HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BOAT RAMP CONSTRUCTION W{�en recorded, return ta� GA DN#2 Reat Fsf�fe �ffice 2 ML}C Jr. arive, S�, SuiEe 3d5d East AtJanta, Georgia 3033�-JOQO S`CATE �F G�OI��IA CUt1N�"Y O�` l=t1LTQtJ ����� �� ���,���'���� �?� �}�'���/�►�.. ������C�� ���t f�!C�,4`� I�A�� �C���'�"RU�'f'tC}P� �'NCS IN�Et��l1RE, entitled "l..ease 1"0 l�e�artmenf of Natural Ftesources Far Boak F?arnp Co�}struction°, (ftereinaft�r "Lea��"}, is ma�e and entered inta this �;�`�_ c�ay of p p� 2008, by anc� E�efween AUGUSTA, GEORGIR, a�olitical subdivision of the State �f Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "L.�SSC}R"}, wttose acldress is Room II01, 530 Gi��en� Stre�k, At�gust�, Georgia 30911, Attention� Adrninisfratnr, and fhe DEPARTNIENI` t�F iVA'1"t1�Z1iL FZ�S�URGE� (1��reinafter referr�d to as "l.�55��" ar "DEPARTM�NT"), �cfing fpr tfi7e Sfatc� of Genrgia, wl�ose �dciress fior #he purpose o# ihis Lease is Suite 12��, Floyd Tnwers East, 2 Martia� Luther King, Sr. Drive, S. �., Atlanta, Georgia 34334-900Q, WITN�SS�'fH; WHCREAS, there is a demonstrated inferesf and ne�d for access to rivers, st�eams anri impo�tndmen#s within #he State of Gsorgia far water relateei recreationai }�urposes; and WFI�RE�S, in conraccfian witi7 ��f•avici'r�ic� �cc�ss ta ti�e S�vannah Ftiver via a�aat fauncfiiny r��mE� �s welE as prc�viclir�g an are� fn� usc by the ger�eral {>ul7fic;, LE:SS�� desir�s Ca lease a�c�rkint� af LES�f���`S ��ro�erty to canstruct, o�er�te anci �naintain ti�e i�»�rovei�ent� ciescril�ed on �xhik�it "C and WN�R�AS, ur�der U.G.G.A. �§ 12-3-6 (c� and (e�, LESSEF is authorized tr� iease lanc! €or suc#� ��urposes; arrd Wt-IGF2EAS� this (ease is sut�ject to a���rov�i fay #he Bo���ci of the C7e�artrrieni af Natt�tal Res�urces, the State Ara{�erfies Co�nr��i'ssinra anci Ai�gusta, Georgia Board of Cvmn�issioners; and WWEREAS, LESSOR c4�sires to coo�erata witi� tlte I��PARTM�N"f in its ef��rts #o provide recreatiar7al o��ortunities for the peaple af Georgia by grantil7g to the [1Ei'A�2TMEN7 a Lease on a parcel of �ESS�R'S property ft�r the ak�avewstated �urpcases. NOW TI°(�R�FC7RE, i�� consicieration of ft�e su�n of dne Q�llar (51.�4) �nd of fi�e mufual her7efits flowing t�etween #h� �arties i�ereto, whose receint and sufficier�cy are her�by ackr�nwledged, LESSC3R and �.ESS�F_ covenant anci agi�ee as fc�llo4vs: �. PRkM1S�S LESSO#� Ite��by grar7ts, demises anci leases ta L�SSC�E� the �remises tiescribeci an �XHIB(`f "A° araci shawn ort p1�t af s«rvey marked �XHIBIT "B° (herei�7aftPr r�ferred ta �s the "��r�mises"}, which are attached hereto and incor�aoratsd h�rein by ref�rer�ce. 2. 