HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposal for Sampling Potentiometrio Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENTNAME:'1IrlOpo$a / /Ov S'tlfYJpJ'"rrJ ,/1,icnti6metHG DOCUMENT TYPE: -rropo 3a ( YEAR: / Cfq 7 -- BOX NUMBER: ) FILE NUMBER: J :3- YJ 3 ~ NUMBER OF PAGES: /3 DEC-0S-S7 15,07 FROM,CONESTOGA ROVERS 10,770 'I'll 2050 PAGE 2/6 .. /::Z ~:..~[~ CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES 1351 Oakbrook Drive, Suile 150 Norcross, Georgia 30093 (770) 441-0027 Fax: (770) 441.2050 December 9, 1997 Reference No. 7665 Ms. Kathy Pace Augusta-Richmond County Solid Vvaste Landfill 4330 Deans Bridge Raad Blythe, Georgia 30805 Dear Ms- Pace: Re: Proposal far Sampling, Patentiometric Mapping, Statistical Data Evaluation and Analytical Services Dean's Bridge Raad Landfill Richmond County, Georgia In accordance with my conversation with Mr. Robert Watsan, Conestoga-Ravers & Associates (CRA) is pleased to submit this praposal to conduct two semi-annual groundwater sampling events, prepare potentiametric maps, and perform statistical evaluations on the analytical data far the Dean's Bridge Road Landfill in RiChmond County, Georgia. In addition, the caSts far the assodated analytical services from HydroLogic and the preparation af two groundwater manitaring reports have been included with, this proposal. These additianal services were not included in CRA's praposal for groundwater monitoring in 1997 and have resulted in an increase in our overall estima.ted cost for 1998. It is anticipated that nvo sampling events will be performed and each event will entail the sampling of 28 graundwater manitoring wells in Landfill Sectians II-A and rr-B and 25 graundwater monitoring wells in Landfill Section II-C. The semi-annual events have been tentatively scheduled for January and June 1998. All sampling events will be canducted by a gealogist/ chemist or technician. The sampling protocals provided by the Augusta-I~ichmond County Solid Waste facility }viII be followed. All graundwater samples will be submitted to the project laboratory for the analysis of Appendix I rr:~etals and valatiIe organic campaunds (VOCs). As required, based an recent meetings with the Geargia Environmental Protectian Division (EPD), the graundwater samples will also. be analyzed for an indicator parameter list (pH, conductivity, chlaride, total dissolved solids, and total organic carbon). The abjective will be to use the results of the indicator parameter list far future statistical data evaluations as discussed with Augusta-Richmand County and EPD on April 24, 1997_ OEC-0S-S7 IS.08 FROM.CONESTOGA ROVERS 10.770 441 2050 PAGE 3/S , ' . .' December 9,1997 Reference No. 7665 -2- It is alSo. anticipated that potentiometric surface maps will be prepared for the combined Lan;ifill Sectians (II-A I II-B and II-q far each sampling event. The direction af groundwater flow and the hydraulic gradient far the regional water bearing zone will be determined and reported for each sampling event. The preparatian af the maps and the evalu2.tianl calculatian of the groundwater characteristics will be supervised and appraved by a State of Georgia licensed Professional Geologist. eRA's total es'irnated cost to conduct the sampling programs, including reporting of the analytical data and graundwater potentiometric mapping and provide the associated analyses, far ane water bearing z.ane for each landfill section and canducting the statistical evaluatians an the analytical data, is $56,248. If additional time is required due to delayed sampling because manitaring wells fail to recaver within 24 hours, a $100 hourly rate will be charged to allow for fees and disbursements. Disbursements will be invoiced at cost with no mark-up. Our estimated cast also includes data validation. CRA's estimated cost does nat include providing 55-gc1.llon drums for purged groundwater storage or disposal af purged groundwater. It is assumed that all purged groundwater will be collected in 55-gallon drums and stored on the proper;:y. It is assumed ':hat statistical data evaluatians v..rill be performed far Landfill Sectians II-A / II-B and Il-C following each sampling event. The cast estimate for the statistical data evaluations is based on the falla'\iVing scope of work: i) charact'erizatian af background cancentratioI15, specifically the means and standard