HomeMy WebLinkAboutParking Management Agreement at Riverfront Center DOCUMENT NAME: DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: I qq 5 BOX NUMBER: I Augusta Richmond GA 7\ (l; nCj JY1oI'1f<o/'f'n-W +- ag rte f>^-Ut -t-- CLt- ~iVl(fvont- L€V1 tev Re~ \ Ut-r Of) FILE NUMBER: 12.5' ~t NUMBER OF PAGES: ') l . . " . ~ " , ~...,\ RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA TO ENTER INTO A PARKING MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT WITH MCLAURIN PARKING COMPANY WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATION OF CERTAIN PARKING FACILITIES OWNED BY CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA AT RIVERFRONT CENTER. WHEREAS, The City Council of Augusta desires to enter into a Parking Management Agreement with McLaurin Parking Company with regard to the operation of certain parking facilities at Riverfront Center upon such terms and conditions as are set forth in the document entitled II Parking Management Agreement II attached hereto as IIExhibit All ; and 4':,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk of Council are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of The City Council of Augusta a Parking Management Agreement with McLaurin Parking Company on substantially the same terms and condi tions as are set forth in the document entitled II Parking Management Agreementll attached hereto as IIExhibit All. DONE IN OPEN COUNCIL UNDER THE COMMON SEAL THEREOF, THIS 20th DAY OF November, 1995. . . " ;-'":.: ';:.ri.::.:~~:', aJr..h- YOR,: CITY ,;. -~~. ---~p -,' -'c. 'c.. . ,,;,' ?F A~GUSTA . ,'~, ~ ./a ~~ RK ~CIL CERTIFICATE: I, Lena J. Bonner, Clerk Jf-'~ouncil, hereby CeA-ifytthat the .above is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted in the meeting of The City Council of Augusta held on the day of October, 1995. CLERK OF COUNCIL , ," " . STATE OF GEORGIA P ARKlNG MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT COLJNTY OF RICHMOND TIllS parking MANAGElviENT AGREEMENT. made and entered into thi~ 1st day of DeceJ':'lb.er ~ 1995, by and bctwta1 the CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA, hereinafter referred to as .CIn"', and McLA~ PARKING COMPANY. a corpo~tion ofS"Oi~ and c:xisting under the b.ws of the St&te of North Carolinz., and registered in the Stale of Georgia, hcrtin.afte; referred to as "McLAURIN"; WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the em- Vr-ishes to one! attended parking services at the Rivemom Cc.nter parking deck and surface parking (" parking facilities"); and WHERE.AS, Mc.LAURlN has experience in providing parking services and bas .UJ experienced parking mana.gemenI team., and bas a well trained group of employees available to operate the parl.iog bc.ility; and W.t:IEREAS, the ern' wisbesto enter into an agreement 'With McLAURIN that ",,'ill ensure the professional operation of the parl:ing f2.cilities; a.nd -w"'HEREAS, the CITY end McLAURIN have agreed to the terms and conditio05 for operation oftbe parking facilities as herei.., provided. NOW, TIiEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual coveoaIr~ and promises herein cOntained and other valuable considerations, and the CITY anC MclAURIN. agree as follows: ~ . . ., .', 1. TERM. The term of this Agreement shan be from oecerrber 1 . 1995, through and including NcwerrbP.r 30 ,l996. Not Jess than thirty (30) days prior to the termination date, the parties will confer to determine if this A~ent is to be extended and make any supplemental agreement for modi6cation fur thAt purpose:, and if not so extended by mutual agreement of the parties evidenced in writing signed by both parties, said agreement shall e:icpire November 30 , 1996, at midnight. 2. PERSONNEL. McLAURIN shall staff the operations of the parking facilities with sufficient competent personnel employed by McLAURIN to ensure that the parlcing facilities are operated in a safe and courteous manner and McLAURIN shaU ensure all said personnel a~ adequateJy trained and super.ised. 3. HOURS OF OPERATImi. The boW"S of operation for the parking facilities are expected to be from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00' p.m. seven days each week, including holidays, however, the hours of operation may be changed upon written agreement of both parties. McLAURIN shall provide staffing for the fac11iries, including the manning of the two (2) exit booths. 4. MANAGEMENT. McLAURIN wiD provide the following services: A. Develop staffrequiremezns and provide instructions on general cashiering procedures. B. Develop outline specifications for auditltransaction report needs. C. Consult with City Administrator and City Comptroller to develop necessary daily and monthly reporting requirements. D. Develop written instructions to be given to each employee emphJl<i7ing superior customer service. E. Develop specifications for r~ litter pick up and ensure that McLAUR.IJ\T'S employees maintain the parking facilities in a clean and neat condition at all times free and clear of any liner or debris, aJthough z ." J. K. . . power sweeping or washing wiD be at CI1YS expense 'provided that the Contract Administrator gives prior approval for such sweeping or washing OD each occasion. F. Develop procedures for collection of monthly parking fees and maintenance of appropriate records. 0, Provide an oD-site manager employed by McLAUlUN to perfonn duties as specified in this proposal aod other duties that may be l8feed to during future discussions. Duties of the manl8ef include personnel training and supervision. auditing and reporting financial information. ideptification and response to equipmcot problenu, and emphasis on outstanding customer service by all employees. H. A senior staff member will meet with CITY representatives every four to six weeks. Topics for discussion will include promotional ideas, other CITY parking conditions that affect the viability o~the CITY parking program. and the effectiveness of ongoing parlcing operations, I. Maintenance of parking control equipment. McLAURIN will provide regular maintenance service and minor repairs to all parking control equipment including ticket print~ gat~ fee computers, and access control equipment. The CITY will be responsible for supplyins replacement parts and outside repair services to major equipment components as necessary for all City owned equipment, Provide adequate trained personnd to operate the packing facilities, to account for all revenues de1Tied therefrom and deliver the same to CITY and to maintain said parking facilities at all times in a clean, orderly, and reasonably safe condition. McLaurin will provide and install a 1D-249 Ticket Spitter, yellow, for the parking facility. This expense will be amortized over one year's time, at which point it will ~ome the property of the City of Augusta.. 3 .'. '; S. ADDITIONAL MANAGEMENT CONDmONS. McLAtJRni agrees that during the term of this Agreement, it shall operate the parking t'aciJities in accordance with the tenns of a Conmuction, Operating and Easement Aareement between TIlE CITY COUNcn.. OF AUGUST A (the "City"), the DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF AUGUSTA (the · Authorityll), and AUGUSTA HOTEL ASSOCIATES PARTNERSHIP (the "Partnership") and such uniform, Don-discriminatory MCS and in accordance with regulations as may be adopted from time to time by CITY. No barricades, curbs, sates or other obstacles sba1l be erected which block or prohtbit the free flow or traffic through the entrances. exits. ramp~ and driveways within the parkins facilities; provided, however, that nothing herein shaD prohibit (i) the erection of such curb~ aod other control or safety improvement devices which may be ~ to control and direct pedestrian and vdUGular 1ra1Jk within the parkiog facilities; (a) such temporaJY closing of the parking tacilitics as may be necewuy for the c1Mning. repair and maintenance of the same as required from time to time; or (Iii) the eRCtiOD of such toU booths . and/or entrance and exit gates as are required to limit access to the parking facilities to authorized permittees and to collect rents due fur the use of tbe p~g facilities or (tv) the temporary closing from time to time of that portion of the first level of the parking deck which can be converted for use as an exhibition halJ in connection with the use of such area fur such purposes by the operator of the abutting conference center (the .Conference Center Operator"). 6. RENTS FOR SPACES. Throughout the term of this Agreement, CITY shall have the ~clu$ve right to set the rents for use of the parking spaces within the parkins facilities. The rent schedule shall be applied in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner except nothing herein shall prohibit the charging of a premium for reserved parking spaces. 