1'E�M Tf�e leaseholcf shal! have a terrn carr�mencing at 6:Oil F':M, locai E�revailing time in Richrnc�ncl Coimty, Georgi�, or�'ttae date first above wriften and expiri�7y af 12:0� P.M, midr�ig�t, lpcaE prevaili��� #ime in Richmond County, G���gia, on khe twenky-�fth {2�th} anniversary da#e af t#�e date firs# abaue wcitten. 3: f� �N`I' �L:��55kC sltal! pay na �i��r7E or fUrtl'��r cor�si�ieratidn �ey�nd Yh�a��i�7iti�{ consicfcE��fion, v,�i�o�� r�c �ipt anc1� si�f€�ciency�r�re ackn�wle�fg�d by� la( ;SSUF:, A. COVENANT C�F QUI�T ENJOYM�:NT iaES50R promises �nES warran#s fhaf L�SSEE t�nay peaceat�ly hold and enjay the premises ciurinc� tl7e fe�ll term of the leaseholci herein c�ranted. '�E�e use af tt�� premises by LESS�� shall �i�t endanger healtf7 ar r.reate a nuisance, and l�ESSEE si�a(! fake afl �Pasonak�le prec�utions fo asstrre that construction, use, operatiort and n5a9ntenance af ff�e �Sremis�s �n� strf�ctc�re or fac(liti�s c�n tt�e premises will be s�tch that the scenic, recrea#ian�l and envfronmental values nf fh� �toj�et will t�e proteeter�. L.�SS��`s use of the waters adjoininy the �rojeet shall �e nonexcE��sive: �, CAR� t�F TH� PREMISES I��SSEE acc�p#s the {�r�mises in ttteir Fzfesent conditiar� as �uitecl for tl�e us� in#endetl by LC55��, L�SS�E, only #o tha extent Ehaf it rnainfains sirni(ar facilities t#�rnugfzout the State of G�o��c�ia, shaq �T�aint�in� Eha#� portion of the prernises ideritified o� �XF11R!"C ��A in ��o�d� ar�e�- an�f� repair f�r the terrx� of the leasahc�ld herein granted. LESSO�Z shall not C�e required to make at�y repalrs or irnprovements ta �remises, exce�# as otE�erwise pr�vicied in the 1r�fergoverr�mental Ac�reement entered into by and between the parkies dated , 200E3 anc! herein�fter referre� to as the ` �. ItUiPROV�M�NTS LESSEE shal! cae�se flte irnprovements described in the IGA tQ be constructecf on the premises. LESS��, sttbject t� LESSOR'S cansent, or L.ESSC?R, subject to tkte tsrstts of the iGA, may furlher im�rove the premises with ren�ovable bufldings, additiona! boat rar�i��s �nd ot�er sl�ucture� �i�t� m�y cor�sirc�ct raarJs �nd trails, Any it��r�ver���r7ts t�tt�er tli�a� {aar�kir�g �i�e�s, E�c�at rat�tps, � and trails {�iace� u�Qra kii� pr�rr�is�s by LCSSC:E s�iail b�: �rjd remaiEi ���'son�l prc�periy af LESS�F, anci L�SSEF� r�ay i��ntavc� any �f its im��cavements a«ci other p�oE�erty fram thie {�r�erYiises artytir�ne ciurin� th�: t�:r�m af fhe le�seV�old �nd, if tl�e tea:a�t�c�ld sl��ll t�e terrnii�ateci prinr to its nafuraf �ex�ai��tion, for ��'easo►��bie�fime fr�llowi�7� s�ach t�rminat�ot��. l_�SSE� s�a�ll h�ve reasonat�le access to fi�e pre►nises for tfie purpase �f any such ren�ou�l following �arVy tPrr��ir7atian. 