HomeMy WebLinkAboutMUNICIPAL ELECTRIC AUTHORITY OF GEORGIA ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT Municipal Elsctric Autharityt of Georgia ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT (GOVERNMENTAL) Subjeat: DUMJQN-G05tiEN 2305(V L..F. Number. 6-2379 Appiication Number. 3'�� Locat+on Number: f�.,3� SUBJECT: �UM,fOId-GOSHEN 23d kV Transmission Line Right-of-Way The Municipal E�ectric Authottity of Georgla hereinafter called °MEAG;' hereby consenfs for AUGUSTA GEORGIA A POLlTICAL SUBDMSIOPI O� TIiE STATE OF GEORGIA hereinafter cailsd the "Undersigned," to use an area within MEAG's Bubjeck elec#ric Vansm}ssion line right(s)-of-way described as foliows: Safd right(s)-of-way being 1d0 feet in width and extending in part through 921ST �MD District, of RlCHM�ND County, Georgia, on which MEAG has constructed and now maintains and operates oae or more said elec#ric transmissian lines by virtue af certain easemer�fs heretofore acquired by ME4G. The said right(s)-of�vay (is or are) shawn on p�at attached hereta and made a part hereof as Exhibit A1 through A5. The use of the area by the llndersigrted wiihin said right(s)-af-way, pursuaM to this cansent, shaU be limited tn #he c�nsUuction, operation, and rnaintenance of a Sanitarv Sewer Crossinas at the location and !o the extent as shown on said attac,hed pfat It ia spec�ficaHy understood that no buildings o� other obstructions of any iype wfli 3�e pertnitted within or on subject transmission line right(s}-a�way. 3he plans and specifications as submitteQ by the Undersigned meet MEA(3's approval provided the Undersigned conforms to the foHowing terrns and conditior�s: 1. The llndersigned agrees to obtain aN ner�essary rights from the owners af the iands crossed by MEAGs right(s}-of-way 9n the eve� the Undersigned does nof awn the said lands and rights. 2. 'fhe Undersigned agrees to use said area within MEAG's right(s)-afa,vay in such a manner as wilt nat interiere with MEAG's activities and facilities as now, or hereafter, exist thereon (hereinafter MEAGs "a�'rvlties" and "facilities".) If it is determined, in MEAG's judgment, that the tlncfersigned's use of the property d�s in #act so interfere, the Undersigned shall take whatever action is, in MF1�Gs judgment, necessary to remove such inferference. If the Undersigned refuses or fails to fake such action promptly, within a mutually agreed upon timefrarne or within, 90 days ff na agreement can be reached, M�AG may, at its option, remove such interferenoe, ar�d the Undersigned shall be 4iable 4or the costs of said removai. 3. The Undersigned agrees that ttre use of MEAG's right(srof-way as herein provided shall in no way affect the val�ty of MEAG's easement(s} and shall in na way madify or r�strict the use or rights of MEAG, its successors ar ass'sgns, in and to the area to be used. The Undersigned acknawledges MERG's right and titie to said easement(s) and the priority of MEAG's rigM of use and hereby agrees not to resist ar assail said priority. 