HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkinner Road Sanitary Sewer Extension Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: <3\-\ i1\l1\l8~ ReA \:) '?, A'" ;-rAR.'J ~ 15\)lCR. t:X'TEN&iol\l DOCUMENT TYPE: 1>0 t1f>OSAl- YEAR: \ q9 <6 BOX NUMBER: to FILE NUMBER: 'l Ll D to d- NUMBER OF PAGES: 1 ~. '.. .r..:' , ,. , 7' . '" ~ BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, P.C. . . 1005 EMMETT STREET, SUITE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA30904 (706) 733-6456, 'FAX (706)736~6249 "De,cember'17, 1998 , ;..:' . : Re::S'kiim~r.Road, " ':.S~nita.rySewer Extension: , " Richrpond County; Georgia . ,f ,", , DearM(Hicks,~ W e'areplea,sedtopres'ent the following propos~ilforproViding' englI1eei-irtg services :. . . \ ,. , . ;,'. ' - ,.. for thedevel()pinent of the ab()vereferencedproject.' , ,. ' A. SC.OPE: '. , .. ' 'The proj~,ct will COh~ist~of cOristruc1i~RapproxiI11ately fifte~I1 thousan~ (15;OqQ)1iriear', ' fe~tof eight (8) inch gravit)rsewerline toservei'p6cket'ofon~:hundred:and thirty (130) , unsewered residences westofI~2band'southof.Wa~hi~gtdnRoad.," ::'" . . B. SERVICE: -,:"." " ~.' '1. Provide',all surVeying necessary to obtain accurate topograplllcid ", andpfOpertxJ~ne infOrmation. " " . . , .,' . 2. Pr~pare complete Const.i}1cti()n P!awing~ which shall incl!:lde, put, .,~: . not be liinitedto, thefollowing: .' ' , , . . ,., , , , . a.Plan-profile 6fthe ptoposedsewer line b. Miscellaneous Details' c. Detailed Estimate . 3.Prepar~ application package' forane~croachnient: tothe GeorgIa , Department of Transp~rtati()n..' " ~ . ' ,:', . . ENGINEE81NG " ..PLANNING , ~. ' ' : ,: SURVEYING" . ""1;'.( 1 . ".,. . - , ' , ' , , 4. Make a wetlands delineation andprepare'an application package for:encroaclupent iothe G~orgia Department of Natural Resources'. , ' .' . :-- ," . . : S. . :prep~re all easem~~t pla,ts ','. , ' , C. FEE:' .. .. ".-' ..... .... '. '... '.'A f~~ ~ffiftyfive thousand d611~rs ($55;OOO.OO}is'proposed. 'AHdirect ~osts;'s~ch'as'.:' ,applicationf~es'etc., will pe billed as received. D.." T.rMEOF'COMPL;ETiON: . ' .' ',Atime6fco!llpl~tion6f.ore'htindredfifty (ISO.) calendar d~ysjs anticipa~~4 (ifte,r Y011{' Notice to Proceed. . ' . ". , , . , . . . ., Aconstructioncostof i:iv~ hundred fifty thousand dollars ($550,O'C)O. 00) is, estlm.ilted..' . "" for this project as .shown o~ the attachment ' , , :We greatly appreci~te b~ing'corisidere.dforthisprojectand look.{6rward ,to out', :,. .- . . . . . . . . _'. ',~ . ,'. -. . '.. ,. - ..' t . " c(YI}tii1Ued,good'relationship.. . . , , . '. ~.' . . . , : . ~S,inc"ereIY;~ ...,~.. " ..~. ,:' ',.,.,..:.',.,'.q':,.:: , "" '" . ,..,-', ' r .' . ' , . " - . , ", ""'" .: " - ' '.' " . . - . - . ..-" - '. ,'. . '. .' - -. . , '. '. , , , , , , - . . ., . , ., . .,. . ..,. Brian G.Besson,p'.E:, " -." " ". I. ''. . . ,,', " ,,' . '. " .i! . '.' :" . .~( ..~'. " " . ',' ,.:. '" , .. , .', . . '".. '. .. ....r ...... . ,.....,.: '.'- ..... . , " C()NSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE . ,': ".',' . , FOR" ,',' . .. ......... SKINNER . ROAD SANITARYSEW~R 1. ClearIng & Grubbing ,','1 , ' " , " 2. 8'; S~tarySe'wer" ' . T, Marih91~s, . ..' .' . '. , ' ~4:' }>avementRe111o\red~ Re,placeq' , 5.Bore&Jack@p20,\ . "o' " , , " 6. House Services . 7: Gras~i~g '... ' 8: Miscellane6us,(Co,~crete, Conn'ections; Etc.),.,' . .. '.' ',. .' . - . .' .' TOT AL.' .' , ., '.. .,' , , , " ".;..... ,.. ..:.... -.' '. "' . . '~. . .. . .) . ,'. .5. Acres @' $5,000/Ac ~$ 25,060.00:: 15,100LF @. '12/LF= 181,200:QO:- , , ' , , . ,'. ,.' . .' ,..... . ' " 48Ea,@'. 1,OOO/Ea ~~?~900.00' , ,6,00~ Sy '@:35/Sy.,=b210,~O.o9:00 .2Q()LE@: '79iF.:~."14,906.'oo', . ;, . 130 Ea. @'4601Ea:"~: 52,000.'00:: l.LS , ' 7,500:00 12300'.00, . ." r', . . '. $5~O 000.00 ~~:-' , . ;. - "". - .' ". :'';..... . . ' .. ; .., . .'>'. ~ .... ,.: , '. ':. , . ~. ....' .': : ~ " .". '. Z'._ .t." ' ..' 'fI~ - -=-1. '- ;-.- .' , , . , . . . BRIAN G...BESSON'and ASSO'CIATES,I>."C.' . . .". 1605 ~MMETT STREEt, SUITE B, ,AUGUSTA, GEORGIA30904 ,(706)?33-6456. ,FA)((706)736-6249 . .' ~ 'December 18,:'.1998 ,Mr. Max Hicks, P.E, ' Augusta-Richmqnd Courity Water & Sewerage System ," 2760,Pe~ch Orchard Road' , Augusta~ Georg~a 30906 Re: .Skinner Road Project, "'Sanita~,Sewer Extension :.Richmond County:. Georgia , ' Dear Mr. Hicks, , , The fee quoted In my letter of December. 17, 1998 was'd~:rived'as follows: ' ' ' " Design., 7.5%of$S?0,000.00 ' Survey Application. to Georgia DOT , , Application to 9~orgia:qNR " " Preparationofeaseme'nt plat's (10) . . .' .... , " $41,250.00 ' ,7,750.00 2,000.00 , , 2,50C"00 " 1.500.00, 'TOTAL'FEE , $55~OOO:00 .. .-..' .' '. , ' Ify'ou'have any questions'l?le~sedo not hesitate to contact me. ;&../~. 'BrianG. Besson, P.K ' ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING