HomeMy WebLinkAboutMABUS BROTHERS COMPLETETION FOR D'ANTIGNAC STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS � � � COMPLETION AGREEMENT � This Completion Agreement ("Agreement"), made as af the 16th day of November, 2010 (the "Bffective Date"), by and between Augusta, Georgia, by and through the Augusta- Richmond County Commissian ("Obligee"}, and Mabus Brothers Construction Co., Inc. � ("Completion Contractor"). VV�TNESSETH � WHEREAS, Tomm L. Griffin Plumbi '" ' " Y ng & Heating Co., Inc. ( Prmc�pal ) entered mto a constn�ctivn contract with the Obligee (tlie "Bonded Contraot"} to perfaxm certain work on ' D'Antignac Streef Drairiage Improvement Project (the "Project"); WHEREAS, Cincinnati I�surance Co�npany ("Sure�ty") issued Payment Bond No. � B0331064 (the "Pay�ent Bond"} and Performance Band No. B4331064 (the "Performance Bond") on behalf of Frincigal and in favor of Obligee in connection with the Projeet (the Payment Bond and tt�e Perfarmance Bond, collectively, the "Bonds"); � WHEREAS, Principal has (a} tendered to Sur�ty a letter acknowledging Principal's inability to complete the Projeet and (b} abandoned the Bonded Contract; � WHEREAS, Obligee has demanded that Sur erform its obli ations under the Bonds; �3' P S , WHEREAS, Surcty has tendered to Obli ee a com letin contractor Com letio� � P S � P Cantractor, to complete all of Princxpal's remairung work on the Praject pursuaxa.t to the terrns of. the Bonded Contract; � WHEREAS, the Completion Cantractor has agreed to perform all work remaining to be per£ormed wa.der the Bonded Cantract in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract; a�nd ' WHEREAS, Obligee has agreed to accept Completzon Contractor as the campleting contraetor in place of the Principal and discharge the Surety from its obligations as Surety under ' the Bonds, except fulfillment af obligations under any war.ranty for work completed by the Principal as required in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract. � NOW THEItEF�RE, in consideration of the preznises and other good and valuable considerat�on, receipt and suffieiency af which are hereby aeknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: ' 1. De anitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the foliowing meanings: � « „ (a) Com.pletion Price means Campletion Contractor's price to complete the Project work reznaining to be performed under t'r�e Bonded Conrxact in � ' I of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements � � � '' accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract, based upon the unit � prices set forth in the attached Exhibit A. � (b) "Contract D�cuments" shall mean this Agreement, together with the � Bonded Contract and all other contracts and change orders between O�ligee and Principal related to the Project, including, without limitation, all plans, drawings, specifications, and all other change orders and � addenda issued by Obligee. �; (c) "Excluded Items" shall mean those items of work for which the � Cornpletion Contractor does not assume responsibility and which are excluded from the Completian Price. All Excluded Items are specifically listed on Exhibit B, attached hereto. � (d) "La.tent Defact" means a defect in work erformed by Principal �f which P Completion Contractar was not avvare at the time of the exec��ion of this � Agreement and whieY� wauld not have been discoverable through an ir�spection of the Project at the time of the execution of this Agreernent made usin.g ordinary care, given the exi�ting c�nditions, schedule, and � circumstanoes, and by persons knov�ledgea.ble in t.�e type of construction required under the Bonded Contr�ct. Latent Defect t�oes not mean or j include defeets resulting from work previously perfonmed by Principal and � any other claims arising out of work that Principal pe�formed ar should have perfonned under the Bo�ded Contract to the e.xte�t the defeets arise � frona defeets or conditions of which Completion Contractor was aware at � the time o£the e�c�cut'roM af this Agreement or whieh were diseoverahle by an inspeerio�a o£ the Prajeet on the date af thi� Agreemea2t usi�g ordinary �, care, under the existing conditions, schedule, and circumsta.nces, by � persons knowledgea:ble in the typ� af cor�struction required under the Bonded Contraet. Latent Defect does not mean or inelude latent defects - in work performed by Campletion Cvntractor or its subcontractors. i 2. The Work. Completion Contractor agrees to complete the Project pursuant to the terms and conditions required by the Cantract Documents and the Bands. Completion Contractor agrees to: (a) assume any and a�l duties az�d obligations of Principal related to the � Project, the Contract Documents, and the Bonds; (b) repa�ix any dafects (whether known or unknown) in Principal's work; and (c} fully discharge: (i) Principal's obligatians under the Bonded Contxact; and (ii) Surety's obligations under the Perforrnance Bond. Completion � Contractor shall pay all payables for labor and materials an the Project incurred by Completion Contraetor in the cazxzp2etion of the Project. � 3. Comnletion of the Proieet. Completion Contractar shall complete the Project pursuant to the terms and eonditions of tk�e Cantract Documents. All claizns and damages arising from the failure of Completi�n Contractur to cotx�plete tlze work described in Section 2(the , "Work") shall be Completion Contractor's sole responsibility. The Work to be performed under . , the Contract shall be cammenced within 10 calendar days after the date af written notice by the � ' 2 of 9 . � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements r , � � Obligee to the Campletion Contractor to proceed. All work shall- be completed within 1&0 � calendar days with sucfi eactensions of time as are provided for in the General Conditians of the Contract Documents. 1 4• Pavment to Comnletton Con.traetor. In accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, Compte�on Contractor agrees to furnish an.d pay for a11 of the labor, material, supplies, equipment, services, insurance, warranties, and all other items r�ecessary ta perForrn and fulty � complete the Work just as if Campletion Contractor were Principal performing under the Bonded Contraet. Completion Contractor shall be paid the Completion Price by Obligee for fulfilling a11 ;; Completion Contractor's duties and obligations set forth in the Contract Dacumen�s. The � Completion Pric� (a} includes the cost of the Completion Bonds (as hereinafter defined), (b) may be revised only in accorda�ce with the terrns of the Contract Documents (e.g., change orders, delay damages, quantity adjustme�ats, etc.), and (c) shall be paid in accordance with the payment � procedures set £o�tk� in the Contract Doeuments. � 5. Correction of Defectiv� Wark of Principa�. Notwithstanding any ather provision af this Agreement, Completion Contractor do�s not assume any liability or responsihility far Latent ' De£ects in wark perfozxned b Princi al or an of the Exctuded Items. Provid:ed however in the �' P Y event that any L.aten� Defecfis or issues with respect to the �xeluded Items are discovered a.ft�r the � date of this Agreem�nt in warle performeci by Principal, Cornpletian Contractor shail, if dar�cted by Surety and Obligee ta do so, correet, repair andJor replace ariy s�ch de:fects or perfarm such work at the price and/or rate agreed upon amon� Obligee, Surety, and Comple�ian Contractor and Obligee, ' upon receipt of payment from Surety for th�s work, shalt compensat� the Cc3mpletion Contractor fa� such work. Conditi.onect upon ab�kaxxxiz�g written approval fram Surety priar to eommencerrtent of the work, Sur�ty ��all reitnburse Ot>ligee for tl�e cost of the conection, rep$ir and/or replacexnent of Latent De:Fects �ixi Principal's work or performance of the Excluded Items provided., hawever, that if � Latent Defects were caused by a subcont�ractor of the Principal th�.t is being utilized by Completion Contractor for complet�on of the Project, then Completion Contractor shall endea.vor in gaad faith to enforce th� responsibility a� that subconfxactor and/or its surety ta carrect, replace or repair said i defect�ive work and Surety shall hav� no respansibility to rexmburse Camplekion Cantr�.ctor ar _ Obligee for said correotive work if and ta the extent the subcontractor(s) ancUor its surety reznedies the defective work at its own expense. �f the subcontractor(s) of Principal that is being utilized by � Completion Contractor is not responsible or Iiable for t17.e Latent Defect under its subcontract with Principal or aecording to other applicable law, and/or if the subcontractor(s) andlor its surety fails to fully satis.fy its respoz�sibilities and obligations, Swrety sha,ll be responsible to reimburse Obli�ee for , said conrective work. If the Engineer on the Project determines that the repair of any Latent Defect is an emergency, the Obfigee shall make a good faith effort to notify Surety and its consultant (whether in writing, via electronic mail, or by telephone) of the condition and provide Surety a ' reasonab�e opportunity to perfonrz� an inspection or investigation of the Latent De�ect provided, however, if t1�e c�irctunstance relaring to the Latent Defect involves in imminent threat to life, health or sa:fety of the public, the Engineer will instruct the Completion Contractor to proeeed with the � corrective work fully resezving its right to reimbursement fram the Surety for said work. 6• Insarance CoveraQe. Corr�pletion Contractor shall ontain aIl necessary insurance � coverages, including, without limitation, workers' compensation, liability, and other insurarzce coverages, in the amounts as required by the Contract Documents, which coverages sha�l name ' 3 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements j t � V�� � � Obligee arid Surety as additional insureds. Completion Contractor sh�ll deliver to Obligee � copies of certificates of insuranee evidencing such coverages. Completion Contractor agrees at all times to observe and cornply with alt federal, state, county, and city laws, ordinances and regulations in any man.ner af£ecting the Work. i 7. ComAletion Bonds. Com terion Contractor further a ees that as art of this - p Sr' P Agreement and befare commencing the Work it shall provide to C?bligee payment and � perFormance bonds per the Contract Documents, each in the pe�.al sum equal to the Completion Price and naming Obli$ee and Surety as obligees in a farm and frorn a surety, acceptable to Obligee and Surety (collectively, the "Completion Bonds'�. � 8. Examination of Bonded Contra�t ��id Froiect bv ComAietion Con�tr�ctor. Completior� Contractor has (a) examined the Contract Documents together vvith any amendrn�nts or adder�da, (b) satisfied. itself as to the cost of cornpleting the Pmject, t�geth�r with al1 required � overhead , expen�es and the payrnent of subcomtrac�ar, labor, arrd material expenses to be incurred, and (c} fully infomzed itsslf with resp�ct to tliose items requir€d to camp��te the Project independent of any reprssentatior� of Surery or 4bligee, or any of their respecti�e