HomeMy WebLinkAboutMABUS BROTTHERS i`; � a � � � � C4MPLETION AGREEMENT � « This Completion Agreernent ("Agreement"), made as af the 16th day of November, 2010 (the Effective Date ), by and between Augusta, Geargia, by and through the Augusta- Richmond County Com�nissian ("Obligee"}, and Mabus Brothers Constreiction Co., Inc. � ("Campletion Contractor"). � W�TNESSETH � WHEREAS, Tomm L. Griffin Plumbin & Heatin Co. Inc. "Princi al" entered into y g � � � P ) a constntction contract with tYte Obligee (the "Bonded Contract"} to perform certain work on � D'Antignac Streef Drainage Improve�nent Praject (the "Project"); ` WHEREAS, Cinc�nnati Insurance Cor�apany ("Surety") issued Payment Bond Na. '' B0331064 (the "Payment Bond") and Ferformance Bond No. B0331064 (the "Per€ormance Bond"} on behalf af Frincipal and in favvr af Obligee in connection with the Proj�Et (the Payment Bond and the Perforznance Bond, collectively, tl�e "Bonds"); ' WHEREAS, Principal has (a} tendered to Surety a lett�r acknowiedging Principal's inability to complete the Praject and (b} abando�ted the Bonded Contract; � WHEREAS, �bligee has a�m���a �na.t Sur �r£orm its obli ations under the et3' p g Bonds; ' WHEREAS, Surety has tenderad to 4bli ee a com letin cantractor, Gom letio�. � P � P Contracta.r, to complete all o� Principal's remainzng work on the Proj ect pursuant to the terms of the Bonded Con,tract; � WHEREAS, the Completion Cantractor has agreed ta perform alI work r�maining to be per£ormed under the Banded Cantract in accordance w�ith the terms of the Bonded Contract; and � V�'HEREAS, Obligee has agreed ta aceept Completivn Contractor as the completing contractor in place of the Frincipal and discharge the Surety from its obligations as Surety under , the Bonds, except fulfillment af obligations under any warranty for work completed by the Principai as required in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contra.ct. ' NOW 'I'HEREFORE, in consideration of the prez�nises and other goad and valuable considera�.on, receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: ' 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following term5 sha11 �ave the following meanings: � « �� (a) Completion Price means Campletion Contractor's price ta complete the Prvject work remainin.g to be performed under ftxe Bonded Coniract in � , 1 of 4 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements ' � � � � � � 9 � accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract, based upan the unit � prices set forth in the attached Exhibit A. E (b) "Contract Docwnents" shall mean this Agreement, together with the � Bonded Contract a.nd all other contracts and change orders between O�ligee ar�d Principal ralated to the Project, includi;ng, without limitation, all plans, drawings, specifications, and all other change orders and � addenda issued by Obligee. � (c) "Excluded Items" shall mean those items of work for which the �� Completion Contractor does nat assume responsibility azzd which are excluded fram the Completian Price. All Excluded Items are specifically listed on Exhibit B, attached hereto. � (d) "Latent Defevt" means a de�'ect in work performed by Prin;cipal crf which Completion Contractor was not �.ware at the time of the execu�ion of this � Agreement and wlzicla wa�ld not have been discoverable through an ia�spection of the Praject at the time of the execution of tk�.is Agreement ^ made using ordinary care, given the existing conditions, schcdule, and � eircumstances, and by persons knov�ledg�a.ble in the type of co�struction required under the Bonded Cantract. Lat�nt Defeet t�oes not mean or j. include defects res�ting from work previously performed by Principal and � any other elaims arising out af work t�at Principal performed or should have perfonned und�r the Bvnded Cor�tract to the exter�t the defects arise from defects or conditions of whi;ch Completion Contractor was awaare at � the time of the ex�cution of this Agreement or which wer� diseavexable by an inspection o£ the Project on the date of tha� Agreement usi�g ordinary N care, under the e�sting conditions, schadule, a.n.d circuxnstances, by � persons knawledgeable in the type af cor�structian required un@er the Bonded Contract. Latent Defect does not mean or include latent defects -� in work performed by Completion Contractor or its subcontractors. � 2. The Work, Completion Contractor agrees to complete the Project pursuant to the terms and conditions required by the Contract Documents and the Bands. Completian Contractor agrees to: (a) assume any and all duties az�d obligations of PrincXpal reiated to the � Pzoject, the Contract Documents, and the Bonds; (b) repa.i�x any defects (whether known or unknown} in Principal's work; and (c) fully diseharge: (i} Prin�eipal's obligations under the Bonded Contract; and (ii) Surety's obligations under the Perforrnance Bond. Completion � Contractor shall pay all payables for labor and materials on the Project incurred by Completion Contractor in the coxnpletion of the Project. f 3. Comnletion of the Proiect. Completion Contractor shall complete the Project pursuant to the ternns and conditions of the Contract Documents. All claims and damages arising from the failure of Completion Contra�tar to cozx�plete tl�e work described in Section 2(t�'�e � "Work") shall be Comptetion Contractor's soie responsibility. The Work to he performed under . , the Contract shall be commenced within 10 calendar days after the date of written natice by the � ' 2 of 9 , � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvernents 'r � � Obligee to the Completion Contractor to proceed. A11 work shall be completed within 180 � calendaz days with such eactensions of time as are provided for in the General Conditions of the Contract Documents. � 4• �ment to Comalet3on Contractor. In accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, Comple�an Contxactor agrees to furnish and pay for atl of the labor, materia.l, supplies, equipment, services, insurance, wairanties, and all other items necessary to perform and fully � complete the Work just as if Completion Contractor were Principal performing under the Bonded Contract. Completion Contractor shall be paid the Completion Price by Obligee for fiilfitling al� i� Cornpletion Contractor's duties and obligarions set forth in the Contract Dacumen�s. The Completion Pric� (a) includes the cost of the Completzan Bonds (as hereinafter defined), (b) may be � revised only in accorda�ce with the terms of the Contr�ct Docuanents e. . chan e orders dela Y damages, quantity adjusttn:era:ts, eta), and (c) shall be paid in accordance wi h the payrnent � proeedures set forth in the Contract Documents. � 5. Correctian of Def�ct�ve Work of Priucap$I. Notwithstanding any other provision af , this Agreement, Gompletion Contractor da�s not assume any liability or responsibility far Late�t De£ects in wark performed by Principal or any of tl�e Excluded Items. Provided, however, in the event that any Latent Defects ar issues with respect to the �xeludecl Iter�s are discovered a.�ez the � date of thi.s A;greement in wark perfoimeci by Principal, Cornpletion Cantractor shail, if darected by Surety and Obligee to do sa, correct, repair andlar replace a�y such defects or perform such work at the price and/or rate agreed upan amoz�g Obligee, Surety, and Completion Contractar anet Obligee, u�on receipt ofpaym�nt from Surety for this work, shall compensate the Completian Contractor fo� ' such vvork. Conditionec� upon o�tainang written approvat fram Surety pr'ror to commencetnent of the wark, Surety sha11 reimburse Obligee for tl�e cost of the corre,ction, repai�r and/or replac�rnent of Latent Defects zn Principal's �rork ar performance of the Excluded Iterns pravided, however, that if � Latent Llefects were caused by a subcontractor af the Principal that is being utzlized by Cornpleti.on Contractor for completaor► of the Project, then Campletion Contractor shall endea.vor in good faith to enforce th� rcysponsibility af that subc�ntraetor and/or its surety to carrect, repl�ce or repair said � defective wark and Surery shall hav� no respansibili�ty to reimburse Coknpletior� Contra.ctor ar _ Obligee for said corrective work if and to the extent the subcontractor(s) and/or its surery remedies the defective work at its own expense, zf the subcontractor(s) of Principal that is being utilized by � Completion Contractor is not respansible or liable foz the I.atent Defect under its subcontract with PrinGipat or according to other applica.ble law, and/or if the subcontractor(s) and/vr its surety fails to fully satisfy its responsibilities and obligafiions, Surety shal.� be responsible to reimburse Obligee for , said conrective work. Tf the Engineer on the Project determines that the repair of any Latent Defect is an emergeney, the Obligee shall make a good faith effort to notify Surety and its consultant (whether in writing, v�ia electranic mail, or by telephone) of the condition and pravide Susety a � reasonable appoz�huiity to perform an inspection or investigation of the Latent De£ect provided, however, if tl�e ci�rcumstance relaring to the Latent Defect involves in imminent threat to life, health or safety of the public, the Engineer will instru.ct the Completion Contractor to proceed with the � corrective work fully reserving its right to reimbursement from the Surety for said work. G• Insurance Coveraee. Completion Contractor shall obtain a11 necessary insurance � coverages, including, without limitation, workers' compensation, liability, and other insurance coverages, in the amounts as required by the Contract Documents, which coverages shall name � 3 of 9 ' AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements � � �� � � � � Obligee arid Surety as additional insureds. Completion Contractor shall deliver to Obligee � copies of certificates of insuranee evidencing such coverages. Completion Contractor a�rees at all times ta observe and comply with alt federal, state, county, and city laws, ordinances and regulations in any nnanner afFecting the Work. , 7. Comnletion Bonds. Com terion Cantractor further a ees that as art of this - P SY' P Agreement and befare commencing the Work it shall provide to �bligee payment and perFormance bonds per the Contract Documents, each in the pe�aal sum equal to the Completion � Price and naming �bligee and Surety as obli ees iza a form and frorn a surety, acceptable to g Obligee and Surety (collectively, the "Completion Bonds"). � 8. Examination o;€ $onded Contract,�nd Froject bv ComA�etion Con�tr�ctor. Completio� Contractor has (a) examined the Gontract Documents together with any amendrn�nts ox adder�da, (b) satisfied. itself as to �kle cast o£ compt�ting the Project, t�geth�r with all required � overhead , ex�ren�es and the payrn�nt of subcontra.ctar, labar, and material expenses to be incnrred, and (c} fully informe:� itself wi�h resp�ct to tliose ite�ns required to comglete the Project independent of any representation� of Surety or ()bligee, or any of their respective