HomeMy WebLinkAboutATC ASSOCIATES FOR MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES FOR NEW SHERIFFS OFFICE BUILDING AGREEMENT FOR INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT SERVICES BETWEEN Augusta, Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia Acting by and through the Richmond County Commission , Hereinafter Referred to as Owner AND ATC Associates, Inc. Hereinafter Referred to as Inspections Consultant DATE: 1 AGREEMENT FOR INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT SERVIGES TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe Article 1 Definitions ................................................................................................03 Article 2 Relationship of the Parties ....................................................................... 04 Article 3 Basic Services ......................................................................................... 05 Article 4 Compensation ............................................................................................ 6 Article 5 Period of Services .................................................................................... 07 Article 6 Owner's Responsibilities ............................................................................ 8 Article 7 Additional Services .................................................................................... 8 Article8 Notices ....................................................................................................... 9 Article9 Insurance ................................................................................................... 9 Article 10 Indemnification ......................................................................................... 09 Article 11 Termination of Agreement ....................................................................... 09 Article 12 Dispute Resolution ................................................................................... 11 Article 13 Successors/Assignment/Third Parties ..................................................... 12 Article 14 Ownership of Documents/ Confidential Information ........................................................................... 12 Article 15 Additional Provisions ................................................................................ 12 Exhibit A Schedule of Services ..............................................................................A1 Exhibit B Reimbursable Expenses .......................................................................... B1 2 AGREEMENTFOR INSPECTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES AGREEMENT made this day of , 2011, BETWEEN the Owner: Auqusta. Georqia, a political subdivision of the State of Georqia acting bv and throuqh the Richmond Countv Commission; and the Inspections and Materials Testing Consultant: ATC Associates. Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Inspections Consultant, for Consulting Services in connection with the Project known as: New Sheriff's Office Buildinq. The Construction Program Manager for the Project is: Heery International, Inc. The Owner and the Inspections Consultant agree as set forth below: AR7ICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The following words and phrases where appearing in initial capitalization, shall for the purposes of this Agreement have the following meanings: 1.1 PROJECT. The Project shall be special inspections, construction materials testing and NPDES Monitoring associated with the construction and associated work, as described herein, for the new Sheriff's Office Building. 1.2 SERVICES. The Services to be performed by the Inspections Consultant under this Agreement shall consist of the Basic Services and any Additional Services both as defined herein. 1.3 BASIC SERVICES. Basic Services shall consist of the Inspection and Monitoring services as described in Article 3 and as indicated and specificafly designated in Exhibit "A" to be perFormed and provided by the Inspections Consultant under this Agreement in connection with the Project. 1.4 ADDITIONAL SERVICES. Additional Services shall consist of the Inspections services agreed to be perFormed by the Inspections Consultant in connection with the Project but which are not specifically designated as Basic Services in Article 3 or Exhibit "A". 1.5 PROJECT DOCUMENTS. The Project shall be completed in accordance with the following Project Documents which were prepared or approved by the Owner prior to the execution of this Agreement between the Inspections Consultant and the Owner: 1. Owner/Construction Program Manager Contract (adopted herein by reference}. 2. Construetion Documents, prepared by Architect. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Construction Contract Documents consist of the plans and specifications prepared by the Design Consultant, and any addenda and change orders thereto, the Owner's Project Manual documents such as the Conditions of the Contract, Contract Forms, Bidding Requirements, etc., and the Owner-Contractor agreement, all of which shall be compatible and consistent with this Agreement and the Owner/Construction Program Manager Contract. 1.7 CONTRACTOR. The Contractor is the person or entity which enters into an agreement with the Owner to perform the construction of or any construction on the Project, including, without limitation, the providing of labor, materials, and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated into the Project. The term "Contractor" means the Contractor or its authorized representative, but excludes the Construction Program Manager and the Inspections Consultant. 1.8 BASIC SERVICES COMPENSATION. Basic Services Compensation shall be the time spent fee designated in Article 4 to be paid by the Owner to the Inspections Consultant in connection with the performance of the Basic Services by the Inspections Consultant. 1.9 ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPENSATION. Additional Services Compensation shall be the fees determined in accordance with Article 7 to be paid by the Owner to the Inspections Consultant in connection with the performance of Additional Services. ^ � 1.10 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES. Reimbursable Expenses are those actual, pre-approved expenditures made by the Inspections Consultant and its employees in the interest of the Project. A list of approved reimbursable rates is included in Exhibit B to this Agreement. 1.11 OWNER/CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGER CONTRACT. The Owner/Construction Program Manager Contract is the agreement between the Owner and the Construction Program Manager dated Mav 6,. 2004 for the performance of construction program management services on the Project. 1.12 DESIGN CONSULTANT. Clark Patterson Lee is the architect/engineer hired by the Owner. ARTlCLE 2 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 2.1 INSPECTIONS CONSULTING SERVICES. The Inspections Consultant shall provide professional building construction Special Inspections, materials testing and NPDES Monitoring services for the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Inspections Consultant's performance of services shall be as professional consultant to the Owner to carry out the activities of Building Inspections and to provide the technical documents and supenrision to achieve the Owner's Project objectives. 