employees, , agents, consultants, o� repres�tatives. , 9. Authoritv: Each af tlae un:dersigned. persons executing this Agreement on l�ehalf of � Obligee and Completion Cantraetor, respectively, repx�s�nts and warrants that (a) he or she is fully empowereci and duly authorizea by all necessa�y action af Oblig�e ar�d Corripletion Contractor, respectively, ta execute and deliver this Agreement, (b} h� ar she has full capacity, � power, and aut�is�rity to en#er into and earry out this Agreement, and (e) this A�reement is the legal, valzd, and binding abl'zgatian of Obligee and Completion Contractor, r�spectively. ' 10. Miscellan.eous. Thfs Agreement sha.11 inuxe to the benefit o£, and be binding upon, Obligee and Completion Contractor, and their respective sucaessors and �sszgns. The invalidity, ilIegality, or unenforeeabil�ty of any one or more af the terrn� and conditivns of this Agreement � shall not affect the validity, legality, or e�forceabilit�' o� the remainin� terins and eonditions hereof. Notwithstandin�g anything to the contrary herein, this Agresment rnay nat be amended, supplemented, or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by Obligee and , Completion Conkractor. This Agreement shall be gavemed by, and constzued in accordance with, the laws af the State of Georgia. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as af the date first written above. � � 1 1 4 of 9 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements ' �' ;� I � � OBLIGEE; AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BY AND THROUGH THE AUGUSTA-RICHMOl�ID COUNTY COMMISSI4N � � � � BY: � � � � � .�� `'�'� E�t.�l� ITS: r'�py►�. � DATE: t L�► 1 a � ��.m,.e.ad�� �� ��,cHMpNt1� ATTEST �� t'_ �r • A'� : � � `� � i � � ` � •�'1 � '�; �.. _ � � � g , ��L °_ - - �' ;.� �., � -, �, t . .;�,•a ,�' ! G ,. -e .a� ' g, �:� , . .:n -:r � t w ` 4 � COMPLETION CO�I'F`RA.CTOR: MABUS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIQN CO., INC. ' ' BY: ; ' ITS: DATE: , ! � ' j � � � ' � I I � � � � � 5 Of 9 ' AED-D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements ; � � Exw�atT a Projeot: D'Antignac Street Drainage tmprovements E � � Augusta, GA D'Antignac Street DHSCRIPTI�N UNITS QTY UNIT TO7AL PRICE PRICE Wo�k Remalning to Ba Done Erosion CoMrot LS 1$ 27,700.Q6 $ 27,700.00 � Unc�aasined Excavatlon CY 50Q $ 10,Od $ 5,000.00 Foun�uon B$ckfiu CY 250 � 26.3Q S 8.575.00 Import Tror�h BaddlN Materlpt CY 9500 5 19.56 $ 185,250.00 Exc�vegon & Dlspoaai of ContaminaCed 80118 CY 400 � 60.00 S 24,aQ0.00 � WmpSumCoeamktian • LS t$ T73,830.OQ $ 773,930.a0 UfkaiaeR�h�CaUons LS 1$ 74,074.70 $ 74,�74.T0 �I 8° QABC Pa�dng Lot 3Y 2050 $ _ T.00 $ 14.350.00 10.6" GABC Roadw�y 3Y S20 3 11.90 $ 3,808.00 In-Pfaes 8Mac! Nlaterlat Ceurse 4" Ovavel Lots 5Y Q� 4.60 $ - , __ 7.5' Acphmtt 9.&MM SY 2d0 $ 7.20 � 1,Q40.00 2" AapltaU 126MM! SY 2050 $ 9.16 $ 16,757.50 � 2.5" Aephaft 19MM SY 32� t 12.T6 $ 4,�.� ;; Concrete Sktewelk 4° Remove & Replaae 3Y 250 $ 38.20 $ 8,b60.00 Cona�ete M�dlert �move & feaplaee SY 80 S 48.70 $ 3,898.00 � 8" X 24° Concrete Curb & puttw TP 2 Remove d� Ffapi�cs $Y 1076 $ 21.33 $ 22�829.75 18" RCP G4.3 W 1-1t! tF 84 $ 35.75 $ 1,930.50 38• f2CP CL3 H t-10 LF 195 $ 7T,08 $ 15,080.84 �; 42" RCP Cl3 H 1t1�i6 LF 175 $ 108.20 $ 19,110.00 42" RCP CL3 H 75-20 LF 16 $ 124.20 $ 1,863.00 ' 4B° RGP CL3 H 1-10 LF 32 $ 137.58 $ 4,402.5fi ` 78' RCP CL4 H 1-t� LF aa s aos.os $ 24,545.40 ' TB" RCP CL4 M 10-15 LF 405 $ 434.Q9 $ 175,848,45 78" RCP CL4 H tS-20 LF 280 $ 459,08 $ 133,i38.f0 78" RCP CL3 H YQ-2S LF 90 $ 464.d9 $ 43,565.10 Jack � Bote 42" CL3 Steet Beq �F 16 $ 1 014. S4 $ 15,170.10 � Jack & 8ote 78" QL3 Steet @etl LF 3Q $ 1,806.89 $ 48 ,aoe.�a Jack & 6ure 42" CL3 Steet 9elG 100' 18th Str'ast LS 1$ t Z2,134.OQ $ 122,134.00 Jeok & Bore 7B" CL3 �tasbB�11 1SO' 13th Street LS 1$ 278,801.64 $ 278,601,84 � Cetch Bestn (flWl'819) EA 1$ 2,847.00 $ 2,947.00 StormManhots7Pk EA 4$ 3,841.00 $ 15,764,00 Storm Manhola TP 1, AddfUooal DepM Cl 1 VF 8$ 286.00 $ 1.71 B.Od SWrm Manhole TP 1, Additlonal Depth CL 2 VF 18 S 338.00 $ 5,378.00 � DESGRlPT(ON UNI7S QTY UNIT TQTAL PRICE PRtCE Stortn Manhols TP 2 EA 7$ 7,795.00 $ 54,565.00 Storm Mant�ole TP 2, Ad�ttonal Depth CL 1 VF 5$ 436.00 $ 2,180.00 � Storm Manhole TP 2, Adc�tlonat D th Gl, 2 Vf 4S $ 488.00 $ 19,926.0� Storm Menhole TP 2, Addltlonal Depth CL 3 VF t6 $ 536.00 $ 8,576.00 Tie Naw Storm $etiver to Existing Swcture EA 5$ 3,000.00 $ 15,000.00 � Cut 8� Plup Exlatlng Storm Sawar EA 5$ 2,OOO.QO $ 10,000.00 70TAL � 2,185,886.10 � 1 of 3 � 6 of 9 �: AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements _ ___ _ , s � EXHIBfT A Com Iation Wock o� NE Slde of Waitan We 1 1.5" Asphalt 9.5MM SY 4700 S 7.20 $ 33,840.00 Mlllinp 4" Thlck SY 1600 $ 6,00 S 9,000.00 Re lacs LI M Pole F.P, 1$ 8,281,26 i 8,281.25 � Replece Elllutt BA a Wall LS 1$ 37,125.00 S 37 RetaiNna Well 12th SVeet & WaHon Way I.S 1$ 23,2bC.00 $ 23;250.00 Raplece 4" Sldawelk SY 85 $ 27.20 $ 2,312,00 _ Remove & Replace 8° X 24" Conersfe Curb TP 2 LF 200 $ 21.33 � 4,286.00 � � Replace 2" BollaMs' Eq 45 $ 81,55 $ 3,889.75 RepWce Fencs BaNr�1 Thompson Wreeking L3 1� 1,485.70 $ 1,465.70 Replaee Hoidback T�ap Frame 8 Gr�te EA 1$ 780.00 $ 760.00 1 Petch Fed�x Parkfnp Lot SY 50 $ 16.00 $ 760.00 1.6" Aspheit B.6MM FedEx Rprking Lot OYertey SY 62p $ 7.20 S 4,464.00 Orede Pareel �9 L3 1$ 4,OOQ.00 S 4,000.00 Metung Parcel 059 SY 300 $ B.OQ $ 2,400,Q0 � � Grede Parc�l 120 LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 8" GABC Perkin@ Lot PAf�el 120 SY BSQ 8 7.00 ; 8,650.00 2" 12.5MM Aephsit Paecet 120 5Y 950 $ 8.15 $ 8,692.60 Graasing Tem & PaRmaaaM L5 1$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.06 ' Sodding LS 1$ 2,U00.00 $ 2,000.00 S Ncter system Paros} 062 L3 1 S 3, OQO, 00 $ 3,006.00 Repface StM' To � t�era�acUc� Wa�ton Way & 1�h 8treet LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 RR X-Ing (Stripfmp k� 72MSY�t) EA 4 S 600.00 $ 2,000.00 � &top ears (Stdpmg in 12f� 61reep LF t20 $ 6.00 $ 720.00 5" Double Sslid YeNow kfnbs SWpinp In 72th SEroet LF 1600 $ 2,00 $ 3,208.00 � e" Cross Watks (SMpl�p In 12th S�et} LF 800 $ 2.25 $ 1,8d0.00 Sohoof {St�ipirtp in iZlh 8treet� EA 2$ 250.Q6 $_ ___. 