HomeMy WebLinkAboutRaes Creek Sewer Extension Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ROtB CretK &~f< h'i kn~(Dn DOCUMENT TYPE: ttDpJ.91l YEAR: MDD BOX-NUMBER: ID H1~1 FILE NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 :"','~' \, ", . . - -' - , - ~." , '"., .,. ..... ",. ~ . .~. , - ~-:- \' . '. - -'~: r .~ ...~ , ", ~ . ~ /1, " I.. J~ ", , .- ....... .' . " . " '. t' ~. ',' , .. " .f ,; , .. ~ ,", I;' . c 6 N S'U L.T A~' T,!; .',' '-=',,{~~,,:A-~ ....:,.~_.,.;~=~, ,...' :::""'.' ..' ": t~~~'n,{?V.i:t). . " .' \:. 'E N G'~N.,E~, R;S~,...~ . D,E,S I GN E R S'. , , . ,', . T.~ " " ., . MAV'..id6. 2000"'" ~ .; ". '. , ',' '. FEE ,P'ROPdSAL " ," . . ," ",,'- :;" . . . ' : - ,~.. '., . \ " I ~. ".'. :. . .:.; ~ t' ," , '. I . . ,.", v .... ~i. .1" , .,,',. . , .. 1 'J:. "_ ::' "(AU'GljSTA.mCMMONDCOU.rrrfGQMr~1isstON) ~\ '.... ..'.",-.,,' ,'" .~~'IO~~:...~~t~~ . ,- '. .,.... " ~, . .~ -.,J ,. . , .. . . '. . ~ . ". . . .' " . ~ . ~ ~ . : PR~P.pS!'L.#:1 q2 . ' " . ,', " DATE: '.:April..2a, 2000':. :. ". ,... '.. >:. !~/>TO::":'" Mr.:~M~x Hicks.~'.E:,,'bir~~t~~'.'. :.. ,', :.,"~~:., CJp~~~EJ.[il'1~264~J':: ". ", 'A~g\iSt~~til;ti~~:D'~p'art'r.n~ht ~.;~,' , '. ': ',>' :~..D'FN< ,,:"',. [7ij~'2'64.6r, '-:'.: '.' '.,:.:' :'.~ ,:'; 2769.peac~:.C?~ch~rd ~o~'~( , .- t' . ,'0 EMAIL:::.... .[;. ;.j, '~'. " """. AugiJsta, Ge6rgia"309()6'~. ". '.' .'l2SI"I~'OFFicE""':':~"':'~ '. ,"','. , '.'. . '~'R~:'-' '>'~'R~~~':tr~;k"se~er,:E~t~n~ici~ . " .?-~~ilJ~:~,!f,/i/90.'~\' "," .. ". . ,'"" . "< . ~ .~. . 4 .J.' .,j . 0, . - . . .:. . :',>~':QUOTED IIY: :Brian'.'Slciter: P.E'. :.: <,:r'.' ''''. . . . .:i ." -, ,'fi, ~ ",< ~.:~. '~." :.;", '.~ " ....": "'.":-'.." ','..!~-. ,1:' '.~/:' ;" " ;,',i , :" .,')MEFRAME: 45 daY$,~ ;"',. "/", ,'" '., . ~- .': -"I ..;, .~."':','~ ,."" "'~_,.".,'.'., .'. .':':~ " ,'. .. .. ':. . '..~, I '. ~ I~ .- I. . ." '. ~;AMOU~TI~tiOTED:' Suive(an(fEngin'~e'ri~'g'.'$15,o'OO '''' ;,' ..' ',' ,',:.', :""<./ . .' .. ,. ,. " ':. '"ResidenUnspectio!l' " ' Hourly rate $52/hr.;; n4tto '~xceed $8,000' . ',.' . , _' . ~ ',' .-.: 1 '-.:. ,.-. . ~:"'_.' . .".,' ,', -'-"':, ,". "'~' . .-' '.. '. ,.: -".":-. ;..~...~ . ,I:,' . . . . '. ..:- ::- '. . :" ,~ \ ~ I '.. .. . 'PARTI~U"',~R~~: : '" ''',': . -. ~ '. ",::,,, '. " , .,':. ....,..j " .'.. . . \ '. \ .. . .J " ~.t.' .' " ,':., .~. ~ ' ,~- '....,. ~ " ,.~ .~'. }", ~ ". _: - " ,~,. '.~ I'" .', :';'" .... '1 '.:, _ ;. ,~; ....,-, An:ioul1t~quoted is for survey,' and:<;le~igl'J 'o.f app~oximately '2,400.linear'Je,et of'sanitary ,sewer 'froQi the' ,,: :.::,., '. '"Ma'rih'ole' #31'.of proposed' sewer' extension'.by 'W. R. Toole 'to .the' western 'bouridary.:of, Richmond" ,;: ,:'c."'