2.2 COMMUNICATIONS. The Inspections Consultant understands that the Owner has entered into a separate contract with an architect-engineer. The Inspections Consultant agrees to communicate, through the Construction Program Manager, with the architect and their consultants, on matters pertaining to building systems. 2.3 OWNER REPRESENTATION. The Construction Program Manager is under separate contract with the Owner to provide construction program management services. The Construction Program Manager has no Inspections responsibilities of any nature. None of the activities of the Construction Program Manager supplant or conflict with any other services and responsibilities customarily furnished by the Inspections Consultant in accordance with generally accepted Inspections practices except as otherwise modified by this Agreement. The Inspections Consultant understands and agrees that the Construction Program Manager is the Owner's exclusive representative to the Inspections Consultant, Contractor and Design Consultant insofar as this Agreement is concerned. All instructions by the Owner to the Inspections Consultant relating to services performed by the Inspections Consultant will be issued or made through the Construction Program Manager. All written communications of the Inspections Consultant to the Owner shall be issued or made through the Construction Program Manager unless the Construction Program Manager shall otherwise direct. The Construction Program Manager shall establish procedures, consistent with this Agreement, to be followed by the Inspections Consultant and Contractor and to call periodic conferences to be attended by the Inspections Consultant, Contactor, and/or Design Consultant, throughout the term of this Agreement. 2.4 The Inspections Consultant understands and agrees that it is not a third party beneficiary of any contract between the Owner and the Construction Program Manager or of their performance thereunder; nor is Inspections Consultant a third party beneficiary of any contract between the Owner and the Design Consultant. Inspections Consultant waives any rights, claims or causes of action it may have as an alleged third party beneficiary of any such contracts or of the performance of the parties thereunder. 2.5 INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT REPRESENTATION. 2.5.1 The Inspections Consultant shall designate an officer or employee to act in the Inspection Consultant's behalf with respect to the Project. The Inspection Consultant's representative for the Project is Mr. Alex Goharioon. This representative shall have the authority to approve changes in the scope of the Basic Services and Additional Services hereunder and shall be available during working hours as often as may be necessary to examine information 4 submitted by the Program Manager/Owner, to render decisions and to furnish information in a timely manner. 2.5.2 Within seven (7) days of both execution of this Agreement and the authorization from the Construction Program Manager to proceed, the Inspections Consultant shall provide to the Owner, through the Construction Program Manager, a list of the proposed key project personnel of the Inspections Consultant to be assigned to the Project. This list shall include such information on the professional background of each of the assigned personnel as may be requested by the Owner, through the Construction Program Manager. Such key personnel shall be satisfactory to the Owner and shall not be changed except with the consent of the Owner unless said personnel cease to be in the Inspections Consultant's (or its consultants, if applicable) employ. All personnel assigned to the Project by the Inspections Consultant shall cooperate with the Program Manager's/Owner's personnel. In the event any of the Inspection ConsultanYs assigned staff fail to so cooperate, the Program Manager/Owner may, at the election of the Program Manager, meet with the Inspections Consultant to explain the degree and nature of the failure. If appropriate adjustments in the perFormance of the assigned staff are not made as a result of this meeting the Inspections Consultant shall relieve said assigned personnel of their duties, when requested in writing by the Program Manager. 2.5.3 The Inspections Consultant was selected largely based upon its ability to provide adequate, qualified and competent staffing. The Consultant's failure to provide such staffing may, at the election of the Program Manager/Owner, result in termination of this Agreement. 2.5.4 All personnel of Consultant engaged in work hereunder shall be fully qualified and authorized to perform such work under all applicable federal, state and local laws 2.6 DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITIES/SERVICES. The Inspections Consultant understands and agrees that should the Construction Program Manager or Design Consultant provide the Inspections Consultant with any assistance, recommendations or other consultation, recommendations or suggestions, any or all such activities on the part of the Construction Program Manager and/or Design Consultant, or any other representative of the Owner, shall in no way relieve the Inspections Consultant of the responsibility of fulfilling its obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement. ARTICLE 3 BASIC SERVICES 3.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES. 3.1.1 The Basic Services to be provided by the Inspections Consultant shall be performed in accordance with attached Exhibit A. 3.2 INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT'S PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND STANDARD OF CARE. 3.2.1 By execution of this Agreement, the Inspections Consultant warrants that (a) it is an experienced Inspections firm having the skill and the legal and professional ability necessary to perform all the Services required of it under this Agreement in connection with the construction and inspections of a project having the scope and complexity of the Project contemplated herein; (b) it has the capabilities and resources necessary to perform its obligations hereunder; and (c) it is familiar with all current laws, rules and regulations which are applicable to the Inspections of the Project (such laws, rules and regulations including, but not limited to, all local ordinances, requirements of building codes of city, county, state and federal authorities which are applicable to the Project, local laws and rules and regulations, and all orders and interpretations by governing public authorities of such ordinances, requirements, laws, rules and regulations in effect at the time of commencement of services on the Project), and that all 5 reports and other clocuments prepared by the Inspections Consultant shall be prepared in accordance with and shall accurately reflect and incorporate all such laws, rules and regulations. The Inspections Consultant shall be responsible for any errors, inconsistencies or omissions in their reports and other documents. While the Inspections Consultant cannot guarantee the various documents required herein to be completely free of minor human errors and omissions, it shall be the responsibility of the Inspections Consultant throughout the period of performance under this Agreement to use due care with professional competence. The Inspections Consultant further agrees, at no additional cost, to render assistance to the Owner in resolving problems relating to the Inspections documents. 