800.00 t M►obiflzeUon (Stripir�q tn 12th 8traet) EA 1 S 1, 500.00 $ 1,500.00 TOTAI s 167,846.20 ' Gompletfon Wo�k on. SYV SFdo of Waiton Way 1 Replace Li M Pales EA 2$ 6,281.25 $ 12,562.50 Repiace Concxata Recainh�q Well 62atlon 26fS8 LS 1$ 6,0OO,OQ $ 5,000.00 Replece Fence on T ot RetaMi� Wall LS 1$ 1,392.99 $ 1,392.99 , e Replaca 2" Boltarde EA 20 $ 81.55 $ 1,631.OD Repiace Rat c�ates LS 2$ 1,155.00 � 2,310.00 GYade Parcet 194 LS 1$ 'I,OOQ.OQ $ 1,OQ0.00 ± 4" GAeC Pa�ce1194 SY 1840 $ 4.50 $ 8,145.Q0 � 1 OAK & 2 CM ON WALTON WAY L5 1$ 4,500.00 $ 1,500.Q0 Clean Up Peroel 184 LS 1$ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 Oiasstng Temp S Perm�ent LS 1$ 7,OOO.QO $ 1,000.00 ' TOTAL S 42,�41.49 TOTA� FOR JOB S 2,40S,58S.T9 DESCRIPTION UNITS QTY UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE � Material Stored On Sfte Or At Hanacn's Facflity And To Ba Paid for by Mabus Bmthero (Inciuded tn Above Prictng) Stored On Stts � Junctton Bwc � 8 EA 1$ 8.047.67 $ 6,047.67 Junction Box # 9 EA 1$ 8,Q47.67 $ 6,Od7.67 18• RCP LF 16 $ 10,69 $ 171.04 � 38• RCP LF 16 5 32.09 $ 613.44 78° RCP LF 24 $ 178.89 $ 4,288.56 78' RCP Jack Plpe LF 1@ $ 189.39 $ 3,030.24 Totai 5tored Ort Stta ; 20,098.62 � 2 of 3 7 of 9 , AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage lmprovements f � � EXHIBIT A Stond � Hanaon's Ful►fty � Junction Boz# t0 Eq 1$ 8,325.80 $ 6,325.90 Junctlon Box �R 71 E,q 1$ 7, 527.31 $ 7,527.31 Junctfan8ox�42 EA 1$ 7,527,31 $ 7,5$7,31 � Junetion Box# 13 Eq t$ 9,80&,91 $ 9,808,91 78" RCP LF 898 $ t78.69 $ 124,388.24 78" RCP Jaak P�e LF 136 $ 169,39 $ 25,757.04 42" RCP ,Iack P�e LF 128 $ 86.34 $ 8,491.62 � TOTAL Stored � Hanaon'a Faefiity � 169,806.23 Total Matertal to be PaW for 8y Mabus § 209,9G4.83 r; TOTAL FOR JOB j 2,406,6$5.78 �, ToEsl Matertal to be P�id tor By Bonding ComPany a . PaAormsncv m Paym�nt Bontls S 24,085.84 mrn� � z,azs.ess.ra � D�SCRlPTIQN UNtT3 QTY UN#T TOTAL - PR{CE PRICE Lump Sum Breakdown � Tem oia Fetrce ry LF 1000 $ 10.66 $ 1Q,660.00 ;, RemovelReseE E�sdrtg 3fans EA 2p $ 300A0 $ fi Propehy Restoratton _ — LS 1$ 25 000.00 $ 23,OQO.AO � TreHloGontroi LS 1� 170,OQ0.�0 S 170,OOQ,00 _ _ A ust ManholeNafw to. Qrede EA 10 $ 30�.00 3 3,DOO.dO MobplzationiDernobllt�atic+ti LS 1$ 28,440,00 $ 28,qAp.00 - - _. Bypess Put+�inp LS 1$ 73,070.60 $ T3,070.Q0 � _ �� LS 1 $ 2t4,T60.00 $ 214,780.OQ Dewatedng LS 1$ 14S,Ot74.p4 $ S45,OOQ:EiU � Conat�ucGo� &ta LS 1 S 35,QQO.QO $ 35,t100.0� Restrlp Rerkiny tota LS 1$ 12,000.00 $ 12,OOOA(} Ciea�frtp 6 Grv6Diny LS 1$ 10,000.00 $ 16,OOQ.QO Potho�np C3A Powx Condutt in 73th 8treat LS 1$ T,000,00 � 1,000.00 8eckhoe Rentet L3 1$ 76,OQ0.00 ffi 15,000.00 � Crane for Heavy 8sthg cf eoxos LS i$ 25,006.00 $ 25,000,00 TOTAL S T73,93Q.00 � NOTES 1. All items are to L�e paid for based upnn actual quantities of work completed and approved by the Obttgee 2. PNce does not indude correction of any existing pipe Joints that are feaking or are aut of tolerance. �' 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any wark previously completed by any other contractor. 4. There are 5 joints (4p') of 78" RCP & 9)ol�t (72") of 78 RCP lack plpe on site that are broken and !(kely ' unstable. If these Jolnts of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe wlif be deducted from the cost to I ; complete the project. 5. It may be necessary to have addiUonal 78" RCP made by Hanson. ff so, the cost of any additional pipe wlll be in addition to the completlon price Ifsted in this Agreement. 6, Any unforeseen conditlons encountered by Mabus and accepted by the Obllgee as additlons or t' modiflcatians to the Bonded Contract wlll be priced separately, per the Contract Documents, and are not included in the completion price listed in this Agreement and the Contract Documents. 7, Junctfon Box #4 (1B#4) is on site. JB !#8 was used where JB #4 was supposed ta have'been used. IflB#4 is not sutta6le for use at the location where JB i�8 is to be installed and if JB #4 requires modiflcation, �' the cost of the modification(s� wifl be !n addition to the completion price listed in this Agreement. 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" callper. The Crepe Myrtle is to be a 10'-12' tatl. � 3 af 3 '� 8 of 9 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements '� , , 1 EXHIBIT B I . EXCLUDEDITEMS I 1, All items are to be paid for based upon actual quantities of work completecf and approved by the Obligee. 1 2. Price does not include correction of any existing pipe joints that are leak�ng or are out of tolerance. 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any wark previousfy campleted by any other contractor. � 4, There are 5 Joints (40') af 78" R�P & 9 joint (72") of 78 RGP Jack pipe on site th�t are brokeJunusabte, ff these jflints of pi�e can be used, the cost of the pipe will be dedu.cted from the cost to camplete the project. 