HomeMy WebLinkAboutDABBS WILLIAMS CARRIE J MAYS PARK METHANE REMEDIATION PLANS AND PARK IMPROVEMENTS �,.�.,.�;;- �= �7 d ��' 3 � G E� O R G I A Technical Specifications ' for Carrie J. Mays Park Methane Remediation Plans and Park Improvements January 24 20�1 Augusta, Georgia Commission Council Matt Aitken Joe Jackson Corey Johnson Jerry Brigham Joe Bowles Wayne Guilfoyle Alvin Mason J.R. Hatney ' Bill Lockett Grady Smith Mayor Deke S. Copenhaver �� o� io: Ba �. ACOR�� QATE{MMlODIYYYY) �.- CERT1FiCATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 04I29191 THES CEFiTIF1CATE IS ISSUEQ AS A MATTER OF lNFORMATtON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGH7S UPON 7HE C�RTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS ' CER7IFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGA7fVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THiS CERTIPICATE QF INSURANCE DOES NO7 CONS7l7U7E A CON7RACT BETWEEN TFtE (SSUING INSURER{S), AUTi�ORlZED REPIiESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. tMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, !he pol(cy(tes) must be endorsed. If SUBROGA710N IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an eRdorsement. A statement on this certiflcate does not confer rights to the certiticate holder in Ileu of such endorsement s. � PRODLCER 912-784-9602 �pM� � Brad Williams 8lount, Burke, Wimberly & 912-764-2895 � .912-489-98A4 � No : 912 Po Box 877 E-MAlL 1100 Brampton Ave Suite M PROpusERbmw dabEss-williams.com Statesboro, GA 30459 USTOME na •DABBS-2 __ Br�,can R gurkP 1NStlRER(S►AFFORDINaCOV�RAGE _ NA[Cp iNSUR�o Dabbs•Wflliams General iNSUSERn: Westfield Companies 24104 Contractors, LLC rr�suRERe:Builders Insurance Brad Wililams IkSURERC:MOEIt ome Insurance 14613 P. O. Box 765 Statesboro, GA 30458 INSURER D: W lNSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: RfVIS10W NUMBER: THIS IS 70 CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF fNSURANCE LIS7ED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE �OR THE POLICY PERIOD (NDICA7ED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITtON QF ANY CONTRAGT OR O7HER DOCUMEN7 WETH RESPECT TO WHICN THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE (NSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT 70 ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSfONS AN� CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLlC1ES. LIMITS SM�WN MAY NAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIIvIS. �L7R YYPEOFIkSURANCE A 8 POLICYNI3MBER MMfODNYYY MMIDDJYY�Y1' LIMITS OENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 'I,OOO,OOO A X COMMERCiAL GENERIU. LIABILIN TR/�13436903 07115190 O7l15111 pREMISES Eaoctutrence S 300�00 CLAIA4S-MAQE a aCCUR MED EXP (My ane person) s 1 a ��Q � X 111Cf, E C U Tf2A3436903 07/75110 07115f'i1 p��SONAI&AUVINJURY S � 1,000,�0 GENERAl.AGGREGATE S L�OOO,OOO GEN'LAGGREGA7ELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRODUCFS-COMP10?AGG S 2�000 ?OLICY PRO• LQC � S A1170MO81LE LIAB!ltTY COM83MED SINGIE LIMCf S �,OdO�OOfl A X ANY AUTO TRA3436903 07115/70 07J15/91 ��a accident) B $ AlL OWNED AUTOS � BODlLYINJURY{Peraccidenl) S SCHEDULBD AUT65 pROPERTY DAMAGE X HIREDAUFOS (Perauidenl} S X NON-4WNED AUTQS 5 $ UMBRELIAtIAB X OCCUR FACHOCCURRENCE $ 9�000�00 EXCB55 L1A8 CLAIMS�MADE At3GREGATE � S J�OOO�OO A TRA3436903 07ItS110 o7l15J11 DEOUCTif3LE s X RETENTION S S -, WORKERS COMPENSA7fON X WC S IMI�1'S � R AND EMALOYERS' LIA8IUTY ' � ANYPROPRIETORlPARFNERlEXECUTIVE y❑ NiA WCV0018210 02/28111 Q2�281�2 E.L.EACHACCIOENT S _ � QFFlCECi1MEM8ER EXCLUDED9 � (MandalorytnNN) ELDESEASE-EAEh7PLOYEE S 5 ��,�� If yas, describeunder 500 OUO DESCK{PTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. �tSEASE • POLICY LIMR 5 � C lnstallation FI BItJDERMONINSO4212011 04121/11 90/21l91 Ftoater 439,23 Ded. 1,0� - DESCAIPTION OF OPEi2ATlONS / LOCATfONS J VEttICLES (Altaeh ACORD 101, AddtUonaf Remarks Sahedul0, 14mora spaca Is raqulrad) Additional lnsured: Augusta Richond County 1 RE; Carrie J. Mays Park 901411fh Avenue, Augusfa, GA 30901 See 1L7035 0608 Endorsement ior 60 Day Notice CERTlFtCATE HOLDER CANCELLATION : AUGUSTR SHOULO ANY Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELL�D BEFORE THE EXPiRATIOM DATE 7HEREOF, NOTICE W1LL BE DELNERED IN Augusta Richmond County ACCORDANCB WITH THE POI.ICY PROVISIOMS. Mayor Delce S. Copenhaver 530 Greene StreeE AUTHORI28D REPRESENTATNE Augusfa, GA 3Q911 / ���}�j����� O 1988•2009 ACORD CORPORAT(ON. Ail rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2009/09) The ACORD name and togo are registered marks of ACORD Pouc� �vuMS�R: TRA3436903 TH1S EN�ORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLlCY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. EARLIER NOTICE OF CANCELLATION PROVIDE� BY US ' This endarsemenl modiiies insurance provided under ihe following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE PART CRIME AND FIDELI7Y COVERAGE PART EQUlPM�NT BREAKDOWN COVERAGE PART ' FARM COVERAGE PART ' COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE PAf2T ' COMMERCiAL iNIAND MARINE COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAL UABILlTY UMBRELLA CQVERAGE PART QWNERS AND CONTf2AC70RS PRO7ECTIVE LIABILlTY COVERAGE PART COMMERClAL GENERAL LEABILI3Y COVERAGE PART LIQUOR LIABILITY COVERAGE PAR7 ' PROFESSIONAL LlAB1LlTY COVERAGE SCHEDULE 60 Number oi Days' Notice Name Of Additional I�sured Person(s) Or Organizattonis} Locaffon(s) Of Covered Operations Augusta Ricbroond County Garr�� J. Mays Park Mayor Deke S. Copenhaver 1014 llth Avenue 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901 ' Augusta, GA 30911 (!f no entry appears above, lnformaiion required to complefe this Schedule will be shown in ihe Declaraiions as applicab{e to this endorsement,) For any staiutorily permiited reason other than nonpayment of premium, the number of days required for notice of cancellation, as provided ir� paragraph 2. of either the CANCELLATION Common Policy Candi- tion or as atnended by an applicable state cancellation endorsement, is increased io the number of days shawn in �he Schedule above. Copyrlghi, lnsurancaServlcesOfllce, Inc., 1992 IL TO 35 Q 6 08 ,.r--1 0� i�: BB '�` °�RO� CERTIFICATE OF LlABILITY iNSURANCE DATE(MMfDDIYYYY) Q4121l19 , THfS CERTiFtCATE 1S ISSUED AS A MATT�R OF INFQRMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGH7S UPON TNE CERTiFiCATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFfCATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATtVELY OR iVEGATiVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR AL7ER TNE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFfCATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSFITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN 7HE ISSUING INSURER{S), AUTHORIZED ' REPRESENTATIVE �R ARODUCER, AND THE CERTfFICATE HOLDER. ' lMPORTANT: If tha eertiflcate holder is an ADD1TtONAI. INSURED, t8e policy(ies) rnust be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subJect to the terms and oonditions of fhe policy, cerEain policies may requfre an endorsement. A statement on this certiflcate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement s, rROOUCese 912-764-$$02 N�Ener Brad Williams Blount, Burke, Wimberly & 812-764-2695 pH C N N D Ex� : 912-489-9844 a c uo 912-489-9846 PO BOX $TT E•MAII ', 1100 Brampton Ave Suite M PRDRUCER��W dabbs-williams.com Statesboro, GA 304�9 cusroM� io r: DABBS-2 . Rnla� n F2 R� ��g tN3URER SJ QPFORDIN(i COVERAOE NAiC # � lNSURED pabbs-Williarns General 3NSURERA: W�St�@IC� COIYIp21110S 24104 Contractors, LLC �asuReee: Builders Insurance Brad Williams ' P.O. Box765 rNSUr�RC:Montgome Inry surance 14613 Statesboro, GA 3Q459 �r+suaeRO: INSURER E : 1NSURER F : CaVERAGES CERTiFfGATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS fS 'TO CER7IFY THAT TFiE POLICIES OF INSURAfilCE LISTED BELOW NAVE BEEN IS3UE0 TO TFiE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLiCY PERIOD lND1CA7ED. NOTWiTNSTANDIi�G ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONOiTIOM OF AtJY CONTRACT OR �7HER DOCUMENT W1TH RESPECT TO WH1CH THfS CERTIFECATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLtC1ES DESCRISED HEREIN IS SUBJECT 70 ALL THE TERMSS, EXCLUS10N5 AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES. LIMI'fS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID Ci.AIMS. INSR TypEOFlNSURAHCE POL EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LT POtICY NUM9ER MMJDOlYYYY MMIDDtYYYY GENERALLIABILITY EACHOCCURRENCE $ 'I A X COMM£RCIALGENERALLlABILITY TRA3436903 �7/�b/'�0 �7/'�b/�'� pREMlSES Ea S 3��,00 CLAIMS�MADE � OCCUR MED EXP (An one paison� S 1 �,OQ A X 1nci. �CU TRA34369�3 07I16110 U7/i5l11 PERSONAt8ftDVfNJURY S 1,000,00 G£NERAL A(3(3REGATE 5 Z��OO,OO GEN'! AGGREGATE LIMI7 APPttES PER: PRODt1CTS - CQMPfOP AGG S Z,OOO,OO POUCY PRO• LOC S AUTOMOBILE LfAeitJ7Y COMBtNEp SIN6LE LIMIT ' A X aNV auro TRA3436903 07I16110 07t15l91 �Ea acctdeny `� ��000�00 BODIIYINJURY{Perperson) 5 � ALL OWNEO AUTOS BODILYINJURY{Peraccidam} 5 SCHEDULE� AUTOS PROPERTY DAFMGE S x HIRE6AUTOS (PeracUdent) X NON-OWNEDAEITOS S S UMBRELIA LIAB X OCCUR EACN OCCURRENCE $ J�OOO,OO EXCESS LWB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE S 9,000,000 A TRA3438903 07/15110 07J15t11 ' DEOUCFIBLfi S ' X RETENTfON S S WORKERSCOMPEkSA7tON X WC YlMI V �E� ANU EMPLOYEflS' LIA81lITY � ANY PROPRIETORtPARTNERlEXECUTIVE Y � N CV 0018210 02I2�111 fl2/281� 2 E.L EACH ACCIDENT S �J�a�a� OFFICERlhtEMBEREXCLU�ED7 � K�A , �MandaloryfnNH� E.L.DiSEASE-FAEMPLOYEE S SOO,�� � 8 Yes,desuibeunder ' DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below F.L �fSfASE - POUCY UMIT S SOO,UOO C Instaltation FI BINDERMONINSOA212011 Q412'l113 90/21I11 Floater 439,230 Ded. 1,90 . � DESCRIPTIQN OF OPHRRTIONS f LOCAT[ON5IVEHICL£S (Attach ACORD 101, AddlUonal Ramarks 3chedule, it morb space 1s reqWred} Addittonal Insured: Attantic Coast Consulting, Inc. ! RE: Carrie J. Mays Park 941d 11th Avenue Augusta, GA 30909 ' See iL7035 0608 Endorsement for 60 Day f�otice CERT(FICATE FiOLDER CANCELLA7tON ATLCOAS SFiOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRlBED POLiCIES 8E CAPiCELIED BEFORE 7NE E?(PIRA710N DATE 7FiEREdF, NOTICE WlLL BE DELIVERED iN Atlantic Coast Consulting 1riC ACCORDANCE WITH THS POUCY PROVESIONS. Robert Brown ; 7 East Congress St .� StQ. 8�� AUTHORREDREARESENTAT{VE . Savannah, GA 31401 / ����„� / �7�� �O 1988-2009 ACORD CORPOi2ATI0N. Ail rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2009109} The ACORD name and logo are regisfered ma�ics of ACORD Po��cY Nu�n$�R: TRA3436903 THtS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE R�AD iT CAREF'ULLY, EARLiER NOTlCE OF CANCELLATI�N PR�VIDED BY US This endorsement modiiies insurance provided under the foilowing: SUSIhlESS AUTO COVERAGE PART CRlME AND FJQEUTY COVERAGE� PAR7 EQUiPMENT BREAKDOWN COVERAGE PAR'� FARM COVERAGE PART GOMMERCIAL PROPERTY COVERAGE PART COMMERCiAL iNLAND MARlNE COVERAGE PART COMMERCIAL LIAB1LiTY UMBRE�LA COVERAGE PART OWNERS AND CON7RACTORS PROTECTlVE L{ABIL{7'Y COVERAGE PART COMMERCiAL GENERAL L�ABILITY COVERAGE PART LlQUOR LIABlLITY COVERAGE PART PROFESSlONAL L1A8ILITY COVERAGE SCHEDllLE Number of Days' Nottce �� Name Of Addifional tnsured Personfs) Or Orqanization(sl Locatton(s) Of Covered Operations Atlantic Coast Consulting, Inc. Carrie J. Mays Park � Robert Brown 1014 llt� Avenue ' 7 EaGt Congress St., Ste. 801 Augusta, GA 30901 ' Savannah, GA 31401 {ff no entry appears above, Enformation required fo camplete fhis 5chedule will be shown in the Declarations as applicable io this endorsemeni.) For any statutoriEy permii#ed reason ather than nonpayment o( premium, ihe number of days required for notice o€ canceita#ion, as provi8ed En paragraph 2, oE eiiher ths CANCE�LATION Common Policy Condi- tion or as amended by an applicable state cancellatlort endorsemenf, ls increased to the number of days shown in the Schedule above. copyr�9n� tnsuranc¢ Serolces Otilce, Enc., 1992 I 70 35 06 08 ,: / DABBS WILLIAMS April 12, 2011 Augusta/Richmond County, GA ' Re: Dabbs-Wiliiams General Contractors, LLC ', �ob: Carrie J. Mays Park Remediation Plans and Park . Improvements � To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that Augusta/Richmond Co., GA is free to date the Power of Attorneys to match the contract and bond forms on the above mentioned project. Please feel free to call me at the telephone number shown below if you should have any questions or need an� additional inforrnatio�a xegarding Dabbs-Williams General ' Contractors, LLC. / re y, � rad Willi Vice President ! Dabbs-Willianrzs General Contractors, LLC (912)489-9844 319 South Walnut Street I Post Office Box 765 I Siatesboro, Georgia 30459 I www.dabbs-williams.com I 912-489-9844 : �� � ��� i WE�TFIELD ' 1NSURANCE ' A member oE Westfieid Groupsa Apt�il 13, 2411 I�e: City of �1.t�gusta CaE•eie J. Mays Pa�•k Ren�ediatia�� �l.ai�s at�ci Park Iinprove�nents B�ecuTia�� of Co»tract Dociu7�e»ts Coi�teactor: Dalabs — Vdil.liains Ge�ieral Co��tractors, I.LC �i� O� f�tlgllS�c�: We l�ava been t�skec( fo !�►�ovide a let�er autl�orizin� tlze City of Atigtista to cl�te oi�r bo�tcis anci ot�r po�vers oP attorne�� tl�e sai�3e cl�ta �s the 1lgreement for tlie above r�fei•enced peoject. 1�Ve hereby grant tl�e authorify to the Ciiy of Attgust� ta clate thess docttsnetlts accordingly. Since�'e�y, ,.�������� �� Jeff Hays Regio�ia3 Stt�•ety L�arler Westfield It�sura�ice Coalipa�iy I9GQ Satellite F3oulev�rc€, Siiite 2000 4 Dul��th, Georgia 30097 •{770} �#1$•2223 •]'hone (770) 413•2245 a Fa�+ Carrie J. Mays Park Methane Remediation Plans and Park Improvements Januar�2011 AUGUSTA-RlCHMOND COUNTY ; o ,� � � 7A�1 NOTICE "All addenda items for Specifications and Drawings issued prior to the date ofi Bid opening have been incorporated into these Contract Documents." A"(1)" directly left of Specification Section number on the title page of a section indicates that section has been replaced or added by addendum. A" in the text of a Specification Section indicates that an addendum item has been incorporated. Atlantic Coast Consulting, lnc. 7 East Congress Street, Suite 801 Savannah, Georgia 31401 (912) 236-3471 � � Section 00010 Table of Contents SP�CIFICATIONS �, Section Title Div�ision 0 - Contract Documents 00010 Table of Contents 00�00 Bid (1)b0430 Contractor Affidavit Agreement (1)00431 Subcontractor Affidavit Agreement (1)00480 Non-collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder (1)00500 Contract Agreement (1) 0550 Pre-Award O�th (1) 0610 PerFormance Bond (1) 0620 Payment Bond (1) 0700 General Conditions (1) 0800 Supplementary Conditions Divsion 1- General Requirements 01 10 Summary of Work 01 16 Occupancy ` 01 25 Measurement and Payment 01 41 Coordination of Work 01Q51 Grades, Lines and Levels 01 Construction Staking 01Q60 Regula#ory Requirements 01p70 Abbreviations, Symbols, Trade Names, and Materials 01080 Applicable Codes and Standards 01�02 Progress Meetings 01�10 Construction Schedules 01 20 Construction Videos and Photographs 01�40 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 01�00 Construction Facilities 01�510 Temporary Utilities 01�40 Job Site Security 01562 Dust Control 01� 69 Safety in Landfill Works 01 10 Transportation and Handling 01 20 Storage and Protection 01 30 Substitutions and Options 01710 Cleanup 01 20 Project Record Documents 01 30 Operating and Maintenance Data 01T(40 Warranties and Bonds � ' 1/24/11 G003-107\00010 ---- - __ _ _ I 00010-2 Table of Contents Division 2 - Sitework 02010 Subsurtace Conditians 02060 Demolition of Existing Facilities 02125 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 02140 Dewatering 02225 Trench Excavation and Backfill 02601 Testing Piping Systems 02700 Landfill PipingSystems 02745 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) � 02748 HDPE Fabrication 02831 Chain Link Fences and Gates Division 3 - Concrete 03300 Cast-in-place Concrete � CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Sheet No. Sheet Title Cover G100 Overall Site Plan C-101 Demolition Plan G200 Site Plan ' C-400 Phase I- Erosion, Sedimentation & Poliution Control Plan (Clearing) C-401 Phase II - Erosion, Sedimentation & Pollution Control Plan (Grading) C-402 Phase III - Erosion, Sedimentation & Pollution Control Plan (Final) G500 Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Notes and Details G501 Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Notes and Details G502 NPDES Notes C-503 NPDES Sampling & Inspection Notes G600 Miscellaneous Details C-601 Miscellaneous Details . I 1/24/11 G003-107\00010 , � �� �� � ___ Section 00300 Bid FOR: Carrie J. Mays Park Methane Remediation Plans and Park improvements Submitted: February 18, 2011 The Bidder for the construction of this Project having examined the Construction Documents and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed Project, including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to construct the Project in accordance with the Construction Documents and Technical Specifications. The bidder recognizes and understands that portions of this project, as defined by the modified bid tab, will be performed by various City of Augusta-Richmond County agencies. It will be necessary fior the bidder to provide direct coordination and communication with these agencies to properly manage the construction schedule. The Bidder proposes and agrees to contract with Augusta, Georgia in the form of a Contract P,greement to furnish all necessary products, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation and labor necessary to complete the construction of the Work in full and complete accordance with the reasonably intended requirements of the Construction Documents and Technical Specifications within one hundred and fifty (150) calendar days of notice to proceed to the fuii and entire satisfaction of Augusta, Georgia for the following prices: 1/24/11 G003-107\00300 00300-2 Bid *** BASE BID *** tTEM 1- MOBILI7IXTION a. Lump Sum Mobilization $ 28.000.00 ITEM 2 - DEMOLITION a. Lump Sum Remove existing fencing $ 1.500.00 b. Lump Sum Remove existing vents $ 1.250.00 c. Lump Sum Remove existing basketbail court, sidewalks and asphalt $ 12.000.00 d. Lump Sum Remove existing utilities within the work zone $ 2.500.00 ITEM 3- EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL a. 1 EA Construction Exit $2,500.00/EA $ 2,500.00 b. 934 LF Silt Fence - Type A $3.00/LF $ 2.802.00 c. 3 EA Inlet Sediment Trap $500•00/EA $ 1.500.00 d 1.8 AC Permanent Grassing $3.000.00/AC $ 5.400.00 e. Lump Sum NPDES Monitoring and Reporting $ 5.000.00 ITEM 4 - SITE WORK a. 154 LF 1$" HDPE Storm Pipe $37.Q0/LF $ 5,698.00 b. 144 LF 24" HDPE Storm Pipe $44�00/LF $ 6 336.00 c. 3 EA Weir Inlets $1,500.00/EA $ 4.500.00 d. 1 EA Connect to F�cisting Inlet $2,500.00/EA $ 2,500.00 e. 750 LF 6' Chain Link Fencing $16.00/LF $ 12,000.00 f. 2 EA 16' Wide Double Gate $12.000.00/EA $ 2,400.00 g. 2,455 SF Concrete Sidewalk $2.60/SF $ 6,383.00 h. 1 EA 74' x 42' Basketball Court with 6' Apron and associated Striping $14,000.00/EA $ 14,000.00 i 2 � Goal Setter Basketball Hoops w/Neayy �?uty Flex Rim $6,500.00/EA � 13,000.00 J. �.�,OOfl CY Remove and replace waste material with earthen backfill within the designated footprint and as directed bythe Owner $15.00/CY $ 165,000.00 1/�,.4,/11 GQp�3-107\003p0 00300-3 Bid k 5,000 SF t.P.M.E.A. Safe Playground Mulch Soft Landing-100% Cypress Chips $2.50/SF $ 12,500.00 I. Lump Sum Re-instail existing playground equipment at the direction of the Park Director $ 7,000.00/LS $ 7.000.00 ITEM 6- GAS COLLECTION & CONTROL SYSTEM a. 795 LF 4-Inch HDPE PerForated Header $50.00/LF $ 39,750.00 b. 235 LF 4-Inch Solid HDPE (DR11) Air Line $23.00/LF $ 5,405.00 c. 1,300 LF 2-Inch HDPE Air Line N/A N/A d. 1,010 LF Cleanup and Testing $1.50/LF $ 1,515.00 e. 5 EA Tie to existing structures $2,000.00/EA $ 10,000.00 f. Lump Sum Blower System Assembly $ 12,000.00 ITEM 7 - CASH ALLOWANCES a. CONSTRUCTION VERIFICATION SURVEYING 5 000 b. MATERtALS TESTING 2 500 c. CONTINGENCY $ 49.291.00 BID TOTAL, ITEMS 1 THROUGN 8, INGLUSIVE, THE AMOUNT OF: FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS ($ 439,230.00). 1/24/11 G003-107\00300 00300 - 4 Bid The Bidder declares an understanding that the quantities shown for unit price items are subject to either increase or decrease, and that should the quantities of any of the items of Work be increased, the Bidder proposes to do the additional Work at the unit prices stated herein; and should the quantities be decreased, the f3idder also understands that payment will be made on the basis of actual quantities at the unit price bid and will make no claim for additional costs or anticipated profits for any decrease in quantities; and that actual quantities wijl be determined upon completion of Work, at which time adjustment wi11 be made to the Contract amount by direct increase or decrease. BIDDER: bbs- " I a s General�ont tor., LLC By: (name si d) � rc�l (,J i `I'� t�.v►� s (name printed or ryped) Title: ' � Address: _ �� �OX � �D _�.�e.s��, C, A 3 0��,_ Phone: � I� y� q- 9 Fr U y Attest: ( ame i ned) `� f)v-ca � n /1� � r7 (name printed or typed) Title: C�O (SEAL) END OF SECTION 1J24/11 G003-107\00300 (1)Section 00430 Security and Immigration Compliance Affidavit of Prime Bidder By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm, or corporation which is contracting with Augusta, Georgia has registered with and is participating in a federal work authorization program* [any of the electronic verification of work authorization programs operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or any equivalent federal work authorization program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify information of newly hired employees, pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (lRCA), P.L. 99-6031, in accordance with the applicability provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91J. The undersigned further agrees that, should it employ or contract with any subcontractor(s) in connection with the physical performance of services pursuant to this contract with Augusta, Georgia, contractor will secure firom such contractor(s) similar verification of compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 on the Subcontractor Affidavit provided in Rule 300-10-01-.08 or a substantially similar form. Contractor further agrees to maintain records of such compliance and provide a copy of each such verification to Augusta-Richmond County at the time the subcontractor(s) is retained to perForm such service. EEV / asi � ot P gram* User Menti � ion Number � ��� BY: Auth O r or A t Date (Contractor Name) i7r�lob5 - t,J'� tC�c�w�.S �� e.r�P, Cd nfi�.�'b � LC. C. �_tS.�? - �r�Si � �1t� Title of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor �ra.r�, t�J� � 1\`�w�S Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent Subscribed and sworn before me on this �� day of .��� , 2011. ,� l l ��rrtr� �``�'�� �'� �'�Y ��''�. Nota Pub' L• 1Z£.c N �S � �� gs �� NF '•��''�� ry � �;•�o�' �'A:�., � My Commission Expires: - •a q�GUS�' N�.�_ _ �k : 7 = � � 20�i4 �;' ` "As of the effective date of O.C.G.R. § 13-10-91, the a�l+��� ra��r��al�iorization program is the "EEV / Basic Pilot Program" operated by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigr � �the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Social Security Administration (SSA).��i�����r'i1tY11►t�►����``` Authority O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\00430 oo4sa2 Security and Immigration Compliance Affidavit of Prime Bidder THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\00430 (1)Section 00431 Security and Immigration Compliance Affidavit of Subcontractor Contractors shall use the following affidavit form; or an affidavit form that is substantially similar to that provided below, to document a subcontractor's compliance with the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91: By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services under a contract with (name of contractor) on behalf of Au�usta, Georgia, has registered with and is participating in a federal work authorization prqgram* [any of the electronic verification of work authorization programs operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security or any equivalent federal work authorization pr.ogram operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security to verify information af newly hired employees, pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), P.L. 99-6031, in accordance with the applicability provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91]. EEV / Basic Piiot Program* User ldentification Number BY: Authorized Officer or Agent Date (Contractor Name) T�tle of Authorized Officer or Agent of Contractor Printed Name of Authorized Officer or Agent ,Stabscribed..and sworn before me on this day of , 2011. i�otary Public y Commission Expires " s of the effective date of O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91, the applicable federal work authorization program is the "EEV / Basic Pilot P�ogram" operated by the U.S. Citizenship and immigration 5ervices Bureau of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in c njunction with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Ai�thority O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 END OF SECT{ON I 1/24/11 G003-107\00431 00431-2 Security and Immigration Compliance Affidavit of Subcontractor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\0431 � (� )Section 00480 Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF RICHMOND I, �ro.c� UJ'���'.r�,�.s , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: He or she is O�ic,.p r (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of Dabbs-Williams General Contractor, LLC, the Bidder that has submitted the attached Bid; He is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Bid; Such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid; Neither the said Bidder nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this Affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly with any other Bidder, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham Bid in connection with the Contract for which the attached Bid has been submitted or to refrain firom bidding in connection withi such Contract, or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communication or conference with any other Bidder, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Bid or of any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the Bid price or the Bid price of any other Bidder, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawFul agreement any advantage against Augusta, Georgia or any person interested in the proposed Contract; and The price or prices quoted in the attached Bid are fiair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawFul agreement on the part of the Bidder or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or ies in � terest, including this Affiant. BIDDER: D bbs � I s Gen�ral Cc�lltractor, LLC �By: e signed) �rc�•� c.J t tl't am S (name printed or typed) Title: V t LQ -#�r°eS �..(�; ��' _ Date: �,p,�t� 1 0� �.C> 11 Subscribed and sworn to me this �Iday of ri � , 20J,,L. NOTARY PUBLIC: , � {name s� ned) ,�i��004tlii!lif117��a����d L . Q,/1 � •�`'� Q•�c,'.�°�. ��.�� ''.� i (name p ted or�ped �`��� M1� f P ' � : � �'�G ��T'��N - ' 7 : �F. _ Commission Expires : = ':�� 20y4 • � ' ',. ' ° `'yc�� G : 0'••:, ' END OF SECTION ��'��,rq ` � ' o ' �������`�� I 1/24/11 G403-107\00480 00480 - 2 Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidder THIS PAGE 1NTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\00480 (1)Section 00500 Contract -� � This Contract Agreement made and entered into on the � day of �� '� , 2011, by and between Augusta, Georgia, party of the first part (hereina er called the Owner), and Dabbs-Williams General Contractors, LLC, party of the second part, (hereinafter called the Contractor), WITI��SSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby agrees with tl�e Owner as follows: That the Contractor will furnish all products, tools, construction equipment, skill and labor of every description necessary to carry out and to complete in a good, firm, substanti�l workmanlike manner construction of the Carrie J. Mays Park IVlethane Remediation Plans a d Park Improvements and will complete work in strict conformity with the Drawings and tf�e Specifications, together with the foregoing Proposai made by the Contractor, the Invitation to Proposal, Instructions to Proposers, General and Supplementary Conditions, Speci' I Conditions, Perfiormance and Payment Bonds and al! Addenda hereto incorporated if applicable) which form essential parts of this Contract Agreement, as if fully contained herein. The Contractor will commence work required by the Contract Documents on or before a da�e specified in the written Notice to Proceed and wili complete the same within 150 calend�r days unless the period for completion is extended otherwise by the Contract Documents. Time is of the essence and is an essential element of this Contract, and the Contract�r further agrees to pay as liquidated damages the amount of seven hundred and fifty dolla�s ($750.00) for each consecutive calendar day thereafter required to complete all work as provided in the Contract Documents or for failing to comply with associated milestones. If tf�e Contractor abandons the Contract before commencement of the Work or defaults In completion of all the Work after commencement thereof, the Contractor shall be liable f r such liquidated damages. These fixed liquidated damages are not established as a penal�y but are calculated and agreed upon in advance by the Owner and the Contractor due to tf�e uncertainty and impossibility of making a determination as to the actual and consequenti I damages incurred by the Owner and the general public of Augusta, Georgia, Georgia as a result of the failure on the part of the Contractor to complete the Work on time. Suah liquidated damages referred to herein are intended to be and are cumulative and shall be,n addition to every other remedy now or hereafter enforceable at law, in equity, by statute, or under the Contract. i i The Owner hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the faithful perFormance of th's Contract Agreement, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Specificatior�s and Proposal, in lawful money of the United States of America, the sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS ($ 439,230.00) which sum shall also p�y for loss or damage arising out of the nature of the Work aforesaid, or from the action of tHe elements, or from unforeseen obstructions or difficulties encountered in the prosecution of the Work, and fo� all expenses incurred by, or in consequence of the Work, its suspension br discontinuance and fer weil and faithfully completing the Work and the whole thereof, as 1/24/11 G003-107\00500 I (1)00500 - 2 Contract herein provided, and for replacing defective work or products for a period of one year after completion. The Owner shall make monthly partial payments to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Final payment on account of this Contract Agreement shall be made within 30 days after the completion by the Contractor of all work covered by this Contract Agreement and the acceptance of such work by the Owner, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if, at any time after the execution of this Contract Agreement and the surety bonds hereto attached for its faithful performance, the Owner shall deem the surety or sureties upon such bond to be unsatisfactory, or if, for any reason, such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the perFormance of the Work, the Contractor shali, at no additional expense to Owner, within five days after the receipt of notice from the Owner to do so, furnish an additional bond or bonds in such form and amount, and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. In such event, no further payment to the Contractor shall be deemed to be due under this Contract Agreement until such new or additional security for the faithful perFormance of the Work shall be furnished in manner and form satisfactory to the Owner. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract Agreement under their respective seals on the day and date first above written in six counterparts each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original Contract. 1/24/11 G003-107\00500 (1)00500 - 3 Contract APPROVED AS TO FORM BEFORE EXECUTION � � � BY� �1� �''�� ::�- T ,��., Attorney for the Owner � OWNER: Augusta, Georgia By: �,. .�-�''''�� � `� (name signed) �. �'� ° ' �� '' � �/�/�� _� f�� ��� � (name prrnted or typed) Title: I�`�,. � � �,r,� �'� , Address: � l.� ����� , -�:����,� � r.: ���,� �� � Attest: � �� � ��� ��� �� (name signed) � �'� s�� >° ��,��� / p� ! � • � .,, � a, � �� .C...Y' .. � . � 3/ - rr�� a� 1 �.R .� .��' m � � . , ^ s^ �`� F � 0 b''-''.. �) (na e rinted or type�7 &,. „ � ' ��.� ^ m c� � �G � �_ � _ � ' .�" „ a, � Title: ,� * � �sT. �� �a� , • g��� "�, ��� � °�m. �' ! � .��,�`�'� , ��.�'�.�.��' CONTRACTOR: D - illiams General Contractors, LLC By: e signed) !�' ra`c� l� �t �� � C._m� . (name printed or typed) Title: V lf e �rC'.$t �Q.✓Y�' Address: PO Box 765 Statesboro, GA 30459 \ Attest: (na e signed) (name printed or typed) Title: CF"'--� (SE��) Note: If the Contractor is a corporation, the Contract Agreement shall be signed by the president or vice president, attested by the secretary and the corporate seal affixed. If the Contractor is a partnership, the Contract Agreement shall be signed in the partnership name by one of the partners, with indication that Y;e or she is a general partner. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\00500 (1)00500 - 4 Contract THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-�07\005�� (1)Section 00550 Pre-Award Oath STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF RICHMOND In accordance with O.C.G.A. �36-91-21(e), we, the undersigned of Dabbs-Williams General Contractors. LLC, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: We have not directly or indirectly violated O.C.G.A. §36-91-21 (d), and more specifically, we have not - prevented or attempted to prevent competition in such bidding or proposals by any means whatever, - prevented or endeavored to prevent anyone from making a bid or proposal thereof by any means whatever, nor - caused or induced another to withdraw a bid or proposal for the work. We, the undersigned, to the best of our knowledge, affirm that no other officers, agents or other persons acted for or represented the Contractor in the bidding for and procurement of this Contract. Sig ture Printed Name Title Date ` t�. l%..�z l�ab6s 1��c5�de� '� t 11 �U�a.� �l� ���ams U'�ee_ l�res�dn� h� Iz- � ����yytililltlYl� � 0� _������ ��* o� ���� <�. g6iJN �`„�• �s ° i � v : r�'`�� �'��fi� . % My Commission Expires: _ `� �`��`-� �� � � � " .� { ary Public = •,� �� �. � � �,.., I�.�e 1�ac,�e.5 °+ �: �%'.� �/��°�r�ao; a��`,o. J ''iii����`( p�e� (SEl�L) . ��� � �� END OF SECT{ON � 1/24/11 G003-207\00550 oo55a2 Pre-Award Oath THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\00550 � (1)Section 00610 PerFormance Bond STATE OF GEORG(A BOND N0. 0060705 COUNTY OF RICHM�ND - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Dabbs-Williams General Contractors, LLC as Principal, (hereinafter known as Contractor), and we, Wes.�ff�ld.- Insurance Company PO BOX 5001 westf; Pi � Center. Ohio 44251, as Surety, do hereby acknowiedge ourselves indebted and firmly bound and held unto the Augusta, Georgia for use and benefit of those entitled ' thereto, in the sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS . {�439.230.00) for the payment of which will and truly to be made, in lawPul money of the United States of America, we do hereby bind ourselves, successors, assigns, heirs and personal representatives. ' BUT TNE COND{TION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION OR BOND IS THIS: ' WHEREAS, the Owner has engaged the said Contractor for the sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND NVO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS ($ 439.230.00) for construction of the Project, Carrie J. Mays Park Remediation Plans and Park Improvements as more fully appears ' in a written ContractAgreement bearing the date of , 2011, a copy of which ' Contract Agreement is by reference hereby made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall fully and faithfully perform all the undertakings and obligations under the said Contract Agreement hereinbefore referred to and shalf fully inc�emnify and save harmless the said Owner from al[ costs and damage whatsoever which it may suffer by reason of any failure on the part of said Contractor to do so, and shall fully reimburse and repay the said� Owner any and all outlay and expense which it may incur in making good any such default, and shall correct all defects in products and warkmanship ' ap�earing within one year of the completion of all Work, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. And for value received it is hereby stipuiated and agreed that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the said Contract Agreement, or in the Work to be performed thereunder, or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect the obligations under this Contract Agreement or Bond, and notice is hereby waived of any such damage, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract Agreement ' or to the Work or to the Contract Documents. This bond is given pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. Section 36-91-1 et.seq. and all the provisions of the law referringto this character of Bond as setforth in said Sections or as may be hereinafter enacted, and these are hereby made a part hereof to the same extent as if set out herein in full. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Contractor has hereunder affixed its signature and seal, and ' said Surety has hereunto caused to be affixed its corporate signature and seal, by its duly authorized officers, on this ��n' day of �. , 2011, executed in six counterparts. 1/24/11 G003-107\00610 (1)00610 - 2 Performance Bond CONTRACTOR - PRINCIPAL: ab s- �H Ge�e�Contractors, LLC By: , (name ned) Brad Williams (name printed or typed) Title: Vice-President Address: 319 S. Walnut St. Statesboro GA 30458 � Attest: (na signedJ Mary Ann Newton • (name printed or ryped) CFO Title: ' (SEAL) SUREIY: Westfield Insur nce Company t ' By: (name signed) ARL S w. SE�IER ATTORNEY • ItN • fAC6 , . - C-°- �-�LQ�8,95 ' (name printed or typed) ! Title: Weils Fa�go Insurar�ce Services 25 Btt�tt St. / P.O. 8ox 847 Address: �,�� � 3 �,� 912-231-6934 Attest: � (name signed) ' i n � 6U� (name printed or typed) Tit(e: S �� � (SEAL} Note: Surety companies executing Bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circufar 570 as amended} and be authorized to transact business in the state where the Project is located. �ND OF SECTfON 1/24/11 G0�3-107\00620 POW�R NO. 1016052 01 General Power Westfield tnsurance Co. of Attorney Westfield National Insurance Co. CERTIFIED COPY O hio Farmers lnsurance C�. We st f ie l d Ce O hio Know A!1 Men by These Presents, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMEftS INSURANCE COMPANY, corporations, hereinafter referred to individually as a'Company" and coliectively as "Companies," duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in Westfield Center, Medina County, Ohio, do by these presents make, constitute and appoint CHARLES W. SEILER of SAVANNAH and State of GA its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, or other instruments or contracts of suretyship- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE GUARANTEE, OR BANK DEP�SITORY BONDS. and to bind any of the Companies thereby as fuily and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the applicable Company and duly attested by its 5ecretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the WESTFIELD INSURANGE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OH10 FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY: "Be !t Resolved, that the President, any Senior Executive, any 5ecretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitabie persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subJect to the foilowing provisions: The Attorney-in-Fact. may be given ful( power and authority for and. in the name of and on behaif oP the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sea(ed and attested by the Corporate Secretary." "Be it Further Resolved, that the signature of any such designated person and the seal of the Company heretofore or hereafter affixed to any power of attorney or any certificate relating therato by facsimile, and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shail be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertaking to which ft is attached." (Each adopted at a meeting held on February 8, 2000). !n Witness Whereof, WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OH10 FARMER.S INSURANCE COMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by their Senior Executive and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 24th day of APRIL A.D., 2006 . . . N��1�1�NIN 11141111�1� corporate �.�"' "'��.,, ,��" •"'"""""�•�,, WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY Sea�s O\�;........,I,+�IC� :4 ` ��' �NS� �. �' '��,�'�,..•••••��;',, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPAt�Y Affixed v � �► •. p -. c 'S-p - ;.•�. � '• � ;�; �;, ; :,p�: : � ; ��� TERf • �,� OHIO FARMERS INSURANCECOMP}�NY , :N�a7',L.�'#.L'a� :m', 5�.�. :mc 'o: O:a3 � :v�, ��i� :�: :�: 1848 .�: � ' 3,�f '•. � ��° Y s . %z : .4 : :� '. � .•4!; . � ., ,..� ••....� �`'y+w�� ,,',,, ��''������n ����r�`��� ' �� '.., ;..f�. n �....•�`�� ,` State of Ohio By� , County of Medina ss.: Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr., Senior Executive , On this 24th day of APRIL A.D., 2006 , before me personally came Richard L. Kinnaird Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in Medina, Ohio; that he fs Senior Executive of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, the companies described in and which .executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of said Companies; that the seals atfixed to said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. � Notari al � „N�.���N�u,,,,� � . ' Seal o` t A �, � • Affixed �(P'.`�;l'f% 9s. z�= -��� r . --�. ' William J. Kahelin, A rney at Law, Notary Public State of Ohio 's � ; 1� ��a My Commission Does Not Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) County of Medina ss.: q �a��,. � T � O F , ' ���M���������I��N�",,,, i, Frank A. Carrino, Secretary of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FRRMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by sald Companies, which is still in full force and effect; and furthermore, the resolutions of the Boards of Directors, set out in the Power of Attorney are in fuli force and effect. In Wifness. Whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, this � .day of A. D., . xW ,����I11111������ ' � /�IIII/�♦ .�' uR p°••. ,.,� �N� s �., �' �as .- :�., c� w ,.• a P�!...... � !tis�• ,� �NI il : �v: • .w �,= :�o: '•G-p': =,je.� _� ' .' =�: , :'�: ='�� �NARIF�E0 :3� �� � = �t 5�.� ��� '=-�= SEAL "``' :�� �,��t � se��Q :m_ =e: �yf•• . ,: �,�,� =y'• : o; ;�'; 1846 .'�; Frank A. Carrino, ecret . ••'`, ..«+a s : �i •• � ; • , � : 4! c ', . ��'� � •��'�. .•.� �``,� ��'��, �•.. .'' � .. �� V` ''' ����4nu n ���" d , � i � • �uip m �.•N� •', .. � BPOAC2 (combined} {06-02) (1)Section 00620 Payment Bond STATE OF GEORGIA BOND N0. 0060705 COUNTY OF RICHMOND ' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Dabbs-Wilfiams General Contractor, LLC, as ' Principal, (hereir�after known as Contractor), and we,�estfield� Insurance Companv, PO BOX 5001 Westfield Center. Ohio 44251 as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Augusta, Georgia, (hereinafter called the Owner), in the penal sum of FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE TNOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS ($ 439.230.001 lav,rful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, , personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ' WHEREAS, said Contractor has entered into a certain Contract Agreement with said Owner, dated ��--2011, for construction of the Carrie J. Mays Par�C Methane Remediation Plans an Park Improvements, (hereinafter called the Contract), which Contract ' Agreernent and the Contract Documents for said Work shall be deemed a part hereof as fully as if set out herein. I�OW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if said Contractor and all ' subcontractors to whom any portion of the Work provided for in said Contract Agreement is sublet and all assignees of said Contractor and of such subcontractors shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying them with labor, products, services, or supplies for or in the prosecution of the Work provided for in such Contract Agreement, or in any amendment or extension of or addition to said Contract Agreement, and for the payment of reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the claimant in suits on this Bond, then the above obligation shall ' be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. HOWEVER, this Bond is subject to the following conditions and limitations ' (a) Any person, firm or corporation that has furnished labor, products, or supplies for or in the prosecution of the Work provided for in said Contract Agreement shall � have a direct right of action against the Contractor and Surety on this Bond, which right of action shall be asserted in a proceeding, instituted in the county in which ' the Work provided for in said Contract Agreement is to be perFormed or in any county in which Contractor or Surety does business. Such right of action shall be asserted in proceedings instituted in the name of the claimant or claimants for its use and benefit against said Contractor and Surety or either parry (but not later than one year after the fiinal settlement of said Contract Agreement) in which action such claim or claims shall be adjudicated and judgment rendered thereon. (b) The Principal and Surety hereby designate and appoint the cHa��es w. sEn�te , as the agent of each party to receive and AnoR"EY •�N •F�i accept service of process or other pleading issued or filed in any proceeding GA dE 414639 VNeNs Fargo Insurarx�e Servk�� � � � � P ��� � �� 1/24/11 G003-107\00620 Sav�natt, GA 314Q2 ' 912 231-6834 (1)OQ620 - 2 . Payment Bond instituted on this Bond and hereby consent t}�at such service shafi be the same as personal service on the Contractor and/or Surety. (e) in no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penaify of this Sond, or subject to any suit, action or proceeding thereon that is instituted later than one year after the final settlement of said Contract Agreement. � (d) 7his Bond is given pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of O.C.G.A. Seciion 36-91-1 et.seq. hereinafter, and all the provisions ofi law referring to this character of Bond as set forth in said Sections or as may �e hereinafter enacted, and these are hereby made a part hereof to the same extent as if set out herein in full. I[� WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Contractor has hereunder affixed its signature and seal, and said Surety has hereunto caused to be affixed its corporate signature and seal, by its duly authorized officers, on this ���day of �� r , 2411, executed in six counterpar�s. , � - 1/24/11 G003-107\00620 (1}00620 - 3 . Payment Bond CONTRACTOR - PRINCIPAL: ab -Wil � s General Cantractor, LLC By: ' (na igned) Brad Williams (name printed or typed) Vice-President Title: Address: 319 5. Walnut St. Statesboro GA 30458 Attest: na signed) Mary Ann Newto (name printed or typed) Title: CFO (SEAL) SuRETI': Westf' ld Insura Company : By: (name signed) A770RNEY • IN - fAQi CA � 414695 (name printed or typed) Title: Address: PfVeils Fargo lnsurance Services . . x 847 ' uav�h, GA 31402 ' - � , 912-23 ` Attest: (name signed) , ' ' � G ���� ' (name printed or ryped) Titie: � P (SEAL) � Note: Surety cornpanies executing Bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state wherethe Project is located. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\00620 Ge112Ca1 POWER N0. 1016452 01 Power W�S�fiiQ Insurance Co. of Attorney Westfield National lnsurance Co. CERTIFIED COPY O hio Farmers lnsurance Co. Westfiei Cent Ohio Know Afl Men by These Presents, That WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, corporations, hereinafter referred to individually as a"Company" and coilectively as "Companies," duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in Westfield Center, Medina County, Ohio, do by these presents make, constitute and appoint CHARLES W. SEILER of SAVANNAH and State of GA its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with fuli power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowiedge and deliver any and all bonds, recognizances, undertakings, or other instruments or contracts of suretyship- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • LIMITATION: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CANNOT BE USED TO EXECUTE NOTE GUARANTEE, MORTGAGE DEFICIENCY, MORTGAGE GUARANTEE, OR BANK DEPOSITORY�BONDS. and to bind any of the Companies thereby as fuily and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the applicable Company and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. 5aid appointment is maae under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of each of the WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY: "Be !t Resolved, that the President, any Senior Executive, any 5ecretary or any Fidelity & Surety Operations Executive or other Executive shali be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint any one or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for. and on behalf of the Company subject to the foilow(ng provisions: The Attorney-in-Fact. may be given fiull power and authority for and, in the name of and on behaif of the Company, to execute, acknowiedge and deliver, any and ail bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's Iiability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate 5ecretary." "Be rt Further Resotved, that the signature of any such designated person and the seal of the Company heretofore or hereafter affixed to any power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any power of attorney or certificate bearing facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shali be valid and binding upon the Company with respect to any bond or undertakfng to which (t is attached "(Each adopted at a meeting held on February 8, 2000). in Witness Whereof, WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE , COMPANY have caused these presents to be signed by their Senior Executive and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed this 24th day of ' APRIL A.D., 20U6 . . . � y�� ,,'�f11111�l1�1�f�� , . N�x� corporate p •"'.�yR,� ,, , 1ONFlL ' WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY seals `�� .�•••.�C �� �•`aF;�.••••• •!,NS''� °��NSUR,�; WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY ' A�xed r �v �� ' �y i = O: .G, `=�,�,: -..;P .,� C � a , ;� ; ` 't :,��; .,y ��; �� • �,� OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMP,�NY =„� ��� ��� :�� SEAL `"` :�:� f ��.�` - . � ' °� :a= �� !' . ��•. ��� : :�: le�a .�_ . .�e. , Y f :.2, •. : 'o : :� �. '•°�-......+'' �a .,. � ', '� �••.,,°„ �' +al: ' '•� � ••......•' � •'' State of Ohio k ""'w�,..w� ''�,��°'����,,,,,,,�,�,�`'�� , I ���''•�.,;�.�,.....�•`'�� , � gy; County of Medina ss.: Richard L. Kinnaird, Jr., Senior Executive On this 24th day of APRiL A.D., 2006 , bePore me personally came Richard L. Kinnaird Jr. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in Medina, Ohio; that he is Senior Executive of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, the companies described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of said Companies; that the seals afifixed to said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies; and that he signed his name thereto by like order. � Notariai ''NNN��INry1/N��� � � Seal .�`` �\ A [. S �� ' Affixed �(P;'\`�'��/ F�'; ' Z: �: jiji: �. ' ^� William J. Kahelin, A rney at Law, Notary Public State of Ohio ': N �y ��o My Commission Does Noc Expire (Sec. 147.03 Ohio Revised Code) County of Medina ss.: q do��,, � T � O F . � ���N�i���������N�����, I, Frank A. Carrino, 5ecretary of WESTFIELD INSURANCE COMPANY, WESTFIELD NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and OHIO FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney, executed by sald Companies, which is still in full force and effect; and furthermore, the resolutions of the Boards of Directors, set out in the Power of Attorney are in full force and effect. In Witness. Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies at Westfield Center, Ohio, this � .day of A. D,, �� ���I R „N � � ' � � II r�i � I � � � uni� . - • � in.� � , �,.•��, - ��,.....L!tis- .• IllSi! . �� , ; � �''. v. w+ ; O:' . , ;j��t;.• ~ •;l'E;a , ? � i � ° o q = ur�;: •• : ; .�`e'G1�ARTE�L�'Q ;�'b 3 � t :�i ���.C'9�.t.� ='bs 2�: Sl.t�i, 'c�_ "�• :3= . o •� scn; •mc ;o: ;�va �i�� � Secreta _�'. '. =�'?' r �: 1848 r?; Frank A. Carrino" Secret ry �' ., re. f .. �� , y •, .rJ: i� :, �. : 4 �,� � ,� ' �.. .......•.� � �� �••. .-. ,�nn� n����`����� . �, �w�� ' � n �4�i� u �as�P�` ",, • BPOAC2 (combined} (06-02) (1)Section 00700 General Conditions TABLE OF CONTENTS Article Title Page Generai......................................................................................................... 00700-1 1 Notice of Award of Contract ........................................................................ 00700-1 2 Execution of Contract Documents ............................................................. 00700-1 3 Contract Security ......................................................................................... 00700-1 4 I nsu ra nce..... ................................................................................................. 00700-2 5 Indemnification ............................................................................................00700-2 6 Notice to Proceed ........................................................................................ 00700-3 7 Termination of Work for Defautt .................................................................00700-3 8 Termination for Convenience o# the Owner .............................................. 00700-4 9 Assignments .................:............................................................................... 00700-4 10 Subcontracting .............................................................................................00700-4 11 Authority of the Engineer ............................................................................ 00700-5 12 Separate Contracts ...................................................................................... 00700-5 13 Laws and Regulations ................................................................................. 00700-6 14 Taxes ...................................................................................................:.........00700-6 15 Notice and Service Thereof ........................................................................ 00700-7 16 Patents .......................................................................................................... 00700-7 17 L.and and Rights-of-WaY -•-•• ......................................................................... 00700-7 18 Prod ucts ................................:....................................................................... 00700-8 19 Supervision of Work ..................................................................................... 00700-8 20 Interruption of Facility Operations ..............................................................00700-9 21 Protection of Work, Property and Persons ................................................ 00700-9 22 Protection of the Environment ..................................................................00700-10 23 Protection, Location and Relocation of Utilities ......................................00700-10 24 Schedules, Reports and Records .............................................................00700-10 25 Drawings and Specifications ....................................................................00700-11 26 Surveys .......................................................................................................00700-11 27 Testing, Inspection and Rejection of Work ..............................................00700-12 28 Contract Time and Liquidated Damages ..................:..............................00700-13 29 Changes in the Contract ...........................................................................00700-13 30 Payments and Completion ........................................................................00700-17 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 -1 General Conditions GENERAL: The provisions of these General Conditions are intended as, but are not limited to, providing general conditions of agreement and provisions toward the awarding of the Contract, the obligations of the successful Proposer and requirements for execution and administration of the Contract. IN ANY EVENT PROVISIONS IN THIS SECTION ARE SUBJECT TO AND GOVERNED BY PROVISIONS IN THE SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AS APPLICABLE. Article 1- Notice of Award of Contract After receipt of Proposals, the Owner shall notify the successful Proposer of the award of the Contract as stipulated in the Supplementary Conditions. Article 2- Execution of Contract Documents Within 15 days of notification of Award of Contract, the Owner will furnish the Contractor with conformed copies of Contract Documents for execution by the Contractor and the surety. Within 10 days after receipt, the Contractor shall return all the Documents properly executed by the Contractor and the surety. Attached to each Document shall be an original power-of-attorney for the person executing the Bonds for the surety and certificates of insurance forthe required insurance coverage. Within 30 days after receipt of the conformed Documents executed by the Contractor and the surety with the power-of-attorney and certificates of insurance, the Owner will complete the execution of the Documents. Distribution of the completed Documents will be made upon execution by the Owner. Should the Contractor and/or the surety fail to properly execute the Documents within the specifiied time, the Owner will have the right to proceed on the Proposal Bond accompanying the ProposaL If the Owner fails to execute the Documents within the time limit specified, the Contractor will have the right to withdraw the Proposal without penalty. In such event the Owner will have no liability to the Contractor under these Documents or otherwise. Should either party require an extension of any of the time limits stated above, this shall be done only by written mutual agreement between both parties. Article 3 - Contract Security The Contractor shall furnish separate PerFormance and Payment Bonds each in a sum equal to the amount of the Contract Price, the PerFormance Bond conditioned upon the performance by the Contractor of all undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of the Contract Dacuments, and the Payment Bond conditioned upon the prompt payment by the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and products in the prosecution of the Work provided by the Contract Documents. Such Bonds shall be executed by the Contractor and a corporate , bonding company licensed to transact such business in the State where the Project is located 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 - 2 General Conditions and named on the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federai Bonds" as pubiished in the Treasury Department Circular Number 570. The expense of these Bonds shall be borne by the Contractor. If at any time a surety on any such Bond is declared bankrupt or loses its right to do business in the State where the Project is located or is removed from the list of Surety Companies accepted on Federal Bonds, the Contractor shall, within 10 days after notice from the Owner to do so, substitute an acceptable Bond {or Bonds) in such form and sum and signed by such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Owner. The premium on such Bond (or Bonds) shall be paid by the Contractor. No further progress payments shall be deemed due, nor shali be made, until the new surety furnishes an acceptable Bond to the Owner. The person executing the Bond on behalf of the surety shall file with the Bond a general power of attorney, unlimited as to amount and type of Bond covered by such power of attorney and certified to by an official of said surety. Article 4 - Insurance The Contractor shall not commence any work under this Contract until ail insurance, as stipulated in the Supplernentary Conditions, has been obtainsd and such insurance has been approved by the Owner, nor shall the Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence any work on subcontractor's contract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved 6y the Contractor. Article 5 - Indemnification The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, the Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including cfairns for consultants' and attorneys' fees arising out of or resulting from the perFormance of the Work, provided that any such claims, damage, loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting there from; and is caused in whole or in part by negligence, willful act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Engineer, or any of their agents or employees, by any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification : obligation shall not be lirnited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any subcontractor under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefits acts. This indemnification and hold harmless obligation shall extend to cover any and all claims not covered by the Owner's Protective Liability Insurance, the requirements of which are specified , in Article 4 of the Supplementary Gonditions. 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 - 3 General Conditions Article 6- Notice to Proceed The Notice to Proceed will be issued, following the pre-construction conference, within 10 days of the execution of the Contract Agreement by the Owner. The time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Contractor. If the Notice to Proceed has not been issued within the 10 day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract Agreement without further liability on the part of either pa rty. Article 7- Termination of Work for Default (a) The Work may be terminated if: (1) The Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent. (2) The Contractor makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors. (3) A trustee or receiver is appointed for the Contractor or for any of Contractor's property. (4) The Contractor files a petition to take advantage of any debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruptcy or applicable laws. (5) The Contractor repeatedly fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen, � materials or equipment. (6) The Contractor fails to make satisfactory progress toward timely completion of the Work. (7) The Contractor repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to subcontractors or material suppliers for labor, materials or equipment. (8) The Contractor disregards laws, ordinances, rules, reguiations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction of the Work. (9) The Contractor fails to comply with directives of the Engineer. (10) The Contractor otherwise violates any provision of the Contract Documents. (b) The Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and surety a minimum of 10 days from delivery of a written notice, terminate the services of the Contractor and take possession of the Project and of all products thereon owned by the Contractor, and finish the Work by whatever method the Owner may deem expedient. In such case #he Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs ofi completing 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 - 4 General Conditions the Project, including compensation for additional professiona! services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor and/or surety shall pay the difference to the Owner. Such costs incurred by the Owner will be determined by the Engineer and incorporated in a Change Order. (c) Where the Contractor's services have been so terminated by the Owner, said termination will not affect any right of the Owner against the Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of monies by the Owner due the Contractor will not release the Contractor from compliance with the Contract Documents. Article 8- Termination for Convenience of the Owner If, for any reason other than those provided for under Article 7, the Owner elects to discontinue, in whole or part, the Work under this Contract, the Owner may, after 10 days from delivery of a written notice to the Contractor and the Engineer, terminate, in whole or in part, the Contractor's performance of the Work under this Contract. The notice of termination shall specify the extent to which performance of the Work under the Contract is terminated. In the event of such termination by the Owner, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment for the Work at the jobsite acceptably performed up to the time of the termination and reimbursement for such costs as are reasonably incurred by the Contractor due to the termination and not otherwise compensated, The Contractor shail also be entitled to profit on the amounts payable to the Contractor, but such profit shall be limited to 6 percent of such amounts. The Contractor will not be entitled to any payment, including any anticipated profit, on Work not performed and will not be entitled to any compensation for other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such compensation or damages of any nature. Article 9 - Assignments The Contractor shall not assign the whole or any part of this Contract or any monies due or to become due hereunder without written consent of the Owner. In case the Contractor assigns all or any part of any monies due or to become due under this Contract, the instrument of assignment shall contain a clause substantially to the effect that it is agreed that the right of the assignee in and to any monies due or to become due to the Contractor shall be subject to prior liens of all persons, firms, and corporations for services rendered or materials supplied for the performance of the Work called for under this Contract. Article 10 - Subcontracting (a) The Contractor shall not subcontract the complete Work, or any part thereof, and shall not award any work to any subcontractor without prior written approval of the Owner. Owner approval will not be given except upon the basis of written statements containing such information as the Owner may require. At the pre-construction conference, the Contractor shall submit all subcontractors that 1J24/11 G003-107\00700 {1}00700 - 5 General Conditions the Contractor plans to use on the Project. Any changes or additional subcontractors should be submitted at least 14 days prior to the needed approvaL (b) The Contractor shall utilize the services of specialty subcontractors on those parts of the Work which, under normal contracting practices, are best perFormed by specialty subcontractors, as required by the Engineer in Engineer's sole discretion, at no additional cost to the Owner. If the Contractor desires to per�orm specialty work, the Contractor shall submit a request to the Owner, accompanied by evidence that the Contractor's own organization has successfully performed the type of work in question, is presently competent to perForm the type of work, and the performance of the work by specialty subcontractors will result in materially increased costs or inordinate delays. (c) The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of the Contractor's subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of independent contractors or independent subcontractors of the Contractor and of persons indirectly employed by the Contractor as the Contractor is for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. (d) The Contractor sha11 cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts relative to the Work to bind subcontractors to the Contractor by the terms of the General Conditions and other Contract Documents insofar as applicable to the work of subcontractors and to give the Contractor the same power as regards terminating any subcontract that the Owner may exercise over the Contractor under any provision of the Contract Documents. (e) Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. Article 11- Authority of the Engineer The Engineer will act as the Owner's representative during the construction period. The Engineer will decide questions which may arise as to quality and acceptability of products furnished and Work performed. The Engineer will interpret the intent of the Contract Documents in a fair and unbiased manner. The Engineer will make visits to the site and determine if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Engineer will judge as to the accuracy of quantities submitted by the Contractor in partiai payment estimates and the acceptability of the Work which these quantities represent. The decisions of the Engineer will be final and conclusive. 1/24/11 G003-107\0070Q (1)00700 - 6 General Conditions � Artic{e 12 - Separate Contracts � (a) The Owner reserves the right to let other contracts in connection with this Project. The Contractor shall afford other contractors r�asonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their products and the �xecution of their work, and the Contractor and other contractors shall properly connect and coordinate their work with each other. 1f the proper execution or results any part of the Contractor's work depends upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Engineer any defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. (b) The Owner may perform additional work related to the Project with Owner's own �orces. The Contractor shall afford the Owner reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of products and the execu�tion of work, and shall properly connect and coordinate Contractor's work with work performed by Owner's own fiorces. l i i (c) If the performance of additional work by other cqntractors or the Owner is not noted in the Contract Documents prior to the execution of the Contract, written notice thereof wi11 be given to the Contractor prior to starting any such additional work. If the Contractor believes that the performa�ce of such additional work by the Owner or others involves the Contractor in additional expense or entitles the Contractor to an e�ctension of the Contract Time, thg Contractor may make a claim tnerefore as provided in Article 29. � i Articfe 13 - Laws and Regulations j i The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that all applic�ble federaJ, state, county and city laws, municipal ordinances, and the rules and regulat�ons ofi all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of tne Project shall apply to the Co�ntract throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the Contract as though written out in full herein. The Contractor shafV keep fuily informed of all laws, ordinances and regulatior�s of the federal, state, county, city and municipal governments or authorities in any mann�r affecting those engaged or employed in the Work or the materials used in the Wark or in a�y way affecting the conduct of the Work and of all orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over same. if any discrepancy or inconsistency s�ould be discovered in these Contract Documents herein referred to, in relation to any s ch law, ordinance, regulation, order or decree, the Contractor shall herewith report the sam�, in writing, to the Owner. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all s�uch existing and future laws, ordinances and regulations, and shall protect and indemnify the Owner, the Engineer and their agents against the violation ofi any such law, ordinance, regulation, order or decree, whether by the Contractor or by the Contractor's employees. ', � Articie 14 - Taxes ; The Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other simylar taxes required by the law of � 1j24/11 G003-107\00700 , (1)00700 - 7 General Conditions the place where the Work is performed. The Owner will be responsible for any sales or use tax due on products furnished by the Owner to the Contractor to be incorporated into the Work. Article 15 - Notice and Service Thereof (a) All notices, demands, requests, instructions, approvals, and claims shall be in writing. (b) Any notice to or demand upon the Contractor will be sufficiently given if delivered at the office of the Contractor specified in the Proposal (or at such other office as the Contractor may from time to time designate to the Owner in writing), or if delivered by the United States Mail in a sealed, postage-prepaid envelope, or delivered by facsimile transmission, followed by written confirmation, in each case addressed to such office. (c) All papers required to be delivered to the Owner shall be delivered as stipuiated in the Supplementary Conditions. (d) Any such notice or demand shall be deemed to have been given to the Owner or made as of the time of actual delivery to Owner. Article 16 - Patents (a) The Contractor shall hold and save the Owner, the Engineer and their agents harmless from liability of any kind, including cost and expenses, reasonable attorney's fees, for, or on account of, any patented or unpatented invention, process, article, or appliance manufactured or used in the performance of the Work, including its use by the Owner. (b) If the Contractor uses any design, process, device or materials covered by letters, trademarks, patent or copyright, the Contractor shail provide for such use by suitable agreement between the �wner and the holder of such patented or copyrighted design, device or material. The Contract prices shall include royalties or costs arising from the use of such design, device or materials, in any way involved in the Work. The Contractor and the Contractor's sureties shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner, the Engineer and their agents from claims for infringement by reason of the use of such patented or copyrighted design, process, device or materials or any trademark or copyright in connection with Work agreed to be performed under this Contract, and shall indemnify the Owner, the Engineer and their agents for any cost, expense, damage and reasonable attorney's fees , which it may be obliged to pay by reason of such infringement, at any time during the prosecution of the Work or after completion of the Work. Article 17 - Land and Rights-of-Way The Owner will provide, as indicated ir� the Contract Documents and prior to the Notice to 1/24/11 GOQ3-i07\00700 {1)00700 - 8 Generai Condi#ions Proceed, the lands upon which the Work is to be done, rights-of-way for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of the Contractor. The Contractor shall confine work and all associated activities to the easements and other areas designated for the Contractor's use. The Contractor shall comply with any limits on construction methods and practices which may be required by easement agreements. If, due to some unforeseen reason, the necessary easements are not obtained, the Contractor shall receive an equitable extension of Contract Time and/or an equitable increase in the Contract Price to cover the Contractor's additional costs as a result thereof, provided the Owner is notified immediately of the claim. The Contractor's claim therefore shall be handled as provided for under Article 29. Should additional temporary easements for ingress or egress be required by the Contractor for more suitable access to the Work, these easements shall be obtained by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. Additional requirements shall be as stipulated in the Supplementary Conditions. � Article 18 - Products (a) Products shall be so stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recomrnendations to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work. Stored products to be incorporated in the Work shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. (b) Manufactured products shall be applied, installed, connected, erected� used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the manufacturer. (c) Products shall be furnished in accordance with shop drawings and/or samples submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. (d) Products to be incorporated into the Work shall not be purchased by the Contractor or the subcontractor subject to a chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale contract or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. i Article 19 - Supervision of Work The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work. The Contractor shall be solely responsible fior the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction'. The Contractor shall employ and maintain on the Work a qualified supervisor or superintendent who shall have been designated in writing by the Contractor as the Contractor's representative at the site. The supervisor shall be present on the site at all times as required to perForm adequate supervision and coordination of the Work. � The supervisor shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Contractor and to execute the 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 t1�oo700 - s General Conditions orders or directions of the Engineer without delay. The supervisor shall have full authority to promptly supply products, tools, plant equipment and labor as may be required. The supervisor's authority shall be such that afl communication given to the supervisor shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The Contractor shall employ only competent and skilled personnel. The Contractor shall, upon demand from the Engineer, immediately remove any superintendent, foreman or workman whom the Engineer or Owner may consider incompetent or undesirable. Article 20 - Interruption of Facility Operations The Contractor shall provide the Owner with written notice at least five days priar to any interruption in facility operations required by construction activity. The notice shall include the date and time of the scheduled interruption; the length of time the interruption will be in effect; the procedures to be followed in effecting the interruption; a complete identification of all those processes, equipment and operations to be affected; and all other information the Owner may require. The Contractor shall provide any equipment, piping, auxiiiary power or other means necessary to sustain facility operations or function for interruptions which have not been identified by the Specifications, or when interruptions must exceed the tirne aliowed by the Specifications. Additional requirements, if any, shall be as stipulated in the Supplementary Conditions. Article 21- Protection of Work, Property and Persons (a) The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby, all the Work and all products to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, and other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. (b) The Contractor shall comply with the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for construction, promulgated under the Occupational Safety and ' Health Act of 1970 (PL 91-596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL 91-54). The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by the conditions and progress of the Work, afl necessary safeguards for safety and protection. (c) The Contractor shall rernedy a!I damage, injury or loss to any property, improvements or facilities caused, directly or indirectly, in who{e or in part, by the Contractor or any of the Contractor's subcontractors or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The property, improvements or facilities shall be replaced or restored to a condition as 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 -10 General Conditions good as when the Contractor entered upon the Work. In case of failure on the qart of the Contractor to restore such property, or make good such damages or injury, the Owner may, after 48 hours written notice, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property, improvements or facilities as may be deemed necessary. The cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due or which may become due the Contractor under this Contract. (d) In emergencies affecting the safety of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, the Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the Engineer or Owner, shall act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. (e) Completed Work and stored products shall be suitably protected during unseasonable weather, to allow Work to proceed in a tirnely fashion. Work planned, or in progress, should be performed to minimize impact of adverse weather. , Article 22 - Protection of the Environment (a) The Contractor shall be responsible for taking all measures required to minimize a!1 types of pollution associated with the undertaking of the proposed Work, and slnall abide by the requirements of all governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Work or Contractor's Project operations. (b) Any area used or involved in the Project that is disturbed by the Contractor, shall be restored to original or better condition, even though such area is outside the limits of that specified for grading, grassing or landscaping. Article 23 - Protection, Location and Relocation of Utilities i The Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent utilities when prosecution of the Work may affect them. The Contractor shall protect from darnage all existing improvements or utiiities at, or in proximity to, the site of the Work, and shall repair or restore any damage to such facilifies . resulting from fiailure to exercise reasonable care in the perforrnance of Work. If the Contractor fails or refuses to repair any such damage promptly, the Owner may have the Work performed and charge the cost thereof to the Contractor. Prior to the construction or installation of any proposed facility or pipeline, the Contractor shall expose all existing utiiities true to their vertical and horizontal location, within the vicinity of the Work. In order to avoid conflicts between existing and proposed facilities or utilities, the Contractor shall either relocate the existing or proposed utility on a ternporary or perman�nt basis, or shall take whatever means necessary to protect the existing facilities or utilities during the installation of proposed utilities, as approved by the Engineer. No separate payment wiil be made for the reiocation of existing utilities or for any work associated with the protection of existing facilities or utilities. 