HomeMy WebLinkAboutMABUS BROS AGREEMENT FOR TENDER OF REPLACEMENT CONTRACTOR PAYMENT AND FOR RELEASE �: � � coMr�T�oN A����nrr i This Completion Agreem�nt ("Agreement"), made as af the Ibth clay ef Na�ember, 2QI0 (the "B£fective Date'�, by and betw�en August�, C3eorgia� by and t3iraugh the Augusta- � R.ichmo�nd Caunty Com.missian ("Obligee"}, and M�bus Brothers Construction Ca,, Tnc, ("Campletion Gontractor'�, � WITNESSETH WHEREAS� Tomany L. Griffin Ptwnbing 8c Heatiug Co.� Inc. ("Principal"} entered inta ; a canstr�c#ion contract with the (}bligee (the "B�nded Ctintract"} to pe�rform �ertain wark on D'Antignac Street Draixiagc Improvemont Praject {the "Pm}oet"}; 'WHEREAS, Cinci�nna#i Insurance Compar�y {"Surety") fssued Payment Bond l�io. ' �0331U64 {the "Payu�ea�t Band") and Fer�'armance $ond No. B0331064 (the "Performanae Bond"} o� bel�alf of Principal anc� in favox af Obligec in connectian v�ith the Project (the Payment Hond a�d t�e Performancc Band� collectively, the "$onds"); ' �'V�REAS, Princi a� has a tendared to Sure a lcttcr acknovvledging Frinez �'s P t } tY P � - inability ta comtplete ihe Proj�t and (b} abaadoned the Bcraded Contract; � WSEREAS, Obl' has demaaded t�a�k 3 crforn� its obli 'ans �der the Bands, � �Y P S� ' WHEREAS, Stueiy has tenderod to �bligee a completiaag cantractor, Compkticra Contract�r, to complete �11 o�'Prinaxpal's remaiw�i�ng work on the Project p�xsu�t to th,c terms of � the Bonded Gontr�ct; WHEREA$, the Conapletivn Coatxactar has agreed to perform al� wark rcanaiaing ta be � perfarmed under the Boaded Cantract in accortlanac with the te�ans of the Bonded Cantract; az�d WHEREAS, Qhlige� has agra�d ta accept Completion Contxactor as the cvxnpleting � cont�ra.ctor in �Iace of the Principai act�. discharge #he Surety from its ohligations as Surety under the Bonds, except fulfillment of obliga�ivns wxder any wafranry for work completed by the Pnincipal as roquiroci in accardsnee with the tercns of the Bonded Contract. � N�W 'T�EREFURE, in consideration af tha premises and o#her goad and va�ezable cansideration, receipt and suffieienoy of which are hereby ackcr�owledged, tho garties hcretv ' agree as fallows: 1. De ' io s. As used in this Agreement, tt�e follawing terms shali h�ave the �ollowing , meani.ngs: (a) "Completion Price" means Completion Cantractor's pric� to complete the ' Project wark rem�ining to be perfozx�ned wnder the Banded Contract in ' 1 �f 9 � AED- b'Antignac Street Draina�e Improvements � ° � � � � � • � accordance with the teims of the Bondeci Con#ract, based upan the unit � prices set forth in the attached Ext�fbit A. _ (b} "Cantr�ct Docum.�nts" shall mean this Agreeanent, together with the � Banded Con�act and all ott�er contracts and change orders between Oblfgee arzd Principa� related to the Project, incladx;ng, without Iimitation, � ail ptans, drawings, apecifications, and all other change orders and e�ddenda issuad by Obligee. ' {c) "Ex�luded Items" shall mean those items of work far which the r Completion Contractor does not assume responsibility azzd whioh are excluded from the Completion Price. All Excluded Items are specifically ' listed on Exhi6it B, attacbed �Zer�to. ' (d) "Latent Defact" me,�ns a de£ect in work p�,rforn►ed by Principal of whicb Completion C�n#raator was not aware at the time of the ex.ecution of thzs ' Agrcement and which wou�d not have been disca�verahie through an in�spection of tktc Prvject et thc time of the exect�tion a� khis Agre�nent � made �sing ordin�ry care, given the existing coaditians, schedule, arid � oircumstancxs, and by per�ons knawledgeeble in tl�e type of construction required t�der the Baz�ded Contract. Latent Defect �aes not mean or iaclude defects resrz�ting fram vvazk previousty performed by Principal and ' sny other claims arising aut of worlc that Principal pe�frnmed or shoutd have performEd under the Honded Contract to the esctent the defects arise - from dafecta or conditions of which Ca�pletion Contractor was aware at � the time a£ the pcecution of this A�cnt or which were discoverab�e by an ias�ection af the Project on the date of this Agreemez�t using ordinaxy care, undcr the ex.i,sting conditions, scliedule, and aire�.�mstances, by � persons knovvlodgc�able in fihe typo of oanstruc�ion re�uired unde� tl�e Bondat Co�p,tract, Latemt Defect does not zt�e�n or include latent de�ects �-� in work perfarmed by Completion Cflntractor or its subcontractors. ' 2. The ork. Completion Cantractor agrees ta comglete the Pxoject ptusuant to the tern►s and conditio�►s req,ui�red by the Contract Docurnents and the Bands. C�mpletian � Coniractor agrees to: (a} �ssume any and aIl duties atzd abligations af Principa� related to thc Praject, the Contraet Documents, and the Bonds; {b} xepair any d�fects (whether kmown or un�own) in Principal's work; ar�d (c) futly discharge: (i} Princ'spal's abligations under #he � Bonded Contract; and (ii) Surcty's obiigations uuder the Pe�rfarmance Bond. Completion Contraet4r shall pay alt payablas for labor and materials on the Praject incunred by Campletion Cvntractar in the campletion of the Project. � 3. C�,t�,xtgietian of , the Praiect. Completzon Contractar shall complete the Project . pursuant tu the terms and conditions of the Contraet Doc�net�ts. AlI claims and damages arisiug � from the failure of Cuuipletion Cozttractor to cotxapleEe tl�e work describod in Sect�an 2(#he "Work") shall be Cozzxpletion Contrac#or's sale responsibility, The Work to be performed under the Cantrac# shall be oammen.ced wi4hin 10 cxlendar days after the da.te af writtean natice by the ' 2 of 9 . � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Cmprovements ��� � s � Qb��gee to the Gomgletion Cantre�tor to procced. All work shail be cotnpleted within 184 � calendar days with sucli extensians o#'time as are provide� for in the G�neral Cozxditions of the Cvntract Documenta. � 4• �,+Lrnent to Compf.etion Con actor. 1n a�ccardan,ce with the terms of Ehe Cantract Documents, Coingte�4ion Cflncraetc�r agcees to furnish and pay for al� of tlie Iabor, materiai, supplies, eqaipment, services, insurance, warran�ies, and ell ather items necassary ta perform and fully ' car�plete the Work just as if Campletion Cantractvr wet� �ncipal per#'orining under the Bonded C,ontract. Completion Co�xtraotor shall be paid the Comp�etion Price hy Ob�i�ae for ft�.filling aIl Complction ContracEor's duties and obligations set forth in the Contract Documents. The � Ca�nrple�ion Price (a) includes the cost of the Camplstion Bonds (as hereizkaftex defined), (b) may be revised only in accordarrce witii the temns af the Cvntract Docurnents (c.g., change arders, deiay d�g8�� 9�tixY �Nstments, ete.), and (c) shalt be pa�d in accardance with the payment � � pmeedures set £azth in the Contraat Documents. 5. Corr of tiv rk of . Natwithstanding any other provision of 1 this Agc�ment, Camptetion Cfln�ra�trnr daes not assurae any liability or responsibitity for Latc�.t Defects in wor�c parfozmed by Priazczpal ar any af thc Exaluded Itex�ns. I'rov;ided, howcver, in tl�.e event that any L,�tea�t �efects Qr issues with re�s,�pect to the Excl�aded Iteins are disoavered after the date of t�ais Agreement ir� wvrk perfurm� by Principal, Complctian C�r�tractor sh�ll, iPdirecte�i by � Surety and Obligee to do so, corr�et, repair ancUor r�place arty s�ch de£ects or perfam auch work at the price and/or rats agreed upcm �ong p}�tigee, Surety, at�d Completion Contractor and Ohligee, , upon ra:e�i}� of payment fram Suraty for this wark, shall oompensate the Camgi�licsn ContractQr for such work Candit�an� upon olrtaiiniun,g written a�mva� from Surety pria�r Lo comunencement of t�e work, Sur�y sha11 t�eirnhurae Obligee for t�e cost of the correction, repair andlar replacement of � Latent Def�acts iui �xi�cipal's work ar performance of the Excluded Iterns provided, hawever, that if Late�nt Defects w�rrc causcd by a subcontractor of the Frineipat th�t is being utilized by Campletion Contraetox for camgletion o€ the Pmject, then Completion Cvntractor sha1� enciear+or in g�od faidi to enforce the r�pansibility of fhat subcantractor and/or its surety tA coxrect, replace or repair saic� , defecdve work and Surety s�tall ha�e no resp�nsibility to reimburse Cvmpletian Contraator vr . Obligee for said cozre�tive work if and ta the �xtcnt �he subcantractor(s} andlor its surety rcmedies #he defective work at ita own expense. I£ the subcontractar{s) of Prinoipat that is being utili�zed by � Completion Contractor is nat respansz`ble or tiable fax the Latent Def�ct und� its suboontraat with Prinapal or according to other applicable kaw, and/or if the �ubcontracto�{s) and/or its surety fails to fully satisfy its respons��zlities and obligatians, Surery shall be responsible ta reimburse Obligc� for i said can�ive work. Tf fhe En,gin�r on the Pmject dete�rnines that t�xe repair of any Latent Defcct is an eamergency, ttte Obligee sh�l] make a good feith effort to norify Surety and its cansultant ; (whether in vmriting, vi,a electrotic mail, or by Eelephone) of the condition and pra�vide Surety a re$sor�able oppartunr,ty to perform �n inspection or investigation of the Latent Defect pra�vided, hflwever, if t�e cia relating to the Latent Defect involves in imminent threat ta life, health ar sa�'e�ty of t6,e public, the P,ngineer wil] instruct the Completian Cantractox to prviceed with the ' correetive work fu11y reservir�g its xight to reitnburs�ment from the Surety for sazd wark. ' 6 jAS�C �OVera�e Completion Contractor sba11 obtain aIl necessary insurance coverages, including, without lirrzitatian, workers' compensation, liability, and other insurance caverages, in the amaunts as reqexired by the Contraot Documents, whioh coverages shall name � 3 of 9 , AED- D'Antignac 5treet Drainage lmprovements � � � Obiigee arid Surety as a�ditioual insureds. Campletian Con#ractor sh�11 deliver to Obligee � oapies of certificatas of irtsurance evidencing such coverages. Comptetion Cantractor agrees at alI fimes to observe and camply with all federa�, state, county, and city laws, ordinanc�s and s regulations in any mar�ne�r af�'ect�g the Woxlc. � 7. Gonaaletion Bonds. Cam t�tian Contractor further a es that as art o€ tbzs Agreement and before comznencing the Work it shall providc to�Oblige� �ayment and � perfarmance bonds per the Contract Documents, eaah in the pe�nal sum equal to the Campletion Prioe and nami�ng �bligee and Stuety as obligees in a form and from a surety, acceptable to �bligcc and Surety {collectively, the "Completion Bonds"). � $• Ex� a �a o de ontr et o ee b om ' n ,� Campletiou Cohtractor has (a) examined the Con�ract Dncumen.ts together with any amendmsnts or acidenda, (b) satisfi�d itse�f as to tk�e cast af cornpleting the P�roject, toge�har with a�l r�quirerl � averhead .expen�ee and the payment of subc�ntza�tox, labar, and nuaterial expe�nses to be ineurred, and (c} fully informcd itselfwith re�pect to tfiase it�zns r�q�ircd to c��npl�te the Proje.�t , I � it►depottddit of any rept�sent�tiotx of Suxoty dr Oblig�e, or any of tlaeir respective emplvyees, agents, consultan#s, or represcntatives. � ` . 9. A�thoritv, Each Qf the undersigz�ed persons executing tbis Agr+eemcnt on behalf of �bligee and Completion Contxactor, respectively, repreaents and warran�s that (a) he or she is fu.11y empowcred aud duly authorized by all neeessary action of Obli$ee anci Completi�n Cantractor, res�vely, to exacute and deliver this A8rcem�rt, {b) h,e or shc has £ult capacity, i pawer, and autkxority ta enter i.nto and cany out this Agr�me�t, and {c) this Agreemcnt is fhe legal, valid, and bind.ing abligativn of �bligee and Cvmp�etion Contractor, respectivcly. r �.0. �iseellaneaus, This pgreemextt shatl iaure to tt�e benefit af, and be binding upon, Obligez and Coznpletiozx Contrector, and tbeir respective successors and assxgns. The invalidity, iilegality, or unenfoxceability af any one or mare of the term� az�d conditions of this Agroe�n�nt � steall nat affect #he vatidity, legality, or cnforceability of the xomaining terms a�d conditions heraaf. Notvvi#hstanding anytt�ing tv the cvntrary hcrein, thzs Agreement may zkot he anaeIIded., supp�emented, or dischargcd except by an instrumesit in writing sigt�ed by Obligee at�d , Compled.on Ca:ntractor. 'I'hi�s qgreement shall be govemed by, and construed in accoc-c�ance with, the laws of the State of Geargia, . � CN WITNE3S W$ER,EpF, the parties hereto hgve executed this Agreement as of #he date first written abave. , � � � � 4 qf 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements �` F . t � ' � � OBLIQEE: AUCUSTA, GEORG�A, BY AND 'PHROUGH THE AUGUSTA-RICSMQND COUIYTY COMMISSIQN � 8Y: ` � �� I��'�l� ITS: . �My►� I I DATE: I Z. !+ F a ' �����ti� , � �, ��CHMp���� , , ATTBST: � f; • : � � � . s • �a� .�' � ! s � , ��- �_ � � B / ��?'�L �: ... ;;, : � �' ; r"�. � t,C.. .- •. � � � . . 1,� W��_� ..n��� � �� .. '`: - • COMPLETIC?N CC�1�ITR:ACTC)R: � MABUS BROTHERS CONSTItUCTION C�., I1�iC. ` BY: ; ' ITS: ' � DATE: r ;. i , � � � . � � � � ' S of 9 ' AEO-�'Antignac Street Urainage I[nprovements - r i � + i � � EXHIBIT A ;� Prolect: D'An��naa Straet Dtalnaga kmpravements Au�usta, GA i � ; D'Arrtlgnac Stre�t DHSCAIPTlON UNITS aTY UNIT TOTAL ' PRiCE PRICE ' Y4ork R�mainln ta �a Dorw EsabnContrat l3 1 8 27�7QQ.00 i 27�700.00 u�� �� CY 6C0 S 10.00 8 5,004A0 ��' �d CY 2S0 8 a'�.30 a 8.67$.UO � t Therli �tB Afstwlu GY 8b04 $ 19,6Q S 188,450.00 E�aa+ntlon 8� of �bntrrnkrESd Sa�a CY At10 i 60.04 S 24,Oa4.04 ��'�0f�'�' �s � s rr3,aaa.oa t �rs,esa.00 � +�rm.. � �s , s ra,o�a.TO s 7e,a�a.7o �° c�e�ac �a sY 2aso s z.aa s ti.�so.ao �a.a� m�ec ee�a�r sY s2a � t t.vo a saa.00 io-Pi� B�MCI Ak�qtttl Caurss {• O�vN i.ata 3Y 0� 4-SU S t +.� .� a.aa�n sr 20o s �.2o S �,�so.aa ��a��� SY 1plSG S 9.56 � SD,78T.S0 �� f� 8Y 920 $ 12.T5 5 4,6�4.00 C�ttcnl� Sbsw�9c 4' RsmoVe A R�pua SY 260 S 38.20 � 4 650.00 ' Ca�awef�qd�nRxnanw♦ SY 50 S 48.'TO � �,898,acf 6" z t� Conwele Cur! 8�tNt TR ! R�neaw 614�p1ym� SY 10T5 S 2/.39 S �l,924,75 ta� RCP C�.S H 1-iG 4F 54 S a8.75 8 s,680.b0 . � 98' RCP p.3 M 1-t0 LF t S5 $ n.aa � 75,43Q.80 �2' RCP CL3 FI t�-S6 LF 173 4 1 G8.20 S 19, 7 S 0.00 4Y" RCP GiS H tb-10 �.F Sb S 124.2Q � t,863.OQ 49" RCP CI.3 N 4-1G LF 32 S 137.59 ffi �,402.58 � 78' RC� CL4 H 1-70 LF � 5 408.09 s 24,64b.40 78"RCp CL4 N 1a76 LF 403 i 4b4.08 s t78,808.43 78'Rt�CL�H7S-20 LF 280 , {55,09 S t53,iS8.t0 TB• RCP CW H Za.i� �F 9D S 484.08 � 43,68E.T0 ' .fotic& BaxR2" CL3$1eal8et tF TS S 1 a'[1.51 S 15,i70.10 3aok 6 Bors 7a' CL� Sl�ei @el iF 30 3 t,808.89 ; 48,208.7Q raok n ean ar c�s sa.F ea� � oa sam su+Mt t8 �# t 22,1 s4.00 S � 22,134A0 � a aon �w c�s sa.a ��ac� tsu� su� ts � a zzs.eat.sa s 2�a.so,.ea � c�mna.� �►i �a � a a,ea7.00 s �,eat,oa Bmnn4lrudwlsTP f EA 4 S 3,S4t.00 S 15,164.OQ SEwm Mu�fide TP t, AadMlonsl {� Cl 1 VF 6 S 268.D6 S 1.T18,00 ' Bmrm kAanhoN TP 1, Addltlontl G�p1h CL Z VF 1 B i 338.40 S 6� 378,00 ����T�O� UNITS pTY Uht1T TOTAL PRiCE PRIGE 8to�en M�nhok TP s Eq 7 S 7,785.00 � 54,58$.OQ � Stmm AJa�Nati TP 2. Addtlonal E7splh CL 1 VF 5 S 438.0{) $ 2�t80.�6 � ��2 VF 41 S 488.0� S 19,D26.00 81otmAAsNp1eTP 2.AddNaW fi� Sh CL8 VF 18 S 538.04 S 9,S78.GG � Tle N�w &wm 8�wer to F�tla 8huctiRO FJ1 5 S 3, 000,00 3 13.00G,00 CuliPlup&#�tl�qsrorsnS�wrr EA S S 060,C0 8 90�Q00,00 TOTp� i 2,i8�,89E.10 ' ; 1 of 3 6 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Sireet Drainage Improvements � ' 4 i EXM4BfT a Cam cn.Work an NE ffiidf o} W�ltan VYa � t.s� u o.�1M SY 4700 i 7.2C 5 93.&F�.00 MAHnp4•Thtak SY 76D6 3 0,09 i ?,DOO.QO ae�.o. � Pa. ea, � a e,2s,.xs a a,2at.zs � R r�aa wou !.8 t s 3r,�2s.oa s 37,z2s.oa s•mtn� wa� �ausa.erawaronw �s � S 2s.z�o.00 s 2s ,250.48 ao.�•era.��� sY ss s z�.2o s a,3�2.00 a.,E,ow a R �oo. r x aa� aonuw cwe ra � �� sao a z�.s� t 4,2ea.ao � R �so�.• �r► ao a e�,�s � a,eas.�e �o. F.no. eaYna,mn, wr.a�r�p Ls � s t.d8b.7a s ��ass.�o a�ca Hok�ac r�am. m Gi+o. EA t; 7aa.cM S 78D.oD � PwrhFedExPvktn Lol 3Y $0 S 15.08 � 750,04 ,.� v.�F.a�P �o sY exo ► r.za t a,aa�.oa c�sdoa.roraaa ts t s a,aon.00 s �,000.oa �u P.� o� s�r sao a a.00 a aaoa,00 � r,�.a.a�+,�a - �s , s ,,coa.00 s ,,000.cc 6" anac Prl�c �e�arca t2o 8Y 9so s �.00 i a�9ao,00 4"'!?.6MMA�►PdvY1S0 SY 960 i 9.13 � a,�.� Ons�ng Te 3 Pam+�n�rn L& 1 S 2 000.00 $ 2,D40.06 s�a� �.s � a x,000.ao s a.aoa.au !� 8 PmealUO2 l.9 1 S 9,DDO.tlQ t 3,OOG.00 Rapeao� $wf T Iri�lok VW�Sn {+Va�� � ixth Ytrsat l.8 1 a t, 000.00 i 1 000.06 � �x� b,� �, a s �oo.00 s 2,000.oa s B.n i� in 121p lF i2Q 9 8.00 S T20A� b` Do�ls Solld Yebw I.t+N M T1th LF i8D0 S 2.00 ' 9�20Q,00 E' Cross W�ks Y+ 12tM 6trs�t) LF 840 a 2.26 8 t� SQ0,00 � 8ahool ( h t�Jh EA Z$ 250,00 $ 8�6.00 Mo611Wllon I�Pk+Q B►1 �Ih 8x�} FA 1� 1�$Q9,00 S 1,S{N6.00 TOTAL s �����a Compktlon Wotk an SYq� 81d� oF YVaIton Wsy ' Rple.oe PoN� EA 2 S 8,287.25 � t2,387.80 R�phtG Conaa�e R�td Y¢sN 8�dfon 2e+�6� LS 1 Z 6{J00.4D $ b ,oao.ao Rapl�a Fsnoa an T af RaIN W�I LS 1$ t.392.85 � 1,894.99 ' 2" EaM� F.A 20 $ 81.55 S 1,B31.00 RdFC�e L3 2 i 1,155A0 8 2,810,00 (ira�a PafCel !91 L$ 1$ 1,OOQ,04 i t,000.00 4" G�BC Pm�! 19d SY ta16 � 4.56 ; 8,4<5.04 � S OAICd 2 CbR ON WAI.TON WAY I.S 1 S 1.