HomeMy WebLinkAboutFive Year Short Term Work Program Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ~\Je..16eo.'\ s-u-+-\-erm wax-\(. ~~,(l)h DOCUMENT TYPE: (e::o\Lr\\ on YEAR: () '6 BOX NUMBER: \0 FILE NUMBER: \ 19<C~ NUMBER OF PAGES: \~ CITY OF AUGUSTA RESOLUTION OF SUBl\1ITTAL WHEREAS, the City of Aueusta has completed a Five Year Short Term Work Program for the period 2003 to 2008. WHEREAS, the Five Year Short Term Work Program was prepared in accordance with the Minimum Planning Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning established by the Georgia Planning Act of 1989, and a Public Hearing was held on Julv 23.2003 at 7:00 pm in Aueusta. GA. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Aueusta-Richmond Commission does hereby submit the Five Year Short Term Work Program 2003-2008 to the Central Savannah Ree:ional Development Center for Regional review, as per the requirements of the Georgia Planning Act of 1989. Adopted this 0::b6 day of ~ 1 J029 BY: ~ v.- tA~.....t ATIEST:4J;;;<<1J~/ _o-l. ". ~,-.....ltI..4 l '. ~ , , CITY OF AUGUSTA RESOLUTION OF SUBMITTAL WHEREAS, the City of AU2:usta has completed a Five Year Short Term Work Program WHEREAS, the ork Pr cedure established by the Georgia Planning Act of ~89' and a Public Hearing was held on Julv 23.2003 at 7:00 pm in AU2:usta. GA. ~ BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that t e AU2:usta's Commission d s hereby submit the Five Year Short Term Work Program 2003-2008 to the Central Savannah Re2:ional Development Center for Regional review, as per the requirements of the Georgia Planning Act of 1989. .J....- Adopted this ~ day of (l,l.u<g.u..-::r 1,0 () 3, BY: CITY OF AUGUSTA'S SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN - FIVE YEAR SHORT TERM WORK PROGRAM 2003 - 2008 ------ " CITY OF AUGUSTA'S SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN - FIVE YEAR SHORT TERM WORK PROGRAM 2003 - 2008 . DRAFT ,... ::rC (1) en ,... 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Atkins ~Camty OtyofBlythe OtyofHerhzil:eh Rick Broo~anning and Environmental Management Division Central Savannah River Area Regional Development Center, May 3, 2002 Adjustment of lO-year Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) Updates FROM: CC: DATE: SUBJECT: A decade ago, solid waste management planning was a top priority for local officials across the state. Georgia had less than five years of disposal capacity and many parts of the state were struggling to provide adequate solid waste collection services. In 1990, the Solid Waste Manag~ment Act was adopted, requiring all local governments to prepare a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan that demonstrated: . a minimum of 10 years of solid waste disposal capacity, I . identified an environmentally sound solid waste collection system, and . set forth a strategy that would help the state achieve it's goal of a 25% per capita reduction in the disposal of municipal solid waste. While the urgency to prepare and implement solid waste management plans has diminished, the need to have an up-to-date Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) is as strong as ever. Georgia's population continues to grow, and while over 550 local governments have implemented recycling programs, the state'has fallen short of meeting its 25% waste disposal reduction goal. Many of the solid waste management services provided by the public sector have been privatized over the past decade, changing the level and type of solid waste management services available throughout the state. And while the amount of disposal capacity in the state has risen sharply over the last decade, this capacity is found in fewer, larger regional facilities. With all of these changes and the changes to come over the next decade, it is critical that we continue to monitor and plan for the proper management of the solid waste generated within our state. In order to help eliminate duplicative planning efforts and to better coordinate local government planning responsibilities, DCA has consolidated local Solid Waste Management and Comprehensive planning due dates, Thus, the SWMP due date for Augusta/Richmond County and the citie~ of Blythe and Hephzibah has been changed to coincide with the established deadline for your Comprehensive Plan. EOUAL HOUSING ~ OPPORTUNITY L:J 60 Executive Park South, N.E. . Atlanta, GeOn~i8 30329,2231 · (404) 679-4940 www.dca.state.ga.us An Equal OpportuniTY EllIll/OYI!T * Recycled Paper --~.--- MEMORt\NnU,M Page 2 May 3, 2002 The 6/30/03 due date for completion of the Solid Waste Management Plan update by Augusta/Richmond County and the cities of Blythe and Hephzibah has been changed to 10/31/08. However, in lieu of a full plan update, your local government must prepare a "transitional" Short Term Work Program (STWP) due bL6/30/2003. As a key component of the solid waste management plan, the STWP update provides local governments an opportunity to assess solid waste management and planning activities for the ' final years of the planning period. The update must include a list of accomplishments enacted since your last STWP update through 6/30/2003 and a program ul!~""_ vL- planned activities from 6/30/2003 through 10/31/08. To remain in compliance with State law and remain eligible for solid waste loans, grants, and permits, Augusta/Richmond County and the cities of Blythe and Hephzibah must prepare a transitional STWP update, have it approved by DCA, and be locally adopted by 6/30/2003. Based on experience, the STWP update process can take as little as 70 days or as long as 190 days to complete. Please remember that this schedule also includes the time necessary for the Central Savannah River Area RDC and DCA to review and approve the STWP. Assistance and guidance documents on preparing the STWP update are available from your RDC Office or by contacting Mary Harrington of my staff at (404) 679-3144 or rnharring@dca.state.ga.us. We hope this one time change in your solid was~c management plan update schedule does not create any undue inconveniences and that it presents an opportunity to enhance the coordination of your local planning efforts. We believe that the local governments that are affected by these changes will benefit from this decision. RB/meh