HomeMy WebLinkAboutAMENDMENT OF SOLICITAION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT DBA AUGUSTA ANIMAL SERVICES i , , i 1.GOMRACfiD00Db PAU80F PAORS I AMENDMENT OF SULTGTTATION/NIUDIRICATION OF CONTRACT 3 � s �� I 2.AA{�1DI�TllY1dODIPIG7IONN0. 3.EFFHC7IYS➢ATH 4.RBQUL4Jli0N/PORCHA3EREQ.?t0. 3.PROk?CENO.(tfe�pplinble) 91-Maz 2d11 mfoQtanw.00+ 6.ISSUEDHY ODDB �124� 7.AD?�@i13'ffiRADBY afo�6atharlSen6) CODS V1�$1249 MSS�MANd HSI'N1A710N CdNTR�C'TYK�C7�AD M1S.41011 PND N8T1VtlAT10N COHiRlVCT11C CMD � �CONBTANCE 6 PC1ingL70&791-1816 DRECIORASE OF CONTRICiU16 GOHTiL1C7NGOM810t1 NNBHp fiAl1 �198 8'TRffT CONNE.PON�I2�US.MYKNLL - 6Ui�DWO�a7t83iDF1A0R f700RDQ�16A9WOFrbTW . . � FT GOAQODI G430B06 QiY y � ' � - 8. NAMS At+ID ADDR&SS OF ODI1fRACrOR (No.. Strat. Camty, 3atc mdZip Cod�) 9A. OF 94LICCIA'T'IOrC N0. N1GUSrA�FtICf W OND. COUHT V OF arwtor+eRO�m' 9B.17ATEU (�E TTFM 11) DBA AUCalJS?AANNl1LS6ttACPS • . � (#28TAQA3��1� X ��724ri-�E- 1$ �/���RIdO. IOB. DATED (�B TfEM 13} CODE 65TJ5 X pg-pct-2010 ' 11.TFIISTCEMOHI.YAPPIIF�TOAbffi+IDMSNfS� e�Eo�s�nobaed mlidr�� t� �dod r sat buh ia lcm14. 'mekoamd daoe �pedid Srroeeip e!D!r Q i� memded. � i� aot ouanded. . Oitx mut rimoKledsocaedpt otl5ir �a�t pdorm t6a ho� �d dateapaifed in du aolidp�ioa o�p �led bY oao oftha $Ilowiat mthodr. (s) HY oonPlad4i Baa 6 nd 1S, � ialuatvs capin oflLeammdmn� N) 8Y aek°o'rkd� sadpt of�is ��dmmt aa �rh oopy oflhs air anbmaad; or(a)Bg sepers let6era tolegi�w�hIeh fadudea a refeca�ato tLawliaiutiou �nd emeodmrutmm6en. FAII.UBtB OP YOUR ACYNOWLSDdt�N7'7l� H8 RECE1V6b AT1HE PGACB DSSWNAIFD fOR11iB 8E(B�TOFOFFERS PRiOR 10'IH8 HOTJR AtiD DATE SPEC�F18lI MAY 1tFSU�.Z'M RE)H(.'SION OF YOUR OPF�iR. lt6y rtitne ot� rimd�t Yan dedte m rhrfBe rv o�r d�ndJ submittad.tuak dunteaT b� a�de 6yod�snmalate4 pmridad adt tdegnmsl�etrtwkea mfimas m t1u �olidudaa od Ibia �et.lnd i� tooeirad PdeeM d�s op�afLawmd d�te ipedied. [ 2. ACCOUNTINC3AI�ID ApPROPRIATION DATA (If nequhnd� . • 3e� ScF»dule 13. THiS 1T'FM APPT.lS4 ONLY TO MUDIFICATIONS OF C42�II'RACI'S�ORUEBS � 1T MOAII�IFSTf�.+ OONPRAGT/ORUII2N0. ASDE9(StIDHD IN71'EM ld. n. �rHISCx�xc$ ox�xrs �sn rvxsz�rrr Ta ts�«�eY �,o�er) r� cx�►xc�s s�r ro�x na rr� ia.u� �,na n�r � corrrxACr ox�xrio. n� rr� ion, B. THE AAONB NUMBEEtBD QONfRACT/ORT?ERISMQDIFTFl� T4 REbI�CC 7FIE ADMII�iISTRATIVS tT�.4NCB.S (each n ctum8ea in payiag . pf6ce, ep�o�frixtinn dat, ac. �T FQRTHIN TfEM T�, PLIIL'TJA1rf TO THB AiTf1iL1RII`Y OF FAR43.10 ). x C. THIS Sf3PPL'E.N�NfAL AC�tEE�1JT ISENCF.CtF.D INfO PURSIJAtdt' TO AUfHOR[TY OF: , FARdause 52.292-4{cj, Cha��s " ' � D. OrIHSR (� type of mu36cxcioa end autLorhy) 8. IIv80RTADTf: Contcactoe � is �►ot. Q� rcqidrod to siga thie cbcumwt endratsa � copiea to the iesdng offioe. l4. DE.9LItIPTIaI�i OF AMErIDIvIFNP/MODIFIGTIQN (Or�bg UCP xctlon hcu$ngd, inctndmg solicitYtioNaoauact e�jeet matta viiea�o feaslUle.} Modi6aKion Coatrol ld�m6er: paiwolC11578 , Tlte purpDSa af tfiis moc�'iCaBon is b0: a) Add FAR fleuses 62232-19� Avalabqlly o� Ruxk� and 52.232-19. Avsaab�'+ty oE Funds for Qte I�imct FisCal Year. b) hcree�se fundinp an CSn 0001 by 53.000.00 wder tf�s fbntlnuiig fiasoh�tion. C�ttrer f unde wi[ be eckied to iha contracx by subsaqt�ent rnotl�i�atlons. . c1 Char�ge the eontraetlon adrriniatratbn franTara 6AeAdoa to Censmnce Wwell . • 8�mpt r pmrided 6ad4 dl t�no md oondidau ofth� doamoml �a6mead ia kem9A oe IOA, r hemto8n d�Yei. �ed" moL�i°d �od in folt �ra �nd ��t. 15A NAME A1�ID TT[LE OF SC3�t (Type or prmt) i bA. NAME APID TTTLB OF �ACT'II�1 ��t) AID � �A�JQ-0 N C� � Aud�eY V�! I�bieter/CON�� � �O � c�Ik�C=7� Ta: .rischb�r@us.�y 15 NTR4CT0 iSGDATE9INBD I6B. SD ATESOFAMF.RI . - 1bCDKfSSI� '� u'l� V ,[ oFtY vv'�! �(5i��a�e of Co ing (1ffiar) � °`V �' (S�atae ofpaaon m�cLAxiz�it� e�gp T � EXCEPTIONTO SZ+30 30-1U5-04 � SfA�D'� ��M 3 . i0-83) APPTt(JVED BY OTRM 11-84 Preerri6edby C,SA • FAR(4$ C� 53.243 � LCONTRACTIDCODE PAGEOF PAGES AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT � 1 3 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICA7ION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DA1E 4. REQUISITiON/PURCHASE REQ. N0. 5. PROJEC'f NO.Qfapplicable) P00002 31-Mar-2011 ° 6. ISSUED BY CODE wg�24g 7. ADMINISTERED BY (Ifotherthen item6) CODE W91249 MISSION AND INSTALLATION CONTRACT�NC, CMO � MISSION AND INSTALLATION CONTRACTING CMD CONSTANCE S. PON.SLL 706-791-1815 DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING CONTRACTING DMSION NANSHIP HALL4196 STREET CONNIE.POVbELL2@US.AR�MY.MIL BUILDING297183RD FLOOR - FT GORDON GA2.090rr5719 FT GORDON GA'.:090''a5/19 ' 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., Street, County, State andZip Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLTCiTATiON N0. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND, COUNTYOF � st+nnaaoN BROnov 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) DBA AUGU5TAANIMALSERVICES � � 4169 MAC K W AUGUSTAGA3090fi-9291 l0A MOD. OF CONTRACT/ORDER N0. X W91249-11-R0013 IOB. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE 65TJ5 FA LITY D X 29-Oct-2010 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS �"]he above numbered solicita[ion is airended as set fortli in Item 14. "Il�e hour and date speciSed �r receipt ofOfter ❑ is extended, ❑ is not eMended. OIEr �rust acknowledge receipt ofthis a�mndrrent prior ro thc hour and date speciSed in the solicitation or as a�nded by one ofthe following irethods: (a) By co�leting Items 8 and 15, and returnin� copies ofthe a�rendment (b) By acknowledging receipt ofthis mnendirent on each copy ofthe o((er subiritted; or(c)Bysepara[eletterortelegramwhichincludesareferencemthesolici[ationandamend�rentnumbers. FAiLUREOFYOURACKNOWLEDGMENTTOBE RECEIVED ATTHE PI,ACE DESIGNATED FOR 7HE RECEIPTOF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESUI.T IN REJEC710N OF YOUROFFER Ifby virtue oFthis emendment you desire to change an offer already subrmtted, such chunge �rmy be nade by telegramor letter, provided each telegramor letter rsekes reference to Nie solicitation and this atrendment, and is received priorto the opening.hour and date speciSed. 12. ACCOiJNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) See Schedule 13: THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS�ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PUI2SUANT TO: (�ecify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN T IiE CONTRACI' ORDERNO. IN ITEM 10A: B. THE ABOVE NCTMBERED CONTRAGT/OT2DER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISI'RATIVE CHANGES (such as chnnges in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSIJANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(B). X C. THIS S[JPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: FAR Clause 52.212-4(c), Changes D. OTHER (Specify type of modification andauthority) E. IMPORTAN'I': Contractor � is not, � is required to sign this docwnent and return � copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF ANIENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organizedby UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) Modification Control Number: powellc11576 The purpose of this modification is ta a) Add FAR Ciauses 52.232-18, Availability of Funds, and 52.232-19, Availability of Funds for the Next Fscal Year. b) Increase funding on Clin 0001 by $3,000.00 under the Continuing Resolution. Other funds w ill be added to the contract by subsequent modifications. c) Change the contraction administration from Tara McAdoo to Constance Fbw ell. Except as provided herein, all tems and conditions ofthe docu�nt re�renced in Item9A or IOA, as heroto6re c6anged, remains unchanged and in full force and eNect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF S[GNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) AUQREY W. RISCHBIETER / CONTRACTWG OFFICER TEL 70Cr791-1837 EMAIL AUDREY.RISCHBIETER�US.ARMY.MIL 15B. CONTRAGTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. iINITED SI'ATES OF AMERICA 16C. DATE SIGNED .. �.. .., .__.. ....... BY u /.'G».rtr'✓alccr.c��f L�..!: .,�'='.�:_.-:r-.�6a.�.F��r-���u:;� 05-May-2011 (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) EXCEPTION TO SF 30 30-105-04 STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev. 10-83) APPROVED BY OIRM i1-84 Prescribedby GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 W91249-11-P-0013 P00002 Page 2 of 3 SECTION SF 30 BLOCK 14 CONTINUATION PAGE SUMMARY OF CHANGES SECTION SF 1449 - CONTINUATION SHEET SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM The'administered by' organization has changed from MISSION AND INSTALLATION CONTRACTING CMD DIRECTORATE OF CONTRACTING WINSHIP HALL 419 B STREET BUILDING 29718 3RD FLOOR FT GORDON GA 30905-5719 to MISSION AND INSTALLATION CONTRACTING CMD CONSTANCE S: POWBLL 706-791-1815 CONTRACTING DIVISION � CONNIE.POWELL2@US.ARMY.MIL FT GORDON GA 30905-5719 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION Summary for the Payment Office As a result of this modification, the total funded amount for this document was increased by $3,000.00 from $3,000.00 to $6,000.00. CLIN 0001: AA: 0212011201120200000113131252 300647.DES77.QLPR 6100.9000021001 A2ABG (CIN GFEBS001001931100001) was increased by $3,000.00 from $3,000.00 to $6,000.00 The following have been added by reference: 52.232-18 Availability Of Funds APR 1984 The following have been added by full text: 52.232-19 AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR (APR 1984) Funds are not presently available for performance under this contract beyond the current fiscal year . The Goyernment's obligation for performance of this contract beyond that date is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise for performance under this contract beyond the current fiscal year, until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for performance and until the Contractor receives notice of W91249-11-P-0013 P00002 Page 3 of 3 availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer. (End of clause} (End of Summary of Changes)