4, ?'he use of said area within said right(s�o�way by fhe Undersignec3 shalt be at the sole risk and expense of fhe Undersigned, and MEAG is speoifically relieved of any responsibility far damage to the faGfEties and property of Undersigned resulting or occurring from the use of said right(s}-of-way by MEAG as provided for fierein. Ur�dersigned covenants nat to sue MEAG in fhat instance. 5. The Undersigned hereby agrees and covenants not to use and will prohlbit agents, emptoyees and cantractors of Undersigned from using any toals, equipment or machinery within ten (10) feet of MEAG's overheact condur�ors. T#�e Urtdersigned agrees to compiy with Official Code of Ge�rgia Section 46-3-80 et seq., (HSGH-VOLTAGE SA�E7Y ACT), and any and all Rutes and Regulations of the Siate of t3eorgia �xomulgated in aonnection therewith, alf as now enacted or hereinafter amended; and fucther agrees fo notify any contractor(s) that may be employed by the Undersigned to per#orm any of the wwk referred to in this AgreemenF of the existence of said code sectians and regulations by requreing said work ta be performed in compl�ance with said code sec#ions ar�d regulatians by including same as a requirement in its request for bids and incfuding said requireme�tt in any contract Iet as a result of said bid. The Undersigned further agrees and covenants to wam alt persons whom the Undersigr�d knows or should reasonably anficipate for any reason may resort to the vicinity of such conductors of the fact that such cAnductors are (a) electrical conductors, (b) energized, (c) uninautated and {d) dangerous. 6. Nolwithstanding anyfhing to the conttary cantained herein, the Undersigned agreas to reimburse MEAG for all cost and expense for any damage to MEAG`s facili#ies resulting from the use hy the Undersigned ofi said area within said right(s)-of-way. Aiso, the 1}r�dersigned agrees that if in the opinion af MEAG, it becomes necessary, as a resuft of the exercise of the permission herein granted, to relocate, rearrange, change or raise MEAG Encraachms�t Agmt - Govt (082599).D�C AUGUSTA-RICHMON�, GEQRGIA (UNDERSIGNED} �� BY: � " 4 �j w�,-N�SS � �� DAVId S. CQPENHAVER MAYOR � Attest: Lena 3. San r. ;=' , ;� ,r ��t�'� ��� .... . �'� ano4p � � 8� ` ' As Its: Cterk of Cammission � a ��� NOTARY tJBLIC ' � � a °o�',�' d �� .,.. ,�' Richmand County, State of'Georgia i-; �, o�'�' �• � $� 0 o ' �r m 0 {f, •� 6 ' � Q � � ���rri8ff S. BOt1Cl8f w� o", .�� .� :�. �° v�' M y Commission Ex pires: �� ��� �ti e��e �� a � ° �.� M Y C c► n� m t S� i�c+�tr� a� t�11-� t? 1 2 ���,� ~�����°°°� q �' (Notary Seal) ``������,� ����`� The Munieipal �fec#ric Authority of Georgia has duly executed this Agreement, this �day of � 0,,,�. MUN A C ORE GEORGtA �� SS 8Y � .�. .�'�. �� �. 