$OG.DD S Y,500.00 ClantJpPares11D4 L3 1 S I.BO�.flo S 7,5�,00 ptl�InpTemp3Farmpnant L3 i S t,000.40 $ 1,000•QO � TpTAL S 42,041.40 TD7l4l• FOR JOa � 1,40�.S83.T9 DESCRI?TIpN UNITS QTY UNIT 7gTAL • PRICE PRICE ' Gl�i�rla! Stond Qr� Sib Qr At Han�en's Faaili�r And Ta @� PaIQ for 4y kl+uus 8rothe�r {laalud�d In Abwnr Pnelnq) $to►W On 81E� � Juect3on9ouit8 EA 1$ 6.447.Q7 S 8,047.6T sunc�on Sax M 9 �p, 1 i 6,947.87 i 6,047.67 18'RCP �F 16 S � t0,8B $ TTi.04 � 3e'RCP LF 18 S 32.09 � 8f9.M 7d• RCV LF 24 a 479.88 iE 4,288.b8 78' RCP J�ck Prp� LF t8 6 188.98 $ 3,030.2A roe.i awna oa sna 9 20,°se.82 2 af 3 t 7 of 9 ' AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage lmprovem�nts � ` �. � EXHtBIT A Etnr�d N■n�on�� Frc�i�ty � Junc6m Baoc�1 i0 Eq 1 8 4,S2b.90 i 8,325.00 Jreiclbn Boac * 11 FJ1 l S 7,527.31' S 7,527.81 Jur�Akn B�� 42 Eq 1 S 7,527.31 S 7 527.8t .h�►Won Bax# 1s Eq 1 S 9,s08.81 s 9,aD6.91 � T�"12GP � ggQ a 1T8.89 5 124,988.24 � R�'� � LF 196 3 188.39 S Z3 757.d4 ; 42' RCP Jack Pq LF 128 S 9E.34 3 8�481.62 TCTAL Sboerd � t�6snaon�s FeefH�r 5 i�,8062a D � row q� w e. a.�s ra e�:a�. � �,soa�.ea � f TAL FOR JCB 5 2, a9i.7P ToO�i 1N�EOrta1 to bo PNd foe �ondlnq ComEunY S P�Aaanna * p�rinu�t Bond� f a4,d66.i4 a ' S a,�9.8�9.65 � DESCRlPTION lfhllt`g QTy UI�Et'T 70TA! - , PWGE PRICE Lwnp 8um Brsak�down � Twn pary Fwror i.F 10ao i i6.88 S a0 880.00 � Remo+h/Po�setExkdny EA 2Q 3 �d0. E B P Rrsloralk�s� l$ 1 3 2$ 000.a0 8 28,OGO.OQ � ���� LS 1 5 1TO,C00.00 S 170,000,00 tl EA�nhol�nAMw 10 r3nd� �A 10 S 30Q.60 � 5.000.00 ��� L3 1 S I8�{40.00 S ZB�440AU �"�� l.S 1 S 73,970.00 S 73,fl7Q.W � LS 1 $ 2t4,7B0.D0 � 214,T60.06 �^A l3 1 S 14'� 9G0.00 8 143.D06.C4 Coaohuogon8ta�tnp LS 1! 35,O�O.bO � 96,Otl0.Ob P�Lole L3 1¢ 12,DOO,OD a 1�,090,0a � 8 Oru � 1 a 1D,Op0,00 8 10,000.00 PoUso�npOAPowarCortduRini&h$Snet LS S a r ,000.00 ' 1,flD0.OD B � R � � 1 i 16 000.00 $ 15 000,00 � Cnu�rlarM�rryARlrpMeo�ne LS 1 9 25,D00.60 � 25,OW.00 TOTAL S 7'/s�93G.00 �' NC)1'ES i. Att liems ere to be patd fvr based upon qctuai quantlHes af work completed artd approved by the 061Igee 2. Prlca does not Irtclude correctlon of any exlstit� plpe)olnts that are leaking or are eut uf tolerance. ,� 3. Mebus Brathers dees not guerantee eny work previausly comp{eted by any other ContrBCtor. 4. Fhere are 5)otnts (40') of 7$" RCP & 9 JofRt (72"} of 78 RCP Jack plpe on slte that ara broken and Ilkely unstabte. If these Joints of plpe can be �sed, the cost of ths pipe w[If be deducted from the cost to camplete the proje�t, I 5. It may be necessary to have atldfUona178" RCp made b Hanson. lf so tfie cost of an additional i e Y , Y PF wll! be In addi#i0n to the completlon price Ilsttd 1n this AgreeRtent. 6, Any unforeseen canditlons encountered by Mabus and accepted by the Obltgee as addltlans vr � rnodiflcatlans to the 8onded Contratt wfll be p�ited separately, per the Contrect Documents, and are not Induded in the completion prlce Usted In thls A�err�ent and the Contrsrt oauments. 7. Junctlon Bpx #4 (36�f4} IS pn stte, JB i18 was wed where JB qd was supposed to have'been used, Ef 18#4 Is not sultable fpr nse at the lac8tiort wh8re J9 tF8 Is to be lnstalled and if JB #d rec3ulres modlflcatlon, '' tt►e cost of the modificatlon(s) uvi(i be in additlon to the compf�tlan price Itsted In thts Agreement. 8. Tha Oak tree fs to be A" catiper. The Crepe Myrtle Is to be a i6'-i2' taU, ' 3 of 3 ''. ° 8of9 ABD- D'Anti$nac 5treec Drainage Improvements !� : ! j � ExHIB1T B � . EXCLUDED ITEMS 1 4. Afl items are to be paid for based upan aetual quantities of work campleted and approved by the ; �b�igee. 2. Price dpes no€ inc{ude vorrevtion pf any exis#Ing pipe jotnts that are leaking ar a�e aut af toJerance. 3. Mabus Brothers does no{ guarantee any w�+ork prev�usly oompleted by any att�er conFractor. ; 4, There are S Jalnts (40'j of 79" RCP � 9 jainf (72") ai 78 RCP Jack pipa on site that are brakelunusabEe, tf thsse �frrts of p�pe can k� used, the cost of the plpe wfli be deducted from the oast to complete the pr'oJsct. 5. It may be ne�ssary to have addttiorra178" RCR made by Hanson. If so, the cost of any addit�onal , pipe will be In sdd�lon to the campletton prioe Ilstad fn this Agreement, If so, and pro�ided that satd addltEanel pipe ia not a repEacement pips, the the add}tlonal �ast wflf be [n additlon ho. B. Any unfvregee�n c�di�ions encauntered and subseque�y approvs�d by the Qblige�e witl be prfoed , S�Pa�at�Y� p�� �$ Carrtract [7ocuments, and sre not included In tha cvmpfetioa� pr9ce fisted in this Agresmeni and the contraet d4cumante, 7. Juncfion Bc�x #4 (,!B #4) Is on s#ta. Tri� GriPitn has indicated that JB#8 was used where J8#4 was supposed #o be used but says that bo#h boxes ar� of Eh� same design, Mabu.s Brothera has laoked at tt►e Submkttaf SheeEs � a prepareci by Hsnaon and these baxes appear to be different. If � J� �� nof s�tk�a�e for us� at the iocation where JB #8 was to have bee� Instalied and if JB #4 requlr�s modiftcaHnrt, the cost of th� modificaflon{s} wifl bs in add�Eon ta the cvmpletion pr�ce Ifsted iA this A�reement, ' 8• rhe Oak tr�e Is tv be 4" caliper. The Crepe Myr�le ls to be 1 A' to 12' t�tf. , The Partles Acknowledgg that the Exaluded ltema of Work tlsted on this Exhtbit Q sh�ll be tlts responaib�ll#�r of Surety put�uanf to and subje�t #o #he temns of Sectian 6 of th�s A�r�ement. � � ' ' ' ' � ' sao6aa ; 9 of 4 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Imgrovements �' � � ' - 1 � ' � ' - ' � , , � f • ' . . ' ' � � � . ' � , ' ' i . , � � ' Y � � ETi N AGREENLENT COMPL O � � � Tbis Completion Agreement ("Agreement"), made as of the 16th day of Novemb�r, 2010 ' (the "Effective Date"�, by and between Augusta, Georgia., by and through the Augusta. ; Richmond Caunty Cornmissio�a ("�bligee"), and Mabus Brothers Gvnstru.ction Ca,, Ina � ' ("Completion Contractor"}. WXTNESSE'�`H � WHEREAS, Tommy L. Griffin Plumbing & Heating Co., In.c, ("Principal"} entered into a constructian contract with the Ob�igee (the "Bonded Contract") to perfarm ceri�.in work on � D'Antignac Street Draina.ge Improvement Project (the "Project"}; � WHEREAS, Cincinn,ati Xnsurance Com.pany ("Surety") issued Payment Bond No. � B0331064 (the "Payment Bond"} and Fer£onnaace Bond No. B0331064 (the "Performance Bond'� o�. b�half af Frincipal and in favar of �bligee i.n connecti.on with the Froject (tbe Pay�nent Bond and the F'erformance Bvnd, callectively, the "Bonds"); j � � �. WHER,EAS, Prin.cipat lias {a} tendered to Surety a letter acl�awledging �'ri.nc'spal's inability to compJ.ete the P%�ect and (b) abar�doned the Bonded Conixact; ; � I WHEREAS, Obligee b.as demanded that Surety per£arm its obtigation�s under th� Bands; ' WHEREAS, Suxety has tenc�ered to Obligee a campleting � contractor, Campletion � Contractor, to co�aplete all o£ Pzincipal's remaining work on t}ae Praject puxsuant tc� the teims flf � the �ondetl Contract; � � WHEREAS, th.e Com. Ietivn Contxaotor has agreed to perform all work renaaini.n.g to be � P perfortned under the Bonded Contract in accozxtance wit� the terms af the Bonded Con.tract; and i � ; WHEREAS, Obligee has agr�ed to accept Completion Contractor as the compiet�.g contractor in piace of the Principal and disoharge the Sarery frv� ifs obligations as Surety undez � ' the Bonds, except fulfiJlment of obligations uader any warraniy for work completed by the I Princigai as required in accardance with the terms af the Banded Cantract. � I , NOW THEREFORE, in. eonsideratian ot' the premises and other good and �atua.ble consideration, zeceipt and s�ff'icienoy of which are hexeby acknowiedged, the parties hezeta I agree as follaws: i . ' E 1. De�uaitions. A.s used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have t�ie �ollawing i zneanings: � , (a) "Completion Price" means Completion Cantractor's price to complete the � Project work remainiz�g to be pexformed under the Sonded C�niract in � � ;. � ' I : ' ; -_ -- � ' — — -� � � ' � accord.ance with the tezms af the Banded Contract, based upon the unit � � prices set forth in the attached Ex�tibi# A. i , {b} "Con�ract Docuzx�.ez�ts" shal3 zxzean this Agreement, together with. the ' Bon.ded Contract and all other contracts and change orders betvveen � � Oblige� and Principal rclated. ta the Project, including, without li�nitation, � a11 plans, drawings, specificatious, and a)1 other change orders a�d � addenda xssued by Obligee. ' � c "Exc " () tuded Items shall meaan those iterz�s of wark for which the � ' Cannpletion Contractor d.oes nvt assume responsibility aud whiah are i excluded frozn the Comp�etion Price. AIl Excluded Ite�xzs are specifically listeci o� Exhibit B, aitached hereta_ � , � (d) "L,atent DefecY' means a defect in work pe�rfarmed by Principai of which ` Com.pleti,on Contractar was aot aware at the tirne of the execution of this ; A..g�-eement and which would nat have been discaverable �rough an I � inspection af the Prvject at i�e time of the execwtion of thzs Agreernez�t � made usin or care � g dinarY , given the existing conditioras, scb.edule, and circumstances, and by persaus �iawledgeable in the tyge of cans�truction I � required und�r the Bon.derl Contract. La.tent Defect does not mean ox , � include defects resulting from vvork previousIy per�ormed by Pz�incipal and � � any other clsams arising out of work that Pz performed or should I ' have perEarrned under the Bonded Cvntract to the extent tha defects arise from c�efects or condition�s of which Completion Contractor was awaxe at � the tiine of the execution of this Agreement or whzch were discoverable by I ;� at� inspection of the Praject an �e date of this Agreemenf using ordinary ! care, under the exisiang conditions, sehedule, and circumstances, by � persons I�awledgeable in the typB of construction required under the ' 1 Bonded Contract. Latent Defect do�s nat mean or include latent defects ; in wark perFozxned by Comple�ion Contractor or its subc�ntraetors. � � ; 2. The Work. Camplefaon Gontraotor agrees to complete tb.e Pzoject purst�ant to the i terzns and cozzditions requi.red by the Contract Documents and the Bonds. Completian i Cantractor agrees to: (a) assume any anc� aIi duties and obligations of Prizicipal related to the : Project, the Cvz�tract Dacuznents, and the Bonds; (b} re�ars any defscts (whettzer knawn or 1 unkno'4vn) in Przncipal's work; an.d (c) fully d'zscharge: (i} Pzxx�.cipal's obligations u�der the Bonded Gorztract; and (zi) Surety's obligations vz�der the Perfarmance Ban.d. Completion Contractor sha�l pay all payables for Iaboz and materials on the Projecf incurred by Completion ' Cantractox in the completion of the Praject. � 3. Camnleiion of the Pro�eet. Completion Contractor shall camplete the Project ; ' pursuant to the terms at�d evnda�.ons of the Conbract Documents. All claims and damages arising � from ihe £ailure of Completion �un�actpr �o �asnplete �lie w��k d�3c,�bect in Section 2(trx� "WQrk") shall be Con�pletion Contractor's sole responsibility. The VVork to be perforrned �der ; � the Contract shall be commenced within 10 �alendar days after the date of written notice by tkxe � � . - f � � � � . , j . � Obligee �to the Complei�or� Contractor to proceed. All work shall be compteted within 1$0 t � calendar days with such ext�asions of time as are provided far in the General Condifions of the f Cantrac# Dacumer�ts. ; � � � 4. Pavcnent to Campletion Coz�tractar. In. accordance with the terms of the Cvniract ; Documen.ts, Caznpl�ion Cantzactor agrees to fum�ish and pay fox all of the labox, material, suppiies, � equipment, services, instzrance, waxra�aties, and alI other items necessary ta perforna and fully � '' complete the Work just as if Cozxx�letion Contractar were Principal performin� under the Banded ; � Contract Camplefion Contractor shall be paid the C4mpletian Fiice by Obligee far fulfilling all i Com,pletion Contractor's dudes and oblig�tions set farth in the Contr�ct Documents. 'I'he k ' Comp�etion Price (a) inctudes the cost of the Com.pletion Bands (as hereinafter defined}, (b) may be � � revised anly in accordance with the �ferms of the Contract D�cuments (e.g., change orders, delay � dan�ages, quantzty adjUStments, ete.), and {c) shaJ.1 be paid in ac�ardance with the payrnent ` � procedures set forth in the C�ntract Documents. ' 5. Corree�€on c�f Defecti�ve Work of Pr�uci al_ Notwithstaut�iin8 anY of�er �rovi.sian. 4f ' this Agreement, Completion Contractor does not ass�me any ]iabi]i.ty ar respvnsxbi}.ity £ax Lateut � Defects in work performec� by Principal ar any of the Excluded Iterns. Pz�ovided, however, in the eves�t that any Latent Defects ox issues vvi.th respect ta the Paccluded Ttems are discovered ai�er the i date of this Agreement in work pez�formed by Fr�ncipa�, Completion Contractor shatl., if ciirected by i ' Surety and Obligee to do sa, correct, �pair anc3/or replace any such defects or perform such work at � the price and/or rate agreed upon among Obligee, Surety, aad Com.pletion Coniractor and �bligee, � � upon receipt af paymen# from Surety £or this vvork, shal.l comper�ate the Completion Contractox for � ' such work. Conditianed upon obtai�ai�g written approval from Surety prior ta commencemeait of j the work, Surery s]iall reimbu�se Qblig�e £or tiie cost of the correctiou., repaix and/or re�lacanent of � Latent De£ects in, Prinapal's work or performance of the Excluded Iterns pravided, howevrx, that if � ' L�texx� Uefects were caused by a subcozzi�actor of the Frinci.pal that is being.utilized by Cornple�tion ! Contractor for c�mpletion of the Proj ect, then Completia� Contractor sha�l ezac�.eavor ixi good faitb to � enforce the msponsibility of tha.t.subcontractor ancUor its surety to carre�t, replace ar repeir said i , defective work and Surety sha11 have no responsibiliry to reimburse Comple�ion Contractc�r or � Obligee for said cozxectirre work if and to tlae extent the subr�on�ractor(s} andlor its surety r�medies i i the defective work at i.ts own expense. If the szaboonfracfar(s) of Priz�cipal that is bein.g utit�.zed by ; Comple�ion Con,tractor is nvt responsible or Iiabl� for the Late�t Aefect under its subcontract with � ' Principal or according to other applicable law, andlor if #he subcontractor(s) aud/ar its surety fails to ! fully satisfy its xesponstbiiities and obligations, Sw,rety shall be responsible to reimburse Obligee �'oz � � '' said casective work. If the Engine�r an the Pzoject detemlines that the repair of any Latent Defect is an eznergency, the Obligee shall m&ke a good faith effart to notify Surety and its cansultant °� {wheth�r in writin�, via electroz�ic xnai_l, or by teiephone) of the condition and provide Surety a zeaso�able opportunity to perforin an znspection or investigation of the i�atent Defect pzovided, ; � however, if the circumstance relating to the Late�t Defect involves in iinminent threat ta Iife, health ' or safety of the public, the E�giu�eer will instruct the Completion Contractor to praceed with tlae � corrective work fully resezvtng its r�ght to reimbursement frozn t�ie Surety for said work. ' �� i o'. insurance �overa�e. Coxr�plei.ion Contractor snail obtain all necessary insurance ' � covezages, including, without Iim�ztation, warkers' compensation., liabilitY, and� other insurance � � coverages, zn tts,e amounts as required by the Contxact Documents, whioh coverages shall name ' i � � ! , � i � ; i �, � � OBL�GEE: � ', ` AUGUSTA, GEORGX.A, BY .�ND THROUGH 'THE AUGD'S'�`A-R�CHMOND COUNTY COMMYSSI4N , BX; ; ,} �TS: � � � �` DATE: � � i � � ATTEST: I � 1 . � ! � BY STS CLF�K j . i � � '. i CON�PLBTION CON'I'RACTOR: J MABUS BRfl O�V�TRU �UN CO., ING I t BY: ' ITS • /' � �/ 1 � � DA'T�: ��- /�o --�(� � � � i ; i r f ' i 3 - i i � � I 1 � � I . ' _ � � I � I i � � i . � ' i i I � I � ' � � i i EXHfBIT A � , ' � ProJeCt: D`An#ignac Streef Drainage lmprovements �' Augusta, G,4 ; D'Antignac Streef . ,� Q65CRIP710N �H�'S QTY t3NIT TOTAC PRtCE PR�CE � Work Remalning to 8e Done ,! J Emsdon Conkrol LS �$ 27,7�0.00 S 27.700.D0 UndeesMed Excavatlon CY 5fl0 $ 1 D.OQ s 5 000_00 Foundadan 8acpip CY 250 $ 28,30 S 8,5T5.00 ImportTrandtBaeldllMateiisl CY 95p0 ; 19.50 S i85,250.06 � , Excavatlan & Dlapoeel of ContarNr�atl SoIIa CY 400 $ 60.00 $ 24,q00.00 Lump Sum Corro�ucUoR �5 1$ 773,930.00 $ 773,9$OAO UOti1Cas Refotalbna LS 1 S T4,074.70 $ 74,074.70 , 8' GABC ParkY'p Lot $Y 2050 S 7.0p $ 74,35fl.00 14 •��� ��1' SY 3Z0 $ 7f,8Q S 3,808.00 � �n-Prac. seraa Matertat ca,r=e a° crave� ias sY o� 4.3a s 1,9'AapheN9.bMM SY 200 S 7.20 $ t,44D.00 � � T' AaphaPt 12sMM SY 2050 $ 9.15 3 18,737.80 I 2.9'ASphalt 19MM SY 320 d 12.75 5 4,089.00 Cana:pa Sf�exvlic A' Remove & Reylaes $Y 250 $ 38.20 S 9,550.OQ � Cornaate Medfan �e 3 Repiaoa $Y 80 3 48.70 S 3,988.Otl � e' x 2d' CanaHe Curb & QutterTP 2 Recnove A RQptses SY i 075 S 21.33 $ 22,829.T5 � 18" RCP CL3 H 1-ia l.F yt S 35_75 S 1,930.SQ � I 38" RCP CG1 H 1 LF 195 $ 77.a8 S 15,630.80 42" RCP C43 H io-i3 �,,F 175 $ 1 �9.20 $ 19,f 10.Otl ' � t2" RCP CL3 H 1520 Zp 15 Z 724_20 $ t,863.06 : 48" RCP CL3 ►i 1-10 LF 32 S 137.58 $ ;.d02.56 � 7e" RCP Cl4 K 1-10 LF Bo a 409.08 S 2d,5A5.40 ; � 78" RCP CLt H 10 LF 4Dfi 3 434,08 3 17$,806,45 78• RCP CL4 H!5-ZO L,F 2@0 3 458.08 S 533,136.50 78" RCP Cl3 H 2425 �� 90 b 484.08 S 43,598. f 0 � � Jack 8 Baro �2" CL3 S�eN 9aq LF 1 S 8 i 011.3A $ 15, 770.10 i � Jadc &�o+w 76" Ci;.7 Slael eel t,F 36 � 1,608.89 S 48,206.7d Jeck & gore 4z^ CL3 Steet 6eI11o0' 18U� Stmet LS 1 S 7 22,13a4.QQ $ 122.134.00 � Jack S Bor� 78" CL9 SpeM 8e136�' 43tlt &�et �,$ � 5 279,SOi.64 $ 279 601,84 � Catch eastn (DWY* 1s) EA 1 S 2�947.00 3 2.8d7.06 ; '^e°�r'i n�nt�a° Tr i EA 4� 3,941.06 S 15,784,qo 6tam Manhafe TP f. AdOiConW pe p t h CL 1 V� 8 S 2 8 6. Q Q S 1, 7 1 6. 