HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Works Unpaved Road List Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: "Pu 6L\ Co \.J I!>/C-IL S \) l'lpAII€ (:) ~A- \:') L/s, DOCUMENT TYPE: ~ LJ ~ Ll c... L,J (9 .Q 1<... L, 8 r Ke('b{C..\ S YEAR: '0,9 r BOX NUMBER: 1] FILE NUMBER: I L/ (0 y NUMBER OF PAGES: l'ifCj I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , rJ~ 4 IYJ/6 cj ."" ~ _ PUBLIC WORKS UNPAVED ROADS LIST _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JJ..p ~/Cf/ pi J7 .. UNPA VED DIRT ROAD INFORMATION . * Available Resources: 1998 - $2,200,000.00 1999 - $ 850,000.00 2000 - $ .850,000.00 APPROVED FEB.l 7 1998 Utnl' rOMMISSION)! (~UGUST~.R\C\\MOlID ~o ' . . I ;,. *Scenario assuming the recommendations of the Unpaved Road Subcommittee. Assume $1,000,000.00 available in letting:.- <,. . '['.' ,1 ; ; , / DISTRICT .' r. " % OF A V AIL ABLE FUNDS PRORATED SHARE . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : ! 6.96% 1.97% 11.95% 1.58% 1.02% 14.29% 5.78% 56.45% $ 69,600.00 $ 19,700.00 $ 119,5pO.00 $ 15,800.00' $ 16,200.00 $, 142,900.00 $ 57,800.00 $ 564.500.00 $ 1,000,000.00 DISTRICT SELECTED ROADS BY RANKING DEFICIT SELECTED ROAa3 SURPLUS BY AVAILABLE FUNI:6 Pollard Road 37 $32,600.00 .. . 14th Ave. 35 $ 7,200.00 .< . $ 7,000.00 1 Foster Lane 41 ($180,400.00) 2 Payton Drive 51 ($ 42,800.00) 3 Wade Road 90 4 Suny Street 35 ($ 9,200.00) 5 Deene Ave. 37 ($ 64,800.00) Wise Dr. 37 $ 2,700.00 6 County Line Rd. 73 ($ 7,100.00) East County Line Rd. 68 West Hoods Road 24 $ 5,400~00 7 Goodrich St. 31 ($492,200.00) ;L. 8 $ 7;000.00 . I. ., Neely Road 187 : ~ . I t . :, , , \. I' j ~ j . ! :. , -. ; J' ::7'~'jl;' r>~x.- ;,':'::. ~~"7.;r . ..~:~h: . (" I -~;... . ,..; :)j' .. . ~". ~ i.' I'. I I I I I I 'I. I I I I I I I I I Department of Public Works and Engineering .. Jack Murphy, mrc:im Director of Public Work3 Room 701. 530 Greene Street Augusta, Georgia 309i:j (706) 821-1706 FAX (706) 821-1708 Clifford A. Goins. Assistant Direc:or P~blic Works. Enginc:ring Division AGENDA /1 J, ;'I: .1j :. ,I'. . , TO: Honorable Larry E. Sconyers. Mayor Honorable 1. B. PoweH. Chairman and l'v!embers of Engineering Services Committee N(r. Charles R. Oliver, Administrator . r: ~. i I . i .; ~ '", . i.: . ., , , I . i l -:, FROM: Mr. Clifford A. Goins. Assistant Director Public Works - En~neering Division Vrt7 DATE: January 6, 1998 (December 13,1997) ?:i ',f' ~:': , SlTBJECT: Gnpaved Din: Roads Subcommittee Recommendations CAPTION: Approve the recomrne~darions of the Unpaved Road Subcommittee. BACKGROUND: Tee Cnpaved Road subcommittee was formed and charged with the responsibility of identifYing unpaved dirt roads in the county and establishing a criteria far ranking those roads to bes'C use our resources for having chem paved. Tee Subcommittee me~ on several occasions to accomplish its goals. ~ The SubCommittee first es.ablished che c:iteria for ranking the roads. Tne criteria used was as follows: 1. The number of dwellings per tenth of a mile received 1 point. 2. The age of the road received 1 point per year as recorded in the "Road Book". It should be noted that the ma'<imum points ie-.:eived for this. criteria was 31 as the "Road Book" was established in 1966. Based on the c-:iteria estabiished, the Engineering Division of Public Works prepared a manual which ranked eac~ road and scored it accordingly. , . . " '- Honorable La.rry E. Sconyers, ivfayor Honorable 1. B. Powe!1, Chairman and Members of Engineering Services Committee Mr. Charles R. Oliver, Administrator Page Two Next the subcommittee established a method for prioritimIg the roads into manageable groups to begin the paving projecr. Tne format establish is as follows: I. A predetermined dollar amount would be established annually for contract letting based on available resources. 2. Each distrie: would place a minimum of one road an the contract letting each year assuming that the prorated funds would cover the COSt of the road selected. 3. Funds would be prorated to each distrie: based on a percentage of total roads by length andfcir . cost as idenriiied in the manual. . 4. Right-of-Way on roads to be paved would be a minimum of 50 feet. In cases where less than 50 fee:: or no deeded ri~ht-of-way exists, the adjacent property a\V!ler will be expected to donate the right-of-way. 5. No additional diri: road '.viil be ac::epted into the county road system. .~'l'AL YSIS: Tne Subcommittees efforts have produced an organized and logical rne::.l,.ad or selecting; and orioritizin2: candidate difi roads to be oaved. - ~ - . ~ FJ::N"ANCIA..L fi'yI:P.-\CT: Pre'l1ous document shave indic:J.ted 'Chat approximately 55,300,000.00 is available for ::J1is f;)rograrn. It should be noted that a portion of the operational funds for Public Works is induded in that 'Cctal. Tnis needs to be considered when establishing an annual contrae: amount. AL TER. 'f A nv-rS: The recommendations could be re:::~ed m the S ubcon1rninee if the Commission does not approve. RECOL'tGYrE:'ffiA nON: Tne Subcommittee offers the above listed information for consideration. / ~ .' -7.., /7 ~:,~ /' b:; DEPARDIT:'fT DIRECTOR; ,;/,d 7, //j~<:,'0-, ./" '. ". t' / /-- -.. ADiWL'fISTR-\TOR; u'"'.~C:.::...:.. K. ~.._, i<-12'~1, FUlillS ARE A V..ULABLE IN THE FOLLOWING ACCOD""NTS: FL.'l' A~ CE: COLH~llllKE ACTION: I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I PAVING VARIOUS ROAD PHASE VI thru PHASE VIII '. Prepared by Augusta-Richmond County Public Works and Engineering Department August 28, 2000 ~:..-~,~ . .. ..-. . -" . "'l ~. .. ~ -"., . , . - .'- - .'. - 'J . ..' -; :.~~ -", .I., . .... . . . '~t'-;: ~., '., . ~ . I- . .-:-:' - :". _0 ~ " ' :- :. :...~ ." ,. I ~ I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I Paving Various Road - Phase VI Road District Status Pollard Road 1 R/W required 14th Avenue 2 Paved McCormick Road 3 Not oaved, oer orooerty owner request Queen's Way 3 Not oaved, oer orooerty owner request Gaskill Road 3 R/W reauired Martin Lane 3 R/W reauired Carter's Lane 3 R1W reauired Credit 4 $15,800 Umbecker Road 5 R/W reauired Wise Drive 5 R/W reauired County Line Road West 6 R1W reauired Hobson Mill Road 6 R/W reauired Pine Tucker Road 6 R/W reauired Credit 7 $57,800 Baxley Lane 8 Paved Mytris Street 8 R/W required Gracewood Drive 8 R1W required Nunnery Road 8 Paved Forest Road Extension 8 Paved Meyers 8 R/W required Bowers Road 8 R/W required Carter Lane 8 R/W required Winter Street 8 Paved Jason Lane 8 R1W required Paving Various Roads - Phase VII Charles Road 1 R/W reauired Atlanta Street 2 Paved Bussey Road 3 R/W reauired Dodae Lane 3 R/W reauired Jennelle Drive 3 R/W reauired Surrey Street 4 To be oaved Sherrod Road 5 R/W reauired i County Line Road East 6 R/W required Credit 7 $57.800 Camp Josey Road 8 R/W reauired Crenshaw Road 8 R/W reauired Lamar Road 8 R/W reauired Tree Haven Road 8 R/W reauired I '- I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I Paving Various Road - Phase VIII Road District Status Emmett Street Lane 1 Credit 2 $13,500 Rickerson Road 3 R/W required MistY Water Road 3 R/W reauired Credit 4 $12,000 Credit 5 $8,250 Hood Road 6 To be paved Credit 6 $32,250 Credit 7 $43,500 Youngblood Road 8 R/W required Birdwell Road 8 To be paved Hauchman Hill Road 8 R/W required Whisant Road 8 R/W required Bennock Mill Road 8 To be paved Recap Phase VI thru VIII Road Road Total To Be District Paved Required Credit Paved R/W 1 2 2 2 $13,500 3 8 4 $27,800 1 5 3 $8,250 6 4 $32,250 1 7 $159,100 8 4 13 2 I \t UNPAVED ROADS LISTING SHOWING RANKING AND CUMULATIVE TOTALS .1 ROAD RANK ~ CUMULA TIVE DISTRICT I U~fBECKER DRIVE 131 s 2..500.00 S 2.5??.oo :S BAXLEY LA."'E 154 s 5.000.00 S 7..500.00 lJ ~(cCOR."-flCK ROAD 131 S 5.000.00 S 12.500.00 3 Qt:EE."'S WAY 111 S ;5.000.00 S 37..500.00 J I GASKILL ROAD 110 S 50,000.00 S 87.soo.oo J DODCE LA.VE 91 S 65.000.00 S 152.S00.OO J MYRTIS STREET 98 s 37..500.00 S 190.000.00 8 I WISE DRIVE 98 s 7..500.00 S 197 .soo.oo :5 JE:'fNELLE DRIVE 84 S 50,000.00 S 247..500.00 3 GRACEWOOD DRIVE 76 $ 100.000.00 S 347..5??.oo I I :,(t~NERY ROAD 7:5 s 137..500.00 s ~Ooo.oo I 1 ~th A VEENUE 71 S U..500.00 S ~97 ..500.00 Z FOREST ROAD EXT. 71 S 25,000.00 S 522.500.00 I StJRRY STREET 71 $ 25,000.00 S 547..500.00 4 I CON:"IIE DRIVE 70 s 25.000.00 S 572..500.00 4 ~EYERS LA.'\'E 6& s 37..500.00 S 610.000.00 I BOWERS ROAD 64 S 120.000.00 S 7'30.000.00 I I CARTER LA."'E 64 s 25.000.00 $ 755.000.00 I ~lARTI:"I COt"RT 61 $ 25.000.00 S 780.000.00 J RICKERSON ROAD 61 S 62..500.00 S 842..500.00 J , WADE ROAD liD S 112.500.00 S 955.000.00 J HOLLA."D RD. (POWELL MILL RD) 58 S 31,500.00 S 992,500.00 J POLLARD ROAD 58 s 37..50Q.00 S 1 CA.\IP JOSEY ROAD 57 S 125.000.00 S 8 .-\RABL\." HORSE RD. 56 S 15.000.00 S l~O,OOO.OO 3 I :-01:'f..\. STREET S6 $ 100.000.00 $ 1.330.000.00 3 ..\.TLA.'iTA STREET 51 s 12.500.00 S 1.3~2.5oo.00 .% PAYTO:O; DRIVE 51 $ 62..500.00 S 1.~05.000.00 .% I SHERROD STREET 51 S 12..500.00 $ 1.~ 17.500.00 5 \\l:'fTER STREET 51 $ 25.000.00 S 1.+&2.500.00 8 TREEHEA'IE:\' ROAD SO S i7 ..500.00 S 1.520.000.00 8 COtJ:"ffY LINE RD. E. .&J $ 150.000.00 S 1.670.000.00 6 I JASON LA."E ~Z S 50.000.00 $ 1.720.000.00 II POTTER ROAD 41 .