1_ 'A' N d I rd1Y P+M1'JL7��� ,� 1'� ���.Y A r� 1 1 t L _ �_ w ��.c_s �2��� f'( '�`� " y .d� 1 . .. i . ,n, . r „ �t' . � . . _ .. '_'�?':. � , " � .. '� , ;, ,, ; . ,,, aATF ;. - � �-� r- �''��''".�•,>. `; � , �.�� .���1���'.'�^ �3 f: ; '� : �.- i :n� MEAG Encrnachment Agmt - C3ovt (082509).DOC arty af the MERG's facilities, to promp�y reimburse MEAG for sil cost and expense invoived in such relocation, rearrangement o� raising of said facii'�ties. 7. The Undersigned agrees #o notiiy or have his cantractor(s) nofify MEAG's Representative in Augusta , Georgia, Phone:706-667-5654, at ieast three (3) business days priqr to aduai construction on MEAGs �ight(s�-of-�roay. 8. The Undersigned agrees, tn the extent it mey law€uily do so, to indemnify and save harmtess and defend MEAG from the payment of any sum or sums of money to any persans whomsasver {including third persons, subcontractors, the llndersigned, MEAG and agent and employees a# therr�} on account of ctaims or scaits growing out of irguries to persons {indudirig cleath), or damage to property {including propetiy of MEAG} in any way attnbutable to or arising out of the use af the above described lands, by the Undersigned as herein pravided, indudi�g {but without fimiting the generality af the totegaing) ali iierts, gam�shments, attachments, claims, suits, judgments, costs, atfomey's fees, cflst of investigation and of defenss and excepting oniy thase situations wtiere fhe personal injury or property damage daimed have been caused by �easan of the sofe negiigence an the part of MEAG, its agents or employees. 9. R!W EANDSCAPING SPECIFICATEONS: l�tW easemeMs grant MEAG the rfght ta remove all frees and bn�sh from the iimits of the right-of�uay. However, MEAG wift permit some plaMing of shrubbery and Iow growing frees provided these plan#s da not interiere with the access to and operation of MEAG's faciCEties and are planted at distance greater than twentyr-five (25} feet fi`om arry structure or attachment thereto. A Alarrted low grr�wrr►g tres is defined as a tree, wt�ich normally grows no more than fifteen {15) feet in heigM at maturity. 10. The Undersigned agrees that alt consEruction activity shall be cortducted at a distanoe greater than twen#y-five (25) feet from any stru�re or st#aichment thereto. 11. This Agreemerrt shall inure #o the benef�t of and he binding upan the parties, their heirs, successors and/or assigns. The Undersigned hereby acoepts fhe foregoing consent subject to the terms and conditions set forfh above and in the event the EJndersigned fails to perform as� �rein provided and shall not have executed and ret�ned this Agreement or� or before the 31st of October . 2040, this Agr�ement shal! become void and no use of MEAG's right{s)-of-way as herein provided for shall be made. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreern�nt has been duly executed, this 19� ��(�. (Signatur�s cantinued an next page.) • MEAG Encroachment Agmt - Govt {082509).DOC i .