HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUCY CRAFT LANEY WELLNESS CENTER PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2027087543 Congressionai Gtants Ulv 12:OO;d4 p.m. 61-13-2011 5!6 ' � Suppartir�g Urba�� Prasperity � TGe crouonric iulegra�iaw uf fuurilies nrod conu�ra�iiries �vrrlr ejforls ra supporr d�e currer�r loiv-i�reo�ae residenrs ofthuse areas. Project Descrip#ion The Lucy Craft Laney �liTellness Center The Lucy Craft Laney Wetlness Center will be located in the heart af ti�e Laney Walker/Bethlehem Nei�;hborhood Revitalization Area. �s the city begins to implement its inulti-year plan to rebuild tl�e downtawn urban aeea as a viable and safe area to Cive — GE'ark — Play, it is critical tha# multi-functional Comm�inity Cenlers be tiuilt. These centers a�e a critical co�nponent of Che urban city as they pravide programs and services to keep the comn7unity growi�}g, stable and viabie. The creation of The Lucy Cra� Laney Wellness Center sttpports Georgia's Urt�an Development goals at a state tevel and Presidznt 4bama's goals at a NationaE Level: "to acilitate tite eca►rv�nic inte ration o �tntilies a�rd co�rrm�rrrities rvitlt efforts to si�pporl tlie current lo�v-irrcome resi�terats" of our Urban Cities. The T..ucy Craft Laney Wellness Ceitter will focus on current social issties and offer programs and activities by a fiill-Eime staff. The WelEtiess Cec�ter wiil collaborate with loca! entities suc17 as the Medica! Coilege of Gen��gia, (Jnivers�ty Hospital, Public Health Department and local non-profit agencies ta provide variaus health and nutrition programs. These programs will facus on current sacial issues such as Chemical Free I._iving, Buiiding Positive Self �steem, Safety, Nutrition, Health and Well Bei.ng, Dress far Success, S�ecialized Women's Programs, and Physical Education. The Center will be stafted full-time and will offer programs Monday throu�h Saturday. It is recoinmended that the I.��c� C.raft L�tney 'V�ellness Center be centrally located within the I.aney Walker Nei�hbo�•hood so that it wi[l be easily accessible by all residents of the community. The Genter wiil be c�amed after Lucy Craft Laney as a tribute to her dedication to wellness, eciucation ar�d her strive towards improvin� thc developme�st ��nd �rowth of women. The Cenier will develop programs that inte�rate the fau�� key capstones of Lucy Craft Laney's beliefs: I. l�aith in cilildren's ability to learn; 2. Gommit��ent to the training and developm.ent of women; 3. Ways to provide teaehing and vocational opportunities; and 4. Be(ief that Community Service creates Community Ownersl�ip. Tlie Wellness Centcr wi11 sti�ive to have a positive R�turn on Investment (ROI) within the �rst three to five years. Ik is estirnated tha� the ceilter could reach about 404 residents, With the current population in tllis lo�v-income area