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 ! (1)00700 -11 Generai Conditions Article 24 - Schedules, Reports and Records The Contractor shall submit to the Owner progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and other data as the Owner may request concerning work perFormed or to be performed as stipulated in the Supplementary Conditions. Article 25 - Drawings and Specifications The Drawings, Specifications, Contract Documents, and all supplemental documents, are considered essential parts of the Contract, and requirements occurring in one are as binding as though occurring in all. They are intended to define, describe and provide for all Work necessary to complete the Project in an acceptable manner, ready for use, occupancy, or operation by the Owner. The Engineer will furnish the Contractor five copies of the Contract Documents, one copy of which the Contractor shall have available at all times on the Project site. Any additionai copies will be furnished at additional cost. In case of conflict between the Drawings and �6pecifiications, the Specifications will govern. Figure dimensions on Drawings will govern over�� scale dimensions, and detailed Drawings will govern over general Drawings. , , In cases where products or quantities are omitt�d #rorn the Specifications, the description and quantities shown on the Drawings will govern. � � Any materially differing site condition as bet�uveen what is shown on the Drawings and Specifications and actually found on site shall�, be immediately reported to the Engineer, in writing, prior to the commencement of Work at �he site. Failure of the Contractor to notify the Engineer, in writing, ofi the differing site condition prior to performance of Work at the site shall constitute a waiver of any claim for additional rr�onies. Any Change Order necessitated by the differing site condition shall be processed as pro,vided under Article 29. i Any ambiguities or need for clarification of the D�rawings or Specifications shall be immediately reported in writing to the Engineer. Any such arribiguity or need for clarifiication will be handled by the Engineer, in writing, as authorized by Article 11. No clarification of the Drawings and Specifications hereunder by the Engineer will e�title the Contractor to any additional monies unless a Change Order has been processed as provided by Article 29 hereof. Any work done by the Contractor following a;discovery of such differing site condition or ambiguity or need for clarification in the Contract Drawings and Specifications, prior to a written report to the Engineer, shall not entitle the Contractor to additional monies and shall be done at the Contractor's risk. ' Article 26 - Surveys 1/24/11 G003-10,7\00700 (1)00700 -12 General Conditions The Owner will furnish a land survey to establish a base line for locating the principal component parts of the Work, as shown in the Contract Documents. A bench mark will be established adjacent to the Work. From this information, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall develop and make all detailed surveys needed for construction, such as alignment, slope stakes, batter boards, stakes for pile locations and other working points, lines, elevations and cut sheets. Article 27 - Testing, Inspection and Rejection of Work (a) Testing of Materials: Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Specifications, the inspection and testing of products to be incorporated in the Work at the site shall be made by bureaus, laboratories, or agencies approved by the Owner; the cost of such inspection and testing shall be paid by the Contractor. The Contractor shail furnish evidence, satisfactory to the Owner, that the products have passed the required tests prior to their incorporation into the Work. The Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove rejected products from the site of the Work. (b) Inspection: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with every reasonable facility for ascertaining whether or not the Work performed and products used are in accordance with the requirements and intent of the Specifications and Contract Documents. No Work shall be done or products used without suitable inspection by the Engineer or Engineer's representative. Failure to reject any defective Work or product shall not in any way prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered, or obligate the Owner to final acceptance. (c) Authority and Duties of the Resident Inspector: The Resident Inspector will be authorized to inspect all Work done and all products furnished, including preparation, fabrication and manufacture af the products to be used, but the Resident Inspector will not be authorized to alter or waive any requirements of the Contract Documents. The Resident Inspector may reject products or suspend the Work until any question at issue can be referred to and decided by the Engineer. The responsibility of the Contractor is not lessened by the presence of the Resident Inspector. The Resident Inspector will be identified at the Pre-Construction Conference. (d) Rejection of Work and Materials: All products furnished and all Work done that is not in accordance with the Drawings or Specifications or that is defective will be rejected. All rejected products or Work shall be removed immediately. If rejected products or Work is not removed within 48 hours, the Engineer will have the right and authority to stop the Work immediately and will have the right to arrange for the removal of said rejected products or Work at the cost and expense of the Contractor. Ali rejected products or Work shall be replaced with other products or Work which conforms with the Drawings and Specifications. (e) Contractor's Responsibilities: Inspection of the Work will not relieve the Contractor 1/24/11 G00�-107\OQ700 (1)00700 -13 Generai Conditions of any obligations to fulfill the Contract and defective Work shail be made good regardless of whether such Work has been previously inspected by the Engineer and accepted or estimated for payment. The failure of the Engineer to reject improper Work shall not be considered a waiver of any defect which may be discovered later, or for Work actually defective. Article 28 - Contract Time and Liquidated Damages The Contract Time and Liquidated Damages shall be defined in the Advertisement for Proposal. The Contractor shall proceetf with the Work at a rate of progress which will insure completion within the Contract Time. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the Contract Time for the Work described herein is a reasonable time, taking into consideration the average climatic and economic conditions, and other factors prevailing in the locality of the Work. If the Contractor shall fail to perform the Work required within the Contract Time, or extended Contract Time if authorized by Change Order, then the Contractor shall pay to the Owner the full amount of liquidated damages specified in the Contract Documents for each calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in perFormance of the Work is due to the following and the Contractor has promptly given written notice of such delay to the Owner and Engineer: {a) To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Owner. (b) To unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another contractor in the performance of a contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and abnormal and unforeseeable weather; and, (c) To any delays of subcontractors occasioned by any af the causes specified in paragraphs (a) and (b). Article 29 - Changes in the Contract (a) Changes in the Work: The Owner may at any time, as the need arises, order changes within the scope of the Work without invalidating the Contract Agreement. If such changes increase or decrease the amount due under the Contract Documents, or in the time required for performance of the Work, an equitable adjustment will be authorized by Ghange Order. The Engineer, also, may at any time, by issuing a field order, make changes in the 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 -14 General Conditions details of the Work. These changes by #ield order will not affect Contract Time or Contract Price. The Contractor shall proceed with the performance of any changes in the Work so ordered by the Engineer, unless the Contractor believes that such field order entitles Contractor to a change in Contract Price or Contract Time or both, in which event Contractor shall give �the Engineer immediate, written notice thereof and if required by the Owner, an immediate estimate of the direct cost of Work as outlined in (b} below, after the receipt of the ordered change, and the Contractor shall not execute such changes pending the receipt of an executed Change Order or further written instruction from the Owner. Should the Contractor encounter, or the Owner discover, during the progress of the Work, subsurface or latent conditions at the site materially differing from those shown on the Drawings or indicated in the Specifications, or unknown conditions of an unusual nature differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in Work of the character provided for in the Drawings and Specifications, the Owner shall immediately be notified in writing of such conditions before they are disturbed. The Owner will thereupon promptly investigate the conditions. If the Owner finds that conditions do so materially differ, or are of an unusual nature, and upon written request of the Contractor, an equitable adjustment will be authorized by Change Order. if the Contractor does not immediately notify the Owner in writing of the belief that a field order, additiona! work by other contractors or the Owner, or subsurFace, latent or unusual unknown conditions entitles the Contractor to a Change Order, no consideration for time or money will be given the Contractor. The Owner may, with the Contractor's concurrence, elect to postpone the issuance of a Change Order until such time that a single Change Order of substantial importance can be issued incorporating several changes. In such cases, the : Owner will indicate this intent for each change in the Contract in a written response to the Contractor's request for a change, following agreement by the Owner and Contractor on the change's scope, price and time. (b) Changes in Contract Price: The Contract Price may be changed only by a Change Order. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order for increase or decrease in the Contract Price will be determined by one or more of the following methods, in the order o# precedence listed below: (1) By estirnating the number of unit quantities of each part of the Work which is changed (either increased or decreased) and then multiplying the estimated number of such unit quantities by the price Proposed (which price shall include the Contractor's overhead and profit) for a unit quantity thereof. (2) The Owner will fix the total lump sum value of the change in the Work of the Contractor foliowing the Contractor's submittal, within a reasonable time, of an estimate of the direct cost of the Work. The direct cost estimate will be 1/24/11 G003-107�00700 i (1)00700 - 15 General Conditions added to, or deducted from, the Contract Price (which price will include the Contractor's overhead and profiit as outlined below). If the Contractor does not submit a cost estimate of the Work in a reasonable time or if the Owner and Contractor do not reach agreement on the cost, the Owner may fix the total lump sum vatue at a reasonable amount. On any lump sum change which involves a net credit to the Owner, no allowance for overhead and profit wili be figured. (3) By ordering the Contractor to proceed with the Work and to keep and present, in such form as�the Owner may direct, a correct account of the cost of the change together With all vouchers therefore. The cost hereunder will only include an allowance for overhead and profit as outlined below. . For the Work perFormedl +n item (2) or (3) above, payment will be made for the documented actual d!irect cost of the following: (aa) Labor, including fflremen, for those hours they are assigned and participating in the Work covered by the change order (actual direct payroll cost of wag�s). The Contractor shall furnish, if required by the Owner, certified pa,yrolls to verify wages. All labor related costs will be included in a 30 percent markup of the cost of direct payroll wages. This refers to the Contractor's specific labor wages. (bb) Material delivered jand used on the designated Work, including sales tax, if paid for by the Contractor and as verified by original invoices or otherwise verifiabl� to the Owner's acceptance. (cc) Rental, or ownership cost of equipment, including necessary transportation of �quipment, having a purchase value in excess of $300.00. Rental o',r ownership cost will be allowed for only those hours during which the ;equipment is required on the project site. Cost allowances will not�,exceed the rates defined as follows; the hourly rate, for equipment not used exclusively in the change to the scope of work, will be the monthly; rate, as printed in the current Rental Blue Book for Construction Equipment published by Dataquest, divided by 176; the rate, for equipmer�t used exclusively for those tasks identified in the change to the scope of work, will be the daily, weekly or monthly rate, used singularly or ;in combination, which will provide the lowest total cost. The rates willi be modified by the Rate Adjustment Table factors to reflect a depreciation allowance indexed to the year a machine was originally manufactured and sold. The rates will be adjusted to account for regional differences in annual use hours, cost of labor, freight, taxes, etc. The arnount by which basic rates will be increased or decreased is shoWn on the adjustment maps included in the "Blue Book". 1/24/11 Gb03-107\00700 i (1)00700 -16 � General Conditions The equipment use period will begin only at the time equipment is unloaded at the site of the changed work, will inctude each day that the equipment is required at the site of the changed work and will terminate at the end of the day on which the us � of such equipment becomes unnecessary, plus •reasonable transp�rtation time. The maximum time to be paid per day will not exceed e�ght hours unless the equipment is in operation for a longer time. The ti e which will be paid for per day, for equipment not used exclusively i�i the change to the scope of work, wiil be the hours which the equip�nent was actually in operation on the changed work. � In addition to the actual costs in items (aa) t,J�rough (cc) above, there will be, for the Contractor actually performing the work, a fixed ee of 16 percent for bond, insurance, overhead and profit added to the co�t of Items (aa), (bb) and (cc), above. if all or a portion of the Change Order is performed by a subcontractor, payment will be rnade for the documented actual dire t cost as outlined in (aa), (bb) and (cc), above. A fixed fee of 16 percent or bond, insurance, overhead and pro#it will be added to the cost of (aa), (bb) and {cc) of the subcontractor's work only. A fixed fee of 10 percent will be added to the subcon ractor's Work for the Contractor's administrative handling of portions of the Work that are performed by an approved subcontractor. No additional fixed fee will be allowed for the Contractor's or a subcontractor's admir�istrative handling of Work performed by a subcontractor's subcontractor�, unless by written permission from the Owner. All other costs not specifi'ally listed above are considered to be included in the fixed fee. (4) The Contractor shall, when required by the Owner, furnish the Owner with an itemized breakdown of the quantities and prices used in computing the value of any change that might be ordered, in a printed form t, and with sufficient detail as required by the Owner. (c) Changes in Contract Time: The Contract Time may be chan ed only by a Change Order. Changes in the Work described in (a) and any othe� claim made by the Contractor for a change in the Contract Time will be evaluat d by the Owner with the assistance and input of the Engineer and if the co ditions warrant, an appropriate adjustment of the Contract Time will be made. The Owner, when making these evaluations will take into consideration the amount and scope of Work which has been changed and will eval ate if the change in Work has affected the critical path as currently accepted on t e progress schedule such that it would delay the completion of the Project. If a er these evaluations have been made and in the sole opinion of the Owner, the Contractor is due an 1/24/11 GQ03-107\00700 (1)00700 -17 General Conditions extension of time, then it will be granted by a Change Order and the Owner will pay the associated cost due the Contractor for direct field costs, only as outlined under Changes in Contract Price (aa) and (cc), exclusive of Item (bb), based on any delays to the overall Project. Extensions of time granted as a result of weather will not result in a change in Contract Price. Article 30 - Payments and Completion (a) Contract Price: The Contract Price is either a lump sum or the sum of the unit prices, or a combination thereof, stated in the Contract Agreement, for each item multiplied by the actual quantities installed of each item, and is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for the performance of the Work set forth in the Contract Documents. It is understood that the Contractor sh�ail provide and pay for all products, labor (including labor performed after regular working hours, on Sundays, or on legal holidays), equipment, tools, water, light, power, sewer, transportation, supervision, temporary construction of any nature, and all other services and facilities of any nature whatsoever necessary to execute, compfete, place into operation, and deliver the Work. It is further understood that the Contractor's proposed construction schedule is based on a normal 40 hour; 5 day work week, less recognized holidays. If the Contractor desires to work in excess of this limit, the Contractor shall submit a written request to the Owner a minimum of five days prior to the desired work date. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by the Owner as a result of the extended work hours, including resident inspection overtime. The cost associated with resident inspector overtime will be deducted from the Contractor's monthly payment request. (b) Breakdown of Cost: Before the first application for payment the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a breakdown of cost fior the various portions of the Work, including quantities if required by the Engineer, aggregating the total Contract Price prepared in such form as specified or as the Engineer and the Contractor may agree upon and supported by such data to substantiate its correctness as the Engineer may reasonably require. This schedule of values, when approved by the Engineer, will be used only as a basis for the Contractor's application for payment; however, the payment schedule will correlate directly with the Overall Project Schedule (OPS) cost information, when applicable. (c) Progress Payments: At the end of each caler�dar month, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an itemized application for payment supported by such other substantiating data as the Engineer may reasonably require covering Work completed through the 25th day of the month. Any progress payment submitteci by the Contractor after the fifth of the month wiil be included in the following month's payment. 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 -18 General Conditions Appiication for payment may include, at the Contractor's option, the cost of products not yet incorporated into the Work which have been delivered to the site or to other storage locations authorized and approved by the Engineer. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject pay requests for stored materials, and to limit payments to those stored materials which, in the Engineer's judgement, are necessary for continuing satisfactory Project progress. Payment for stored products will be subject to the following conditions being met or satisfied: (1) The products shall be received in a condition satisfactory for incorporation in the Work, including manufacturer's storage and installation instructions. (2) The products shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and in such manner that any and all manufacturer's warranties wiN be maintained and that they will not be damaged due to weather, construction operations or any other cause. (3) An invoice from the manufacturer shall be furnished for each item on which payment is requested. The request may include reimbursement for cost of delivery, limited to common carrier rates, to tne site, but will not include the Contractor handling, on or off site, or for storage expense. (4) The Contractor shall, on request of the Engineer, furnish written proof from the supplier of payment (less retention equal in percentage to that being retained by the Owner) for the products no later than 30 days after receipt of payment for same from the Owner. The Owner will have the right to deduct from the next payment estimate an amount equal to the payment for the products if reasonable and adequate proof is not submitted. (5) Shop drawings, product data and samples, showing "No Exceptions Taken", has been received from the Contractor for that specific equipment or materia L The Contractor warrants that title to all Work and products covered by an Application for Payment, whether incorporated into the Project or not, will pass to the Owner upon the receipt of such payment by the Contractor, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances (except retention equal in percentage to that being retained by the Owner which may be withheld from suppliers and subcontractors to guarantee completion and performance). (d) Certificate for Payment: If the Contractor has made application for payment as provided above, the Engineer will issue a Certificate for Payment to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor, for such amount as the Engineer determines to be properly due, or the Engineer will state, in writi,ng, itemized and specific reasons for 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)00700 -19 General Conditions withholding a Certificate as provided herein. After the Engineer has issued a Certificate for Payment, the Owner will pay to the Contractor the amount covering Work completed plus stored products, less retention and less previous payments made. No certificate for a progress payment, nor any progress payment, nor any partial or entire use of occupancy of the Project by the Owner, shall constitute an acceptance of any Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents. (e) Retention: The Owner will retain the tollowing amounts from each properly certified estimate: (1) Until the value of the Work completed, including stored materials, is at least 50 percent of the Contract amount, 10 percen# of the value of al! Work satisfactorily completed, including stored materials. (2) When the value of the completed Work totals at least 50 percent of the Contract amount, the Owner will discontinue retaining additional amounts provided the Work is progressing satisfactorily and there is no speci#ic cause for retaining a larger sum. The tota! amount retained will be at least 5. percent of the Contract amount, adjusted for Change Orders, until the date of final payment. (3) The Owner may elect to reinstate retention of 10 percent of the vafue of the Work completed if at any time the Contractor fails #o make satisfactory progress or if there is other specific cause. Satisfactory progress is identified as conforming to the construction progress schedule as required in Article 24, as modified by the Supplementary Conditions. No form of collateral in lieu of cash will be acceptable as retainage. Amounts retained by the Contractor from payments due to suppliers and subcontractors (expressed as a percentage) shall not exceed that being retained by the Owner. (f) Payments Withheld: The Engineer may dec{ine to approve an Application for Payment and may withhold certificate, in whole or in part, as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss because of: (1) Failure af the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors or for labor or products. (2) Unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the Contractor either due to quality of the Work or if the Contractor is behind the currently approved construction schedule. 1/24/11 G003-107\007d0 (1)00700 - 20 General Conditions When the above reasons for nonpayment are corrected, then payment wiil be made for amounts withheld because of such reasons, not later than the ne�ct payment. Comptetion and Final Acceptance shall be as stipuiated in the Supplementary Conditions. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\00700 (1)Section 00800 Supplementary Conditions General The provisions in this Section of the Specifications shall govern in the event of any conflict between this Section and the General Conditions. Definitions A. The Contract Docurnents include the Contract Agreement, Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Contractor's Bid (including all documentation accompanying the Bid and any post-Bid documentation required by the Owner prior to the Notice of Award), Bonds, all Special Conditions, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Specifications, Drawings, and addenda, together with written amendments, change orders, field orders and the Engineer's written interpretations and clarifications issued in accordance with the General Conditions on or after the date of the Contract Agreement. B. Where the following words or the pronouns used in their stead occur herein, they shall ' have the following meaning: 1. "Owner" shall mean Augusta, Georgia, parry o# the first part to the Contract Agreement, or its authorized and legal representatives. 2. "Engineer" shail mean Atlantic Coast Consulting, Inc. 3. "Contractor" shall mean the party of the second part to the Contract Agreement or the authorized and legal representative of such party. 4. "Work" and "Project" shall mean the entire completed construction required to be fumished under the Contract Documents. 5. "Contract Time" shall rnean consecutive calendar days as provided in the Contract Agreemen# for completion of the Project, to be computed from the date of the Notice to Proceed. 6. "Liquidated Damages" shall mean the sum of which the Bidder agrees to pay for each consecutive calendar day beyond the Contract Time required to complete the Project. Liquidated Damages will end upon written notification from the Owner of final acceptance of the Project. 7. "Products" shall mean materials or equipment permanently incorporated into the Project. 8. "Provide" shall mean to furnish and install. 9. "Substantial completion of the work", solely for the purposes of Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) �13-10-80(b)(2)(c), shall be defined as occurring on the date of the written notification from the Engineer that the Project is ready for 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1)ooaoo - 2 Supplementary Conditions final inspection, as specified in Section 00800, Article 30, paragraph (g). 10. "Satisfactorily completed", solely for the purposes of O.C.G.A. §13-10-81(b), shall mean the completion of all work, certifications and affidavits as specified in Section 00800, Article 30, paragraph (g). Article 1- Notice of Award of Contract Article 1- Notice of Award of Contract, of the General Conditions, is hereby modified to include the following: Within 60 days after receipt of Proposals, the Owner will notify the successful Proposer of the award of the Contract. Shouid the Owner require additional time to award a Contract, the time may be extended by the mutual agreement between the Owner and the successful Proposer. If an award of Contract has not been made within 60 days from the Proposal date or within the exte�sion mutually agreed upon, the Proposer may withdraw the Proposal without further liability on the part of either party. Article 4 - Insurance Article 4- Insurance, of the General Conditions, is hereby modified to include the following: (a) Worker's Compensation: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of the Contract Rgreement, Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of Contractor's employees to be engaged in work on the Project under this Contract, and in case any such Work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees to be engaged in such Work unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor's Worker's Compensatio� Insurance. Worker's Compensation Insurance shall include Broad Form All States Endorsement and Voluntary Compensation. The amount of insurance shall not be less than the following: Each Accident $100,000.00 Disease - Policy Limit $500,000.00 Disease - Each Employee $100,000.00 (b) Comprehensive General Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of the Contract Agreement, such Comprehensive General Liability and Broad Form Property Damage Insurance as shall protect Contractor and any subcontractor perForming Work covered by this Contract from claims for damages for bodily injury, including accidental death, as wefl as from claims for property damages, which may arise from operations under the Contract Agreement, whether such operations are by the Contractor or by any subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly empfoyed by either of them. The amount of insurance shall not be less 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1)00800-3 Supplementary Conditions than the following: General Aggregate $2,000,000.00 Products Comp/Ops Aggregate $2,000,000.00 Personal and Advertising Injury $1,000,000.00 Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 Fire Damage (Any one fire) $ 50,000.00 Medical E�cpenses (Any one person) $ 5,000.00 The insurance shall include coverage of the following hazards: Underground Explosion/Collapse NOTE: For the purpose of insurance coverage, each detonation of blasting is a single occurrence. {c) Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of the Contract Agreement, Owner's and Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance with the same limits as the Comprehensive General Liability. ' (d) Automobile Liability: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of the Contract Agreement, Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance. The insurance shall include coverage for owned, non-owned and hired vehictes. Amounts shall not be less than the following: Comprehensive Single Limits (CSL) $1,000,000.00 (e) Materials and Equipment Floater: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of the Contract Agreement Materials and Equipment Floater Insurance to protect the interests of the Owner,.the Contractor, and subcontractors against loss by vandalism, malicious mischief, and all hazards included in a standard All Risk Endorsement. The amount of the insurance shall at all times equal or exceed the full amount of the Cantract. The policies shall be in the names of the Owner and the Contractor. : (f) Certificates of Insurance: Certificates acceptable to the Owner shall be attached to the signed Contract Documents when they are transmitted to the Owner for execution. All certificates of insurance issued in conjunction with this Contract shall contain the statement that "Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail 60 davs written notice to the certificate holder." The Engineer and Owner shall be a named insured. ' 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1)008D0 - 4 Suppiementary Conditions Article 13 Laws and Regulations Article 13 - Laws and Regulations, of the General Conditions is hereby modified to include the following: Each and every provision of this agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by Georgia law. The parties acknowledge that this contract is executed in Richmond County, Georgia and that the contract is to be performed in Richmond County, Georgia. Each party hereby consents to the Richmond Superior Court's sole jurisdiction over any dispute which arises as a result of the execution or performance of this agreement, and each party hereby waives any and all objections to venue in the Richmond Superior Court." Article 15 - Notice and Service Thereof Article 15 - Notice and Service Thereof, of the General Conditions is hereby modified to include the following: (c) All papers required to be delivered to the Owner shall, unless otherwise specified in writing to the Contractor, be delivered to: Augusta Solid Waste Department 4330 Deans Bridge Road Blythe, GA 30805 Attn: Mr. Mark Johnson, Solid Waste Director Any notice to or demand upon the Owner shall be sufficiently given if delivered to the Office of Mr. Mark Johnson or if delivered by the United States Mail in a sealed, postage-prepaid envelope, or delivered by facsimile transmission, followed by written confirmation, in each case addressed to said Director or to such other representative of the Owner or to such other address as the Owner may subsequently specify in writing to the Contractor for such purposes. (e) The Contractor shall file all "Notices of Commencernent" required for this Project in accordance with O.C.G.A. �44-14-361.5 etseq. and §36-91-92 etseq., as applicable. The Contractor shall respond to all requests for copies of a Notice of Commencement. Should the Owner or Engineer receive such a request, this request will be forwarded to the Contractor for further handling. The name and address of the Owner shall be as stated in paragraph {c) of this Article. The name and general description of the Project shall be as stated in the Advertisement for Proposa L 1/24/11 GQ03-107\00800 (1)00800-5 Supplementary Conditions Article 20 - Interruption of Facility Operations Article 20 - Interruption of Facility Operations, of the General Conditions, is hereby modified to include the following: No interruptions allowed. Any damages resulting from surcharging, overflow or back-up caused by the Contractor's operations shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Fines charged to the Owner for overFlows caused by the Contractor shall be paid for by the Contractor. Article 24 - Schedules, Reports and Records Article 24 - Schedules, Reports and Records, of the General Conditions, is hereby modi#ied to include the following: (a) The Contractor shall submit to the Owner progress schedules, payrolls, reports, estimates, records and other data as the Owner may request concerning work performed or to be performed as stipulated in the various sections of these Specifications. (b) Immediately after execution ofi the Contract by the Owner, and before the first partial payment is made, the Contractor shall deiiver to the Owner a construction progress schedule in form satisfactory to the Owner, showing the proposed dates of commencement and completion of each of the various subdivisions of work required under the Contract Documents and the anticipated amount of each monthly payment that will become due the Contractor in accordance with the Progress Schedule. (c) An updated schedule and an updated Schedule of Submittals shall be presented with each partial payment request. Lack of an updated schedule and/or an updated Schedule o# Submittals will delay processing of the pay request until receipt of the updated schedule and/or an updated Schedule of Submittals. (d) If the schedule reflects a completion date prior to the completion date established by the Contract Agreement, this shall afford no basis to claim for delay should the Contractor not complete the Work prior to the projected completion date. Instead al! "float" between the completion date in the Contractor's schedule and the completion date established in the Contract Agreement shall belong to and be exclusively available to the Owner.� Should a change order be executed with a ; revised completion date, the progress schedule shall be revised to reflect the new ' completion date. ' (e) The Contractor shall maintain a complete set of up-to-date Record Documents on the Project site. (f) Project Coordination Meetings: The General Contractor shall participate in Project 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1}00800 - 6 Suppiementary Conditions Coordination Meetings to be held on the site monthly, or more often if conditions warrant, to establish the current state of completion and revise the schedule as necessary. The Project Coordination Meeting will be conducted by the Owner and the Engineer. (g) Contractor's Responsibilities (1) Implement the detailed Near Term Schedule of activities to the fullest extent ' possible between Project Coordination Meetings. (2) The Contractor shall prepare the Contractor's Daily Report by 10:00 a.m. of #he day following the Report date. This Daily Report will contain, as a minimum, the weather conditions; number o# workers by craft, including supervision and management personnel on site; active and inactive equipment on site; work accomplished by GPM activity item; problems; and visitors to the jobsite. (3) If a current activity or series of activities on the OPS is behind schedule and if the late status is not due to an excusable delay for which a time extension would be forthcoming, the Contractor shall �ttempt to reschedule the activity , to be consistent with the Overall Project Schedule so as not to delay any of the Contract miiestones. The Contractor agrees that: a. The Contractor shall attempt to expedite the activity completion so as to have it agree with the OPS. Such measures as the Contractor may choose shall be made explicit during the Project Coordination Meeting. i : b. If, within two weeks of identification bf such behind-schedule activity, the Contractor is not successful in �restoring the activity to an on schedule status, the Contractor shall: I 1. Carry out the activity with the scheduled crew on an overtime basis until the activity is complete or back on schedule. 2. Increase the crew size or add shifts so the activity can be completed as scheduled. 3. Commit to overtime or increased crew , sizes fior subsequent activities, or some combination of the above as deemed suitable by the Engineer. These actions shall be taken at no incr.ease in the Contract amount. (4) Maintain a current copy of all construction schedules on prominent display in the Contractor's field office at the Project site. (5) Cooperate with the Owner or Owner's representative in all aspects of the 1/24/12 G003-107\00800 (1)00800- Supplementary Conditions Project Scheduling Systern. Failure to impiement the Project Scheduling System or to provide specified schedules, diagrams and reports, or to implement actions to re-establish progress consistent with the OPS may be causes for withholding of payment. Article 26 Surveys Article 26 - Surveys, of the General Conditions, is hereby modified to include the following: The Owner will not furnish a land survey to establish a base line for locating the principal component parts of the Work, as shown in the Contract Documents. A representative drawing generated of the site using local G1S data has been provided in the Contract Documents without field coilected data in the horizontal or vertical datum. The contractor will be required to provide the field collected survey to accurately define and detail the proposed work. A bench mark will be established, by the Contractor, adjacent to the Work. From this information, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall develop and make all detailed surveys needed for construction, such as alignment, slope stakes, batter boards, stakes for pile locations and other working points, i ' lines, eievations and cut sheets. Articie 30 - Payments and Completion Article 30 - Payments and Completion, of the General Conditions, is hereby modified to include the foliowing: Paragraph (a), third paragraph, delete in its entirety. (g) Completion: ALL WORK REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE FINAL INSPECTION IS PERFORMED. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) PerForming ail tests as described in the detailed Specifications. (2) Removing temporary plugs, bulkheads, bypasses, etc. and diverting flow into the facility when directed by the Engineer. (3) Demonstrating operation of all pumps, compressors, and other equipment, and making adjustments of gates, valves, controls, and other equipment. (4) Flushing all lines with potable water furnished by the Owner. (5) Demonstrating operation of all hatches, safety climb devices, etc. (6) Grassing and restoration of the work area. � � � Upon completion of all work required, the Contractor shail submit completed I� 1/24/11 G003-107\�0840 � � ; _ _ __ _ I (1)00�00 - s Supplementary Conditions Record Drawings to the Engineer and request, in writing, that the final inspection be performed. If the Engineer finds the work of the Contractor complete and acceptable in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and that the Record Drawings accurately depict the complete work, Engineer will recommend to the Owner that the job be accepted and that final payment be rnade. in the event that the final inspection reveals deficiencies in meeting the Contract requirements, the Contractor shall complete al! remaining items of work, and make adjustments found to be necessary. Upon receipt of written notice from the Contractor that the work is complete and ready for re-inspection, the Engineer will make a final inspection. The Contractor will be notified, in writing, by the Owner of the final acceptance of the work. The date of final acceptance shall be the termination date for the Contractor's liability for the physical properties of the facilities and the beginning of the warranty period. ' Before final payment can be made, the Contractor must certify, in writing, to the Owner that all payrolls, materials bills, and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid. Final payment will not be made if there is disputed indebtedness or if there are liens upon the property. If upon completion of all work there is disputed indebtedness or there are liens upon the property, semi-final payment may be made, at the Owner's option, in accordance with the following provisions (1) The Owner will retain an amount equal to the disputed indebtedness and/or liens upon the property including afl related cost and interest in connections with said disputed indebtedness and liens which the Owner may be compelled to pay upon and subsequent adjudication. (2) The Contractor shall certify to those iterns of work not disputed that ail payables, materials biils and other indebtedness connected with the work have been paid or otherwise satisfied. The making of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner, other than those for faulty work covered by and appearing within the warranty period. The acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of ail claims by the Contractor, except those previously made, in writing, and stil! unsettled. (h) Prompt Payment Clause 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1)00800-9 Supplementary Conditions (1) Owner and Contractor agree that all partial payments and final payments shall be subject to the Georgia Prompt Pay Act, as originally enacted and amended, and as set fiorth in O.C.G.A. §§13-11-1 through 13-11-11, except as provided below to the extent authorized by law: a. Interest Rate: For purposes of computing interest on late payments, the rate of interest shall be one-haif percent per month or a pro-rata fraction thereof on the unpaid balance as may be due. b. Payment Periods: 1. When the Contractor has performed in accordance with the provisions of these Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the Contractor within 45 days of receipt by the Owner or the Owner's representative of any properly completed Application for Payment, based upon work completed or service provided pursuant to the : terms of these Contract Documents. 