�.�..�.�.�.. Eghibit A-1 to Euc�roachment Agreement for Easement I QA7E OF :FlLED SUF2VEY: . 20Q4 � �� —PENNY BETHEA-- � . ` M r.�• �`.� � � 2s--o�--.os�—aa—o / � o 0 �, � � '�614 KARI:EEN ROAD , / 0 �- � ,.� � \ '�'�' � `. . t� / : � , �. / � � � ` ; ; ��� �`�,�` ��c�I I „� o, E ` � �,,, r ,� 4 W . . ` i �,,t \ •/fi� •,;\ • �,` � � � � t�- . � �`�' '�'(� � � �� % ,� � ��,� 4 � ,, � ',�� -� � ``.�•� / / �`�'�ry`b \ . �� � `. � . � d � � ���` �" � \/�� � �e ' / * �/rj�� � . � `� �'` `� % `:`f ;\� �� �` h` �� lJ` /� �� � ^ v� /� • / �\� � F /��\� ��"/, " ``� ` f / / \ � � � � G +�:�\ / �� � ,(` � ��� � � �/ � � � �� \`�` '�J/S/ �. 'f°' � � r ,�� ' � ' \ a � " �S l `�°�„� `'�'� . / �� •,,��` �� % � �` �` ` q '� � � \� • � � � . � `. . � �'� � � � ss� ' 1 ! 'A "'� ��. � � � �, ' � � . � �� y��„ .p� �� \ � . � �� \ � \ � �� � �`` � r � �\ c � \�/ ���! �� � •�",, �t \ ���� �\ � � � ��\ ��� ti � `� � � ��` � '�� ', �'- h'.,'� �`' \�' / , � �„� ���\ � � � � � � , t�,� �. ' ° �� O Q 20' PERMAN�NT �� • � l �``���� t�,� kj�� 4� E�SEMF,�iT `�� ii �,� � %�` ��• , / � �Q ,�. c� 4'� 2015 •sq.f#. `. i�� ,� � � ° ' ty'�" �,�\ �� �c � Q .05acres • ,Os i�/ tr��i `� � � . g'� QQ fifi;? 4 �;��d � 1y�� � �q��- , i �' o. Q-`� - �o'�, � �.� � ! � �� � � �`� � 0 �; . C1 � � � /�- i �� . ry r.�j� � � ► qG � � � � � ' � � ` '� / % c / �� ,� � , \ *� i��� � � � p `��� �'t� i�� � �� �,C�y� Q��4,�'w� .� i , � r • \ • \� '�?�� ^,� ,p ^ .,, ' �` d y ,� � , i� � � p � � �,�i � q � ` �' �`r� � / / ti �/ �\� 5'� 22x �� • � � s¢; . ,, � o �� /';� ` , '.`��,� y � ;� / ' `\ / '��_ �� �,^� �;i �'� / � o � � �o�/ /v '%,'��. `�,� 10' IEMPORARY � �� ( � � ` "' ' � �CONST. E'SM:F. �'Y ? ���'� • Y`�.� �'':i • � • � 1009 sq.ft. .�i�� �\ 1 ~` ' �;�,�.'�' ,� ��—" .0 3, cres ,�'C� �Q �<v � ✓ . . . �,' � �.��.��'L.r.Cc� 48 �p � ���„�' . . # 0' T£MPORARY �'•` ' �' " ''"' �` �'� • CONS7 E`SMT. y "`��� ' • � ���, � � , �oas �a.ft. ��. •.� �. � � c� 0.023 acres �� `.� �''•� `•� e . � � � �� � ` $�� S �'� � � ' �, �' �``. � `•� `` l'(�� rp � � � '� � � .. �� . �`Jt2 . ` , EV-31238 � C �c�� `�°� � ' �` - Augusta, �eorgia, a Pol3tical Subdivisxon � �'., � � �`�� . / ' \ Of the State at Georgia � �, Q �• e Ref: Horsegen Sewer � � '�� 0•�� � �` ' �• `� I06- . DUMJON-AUGU�TA AREA #Z 46KV � `• � � • `' � �' Jefferson EMC #5 Bath 46kv � � ' \ ~ ` � Map #L-204 . � � � � \`r� �9 � : BAT$-DUMJON 230KV ' . �`�tS, .` . .Map #N Z4, Sheet 6 af ].1 FlLE: HORSEPEN �SMT PLATS �. 25 5D 3 " 100 I2r GMD, Richmond County SEE NS �4VER � '. Letter �'�Ie #6-23'79 . GRAPHfC SCA(.E TriiY»�FnMrm r�r•im • /S?'T,!"�TTG�'//TA /'�llA,��l.fT�C"�T/1TT ... . ..