employees, ' agents, consultants, or repres�ztatives. , 9. Auth� Each of tt�e ur�dersagned persons executing this Agreement on �ehalf of � Obligee and Ca3npletion Cantraetor, respectively, repr��ents and wazrants that (a) he or she is fixlly emgowered and c�uly autkiorized by all necessaly action of 4bligee a.nd Completion Contractor, respect�vel�, to execute and deliver this Agreement, (b) h� ar st�e has full ca}�acity, ' power, and au�icrrity ta enter inta and carry out th;xs Agteement, and (e) this Agre�ment is the legal, valid, arzd biz�cling ablzgatian af 4bligee and Completion Gontractor, r�spectiWely. ' 10. Miscellaneous. This Agreement sha11 inure to the benefit o£, and be binding upon, Obliges and Coxnpletion Co�tractor, and their respective successo�rs �nd assigns. The inv�lidity, illegality, or unenforceabili�y of any or�e ar more of the terrn� and conditions of this Agreement , shall nat a£�ect the validity, legality, or enforceability of the remaining terms and eonditions hereof. Notwithstandir�g anything to the contrary herein, this Agreement may nat b� amended, supplemented, or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by O�ligee and ' Completion Contraetox. This Agreement shall be gaverned by, and construed. in accordance with, the laws of the State of Geor$ia. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written abave. � � 1 1 4 of 9 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements � � � � � OBLIGEE; ALJGUSTA, GEORGIA, BY AND THROUGI� THE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COIVIMI3SiON � BY: � � . � �� I�j�l� ITS: ►'�Wyi�c. � / DATE: t L(► I a � ,�,�,+s.�ae�� ,�.� �,1�HMp� ATTEST: � 't�° e,,,do•..... �,��,+ : � e m � + � �� w =.�� . � � T w._ - � � "� B fi��L �« �J���J � � 4 �'� � r 'R ,�, � ,:� i � .. - ti y�. � . . �. � � � . � � - • C�MPLETION CO�ITRACTOR: MABUS BROTH�RS CONSTRUCTIQN CO., INC. ' � BX`: ; ' ITS: DATE: � � � � � ' j � � ' � I I I � I � � 5 of 9 1 AED-D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements ; �?� � EXHIBlT A Project: D'Antignac Street Drainage improvements �' Auguste, GA D'Antignac Street �'' DESCRIPTION UNETS QTY UNIT TOTAL PRICE PR�CE Work RemaMio� to Ba Done Eroston CaMrot LS 1$ 27,700.Q0 ffi 27,700.60 �� Unclese�[edExcavattun CY 500 $ 10,d0 $ 5,000.00 Foundatlon B�ckfiB CY 254 $ 28.30 $ 6.575.Ot3 � � Import Tronch BacMtN MataAat CY 8500 $ 18.60 S 185,250.00 + Excavatton & oe� of Co�rtamfnaCed 8alls CY 400 � BO.dd $ 24,�00.00 LumpSumConalcuctIon LS t$ 773,930.00 $ 773,930.00 Ut�aheRelacaGcns LS 1$ T4,074.7Q $ 74,074.T0 �, e" OABG RarkUg Lot 3Y 2050 $ 7.00 $ 14,350.00 10.6" OABC Roadw�y 3Y 820 $ 1 t.90 $ 3,808.00 In�Pfacs 8alac! Wktarfat Ceurse 4" Q►avet Lats SY 0 Q 4.60 $ - � _ . �Y aoo $ 7.2a � t,aao.00 1.5 Asphalt 9.6MM � ';. 2" Aepltaq 12,6MOA SY 2050 $ 9.16 $ t8,757.50 - 2.9" Aspheft 16MM! SY 32� $ 12.75 S 4,�.� Con�rets Stdewelk 4° Remove & Replaae 3Y 260 � 38.20 � e,6�.� Concrale Madi4rt Rmmove & Rspface SY 80 $ 48.70 $ 3,886.00 �' e° x?A° Concrete CuA3 8 C3uitar TP 2 Rsmave � ReRla� SY 1076 $ 21.33 $ 22,929,75 18" RCP Gl3 Fl 1-1t! LF 64 $ 35.75 � 1,830.5D 38° RCP Ct3 H 1-t0 LF 195 $ TT,OB $ 15,Q$0.60 42" RCP CL3 H 1G16 LF 175 $ 108,20 $ 19,110.OQ � 42" RCP CL3 H 1fi-20 LF 1b $ 12420 $ 1,883.00 ' 0.8" RGP CL3 H 1-10 LF 32 $ 137.58 $ 4,402.56 za RCP CL4 H 1-1� LF aa � aos.os s 2a,sas.ao � 76" RCP CL4 H iQ-15 LF 405 $ 484.08 3 175,808,45 78" RCP CL4 H t8-2U LF 280 $ 459.Q9 $ 133,i38.f0 T8" RCP CL3 H?U-25 lF 90 $ 464.d9 $ 43,568.10 Jaok � Bote 42" Cl3 Steet BeU �F 16 $ 1,014.34 S 15,170.10 � dack & 9ore 78" GL3 fiteet @eit LF 3Q $ 1,808.89 $ 48,208.70 Jack a Bore 42" CL3 Stee6 BaIF toD` 18th SUaet lS 1 S 122,134.Q(1 S 122,134.00 Jack 3 Bore 78" CL3 Steab Ba11 150' 43th S�aet L3 1$ 27$,601.64 $ 279,641.84 � Cetch Baain (QWT�t 19) EA 1$ 2,947.00 $ 2,947.00 Stam Manhole 7P 4 Eq 4$ 3,941.00 $ 15,7&4,00 Stocm Menhola TP t, Addittcnal Dspth CL 1 VF 6$ 288.00 $ 1,718.00 Storm Wtantwie TP 4, Additlonal Oepfh CL a VF 18 $ 338.00 $ 5,3T6.46 � DESCRtPTfON UNITS QTY UNI7 TQTAL PRICE PRICE Stortn Manhole TP 2 EA 7$ 7,795.00 $ 54,585.00 Storm Mantfoie SP 2, AddHional Depth CL 1 VF 5$ 436.00 $ 2,180.00 � Slorm Manhole 7P 2, Adc9tlonal D th Cl2 VF 47 $ 488.OD � 19,926.OQ Storm Manfrole TP 2, Addtdonal Depth Cl3 VF 16 $ 536.00 $ 8,576.00 T7e Naw Stortn Sewer to ExistlnQ SWcture F.,4 5 S 3,000.00 S 15,000.00 � Cut 8 Plug ExleBng 8torm Sew�r Eq 5$ 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00 TOTAL � 2,185,886.16 � 1 Of 3 � 6 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements � � EXHIBIT A Coin letion Wodc oe NE Side of Wsiton We 1 1.5" Asphalt 9.8MM SY 4700 S 7.20 $ 33,840.00 Millinp 4" Thlek 5Y 1800 $ 6,00 S 9,OOd.00 Replaes LigM Pala FA 1 5 8,281.26 $ 8,281.25 � Re lace Elliot! Bd w Wall LS 1$ 37, S2S.00 $ 37 RetaWnp Wall 12t� SUeet & Waltort Way L3 1$ 23,2b0.00 $ 23,260.00 Replace4"Sldewalk SY 65 $ 27.20 $ 2,312,00 , Remove 6 Replace 8° X 24" Cencrete Curb TP 2 LF 200 $ 21.33 l6 4,286.00 � Replace 2" BoltaMs' EA 46 $ 81,55 $ 3,888.7b Replaca Fence BerUnu Thompson Wredch�g LS 1$ 1,486.7a $ 1,485.70 Raplace Hotdback T�a Frame 6 Grete EA t$ 760.aQ $ 760.00 1 Petch FedEx Perktnp Lot SY 50 $ 15.00 $ 760.00 1.6" AaphaR B.6MM FedEx Ratklny Lot Overtey SY 620 $ 7.20 $ 4,464.00 Orede Pareel �9 L3 1 S 4,Od0.00 � 4,000.00 MatUng Percel 063 SY S�0 $ B.OQ. $ 2,400,00 � ] Grede Parc:el 120 LS 1$ t,000.00 $ 1,000.00 8" GASC Perkin lot PtNC61 f20 SY 95Q $ 7.00 ; 8,650.00 2" 12.6MM Asp►+elt Parc� 120 SY 850 $ 8.15 $ 8,692.50 � firaaaing Temp & Pecmaaant LS 1$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000,00 1 Soddfn LS 1$ 2,000.00 $ 2.00O.QO S riklstSystamPotr.e1092 L3 1$ 3,000,00 $ 3.b00.00 Repface SVYf T trdsraecliuci Wqtton Way & 12th Street LS 1$ 1,000.00 S 1,000.00 RR X-tng (StApimg In 12th 8Yreet) EA 4$ 6Q0.00 $ 2,000.00 � Stop Bers (Stdping in 12tl� 6treey LF 120 $ 6.00 � 720.00 8" Doubb Sotld �'edow Unea Strlphig in 12th SEre�ty LF 1600 $ 2.00 $ 3,200,00 e" Cross Walks (&trlpin� kr t2th Slnat LF 800 S 2.25 $ 1.800.00 � Sohaof (SkiR{nG in t21h Bheet} EA 2$ 250.00 $_ ___. 