0 0 � swnn Manhaie TP t, Ada�mone! Depth C+. a VF 1 e$ 338.04 S 5,378.00 j � DESCRIPTlOM UN4TS t�TY UM1E1T TQTAL ! PRfCE PRICE ; Storm Msnhole TP 2 Eq 7$ 7,795.04 S 54,585.Oq I ' Starn+ Manhola Tp 2, Addlltonal pepM (X � VF 5$ 438.00 S 2,TSa.00 I SWtm Manhofe 7P 2, Addiponai Depth Cl 2 VF 4i 3 486.00 $ � 9,928.00 { Storm Marthde TP 2, Additicmal Depth CL 3 VF 7S 3 336.00 $ 8,576.00 j 7r Naw 5torm SewPr to E�Bsling &rueeure EA 5 S 3,000.00 S 15.600.00 i � Cut & P�up Extstln 5eam Ssw�r I� FJi 5 $ 2,000.00 � 1�,D00.00 , TDTAL S 2�195,89B.10 � i � Iof3 � ' - ___ i - ; �` ' ► ExHieira � � Complatfon Wor9c on iVE Slda of Waltort Wa � t.5^ nspheR e_�tM 9Y 47Q0 i 7.26 S 33 840.00 i . MMng 4' Thtck $'Y 1SQQ S 6.40 S 9,90D.00 � Reptaoa LtghtAolo EA 1 5 fi.281.25 3 6,251.25 f I RepiataElltoltB�IdpelMaG LS 1 S 37,i25�06 S 37.f25.D0 I R.t�+fng Wae � �2tlf Sheet a Waltae Way LS 1 S 23,250.00 S 23,250.00 � � Replace4' S�erralk SY SS $ 27.20 $ 2,312.00 I Rernova & Replace 9' X 24" Conaate Curb 7!� T LF 20d $ 21.39 S ��2�•� ' Replsce T' Bosarda Eq 45 $ $1.55 S 3,$69_75 RsP�a Fance Behlnd ThcmP�n WreG�h�p LS 'f $ 1.486.70 S" 1.485.70 � Re laea htamhac& T1ay Frams & G�ate EA 1$ 760.0� S 7�.� � Psteh FndEu Paiotrig Lot $y SO $ 15.00 $ T 5 0. 0 0 i.3" Asphalt 9.'�MM Fa1Ex Perkfiq Lm O�ea�fay SY 620 $ 7.$0 S 4.464.00 � Grade Paial Oe3 �$ 1$ 4,OOO.DO $ 4.000.00 ' MeMlrtfl Farce� a53 SY 304 S 8.D0 3 ' 2,�100.00 - Gnde Paroa� t2a LS � 1 S 1.00D,OU S 1.000.00 , e" GABC Pa[ithlg l,ot PeroBi 120 SY 950 E 7.00 S 8,65D.40 � Y'iZ.SMMAsphsltp9TCel12Q SY 950 � g.15 5 $�8B2.b0 � Grassing Tsinp & Pem�anent i.5 1$ 2,oaD.00 S 2,ODD.OD 6od�n0 I.S 1 S 2,060.0� S 2,Of70.00 � SprtnlderSydamParcel0ex LS 1 S 3,Q00.00 $ 3.000.00 Repfue SWT Top � iMe�lan WeRon Way 8 421h Skeat LS 1 3 1,000.00 S 1,000_00 r� X-iny stst in t2�t Stroe EA 4� 500.04 S 2 ODO.OQ �+ ' Swp 9ars ng In 12�h Streeq i.F I24 S B.00 S 120.00 ` � S` pou6la So01d Yalbw Lh� {$h�iping M iZth Strxt) LF ' t600 3 2.04 S 3.�-� € e" Crnsa We1ks (5trlpiny h 12N Sh'ee[} lF 800 � 2.25 $ t,8W.00 I e�noa ts no a� 1zu, sn�cy �, z z zsa.oa s �oa.ao � � MoGliatbn (8trtpdng hr 121h $treet� Eq 1$ 1,5�0.00 S 1,5QO.U0 j ' TOTAL ; 167,846.�0 j CompletEqn Work on SW Slde oF Waltors Way � i - Rei�� Light Pofas EP. 2 S $�281.25 S 'E2.56256 ' i ' Replace Conuada Ret�dnp W�I 8ta8on 28+55 LS 1 S 5,004.04 $ 5.000.00 ! Rsppwe Fenm an Top of RetalNRg Wail LS 1 S i,362 Z 1,382.98 j �ePi� �' �d�g EA 20 S 61.55 S 1,831.90 � I ReplBOORoIIpaBps LS 2 S 1,155_00 S 2,31Q,00 � Grade P�e! 194 �,$ 1 a 1,000.60 S t,0�4.00 � 4" GnBC Perc.el 194 SY 181 U S 4.50 $ 8.145.00 �• 1 qAX 8 2 CM ON WALTON WAY LS 1 a 1.500.00 S 1, 508.00 � Clean Up Parce��Be LS 1$ 7,500.40 S 7,SOO.QO ; Drasahg Temp 3 Parmanent LS 1 S 1�ODO.UO S 1,400.OQ i TOTAt 5 42.041.dS � TOTALFORJ06 S 2,40S,5B3.79 ' , DESCi2fPTlQf3 U1�iFf'S QTY UhIT '�'O�i'IlL ' PR10E PRlCE I i Adat�rtal Stored an Stfe Or At Hanson's Facllity And To Bt Pald � , tor hy Mabus BroNers {]ncludotl En AboW pffCiRgy I Stond Qn Site' I ,htncllon 8ax # 8 �J{ 1$ 6,047.87 S 8,047.67 � I JvncqonBaxM9 Eq 1$ 8,047.87 $ 8,06T.67 ; � t8" RCP lF t6 S 10.89 S 171.44 i �' R�P LF 16 $ 'sc.OS S 513.44 � 7s"RCP LF 24 $ 978.69 S 4,288.5B i � 78' RCP Jack wpe LF i6 S 988.39 S 3,030.24 7ota! amred �n Stte ; 20,098.62 � [ � zot3 I ' �� • ` EXH[B1T A i , ; b'mrad � Hsnwn's Faelilty � � Junctton 8axs t0 � E,q 1 Y 8,325.90 5 8,325.8a � � Jtaictbn eao��E tt g,q 1 g 7,527.31 $ T,527'.31 � Juf�etOq1 Baoc# t1 �p, y S 7,527.91 3 7,52T.39 ,Amctlon D��k t3 p,q i i 9,808,97 3 �,808.81 4 ' 76"RCP {,F B96 S 178.68 E �24,388.24 � 78° RCP dack Pbe LF 13B $ t89.38 5 25,757.04 � � 42" RCP Jecit Pipa Lf 128 S 66.34 S 8.'t9t.$2 I ; TDTAL Storad � Hansan's Fa¢iiEry i 789,808.23 Total Matarfal to 6e Pald fa gy Mabus S �,�� � TOTALFQRJ06 S Y.4QS,68S.78 I ' Tolat Maexlal to be Pald 1br 8y Ho�ing Com an S - ! i as�ferrnAnca a Paymant Banda S 24,D85.84 ; TAL $ 2,429,838.63 ' DESCAfFTION UNlT3 QTY UNIT T�7AL - , PRICE PRlGE � � � Lump Sum 6reakdowrt • T�mpofaryFenas LF t000 S 1D.88 S 10,880.00 t RemovelRase! E�deNn SI EA 20 E 300.00 3 B y P Rmslaatlon LS 1 i 25,000.00 S 23,000.00 � ; r�n�conua �s , s ,ro,000.oa a ,ro,000.00 , AdJust M Wrol WaHa le Groae ; FA 10 E 300A0 S 3���•� E MobE�a►torWsmobiBzatkn LS 'E $ 28,440A0 S 28,4d4.� � Syp�a Pumpin0 L5 1$ 79,070.00 S 73,07Q.OD � ' � LS 'f S 214,T60.00 $ 214,78D.00 ' O�tlarilg LS 1$ 145,D00,00 $ 145,006.00 i Consm�etiwi Stektrfg LS 1 B eS,OD0.00 $ �".000.00 ; � Rootrping Pa�1MA �� LS 1 S 12,OOD.00 $ 12,U00.00 i C1raM9 ����C LS 1 a 40,0�0.6D S 10,000.00 '` Pathcfn GRPw�rContluR In 13th Straec LS 1 S 1,OOD.60 $ �,400.00 i• eac►�+o. kertai t.S 1 s t5,ao9.na s ts,000.ao � � C��rw�+�ynxr�caeo�es �.s � S 2s,aoo.00 S zs,00Q.00 TOTAL S 773,530_OD NOTES j ' 1. All items are to be paid far based upon a�tuai quantities oi work completed and approveci hy the dbligee 2. PrVte does not lnelude t4rrettios� of any existing plpe jaints that are [eaking ar are out of tolerance. � 3. Mabus Brothers daes not guarantee any work prevfaus[y completed by any other contracto�. � , 4. There are 5 joints {a0') of 78" RCP & S Jolnt {72"j of 7$ RCP Jack plpe on site that are 6roken and fikeEy unstable. If these jairrts ot Afpe can be used, the cost of the pipe uvfEl be deducted from the cost to complete the proJect. � 5, [t may be necessaryto have addltional 78" RCP r�ade by i{anson. If so, the sost vf any additiona( plpe ( wilf be ln eddition to the campletfon price listed in this Agreement. 6. Any unforeseen canditlons encountered by Mabus and accepted by the obllgea as addltions or i modifrsations to the Bonded Contract will be priced separatety, per the Contract Dacuments, and are not ( ' included in the campletlon p�lce Ilsted in thls Agreement and the Contract Documents. 7. luneElon Box#A !J B#a} is on site. JB #B was used where JS #4 was su000sed Lo have' been used. Ef JB#4 €s not suita ble for use at the lacetion wi�ere J B ti8 is to be installed and if IS ii4 req�lres modiflcstion, ' the cast of the modi�icatlon(s) wil! be In additfon to the mmpletion prfce Itsted in thls Agreement. � 8. 7he Oak tree Is Lp be a" caiiper. The Crepe Myrtle fs to be a 10'-12' tall. � 3of3 , �� ` � f � . � � � EXH1BtT B � ' EXCLUC}ED fTEMS . F � � 1. A!I items are to be paid for based upan actual quantities of worft completed and appraved by the Obligse. � ' 2. PrEce daes not include correctiort of any existing pipe. joints that are leaking or are out of talera nce. 3. Mabus Brothers daes not guarantee any worfc previousfy completed by any other contra�far. . 4, There are 5 Joints (40') af 78"`RCP & 9 joint (72'} of 78 RCP Jack pipe an site that are ; broke/unusabte, If these jaints of pipe can be used, tt�e cost af the pipe wifi be deducted from the cost to compleie the pro]ect, 5. lt may he �ecessary to have addi�ianal T8" RCP made by HanSan. if so, the cast af any additlonal pipe wilE be in addition to the complefian prlce fisted in this Agreement. 1f sa, and provided tliat � said additional p�pe Is not a replacerrient pipe, the the additianal �ost wilf be in adciitron to. 6, Any unforeseert canditia.n� encauntered and subsequersf{y approved by the Obligee will bs priced separately, per the Caniract documents, and are nc�t included in the comp[e�on pr3ce !is#ed in this � Agreernent and the contract dacurrsents. � , 7. Junction 8ox #4 (JS #4) is an site. Trip Gr�ffin has indicated that ,�B#8 was use� whers J�#4 was ; suppasati to be used but says #hat bath boxes are of the same design, Mabus Brothers has j Iooked at the 5ubmiffal Sheefs prepared by Hanson and these bwces appear ta be different. �f � J�#4 is not suitable for use st the locatinn where JB #8 was ta have b.een ins#alled and f#.!B #4 ; � requires rr�od�c�ti�n, the cosf of the mQdificafionts) w�l! be in addi�on to the complefiaR price j lisfed in th�s Agreement, � 8, The Oak tree is to be 4" cafiper. 7he Cre�e Myrtle is to be 10' to 12' tall. � � , - 1 The Parties Acknvwledge that the �xcltaded Items of Vllork listed on this Exhibit B 1 ; shaE! be #F�e respansibifify of Surety pursuant to and subJect to the terms of � Section G of this Agreerr�ent. ! ; � r � � � � � � r �- � i �. ,. � � � . ; � . ; � E � 540641 ; 14 ! � f� 1 �, ' 3 i � , TENDER, BUBSTTFUT�ON AND SETTLEPI�ENT A�REEMENT � This T�der, Sabsti�tion and Settlement Agreement (the "A�ement") is made and antered into this 1Gt}� �y of November, 24k4, by an�d among C�ncinnati Insurance Compa.nY � ` C`"�Y"}, Augusta, Georgia by aud thmugh the Augusta-Riclunand Co►mty Commission (`°�bligoe"�, and Mabus Brath�rs Ca�ctioa Ca., Inc. ("Comp4etion Cantr�ctor"}. } WITNESSETH � VVHERF.A►S, Tomm L. Gxiffiin Plumb' e�, . C `.., � �g 8c H tang o., Inc. (`Pr�ncipsl'} entered xnta 4 a construation contract wiih Obligee (the "Bonde� Contra.ct") cv perform certain waxk an the � D'Antigziac Stre�t Drainage L�apravttnent �'raject (the "Pzaject"); �: Wii�REAS, Smresty issued Paym�nt Bond No. B0331064 (the "Pa�+mment Bond"� and � PezFarma�ncx Band No. B0331064 (tl� "Perform�ncc Ba�,d") on behalf of Princip�ell and ia favor o#' Ob�igce in eosu�ectian with the Praject (tho Payzt�nt Bond aud tha Perfo�naace Band, ; col�ecdvely, the "Bands"); � � �VS�itEAS, Priacip�il haa: (a) tond�red ta 3urcty a letter ackn�owledgin Priz�i 's S P� � inability to camptete t,�e Pmjeat a�d (b) a�b�ndansd �lte Hoz�dad Contract; � WHEREA►5, Oblige� has domanded that Surety pet'farm its ohlig�tivns ttndar ttt� Bonds; ; W�REAS, Sure�y wishes �o sa�isfy i� oblig�ions und�r t�e Perfvrrnance Bon�d by tendering to �bligee a r,ompl�ting contractor, Cflmpletiom Contract�r, to compxe�te al] of Princig�l's rGm�ing wark o� the Fxoject �rursuant to #he tez�s of a c�rta�,n Complction � A�grecment betw�n Cl�� �nnd Completivn Contractor, w�uch agro�ment is beu�g exc�utod cvr�tcmpara.aeously wiith this A�g,reernant (the "Camgl�zon Agi�eem�en�"), � ' ' WHEREAS, Completion Cont�+ctor has agreed to: (a) pez�form �lI the work remaiming to be parform�d w�der t�e Bonc�..ed Ca�trac4 in �ccardance with the �a�ms of the Bonded Conl�act; aad {b) dzschargo Su�ty's obli�tions uadcr tha Perfarman.ce �ond; and . � WYi�REA,S, ObFigee agrees to: (a} aceept Completian Gontracta� as the ec�mpleting contractar tr► place o£ Principel; a�nd {b) r,�,sc�axge gurcty from its oblig�ioas as Surcty under, the � Bonds, exccpt fulfillmcnt of obligationa und,er any warranty £or wvrk campleted by the Principal as required in accardance with the terms ofthe Boaded Contract.. NUW TEEREFORE, in cansiderati�n of the premises and ather good az�d valuable ' caasideratians, receipt az1d sufficxency of all af which are heTeby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: ! I• Ex�anin�#ion of Bon{ied Contra� p��ct bv Co�nnletioa C��tractar. . Compl�tion Contra�ctor has: (a) exam�aed tkze Froject and the Bonded Cocxtract tvgether wit� any � amendments or addenda; (b) satisfied itsetf as to the cos# af ct>mpleting fhe Project, togetb.er with alI required overhearl expenses and tho payrnent of subcan�tractar, labar, and material expenses to � 540$dT xofi3 � AED - p 'Antignac Street Dratnage Impravements I r , �. i 5 , . be incumd; and (c} ful.ly iaformed itsetf with respect to those items raquired to cvrnpie#e the ; Project, indepenc�ent of ar�y re�mser�tation of Surety or Obligee, or �any af their respective � employees, agents, consultants or representatives. �. �'erf� ance,, f Q �i4na gf P��1. CompletiQn Coatractor a.grees to � complete tb�e rem�ining vvork �f the Bon� Con�ract by serving as th� carnpletion contractor #.hrough tender and substitu#ivn. Comple#ion Cvntrectar agrees to a.hide by all the terms, ;. c�nditions, arkd prov�sions af the Compleiion Agracment snd the Contract Daauments. � Notvv'sthstanding the Completian Contractar's obligatiaa #a camplete the rexuaiaing wor�c on tlx+� Honded Cant�ract, Completion �antr�ctar doee� not ass�e tiabilzty or respoz�ibility fvr �t�nt ° Defeats or Exc�.l�aded Items (as dcfined in the Completaon Agreement). However, ia the event � that wark is cequired to be p�rfonned to address any La�tent Defects rnr issues with respact t� t�e Excluded Ite.ms, Completioa Contr�ctar al�.l, if directed by the Surety and Obligee to do sa corr�ct, repair, aad/or replaac� aa:y sctch defects or pezfaxm such wczrtt� pm�cted that if I,a�snt Defects were causcd b�r a sezbcontra�tar of Principal that is also utilized by Co�ipl�tion � CaatraatAr fi�r com.pl�tian of the Pxaject, then Compl�iaa Contractar shall ende�vor in,good ; £aitt� ta enfnrce the re�bility of that suhcoatract andlor i�s sutety ta ca�ect, r�place an�lor repair said def8ctivc wor�c. Nathing hercin ra�icves Surety of r+espoxrsibility for any Latemt � Defects in� thc Principal's work t}xat are no� repaired by Completion Contractor ar its ± subcontrm�tor. � � 3. R�leaas snd Ia�ni iff�c�t�an oi Sarct�► bv om �et,.o,� Coat�rscto�. Complatian Cont,rracttor: (a) foreve� releases and indemnifies 5w�ety aa.c� Obligo$, and thcir respxtir►e � predece�s�rs, eucc.�ssars, and aasi�ns, af and �rarn sx�y sad all o�auns, r�ght�, demss�.ds, ar damsges of whats�cver iciud oc netv.c�e excegt as may ari� from �►e bre�ch af this A�emeat or the Campletion Agre�emea�; as�d (b) n�iaiowlodges tha� the executiozi of thfs Agroement a�d the negotiafi�aa of any term hcroof were: (i) indeper�de�t of any statemt�t, representation or a�,al�sis [ of Surety or Oblige�, or theu r�pccttve co�as�ltauts, agents, or rapresenta�'tves. and (ii) made upon cansult�ria� wit�i ca�nsel. Notwit}sstanding �y ather provisian to the cont�rary, ab�igec a,eknowledges tk�at Comp��tion Ccia�etor shall have a11 rig,b.ts and remedies under th+e Bonded � a Contract as in�orporatcd into the Campletion Ag;reemen�. � � 4. �b1i��.Hoa of �u�r$ty U�do� tbe Favme t�t��d. It is expre��ly agreed by and � between Surety aa�d Obligee that the obli�ations of Swrety under #he Pa�+ment }3flnd shall not � include iabvr �ndlor materials performed or pro�vide� by Campletion Cantractor, its su�rpliers, and subovntractars puraua�nt tfl this Agrecmant. Surety shall remain liable under the Payment . � $ond only for valid claims for �abor ai�d ms�eriais contracted �or by Principal azad pr�vided to the Project prior ta t�e default by Principal. Com,ple'on Contra+ctor's pa.yx�ent bond shail be responsible #'ar claims arising fxam �abor ar�d/or materiai� supglied to Corupletion Contractor ox � its subcAntracters, . S• �'aY�ee�et a Comnlction Price. "Campletion Pricc" means Campledan Contractor's � price to complcte the Projcct work rernaining ta be performed undex the Bonded Contract in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Cantract, based upon the wut prices set by the Completian Contractar in the attached Exfii6it A. The totat of the Completi.on Price shall bo the � sum of the prices an the $ttached Ex�ibit A as finally adjusted based on actuai unit quant�ties � � s4osat . . z of �3 � AED-D'Aatigtiac Streec Dra3nage Impro�ements � � , � 1 a � performed or inat,�lled by CompYetion Contractor. The final Comple#ion Price shal.l be � d�etermined st the time thc Project is ct�mptetett. The Completian Pricc shall uot include ti�ose it�ms defined as Exciud�d Items putsuan.t to tlze terms of the Completion A�ent aad � specificaEly reflectcd in Ea�hf�it B, attached.herctv. � � b. S_ t� �,`av�t, 7'he Sonded Cantxact Balanee, ca2oulated as ret�ect�d 'w the chart attached as Ex�fb#t C, is $1,�5I,792.22 {the "Bvadeci Can�ract B�ance"). The Co�naptef�on � � Price, basad on currently estimated qu�titi�s is $2,429,639.63. Pursuant to th� t�r�ns of t3�e Perfomian,ee Bond, Surcty will tsader to Obliges p�ymant in the amaunt af $777,847.41 (the •<Surety Paymezrt"� within ttfirty t30} days of the ex�c�ttirna of this Agr�ement. To the extea# that t the quandry vf unats in�oic�d, by Campl�tion Contraotor is less than ar g�eater the estirnated quantitias oa the attached F,ahibft A, tba Surety Paym�nn.t shall be adjusted to equa! the d4ffereace betw�eea the Banded CoMxact Baisuc� a�ud the fina� Camplctzan Prece. If t�te Sur6ty Payinent is increased, Sur�ty shalt tender tt�e ad�itional sum to 4blig�c within sixty (64) days. of � notification mail�d to the Surety, To the ext�nt the Surety Payme�t is decreascd, Obl�gee s$all refund the dGCreased sum to Surety wifihi,u sixty {b�) days of �otification mail�d. ta the Obligee, , � In the evant Suret� and Oblige�e direct Go�napletion Contr�ctrn to ea�rrcet, repair a�lor reptaca Y.atcxit De�ects or perform Excluded Wark, the price ax�d/or rate paid to Co�letion Contractcrr fvr su+ch w�rk shali bc ag� t�pon as�wng �bligee, Surety, and Campl�n Caniract�r a�d Qbli�gee, upoA reccipt af p�ynaerct fi�am, the S�et}t for this wark 3�� Cbi11pCJ1ffi� 'rac ' Completia� Canitactor far su�ch work. Conditioncd upon vbtainiug writter� appraval. fron�. Sure�tyy prior to corn�t�nccrnent of tt�e worl�, Surety st�all r�imbuxs� 4bligce fc�x tho cost of the carrcctian, rapai�r andlvr replacem�nt af La�n.t Defe�ts in Frincipal's woxk or perfarmance of.the � Excluded Ite�ns provided, laorvever, th�t if the subcontractar or its surcty carrect, repl�ces andlvr ; repairs such wozk, Sur�ty sh�l have no responsibility. to re�mbt�rse Completio� Conixa�tor or �bligee €or s�d conectiv� vrrark if and to the extent the subcontracto�(s} andfor i�s s�rety � at remedies the de£ectiva work at ita awn e�nse, If fhe subcorYtrac#or(s} of Prizicipa� that is being utiliud by Comptation Ccmtc�.ctor is nat respa�sible or Iiable for the Latent Defect undcr its � subcantrac# with Principal or accordi.ng to ath$r epplicab�e law, aact/nr if �he subco�atract�r(s) andlvr its s�rety fails tv fulty aatisfy its respoa�ibilities and oblig�tians, Surety shall bo � respansib�e to rramburse Obligee �or said carrective work. .