} Cou'nt'l Boqrdof Educatibn'.prop~rty'. , S~We'r' will be :exte'n'ded along b9fh'draws:'atwes'i~rn' end:, " . . -. '. . . . '. . .,. . '.. . '. t- ' ~, .. .. ," t' . .' t,.. ' .. - '.. ". ,. ,j ."" .' ,., ,','" " . '\', , , .. ,.:.. .'? , , " ,'" , , .':.'" " 1'1 ':' .' .- ", ' . .' ~ , ':', . . , ~ . , ".., . ..' , . " .' . '. ' .' ,~ . .' ':',><SURVEy.stOP'E., ,'....:>.. ::",:';':'.: ~;"'''' ,'.':": >' ....:.;.:,.,.,i. '....:.:....:'... .',~"'-' ,: ~, :>' . '.~.,,' . ", ,',' p~rfoi-111.locati6n 'sJrvey albrigR~e.~Cr.~e'kf6.r..routi~g.g(~anita~.sewer,!jne::'Wbrk~incluciesloc~tion of'; ..' ., . .:' , ,'. .releyant 'aboveground' feat~res, .strea.m 'alignment,'top, ,of. ~ank:' 'Io.caticin. 'of~ Yietlands;, location. of, " '" ,;' . . ,:, :; floodplaifl, tie'to datu'm of proRosed sewer by W. R. .Tgole, etc. '... '. .... :':;. . :: ."', .. '. '. " . '.. '. ". " " . " , ....:: ~' ,~ ~ ,~. ., .: ~ .' . 1 Y ~ ~. . ~ . ' '.' . : ,. ; '-.: :, .' \ . . . ...... . -.'::.:." <' -...... ' , ~ ; ~J '.. . ' , ~ . ~'. (' . .. . .' ." I: . ' ; -, +. . " ':'" ' , ..' ,'. \ ,-\ . + ~." , ' ':.' ""'ENGI~JEERINGSCOPE ". ... '..:,,' ',"i..... . ,. "" ..:" , i. '. .:' ',:'" ",:. 1.:", '.:F~e~6~naissa.nc~ f6r ~anit~ry.~e~~r ~ol,lting i~c1uding' delin~ati~n '~f w~!la~ds"" :', ,,'.',. . ;', '",'. . .. I ,,,'r;, I"'~" ,~.'-~','-:~ .',' : '~:'- ........ . :,. '~"...";~-':'.<"':.:: " . ~,,' ~,~" ""t'... .,~'. -(~.,.... .,." .,' ;~,. " .,::~.2.:::,.:..cpri1~u~ati~~~,.~0,~,~t~.rlD.i~e.~.~~C?~frJih~,SiZ~; .>: ..'/,'..' ",:'.' ".:,:'"',.,... '. ,:' "'.",:, '.,' ...:-,:,... " ' . . : >;3. :;;::P'repare.6.on~truft,ibn;'.,dr~~i~~~::'(AJtocad)ahd speC1fic~iioris'.(Utility\D,epa,ryn:.e!1t' 'specs 'and .:.' .. . .:. " .',:.:deta'ils will be ~sed as:applicableY fo(pr.qpbsed sanitarY '-seWerol.[neincludiiig .st~~an+.~Hjssings,,'.,: r 'r + '.' , ,__ _. ,... -. I L - . .....,; .." . .. ,l '. " \. . . , \,: '" " .: 'Soil Erosion.and Sediment Control:plari;.t~~rich and inanhol~ de~ails. .:,....;. . "..: '_:.~ ..... .,",;', ", .', r- ,:,: '.'. " ~..J,,~,""""':".'.:,.' ..,1,.::..... :,_ .";' "'J."'?!' ~""'i ." " '...J, .: ".',4.:' ~~Qbmit plari~; '~pecificati9n and ..s~'p.~drtil]g:~dci~~me~ts', ?s~re'qJire((to ,'p~rtin~'l)t' gO\ier~~e'ht . .ii'g~ncies fo'r approval, l.e...,~ Soi.l ,C;:Or;ls~ry~tioD.,.Ser.vice: GA .ERE?, '<e~~; . Nqte .,s~br'nhfal !o:us .'. .' ..<, '. . , Army Corps of, ~ngin~ers is not inc;:luded in. the I?a'slc Services:, Jhis submittal if req~ired will b'e '. . > .,:' .,~'; p~if6rm~~ ori 'arj .hbur.ly~a.t.~:b~sis, ~~s~d o~, a .pre-~pp'roved;estimcite. ;:: ~ :.: :" " .: "':{":,~":..~l,,..'.'. ,."." ,:'-' .....':-!. '." " " """-":r:~"'~' ~,':""'.'" . '. .' 5. ,.' ::. Prepar~ probable:constr.uction cost. " .' ",",.., \,',' '. .;' ( . ';" ,,' ~ . .. t.' J ." " , '.. ,. J "~"'~' . .. ._...'