deviations; ii) statistical camparisans between inter- and intra-well manitoring results to identify any statistically significant differences as appropriate. ,We will utilize ANOV A parametric and/ar nan-parametric analyses, as appropriate to the distribution of the data, to examine statistical differences and to. develop talerance intervals (95 percent); , iii) camparisan of the manitaring results with water quality criteria to identify constituents which are close to and/ or have exceeded the water quality criteria and to comparison of each incoming data set with the tolerance interval, on a per event basis; and DEC-illS-S? 16,08 FHOM,CONESTOGA ROVERS 10,770 441 2050 PAGE 4/6 : . ~ CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOCIATES December 9, 1997 Reference No. 7665 -3- iv) aSSeSSD'lent the need for adjusting the baseline on an annual basis and adjustment as nece.ssary (if approved by GEPD). If the scope of the sampling effort changes from what is described or the proposed scape of the statistical data evaluatian changes from what our proposal includes, our estimated cost may be revised depending on the significance of the change. It is assumed that the State will approve a reduced number of monitoring paints within the near future. Consequently, CRAvv'ill pravide Augusta-Richmond County with a revised cost estimate reflecting the reduced monitoring points when this occurs. A detailed brE~akdavvn of the estimated costs is presented in Table 1. We appreciate the apportunity to submit this proposal to. Augusta-Richmond County. If you have any questians concerning this submittal, please can tact the undersigned at your earliest canvenience. Yours trol y, CONESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOOA TES ~~~~. Ja-Brent Cortelloni BC/ktjl Encl. U~~-~~-~7 16.~~ ~ROM.CONESTOGA RaVERS 10.770 lllll 2050 PAGE 5/6 t .' PAge 1 of 2 J' . TABLE 1 COST ESTIMATE DEAN'S BRIDGE ROAD LANDFILL RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Cost Per Event Total Cost 1. Landfill Sections 11-A and n-B - 28 wells (2 semi~annual sampling events) A. Sampling and Reporting . 1 GeologistjO\emist for 27 hours @ $57/hour $1,539 $3,078 . 1 Technician for 24 hours@35jhour 840 1,680 Report Preparation for 6 hours @ $65jhour 390 780 CAD Operator for 6 hours @ $67jhour 402 804 . Cler::caJ for 4 hours @ $45/hour 180 360 . Equipment and Supplies 400 800 . Hotd and Per Diem. 380 760 . T ransporta tion 190 380 . Chemist for 6 hours @ $55/hour 330 660 aill $9,302 I B. Statistical Analysis (fwol~~rrepor~) . Database processing and table generation for output of summary data Data manipUlation for statistical processing for, 10 hours @$55/hour . Stati:;tical calculations for 10 hours @ $lOO/hour · Repc,rting and interpretation for 10 hours @ S100/hour $2,400 550 1,000 1,000 ~ C. Potentiometric Map (1) ~ D. Analytical- 28 water samplesj2 duplicates · APJ'l~dix I Metals (S100 x 30) Appendix I VOCs ($100 x 30) · Indicator Parameters ($45 x 30) $3,000 $3,000 $1,350 $6,000 $6,000 $2,700 $14,700 7665 Pa.ce-l-TI OEC-09-97 16,09 FROM,CONESTaGA ROVERS 10,770 441 2050 PAGE 6/6 I .' " P~&e 2 of2 TABLE 1 COST ESTIMATE DEAN'S BRIDGE ROAD LANDFILL RlCHl\10ND COUNTY, GEORGIA Cost Per Total Event Cost II. Landfill Section II-C - 24 wells (2 semi-annual sampling events) A. Sampling and Reporting 1 Geologist/Olernist for 25 hours @ $57/hour $1,425 $2,850 1 T€dutician for 21 hours @$35/hour 735 1,470 Report Preparation for 6 hours @$6S/hour 390 780 . CAD Operator for 4 hours @ $67/hour 268 536 . Oedcal for 4 hours@$45/hour 180 360 . Equipment and Supplies 200 400 . Hot>~l and Per Diem 380 760 . Transportation 190 380 . Chemist for 6 hours @ $55/hour 330 660 $4,098 ~ B. Statistical Analysis (Two letter reports) DatGlbase processing and table generation for c'utput of summary data Datl, m.anipulation for statistical processing for 10 h;lurS @ $55/hour Statistical calcu~ations for 10 hours @ $lOO/hour Reporting and interpretation for 10 hours @ $lOO/hour $2,400 . 550 1,000 1,000 $4,950 C. Potentio:netrk Maps (1) ~ D_ Analytic,li - 25 water samples/2 duplicates . App~ndix I Metals ($100 x 27) ApP'~ndix I VOCs ($100 x 27) Indicator Parameters ($45 x 27) $2,700 $2,700 $1.215 $5AOO $5,400 $2,430 . . TOTAL ESTIMATED COST (semi-annual for lIA/IIB/IIC) Additional Cost for Delayed S<1mpling · Cost increase $100/hour $13,230 $56.248 Notes: (1) The associated price includes two potentiometric maps (one per' event). 