$ 25.000.00 S I. 7 ~5.0oo.00 Z POWELL COL"RT 41 S 62..500.00 S 1.807 .500.00 J COt":\'TY LINE RD. W. 39 S 62..500.00 S 1.870.000.00 6 I DEE:'i A VE:\'l'E 38 S 75.000.00 S 1.945.000.00 5 LA.\lAR ROAD 38 S 112..500.00 S 2.051..500.00 8 CRE:\'SHA W ROAD 37 S 250.000.00 S 2.301.500.00 II I YOl':O;CBLOOD ROAD 37 $ 112,500.00 $ 2.~20.000.00 8 HOBSO:'i :\-llLL ROAD 35 S 50.000.00 S 2,~70,Ooo.OO Ii NEEL Y ROAD 34 S 557..500.00 S 3.021..500.00 II PISTOL RA."'GE ROAD 34 S 15.000.00 S 3.102..500.00 1 I BRIDWELL ROAD 33 S 105.000.00 S 3.207..500.00 8 HAUC'fL.\.."( HILL ROAD 33 S 45,000.00 S 3.252..500.00 8 FOSTER LA.\'E JZ S 250,000.00 S 3..502..500.00 1 , \\l{ISNA."T ROAD 3% S 62..500.00 S 3..565,000.00 8 BENNOCK ~m.L RD. 31 S 117..500.00 S 3,682.500.00 8 CE;\IET ARY ROAD 31 S 162..500.00 S 3.845,000.00 6 CHARLES DRIVE 31 S 50,000.00 S 3,895,000.00 1 r 1 I . I '- GOODRICH STREET 31 S 550.000.00 S 4,-M5oooo.oo 7 LOVER'S LA.'IlE 31 S 250.000.00 S 4,695.000.00 1 PATTERSON BRIDGE ROAD 31 S 5U.000.00 S , WlLLLA..\fS ROAD 31 S 175.000.00 S 5.38%.0??.oo 8 I PINE TL'CKER ROAD 30 S 25.000.00 S 5.407.0??.oo , CA TERS LA.VE %, S 1.2.500.00 S 5..U9.soo.oo 3 DUNCA.'4 DRIVE %, S 15.000.00 . S 5.434.soo.oo 8 I :'lE'VTLLE ROAD %, S 23.000.00 S 5.459.500.00 8 PARWOOD ROAD U S 175,000.00 S 5.634,500.00 6 WALCOTT LA.VE %6 S 162.500.00 S 8 CA.."'IP A..'4GEHELE aD. %5 S l~O.ooo.oo S 5.947.000.00 8 I HOODS ROAD %5 S 75.000.00 S 6.021,000.00 , PURKEY ROAD %5 S 50.000.00 S 6 KARE:'i DRIVE 2J S 25.000.00 S 6.097.0??.oo 8 I EBE:'iEZER ROAD U S 25,000.00 S 8 ctnlENTS DRIVE %1 S 75.000.00 S 8 EUGENIA ROAD %1 S 100.000.00 S 6.297,000.00 II WHISNANT DRIVE %1 s 37.500.00 S 6.33.a.soo.oo II I HARDlNG RD. RET. POND aD. %0 S 250000.00 S 6.359.500.00 D ~USTY WATERS ROAD %0 S 25,000.00 S 6.384.500.00 JI PI~EY GROVE WATER TAN'KRD. %0 S 25.000.00 S 6.409.5??.oo a: RAILROAD A VL'\'UE 20 S 1.2.soo.00 S 6.421,000.00 8 I CAROLYN STREET 19 S 116.000.00 S 6.538,000.00 3 TEBOW ROAD 18 S 75.000.00 S 6.613.000.00 8 BARRETT STREET 16 S 35,800.00 S 6.6-UJ.800.00 3 1 BOLTON STREET 16 S 22.100.00 S 6.671.500.00 3 HILDA A VE.'roE 16 S 35.800.00 S 6.:'07 Joo.OO J OR..\.'iGE A VL"lL'E 16 S 41.800.00 S 6.749,100.00 J , PADRICK STREET 16 S 42.000.00 S 6.791.100.00 3 P..uu< A YE:'iL'E 16 s 38.300.00 S 6.829.400.00 3 SCOTT STREET 16 S 50.000.00 S 6.879.400.00 3 WOODSIDE A VE."'l1.:"E 16 S 47.l50.00 S 6.926.650.00 3 1 SW..\,\IP ROAD IS S lIZ.s00.00 S 8 CHESTERFIELD ROAD 10 S 67.s00.00 S 7,106.650.00 8 RCBY LA..'fE (GEORGE VAi'(CE LANE) 10 S 75.000.00 S 7.181.650.00 8 P A.RK.ER STREET 9 S llZ..500.00 S -: .294.150.00 8 I ELBOW BEND BRA.'4CB ROAD 8 S 100.000.00 S 7,394.150.00 4 PATRICK A'IE. (pAT'S LA."f!) 7 S 75.000.00 S 7.469,150.00 8 WOODWARD AVE.VtJE 6 S 87 ..500.00 S 1.556.650.00 8 HARRIS LA.'4DING ROAD 5 S 50.000.00 S 7.606.650.00 8 I ~lAL'DLIN ROAD J S 97,500.00 S 1,704.150.00 , CLIFF A YERS ROAD 0 S 50,000.00 S 8 'Ic:'1UTT ROAD 0 S 51Z"s00.00 S 8.266.650.00 8 I RIP POWELL ROAD 0 S 425.000.00 S 8.691.650.00 8 SIL YER BOTTOM ROAD 0 S 100.000.00 S 8.791.650.00 8 T'S DRIVE 0 S 15.000.00 S 8,866.650.00 % I I I I' 2 I I ~ .. UNP A VEn ROADS LISTING BY DISTRICT I DISTRICT 1 sCaD; POLLUm ROAD 58 I PISTOL RA.";GE ROAD 34 FOSTER LA.'fE 32 CHARLES DRIVE 31 LOVER'S u"";E 31 I DISTRICT 2 1 ~th A '''EE.V[JE 71 PA \'TON DRIVE 51 I A TLA.. 'ff A STREET 51 POTIER ROAD 41 T'SDIUVE 0 'I DISTRICT J Mc:COR."UCK ROAD 131 Ql:EE..";S WAY 111 I GASKILL ROAD 110 DODGE LA..'fE 98 JE:'fNELLE DRIVE 84 RICKERSON ROAD 61 I ~lARTf.If COGRT 61 WADE ROAD 60 ." , HOLLA..'m RD. (POWELL MILL RD) sa NI:'fA STREET 56 ARABIA.'\( HORSE RD. S6 POWELL COURT 41 I CATERS LA.'I(E 19 \-([STY WATERS ROAD 10 .CAROL Y:'f STREET l' I . BARRETI STREET 16 . BOLTO:'f STREET 16 . HILDA A V1::'fUE 16 I .OIU..'I(GE A VE.'roE 16 .PADRICK STREET 16 . PARKA VE.'roE 16 I .SCOTI STREET 16 .WOODSIDE A VE."lUE 16 DrSTRICl ~ SURRY STREET 71 I CONNIE DRIVE 70 ELBOW BE.'fD BRA.";CH ROAD a D1STRrCl S I t:MBECKER DRIVE 131 WISE DRIVE 98 SHERROD STREET 51 ,. DEE:'f AVE:'l'...E 38 .StrMS within Belair Hilla EmlcI SubaivisiOll I 3 I 'I ~ DISTRICT 6 CO!::'1n LINE RD. It. <J CO{j~TY Lt"lE RD. W. 3' I HOBSON MILL ROAD 35 CE:\IET ARY ROAD 31 PA ITERSON BRIDGE ROAD 31 I PI:'IE Tt'CKER ROAD 30 PARWOOD ROAD l' HOODS ROAD 15 PURKEY ROAD 15 I MAUDLIN ROAD 3 DrSTRICT1 GOODRICH STREET 31 I DISTRICT 8 BAXLEY I..\."iE 154 MYRTrS STREET 98 I GRACEWOOD DRIVE 1& NU~NERY ROAD 15 FOREST ROAD EXT. 11 I :\<IEYERS I..\."iE 66 BOWERS ROAD 64 CARTER I..\."iE 64 I c.-\.\1P JOSEY ROAD 51 WI~TER STREET SI TREEHE.\ VE."f ROAD SO . . t JASO~ LA..'lE 41 LA.\IAR ROAD 38 CRE~SHAWROAD 31 YOt::-;GBLOOD ROAD 31 I ~EEL Y ROAD J4 BIRDWELL ROAD JJ HAl'CHA.\1 HUL ROAD 33 I WHIS~A.'iT ROAD 31 BE:'f~OCK MILL RD. 31 WILLlA.\IS ROAD 31 I DU:'lCA.'i DRIVE l' :-iEvlLLE ROAD %9 W.u.COIT LA.'\fE 16 I CAMP ANGEHELE RD. 15 KAREN DRIVE 23 EBE:'fEZER ROAD U I CLE:\IE"'iS DRIVE %1 EUGENIA ROAD 11 WHISNA.'\fT DRIVE %1 HARDI:\'G RD. REf. POND RD. %0 I PI:'IEY GROVE WATER TANK RD. %0 RAlLROAD A VE."ruE %0 TEBOW ROAD 18 SW AJ....IP ROAD 15 CHESTERFIELD ROAD 10 RUBY LA.'\fE (G~ORGE VANCE LANE) 10 I 4 "I , I I I I I I I , I I I I I I ~ .1 I DISTRICT I COIItIInI.d PAlUCER STREET PATRICXA VE. (pAT'S LANE) WOODWARD AVENUE IIARJUs LANDING ROAD CLIFF AYERs ROAD McNUTI'ROAD RIP POWELL ROAD 5U.VER BOTrOM ROAD , 7 6 ! o o o o 5 I I UNPAVED ROADS LISTING . SHOWING RANKING AND CUMULATIVE TOTALS ROAD RANK COST CUMULA TIVE DISTRICT I UMBECKER DRIVE 231 S 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 5 BA.XLEY lANE 154 S 5.000.00 S 7,500.00 8 McCORMICK ROAD 131 S 5,000.00 S 12,500.00 3 I QUEENS WAY 111 S :5,000.00 S 37,500.00 J GASKILL ROAD 110 S 50,000.00 S 87,500.00 J DODGE ~"lE 98 S 65,000.00 S 152,500.00 3 MYRTIS STREET 98 S 37,500.00 S 190,000.00 8 I' WISE DRIVE 98 S 7,500.00 S 197,500.00 5 JENNELLE DRIVE 84 S 50,000.00 S 247,500.00 J GRACEWOOD DRIVE 76 S 100,000.00 S 347,500.00 8 I NUNNERY ROAD 75 S 137,500.00 S 485,000.00 8 14th A VEENUE 71 S 12,500.00 S 497,500.00 2 FOREST ROAD EXT. 71 S 25.000.00 S 522,500.00 8 I SURRY STREET 71 S 25,000.00 S 547,500.00 4 CONNIE DRIVE 70 S 25,000.00 S 572,500.00 4 MEYERS LA1"'E 66 S 37,500.00 S 610,000.00 8 BOWERS ROAD 64 S 120,000.00 S 730,000.00 8 1 CARTER ~"'E 64 S 25.000.00 S 755,000.00 8 MARTIN COURT 61 S 25,000.00 S 780,000.00 J RICKERSON ROAD 61 S 62,500.00 S 842,500.00 3 WADE ROAD 60 S 112,500.00 S 955.000.00 3 I HOLLAND RD. (pOWELL MILL RD) 58 S 37,500.00 S 992,500.00 3 POLLARD ROAD 58 S 37,500.00 S 1,030,000.00 1 , CA.\1P JOSEY ROAD 57 S 125,000.00 S 1,155,000.00 8 ARABIAN HORSE RD. 56 S 75,000.00 S 1,230,000.00 3 NINA STREET 56 S 100,000.00 S 1,330,000.00 3 A TLANT A STREET 51 S 12,500.00 S 1,342,500.00 2 PAYTON DRIVE 51 S 62,500.00 S 1,405,000.00 2 I SHERROD STREET 51 S 12,500.00 S 1.417,500.00 5 \\-lNTERSTREET 51 S 25,000.00 S 1.442,500.00 8 TREEHEA VEN ROAD SO S 77,500.00 S 1,520,000.00 8 COUNTY LINE RD. E. 43 S 150,000.00 S 1.670.000.00 6 I JASON ~"'E 42 S 50,000.00 S 1,720,000.00 8 POTTER ROAD 41 S 25,000.00 S 1,745,000.00 2 POWELL COURT 41 S 62,500.00 S 1,807,500.00 3 COUNTY LINE RD. W. 39 S 62,500.00 S 1,870,000.00 6 I DEEN AVENUE 38 S 75,000.00 S 1,945.000.00 5 LAMAR ROAD 38 S 112,500.00 S 2,057,500.00 8 CRENSHAW ROAD 37 S 250,000.00 S 2,307,500.00 8 I YOVNGBLOOD ROAD 37 S 112,500.00 S 2.420,000.00 8 HOBSON MILL ROAD 35 S 50,000.00 S 2,470,000.00 6 NEEL Y ROAD 34 S 557,500.00 S 3,027,500,00 8 PISTOL RANGE ROAD 34 S 75,000.00 S 3,102,500.00 1 I BRIDWELL ROAD 33 S 105,000.00 S 3,207,500.00 8 HAUCHAM HILL ROAD 33 S 45,000.00 S 3,252,500.00 8 FOSTER LA."'E 32 S 250,000.00 S 3,502,500.00 1 \\-lIISNA.!"IfT ROAD 32 S 62,500.00 S 3,565,000.00 8 I BENNOCK MILL RD. 31 S 117,500.00 S 3,682,500.00 8 CEMET ARY ROAD 31 S 162,500.00 S 3,845,000.00 6 CHARLES DRIVE 31 S 50,000.00 S 3,895,000.00 1 ~ ,.,. / 1 I I I GOODRICH STREET 31 S 550,000.00 S 4.445,000.00 7 LOVER'S LAi'lE 31 S 250,000.00 S 4.695,000.00 1 PATTERSON BRIDGE ROAD 31 S 512,000.00 S 5,207,000.00 6 . WILLtA.'\IS ROAD 31 S 175.000.00 S 5,382,000.00 8 PINE TUCKER ROAD 30 S 25,000.00 S 5,407,000.00 6 CATERS LAi'lE 29 S 12,500.00 S 5,419,500.00 3 I DUNCA!'1 DRIVE 29 S 15,000.00 . S 5,434,500.00 8 1'ITVILLE ROAD 29 S 25.000.00 S 5.459,500.00 8 PARWQOD ROAD 29 S 175.000.00 S 5,634,500.00 6 WALCOTT LAi'IE 26 S 162,500.00 S 5,797,000.00 8 I CAiWP A!'1GEHELE RD. 25 S l~O,ooO.OO S 5.947,000.00 8 HOODS ROAD 25 S 75,000.00 S 6,022,000.00 6 PURKEY ROAD 25 S 50,000.00 S 6,072,000.00 6 KAREN DRIVE 23 S 25,000.00 S 6,097,000.00 8 ,. EBENEZER ROAD 22 S 25,000.00 S 6,122,000.00 8 CLEMENTS DRIVE 21 S 75,000.00 S 6,197,000.00 8 EUGENIA ROAD 21 S 100,000.00 S 6,297,000.00 8 WHISNANT DRIVE 21 S 37,500.00 S 6,334,500.00 8 I HARDING RD. RET. POND RD. 20 S 25,000.00 S 6,359,500.00 8 MISTY WATERS ROAD 20 S 25,000.00 S 6,384,500.00 3 PL'IEY GROVE WATER TANK RD. 20 S 25,000.00 S 6,409,500.00 8 I RAILROAD AVENUE 20 S 12,500.00 S 6,422,000.00 8 CAROL YN STREET 19 S 116,000.00 S 6,538,000.00 3 TEBOW ROAD 18 S 75,000.00 S 6,613,000.00 8 BARRETT STREET 16 S 35,800.00 S 6.648,800.00 3 I BOLTON STREET 16 S 22,700.00 S 6,671,500.00 3 HILDA A VENUE 16 S 35,800.00 S 6.707,300.00 3 ORA.'1GE AVENUE 16 S 41,800.00 S 6,749,100.00 3 PADRICK STREET 16 S 42,000.00 S 6,791.100.00 3 I PARK A VE:\'UE 16 S 38,300.00 S 6,829,400.00 3 SCOTT STREET 16 S 50,000.00 S 6,879,400.00 3 , WOODSIDE A VENUE 16 S 47,250.00 S 6,926,650.00 3 SWAMP ROAD 15 S 112,500.00 S 7,039,150.00 8 CHESTERFIELD ROAD 10 S 67,500.00 S 7,106,650.00 8 RUBY LA!'1E (GEORGE VANCE LAi'lE) 10 S 75,000.00 S 7,181,650.00 8 PARKER STREET 9 S 112,500.00 S 7,294,150.00 8 I ELBOW BEND BRA.'1CH ROAD 8 S 100,000.00 S 7,394,150.00 4 PATRICK AVE. (pAT'S LAi'lE) 7 S 75,000.00 S 7,469,150.00 8 WOODWARD AVENUE 6 S 87,500.00 S 7,556./iS0.00 8 HARRIS LANDING ROAD 5 S 50,000.00 S 7,606.650.00 8 I I\-1AUDUN ROAD 3 S 97,500.00 S 7,704.150.00 6 CUFF A YERS ROAD 0 S 50,000.00 S 7,754,150.00 8 McNUTT ROAD 0 S 512,500.00 S 8,266,650.00 8 I RIP POWELL ROAD 0 S 425,000.00 S 8,691.650.00 8 SIL VER BOTTOM ROAD 0 S 100,000.00 S 8,791,650.00 8 T'S DRIVE 0 S 75,000.00 S 8,866,650.00 2 I I I ~ 2 ~ I I I ---- UNP A YED ROADS LISTING . BY DISTRICT DISTRICT 1 SCORE POLLARD ROAD 58 I PISTOL RANGE ROAD 34 FOSTER LA."IE 32 CHARLES DRIVE 31 I LOVER'S LANE 31 DISTRICT 2 14th A VEENUE 71 PAYTON DRIVE 51 I' A TLAi"lT A STREET 51 POTTER ROAD 41 T'S DRIVE 0 I DISTRICT 3 McCORMICK ROAD 131 QUEENS WAY 111 I GASKILL ROAD 110 DODGE LA."IE 98 JENNELLE DRIVE 84 I RICKERSON ROAD 61 MARTIN COURT 61 WADE ROAD 60 HOLLAND RD. (pOWELL MILL RD) S8 I NINA STREET 56 ARABIAN HORSE RD. 56 , POWELL COURT 41 CATERS LA.