5. It may be necessary ta have addi#ionat 78" RCP made by Hanson. ff so, the cost of any additiona:l , pipe will be in addi�#i:an to the comptetion price listed in this Agreement. If so, and provid�d tha# said add�tionaN ptpe is net a replacemenx pfps, the the addixiana� cast wi4l be in add�tian to, 6, Any unforeseen conditions encau:ntered and subs�qu�nt�y appra�ed by the abligee wi{I be priced separateky, pe� t�e Cart�rac# Documents, and are not inciuded in the completicm price list+ed in this ' Agresm�nt and the co�tract documents. 7. .functfon Bo� #4 (J8 #4} f� on site. 7r'r�p Griffin has indicated that ,1B#8 was u�ed wfitere JB#4 was supposed to be used bu� s�ays that both t�oxes are of the same design. Mabus Brothers has Iooked at the Submfttat Sheets prepared by Hanson and these boxe� appear to be diff�r�nt. tf 1 JB#4 is not su�ble for us� at the location where JB #8 was to have been instai}ed and if JB #4 requires modificatie�n, the cost af the modifi�a�tion(s) witk be in ad�iition to the completion price listed in this Agreement ' 8. The Oak tree is to be 4° caliper. 7he Crepe Myrtfe is to be 10" to 12' tall, � The Partle� A+ck�novvledg� that �he Excluded [tem.s of Work tisted an this Exhrbit B shalf be the respar�sibility of Sure#y pursuant to and subj�ct to the terms af Sectfon 6 of this Agreement. � , � 1 1 , � � 54064t 9 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements � 1 � 1 I � 1 1 1 1 1 1 � � t 1 1 ! 1 � � � � . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � � COMPLETION AGREEMENT � � � This Completion Agreement ("Agreement"}, made as of the 16th day af November, 2010 � (the "Effective Date"), by and beiween Augusta, Georgia, by and through the Augusta- I Richmond County Commission ("Obligee"), and Mabus Brothers Construcrion Co., Inc. i � ("Completion Contractor"}. i , WITNESSETH � WHEREAS, Tommy L. Griffin Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. ("Principal"} entered into � a construction contract with the Obligee (the "Banded Contract"} to perform certain work on ! D'Antignac 5treet Drainage Improvement Project (the "Praject"); ' � � WHEREAS, Cincinnati Insurance Company ("Surety") issued Payment Bond No. + B0331064 (the "Payment Bond") and Performance Bond No. B0331064 (the "Performance ' � Bond") on b�half of Principal and in favor af Obligee in connection with the Proj ect (the Payment Bond and the Performance Bond, collectively, the "Bonds"); ; i � WHEREAS, Principal has (a) tendered tQ Surety a letter acknowledging Principal's � inability to complete the Project and (b) abandoned the Bonded Contract; � i WHEREAS, Obligee has demanded that Surety perform its obligations under the i Bands; � I WI�REAS, Surety has tendered to Obligee a completing contractor, Completion � � , Contractor, to complete all of Principal s remaining work on the Project pursuant to the terms of � � � the Bonded Contract; � I WHEREAS, fihe Completion Contractor has agreed to perform all work remaining to be I performed under the Bonded Contxact in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract; and ; , � li ee has a eed to acce t Com letion Contractor as the completing WHEREAS, Ob g gr p p contractar in place of the Principal and discharge the Surety from its obligations as Surety under � � the Bonds, except fulfillment of obligations under any wananty for work completed by the rrincipal as rcquired in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract. I � NOW THEREFORE, in considezation of the premises and other good and valuable � consideration, receipt and sufficiency af which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto � agree as follows: i _ � 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the followin.g terms shall have the following I meanings: i �' (a) "Completion Price" means Completion Confiractor's price to complete the Projeet work remauung to be pertormed uncler tise i�ancieci Lontraet in ; ; � i i � � I � , i i� ; � ; 1 ' accardance with the terms of the Bonded Contract, based upon the unit ; ' prices set forth in the attached Exhibit A. ! ;. � (b) "Contract Docurnents" shall mean this Agreement, together with the Bonded Contract and all other contracts and change orders between � i Obligee and Principal related to the Project, including, withaut limitation, all plans, drawings, specifications, and all other change orders and � addenda issued by Obligee. (c) `Bxcluded Items" sha11 mean those items of work for which the Completion Contractor does not assume responsibility and which are ; � excluded from the Completion Price. AIl Excluded Items are specifically listed on Exhibit B, attached hereto. � � i (d) "Latent Defect" means a defect in work performed by Principa.l of which ; Completion Contractor was not aware at the t of the execution of this � Agreement and which would not have been discoverable through an � � inspection of the Project at the time of the execution of this Agreernent � made using ordinary care, given the exzsting conditions, schedule, and i I circumstances, and by persons knowledgeable in the type of construction j � required under the Bonded Contract. Latent Defect daes not mean ar j include defects resulting from work previously performed by Principal and ' ; any other cla.ims arising out of work that Principal performed" or should ! 