7665 Pace-l-TI .' . , Atlanta Regional Office 400 Chastain Or, Blvd" NW Suite 490 Kennesaw, CA ]0144 (770) 4<)'J-7~;tlO Fax (770) 4:19-7511 December 24, ] 997 Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Ms. Kathy Pace Augusta-Richmond County Solid Waste Landfill 4330 Dec:ns Bridge Road Blythe, Georgia 30805 Re: Proposal to Provide Sampling, Analysis, Statistical Data Evaluation and Potentiometric Mapping Dean's Bridge Road Landfill, Richmond County, Georgia Clayton Proposal Number 97 A TLEMR-170 Dear Ms, Pace: Clayton Environmental Consultants, a division of Clayton Group Services, Inc" is pleased to submit this proposal to conduct two semiannual groundwater sampling events, perform statistical evaluations on analytical data, and prepare potentiometric surface maps for the Dean's Bridge Road Landfill in Richmond County, Georgia, Scope of 'V ork Two samp.ling events will be conducted, tentatively January and June, 1998, Fifty one (51) groundwater monitor wells in Landfill Sections II-A, IJ-B and II-C will be sampled. The sampling protocols provided by the Augusta-Richmond County Solid Waste facility will be followed, and conducted by environmental consultants, supervised by a Georgia Professional Geologist. All groundwater samples will be submitted via chain of custody to a qualified laboratory for Appendix I metals and volatile organic campounds (YOC) analysis, Groundwater samples wi:ll also be analyzed for pH (field), conductivity (field), chloride, total dissolved solids, and total organic carbon. Potentiome'~ric surface maps will be prepared for the combined Landfill Sections (Sections II-A, II-B and II-C) for each sampling event, including direction of groundwater flow and the hydraulic gradient for the regional water bearing zone, We are assuming that existing well elevations have been surveyed, and that a current map is available on AutoCad Version ]4 (or comparable), Statistical data evaluation will be performed for Landfill Sections II-A, II-B and II-C sampling re~;uIts follawing each sampling event. The statistical data evaluation includes: 1) characterize background concentrations, specifically the means and standard deviations; C1aytun Environmental ConsultarlS, Ine. . Allanla . Boca Ralon . Boston . Chicago . Cleveland Detruit. Honolulu . Indianapolis Los Angeles . Minneapolis . New York . Orang<, County . Philadelphia . Portland . Rockford . San Francisco . Savannah . Seallle Clayton 'ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Ms. Kathy Pace Augusta-Ric:hmand County Landfill December 24, 1997 Page 2 2) provide statistical comparisons between inter and intrawell sampling results to identify statistically significant differences as appropriate, We will use ANOY A parametric and/or nonparametric analyses, as appropriate to the distribution of the data, to examine statistical differences and develop tolerance intervals (95 percent), and 3) compare analytical results with water quality criteria to identify constituents which are close to and/or greater than state and federal water quality criteria and compare each incoming data set with the confidence interval, on a per event basis. Estimated Cost Our estimated cost to perform the above referenced scope of work is $51,000, based on the following: Labor: Laboratory ($310.00 per well) ODC $15,880.00 $31,620,00 $ 3,500,00 Our estimated cost does not include providing 55-gallon drums for purged groundwater storage or disposal of purged groundwater. It is assumed that all purged groundwater will be collected in 55-gallon drums (provided) and stored on the property, If the scope of work for the sampling efforts change from what is described, or the proposed scope of work for the statistical data evaluation changes from what our proposal includes, our estimated cost may be revised depending on the significance of the change. Any unexpected conditions or cancerns that become apparent during the project may require a revision in the project scope and estimated fees. We will notify you of any necessary c.hange in project scope and fees, and obtain written confirmation, This work is subject to our standard terms and conditians (attached). Our project assumptions are included in Attachment }, ACCEPTANCE OF WORK SCOPE For your convenience, this letter is presented in a form that can be accepted as an agreement. To accept, please sign below and return a copy to me, '\ Clayton . ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUL T ANTS Ms. Kathy Pace Augusta-Richmond County Landfill ' December 24, 1997 Page 3 If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me or Mr. Mike Molley, REM at (770) 499-7500. We look forward to. working with you, Sincerely, Q1J-J.~ Robert L. Weyand, P,G. /' Director ( Environmental Risk Management And Remediation Services Southeastl~rn Region Clayton Proposal No: 98 Accepted J3 y: Title: Company: Allgusta-Richmond County Commission Date: March 31, 1998 t,LUV Thla documlnleppro'lld II ~'II!~~ omey 118 < j Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL 'CONSULTANTS Ms. Kathy Pace Augusta-Richmond County Landfill December 24, 1997 Page 4 ATTACHMENT 1 LANDFILL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING ASSUMPTIONS Qualifications for these presented cost quotations include the following assumptions and understandings. Costs may increase due to delays caused by limited or restricted site access; Clayton will not be responsible for adverse weather conditions which cause excessive delays; Drums will be available at the monitor well locations; Significant changes to the regulations will not occur during the term of the contract; Top of casings for monitor wells have been surveyed; Client will provide Clayton with drawings and site plans on a timely basis, and on AutoCad Version 14 (or comparable); This propo:ial does not include the cost to dispose of contaminated purge water, and Costs presume that Level D personal protective gear is adequate for all site work. .. TentU lIJ1d Conditloru Clayton Group Services, Inc. (f/kIa Clayton Envinllunenta! Consultants, Inc.) Clayton . ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUL T ANT S '. These T e:rms and Conditions govem the: work to be performed by Clayton Group Services, Inc., t7kJa Clayton Environmental Consull.ants, Inc. ("Clayton"), as specified in the proposal or the Proli:s.sional Services Agreement (the "Companion Documents") prepared by Clayton of which these Terms and Conditions are a pan. By accepting the Companion Documents or authorizing or accepting any portion of the work done or to be done by Clayton as specified in the Companion Documc:t'1U. the client ("Client") shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions as if fully set forth in any of the Companion Documents. I. Client InJormation. Client shall provide Clayton with all inJormation required to enable Clayton to petform its services, and Client Warrants to Clayton. that if it knows or has reason to suspect that hazardous mat.criaJs or conditions may exist at any site to be surveyed by Clayton. or where work is to be done ("Site"), it will inform Clayton in writing. Clayton shall not be liable for any incorrect advice, judgment, r=mmendation. fmding. decision or conduct based upon any inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Client. 2. Performance, Clayton shall use commercially reasonable best e!forts in performing services under these Terms and Conditions, and the Companion Documents ("Agreement"), Clayton shall n,)t be responsible for iailure to per10rm Its services if i) there is a tailure or delay by Client or its conU'aClO~ in providing Clayton with the necessary access to properties. d:x:umentation. infonnation. or matcnaJs; jj) Client or its contracto~ fail to approve or disapprove Clayton's work; or iii) if Client causes delays in any way whatsoever. in any of these e:vems, Clayton's time for completion of its service shall be extended accordingly. Clayton shall not be responsible for failure to perform if such failure is due to any act of God. labor trouble, fm:. inclement weather, act of goverrunental authority, failure oftr.msportation. accidenl, power lailure or interruption. or any other cause, reasonably beyond Clayton's control. In any of these events, Clayton's time for completion of its services shall be extended accordingly. At the sole discretion of Clayton. all samples obtained by Clayton under this Agreement may be discarded 30 days after analyses, or returned by Clayton to the Client. unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing. 3, Compliance With Laws, Cla:l!on shall use corrunercially reasonable best efforts to comply with all federal, state and local statutes, codes, laws and administrative regulations, including but not limited to those related to environmental. fire, safety and health matters, which are applicable to the performance of its consulting services under this Agreement, but shall not be liable to Client for failure to so comply unless such non-compliance is due to the negligence of Clayton. 