� the Errgin�r on the Pzoject detenni�es that the npair of an� La#eat I?cf@ct is an emergency, the �btigee shall make a goad � faith e€fvrt to nvtify Sur�ty and its consultam {wlzethar in w�niting, via electronic mail, ar by telephane) of the conditxon an� provide Surety a reasanable opportun.ity to perfurm an inspection or investigatian af the L�t�tat Defect p�rovidcd, however, if the circumstauce rela#iz�g to the I.ateat � Defect inv�lves an �m�nin�ent threat to ]ife, health �r safety of the public, the Engineer will instruct the C�mpletias� Contraetor ta prc�ceed wi,th the corrective work fully reserving its right to � reimbursement from the Sure4y for said wor�C. 7. �,cccntaace �f Cgmtiletfion Contractor b,v�Qbli¢ee. Obligee accepts the assignment � of Compietion Contractor as com�Ieting contractor tfl comglete the Band�d Contract far the CbI11��3��t10II PFICCr Completxozt Contractor ahall complet� the obligations of Princzgal puxsuant to t�e terms and conditions af the Completion Agreement and the Contract Documents. � � 340641 3 of i3 � AED-D'Antignac Sueet Drainage Ixngravements � - � � ) • � 8. b , � C � Ca tr cto f r� t ' al. Obligee agrees that �t shall: ta) act with Complction Cantractor in the performance of the work an the Pmject, as thaug� � Completion Contract4x were Prin,cipal, an� (b) be responsible for contr�ct administratioa of the Froject in aacordance with the terms aad conditians of th� Campletioa Agreeixr.cnt and the � Contract Documents, as the same may be amended &am time to time. Obligee and Completifln ; �. Cax�tractor may exeente any additianal agreements ga�emming thc cornpletion of the Prpject, I payment of the Cocupletian Price, ar any other oblig�tions betvv�n thC parties ta effe�ct the complct�on of tha Project. ; � � �. ����e�. Completion Contxactor shall submit mQntttly r�quisitions for, : and Obligee s1Za[l make, peymcnts in accordance with the terms and condaitions of the � � Completion Age�e,rne�t and thc Contrect Do�uazents. Surety shall net be , responsible for auy = r pa.ymeat ta Cara.pletion Con�rractor due fr�m 4bligee, ° � • 3 Q. Mntqal Re e of � �b i�ee, As cQnsiderarion £ar the Su�ety Payment, i Obli �e ro� ����Y'�'�""'�` . - , � �ses Surety, rts succesaors, azid assigns, frc�m �ny and all cla�ms undcr tb�e Bands and i any othcr clairns, ri8h#s, dema.ads, c�airx�s far extra costs, attorneys' fe�s, or liquid�etsd damages 1 � (or any ather delaY �amagasj, aiad cau�s o�actions of whatsocv� kind or nature wtuch O��i.gee � _ may have, or rn�y ever claim tQ have, naw ar in the future, �gainst S�tSr u.ndcr, or by reason of. i the Bonde, ar ari,sarxg from the Bonded Contract, the Praject, or th� dcfauit by Principal except - � fiil5lime:rt of vva�raa.ty obligations in w�ork oompieted by Principal and a4 r�qpired in acccsrdance � o , � �� � terms af t�e Bonded Contr�ct S releases Obli ec �ts svcr,e = , ssvcs, s�d as�g�a, fi�om arty and a11 c.�irn� undar thc Bands sa�d. any vther clain�s, r�gh#s, demands, cleims fox extra oasts, _ attanneys' fees, or liquic�ated dam�,ges {vx auy ot,�er delay da.magcs), sad causes af acctians af - � $ a = whatsoever kand or nacure which S�y ;may havo, ar m�y �ver claim to h�ve, nvw ar iin thc = � fi�teu�e, a8a.inst 4bligae �xndc�r, or by reason o� thc Bonds, or arisi�ag from thc Bonded Ca�itract, � � t�e Praject, Qr t� ciefa�t bry� Principal. Ob�igee shait look sately to Completion Cantre,�tor and ° its surety for p�rfo�mance of #he remainin work and ahli ations ua - relating tn the Project. 8 g der the Bondesf Cantract = a � Notwithstaad.ing any other provision of t.�is A — grecmen�, �bligce does nat vva�v� and expressly reserves ariy claim arising from I.atent Dcfects and fixcluded Items (as defined i� the — ` Completion Agrc�ment). CampFetion Coz�tractor does nat assume responsibility faz Latent = Defects in wark in plaee on tlae Project prior to the clatc of this Agreement �with the e�ceeption of wark � perfa�rma�d by Completi�n Contra�tor) o�r w�ork perFcytm�d in re�atian to Excluded Items — 0 � � (with the exceptivn of work performed by Completion Contraator). Completion Contractor � assumes �11 res,ponsibility and li�bility for wark perfonned by Com letion Contractor and its - subcontractars whet�.er � � — P�Q�� priar to ar aft�r the date af this Agretment. - �. 1L Ubll�ee's Assi ment of � Against Prir�ciaal Eo S�,e�. 4bligee assigns and : conveys tv Suxety ali nghts, cl�ns, az►d causes of aetion � Obligee may have against Principal � �s�$ �� �� �.l�t �or #he Banded Co�ract, but only tv the extent such rights, cla.ims _ and causes of action aris� o�t of and are the subject �tter vf the Bonds and/ox the Bonded Caz�tract. Surety may pursue such claims against �'rincipal in the name of �bl€gee. _ � ■ 540641 � --- �} of i3 — AED-D'Antlgnac Street Drainage Improvtments � , 3 � ��• a ,�om_�I�io� Cq �tpr Ng,�an A$ent of Sure�v ar O�, Comp�ctian ; ContracUor is an indep�dent ,00ntr�tor and is not an agont, servant, p�er, or joint venturer af � Surety ar Obligee. ; I3. u e ot ,�amolet�on Contra�ctar_. Stue#y actiozx,s shall faxever be canstrued snd � cansidered es those �f a surety aud not �s a contractor. 14• Third parties. Tbis Agreement is stxict3,y for the benefit o€ the parties hezet�o, and the pa�ties be�ta txp�ess�Y decla�'e that they da not izztend to confcr any rights or bencfits of � whatsve�+er kind or na�ue ugon an t�tird Y 1�'Y• 1 � 15. �nt� A�re�ment. This Agrtemcnt, along with the Completivn Agreement �nd the Contract Docu�aents (t� the e�t iz�orprnated into this Agi�ecmet�t or the Comptetion � Agree�e:nt�, re�are�tts t�e cakire a�oement bctwcen #he parties aad �y aat be m�odifle� exccgt � by wrFttc:x �nt execu�ed by a.11 g�ties to the Agreement. Sux�ty, hawever, shal} not be � deemed a p�rty to the Comp�d�an Agrecrnent. � ib. N,�,Q,tice. All noticcs at�d comrnunicatirsns required by or pertaining to this Agreement. sha�.l be acnt to �e pearties �t the folJ,owiag �iddreesses: k . � SYJRETY: CincinnsH Insura.nce Com�any P.Q, Bvx 14549b ' �Cincix�nati, Q�za 45250-5496 � At4n: Micttael Sams F�: (513) 6D3-SU99 ` zni�c � , W�th a eo,gy, to. 1V�anier & Herod 2Z00 Onc Nashvl�lle �'lace � x 54 F�urth Avenue, North , Nashville, Tenncssea 37229 , Attn: Jeflirey S. Pn'tce � Fax: (6I5) 242-4203 3PnceCc�manie�rherad. com � OBLIG�E: City of Augusta, Georgia by �nd thrnugh � The Augu�ta-Richmoad County � Cammi�s�on � August Engin;eeri�ag Depaxtment 522 Greene Street � Augusta, GA 309(! 1 - Attn: Anthony E. Wi�liains Fax: (706) 821-17as � T'Wi1�ia�nas3Qa aug�st$ga.gov ; � i4D6+tI g p£ x� � A�D-D'A�ti.gnac Street Drai.aage Improvements � � , � � , COMPLETION Ma�bus Brothers Constructiora Co., Inc. C4NTRACTOR: 9�0 Mally Pond Raad � - Augusta, GA 3090I Attn: 3eff Caapr,r �ax: (706} 722-7521 � i � 1T. Govarning Law. '�is Agreemern shall be interpreted accc�rding to the laws of the s State of Georgia. � f 8. Autha �y of �S �ar�ea. Eac� flf the undersignad pers�ons cxecuting tJ�is � A,greement on 6ehaif af Surcty, C)blig�, aad C�mplet9.on CAA�ctar, respe�ctively r�presents � and waxr�nts t�iat: (a) �e ar sbe is fui�y empowexed and duly authorized by � necessary actioa � of Sw�ty, ablig�e, and Cannple�iott CQatrector, respective�y, ta execute an�l deliver tlus Agi�eement; (b) he Qr she �s €uil c�city� Ixi�'e�'� and authoxity to enter into az�d cany out this ' A,gieemexit; and (c) this Agrecmcat is the Iegal, valid, and bi.nding abliga�ion of Surety, Obligee, � aad Comp�etian Coatractor, r�.spectively. X9. Re���ataa�,n,..4f.��turiea. 'I`�e sign�tories of thars �ent r�grese�t, � covenar�t a�eed wan�m.t to e�,eh o�ter t.hat: (�} t�ey ha�� cax�futly read the Ag�ent: (b) the A.greement is a negatiabed dacument; (c� th�y underst�nn.d its provisians and inten,d to be bau� thereby, and {d) they have causult�d w=ith legal cawasel reg��rdi.ng the tc�a�s and cvaditiams af this � Agreemcnt. ' 20. Severab�. In the event any aae or more af '�he prvvisions cvntainal in this Agreem�nt fo�r aay r�son is held tv be inval�d, illegal, or eines�forccsble in any respect, such � invalidity, ille�alit�', or une;rnforr�ability s1ia�I not affect aay ather pro�isio� of this Agrecmc�t shaEl be cvnstrued as if's�ch iavalid, i�legal, or unen€'orcesble pmvis�on h�d ae�er been contained herein. � ' 21. Bin� .� ect. All of the grar�ts, cavenants, terms, provisians, and crnuditious h�min sh,all apply ta, biad ugon and iauta ta the benefit of th,e succtssors �nd p�rmittod assigns of the � garties }xeretv. Ia the went of at�y ambiguity in this instru�ment, na party s�ali be �emed to be the author thereo€. � 22. Amend�ge�xt. Natwithstar�di�ag anytkzfng to fhe cantrary hexein, this Agrcement may not be ame�nded, supplemented, or disahsrged except expressly by an instrument in writing signed by Suxety, Oblzgeg, and Completion Contraetor. � Z3• Caunternarts. Tbis Agre�ernent may be exe�uted by the parties indepcndently in any number of caunt�rparts, a11 of whicl� together shall consd.tute but one and the same � instrument, which instrument sha11 bc valid and effective as if ali parties had executed the same couaterpart, � ; �, 540641 ' �Ofl� � AED-D'A�tignac Street Drainage imp�ovements � • � ! I � �' ��Y.�� Th� �aa�a �ngs is� t� A�t � for conva1ienci a�ly� � �aci tto a�t l�t, d,s�, oe cot� thm ��� tha eac�ios�. � � °a ' IN Wi'INE�4S WH�,QF, th� partie$ have ex��ct t�is agroeme�r cn th� d�ta � aPrpearir►$ �tbove. � ; i � � � . � � � � , � 4 : aB+�Q�t i � crrY o� AuavsT�, cs4a�au a�r �►r�n �g � 'L� AUC#'fJ3fiA-RZCB�Oi�'D CO�T"� C!)��I : i gy; �„r� ' . � '��: � ��.,� � ��� nArs: r�� � 1,v � - ew ,sa�""a.`�4+.'� �, �►'' �c� Mo,� :' �"".� * t� �� � ATTBST: �; P r �`� �� � � � � . .� � 6 ,• �{' ° d � � d BY ITS ' • ���� � . ... � y . , . ���> , COMPI,ETIQN CONTRACTOR: � MABUB BRO'PHEAS C�i'�T�T`RUCTI4N C4..ING. ' BY; � ITS: t I�ATE; � � i � s�oc�� 7of13 AED-�`Aatignac Street Draitiage improvements � � ' . � � ' ; SURETY: � ' CINCINNATY INSURANCE C�MPANY B � Y. � j �S: i � DATE: � , e � ' ' � . ; 3 � � � � , � � ' 1 � f � . i � . � . � 1 � � 540641 � 80�13 AED-B'Anttgnac Street Drainage Improvements � , � ' �. , � EXHI�IT A Pr�ect: aA�tlgnac Straet Dreinage trnp�ovsmonte � Augu�ta, f3A � � - D'An Street oea��a�nok ukrrs Qrr u��r rarnt ��rcE a�cE Worlt Itaealnle� Eo B� Dptn EvNon paNral 4.8 1 i 27�70C.0o � 27�700,D0 �' Ue�d�d �za�ratlon CY 6CQ d t0.0a S b,G00.Cf} < Foceideum�n eamdl! CY 256 B 29.8fl i e�b76.00 11+�nche�d�l�MrQY CY 8�04 � t8.6fl ; 18b�?�-G6 � �oo�non a m�,,,e,wa eo�. C�r �oa ; ea.00 s 2�,00aoo &an Ca�MiuoYart 1.8 1 i 77s�9EG.o0 it 773�9S6.ob �� LS 7 t T4,074A0 S 74,074,70 e' GABC Lat 9Y 2060 a 7.00 S 1f,ab0.00 10.6' CaA�C 8Y SZO i 11.�0 # 3 80E,C0 twPl�o� ��Md MIi�9�E Cawn 4" OnwN Lob 8Y 0 8 4.E0 ; , ��'�a� sv �oo : �.20 �a 1 �o,no �� r t2e1�A 5Y 2�&G � 9.t8 i IS�Td7,8G x.s' 19Am! � 8Y 82G = 127b i 4.Oa0,OG ba+o�w B�aM� 4` Ih�e�oYe l � 9Y � x6o 38.24 i 9,s6o�oD c�na�.a �.►a.�. e, sY eo o �a.�o a s,eee.00 � a' x� Conone� Cub a gu(hr'fp = FUna�w � Mpy,ar gy 1�78 i 21.58 8 22.928.73 Sb' kCp CE.B N 1-10 L.f b4 i 96.78 S 1 BBQ.60 � Sd" RCF Cla H MtEi tF 79S i T7,�9 S 16�650.90 • 4�"RCPG.3F11G16 LF 1'1S i 1Q��2iG 3 16,fS0.00 43"itCP C1.8 H 14�26 LR 10 1 i24.20 t f 088,C4 <e• RCP CLS M t-K7 LF 34 6 187.SA i 4,10R.68 nr Rca cu ��.m lP ao � qoo,oe a ?+t�s�s.�w � 78' RQP CIA li 1Gt6 LF' 406 S 484A0 $ 77S,60Q.4� T8" itCP CLA N 1620 LF ,'d�Q � 460.0� � 1371,186.10 ����� � 9D � 48d,OQ 8 4868&10 'a°���°���� Lf 16 S 1,015.34 � iS,t7Q.14 � ,I�ekA �on 7e"CW B�tl LF 9Q 3 1,6G6.80 S 48,206.70 � .�kiBaMf�1'CL88G�lI9aG1f1Q'1�8tn�t ta t a 122,134.U0 � 1�l,484A0 J�dt 6 Bont 78' Ckb 8Wt SeH 100' 171A BUrN L$ 4 0 279 EO'1,94 ff 27� 801.04 C�6ehBaMr �1 EA 4 i 94t.0A S 2,947.00 � Sfionn e+lr�iab 1P 1 LA 4 f 9, 941.G0 � 1 S 784.00 8mrm M�NaN �p 1 Ad�p��} p� �}, t � g S 2D8 �00 5 1,7�8.00 siortn MenhoN TP 1, Adaqioml i'l�pih CL Z NF 18 8 338,Q0 � 6�878.00 � E3ESCRIP7'!ON lfNCfS 47Y UNCC 1'OTAL PRIC� PRECE � F�M°k 7P Y EA i S 7, T85.OQ S 54,5�_00 �� � 2 • �'� � 1 � 5 S 43B.Ca i 2,180.00 8 �' � ��' � � Z � 4i S 48Q.90 S 19,828.Od 8krm harYwN TP 2, ACdlUorri C�, s VF 18 � 838.00 S 8,579.00 �a k�w sknn s�w.r a stnre6nr EA S S � 9,400.00 � 15,o0Q.p0 cul R PO�g F�daUnp smrm 8w�x E4 5 S 2,000.40 S 1{}.06o.D0 70FAL S 1,f9S,8Y6.10 � ' � iof3 � gofi3 . AED-D'Antignac Street Drainage Irnpzo�em.ents i � 1 EXHIBIT A Cam on work on I� BieN a wa[tcn w � � t.0 Mplak 9.6tAM $Y 47G0 S t.20 i 98,840.00 �' � 81' 1600 i 8.00 i a,00�.00� � EA 1 i 6�28t.26 S 6.?AS �b 61RO1�8d40�W�! L8 1 i 87�12b.04 i 87.t2b.0� � vv�l st� Ba.at a wr�an t.9 t� 25,250. W 9 2�J.2ao.D0 4' �x�llc 8Y 86 8 27.2D i ��31204 R.maw a a� x er tx�w.�.�ea Ta s ef a,�oo s zt.ss s a,2es.00 � 2" Batlud� �A 46 � Bt.Sd � S 9d9.76 F�aaOM�d V�cidnQ 1.8 4 i • t�A66.7b S 1,486.70 �Hot�c � a prata FA 1 5 760.00 i 780.�G r�cn r�.m� �a 8Y ea i 1 e.oD 760.00 � t.b" Mphrt Y.EMM F�c Pr� tot SY l�t0 6 7.� i 4�I64,00 OrdNPuuN90i LS 1 i , 4�9oQ.00 8 4�ODO.GO �aes sv soo s a.00 s �,�o�n.no � o�.a: � �ao Es � � s i,aoaoo s +,aoo.00 9' LiABC P� lal P�e+N 1�0 $Y S50 S 7.00 8 B 66Q.OD �' t2.�1,v�A Pr+oN t?A SY 950 6 9.1b i 11,�92.80 1 DrwMp t�q A Pamwnt [.8 � 1 i 4,OOO.CO S $OD0.00 L8 1! 000.00 3 2�OOD.00 ' WMaNO� L8 1' 3,O�O.CO i B � ewrT n�.ao.�onawea, a,a�usar..t �.s r e A,000.oa o �.000.00 � Rft M 1�0 !�t} EA 4 1 600.00 8 2,OOU.00 � 8bp�es htNh l,F 1ZC 0 8.00 S T?A•00 0' baaWt 9oRd YNow Lh� fa ltlq 4F 5840 2.CQ S 3 200.OG a" fXon V�hua 4 l9U1 I.P� 8G0 t Z.ZS S 1,8b0.OQ. 8ohool ir 171h F11 2 6 �80.00 i bO�.Ob � Mat�Ifar(etr�nptal2thdtn�t EA 1$ 1�6fl0.00 � t�D00.00 TOTAL : ii7�6�6.� � Com n Wotk ort NIf1 Illds aE W�Hatt � M PeIM EA 2 S 6 20t.Z6 i 17,�9z.6� Ca�c►a. w.uaw►[msa�s L8 � o e,aoa.00 s s,000.ao F.n�. on r ar wri Ls � a �.�Da.o9 a �,sQ2.eo ' TBalNilae EJ1 28 S St.65 3 1,981.G0 � RW Oeba t8 2� 7 �65.00 = 2,310.00 c3ndo PmoN 1�4 �8 1 1 t 004.00 8 1�QOD.QO � 4"flAeCParo�! ii4 SY 1�10 S 4.lb S E 74S.OG � 1 QAIG f� 2 CM QN YVAL70N WAY LS 1 S !�lfQO.OD 3 1�800.00 C1Mn u?raM tQ4 L8 4 3 7�SO�.DO S 7,b00.00 Or++drvpT+madPerm.�ast LS 1$ 1.ODO.00 i 1�O�o.00 ' TaTAI. i �,041.4� � FCTALFORJ06 � . ; T�4C6,E83.T4 Of8CRlPTfOiV UNlT3 QTY UNkT TOTAt PRPCE PRlCE � N�teiiak Sforod Cn iih� Lir At N�eery FacGiq� qad Ta p� P�Id , tor hy NIaOw BrWheti (Inciud�d N Abow PHcb�o1 8�ond On ilb � Ju�rqlon s�c � e £A, 1 a 9,047.87 � 8,04?'.87 Jia+dlop Box M o EA t$ 8,047.87 S 8,047.67 ie•RGP LF 18 S � 4D,B9 � tT1.C4 � �`a�p LF iH S 32.09 $ 519.44 �' R�' i.F 24 S 178.89 S 4,388.58 78' RCP Jack Pqe LF 18 S 189.38 S 3,a30.24 Tow 6torsd On sro� s 20 0�3.52 - xof3 � � • io ofi3 AED-D'Antignac Street Drai�age Improvemeats � , i� - x � . � ' � EXHIBIT A � . ` omna � N.mar, r•.ewpr 1 ,urioUon Boect 1C �A S i Q.S2ir.�0 � E S?5.o0 �an�aon eax� +� �a i s r,�,st s �,azr.a� ; r�,oso�,e�.,s �, 1 a y.��.aT e t,sz�.s� � Junola�9o�xMta �q S �i @,B08.8t 3 0,808.91 � 78' RGF LF !8� i 576,69 S 72�,886.24 76' RCA J� LF 188 S 1E9.b8 i 26 T67.C< ; tY' RCP ,R�dt P'tp� LF f 28 S eB.34 i �,4g1.52 � TOTA� 8bond Hae�on's FAclllbr 5 ���3 Tofa! I�riM lo b� hld UlC IAabw i ��� � 11L. FOMt JOd 5 l.ROb,d3b.T'A � aeu �n ee e. �a � oea s • pwlaraunw a wq�ne send� = t4,a6f.aa t'OT/IL 1 �.420.L76.Ba � NIT TOTAL - � Q�8CRIF*TION UNI'T8 Q1Y U � PRICE �� � 3.ump fnm sn�dawn r�,o� lf t000 a taee 4 �a,aeo:oc j RrnovdR+bl EA �4 t s00.00 8 a OOQ.aQ � a.aoreu� �s t a a.�,aaa.oa e 2s,aao.oa TtdQa CoNrot L8 ! 8 174��O.GQ i 1T0�900.Ofl �w,no�.eoc�.a� �► �o a sao.ac � - a,aoa.oc L8 4 # 2�,+{4C.00 8 ?8�440.00 LS i� OTO,OD i T� fl70.0a � 8ho�klg 4.8 1� Z14 760.00 $ 24�.7a6.00 �.s � a aaG,000.Da o �+� ooa.oa ` Canrn+neYon L3 1� ' 85 000.00 $ 86,OOO.ffO P I.aU L8 1 S 4x�000.00 E t290C.G0 = L�wkW� L8 1 6 1CDOO.DO � tO.OQQ,dp OA �Ar4ond�8t fi 13U18tnoM LS 1 8 1 OOO,CO � t,00Q.00 ': BIWdlaRin6N }.8 1 S Sb,000.00 $ t6,D00.OQ � G�rN1brFOmyWlYipdema�s !.8 t i a8�000,00 1 TS�OG0�00 � TOTAL � 970.tf0 NOTES i 1. �►I Items aro to be peld for besed upan sceual quasrdties of wa�k oompleted and approved by the ; Ob4tgee ' 2, Prfx does nat lnc{ude ccrrectkvn af any ex�sting plpa Jotnts that ara fe:king or are out of toleranx. . 3, Mabus 6rot�ers does nai guarantae any wvrlc prevtousty completed bp any QthEr cantractnr. 