7. D�FAUL1' SY LESS�C E3efare LESSOR n�ay assert any rertietfy for tfte a�leged bre�ck� or ciefa�lt in any ferm of tl�is L.ease, k.ESSO� sf�a(I c�ive L.ESS�� specific, writter� notice of the allegec! default pr breacl�� U�pn such writte� notico of clefault, LESSEG shall have sixty (60) ciays �vithin �rr{�ich ta c��re the a{leg�d k�reaclz or default ar to dis�ute LESSUR'� assertiar� af t�reaci3 ar de#ault. E3. �ES�C?R'S ANi� LESS��'S I.IA�ILiTY FpR LC}aS No#l�ing i�7 this iease is ii�tended ta tiiminish any ��r�tecti�t� aftorded siff�er tit� LESSt�R or tf7� L�S��C by th� �rovisiot� of �h��� C�ar�i� Reoreati�n�1 Properties Act� �{OGGA G1-3-2� thrr�ugh 51-3�26), LESSEE's iiak�ility in tc�rt is ftrrtf�er governecl k�y #he Georgia `('ort Claitns Act, dG�A ritle .riQ, Cha�t�r 21, Article 2, as nav� existinc� nr hefeafter at'n�ndeci or r�pealed. t�o subragatian againsC LESSEE shall be perrnitted �y arty insurac�ce otherwise ol�taii7ed by �.�ssa�. 9. T�RMINATION BY I.ESSOR L�S�SOR may t��minate this l.ease u{�nn the�occurr�nc��of�the�foflavr+ir�g: Th� L�SSEE allawing use af th� property to c� a c�ndition cons#itu#ing a pubtic nuisance o� a hazard to fhe safety and health of the public, Should L�SS�R t�elieve that LESSEE has alic�wed the prop�rty to be used in such a svay �s to create a cc�nditlar� consfituting a p«bfi� nuisance or h:�z�rti tc� tt�e safiety �nti healti� of the �ublie, l.k�SSC)it �ttalk>c�ive rt�t'tc� tc� I.C�SSE� af'IrCSSUf�'s det�rmrt�a#ian, w3iicl� notice siiali contain tfie f�cfs u�on w��ief� L.ESS�R has reliE�ti ira reachinc� its d�t��'rni���'�iort, t,EvSSEE shall have sixty (60} �tays, �r such reas�nable �ciclifianal tirn� 7s ffte {�arties m��y �gree upcSn, �fter the dat� af aetual recei�3t of �he notic.e in whiclt to ch�lEPt�ye L�S�C}R"S cie#eE�mination ar to r.t�rtect the conclitin�� c�f w�i�f� it was ��p��ised ii7 L�SS�F�'s natit;e. � �. ASSIGNMENI' GESSE� rnay riot �ssign �ny riglat, title or irrterest it has tal�tier tl3is Lease wfE�7aut cr�ns�nt to L�SSOR �xcept ta an officer or ag�E�cy, deparkn�ent, inst�ument�lify ar pulalic corporatlon of th� �Sfaf� of� Ge�orgia for �u�li� ��purpases. "11. T(ME C}F �SSENGE Time is of tlte esaence ir� this L.ease. 32: 7' �S L�SSOR acknawledges #hat fhe ex�cutian af th�is Lease cloes nat aiter any tax exempt stafus upot� LESSOFt ar LESSOR'S N�eversionary interes# in ttta �retnises dueFng the t�rm a{ fhe l�aseholci. 