\lE 29 MISTY WATERS ROAD 20 .CAROL YN STREET 19 I · BARRETT STREET 16 .BOLTON STREET 16 .HILDA A VENUE 16 I .ORANGE A VENUE 16 . PAD RICK STREET 16 · PARKA VENUE 16 .SCOTT STREET 16 I .WOODSIDE AVENUE 16 DISTRICT 4 SURRY STREET 71 I CONNIE DRIVE 70 ELBOW BEND BRANCH ROAD 8 DISTRICT 5 I UMBECKER DRIVE 231 WISE DRIVE 98 SHERROD STREET 51 I DEEN A VENUE 38 .Streets within Belair Hills Estates Subsivision .... ~ 3 I I I DISTRICT 6 COUNTY LINE RD. E. 4J . COUNTY LINE RD. W. 39 HOBSON MILL ROAD 35 CEMET ARY ROAD 31 PATTERSON BRIDGE ROAD 31 I PINE TUCKER ROAD 30 PARWOOD ROAD 29 HOODS ROAD 25 I PURKEY ROAD 2S MAUDLL~ ROAD 3 DISTRICT 7 I' GOODRICH STREET 31 DISTRICT 8 BA..XLEY LANE 154 MYRTIS STREET 98 I GRACEWOOD DRIVE 76 NUNNERY ROAD 75 FOREST ROAD EXT. 71 I MEYERS LANE 66 BOWERS ROAD 64 CARTER LAl"IE 64 I CAMP JOSEY ROAD 57 WINTER STREET 51 TREEHEA VE;I1 ROAD SO J ASO N LA,'Iffi 42 LA.'\1AR ROAD 38 CRENSHA W ROAD 37 YOUNGBLOOD ROAD 37 NEELY ROAD 34 BIRDWELL ROAD 33 HAUCHA."I Hll..L ROAD 33 I WHISNA.~T ROAD 32 BENNOCK MILL RD. 31 WILLIAMS ROAD 31 I DUNCA.~ DRIVE 29 NEVILLE ROAD 29 W ALCOTT LA,~E 26 I CA.\-IP A.~GEHELE RD. 25 KAREN DRIVE 23 EBENEZER ROAD 22 CLEMENTS DRIVE 21 I EUGENIA ROAD 21 WHISNA1~T DRIVE 21 HARDING RD. RET. POND RD. 20 I PINEY GROVE WATER TANK RD. 20 RAILROAD A VENUE 20 TEBOW ROAD 18 I SWAMP ROAD 15 CHESTERFIELD ROAD 10 RUBY LANE (GEORGE VANCE LANE) 10 ...... ~ 4 I I I DISTRICT 8 continued PARKER STREET PATRICK AVE. (pAT'S LANE) WOODWARD A VENUE HARRIS LANDING ROAD CLIFF AYERS ROAD McNUTT ROAD RIP POWELL ROAD SILVER BOTTOM ROAD , I I I' I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I 9 7 6 5 o o o o 5 I I , I I I' I I I I , I I I I I I .. I LISTING OF UNPAVED ROADS BY DISTRICT DISTRICT 1 Project Length Cost Charles Drive .20 $ 50,000 Foster Lane 1.00 $ 250,000 Lover's Lane .90 $ 250,000 Pistol Range Road .30 $ 75,000 Pollard Road .15 $ 37,000 TOTAL 2.55 $ 662,000 DISTRICT 2 Project Length Cost 14th Avenue .05 $ 12,500 Atlanta Street .05 $ 12,500 Payton Drive .25 $ 62,500 Potter Road .10 $ 25,000 TIs Drive .30 $ 75,000 TOTAL .75 $ 187,500 6 I I , I I I' I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I DISTRICT 3 Project Length Cost Arabian Horse Road .30 $ 75,000 Barrett Street .13 $ 35,800 Bolton Street .06 $ 22,700 Carolyn Street .59 $ 116,000 Carter I sLane .05 $ 12,500 Dodge Lane .25 $ 65,000 Gaskill Road .20 $ 50,000 Hilda Avenue .13 $ 35,800 Powell Mill Road .15 $ 37,500 (Holland Road) Jennelle Drive .20 $ 50,000 Martin Court .10 $ 25,000 McCormick Road .02 $ 5,000 Misty Waters Road .10 $ 25,000 Nina Street .40 $ 100,000 Orange Avenue .17 $ 41,800 Park Avenue .17 $ 38,300 Padrick Street .20 $ 42,000 Powell Court .25 $ 62,500 Queens Way .01 $ 25,000 Rickerson Road .25 $ 62,500 Scott Street .24 $ 50,000 Wade Road .45 $ 112,500 Woodside Avenue .21 $ 47,250 TOTAL 4.72 $1,137,150 7 I I , I I I' I I I I , I I I I I I ~ I DISTRICT 4 Project Length Cost Connie Drive .10 $ 25,000 Elbow Bend Branch .40 $ 100,000 .... Surry Street .10 $ 25,000 TOTAL .60 $ 150,000 DISTRICT 5 Project Length Cost Deen Avenue .30 $ 75,000 Sherrod Road .05 $ 12,500 Umbecker Drive .01 $ 2,500 Wise Drive .03 $ 7,500 TOTAL .39 $ 97,500 8 . . , . . I' I I . . , . . . . . -.., DISTRICT 6 Project Length .65 Cost Cementary Road (Off Willis Foreman Road) . County Line Road East $ 162,500 .60 $ 150,000 - . - . County Line Road West .25 $ 62,500 Hobson Mill Road .20 .30 .39 2.05 $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $ 97,500 $ 512,000 $ 175,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $1,359,500 Hoods Road Mauldin Road Patterson Bridge Rd. Pan-lOod Road .70 .10 .20 Pine Tucker Road Purkey Road TOTAL 5.44 DISTRICT 7 Project Length Cost Goodrich Street 2.2 $550,000 TOTAL 2.2 $550,000 9 . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . - ,., DISTRlCT 8 Project Camp Angehele Road Baxley Lane Bennock Mill Road Birdwell Road Length .60 .02 .47 .42 .48 .50 .10 .27 .30 .20 .96 .60 .10 .40 .10 .40 .10 Bowers Road Camp Josey Road Carter Lane Chesterfield Road Clements Drive Cliff Ayers Road Crenshaw Road Duncan Drive Ebenezer Road Eugenia Road Forest Road Ext. Gracewood Drive Harding Road Retention Pond Road Harris Landing Road Haucham Hill Road .20 .18 .20 .10 Jason Lane Karen Drive District 8 Cont'd 10 Cost $ 150,000 $ 5,000 $ 117,500 $ 105,000 $ 120,000 $ 125,000 $ 25,000 $ 67,500 $ 75,000 $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 $ 25,000 $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 45,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 . . , I I I' I I I . , . . - - ~ DISTRICT 8 Project Lenght Cost Lamar Road .45 $ 112,500 MCNutt Road 2.05 $ 512,500 Meyers Lane .15 - .4 . $ 37,500 Myrtis Street .15 $ 37,500 Neely Road 2.23 $ 557,500 Neville Road .10 $ 25,000 Nunnery Road .55 $ 137,500 Parker Street .45 $ 112,500 Patrick Avenue .30 $ 75,000 (Pat's Lane) Patterson Bridge 2.05 $ 512,000 Road Piney Grove Water .10 $ 25,000 Tank Road Railroad Avenue .05 $ 12,500 Rip Powell Road 1.7 $ 425,000 Ruby Lane (George .30 $ 75,000 Vance Drive) Silver Bottom Road .40 $ 100,000 Swamp Road .45 $ 112,500 Tebow Road .30 $ 75,000 Treehaven Road ;31 $ 77,500 Walcott Lane .65 $ 162,500 Whisnant Drive .15 $ 37,500 Whisnant Road .25 $ 62,500 11 . . , I I I' I I I I , . II - . - -~ .. District 8 Cont'd Williams Road .70 $ 175,000 Winter Street .10 $ 25,000 Wooward Avenue .35 $ 87,500 YoungblOOd Road .45 -~ ~. $ 112,500 TOTAL 21.44 $5,370,500 12 I I . I I I' I I I I , - ~ I ... RECAP OF UNPAVED ROADS BY DISTRICT Districts Length Cost % of % of Total Total By By - -.. Lenght Cost District 1 2.55 $ 662,000 6.69% 6.96% District 2 .75 $ 187,500 1.97% 1.97% District 3 4.72 $ 1,137,150 12.39% 11.95% District 4 .60 $ 150,000 1.58% 1. 58% District 5 .39 $ 97,500 1. 02% 1.02% District 6 5.44 $ 1,359,500 14.28% 14.29% District 7 2.20 $ 550,000 5.78% 5.78% District 8 21.44 $ 5,370,500 56.29% 56.45% TOTAL 38.09 $ 9,514,150 100% 100% 13 . I. . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . ENGINEERING DIVISION . . UNPAVED ROAD . PRIORITY LIST . It . - iiiii - - . , ......J.. I ~ DISTRICT 1 SCORE POLLARD ROAD 58 PISTOL RANGE ROAD 34 I FOSTER LANE . 32 LOVER'S LANE 31 I CHARLES DRIVE 31 DISTRICT 2 14TH AVENUE 71 I A TLANT A STREET 51 PAYTON DRIVE 51 POTTER ROAD 41 I T'S DRIVE 00 DISTRICT 3 McCORMICK ROAD 131 I GASKILL ROAD 110 DODGE LANE 98 JENNELLE DRIVE 84 I RICKERSON ROAD 61 MARTIN COURT 60 WADE ROAD 60 I HOLLAND RD.(pOWELL MILL RD.) 58 NINA STREET 56 ARABIAN HORSE ROAD 56 ~ POWELL COURT 41 CARTER'S LANE 29 MISTY WATERS ROAD 20 I *CAROL YN STREET 19 *SCOTT STREET 16 *BARRETT STREET 16 I *BOL TON STREET 16 *p ADRICK STREET 16 *Hll.,DA A VENUE 16 I *WOODSIDE A VENUE 16 *ORANGE A VENUE 16 *p ARK A VENUE 16 I DISTRICT 4 SURRY STREET 71 I CONNlE DRIVE 70 ELBOW BEND BRANCH ROAD' 08 DISTRICT 5 I UMBRECKER DRIVE 231 WISE DRIVE 98 SHERROD STREET 51 It DEEN A VENUE 38 * Streets within Belair Hills Estates Subdivision - -- -I . .. . . . . . . . It . . II DISTRICT 6 COUNTY LINE ROAD EAST COUNTY LINE ROAD WEST HOBSON MILL ROAD CEMERARY RD. PINE TUCKER ROAD PARWOOD ROAD PURKEY ROAD HOODS ROAD MAUDLIN ROAD DISTRICT 8 BAXLEY LANE MYRTIS STREET GRACEWOOD DRIVE NUNNERY ROAD FOREST ROAD EXT. MEYERS LANE BOWERS ROAD YOUNGBLOOD ROAD CARTER LANE CAMP JOSEY ROAD TREEHA VEN ROAD JASON LANE CRENSHAW ROAD NEELY ROAD BIRDWELL ROAD HA UCHAM HILL ROAD WmSNANT ROAD BENNOCK MILL ROAD PATTERSON BRIDGE ROAD DUNCAN DRIVE NEVlLLE ROAD WALCOTT LANE CAMP ANGEHELE ROAD EBENEZER ROAD EUGENIA ROAD WmSNANT DRIVE CLEMENTS DRIVE ' . KAREN DRIVE WINTER STREET TEBOW ROAD SWAMP ROAD PINEY GROVE H2O TANK RD. HARDING RD. RET. POND ROAD CHESTERFIELD ROAD 43 39 35 31 30 29 25 25 03 150 98 76 75 71 66 64 62 60 57 50 42 37 34 33 33 32 31 31 29 29 26 25 22 21 21 21 20 20 18 15 10 10 10 . .. I . . . . . . It . . DISTRICT 8(cout.) RUBY LN. (GEORGE VANCE LN.) PARKER STREET LAMAR ROAD PATRICK A VENUE (pAT'S LANE) HARRIS LANDING ROAD McNUTT ROAD RIP POWELL ROAD WILLIAMS ROAD CLIFF AYERS ROAD RAILROAD A VENUE SILVER BOTTOM ROAD WOODWARD AVENUE .. J 10 09 07 07 OS 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... " I ~ I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I r I LISTING OF UNPAVED ROADS BY DISTRICT DISTRICT 1 Project Length Cost Charles Drive .20 $ 50,000 Foster Lane 1. 