3.3 PROJECT MEETINGS. 3.3.1 Throughout the Project, the Inspections Consultant shall meet periodically with the Contractor and Construction Program Manager no less than as indicated herein. Attendees shall be as determined by the Construction Program Manager. As a minimum, regularly scheduled meetings which the Inspections Consultant will attend include: Pre Construction Conference (overall) Pre Construction Conference (subcontract), including, as a minimum: Foundations Concrete Steel Masonry Four Inspections meetings during Construction. 3.3.2 The Inspections Consultant shall be responsible for scheduling and attending any and all meetings necessary to properly coordinate the Inspections effort. ARTICLE 4 COMPENSATION 4.1 BASIC SERVICES COMPENSATION 4.1.1 The Owner shall compensate the Inspections Consultant on a time spent basis, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement with a Not-to-Exceed amount of Thirtv Four Thousand and 00/100'a dollars ($34,000.00). 4.1.2 The Basic Services Compensation stated in paragraph 4.1.1 includes all compensation and other payments due the Inspections Consultant (manpower, overhead, profit, direct costs, etc.) in the performance of the Basic Services. 42 PAYMENTS TO THE INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT . 4.2.1 Payments for Basic Services shall be made monthly in accordance with services performed. 42,2 All payment requests shall be submitted to the Construction Program Manager for processing, in a format acceptable to the Construction Program Manager. 4.3 PROJECT SUSPENSION 4.3.1 If the Project is suspended for more than six months or abandoned in whole or in part by the Owner, the Inspections Consultant shall be paid compensation for services performed prior to receipt of written notice from the Owner of such suspension or abandonment, and all reasonable termination expenses resulting from such suspension or abandonment. If the Project is resumed after being suspended for more than six months, the Inspections ConsultanYs Basic Services Compensation shall be equitably adjusted. 6 __ _ 4.4 ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPENSATION. 4.4.1 With respect to any other Additional Services, as described in Article 7 herein, perFormed by the Inspections Consultant hereunder, the Inspections Consultant and Owner shall negotiate an equitable adjustment to the Basic Services Compensation. However, if negotiations are not successful prior to the time the additional services are needed, the Owner may elect to contract with another entity to perform the Additional Service(s); or the Owner may direct the Inspections Consultant to proceed with the Additional Services on a time spent basis with Additional Compensation Services to be computed as follows: Should the Owner elect to contract with a separate entity to perform Additional Services, as described under Paragraph 4.3.1, the Inspections Consultant shall comply with reasonable requests from Owner, without additional compensation, with regards to Inspections coordination with the respective separate entity. 4.5 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 4.5.1 When pre-approved by the Construction Program Manager, in accordance with Exhibit B, and subject to submittal of receipts and other required documentation to the Construction Program Manager, expenses incurred by the Inspections Consultant in conjunction with the services enumerated in Article 3 will be paid on a monthly basis. 4.6 ACCOUNTING RECORDS. 4.6.1 Records of the Inspections Consultant with respect to Additional Services and payroll, consultant and other expenses (including Reimbursable Expenses) pertaining to the Project, shall be kept on generally accepted accounting principles and shall be available to the Owner or its authorized representative for inspection and copying at mutually convenient times. 4.6.2 At the request of the Owner or its authorized representative the Inspections Consultant will supply in a timely manner and certify as accurate, unaltered copies of all time sheets, invoices, and other documents to substantiate and document any and all Additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses. ARTICLE 5 PERIOD OF SERVICE 5.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, services shall be assumed to commence 10 days from the Notice to Proceed, on an "as needed" basis, continuing for a period of Twelve (12) consecutive months. 5.2 Unless earlier terminated as provided in Article 11 hereof, this Agreement shall remain in force for a period which may reasonably be required for the Basic Services and Additional Services hereunder. However, the provisions of the Agreement relating to Professional Responsibility (paragraph 3.2); Dispute Resolution (Article 12); Professional Liability coverage (Article 9); Indemnification (Article 10); and Ownership of Documents/Confidential Information (Article 14) shall remain in effect after termination of the other provisions of the Agreement. 5.3 If the Project is delayed through no fault of the Inspections Consultant, a reasonable time extension and/or credit shall be negotiated between the Inspections Consultant and the Owner. 5.4 Time is of the essence of this Agreement. Inspections Consultant recognizes that the Project completion is dependent upon the timely performance of the services of the Inspections Consultant. The Inspections Consultant shall coordinate its work to insure its timely completion, and shall notify the Program Manager in a timely manner of any anticipated delays 7 or causes or casualties beyond the Inspections Consultant's control, which may affect the work schedule. ARTICLE 6 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 The Owner shall provide full information regarding the requirements for the Project. 62 The Owner shall examine documents submitted by the Inspections Consultant and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Inspections Consultant's Services. 6.3 The Owner shall furnish copies of design architect/engineer's bid documents and construction documents. 6.4 The Owner shall furnish such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as the Owner may deem necessary for the Project and such auditing services as it may require to ascertain how, or for what purposes, the Contractor has used the moneys paid to it under the Construction Contract. 6.5 All services, information, surveys and reports required of the Owner, shall be furnished at the Owner's expense and the Inspections Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon their accuracy and completeness. 6.6 The Owner shall furnish information and approvals required of it expeditiously, for orderly progress of the Work and shall endeavor to adhere as closely as possible with the time conditions for such Owner activities as set forth in all approved schedules for the Project. ARTICLE 7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 7.1 Any services beyond the Basic Services described above shall be performed only as requested and preceded by the Program Manager's written authorization. Authorization to proceed shall be in the form of a written amendment to this Agreement, specifying the work to be performed and the amount (or rate) and method of payment for such services rendered. Each such amendment, after execution by both parties to this Agreement, shall become an integral part of this Agreement. 