13. IV�`1TICES Any �qtice, sta#�tnent, requesk, or au#t7orizatIon (hereinaiter sim�iy re#erred to as "notice`') given, or rec�uir�ci to t�e giver�, hereurltfer by either p�rty fa c�r from tite ather sf�ali be in writing and shail be sent tiy United States G�rti€i�d Mail, postage prepaid, ma�ked "show to w}�om, date & address of delivery", fo the pa�ty ta t�e r�otified at such �arty's address as h�reinabave set farth. l`he� day upon wl�ieh any such notice �fs� so� mailed shall� b�� ihe� dat� of servlce. Each �arty rnay from time to time, by notice to the ofher, desig�a#e a different address to w��icti natices I��r�ur�tier st�all t�o sent. /�r7y notice r�ason���{y �;�I�;t�lateri #o ap(�ris� tl�e {�a�ty so rica#ifieci �fi ttie cii�ciirt�stai�ces ir�v�ived sf�aCl bo �ieemec{ su�ficier�t u��c#er' tf7is I_eas�. 1 �t, Gt�N`1'I Laeh �rovisian of this �iyrePn�en# shall apply #c�, !>e t�iriding ct�t�n, enforceable ac��inst anti inure� to t11e k�e7�efit �or detrimet�t of all �fhe parti�s� 1�Qreto an�i ��ta their res�ective s��ccessors ancl as�it�ns. Whenever � reference ta a�arY hereto is ma�fe, sucf� r�fer�nce shaN i�e cle�med ta incl[�c4� the st�ccessars anrl �ssigr�s af s�it� party, tk�e s�t�ne �s if i�t each c�se express�d, 15. �iO W,4IV�R �3o failure of any party l�er�to to exercfse any �owet given such party hereunder nr tc� ir�sisE eip��7 strict cont��liaz�ce by tt7� t�ti��er to #heir abli�ati�rns �he�reurrder, a�d E�o c��s#��n crr �ractiee c�f at�y af the parfies heret� i�a variance witl� the pravisions heredf; shall canstitute a waive�� of any party's rigl7t to demand �x�ct cotn�}iance witf� �rouislorts hereof. 1-6. CUMl1LATIVE NC3T RE�TRlCTI1t� AI[ rigilts, �owers ai�ti �rivileg�s confetred it� this Agr�etnent u�o'n a!I of the parties ���re�o shall be cum«lative of, bitt not rest+�ictive to, thosa c�iven �y law. 17. CAPTIC)NS The captian of each numbered provision her�of is fc�r the �z�rpose o# ider�titicaf�on ar��i convenience only at�d shall he con�pleiely disr�garded in cons#ruing this Ayre�r�ient: '!8. fNl'�Rf'RETATi'C7N Shoulc[ any provision of this Agreement require judicial �rtiter�retation, it is agreed that th� �our# interpreting or construir�� the same shall not-apply a presumptian th�t the provisions hereof sliaii �e mr�re strictly construed against one �arty by reason af the rule of construction that ar1 ir�strta�rt�r�t i� tc� E�� cp►�strueti r��c��`e sErictiy �c�c�i��st tl�c ��rty w�tc� licrse;9f, tlirr7s�it, c�r itse}f, or ttir�r��ae�tt I7Pr, tais, ar itu ��er�f, �r�p�u•e:d tl�� sG�ifi�t;; it t��ir�� at�r�i:tl �li�t tk��; ac�r:iit.: c�a�ci �t��i���el af alI �Sartics trereta f��ve; E�ac#icipaieci i« ti» �rep�r��tic�n h�a��c�f. 1 J. fryNl�IiZE�__l�C�f�E:GMI�N`1" `l�t7is Ac�rr;�m�nt s�i�efs�cies �11 {�rrior ttisct�ssir�t7s anci ac�rr�;rnerr#s t��tw��:r� tf�� p�rti�s with resE�ec,t to tt�s matt�rs prpuid�cl far tierci�t �r7ci cc�nstitutes t�e #ull, sal�, compl�t� �nd entir� ac�r���n�nt anivn� tl�er�i with