.,'. ~'" "_ ,~".'.:'o' :.~._',." " L _'. ,.' (,' '..,..... ":~.' '1. >."... #. '. .~.- , . ,~.:,,~ ~~opi; assemblearld,b(nd"bidd.6cuments'f9r'di~tri.~uti.9n ,tb'Coptractors.':: .' .', " ", . .', '.': " 7:, "~'<.A~~;st 'wit~:'~d~~rti~e;;;~~t:f~rbi~'..a~d 'adverti~i~'9:thk: ~r~j~C;:t'.:- ./ '., ".": ,". ,,~ :.' :";:':.,' " :.: ",,:' :;:' :' ': " , .... .... '~'. ,.., "'I~'" ',,9' . ."_,':. ,.'...,'"..r,.. ; '.." '.~ ". '0' ..:~'~}~,.,~,,'.,.,~ r.~ .," 8. :' '-J\dmini~t~rdistribution o.f:bit! docurileritsto,pontractors'" " ,.,...,..:',. .,'., . .. ~..., f.. !.- .':- ~. ;'" "':"< '~:'~.~'~ '... ~.". )0' ". #'0> ~,'-.' , . ,.' . _ ~.~. 'f \. ", ,,' .. ~ ,,~: i.~. .)~ttend ~id. bpening' an.q prepare pid tabulation and ce~tjfic~tion"of p'roj~~t ~i.ds:'.' ,'.: ;',.' '. -,:., ' " '.. ~ t .. :. . . \ ' . .. ~' ...:' .. .;.... .: . t. ~ , '_,' , .. . ~ . . .. :,i. 'l. ',' '.., '. .. .' . ".' ,', . ,,\ ~~ :~I' '.~' . . . ,'''' ....... , ~. " , . ,'.~ .f ,- ~. :' . .'. , .. ~ -:; \ .-, {..;1~, '.' ,~_1 .~ . ;. ~ .'.. ." . .; "1,." _;_. "'.: Or t': ; # ''I' " ' o -.' . 1 .~ : . 1 ", I . ," ," \.'., :', , ;.... '. I:" ':J' '.. , ....r .' , ~, ' " "J~' ~: .". - . . ENGi:NEERS .: DESIGNERS , ,.1 .. :' I '. .', . '; C Q N S U L T AI'I'T S ,": '.' '" "','. ,. '.' . '. ~:.-'. I .'. :. .;..-, Prop'osal #102,1 ... 'Oate4~28'00 ..:. '; ,Pagi2. . , ." " -~".. ... {. . " .; "'. ',' .' . -" . . " , . .'. . ." '" ... '.' " '" . , "'\ ~ . . :. ~ '.. ' .; < ,. . ':.'-<" . .. " . " . ~ . , . '1- . ~ ,: .-:- '.. ). , .- ~, , ." '. , .' " "'_ L J , ,,' p. ""'" ':., " _'.: ," .. . , 16.: Coordinate issu~nce :o'ff'Jotlc,e'ofAward, signingofcont~act do!;~rtie;'ts:~nd'Notice)6~Proceed:':: '.r~:.' . constructi6n.,~'b~eN~tiO~.~ Pe'riod.ic' pr~gress 'and..'pay req~€lSLr:~iew, ,.' 'dc>~~~,,~'~t' 'iritl~~e~:' ,,_ "Residentlnsp'ection:~:" '.'. ...;.,'.' -,' ....... ". ,_:'" ,J. ._;' ~\,....~-'.' ~_'" ~"'.. ;'" " ". ".,' ..:": -' '\'~. '. 'I.... ,." ...l".._...._~_~ :.1"" '- 12; Proc~s~ ch~nge ,o'rders:due.to, i.mforessEm ~o~ditions .or}chi:lnges 'in scope as di'recte<lbyOwner':' :.... ,...,......_.: ...':.......'. ::.:'_:" ....:~.';., ...'..... ..."., .J.......,">....~....;..',:..: _:~. ......,....1-.:..... .'.......~.' 13: ,,!='erform: fir:Jal'insp'~ction; prepare; As_~built qrawlngsanO' Obtair)' "Waiver; of Lien"jlocumerit from' . Contractor, As-built.Rrints;~n<:lCAD fiI~swill be i:>ro~idedto.th~,Ovyrier..." "; '. '. . .. '. , .... '~:' "". ....,-_..."_.~_:.:.;_.~ ",'.~~- ';"'-:'. .. ;. "'; '. '..... \" -' .:" ,".:.',./., ..'"...r ~ ,'j, '. .j..