7, A1:,LOCATION OF SPACES, CITY shall designate not Jess than one hundred fifty (150) parking spaces within the parking facilities for first priority use by the guests of the adjacent Radisson Hotel; not IC$S than three hundred fifty (350) parking spaces for first priority use by tenants of the adjacent office building and their employees and invitees: and not less than twenty (20) spaces for first priority use by customers of the retail space located in said adjacent office building and. hotel. CITY shall advise McLAURIN of the location of such priority spaces and McLAURIN shall use its best efforts to preserve such spaces for use by the. intended parties. Such spaces shaD be located within the Parking Deck as conveniently as reasonabJy practicable for the designated users thereof. Use of such designated parking areas by Hotel guests and by employees md invitees of office building tenants shall be subject to all rules and regulations applicable to the parking facilities as may be in effect from time to time. including the ~ payrriem of lpplicable parking charges or rent!. MclAURIN shall not gra1t any ~ther exclusive or priority rights to anyone without the written consent of CITY. 8. SPECIAL PARKING NEEDS. It is recognized by CITY that the hotel developer may, from time to time, require additional parking spaces on a short-term basis in connection with special events or functions to be heJd at the hotel ~r the conference center. When such needs are identified. hOld developer or the Conference Center Operator shall noti1)' CITY and McLAURIN, as the operator of the parking faCIlities. as far in advance as possible and McLAURIN will use its best efforts to accommodate sucb requirements. provided that nothins herein shall require or authorize McLAURlN to displace or teIJ,1Ove from tbe parlcing areas rent- paying customers or others entitled to use the parking facilities. 9, USE OF EXHIBITION AREA. Approximately twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of space located on the first or ground level of the parking deck shalJ be made available to the Conference Center Operator on an as needed basis for use as' an exhibition baU in connection with meetings being conducted at the Confercnu Center or Hotel, The location of such com.ertible space is as shOWD on the Preliminary Parking Design PI~ The Conferecee Center Opentor shall notify MclAURIN, as the operator of the parking facilities, as far in advance as posSible of its need for such space and McLAURIN will use its best efforts to accommodate such requirements' provid~ that the Conference Center Opentor assumes full responsibility for all arrangements in connection with the use of such portion of the parking deck as an exhibition area and agrees to dismantle all exhibits and remove all furnishings, equipm~ trash and debris from such area upon completion of any use of such area as an exhibition ball. 10, MAINTENANCE OF PARKING IMPROVEMENTS. McLAURIN shaD maintain the parking improvements, excluding related landscaping which shall be ~ntained by CITY, in clean and sightly condition and in such a manner as will maintain the appearance of the parlcing area in substantially the same condition as when it is initially completed, normal wear and tear excepted. McLAURIN shall remove all papers, debris and refuge (except in connection with the use of the exhibiti~n area, the clean up responsib~ity for which shall belong to the Conference Cent.er Operator). MclAURIN shall advise CITY of the presence of any hotes and cracks in the concrete or paved swfaces, the presence of snow, ice, surface watCf. or other obstructions in the fa.cility, and the need for cleaning, maintaining or re-Iamping of light fixtures as needed. McLaurin shall advise City of the need for remarking of parking space lines, and other required p~vement markings. McLAURIN win faciHtate repairs and maintenance as stated above as directed by the ContraCt Administrator or the City Administrator at CITY'S expense. 5 .. '. 11. HOURS OF OPERATION. Except for tempoaw] rL__,~ as I'cun:n6d as aforesaid, the parking facilities sball be kept open and lighted tw~ (2~ Ian ..,. IeYeD (7) days a week, fifty-two (52) weeks a year. 12. S-UPPLIES. MclAURIN will provide aD pIpU' "",.~ ~-..:.u:I ia the operation of the parking facilities including specifically but DOt -.. 1..'; ~z p-rl. =-. ti...~ reporting papers, account report forms, and replacemcm tickets, 13. PUBLIC RF.T.ATIONS. The CITY and ~ ~ <... .""""... the operations of all CITY parking factlities must be accomplished in . RM- ~--.. ..-z .. 10 as to engender good public relations for the CITY, and aU of ~"S ...,.-.. ~ II' ... be property dressed and friendly and courteous to all those using said }Ml ~ G-v 14, LAWFUL OPERATION. The parlciDg ~.at~ ... be ~ ~ as a public parking garaae available to members of the generaJ public OQ a firs COlE fat -=rwd basis on an hourly, daily, or monthly basis, except as provided in Paragnpil7 Jae.:...a: :r- ~~ Rivezfront Radisson Hotel will be permitted to rent eighty (80) spaces OIl a _~r,l! r.sil. IS. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. The CIlY !Wl ~ 11: )fd.AUJUN reimbursement and payment for services rendered by the fiftH!nth oC c.dr. --m tiJr 1&c oost incurred during the previous month not to exceed the following: A An amount equal to S8.30 per hour per att~ fir cd.1Iaar <IE operation as set forth in paragraph oumbered 3 ~ 'Ylor Anm{ sbaJI ensure that at least one anendant is on duty It . t:iIIIa Au:, ada IIoar of operation. If requested by CITY, McLAURIN' will [.. ..:'A . ~~ ir duty at other times the facilities are O~ for "'~,~ .. DI be pIid S8.30 per hour for each cashier on duty during mch ~ _1.1 iaa of . operation. B. Management Fee - Twenty Three Thousand Four n..._'-f Faty Esfa md no/lOO (S23,448.00) DoUars.,.annually payable I[ me fa: gfOle ~~ Nine Hundred FIfty Four and DOl1oo (Sl,9S4JXJ)."'""-! F~ C. Insurance ReimbW"SelDcot . R~bursement for pa.- .-:_~ ix" ~-:~ coverage required to be provided to CITY bea~-w: ~~ ~, 6 v .. r. dmt s:ch ~ sba11 Dot exceed S342.oo per month dW'iog the 5nt ~ c{ me lc:ue term. Should any such re:imbuTsement for tJr"- premiums to be paid by C1TY be inc:reuod at any time after the fiat ~ a the lease tenD. the CITY shall have the right to release ~ from its obligation to provide such insurance coverage for CITY &I a ~ ens1I'ed by written notice mailed to McLAURIN by ~ tihd ~ rc:tUmCd receipt requested. In the event CITY elects to ~~ M:LAI:JUN fi'om such obligation to provide iJ1SUJ"lDCe. it shall 1Iaft., ~J;i-;'lI1 to make atJ)' further reimbursement to McLAURIN for ';..,.--..,:e ~~':'m~, Absent written notice from CITY refured to above, ~ IIr:.R:in DJl rdease McLAURIN from its obligation to provide aDd ..."'~...;" sa:h ias.nnce coverage with CITY being listed as a named easured. D. _....n..r:D.r~. '" afTJCtet Spitter: - Four Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Four md DD10C DoIm ($4,464.00) annually payable at the rate of Three Hshd ~ Two and 00/100 Dollars ($372,00) per month, - -,..-t,.- r. -:; - - ~ :'.:- / E o-..:..~ zs ~ificd in Section 3E - Six Thousand Five Hundred Four and 00'100 DaWKs ($6.504.00) annuaDy payable at the rate of Five Hundred Forty Two md zo'1oo Dollars (S542.oo) per mouth. 16. CAPITAl. t:.XP!:.."IDlTURES AND UTILITIES. The CITY shaD 8-'-lDJIYV! responunijiry fir an ~ ~~mnrres. such as parking control equipment (except as specified in lID ~). Ic;vaJUll; ~ul eqw~ and the booths, as well as utility costs; provided however7 that ~ sbalI be responsible for any da.mases to same due to neglect or McLAURL'"'S ~ to fll~ opent.e, maintain and safeguard such equipment. i i. . ~'t!l~ McLAURIN shall furnish a public liability insurance policy issued b)' an ~ a,~~:q,c ..l~ :0 the CITY which shall provide general liability coverage of SI,OOO,OOO.007 ~~ k=pcn dabi&y coverage ofSl,OOO,OOO.OO and Umbrella excess liability in the Mnr~t1 ai s:.~OO:'-~ lad sbaIl name CITY as a name ensured. Acceptable leve1s of workers' ~.~ "'0 ~~ ~ as required by the State of Georgia will be carried by McLAL1US oa. all mch ~ It its own expense. 7 ." 18. INDEMNITY. McLAURIN agrees to hold the CITY . its SUCiGeSSOn and assigns harmless against liability arising out of its performance or failure to perfonn any services required pursuant to this agreement including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation incurred by CITY in defense of any claim of liability arising out of McLaurin's performance or failure to perform any services required pursuant to this agrecmem. 19. ASSIGNMENTS. The interest and respomibilitics of the parties to this agreement may oot be assigned by any party without wrinen consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 20. NO JOINT VENTIJRE OR PARTNERSHIP, Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to create the relationship between the parties hereto or the beneficiaries hereof of principal and agent, of partners, of joint ven~ or of any association with each other or, so as to render any of such parties liabl~ for the debts or obligations of the other. 21. REGULA nONS. McLAURIN and CITY shall comply with aD Federal, State, and loca1laws, statutes, ordinan~ and regulations as applicable to this Agrcemcot. 22. CONTRACf ADMINISTRATOR. The CITY will appoint a Contract Administrator for this contract McLAURIN wtll be infonned in writing of any changes in the Contract Administrator. This initial Contract Administrator will be: Bill Fair Office for Community Development City of Augusta 1 Tenth Street, Suite 430 Augusta, Georgia 3090 1 23. MOI))F1CATION.This Agreement may only be modified by written mutual consent of McLAURIN and the CITY. 24. SEVERABILITY. In the event any provision contained in this Agreement IS m conflict with any provision of the Construction, Operating. and Easement Agreement heretofore entered into between CITY, the Authority and tbe Partnership or should be construed so as to adversely affect any tax-free financing used to finance the construction of the said parking 8 facilities. suc.'rprovision shall be declared void and of DO effect and the remaining p~ovisiolU shall remain in full force and effect. 