4, 'rhere are 5;of�vts (40`y of 78" RCP & 9 jalnt {72") of 78 RCP Jnck pi�.on slte that are broken a�d Ilkely unstable, M tl�ese jolnts of plpt can be used, the cast af the p�pe wtl! be dedueted firom th4 oost to compfete the pro}ect, � 5. lt may be necessarytq have addFtfonai 78" RCP mada by Hanson. (f so, the cost of any addltional plpe will he ln addltfo� to the tompietfvn price list�d !n thls Agreemcnt. 6. Any u�oresaen co�ans encot�nt�red b�y ilAabus and acceptad by the ObU;ee as sddltlons or mocflflc�s�ans to the Bondad Contra�ct wl(1 be pricmd cepanEbety, pv Me Co�ract pocuments, and are aot � fnciuded In the compfeeian prtce Iksled In this Agreer=sent s»d the Cvrrtreat Doeuments. 7. lunctlon Box Itd �1BN4y }� an slte. JS A8 wss used wher4 fe tt4 was suppased to have'bean used, lf1B#4 � � Is not spltabEe for use at the Yacation wh�ra iB p8 is to 6e lnstalfed ar►d ff 19 it4 requires martlficatlon, t#�e cost a[ the modtfltadon(s} wlfl be In addltlon to ths tompistian p�lce llsted in thls Agrcement. 8. The {�ak ttee is to be 4" eallper. �he Crepe Myrtle Is ta be a 10'•t2' tal4. 3of3 � ' u of i3 AED-D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements s � v . � � F � ' i� � � � EXH1BiT B EXCLUDED ITEMS � � . 1. Af! items are to be p�ld for based upon acttaal quantities of wark cornpleteti and approved by th►e Ubll�ee. � 2. P�ics does not En�de co�racfion of any exlsEing plpe ld+its that are leaking or are out o# tolerancs. 3. Mabus Br�hera dtres no�t �uarantae any w9oiic previously oompdeted by sny other co�tor. 4. There are 5 Jvints (48') o�F 78' RCP & 9 j�nt (72°} of 78 RCP �ack ptpe on slta that ere � � broke/unusabis. If thsse Jvints af pipe can be usvd� the t�st of the plpe will be deducted frorn the . cost to oom�lete the proJect. 5, t# msy be ��r to have ad�titton� 78" RCP mada Dy Hanson. I� sa, the aost af any add�lona! � pipe wiq be tn addptbn ta the comp#etian p�Eoe t�ed tn �t{s Agreerne�t. lt so, �rnd prvvi�d ttxat said addiNon�� pfpe fs not a rep�aosment pfps, 'the t�s addlt#tmal �t wiN be in edd4tian tp. � 8. Any unforeseen concfi�ans encoun#ered and sub�eG�ntly approvad by the Obtig�e wIN be pslced ' seAaratefy, irer t�te Con#�ct E)crcvm�n�s, ar�d are not tnc�ud�i in �e com�ia�ian prics Ilet�ci in thla 1 Agreement and the oonfroct docx�mertts. 7. Junction Box #4 {JB #4) Is on sits. T�Ep G�in hes indi�bed that JB#+8 ws�s used where JB#4 was - supposed to be used but sr�ys that bath baxes are af t�e esms design. M�x�s �rcthers has foeked at tfte Sub�i#�tal Sh�ets pr�p�^ed i�Y Hanas�n and thes� bo�s appear to be dtfferent. lf � dB#4 is npt st�le far u�e at ths lacs�on where JB #S wae tia hav+e �een insta�ed and if J8#4 requires the c�t ot the rnodifica�on(a) wltl be [n aclrfl#on to tlte compi�tian price Itstad in this Agreemen� � 8. Tha aak trse Es to be 4" cattper. Ths Crepe Myrtle Is to be 't 0' ta 1 Z' ta[i. The Part�ies Acknowl�d�e thaE the Excluded lte�ns vf 1Mork t�sted on this Exhlbft B t s�ail b� fhe respansilb#llty af S�rety pursuant to a�td subject to the tern�s of Seation 6 of this Agr+�srnerrt. � , � � � � . � � � saoea� � xz of �3 A.�D-D'Mtignac Street Drainage Impsovemeante _ ._�, � , � . 4 � �x��s�r c . � Tornmy L 6�Ifin ' � lstinuad con,pNaon unns Aenuan6,a �d P�far � . IbMr DMO,�Eon Qu�r►tlq► Unt� UnlePeia Yobd1 N0. i8s v�lrol d Ero�tan B. inrnti an asi � s e � �5 U� saa CY S �,oea.00 ta7 F b7 25D CY S 7,s0o.ao ZD7 1'Er'I�i! 950t! �Y • $ 76,Ofr0.QC � itT � 8 aao CY 3 $OCO.aa x!� ait 3 �,�m 'l34 Aaoere P�ro�l04E�2-ff4a -6 0 L$ S zso T J400n� P�ea�t -o o L8 3 - 1i0 UY�ietRebar� aas S 6,�s�.ao I30 $a�Mlf iR T+'E�i . 0 L.$ $ � 830 a` LAS $ 3t,790.06 aw to.G' 3 S bxs�.eo 31i IrnPlwo� � � li 8Y 5 9,090.0Q � . oDZ 1 1�1" a400 8Y S ��.9=7m � tG2 '2' 9000 SY S 31.5iD.00 �x z uo sY S ���.xo - �ax is S &7ss.oa 4�I 4" ISO 8Y $ 1Q00�00 � aai � sb S s,xoa� tz�s S �s,u.s,00 P�6 G� Ht-1 Se � 8.7s6.9d ab" p Ip l�H• 0 7.9b CF ! s�� � �3" 173 S SI,74Z.73 4�" F17d-�Q • SS LF � '�• 55o RC �" q� Ni-1O az tF 3 lqx�n.n ' � Sf0 ii4-1C' 60 LF S 35,2l0.00 S50 FlC� 78" CI kY H1b 8 405 3 2�.�� � SSO Ht 2so S ssa,sas.00 sso 90 S �,�.� s�s ut u �� S i0.tos�.� � C� w ao � S 39,80750 616 J�B 42" i tA � TS,OQO.DO 615 .�8 41' RCP 0 I,$ S • � 8is �sB o L�8 i - t a t8 s i ea,s 1oD76" s S jw,00aoa � 663 C�t BMh� 6 1 $ b.518.35 B56 S/YWf1��8f101b t 4 FJ4 .S 3T,900�00 66i rN10R 1 1 6lF S 2,010.Ob 66E 8fo[nt BMwer 2 i6 LF `. � SMaOD � a66 7 6A � 45A�� � 68B �Wet MeMd� Ct1 S I.f � 7�7d0.0� 409 2 Z 4S 1F S 73,9�0.0� 6se rA�Ots s ca ia t.F a s�uoroo 6�8 TIe N�W �0 5 EA S i7,5QG.00 666 76" RC Ji 0 EA S • ' 668 & $�rt,s S EA � SOAoo.80 Suh Totd S 1.304,226.i7 � Add Rlrtil�e S 2Q6.766.88 �ymatt Dw• S i36.T98.97 S �,8SI,792.22 � •Fhlt imouM If due to he p�ld to Clr�ctrtnap Ins�rafKt Company Unr wark � Zompkt�0 by M�hw dwtn`luh/, Au�ust & Sept�rnber� � � . , i3 of i3 � AED-D'Andgnac Street Drainage Imprvvements � � ` � � � . � . � � . � , f � . � �- � �,� - � � 1 t� [ � I � � � , � � TENDER, 3UBSTTTUTION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT � t This Tendez, 3ubstii�ition and 5ettlement Agreeme.nt (the "Agreement"} is mad.e and entered into this 16th day af Novenr�bex, 2010, by and among Cincinnati �nsurauce Campany {"Surety"), Auga..sta, Gevrgia by and tt�rough. the Augusta-l�ichmond County Co�awaission � � {"Obligee'�, and Mabus Brothers Gonstruction Co., Inc. ("Compleiion Contractor"}. I � W�TNESSETH � � W�3EREAS, Tommy L. Crrif�n Plumbiw.g & Heating Ca., I�.a (`�'rin+cipal'� entered in#o ; a eonstru.ction coniraet with OF�ligee (the `Bonded Contract") to perform certain. wark on the � - D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvement Praject (t�e "Praject'�; I � � WF�REAS, Surety issued Payment Bond No. B0331064 {t,�ae "Payment Bond'� and , 4 Performance Bond No. B0331064 (the "Performanoe Bond") an beha�f of Pri�aeipal and in favax ` � of Obligee in connection with the Project (the Payment Sond and the Perfortnanc� Bond, collectively, the "Bands"); i _ � WHEREAS, Princa.pal has: {a) tendered to Surety a letter acknowledging Prancipai's inability to camplete the Project and (b) abandoned the Bonded Cantract; � � WHEREAS, Obligee has demanded that Suxety perform its abligations wndea the Bonds; WHER.EAS, Surety wishes to satisfy its obligatians under the Performartce Bond by � � tendering to Qbligee a compfeting eontractar, Campletion Cont�aator, to camglete all of ; Principal's rea�ining work on the Pzoject pursuant to the te�na�s a� a ceztain Comple�ior� Agreement between Obligee azid Completion Contractor, whi.ch agreement is being executed � � c�ztteznparaaevusly with this Agreement (t]ze "Completion Agreexnent"}; � WH�REAS, Compleiion Contractor has agreed to: (a} perform all the work re�ainiz�g to � � be performed ux�der the Bonded Cantract in accordance with the texms of the Bondecl Cantract; and (b) discharge Surety's obligations und�r the Performa�ce Bond; and { � W�REA.S, Obli ee a ees to: g gr (a) aecept Conapletion Gontractor as �kie coznpletixzg � contractor in place of Princzpal; and (b} discharge Surety from its obligations as Sur�ty under the . Sonds, except fulfillment of obligations under any waixatzty for work completed by t�xe Principal � � as required in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract.. i � NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and flth�r good azad valuable � considerations, r�eeipt a.nd s�ci�ncy of a13 of which are hereby acknawledged, tho parties �� � hereta agree as faflows: � ! I. ��mitt�tion of Bonded Cantract �nd Proiect by, Comlolefitvn Coniractar. i � Completion Contractor has; (a) examined the �roject and the Bonded Con�'act togethex wit� any , amenduzents or addenda; (bj sausfied itsel£as to the cost �f compl�Ying fne Pioject, togetaer vvi�t� � aIl required overhead expenses and the payment o€ subcontractor, labox, and material expenses to �. � i ; � 5406dt E i i � �: �` . ` i 4 � � ♦ i I 6 I � he incuzred; an�d (c} ft�.11y inform.ed itself witt� respect ta th�se itexns requized to complete the � Projeat, independent of any representation af Suroty or Obligce, or �any of their respective I� employees, agents, consultants ar representati�es. � � i , 2. PerformaACe of 4bli tzans of Princi al. Comp�etion Contracf,ar agrr�s ta : ` camplete the remai�ung wark of the Bonded Contxact by serving as the campletion contractor € thrvugh tender aad substitutien. Cosnptetion Conizactar agrees ta abide by all the terms, i candi�ions, an.d provisions o� the Complefxon Agreement and tl�e Gantract Documeats. ' Notwi.t�standing the Completion Contractor's obIigation to con�p�.ete the reznaini.ug work o�. the Bonded Contract, Campletion Contractor does not ass�.me iia.bility or responsibility for Latent s Defects ar Excluded Items (as defined in tlze Comp�etiara Agreernent}. However, in the event that work is requixed to be perfarmed tv addzess any Latent Defects or issu.es with zespect to the Exclud.ed Items, Cvmpletion Cantractor shall, if di.rected by the �urety and Qbligee to do so, h correct, repair, and/or r�place atxy such defects or perform such wark, pra�ded that if J.,atent . Defects were caused hy a subco�ztractor of Principal that is also uhlized by Comp�edion Contractor foi campletion of the Praject, then Cocnpletion Contraotor shall endeavar in good ' i � faith to enfarce the respozaszbility of that subcontxact aud/ox its scuety to correc�, replaee aud/or repair said defecti�e work. Nothing herein relieves Surety of' responsibility for any Latent � Defeets in the Pzincipal's work that are not z�epaired by Compietion Cv�atractor az� its � subcoritract4r. f , i 3. R.el�ase and demnific�tion of Sure � Cnm leti.aa Contractor. Completion ! as � Contractor: (a} farever rel�ases and indemnifies Surety and �bligee, and their respective i ' pzed.ecessors, successoxs, aud asszgns, of and from any and aiI cIaims, rights, dema.�o.ci�, or damages of whatsaever ld.nd or uature excapt as may azise fram �ha breach af thYS Agreement or ` � the Completion Agreement; and {bj acknowledges tb.at the execution af this Agreem.ent an.d the negotxation af an,y term hareof wer�: (i) independent of any statement, representa.tion, or aiaalysis � � � bf Surety or Obligee, ar their respective consult�n.ts, agents, or z�epresentatives: and (ii) made t1POII C�]]SEIl'tailOil Witll CDU�isel Notwithstaading any otb.er provision t,a tb�e contrary, Ob�.gee ; acI�zzowledges tb.at CQmpletion Contractor shall have at1 rights and remedies under the Bonded ; � Contraet as in.corpozat�ed i�to the Completion Agxeecz�,e�� . � i 4. Ubli $tion c�� S�.re Under the Pa e�zt Band. It is expressly agreed by and between Surety and Obligee that the obligations af Surety under the Payment Bond shall not � ( j inclurie la.bor auc3/or matez�als per£Qrmed. �r provided by Complehon Contractor, its suppliers, � � and subcontractars pursuarct to �7ais Agreement, Surety sh�al.l zemain liable under �ae Payment ; ' Hond only far val�d claiins for tabor and material.s contracted for by Pxincipal and provideci tu the ; � P�oject prior to the c�efault by Principal. Completion Cvntractor's payrnent bo�ad skcall be ` n i � zespvnsible for ciaims arisir�g frozn Iabor and/az materials supplied ta Cvmpletion Contractor ar , its subcontractars. . � f S• P� of Com,�n Price. "Completian Pri�e" means Completion Contractor's price to complete the F3roject wark reznaining to be perf'ormed iva.der the Bvnded Contract in � accordance with tlae terms of the Bonded Contract, based upon the unit prices set by the - � Completian Contractor in the attached Eahibit A. '�e totai oz uxe i ompletion price snaii oe th� � sum of the �riees on the attached ExUibit A as firialiy adjusted based vn actua� unit quantities � I � � � � 540641 2 � ------.....--- - ._.. --- ------ � � • i � pez�ormed or instaIIed by Completion Cantractor. T'he final Compietion Price shall be detarmi.netl at the tirne the Froject is comp�eted. The Completian Price shall not irzclude thos� � - items defined as Excluded Ytems �ursuant to the terms of the Completion Agreement and i � specifically reflected in Eahibit B, attached hereto. • ' a � ' 6. Surety Pavment. The Bonded Coz�xract Balance, calculated as reflected in the chart l aitached as Exhibit C, is $1,651,792.22 (the "Bonded Contract Baiance"). The Completion � � Pzice, base� on curren�ly estimated quantities, is $2,429,539.63. Pwrsuant to the ter�ns of the ; Performance Bond, Surety �wiIl tendex tQ Obligee payment in the amount of $777,847.4i (the ! , "Surety Payment") within thirty {30) days af the execution af this Agreeznen� To tho extent tlxa.t ; the quantity af units invoiced by Connpletipn Contractor is Iess t�.an ar greater the estima�ed t quanti#ies on the aitached Exhibit A, the Seirety Paym.ent shall be adjusted to equal t�.e � difFerence between ti�e Honded Contract Ba3ance and the fina.l Completion Pr�ce. If the Surety t Payment is increased, Surety shaI.l. tender the additianal sum to Obligee witlun sixtY (60) daYs of , notification mailed ta the Surety. Ta the extent the Surety Payment is decreased, Obligee shall � refuud the de�reased sum ta Sure�y wit�.i.n sixty {60) days of noiification mailed to �Iie Obligee. � � �o. the event S�irety aad Ob3igee ciizect Comptetian Contractar to correct, repa�r and/o� � � replace Latent Defects or perfvrm Excluded Work, the price and/or rate paid to Co�.ptetion � Contractor for such wQric s}�a11 be agreed up4n auzong Obligea, Surety, and Cornpletion � F Cantractor and Obligee, upon reeeipt af payment from the Siarety fvr this w�ark, shall compensate � � Campletion Contractor for suci� wark. Condiiioned upon obt,aitxing writt�n approval from. Suzet3` � priar tv commencement af the worl�, Surety shall reimburse �bligee for the cost of ti�e j correctian, repair andJor replaeemE�nt a� Latent De£ects in Principal's work or perfoxmance of the I Excluded Items provided, however, that if the subcantractnr or its suz��ty correct, replaces andlor j I repairs such work, Surety shail have no respansibiliiy to reimburse Gompletion Conttactor or ! Obligee fqr said coirective work if and to the eactent the subcontractor(s} andlor its surety � � remedies the defecti�e wvrk at i#s own expensc. I£ the subcontcactor(s} af Prineipal that is being ` utilized by Completion Contractar is not respansible oz ]iable €or the Latent Defect �nder rts i subcontract wi.th Principai or accarding to other apglicable law, and/or if the subeontractvr(s) ' and/or �cs surety fails to fully satisfy its respansibilities and obiigations, �urety shall be � � responsi�le to reimburse Otiligee for said corrective wor3c . If the Eugineer on the Praject • det�rn�ines tl�at th� repaix of any Latent Defect zs an emergenoy, the Obligee sha11 make a good � ; � � faith effort to notify Surety and its conaealta�t (wh+ct3ver ir.r. writing, �via eteetronic m�ai�, or by , telephone) of the candition and pravide Svrety a reasanable �pportunity to per�orm an i.msgec�ion i or investiga�ion of the Latent Defect provided, however, if the cixcumstance relating to the Latent ; Defect involves an imminent threat to life, heaith or safety of the public, the Engineer will � , instr�ict the Completian Contractor to proceed witlz t}ze eorrective work fully reserving i#s right ta � reimbursement fram the Surety for said work. i I 7. Accentance of Completion Co�utractor bv Ubti�ee. Obligee accepts the assignment � of Gompletion Contractor as completing cvntractor to complete the Bonded Contract for the � Completion Price. Completion Contractor shall comp�ete the obligations of Princzpal pursuant to j I the terxns and cond'ztions of �he Cornpletion Agreement and the Cantract Dacuments. ; , � I � I j � I � 5aoe4i 3 i � . . � � � � � � � � 8. Snhstitutian of OmIf1�14� CQ1��Y'BCtOC fa�' PI'�11C1pS� Obligee agrees that xt shall: {a) act with Completion Contractoz in th.e perfar.mance of the work on the Project, as thaugh . � � � Comple�on Contractor were Principal; and {b) be respansible for coutract atlnautistration of the i'' �raj ect in accordamce with the terms and canditions of the Cornpletiau Agreement and �.i.e Contraat Dacuments, as the sanae rnay be amended from tim� to time. Qbligee atad Completion Contractor may execute any adc€itianal agreements governiaa.g the complctian of the Proj ect, - � payment of #he Campletion Price, ar any other ob�igations between the parties ta effect the . corn.