of 3,OU0 residents, ti�e Cenier wilt reacl� about 10-13°/u of the co►nmunity. r'rom an ecc>��c}mic ��v�lupn�znt perspectiv�, !E�e �Velli�ess C'enter �vilf support o3�site offices for about 4 non-profit �,r��u�iiatii>ns li� ��r�,�i�l� ���ricx�s �:���7t�� pru��r<Eins. l�t a�i�.litic�i�. the C.'cnEer �vill bc ilcsi<�tir�i tc� °;��p��o�•t ��nc ;n��ili hc��ui�ss r�st'��iirtuit l:iusl: (hut ����ul�l �tU�Sllc:ilC Ii3i' utitritiun ��t�c��rartts �vitl�i» tl�c ��ontcr. �1 ;iiiUlc ��on-}�r��lit �vilf i�� j li�r th� opera[ion uuc! ;�f����vti� vf lilc l`onfi;c, i.'h[s ce��ter �vill i;nlc�rce Chc stistai�iabiliry ��t� the f,.Enev 4Vctll:�r.�E3etl�tehcm v�i��r{lhorhood and support II1t'. �I�1�E1�Oi'EiC)OCI fZeviralii�tion proj�ct. � , .. i„.,.. � �' , .„ �, ����, i ,., � :�:.. 20270875A3 Congressionai Grants piv 31:59;07 a.m. 01-13-2011 1/6 � � � ��� ^��� G5 � l 4 f? 8 7 E� a8I n 2�2 ! Application for Federal Ass(stance SF ' �. Type of Submission' ' 2. 7ype of ApplicaGan� '!1 Revision, seiec� appropdafe letter(sJ: � �'reappiic�tion � New `(� Application � ConGnuatiqp ' Gther �Specify): � Changed/Carrected Applica6on � Revision ' 3. L3ate Received: 4. App{icanl Identif�er: of;2�2ota . 5a. Federdl Entity Idenlifier: Sb. Federal Award Identi(ier. B-IU-SP-c3A-0022 -A � � ^ State Usa Only: 6. DazB Received by Slate � E 7. S1ate AppilCation !dentifieY: L�� 8. APPLICANT 1NFORMQTION: ' a. Legat tVarno: County of Augusta-Richmond ^ b. E�nployerTaxpeyer identilicaiion Nurrfaer (F!htTIN). ' c. Oryanizational DUNS: 56-320427 � I0"l3A384180C00 L�._..._._. d. Address: ' Streeti�. 530 Greene St. Strest2; (' _.�_�._�.__._.._. t ` City: Augusta C;ountyJf�arisfl: �^�� � ' 5;aie GA: Georgia Province: � �� ' Country� uSp: UNT2'ED STATES ' Zip l Posta! Code: 3 U 9 01 49 4 3 e. Organ�za2ional Unit: �opartment Name: Di��sion tsame :,ug Hous O � �� �1 f, Name and contact informailon of person to be contacted on mattars Involving this apptication: �rafix �� � ' F�rs! N� n �,�-�_ _ ..._..._.__., _._....._--.. .__ . ._ .._.....___ _,..___._.-------------�-.._._._...... __.... ---__.__._._....____---- . . . "ciir;i±lit �4,tri;�;� i—_._ .._._ _...._.._..._ _...... ..._..._... . __..-------...----� ; �._�_.� . .�__._.._.i .—_,�- ._.��_.._....._�....A...__.._. _._.�.. ... ..._....•'-`-'— ..._...---....._ ___...._............_ -----^ � . .. —��_... , _ :.;�5t :`Jain� / I . ��� _�^�—..---_._ .__...__�__.__._..�-- ---- ......r..�—__._... :uS1;x I � �..,�—......�J .i;;F, ;i!'Ch3P. ��cill.^.t-�[' E O;�anizational Affiliationr r - -_ . _ . . � -- . , - ' .: Nr�,�, ::�. . ..-.--� . . ' �..�. _ _ 1 .:.ii+C:ar � " .. . _ . . � i: .�_ . . ; .. . _ .. ._..._...._ _ ....... . . . ... . . I ., , ,,.,.,...,,..�.. , , . ., , ......