500.00 MobiAzedon(SVipt�a41n12tfi$traet} EA 1$ 1,500.00 $ 1,50Q00 TOTAI $ 16T,846.20 Completton Work art SUilBtde of Wsiton Way 1 Replace LtgM Poles EA 2$ 6,281.25 $ 12,562.50 R�plaace Caxxete Retaintrtg Well Siatlon 28f6b LS 1$ 5,0OO,OQ $ 5,000.00 , Replece Fence on T otReteinMg Wall LS 1$ 1,392.99 $ 1,382.99 Replace 2" BW�rcie EA 20 $ 81.55 $ 1,831.00 � Replace Roll Gates LS 2$ 1,155.00 $ 2,310.00 Grede PerceE 194 LS 1$ i $ 1,OOO.UO 4" GABC Pstcet t94 5Y 1810 $ 4.50 $ 8,145.QQ � 1 OAK & 2 CM ON WALTON WAY LS 7$ 1,500.Q0 $ 1,500.00 Clean Up Percel 1D4 LS 1$ 7,SOO.QO $ 7,500,00 OresslnQ Temp 3 Permanent LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,OOO.Q� , TOTAL a 42,041.49 T'OTA� FOR JOB S 2,405,583.79 DESCR[PTION UNITS QTY UNIT TOTAI PRICE PRICE , Materlal Stored On Skt Qr At Hanson's Facility And To Be Pafd tor by Mabus Brothers (Inciuded irf Above Pricing) Stored On Stte � JunetionBox#8 EA 1$ 8,047.67 $ 6,047.87 Junction Box # 9 Ep, 1$ 8,Q47.67 $ 6,047.67 18' RCP LF 16 S 10,69 $ 171.Q4 � 38• RCP LP i6 S 32.09 $ 513.44 78° RCP LF 2b $ 178.69 $ 4,288.56 78• RCP Jack Plpe LF 18 $ 189.39 $ 3,030.24 Totai Stored Qrt S(ts S zo ,098.62 2 of 3 � 7 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage lmprovements ' � EXHiBiT A Storod � Hanson'a Faeliity � JuncUon Box* 10 Eq 1$ 8,325,80 S 6,325.90 Junctlon Box � t t Eq 1$ 7,527.31 $ 7,527.31 Junctfon Box # 12 EA 1$ 7,527.31 $ 7,52T,31 � Junction Box B 13 Ep, 1$ 9,808,81 � 9,808.91 78 � R�P LF �9B $ 178.69 $ 124,385,24 78" RCP Jack Pfps LF 13B $ 188,39 $ 25,75T.04 42" RCP Jack Pipe LF 128 $ 66.34 $ 8,491.62 � TOTAL Stored � Hanaon's Facflity $ 169,806.23 Total Mlttartd to be P�W (or By Mabus � 209,904.85 rt TOTAL FOR JOB j 2,406,883.78 �; TotaF M��rtsl � be P�id for By Bondtny Company s - Partormsnc� 3 PaymarK Bonds $ 24,085.64 TOTAL $ 2,4Z9.8S8.63 � DESCRIPT{ON UNIT3 QTY UN#T TOTliL - � PRfCE PRICE Lump Sum Breakdown Tempocary Fance LF 1000 $ 10.68 $ 10,66�.0� RemoverReset 6tlatlrtg BfQns_ _ EA 20 $ 300.OQ $ 6,OQO.OQ __. � ProperiyRestore�on L5 1$ 25,000.00_ $ 25,000.A0 TreHloGontrol LS 1$ 170 ,oQa.00 $ 170,OOQ,00 Ad ust ManhoNNaiv� W Gtade Eq '!Q $ $00.00 $ 3,D00.00 MobAtz�iocUDemobllf�allo� L3 1$ 29.44�,OE1 $ 28,q�30.00 �YR�g_P��UW LS 7 $ 73,070,0� $ 73,D70.04 � �o� LS 1 $ 2t4,760,OQ $ 2'l4,7BOA� Q�a��9 lS 1$ 14S OCtQ,00 $ t4.5,00Q.00 ConattucNon Stakln0 LS 1 ff 35,UOO.QO S 35,UC10.00 �, Rest In Rerk�9 tats LS 1$ 12,OOO.QO $ 12,DOO,Qf} Cleark�p & Grubbinp LS 1$ 10,OOG.00 � 10,000.00 _ _. _ _ PothoBnp GA Power Gondutt in 13th 8tree! LS 1$ 1,0OO,OQ $ 1,0OO.OQ Brckhoe RenEel L3 1$ t6,000.00 $ 16,d00.00 � Crwne for Heavy tift�g of Bwces LS 1$ 25,000.00 $ 25,0OO,Od TOTAL $ 773,93Q.00 NQTES I j 1. All items are to be paid for based u on actual uantitfes of work P � comple4ed and approved by che Obkigee 2. Price does not Indude correction of sny exlsting pipe )ofnts that are leakfng or are out of tolerance. 3. Mebus Brothers does not guarantee any work previously completed by any other contractor. �. 4. There are 5 joints (4Q') of 78" RCP & 9 joint (72"} pf 78 RCP lack pipe on site that are broken and Iikely ' unstable. If these Jolnts of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe wilf be deducted from the cost to complete the proJect � 5, ft may be necessary to have additlonai 78" RCP made by Nanson. ff so, the cost of any additiona! pipe wll( 6e in addition to the campletlon price Ifsted in this Agreement. �`' 6, Any unforeseen condit{ons encountered by Mabus and accepted by the Obllgee as additlons or modiflcaUons to the Bonded Contract wlll be priced separately, per the Contract Documents, and are not included in the completion price listed in tE�is Agreement and the Cantract Documents. 7, Junctfon Box #4 (18#4) is on site. JB #8 was used where JB #4 was supposed ta have' been used. if 16#4 is not suitable for use at the location where JB �8 is to be instailed and if JB #4 requires modiflcation, ,' the cost of the modi�cation(s) wi116e in addition to the completion price Iisted in this Agreement. 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" caliper. The Crepe Myrtle Is to be a 10'-12' tall. 3 of 3 � '`' 8 of 9 AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements 1' , i � EXHIBIT B . � . EXCLUDED ITEMS � 1. All items are to be paid for based upon actual quantities of work completed and approved by the Obligee. 1 2. Price does not inc{ude correction of any exisCing pipe joints that are leaking or are out of to(erance. 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any wark p�evkausly campleted by any other contractor. � 4. There are 6 Joints (40'} of 78" ReP & 9 joint (72") of 78 RCP Jae�C pipe on site that are brake/unusable, ff these joints of p[pe can be used, the cost of the pipe will be deducted from the cost to complete the project. 