00 $ 250,000 Lover's Lane .90 $ 250,000 Pistol Range Road .30 $ 75,000 Pollard Road .15 $ 37,000 TOTAL 2.55 $ 662,000 DISTRICT 2 Project Length Cost 14th Avenue .05 $ 12,500 Atlanta street .05 $ 12,500 Payton Drive .25 $ 62,500 Potter Road .10 $ 25,000 T's Drive .30 $ 75,000 TOTAL .75 $ 187,500 I '- I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I r I DISTRICT 3 Project Length Cost Arabian Horse Road .30 $ 75,000 Barrett street .13 $ 35,800 Bolton street .06 $ 22,700 Carolyn Street .59 $ 116,000 Carter's Lane .05 $ 12,500 Dodge Lane .25 $ 65,000 Gaskill Road .20 $ 50,000 Hilda Avenue .13 $ 35,800 Powell Mill Road .15 $ 37,500 (Holland Road) Jennelle Drive .20 $ 50,000 Martin Court .10 $ 25,000 McCormick Road .02 $ 5,000 Misty Waters Road .10 $ 25,000 Nina Street .40. $ 100,000 Orange Avenue .17 $ 41,800 Park Avenue .17 $ 38,300 Padrick Street .20 $ 42,000 Powell Court .25 $ 62,500 Rickerson Road .25 $ 62,500 Scott Street .24 $ 50,000 Wade Road .45 $ 112,500 Woodside Avenue .21 $ 47,250 TOTAL 4.62 $1,112,150 I ~ I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I r I DISTRICT 4 Project Length Cost Connie Drive .10 $ 25,000 Elbow Bend Branch .40 $ 100,000 Surry Street .10 $ 25,000 TOTAL .60 $ 150,000 DISTRICT 5 Project Length Cost Deen Avenue .30 $ 75,000 Sherrod Road .05 $ 12,500 Umbecker Drive .01 $ 2,500 Wise Drive .03 $ 7,500 TOTAL .39 $ 97,500 DISTRICT 6 Project Length Cost Cementary Road (Off .65 $ 162,500 Willis Foreman Road) County Line Road .60 $ 150,000 East County Line Road .25 $ 62,500 West Hobson Mill Road .20 $ 50,000 Hoods Road .30 $ 75,000 Mauldin Road .39 $ 97,500 Parwood Road .70 $ 175,000 Pine Tucker Road .10 $ 25,000 Purkey Road .20 $ 50,000 TOTAL 3.39 $ 847,500 I '- I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I r I DISTRICT 7 Project Length Cost NONE TOTAL $ NONE DISTRICT 8 Project Length Cost Camp Angehele Road .60 $ 150,000 Baxley Lane .02 $ 5,000 Bennock Mill Road .47 $ 117,500 Birdwell Road .42 $ 105,000 Bowers Road .48 $ 120,000 Camp Josey Road .50 $ 125,000 Carter Lane .10 $ 25,000 Chesterfield Road .27 $ 67,500 Clements Drive .30 $ 75,000 Cliff Ayers Road .20 $ 50,000 Crenshaw Road .96 $ 250,000 Duncan Drive .60 $ 150,000 Ebenezer Road .10 $ 25,000 Eugenia Road .40 $ 100,000 Forest Road Ext. .10 $ 25,000 Gracewood Drive .40 $ 100,000 Harding Road .10 $ 25,000 Retention Pond Road Harris Landing Road .20 $ 50,000 Haucham Hill Road .18 $ 45,000 Jason Lane .20 $ 50,000 Karen Drive .10 $ 25,000 District 8 Cont'd I '- I I I I I I I II I I I I I I ~ I DISTRICT 8 Project Lenght Cost Lamar Road .45 $ 112,500 McNutt Road 2.05 $ 512,500 Meyers Lane .15 $ 37,500 Myrtis street .15 $ 37,500 Neely Road 2.23 $ 557,500 Neville Road .10 $ 25,000 Nunnery Road .55 $ 137,500 Parker Street .45 $ 112,500 Patrick Avenue .30 $ 75,000 (Pat's Lane) Patterson Bridge 2.05 $ 512,000 Road Piney Grove Water .10 $ 25,000 Tank Road Railroad Avenue .05 $ 12,500 Rip Powell Road 1.7 $ 425,000 Ruby Lane (George .30 $ 75,000 Vance Drive) Silver Bottom Road .40 $ 100,000 Swamp Road .45 $ 112,500 Tebow Road .30 $ 75,000 Treehaven Road .31 $ 77,500 Walcott Lane .65 $ 162,500 Whisnant Drive .15 $ 37,500 Whisnant Road .25 $ 62,500 Williams Road .70 $ 175,000 Winter Street .10 $ 25,000 Wooward Avenue .35 $ 87,500 Youngblood Road .45 $ 112,500 TOTAL 21. 44 $5,370,500 I I. I I I I I I I -- I I I I I I ~ I I RECAP OF UNPAVED ROADS BY DISTRICT Districts Lenght Cost % of % of Total Total By By Lenght Cost District 1 2.55 $ 662,000 7.56% 7.86% District 2 .75 $ 187,500 2.22% 2.22% District 3 4.62 $ 1,112,150 13.69% 13.20% District 4 .60 $ 150,000 1.78% 1. 78% District 5 .39 $ 97,500 1. 16% 1.16% District 6 3.39 $ 847,500 10.05% 10.06% District 7 None $ None 0.0% 0.0% District 8 21.44 $ 5,370,500 63.54% 63.72% TOTAL 33.74 $ 8,427,150 100% 100% AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Charles Dr. Termini: Columbia Nitrogen Rd. to Levee Rd. Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 1 Complexity: 1.25 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o o $50,000.00 2 $16,500.00 7.6 o 31 o Per Tenth of Mile o 80 10 33 76 o Points Per Year 31 199 Score 31 Location Map Name CHMUS CK G 7 SITE / / SAVANNAH RIVER / I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Road Name FosterLane Termini : East BoundaIy to Lover's Lane Lenght: 1 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road y /' /./ UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Commission District : 1 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Con~iderations TOTAL 30 1 S250,000.00 5 SI6,5oo.oo 7.9 o 31 30 Per Tenth of Mile 111 5 165 79 o Points Per Year 31 390 Score 32 Location Map AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Lover's Lane Termini: Foster Lane to Columbia Nitrogen Rd. Lengbt : 0.9 Miles Commission District: 1 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnnsideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing RJW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 o $250,000.00 o $16,500.00 8 o 31 30 Per Tenth oCMile o 111 o 149 80 o Points Per Year 31 370 Score 31 Location Map ~OVet\' S ~m AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Pistol Range Rd. Termini: Sand Bar Ferry Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Miles Commission District: 1 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria. Con!i1ideration!i1 TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $75,000.00 4 $16,500.00 9.2 o 31 o Per Tenth or Mile 3 125 13 50 92 o Points Per Year 31 280 Score 34 Location Map District ~ I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Pollard Rd. Termini: Pistol Range Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.15 Miles Commission District : 1 Complexity: 0.8 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 4 $37.500.00 10 $16,500.00 9.2 o 31 30 Per Tenth oCMiIe 27 125 67 25 92 o Points Per Year 31 338 Score 58 Location Map District ~ I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : 14th Ave. Termini: Atlanta St to Dcadcnd Lenght : 0.05 Miles Commission District: 2 Complexity: 0.85 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl> Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 2 $12.500.00 11 $16~500.00 5.9 o 31 o Per Tenth or Mile 40 118 220 8 59 o Points Per Year 31 405 Score 71 Location Map Name 4: !;} o lEI AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERlNG DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :AtIanta St Termini: 15th Ave to 14th Ave Lenght : 0.05 Miles Commission District: 2 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $12,500.00 4 $16,500.00 5.9 o 31 o Per Tenth of Mile 20 118 80 8 59 o Points Per Year 31 265 Score 51 Location Map Name i:" ~ tJ ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name ;Payton Dr. Termini: S.R. 56 TO Deadcnd Lenght : 0.25 Miles Commission District: 2 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Considerationll TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 5 $62,500.00 8 $16,500.00 3.5 o 31 o Per Tenth of Mile 20 118 32 41 35 o Points Per Year 31 226 Score 51 Location Map f^ YfON CI\. District e AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Pottcr Rd. Termini: Nixon Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 2 Complexity: 0.75 Additional Criteria Consider9tion~ TOT A J, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $25,000.00 3 $16,500.00 4.8 o 31 o Per Tenth of Mile 10 133 30 17 48 o Points Per Year 31 228 Score 41 Location Map ~D~ -~ DA"yl ~ Q' C<" j J t "0 ==l Al P AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Ts Dr. Termini: S.R. 56 to Winesap Way Lenght: 0.3 Miles Commission District: 2 Complexity: 0.85 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o o $75,000.00 17 $16,500.00 2.95 o o o Per Tenth of Mile o 118 57 50 30 o Points Per Year o 253 Score o Location Map (S CK District e ~ ci a:: AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Arabian Horse Rd. Termini: Flowing Wells Rd. to Flowing Wells Rd. Lenght : 0.3 Miles Commission District : 3 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnnsideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Co~ of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 14 $7S,OOO.00 21 $16,SOO.00 7.8 o 9 30 Per Tenth ofMne 47 111 70 SO 78 o Points Per Year 9 339 Score 56 Location Map Name AMBIAN Haz.~ I\D. District : MURPHY ~OBILE HOME PARK SITE WRICHTSBORO RD. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :BlIlTCtt St Termini: Orangc Avc. to Avalon Avc. Lenght : 0.13 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Additional Criteria Consideration!! Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $35,800.00 14 $16,500.00 7.7 1 16 60 1.05 Per Tenth ofMne 95 108 21 77 25 386 Points Per Year Score Location Map I 3 TOTAl, o 16 16 ) LE WAY BRIDGE:PORT DR. DA.RDEN PL BELAIR PL. ~ r- -< o ;;:: ::f> !=' AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Bolton St Termini: End of Pavement to Woodside Ave. Lenght : 0.06 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Additional Criteria Considerations Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $22,700.00 6 $16,500.00 7.4 1 16 60 100 100 10 74 25 369 Location M =-p I 3 TOTAL Per Tenth of Mile o Points Per Year 16 Score 16 3 LE WAY BELAIR PL. DARDEN ~ r- o Z A1 !=' PL AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Carolyn St Termini: Saybrook Dr. to F\agler Rd. Lenght : 0.59 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 2 $116,000.00 57 $16,500.00 7.5 o 16 60 3 TOTAl, Per Tenth of Mile 3 100 97 97 75 o 429 Points Per Year Score 19 Location Map 16 ) BELAIR PL, DARDEN PL SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERlNG DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Cartcr's Lane Termini: Barton Chapel Rd. to Dcadcnd Lenght : 0.05 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $12,500.00 2 $16,500.00 6.6 o 9 o Per Tenth of Mile 20 125 40 8 66 o Points Per Year 9 239 Score 29 Location Map Name c.Mfef<5 ~ANe I %Q. ~ ~1! o -1'<;> SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Dodge Lane Termini: Gordon Hwy to Columbia County Line Lenght : 0.25 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.85 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 40 8 $65,000.00 8 $16,500.00 9 1 66 40 Per Tenth oCMile 32 118 32 41 90 25 Points Per Year 66 346 Score 98 Location Map Name C(XJCi ~ANe District ~-\ 0~ GO 0''?-- \)~ GO'V SITE GORDON HIGHWAY U.S. NO. 78 .....0 ,.,~ 58 '::0 1-30 !f FORT GORDON MIUTARY RESERVATION AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Gaslcill Rd. Termini: Old McDuffie Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Cnn~iderationl TOTAl. Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 22 $50.000.00 9 $16.500.00 4.8 o o 30 Per Tenth oCMlle 110 125 45 33 48 o Points Per Year o 281 Score 110 Location Map Name 0ASKIL-L- 1\0. ) 3:: ~ ~ J :-< 2: () ~ ,., r- ~ 9 U\u.5 oR. GLE~ .. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Hilda Ave. Termini: End ofPavemcnt to Grape Ave. Lenght : 0.13 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: Criteria Additional Con~ideration~ TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $35,800.00 6 $16,500.00 7.5 1 16 60 Per Tenth of Mile o 100 46 21 75 2S Points Per Year 16 328 Score 16 Location Map .3 BRIDGEPORT DR. BElAIR Pl. DARDEN PL ~ r- b "'= ::t> ~ SITE I , I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :lennelle Dr. Termini: Lewis Rd. South to Deadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District : 3 Complexity: 0.75 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 12 S50,OOO.00 12 $16,500.00 8.3 o 24 30 Per Tenth or Mile 60 133 60 33 83 o Points Per Year 24 339 Score 84 Location Map Name ~u:: O~ fEJ ~$' c,0 ~~ ':J~ ov Q ~. f>-"'~ \[ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Martin Ct. Termini: Martin Lane to Dcadcnd Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration!li TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number ofParceIa I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 3 $25,000.00 3 $16,500.00 8 o 31 o Per Tenth oCMile 30 118 30 17 80 o Poinb Per Year 31 244 Score 61 Location Map Name d(n "B .....::::t (n WV\ fiN (, f. ) (n C) o =l /Jl UJ .... " ~ HENRY ST ::0 f'1 ,., AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :McConnick: Rd. Termini: Wrightsboro Rd. South to Dcadend Lenght : 0.02 Miles Commission District : 3 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinns TOTATJ Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels / Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost / Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 20 2 $5,000.00 5 $16,500.00 6.9 o 31 20 Per Tenth or Mile 100 118 250 3 69 o Points Per Year 31 460 Score 131 Location Map M:CCf\MIc.K ROAD :3 / ~Q. ~ ~o 'Po ~ ~ gr 0:5 ;:tJZ .Q ~ . o ~ ~ '-\ o z: ~ '0 P ? AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :MistyWatcrs Rd. Termini: Maddox Rd. to Deadcnd Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.75 Criteria Additional ConsideratioDs TOTAL Width o( Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost o( Paving Number o( Parcels I Tenth o( Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance (rom Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age o( Road o 2 $25,000.00 5 $16,500.00 8.4 o o o Per Tenth or Mile 20 133 SO 17 84 o Points Per Year o 284 Score 20 Location Map Name MISfY WArffS ~D. District ) ~~ a\:S C; ~~ -0~ ()v C; ILl 8 a:: Ii iLl 0 RIOCEVIEW DR. CD AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Nina St. Termini: New McDuffie Rd. to New McDuffie Rd. Lengbt : 0.4 Miles Criteria Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name NINA Sf. AlII.U:OGf:VIl..1-E ~~ ;;0 (5 ::l: (") ~ ,.., r- Commission District : 3 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Consideratinn~ TOTAl, 50 10 $100,000.00 24 $16,500.00 4.8 o 31 so Per Tenth oCMlle 25 118 60 66 48 o Points Per Year 31 342 Score 56 Location Map ) Ol.D McDUf7:7E: RO. c\..f.N \"\IU-S oR. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Orange Ave. Termini: Bolton St to Carolyn St Lenght: 0.17 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Additional Criteria Considerations Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels / Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost / Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $41,800.00 5 $16.500.00 8 1 16 60 95 29 28 80 25 318 Location Map I 3 1.05 TOTAl, Per Tenth of Mile o Points Per Year 16 Score 16 .5 BELAI R P l. DARDEN ~ r- ~ o 4 ;:, P PL AUGUSTA-RICH;MOND COUNTY . PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERlNG DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name ;Padrick St Termini: Gray St to Grape Ave. Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 1 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $42,000.00 14 $16,500.00 7.3 1 16 60 Per Tenth or Mile o 100 70 33 73 25 Points Per Year 16 361 Score 16 Location Map ) BRIDGEPORT DR. BELAIR Pl. ~ !=' SITE I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Park Ave. Termini: Orange Ave. to Bolton St Lenght : 0.17 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration!i Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcel8 I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $38,300.00 6 $16,500.00 8 o 16 60 3 TOTAL Per Tenth of Mile o 100 35 28 80 o 303 Location Map Points Per Year 16 Score 16 3 BELAIR PL. CMRDEN ~ r- -t o :;:: ;0 !=' PL AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Powel Ct Termini: Powell Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.25 Miles Commission District : 3 Complexity: 0.95 Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile / Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 25 7 $62,500.00 o $16,500.00 8.5 1 13 25 Per Tenth of Mile 28 105 o 41 85 25 Points Per Year 13 282 Score 41 Location Map Name rowe~L. C 1'. District ~ ~Cl ~& 9p, o 116 ) fEJ WRIGHTSBDRO RD. RIDGE'viE.W OR. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Powell Mill Rd. (Holland Rd.) Termini: Powell Rd. East to Dcadcnd Lenght : 0.15 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 4 $37,500.00 6 $16,500.00 8.3 o 31 30 Per Tenth oCMlle 27 111 40 25 83 o Points Per Year 31 289 Score 58 Location Map Name roweu- MIU- !ZO. (I1OU-ANJ W,) District ~ ?;-Q ~ % llq ) f@ SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Ricbrson Rd. Termini: Powell Rd West. to Dcadcnd Lengbt : 0.25 Miles Commission District: 3 Complexity: Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 12 $62,500.00 14 $16,500.00 8.2 o 13 30 Per Tenth 01 Mile 48 100 56 41 82 o Points Per Year 13 309 Score 61 Location Map Name ~ICK8\ SeN ({O. J ~ o\j~~ G ~<OYr 0",0 G o ?J :1 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Scott St Commission District: Termini: Orange Ave. to Orange Ave.lHilda Ave. to Woodside Ave. Lenght : 0.24 Miles Complexity: Additional Criteria Con~iderstinn~ Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $50,000.00 23 $16,500.00 7.4 1 16 60 100 96 40 74 25 394 Location Map 3 TOTAT~ Per Tenth of Mile o Points Per Year. 16 Score 16 :) BRIDGEPORT DR. BELAIR PL. DA.RDEN ~ r- o =<:: ;:, !=' PL I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Wade Rd. Termini: New McDuffie Rd. to Milledgcville Rd. Lenght : 0.45 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road W ADC ~D. ;:: o o ~ n ~ :tI ;-< () a :-< z () ~ P ::l:J ,0 Mtl.1.EOCtvl/J..E: ~ Commission District: 3 Complexity: Additional ConsideratioDlI TOTAL 30 13 $112,500.00 18 $16,500.00 4.8 1 31 30 Per Tenth of Mile 29 100 40 74 48 25 Points Per Year 31 317 Score 60 Location Map ) SITE RO. .. e. OR. G\.~ HI\.\--' AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Woodside Ave. Termini: Ruth St to Barrett St Lenght: 0.21 Miles Commission District: Complexity: Criteria Additional Considerations Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 o $47,250.00 6 $16,500.00 7.4 1 16 60 100 29 35 74 25 322 Location Map Name WOCOSIQ;: AVe. I 3 TOTAL Per Tenth of Mile o Points Per Year 16 Score 16 J BRIDGEPORT DR. BELAIR PL. ;:0 !=' SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Connic Dr. Termini: U.S. No.1 10 Dcadcnd Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 4 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 40 7 $25,000.00 o $16,500.00 3.6 o o 40 Per Tenth or Mile 70 125 o 17 36 o Points Per Year o 218 Score 70 Location Map Name CONNie CR District ~ I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Elbow Bend Branch Rd. Termini: Hwy 78 South to Dcadend Lenght : 0.4 Miles Commission District : 4 Complexity: Additional Criteria Consideratinn~ TOT A TJ Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 3 $100.000.00 2 $16.500.00 5.9 o o o Per Tenth or Mile 8 100 5 66 59 o Points Per Year o 230 Score 8 Location Map Name e~BOW BeN? B~NQ1 ~D. District . 4 ~ SITE 5E ~ z () ~ 1"'1 r- ::tJ ~ (") ~ () ;-l ~ ~ i:iO , q. ~ I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM I I I I Road Name :Surry St Termini: Byron Place to Oeadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 4 Complexity: 0.95 Additional Criteria Cnnsi deration~ TOT AI, I I I ~ I Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number ofParceIs I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 60 4 $25,000.00 5' $16,500.00 2.2 o 31 60 Per Tenth orMlle 40 105 50 17 22 o Points Per Year 31 254 Score 71 Location Map Name ~r<f{ y Sf. District 4 s~{ l~ I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Dccn Ave. Termini: Sherrod Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Miles Commission District: 5 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnnsiderations TOT AI, Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 2 $75,000.00 16 $16,500.00 4.8 '0 31 50 Per Tenth or Mile 7 111 53 50 48 o Points Per Year 31 312 Score 38 Location Map : 5 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Shcrrod Rd. Termini: Lumpkin Rd. to Decn Ave. Lenght : 0.05 Miles Commission District: 5 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $12,500.00 3 $16,500.00 4.7 o 31 o Per Tenth or Mile 20 125 60 8 47 o Points Per Year 31 240 Score 51 I..ocation Map I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Umbc<;kcr Dr. Termini: West of Kissing bower Rd. Lenght : 0.01 Miles Commission District : 5 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 2 $2,500.00 10 $16,500.00 5.2 o 31 30 Per Tenth or Mile 200 111 1000 2 52 o Points Per Year 31 1195 Score 231 Location Map AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :WiscDr. Termini: Golden Camp Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.03 Miles Commission District: 5 Complexity: 1.1 Additional Criteria Consideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 2 $7,500.00 14 $16,500.00 5.2 1 31 50 Per Tenth oCMiIe 67 91 467 5 52 25 Points Per Year 31 690 Score 98 Name wISe CK District 5 ;c PARIS ST. 5 ~ EASY ~ Ql ST. ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1u.E:DGf:V/UE RD. ~ ~ ~ <Jl a 'Z AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Cemetary Rd. (off Willis Foreman Rd.) Termini: Willis Foreman Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.65 Miles Commission District: 6 Complexity: 1.05 Additional Criteria Consideration II TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 40 o $162,500.00 1 $16,SOO.00 3.2 o 31 40 Per Tenth orMi)e o 95 2 107 32 o Points Per Year 31 276 Score 31 Location Map Name . G~~rAIZ.Y f\D. (Cff WI~~IS fOZfMA1.j f\OJ District : ~M/~ R4c€, COUf?s€, f?D. ~o.. 6 ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Commissio~ District: Road Name : County Line Rd. East Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.6 Miles Complexity: Additional Criteria. Cnn~id~ratinn. Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 7 $150,000.00 6 $16,500.00 10.6 o 31 30 118 10 99 106 o 363 Location Map CCUNfY ~INe W. eAS( Name District ------- ~ / SITE ", ~o. u~... 6UB-\Z( 6 0.85 TOTAL Per Tenth orMlle 12 Points Per Year 31 Score 43 6 CO \J \,,\"'1'< I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :County Line Rd. West Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.25 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RJW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 2 $62,500.00 3 $16,500.00 10.7 o 31 Location Map Name GOJNfY ~INe W. WeSf ~ / Commission District : 6 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Con~ideratinnJ TOTAL 30 Per Tenth or Mile 8 118 12 41 107 o Points Per Year 31 308 Score 39 District 6 ~ :I: ~ a c <Jl 0 1"1 ~ -< en h :-< <II u~€. RO. COIJN1'( 6\JR\<-( AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Hobson Mill Rd. Termini: County Line to Dcadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 6 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~id~ratiQn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 7 $50,000.00 9 $16,500.00 12.5 1 o o Per Tenth orMlle 35 118 45 33 125 25 Points Per Year o 346 Score 35 Location Map Name HOBSON MIL-L- W. District 6 ~ / I ~ \ ~~\ ~ II' GOOLSBY COD~\< e\JR't-t. SITE I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM I I I I I I I Road Name :Hoods Rd. Termini: Tobacco Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Miles Commission District : '6 Complexity: Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 4 $75,000.00 12 $16,500.00 3.3 1 12 50 " Per Tenth or MIle 13 100 40 50 33 25 Points Per Year 12 298 Score 25 Location Map Name HOODS W. I l (,j ') l' # .~ & ..:0 .q 6 ~ "1(Q. ~~ 0,/1 C'~ I I I I 'I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Mauldin Rd. Termini: S.R. 88 to Deadend Lenght : 0.39 Miles Commission District: 6 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~id~ratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 1 $97,500.00 o $16,500.00 11.6 o o 30 Per Tenth oCMiIe 3 118 o 64 116 o Points Per Year o 328 Score 3 Location Map Name MAU~DIN ~O. District . 6 ~ / I M \ ~~\ ~ oft GOOLSBY coU~\< BUR\<'( SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Road Name :Parwood Rd. Termini: End of Pavement to Bath-Edie Rd. Lenght : 0.7 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name fA$WOOD ~D. f@ FORT GORDON UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Commission District: 6 Complexity: Additional Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAl, 30 7 $175,000.00 o $16,500.00 8 1 19 30 Per Tenth of Mile 10 100 o 116 80 25 . Points Per Year 19 351 Score 29 Location Map District . 6 AJ P ~o. ~\\fj't. Q~S 'Q AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Pine Tucker Rd. Termini: U.S. No.1 West to Deadcnd Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District : Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Considerations Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 2 $2S,OOO.00 4 $16,500.00 5.S 1 10 30 Per Tenth or Mile 118 40 17 55 25 Points Per Year 284 Score Location Map Name fiNe 1lt!<tf\ W. District : G FORT GORDON SITE ;0 ? 6 TOTAl, 20 10 30 SHANNON RD. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :PurkcyRd. Termini: U.S. Hwy 25 West to Deadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 6 Complexity: 0.8 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 5 $50,000.00 1 $16,500.00 1.1 o o o Per Tenth orMi)e 25 125 5 33 11 o Points Per Year o 174 Score 25 Location Map Name fU\KeY ~D. District 6 4J CASStlL 2: . ST. a t- >- till) BOYkIN RD. ~t;; ci 0 OCl<Yltw OR. ~ ~ BASSWOOD DR. RICHMOND VI DR. 0 c:: ?5 ~ [58 0 SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Camp Angehele Rd. Termini: Heph-McBcan Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.6 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 1 Criteria Additional Conlliderations TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road SO 2 $150,000.00 1 $16,500.00 7.3 o 22 50 Per Tenth of Mile 3 100 2 99 73 o Points Per Year 22 324 Score 25 Location Map Name CAMP N{tt1e~e w. District {) ~ ~ 'l] ~ n :r HtpHZIl3A.H - MC8u,N o ;tJ n ~ o :tI !=' AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Baxlcy Lane Termini: Carpenter Ave. to Deadend Lenght : 0.02 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 3 $5,000.00 4 $16,500.00 4.5 o o o Per Tenth or Mile 150 118 200 3 45 o Points Per Year o 366 Score 150 Location Map Name BAXL.eY ~m () ~ SllVffi BOTTOM RD. SITE l/l \) ;0 ~ o ;0 ? AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Bennock: Mill Rd. Termini : Swamp Rd. to Railroad Traclcs Lenght : 0.47 Milcs Commission District : Complexity: Criteria. Additional Considerations Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of' Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 80 o $117,500.00 1 $16,500.00 11.4 1 31 80 Per Tenth or Mile III 2 78 114 25 Points Per Year 410 Score Location Map Name W<<XK Milt ~D. District 8 0.9 TOTAL o 31 31 () ~ SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Road Name :Birdwell Rd. Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.42 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name BI~lAVe~~ ~D. !W BIRDWELL RD. UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Commission District : 8 Complexity: 1 Additional Considerations TOTAl, 50 1 $105,000.00 3 $16,500.00 5.2 1 31 50 Per Tenth of Mile 2 100 7 69 52 25 Points Per Year 31 303 Score 33 Location Map District D ;0 p AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Bowcrs Rd. Termini: Old Waynesboro Rd. East to Deadend Lenght : 0.48 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnn~i derationfl TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 20 16 $120,000.00 5 $16,500.00 2.96 1 31 20 Per Tenth or Mile 33 111 10 79 30 25 Points Per Year 31 275 Score 64 Location Map Name BOWeI\S ~D. District {) G 4--1-; CLUe RD. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Camp Josey Rd. Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.5 Milcs Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Cnnsideration~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 13 $125,000.00 .5 $16,.500.00 6.8 1 31 30 Per Tenth or Mile 26 111 10 83 68 25 Points Per Year 31 327 Score 57 Location Map Name CAlviP JJ~Y ~D, () ~ ~~ ~ A'~ ~1- -?q AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Cartcr Lane Termini: S.R. 88 to Deadcnd Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Con~id~ratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 6 $25,000.00 5 $16,500.00 4.S o o o Per Tenth or Mile 60 118 50 17 45 o Points Per Year o 229 Score 60 Location Map Name C.Mfe\ l..~ District B ~ ~ ~ 9 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Chester:field Rd. Termini: Tobacco Rd. North to Deadend Lenght : 0.27 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.75 Additional Criteria Cnnsideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 20 2 $67,500.00 2 $16,500.00 23 o 3 20 Per Tenth or Mile 7 133 7 45 23 o Points Per Year 3 228 Score 10 Name CHeSfft\fleW $0. Distri ct () ~ ~ ;0;: rT\ ~ SITE ~ a :z ~ ~ "tos;..CCO RO. CEDAR OAKS LN ~ (PRIVATE:) . a ~ ~ ~ ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Clcments Dr. Termini: Clements Rd. tNorth to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Milcs Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Crit(!ria Consideratinn. TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number or Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 2 $75,000.00 4 $16,500.00 . 4.3 o 14 o Per Tenth of Mile 7 118 13 50 43 o Points Per Year 14 223 Score 21 Location Map Name a.e~rs Cl\. District D ~ ~ SILVER BOTTO~ RD. VI '1l 3 z C'l :;0 9 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Cliff Ayers Rd. Termini: Bcnnock Mill Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ TOT A I, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 o $50,000.00 S $16,500.00 8.9 o o 30 Per Tenth or Mile o 111 25 33 89 o Points Per Year o 288 Score o I..ocation Map Name U-Iff A YeI\ S ~ONJ District D ~ SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Road Name : Crenshaw Rd. Termini: Brown Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.96 Milcs Criteria Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Commission District: Complexity: Additional Cnn~ideration~ 30 6 $250,000.00 5 $16,500.00 6.2 o 31 30 118 S 158 62 o 373 Location Map Name ClZeNSHA W W. Distri ct ~ BROWN RD. SITE <Jl ~ ! 01 OJ Per Tenth or Mile Points Per Year Score D S<,y, "vOck ./(/~ ~l! 8 0.85 TOTAl, 6 31 37 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Duncan Dr. Termini: Brown Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.6 Milcs Criteria. Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name CUNC.AN Or<-. ~Q. # 'fo'il-'i: ~\\.'Ift Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Con~ideratinnl TOTAl, 30 10 $150,000.00 10 $16,500.00 1.8 o 12 30 Per Tenth or Mile 17 125 17 99 18 o Points Per Year 12 289 Score 29 I..ocation Map District t) SITE ~o. ~ ~ ~~ ~rP~'V AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Ebenzcr Rd. Termini: Windsor Spring Rd. Bridge to Church Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.75 Additional Crit~rill Considerationi TOT AI, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 1 $25,000.00 8 $16,500.00 4.5 o 12 30 Per Tenth or Mile 10 133 80 17 45 o Points Per Year 12 305 Score 22 Location Map Name e~MW. District D ~ ~ SILVER BOTTO~ RD. c./l " 3! z Cl ;IJ ? AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Eugenia Rd. Termini: Farmers Bridge Rd. East to Deadend Lenght : 0.4 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 1.15 Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 3 $100,000.00 17 $16,500.00 6.7 o 13 50 Per Tenth or Mile 8 87 43 66 67 o Points Per Year 13 312 Score 21 Location Map Name elJXNlA W. District B ~ HWY 88 SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Forest Rd. Ext Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.1 Milcs Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Con~iderationJ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 6 $25,000.00 10 $16,500.00 5.1 1 11 50 Per Tenth of Mile 60 118 100 17 51 25 Points Per Year 11 360 Score 71 I..ocation Map Name fo~eSf W. eXf. Distri ct 8 o Q: a B Vl SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Graccwood Dr. Termini: Railroad Tracks to Clanton Rd. Lenght : 0.4 Miles Commission District : Complexity: Criteria Additional Considerations Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School BUll Route Age of Road 30 18 $100,000.00 1.5 $16,500.00 1.3 1 31 30 Per Tenth or Mile 125 38 66 13 25 Points Per Year 297 Score Location Map Name G'~ce)y. OoD~~ C;MUWCCOCK G~ } ~ :..( '? B 8 0.8 TOTAL 45 31 76 RD. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Harding Rd. Retention Pond Rd. Termini: Harding Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.75 Additional Criteria Con~iderationi TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $25,000.00 5 $16,500.00 3.5 o o o Per Tenth or Mile 10 133 50 17 35 o Points Per Year o 235 Score 10 Name HMDIN6 ~D. ~efeNflON fOO [<DAD t) RD. ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT llNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Hanis Landing Rd. Termini: Silver Bottom Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.2 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.95 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $50,000.00 1 $16,500.00 4.7 o o o Per Tenth orMDe 5 105 5 33 47 o Points Per Year o 190 Score 5 Location M3p Name HAr<f{1S ~ANDltV w. ~ District 8 ~~,~~ x,'? SILVER BOTTO'" RD. SITE :;0 ? AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Haucham Hill Rd. Termini: Goshen Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.18 Miles Commission District : Complexity: Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 40 6 $45,000.00 o $16,500.00 4.4 o o 40 Per Tenth of Mile 105 o 30 44 o Points Per Year 219 Score Location Map Name HALtHAM HIU- ~O, District .~ SITE AllEN STATION RD. 8 0.95 TOTAl, 33 o 33 B ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Jason Lane Termini: Kcysville Rd. West to Deadend Lenght: 02 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name JASCN ~ANe ~ Commission District: Complexity: Additional Conlliderations 30 4 $50,000.00 5 $16,500.00 7.1 o 22 30 Per Tenth or Mile 111 '25 33 71 o Points Per Year 270 Score Location Map District HWY 88 Ke:YSVlu.E RO. 8 0.9 TOTAL 20 22 42 B AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Karen Dr. Termini: Storey Mill Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.5 Additional Criteria. Considerations TOT A I, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 50 2 $25,000.00 4 $16,500.00 6.4 o o so Per Tenth or Mile 20 200 40 17 64 o Points Per Year o 371 Score 20 Location M lip Name KM~N CK B ~ SOl.lTJ;DALE DR. r:i ~ jf $ tP ~~k' _ ~ RLN c\)~'v SPRING HEPH. CITY UMITS AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Lamar Rd. Termini: Hwy 88 to Albion Rd. Lenght : 0.45 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.8 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 3 $112,500.00 7 $16,500.00 5.7 o o o Per Tenth or Mile 7 125 16 74 57 o Points Per Year o 272 Score 7 Name ~AMM w. District B ~ HIVY 8a KE'(SV\LLE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :McNuttRd. Termini : Bcnnock Mill Rd. to Bcnnock Mill Rd. Lenght : 2.05 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteris Cnnsideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 o $512,500.00 1 $16,500.00 9.2 o o 30 Per Tenth or Mile o 111 o 338 92 o Points Per Year o 572 Score o Location Map Name ~NUff W. District B ~ HORSESHOE RD. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Mcyers Lane Termini: Fanners Bridge Rd. to Deadend Lenght: 0.15 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Crit~ria Con~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 9 $37,500.00 8 $16,500.00 7.7 o 6 30 Per Tenth of,MiIe 60 111 S3 25 77 o Points Per Year 6 296 Score 66 I..ocation Map Name ~Y6ZS ~m: District D SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Myrtis St Termini: Old Waynesboro Rd. to Browns Rd. Lenght: 0.15 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.95 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 10 $37,500.00 10 $16,500.00 3.7 1 31 30 Per Tenth or Mile 67 105 67 25 37 25 Points Per Year 31 289 Score 98 Location Map Name MY~ liS Sf. District . 8 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :NccIyRd. Termini: Old Waynesboro Rd. to Horseshoe eir. Lenght: 2.23 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.9 Additional Criteria Con~ideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 80 7 $557,500.00 8 $16,500.00 8.5 1 31 80 Per Tenth or Mile 3 III 4 368 85 25 Points Per Year 31 673 Score ' 34 l,ocation Map Name Nee~Y W. Distri ct B ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Neville Rd. Termini: Old Waynesboro Rd. toDeadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 1 $25,000.00 4 $16,500.00 7.7 o 19 30 Per Tenth or Mile 10 125 40 17 77 o Points Per Year 19 289 Score 29 Location Map NeVI~~e r<o. Name B District ~ ~ a ~ '!