2. When a subcontractor has performed in accordance with the provisions of its subcontract and the subcontract conditions precedent to payment have been satisfied, the Contractor shall pay to that subcontractor and each subcontractor shall pay to its subcontractor, within ten days of receipt by the Contractor or subcontractor of each periodic or final payment, the full amount received for such subcontractors work and materials based on work completed or service provided under the subcontract, less retainage expressed as a percentage, but such retainage shal! not exceed that retainage being held by the Owner, providsd that the subcontractor has provided or provides such satisfactory reasonable assurances of continued performance and financial responsibility to complete its work as the Contractor in its reasonable discretion may require, including but not limited to a payment and performance bond. c. Interest on Late Payment: Except as otherwise provided in these Contract Documents and/or in O.C.G.A. �13-11-5, ifi a periodic or final payment to the Contractor is delayed by more than the time allotted in Paragraph b. of this Prompt Payment Clause or if a periodic or final payment to a subcontractor is delayed more than ten days after receipt , of periodic or final payment by the Contractor or subcontractor, the Owner, Contractor, or subcontractor, as the case may be, shall pay interest to its Contractor, or subcontractor beginning on the day following the due dates as provided in Paragraph b. of this Prompt Payment Clause at the rate of interest as provided herein. Interest shall be computed per month or a pro-rata fraction thereof on the unpaid balance. There shall be no compounded interest. No interest is due unless the person or entity being charged interest receives "Notice° 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 (1)00800 -10 Supplementary Conditions as provided in Paragraph d. of this Prompt Payment Clause. Acceptance of progress payments or final payment shall release all claims for interest on said payments. d. Notice of Late Payment and Request for Interest: Any person or entity asserting entitlement to interest on any periodic or final payment pursuant to the provisions of this Prompt Payment Clause shall provide "Notice" to the person or entity being charged interest of the charging party's cfaim to interest on late payment. "Notice" shall be in writing, served by U.S. Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested at the time the properly completed Application for Payment is received by the Owner or Owner's representative, and shall set forth the following: 1. A short and concise statement that interest is due pursuant to the provisions of the Georgia Prompt Pay Act and this Prompt Payment Clause; i 2. The principal amount of the periodic or final payment which is allegedly due to the charging party; and 3. The first day and date upon which the charging party alleges that said interest will begin to accrue, pursuant to the provisions of the ' Georgia Prompt Pay Act and this Prompt Payment Clause. These "Notice" provisions are of the essence; therefore, failure to comply with any requirement as set forth in this Prompt Payment Clause precludes the right to interest on any alleged late payment to which said "Notice" would otherwise apply: (2) Integration with the Georgia Prompt Pay Act: Unless otherwise provided in these Contract Documents, the parties hereto agree that these provisions of this Prompt Payment Clause supersede and control all provisions of the Georgia Prompt Pay Act (O.C.G.A. �§13-11-1 through 13-11-11 (1994)), as originally enacted and as amended, and that any dispute arising between the parties hereto as to whether or not the provisions of this contract or the Georgia Prompt Pay Act control will be resolved in favor of these Contract Documents and its terms. END OF SECTION i I ( i i __ i 1/24/11 G003-107\00800 Section 01010 ' ' Summary of Work � Part 1 Generai � 1.01 Description A. The project consists of the foliowingc furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals and performing all work required for the removal of landfill waste material within the 28,500 SF foot print, approximately 2,438 SF of sidewalk a basketball court and the removal of certain gas vents as shown. Construction includes the installation of approximately 2,455 SF of sidewalk, 790 LF of HDPE vent collection trench and piping, 215 LF 4" HDPE air discharge, blower system, and fence installation and the installation and maintenance of erosion control structures throughout construction. B. All work described above shall be perFormed as shown on the Drawings and as specified. C. The bidder recognizes and understands that portions of this project, as defined : by the modified bid tab, will be performed by various Augusta, Georgia agencies. It will be necessary for the bidder to provide direct coordination and communication with these agencies to properly manage the construction schedule. 1.02 Project Location , The equipment and materials to be �urnished will be installed at the locations shown on the Drawings. 1.03 Quantities The Owner reserves the right to alter �he quantities of work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, inereased or decr_eased. Payment for such increased or decreased quantity will be made in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. No allowance will be made for any change in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidatir�g any conditions or provisions of the Contract and Bond. 1.04 Partial Owner Occupancy The existing facilities to which these improvements are being made will continue operation duringthe period of construction. � END OF SECTlON � 1/24/11 GOQ3-107\41010 ' Section 01010-2 Summary of Work THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01010 Section 01016 ' Occupancy Part 1 �neral 1.0� �'artial Occupancy by Owner Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, any section or portion of the Work or any structure is in suitable condition, it may be put into use upon the written order of the Engineer, and such usage shall not be held to be in any way an acceptance of said Work or structure, or any part thereof, or as a waiver of any of the provisions of these Specifications and the Contract. Pending final completion and acceptance of the Work, all necessary repairs and removals, due to defective materials or workmanship or to operations of the Contractor, of any section of the Work so put into use shall be performed by the Contractor at his own expense. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01016 5�ection 01016-2 C��cupancy THIS PAGE INTENTIONA�LY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01016 Section 01025 Measurement and Payment Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The Bid lists each item of the Project for which payment will be made. No payment will be made for any items other than those listed in the Bid. B. Required items of work and incidentals necessary for the satisfactory compietion of the work which are not specifically listed in the Bid, and which are not specified in this Section to be measured or to be included in one of the items listed in the Bid, shall be considered as incidental to the work. All costs thereof, inciuding Contractor's overhead costs and profit, shall be considered as included in the Iump sum or unit prices bid for the various Bid items. The Contractor shall prepare the Bid accordingly. ' C. Work includes furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, tools and materials, which are not furnished by the Owner and performing all operations required to complete the work satisfactorily, in place, as specified and as indicated on the Drawings. i 1.02 Descriptions A. Measurement of an item of work will be by the unit indicated in the Bid. B. Final payment quantities shall be determined from the record drawings. The record drawing lengths, dimensions, quantities, etc. shall be determined by a survey after the completion of all required work. Said survey shall conform to Section 01055 and 01720 of these Specifications. The precision of final payment quantities shall match the precision shown for that item in the Bid. C. Payment will include all necessary and incidental related work not specified to be included in any other itern of work listed in the Bid. D. Unless otherwise stated in individual sections of the Specifications or in the Bid, no separate payment will be made for any item of work, materials, parts, equipment, supplies or related items required to pertorm and complete the work. The costs for all such items required shall be included in the price bid for item of which it is a part. E. Payment will be made by extending unit prices multiplied by quantities provided and then summing the extended prices to reflect actual work. Such price and payment shatl constitute full compensation to the Contractor for furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, tools and materials not furnished by the Owner and for perForming all operations required to provide to the Owner the entire Project, complete in place, as specified and as indicated on the Drawings. 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 01025 - 2 Measurement and Payment 1.03 Mobilization The lump sum amount for Mobilization will be eligible for payment upon the completion of ali related preparatory work and after transportation of the materials and equipment necessary for the first 15 days of the Contract Time. 1.04 Demolition A. The Contractor recognizes and understands that portions of the demolition for this project will be perfiormed by various Augusta, Georgia agencies. It will be necessary for the bidder to provide direct coordination and communication with these agencies to properly manage the demolition stage of this project B. Demolition by the contractor includes the removal of material from the site and properly disposed of or stored at the direction of the Owner. Payment will be a lump sum based upon demolition, cleanup and removal from site readied for construction. All dump fees will be the responsibility of the Contractor. 1.05 Erosion and Sedimentation Control A. No separate payment shall be made for temporary and/or permanent erosion and sedimentation controls, except as noted below. All other temporary and/or permanent erosion and sedimentation control costs shall be included in the unit price bid for the item to which it pertains. No payment shall be made for erosion control devices which are provided off the Project site. B. No payment will be made for any portion of the Project for which temporary erosion and sedimentation controls are not properly maintained. No payment will be made for erosion and sedimentation controls provided for areas not on the Project site. C. Construction Exits: All costs for construction exits, including installation, maintenance, repair, and removal, shall be included in the unit price for Construction Exits. D. Silt Fence: All costs for silt fences, including installation, maintenance repair and removal, shall be included in the unit price bid for Silt Fence. Measurement shall be made of actual quantity constructed which had been authorized by the Engineer. Fence constructed to replace damaged fence shall not be eligible for payment. E. Grassing 1. No separate payment will be made for temporary grassing. 2. Payment shall be made only for the final permanent perennial grassing. All costs far grassing, including seeding, fertilizing, mulching as well as temporary measures, shall be included in the price bid for Permanent Grassing. 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 01025 - 3 Measurement and Payment F. NPDES Monitoring and Reporting: All costs associated with NPDES monitoring and reporting in accordance with Georgia EPD requirements and these Contract documents shall be included in the lump sum price bid for this item. This includes, but is not limited to, preparation and submission of all inspections, record keeping, sampling and reporting as required under the permit. N01 and NOT shall be the responsibility of the Owner. 1.06 Roadways A. Road Crossing: All costs for road crossing, including saw cuts, pavement demolition and disposal, concrete, and asphalt pavement for the full width of trench shall be included in the unit price bid for Road Crossing. Payment for piping and trenching shall be included in other items. Measurement shall be made of actual length constructed, which had been authorized by the Engineer. B. Remove and Replace Guard Rail: The lump sum amount for remove and reptace guard rail shall include all costs to remove existing guard rail and replace in kind using standard ! Georgia DOT specifications for guard rail installation. 1.07 Markers All costs for providing the markers as detailed on the Drawings shall be included in the unit price bid. 1.08 Trench Excavation and Backfill A. No separate or additional payment shall be made for any special or unique method, means, techniques or equipment necessary for the Contractor's compliance with these Specifications, regulatory requirements, permits, laws or regulations which govern this Project. B. Trench Excavation: No separate payment shall be made for trench excavation. All costs shall be included in the unit price bid for the item to which it pertains. C. Sheeting, Bracing and Shoring 1. No separate payment will be made for providing sheeting, bracing and timbering which are specified, shown on the Drawings or necessary due to Contractor's means of construction. 2. No payment will be made for sheeting removed or for sheeting left in place for the Contractor's convenience. D. Dewatering Excavations: All costs of equipment, labor and materials required for dewatering shall be included in the price bid for the item to which it pertains. 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 01025-4 Measurement and Payment E. Bedding and Haunching 1. The unit price for pipe for gravity sewer shall include excavation of the trench to the depth below the pipe necessary to provide specified bedding and to lay the sewer to grade. Measurements for payment will be made only to the pipe invert. 2. No additional payment will be made for additional trench depth. 3. No separate payment wili be made for material used to provide specified bedding. The cost of all bedding materials shall be included in the unit price for the item to which it relates, except for trench stabilization. 4. No additional payment will be made for improved bedding required to compensate for over excavation of the trench. F. Initial Backfill 1. No separate payment shali be made for initial backfill. 2. No separate payment shall be made for drying out the initial backfill material in order to meet the compaction requirements. 3. No separate payment shall be made for the adding of moisture to the initial backfill materials in order to meet the compaction requirements. 4. No separate payment shall be made for providing select material if the insitu material cannot meet the compaction requirements. : G: Final Backfilling 1. No additional payment will be made for additional material when excavated materials are used. 2. No separate payment shall be made for drying out the final backfill material in order to meetthe compaction requirements. 3. No separate payment shall be made for the adding of moisture to the final backfill materials in order to meet the compaction requirements. 4. No additional payment will be made for providing select material if the insitu material cannot meetthe compaction requirements. 1.09 Gas Collection and Control System A. Existing Utilities and Obstructions - Horizontal and Vertical Conflict: Payments for conflicts with existing utilities shall be made only where additional manholes and/or additional lengths of pipe are approved by the Engineer. Said payment shall be made at the unit prices in the Bid. No other payment will be made for any delay or extra cost encountered 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 01025 - 5 Measurement and Payment by the Contractor due to protection, avoidance or relocation of existing utilities, mains or services or changing the horizontal alignment of the sewer. B. No separate payment shall be made for survey work perFormed by or for the Contractor in : the estabiishment of reference points, bench marks, limits of right-of-way or easement, includingtheir restoration, as well as centerline or baseline points. C. Pipe and Accessories 1. Measurement and payment at the unit price for GAS COLLECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM piping shall be made for the quantity provided. Measurement for vent trench line and airline pipe shall be made from centerline of structure to centerline of structure, end of flex hose to centerline of header pipe, or to the existing pipe. 2. The cost of fittings and bends shall be included in the unit price bid for the appropriate pipe. 3. No additional payment will be made for replacement of defective materials. D. Cleanup and Testing: Payment for cleanup and testing of gas collection system piping shall be made at the unit price shown for Cleanup and Testing. E. Tie to Existing Structures and Piping: All costs for tie-ins to existing structures and piping, i including excavation, locating and cleaning the existing structure or pipe, coring existing structure (if applicable), removing existing end cap or blind flange and joining to existing structure or pipe, and backfill shall be included in the unit price bid for each item listed in the bid form. F. Blower Assembly '' Payment for Blower Assembly shall include concrete slab, electrical requirements (supply and controls) hard piping within 5', all connections, the blower controls (GAST Model #R4110N-50), mechanical systems per the manufacturers recommendations. Price to include the perimeter fence around the slab, access gate and fence accessories. ' 1.10 Waste Material Removal 1. Payment for removal of material as required to eliminate existing waste within the defined envelope shall be based upon volumes determined per section 01055. The" material shall be transported to the Deans Bridge Landfill, weighted and recorded. There will be no dump fees charged for disposal of this materia! at the Deans Bridge Landfill. 2. There will be no separate payment for replacement material. The contractor has the option of back hauling fill material from the Deans Bridge Landfill at no cost If the contractor chooses an alternative supply of replacement material all testing data shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to placement. 3. Additional costs of corrective work made necessary by unauthorized excavation 1/24/11 Gd03-107\01025 01025 - 6 Measurement and Payment shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.11 Playground Equipment & Accessories 1. Payment will be lump sum for all work related to the installation of the I.P.M.E.A. Safe Playground Mulch Soft Landing - 100% Cypress Chips. This lump sum shall include all preparation work per the manufacturer's requirements to install the aforementioned material within the playground area. : 2. Payment will be lump sum for re-installing existing playground equipment at the direction of the Park Director. This will include the preparation work prior to properly instailing the equipment, transportation of equipment from storage areas and safe installation to the approval of the Park Director. 1.12 Cash Allowances A. General 1. The Contractor shall include in the Bid Total all allowances stated in the Contract Documents. These allowances shall cover the net cost of the services provided by a firm selected by the Owner. The Contractor's handling costs, labor, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the original allowance shall be included in the items to which they pertain and not in allowances. 2. No payment will be made for nonproductive time on the part of testing personnel due to the Contractor's failure to properly coordinate testing activities with the work schedule or the Contractor's problems with maintaining equipment in good working condition. The Contractor shall make all necessary excavations and shall supply any samples of materials necessary for conducting compaction and density tests. 3. No payment shall be provided for services that fail to verify required results. B. Should the net cost be more or less than the specified amount of the allowance, the Contract will be adjusted accordingly by change order. The amount of change order will not recognize any changes in handling costs at the site, labor, overhead, profit and other expenses caused by the adjustment to the allowance. C, Documentation I 1. Submit copies of the invoices with each periodic payment request from the firm providing the services. 2. Submit results of services provided which verify required results. 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 i i . 01025 - 7 i Measurement and Payment D. Schedule of Cash Allowances: , ' 1. Construction Verification Surveying a. Ailow the amount provided in the Bid for construction verification surveying by an independent surveying; firm, selected by the Owner, to perform horizontal and vertical alignment checks at the discretion of the Engineer. b. This allowance is solely for the use of the Engineer for verification of the Contractor's reference points, centeriines and work performed. The presence of this cash allowance in no way relieves the Contractor of the responsibility of ' installing reference points, centeriines, temporary bench marks or verifying that the work has been pe�formed accurately. 2. Materials Testing: Allow the armount provided in the Bid for the services of an engineering firm and testing laboratory for the testing of ail materials. i END OF SECTION ' � i I ' � '�' i I I � � � I, ', I i , I ' 1j 24/21 G043-107\01025 i 01025-8 Measurement and Payment THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01025 Section 01041 Coordination Of Work Part 1 General 1.01 General Management of the project shall be through the use of a logicai method of construction planning, scheduling, and cost value documentation as further described in the section entitled "Construction Scheduling," of these Specifications. 1.02 Existing Landfill Facilities A. The existing open park facilities must remain in operation while construction is in progress. B. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the Owner so that construction will not restrain or hinder operation of the existing facilities. If, at any time, any portion of the facilities out of service, the Contractor must obtain prior approval from the Owner as to the date, time and length of time that portion of the existing facilities are out of service. ' C. Connections to the existing facilities or alteration of existing facilities will be made at times when the facility involved is not in use or at times, established by the Owner, when use of the facility can be conveniently interrupted for the period of time needed to make the connection or alteration. D. After having coordinated his work with the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the time, time limits and methods of each connection or alteration and have approval of the Engineer before any work is undertaken on the connections or ' alterations. E. Before any roadway or facilities are blocked off the Owner shall be contacted to coordinate operations for the landfill. 1.03 Other Ut�lities The Contractor shall coordinate his operations with all utility companies in or adjacent to the area of his work. The Contractor shall require said utilities to identify in the field their property and provide drawings as necessary to locate them. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01041 01041-2 Coordination Of Work THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01041 Section 01051 ' Grades, Lines and Levels Part 1 General 1.01 Description A. All work under this contract shall be constructed in accordance with the lines and grades on the plans or as given by the Engineer or Owner. The full responsibility for holding to alignment and grade shall rest upon the Contractor. B. The Owner will provide a bench mark and minimal horizontal control. The Contractor will be responsible for setting offsets from these points and all other layout and staking. C. The Contractor shall safeguard all points, stakes, grade marks, bench marks, and monuments established on the work, shall bear the cost of reestablishing same if disturbed, and shall assume the entire expense of rectifying work improperly constructed ; due to failure to maintain and protect such established points, stakes, and marks. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01051 01051-2 Grades, Lines and Levels THiS PAGE iNTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1j2a/11 G003107\01051 i Section 01055 Construction Staking Part 1 General ' 1.01 Scope A. Construction staking shall include all of the surveying work required to layout the Work and control the location of the finished Project. The Contractor shall have the full responsibility for constructing the Project to the correct horizontal and vertical alignment, as shown on the Drawings, as specified, or as ordered by the Engineer. The Contractor shall assume all costs associated with rectifying work constructed in the wrong location. B. From the information shown on the Drawings and the information to be provided as indicated under Project Conditions below, the Contractor shalL• � 1. Be responsible for setting reference points and/or offsets, estabiishment of baselines, and all other layout, staking, and all other surv�ying required for the construction of the Project. , i 2. Safeguard all reference points, stakes, grade marks, horizontal and vertical controi points, and shall bear the cost of re-establishing same if disturbed. 3. Stake out the permanent and temporary easements or the limits of construction to ensure that the Work is not deviating from the indicated limitsi 4. Be responsible for all damage done to reference points, base ines, center lines and temporary bench marks, and shall be responsible for the cost of re-establishment of ', reference points, baselines, center lines and temporary benc marks as a result of the operations. C. Baselines shall be defined as the line to which the location of the ork is re#erenced, i.e., edge of pavement, road centerline, property line, right-of-way or surv y line. 1.02 Project Conditions A. The Drawings provide the location and/or coordinates of princip I components of the Project. The alignment of some components of the Project ma be indicated in the Specifications. The Engineer may order changes to the loca ion of some of the components of the Project or provide clarification to questions regarding the correct alignment. B. The survey points, control points, and baseline to be provided by t e Contractor shall be limited to only that information shown on the Drawings and whic can be found on the Project site by the Contractor. i C. A topographic survey is included on the Drawings. I 1/24/11 G003-107\01055 01055-2 Construction Staking 1.03 Quality Assurance A. The Contractor shall furnish documentation, prepared by a surveyor currentiy registered in the State in which the Project is located, confirming that staking is being done in horizontal and vertical alignment shown in the Contract Documents. This requires that the Contractor hire, at the Contractor's own expense, a currently registered surveyor, : acceptabie to the Owner, to provide ongoing construction staking or confirmation of such. B. Any deviations from the Drawings shall be confirmed by the Engineer prior to construction of that portion of the Project. C. Quantities for payments measured under this Contract shali be certified by the registered surveyor. D. Certification of as-built grades as construction progresses is required. These as-built surveys must be provided to the Engineer in a format acceptable to him. The as-built surveys must be approved by the Engineer before the next stage of construction begins. The Engineer may independently verify any or all of the surveys for accuracy. , 1.04 Site Work A. Staking Precision: The precision of construction staking shall match the precision of a component's location indicated on the Drawings. Staking of utilities shall be done in accordance with generally accepted practice for the type of utility. B. Written certification, by a licensed surveyor, that structure base grade and structure corner locations match the locations shown on the Drawings is required prior to beginning construction of the structure. C. Number of As-Built Surveys: The Contractor shall perform all surveying required on the Project. The Contractor shall anticipate performing the following minimum number of - surveys, the accuracy and handling of which is specified elsewhere: 1. Prior to performing any earthwork, if applicable. 2. After installation of any section of utility or structure in which contractor is requesting payment for. 1.05 As-Built Plans A. As-built plans of all critical stages of construction as outlined on the plans shall be p'rovided by the Contractor. These plans must be stamped by a Georgia registered land surveyor and turned over to the Engineer in a hard copy and computer format acceptable to him for his review and approval. i B. The professionally certified as-built survey submittal shall include a reproducible drawing and three blue iine copies at a scale of 1"=100', sealed by a Georgia registered land surveyor showing point numbers, locations, descriptions, and elevations 1/24/11 G003-107\01055 01055-3 Construction Staking for each survey required. An ASCII computer file containing point numbers, descriptions, horizontal and vertical datum will also be provided on disk to the engineer for each as-built survey required. END OF SECTION , � 1/24/11 G003-107\01055 01055-4 Construction Staking THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK i 1/24/11 G003-107\01055 Section 01060 , Regulatory Requirements Part 1 General 1.01 Description Permits and Responsibilities The Contractor shall, without additional expense to the Owner, be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and for complying with any appiicable Federal, State and municipal laws, Codes and regulations, in connection with the execution of the Work. He shall take proper safety and health precautions to protect the Work, the workers the pubiic and the property of others. He shall also be responsible for all materials delivered ' and work performed until completion and acceptance of the Work, except for any completed unit of construction thereof which may heretofore have been accepted. END OF SECTION I I I � 1/24/11 G003-107\01060 ; 01060 - 2 Regulatory Requirements THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK i ; 1/24/11 G0;03-107\01060 01070-2 Abbreviations, Symbols, Trade Names, and Materiais CTI Gooling Tower institute DEMA Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association EDA Economic Development Administration EIA Electronic industries Association EPA Environmental Protection Agency FmHA Farmers Home Administration FS Federal Specifications HEI Heat Exchange Institute lEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers IES Illuminating EngineeringSociety IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association IPC Institute of Printed Circuits ISA I�strument Society of America MBMA 11/letal Building Manufacturers Association MSS IYlanufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NBFU National Board of Fire Underwriters NBS National Bureau of Standards NCPI National Clay Pipe Institute NEC Nationa► Electric Code ' NEMA Wational Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association NRMA National Ready-Mix Association OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PCA Portland Cement Association PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute SBC Southern Building Code SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council TCA Tile Council of America TEMA Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association UBC niform Building Code UL nderwriters Laboratories USDC nited States Department of Commerce WPCF ater Pollution Control Federation i � 1.03 Trade Name and Materials � Where materia s or equipment are specified by a trade or brand name, it is not the intention of th Owner to discriminate jagainst an equal product of another manufacturer, but rather to s� a definite standard of quality of performance, and to establish an equal basis for the eUaluation of bids. Where'the words "equivalent," `proper," or "equal to", are used, they sha�fl be understood to m�an that the item referred to shall be proper, the equivalent of, cur equal to the item specified by a trade or brand name, in the opinion or judgment of th� Engineer. Unless oth�rwise specified, all materials shall be the best of , their respectiv� kinds and shall be equal to approved samples. Notwithstanding that the words "or equi I to", or other such �, may be used in the Specifications in �� 1/24/11 G0�3-107\01070 � I Section 01070 Abbreviations, Symbols, Trade Names, and Materials Part 1 General 1.01 General Whenever reference is made to the furnishing of materials or testing thereof to conform to the Standards of any technical society, organization, or body, it shall be construed to mean the latest Standard, Code, specification or tentative specification adopted and published at the time of advertisement for bids. Such standards are made a part hereof to the extent which is indicated or intended. 1.02 Abbreviations AA Aluminum Association AAMA Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer's Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete lnstitute ACPA American Concrete Pipe Association AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating Companies AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AGA American Gas Association AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AIA American Institute of Architects AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers AISO American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITC American Institute of Timber Construction ANSI American National Standards Institute AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association APA American Plywood Association APHA American Public Health Association API American Petroleum Institute APWA American Public Works Association ` ARC Appalachian Regional Commission AREA American Railroad Engineering Association ASA American Standards Association ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASH RAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWS American WeldingSociety AWWA American Water Works Association CFR Code of Federal Regulations CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 1/24/11 G003-107\01070 01070-3 Abbreviations, Symbols, Trade Names, and Materials connection with a material, manufactured article or process, the materiai, article, or process specifically designated shall be used, unless a substitute is approved in writing by the Engineer. 1.04 Symbols Symbols and material legends shall be as scheduled on the Contract Drawings. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01070 01070-4 Abbreviations, Symbols, Trade Names, and Materials THIS P�GE INTENTIONALLY j LEFT BLANK � , , I I � 1/24/11 G003-107\01070 Section 01080 Applicable Codes and Standards : 1.01 Genera! A. All materials, equipment, fabrication, and installation practices shall comply with the following applicable Codes and standards, except in those cases where the Contractor's quality standards establish more stringent quality requirements, as determined by the Engineer. 1. Pressure Piping and Tubing ANSI {American National Standards Institute) API (American Petroleum Institute) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) AWWA (American Water Works Association) NSF (Nationat Sanitation Foundation) 2. Materials AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) ANSI (American National Standards Institute) ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) 3. Painting and Surface Preparation NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) 4. Concrete ACf (American Concrete Institute) 5. Welding ASME (American Society of Mechanica► Engineers} AWS (American Welding Society) 6. Safety OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) 7. Subgrades and Pavement SSRBC (Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Georgia Department of Transportation) 1/24/11 G003-107\01080 - 01080-2 Applicable Codes and Standards 8. Pressure Vessels ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) In addition, all work shall comply with the applicable requirements of local codes, utilities, and other authorities having jurisdiction. B. All material and equipment, for which a UL Standard, an AGA approval, or an ASME requirement is established, shall be so approved and labeled or stamped. Label or stamp shall be conspicuous and not covered, painted, or otherwise obscured from visual inspection. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01080 Section 01202 Progress Meetings Part 1 General 1.01 Description The Owner may request meetings with the Contractor at any time on matters pertaining � to the progress of Work being carried out under this Contract. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to supply whatever information is requested by the Owner concerning the project throughout its duration. Weekly reviews of progress shall be held between the Contractor and Engineer. Monthly reviews of progress shall be held between the Owner and Engineer. The Contractor shall make himself available if his presence is requested. ' E�JD OF SECTION I � 1/24/11 G003-107\01202 i 01202-2 Progress Meetings i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01202 Section 01310 Construction Scheduling Part 1 General 1.01 Description The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval construction planning, scheduling, and cost value documentation pertaining to the project as detailed herein and shall update same throughout project as required. 1.02 Submittal Procedures A. Within ten working days of Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the products required by this section of the Specifications. B. Within five working days following receipt of same the Engineer shall arrange for a . meeting with the Contractor so as to familiarize the Engineer with the Contractor's proposed construction plans and schedules. C. Within five working days following the Engineer's review the Contractor shall resubmit a corrected copy of those documents requiring revision. D. Within five working days following his receipt of the adequately revised documents the Engineer will approve same for use on the project E. On e approved, the Contractor shall submit four copies of the construction scheduling ` do uments to the Engineer for use on the project. ' F. Th Contractor shall update the work schedules at least monthly and indicate those ac ivities whose completion dates are in jeopardy because of activities behind sc edule. G. Th Owner may require the Contractor to modify any portions of the work schedule that be�ome infeasible because of "activities behind schedule" or for any other valid reason. An�r such modification will be at the Contractor's expense unless the modification is _ required to accommodate schedule revisions required by the Owner. H. An activity that cannot be completed by its original iatest completian date shall be de med to be behind schedule. 1.03 C ange Orders Uppn approval of a Change Order by the Owner the approved change shall be reflected in #he next submittal by the Contractor. I ; I 1/24/11 G003-107\01310 I I 01310 - 2 Construction Scheduling Part 2 Products 2.01 Construction Progress Schedule A. The Construction Progress Schedule shall be submitted in form satisfactory to the Owner showing: 1. Activity Number 2. Activity Description � 3. Estimated Activity Duration (Work Days) 4. Activity Start Date (Calendar Dated) I 5. Activity Finish Date (Calendar Dated) i 6. Activity Cost of each of the various subdivisions of work required under the Contract Document, Specifications, and Drawings. B. The anticipated amount of each monthly payment that will become due the Contractor in accordance with the progress schedule shall be included thereon. This anticipated monthly payment schedule shall distribute the costs of the project more or less evenly over the scheduled project life in a manner acceptable to the Owner and compatible with the Owner's funding arrangements for the project. Resubmittal will be required until anticipated monthly payment schedule is acceptable to Owner. For this project, substantial variation from this schedule of payments will not be permitted. C. The activity durations shall be depicted in the form of a bar chart and shall be overlaid with graph of the cumulative anticipated monthly payments due the Contractor. 2.02 Estimates A. The Detailed Estimates shall give a complete and satisfactory breakdown of the Contract amount. B. Periodic Itemized Estimates shall detail v�ork done for the purpose of tabulating partial payments thereon. � 1/24J11 G003-107\01310 , 01310 - 3 Construction Scheduling 2.03 Project Information A. Each tabulation shall be prefaced with the following summary data: 1. Project Name 2. Contractor 3. Type of Tabulation (Initial or Updated with revision number) 4. Project Duration 5. Project Scheduled Completion Date 6. Effective or Starting Date of the Schedule 7. If an updated (revised) schedule, the new project completion date and project status 2.04 Schedule Monitoring A. When specifically requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a revised schedule for those activities that remain to occur. B. The revised schedule shall be submitted in the form, sequence, and of the number of copies requested for the initial schedule. 2.05 Cost Value for Activities A. The Contractor shall establish and submit a cost value for each activity in his progress schedule and estimates so that monthly partial payments to the Contractor can be calculated on the basis of work in place. B. Subject to the provisions for `Payments to Contractor and Completion" in the General Conditions of the Contract all cost value reports for network activities shall be based upon the close of books as of the 25th day of each month, and the submittal of such costs value for activities shall be submitted to the Engineer for reView and approval not later than the last day of each month. C. Wherever in the General Conditions it is provided that payments will be allowed for materials delivered to the site but not yet incorporated in the work, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the General Conditions, separate pay items shall be established for furnishing and installation of such items. 