7.2 The Owner will compensate the Inspections Consultant for authorized Additional Services performed as herein provided to the extent that they exceed the obligations of the Inspections Consultant under this Agreement. 8 ARTICLE � NOTICES 8.1 Any notice required by this Agreement or other communications to either party by the other shall be in writing and deemed given when delivered personally or five (5) days after deposit in the United States Post Office, postage prepaid certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows, or to such other address as shall be duly given by notice meeting the requirement of this Article. 8.1.1 To Owner: Mr. Fred Russell Augusta Richmond County Administrator 530 Greene Street, Room 801 Augusta, GA 30901 8.1.2 To Inspections Consultant: Mr. Alex Goharioon ATC Associates, Inc. 1453 Greene Street Suite A Augusta, GA 30901 8.1.3 With Copy to Construction Program Manager. Mr. Forrest W. White, CCM, LEEDBAP Heery International, Inc. 501 Greene Street Suite 307 Augusta, GA 30901 ARTICLE 9 INSURANCE 9.1 The Inspections Consultant shall purchase and maintain insurance for protection from claims under worker's or workmen's compensation acts; claims resulting from negligent acts or omissions for damages because of bodily injury, including personal injury, sickness, disease or death of any of the Inspections Consultant's employees or any other person; claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of personal property including loss of use resulting therefrom; and claims arising out of the performance of this Agreement and caused by negligent acts or omissions for which the Inspections Consultant is legally-liable. Minimum limits of coverage shall be: INSURANCE DESCRIPTION Minimum Required Coverage a. Worker's Compensation Statutory b. Public Liability $2,000,000 Combined Limit Bodily Injury: Each Person $500,000 Bodily Injury: Each Accident $1,000,000 Property Damage: Each Accident $1,000,000 c. Automobile Liability & Property Damage $1,000,000 Combined Limit Bodily Injury: Each Person $100,000 Bodily Injury: Each Accident $200,000 Property Damage: Each Accident $100,000 d. Professional Liability: $2,000,000 per Loss/Claim 9.2 Evidence of such insurance shall be furnished to the Owner, and the Owner shall receive thirty (30) days prior written notice of any cancellation, non-renewal or reduction of coverage of any 9 of the policies. Upon notice of such canceflation, non-renewal or reduction, the Inspections Consultant shall procure substitute insurance so as to assure the Owner that the minimum limits of coverage are maintained continuously throughout the period of this Agreement. 9.2.1 The Inspections Consultant shall deliver to the Owner a certificate of insurance for its Professional Liability coverage annually, so long as it is required to maintain such coverage under paragraph 9.4. 9.3 All insurance policies (with the exception of Professional Liability) required under this Agreement shall name the Owner as an additional insured for the insurance and shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the Owner. 9.4 The Inspections Consultant shall maintain in force during the performance of this contract and for 2 years after final completion of the Project, the Professional Liability insurance coverage referenced above. ARTICLE 10 INDEMNIFICATION 10.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Inspections Consultant shall � indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, the Construction Program Manager and their Authorities and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from (i) the Inspections ConsultanYs performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement and (ii) any claim, damage, loss or expense attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of personal property including the loss of use resulting therefrom and caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Inspections Consultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Inspections Consultant or anyone for whose acts the Inspections Consultant may be liable. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge or otherwise reduce any other right or obligation of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party or person described in this Article. Inspections Consultant's liability shall not under any circumstances exceed the policy limits of their liability coverage. 10.2 Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, the Inspections Consultant and the Owner shall not be liable to each other for any delays in the perFormance of their respective obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement which arise from causes beyond their control and without their fault or negligence, including but not limited to, any of the following events or occurrences: fire, flood, earthquake, epidemic, atmospheric condition of unusual severity, war, state or local government acting in its sovereign capacity, and strikes. Owner shall not be liable to the Inspections Consultant for acts or failures to act by Construction Program Manager, the Contractor or the Owner's consultants. ARTICLE 11 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 11.1 If (1), the Owner abandons the Project or the Project is stopped for more than six (6) months due to actions taken by the Owner, or under an order of any court or other public authority having jurisdiction, or as a result of an act of government, such as a declaration of a national emergency making materials unavailable through no act or fault of the Inspections Consultant or its employees, or (2), the Owner has failed to substantially perform in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement due to no fault of the Inspections Consultant and such non-performance continues without cure for a period of thirty (30) days after the Owner receives from the Inspections Consultant a written notice of such nonperformance (including a detailed explanation of the actions of the Owner required for cure), the Inspections Consultant may, upon fifteen (15) day's additional written notice to the Owner, terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any right or remedy otherwise available to the Inspections Consultant, and 10 recover from the Owner payment for ali services perFormed to the date of the notice terminating this Agreement. 11.2 Upon the appointment of a receiver for the Inspections Consultant, or if the Inspections Consultant makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, the Owner may terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any right or remedy otherwise available to the Owner, upon giving three (3) working days written notice to the Inspections Consultant. If an order for relief is entered under the bankruptcy code with respect to the Inspections Consultant, the Owner may terminate this Agreement by giving three working days written notice to the Inspections Consultant unless the Inspections Consultant or the trustee: (1), promptly cures all breaches; (2), provides adequate assurances of future performance; (3), compensates the Owner for actual pecuniary loss resulting from such breaches; and (4), assumes the obligations of the Inspections Consultant within the statutory time limits. 