�Iei�on af the Project. E I 9. Pavrn�ent Procedure. Completion Con#ractor shall submit monthly requisiti.ons for, � and Ob�igee slaell zi�ake, paymerat� iz� accaxdance with the tern�s and canditions af �he E E Completian Agrerment and the Contract Docwme�ts. Surety shall not be r�sponsible for any � payna.ent to Completion CanlraotAr dne from Obligee. � � � �Q. Mutual R�leaae of Sur�tv and Ob�ieee. As cansi.derati.on for the Surety Pa�mex�.t, � Obligec releases Surety, its successors, and assigxss, from any and all cla.ims uncier the Bonds and . � amy other claims, rights, demaz�ds, ciaims far extra costs, attarneys' fees, oz liquidated darnages ? (or auy other delay damages), and causes o£ aations of whatsoever �md or nature 'n✓hich t)biigee • � may �ave, or may ever ciaim to have, now or in the future, against Surety under, or by reason of, k �' the Boads, or azisiag from the Bonded Cantrac� the Project, oz the def�ult by Pxinci.pal except � fe�ifiilment of warranty obligatians in work completed by Pri.ncipa#. and. as required in accordance j vviY;h the terms af the Bonded. Cantract. Stu�ety releases Obligee, its s�ccessars, and assi.gn.s, from � � auy and aIl clai.ms under the Bands and any o�er claims, rights, d.enaands, cla.im.s for extra casts, ; attameys' fees, or liquidated c�amages tar any athez delay damages), and caases of actians of whatsoever kind or natuxe which Surety may have, ox may ever elaim to have, now or in the I future, against Obligee under, or by reason af, the Bonds, ar arising frorn the Bonded Contract, ! � l the Praject, or the default by �rincipal. Obligee shaIl iook solely to Cox�pletion Contraator and : its s�rety for per�ormance a� the remai�ing work ancE obliga�ons uuder �.e Bonded Co�.traet ' � � relating ta Che Pro�ect. i. � Not�vi�listanding any other provi.sion of this Agxeement, ObEigee does nvt wai�ve and ; f expressly reserves any clsim arising from Latent Defects and Excluded Items (as defined in the � ,� CQxnpleiaon A,greement}. CompletiQn Contractor does not assume responsibility for Latent � � s Defects in wock in plaee on the 1'ro3ect priar tQ the date of this Agreement (witb� the excep#ion af + ' work perfarxned. by Complet�on Contractar} ar work performed ita relation to Excluded Iteu�s (witb. the exception af work perfozmed by Cample�ian, Contractor). Comp�etion Contractvz � asstunes all responsibility and Iiability for work performed by Conapletian Coni�aat4r and its � subcon.Uractors whether performed prior to or after the date af tl�is Agreemen� ` �I. �bli�ee's Assisnaxtent of Ri�bts A�ainst Prigcinal to Suretv. �hligee assi�as aud ; conveys ta Surety aIl rights, �Isims, and causes �f action Obligee may b.ave against Principal azising from Yhe Project andlox the Banded Contraat, but only ta the extent such r�ghts, elaims and causes of actian arise out of and are the subject matter of the Bonds a�d/ar the Bonded �� Contract. Surety may pursue such clatms agains�t Prit�cipal in the name of Qbligee. �' 'i � ' S40641 t� , ', i� , -----.... . . , I i I ; � � �Z• om. letions`�ntractor Not at� A�ent oiE Sureiv ox QbIi�ee, Compleiion � Contractor is a.n i�,depe�dent contractor and is not au agent, servant, partaex, or jeint veniurer of j Surety ar Obiigec. � ' 's I3. Suretv Not Com�letian Contr�ctar. Surety actions shall forever be construed �nd j � caasidered. as t�vse af a st�rety and nof as a contractor. � � 14. hird ParHes. This A eement is strictl for e e arti � g�r y th b nefit of the p es heretv, and the � parties hereto expressly declare tkiat they do not intend to confex any rights or benefits of ! whatsoever kiitd or nature upon any tlurd party• ; 15. Entire A�reement. This Agreement, aJ.ong with the Campletion Agzeement and the ' � � Contra,�t Daccunent� (to the extent iu�corporated inta tI�is Agreement or �the Campletion i A eement resents the entire ! S� )� � agr�m�nt beiw�en t�e partics and may not be modified except by wri.tten, agreexnent executed by aIl parties tA the Agreement. Surety, howe�er, shalI nat be ! deemed a pazty to the Comple�.on Agreeazent� ; � i 16. N,,,otice. A!I n�tices and coxnmw�ications required by or pertaining to this Agreement � shall be sent ta th�e par�.es $t the following addresses: j � th. � SURE'FY: Ciu�cinnafa Xnaurance Connpany ' P.(J. Box 145496 f '. Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5496 Attn: Micb.ael Sams � Fax: (513}643-5099 � �, m�ike sams�,a?cinfin,com �, F ' � With a cotrv to: Manier & Herod � 2200 One Nashville PIace j � l54 Fourth Avene�e, North � i` Nashville, Tennessee 372I9 Attn: Teffrey S. Price � " Fax: {615)242-4203 � � jpxzce�a,mat�iezherad.cam j � ' UB�.IGEE: City of A�gusta, Georgia by and tb�xough A The Aagusta-Rfchmond County Commission � . August Engineering Department ; '` S22 Greene Street ; .Augusta, GA 30901 � Attn: Anthony E. Wzlliains ; ��: ��os� $zt-i�ag � _ TWilliams3@augustaga.gov ; ,� � i � 540641 � i � � #'� � � . � ` I � � i y � � COMPLETIU�I Mabus Brothers Con�truction Cv., In�. CUNTRACT�R: 920 Molly Pand Road �• ; August�, {3A 3094I i Attn: Jeff Cooper ; ; �'ax: (706) 722-7521 i � I 17. Governin.� Law. This Agreement sha31 be inferpreted according to the laws af tlae � State of Georgia. � � � i8. Authority of Signatox�es. Each af the undersigned persbns execufang tbis I Agceement an behalf of Surety, Obligee. and. Comgletion Cantractvz, respectively, represents � and warrants t�ax: (a) he or she is fuil.y empowered and duly authorized by aIl necessary action 1 of Surety, Obligee, and Co�n�Ietion Cantractoz�, respeotively, to execute and delivcr tbis Agreem�nt; (b} he ar she has fiill aa.pacity, power, an.d authvrity to enter into and carry out thi.s , Agreement; and {cj. this A�eemerzt ia the legal, valid, and binding obligation of Siuety, 4bligee, and Completion Contra�tor, xespectively. i i � 19. �t.epresentatfon of Si�atories. The signatories of this Agreement represent, { covensnt and warrant to each ather that: (a} they have carefully read. ttie Agreement: (b) the ' Agreement is a negotiated dacument; {c} they understand its provisions and intend to be bound . �hereby, and (d) they have consul� with legal counse3 regazding the tetms and conditians af t�ais ; A.grecment 20. Se�era.bilitv. In the event any one or more of th.e provisions contained m this Agreesment for any xeason is he�d to be i.nvalid, i.11egai, or unenforceable in aay respect, such j , invalidity, illegaliiy, or unenforosabili#y shall not affect any other provision of this Ag�reement shall be consinzed as i.f such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had n.ever been oontained herein. ' t temas rovisions and conditiox�.s herein � 21. Bindin� Effect. ,AII of the grants, covenan s, , p � ' �ali ap�Iy Co, bivad upon and inur� to the bene�t of the successoxs and �ermitted assigi�s of the I � � paz�ti.es �.ereto. Tn the event of any ambiguity in this instrument, na parly sba1l be de�ned to 1�� ; � the author thereaf. j 22. Ameudu�ent. . Notwithstan,�.ing anything to the contrary herez�a, this Agreement � � may not be amended, suppleznented, or dischaxged except expressly by an instnunent in writiug i signed by Surety, Obligee, and Completiou Contractor. �. � 23. Coun#ernarts. This Agxeement may be executed by the parties independentty in � any number of countexparts, all of which together shail constitute but ane aud the saine � ' ix�sfrument, which instrument slzall be valid and effective as if a11 parties laad executed the same j caunterpa.xt. ' 1 � ` ' S40641 $ f 1 � � ` � � 1 � 24. 3ec€ion Headings. Tl�e secti�n headin.gs in this Agre�ment are for convenience only � and do not limit, defi.n.e, or coz�strue the contents af the sectians. � IN WITi�E�S �WHEftE�F, the parties have exscuted thi.s agxeement fln the tiate appearing abvve. � � � , I � � I OBLIGEE: � � CYTY OF AUGUSTA, GEURGTA BY AND 'I�ROUGH I TSE AUGUST`A-RICHMOND COY3NTY COMNIISSIDN j � i ��r: . 1 � ' i- � ITS: DATE: � ATTEST: � . f � B� �$ �E� E 1 ! j � , I coNrn�TTax cox�cTaR: I rnr,�sUS Bxo�� c z�ucT� c., • ; � aY: ; 1 � 1TS: � � I I pAr�: � I� l� -ld � ! i ; � � ` ; ; sa�aaF 7 i � , i � � � � , . � SURETY: I C`IlVCINNATI IN'SURANCE COMPANY � _ I BY: � FT'S: I � J.?ATE: 5 � � . f � i � � � � � j � I ! i . � I I , � ( ` ' I � � � I i �' � � ! � � i � , 54p641 8 i �' . 1 � , . I j � EXHIBIT A � ` I � � ' ProJect: D'Arrtignac Stre�t Drainage Improvemenfs i Augusta, GA ; D`Antignac Strest � DESCRlPTION ItNITS QTY UNI'i' TOTAL ? � PRICE PRICE � Work [tematning to Bf Done � � � �� LS 9 S 27,7IX7.00 $ 37,70fl.U0 � U � �' CY 500 S 70.Qp S 5,OU0.00 Faundauan $sddq CY 250 S 28.30 S B,575.00 � ImpoR Tiench 6add8 Metefel CY e5Q0 S 78.Sfl S 185,250.00 � Dccavadan d Olepospi of Oar�mlroted SoUs CY 400 $ 80A0 S 24�000.00 I � i.ump Sum CaaiaVr�cOon � ! L5 i� 773,980.Q0 S 773,930.00 UuBU�RalaaaBona LS f$ 74,67�7Q S 74.074.'TO e' (;AftG Parqng lat SY 208G S 7.00 $ 14�350.00 ; ta� Gaec Ro�dwey SY 37A S 1 i.so s s,eoa.ao � �+�. s�ea Mae«a ca�. a� a� �� Sv o s a.so a i.s'Alphak9,6�41 SY 200 S 7.2D 'S 1,440.a0 � 1 �'� � 2a50 S 8.18 $ 18.757.50 f � 2.sAsphall9CuHM SY 3Z0 i 12.75 $ 4,OBO.qO � Ccnautasfdewdk<'Aemow&Rs� � 5Y 25o S 38.24 S 4.660,W I CaaiaeteM�d�RamoveSRaplea SY 80 S 48.70 S 8,8@8.00 I � 6' x 24" Caxxetr Ctt6 & �utl�r TP 2 Remave � i � sw �a7s s 21.sa s a�,s�.7s � �a RCP CL3 k 1 !F g4 S 33.75 ; t,9Ll4.50 � 38' RCP C1.8 H!46 LF 195 S 77,Q8 $ t5,030.�0 42' RCP CGR H 1a-l5 LF 175 6 108.$0 S 18,110.00 � 4Y RCP CL9 FI t9-2p LF YS S t24.Z9 S 1,883,00 i 48' RGP Cls H 1-f0 LF 3$ !� 137.58 $ 4,4t12.bi6 I8" RCP Ct4 H 1-1n LF 60 S 408.DB ; 24,545.44 ' 78"RCPCL4Hia13 � 405 S 434:09 $ 176,E08.45 �. � 78' RCP Cl:F H 15-2D LF 290 S 469.08 $ 133,138.10 ` 78` RCP CL3 H T0.2B LF gp S 494�09 S 43 588.10 ; Jacfcaews42'CL9SmWHee LF 16 S 1,01i.34 S i6,170.10 ; � JQCk d, Bore T8' CL3 Sled 8e� 1.F 38 $ 1,80� S8 3 48,2DS.70 � Jack 3 8one 42' ClS Stael BaB fOD' 131h BRaet LS ¢$ S 22,134.00 $ 1 Z�,194.UD � .�ack 6 Bo�a 79' CL9 8tw1 eeY 15V t3fh $bset !,$ 1 . ! S 278,841.64 S 279.604.84 Ce�hSaoin(DWTffP} �A 1 S 2.947_00 $ 2,847.00 � � Staml�ihdaTP1 � 4$ 3,9+i1.00 $ 75,784.0� I sm� MaNrow �r i, na�,i o�vm c� , vF a s zss.00 s �, 718.00 , S�a'm Marthds 7P 1 ,,�,Er��,az osan ci a yF ifi S 838.00 $ 6,3T8.00 � C3ESCR3P71ON U}YtT5 QTY ,' UNIT � TOTAL � PWCE PRIC� � Starm Maehols T� 7 EA 7 S 7,78b.Q0 $ 54,585.OD i ; litorm Manhola'FP 2, AddMbnai pepth 0 L� VF 5 S 436.00 $ 2,180.00 � Storm Mmrihode 7P 2, AGdlUonai Deplh CL 2 VF � 44 S 488.00 $ 18.828.00 I Stonn Manhofa TP 2, AddR6orta1 Deptry CL 3 1Jp 18 S 536.00 $ 8,576,0p � T1a N�v Sbfm Sevrer ta F�dsBng gtruediie Ep 6� 3,OOU.pO 5 4S,OOa.00 � � Cut e4 Plug F,dsnip Storm Sawer F�1 5$ 1,000.00 $ 10,0OO.OU ' TOTAL S 2,495,888.10 � � � I � i i �of3 � ' i ♦ � �• + . � ' EXHIBlT A � ; � I CompfatEon Work on kE Side oF Wafton W � i ' 1 .���Q.� 3Y 4T00 S 7,20 $ 33,Bk0.Da � �'m SY 1506 S 8.06 S 9,OOOA� a � RePlacsL6yhtAek EA t S 8.281.25 S 8�281,25 f � LS 1$ 37,12v.00 5 37,125.�� ' i wm���s��w�wz �.s , s za,zsa,00 s z3,xso.ao 1 4 � � SY 85 $ Z7.2ff S 2,3120D � Remo+n d. Re�aca B" X 24• Conae�e Curb Tp y EF 20o S 21.35 S 4,286.{1D � Rsplace2`BoWida Eq 45 5 81.55 $ 3,668.75 F Raplaoa Fana 9ahNd Thomp:on W+edctri9 !.S 7 i � 1,485.70 S 9�485.T0 � � Raplace Hoh�ack Trap Fror�t� 8 Orste �A 1$ 78Q.DD S 760.d0 � Pauh FodFxFaridnq Lot SY 50 S 'i8.00 S 750.Q0 ! ; 1.6' Asp1�a@ A,SbfM Fa�Fx Parloing Lot Uvwiay SY 6Z0 # 7.20 S 4,48A.fl4 I ��°P�� L3 1 7 . 4,000.00 3. 4,000.06 i "' sr aoo s s.oa a z,aoo.00 �� p � �� LS � T$ i,aDQ.90 S 9,000.00 � t � B" GRBC ParM�p ta Pareel f2d 51' 8b0 S 7.00 $ 6.884.00 I Y' 125h�1 Asphdt Paiod t28 3Y 95f7 S 8.75 S 8,88�50 ��� LS i � 2.000.00 � 2,�tl0.00 • � i so �s � y �,000.aa s z,000.oa f S��SyalemParo�IG92 LS t S 3,000.00 S 3,000.�0 � � Itephca 8WT Tap � h�trrsed[ort Walton Way 612th Sbeal L.S t� 1,000.06 3 9,,D00.0fl RRx� rp�jlnt2�hSEraay FA 4 S SU0.00 3 2�40Qap $� � � � �� S� �-F '!20 5 8.00 $ 720.00 i � '.�' Do�N Shcd YNbwllira pipinQ Sn 126� Slrea� 1f t�00 $ 246 i 3 ZOO.Oa I e" Crosa wWloa (6�tpNp In 1 y,h Slnaly EF 8D0 E 225 i 7,60a.00 i 8ahoal (Shq�h�9 y� 129i 3tieeq FA 2 S 2bo.OD S Soo.06 f ��°� �� h t�' $�1 EA 1 8 1,500.00 S S,:SOQ.00 I � �O'fAL s 167,64s.2� ; Compfefbob Work an 8W Side ot YYytkon Way i R°OB � � 2 S 8,287.28 � f2,582.50 ' �°v��°° c� ��''"e'�u sr�^ za+�s �s � y s,000.00 a s,00a.00 . � Replaea Fsnee an Top of R� Walf !,S 1$ t,392.99 S 1,38289 �ca2' eollarW EA 20 5 81.55 a i,&3i.00 � 1 � °gDn � � 2 i 4,165.Q0 S 2,910.00 ` Grade PamN 19+� L,q t; 1,000.00 $ 1,0OO.OD : � 4" GAaC Pwca0194 SY 1810 S 4.50 S 8,445.00 4 1 OAK A 2 CM ON WAL7dN WAY � � - 1 ; 1,500.00 $ 4,60Q.00 � Clean up vaoer �ea i.S f� 7,500.D0 3 T,500.00 � � arasWng 7emp & Parmaneal LS i S 1,fl00.0p S 1,QOp.UO � TOTAL S 4T,Q41.�,4 � TOFALFORJGB • S 2,405,5$3�79 ` OESCR[PTI�N UNiTS QTY UNfT TOTAL i � PRtC6 PRECE � MstAa�faf Stwed On 91te Or At Hanson's Facifity And To Ba Fatd f fo�by Mabua 8rotheia (Incfudad In Abow PrlctrsQy i � SOorad On 9ita � J+mcttvn9oz�e Eq t$ 6,OM17.$7 S 6,U47.67 � .lunctlon8ax# e Eq 1$ 6,047.67 5 8,047.67 j � 78' RCP �F 1 B$ � 10.69 S 171.44 ' i �6^ RCP LF td $ 32.D8 � 573,44 78" RCP LF 24 S 178.89 S 4,288.5B j 7B' RCP Jeck Plpe LF 16 S 189.39 S 3,430.24 � � To�f 6tond On 5![0 � s zo,a9s.ss I 4 � � ZOf3 � . , i � � _ _ _ ---- . � EXH�BIT A � � Storad Han�onY Faall • � � � � i JuedTon 8ar # f0 - Ep, 1 S 8,325.90 ; 8,325.8D i � Junotbn8ox*11 EA S S 7,527,3i i 7,52T.S1 Juncdon 8ax � 12 �P, i S 7,627.37 $ 7.S2T.31 � : �, e�rr,a Ea + a s,sos.et a s,aaa.ez � � �� LF 896 $ t78.88 S 1?4,388.Z4 , 78" Rc� �eck Fipa EF 136 S 189.89 S 25,757.04 ; 42' RCP Jaek P9pp LF 129 $ 6B.34 S 3,48i.62 i � TOFAL. Stored � Nansoa's Faciiity ! S ia9,a48.23 ; Todf Nato�d Eo E� Pud tbr By kaDua 5 26$,984.85 I � , T�TAL Fd! JOB � S 2,d�6,58b.79 , 74d1 A[smrlal Eo � P�ld tw By Bonding CanEpany ; I Aarlblmanca A PaymaK eonda S 2�.06$.84 € ��' S Z,A28,S39.8s � i r OESCAEP'FI�N UNI73 Q7Y UNfT TOTAL _ PRlCE PRfCE � � f Ln+np Sam Broakdown � Tam�'°reeyF°°cs � LF 1o0Q S i0.6B S 7D,8BO.OQ - I � �Q �" � 20 a 344.00 & 8,�00.00 � % �� � 1 i 25,000.00 S 26,0�0.00 i ; TYafrtcCaetrol F,S 1 S 970,GOO.flO 5 174�000.00 � '��� FJ1 1� S 900.OQ $. S,OOO.UO ` a�n�uoNO.,�wr�no„ �s , a ss,4ao.00 s ze 4ao.oa Bypaes Pumphy LS i S 73�QT0.04 3 73�470_� � s �� LS i S 214,780.OD $ 2t4,780.OQ , : �°"��� LS ! S 145,OOa.00 S 145,000.00 CoreaVuoUOn Stakl� t.S 1 S ' S5,Op0A0 $ 95,000.00 g°° P '� �° [.S 7 S 12,OOO.QQ S t 000.00 � . c�ex�'a � c�„ner,� �s � s- so, 000.00 s � o,00a.ao ; 1�othoHng GA Power Cond�it In iSih Strwt ES 1 b 1 fl�.QO S 1,OOD.00 ; ' a ��� � 1 $ 15,DOQ,pO $ 75,000.00 ; 4 � Crmee tar Hsavy �Brip of Boxer L,$ i 3 25, OOQ.00 $ 28,OOG,CO � TOTAL S 7T3,83o.Qo � ! ' NOTES r' 1. All Items sre to be pald for based upon ectval quantit(es of wo�k eompleted and approved by Ehe j t 4bllgee ! 2. Pritc does nat include corre�tlan of any exlsting p€pe ]airsu that �re leaking ar are out of tolcrance, 3. Mabus 8rathe�s does not guarantec any wark previously compleEed by any other contrattor, � � 4. Tfrcrc are 5)olnts {4p'} of 78" RCP & 9 Joint (72") of 78 RCP Jack pipe on site that are braken and ifkeiy `• unstabfe. ii these jolnts qf pipe �an be �sed, the cosf of fhe pipe wifl he deducted from the cost to � complete the project. � � S, !t rnay be necessary Lo have acfdiiio nal 78" RCP made by iianson, ff so, the cvst of any additional pipe wi#E be in addttior� ta the completion price listed in this AgreemenY. 6, Any unfcreseen conditions encounterad by Mabus and accegted by ihe Obligee as additions or modi#icatiorts to the 6onded Contract wifl be ��ed separately, per the Contract Documents, and are not ' � lnduded in the Carttipletlan pr{Ce lisEed ln thls Agreement and #he Contratt Documents. 7. lunctfon Boxltd (1B#4i is on slte. JB #8 was used where J9 #4 was supposed to heve�been used. If 1B#4 is not suitabEe for use at the locat{on wherelB #8 is to be Instalied and 1f 18 #4 requlres rnodiflcation, � Lhe tos[ af the modiflcatlen{s} will be in additfon to the completian price f►Sted in this ASreement • 8. Fhc Oak tree is to be et" caliper. The Crepe Myrtie is to be a 7.0'-12'tall. ! t � 3of3 ' ' � �' • � � i ; j f � 1 -� �XH�B�T B � � ' . 1 EXCLUDEDlTEMS i i �� � 'f. Aii items are to be pa�d for based upfln actua! quanfities of work completed and approved by t�e ; C7bllgee. � 2. Price daes not fncfude correc#fon of any exlsEing pipe jainfs that are leak'sng or are aut af . tolerance. ; 3. Mabus &others does not guarantee any work previously com�e#ed by any ofher cantractar. r .. 4, Th�re are 5 Joints (44') of 78" RCP & 9 joint (72"} of 78 RGP Jack pipe on site tha# are � • brokelunusatsls. ff fhese jaints af pipe oan be used, the cost af the pfpe wiA be deducted iram the 1 cost to compfete the project. 5. tt may be necessary ta have additionaE 78' RCF inade by HaRSOrt. If so, the cost �f any add€4onal s plpe wiil be in add�Ion to the compEetion price listed in this Agreemenf. Ef so, and pro�ided that said additional pipe is not a replacernent �ipe, the tfie add�lonal cost w��f be in addition to. � 6• AnY ur�fa'eseen conditians encountered and subsequently approved by the C7bl�ee wllf be p�ced , separately, per the Confra�t Docurnents, and are n.ot fnefuded in the completian price fisfed €n this Agreemersf and t#rs c�ritractdocuments. f � 7. Juncfion Box #4 (.i8 #4j is on slte. Trip Griffin has ind�caf,ed fhaf JB#8 was used wl'iere JB#4 was i supposed ta �e used bu# says thaf both boxes ar� of the sarr�e dssign. Mabus Bro�ers has � looked at the 5ubmit#af Sheets prepared by Flanson ant! the5e boxes appear to be dtfferen�. lf JB#� is r�ot suitable for use at the focation where JB #8 was to have been instafled and if JB #4 ' requires mod�cation, tfze c.os# a# #f�@ mod�icatron{s} wP[! be in addition to the campletEOn price j listed in th(s Agreement. 8. The Dak tree is fo be 4" ca€€per. The Crepe Myrtle is to be 1 U' to 12' tal�, � � a ! • I ° The Parties Acknowiedge that the Excturled ltems af Woric !is#ed on this Exhibit 8 � � r sha![ be the responsibilfty afi Surety pursuant to and suhject to Ehe terms af ' . Sec#lon 6 of this ,�greemen#. � '= I � I � � �� � � � { � ; ' . � I I � � �. . I � , � i i � ; i ' � 540641 I 'E 0 i i � i � • k. r { S � � �xH�s�r c � � � Estlmaned Completlon UnRs itr��� ranmYL Grifkn I � Iterlt BfdAirea ' � � �t� Of 1AfOrk Quaq , � �Y UrtEt Vnhprica tota� 161 Coqya of �reslon � gg���yIX ; ao5 Uncl�Ifi�{ ���� o,st L3 2a� Fqu�R 88c�fcflll �`a0 CY S 8.400.pp ' � ttEnCh AaC� tg� � CY - S 5,OOQ.Oo ' 237 F 8 Dls 9500 CY � 7.SD0.oQ � � 230 1Lm y� �q�� ��II�tlBtfon �� $ 7 6A� DO . 