1/24/11 G003-107\01310 01310-4 Construction Scheduling D. Costs of materials delivered to the site but not yet incorporated into the work shall be included as a separate pay item and shall not be inciuded in the cost value of the installation activity for such materials. END OF SECTION I . � I i ' 1/24/11 G003-107\01310 � � Section 01320 Construction Videos and Photographs Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment and labor materials required to provide the Owner with digital construction videos and photographs of the Project. Videos shall be provided in DVD format. B. Photo and video files shall become the properry of �he Owner and none of the videos or photographs herein shall be published without express permission of the Owner. 1.02 Pre and Post Construction Videos and Photographs A. Prior to the beginning of any work, the Contractor shall take project videos and photographs of the work area to record existing conditions. B. Following completion of the work, another recording and photos shall be made showing the same areas and features as in the pre-construction videos and photographs. C. All conditions which might later be subject to disagreement shall be shown in sufficient detail to provide a basis for decisions. D. The pre-construction videos and photographs shall be submitted to the Engineer within 25 calendar days after the date of receipt by the Contractor of Notice to Proceed. Post-construction videos and photographs shall be provided prior to final acceptance of the project. 1.03 Progress Photographs A. Photo files shall be provided on compact discs. B. The photographs shall include the date and time marking of the recording. All photographs shall be labeled on a tab connected to the bottom of the photo to indicate date and description of work shown. C. A minimum of ten photographs shall be submitted with each request for payment. The view selection will be as agreed to with the Engineer. Two prints of each photograph shall be submitted. 1.04 Submittals A. Photographs shall be submitted in plastic sleeves pre-punched for a 3-ring binder. Negatives shall be submitted in polyethylene preservers, 8-1/2 x 11-inches in size, equal to Print File Archival Preservers, Style No. 35-7B. 1/24/11 G003-107\01320 01320-2 Construction Videos and Photographs B. Construction photographs shall be submitted with each payment request. Failure to include photographs may be cause for rejection of the payment request. END OF SECTION I 1/24/11 G003-107\01320 Section 01340 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The work under this Section includes submittal to the Engineer of shop drawings, product data and samples required by the various sections of these Specifications. B. Submittal Contents: The submittal contents required are detailed in each applicable specification section. C. Definitions: Submittals are categorized as follows: 1. Shop Drawings a. Shop drawings shall include technical data, drawings, diagrams, procedure and methodology, performance curves, schedules, templates, patterns, test reports, calculations, instructions, measurements and similar information as applicable to the specific item for which the shop drawing is prepared. b. Provide newly-prepared information, on reproducible sheets, with graphic information at accurate scale (except as otherwise indicated) or appropriate number of prints hereof, with name or preparer (firm name) indicated. The . . Contract Drawings shall not be traced or reproduced by any method for use as or in lieu of detail shop drawings. Show dimensions and note dimensions that are based on field measurement. Identify materials and products in the work shown. Indicate compliance with standards and special coordination requirements. Do not allow shop drawings to be used in connection with the Work without appropriate final "Action" markings by the Engineer. c. Drawings shall be presented in a clear and thorough manner. Details shall be identified by reference to sheet and detail, specification section, schedule or room numbers shown on the Contract Drawings. d. Minimum assembly drawings sheet size shall be 24 x 36-inches. e. Minimum detail sheet size shall be 8-1/2 x 11-inches. f. Minimum Scale: i. Assembly Drawings Sheet, Scale: 1-inch = 30 feet. ii. Detail Sheet, Scale: 1/4-inch = 1 foot. 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 -01340-2 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 2. Product Data a. Product data includes standard printed information on materials, products and : systems, not specially prepared for this Project, other than the designation of selections from among available choices printed therein. b. Collect required data into one submittal for each unit of work or system, and mark each copy to show which choices and options are applicable to the Project. Include manufacturer's standard printed recommendations for application and use, compliance with standards, application of labels and seals, notation of field measurements which have been checked and special coordinatifln requirements. 3. Samples a. Samples include both fabricated and un fabricated physical examples of materials, products and units of work, both as complete units and as smaller portions of units of work, either for limited visual inspection or, where indicated, for more detailed testing and analysis. b. Provide units identical with final condition of proposed materials or products for the work. Include "range" samples, not less than three units, where unavoidable variations must be expected, and describe or identify variations between units of each set. Provide full set of optional samples where the Engineer's selection is required. Prepare samples to match the Engineer's sample where indicated. Include information with each sample to show generic description, source or product name and manufacturer, limitations and compliance with standards. Samples are submitted for review and confirmation of color, pattern, texture and "kind" by the Engineer. Engineer will note "test" samples, except as otherwise indicated, for other requirements, which are the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. 4. Miscellaneous submittals related directly to the Work (non-administrative) include warranties, maintenance agreements, workmanship bonds, project photographs, survey data and reports, physical work records, statements of applicability, quality testing and certifying reports, copies of industry standards, record drawings, field measurement data, operating and maintenance materials, overrun stock, security/protection/safety keys and similar information, devices and materials applicable to the Work but not processed as shop drawings, product data or samples. 1.02 Specific Category Requirements A. General: Except as otherwise indicated in the individual work sections, comply with general requirements specified herein for each indicated category of submittal. Submittals shall contain: 1. The date of submittal and the dates of any previous submittals. 2. The Project title. 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 01340-3 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 3. Numerical submittal numbers, starting with 1.0, 2.0, etc. Revisions are to be numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc. 4. The Names of: ' a. Contractor ' b. Supplier a Manufacturer 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification section number, permanent equipment tag numbers and applicable Drawing No. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials. 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers. 9. Notification to the Engineer in writing, at time of submissions, of any deviations on the submittals from requirements of the Contract Documents. 10. Identification of revisions on resubmittals. 11. An 8" x 3" blank space for Contractor and Engineer stamps. 12. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of ' products, field measurements and field construction criteria and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of the Work and of Contract Documents. 13. Submittal sheets or drawings showing more than the particular item under consideration shall have all but the pertinent description of the item for which review is requested crossed out. 1.03 Routing of Submittals A. Submittals and routine correspondence shall be routed as follows: 1. Supplier to Contractor (through representative if applicable) 2. Contractor to Engineer 3. Engineer to Contractor and Owner 4. ContractortoSupplier 1/24/11 G003-107\Oi340 01340-4 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Part 2 Products 2.01 Shop Drawings A. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, make ail shop drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show all pertinent features of the item and its method of connection to the Work. B. Submit all shop assembly drawings, larger than 11 x 17-inches, in the form of one reproducible transparency with two prints. C. Submit all shop drawings, 11 x 17-inches and smaller, in the form of six prints. D. One reproducible for all submittals larger than 11 x 17-inches and no more than three prints of other submittals will be returned to the Contractor. 2.02 Manufacturer's Literature A. Where content of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent to this submittal, clearly indicate which portion of the contents is being submitted for the Engineer's review. B. Submit the number of copies which are required to be returned (not to exceed three) plus four copies which will be retained by the Engineer. 2.03 Samples A. Samples shall illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and established standards by which completed work is judged. B. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Engineer, all samples shall be of the precise article proposed to be furnished. C. Submit all samples in the quantity which is required to be returned plus one sample which will be retained bythe Engineer. 2.04 Colors A. Unless the precise color and pattern is specifically described in the Contract Documents, wherever a choice of color or pattern is available in a specified product, submit accurate color charts and pattern charts to the Engineer for review and selection. B. Unless all available colors and patterns have identical costs and identical wearing capabilities, and are identically suited to the installation, completely describe the relative costs and capabilities of each. 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 01340-5 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples Part 3 Execution 3.01 Contractor's Coordination of Submittals A. Prior to submittal for the Engineer's review, the Contractor shall use all means necessary to fully coordinate all material, including the following procedures 1. Determine and verify all field dimensions and conditions, catalog numbers and similar data. 2. Coordinate as required with all trades and all public agencies involved. 3. Submit a written statement of review and compliance with the requirements of all applicable technical Specifications as well as the requirements of this Section. 4. Clearly indicate in a letter or memorandum on the manufacturer's or fabricator's letterhead, all deviations from the Contract Documents. B. Each and every copy of the shop drawings and data shall bear the Contractor's stamp showing that they have been so checked. Shop drawings submitted to the Engineer without the Contractor's stamp will be returned to the Contractor for conformance with this requirement. C. The Owner may backcharge the Contractor for costs associated with having to review a particular shop drawing, product data or sample more than two times to receive a"No Exceptions Taken" mark. D. Grouping of Submittats 1. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Engineer, make all submittals in groups containing all associated items. ' 2. No review will be given to partial submittals of shop drawings for items which interconnect and/or are interdependent. It is the Contractor's responsibility to assemble the shop drawings for a►I such interconnecting and/or interdependent items, check them and then make one submittal to the Engineer along with Contractor's comments as to compliance, non-compliance or features requiring special attention. E. Schedule of Submittals 1. Within 30 days of Contract award and prior to any shop drawing submittal, the Contractor shall submit a schedule showing the estimated date of submittal and the desired approval date for each shop drawing anticipated. A reasonable period shall be scheduled for review and comments. Time lost due to unacceptable submittals shall be the Contractor's responsibility and some time allowance for resubmittal shall be provided. The schedule shall provide for submittal of items which relate to one another to be submitted concurrently. 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 01340-6 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples 3.02 Timing of Submittals A. Make all submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide ail required time for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revision and resubmittal, and for placing orders and securing delivery. B. In scheduling, ailow sufficient time for the Engineer's review following the receipt of the submittal. 3.03 Reviewed Shop Drawings A. Engineer Review 1. Allow a minimum of 30 days for the Engineer's initial processing of each submittal requiring review and response, except allow longer periods where processing must be delayed for coordination with subsequent submittals. The Engineer will advise the Contractor promptly when it is determined that a submittal being processed must be delayed for coordination. Allow a minimum of two weeks for reprocessing each submittal. Advise the Engineer on each submittal as to whether processing time is critical to progress of the Work, and therefore the Work would be expedited if processingtime could be foreshortened. 2. Acceptable submittals will be marked "No Exceptions Taken". A minimum of four copies will be retained by the Engineer for Engineer's and the Owner's use and the remaining copies will be returned to the Contractor. 3. Submittals requiring minor corrections before the product is acceptable will be marked "Make Corrections Noted". The Contractor may order, fabricate and ship the items included in the submittals, provided the indicated corrections are made. Drawings must be resubmitted for review and marked "No Exceptions Taken" prior to installation or use of products. 4. Submittals marked "Amend and Resubmit" must be revised to reflect required changes and the initiai review procedure repeated. 5. The "Rejected - See Remarks" notation is used to indicate products which are not acceptable. Upon return of a submittal so marked, the Contractor shall repeat the initial review procedure utilizing acceptable products. 6. Only two copies of items marked "Amend and Resubmit" and "Rejected - See Remarks" will be reviewed and marked. One copy will be retained by the Engineer and the other copy with all remaining unmarked copies will be returned to the Contractorfor resubmittaL B. No work or products shall be installed without a drawing or submittal bearing the "No Exceptions Taken" notation. The Contractor shall maintain at the job site a complete set of shop drawings bearingthe Engineer's stamp. C. Substitutions: In the event the Contractor obtains the Engineer's approva! for the use of products other than those which are listed first in the Contract Documents, the Contractor 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 i 01340-7 ; Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples shall, at the Contractor's own expense and using methods approved by the Engineer, make any changes to structures, piping and electrical work that may be ; necessary to accommodate these products. D. Use of the "No Exceptions Taken" notation on shop drawings or other submittals is general and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing product� of the proper dimension, size, quality, quantity, materials and all performance char to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the Contract Documents. The Engineer's review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors of any kind on the shop drawings. Review is intended only to assure conformance with the design concept of the ` Project and compliance with the information given in the Contract Doquments. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site. The Contractor is also responsible for information that pertains solely to the fabrication processes or to the technique of construction and for the coordination of the work of all trades. � 3.04 Resubmission Requirements A. Shop Drawings 1. Revise initial drawings as required and resubmit as specified for initial submittal, with the resubmittal number shown. 2. Indicate on drawings all changes which have been made other than those requested by the Engineer. , B. Project Data and Samples: Resubmit new data and samples as specified for initial submittal, with the resubmittal number shown. � END OF SECTION i/24/11 G003-107\01340 01340-8 Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01340 � Section 01500 Construction Facilities Part 1 General 1.01 Sanitary Facilities The Contractor will provide sufficient sanitary facilities in proximity to the areas of work for his employees and those employees of his subcontractors. The Contractor will be responsible for continual maintenance and servicing of these facilities. 1.02 First Aid Facilities The Contra�tor shall maintain at a well known place at the job site, all articles necessary for giving first aid to the injured, and shall make standing arrangements for the immediate removal to a hospital or a doctor's care of persons (including employees) who may be injured on the job site. In no case, shall employees be permitted to work at a job site before the employer has made a standing arrangement (verified in writing to the Owner) for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor's care. i END OF SECTION � I i � � �I I i , � �, 1/24/11 G003-107\01500 o15oa2 Construction Facilities TH1S PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01500 Section 01510 ' Temporary Utilities Part 1 General 1.01 Temporary Light The Contractor shall provide temporary lighting facilities for the proper prosecution and inspection of the work. These facilities shall be installed and maintained by the Contractor and shall be located in such a manner as to result in the least interterence with work upon the project site and existingfacilities. 1.02 Temporary Power The Contractor shall provide temporary power facilities required for the proper ` prosecution and inspection of the work. These facilities shall be installed and maintained by the Contractor, and shall be located in_such a manner as to result in the least interFerence with work upon the project site and existing facilities. Temporary power facilities shall remain in place after completion of construction until final acceptance of the work. After final acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall remove temporary power facilities. 1.03 Temporary Water The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements for securing and transporting all water required in the construction, including water required for earthwork, mixing of concrete, sprinkling, testing, flushing, flooding or jetting and including any temporary pipeline or equipment which may be necessary to make use of such water. 1.04 Potable Water The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing a supply of potable drinking water for employees, subcontractors, inspectors, Engineers and the Owner who are associated with the work progress. ' 1.05 Temporary Telephone Service Provide and pay for monthly telephone service, for the duration of the project, at the _ Contractor's field office and at the Engineer's field office as specified. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01510 01510-2 Temporary Utilities THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01510 Section 01540 ' Job Site Security Part 1 General 1.01 Barricades, Light, and Watchmen A. The Contractor shall furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights„ and danger signals, shall provide such watchmen, and shall provide such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property and of the work as are necessary. Barricades shall be painted in a color that will be visible at night. From sunset to : sunrise, the Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least one light at each barricade and sufficient numbers of barricades shall be erected to keep vehicles from being driven on or into any work under construction. The Contractor shall furnish watchmen in sufficient numbers to protect the work. B. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work due to failure of barricades, signs, lights, and watchmen to protect it and whenever evidenee is found of - such damage, the Contractor shall immediately remove the damaged portion and replace it at his cost and expense. The Cpntractor's responsibility for the �naintenance of barricades, signs, and lights, and for providing watchmen shall not cease until the project has been accepted by the Owner. ; C. All job site security shall be coordinated with the Owner's landfill security pr cedures. i END OF SECTION I � ' 1/24/11 G003-1q7\01540 olsa.a2 Job Site Security THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAN K 1/24/11 G003-107\01540 Section 01562 Dust Control Part 1 General 1.01 Description Limit blowing dust caused by construction operations by appiying water or employing other appropriate means or methods to maintain dust control. 1.02 Protection of Adjacent Property The bidders shali visit the site and note the buildings, landscaping, roads, parking areas and other facilities near the work site that may be damaged by their operations. The Contractor shall make adequate provision to fully protect the surrounding area and will be held fully responsible for all damages resulting from his operations. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01562 01562-2 Dust Control THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01562 Section 01569 Safety in Landfill Works Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The Contractor shalt be responsible for conducting all Work in a safe manner and shall take reasonabie precautions to ensure the safety and protection of workers, property " and the general public. The Contractor's responsibility for protection is described in Article 21 of the General Conditions. B. All construction shall be conducted in accordance with the latest applicable requirements for Part 1926 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Safety and ' Health Regulations for Construction, Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety ', ; Standards Act, as well as any other local, state or federal safety codes and regulations. , C. The Contractor shall designate a trained and qualified employee who is to be ' responsible for ensuring that the Work is performed safely and in conformance with all ' applicable regulations. ' D. The Contractor shall determine the safety hazards involved in prosecuting the Work and the precautions necessary to conduct the Work safely. If the Contractor is unsure as to any special hazards which may be unique to the various processes and facilities involved in wastewater conveyance and treatment, it shall be Contractor's responsibility to determine such information prior to beginning the Work. E. The Contractor shall bear all risks associated with performingthe Work and shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer. 1. 2 Special Requirements A. The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that construction activities involving existing landfill facilities and sewer systems will occasionally involve work in potentially hazardous environments in which oxygen deficient, toxic or explosive conditions may exist. Additional hazards arise from the presence of pathogens in the waste and leachate and from the slime and scum layer that coat walking, working and other surFaces. In dealing with these hazards, the Contractor shall take special precautions to ensure worker safety. Such precautions shall include, but are not limited to, the following, as applicable: I � 1. Installing temporary forced air ventilation equipment and ducts for fresh air in ; enclosed areas. i 2. Using pneumatic tools and equipment instead of electrio-driven equipment in hazardous areas. 3. Avoiding the use of cutting torches, field welding and grinders in hazardous areas. i _ i i 1/24/11 G003-107\01569 , % 01569-2 Safety in Landfill Works 4. Cleaning and disinfecting working surFaces with hot water, high pressure washers prior to commencing work. ' 5. instailing sealed wooden baffles or bulkheads to isolate working areas from hazardous atmospheres. 6. Providing portable oxygen meters, combustible gas detectors and hydrogen sulfide detectors to continuously monitor the atmosphere in enclosed working areas. 7. Providing safety harnesses, safety lines and recovery crews for workers In hazardous areas. $. Providing self-contained breathing apparatus with spare air cylinders for workers in hazardous areas. 9. Providing dry chemical fire extinguishers and connected fire hoses In areas where ' a danger of fire or explosion exists. 10. Providing adequate, oxygen-equipped, first aid facilities. 11. Providing suitable wash-up areas and facilities for workers. 12. Installingtemporary lighting using explosion-proof fixtures in hazardous environments. 13. Installing approved warning and hazard signs and posting safety procedures. 14. Instructing all workers as to the hazards present; the procedures to be followed and the proper function and use of all safety and emergency equipment furnished. B. Prior to commencing Work on existing facilities and equipment, the Contractor shall notify the system/facility superintendent and shall ensure that the source of electrical energy to all affected equipment is shut off and locked out at the appropriate motor control center. Local switches and pushbutton stations, where provided, shall be locked in the "off' position. C. Prior to entering or commencing work in a hazardous area, the Contractar shall ensure that all safety and emergency equipment is in place and in satisfactory operating condition. END OF SECTION i./24,i11 GG03-107\Q1569 Section 01610 Transportation and Handiing 1.01 General The Contractor shail provide transportation of all equipment, materials, and products furnished under these Contract Documents to the site of the work. In addition, the Contractor shall provide preparation for shipment and storage, unloading, handling and rehandling, short-term storage, extended storage, storage facilities, maintenance and protection during storage, preparation for installation, and all other work and incidental items necessary or convenient to the Contractor for the satisfactory prosecution and completion of the work. 1.02 Transportation A. All equipment shall be suitably boxed, crated, or otherwise protected during transportation. B. All equipment shall be shipped and delivered in the largest assembled sections practical or permitted by carrier regulations to minimize the number of field connections. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the equipment is assembled and transported in such a manner so as to clear buildings, power lines, bridges, and similar ` structures encountered during shipment or delivery to the site of the work. D. Small items and appurtenances such as gauges, valves, switches, instruments, and probes which could be damaged during shipment shall be removed from the equipment prior to shipment and packaged and shipped separately. All openings shall be plugged or sealed to prevent the entrance of water or dirt. E. Temporary shipping braces and supports shall be painted orange or yellow for easy identification. 1.03 Handling A. All equipment, materials, and products shall be carefully handled to prevent damage or excessive deflections during unloading or transportation. All equipment, materials, and products damaged during transportation or handling shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner prior to being incorporated into the work. B. Lifting and handling drawings and instructions furnished by the manufacturer or supplier shall be strictly followed. Eyebolts or lifting Lugs furnished on the equipment shall be used in handlingthe equipment. Shafts and operating mechanisms shall not be used as lifting points. Spreader bars or lifting beams shall be used when the distance between lifting points exceeds that permitted by standard industry practice. Slings and 12/15/10 G003-107\01610 01610-2 Transportation and Handling chains shall be padded as required to prevent damage to protective coatings and finishes. C. Under no circumstances shall equipment or products such as pipe, structural steel, casting, reinforcement, lumber, piles, poles, etc., be thrown or rolled of# of trucks onto the ground. D. Items such as nonmetallic pipe, nonmeta:llic conduit, flagpoles, and lighting poles shall be handled using nonmetallic slings or straps. END OF SECTION 12/15J10 G003-107\01610 . Section 01620 Storage and Protection 1.01 General Equipment shall be received, inspected, unloaded, handled, stored, maintained, and protected by the Contractor in a suitable location on or off site, if necessary, until such time as installation is required. 1.02 Storage A. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing satisfactory storage facilities which are acceptable to the Engineer. In the event that satisfactory facilities cannot be provided on site, satisfactory warehouse acceptable to the Engineer will be provided by the Contractor for such time until the equipment, materials, and products can be accommodated at the site. B. Equipment, materials, and products which are stored in a satisfactory warehouse acceptable to the Engineer wi�l be eligible for progress payments as though they had been delivered to the job site. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all equipment, materials, and products placed in storage and shall bear all costs of storage, preparation for transportation, transportation, rehandling, and preparation for installation. D. Equipment and products stored outdoors shall be supported above the ground on suitable wooden blocks or braces arranged to prevent excessive deflection or bending between supports. Items such as pipe, structural steel, and sheet construction products shall be stored with one end elevated to facilitate drainage. E. Tarps and other coverings shall be supported above the stored equipment or materials on wooden strips to provide ventilation under the cover and minimize condensation. Tarps and covers shall be arranged to prevent ponding of water. F. Fuels shal� be properly stored and handled in accordance with all applicable state and federal requirements. Fuels shall be stored and handled in a manner to minimize fire hazards and spills. Containment areas shall be provided for the storage and use of all fuels, oils, and hydraulic fluids. Contractor shall utilize good housekeeping practices at all times. The Contractor shall be responsible for all clean up and proper disposal of spills and contaminated soils. Any damages to or contamination of existing monitoring system shall be solely the responsibility of the Contractor to correct. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01620 I 01620-2 Storage and Protection i I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK � I I i ; i : ; 1/24/11 G003-107\01620 I ! Section 01630 Substitutions and Options Part 1 General 1.01 Scope This Section outiines the Contractor's requirements for substitutions and product options. 1.02 Products List ' A. General 1. Within 30 days after date of Contract, submit to the Engineer five copies of a complete list of all products which are proposed for installation, unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 2. Tabulate the list by each Specification Section. B. For products specified under reference standards, include with the listing of each product the following: 1. Name and address of manufacturer, 2. Trade name, 3. Model or catalog designation, ' 4. Manufacturer's data including performance and test data, and reference standards. 1.03 Contractor's Options A. No substitutions will be considered for the manufacturers listed by the Bidder in the Bid unless directed by the Owner. B. For products specified only by reference standards, select any product meeting the standards by any manufacturer unless otherwise required elsewhere in the Contract Documents. : C. Products Specified by Naming Products 1. Whenever the Engineer's design is based on a specific product of a particular manufacturer, that manufacturer will be shown on the Drawings and/or listed first in the list of approved manufacturers in Divisions 2 through 16 of the Specifications. Any Bidder intending to furnish equipment of other than the first listed manufacturer is cautioned to verify that the item being furnished will fit in the space allowed, perform thefiunctions, and have the capabilities as specified. The Bid should reflsct the cost of any accessory items which may be required to incorporate the other listed manufacturer's product in the work. This includes any architectural, 1/24/11 G003-107\01630 01630-2 Substitutions and Options structural, mechanical, piping, electrical, or other modifications required and the cost of additional engineering required to accommodate the product selected by the Bidder. The Contractor, after receiving the Notice to Proceed, shall submit shop drawings on the other listed manufacturer's product for the Engineer's review. If the manufacturer of this product is required to be named in the Bid, no deviation from that manufacturer named in the Bid is allowed unless directed by the Owner. 2. Whenever a product is specified with the term "equal to" preceding the list of approved manufacturers, in Divisions 2 through 16 of the Specifications, substitute products will be considered. It is the bidder's responsibility to verify that the substitute product will fit in the space allowed, perForm the same functions, and have the same capabilities as the item specified. The substitute product shall not result in any additional costs to the Owner whether for accessory items; for architectural, structural, mechanical, piping, electrical or the other modifications to the work; or for engineering work required to accommodate the substitute product. The Contractor, after receiving notice to proceed, shall submit shop drawings on the substitute product for the Engineer's review. If the manufacturer of this product is required to be named in the Bid, no deviation from that manufacturer named in the Bid is allowed unless directed bythe Owner. 3. Approval of the Engineer is dependent on determination that the product offered is essentially equal in function, performance, quality of manufacture, ease of maintenance, reliability, service life and other criteria to that on which the design is based and will require no major modifications to structures, electrical systems, control systems or piping systems. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01630 Section 01710 Cleanup Part 1 General 1.01 Description This section covers general cleaning which the Contractor shall be reguired to perform both during construction and before final acceptance of the project uniess otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified elsewhere in these specifications. 1.02 Hazard Control A. The Contractor shall store volatile wastes in covered metal containers and remove from premises daily. B. The Contractor shall prevent accumulation of wastes which create hazardous conditions. C. Burning or burying rubbish and waste materials on the site shall not be aUowed. D. Disposal of volatile wastes into sanitary or storm sewers shal! not be allowed. E. Disposal of all hazardous or volatile wastes shall be in accordance with all State and Federal requirements. F. All construction equipment and support vehicles shall be in good condition and shall not leak hydraulic oils, motor oils, or fuels, If equipment leaks such environmentally hazardous liquids, the equipment will be removed from the work area and repaired and all contaminated soils or materials shall be removed and properly disposed of in accordance with State and Federal requirements. 1.03 Disposal ofSurplus Materials A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, specified or directed, the Contractor shall dispose of all surplus excavated materials and materials and equipment from demolition, legally off the site, and shall provide his own suitable, off-site spoil area, or on a site designated by the Owner. B. The Owner shall have the opportunity to inspect any equipment or materials removed prior to disposal by the Contractor. If said equipment and/or materials are determined to be salvageable by the Owner, the Contractor shall transport said equipment and material to a building or area designated by the Owner. 1j24/11 G003-107\01710 01710-2 Cleanup 1.04 Final Cleaning A. The Contractor shalL• 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants r sulting fro the cleaning process wiil not fall on wet, newly painted surFaces. � 2. Employ experienced workmen or professional cleaners for final cleani g. 3. Broom clean paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces of grounds. 4. Upon completion of the work, Contractor shall remove from the ste all pla �t, material, tools and equipment belonging to him, and leave the ite with an appearance acceptable to the Engineer. ' 5. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean ail equipment and materiais ins alled by hit�n and shall deliver over such materials and equipment in a bright, ci an, polished and new-appearing condition. B. Restoration of Landscape Damage Any landscape feature scarred or damaged by the Contractor's equipment r operations shail be restored as nearly as possible to its originai condition at the Contracto 's expense. The Engineer will decide what method of restoration shall be used. C. Post-Construction Cleanup or Obliteration The Contractor shall obliterate all signs of temporary construction facilities uch as halul roads, work areas, structures, foundations of temporary structures, stockpi es of exce s or waste materiais, or any other vestiges of construction. END OF SECTION I � I, � � i 1/24/11 G003-107\01710 � � �, i Section 01720 Project Record Documents : Part 1 General � 1.01 Description A. Maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of: 1. Drawings 2. Specifications � 3. Addenda 4. Change Orders and other Modifications to the Contract 5. Engineer Field Orders or Written instructions 6. Approved Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples ' 7. Field Test Records , 1.02 Maintenance of Documents and Samples A. Store documents and samples in Contractor's field office separate from documents used for construction. 1. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. 2. Provide locked cabinet or secure storage space for storage of samples. B. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. ' C. Make documents and samples available at ail times for inspection by the Engineer and Owner. 1.03 Marking Mark with red erasable pencil and, where feasible, use other colors too. 1.04 Recording A. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat large printed letters. 1/24/11 G003-107\01720 I � 01720-2 Project Record Documents B. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. C. Drawings Legibly mark to record actual construction: 1. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finished grade. ' 2. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. 3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. 4. Field changes of dimensions and detail. 5. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 6. Details not on original contract drawings. D. Specifications and Addenda ; Legibly mark each section to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 1.05 Submittals A. At Contract close-out deliver Record Documents to the Engineer for the Owner. . B. Accompany submittals with transmittal letters in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project title and number 3. Contractor's name and address 4. Title and number of each Record Document 5. Signature of Contractor or his authorized representative END OF SECTION 1; 24/11 G003-107\01720 Section 01730 Operating and Maintenance Data Part 1 General 1.01 Scope , A. The Contractor shail provide five copies of a complete and comprehensive reference manual (Operating and Maintenance Manual) containing operating and maintenance data to enable operators and plant engineers to correctly operate, service and maintain all equipment and accessories covered by the Specifications and Drawings. The data contained in the manual shall �explain and illustrate clearly and simply all principles and theory of operation, operating instructions, maintenance procedures, calibration procedures and safety precautions and procedures for the equipment involved. B. No separate payment will be made for the Operating and Maintenance Manual and the cost of said manual shall be included in the Contract Price. I 1.02 Submittal Schedule A. The Contractor shall submit, fPr the Engineer's approval, two preliminary copies of the manual with all specified rraterial before the work covered by these Contract Documents is 80 percent com�lete. The Engineer will notify the Contractor, in writing, of any deficiencies in the manual and will return one copy of the manual for completion and/or correction. , B. 8efore final acceptance, the �ontractor shall submit five copies of the revised manual, complete in detail as specifiedlbelow. � 1.03 Submittal Format � A. Each copy of the manual sha�l be assembled in one or more loose leaf binders, each with title page, typed table of contents, typed list of tables, typed list of figures, and heavy section dividers with rei holes and numbered plastic index tabs. Binders shall be 3-ring, hardback typg, with transparent vinyl pocket front cover suitable .for inserting identifying cover andiwith a transparent vinyl pocket on the spine for label. All data shall be punched for bin�ding. Composition and printing shall be arranged so that punching does not obliterate ;any data. The cover and binding edge of each manual shall have the project title, specification section number and title, and manual title printed thereon, all as approv�,d by the Engineer. B. All copies of shop drawings, figures and diagrams shall be reduced to either 8-1/2 x 11-inches or to 11-inches in the vertical dimension and as near as practical to 17-inches in the horizontal dimensions. Such sheets shall be folded to 8-1/2 x 11-inches. The manual and o#her data shall be printed on first quality paper, 8-1/2 x � 11-inch size with standard 3-h',ole punching. Binders shall be labeled Vol. 1, Vol. 2, etc., where more than one is required. The table of contents for the entire set, identified by volume number, shall appear in each binder. Text, figures and drawings shall be clearly legible and suitable for dry pro;Gess reproductions. 