11.3 If the Inspections Consultant persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply su�cient properly skilled staff or proper materials, or persistently disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public Consultant jurisdiction, or otherwise substantially violates or breaches any term or provision of this Agreement, then the Owner may, without prejudice to any right or remedy otherwise available to the Owner, and after giving the Inspections Consultant written notice, terminate this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement by the Owner under paragraph 11.2 or 11.3 it shall be entitled to furnish or have furnished the Services to be perFormed hereunder by the Inspections Consultant by whatever method the Owner may deem expedient. Also, in such cases, the Inspections Consultant shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until completion of the Work; and the total compensation to the Inspections Consultant under this Agreement shall be the amount which is equitable under the circumstances. If the Owner and the Inspections Consultant are unable to agree on the amount to be paid under the foregoing sentence, the Owner shall fix an amount, if any, which it deems appropriate in consideration of all of the circumstances surrounding such termination, and shall make payment accordingly. 11.4 The Owner may, upon thirty day's written notice to the Inspections Consultant terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time for the convenience of the Owner, without prejudice to any right or remedy otherwise available to the Owner. Upon receipt of such notice, the Inspections Consultant shall immediately discontinue all services affected unless such notice directs otherwise. In the event of a termination for convenience of the Owner, the Inspections Consultant's sole and exclusive right and remedy is to be paid for all work performetl and to receive equitable adjustment for all work performed through the date of termination. The Inspections Consultant shall not be entitled to be paid any amount as profit for unperformed services or consideration for the termination of convenience by the Owner. 11.5 Should the Owner terminate the Inspections Consultant as provided for under this Article, the Owner will acquire such documents, including the ownership and use of all plans, specifications, documents and materials relating to the Project prepared by or in the possession of the Inspections Consultant. The Inspections Consultant will turn over to the Owner in a timely manner and in good unaltered condition all such documents. 11.6 The payment of any sums by the Owner under this Article 11 shall not constitute a waiver of any claims for damages by the Owner for any breach of the Agreement by the Inspections Consultant. � 11 ARTtCLE 12 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 12.1 If a dispute arises out of or related to this Agreement, or its alleged breach, and if that dispute has not been settled through direct discussions within a reasonable period, the parties to this Agreement agree to first endeavor to settle the dispute in an amicable manner by submitting the dispute to a mutually acceptable mediator under the Construction Industry Mediation Rules, before having recourse to a judicial forum. Each party further agrees that it will endeavor to follow a similar dispute resolution procedure to resolve any disputes against any third parties (including the Contractor and Construction Program Manager) which arise out of or relate to work. 12.2 Should mediation of disputes prove unsuccessful, the parties to this Agreement agree that the matter(s) in question will be decided in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. By signing this Agreement, the Inspections Consultant waives any right to contest the venue in the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia. ARTICLE 13 SUCCESSORS/ASSIGNMENT 13.1 This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the heirs, successors, assigns, trustees and personal representatives of the Owner, as well as the permitted assigns and trustees of the Inspections Consultant. 13.2 The Inspections Consultant shall not assign, sublet or transfer its interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other, except that the Inspections Consultant may assign accounts receivable to a commercial bank or financial institution for securing loans, without prior approval of the Owner. ARTICLE 14 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS/CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 14.1 Plans and Specifications are not to be used by the Inspections Consultant on other projects. 14.2 In order for the Inspections Consultant to fulfi�l this Agreement effectively, it may be necessary or desirable for the Owner to disclose to the Inspections Consultant confidential information. The Inspections Consultant hereby agrees to treat any and all information gained by it as a result of the Services performed hereunder as strictfy confidential. ARTICLE 15 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 15.1 This Agreement and its Exhibits and Attachments represent the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and the Inspections Consultant and supersedes atl prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Owner and Inspections Consultant. 152 Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of Georgia, U.S.A. 15.3 If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement, for any reason; are held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions thereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 12 15.4 Except where specificaily stated otherwise, aA periods of time stated in terms of days shall be considered periods calculated in calendar days. 15.5 The headings or captions within this Agreement shall be deemed set forth in the manner presented for the purposes of reference only and shall not control or otherwise affect the information set forth therein or interpretation thereof. 15.6 For the purpose of this Agreement unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the singular includes the plural, and the plural includes the singular. 15.7 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and the counterparts shall constitute one and the same instrument, which shall be sufficient evidence by any one thereof. This Agreement executed the day and year first written above. OWNER INSPECTIONS CONSULTANT Augusta, Georgia, a political ATC Associates, Inc. _ Subdivision of the State of Georgia Acting by and through the Richmond County Commission '1 B : �' `•�--`,� gy; c�cD v�.--�— ��� Deke S. Copenhaver Alex Goharioon �i�f I� Mayor Vice President � ^ . � ' i'� �:_ � � �� i ✓�" �v' �. At� �' ° Attest: � � a �-� � ,�, �� Vlfitness ..- �"'� o ,, , , ` ; F; � �"`�'@ , } � 0�� � f ^ � i �c r� �_ a C �f � �h'. i$i'"'„���'_ � � � . '�i �` cT � 4 � f 4 j` a`� ��53 � . l. P ,,. � .. Q.5"k? �:J �i �- Unc�c>ta.^.�� ,.�, . �``t. `,: 'L"«.�ai � r �.�`"�'� . ..:�;;',,.v«.�i`'�3:�:a _r`;s �"' . 13 Exhibit A Schedule of Services See ATC Associates, Inc. proposal dated 03/15/2011. Attached as reference. 14 ' Exhibit A AF'FENi3CX E . Ct�S�° PR()f�{ISAL FC1RiY[ � SP"ECIA�E. IHS&�EC�'If?�fS, Ct3�[STRUCTtQN NIATERWLS TESTI�LG attci FtPpES �E1�1[Tt�FtE�tG 8id #1 T-'�€�'t Ne� S�Seriff`s C3CfiGe Buitd6ng D�SC�tPPtt3l�fACStEIFTf�S QTY. tl�tf� UIdiTCf?ST !Vt}T TQ EXCEEt7* G�3S?' Ear�thwork/Sits Lifftrty Testir�g: Sof(s Cornpactfan Testlr�g 30 T�sts ��� 1�.z J tes �•���-�� l�amesfic Water 7`es�ing: P�essura and Leakage Test �AUD} 1 � 200. 2ao.o� L�amesfic Water Tes�ing: Residual Chlarirle and " Bacferiotogicat 7'sst jAUD} f LS z o o. � i a o. o 0 Dort�estic Wafer Tesfing: Backtlow Preven�ion b� ,� �� k Containrnent: Testin� (AUfJ) 10 0• 10 4. D 0 Sartifary S�wer Testing: Corrtpfiance with AUI� Leakage � LS � 7"est 2eo. 2oo.QO ! Asphaf� basa covrse tesfirtg as sp�cified In section �2505. 5 Tesfs i a o. 5� o. o o , Sftuminous Gancrete (Asphaff) core samp(ing, patching, tsafrng and repar�ing. 5 Tests a o. � o o. o o ' Ccsncretemonr�aring, sampling,#esting, anctreporfingas 1b0 Sefs aa/z �r/ speciCred in sectiorts (�149�, f133(1(1. (3 cyfinders per set} test z2 , o00 . o0 lu�asonry Grou� Prisrns. (3 prisms per sef� 15 Sets 6 0. 9 0 0. o 0 14rtasonry Tufc�rEar Cubes. (8 cubes per setJ �� Sefs 6 0. s� a. o 0 tlisua( weld i�specfians, 6olt tesfit�g and deck inspections 3(J Visits {�- 3 0/ 2�r/ as spec�ed in Qivision 5. f visit 3, gno . o� Visua! roof irrspecfions and r�ports 5 4�istts z 3 0 2 r �=sit sso.o4 l�IPQES Ivfonitoring - ManthJy Charge (includes mr7eage, inspecfion�. tepar�irrg, reviews and administrationj 12 Manfhs 5 C fl./mo . n,000.cfl � Per Event Sarrapli^g Laer sarnple as ident�ed orr a,aprt>ved � Each . : Erasion ConEral �fansj Event z o./eacr� 1, oQ o.� o i Spscial lrrspections f �- Schedufe 4 66�.00 �'`` ; .. � � 14�anagemerrt ' '� LS s s o. o o � i travef Cvs� Eper round trip} 75 Tri�s z�rc . rt�TAL PF�E3PC?SE�} CCTS T 3 4, a c o. o o� x I Having care€vtly eramined the scQpe of wark entailed vri�hin fha sa[icitation and upon vlsit ng fhe sita agrees to perfarrn a�I � Specla! lrtspe ;fion and 3esfing Services ; equtred het�in for the folln�r�ng not tc� axeeed faet (�n�t cost shaii be a�fjusted based j o� actua! quan�ti�}: " �, s�, o � o. o o as listed abave. '1`�irt�=-faur �?�� do? lars at�d Ls'-'� /`iQ0 (`dl(('iifBR 3rnottnt) ___ � . t ���-,�,--_`�'�� �-;.°�.r� � ✓ �� ( � �� ** p"��ase see attacheci cost �reakdov,n ��r �(gt78fUf� � Dale ti,�se s=�v=ces _ Actual co�t will :Ge ]_a��� an vaie attached Jn-t Fee ' �,?e:� �ohar�.00n, `Jice Presid�nt � - i CL7�C11iiE�. j T(tie � Sid t i�ti1 hsateria! Testng � Special fnspec�a:�s for Shesi�Fs t)�ce � Pa�e 3G of 79 � l , Exhibit B Reimbursable Expenses See ATC Associates, Inc. proposal dated 03/15/2011. Attached as reference. 15 Exhibit B �E� �tva �T� sc�En��� fn canrrection witt� the Consuftant's preparation of Ehe Gc�st PraposaE as s�t farfh in Appent�� °E'" it is understaod anc! agreed f�ereby tFrat ihe follawing Fee and Rate SeheduEe was fihe basis fac Ehe Cost Prnposal tt� pravide the 8r.ape r�f W�rk as set farth in the R�quest for Praposal. Fufthermore, i� is aisa ttrtdersEQOd and agreed fhat fhis Fee and Rate Schedule w"sli f� t#�e basis for any Additianai 5ervi�es required forth� wo�c by the Owt�er. [. BASIC EMG[PIEEF2�NG BERViC� l�,47E5 A, ENG(NEER1ttiG SERVICES 1. Project Geo[ogist, per hour .$ 6s . o 0 2. St�cturaf En�ineer, PE, perhour � 95.OQ r ; � 3. Geatechn�ca! Eng#nee�� PE, per hour � �s . oo � 95.Q0 i 4. Environmenfat Engineer P�� Aer hour $ ! 5. Sfaff Ertgineer, per haur $ ��. o a : . ;: 6. #�rc�ect Engineer / Projeet Manager, PE, per hour • $ s 5. o o ; � 7. Senior �ngir�eer/ Seniar Project Manag�r, FE. Per haur � 95 . 00 i 8. Ser�ior Engineer / f�ivisinn I�arc�ger, PE, per hour $ x o o. o 0 9. Chief Engin�r / F�rinc�pat. P�, per hour � 1 o s. o� 10. C7raftsper�on, �er hour $ 3 s. o n �' B. TECH�ItCiAt�i SERVJCES 1. C�i�f Engirteering Technician, per haur � � s. o 0 2. Metais Techntcian ! i�spector, }��c hour � s s_ o 0 3, Cancrete Technic9an 1 inspectQr, per haur � � 55 . II 0 4_ So��s Technician !(nspectc�r. pen c��ur � s s. o 0 �. Enviranrnerrtal TecE�ttician 1 Jnspectar, per haur $ s�. o 0 6. Asphalt Tschnician I Inspector, p�r �taur �, 55 . 00 7. Roof l'echr�ician / lnspector. per hoc�r $ �' . 8. General Engsneering Technician ![r+spector, per haur � 3 s. 0 6 Bid 11-1Q1 Cviater,af Tes6ng & Sp2ciat Inspectiansi�rSheri�sC7fricz P��� �z ofas : C, CLERIGAL SERVIGES r . 1. Secrefarial, per hour � a s_ o 0 p. TRANSPC7Ri"AT�Q�+1 1. Veh'rcie Trartsportati�n, per mite $ o. so 2. Trip Charge; (nc(uding rniteage and persannel ta pracure sampie and $�o cnarge cfeliver fv ia@aratory for testing. E. MiSC. t REf�1BURSABLE " 's 1. MiSCeitanetsu5 $ At Cost � D. SFEGIA� S�F�VICES ( t Specia[ f�sts� engineerir�g consultafions or evaluafivns it� cc�tt�unetie�n wifPt a�y of the fallowing tes�ir�g � services shall be char�ed at fhe Basic Engine�ring Sen�ice Retes. S�ecia! suppEies �ndlar ec�uipmen� naE � [istad sha€i be charged at ccist_ I � l�. 3�d��.� � , A. FE�LD S�FtVIGES � Fiefd density tests either by Driva Cy[ir�der, Sand Gone ar t�uc[ear Ga�ge. $ �5 . oo ; B. LA�C3RATCMf�Y S�RVICES - Com�action a�d Qensity {a} Standarci Cornpaction Tes�, ASTtu1 D-fi98 c�r f1ASHT(J T-99 incfuding rougE� pfots �nd grain size cunres excep� t�n base mck. Method t3 does nvt inctude grain size. {'t ) l�efhod A{4"moid), Per test $ � 2 a. a n (2} Method B, C or [? t6" moldj. per test � i 3 0. o 0 (3) Standard Procfor, per test � gs . o 0 (b} Modified Campacttort Test� ASTM D-1557 ar AASH`fa T 1&(linc�uding raugh pfc�ts ancf grain size cunres �xcept gn base rock. Metf�od D daes rtot include r�rair� size. (1 } Meffiod A{4"rrr�ld}, Der test g 12 0. o a t2) Mefhad B, C t�r D{6" molci}, Per test � i; o. o 0 {3) �rfadified Proctor, per tes# $ 9 0. o 0 (c� CBR at opfimum maisture conten�, including tabora�ory catr�paction test, ASTl�3 Q-1883 or f+,ASHTa T-13� wi�h plot of carnpaction and GBR curves, �aah � aso.00 (d} G�R, Corps. of Engines� R�ethati, eac#� � 2� o. e o B?d € t-9 C3t hdatsral Tes6rrg & Specia! inspc-ctlans fae Sherifl's 4ffice Page 38 ot 78 1�1. SOlI. �EM�N�"" A. �!E �LD SERVICES �.. F Observation af Sail �Qrnent Fiefd P[acemertt � 65 . OQ B. LA6�RATQRY �E�iVICES 5�it Cement Design €a} �irst saiE cemenf mi�ure, inctudir� grain size deterrnination tir�uid and plastic ('tmits, cornpaction test at thr� cemer�t c�ntents, Guring thre� specimens at each � cement cor�tent anci compresstv� strength tesfs af eaci� cement content {includ�s catc�c€m absatgtior� test on soi[ sarrtpie} - � s a o. o o � { b} Eac h a d ditiona i cement cantent using same samp�e, add � x s o. o o ; ! (c} Far weitin� and drying tesfs, arld for each cement cvntent $ 5 0 0. o a � i tV. A�PHAl.TEC !4�/�T�t�[Ai.S � A: FIELa SER1JlCES ; i 't. E?bs�rvation a�d fietd testing of asphalfic concrete p(acement � 55 . 00 ; , ; 2. Twr�-rrtan asp�aftie concrete cciring crew, ':nefuding traiter ar4d equ�pment. i �er hour. � 9 0. o o � B. LABORAT(�f�Y SERVECES � Asphai�c Materiats ar�d Tests . � {a} Asghal�c Cancrete Mix I]estgn � 1. Marshai� rnethad, per ciesign $ 4 0 0. o o � � 2. Hubbard - field r�ethod, per design. two ir�ch . $ �/A 3. Nubbarcf - ftetd method, per design, six inch $ �/A (b} Bltumen conten# aniy � � s. o 0 {c} Bifumen and gradatian of aspha[tic concrete � 125 . 00 i {d} Dar�sify, s�mpies F.f).8. labaratory . ; 1. f� t'�tf�f CTi1X� � 2 5. 0 0 2. t�at aiready cnixed � 2�. o a = (e� h��sbbard — field stabilify, sarr�ples F.O.