HomeMy WebLinkAboutFive Year Short Term Work Program (2) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME ~\\J.e., lje.o.X s'0cx-\- -\-am u.XX y:. ,::Kcg()\""'V) DOCUMENT TYPE: Y~S()\LA~CX) YEAR: C\, BOX NUMBER: 0'3> FILE NUMBER: \ ()ddq NUMBER OF PAGES: Yo , -- .'i' ~ CITY OF AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY RESOLUTION # RESOLUTION OF TRANSFERAL WHEREAS, the City of Augusta-Richmond County has completed a Five Year Short Term Work Program for the years 1997 - 2001, WHEREAS, this Five Year Short Term Work Program was prepared according to the Minimum Planning Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning established by the Georgia Planning Act of 1989, and a Public Hearing was held Monday, June 30, 1997, at 7:00 p.m, in the Augusta-Richmond County Municipal Building, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Augusta-Richmond County does hereby submit the 1997-2001 Five Year Short Term Work Program to the Central Savannah River Area Regional Development Center for regional review as per the requirements of the Georgia Planning Act of 1989, this /1 day of f!/-u &q.sr , 1997 Adopted this 19 day of August , 1997 ." 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Continue to Use Revolvinq Loan Fund to Spur Business Development Downtown Three Loans Processed between 1992- 1996. 3. Continue Main Street Auqusta Proqram Program continues as a j oint venture of Augusta-Richmond County and Historic Augusta, Inc. 4. Complete Laney-Walker Convenience Center Pro;ect Phase 1 completed and opened in 1994. active consideration. Phase 2 not under COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1. Complete Road Improvement Pro; ects in the Transportation Improvement Proqram Completed seven (7) major road improvement projects in the 2015 Long Range Transportation Plan. Another twelve (12) proj ects are under construction including one Enhancement project. 2. Implement Additional Railroad Overoass proiects As Funds Are Available Olive Road overpass on hold due to design and cost considerations. Fifteenth Street overpass funded and in preliminary engineering phase. 3. Purchase Nine (9) Public Transit Vehicles Purchased and put into operation 11 new pUblic transit vehicles, four of which are ADA vans. 4. Rehabilitate & Expand Transit Maintenance Facilitv Rehabilitation and expansion project completed in 1994. 1 ..1 ~ 5. Construct One (1) New Water Storaqe Tank and Other Water System Improvements in Accordance with ZEL Plan Plans changed. City and county consolidated water systems. New wells dug in south Richmond County to increase supply of water. 6. Complete Enqineerinq & Construction Work in Sewer Basins Engineering & construction completed on East Boundary/Laney- Walker Drainage, Reynolds Street (Phase I & III), Hickory street, Metcalf Street, Glass Factory Avenue, Fifth Street, Inner City, and Chafee Avenue Sewer separation projects. 7. Complete Scheduled Improvements at Wastewater Treatment Plant Completed installation of emergency generators and inflow equalization basins. 8. Construct New city/County Museum Museum completed and opened in February, 1996. NATURAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES 1. Develop Master Plan for Auqusta Canal Master Plan published in December, 1993. Augusta Canal designated a National Heritage Area and a Regionally Important Resource in 1996. 2. Identifv Properties Eliqible for Desiqnation as Local Historic Districts Completed identification process in 1993. 3. Desiqnate Properties as Local Historic Sites and Districts .Designated three (3) districts and three (3) properties between 1993 and 1996. 4. Develop Procedure For Issuinq Certificates of Appropriateness For Work on Designated Local Historic Properties - Developed and implemented the procedure in 1993. Process approximately sixty-five (65) applications per year. 5. Develop and Print Presentation Resource Booklet Completed and printed in 1993. 2 .t ~ RICHMOND COUNTY A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. Build a Second Soeculati ve Buildinq at the Richmond Countv Industrial Park Construction completed on second speculative building at Richmond County (Forward Augusta) Industrial Park in September, 1992. Building occupied by MatteI Corporation since September, 1995. Seven million dollars invested in the construction and expansion of the 298,000 square foot building. 2. Continue to Offer Incentives for Business Exoansion and New Business Develooment Continued to offer a variety of incentives for business expansion and development. B. COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1. Comolete Road Wideninq and Extension proiects Included in Transoortation Imorovement Proqram Completed seven (7) major road improvement projects in the 2015 Longe Range Transportation Plan. Another twelve (12) projects are under construction, including one Enhancement project. 2. Comolete Other Road Wideninq and Resurfacinq proiect Thirteen (13) road widening and resurfacing projects completed or under construction at a cost of $4,054,164. Financing provided by Phase II of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. 3. Comolete Drainaqe Tributaries Proiects on Local Creeks and Twenty-six (26) drainage projects completed or under construction at a cost of $15,494,751. Financing provided by Phase II of Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. 4. Comolete Exoansion of Soirit Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion of Spirit Creek Plant completed in 1996 at a cost of approximately $1. 5 million. New treatment capacity of the plant is 2.24 million gallons per day (MGD) . 4 . .t .. s. Construct New Citv/Countv Museum Museum completed and opened in February, 1996. 6. Construct Additional Tower at Joint Law Enforcement Center New $16.2 million jail (capacity: 556 detainees) under construction on land off Phinizy Road in south Richmond County. A new administrative/medical care wing under construction at the Joint Law Enforcement Center on Walton Way. 7. Relocate Fire Enqine Companv No.2 New fire station constructed on site off Phinizy Road in south Richmond County in 1994. Engine Company No. 2 relocated to the new station. C. NATURAL AND HISTORIC RESOURCES 1. Desiqnate Properties as Local Historic Properties and Districts Designated four (4) properties between 1992 and 1994. 2. Issue Certificates of Appropriateness for Work on Desiqnated Historic Properties Issued certificates of appropriateness for work on three (3) historic properties. 3. Establish Procedure for Onqoinq Identification and Protection of Historic Resources Procedure established in 1992. Close to 300 historic resources identified in unincorporated Richmond County. 4. Develop strateav for Preservinq Isolated Rural Historic Resources Strategy outlined in the Augusta-Richmond County Historic Preservation Plan, which was completed in 1992. s. Develop strateqy for Preservation Resource Booklet Augusta-Richmond County Preservation Resource Booklet published in 1993. 6. Evaluate Countv's Historic Preservation Ordinance Consultant conducted an evaluation of the existing ordinance and drafted a model joint city-county historic preservation ordinance in 1992. 5 " ',' . D. HOUSING' 1. Develoo a Plan for Imolementinq HOPE 3 Homeownershio Proqram Consultant developed a plan for implementing a HOPE 3 Program in 1993. 2. Imolemented HOPE 3 Proqram HOPE 3 Program not implemented. County used HOME Program grant funds to rehabilitate owner-occupied housing units between 1992 and 1996. 3. Orqanize and Imolement Affordable Housinq Proqram Not implemented. Consolidated government's Housing and Neighborhood Development Department providing downpayment assistance and housing counseling to first time homebuyers. E. LAND USE 1. Evaluate and Amend Local Land Use Requlations as Necessary Thirteen zoning ordinance amendments and two subdivision regulation amendments approved between 1992 and 1996. Richmond County enacted,new tree ordinance in December, 1993. 6