5. It may b� necessary to have additiorral 78" RCR made by Hansan. If so, the cost af any additional , pipe will be in addi�'rnn to the completian price listed in this Agreement. If so, and provid�d that said additlanal pfp� is not a replacement pfpe, thre the additional cost wi4f be in addi�t'ian to. 6, Any unforeseen condiE'►ons eneountered and subsequent�y appraved by tihe Qbligee v�il! be priced separately, pe� the Co�rtrac# Documents, and are not included in the compfetio� price (isted in this ' Agreerrrent and the contra�t dacuments. 7. Junction Box #4 (JB #4) is on si�e. Tri� Griffin has indi�ated t�at JB#8 was u�ed where JB#4 was supposed #o be used bu� �ays that both txoxes are of the same design. Mabus Brathers I�as looked at tk�e Submittat Sheets pvepared by H�nson and these boxes appear ta be diff�rent. if 1 JB#4 ls not su�tabt�e for us� at the Ic�cation where J8 #8 was to have been instailed a�d if JB #4 requ�res rno�ification, the Cost af the ►nodifi�a�tic�n(s) wilk bs in additfon to the compietian price listed in this Agreement. , 8. The �ak tree is to be 4" caliper. The Crepe fv�yrtPe Is to be 1 Q' to 12' tafl, The Par�i�s Acknowled��: that the Exciuded ttems of Work i�sted on this Exhi:bit B , shall be tf�e resporrsibi:lity of Sure#y pursuar�# to and subj�ct to the terms af Section 6 of this Agreement. r � � , � � , � � 54o64i 9 of 9 � AED- D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements a � � � � � � � 1 � � I _ - -- _ ' � � � � � � � � 1 � '� , � � � � � � � . � � � � � , COMPLETION AGREEMENT � This Completion Agreement ("Agreement"), made as of the 16th day of November, 2410 � � (the "Effective Date"), by and between Augusta, Georgia, by and through the Augusta- - Richmond County Commission ("Obligee"), and Mabus Brothers Construcrion Co., Inc. i � ("Completion Contractor"). i WITNESSETH � i WHEREAS, Tommy L. Crriffin Plumbing & Heating Co., Ina ("Principal"} entered into I a construc�ion contract with the Obiigee (the "Bonded Contract") to perform certain work on � D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvement Project (the "Project"); � � WHEREAS, Cincinnati Insurance Company ("Surety") issued Payment Bond No. � 50331064 (the "Payment Bond") and Perforznance Bond No. 50331064 (the "Performance � Bond") on b�half of Pri.ncipal and in favor of Obligee in connection with the Project (the Payment Bond and the Performan.ce Bond, collectively, the "Bonds"); � � � WI-iEREAS, Prin.cipal has (a) tendered to Surety a letter acknowledgi:ng Principal's � inability to complete the Project and (b) abandoned the Bonded Contract; � I � WHEREAS, Obligee has demanded that Surety perform its obligations un.der the i Bonds; � � WI�REAS, Surety has tendered to Obligee a completing conlxactor, Completion i '' , ' Contractor, to complete all of Principal s remaining work on the Project pursuant to the terms of � the Bonded Contract; � I � WHEREAS fihe Com Ietion Contractor h.as agreed to perforxn all work remaining to be � P performed un.der the�Bonded Con4xact in aecordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract; and ; ; � WHEREAS, Obli ee has agreed to accept Completion Contractor as the completing g contractar in place of the Principal and discharge the Surety from its obiigations as Surety under � the Bonds, except fulfillment of obligations under any warranty for work completed by the � Princi a1 as re uired in accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract. � P q � NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the preznises and other good and valuable � � consideration, receipt and sufficiency af which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereta agree as follows: i . � 1. Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following I meanings: i �' (a) "Completion Price" means Completion Coniz�actor's price to complete the Project work remaining to be performed uncter the i�andeci Lontraci in ; ; � i � ; � i ' r ' � � i � accordance with the terms of the Bonded Contract, based upon the unit ; ' prices set forth in the attached Exhibit A. ! � � (b) "Contract Documents" sha.11 mean this Agreement, togefiher with the _ Bonded Contract and all other contracts and change orders between � � Obligee and Principal related to the Project, including, without limitation, all plans, drawings, specifications, and all other change orders and addenda issued by Obligee. � (c) "Excluded Items" sha11 mean th.ose items of work for whzch the Completion Contractor does not assume responsibility and which are ; � excluded from the Completion Price. AIl Excluded Itexn.s are specifically listed on Exhibit B, attached hereto. � � E (d) "Latent Defect" means a defect in work performed by Principal of which ; Completion Contractor was not aware at the time of the execution of this � Agreement and which would not have been discaverable through an � � inspection of the Project at the time of the execurion of tlus Agreernent � made using ordinary care, given the existing conditions, schedule, and � circumstances, and by persons l�owled.geable in the type of construction � � required under the Bonded Contract. Latent Defect does not mean or ; include defects resulting from work previously perform.ed by Principal axzd � � any other claims arising out of work that Principal performed or should i 1 have performed under the Bonded Contract to the extent the defects arise ' from defects or conditions of which Complerion Contractor was aware at the time of the execution of this Agreement or which were discoverable by � an inspection of the Project on the date of this Agreement using ordinary ! caxe, under the existing conditions, schedule, and circumstances, by persons knowledgeable in the type of �onstruction required under