rc�sp�c# i7�r'�to. No ��ent, �mpl�y��,�o�fic�r �r r���sresent�tiv� a� at �t#t�rri�y for eit�7�r ��r�ty ftas �utharity tt� ti�ak�, or }}as macie, ar�y staterrtent, agreement, re}�ee�ant�tiori or contam�ar�neo�as �g�'����ent, or�l �r wrikten, In cc�nnection h�rewif� �mocl��ying, � amencii��c�, ��dinc� ta, c�r ch�rlgi►1� th� ���avisions af t#�i4 i�eas�. Na modific�Eifln, �m�ndrn�nt c�r �}�anc�� c�f, t� or ii� this �grc:�rtl�nt shail k>e tjin�ing on caitil��r �arty unless suc�t rnaciific�tlar�, �mc�r�clr�ent c�r change sttal! ba in writinr�, �xecakeci �y k�oth �arfies ane! by refF:rgnee irtr.orparated (n and ►t�a��� a�aet nf fi�is l.E�ase. ?..0. t_EAS� EF���IVG 1��his A�r��xn�r�t s}�all 4��cc�m� efFe���ve� as c�f�tlie da�e first af�a��� wriiten. � IN WI WFi�f��U�`, al( fhe �arties har�to f�av� causec! tfiis Agreemen# tc� be �xeci�ted in th�3r ns�me� �s c�f ilroe riat� h�raaf. SI�f1Ga S��C�C1 LE'�`SOI"�; /�11�'ai��T/1� �EC)��I�l �s to 5 i he � af ; « u� BY: ess � Nam�; ,�' '`'� � t `"� � � �_� .��. .�..# � ...._' . Atkest• . I�(am� � "�' ---_- ~�'° � Tit�e: C(erk ot Gomm� �ion, � . � . N�fa #�1 c; S ate �ear �a ��.�"��'�'������ `' _ C7ate� tarized: `.` 'z� ���; : �ei��;U�� p �=r� t . ' My ammissian �xpir� : � �, .� c� i i {rvar��Y �t���.�c s���a � �'; ��"�A,q�, ����� �<. y � t za �� ::> � . ,._ ,. r �� 6�����1� �?.�;� �� C�� a,, �; . �,�, ,�' , �,., «�, . vit�r��:cl �nd .�,�le' t.E:S���: I��;��F��`�fE�NT C)I� N�1't`UF�f�L. R�:S4U�tt�F`S �s tc� LF�� _� ii� pr�s�nce of� 7 I f .. � �/� »,,..,., .. . . ... �.. �. . � : � � � .. � � �.� _, m _.� �m. �� i'1'�r �.� �.Y � It[l �G'SS� G�amnlissic�nee � � `� ` �+ ���-��. � a,�';; '�� Nc�tary (�ul�(ic, State f G�� ote�i� C3afe Ne#arfzed: '� ���'� � 1 My Go�°nmissian Fx ires: �_____.__._ (NC1T'�I�Y I'UBL.IG SEwAI.) ; �,,, , �r�„„ A 18N� "tNC7N3A5 ,a:�'"�°���, Notary Pubtic. Gaar�ia � „o , k., ,,� Uokeit� Caunty "; +v�n� � �,iY �amn�iSSion Cxpites ,, -��o���"� ,, August 05� 2013 j � X�� „l?� ,.�-.._ �.�..�._---�"` � . .. .. ;�� R�� > ���> �� 1NOtt1 .- . �y�a S3iriVl� b7N+ 30 �x�0"I �..�-----.u.----- µ�,=,�ix',���.. _ ��� aVO� 33r,37/stivq arav � _w--�„�.,.�° ` �, — V �� ��� - ` e^ r .� �. o """'_--- "`- �,.�a-,-°'�� s. � �a� y � �• � .., - : ...--- � �� ,..- • � Y '� p e, •A . $ � � �� � S� � . , "_ �"----^.�' _'�.'� � b� �o� � , p �. � � , _.__�, • y p . ��� �:u ' , - ��� ���a �`�� _ J � � �n�q , - � _ _� . . _ _ .. _ . � „ . ��� . . . _ . � ,__ _ . . . _ _ , . ` C) —�_ ��� " ,' � �� as� �S� g8�& i ��._/ � _ >�� , �•'� -�__ � , [ �� � � � . � �f �. , �v� � � Y� F �� � �> Y,, , ���-� __ -��� � _ _ _ _ _ �: _ -- � � � :�� �p � . ,�'` �fi� `''�1 � � Q � C�. 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