guard; U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safe tlnit Gontact: K le McGann Address: 100 West Q lethor e Ave. Suite IQ17' Phone: 9i2-652-4353 X234 Gell Phone. City: Savannah State; GA Zip. 31401 Ema�l; KVIe.P:McGann(c7USCG_fiVill FAa. contact: Acidress: Phane: Ceff Phone: City; State: zip; EmaiL N[iscellaneous: [7e t. af Naturat Resources Contact: l�ddress: Phone: Cell Phane: CiCY� 5tate; Zip: Email: NOTES CRAIG BUTLER IS FiANDLING THE DEPT. OF fVATURAL��O�URC�5. I WILL GET CONTACf INFO FOR {3UR f2ECORD AS S�1�N AS �� I cnrv.