1/24/11 G003-107\01730 , I 01730 - 2 Operating and Maintenance Data C. Each submittal shall have a cover sheet that includes the following information: 1. The date of submittal and the dates of any previous submittals. 2. The Project title. 3. Numerical submittal numbers, starting with 1.90, 2.90, etc. Revisions to be numbered 1.91, 1.92, etc. 4. The names of: a. Contractor b. Supplier c. Manufacturer �� 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification section number, permanent equipment tag numbers and applicable Drawing Na D. The Engineer will not recommend final acceptance of the Work until the Operating and Maintenance Manual is complete and satisfactory to Engineer. , 1.04 Contents of Operating and Maintenance Manual A. Each manual shall include a title page which includes all information specified in Article 1.03, paragraph C. of this Section. In addition, the title page shall include manufacturer's address, phone number, facsimile number, and contact; manufacturer's equipment name and model number; supplier's address, phone number, facsimile number, and contact. B. Each manual shali inciude a table of contents identifying the location of each item listed below, for each component supplied. For items not applicable to a component, the table of contents shall list N/A for the page number. C. For all equipment, the Contractor shall furnish a complete, detailed listing of all equipment, components and accessories showing component name, manufacturer, model number and quantity information shall be furnished for each component as outlined below: 1. Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, performance data and limiting conditions. 2. Detailed disassembly, overhaul and reassembly, installation, alignment, adjustment and checking instructions. 3. Detailed operating instructions for start-up, calibration, routine and normal operation, regulation and control, safety, shutdown and emergency conditions. Detailed list of settings for relays, pressure switches, temperature switches, level switches, thermostats, alarms, relief valves, rupture discs, etc. ; i/24/11 G003-107\01730 01730-3 Operating and Maintenance Data 4. Detailed preventative maintenance procedures and schedules, including detailed lubrication instructions and schedules, identification of required lubricants and operating fluids (description, specification and trade name of at least two manufacturers), and diagrams illustrating lubrication points. 5. Detailed guide to "troubleshooting". 6. Detailed parts lists identified by title, materials of construction, manufacturer's part number, list of recommended spare parts identified as specified above, predicted life of parts subject to wear, and an exploded or concise cut-away view of each equipment assembly. 7. Electrical and instrumentation schematics, including motor control centers, control panels, instrument panels and analyzer panels. 8. List of all special tools supplied and description of their use. Special tools include anytool not normally available in an industrial hardware or mill supply house. 9. List of names and addresses of nearest service centers for parts, overhaul and service. 10. Procedures for storing, handling and disposing of any chemicals or products used with the equipment or system. 11. The supplier's operation and maintenance information will address the particular equipment furnished, with specific details on operation and maintenance practices. General data is not acceptable. Information contained in the manual which is not acceptable to the Project shall be marked out and noted as "N/A". END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G017-107\01730 01730-4 Operating and Maintenance Data THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\01730 Section 01740 Warranties and Bonds Part 1 General 1.01 Project Maintenance and Warranty A. Maintain and keep in good repair the improvements covered by these drawings and specifications during the life of the Contract. B. Indemnify the Owner against any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the work perFormed and to items of equipment and systems procured for or furnished under this Contract, arising from defective workmanship or materials used therein, for a period of one year after acceptance of the work is received from EPD allowing the Owner to accept the work for operations. C. The Contractor shall not be obligated to make replacements which become necessary because of ordinary wear and tear, or as a result of improper operation or maintenance, or as a result of improper work or damage by another Contractor or the Owner, or to perform any work which is normally perFormed by a maintenance crew during operation. D. In the event of multiple failures of major consequences prior to the expiration of the one-year warranty described above, the affected unit shall be disassembled, inspected, and modified or replaced as necessary to prevent further occurrences. All related components which may have been damaged or rendered non-serviceable as a consequence of the failure shall be replaced. A new twelve-month warranty against defective or deficient design, workmanship, and materials shall commence on the day that the item is reassembled and placed back into operation. As used herein, multiple failures shall be interpreted to mean two or more successive failures of the same kind in the same item or failures of the same kind in two or more items. Major failures may include, but are not limited to, cracked or broken housings, piping, or vessels, excessive deflections, bent or broken shafts, broken or chipped gear teeth, premature bearing failure, excessive wear, or excessive leakage around seals. Failures which are directly and clearly traceable to operator abuse, such as operations in`conflict with published operating procedures, or improper maintenance, such as substitution of unauthorized replacement parts, use of incorrect lubricants or chemicals, flagrant over- or under- lubrication, and using maintenance procedures not conforming with published maintenance instructions, shall be exempted from the scope of the one-year warranty. Should multiple failures occur in a given time, all products of the same size and type shall be disassembled, inspected, modified or replaced, as necessary and rewarranted for one year. E. The Contractor shali, at his own expense, furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment required and shall make such repairs and removals or shall perform such work or reconstruction as may be made necessary by any structural or functional defect or failure resulting from neglect, faulty workmanship or faulty materials, in any part ofi the Work performed by him. Such repair shall also include refilling of trenches, 1/24/11 G003-107\01740 01740-2 Warranties and Bonds excavations or embankments which show settlement or erosion after backfilling or placement. ' F. Except as noted on the Drawings or as specified, ail structures such as embankments and fences shall be returned to their original condition prior to the completion of the Contract. Any and all damage to any facility not designated for removal, resulting from the Contractor's operations, shall be promptly repaired by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. G. In the event the Contractor fails to proceed to remedy the defects of which he has been notified within fifteen days of the date of such notice, the Owner reserves the right to cause the required materials to be procured and the work to be done, as described in the drawings and specifications, and to hold the Contractor and the sureties on his bond liable for the cost and expense thereof. H. Notice to Contractor for repairs and reconstruction will be made in the form of a registered letter addressed to the Contractor at his home office. : I. Neither the foregoing paragraphs nor any provision in the Contract Documents, nor any special guarantee time limit implies any limitation of the Contractor's liability with the law of the place of construction. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\01740 Section 02010 SubsurFace Conditions Part 1 General 1.01 Description The Contractor shall visit the site and become acquainted with site conditions. Prior to bidding, prospective Contractors may make their own site and subsurface investigations to satisfy themselves with site and subsurFace conditions. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining rights of ingress and egress to private property for site and subsurface investigation and shall assume all responsibility for any damage to properry caused as a result of the Contractor's investigation. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\02U10 02010-2 Subsurface Conditions ' THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\02010 , , _. _ __ Section 02060 Demolition of Existing Facilities . Part 1 General 1.01 Scope The work in this Section consists of furnishing all material and equipment and performing all labor necessary for demolishing and disposing of designated facilities , indicated on the Drawings. The Contractor recognizes and understands that portions of the demolition for this project will be performed by various City of : Augusta-Richmond County agencies. tt will be necessary for the bidder to provide direct coordination and communication with these agencies to properly manage the demolition stage of this project. 1.02 Submittals The Contractor shall submit a written request, to include a detailed demolition procedure, to the Owner for approval at least 10 days before demolition is started. The demolition procedure shall include a detailed description of the methods and equipment to be used for each opsration and the sequence of work. The demolition procedures shall provide for safe conduct of work, protection of the property, which is to remain undisturbed and coordination with other work or operation which may be in progress. The demolition procedure shall detail a clear understanding of the Owner's involvement in the demolition and what items are to remain the property of the Owner. Part 2 Products (Not Used) Part 3 Execution 3.01 Demolition A. All material shall be removed as necessary for construction, or in any event, to finish ' grades as shown on the Drawings. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all existing service connections to the buildings or site and permanently plugging the pipes where required in accordance with requirements of the utility companies concemed. C. The Contractor will be responsible for any damage caused to other structures, and shall be held liable far any and all repairs, replacement of parts or renovations required to restore any structure, portion of structure, equipment or items, not intended for demolition. The Contractor shall restore any damaged facilities ta their ' condition prior to demolition provided the damage was result of the demolition. If the Contractor does not repair any such damage immediately, or if the repairs are not suitable to the Owner, the Uwner reserves the right to have such repairs made by another party and deduct the cost of required repairs from money due Contractor. 1/24/11 G003-107�XCO2060 02060 - 2 � Demolition of Existing Facilities � � D. Dust-tight, weathertight partitions shall be erected to protect existing facilities from dust and weather while wrecking is in progress and until such time as closures have been made. Partitions may be constructed of wood and shall have a covering of tarred roofing felt on the weather side. E. All salvageable metal materials shall remain the property of the Owner and shall be cleaned and stored on the Owner's property as directed by the Owner. � 3.02 Disposal A. All materials, which are not delivered to the Owner as specified above, shall become #he property of the Contractor, and shall be demolished, moved or otherwise disposed of at the option of the Contractor by a method approved by the Ov�ner. I B. All demolished structures, equipment and materials shall be rem ved from the work site by the Contractor. C. All demolished structures, equipment and materials which are ei her left in place or removed to the disposal site shall be in a non-hazardous condition END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-1071XCO2060 i � Section 02125 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The work specified in this Section consists of providing and maintaining temporary and ; permanent erosion and sedimentation controls as shown on the Drawings. This Section also specifies the subsequent removal of temporary erosion and sedimentation controls. B. Temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls include grassing and mulching of disturbed areas and structural barriers at those locations which will ensure that erosion during construction will be maintained within acceptable limits. Acceptable limits are as established by the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act of 1975, as amended, Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act, and applicable codes, i ordinances, rules, regulations and laws of local and municipal authorities having jurisdiction. C. Land disturbance activity shall not commence until the Land Disturbance Permit has been issued. , D. Land disturbance permit(s) for all off-site borrow areas shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor and issued in the name of the Contractor. E. The Notice of Intent for the NPDES Storm Water Discharge for Construction Activities shall be prepared by and paid for by the Owner. All inspection, monitoring, sampling and reporting activities associated with this permit shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Notice of Termination shall be prepared and submitted by the Owner. 1.02 Submittals . A. Submit product data in accordance with the requirements of Section 01340 of these Specifications. B. Prior to any construction activity, the Contractor shall submit, for the Engineer's approval, a schedule for the accomplishment of temporary and perrnanent erosion and sedimentation , - control work. No work shall be started until the erosion and sedimentation control ' schedule and methods of operation have been approved bythe Engineer. 1.03 Quality Assurance ' A. The temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures shown on the Drawings are minimum requirements. Any additional erosion and sedimentation control measures required by the Contractor's means, methods, techniques and sequence of operation will be installed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner and will be paid for according to the unit price bid for each control measure as approved by the Engineer. 1/24/11 G003-107\02125 02125-2 Erosion and Sedimentation Control B. Perform all work under this Section in accordance with all pertinent rules and regulations including, but not necessarily limited to, those stated in these Specifications. Where provisions of pertinent rules and regulations conflict with these Specifications, the more stringent provisions shall govern. C. Provide all materials and promptly take all actions necessary to achieve effective erosion and sedimentation control in accordance with the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act of 1975, as amended (OCGA �12-7-1, et. seq.) local ordinances, other permits, local enforcing agency guidelines and these Specifications. D. Basic Principles 1. Coordinate the land disturbance activities to fit the topography, soil types and conditions. 2. Minimize the disturbed area and the duration of exposure to erosive elements. 3. Provide temporary or permanent stabilization to disturbed areas immediately after rough grading is complete. 4. Safely convey run-off from the site to a stable outlet to prevent flooding and damage to downstream facilities resulting from increased runoff from the site. 5. Retain sediment on-site that was generated on-site. 6. Minimize encroachment upon watercourses. E. Implementation 1. The Contractor is solely responsible for the control of erosion within the Project site and the prevention of sedimentation from leaving the Project site or entering waterways. 2. The Contractor shall install temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls which will ensure that runoff from the disturbed area of the Project site shall pass through a filter system before exiting the Project site. 3. The Contractor shall provide temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures to prevent silt and ssdiment from entering the waterways. The Contractor shall maintain an undisturbed buffer as shown on the Drawings. 4. The Contractor shall limit land disturbance activity to those areas shown on the Drawings. 5. The Contractor shall maintain erosion and sedimentation control measures within disturbed areas on the entire site at no additional cost to the Owner unti► the acceptance of the Project. Maintenance shall include mulching, re-seeding, clean-out of sediment barriers and sediment ponds, replacement of washed-out or 1/24/11 G003-107\02125 02125 - 3 Erosion and Sedimentation Controi undermined rip rap and erosion control materials, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 6. All fines imposed for improper erosion and sedimentation control shall be paid by the Contractor. Part 2 Products 2.01 Sediment Barrier Silt Fence 1. Type A silt fence shall meet the requirements of Section 171 of the Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, latest edition. 2. Silt fence fabric shall be an approved product on the Georgia DOT Qualified Product List No. 36, latest edition. 2.02 Construction Exit Stone Use sound, tough, durable stone resistant to the action of air and water. Slabby or shaley pieces will not be acceptable. Aggregate size shall kje in accordance with the National Stone Association Size R-2 (1.5 to 3.5-inch stone) or �fype 3 rip rap stone conforming to Section 805.01 of the Georgia Department of Transpo�tation Standard Specifications. 2.03 Erosion Control Matting � A. Erosion Control Matting shall conform to the Georgia Department of Tran�portation Standard Specifications, Section 713.2.B for slopes. B. Erosion Control Matting shall be an approved product on the Georgia Department of Transportation Qualified Product List No. 62, latest edition. 2.04 Grassing � A. Grassing materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections of the Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications,i latest edition: Material Se�tion Topsoil 89 Seed and Sod 890 Fertilizer 891.01 Agricultural Lime 882.02 I Mulch 893A2 1/24/11 G003-107\02125 02125-4 Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inoculants 893.04 B. Seed species shaii be provided as shown on the Drawings. C. Mulch Binder: Mulch on slopes exceeding 3(horizontal) to 1(vertical) shall be held in place by the use of a mulch binder, as approved by the Engineer. The mulch binder shall be non-toxic to plant and animal life and shall be approved by the Engineer. , D. Water: Water shall be free of excess and harmful chemicals, organisms and substances which may be harmful to plant growth or obnoxious to traffic. Salt or brackish water shall not be used. Water shall be furnished by the Owner. Part 3 Execution 3.01 General A. Temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures shall prevent erosion and prevent sediment from exiting the site. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor's temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures are inadequate, the : Contractor shall provide additional maintenance for existing measures or additional devices to control erosion and sedimentation on the site at no additional cost to the Owner. B. All erosion and sedimentation control devices and structures shall be inspected by the Contractor at least once a week and immediately prior to each rainfall occurrence. Any device or structure found to be damaged will be repaired or replaced by the end of the day. Sediment ponds shall be cleaned out prior to the silt reaching the height or elevation shown on the Drawings. C. All erosion and sedimentation control measures and devices shall be constructed and maintained as indicated on the Drawings or specified herein until adequate permanent disturbed area stabilization has been provided and accepted by the Engineer. Once adequate permanent stabilization has been provided and accepted by the Engineer, all temporary erosion and sedimentation control structures and devices shall be removed. 3.02 Sediment Control A. Construction E�cit 1. Construction exit(s) shall be placed as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. A construction exit shall be located at any point traffic will be leaving a disturbed area to a public right-of-way, street, alley, sidewalk, or parking area. ' 2. Placement of Construction Exit MateriaL The ground surFace upon which the construction exit material is to be placed shall be prepared to a smooth condition free from obstructions, depressions or debris. The plastic filter fabric shall be placed to provide a minimum number of overlaps and a minimum width of one foot of overlap at each joint. The stone shall be placed with its top elevation conforming 1/24/11 G003-147\02125 02125-5 Erosion and Sedimentation Control ' to the surrounding roadway elevations: The stone shall be dropped no more than three feet during construction. 3. Construction Exit Maintenance: The Contractor shall regularly maintain the exit with the top dressing of stone to prevent tracking or flow of soil onto public rights-of-way ' and paved surfaces as directed by the Engineer. 4. Construction Exit Removal: Construction exit(s) shall be removed and properly disposed of when the disturbed area has been properly stabilized, the tracking or flow of soil onto pubiic rights-of-way or paved surfaces has ceased and as directed by the Engineer. B. Sediment Barriers 1. Sediment barriers shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, silt fences, rock check dams and inlet sediment traps, any device which prevents sediment from exiting the disturbed area. 2. Silt fences and rock check dams shall not be used in any flowing stream, creek or river. 3. Sediment barriers shall be installed as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 4. Sediment barriers shall be maintained to ensure the depth of empounded sediment is no more than one-half of the original height of the barrier or as directed by the Engineer. Torn, damaged, destroyed or washed-out barriers shall be repaired, reinforced or replaced with new material and instalied as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 5. Sediment Barrier Removal a. Sediment barrier shall be removed once the disturbed area has been stabilized with a permanent vegetative cover and the sediment barrier is no longer required as directed by the Engineer. b. Accumulated sediment shalf be removed from the barrier and spread over the site. c. All non-biodegradable parts of the barrier shall be disposed of properly. The hay bales may be spread evenly across disturbed areas as a mulching _ materiaL d. The disturbed area created by barrier removal sha�l be permanently stabilized. 3.03 Erosion Control A. Erosion Control Matting 1/24/11 G003-107\02125 02125-6 Erosion and Sedimentation Control ' 1. Installation of Erosion Control Matting shail be in accordance with the details as shown on the drawings and Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Secfion 713. Areas to receive matting are as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 2. All areas that receive matting shall be seeded and fertilized in accordance with the requirements of this Section. B. Grassing '' � 1. Grassing shall mee,t the requirements of Section 700 of the Georgia Department of Transportation Star�dard Specifications, latest edition, unless specified otherwise. 2. Seed rate, fertilization and other requirements shall be provided as shown on the Drawings. i 3. Temporary Stabilization: Temporary stabilization shall be provided as shown on the Drawings and conforming to these Specifications to control erosion on the site. Temporary stabilization shall be provided to any area which will not receive permanent stabilization within the next 14 calendar days. Partial payment requests may be withheld ;for those portions of the Project not complying with this requirement. '� 4. Permanent Stabilization i a. Permanent stabilization shall be provided as shown on the Drawings and conforming t�o these Specif:ications to control erosion on the site. Permanent stabilization ��hall be prov,ided to all areas of land disturbance within 14 calendar days of the completion of land disturbance for any area. Partial payment req,uests may be withheld for those portions of the Project not complying with this requirement. b. Grass or so� removed or damaged in residential areas shall be replanted with the sam;e variety of sod within seven calendar days of the completion of work in any airea. c. Where permanent stabilization cannot be immediately established because of an inap�ropriate season, the Contractor shall provide temporary stabilization. i The Contractor shall return to the site at the appropriate season to provide p,ermanent stabilization in areas that received only temporary stabilization.', i 3.04 Clean-Up ', � � A. Dispose of all excess ierosion and sedimentation control materials in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. B. Final clean-up shall be perFormed in accordance with the requirements of Section 01710 of these Specifications. i ; , ; END OF SECTION ! 1,�24/11 G003-107\02125 Section 02140 Dewatering Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. This Section shall apply to all excavation, except trench excavation. , B. Construct all permanent work in areas free from water. Design, construct and maintain ail wells, pumps, vacuum systems, sumps, dikes, levees, cofferdams and diversion and drainage channels as necessary to maintain the areas free from water and to protect the areas to be occupied by permanent work from water damage. Remove temporary works after they have served their purpose. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all temporary and permanent slopes, grades, foundations, materials and structures during the course of the Contract. Repair and replace all s�opes, grades, foundations, materials and structures damaged by water, both surface and subsurface, to the lines, grades and conditions existing prior to the damage, at no additional cost to the Owner. Part 2 Products (Not Used) Part 3 Execution 3.01 Care of Water A. Except where the excavated materials are designated as materials for permanent work, material from required excavation may be used for dikes, levees, cofferdams and other temporary backfill. - B. Furnish, install, maintain and operate necessary pumping and other equipment for dewatering the various parts of the work and for maintaining the foundation and other parts free from water as required for constructing each part of the work. C. Install all drainage ditches, sumps and pumps to control excessive seepage on excavated slopes, to drain isolated zones with perched water tables and to drain impervious surfaces at final excavation elevation. D. Dewater by means which will insure dry excavations, preserve final lines and grades, do not disturb or displace adjacent soiL E. All pumping and drainage shall be done with no damage to property or structures and without interference with the rights of the public, owners of private property, pedestrians, vehicular traffic or the work of other contractors, and in accordance with all pertinent laws, ordinances and regulations. F. Do not overload or obstruct existing drainage facilities. 1/24/11 G003-107\02140 02140-2 Dewatering G. After they have served their purpose, remove ail temporary protective work at a satisfactory time and in a satisfactory manner. Ail diversion channels and other temporary excavations in areas where the compacted fill or other structures will be constructed shall be cieaned out, backfilled and processed under the same Specifications as those governing the �ompacted fill. Fili or grout all temporary dewatering welis unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. H. When the temporary works will not adversely affect any item of permanent work or the pianned usage of the Project, the Contractor may be permitted to leave such temporary works in place. In such instances, breeching of dikes, levees and cofferdams may be required. 3.02 Dewatering A. By the use of well points, pumps, tile drains or other approved methods, the Contractor shall prevent the accumulation of water in excavated areas. Should water accumulate, it shall be promptly removed. B. Excavations shall be continuously dewatered to maintain a ground water level no higher than three to four feet below the lowest point in the excavation. Dewatering systems shall : be designed to allow for loc�alized variations in the depth of excavations required to reach a suitable foundation. Dewatering shall be accomplished well enough in advance of excavation to ensure that groundwater is already lowered prior to completing the final excavation to finish subgrade. C. All destabilized subgrade conditions caused by inadequate or untimely dewatering operations shall be undercut and backfilled with suitable backfill material at no additional cost to the Owner. � I D. Piezometric observation wells are require� to manitor the ground water level to insure proper dewatering prior to excavation below the static water table. The number of wells required will vary dependin� on the size an�l depth of structures. i I � END OF SECtION I I I, I � ,, , , I , i � � , , I ', , , �� � . ; � i i '� ; i ; 1/24/11 G003-107\02140 Section 02225 Trench Excavation and Backfill Part 1 General 1.01 Scope ( A. The work under this Section consists of furnishing all labor, equipment and mat�rials and � performing all operations in connection with the trench excavation and backfill r quired to install the pipelines shown on the Drawings and as specified. B. Excavation shall include the removal of any trees, stumps, brush, debris or other obstacles which remain after the clearing and grubbing operations, which may obstruct he work, and the excavation and removal of all earth, rock or other materials to t�e extent necessary to install the pipe and appurtenances in conformance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings and as specified. C. Backfill shall include the refilling and compaction of the fill in the tren�hes and excavations up to the surrounding ground surface or road grade at crossing. D. The pipe zone area of the trench is divided into five specific areas ' 1. Foundation: The area beneath the bedding, sometimes also referen ed to as trench stabilization. ' 2. Bedding: The area above the trench bottom (or foundation) and below t e bottom of the barrel of the pipe. 3. Haunching: The area above the bottom of the barrel of the pipe up to a specified height above the bottom of the barrel of the pipe. 4. Initial Backfill: The area above the haunching material and below a plane 8-inches above the top of the barrel of the pipe. ! I 5. Final Backfill: The area above a plane 18-inches above the top of the ba� rel of the , pipe. E. The choice of inethod, means, techniques and equipment rests with the Contr�ctor. The Contractor shall select the method and equipment for trench excavation a d backfill depending upon the type of material to be excavated and backfilled, the depth of excavation, the amount of space available for operation of equipment, orage of excavated material, proximity of man-made improvements to be protected, available easement or right-of-way and prevailing practice in the area. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Density: All references to "maximum dry density" shall mean the maximum dry density defined by the "Maximum Density-Optimum Moisturs Test", ASTM D 698. Determination of the density of foundation, bedding, haunching, or backfill materials in place shall meet ; with the requirements of ASTM D 1556, "Density of Soil In Place by the Sand Cone 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 02225-2 Trench Excavation and Backfill Method", ASTM D 2937, "Density of Soil In Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method" or ASTM D 2922, "Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate In Plac� by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)". B. Sources and Evaluation Testing: Testing of m,aterials to certify conformance with the Specification requirements shall be performed b� an independent testing laboratory at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor's testing laboratory shall perform tests, at no cost to the Owner, upon change of source and at sufficient intervals during the work to certify conformance of all select material furnished for use on this Project. 1.03 Safety � Perform all trench excavation and backfilling activities in accordance with the i Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (PL 91-596), as amended. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the Safety and Health Regulations Part 1926, Subpart P "Excavation, Trenching & Shoring" as described in OSHA 2226 and 2004 Georgia Legislative Session House Bill 1300. Part 2 Products 2.01 Bedding and Haunching Materials � A. Clean dry sand used for pipe bedding and haunching shall meet the requirements of the Georgia Department of Transportation Specification 801.01. � B. Crushed stone utilized for bedding and haunching shall meet the requirements of the Georgia Department of Transportation Specification 800.01, Group I(limestone, marble or dolomite) or Group II (quartzite, granite or gneiss) Stone size shall be No. 57. i C. Earth materials utilized for bedding and haunching shall be suitable materials selected from materials excavated from the trench. Suitable materials shall be clean and free of rock larger than 2-inches at its largest dimension, organics cinders, stumps, limbs, frozen earth or mud, man-made wastes and other un�suitable materials. Should the material excavated from the trench be saturated, the saturated material may be used as earth material, provided it is allowed to dry properly a it is capable of ineeting the specified compaction requirements. When necessary, earth bedding and haunching materials shall be moistened to facilitate compaction by tamping. If materials excavated from the trench are not suitable for use as bedding or haunching material, provide select material conforming to the requirements of this Section at no additional cost to the Owner. 2.02 Initial Backfill A. Initial backfill material shall be crushed stone or earth materials as specified for bedding and haunching materials. � B. Earth materials utilized for initial backfill shall be suitable materials selected from materials excavated from the trench. Suitable materials shall be clean and free of rock larger than 2-inches at its largest dimension, organics, cinders, stumps, limbs, frozen earth or mud, man-made wastes and other unsuitable materials. Should the material � 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 � � � i 02225-3 • Trench Excavation and Backfiil excavated from the trench be saturated, the saturated material may be used as earth material, provided it is allowed to dry properly and it is eapable of ineeting the specified compaction requirements. When necessary, initial backfill materials shall be moistened to facilitate compaction by tamping. If materials excavated from the trench are not suitable ; for use as initial backfill material, provide select material conforming to the requirements of this Section. �. 2.03 Final Backfill � Final backfill material shall be general excavated earth materials, shall not contain rock larger than 2-inches at its greatest diameter, cinders, stumps, limbs, man-made wastes and other unsuitable materials. ►f materials excavated from the trench are not suitable for use as final backfill material, provide select material conforming to the requirements of this Section. 2.04 Select Backfill Select backfill shall be materials which meet the requirements as specified for bedding, haunching, initial backfill or final backfill materials, including compaction requirements. 2.05 Concrete , Concrete for bedding, haunching, initial backfill or encasement shall be Ctass "B" concrete in accordance with Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, Section 713. 2.06 Woven Type Filter Fabric A. Filter fabric associated with bedding shall be a polypropylene woven fabric. The fabric shall be a high modulus type with good separation capabilities. The fabric shall be inert to biological degradation and naturally occurring chemicals, alkalies and acids. , B. The fabric shall have an equivalent opening size (EOS or AOS) of 20 to 45. The fabric shall also conform to the minimum property values listed in the following table: Fabric Property Unit Test Method Minimum Value Grab Tensile Strength Ibs. ASTM D 4632 200 Grab Tensile Elongation % ASTM D 4632 30 (max.) Mullen Burst Strength psi ASTM D 3786 400 Trapezoid Tear Strength Ibs. ASTM D 4533 75 Puncture Strength Ibs. ASTM D 3787 75 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 02225 - 4 Trench Excavation and Backfill Part 3 Execution : 3.01 Trench Excavation beyond Waste Limits A. Topsoil and grass shall be stripped a minimum of 6-inches over the trench excavation site and stockpiled separately for replacement over the finished grading areas. B. Trenches shall be excavated to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings with the centerlines of the trenches on the centerlines of the pipes and to the dimensions which provide the proper support and protection of the pipe and other structures and accessories. ' C. Width 1. The sides of all trenches shall be vertical to a minimum of one foot above the top of the pipe. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, the maximum trench width shall be equal to the sum of the outside diameter of the pipe plus two feet. The minimum trench width shall be that which allows the proper consolidation of the haunching and initial backfill materiaL 2. Excavate the top portion of the trench to any width within the construction easement or right-of-way which will not cause unnecessary damage to adjoining structures, roadways, pavement, utilities, trees or private property. Where ' necessary to accomplish this, provide sheeting and shoring. 3. Where rock is encountered in trenches, excavate to remove boulders and stones to provide a minimum of 9-inches clearance between the rock and any part of the pipe barrel or manhole. 4. Wherever the prescribed maximum trench width is exceeded, the Contractor shall ' use the next higher class (load factor) of bedding and haunching for the full trench width as actually cut, at no additional cost to the Owner. The excessive trench width ; may be due to unstable trench walls, inadequate or improperly placed bracing and ; sheeting which caused sloughing, accidental over-excavation, intentional over-excavation necessitated by the size of the Contractor's tamping and ' compaction equipment, intentional over-excavation due to the size of the ; Contractor's excavation equipment, or other reasons beyond the contral of the , Engineer or Owner. D. Depth , The trenches shall be excavated to the required depth or elevation which allow for the placement of the pipe and bedding to the thickness shown on the Drawings. E. Excavated Materials 1. Excavated materials shall be placed adjacent to the work to be used for backfilling as required. Topsoil shall be carefully separated and lastly placed in its original I location. � � �i 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 i 02225-5 '' Trench Excavation and Backfill 2. Excavated material shall be placed sufficiently back from the edge of the excavation to prevent caving of the trench wail, to permit safe access along the trench and not � cause any drainage problems. Excavated material shall be placed so as not to damage existing landscape features or man-made improvements. 3.02 Trenching Excavation within Waste Limits A. In addition to the requirements of paragraph 3.01 of this section the CONTRACTOR shall meet the following requirements. B. The CONTRACTOR shall not excavate for pipe installation during inclement weather C. The existing landfill cover is intermediate cover but may consist of different �! soil types to promote vegetation. When excavating the trench, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully segregate the different soils. If excavated/segregated soils are determined to be unacceptable by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR may use soils imported from on-site sources as approved by the ENGINEER. ', ` D. Depth of trench shall be as indicated on the drawings and as needed to provide ' minimum pipe slope on the landfill as indicated on the Drawings. The pipes will be field-located by the CONTRACTOR with approval of the ENGINEER. E. Contractor shall dispose of waste at the working face of the landfill at the end of each working day. The OWNER will not charge CONTRACTOR a tipping fee, but CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all other costs. Excavated refuse must be removed immediately during any rain event to prevent stormwater from contacting the refuse. Contractor may containerize waste and tarp over night. 3.03 Sheeting, Bracing, and Shoring A. Sheeting, bracing, and shoring shall be performed in the following instances: 1. Where sloping of the trench walls does not adequately protect persons within the trench from slides or cave-ins. 2. In caving ground. 3. In wet, saturated, flowing or otherwise unstable materials. The sides of all trenches and excavations shall be adequately sheeted, braced and shored. 4. Where necessary to prevent damage to adjoining buildings, structures, roadways, pavement, utilities, trees or private properties which are required to remain. 5. Where necessary to maintain the top of the trench within the available construction easement or right-of-way. 