the ' Bonded Contract. Latent Defect does not mean or include la�ent defeets � in work performed by Completion Contractor or its subcontractors. ' i � 2. The Work. Completion Contractor agrees to complete the Project pursuant to the i terms and conditions required by the Contract Documents and the Bonds. Completion ; Contractor agrees to: (a) assume any and a1I duties and obligations of Principal related to the Project, the Cantract Documents, and the Sonds; (b) repair any defects (whether known or ' unknown) in Principal's work; and (c) fully discharge: (i) Principal's obligations under the Bonded Contract; and (ii) Surety's obligations under the Performance Bond. Completion Contractor sha11 pay a11 payables far labor and materials on the Project incurred by Completian � Coniractor in the completion of the Project: 3. Completion of the Proiect. Completion Contractor shall complete the Project ' pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. All claims and damages arising r � r•� r� � �-t 1 it_ _ 1_ L d' 0....a7.... (Ll. �om tne rai�ure or �ompierian ��niraciot i0 C:VII�IFJIGLG uic vvuit� U'c�GZ"iu�u iu o��uvu 2<<u8 "Work") sha11 be Completion Contractor's sole responsibility. 'I'he Work to be performed under . � � the Contract shall be commenced within 10 calendar days after �e date of written notice by the � � � } j t � i i � ( ' , Obligee -to the Completion Contractor ta proceed. All work shall be completed within 180 � calendar days with such extensions of time as are provided for in the General Conditions of the i Contract Documents. � , � 4. Payment �o Completion C�ntractor. In accordance with the tenns of the Contract ' Documents, Completion Contractor agrees to furnish and pay for all of the labor, material, supplies, j equipment, services, insurance, warranties, and all other iterns necessary to perform and fully j r ` coznplete the Work just as if Completion Contractor were Principal performing under the Bonded ; Contract. Completion Contractor shall be paid the Completion Price by Obligee for fulfilling all I Completion Contractor's duties and obligations set forth in the Contract Documents. The � Completion Price (a} includes the cost of fhe Completion Bonds (as hereinafter defined), (b) may be i � revised only in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents (e.g., change orders, delay i damages, quantity adjustments, etc.), and (c) sha11 be paid in accordance with the payment , ' � procedures set forth in the Contract Documents. � ' S. Correction of Defective Work of Princi sl. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Completion Contractor does not assume any liability or responsibility for Latent ' Defects in work performed by Pri.ncipal or any of the Excluded Itexns. Provided, however, in the event that any Latent Defects or issues with respect to the Excluded Items are discovered a$er the date of this Agreement in work performed by Principal, Completion Contractor shall, if directed by � ' Surety and Obligee to do so, correct, repair and/or replace any such defects or perfarm such work at �lie price and/or rate agreed upon among Obligee, Surety, and Cornpletion Contractor and Obligee, j R upon receipt of payment from Surety for this work, shall compensate the Completion Contractor for ; � such work. Conditioned upon obtaining written approval from Surety prior to commencement of j the work, Surety shall reim.burse Obligee far the cost of the carrection, repair andlor replacement of j Latent Defects in Principal's work or performance of the Excluded Items pravided, however, fihat if i , � La.tent Defects were caused by a subcontractor of the Principal that is being utilized by Completion � Con�ractor for completion of the Praj ec�, then Comple�ion Contractor sha11 endeavor in good faith to � enforce the responsibility of that . subcontractor andJor its surety ta correct, r-eplace or repair said � defective work and Surety sha11 have no responsibiIity to reimburse Completion Contractor or ' Obligee for said corrective work if and to the extent the subcontractor(s} and/ar its surety renaedies ; � the defective work at its own expense. If the subcontractor(s) of Principal that is heing utilized by � Completion Contractor is not responsible or liable for the Latent Defect under its subcontract with i , Principal or according to other applicable lavv, and/or if the subcontractor(s) ancUor its surety fails to i fu11y satisfy its responsibilities and obligations; Surety shall be responsible to reim.burse Obligee far � ' ` said corrective work. If the Eng'vzeer on the Project determines that the repair of any Latent Defect � is an emergency, the Obligee shall make a good faith effort to noti.fy 5urety and its cansultant (whether in writing, via electronic mail, or by telephone} of the condition and provide Surety a reasonable opportunity to perform an znspection or investigation of the Latent Defect pravided, ' however, if the circumstance relating to the Latent Defect involves in imminent threat to life, health or safety of the public, the Engineer will instruct the Connpletion Contractor ta proceed with the j '' corrective wark fully reseiviz�.g its right to reimbursement from the Surety for said wozk. ' � 1 ! T /`� /'Y t .• 1 1 � 1. 