$. faboratc�ry � �i. 7hree specimens, two inches $ �lA , 2. Three spsc(rner�s, six incl�es � � �T�� (f} �vtarsha![ M�thacf Stabiiity, thre� specEmens � 12 �. oa : B(d 1I-1Cfi 149ateria3 Testinq � 5peciaf inspec+�ons for Sherii�s tTifice ! Page 34 af7f� i _ _ V. COt�GI'�ET� A�![} GE�tI�t�T � �4. FtELD SERVlGES �; . {a} Cor�crete Quafify ContrQ[ Enspec�ton and Tesiing (incfuding E�ut nat firn'sted to. vEsuat observa�arrs slurrtp, ferr�perat€tre ancf air �ntxainrrzen�t t�,sting) ASTM � �_�(�_ � 45.00 (b} Cy(inde� (3 specimer�s per set}, ASTN! C-39, per set � 45 . 00 (cJ Reserve cyf ind�ts, each ;� i o. o 0 (c!} Tttspect��h �rtd tesfirtg af ready mix plants, �restresslprecast 'yards, concrete prc�c#uct �lants, � canstrttction sites artd cQncr$t� stsuctures shaiE be charged at the Basic Engineer(ng Secvice R�t�s � �tus fest�ng at cast ! � {e) �yfinders made by others shal{ be pfdced up and de[ive�ed fo #�e IaboratQry an a time artd travel � charc�e basls at fhe Basic Ersgineering 5�rvice Rates, A�harge of $24 per case o€ 24 p(ast(c cylinder motds witt t�e accessed rvften cylind�rs are made �y vthers. , {� hian -�lestructive ins�ectian �nd testing of concret$ p�oduets and structt.rres, inciud[ng failures, i si�alf b� charc�ed at tf�e Basic Ertgineering Service Rates, pfus velacity attenuafion ' , et�u€pmer�t c�targed afi cc�st, ; I (9} Canerete Goring 1. Twa�nan crev�t p(us Eviachine per haur � Q a. a o i 2. llrtacF�ine onfy, per h�ur {renta!} �, 3�.° o � �. Cc�mpressive strertgth #est, each � 2 0. t� o i � B. LAB�RATflR�' SERVICES 't. Gortcrefe Materials {a} Sieve Analysis, �ry ASl"M C-136, each � ao . oa Finer#han No. 20� Sieve, ASl'M C-�'t7� each � 40 . ao ��� S�JBC[gIC �C3Vt� ASTM C-'(27 ar C-126, Coarse, Fine � s o. o a (c} Absc�rp#'sc�n, ASTM C-127 or C-'f 28, Caarse. �'ine � s a. o 0 (dj Unit Weight. ASTIVt C-2S � s a. o 0 {e) C�rganic impu�ities {Caforimetric} ASZM �-4-0 � 6 Q. a o (f} E�`ect af Qrganic Impurifies, ASTM C-87 � � o. c o (9} Clay lump� fr� aggregate, ,4ASHTQ T-� 1 Z � Q o_ o 0 1. �of� Fs'aeEicles, ASDTM C_238 2. Fria6[e Par�icfes, ASTiV! C-��2 . (h} Abrasir�n (L.e�s �ngeles Rattl�r�, ASTNf G-'! 3� � 6 0. o� �. Pr�paratian o# sernpie if crushed {i) Staining Tes#,light weigla� aggrec�ate, RST�f G-6�1 � � s, eo Bfd 31-141 P+�ateria) Testing & S�eciaE lnspectioRS for Sher�'s {7€�ic� Page �tt3 of 79 (�} l.ass an �gnitian, light weighf aggregate $ s o. o o . (k} 5uffaie soundness. Sad�urn ar Magnesium, ASTM-88 five (5} cyc�e. _. Each additi4r�ai 5 cyc[es wi�Fto�t loss determinatian. AddifionaE 5 � eyc4es vvith fass detefminabon. each . � �aa. o0 {I) Patential Alkaii Reacnvity, each $ iio . o0 2. Mix Veriftcatiotis (a} Enitial mix, incfudin� @asis test c�f ftne and cnarse eggrecJate, six � a s a. o 0 con�Cematory cylincfers, per m�c ` , (b} �ldditi�nal mixes, same aggregate, �ix confirmatary cytinder�, per ; �;� � aoo.00 ; , {c} F7exurai s�rengffi tnix s'sx (B) test bearrzs i�cfuding tests a€ aggregate, � 350. 00 � � per mix 4 ; (d} Additiana! mixes, six (6j test f�eams, sam� aggtegate per mix $ i s o. a o � {e� LigF�t wstght aggce�ate mixes, add to above, each . $ s o. o o , {#� MIx, no cor�firmatory tests {caicufated} � 2s.00 , �g} Mix desigr�s, applicable E�aur�y rates � �s . o0 3. Testing of Gyfinders anci Beams . {a} Cyfinders cornpressive sfreng�, inc[udPrtg curing, aSTM G39, sac� �$ 10 . o a �b� Resenres, rt�t tested, includin� �urin�, each � �.o . ao (c� Splitting Test, ASTlVi C-496, each � 3 a_ o0 (d} 8eams, per breaEc, ASTM G78 $�C�'S � a�. o 0 hfC?TE: Engineer€ng, Gt�nsu€tati�n, evafuation and p�eparatiQn r�fi samptes far tesfPng in crtr�junc�ian w�th a�ty above Iab t�s�r�g serv[ces shalt be c�arged at the B�sic Engineering Services Rate. �I. BLf3C4�, BRtCK, TfLE, PtPE A. FlELD SERVICE {a) tnspectian and Te�ting at Manufacturer's Ptar�t shail be charged at Basic Engineering Senrice Rates ptu� testing at cast {b} Mortar andlar Gro�st cuhes (fi specimens per set), .per set � s o. a o B3d 11-iQl Plateriei't`es�sng & Specisl ,nspectir�ns for Shsrif�s OFftr,e Page 4i af?� B. C.ABQRATC3RY SER�t(CES - 'r� Conc�ete N4ason€3r Units � ` . (aS Compr�ssive Stren�fh� ASTM C-14��� 5 sgecirrtens. each $ ao . o0 (b} Abst�rpffon and mofsture content, ASTM C-144, 5 sp�cimsns, eact� $ 4 0. o Q (c� Linear dryir�g shrinkage, ASTiVI C-34'�, tr+in'smum 3 specimens, each $ e o. o0 (d) CQncrete masonry bfack prism cr�mpressive strength tests, per set � so . oa Vft. METi4t.S , A. FtELQ SERVIG�S ' {a) V'�sua[ shop anti erectiart ir�pection, including witnessin� of we[ders qu�[ifieations shafi be charged at 6asic Engirreering Service Rs#es. (b} Radiographic, Magne�ic Partic{e and UltrasQnic Testing Charge �1) Two r�an rad�agraphic crew urith ca��ra and daricroorn � x��.92 3 � �a �. o 0 {2) Radioc�raphic camer�, Eaaded. each, Per �f� �ay :$ � o. o 0 (3) Raciia�raphic darkraam 4n truck, per �ay : � 5 0. o o : {4} X ray mac#�ine, each, per t���� d�Y � � o o. o o � � (5j t�i�gnet�c pacticie machin� (dry}, perhour $ N�� (6) U ltrasonic machine� per ��a�' Y � s o. o 0 (7) Thiekr�ess artd cQrrasion tr��asurerne►zt equipment, Aer ftaur � a s_ o 0 (c) Bat# Torque �nspecfiors and test incic�ding caliE�rated tvrq�e wrench, eaeh � � s. o o/hr {d} Plate ar Fite Load Test, eacf� � z�. o 0 B, LA8C3F�A7OR1' SERVIGES (a} W�tnessic�g of weider's qua[ificadon tests shafi Y�e charged at Ba�ic �ngineering Service Rates ° (h) Radiographi�, N€agnetic Particle and Elltrascar+ic Testing Gt�arge or� metal products �r samples sEra[1 be charged a# Sasic Engineering Service Rates pius equipment ra#es at f�e faltawing: ' (1) Dye Pen�tra�ion Equipmenf, �er haur � � n. a o � (2) Ntagne�c Particie Equiprnent, Per ttauc $ �o .�e i ��� UI�fi�54itiG TE:S�t['I� �QUtQRIBR� per hotar � �s . c�o i (4} Radiographic Equipment, per hour � s� . 40 (c} Physicaf ar�d �echanicai Proper#ies Testing {�t ) Ter�sile test apparent yiefd and uftitnate sfreng�h, ir sampie $ 3 0°. `� � {2) Guided Bend Test, eac� � 10 0_ e o � i i i ! Bid 11-1 t31 Maferia! Testing � Specla! 1;�specbons foc She�;Ffs Offrce � Page �� o# ZS V`[tt. RC30�'iAlG = A. FfELD SERVICES - Roofing installation fRSpectian and Project i�feetings sha!! be charged at �asic Engineer�ng Services . Rates. B. E..,4BORAT4RY S�RVECES Rar�fng Materials {a� Dissection, inc{uding fofa[ vueight, nurr�ber pffes interpty biturrren tap biEumen, aggregate weig�t and j diagramming, per sampfe: . " � (�i} With aggregat�s, (aspF�alt ar�oal tarj � 350: 00 (Z) Withvuf aggeegates � a o a. o 0 {3) Trimming samgle to prnper size �, s o. o o � (4} Uiagrammfng onEy � 2� o. a o {b} Moisture Content of fa�ts, ASTM Q-95, per sampte _ $ s g. Q o ! (ej Unit lttfeight of felt, ASTRA' C-4fi1. per sampEe � 4 0. aa � (d) futoisture Gontent 4f aggregate, A�'1"M E�-18854, per sampi� � s o. e a ; , ' (e} Unit W.�igh� vfifett,l�,STM G-46�, Rer sarnple �� 45 . 00 1_ Sr_gineering charges are aoplicable for time spent in initiating, supervising, coordinating, closing out projacts, evaluatin? field and laboratory dat�, �eport preparatian anti review� consultation and siie observations. 2. Tre haurly rates are porta2 to partal. Overtime rates will be applicabJ.e �ar services perforned autside normal working �ours, over 6 hours per day erithin this period, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at I.5 times the standard hou:. rate fnr technicians. 3. A nznirnum charge of three hours pe� visit wil3 be charged for field persorinel.. Bid 11-9 O�F f�ateriaf Testing 8 Special Insp�6ans f�r Sher3fPs C7#fca Pags 4�3 of 78 _ � A 5 5 a s�i q.T E s a N c. Eng3neering Indiv;du2J Satutians `.^.