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 02225 - 6 Trench Excavation and Backfill 6. Where shown on the Drawings, sheeting shall be steel sheeting. B. In all cases, excavation protection shall strictly conform to the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and 2004 Georgia Legislative Session House Bill 1300. C. Timber: Timber for shoring, sheeting, or bracing shall be sound and free of large or loose knots and in good, serviceable condition. Size and spacing shall be in accordance with ;- OSHA regulations. D. Steel Sheeting and Sheet Piling: Steel sheet piling shall be the continuous interlock type. The weight, depth and section modulus of the sheet piling shall be sufficient to restrain the loads of earth pressure and surcharge from live loads. Procedure for installation and bracing shall be so scheduled and coordinated with the removal of the earth that the ground under existing structures shall be protected against lateral movement at all times. The Contractor shall provide closure and sealing between sheet piling and existing facilities. Sheet piling within three feet of an existing structure or pipeline shall remain in place, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. E. Trench Shield: A trench shield or box may be used to support the trench walls. The use of a trench shield does not necessarily preclude the additional use of bracing and sheeting. When trench shields are used, care must be taken to avoid disturbing the alignment and grade of the pipe or disrupting the haunching of the pipe as the shield is moved. When the bottom of the trench shield extends below the top of the pipe, the trench shield will be raised in 6-inch increments with specified backfilling occurring simultaneously. At no time shall the trench shield be "dragged" with the bottom of the shield extending below the top of the pipe. F. Remove bracing and sheeting in units when backfill reaches the point necessary to protect the pipe and adjacent property. Leave sheeting in place when in the opinion of the Engineer it cannot be safely removed. Cut off any sheeting left in place at least two feet below the surface. 3.03 Dewatering Excavations ' A. Dewater excavation continuously to maintain a water level two feet below the bottom of the trench. B. Control drainage in the vicinity of excavation so the ground surtace is properly pitched to prevent water running into the excavation. C. There shall be sufficient pumping equipment, in good working order, available at all times, to remove any water that accumulates in excavations. Where the pipe line crosses natural drainage channels, the work shall be conducted in such a manner that unnecessary damage or delays in the prosecution of the work will be prevented. Provision shall be made for the satisfactory disposal of surface water to prevent damage to public or private property. D. In all cases, accumulated water in the trench shall be removed before placing bedding or 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 02225-7 Trench Excavation and Backfill haunching, laying pipe, placing concrete or backfilling. E. Where dewatering is performed by pumping the water from a sump, crushed stone shall be used as the medium for conducting the water to the sump. Sump depth shall be at least two feet below the bottom of the trench, Pumping equipment shall be of sufficient quantity and/or capacity to maintain the wafer level in the sump two feef below the bottom of �the trench. Pumps shail be a type such that intermittent flows can be discharged: A standby pump shall be required in the event the operating pump or pumps ciog or otherwise stop operation. F. Dewater by use of a well point system when pumping from sumps does not lower the water level �two feet below the trench bottom. Where soil conditions dictate, the Contractor shall construct weli points cased in sand wicks. The casing, 6 to 10-inches in diameter, shall be jetted into the ground, fioilowed by the installation of the weli point, filiing casing with sand and withdrawing the casing. 3.04 Trench Foundation and Stabilization A. The bottom of the trench shail provide a foundation to support the pipe and its specified bedding. 'Phe trench bottom shall be graded to support the pipe and bedding uniformly throughout its length and width. i B. If, after dewatering as specified above, the trench bottom is spongy, or if the trench bottom does not provide firm, stable footing and the material at the bottom of the trench will still not adequately support the pipe, the trench will be determined to be unsuitable and the Engineer shall then authorize payment for trench stabilization. C. Should the undisturbed material encountered at the trench bottom constitute, in the opinion of ;the Engineer, an unstable foundation for the pipe, the Contractor shall be required to remove such unstable material and fill the trench to the proper subgrade with crushed stone. D. Where the replacement of unsuitable material with crushed stone does not provide an adequate trench foundation, the trench bottom shall be excavated to a depth of at least two feet below the specified trench bottom. Place filter fabric in the bottom of the trench and support the fabric along the trench walls until the trench stabilization, bedding, haunching �nd pipe have been placed at the proper grade. The ends of the filter fabric shall be overlapped above the pipe. , E. Where trench stabilization is provided, the trench stabilization material shall be compacted'.to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, unless shown or specified otherwise. i 3.05 Bedding and Haunching A. Bedding material shall be placed to provide uniform support along the bottom of the pipe ! and to place and maintain the pipe at the proper elevation. The initial layer of bedding placed to receive the pipe shall be brought to the grade and dimensions indicated on the ' Drawings, and the pipe shall be placed thereon and brought to grade by tamping the 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 i 02225 - 8 Trench Excavation and Backfill bedding material or by removal of the slight excess amount of the bedding material under the pipe. Adjustment to grade line shall be made by scraping away or filling with bedding material. Wedging or blocking up of pipe shall not be permitted. Applying pressure to the top of the pipe, such as with a backhoe bucket, to lower the pipe to the proper elevation or grade shall not be permitted. Each pipe section shall have a uniform bearing on the bedding for the length of the pipe, except immediately at the joint. All bedding shall extend the full width of the trench bottom. Prior to placement of bedding material, the trench bottom shall be free of any water, loose rocks, boulders or large dirt ciods. - Bt At each joint, excavate bell holes of ample depth and width to permit the joint to be assembled properly and to relieve the pipe bell of any load. C After the pipe section is properly placed, add the haunching material to the specified depth. The haunching material shall be shovel sliced, tamped, vigorously chinked or otherwise consolidated to provide uniform support for the pipe barrel and to fill completely the voids under the pipe, including the bell hole. Prior to placement of the haunching material, the bedding shall be clean and free of any water, loose rocks, boulders or dirt clods. D Gravity Sewers and Accessories: Lay PVC pipe with minimum Class "B" bedding. Lay all other pipe with Class "C" bedding, unless shown or specified otherwise. 1. Class "A" (Bedding Factor - 2.8): Excavate the bottom of the trench flat at a minimum depth as shown on the Drawings, below the bottom of the pipe barrel. Lay pipe to line and grade on concrete block. Place concrete to the full width of the trench and to a height of one-fourth of the outside diameter of the pipe above the invert. 2. Class "B" (Bedding Factor - 1.9): Excavate the bottom of the trench flat at a minimum depth as shown on the Drawings, below the bottom of the pipe barreL Place and compact bedding material to the proper grade. Haunching material shall then be carefully placed by hand and compacted to provide full support under and up to the centerline of the pipe. 3. Class "C' (Bedding Factor - 1.5): Excavate the bottom of the trench flat at a minimum depth as shown on the Drawings, below the bottom of the pipe barrel. Place and compact bedding material to the proper grade. Haunching material shall then be carefully placed by hand and compacted to provide full support under and ' up to a height of one-fourth the outside diameter of the pipe above the bottom of the pipe barreL 4. HDPE Pipe: Excavate the bottom of the trench flat at a minimum depth as shown on the Drawings, below the bottom of the pipe barrel. Place and compact bedding material to the proper grade. Haunching material shall be carefully placed by hand - and compacted to provide full support under and up to 18-inches over the top of the pipe for pipe 42-inches in diameter and larger, and 12-inches over the top of the pipe for pipe 36-inches in diameter and smaller. 5. Type 5: Excavate the bottom of the trench flat at a minimum depth as shown on the 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 I 02225-9 Trench Excavation and Backfill Drawings, below the bottom of the pipe barrel. Place and compact bedding material to the proper grade before instaliing pipe. After the pipe has been brought to the proper grade, haunching material shall be carefully placed by hand and compacted to the top of the pipe. E. Manholes: Excavate to a minimum of 12-inches below the planned elevation of the base of the manhole. Place and cornpact crushed stone bedding material to the required grade before constructingthe manhole. F. Excessive Width and Depth 1. Gravity Sewers: If the trench is excavated to excess width, provide the bedding class with the next higher bedding factor. Crushed stone haunching and initial backfiil may be used in I+eu of Class "A" bedding, where Class "A" bedding is necessitated by excessive trench width. 2. tf the trench is excavated to excessive depth, provide crushed stone to place the bedding at the proper elevation or grade. G. Compaction: Bedding and haunching materials under pipe, manholes and accessories shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density, unless shown or specified otherwise. 3.06 lnitial Backfill A. Initial backfill shall be placed to anchor the pipe, protect the pipe from damage by subsequent backfill and ensure the uniform distribution of the loads over the top of the pipe. B. Place initial backfill material carefully around the pipe in uniform layers to a depth of at least 18-inches above the pipe barrel. Layer depths shall be a maximum of 6-inches for pipe 1$-inches in diameter and smaller and a maximum of 12-inches for pipe larger than 18-inches in diameter. C. Backfill on both sides of the pipe simultaneously to prevent side pressures. D. Compact each layer thoroughlywith suitable hand tools or tamping equipment. E. Initial backfill shall be compacted to a minimum 90 percent of the maximum dry density, unless shown or specified otherwise. F. If materials excavated from the trench are not suitable for use as backfill materials, provide select backfill material conforming to the requirements of this Section. 3.07 Concrete Encasement for Pipelines Where concrete encasement is shown on the Drawings for pipelines not under structures, excavate the trench to provide a minimum of 6-inches clearance from the bell of the pipe. Lay the pipe to line and grade on concrete blocks. In lieu of bedding, haunching and initial 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 i 02225 -10 Trench Excavation and Backfill backfill, place concre�e to the full width of the trench and to a height of not less than �, 6-inches above the pipe bell. Do not backfill the trench for a period of at least 24 hours ` � after concrete is placed. 3.08 Final Backfill A. Backfill carefully to restore the ground surface to its original condition. i B. The top 6-inches shall be topsoil obtained as specified in Article 3.01 of this Section. C. Excavated material which is unsuitable for backfilling, and excess material, shall be disposed of, at no additional cost to the Owner, in a manner approved by the Engineer. Surplus soil may be neatly distributed and spread over the site, if approved by the Engineer. If such spreading is allowed, the site shall be left in a clean and sightly condition and shall not affect pre-construction drainage patterns. Surplus rock from the trenching operations shall be removed from the site. D. If materials excavate� from the trench are not suitable for use as backfill materials, provide select backfill material conforming to the requirements of this Section. E. After initial backfill m�terial has been placed and compacted, backfill with final backfill material. Place backfill material in uniform layers, compacting each layer thoroughly as follows 1. In 6-inch layers, if using light power tamping equipment, such as a' jumping jack". 2. In 12-inch layers, if using heavy tamping equipment, such as hammer with tamping feet. ; 3. In 24-inch layers, if using a hydra-hammer. F. Settlement: If trench settles, re-fill and grade the surface to conform to the adjacent surtaces. , G. Final backfill shall be compacted to a minimum 90 percent of the maximum dry density, unless specified otherwise. 3.09 Backfill Under Roads , Compact backfill underlying pavement and sidewalks, and backfill under dirt and gravel roads to a minimum 95 percent of the maximum dry density. The top 12-inches shall be compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the maximum dry density. , 3.10 Detection Tape Where required, detection tape shall be buried 4 to 10-inches beneath the ground surface directly over the top di the pipe. Should detection tape need ta be installed deeper, the Contractor shall provide 3-inch wide tape. In no case shall detection tape be buried greater than 20-inches from the finished grade surface. I � 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 i ; 02225 -11 Trench Excavation and Backfill 3.11 � Testing and inspection A. The soil testing will be performed by an independent testing laboratory selected by the Owner. B. The soils testing laboratory is responsibie for the following: 1. Compaction tests in accordance with Article 1.02 of this Section. 2. Field density tests for each two feet of lift, one test for each 2,000 feet of pipe installed or more frequently if ordered by the Engineer. 3. Inspecting and testing stripped site, subgrades and proposed fill materials. C. The Contractor's duties relative to testing include: 1. Notifying laboratory of conditions requiring testing. 2. Coordinating with laboratory for field testing. ' 3. Paying costs for additional testing perFormed beyond the scope of that required and for re-testing where initial tests reveal non-conformance with specified ' requirements. 4. Providing excavation as necessary for laboratory personnel to conduct tests. D. Inspection 1. Earthwork operations, acceptability of excavated materials for bedding or backfill, and placing and compaction of bedding and backfill is subject to inspection by the Engineer. , 2. Foundations and shallow spread footing foundations are required to be inspected by a geotechnical engineer, who shall verify suitable bearing and construction. E. Comply with applicable codes, ordinances, rules, regulations and laws of local, municipal, ' state or federal authorities having jurisdiction. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 02225 - 12 Trench Excavation and Backfill THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/24/11 G003-107\02225 . Section 02601 Testing Piping Systems ' Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A This Section covers the requirements for Contractor's testing gravity and pressure piping systems not specified under other sections. B. Tests shall be performed on, but not limited to, the following: ' 1. Air Line 2 All HDPE Piping Systems C. All tests require the presence of the Engineer. ', D. If the installation fails to meet test requirements, tre Contractor shall, at Contractor's expense, determine the source of leakage and mak repairs as necessary to eliminate leakage and retest as directed. � E. All costs for the testing shall be borne by the Contractor: ' F. Advise the Engineer at least 48 hours before tests are to be conducted. Part 2 Products 2.01 Miscellaneous ' All other equipment not particularized herein shall be the best of their particular class and suited for the intended use. Part 3 Execution 3.01 General A. If the specified rate of leakage is exceeded, on test, the Contractor shall locate the points of excessive leakage and institute appropriate measure of correction, whereupon the length of pipeline shall be retested and this procedure continued until test requirements are met. B. Unless specified otherwise the following tests shall be; perFormed as directed by Engineer: ; 1. Air Testing � i a. All non-perForated piping constructed under this Contract. i II, 1/24/11 G003-107\02601 ' 02601-2 Testing Piping Systems c. All other piping systems as directed. 2. Deflection Test All piping systems with HDPE and PVC pipes as directed. 3.02 Ai r Testi ng . A. Air testing for pressure and gravity piping systems. Tests shall be under the direction of the Engineer. B. All pneumatic plugs shall be seal tested before being used in the actual test installation. . One length of pipe shall be laid on the ground and sealed at both ends with the pneumatic plugs to be checked. The sealed pipe shall be pressurized to 25 psig. The plugs shall hold against this pressure without bracing and without movement of the plugs out of the pipe. C. Place plugs in the section of pipeline to be tested. D. Introduce low pressure air into sealed line until the internal pressure reaches 10 psig for all headers and 100 psigfor all air line piping. E. Allow a sufficient time for the air pressure to stabilize. F. After the stabilization period, the air hose to the air supply shall be disconnected. G. The test of that portion of line being tested shall be termed "Acceptable" if, after a one hour test period, the pressure shall not drop by more than 1%. H. Air test pressures shall be as follows: System Pressure Test Rating (psi) Air Line Piping 100 Header Piping 10 Fabricated HDPE Structures & Structure filled with water* Manholes * Fill structure completely and check water level every 10 minutes for 1 hour. I. The tested section will not be accepted if it has a leakage rate in excess of that rate determined by the formula, except that no leakage will be allowed where flanged, socket solvent welded, or butt fusion joints are used: 2; 24/11 G003-107\026Q1 ' 02601-3 Testing Piping Systems L =0.00027 NDp, in which: ' L= Maximum permissible leakage rate, in gallons per hour throughout the entire length of line beingtested. � N= Number of gasketed joints (two for each flexible coupling joint} in the line : under test. D= Nominal internal diameter (in inches) of the pipe. p= The square root of the actual pressure in psig on all joints in the tested portior� of the line. This actual pressure shall be determined by finding the differenc� between the average elevation of all tested pipe joints and the elevation hea to the authorized test pressure. 3.03 Deflection Testing Test HDPE lines for excessive deflection by passing a mandrel through the line with diameter equal to 75 percent of the nominal inside diameter of HDPE pipe. Excavate an install properly any section of pipe not passing this test. Re-test until results ar satisfactory. This test shall be performed within the first 30 days of installation and durin final inspection, at the completion of this Contract. END OF SECTION i i i i I � , � i �� ' I ' 1/24/11 G003-107\02601 , i 02601-4 Testing Piping Systems THIS PAGE INTENTIONA��Y LEFT BLANK � � , � � I � ; 1/24/11 G003-107\02601 �I Section 02700 Landfill Piping Systems Part 1 General 1.01 Scope ' This work shall consist of the construction of landfill piping systems in accordance with these Specifications. Piping systems shall be constructed at locations shown on the Drawings and in reasonably close conformity to the lines and grades indicated thereon, or as directed by the Engineer. The work shall include all necessary excavation and backfill together with such work and materials as may be necessary to make connections with other drainage structures as shown on the Drawings. 1.02 Submittals A. All submittals shall be clearly marked as to what is to be provided. Submittals not so marked will be returned. The Contractor shall submit: 1. Product data with the following information on each of the pipe types provided: a. Indicate compliance with applicable ASTM standard. b. Unit weight. c. Wall thickness. d. Diameter. e. Physical dimensions. f. Method of jointing with instructions. g. Nominal pipe joint lengths. h. Recommended bedding and installation details. : i. Instructions and tables or information on strength of each pipe type versus bury conditions of depth and traffic loadings. 2. Manufacturer's certificate of compliance. The Engineer requires certified lab data from the manufacturer to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification and Engineer, at his own expense, may take random samples for testing by an independent laboratory. 3. Pipe work in structures shall be detailed by the Contractor to conform to the general arrangement shown on the plans and to fit the equipment to be provided. Shop drawings of pipe layout and equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to installation. 1/24/11 G003-107\02700 _ _ _ 02700-2 Landfiil Piping Systems 4. HDPE Manholes and Structures: The manufacturer shall submit shop drawings on all HDPE manholes and structures. The shop drawings shail be stamped by an engineer registered in the State of Georgia. Part 2 Products 2.02 Stainless Steel Pipe (SSTL) A. Stainless steel pipe shall be utilized in above ground header as shown on the Drawings. All stainless steel pipe shall be schedule 10S flanged 304 stainless steel one piece construction unless stated otherwise shown on the Drawings. B. Stainless pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASME/ANSI B36.19. C. Sizes shall be as shown on the Drawings. D. Flanges shall conform to ANSI 125# specifications and be furnished by the pipe manufacturer. All nuts, bolts and accessories shall be 316 stainless steel. E. Provide the necessary bolts for mechanical, restrained and flange connections. Bolts for flange connections shall be steel with American Regular unfinished square or hexagon heads. Nuts shall be steel with American Standard Regular hexagonal dimensions, all as specified in ANSI B17.2. All bolts and nuts shall be threaded in accordance with ANSI B1.1, Coarse Thread Series, Class 2A and 2B fit. F. Acceptance: Acceptance will be on the basis of the Engineer's inspection and the manufacturer's written certification that the pipe was manufactured and tested in accordance with the applicable standards. 2.03 Valves � i A. PVC Ball Valves: Ball valves 1/2 to 2-inches shall be constructed of polyvinyl chloride. The valves shall be true union design or flanged (as shown on the Drawings), with twaway blocking c�pability. The valves shall have Teflon seats backed with viton and the seals shall be vitbn. The valves shall be rated up to 150 psi at 120 degrees F. The valves shall ' be manufactured by Asahi/America, Inc. or Hayward. 8. PVC Check Valves: All check valves shall be PVC swing check valves manufactured by Asahi/America, Inc. C. PVC Gate Valves: PVC gate valves shall be constructed of Type 1, Grade 1 PVC. The valve shall have a non-rising stem, come standard with sealed position indicator, clean-out plug (PP gatestyle only}. Valve shall have flanged end connections conforming to ANSI B16.1, Class 125. Valves shall be equal to ASAHI/America. D. PVC Butterfly Valves: Type-57 ButterFly valves shall be PVC with PVC disc and either EPDM, Nitrile, or FKM seat & seals. The liner shall be full seat design ful�y molded around the body where as only the Disc and Seat are wetted parts and feature raised ; 1/24/11 G003-107\02700 � 02700-3 ' Landfill PipingSystems convex rings on the face and be utilized as the mating flange gaskets. Valve shail have spherical disc design for increased CV, high cycle life, and ultimate sealing. Valve body shall have integral moided body stops and seat relief area to prevent over-tigh�ening of the mating flanges. Valves shall accept flat faced flanges in accordance with ANSI B16.5 bolt pattern for 150 Ib flanges. Valve stem shall be 316 SS, have PP stem retainer for v�lve stem retention, be non-wetted, and have engagement over the full length of the spherically designed disc. The valve �lever handle (sizes 1-1/2" - 8") shall have a molded provision for a padlock. Valves sizes 1-1/2" - 14" shall feature a molded ISO bolt pattern for accessory mounting. Type-57 Sizes 1-1/2" - 14". Stem extensions, where required, shall be single, or two piece extension with outer housing 100% sealed either free standing or suppprted design. � Valves and stems shall be equal to ASAHI/America. 2.04 HDPE Manholes and Miscellaneous Structures A. The structures shall be made of high density, high molecular weight polyethylene pipe material meeti�g the requirements of Type III, Class,C, Category 5, Grade P34,. as defined in ASTM D 12 Standard Specification for Polyetfiylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials. B. Material shall be joined by the extrusion weld method or the butt fusion method in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommend�tions. The equipment used in the joining procediares shall be capable of ineeting all conditions of the pipe or plate� material manufacturer. ' � C. Products sha14 have HDPE pipe penetrations anc� stub-outs for flange or b�tt fusion connections as shown on the Drawings. Stub-outs and penetrations shatl be �xtrusion welded to the wall of the product. All stub-outs and penetrations inside and out�ide shall be installed bythe manufacturer orfabricator. i D. Structures sha;ll be designed by the manufacturer for all Ioading conditions resulting from dead and live loads as well as loading conditions resutting from transportation, installation, or flotation. i ' ; 2.05 Flow Meters i A. All flow sensors shall be Verabar V-110 as manufactured by Veris, Inc. Part 3 Execution'. � � � I 3.01 Pipe Installation ;, ; � ' ; The pipe matErial listed herein shall be installed iri accordance with the manu�acturer's recommendations and the requirements of these Sqecifications. �!, i , I I I ' 1/24/11 GOd3-107\02700 02700-4 Landfiil Piping Systems 3.02 Location and Grade A. The Drawings show the alignment of the piping and the location of other appurtenances. B. Construction Staking 1. The location of principal components of the work are shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for perForming all survey work required for construction, including the establishment of base lines and any detailed surveys and bench marks adjacent to the work. Base lines shall be defined as the line to which the location of the work is referenced, i.e. edge of pavement, road centerline, property line, right-of-way or survey line. This work shall include the staking out of permanent and temporary easements to insure that the Contractor is not deviating from the designated easements. 2. The level of detail of survey required shall be that which the correct location of the site piping can be established for construction. C. Reference Points: The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, installing reference points, in order to protect and preserve the centerline or baseline established by the Owner. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage done to reference points, base lines, center lines and temporary bench marks, and shall be responsible for the cost of re-establishment of reference points, base lines, center lines and femporary bench marks as a result of the operations. 3.03 Laying and Pipe Installation A. General : 1. Proper implements, tools and facilities shall be provided for the safe perFormance of the work. All pipe and fittings shall be lowered carefully into the trench by means of slings, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to piping materials and protective coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall piping materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. 2. All pipe, fittings, and other appurtenances shall be examined carefully for damage and other defects immediately before installation. Defective materials shall be marked and held for inspection by the Engineer, who may prescribe corrective repairs or rejectthe materials. 3. All lumps, blisters and excess coating shall be removed from the socket and plain ends of each pipe, and the outside of the plain end and the inside of the bell shall be wiped clean and dry and free from dirt, sand, grit or any foreign materials before the pipe is laid. No pipe containing dirt shall be laid. ' 4. Foreign material shall be prevented from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the trench. No debris, tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe 1/24/11 G003-107\02700 02700-5 Landfill Piping Systems at any time. 5. As each length c�f pipe is placed in the trench, the joint shall be assembled and the pipe brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shail be secured in place with approved backfill material. , 6. Appiying pressure to the top of the pipe, such as with a backhoe bucket, to lower the pipe to the proper elevation or grade, shall not be permitted. 7. After the pipe has been laid and approved, the backfilling shall be carefuily done so that the pipe will not become displaced. The backfilling around the pipe shall be with the gravel specified. Unless otherwise designated on the Drawings or by special provision, the backfilling shall be 6-inches on each side of the pipe and 6-inches over the pipe. i 8. Laterai and other connections shall be made where indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 9. F�cpediting of Work: Excavate, lay the pipe, and backfill as closely together as possible. Do not leave unjointed pipe in the trench overnight. Backfill and compact the trench as soon as possible after laying and jointing is compieted. Cover the exposed end of the installed pipe each day at the close of work and at all other times when work is not in progress. If necessary to backfill over the end of an uncompieted pipe or accessory, close the end with a suitable plug, either push-on, mechanical joint, restrained joint or as approved by the Engineer. 10. Joint Assembiy: Push-on, mechanical and flange joints shall be assembied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 11. Cutting Pipe: Cut pipe using a suitable saw; remove all burrs and smooth the end before jointing. The Contractor shall cut the pipe and bevel the end, as necessary, to provide the correct length of pipe necessary for installing the fittings, accessories and closure pieces in the correct location. B. Alignment and Gradient 1. Lay pipe straight in alignment and gradient or follow true curves as nearly as practicable. Do not deflect any joint more than the maximum deflection recommended b� the manufacturer. I 2. Maintain a transit, level and accessories on the job to lay out angles and ensure that deflection allowances are not exceeded. 3. The Contractor shall check the invert elevation for gravity sewers at each manhole at least three times daily, start, mid-day and end of day. Elevations shall be checked more frequently if rnore than 100 feet of pipe is installed in a day or if the pipe is being constructed at minimum slope. 4. The Contractor shall check the horizontal alignment of the sewers at the same schedule as for invert elevations. 1/24/11 G003-107\02700 02700-6 Landfill Piping Systems ' 3.04 HDPE Manhole and Structure Installation Fabricated products shall be installed in accordance with the fabricator's/ manufacturer's recommendations and as shown on the Drawings. ' 3.05 Thrust Restraint ; A. Provide restraint at all points where hydraulic thrust may develop. B. Retainer Glands: Provide retainer glands where shown on the Drawings and at all associated fittings, valves and related piping. Retainer glands shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, particularly, the required torque of the set screws. The Contractor shall furnish a torque wrench to verify the torque on all set screws which do not have inherent torque indicators. C. Concrete Blocking 1. Provide concrete blocking for all bends, tees, valves, and other points where thrust may develop, except where other exclusive means of thrust restraint are specifically shown on the Drawings. 2. Concrete shall be Class "A". 3. Form and pour concrete blocking at fittings as shown on the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. Pour blocking against undisturbed earth. Increase dimensions when required by over excavation. : 3.06 Inspection and Testing All piping and manholes shall be tested in accordance with Section 02601. 3.07 Cleaning A. All excess or unsuitable material shall be disposed of as directed by the Engineer. Final cleaning up shall be perFormed in accordance with the requirements of Section 01710 of __ these Specifications. B. The Contractor shall clean by flushing with water all HDPE structures. Structures shall be flushed until completely free of debris. The Contractor shall recover and remove all debris from system and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\02700 Section 02745 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Part 1 General 1.01 Scope ' This Section covers the materials and the installation of all HDPE piping. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. Polyethy�ene piping and fittings shall be manufactured to conform to industry standards. Dimensions and workmanship shall be as specified by ASTM F 714. Failure of the Engineer to condemn materials on preliminary inspection shall not be grounds for acceptance if future defects are found. B. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that which is generated in the manufacturer's own plant from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identifiable in color, density, and other physical properties throughout. C. The Engineer requires certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance data. Additionally, test results from the manufacturer's testing which show the pipe does not meet appropriate ASTM standards of manufacturer's representation, will be cause for rejection of the pipe represented by the testing. These tests include dsnsity and other measurements from samples taken at selected locations within the pipe watl and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D 3350, 10.1.9. 1.03 Applicable Publications and Standards A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM Publications) ASTM D 256 Test Methods For Impact Resistance of Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials ASTM D 638 Test Method For Tensile Properties of Plastics ASTM D 696 Test Method For Coefficient of Line at Thermal Expansion of Plastics ASTM D 746 Test Method For Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers By Impact ASTM D 1238 Test Method For Flow Rates of Thermoplastics By Extrusion Plastometer ASTM D 1248 Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials AaTM D 1505 Test Method For Density of Plastics By The Density-Gradient Technique 1/24J11 G003-107\02745 02745-2 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) ASTM D 1525 Test Method For Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics ASTM D 1693 Test Method For Environmental Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plastics ASTM D 2240 Test Method For Rubber Properry- Durometer Hardness ASTM D 2321 Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe ASTM D 2412 External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Parallel - Plate Loading ASTM D 2837 Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis For Thermoplastic Pipe Materials ASTM D 3350 Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials also Gasket for push-on Joints 1.04 Submittal Requirements A. All submittals shall be clearly marked as to what is being provided. Submittals not so marked shall be returned. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings with the following information on each of the pipe types provided: 1. Indicate compliance with applicable ASTM standard 2. . Unit weight 3. SDR 4. Diameter 5. Physical dimensions 6. Method of jointing with instructions 7. Nominal pipe joint lengths 8. Recommended bedding and installation details 9. Instructions and tables or information on strength of each pipe type versus bury conditions of depth and traffic loadings B. Manufacturer's certificate of compliance. The Engineer requires certified lab data from the manufacturer to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this Section and at the Owner's expense may take random samples for testing by an independent laboratory. Refer to Article 1.02, paragraph A.3. of this Section. 1/24/11 G003-107\02745 02745-3 High Density Polyathylene Pipe (HDPE} Part 2 Products 2.01 Pipe Schedule Description SDR Diameter, inches Type Minimum Pipe Length GCCS Headers & Laterals 17 See Plan Polyethylene 40 Feet, Smooth Wall Forcemain 11 2 Polyethylene 40 Feet, Smooth Wall Containment Pipe 17 4 Polyethyiene 40 Feet, Smooth Wall Air Line 9 2' Polyethylene 40 Feet, Smooth Wall I 2.02 Polyethylene (PE) Pipe � � � A. Pipe and Fittings Resin: The pipe supplied under this Section shall b� high performance, very high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe. The fittings supplied under this Section shall be molded or manufact'ured from a polyethylene com�ound having a cell - classification equal to or exceeding the, compound used in the pipe. B. Resin physical properties shali be equivalent to those described in the typical physical properties sheet as follows I Typical Physical Properties Property Test Method Unit Value Density ASTM D 1505 gms/cc 0.955 Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance Conditions A, B& C ASTM D 1693 °F, hours >5,000 Compressed Ring, °F ASTM F 1248 °F, hours >3,500 Ultimate Tensile Strength, Type IV Specimen ASTM D 638 psi 5,000 (2"�min.) I Yeld Tensile Strength, Type IV Specimen ASTM D 638 psi 3,200 (2°�min.) I Elongation at Break, Type N Specimen ASTM D 638 % >600 (2"/min.) Impact Strength, Specimen Thickness 0.125" ASTM D 256 ft.lbs./inch >12 VicatSofteningTemperature ASTM D 1525 °F 257 Brittleness Temperature ASTM D 746 °F <-180 Flexural Modulus ASTM D 3350 psi 125,000 1/24/11 GOp3-107\02745 02745-4 � High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Typical Physical Properties Property Test Method Unit Value Modulus of Elasticity ASTM D 638 psi 110,000 Hardness ASTM D 2240 Shore D 65 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion ASTM D 696 in./in./°F Molded Specimen 8.3 x 10-5 6ctruded Pipe 1.2 x 10-4 Thermal ConductivityThermoconductor Dynatech-Coiora BTU in./ft.2/hrs./°F 2.7 Long Term Strength ASTM D 2837 73° F psi 1,600 140° F psi 800 Material Cell Classification ASTM D 3350 345434C Material Designation PPI PE 3408 Recommendation C. Standards: Polyethylene pipe and fittings shali meet all the requirements of NSF listed pipe but are not required to be NSF listed. D. Quality Control: The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that which is generated in the manufacturer's own plant from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogenous throughout and free of visibie cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identifiabie in color, density, melt flow and other physicai properties throughout. E. The Engineer requires certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance data. Additionally, test results from the manufacturer's testing which show the pipe does not meet appropriate ASTM standards of manufacturer's representation, wiil be cause for rejection of the pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurements from samples taken at selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM 3350, 10.1.9. F. The Engineer requires certified lab data from the manufacturer to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification and at Owner's expense may take random samples for testing by an independent laboratory. G. Rejection: Polyethylene pipe and fittings which do not meet the requirements of this - Section shali be rejected. 2.03 HDPE Fittings A. Polyethylene fittings shali be manufactured from polyethylene compound having cell classification equal to or exceeding the compound used in the pipe. - B. All fittings shall be molded unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. 1/24/�1 ��OQ3-10; �0?_745 02745-5 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) C. Flanges for HDPE Pipe 1. Flanges for HDPE pipe shali be stainless steei back-up rings with a minimum thickness of 1-inch. 2. The studs, nuts and wasters for the flanges shall be stainless steel. Below grade flanges shall be wrapped in 5-mil polyethylene sheeting just after installation and prior to backfilling. � 3. Flange gaskets shall be full-face Neoprene. 2.04 Detection Tape and Locating Wire A. Detection tape and locating wire shall be provided over all HDPE piping except in the leachate collection piping and rock toe drain. B. Detection tape shall be composed of a sotid aluminum foii encased in a protective piastic jacket. Tapes shall be color coded in accordance with APWA color codes with the following legends: Gas Systems, Safety Precaution Yellow, "Caution' Gas Line Buried Below". Colors may be solid or striped. Tape shall be permanently printed with no surface printing allowed. Tape width shall be a minimum of 2-inches when buried less than 10-inches below the surface. Tape width shall be a minimum of 3-inches when buried greater than 10-inches and less than 20-inches. Detection tape shall be equal to Lineguard Type Iil Detectable orAllen Systems Detectatape. C. Locating wire shall be 12 gauge copper wire, single strand. Locating wire shall be attached along the top of all buried PVC water lines {main and laterals), wrapped around service corporations and stubbed up into all valve boxes for locating purposes. The tracer wire shali be one continuous wire with no splices and shall be tied to fittings and va Ives. P rt 3 Execution 3.Q1 Pipe Installation I A. All HDPE pipe material shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the requirements of these Specifications. B. The pipe interior shall be k.ept clean before and after laying. Pipe shall be kept clean before installation by proper storage and handling. After installation by proper storage and handling, pipe shall be encapsulated in geotextile fabric and covered with stone. Any open pipe ends shall be plugged and covered with clean fabric. � C. Force mains shall be layed on a positive grade to minimize the number of air release manholes. The minimum cover on the force main shall be three feet. � D. Tracer wire shall be attached to the pipe. On runs greater than 500 feet the wire shall be 1/24/11 G003-107\02745 I 02745 - 6 , High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) attached to a 2-inch galvanized pipe with 2-inch Tee at the top extending 36" above grade for connection to locator equipment. E. Gas Headers shall be layed on a positive grade to siope to the low points as indicated on the Drawings. 