1 have performed under tlle Bonded Contract to the extent the defects arise ; from defects or conditions of which Complerian Contraetor was aware at ; the time of the execu�ion of this Agreement or which were discoverable by � an inspection of the Project on the date af this Agreement using oxdinary ; care, under the existing conditions, schedule, and circumstances, by persons knowledgeable in the type of �onstructian required under the , Bonded Contract. Latent Defect does not mea.n. or include latent defeets in work performed by Completion Contract�r or its subcontractors. ' 2. The Work. Completion Contractor agrees to complete the Project pursuant to the � � terms and conditions required by the Contract Documents and the Bonds. Completion Contxactor agrees to: (a) assume any and a11 duties and obligations of Principal related to the Project, the Contract Documents, and the Bonds; (b} repair any defects (whether known or ' unknown) in Principal's work; and (c) fiz11y discharge: (i) Principal's obligations under the Bonded Contract; and (ii) Surety's obligations under the Performance Bond. Completion Contractor sha11 pay all payables for labor and materials on the Project incurred by Completion , Contractor in the completion of the Project: ! 3. Comnletion of the Proiect. Completion Contractor shall complete the Project ' pursuant to the terrn.s and conditions of the Contract Documents. All claims and damages arising r � r•� r r i n t i1_ _ 1 .7.,_ . .] ' a. �l l�l. �om ine ia.uure ai �,omp�e'rion �oniraci�r i0 CV3f1�I1GLG uic wOiri uc��ii�cu iu ��i.u0u �, �u18 "Work") sha11 be Completion Contractor's sole responsibility. The Work to be performed under � ' the Conixact shall be commenced within 10 calendar days after the date of written notice by the � ; � . ' ° # � ; ; I � , , Obligee -to the Completion Contractor to proceed. AIl work shall be completed within 180 � calendar days with such extensions of time as are provided for in the General Condations of the i Contract Documents. i ' 3 4. Payment to Completion Confractor. In accordance with the terms of fihe Contract ' Documents, Campletion Contractor agrees to furnish and pay for all of the labor, material, supplies, i equipment, sexvices, insurance, warranties, and all ather items necessary to perform and fully i ' ` complete the Work just as if Completion Conixactor were Principal performing under the Bonded � Contract. Completion Contractor shall be paid the Completion Price by Obligee for fulfilling all ' Campletion Contractor's duties and obligationa set forth in the Contract Documents. The , � P Completion Price (a} includes the cost of the Completion Bonds (as hereinafter defined), (f�) may be i , revised only in accordance with the terms of the Contract Docunnents (e.g., change orders, delay i damages, quantity adjustrnents, etc.), and (c) shall be paid in accordance with the payment , ` procedures set forth in the Contract Documents. � ' S. Correction af Defective Work of Princi al. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Completion Contractor does not assume any liability or responsibility for Latent ' Defects in work performed by Principal or any of the Exclnded Items. Provided, however, in the event �hat any Latent Defects or issues with respect to the Excluded Items are discavered after the date of this Agreement in work perfornned by Principal, Completion Contractor shall, if directed by � , Surety and Obligee to do so, correct, repair andlor replace any such defects or perform such work at � the price and/or rate agreed upon among Obligee, Surety, and Campletion Contractor and Obligee, ' � upon receipt of payment from Surety for this wark, sha11 compensate the Completion �ontractor far � � such work. Conditioned npon obtain.ing written approval from Surety prior to commencement of j the wark, Surety shall reimburse Obligee for the cost of the canrection, repair and/or replacement of � Latent Defects in Principal's work or performance of the Excluded Items provided, however, that if ( Latent Defects were caused by a subconitractor of the Principal that is being utilized by Completion � � Contractor for completion of the Project, then Comple�ion Contractor shall endeavor in good faith to � enforce the responsibility of that . subcontractor and/or its surety ta correct, replace or repair said ' defective work and Surety sha11 have no responsibility to reixnburse Completion Contractor or : '' Obligee for said corrective work if and to the extent the subcontractor(s} and/ar its surety remedies ; � the defective work at its own expense. If the subcontractor(s) of Principal that is being utilized by i 1 , Completion Contractor is not responsible or liable for the Latent Defect under its subcontract with � Principal or according to other applicable law, and/or if the subcontractor(s) and/or its surety fails to � fully satisfy its responsibilities and ohligations; Surety shall be responsible to reimburse Obligee for � said corrective work. If the Engi.neer on the Project determines that the repair of any Latent Defect � ' is an emergency, the Obligee shall make a good faith effort to notify Surety and its consultant (whether in writing, via electronic mail, or by telephone) of the condition and provide Surety a reasonable opportunity to perform an inspection or investigafiion of the Latent Defect provided, ' however, if the c'vrcum.stance relating to th.e Latent Defect involves in isnminent threat to life, health ; or safety of the public, the Engineer will instruct the Completion Contractor to proceed with the i '� corrective work fully reservin.g its right to reimbursement from the Surety for said work. ' '���� / i /`I t �• 1 Y 1 1. • 11 I o. �.nsurance �.overage. Compienon i,oniractor snaii ootain aii necessary insurance �' coverages, including, without limitation, workers' compensation, liability, and other insurance '' coverages, in the amounts as required by the