11 o. insurance �.avera�e. �ompienon �ontractor snaii ootain aii necessary insurance coverages, including, without limitation, workers' compensation, liability, and other insurance ,' coverages, in the amounts as required hy the Contract Documents, which coverages shall name � � i � � � � i � � � � � � i r, � a � . � OBLIGEE: AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SY AND THROUGH THE AUGUSTA—RICHMOND COUNTY COMMTSSION ,, BY: '� ITS : ; � DATE: � ' . I I+ ; � ATT S : i E T , � ' � a BY ITS CLERK � � � • COMPLETION CONTRACTOR: MABUS BRO ONSTRU TION C�., Il� � BY: ITS: Y � r , � DATE: I ' I � '" � i � � � ' ' ; � i � � � � � � ; t � � � ; � ' i I I ' i � ' , i ' � i i ' § � �• . � . . . . . � � . � . { �: � EXHIBITA �� { Pro}ect: D'Antignac Street Drainage Improvements Augusta, GA ` D'Antignac Street �` ; DESCRIPTION UN�TS QTY UNIF TOTAL PRICE PRICE � Work Remaining to Be Done Erasion Control LS 1$ 27,700.00 $ 27,700.00 r Unclassified Excavatlon CY 500 $ 10,Q0 $ 5,000.00 Foundation Backffll CY 250 $ 26.30 $ 6,575.00 Import Trench BacI�i11 Material CY 9500 $ 19.50 $ 185,250.00 � � Excava4on & Disposal of Contamfnated Soils CY 400 $ 60.00 $ 24,000.00 Lump Sum Consfructfon LS 1$ 773,930.00 $ 773,930.00 U6lities Relocations LS 1$ 74,074.70 $ 74,074.70 5' GABC Parking Lot SY 2050 $ 7.00 $ 14,350.00 1�.5" GABC Roadway SY 320 $ 11.90 $ 3,808:00 ; � In-Place Select Meterial Course 4" Gravel Lots SY 0$ 4.50 $ - 1 1.5° Asphalt 9.5MM SY 200 $ 7.20 $ 1,44Q�0 � � 2" Asphalt 12.5MM SY 2050 $ 9.15 $ 18,757.50 2.5"Asphattl9MM 5Y 324 $ i2.75 $ 4,080.00 Concrete Sldewalk 4" Remove & Replace SY 250 $ 38.20 $ 9,550.00 ; Concrete Med'ian Rertwve & Repiace SY 80 $ 48.70 $ 3,896.00 i 6" x 24" Concrele Curb & Gutter TP 2 Remove & Replace SY '! 075 $ 21.33 $ 22,829.75 I 18" RCP CL3 H 1-10 LF 54 $ 35.75 $ 1,930.50 � 38" RCP CL3 H 1-10 LF 195 $ 77.08 $ 15,030.60 i 4Y RCP CL3 H 10-15 LF 175 $ 109.20 $ 19,110.00 � 4T' RCP CL3 H 75-20 LF 15 $ t24.20 $ 1,863.00 � 46" RCP Cl3 H 1-10 LF 32 $ 137.5$ $ 4,402.56 78" RCP CL4 H 1-t0 LF 60 $ 409.09 $ 24,545.40 78" RCP CL4 H 16-75 LF 405 $ 434.OB $ 175,806.45 � 78" RCP CL4 H 15-20 LF 290 $ 459.09 $ 133,'{36.10 7S" RCP CL3 H 20.25 LF 90 $ 484.09 $ 43,568.10 i Jack 8 Bore 42" CL3 SteelBell LF 15 $ 1,011.34 $, 15,17D.10 � � Jack & eore 78° CC3 Stee! Bell LF 30 $ 1,606.89 $ 48,206.7a Jack & Bore 42" CL3 Steel Belf 100' 13th Street LS 1$ 122,134.00 $ 122,134.00 Jack & Bore 78" CL3 Steel BeI1150' 13th Street LS 1$ 275,601.64 $ 279,601.64 t Catch Basin (DVJT# 19j EA 1$ 2,947.00 $ 2,947.00 ' Storm Manhole TP 1 EA 4$ 3,94'I.00 $ 15,764.00 ! Sfortn Manhole 1P t, Additlonal Depth CL 1 VF 6$ 286.00 $ 1,716.00 � { Storm Manhole TP 1, Additional Depth CL 2 VF 16 $ 336.00 $ 5,376.00 i DESCRIPTION UIVITS QTY UNIT TOTAL ' � PRICE PRICE i Stortn Manhole TP 2 EA 7$ 7,795.00 $ 54,565.Q0 i Stortn Manhole TP 2, Additlonal Depth CL 1 VF 5$ 436.00 $ 2,t80.00 j , Storm Manhole TP 2, Additlonal Depth CL 2 VF 41 $ 486.00 $ 19,926.00 Storm Manhole TP 2, Additional Deplh CL 3 VF 16 $ 536.OQ $ 8,576.00 ! Tie New Stortn Sewer co Existing StnutUre EA 5$ 3,D00.00 $ 15,000.00 i� i' Cut & Piug E�dsfing Stortn Sewer EA 5$ 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00 i ' TOTAL $ 2,195,896.10 ' � lof3 ` i I � � { � "' EXHIB{T A ; Completion Work on NE Side of Waifon Way 1.5",4sphelt9.5MM SY 4700 $ 7.20 $ 33,840.00 Miliing 4" Thick SY 1500 $ 6.00 $ 9,D00.00 � Replaca Ught Pole Eq 1$ 6,281.25 $ 6,281.25 � I Reptace Elllott Bddge Wall LS 1$ 37,125.00 $ 37,125.OQ Retaining Wall � 12th Street 8 Walton Way LS 1$ 23,250.00 $ 23,250.00 i Replace4" Sidewalk SY 85 $ 27.20 $ 2,3'12.00 't � Remwe & Replace 6" X 24" Concrete Curb TP 2 LF 200 $ 2'1.33 $ 4,266.00 ° Replace 2" BoDards Eq 4$ $ 8�.55 $ 3,669.75 � Replaca Fence Behlnd Thompson Wrecking LS 'i $ 1,465.70 $' 1,465.7D � Replace Hoidback Trap F2me 8 Grele EA 1$ 760.00 $ 760.00 Patch FedEx Parking Lot SY 50 $ 15.00 $ 750.00 1.5" Asphalt 9.5MM FedEu Parking Lot Oveday SY 620 $ 7.20 $ 4,464.00 � Grade Pattel 053 L$ 1$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Matting Parcel 053 SY 300 $ 8.00 $ 2,400.00 GredeParce1120 LS 1$ 1,0OO.OQ $ 1,000.00 � i 6° GABC Parking Lot Parcel 120 SY 950 $ 7.00 $ 6,650.00 � 2" 12.5MM Asphalt Parcel 120 SY 950 $ 9.75 $ 8,&92.50 � i Gressing Temp & Pertnanent LS i$ 2,000.00 $ 2, OOO.OD i g Soddtng LS 1$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 ' SprinkierSystem Parce1092 LS 1$ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 i � Replace SWT Top � Intersection Walron Way 812th Sfreet LS 'I $ 1,000.0� $ 1,000_00 i RR X-ing (Stripfng in 12th SVeet) EA 4$ 500.00 $ 2,0�0.00 i ' Stop Bars (Striping in 12th Streeq LF 120 $ 6.00 $ 720.00 � t 5" Double Solid Ysltow Lines (SMp3ng in 12th Street) LF ' 1600 $ 2.00 $ 3,200.00 j � 8" Cross Walks (Stdping in 12th Street) LF 8Q0 $ 2.25 $ 1,800.D0 Schoof (Striping In 12th Street) EA 2$ 250.00 $ 500.00 ! MobilizaUan (Stdping in 12th Streeq EA 1$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 � � TOTAL $ 167,646.20 i Completion Work on SW Stde of Wa[ton Way � Replace Light Pofes EA 2$ 6,281.25 $ 12,562.50 � � � Replace Concrete Retaining Wall Station 26+55 LS 1$ S,OOO.QO $ 5,000.00 ! Repiace Fence on Top of Retaining Wali LS 1$ 1,392,99 $ 1,392.99 j Replace 2" Bollards Eq 20 $ 81.55 $ 1,831.00 ; Replace Roll Gates LS 2$ t,'155.00 $ 2,310.04 � Grade Parce1194 LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 j 4" GABC Parcel 194 SY 1810 $ 4.50 $ 8,145.00 � 1 OAK & 2 CM ON WALTON WAY LS 1$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 � Glean Up Parcel 194 LS 1$ 7,500.00 $ 7,500,00 � � Grassing Temp 8� Permanent LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 � TOTAL $ 42,041.49 �, TOTAL FOR JOB $ 2,405,563.79 � � �ESCRIPTfON UNfTS QTY UNIT TOTAI � PRICE PRICE � Material Stored On Site Or At