3.02 Handling of Pipe Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to �prevent undue scratching and gouging of the ' pipe. Polyethylene pipe shall be protected �from direct sunlight. If the pipe must be stacked for storage, such stacking shall; be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. The handling of polyethylene pipe shali be done in such a manner that it is not damaged by dragging over sharp objects or cut by chokers or lifting equipment. ; �i 3.03 Repair of Damaged Sections ''. � Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE): Sections of polyethylene pipe having cuts or gouges in excess of 10 percent of the wall thickness of the pipe shall be removed. New polyethylene pipe section shall be rejoined using the butt fusionijoining method. It is the Engineer's intent to reduce the number of joints. The Engineer�shall reject pipe installations, where in the Engineer's opinion, installation methodology a'�f Contractor does not meet this objective. 3.04 Pipe Joining A. PerForated and Non-PerForated Leachate Pipe (HDPE): Sections of polyethylene pipe and fittings shall be joined into continuous lengtl�s on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the butt fusion method and �hall be performed by qualified persons and in strict accordance with the pipe manufaq'turer's recommendations. The butt fusion equipment used in the joining procedures '�Shall be capable of ineeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, I�including, but not limited to, temperature requirements, alignment and fusion pressures. B. HDPE flanges shall be provided where HDPE 'pipe joins PUC pipe or fittings. Stainless steel backup rings, bolts and nuts shall be used to�connect the flanges. 3.05 Handling of Fused Pipe Fused segments of polyethylene pipe shal! b� handled so as to avoid damage to the pipe. When lifting fused sections of pipe, chains or cable type chokers must be avoided. Nylon slings are required. Spreader bars are recommended when lifting long fused sections. Care shall be exercised to avoid cutting or gouging the pipe. 3.06 Trenching and Backfill ', All HDPE piping shall be laid in accordance with Section 02225. 3.07 Inspection and Acceptance 1/24/i1 GOC3-107,\02145 i 02745-7 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HD�E) A. All work shall be subject to inspection and approval prior to final acceptance and payme�t. Final acceptance shail be contingent upon the following: 1. i The Owner accepts polyethylene pipe installation when the installation is finished, ail testing results are satisfactory, installation documentation and site inspection is completed, and pipes have been flushed. i 2. The Contractor shall clean by water flushing all HDPE pipe beginning at cleanouts. Lines shall be flushed until completely free of debris. The Contractor shall recover and remove all debris from system and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner. 3. Final clean-up shall meetthe approval of the Engineer and the Owner. ' � END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\02745 02745-8 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK �/24/11 G�J03-107\02745 Section 02748 HDPE Fabrication Part 1 Generai 1.01 Scope This Section covers the materials and fabrication of HDPE structures used for sumps and manholes. Manholes, wet welis and valve pits carrying wastewater shall be fabricated from HDPE material. 1.02 Quality Assurance A. The products shall contain no recycled compound except that which is generated in the manufacturer's own plant from the same raw material. The products shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions or other deleterious defects, and shall be identifiable in color, density, and other physical properties throughout. The manufacturer shall provide certification that the products produced are represented by the quality assurance data. , B. Products shall be constructed by a fabricator or manufacturer with at least five years ' experience in the construction of products similar to those being provided. � 1.03 Submittal Requirements A. Submittals on fabricated products shall be clearly marked as to what is being The Contractor shall submit fabricator's shop drawings with the following inforrpation on ' each product provided: ' 1. Indicate compliance with applicable ASTM Standard. 2. Unit weight of material. 3. Physical dimensions including material thickness. � I � 4. Method of joining. , 5. Recommended bedding and installation details. ', , I 6. Anti flotation anchor requirements. � � B. Manufacturer's certificate of compliance. The Engineer requires certified lab �ata from the manufacturer to verify the physical properties of the materials supplied under this specification and Engineer, at his own expense, may take random samples for �' by an independent laboratory. i C. Pipe work in structures shall be detailed by the Contractor to conform to the general arrangement shown on the plans and to fit the equipment to be provided. Shop� drawings 1/24/11 G003-107\02748 , 0274$-2 ' HDPE Fabrication of pipe layout and equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer and approved prior to installation. : D. NDPE Manholes and Structures: The manufacturer shall submit shop drawings on all HDPE manholes and structures. The shop drawings shaR be stamped by an engineer registered in the State of Georgia. Part 2 Products ' 2.01 HDPE Manholes and Structures A. The structures shall be made of high density, high molecular weight polyethylene pipe material meeting the requirem;ents of Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34, as defined in ASTM D 3350 Standard Sp�cification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding Pipe and Fittings Materials. i B. Material shall be joined by the extrusion weld method or the buit fusion method in strict accordance with the manufa',cturer's recommendations. The equipment used in the joining procedures shail be capable of ineeting all conditions of the pipe or plate material � manufacturer. , C. Products shali have HDPE pipe penetrations and stub-outs for flange or butt fusion connections as shown on the; Drawings. Stub-outs and penetrations shall be e�rusion welded to the wall of the product. All stub-outs and penetrations inside and outside shall be installed by the manufacturer or fabricator. D. Structures shall be designed by the manufacturer for all loading conditions resulting from dead and live loads as well as loading conditions resutting from transportation, installation, or flotation. � E. The manhole and base shall be of sufficient thickness to withstand the installed height in compacted soil. ; Part 3 Execution � 3.01 Installation Fabricated products shall be installed in accordance with the fabricator's/manufacturer's recommendations and as shor�vn on the Drawings. 3.42 Inspection and Accepfiance _ A. All work shall be subject to :inspection and approval prior to final acceptance. Final acceptance shall be contingen;t upon the following: __ 1. The Owner accepts HDPE structures when the installation is finished, all testing results are satisfactory, installation documentation and site inspection is compieted, 1/24,'/11 G003-107\02748 , 02748-3 HDPE Fabrication and structures have been flushed. Structures shall be tested in accordance with Section 02601. 2. The Contractor shall clean by flushing with water all HDPE structures. Structures ' shall be flushed until completely free of debris. The Contractor shall recover and remove all debris from system and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner. 3. Final clean-up shall be in accordance of Section 01710 of the Specifications and meet the approval of the Engineer and the Owner. END OF SECTION 1/24/11 G003-107\02748 02748-4 HDPE Fabrication � ' , THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ', � ,� ; i , �� , ; ; '� ,, i � � i 1/24/11 G003-107\02748 ' ' Section 02831 Chain Link Fences and Gates Part 1 General 1.01 Scope A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and miscellaneous items as necessary for the installation of a complete chain iink fence system. Fencing shall be installed in the location as shown on the Drawings in complete conformity with the manufacturer's written recommendations and as specified herein. B. Security fencing for the Contractor is at Contractor's option and is not included as part of the work specified. 1.02 Submittals Product data shall be submitted in complete conformance with the requirements of Section 01340 of these Specifications. 1.03 Delivery and Handling . A. Deliver materials with the manufacturer's tags and labels intact. B. Handle and store materials in such a manner that will avoid damage. 1.04 Storage and Protection ' Provide storage and protection in accordance with the requirements of Section 01640 of these Specifications. 1.05 Quality and Assurance A. Standards of manufacturer shall comply with the standards of the Chain Link Manufacturers Institute and these Specifications. B. Provide fencing as a complete unit produced by a single manufacturer including the required erection accessories, fittings and fasteners. PART 2 Products 2.01 General A. Overall height for new fencing shall be as shown on the drawings. Posts shall be set at no more than 10 foot centers, and a full three feet deep in concrete footings, poured the fu11 size of the holes as excavated. Corner posts shall have the necessary strut and tie bracing. Gates shall be provided of the size and at the locations indicated � on the Drawings. ; 1/24/11 G003-107\02831 02831 - 2 Chain link Fences and Gates B. Where fencing crosses ditches, steep grades, and other unusual conditions, make special provisions to insure that the security, appearance, maintainability and permanence of the standard fencing are equaled or exceeded. 2.02 Materials and Construction A. Fence Mesh: 9 gauge wire, woven to 2-inch squares, galvanized after weaving, six foot wide roll. Continuous tension wire shall be provided at the lower edge of the mesh. B. Line Post: 2-1/2-inch O.D. Galvanized Pipe (3.65 #/ft.). i C. Corner Post: 3-inch O.D. Galvanized Pipe (5.79 #/fk.). D. Gate Post: 4-inch O.D. Galvanized Pipe (9.11 #/ft.). E. Top Rail: 1-5/8-inch O.D. Galvanized Pipe (2.27 #/ft.) with extra long pressed steel sleeves. F. Gates shall be supplied with heavy-duty latches, keepers and heavy duty hardened bronze padlocks with duplicate keys. : G. Gate Frames: 2-inch O.D. Galvanized Pipe Frame (2.72 #/ft.). H. Concrete shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of Section 03300 of these Specifications. � PART 3 Execution 3.01 Installation A. Fence installation shall not be started before the final grading is completed, with finish grade elevations established, unless otherwise permitted. B. Excavation: Drill holes of diameters and'spacings shown, for post footings in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. 1. If not shown on the Drawings, excavate holes to the minimum diameters as recommended by fence manufacturer. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, excavate hole depths approximately 3-inches lower than the post bottom, with bottom of posts set not less than 36-inches below the surface when in firm, undisturbed soi�. 3. If solid rock is encountered near the I lsurface, drill into rock at least 12-inches for line posts and at least 18-inches for'iend, pull corner, and gate posts. DrilE hole at least 1-inch greater diameter than the largest dimension for the past to be placed. If solid rock is below soil overburden, drill to full depth required. Penetration into rock need not exceed the minimum depths specified above. i 1/24/11 G003-107\Q2831 02831 - 3 Chain Link Fences and Gates C. Setting Posts: Remove loose and foreign materials from sides and bottoms of holes and moisten soil prior to placing concrete. 1. Center and align posts in holes 3-inches above bottom of excavation. 2. Place concrete around posts in a continuous pour and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment and hold in position during placement and finishing operations. 3. Trowel finish tops of fiootings and slope of dome to direct water away from posts. Extend footings for gate posts to the underside of bottom hinge. Set keeps, stops, sleeves and other accessories into concrete as required. 4. Keep exposed concrete surfaces moist for at least seven days after placement or cure with membrane curing materials or other acceptable curing methods. 5. Grout-in posts set into sleeved holes, concrete constructions or rock excavations with non-shrink Portland cement grout or other acceptable grouting material. D. Concrete Strength: Allow concrete to attain at least 75 percent of its minimum 28 day compressive strength, but in no case sooner than seven days after placement, before rails, tension wires, barbed wire or fabric is installed. Do not stretch and tension fabric ; and wires and do not hang gates until the concrete has attained its full design strength. E. Top Rails: Run rail continuously through post caps or extension arms, bending to radius for curved runs. Provide expansion couplings as recommended by fencing manufacturer. F. Brace Assemblies: Install braces so posts are plumb when diagonal rod is under proper tension. G. Tension Wire: Install tension wires by weaving through the fabric and tying to each post with not less than 6 gauge galvanized wire or by securing the wire to the fabric. H. Fabric: Pull fabric taut and tie to posts, rails and tension wires. Install fabric on security side of fence and anchor to framework so that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released. I. Repair damaged coatings in the shop or during field erection by recoating with manufacturer's recommended repair compound, applied per manufacturer's directions. J. Stretcher Bars: Thread through or clamp to fabric 4-inches on center and secure to posts with metal bands spaced 15-inches on center. K. Tie Wires: Use U-shaped wire appropriate for the diameter of pipe. Attach pipe and fabric firmly with tie wire ends twisted at feast two full turns. Bend ends of wire to 1/24,i11 G003-107\02831 02831 - 4 Chain link Fences and Gates minimize hazard to persons or clothing. L. Fasteners: Install nuts for tension band and hardware bolts on side of fence opposite fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent removal of nuts. 3.02 Cleaning Perform cleaning during installation of the work and upon completion of the work. Remove from site all debris and equipment. Repair all damage resulting from chain , link fence system installation. Cleaning shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 01710 of these Specifications. I END OF SECTION I � � I i I ; � I , , , i I I , � I , I , ; i I , � � 1/24/11 G003-107\42831 i I Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete Part 1 General The work under this section covers supplying and installing all cast-in-place structurai concrete including forms, permanent metal forms, vapor barriers, reinforcement, finishing, curing, grout, waterstops, joints, joint sealants, anchor bolts, and concrete stud anchors. 1.01 Quality Assurance A. Materials and work shall conform to the requirements of standards, codes, and recommended practices outlined in this section. In conflicts between industry standard or required standards and this specification or this specification and the local building code, the more stringent requirement shall govern. B. Materials and work procedures are subject to inspection and tests at the source and in the field by the Engineer and/or the owner. Such inspection and tests will not relieve the Contractor of the primary responsibility for providing material and work procedures in compliance with specified requirements. The Contractor shall not ' promptly remove and replace material or components which do not comply. C. Certifiied laboratory test reports or certificates of compliance are required for materials as specified herein. The testing shall have been performed within one year of submittal of test reports for approval and by an independent laboratory. Test reports on a previously tested material shall be accompanied by notarized ' certificates from the manufacturer certifying that the previously tested material is of the same type, quality, manufacture, and make as that proposed for use in this project. D. The concrete producer's plant equipment and facilities shall be certified by the National Ready-Mix Concrete Association. Truck mixers and agitators used for concrete delivery shall comply with TMMB Truck Mixer and Agitator Standards. Certificates of compliance are required. E. The Contractor shall have available in the field office a copy of the ACI Field Reference Manual SP-15. � .02 Applicable Publications A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent ' referenced. The publications are referenced in the text. All publications shall be as shown below. B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A36/A36M Structural Steel 1/24/11 GQ03-107\03300 03300 - 2 Cast-In-Place Concrete A108 Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality A185 Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement . A307 Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength A446 Steel Sheet, Zinc-coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural (Physical) Quality A525 Steel Sheet, Zinc-coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, General Requirements A615 Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement C31 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C33 Concrete Aggregates C39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C94 Ready-mixed Concrete C 143 Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete C150 Portland Cement I C171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ' C172 Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete i C231 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ' C260 Air-entraining Admixtures for Concrete Chemical Admixtures for Concrete C494 Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ' C618FIy Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pouolan for use as a N9ineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete ' D17�1 Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) C. -�merican Concrete Institute (ACI) ' 11 7 Standard Tolerances far Concrete Construction and Materials 301 Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 03300 - 3 Cast-In-Piace Concrete 302.1 R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction 304R Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete 305R Hot Weather Concreting I 306.1 Cold Weather Concreting 308 Sfandard Practice for Curing Concrete 315 Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork SP-15 Field Reference Manual D. National Ready-mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA} Certification of Ready-mixed Concrete Production Facilities E. Truck Ready-mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) Truck Mixer and Agitator Standards — 1989 F. American Iron and Steel Institut� (AISI) Publication - 1986 Edition with 1989 Addendum Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members , G. Steel Deck institute (SDI) Publication - 216-493-7886 Design Manual for Floor Decks and Roof Decks 1.03 Submittals � A. In accordance with Division 1, furnish the following; 1. Concrete mix design for each mix with evidence of strength per Section 2.03. Include sources and certification of aggregates. B. Shop drawings for reinforcing steel. ; C. Shop drawings for permanent metal forms. : D. Manufacturers' literature containing product information for admixtures, joint sealing materials, waterstops, expansion joint filler, and sealers. E. Concrete test results: See Section �.09. 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 03300 - 4 Cast-In-Place Concrete Part 2 Products 2.01 Forms A. Forms may be wood, plywood, or metal as approved by the Engineer, of grade or type suitable to obtain type of finish specified. B. Forms for surfaces which will be exposed to view when construction is completed shall be prefabricated plywood panel forms, job-built plywood forms, or forms that are lined with plywood or fiberboard. C. Plywood or lined forms will not be required for surfaces which are normally submerged or not ordinarily exposed to view, such as the insides of manholes or wet wells. Other types of forms, such as steel or unlined wooden forms, may be used for surfaces which are not restricted to plywood or lined forms, and may be used as backing for form linings. Forms are required above all extended footings. D. Where earth is too unstable to serve as a form for sides of footings and foundations, the sides against the earth may be formed with 3/4 inch thick No. 2C Yellow pine with tight butt joints, securely braced to hold a straight line. E. Forms ties shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be of the snap cone or she- bolt with cone type as manufactured by a recognized manufacturer of concrete fofming accessories. Cones shall leave a hole or depression in the concrete no larger than 7/8 inch in diameter. Plain snap ties or flat bar ties, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, shall not be used. Ties shall be of a type that will accurately tie, lock, and spread the forms. Tie spacing shall be designed to withstand concrete pressures without bulging, spreading, or lifting of the fiorms. The tie shall be of such a design that after removal of the external tie parts no remaining metal shall be left within 1'h inches of any surface unless stainless steel ties are used, in which case no metal shall be within 1 inch of any surface. Permanently embedded portions of form ties which are not provided with threaded ends shall be constructed so that the removable ends are readily broken off vrcithout damage to the concrete. 2.02 Materials for Concrete A. The following materials shatl conform to the respective specifications and other requirements specified herein. B. Por#1ar�d Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or IL Ali cement used shall come from the same source. C. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33. The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not be larger than (a) 1/5 the narrov�rest dimension between sides of forms, (b) 1/3 the depth of slabs, (c} % the minimum clear spacing between individual 1/24/11 GOC3-1�7\033�0 03300 - 5 : Cast-In-Place Concrete reinforcing bars or wires or bundles of bars, (d) 3/8-inch for concrete used for filling masonry �voids greater than 2 inches. No coarse aggregate shall be used in concrete for filling masonry voids less than 2 inches. Maximum size for coarse aggregat� in slabs is 1'/2 inches. ' D. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33. Do not use manufactured sands. E. Mixing Water: Fresh, clean, and potable. F. Air-entraining Admixture: ASTM C260 i G. Chemical Admixture: ASTM C494 H_ Pozzolan: ASTM C618, Class C or F 2.03 Concrete �llixes ' A. Compress�ive strength and the allowable slump range (tests in acco ance with ' ASTM C39 and C 143, respectively) shalf be as follows: � 28-day Compressive ltem � Strength Slump ' Slabs 4,000 psi 2-4" Foundatiot�s 4,000 psi 2-4" Other � 4,000 psi 2-4' 1. The �trength of the concrete mixes proposed for use shall be esta lished prior to b�ginning concrete operations. The concrete mix may be prop rtioned on the basis of field experience or trial mixes as stated in ACI 30 and 318. Evid;ence of concrete strength is to be submitted to the engine r with the proppsed concrete mix design prior to any concreting operations. ' , 2. Pro�ortion mixes to a maximum water/cement ratio, IbJlb., of 0.45. ater shall . not be added at the site that will cause the design mix water/cemen ratio to be exceeded. B. A high ra��ge water-reducing (HRWR) admixture conforming to ASTM -494 may be used to increase slump above that specified in Paragraph 2.03A. ; C. Air-entrainment is required for all concrete exposed to freezing and thavu�ing. Do not entr:�in air in concrete used for interior slabs. Air content shall confo m with the following �able: 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 03300 - 6 Cast-in-Place Concrete Nominal Maximum Size of Total Air Content Coarse Aaqreqate, Inches Percent bv Volume 3 �$ 6 to 10 '�2 5to9 '� 4to8 1 3 '/ to 6 '/z �'�2 3to6 D. Materials shall be stored, batched, and mixed as specified in ASTM C94. 2.04 Vapor Barrier Polyethylene film not less than 6 mils thick. 2.05 Reinforcing Steel New billet steel conforming to ASTM A615, deformed G�rade 60. 2.06 Welded Wire Fabric ASTM A 185 2.07 Preformed (Expansion) Joint Filler ASTM D 751, 1/4" Thick Unless ' Noted. 2.08 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ASTM �171 2.09 Liquid Curing Compounds A. Seiect one of the following: 1. "Super Pliocure" by the Euclid Chemical C mpany. 2. `Dress 8� SeaP' by L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc. 3. "Masterseal" by Master Builders 4. "Kur-N-Seal 3800" by Sonneborn Building Products 5. "Hom Clear Seal 300" by A.C. Horn, Inc. 2. � 0 Liquid Hardener and Dustproofer A. Seiect one of the materials specified in "Liquid Curing Compounds." B. Dustproofer must be compatible with the curing compound and floor hardener. 1/24/11 GQ03-107\03300 ' 03300 - 7 Cast-In-Piace Concrete i � 2.11 Grout, Non-Shrinking , , Premixed non-metallic, mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendat'rons. Grout shall show no settlement or vertical drying shrinkage based on ini#ial measurement made at time of placement, and produce a compressive strength of at feast 4,000 psi at three days. 2.1 � Waterstops Unless noted otherwise on drawings, waterstops shall be manufactured from polyvinyl chloride and shall be 3/8-inch by 6-inch, dumbbell or serrated type with a center bulb. 2.13 Epoxy Joint Sealants , A. "MM-80" by Metzger McGuire Company. i � B. "Euco 600" by the Euclid Chemical Company. C. "Joint-Fil" by Permaban North America, Inc. I 2.14 Building F�It Thirty-poundi asphalt saturated building-felt paper. 2.15 Anchor Bolts Anchor bolts shall be ASTM A307 or A36 with cut threads. i Part 3 Execution 3.01 Formwork� � A. Installation of formwork shall conform to ACI 347. Design, engineering, and construction �of the formwork shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. ' B. Forms shall be� substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar. Forms shall be braced or tied to maintain the desired position, shape, and alignment during � and after concrete placement. Wafers, studs, internal ties, and other form supports shall be sized and spaced so that proper working stresses are not exceeded. Joints in forms sha�l be bolted tightly and shall bear on solid construction. Forms shall be constructed so�they can be removed without hammering, wedging, or prying against the concrete�. Form ties in exposed surfaces shall be uniformly spaced and aligned in horizontal and vertical rows. The forms shall produce finished surfaces that are - free from off-sets, ridges, waves, and concave or convex areas. � ' 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 I � ' 03300 - 8 Cast-In-Place Concrete C. All form panels shall be placed in a neat, symmetrical pattern with horizontal joints . � level and continuous. The Contractor shall place special attention on mating forms to previously placed walls so as to minimize steps or rough transitions. Form panels shall be of the largest practical size to minimize joints and to improve rigidity. D. Wherever the top of a wall will be exposed to weathering, the forms on at least one side shall not extend above the top of the wall and shall be brought to true line and grade. At other locations forms for concrete which is to be finished to a specified elevation, slope, or contour, shall be brought to a true line and grade, or a wooden guide strip shall be provided at the proper location on the forms so that the top surface can be finished with a screed or template. At horizontal construction joints in walls the forms on one side shall not extend more than 2 feet above the joints. E. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, all salient corners and edges of beams, columns, walls, slabs, and curbs shall be provided with a 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch , chamfer formed by a wood or metal chamfer strip. F. Forms for exposed surfaces and all steel forms shall be coated with a nonstaining form release agent which shall be applied just prior to placement of steel reinforcement. After coating, any surplus form release coating on the form surface shall be removed. Wood forms for unexposed surfaces may be thoroughly wetted with water in lieu of coating immediately before concrete placement, except in freezing weather form -release coating shall be used. � G. If any forms bulge or show excessive deflection, in the opinion of the Engineer, the concrete shall be removed and the forms rebuilt and strengthened. H. Forms shall not be removed or disturbed until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to safely support all dead and live loads. Shoring beneath beams or slabs shall be left in place and reinforced as necessary to carry any construction equipment or materials placed thereon. I. No forms shall be removed without the approval of the Engineer. In general and under normal conditions, the Engineer will approve removal of forms after the fo►lowing time has elapsed: � ltem Time After Placement Elevated slabs and beams 14days Columns, walls & other concrete 7 days � J. When ambient air temperatures during the curing period fall below 45° F, form removal will take place based on job-cured test cylinder strength only. K Care shall be taken in form removal to avoid surface gouging, comer or edge �� breakage, or other damage to the concrete. Immediately after form removal any damaged or imperfect work shall be repaired. I 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 I I 03300 - 9 ' Cast-In-Place Concrete 3.02 Reinforcement � Details of concrete reinforcement, unless otherlivise shown, shall be in accordance with ACI 318, ACI 315, and ACI 301. All reinforcing steel shall be supported and securely tied to prevent displacement during the placing of concrete. 3.03 Embedded Items Embedded items shall be positioned accurately and supported against displacement. 3.04 Vapor Barrier Joints in vapor barrier shall be lapped 1'-0" or shall be sealed with tape. , 3.05 Placing, Protection, and Curing Concr �'ete A. In normal weather, conform to ACI 304R. No cqncrete shall be placed during rain or if rain is forecast unless there is sufficient time to complete the placement and ' finishing. ', . B. In cold weather, conform to ACI 306.1, except that the use of calcium chloride shall _ not be permitted. C. In hot weather conform to ACI 305R. D. Conform to ACI 302.1 R, ACI 308 and as specifed herein. ' E. Consolidation ' 1. During and immediately after placement, concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated and worked into all corners and angles and around reinforcement and embedded fixtures in a manner to fil► all voids, prevent honeycombing against the forms an avoid seg�egation of coarse aggregate This operation - shall be performed by the use of spades or forks and internal vibrators. 2. Vibration shall be transmitted directly to the concrete and in no case shall it be transmitted through the forms. Vibration driving mechanisms shall revolve at not less than 7,000 rpm. The vibration sha;ll be sufficiently intense to cause the concrete to flow and settle readily into place and to visibly affect the concrete over a radius of at least 18 inches. Vibratian shall be supplemented by manual forking or spading adjacent to the forms on exposed faces in order to secure smooth, dense surfaces. Special care shaiE be taken to ensure consolidation around reinforcement, pipes, and other s;hapes built into the work. Vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete within the forms. Vibrafiars shall be kept 1/24/11 G003-107\0330Q I � �I 03300 - 10 Cast-In-Place Concrete in motion at all times ta prevent excessive vibration in one spot. The operation shall be continuous and all concrete shall be in final position before initial set has started. ; 3. In addition to the vibrators in actual use while concrete is being placed, the Contractor shall have on hand at least one operable vibrator as a spare in case of equipment failure. No concrete shall be placed until all vibrating equipment, including spares, is at the placement site. 4. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated prior to top finishing. Afl laitance, debris, and surplus water shall be removed from concrete surfaces at topes of forms by screeding, scraping, or other effective means. Wherever the top of a wall will be exposed to weathering, the forms shall be overfille� and after the concrete has been compacted, the excess shall be screeded off. F. Approved curing methods are as follows: 1. Water curing by covering the entire surface of concrete with water. The curing ' water should not be more than 20 degrees F cooler than the concrete. 2. Water curing by fog spraying or sprinkling to provide a continuous film of water over the entire surface of concrete. 3. Water curing by means of covering the entire surface with absorbent materials which shall be kept moist. Absorbent materials can be burla�, cotton mats, rugs, or other approved materials. 4. Curing by means of covering the entire surface with waterproof sheet materials to reduce the loss of mixing water from the concrete: Materials can be polyethylene sheeting, waterproof paper, or polyethylene-coated burlap. Dn slabs, the sheets should extend over the edges at least ,twice the sfab thickness. During cold weather, black polyethylene sheeting should be used, ' and in hot weather, white polyethylene sheeting should be used. Do not use polyethylene on slab surFaces that will be exposed. 5. Curing by means of spraying or rolling a liquid membrane forming curing compound according to manufacturer's recommendations o,ver the entire surFace. A white-pigmented Class 2 compound shall be used when the concrete is exposed to the sun; otherwise, use Class 1. Curing compounds shall not be used in areas to receive adhesives for floor coverings or paint without certification of compatibility from the Contractor. G. Minimum period of curing for al1 methods is 7 days unless a sh rter period is approved by the engineer. i 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 s � I ' , 03300 - 11 ' Cast-In-Place Concrete 3.06 Finishes ' A. Vertical and overhead surface finishes shali be as follows except where noted otherwise on the drawings or finish schedule. ; 1. Unfinished Areas: Vertical and overhead concrete surfaces exposed in unfinished areas, or concealed will not require additional finishing. ' 2. Interior and Exterior Exposed Areas (to be Painted): All fins, burrs, and similar projections on surFace shall be knocked off flush and rubbed lightly with a�ne abrasive stone. 3. Interior and Exterior Exposed Areas (Finished): Finished areas unless otherwise shown shall be given a rubbed finish of uniform color, treated as follows: � a. Chip away all "high" spots and fill all "low" spots (tie marks, form marks, and honey combs) with a grout composed of the same cement/sand ratio as the original concrete. b. Rub entire surface of concrete with a fine abrasive stone to create a smooth surface, free of all form marks. Finishing is to start as soon as possible after concrete will support itself. Finishing of any section is to be i complete within 4 hours of the stripping of forms on that section. B. Slab Finishes 1. Scratch Finish: Slab surfaces to receive a bonded applied cementitious . application shall all be thoroughly raked or wire broomed after partial setting ' (within 2 hours after placing) to roughen surface to insure a permanent bond between base slab and applied cementitious materials. 2. F{oat Finish: Unless noted otherwise, surfaces to receive a float finish shall , include interior stair treads, equipment pads and surFaces intended to receive roofing or waterproofing membranes. After the concrete has been placed, struck off, and leveled, the concrete shall not be worked further until ready for floating. Floating shalf begin when the water sheen has disappeared. During the first floating, the slabs shall be checked for planeness of surFace. The slab shall then be refloated immediately to a uniform sandy texture. 3. Troweled Finish: Uniess noted otherwise, surfaces to receive a troweled #inish include exposed concrete floors and floors to receive resilient floor covering or carpet. The surface shall first be float-finished as specified above. It shall then be power troweled, and finally, hand troweled such that the finished surface is essentially free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. 1/24/11 G003-107\033d0 03300 - 12 Cast-In-Place Concrete 4. Broom Finish: Untess noted otherwise, surfaces to receive a broom finish include exterior platforms, steps, and landings; and exterior and interior ramps. Immediately after the concrete has received a float finish, it shall be given a coarse texture by drawing a broom across the surface. i 5. Apply a specified liquid hardener and dustproofer to all interior exposed slab surfaces according to manufacturer's recommendations unless noted otherwise or if not compatible to finished surfaces. 3.07 Joints � : A. �Control joints in floor slabs shall be sawcut 1/8" wide by a depth equal to 1/4 the slab thickness unless shown otherwise on the drawings. The slab shall be �Sawed as soon as the edges of the cut will not raveL B. �onstruction joints shall be located by the Contractor in conformity with the predetermined joint layout. If concreting is interrupted long enough for the : placed concrete to harden, a construction joint shall be used. The details of the joint shall be as shown on the drawings. C. Joints shall be filled no sooner than 90 days after concrete slabs are poured. 3.08 Tole�rances A. Float and Broom Finish: Plane within 5/16-inch in 10 feet as determined by a �10-foot straightedge. ' B. �teel Trowel Finish: Plane within 1/4-inch in 10 feet, 5/16-inch on metal deck, �s determined by a 10-foot straightedge. C. Formed Surfaces: ACI 301. D. Reinforcement (Fabricating and Placing): ACI 301. E. �Other tolerance requirements: Conform to ACI 117. 3.09 Testing A. Tests shall be made by an independent laboratory approved by the NE. The cost of all testing shall be paid by the Owner. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the testing laboratory before all concrete pours. B. Samples. The testing agency shall obtain samples of fresh concrete in accordance with ASTM C172. 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 � 03300 - 13 Cast-In-Place Concrete C. Testing Frequency. The frequency of tests on each type of concrete shall be one test per 100 cubic yards, one test per 5,000 square feet of surface area for slabs or walis, one test per truck for columns and piers, or one test minimum per day. D. Test Specimens. 1. Each test shall consist of four cylinders which are made and cured in accordance with ASTM C31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39. One cylinder shall be tested at 7 days, two cylinders shall be tested at 28 days, and one kept as a spare. The minimum average of the 28-day cylinders shall be 4,OOd psi with a minimum of 3,500 psi for either. 2. Shov�ld the average compressive strength of the 28-day specimens or the com�ressive strength of any single specimen fall more than 500 psi below the minimum strengths specified above, the Engineer shall have the right to order a change in the mix design for the remaining portion of the work. The Engineer shall; also have the right to order additional curing of the affected concrete followed by cores taken in accordance with ASTM 042 and ACI 318, all at the expqnse of the Contractor. If the additional curing does not bring the average compressive strength of the 28-day cores taken in the afFected area to at least _ the rpinimum strength specified, the Engineer may require that the Contractor strengthen the structure by means of additional concrete and steel or he may . require that the Contractor replace the affected portions. The cost of all such changes in mix designs and any modifications to or replacement of deficient concrete shal! be borne by the Contractor at no additional cos# #o the Owner. E. Slump. Determine the slump of concrete for each test in accordance with ASTM C143. If a HPWR admixture is used then the slump shall be measured before and after the addition of the admi�cture. F. Air Content. Determine air content of concrete for each test only for the concrete requiring �ir entrainment. Air content tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C231. , i G. TemperatUre. At each test, record the temperature of each concrete sample and of the ambient air. H. The testing agency shall report all test data in a concrete test report to the Engineer. I. The evalu�tion and acceptance of concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 318. 3.10 Loads Applied to New Concrete A. Loads including, but not limited to, earth loads, loads exerted from bracing or shoring, wind loads, hydrostatic or hydraulic loads, equipment or vehicle loads, or i ' 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 � 03300 - 14 � Cast-In-Place Concrete loads exerted by stacked materials, shall not be permitted until the concrete has reached its specified 28-day strength. B. Concrete which has cracked due to overloading, loading before required strength has developed, or o#herwise damaged shall be repaired or replaced as determined by the Engineer. END OF SECTION � 1/24/11 G003-107\03300 '