�is'i�'. u �CG'SSG� : � t� S. C�f?? ��tv s�E����7s o���eE Bu��a��G Augusta, Georgia Scope of Work and Cost Budget fc�r Spe�iaf Insp�ct€€�ns Nofe: Based upon the avaifable information, we have assumed �he fafiowing inspections on this project. H�wever, when the cc�nstruction sche�lule is available, we woulc! appreciate the opportuni�y �o fine tune this budget. The actual cost for our services will be based upon the unit costs. 1.0 SPECfAL I�SPECTtQNS: (Safs, cancrete, reinforcing sfeel, masanry and fiireproofing.a 1.'[ Lead !CC Special Inspectar. 1_1.1 Estimate 60 haurs x�55.00 per haur ....................................�3,300.00 1.2.1 �irepraafing density, 20 samples x$30.00 per each ........................................................ .................................. 600.00 Subtotaf ................................................................................$3,9{}Q.t}f} 2.Q tUIECHAP�[CALIELECTRtC�L CG�tlFONENT �P�C1AL. II�SFECTlQNS: (Serv'tces ta #�e performed by �egistered Professional Engineer.) 5.1 R�gistered Professional Engineer. 5.1.� Estimate 2 visits x 4 hours per vis�t x$95.00 per hour .......................................................................................... 76D.Q0 suE�tota[ ................................................................................... $76(}.UU 3.0 �1A�(�tGE�V[EPlT 3.'[ Seniar Registered Engin�er for fieid data review COC1SUI��'�ff7l� meetings, efic. 3.1.1 Estimate 10 4�ours x�95.00 �er hour ....................................... $95(�.OQ Suf��g�al ................................................................................... $95C�.fJt� � � e� I�TC Proposal No 066 2011 �109 � �� , ; ;� ° , ���,. , � �,,�_. . ��.,.�s ,..__.�__ ... _ .,� __a. .. � � . - . , F� �,��-°�-�. �. ,� - � � A680�C11�TE5� i�NG Eng"rncering Jtrdividuat Sotuflons ;•?�'r ;°, l. t� �rC7SS�L'rtcS.CC; tT1 S[iFl[i[Y!f^i[t i � [�Eittt SHER{FF'S OFFIGE BU[LdfNG 1.0 SPECIAL IR(SPEGTlQNS ........................................................................... $3,900.OQ 2.0 MEGHAN(CAL I ELECTRICAL SPEC(AL INSPECT(4NS ............................ 760:00 TOTAL '(.f� THiZQU�H 3.Q ..................................................................... $4,6C€k.t}a 3 .Q MANAGEMENT ..........:..................................................:.............................. $950.00 NOTES: 1. Engineering Gharges are app(icab[e far tirne spent in initiating, supervising, co�rdinating, c(e�sing out prolects, evafuating - �elc( and labaratory da�a, re}aor� peeparation and review, cansuitafion and site observations. 2. The h�urly rates are on-sife time. Overtime rates �ilf be applicable for services perf4rmed outsid� normal working hours, over 8 i�aurs per day within this period, and an Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at 1.4 times the standard hourly rate for techniciar�s. 3. A minimum charge of two hours per visit wiI! be cl�arged for field personnel. `� � ATC Proposa! �o C66 201'( 0109 � ��� � te..�«�.. ,.r,.,�� ..,, .�. ..�.s�. i„�'" xia .��.�� �...��>.�. . _ �.:�.q ,_. � . �:;.a _,e.�.� .,._.a.....s.. ?ud,.,�_ _.. ,.,:-.,...�',�.,` ;_...q�. �,2e .. �;'7�'€,,.... .,.,. _„��.�� � � ,...m.,,___..�...�... ,"�. �< <,,. Ac °� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °ATE`MM,°°""'", �'� � 6/1/2011 4/28/2011 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER LOCKTON COMPANIES, LLC - � CONTACT NAME: 5847 SAN FELIPE, SUITE 320 PHONE Ex : NC No : HOUSTON TX 77OS7 E•MAIL 866-260-3538 A�oRess: INSURER S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # iNSUReR n: Commerce and Indust Insurance Com an 19410 INSURED ATC GROUP SERVICES INC. �NSUReR s: Insurance Com an of the State f PA 19429 1316372 ATC ASSOCIATES INC. wsuReR c: Chartis S ecialt Insurance Com an 26883 1841 WEST OAK PARKWAY, SUITE F iNSUReR o: New Ham shire Insurance Com an 23841 MARIETTA GA 30066 INSURER E : INSURER F : � COVERAGES AM CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1123ll60 REVISION NUMBER: XXXXXXX THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. �IMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. WSR 7ypE OF INSURANCE ADD SUBR � POLICY EFF POLICY EXP � � LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER MMIDDIYYYY MMIDD/YYW � LIMITS A GENERALLIABILITY Y Y 4]7-$�-O2 6/1/ZOIO 6/I/ZO11 EAC OC ENCE X MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ ] �0� Q�Q CLAIMS-MADE �OCCUR MED EXP An one erson $ 1 � X XCU INCLUDED � PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ ]�OOO�OOO X ISO CG OOOIIZO� GENERALAGGREGATE $ GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG O POLICY X PRO- JECT LOC $ D AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y CA �5�1�53 (AOS� 6/I/2OlO 6/1/2011 � CA 7571754 (MA) 6/1/2010 6/1/2011 (Ea accident) g ] �� X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ XXX� XXX ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY Per accident $ XXXX XX � AUTOS AUTOS X HIRED AUTOS X A�TOSWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ XXXXXXX X MCS 90 $ XXXXXXX � C UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR Y Y UMB �0�599H 6/1/2O1 O 6/�/ZOI I EACH OCCURRENCE $ S OOO OOO EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE � � AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION $ $ XXXX D WORKERS COMPENSATION � B AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y � N Y 9915136 AOS� 6/UZ.OIO 6/1/ZO11 X ORY LIM TS �ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE 9915137 �CA) � Fi/1/2O1 O 6/1/2011 E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ . OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? ❑N N� A 1 OO O (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ ] OOO OOO If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below � E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ ] OO OO C PROFBSSIONAL 1956718 6/1/2010 6/1/2011 $2,000,000 EACH CLAIM LIABILITY - CM $2,000,000 AGGREGATE DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBROGATION 1S GRANTED IN FAVOR OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER ON ALL POLICIES EXCEPT PROFESSIONAL LIAB]LITY WHERE AND TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT EXCEPT WHERE PROffiBITED BY LAW. CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON ALL POLICIES ON A PRIMARY, NON-CONTffiBUTORY BASIS (EXCEPT FOR WORKERS' COMP/EL AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY) WTTH RESPECT TO LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OPERAT70NS PERFORMED BY OR ON BEHALF OF NAMED INSURED WHERE AND TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. UMBRELLA LIMITS ARE EXCESS OF GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND EMPIAYER'S LIABILITY. RE: PROJECT #66.11 PROJECT NAME: NEW SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUILDING LOCATION: AUGUSTA, GA. ADDITIONAL INSURED IN FAVOR OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER AND HEERY INTERNATIONAL (ON ALL POLICIES EXCEPT WORKERS' COMPENSATION/EL AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY) WHERE AND TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCEILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 11231160 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AUGUSTA, GEORGIA A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA ACTING BY & THROUGH THE RICHMOND COUNTY CO MISSION 530 GREENE STREET, ROOM 801 � AUGUSTA GA 30901 �—�' ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD �01988-2010 ACORD CORPORAT N. All rights reserved