25. CUSTOMER INCIDENTS AND PROPERTY DMfAGE. McLAURIN shall inunediately report any patron incident, accident, injury or complaint or property damage to the Contract Administrator. 26, PROTOCOLS FOR OPERATION. MclAURIN and the CITY agree to develop operating protocols for the parlcing secvi~ and to periodically review and update the operating protocols to ensure eft1cient and effective operation of the programs. 27. KEEPING OF RECORDS AND INSPECIlON nrEREOF. McLAURIN shall keep current detailed re<:ords, in accordance with good accounting practices of all income and disbursements received or made in connection with its mahagement of the parking facilities and shall permit agents or employees of CITY to inspect such records in Augusta, Georgia during the business hours of any business day. 28. CANCFT.T ATION. This Agreement may be canceled at the mutual consent of the parties. McLAURlN PARKING COMPANY Date: December 1, 1995 By: W~/fi1~1 William L. McLaurin, Jr. Vice President TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF AUGUSTA Date: December 1, 1995 By: ~ ~\)~ Charles A. DeVaney 0' Mayor Attest: 9 ... 'y..m EBiIElm~mE"~'E"I!I~lBlmlm~(1 ~SW a~NmE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' DATE (MM DO Y) -. PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Inc HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Vic Fisher Insurance Agency , . ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P . 0 Box 707 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Raleigh , North Carolina 27602 COMPANY A HARLEYSVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED COMPANY B McLaurin Parking Company , Inc COMPANY P . 0 . Box 781 C Raleigh , North Carolina 27602 I COMPANY I D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) GENERAL LIABILITY . GENERAL AGGREGATE $ ~~MERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS COMP/OP AGG $ CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ )-- OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ I-- FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED EXP (Anv one cersonl $ -AYTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ - ANY AUTO I- ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) )-- f-- HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON.OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) )-- f--- PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ~RAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY. EA ACCIDENT ~ /'>i. X ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: .-- ~ PREMISES/OPERATIONS GP OT 19 18 04-01-96 04-01-97 EACH ACCIDENT $ 1 ,000, 000 . AGGREGATE $ 3 000.000 . EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S 5.,.000.,.000.._ ~- UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ 5.,.00.0.,.000.__ PJ X OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM BEe OT 19 18 04-01-96 04-01-97 $ ~j~WORKE.~S.COMPENSATION j\Nll. ~ ..LTwC STATU'sL-l...:'eTH ~i~~~tfji~Wi~@W~(i~1i~1~i!~iU~ii[itWl!W - -- .' .._"'=-'~ -. ___--=c:- - -- ---- - - - - -- _ IOF.lY..UMIIS EB EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 100;000 EL EACH ACCIDENT $ . PJ THE PROPRIETOR! H INCL WC OT 19 18 04-01-96 04-01-97 EL DISEASE POLICY LIMIT $ 500 , 000 . 1 PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE 100 000 OFFICERS ARE: . EXCL EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE $ , . J OTHER Excess Specified Perils GARAGEKEEPERS GP OT 19 18 04-01-96 04-01-97 Incl Theft - $1 , 000 , 000 . L/ 1 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSlVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Location : Tenth Street , Riverfront Center Parking , Augusta , Georgia Certificate Holder is shown as Additional Insured for this location as their interest mau appE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE City of Augusta EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL Room 806 Municipal B1dg J"L DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, , 530 Greene Street BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENT A TIVES. Augusta, Georgia30911 . ." . . . AUTHORIZEDREPRESEN~TIVE ..# ~~ ...!!lLA(?h :;;\~c.'Q.RQ!'?~J.$W~'!~'~))ill:m;:iilij@1.::;j:ii:rI:j;:ti;j:il:~:iMJ:MNk;;l:;i::W:iiijm::i@~i!m~!@tPI\]~!ii:;fmEJmm~@@m::[::@1@[i:@ij@@1(W(/;1:@)::~\W@;tW@iiMilif;li:M;~l@ffif.~l~QQRQ!4QJrRQRA[Hf>.J~:tjj~~~: {/ L ar.