� __. • EV-31238 ' . , • Augusta, Georgia, a Yolitical Subdivision � Exliibit A-2 ta Encroachment Agreement for Easemeut - Uf the State of Geo�rgia Ref: Hoxse�en Sewer / a � , DUM,TON AUGUSTA AR�A #2 46K�' ,_.. , _._. � Jefferson EMC #5-Bath 46icv � • � "-' -- ; Map #I,-204 � p. �,p �QB�!l1jpONED ROA � SPllR � BATx—nv�JON z3ua�.v ��RO�C�I pL0 7'OBACGO ROAD Map #N 24, Sheet b of 11 ' � _,,, �` \ J � � � 1 \ 121'` GNID, Richmond County Le.tter File #6-2379 / MH-28.3 �� _ S`3 � M �� No � �r • l "�� ` ' -� '�, / . o • 1 �'. �'� / . � � , ��'p OQ-� / /i r�gr `�, ! RW�14P.5a ' �''��/ � . I ! � /� /f?l37.Lb / j ry J J� : � � / �, Stt: Ip2 ! • . .�' / O O �Q' � � . j / � •�' � +` I a J �` � ��• 229+Sp � t � ry O 1 �g / � r . � � � .�'� ��•� " � �� �. . � o ` '� � �. ' � � `�' MH--28.4 � -� � ,�o � �., � . { �o s,� � � _. F ,`,.+ ��- �- ,�. • ��'Y O �_\ � � � � �,��• � � � y •!'� ,y � �,.�` ' � r ��`�b �. / s �`�`'� l ' � w om� � . �, '� �, �J . • �� / �,.� � �� � � tr, gZ ('1� � �'�q p �'� ,� � \ / r � � O V G' , • I ta � z29 � {�. �is � . / . / � � -�`�" •MICHAE� MACALINQ- � r�_��' �`` ,,''�v� `-121-Oa-�O / / , � � v �� � � CO RDAD, J 1 �. Q�� �} ` d� 292� TO \. v � � �¢�,�.� .�Pr ��� � `��i�' 2 . � f � . !U i �' � ` 'ZW� �, . '� �r . � � � MH— 8• � , �� �s�. � � � �„ . � � � o O ` �`�' � � . • \• r �� �� � ��. ' � � ,` ° ��'o,.,�� . � `� �� � • � �G::' .�, �o , �� E�::'�x � � • . `� �� ��`��� � �j� � .�Q' PERA�SAiVENT � 4• � �' -�EA5EMENT � � �O _``(` •�; 10�3 sq.�t. /�-YUAN JANIE" CHI-HSING- � p'� 0•023 acres � 12$-0-041--(�0-f}� ��'.� :.''��.',1 ��,� •� �. . 2926 0 TABACC� RQAp� C� � .�'r`' h`� 5 �:103 �`�� � �. \ q �. ,\ . � Sta. 225+50 ' ���� � a TEMPORARY - ,� � ' — JAMES A. � D�iSKAL— CQ�ST. E'SMT. � 128-0—(�28—OQ-0 0 032 a �e � 3025 TOBACCO RQAD '� r�o-r�: . � ' � THE P�RMANENT EASEM�NT 1� SHALL BE CENTERED ON ./ �h:SO TFiE SEWEFt, A5 SFiOWN �R . � 3t�.22x�-q0 k5 BUILT. ' ./ � �. 'PLA7 REF_: � . R.R. 798. PG. 448 . FILE:HOI2SEPIN ESMT PLATS 0 2� 50 i00 DA7A: 3834, F.B. 2004-01 - SEE:' HURSEPEN SEWER • •GRAPHIC SCALE EASE.r�f�'IV7r 1'�T AZIG�'I'S'TA �CU,MI�II,�`SIO.N� s�Q��: �" - so' .__._ xrn rtc�k+nr,tnr t►u� a� a r�z+m.F� nnr r�rmrn ar • cvrm��! Exhibit A=3 to Encroachment Agreement for Easement � � � � � ` EV-312�8 -1NOR�� L.. O�PE Augusta, Gearg�ta, a Political Subdivision � NCSR�'' . � 128-d-1� 2-0Q- Uf the Sfate of Georgia ` MA�' � ��644 k<A�.,,EEN F Ref: Harsepen Sewer �/ `.\ J / DUMJON AUGIISTA AREA #2 46KV � �� `��. � � / Jeffersoa EMC #5-Tiath 4bkv ; �` �`,� �'/ Map #L-Z04 ' �,.� ` ��" N � BATH I3UMJON 23flKV ' � � ��,p \` � `�� �`�� .� Map #N-24, Sheet 6 of 11 � �!y � '� � ''� � ���' Z � � � �.21 GMD, Richmond Caunty '�. . � 2 � � �i?/ '�\ � kry � , Letter £ile #6-2379 `� /� �� � •.� '! (, y � � � �'°�, � � � ' ���' � �.�''s�0 � `` \ ; ,��'%° f 4 � r> �'���, �y� � �.o - � �O-� ; x �. � a�' . `� � '�o°� • \ ' � � ��e, . � .� ti� . '� � . G '`' \ \ ►��r�:A \ � � 2 ! C� � '�'�D`� � � .` ,� �� \ .` � `�� • � / �� \ J � "Op \.N' � �` �/� �\�� '��4j � '� � Q O �- / �� �� � � � � � � ; / . 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