�......,. ... _. __.... -��V'�`' 242708754� CongresslonalGrants0iv 11;59:25a.m. 01-13-2o19 2/5 I ` � . Application for Federai Asslstance SF-42A ' 9. Yype of Appli 1: Smleti Appllcant t'ype: �8: Co unty Govern Y Type of Applicant 2: Setect Apptican! Type: t Type of Applicant 3: Select Appticant Type: � - ' plhe� {specify}: ' 70. Name ot Federal Agoncy: US 6eparCrnent of Nousing and Urban Development 11. Catalog ot Federal Oomestie Assistance Nutnber; 14.251 � CFDA Tit1e: Econamic Ceve:cprnent Initzacive-Special t�rejcct, heighhorhood 7.r,iti.ative and M.iecellanevus Granks ' 12. Funding Opportunity Number: (:oio ea� sr� • =���e Economic CevElopment ;r,ici.ative E�I SNe�:al Prc;ec[ 13. CompeUtion Idantiticatian Number: 10���DT���SP Tille' � � 14. Areas Affected by Projact {Citios, Cnunties, Statos, atc.): - � ` Add Attachment -`a:+. ��� :`•;` � "'�`�� .�:l.i �.. �',.�..: ��_il. .__�. ..__ ..._.,. _._........r_...__'_'_'._.J ^____...._ ._._J � .., . . v . . ' 15. Doscriptive TiUe ot Applicant's YYOject: f __ _°—_ _.. _. _. _ _.. _._._. � .. _ .... __... --- I�� ..�tL� .,ane��.� . ,...,� � .�.�lLL . .. � ...._ .�i , . . �.. _ ...., ^r Pr . __ ..,�:r t�' .�n .ind I :'r ! . i ( � i A�t�ich sup{�orlinp documertts as speCified in agency insin.ictipns. Add Ailachments � Delete Attachmanfs View Altachments ! �� ..;......,.....i...., ;.��n,i�n„i�in„�,.r.:,:,r�,��,i;,,i,,,..i�r.ia-I•i)!-.��u��.•,•i,��vii,.ur.;u�'✓.;iv-;Il��v�,l.i.-ul,,,i 2027087543 Congresslonal Grants Div 11:59;36 a.m. flt-13-2011 3/6 � � � Applicatton for Fsderal Assistance SF 46. Cangresstonel Districts Of: ' a. Applicant 12 b. Program/Projecl 1z Altach an addiliona� liai of F'rogram/Project Congrasbiqnai DiSlricls if needed. �� Add Aitacitment i.?�;Sr io ;'�ttr:i�;h�r:F,�t't `✓iew Rtlachme��t 17. Prapased Project: `a. Stan Uale: il/22/?0? 0 ' b. End Date: 07/il/201I 18. Estimated Funding �5): ' a. Federal � 200, 000. OC ' b. Applicant ��— � � 0 . flo ' c. State 0. 06 'd.:oca� � 0.00 " e. OShef 0. 00 ' 1, Pragram Income �� 0. 60 ' g. 70TAL. � 200, 000.00 ' 19. is Appllcation SubjeGt to Raview By 5tate U»der Executive Order 12372 Process? � a. This eppEication was made avaiiable to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on ��_� � b. Program is subject to E 0. 12372 but has not been se{ectad by the StaCe for review. � c. Progcam Is not coverad by E.O. 12372. ' 24. ls the Appl3cant 6elinquant On Any Fed�ral Debt? llt "Yes," provlde explaaalion in attachmentj Q Yes � No If "Yes". provide expla�ation and attach ..�.__ _ � �.,,,+:: „ 1':;:;� !.��',ffi�ir . ,. , flfr;ii `�i;<:�:d �ll�:li itf`ifi(t; �� 4 . . . .. 'k.` . . . 21. 'By signing this appfication, E certify (1} to the statements cantained !n the flst of cert3ficatlons" and �2) that tha statemenis he�ein are true, compTete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 aiso provide the required assurantes" and agreo to comply with any resulting terms ff I accept an award. 