Hanson's Facility And To Be Pald I � for by Mabus Brothers (Included !n Above Pricing} i Stored On Site I Junction Box# 8 EA 1$ 6,047.67 $ 6,a47.67 � Junction Box # 9 EA 1$ 6,047.67 $ 6,047.67 � 18" RCP LF 16 $ 10.69 $ 171.04 � 36" RCP i..F i 6 $ 32.u5 'a S i 3,44 I 76" RCP LF 24 $ '178.69 $ 4,288.56 � 78° RCP Jack Pipe LF 16 $ 189.39 $ 3,030.24 ( � Tofai Stored On Sife $ 20,098.62 � i, i ' I 2 of 3 � � r� � � � I � k EXHIBIT A ; ' � Stored � Hanson's Facility � a ' Jundion Box# t0 gq �$ 6,325.90 $ 6,325.90 � Junctlon Box # 11 Eq 1� 7,527.31 $ 7,527.31 � Jundion Box # 12 � EA 1 $ 7,527.31 $ 7,527.31 Junction Bmc# 13 Eq 1$ 9,808.91 $ 8,808.91 78" R�P LF 696 $ 178.69 $ 124,368.24 I' ' 78" RCP Jaek Pipe LF 136 $ 189.39 $ 25,757.04 I - 42" RCP Jack Pipe LF 1 ZS $ 66.34 $ 8,491.52 � t TQTAL Stored @ Hanson's Facillty g 189,806.23 ' Total Materiai to be Paid for By Mabus � Z09,904.8b � TOTALFORJOB $ 2,405,583.79 I i ; � Tofal Material to be Paid for By Boading Company $ - � Pertormance & Payment Bonds $ 24 055.84 TO7AL $ 2,429,639.63 � � � DESCRlPTION UNITS QTY UNtT TQTAL - � PRICE PRICE � i Lump Sum Breakdown � � Temporary Fence �F 10�0 $ 10.66 $ 10,660.00 � Remove/Reset Existing Signs EA 20 $ 300.00 $ 6,Q00.00 � � Property Restora6on LS 1$ 25,000_00 $ 25,000.00 � � Trdffic Control L5 1$ 170,OOQ.00 $ 170,000.00 i AdJusf ManholeNalve to Grade EA 10 $ 300.00 $ 3,000.00 � Mob1¢atioNDemobilization LS 1$ 28,440.00 $ 28,440.OQ j eypass Pumping LS 1$ 73,07D,00 $ 73,070.OQ � , Shoring LS 1$ 254,760.00 $ 214,760.Q0 ! Dewatering LS 1$ 145,000.00 $ 145,000.00 � ConstrucUon Staking LS 1$ 35,000.00 $ 35,OOOA� ' i Restriping Parldng LoLs LS 1$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 � � Ctearing & Grubbing LS 1$ 1d,000.00 $ 10,000.00 � Pothofing GA Pawer Canduit [rt 13th Sheet LS 1$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 � � BackhoeRentai LS 1$ t5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 � � Crane for Heavy liftiog of Boxes LS 1$ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 I TOTAL y 773,930.00 I NOTES j � 1. All items are to be paid for based upon actuai quantities of work completed and approved by the Obligee 2. Price does not include carrection of any existing plpe joints that are (eaking or are out of tolerance. i 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any work previously completed by any other contractor. ( ' 4. There are 5 joints {40') of 78" RCP & 9 joint (72"} of 78 RCP Jack pipe on site that are broken and likely ' unstable. if these joints of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe will be deducted from the cost to complete the project. � 5. it may be necessary to have additional 78" RCP made by Hanson. if so, the cost of any additional pipe will be in addition to the completion price listed in this Agreement. I 6. Any unforeseen conditions encountered by Mabus and accepted by the Obligee as additions or � modifications to the Bonded Contrect will be priced separately, per the Contrack Documents, and are not ' included in the completion price listed in this Agreement and the Contract Documents. i ?, 1�nr,tjon Box #4 (,JB#4) is on site. JB #8 was used where JB #4 was supoosed to have' been used. ff JB#4 I is not suitable for use at the location where JB #8 is to be installed and if JB #4 requires modification, � ' the cost of the modification(s) wi�l be in addition to the completion price listed in this Agreement. 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" caliper. The Crepe Myrtle is to be a 10'-12' tall. i I � � � 3 of 3 � ' � � ! � �� � � � � EXHIBIT B � EXCLUDEDfTEMS ! I � 1. All items are to be paid for based upon actual quantities of work com leted and a roved by the Obfigee. p p � 2. Price does not include correction of any existing pipe.joints that are leaking or are out of � tolerance. 3. Mabus Brothers does not guarantee any work previously completed by any other contractor. � 4. There are 5 Joints (40') of 78"`RCP & 9 joint (72") of 78 RCP Jack pipe on site that are brokelunusable. If these joints of pipe can be used, the cost of the pipe will be deducted from the � cost to cbmplete the project 5. It may be necessary to have additional 78" RCP made by Hanson. If so, the cost of any additional � pipe wilf be in addition ta the completion price listed in this Agreement. If so, and provided that � said additional pipe is not a replacement pipe, the the ad'ditional cost wilf be in addition ta 6. Any unforeseen conditio.ns encountered and subsequently approved by the Obligee will be priced . separately, per the Contract �ocuments, and are not included in the completion price fisted in this ; Agreement and the contract documents. � � 7. Junction Box #4 (JB #4} is on site. Trip Griffin has indicated that JB#8 was used where JB#4 was ; supposed to be used but says that both boxesare of the same design. Mabus Brothers has i loaked at the Submiftai Sheets prepared by Hanson and these boxes appear to be different. If ` JB#4 is not suitable for use at the location where JB #8 was to have b.een installed and if JB #4 ; � requires modi#ication, the cost of the madification(s} wi{I be in addition to the completion price � listed in this Agreement. ; 8. The Oak tree is to be 4" caliper. The Crepe Myrtle is to be 10' to 12' tali. ! I � The Parties Acknowledge that the Excluded Items of Work listed on this Exhibit B ( shall be the responsibility of Surety pursuant to and subject to the terms of � ' Sectian 6 of this Agreement. ; ; i � � , E � ; � � ; �: ' � I i � � � i �� ' S40641 .� � I I t