HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPENDIX A-CERTIFICATION ACCEPTANCE QUALIFACTION AGREEMENT(LAP) , d APPENDIX A- CERTIFICATION ACCEPTANCE QUALIFICATION AGREEMENT AGENCY � C � PHONE N0. 708�821 2400 The agency a$re� to comply wlt6 the following requlrements when developing all Federal Highwsy Administratlon (FHWA) projeda under GDOT's CA statna 1. Adhe�ence to the I,ocal Ad,n�nlstered Project Mamwl and all polici� and procodures PmmulSated bY ���art of Transportation (GDOT) which accomplish the � policies aad objectivves set forth in Title 23, U.S. Code, Highways, and �e regulations issaed pursuant thereto. 2. The overall approval authorities aad coaditions will be as follows: a. The project Prospectus will be reviewed and appraved by the folloarit�g official. Direcbor of En���eering Position Tifle Only b. The local agencY agreemeat will be reviewal and appmved by the fallowing official or officials. Dlredor of EnQineerfng Position Tifle Only c. The designs and environmontal documants will be reviewed a� approved by the following state of Goorgia re,gistered Profassional Civil Engineer. Direc6or of Eng(neering Position Title Only d The public heariag's findinge (if roquired) will b� reviewed and approved by the following official or officials. OUec;tor of Enpinee�ing Position Tide or Titles Only e. T!u contract plaas, sPecifications end estimate of cost will be reviewed aad approved by the following state of C�eorgia registered Professional Engineer. Director of En�h�earir� Position Tide or Titles Only � Y � � f. Agreements will be signod by the following responsi'ble local official: � ��� Mayor of Augusta-Richmond County Position Title Only t2 � U � Meyor of Augusta-Richmond County Position Title Only (3) Consultant Mayor of Augusta-Richmond Cou�r Position Title Only (4) Technical Services Mayor of Augu�a-Richmond County Position Title Only► g. The award of contract aill be signed by the foAowing responeible local official. Mayor of Auguata-Richmond County Position Title Only � h. All p�oja�ts witt be constructed 'm confornaance with the C�DOT currea�t SYandmd Speci�aations for Road, Bridge, anai such specifications that modifyy these Specificah'ons as appropriate. Multimodal enhancem�t projats sball be constructal in conformanca with applicable st�e and local codes. i. The arntract admiaistration will be supe�+ised by the followiag state of C�eorgia registered Professional Civil Engineer. Dirodor of Enginesring Position Title Only j. Cflnahaction administration and materisl sa�mpling and testing will be accomplished in accordance with the GDOT Construction Manual and the Local Admbieistered ProJect Manual. 3. The aga�cy agre�s �at they have the means to provide adequate expertise aad will have support staff available to perform the fimctions being subdelegated. The support staff may inchuie consuitant or state services. 4. The agency egrees that the signature on each projcct prospectus a�d local agency Agrcement will be consistent with section 2 above. 5• All projects under Ce�tiScation Accepta�ce shall be available for review by the FHWA and the state at any time and ail project documents shall be retained and available for . ,. a inspectiau dwing th� plan da�opmm�t and constrnction stages and for a thra year period followiag acceptance cf the pTOjcct by GDOT. 6. Approval of the local ageacyr cmtification by the ((3e�rgia Dcpartimart of Trensportation may be sesci4ded at any time upon locel agency request or i� in the apiaion of the LAP Certification Committce, it is nxessary to do so, The rescission may be applied to ell or part of the 1�8� � P%la�s approved in the local agency ceatification. The Local C3o�vernment accepts liability to reimburse the GDOT and FHWA for all a�cruad payments rec�ived for applicable projeas not complying with Sa�ion 1 of this agreaneut. CQ �-e q , � o � /�� M.�ror or cb.trm.n �,h G�ORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION c '�!'p�� �� r a �OI i �roQram Coatrol Admi ator Ds