~-~I", " ,14.':\ l:lrojectClos~~Out~:Review,Rr~je'~t with Owner'and. recc,.rrirnend acceptc,:lnce of 'p'roje~rb'yOwner: :'.' . and final,paym~nt to ContraCtor. . . "', . , " ~. ',' . \ , . . .. ." "." ' " . " , .', ..C, t"'. . ;., ResidEin't Ihsp~ctio~n Stope . - . . . , .r. -'. .... .. ,...... .... -, .' '" -'-;1. ,I .1.. .'. . Hesident.,lhspection :indud'ing',.tra.cking of o~e'r ~xcavati6n','sele,<::t.fill:, m~ter~a!s, :a~d..~jayel' " )).e~di~9, etc: ~,:' :'~. . H' , " : ': '." .', ;', : .:; . ? ': (j~iry.h~ports .on pn;>gre~s:'~nd 'i1:1~terf~ls wllI'be ~ritt~n, ' .. . , ,: -':' '.." ':""",-',':~"."'.'~'.,_'.,;>";,.,'.~~ ",:, '.:~<,'" 'l .. '.: .r,., .: .>' ..:..--...~.._~.~~., .~.,..\.~..~.. ~ ,I. ../../. NoUo exc~ed amo\..int.assumes an'eight weekconstnlctioij'periqd.. ,'; :':".,1,; .' c,, " .. '. . ~ : ,.. ':.'- .... ~'. :' . /.' ; . ~.,. .( - . '. . . ,,'" ~ . .. .;... :: '. Site.'will be 'visited d,aily for .~minimum of 3'hours duri~g aCh:Jal, ~,o'!lstri1?iio_n:',:.. ',' ~. , '".. .r;' . . ~ ; '.. .',' ,t '.' 3. A. .' -.; "5.' 'Hesident inspecti?n" tifl1e . ~ey.onq, the eight, week . CO,nstruction, \ pedoci.':. v:,tj'lI, b~: billed as an:: 'e dditional service upon pre-approval. \ '..: I ~\ ~: '->,u' : ... ~ , .. . . ..' ",.j /,.: ' . I" ~ ..~ '. . ~. . ,. . . '. r ~.' ; , ',' ; ~ . ,~l". ' . ... ," " ' . . ~ .-. . . " . ",' '".;-, / . '. ' " '. '~.'. ~ ',: {',. ~~. .. 1_. . ;'. r < . .~ ,. , " " , ..:'. .. ."'" . ~ '..,: \ ,,:,'. '," ~.- .' ' .' , .,.' " . ". I. ,. '. ,.J'" , .. ':. ' ,,!-, .:,.....:. '.,',,' '-'>'. .'.,~. --,':"::~. ".:_. .~.~ .'.~ ',," . ': ..":-.... " ~', L"'.::;"~.';;',~.~.:>'-,':'H:.'~~.~ ',,: Upoh'ac.~epia~ce .ofthisproposal,Johnsojl;Laschober & ~ssociates, P,c..~ill prepare (i'contract iVi~h ter;iz,s ,an.d. co.ncjitionsjc-r,signature. ,'. . :" '; " " ':'. .' .. '. ' , ' . ~ :..', ';.., .' . r <., .. .. < ~ "t' .' ~ .('~'. t ..,~ '. ... . .< : ' 7 . '..' '~:' ..... "ACCE7'~' .:~ , ',,"','. . '. ' '. .' :11;i ,[Sig~arui"]., ' ."~~'" '. , . . , . '. . .' ," ~ , ..Johnson, Lasch,obera,:!d Associates . ,1296 Broad Street.. " ',' ., POBox 2103 " ,( 'Au9usia' GA, 30903 ',' : ':~' ,'. , , " ~. .... , .. . : ~~' ~ ,l, '\. '..'";.,. (. " .' I :' -... T> " , ..' '. " '. ". .' ' . ..; .. . , -.... ., .' . ~ . . "" ,:' :r!lleph.o'ne'706~724,5756. ' . . . .' Fax':. 706'724-3955' - Web'Site: ,www.;lacengineers.cbm . ,: . 'Emai,l: inailoox@jla:engir\eers:com:" ~ . ~ . , Documenfin PAOJBASE,OBT.' ~ I, '. " I . ;: , . -. -, .,."., ,-'. ~ ,. )~'.' ,'.j.. ~. ~ '.' . ~ . ',:: : )--: ~ ~ ~ ~ '. , ; ..' . t. )..' . ~-, ':: . '.; :-~. . \",. . --. .... -.... " " \ . '\, i \'" \ \. . l.. i t \ // ,/ ,. / ' i; ,"" .."" ;fJ0~~~'C?~;:~;f;~f~s> , . " (. ,/ . ..,.-,' l._..___,.......-~~ ..".:..~~~~~~~~,.. ", .............. ~ tr$tt6~' I r- --'/-' t--Ir .-1- j - u ~~T~~--ll' .~ . 'I I'