Cantract Documents, which coverages shall name i � i E � � � ; �' � ,� � OBLIGEE: AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BY AND THROUGH THE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMTSSION t BY: '' ITS : ; DATE: ' '� i i �" � t ATTEST: ! � . BY ITS CLERK � � • C4MPLETION CONT'RACTOR: MA�3US BRO ONSTRU TION CO., Tl� � BY: � �� �� � ITS: � ' - � DATE: ��I l � "'�� � � ; � ; � � � � ' � � , I j ' i i I I � i I � ' i ' i i i ' � i � . . . . � . � . . . . f i ' EXHIBIT A �� ` Project: D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements Augusta, GA � D'Antignac Street ,� ' DESCRIPTION UN�TS QTY UNIT TOTAL � PRICE PRICE � Work Remaining to Be Done ` Erosio� Control LS 1$ 27,700.00 $ 27,700_00 , Unclassftied Excavation CY 500 $ 10.00 $ 5,000.00 Founda6on Backfiii CY 250 $ 26.30 $ 6,575.00 Import Trench Beclfill Material CY 9500 $ 19.50 $ 185,250.00 � � Excavation & Disposal ot Contamfnated Soils CY 400 $ 60.00 $ 24,000.00 Lump Sum ConsWction LS 1$ 773,930.00 $ 773,930.00 Utilities Relocalions LS 1$ 7A,074.70 $ 74,07470 5' GABC Parkfng Lot SY 2050 $- 7.00 $ 14,350.00 10.5' GABC Roadway SY 320 $ 11.90 $ 3,808.00 � In-Place Salect Material Course 4" Gravel Lots SY 0$ 4.5D $ - 1.5° Asphait 8.5MM SY 200 $ 7.20 $ 1,440.00 � � 2" Asphalt 12.5MM SY 2050 $ 9.15 $ 18,757.50 � 2.5" Asphaft 19MM , SY 320 $ 12.75 $ 4,080.00 Concrete Sfdewalk 4" Remove & Replace SY 250 $ 38.20 $ 9,550.00 Concrete Median Remove & Raplace SY 80 $ 48.70 $ 3,896.00 i 6" x 24° Concrete Curb & Gutter TP 2 Remove & Replace SY 1075 $ 21.33 $ 22,929.75 78" RCP CL3 H 1-'10 LF 54 $ 35.75 $ 1,930.50 � 36" RCP CL3 H 1-10 LF 195 $ 77.08 $ 15,030.60 � i 42" RCP CL3 H 10.15 LF 175 $ 109.2D $ 19,110.00 � 42" RCP Cl3 H 15-ZO LF 15 $ 124.20 $ 1,863.00 � ae" RCP CL3 H 1-1a LF 32 S 137.58 $ 4,402.56 t 78" RCP CL4 H 1-t0 LF 60 $ 409.09 $ 24,545.40 78" RCP CL4 H 10-15 LF 405 $ 434.09 $ 175,806.45 78" RCP CL4 H 15-20 LF 290 $ 459.09 $ 133,t36.10 78" RCP CL3 H 20.25 LF 90 $ 484.09 $ 43,568.10 i � Jack & 6ore 42" CL3 Steel Beli LF 15 $ 1,011.34 $ 15,17D.10 � � Jack & eore 78° CC3 Stee! 6ell LF 30 $ 'E,6Q6.89 $ 48,206.7a Jack & Bore 42" CL3 Steel Belf too' 13th Street LS 1$ 122,134.00 $ 122,134.00 Jack & Bore 78" CL3 Steel BeI1150' 13th Street LS 1$ 279,601.64 $ 279,601.64 `. Catch easin (DWT# 19) EA 1$ 2,947AD $ 2,947.00 ' Storm Manhole TP 1 EA 4$ 3,94'I.00 $ 15,764.00 � Stortn Manhole TP t, Additlonal Depth CL 1 VF 6$ 286.00 $ 1,716.00 � Sfonn Manhole TP 1, Additionai Depth C� 2 VF 16 $ 336.00 $ 5,376.00 i DESCRIPTION UNITS (1TY UNIT TOTAL ' � PRICE PRICE i Stortn Manhole TP 2 EA 7$ 7,795.00 $ 54,565.00 � Storm Manhole TP 2, Addidonal Depth Cl 1 VF 5$ 436.00 $ 2,180.00 ' Storm Manhole TP 2, Additlonal Depth CL 2 VF 41 $ 486.00 $ 19,926.00 I Storm Manhole TP 2, Additional Depth CL 3 VF 16 $ 536.00 $ 8,576.00 ; Tie New Storm Sewer to Existing StructUre EA 5$ 3,000.00 $ 15,000.00 i' i . Cut & Plug E�dsting Storm Sewer EA 5$ 2,000.00 $ 1 d,000.00 i � TOTAL $ 2,195,896.1U ' � lof3 � i � f i ; � " EXHIBIT A ; � Completion Work on NE Side of Waifon Way � 1.5" Asphalt 9.5MM SY 4700 $ 7.20 $ 33,840.00 Milling 4" Thick SY 15Q0 $ 6.00 $ 9,D00.00 � � Replace Light Pole Eq 1$ 6,281.25 $ 6,281.25 ? i Replace Elliott eddge Wall LS 1$ 37,125.00 $ 37,125.00 Retaining Wa11 @ 121h Street 8 Walton Way LS 1$ 23,250.00 $ 23,250.00 ; Replace4"Sidewalk SY 85 $ 27.20 $ 2,3'12.00 i � Remove & Replace 6" X 24° Concrete Curb TP Z LF 200 $ 21.33 $ 4,266_00 Replace 2" Bollerds Eq 45 $ 81.55 $ 3,669.75 r Repiace Fence Behlnd Thompson Wrecking LS 'i $ 1,465.70 $ 1,465.70 � Replace Holdback Trap Freme 8 Grate EA 1$ 760.00 $ 760.00 Patch FedEx Parking Lot SY 50 $ 15.00 $ 750.00 1.5" Asphalt 9.5MM FedEx Parking Lot Oveday SY 620 $ 7.20 $ 4,464.00 Grade Parcel 053 LS 1$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 � Matfing Parce1053 SY 300 $ B.00 $ 2,400.00 Grade Parce1120 LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,OOOAQ � 6" GABC Parking Lot Parcel 120 SY 950 $ 7.00 $ 8,650.00 2" 12.SMM Asphslt Parcei 12o SY 950 $ 9.75 $ 8,892.50 � � Grassing Temp & Pertnanent LS 1$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 � � Soddtng LS 1$ 2,OOO.DO $ 2,OOD.aO j SprinkierSystem Parcel092 LS 1$ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 � � Replace SWf Top � Intersection Walron Way812th Sfreet LS �$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000_00 i RR X-ing (Striping in t2th SVeet) EA 4$ 5QO.D0 $ 2,000.00 i Stop Bars (Striping tn 12th Street) LF 120 $ B.00 $ 720.00 � 5" Ooubie Solid Yel[ow Lines (Striping fn 12th StreeE) LF 1600 $ 2.00 $ 3,200.00 j � 8" Cross Walks (Stnping in 12th Street) LF 860 $ 2.25 $ 1,800_00 ! Schooi (Strtping in 12ih Streey EA 2$ 250.40 $ 500.00 Mabilization (Striping' in 12th Sh�eet) EA 1$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500_00 � TOTAL $ 167,846.20 � Completion Work on SW Side of Waiton Way � Replace Light Poles EA 2$ 6,281.25 $ 12,562.50 � � Replace Concrete Retaining Wall Station 26+55 LS 1$ S,OOO.QO $ 5,OQ0.00 i Repiace Fence on Top af Retatning Wall LS 1$ 1,392,99 $ 1,382.99 ; Replace2"Bollards Eq 20 $ 81.55 $ 1,631.00 � ReplaceRollGates LS 2$ 1,155.00 $ 2,3t0.00 � Grade Parcel194 LS 9$ i $ 1,000.00 � 4" GABC Parcel 194 SY 1810 $ 4.50 $ 8,145.00 �• t OAK & 2 CM ON WALTON WAY L5 1$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Clean Up Paroei 194 LS 1$ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 i � Grassing Temp 8 Permanent LS 1$ 1,Od0.00 $ 1,000.00 � 70TAL $ 42,041_49 � TOTAL FOR JOB § 2,405,5B3.79 ' � DESCR(PTfON UNfTS QTY UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE Matertal Stored On Site Or At Hanson's Facility And To Be Pald � � for by Mabus Brothers (Included In Above Pricing) I Stored On Ske j Junction Box# 8 EA 1$ 6,047.67 $ 6,447.67 I JandionBox#9 EA 1$ 6,047.67 $ 6,047.67 � 18"RCP LF 16 $ 10.69 � 171.04 � i 36 RCP Lh l'b � JL.I��J .� � 13.�F � I 78" RCP LF 24 $ 178.69 $ 4,288.56 � 78° RCP Jack Pipe LF 16 $ 189.39 $ 3,030.24 I � Total Stored On Site $ 20,098.62 � i I ' i 2of3 � � � i �' � 1 EXNIBIT A ; � � Stored �ID Hanson's Facifity i r Jundion Box# t0 Eq 1 S 6,325.90 $ 6,325.90 i � Junctlon Box # 11 Eq 1$ 7,527.31 $ 7,527.31 Junction Box# t2 Ep, 1$ 7,527.31 $ 7,527.31 i Junction Box # 13 E,q 1$ 9,808.91 $ 8,808.91 � 78' RCP LF 696 $ 178.69 $ 124,368.24 �' ' 78" RCP Jack Pipe LF 136 $ 189,39 $. 25,757.04 � � 42" RCP Jack Plpe LF 128 $ 66.34 $ 8,491.52 TOTAL Stored @ Nanson's Facility $ 189,8�6.23 i � Totaf Material to be Paid for By Mabus $ 209,904.85 � i TOTAL FOR JOB $ 2,405,583.79 I , Tohl Material to be Paid for By Bonding Company $ - ; Pertormance & Payment Bonds § 24,065.84 TOTAL $ 2,429,639.fi3 � � DESCRlPTION UNITS QTY UNIT TOTAL - I PRICE PRICE � i Lump 5um Breakdown i � Temporary Pence LF 1000 $ 10.66 $ 10,660.00 i Remove/Reset ExisUng Signs Ef1 20 $ 300.00 $ 6,Q00.00 j � Property RestoreBon LS 1$ 25,000_00 $ 25,OQ0.�0 � � Trdffic Control L5 1$ 170,00�.00 $ 170,000.00 i t AdJusF ManholeNalve to Grade EA 10 $ 300.00 $ 3,000.00 � MobBizatiaNDemobilizaUon LS 1$ 28,440.00 $ 28,440.00 i Bypass Pumping LS 1$ 73,Q7D.00 $ 73,070Aa � t Shoring LS 1$ 2i4,760.00 $ 214,760.00 ! j Dewatering LS 1$ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 j Conswction Stakin9 LS 1$ 35,000.00 $ 35,0OO.OD ' Restriping Parking Lots LS 1$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 � ' Ciearing & Grubbing LS 1$ 10,000.00 $ 10,000,00 � Potholing GA Power Condut in 13th Street LS 1$ 1,000,00 $ 1,000.00 I i 8ackhoeRental LS 1$ 15,000.00 $ 15,000,00 i ' Crane for Heavy Bfting of Boxes LS 1$ 25,000.00 $ 25,0OO.OQ i TOTAL $ 773,930.00 NOTES � � � 1. All items are to be paid for based upon actual quantities of work completed and approved by the Obligee , 2. Price does not include carrection of any existing pipe joints that are (eaking or are out of tolerance. � 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any work previously completed by any other contrador. � 4. There are 5 joints (40') of 78" RCP & 9joint (72") of 78 RCP Jack pipe on site that are broken and likely ' unstable. if these joints of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe wiif be deducted from the cost to � complete the project. � 5. it may be necessary to have additianal 78" RCP made by Hanson. If so, the cost of any additional pipe will 6e in addition to the compietion price listed in this Agreement. I 6. Any unforeseen conditions encountered by Mabus and accepted by the Obligee as additions or i modifications to the Bonded Contract will be priced separately, per the Contract Documents, and are not ' included in the completion price listed in this Agreement and the Contract Documents. i 7, I�,nr,tion Box #4 f,J6#4) is on site. JB #8 was used where 1B #4 was su000sed to have'been used. If JB#4 I is not suitable for use at the location where 1B #8 is to be instai(ed and if 1B #4 requires modification, � ' the cost of the modification(s) wil{ be in addition to the completion price listed in this Agreement. 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" caliper. The Crepe Myrtle is to be a 10'-12' tail. i I � ' 3of3 t � � � V , � � EXHIBIT B 1 EXCLUDEDITEMS , I � 1. All items are to be paid for based upan actual quantities of work completed and approved by the Obfigee. Z. Price does not include correction of any existing pipe.joints that are leaking or are out of � tolerance. 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any work previousiy completed by any other contractor. n 4. There are 5 Joints (40') of 78"`RCP & 9 joint (72") of 78 RCP Jack pipe on site that are broke/unusable. If these joints of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe will be deducted from the � cost to cbmplete the project. 5. it may be necessary to have additional 78" RCP made by Hanson. If so, the cost of any additional � pipe will be in addition Eo the campletian price fisted in this Agreement. If so, and provided that said additional pipe is not a replacement pipe, the the ad'ditional cost wil( be in addition to. � 6. Any unforeseen canditio.ns encounfered and subsequenfly approved by the Obligee wil! be priced . separately, per the Contract Documents, and are not inc{uded in the completion price listecf in this � Agreement and the confract documents. � � 7. Junction Box #4 (JB #4} is on site. Trip Griffin has indicafed that JB#8 was used where JB#4 was ; supposed to be used but says that both boxes are of the same design. Mabus Brothers has j loaked at the Submiftal Sheets prepared by Hanson and these boxes appear #o be different. if ; JB#4 is not suitable for use at the location where JB #8 was to have been installed and if JB #4 � � requires modification, the cost of the modification(s} wilf be in addition to the completian price + listed in this Agreement. ; 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" ca(iper. The Crepe Myrt1e is to be 10' to 12' talL � � . 1 The Parties Acknowledge that the Excluded Items of Work listed on this Exhibit B i ' shall be the responsibility of Surety pursuant to and subject to #he terms of � Section 6 of this Agreement. ; � i � � i � � I � � � � E i . ' i � I � I ' I I � �� ' S40641 .� � I I �