23 T q,IT L3 S S,Op�pp ' +�as6 Parcal 01�2-114-09-0 0 CS S 4�L200.Ot1 � 23Q T ACCas9 P�� {y,q� 2 -Q53�01-8 S . 230 iJ611M�t RgbcaUOns � � 5 ' i3o Sanf 9swer acgmpy�tln iZiA 3t. a�. LS $ 6�25a.00i 3IV GradeC ate Bsse B" p�i �� $ . � �� �� 8ese I0.3' Roa � 3uoa 5Y - 3a8 kl.?lup gml� p�� 4" T�tidt 32D SY $ 32,79Q.�Q 40Z 1 1!2" g � islp gY $ 7„l53.60 +102 2' A 490Q SY s 9A�0.00 4QZ 2 i/2" ReCy�f9 t 3000 8Y 5 32.9Tf.00 ' 432 M�I AS PaveRxxtf 320 SY 4 31.56Q.4a 442 Coraxpbs9�dewelk4" �0 SY S 4 .69i.20 ' � �1aptB Me�fln 8" � b,735.00 � 'W+1 COpC►8� C1ab d� GtkltAf � �1 � $ 10.D00.0o k ro S 3,200.00 55Q RCP 18° Cl llt H1-10 1275 LF j sso RCP 3s~ GI �g H�-1a s� lF $ �a�oo 5 'fl �'CP Ct III H10•7g 395 4,F $ 8,7B6,90 � 5517 RCP42 NiS-20 , x�5 LF $ 55„319s5 � 550 RCP 48" C! In Ni-10 is LF $ S�,i97..25. f '"'�'fl �CP 78" CE N 32 LF $ 4.52SA5 550 RCp7g•C�� � S 10,xOZTZ i N10-4S � u # 3x.23�0(t ' � KCP i8` CI N Nt W3S 1-F ' SSD RCP T8' C[ N Ff28. a90 Lfi $ 210.802.51} , � 615 J&B 4,2^ CI 1� RCP � 90 LF $ 1S0,9AS.00 . ' : 6x5 J88 78' CI pE RCP xs LF � a8,845_ao 6I5 J&B 100' 4Z• RCF 40 lF $ iQ.106.25 • 615 J$Q gi' TB" RGP 1 LS � 39,607,ip � SSS J88 50' 78" RCP o LS g ���-00 615 J&B 976't8" RCP ��S � 525 �8615{178' RCP U LS s ; 668 CBtch �t pyyE'�19 1 � $ - ` 66a Stqrm Seyyp� �� e 1 t Fq S L�O,OpO.qp ( � � � 6,3I$,35 j 6�g ��� m 1 CI 1 6 LF S 37,90o.D0 - 1 � �GS Storm Sea�er 1 CI 2 16 LF $ Z.OtA.OD � 668 $EWerM���� Z 7�A °+ 5,44a.04 � � ggg y.� � 2 CI1 5 � S 95,474.Op � � 66B 88�srtn Saxrar N�hol�e � Cq ai I.F $ 1,100,G0 i b68 T1R New Stam �p 15 LF S i3.940 0o I 66s 78' RC p�yat Htachy�� � 5 EA $ 5 � � � j s68 Cvt 6 P Sbxm Sewgr ��A s 17,50p,pp � � 5 � $ iQ000.90 Suh7ofal S 1 ,309,.226.s7 � �nagQ 5 2D5,T5698 I P�yrheM Due� 5 13f,7g8.37 ' "Th�s amount Is due ta be $ �'� 5 � campfeted b P�7d to C7rtdrenaU Insurarsee �p�rtyfpf Wnr{� Y Mahus duringJuly, August & Septemba, � f � - , � 1 i � '� � � ` , ' _ � �. 1 � � � � � � � . � . . � 1 -� - �:� .�. � :� � � �� � . 1 � � � � I . . � � [ � � . [ � I . � �. � � � � f , TE � NDER, SUBSTITUTION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMEN'i' �' This Tender, Substitution ancZ Setxlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into thts I b#� day gp No�ember, 2010, by and among Cincirulati. Iz�sura�ce Company �"��tY'�r A�g�sta, Georgia by and t�irough the Aug�sta-Richmond County Cammission � ("Obligee"), and Mabus $zafihers Consbruction Co., Inc. ("C�mpletinn Contractor"}. _ WITNESSETH � � WHEREAS, Tommy L. Griffi.t� Pt�,unbing &�eating Co., Yno. ("PrinoipaY'} entered into ` a constru.etian cantract wi#h Qbligee (the "$onded. Contract"� to perform certain work on the D'Antiga,ac Street Draina.ge Impmvement �'roject (the "Project"); �REAS, Surety issued Payment Bond No. B4331064 (the "Payment Bond") and ! Per�famiance Bond Na. B43310b4 (the "Perfarmanee Bond") on behalf af Principal and in favor � af 461igec in connecfion �with the Praject (the Payment Band aud the Ferformance Bond, � collectively, the "Bonds"); 3 � 'WHEREAS, Princi at has: a tend�red to Sure a letter acknawled ' �'rinci a�'s p { } ty g�ng p ; imability to complete rhe Projeet and {b} at�andaned the $onded Contract; ; � '�IEREAS, Qbligee has demanded that SureLy p�rfonn its abligations under the Bouds; � � � I W�IERE�IS, Surety wishes to sa�zsfy its obligatians under the Perfannancc Band by tendering ta Qbligee a completizig contractor, Completion Cantractor, to complste a31 of � Frincipal's rernai�ing wark o�z t1�e Praject putsuant to the terms of a r.�rtain Gompletian � Agreement beiween � �bligee and Completion Cantractor, wlii.ch agreement is being execufed. ; ,� co�zteinporaneously with this A�reement (th� "Completion Agrcement"}; � � 'WHE�iEAS, Campletion Contractor has agreed tv: {a) perform all the wark remai.n.ing to 4 be performed under the $onded Contracf in aacoz�dance vsrlth the ter�s of the Bonded Con�ct; . � and {b) discharge Surety's obiigations under the Perforniance Band; and � � WI�REAS, Obligee agrees to: (a) aceept Comptetion Con�tractor as the complefing . contract�r in pIace of Principal; and (b} discharge Surety from its obligations as Surety under the � Bonds, except fulfi�iment of obIigations �ander any war,ranty for work comp(eted by the Principal � as required in accordance with the terms vf the Bonded Contr�act.. NOW THERE�'pg,E, in cansideration of the prern�zses and other good and valuable i � consic�erations, recezpt and suffieiency of �III of which are herehy acknowledgeti, the par4ies �� he:reto agree as faliaws: ; � 1. Examination f Bonded Coniract a�d �ro'ec b C m leiian Contrartar. Conxpledon Contractor has: (a) examined fh.e Praject and the Banded Gontract together with any I 1 amendmenis or a.d.dcuda.; �b) satisf ed itself as ta rine cost �f cozz�.pieting tne Pmject, together wx[h ; all required overhead exgenses and the payment a£s�bcontractor, labor, and material expenses to �. � � saosao ; , � , � I � � ' �� � � j � l ? be incurced; and (o} fi�lly informed itsel£ with respect ta those items required to campl�te the � Pmject, independent of aay repr�sentation af Surety ar Obligee, or aziy of their r�speclive � employees, agents, consultants or represet�ta.tives. � � � t ` 2. Perfarm.ance af Obli�atians of Princin�l. Cott�ple#ion Contractor agrees to � camplete the remai�aivag wurk vf the Bond.ed Contract by servuxg as the completivn cant�rractor � through tender end substitution. Completi.on Contractar agrees to abide by a11 the tertns � condit�ons, and provisions of the Cflmpletion Agreemcnt aad the Contract Document�. � Notwithstanding the Cornpietian Contra�tar's obligation to complete the rerna�. +� work on the Bonded Cantrac�, Campletion Contractoc doss not assume liability or cesponsibiiity for Latent ; � ` Defects or Excluded Items {as defined in the Completion Agreement). Hvrvever, in the �vent ! that work is reqtux+ed to be performe� to address any Lateut Dcfe�ts ar issuea wit.h respect ta the � Excluded Ytems, Compietion Contractor shall., if directed by fhe Surety anci Obligee ta do so, : camct, repair, and/ar repl�ce any such defects ar perfarm such wvrk, provided that if Latent � I7ofects �were caused by a subcont�a�t�ar of �rincipat that is aIso utzlized by Comple#ion : Contractpr for cample#ion o:f the Project, tkien Completian Contraator shall endeavor in gopd ! � faith to enforee the responsx6ili�y of that suhcontract and/or its surety to correct, replace agd/or � � regair said defective work. Nothi�g herein relisves Surety af responsibility for any Latent � Defe�cts in the Priucipal's wark that are not repaire�.. by Completaon CQntractor or its � ` subcontractor. ' � � 3. Release and It�demniflicut�an of S�rety hy Camnleti�n Contractor. Campletian � ' Contra�tvr: (a) farever releases and ir�demnifies Surety and Obligee, aad their respective � � � predecessors, successors at�d .assigns, of and from azzy and all cIaims, rights, d�m,ands, oz i damages of whatsoever kind or AatEUe except as may arise fr+�m t�e breach of this Agt�eenxent or � ; the Campletion Agc+eement; and (b) acknawledges that the exeeution of this �reement a�nd the j � negotietion of any terrn herev€ were: (i) independent of any statement, repr�sentation, or analys�s o� Surety ox Obligee, oz thsir respe�tive cansnitat��, agents, ar representatives: and (ii} made i upon cansul.tation with caunsel. Nvtwithstauding any other �rovisian to the cantrary, 4bligee � � aclrn.owledges that Campletion Gontractor sl�ll have all rigla.ts axad rernedies undex the Bonded ' Contract as izacarporat�d into the Completian Agreement. ; I � � 4. ObIi��tion of Swretv Under �i,e P�vment Band, It is expz�ssly agreed by and , between Sure�y and Obl�gee tbat tl�e obligations of Surety tuider the Payment Bond shall not j i�clude tabor and/or materials perfoz�ned ar provided by Comple�ion Contractor, its sei�pliexs, � and subcontractors pursuan.t to this Agreement. S�rety sl�all remaixi Ziable under the Payment � maiz , Bond only £ar valid claims for labor aild materials contracted fvr by Pnincipat and provided to th.e ; Project prior to the default by Principal. Casnpletivn Caatractor's payanen,t bvnd s�►all be responsible for claims arising fmm labor ancUor materi.a.ls supplied to Completion Cantractor ur � its subcontractors. . � S. Pavment af Coaruletian Price. "Campletivn Price" means Completian Ca�tractor's . I � � price to complete #he Pxojeet work remainutg t� be performed u�zder the Bonded Contract in ac�ordance with the terms af the Bo�nded Cantract based u on the unit rices sei b the � 4 s p p Y Completion Contractor in the attachep. Es�ibit �. The tatal of the Completion Prieo s�aSl ae the � � sum of tI3e prices on the attached Eglalbit A as fin.ally ac�justcd based on actual unit quantities j � 540641 2 � , � � a � E pexformed or it}stalled by Completion Contractor. Th� final Cotnpl�tion �'rice sha11 be ° determined at the time the Froj ect is compteted. The Completi.on Price shall not include tlaase � �tems defined as Excluded Items pursuant to the tenms of the Completion Agreement and � ; specifically reIIected in Exhibit B, attacl�ed hereto. • ' ; ; � 6.. Sureiy Paynn�nt. The Bonded Contract Balance, c,�leulated as reflected in the chart 1 attached as Exhibit C, is $I,651,792.22 {the "Banded Cvntract BaEan.ve"). The Completion j � Price, bascd vn currentiy estimated. quantities, is $2,429,639.63. Purstiant to the t�rms a£ the , � Performance Bond, Sur�ty will tender to Obligee payment in the amount of $7'77,847.41 (the � "Surety Paynzent"� within tliirEy {30) days of the execution of this Agreement. Ta the extent t�Zat i � the quantiry of e�uits in,�aiced by Cam�letion Cantractor is less than ax greater tb;;e est�nated � � quandties on the attached E�hibit A, the Surety Pay�megt shall be adjustecl to equal the . daffetence between the Banded Cantract Batance and the final Campletion Pric�. If the 5uret.Y � Payment is increased, S�ty sha� tender the additia�aal sum to Obligee withi.n sixty {60} days of j � notifica.tion mailed to the Surety. Ta the extent the Swrety Fayment is decr�ased, �bligee shall ; refund the decreased sum to Surety withizi sixty {60) days of notification msiled ta the Obligoe. � r� �n the event Surety and Obiigee direct. Cvmpletaon Cantractor to corre�t, ropair andlor � ■ replaee Latent Defects ar perfartn F�celnded Woxk, #he pzice and/or rate paid to Campletion Contractor for such wark s�hall ix agreed upon among �bligee, Surely, and Completian � Contractor and Qbligee, upon receipt of payment from the Surety for t�is wark, shaU co�x►Pensate i Complerion Cantractar far such wark. Condition,ed upan abtaining written appro�at fr'om SuretY � t prior to cammencement af the woz�lc, Surety s}.xail reimburso Obligee far the cost af �he � � correation, repair and/or rep�acement of Latent Defects in Principai's wark or performance of tlie 1 Excluded Items provided, howevcr, that af the subcontractor or its surety eorreet, �pf aces andla� � repairs such work, Surety shall have nv responsibiiity to reimb�se Gampletion Contractor or ; Obligee for said corrective work if and to the extent the subcontractar{s) and/or its surety � � remedies the defective work at its own expense. If the sul�contractor(s) of Princip�l that is being ? � utilized by Campletion Contra.ctvr is not responsible or lisble for the I.atent Defect under its ; subcontract with Principat or accordi�ug to othcr applicable law, and/ar if the subcontractor(s) �' ' andlor its surety fails �o fi�lly satisfy i#s responsibilities and obligations, Sutety sl�all be � responsible to z�eimburse Qbligee for said correcti�e work. . If the Engiueer an the Pmject � � determines that the repazr of any Latent Defect is an emergency, the �bligee shall. make a good ` � �aith effvrt to notify Surety a�id its consultant (whe�her in writing, via electronic mail, or bY i telephone) af the c�ndi�ion and provide Surety a reasonable oppartunity to perfarm an inspectioa � ar investigation of th� I.at�nt Defect provided, however, if the circunustauce relating to the I.atent � Defect in�olves an imxninent threat to life, heatth or safety of the public, the Engineer will ; � instruct the Comple+ion Contractor to praeeed with the carrective work fully reserving its right to � reimbursement from the Sutety for said work. � , l 7. Aece�tance of Comuletaan Co�ntractor by UbIieee_. D�ligee accepts the assign�ment : ; of Completion Contractor as completing cantractor to cflmplete the Bont€ed Contzact for the � I Completion Price� Com.pletian Contractor shall complete the obligations of Principal pursuant to ; the terms and canditions of the Completion Agreement and the Contraet Docum�nts. `: � � � " I i i i I� � I 546fi41 3 � ' �� , � I � 8. Substitution of Comnletfan Contractor for PrincipaL Obligee agrees that it sha�l: � (a) act with Campletion Contractor in fho performance of fhe work oz� the Pmject, as though Comp[etion Gonfi�ctor were Principal; and {b} be responsible for contract ad�rnitzisira.tion of the ` Project in accordanae with the terms and candit�ans of the Co�gletion Agreernent and the � Contract Decuments, as the sarlae ttiay be aFnended fram time to tirae. Qbligee and Cam�letion Contractor may c�ecute any sdditional agree�xtents governing the com�fetion af the Projeet, , • payment of the Completion Frice, or any other obligations betweea the parties to effect the ' completian of the Project, �. 9. Pa enf Procedure, Coznpletion Contractor shall submi.t monthly requisitions for, � � and Obligee s3�I1 make, payments in accardan;ce with the terms and cvaditions af the Campletaon Agreement and the Contraet Documents. Surety shall not be responsible for any payrnent � Gomplckion Cantractor due from abligee. � � i0, Mutuat Relca�e_ of Surets► and Ubli�ee. As costsideration for the Surety Paymen#, �bligee releas�s Surety 1tS 5l1CCC5S0lS� 811CT ASS1gA5 fro�n any and all claixns under the Bonds and any other etaims, rights, cl.emands, claims for extra casfs, attorneys' fees, or liquidated damages � (or any ather clelay damages), an,d causes of actiflns af whatsoever kimd or nature which Obligee � � may ha�e, ox may ever clai.m to I�ave, now or in the �iiture, aga.uast Surety vnder, or by reason of, ' #he Bonds, or arisi.ng from the Bonded Cantract, thc Prc�ject, ar the default by Principal exoept � fulfillment of waxranty obligatians i�tz wvrk c�mpFeted by Principal and as req�xired in. accordance I with the terms of the Boaded Gontract. Suxety releases Obligee, its successars, and assigns, �m ( any aud all clai.ms under the Bonds and any ather claims, rights, deman�ds, c�a�ms for exfra cast�, � attozneys' fees, ar liquidated damages (or any other delay ciamagas), and c�uses of a�etions of � whatsoever ldnd or nat�re w�►ich Surety may have, or may ever claim to ha�e, now or in the i fu�zrc, against 4bligee uuder, or by reason af, the Bonds, or arising fram the Bonded Contxact, � the Pmject, or the defa.ult by Principal. Obligee shaU look solely to Completivn ContractQr aad � � its seu�ety �or perfomiance of the renaaining wark and obligations uncter #he Banded Cgntract relating to the Pmject. i i . � Noiwithsta.nding any other provisiaa of this Agreement, Obligee does not waive and � � expressly reserves any ciaim arising from I,atent Defects and Exciuded Itams (as defined in tl:e � � Completiam Agreement}. Completion Can�actar does not assume responsibiiity for Lat�n# � Defects in work in ptace vzz the Project griar to #he date of #his Ageement (wi� t�Ze exception of � . work performed 6y Corz�pEetian Conbra.ctor} or work perfornzed in relation to Excluded Items � � {with the exception of work perfoz7mad by Completion Contra�tot). Completivn Cantractar assumes all responszbility and liability foz work perf�rmed by Co�pletion Contraotor and its ' � suboantractars whether peiformed prior to ar after the date o�'thi.s Agreemen�. � I1. OBlt�ee's Assii�nnaent of Ri�hfs Against Principal ta �uxetv. Obligee assi.gns and �� . eanveys ta Surety aIl rights, claims, and causes of ac�ion � Obiigee may have against Pxiaeipal. � � ' arising frorn the Project and/or the Bonded Contract, but only ta the extent sach rights, claims ; and causes af action arise aut of and aze the subject matter of ttie Bonds andlor the Bonded i Coniract. Surety may pursue such ciaims against Prineipai in the name of 4bligee. � � ; : � i � 546641 ' � � r . t � . ' i � • � , , I2. Completion Confracfor Not �n Agent of Su�retv or 4bligee. Completion Contractor is an independen� cvnttactor and is not an agent servaut, partner, or joint ee�r�tux�r of � � : Surety ar �bIigee. � 13. Snre Not Com lefian Contract4r. Surety actions shall forever lae aonstrued and � � considered as �Iiose af a surety and nat as a contzactor. � � 14. Third Parties. Tlus Ag�ttecmcnt is strictly for the benefit of the partiss hereto, and tlie ; � parties hereto expressly deciare fhat #hey do not intend to confer any rights or benefits of � 3 wha#soever kind ar nature upan any third party. � � I 15. Enbre Asregmeut. This Agreement, al.ong with the Comgle�ian Agree�ment and fihe � Contrs,ct Doceame�mts (to the extent incorporated. inta this Agreernent or the Cam�pletion � i Agre�ment), represents the entire agreement beiween #b.e pa�rfies and mEay not be modified except � � by writt;en agreement exxuted by all parties to the Agxaement. Surery, ho�uve�er, shall not be deemed a party ta the Comgletian Agreement. � ; I6. Natice. All notices and communications required by or pertaining to this Agre�ment � � sha�l be senC fo �te parties at the follawing addresses: � • � � SURETY: Ciaci3nna�i ZnsurRnc+� Company ` P.O. Box 145495 >. Cincinnati, Ohio 4525p-5496 ' � � Attn: Michael Sarns ' �'ax: (513) 503-5099 ' ? mike sams@oinfui.com � � � � i , 'With a copv #o: Malt�er & Herod ! � 2204 Ume Nashville Place i � 150 Faurth Aven�e, North � E Na�Iaville, Tennessee 372I9 ' Attn: Teffzey S. �'zice � � Faac: (615) 242-4203 �price.