(. ~ ~ ~ o ~ SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :NunncryRd. Termini: Patterson Bridge Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.55 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 40 24 $137,500.00 27 $16,500.00 4.2 1 31 40 Per Tenth or Mile 44 118 49 91 42 25 Points Per Year 31 364 Score 75 Location Map Name N~YW. District -.........----- 8 ~ SITE CR. ~~ !tJ~ ~ RD. I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :ParkerSt Termini: Heph-McBean Rd. to Oeadend Lenght : 0.45 Miles Criteria Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.8 Additional Considerations TOTAl, 30 30 1 Per Tenth or Mile 2 $112,500.00 125 S 11 $16,500.00 74 7 70 1 25 7 Points Per Year 7 335 Score 9 Location Map Name fl\!<J<erz srmr Distri ct B ~ SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :PatricIcAve. (Pat's Lane) Termini : Storey Mill Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Milcs Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 2 $75,000.00 2 $16,500.00 8.5 o o Commission District : 8 Location Map Name FAfl\/U< I\ve. (fArS ~~ j ,., ~ en r~ g (") ~ - r:: =< c ~ &~ ~ Complexity: 0.8 Additional Considerations TOTAL o Per Tenth or Mile 7 125 7 50 85 o Points Per Year o 266 Score 7 District t) ~ (PATRICK AVE.) ~\ ~ i~ 0 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ c. 9 ~ c.n I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM I Road Name :Patterson Bridge Rd. Commission District: 8 Termini: Evans Rd. to Raborn Rd. I Lenght: 2.05 Miles Complexity: 0.8 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn' TOTAL I Width of Existing RIW 40 40 Number of Dwellings 0 Per Tenth or Mile 0 I Cost of Paving $512,000.00 125 Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile 5 2 Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile $16,500.00 338 Distance from Maintance Depot 8 80 I School Bus Route 1 25 Age of Road 31 Points Per Year 31 611 Score 31 Location Map Name fA ffei\5CN B~ICU~ W. District . 8 SITE P...~~l'IOo AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM !/ Road Name :Piney Grove Water Tank Rd. Termini: Piney Gorve Rd. to Water Tank Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District : 8 -. Complexity: 0.6 11 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAL 11 Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 1 $25,000.00 3 $16,500.00 9.3 o o o Per Tenth of Mile 10 II 167 30 17 93 o u Points Per Year o 306 Score 10 II Location Map I l PINey Cf,ove WAfe~ fAN< W. District 8 E ~ .0 ]] I D - . D o I . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name:Railroad Ave. Termini: End of Pavement to Deadend Lenght : 0.05 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.9 Criteria. Additional Considerations TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o o $12,500.00 5 $16,500.00 4.6 o o o Per Tenth or Mile o 111 100 8 46 o Points Per Year o 265 Score o Location Map Name rzAlUZOAD A V~. ~ District () SITE ::0 ? --d) .- w. " 1 ~n n n n _n n n 11 11 . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Rip Powell Rd. Termini: Railroad Tracks to Deadend Lenght: 1.7 Milcs Commission District : 8 Complexity: 1.2 Additional Cnn~ideratinni TOTAl, 0 0 0 Per Tenth of Mile 0 $425,000.00 83 1 1 $16,500.00 281 8.4 84 0 0 0 Points Per Year 0 448 Score 0 I~ation Map Criteria Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road Name ~If roWaL- ~OAO District () ~ SITE RAYMOND FLOYD RO. S~,yCCIr .f;'/~~ ~~ TI TI TI n n n -n n n - - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Ruby Lane (George Vance Dr.) Termini: S.R. 88 to Deadend Lenght: 0.3 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.95 Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth or Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age or Road 15 3 $75,000.00 1 $16,500.00 4.4 o o 15 Per Tenth or Mile 10 105 3 50 44 o Points Per Year o 217 Score 10 Location Map ~LBY ~ANe (6eO~Ci VMU O~.) t) <Jl -0 ;0 Z CO) SITE ;0 ? AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Silver Bottom Rd. Termini: Windsor Spring Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.4 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Criteria Additional Con~ideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o o $100,000.00 1 $16,500.00 4.5 o o o Per Tenth of Mile o 118 3 66 45 o Points Per Year o 231 Score o Location Map Name SI~Ve!\ BOffCM W. ~ Distri ct B ~"~~ 'i,'? SITE ~ :rI - - ] - J -n ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Swamp Rd. Termini: Bcnnock Mill Rd. to Railroad Tracks Lenght : 0.45 Miles Commission District : Complexity: Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 20 3 $112,500.00 5 $16,500.00 11.4 o 8 20 105 11 74 114 o 325 Location Map SWNlf W. District Per Tenth orMDe Points Per Year Score 8 0.95 TOTAL 7 8 15 (') , ' , I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :TebowRd. Termini: McCombs Rd. South to Deadend Lenght : 0.3 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 3 $75,000.00 6 $16,500.00 9.5 1 8 30 Per Tenth or Mile 10 118 20 SO 95 25 Points Per Year 8 337 Score 18 Location Map Name reeow w, D G 9 ~ AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Treehaven Rd. Termini: U.S. No.1 to Etterlee Rd. Lenght: 0.31 Miles Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Con~ideratinn~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 13 $77,500.00 12 $16,500.00 6.6 o 8 30 Per Tenth orMlle 42 118 39 51 66 o Points Per Year 8 304 Score 50 Location Map Name f~veN W. 8 ~ BIRDWELL RD. ~~ ~ ""'~ ~ ~ '?<? I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :WaJcottLane Termini: Fulcher Rd. South to Deadend Lenght : 0.65 Miles Criteria Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road ~I --I Name - -, ~ -, l l l l Wf\L.Wf( l,ANe Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Considerations TOTAl, 0 0 12 Per Tenth of Mile 18 $162,500.00 118 13 20 $16,500.00 107 9.3 93 1 25 8 Points Per Year 8 363 Score 26 Location Map District B SITE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name : Whisnant Dr. Termini: Whisnant Rd. to Deadend Lenght: 0.15 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.8 Additional I I I I Criteria Consideration~ TOTAL Width of Existing RIW Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 0 2 $37,500.00 125 3 20 $16,500.00 25 7.1 71 o 0 8 Per Tenth of Mile 13 Points Per Year 8 241 Score 21 I..ocation Map . ., ., ., 1 1 1 1 , I Name WHISNMf Or<.. District {j - SJ' ~ ~<v ~<;J <0 ~'-J <:ff AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM , I I I I Road Name :Whisnant Rd. Termini: u.s. No.1 South to Deadend Lenght : 0.25 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Criteria Additional Considerations TOTAl, Width or Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 0 3 Per Tenth or Mile 12 $62,500.00 118 6 24 $16,500.00 41 7.2 72 o 0 20 Points Per Year 20 255 Score 32 Location Map .,- - ., ., ., 1 1 J Name WHI5NI\Nf ~D. District f) ~ I ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ <(:) ~&, <v<:t -l ] . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM , , I I I I I Road Name :Williams Rd. Termini: Old Mims Rd. to Wilson Rd. Lenght : 0.7 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.85 Additional Criteria Cnn~ideratinn~ TOT A I.J Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 30 30 o Per Tenth of Mile 0 $175,000.00 118 2 3 $16,500.00 116 4.1 41 o 0 o Points Per Year 0 3~ SW~ 0 Location Map Wilt lAMS ~O, District .,- /~ "'DR:'- ., "I 1 1 1 - 1 v- .....~ ltD. \ 1 ~ ~ SITE J AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . . UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM ,J -.1 .1 ~I .1 Road Name :WIDtcrSt Termini: Davis Rd. to Deadend Lenght : 0.1 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 0.95 Criteria Additional Considerations TOT A I, Width of Existing RIW Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year /Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o 0 2 Per Tenth or Mile 20 $25,000.00 105 10 100 $16,500.00 17 4.9 49 o 0 o Points Per Year 0 271 Score io Location Map Name WINfelZ Sf. ~, District t) SILVER 80TTO~ RD. SITE ~ , , , , II 7~ T AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Woodward Ave. Termini: Fanners Bridge Rd. to Eugenia Rd. Lenght : 0.35 Miles Commission District: 8 Complexity: 1 Additional Criteria Considerations TOTAl, Width of Existing R/W Number of Dwellings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road o o $87,500.00 1 $16,500.00 6.' o o o Per Tenth or Mile o 100 3 58 65 o Points Per Year o 226 Score o Location Map Name WOCXJWAW AVe, District B ~ HWY 88 SITE I I. I I' I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UNPAVED ROADS RATING FORM Road Name :Youngblood Rd. Termini: Liberty Church Rd. to Dcadend Lenght : 0.45 Miles Criteria Width of Existing R/W Number of DweUings Cost of Paving Number of Parcels I Tenth of Mile Maintenance Cost I Year !Mile Distance from Maintance Depot School Bus Route Age of Road 15 14 $112,500.00 3 $16,500.00 3.7 o 31 Location Map Name YOJN6Bt-COJ W. . , c: In 9 SITE Commission District : 8 Complexity: 0.95 Additional Considerations TOTAl, 15 Per Tenth or Mile 31 105 7 74 37 o Points Per Year 31 238 Score 62 District 8 ~O' rFO ~~~ ,o'J