1 am aware that any false, fiCtit€oas, or fraudulent atatements nr clairrts rttay subject mo to triminal, civil, or admfnlstratEvo penatfies. (U.S. Cods, 7itle 218, Section 1001) � "IAGREE ^ The list pf c8rtiliaalions and as5urancs5, or an intemet sile where ynu may obtain this list, is contained in lhe announcemenY or agency ;�x:rific instruc:ions � AuEhorized f2epressntattve: _ �_ �_� �.�. _..._ ':'�ri?h��. � i • I�:r:� t.i2n'tC: i.,i,..��.�„� . ' ...._ �... �._............ .,. .�.. ....___....r_...—'_' �_.._..-...7 . �.�....'—__..-..__ ?.;irJ:l!e Nante. +A . �_ ,. �J �_...— —...,..�....__ __.._..._.__ _._._ ._...._�.�...__� — _.-•� :_ast ^Jame ��n'�..� _�..._._._ ....�___.Y...__ _ � . eet>i• 5;;lliu --- ._.� �W..�. �'���� Dzcec[er Housing & Communic a��:� ; —� '?elept�orse Numoet� i7C5 i Bil �-;'.•9 % �^�! �dx NumbeC ,706; 821 17434 � ' Fm8t3' „ h�el?. , •ai:mi •:r ;��.4 rTm• I � _.. � _. . ... .. . , , i . .. . . , ' ;. .. . . .. ........ . �.• , .. ..� ..�n � �i r„�,'�..�: ii 1:,....1:.... �1�.�....��,..�r.. �!.�..:I..,.. fi�lf� 3:111 �U Il:.....i...��1 l t.��.�� 11�111_lI14.71 I 114� �I �.li.�Li��iii 2027087543 Congresslonai Grants Div 11:59:50 a.m. 01-13-2011 4/5 � ' .. � � DISCLOSURE C)F LOBBYING ACTNITIES Approved by OMB Complete this form to dlsclose Iabbytng act�vitias pursu�nt to 31 U.S.C,1352 0348-0046 1. ' Type of Federal Actlon: 2. ' Status of Federa! Action: 3. " Report Type: a. co�arscl � � a. b+dlolteuappiupan � a. inNal filinC 0. g�2nt I � p. i��jtial awartl � b. matedal change c. cooperative ag�eement � c. pos4award d.ban � e inan guaranree � � � �. �oan msura��ca 4. Name ancf Address of Reporting Es�tity: �Prime �SuMwardee ' N9me 7 Coaney ot A�9 unca•Richmond � � ' S(ree( I ShaBf 2 sao c;neene sc. Staie zrp � •C �� Y Au ta GA+ �eorgia 30901 9�s CUIt9fe93�iCfin! QISI71Ct, It k�OWf: IZ r = � , +'r `M1 � ... C: , .�. t . ;ii�;.i , ..''fl� .� i 0� F�rfill(`: .�, f . cE�C,r ic : :t�' :i� t;';.� :.. . :;i.3v� : • .rt�:t" 8, " Federa qepartment/AgenCy: 7. * Federai Program NametDescription: �i<>��sin4 �nd '�.;rban �eve�r„enc Economic G¢velopment [n!!Sakivr.-Special PTOjecc. Nei3��ii�oed rni.c�:ac�vc and NiBC81?dfleou9 QCdtlt$ � I CFDANUmCer,i!applicabie: ia.z51 8. Fed�ral Action Number, if known 9. Aw Amount, ifknown: ' n i]._P.W..UGn2 $ I IOO.U00.00 � I - � a. Name and Address of �.obbying Registrant: Arvr.. � - �'aS; Na,rre � Ainw�!��:.,:nn,.+ �'�.`... �NO[ Fpp!!CaG[e � . 'LaslName SuRx � �NO[ Appiicable . ' SLt�e! r � SIre812 � • Crry '��� 5tate . � z1 p I . L _ _...�.� k7. ff1C11VIt�Ua) p87'fOf[T1!!lg .SCi'VlCES AntiuoinqgddressilCitferoc��tromNO.10a) I PreRa (� ' Frrst Name �-��������~ � Middle Name � —� . L Lo, .� PV;i:abl^ • I.asl ,vamu �'�"'' �l Su.�A+ � � 'No ap4 .:�all�, _ I «.�.._ .___. !� �:: , i . ' ' _.' . . 1 cr.ACi . �^" . � .. . � � . __ —_ ' _ ._ �.�..� .. .. ___ . .� .... , ... . ______" ' — � —'__ ' _.—. 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