�a�manierherad.com ' i ' 1 � UBL�GEE: CiEy af Au�guata, Georgi$ by and througb. The Augusta-Rithmand County � Commission � , August Engineering Bepartlnent 522 Greene Stcee# Augusta, {}A 3 49U l ' Attn: Anthony E. Vi�illia�ns i Fa�c: (706) 821-1708 ! � TWilliatns3@augustaga,gov ' � � � : ` 540641 r� � ' ,, -- � e e r { ' ;� COMPLETION Mabus Brnthers Coustruc#ion Co., Inc. � � CO1V'I'RACTOR: 920 Molly Pand Raad j Augusta, GA 30901 � ; Attn: deff Coopez � ��: �70� �az.7sz� f � 17. Gnvernin �aw. This A mont s�l be int reted accordin to t}xe laws of the � � � } 5tate af G�rgia. � 18. Authot�t�of Sienatories. Eac� of the und.ersigned persons executing this Agzeement on behalf of Suzety, Qbligee, and Compketion Contractor, respecti�ely, xepresents � and wan�aaxs that: (a) he or she is fully empo�wexed and duly authorized by alt necesssry action af Surety, Qbligee, and Compledon Coatr�actvr, respectively, to execute and delivcr this s � Agreement; {b} he or she has fu1l capacity, power, and authority to enter into and carry aut this � Agreement; and (c) this Agreement is the legal, valid, and bindi.ng obliga.tion o£ Sut�ty, �bligee, and Complctian Contractor, respec�ively, � � 3 19. R� entation of Si tories. The signataxies of this Agxeernent represent, covenant and. warrant to ea.ch oth�r that (a) they ha�ve caxefi�lly read the Agreement roy �� Agreement is a negotiated document; (c} they understand its pravisions and intend to be baund thereby, end (d} they ha�e cflnsul#ed with Iega1 caunsel regard'sng the tenms and aanditions of #his t Agreement. Z0. Severabflitv. In the event any one ar mare of #h� provisions contained in this � � Agreement for any rcason is I�eld to be invalid, illegal, ox unenforce�ble in any respe�, such ' invalidity, zllegality, or unenforceability shall not affect a�ay o#her pro�ision of tl�is Agreemeat i � sha�.l be constr�ed as if suct� invalid, illegsl, or une�arceable provisian had never been contained ; � � herein. : i ! Zl. Bindine Effect, AIl ofthe giants, covenants, terms, pravisions, and conditians herein � shall apply to, bind upon and iniu�e to #b,e benefit of the suceessors and pexrnitted assigns of the ; parties hereta. In the event of any ambiguzty in this inslrument, no pariy shall be deemed to be ; the autb.or the�eof. t � 22. Axuendment. Natwiths°tanding anyt�.i.ng to the contrary herei�n, th.is Agreement ` may not be amended, supplement�d, vr discharged except ex�ressly by an instrLanent i.n vvriting i � signed by 3urety, Oblzgee, and Coznpletion Cantractor. � �3. Counterp�rts, Tl�is Agreement may be execu#ed by the parties indepe�aden�ly in j ' any number of counterparts, aIl of which t�gather shall canstit�zte but one and the same ` ins#�nent, which instrument shafl be valid and effective as if alI parties had e�eo�ted the same , co�ntez�part. j .. � i I ; i � 544fi41 I , 6 i � i I' 4 � 1 j 24. �ection $ea.dinQS. The section b.eadings in this Agreament are for convenience only and do not liz�aitt, defuie, or construe the contents of the sections. � ; TN WI'I'NES S WHEREOF, the garties h�ve exec�te� this agrcement on the date � aPPe�6 �bove. � r ,. , � , R . � i I i � � ' OBLIGEE: ; . CITY OF AUGUSTA, G�ORGIA. BY AND THR.UUGH � TSE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND CDUNTY CUMNIISSION � BY: ' TTS: i � DATE: ' � � � A'�TE.ST: i BY T'I'S CI.ERK � I � � CQMPLETI�N CONTRACTOR: - � � � � MABUS BROTHER,5 CONSTitUC'CION CO., D�IC. ; BY: I ' - ITS: i ` DATE: i � ; , ; � � , t , 540fi4I s 7 ' i' � � � 4 I � � � f � EXHIBIT A � � i , ' Pr�ject: D'Arttignac Street D�alt�age frnprovemenfs � � Augusta, GA � i ' D'Antignac StreSt f DESCRIPI'FON UNITS QTY UNI7 TQTAt � PFtICE pftlCE i Ntark ft�malniag ta 8a Rons I ' �� LS 9; 77,T00.00 S 27,70D,OQ � U�� ��� GY 6D0 $ 10.00 i 5,000.00 � s Fa�teulon 9adcqg ad CY 250 8 28.84 S 8,575.00 � �zr«,a,s.aanr�,e c^r vsoo S ta.r�► s ta6xaaoo ! �s� a a ca+e��o.a sa� ct� aoo s eo.oa � xa 000.oa � � s�m c«urv�ao� ' �s s s �.oaa.ao s rts,aso.00 umr�. Resee�um� �s �; i<,o7a�a ` �a,o�a.7o F ' a^ vasc �A �a s�r 2osa : r.oa s ,a,sso.oa i �o.a•c�a�cra�.�*y sY s2o s ��.eo s s,afle.vo � ; sn�o. se�+n�w ca,rce � or.v� � sY � S s.so s � ��'��� SY 200 � 7.20 '4 144Q�00 ': P'AspheR12.5 SY 205D $ �.t6 5 1$,767,6D i z.s� n�,s� sr sao s �a.is s �,aea.00 f oo�arte8�dewallc4`Rwnorro6 ca � Sr 250 # 9s�4 s s,sso.oa � � Cnnvedt MedMn Ramoae d. Rplaos SY 84 S AB.70 S 8�886.00 i 8" x P.�i• ConaeEe Gurh a L�Atx 7P 2 Rananve 6 RCptaw SY 1075 S 17.33 i 27,97A.T5 � ta� RCP a.e H 1-t0 LF 64 S 95.T8 S 7,930.50 98` FtaP CLS N 1-iQ LF iBS S 77'.08 8 45�03D.B0 l � 42' RCP CLS H iQ-18 LF i75 3 1a8.2o S 19,110.oa �' ��' C� H�� LF /5 s 524.20 Z 1,$83.04 � t8'RCR CLS H 1-i0 i.�. Sg s S3T.5B S d,4�2.58 � � 76'RCPCE<fif-10 CF 80 S �08.48 S '24�64b.4C � 7B' RCP CL4 H 1C-fb L.F 405 $ 434.Q8 � t75,608.46 � �a•,�ca c�aH,szo � zan � ass,as a taa,las.,o � � � acp ou H zo-xs � �o s ea4.ae a as,6ee.�o � ' �'� � �°'° �" � � � LF 75 = 5,417.54 ii 15,170.1a � � Jack 6 Bae 78• CL9 b9aai Bd LF 30 i 4,Sfl8.E9 i 48,208.y0 ' Jeck&Baie42'CL9$IeslBaliDP7S�h$lrset !$ t$ t22,1S�.0a i 122,i94.00 � Jadc & srne 7e" Cls Sted 8atl 1 s0� 13fh BLraet L.3 1 j 27�,gp1.B4 = 279,BOt ,84 ' � Ca�hBa�n(�Wr�teY EA i S 2.847.OS1 S 2,947.40 i �� 1 � d S 8,841.00 S 13,7E4.00 ! Stwm Mu�hak TP s. Addd�onsl papfh CL 1 VF 6$ 286.G0 � t,716.�0 � s��,�noa,p,, naad��r o.anF a a vF ts a �.ao � s,a�s.00 � DESCRIPTfON UNR'S QTY U�iIT TOTAL PRICE PRtGE Stam Manhok TP 2 EA 7 S 7,795.00 S 54,586.04 I storm s�u+naie 7P 2 Addidonal Dapth C6 ! VF 6 5 d38.00 $ 2,180.08 ' 5fum McN�da TP �, Ad�tlortal Depw GL 2 VF At S 488.00 i is,BY&.00 j Stam Manhoie TP 2, PdQltlonsl Depth C,l. 3 VF 46 i 536.00 S 8,678.QQ � i TioNwrStvrmSawxfoFadsUnpsVuehhe EA 5 S • 3,004.00 8 t5,000,08 i � Cu[ & Plug 6dsHnp 8tortn 8awer EA 6 S 2,000.00 $ 10,000.OQ � I TOTAL , t 2.t9S,$58.14 ; . � ' . i. , � i , J i 1of3 ' � � _ _ _ _ _ _ � - __ , i c� N , • t E SURETX: � � CINCINNA I INSURANCE COMPANY f BY: •/� � � � 1T�7. �i�R N "l ArMl !" 'j���7L� I�) � 1 O�G •f � DA�: F:1 �� 1r� � � � � 1 � . ; � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � ; � i. � - � � - � � � ` 1 - ! � � � 1 � � ! � � f I I ' saabaf g I , � . - s � ' i . � � 1 I � � EXHf BIT A 1 � I Com fe8on Work on NE BEda of Wslton VYay , 7.�►lsphek�.SA+u�A SY 4700 5 7,20 3 33,840.00 ►��+il <" � SY 9 6U0 S 8,00 S 9,000.00 ` � Replaca L�ht Poh FJI i S 8,201.25 S 8.28125 • � RoP� Eqo(t Brtd�e Wad LS 1 S 37,125.OQ S 37,125.OQ � Reta&�Ip Walf � 7 Pf� 8snk R WaAcR Way LS 1 S 23. zso.ao 3 28,250.DD i Repkoe4'atdew�mt SY 85 S 27.2Q i 2.3i2.00 j I� Rsmovs � Rapf�w 8' X 84" Co�nta6a'�u�61P Z LF 2G0 S 2LS8 S 4,268.{IO � Raphca 2` Bolarda Eq 45 S d1.85 i 8,B89•7& � Fereoe eeNM 71wmpmn Nhe L3 1 i 1�485.70 S 5�485.7Q � Re�faoi kaFdback Tnp Fr+me 6 Qafa EA t i 7�0.00 i 760.D0 � i PatrliFedE7ePe Lot SY bb S 16.00 5 i60.G0. j � 1 b' 9�hRA Fad6c ParWnQ Lpt Owd SY 820 i T.2U S 4.4$4,00 � 6rad� Perool OS8 L5 1 T . 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 � i M►atllnoParcatOSS S1' 906 i @.DO S 2,4W.00 � � Oratb Parad 120 L5 • 1 S 1,OOD.90 $ 1,ODC.00 ' �{ 8' G0.6C P Lot Partxl S20 SY 93C t 7.00 $ 8,650.00 E 2't2.dA�t AarcellYD SY 85tl a 9.55 S 8692.SD , ' cuau ramPSV�mxw� �s � t z,aoo.oa 6 x,aoa.00 � s L8 7 3 2.G00.00 9 2�DOO.OQ � s �oax �s t s a,aoo.00 E a,000•ao 1 Replam LGVf Top � Inro�n wamon Way & e2th slr� LS 1 E 1�000.00 8 1,OOQ.00 � RRXh9 M f2p� EA 4 S SOQ.DO 8 2,000.00 8top B�a M 1�Ih BUaeQ LF 124 E B.DO S 720.00 � e� oouate soaaYeeow urws isaq,�,c �n �sm sa�a.t� � �soa i z.00 s s,2oa.00 E 6" Aose wslks {StrtpY� in 4Rlh 86vat} LF 800 i 2.25 $ f,800.00 ! � 8d�ool fn 121h FA 2 f 254,G0 S 60Q.00' i 1Aoh�on (8tr�kp N i2Et 8tlaaq �A 9 S 1.SQD.OQ i 5.604.00 � 7aTAL f 18t'�848.Z0 CompleNon Work oa 8W $1de of YSfafSon Way � ' Ftaplwaol.IghtPatas EA 2 i 6,2b1,7,6 S 12,Sfi2.50 Rspixr qa�ate R weU Staqon 28+�5 i.$ 1 S 6,0OO.OD � 5,000.00 . � R�ttCY Fence on ToR o1 RefalM�op Wrll I,$ 7 i 1,38:i.99 i 1,861.99 ; aca2'BoCards FJ1 20 S 81.55 3 1,88t.00 1 fieplwa FtoA C�abs LS 2 S 1,t56,4D :I 2,9SO.D0 i Gnde Parael S84 L$ 1 S 1,000.OD $ t,o00.00 � E 4" GABC asreel t94 SY 1840 S 4.50 S b, fdS.OQ � t QAK & E CM ON WAL76N WAY LS - i� 1,804,06 5 7,fi00•OD � Claon Up Pa�l 794 LS 1 S 7,500.OQ S �.��.� � �s�4 7.mp � Pe�nw,art L5 1 S ,,006.�Q � ,,400.00 1 TOTAL S �,��+� I ' 7'OYALPORJOB - � 2�f45,68s.79 DESCitip'f'ION uN�7s Q�nr uNir vor,o� I PRIG� PRlC� � • Mat�rf�l Storad On Slta Or Rt Hansan"a Feeilip� And To 8s Paid • � tor by Mabus Brothon {4tcivaotl In Rbow P�iting� StanO On 5Ka ' Jurt�onBoxt�a Fa4 1 8 8,Od7.87 8 8,047.87 i Jnrtctlon Baz R 9 FJ1 1$ 6,047.6T S 6,047.fi7 ! 18' RGP LF i6 S � 10.68 $ 'i7t.04 � � 3fi' aCP LF 18 S 9�.69 9 Si3.dd i. 7B• RCP LF 24 S 178.89 $ 4.288.56 T8' RCP Jack Pips LF� 1fi 5 184•39 S 3,030.24 Toui Storad On Sita Z 20,OP8.62 � r 2of3 ' � Y � i . �� , EXHIBtT A , � ; i � Starod � HRnson'a Fac[uqr � � .kmo8on 6aocik tD FA 1 5 8.325.60 i g.g2g.� ' ' Jia�on Baxf tt EA S i T,$27.�1 5 7,52T.31 ` � ; .I�ne6on Bazs 12 FA i i T,527.81 S 7�b27,34 � j J�on9ox#1a EA / 5 9,808.eS i 9�8a8,91 � � 78" RCP LF 698 5 l7'8.89 S 134,a68.24 T8' RCP Jeck P�e !F 138 8 f88.88 S 25�7b7.04 j ` 42'RCPJukP�e LF 128 3 88.34 S 6�d9T.52 i � TOTAL Storod � Hansods Fac�lEty 5 18l,806.73 � 70� xEahru� to ba pald tar sy Kabue 5 209,9{�ii.8b ; E I � rora��a�e�os : z,aas,sss.r� ohI Mab�fa[ to br P�id kr By BaldtnQ Com f p�r►oematMa 6 PaymeiK Bontis s 24,055.84 TR7AL S 2,429�R38.63 � i , aESCRi�iaH uN�s arr� ur��r mrn� - � � PftiC� PRICE • . L.ump Sum BroakAorm I T�a�poraryPweoo EF i0d0 S 10.68 8 10,680.00 ! ! ��.rc� sb� �a za s soo.00 s $,oaa.00 E � �alWn ES 7 S 25�OOQ-00 3 25.00Q.00 1 I rr�mn�c� ts , s ,za.000.oa a sro,000.ao i � a�ern�a,oron.�r�c� en so s soc.oa a. s,000.ao �n�ao� t.s t s sa,a4o.oa s 2s,4ao.00 � srv� Ls s t T9,070 s �s o�a.ao . ; sn� �s s s 2�a,�saoo � z�4,reo.no . (,g � � 14d,000.00 S 445,DOfl.GO Coruuia�lfas8Wc6�p LS 1 S '85009.00 S 35��-� � Re Parkingi.ws LS � S 1T,60t}.00 E 1 GOQ.aD ClseKngbC?eu6bEnp LS 1 S 10,006.00 S 9Q,606.00 ! Poitwl�y GA Power CaMuk in 13th StraeR l,.S 1 S 1,000.00 S 1,6�6.4fl 4 � eoetoios RenW LS 1 S tS,000.UQ ; TS,ODOAO Ceans Por KawY YNn� ef 9e� LS i j 25,400.fl0 S 2S��4Q.00 T+OTAL i Tt3,930.G0 ; i � ' IYGf@S � 1, All Items are to he paid for based upea sctual qua�rtlLies of wotk complefied and appro�ed bythe ; Obligee ' ; 2, Prlce does not Indude carrectEon nf any existtng pipe }pinis that are leaking ar are out af t�olerance. � 3, Pvlabns 6tothersdoes not guaranbee any work prevlously completed by any other oo�rattor. � 4. 'fhere are 5 Jolnts (4p'} of �8" RCP & 9 Jalnt (7x"1 of 78 RCP 1ack plpe an slte that are b�aken and IlkeEy � unstable. If these Jolnts of pfpe Can be used, the cost af the plpe wlll be dedutted fram the cost to � tvmplete the pro�ect. 5, it may be necessary ta have additEana178" RCP made by Hanson. ff so, the cost of any addltional pipe wtll be In addtU�n to ihe completfan prtce Itsted In this Agreement 6. Any untoteseen condit�ans enoaunxered by Mebus and accepted by ths obllgee as addittons or � rnodificaUans tq the Bonded Contratt witl be prlced separatdy, per the ConVact ooeuments, and are qot ; Included tn the completlon prfCe (�sted En this Agreernent and the Contract Documents. i 7. 3nnction 8vx 7�d (SB#411s on site. J8 #8 wes used where J8 #4 was supposed ba hsve'6een used. If JB#4 � is not suitable fot use at Lhe locatfon where }B �& is bo be Instaiied aad if ]8 #0 r�qo�res ma�iiflcation, ihe tost of the modiflcadon(s) wii[ he in additlon to the tompletion grice 1lsted En thls Agreemern, 8. T'he Oak tree is to be 4° caUper_ The Crepe Myrtle Es to be a 1ff'•f2'tali. F � � 3 vf 3 � � . t i , . � , � ; � i � � � � � � E�CH � � iT B � r ;. ,. � � EXCLUDE�ITEMS � ,, � 1. AI! items are to be paid for 8asad upan actua� quantitfes of wark oampleted and approved by the � Oblfgee. . 2. Pr1ce does nof lndude correction of arly existing pi�e Joints that are Eeawng or ara out of �alerance. ; 3. Mabus Srothers does not gusrsntee at�y work previousfy campleted by any other oantractor. � . , �F. 'Fhere are 5 Jvints (40`) af 78" RCP &$�olnt {72") of 78 RCP Jadc pipa on slte that are ! • brvkevunasable.lf these}alnts of plpe can b� uaed, ths cust of the pfpe wl3f be dedncted from tha . c�sE to cat�pl8te the pro�ect, 5. Et may be nacessary to ha�e addlt�onal 78° RCP �acfe by Hanson. If so, the cost vf arcy addEtiona! ptpe wiil t�e in adcfi�on ta #he cam�le#ion prtce Elsted ln ti�ls Agtearnenf, If s�, and pravided that ; sald addifional pips is not a repEacamer�t pEpe, the the additlonal �ost will �e 1� addldon to. � S. Any unforeseen candldons encounte�ed and subsaquenSy approved by the Obaigee wili be priaed +' � separatsly, per the Gontract 1]ocuments, and are not incfuded �n fhe cvm�letion prlce I€sted in thls � Agreement and tha c�ttraef decumenfs. '. Junctlon 8ax #4 (JB #4) ts an site. Trip Gr�ffn has indlcated that JB#S was used whers .fS#4 was � supposed to be u8ed but says that both boxes are of the sarne destgn. Mabqs Brothers has {oaksd at the Submitka[ Sheets prepared by Hanson and it�ese bosces appear to be dlfFerent !f J JB#4 3s naf sultahls for use at the locatian wtiere ,�B #8 w&s to have been installed and if JB #4 ! � requires mod�icatlon, the cast af the modification(s) w€{f be in additian tv the completion price ; ' : lisbed in thts Agreemsnt, ; 8. The 0&k tree is fo be 4" ca[iper. Yhs Gre�e Myrtle is fo be 't0' to 12' tatl. � F ' � The ParEies Acknaw�edge thafi the Excluded ifems of Work llsted on thts �xhibit B � � shafl be t r � he asponsibil�ty vf Surety pursuant to and subJect to the ter'ms af Sectlon 6 of this Agresmen�. � � ( i I � � , • I . � � II F t ` i � I I ' . � � • i � ' I � f � i 540641 .�O � � ; I — — - __ __.. _ ____ --._.. �t � � ' . � � � � ' h � EXHlBl7 C � � � � Fommy L Griflln � EstEmated CarnPletlan IJnW Remalnirg Bld Prlces � . i � ltsm Oasui ttvn af work Quanet[y Untt unit Prlcs 1'omts � No. ' 16s Dwrtiol of Eroslvn & sea�,a�atlon o.a� l.S � S a,eao.oa ! 205 UAdeBSMe�E Ew�avatlon SOD CY S 5Ao0•� t � 20T FOErttd8No� Backfiq hAa�iet) 57 Stone aso CY S �,soo.ao � � 207 I �fect Backf�[ Mai�et�a[ 9500 • S T6,006•90 �' 217 E7dCav8lIoP16 al Cvnlamina9on A06 C1� 3 e.�.� Z3p W &Jm ColiBSnx�On 0.17 LS S ��� 230 ? Aoeaass Paroei 040-2-118-OS-0 o LS 5 - Z30 T AooessParne1048-�063-41-Q O L8 S • 230 UtfN@8i R8bC84�Ons O,Z5 $ 6 �` �� Z30 Sevwaz in 12ih SL 0 LS 5 - 37A C3radeQ te B�se B" Lat 3tl00 SY $ 32 .�� # S30 !d t8 BesC tD,S 320 SY $ 2�153.6D f 318 En�Ptave SsleCt Ma�te14" 1630 SY $ 9A�-� � aQ2 i 1l2` halt 4906 SY S 3 �n� : afft 2' saoo Sv S a�,SCOm ! eux � i►z' n 3zo � a,�.zu � a3z Mi6 halt�Pa�ert�nf ssaa SY 5 6.73s.oD j � aai Caaxx�eta SlddwaER�" xS�D SY S �A�� � aai [�onc�ete Medlen 8" B�twean C�arb �o SY S �.��� aat Canae� Cu�b & Outter ins tF S �.�•� 1 � sso izcp ya° c� pc r++-ta s� S.�,�ds.90 + 550 RCP 88" CI �¢ N7-10 S95 !F $ 55,31955 � 55Q RGP 42" CI �t H10-1 S 175 LF S 32,79t.Z4. : 55QRCP42"CIlB H1�24 . iS lF S a,S25.as � 55o RCP 48" CI f6 Hi-10 32 LF S 10.TDZ.72 ; 550 RCP 78" CI N H'!-i0 60 L� S 3I,29�A0 ' ` 550 RCP 78" CI IV �110-i5 i0S LF $ 2�D BOZSO 550 RCP 78" CIlV H45.20 29U t.F S `3���`'� . r SrsO RCP78"CE11t H2O-26 � 90 LF $ 46,$45�00 ' . 615 J&9 A7' q III RG'g i5 LF � ��'� 615 Jd8 7s" q UI RCP 30 LF $ 39,6075Q : 61S JSB iD0'42" RCp 1 L& $ 75,DOO.DO ; � 6i5 Jd B4' 78" RCP 0 LS S : ; 6I5 J&B 60' 78" RCP o� $ i S 615 JG9 176' T8" R P Q� $ " � 6ss & 1b0 TA' CP i l.S 5 I14,OG0.0� i � 86e Ce�ch Baefn G4VT#19 1 FA S 5,Si8.35 � 66$ $6olimSeWBFMaClholB 1 4 EA S 37,900.00 � 668 8h�m Sewtx bJla�tble 1 I 1 6 I.F $ �,�.� F i 658 5tprm Sswer Menhote 1 G Z Sb LF S s�� I � 658 $tOriTl 8ewar MtltriliOlC 2 7 EA S 95,U7A_a4 .. r�sa tam sswer t�anhaie 2 Ch s cF s �r�.� l 666 Stafi� 9BWB� M8nh01A 2 Cl2 4x LF $ 13,440.00 ' 6�8 SS�m SBWEf M811�101e 2 hi 3 1$ � $ 5.430 . . i 668 119 N9w SEDm1 to SVudsls6 5 FA $ 17,500.00 666 78' RC OuUet Ha�dwalE 0 EA 5 � � 668 Cut & PI Dds9 SOocm 8ewer 5 FA $ �.�•� Svb iotaf S 1,3Q9.Z16.87 � Add RetiEnagt - S 2Q5,766.98 Payment bue� $ 13b.T98.37 $ i,651,782.22 ' 'This amouMks due to be piidto Gndnnad Insunnce CflmAanY���� com pleted by Mabus dvrtn` 1 uly, August & Septembet, i ' 11 . t � � �