HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPENDIXA-CERTIFICATION ACDCEPTANE QUALIFACTION AGREEMENT(LAP) , � APPENDIX A- CERTIFICATION ACCEPTANCE QUALIFICATION AGREEMENT AGENCY �g��d County T08-821 2400 PHONE NO. Tbe agency a�reee to comply wlth the following requirements when developing aU Federal Highway Adminisfratloa (FHWA) prnjects under GDOT's CA etntne. 1. Adheroace to the Lor�l Adininistered Project Mar�ual and all policies and procxdw�es Promulgated bY tl�e C3eorgia Deparlment of Transportation (GDOT) wluch accomplish the ' policies and objectives set forth in Title 23, U.S. Code, Highways, and the regulatigns issued pursnant thereta. 2. The overall appraval authorities aad conditions will be as follows: a. The Prnject prospectus will be reviewed snd approved by the following offi«al. Di� of EnQ�eering Position Tifle Only b. The local aSencY agramCnt will be rCViearod and approved by the following official or officials. Dlredor of En�ineering Position Tifle Oniy c. The designs and environm�tal docum�ts will be reviewed and approved by the following state of (3eorgia registered Profassional Civil Engineer. Diredor of Enginee�in� Position Title Only d. The public heariag's findinge (if required) will b� reviewad and appmved by th� following officiel or officials. Dlrec�or of Enphee�ing Position Tide or Titles Only e. Th� contract plans, epccifications end estimate of cost will be re�+iewed and approved by the following state of Qeorgia registered Profossional Engineer. Dtrector of En�ineerinp Position Tide or Titles Only r 1 . , f. �►greeme�nts wi11 be signed by the following reaponsible local official: � ��� Mayor of Augusta-Ridunond County Position Title Only �2� Utility Meyor of Augusta-Richmond Courriy Position Title Only (3) Consultant Mayor of Augusta-Richmond CouMy Position Title Only (4) Technical Services Mayor of Augusta-Richmond County Position Titte 8nly g. The award of coutract will be signed by the following responsible local official. May�or of Augusfs-Riohmond Courrty Position Title Only � h. AU p�+ojaxs witl be constructed 'm conformance with the GDOT caur�t SYandm�d Speci�'orrs for Road, Bridge, and such specifications that madify these Specifications as appropriate. Multimodal enhancement projccts shall be constructed in conformance with applicable state and local codes. i. The contract adnninistration will be superpiscd by the following st�e of C�eorgia regist�red Professional Civil Engineer. Diroc6or of Enginesring Position Tide Only j. Constraction adminish�tion and maberiai sampling aad testing will be eccomplished in acxordance with the GDOT Consd�ucHon Ma�ual aad the Local Administered Project Manual. 3. The ageacy agrces that they have the means to provide adequate axpertise and will have support staff available to perform the fimctions being subdelegated. The support staff may iachide consultsat or state servicaa. 4. The ag�ncy agrees that the sigaature on eaeh projcct prospcetus and loeal agen�.y Agroement will be consisteat with sedion 2 above. 5• All projects under Ce�tification Acceptance shall be available for raview by the FHWA and the state at any time and aU project c�cuments shall be retained and available for � ,, a inspection during tl�e plan developm�t and coastcuction stages and for a thrx year period folbwing acx.eptance of the project by C3DOT. 6. Approval of the local ag�cy c.srtification by the Georgia Department of Transportation may be reseiadad at any time upon local agencY request or i� in the opinion of the LAP Certificatian Coanmittee, it ia necessffiy to do so. The rescission may be applied to all or part of the programs or projccts approved in the local agency certification. The Local Gavernment a�cept� liability to reim�use the GDOT and FHWA for sU acerueci paYme�nts nceived for applicable proje,cts not complying with Sxtion 1 of this agree�ent. � C.Q �-e q , t � �� /�a Mayor or Ch�irman DAte GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRAN3PORTATION c �p�a a � �.ol 1 co�a Aao� ,co: n.