4. Safetv Responsibilities, IfCl<,yton provides a safety and he:l!th officer at the Site where the work is to be done, Clayton shall be authorized to take any and all measures on behalfofClienl, thaI. in Clayton's opinion. will maintain generally accepted he:l!th and safety standards tor persolUlel at the Site, Clayton will advise Client regarding deficiencies with respec:t to specifications and applicable regulations, but Clayton is not responsible for the failure of Client or its agents to follow the recommendations of Clayton persolUlel. Client waives any claim against Clayton for, and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Clayton harmless from any claim for liability, for injury, or loss to Clienl, or others, in cOlUlection with such measures. except to the extent such loss results from Clayton's negligence. In the event that any of Clayton's lctivities hereunder are at the Site. Client will assume sole and complete responsibility for the Site, including safety of a II p=ns and property, and further agrees to deJend, indemnify and hold Clayton ha.rrnJess from any and all liability, including to third parties, in COlUlection with the project conducted at the Site, except to the extent such liability arises from the negligence of ClaytolL 5. Site Conditions, [t is understood and agreed that (i) Clayton is nol, and has no responsibility as an owner, a handler, generator, operator, treater, storer, transporter or disposer of hazardous or toxic substances found or identified at the Site; and (ii) Client shaJI Undertake to arrange for the handling. removal. treaUTIent. storage, transportation. and disposal of hazardous substances or constituents found or identified at the Site. ~orwithstanding the above, in the cou~e of performing services under tlW Agreement, should Clayton. at the request of Client, c:lect to arrange for the disposal of waste, hazardous or not, Client shall defend, indemnilY, release and hold Clayton harmless from any loss, dunage or expense resulting trom said activity. It is agreed that this indemnification covers all costs associated with any obligation to assess, remediate or contain any hazardous or nonhazardous waste under any Federal or State, or Superfund law (or Provincial law) in addition to monetary damages. Client understands and acknowledges that (i) Client may be requesting Clayton to undertake services or work for the benefit of Client involving the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances :l11d (ii) Clayton may be exposed to claims arising out ot: or involving actual. alleged, or threatened discharge, disposal or release or escape of hazardous or potentially hazardous pollutants including. but not limited to, solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritants or contaminants including smoke, wat<:t", vapor. soot, fumes. acids. alkalies. chemicals, wastes, and waste materials, and Client understands and agrees that Clayton shall only be responsible for losses which directly result from Clayton's negligence, Therefore, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Client hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold hannless Clayton, its officers, directo~ and employees from and against any and all claims. damages, losses. and expenses. including but not limited to, anom.:y's fees and court and arbitration costs, arising out of. or in cOlUlection with. claims relating to these risks which may result from the services to be provided under this ;\greement, except to the extent caused by the negligence of Clayton. its officer.;. directo~, and employees. 6. Confidentiality, Clayton shall use commerciaHy reasonable precautions so that access to information relating to its services for Client is limited to those persons within its employ for whom it is nC1:essary and appropriate for purposes of performing Clayton's services. 7. Insurance. Clayton shall use co:nmercially reasonable best efforts to procure and maintain at its expense, the following insurance, with the limits ofliability as set forth below: (a) (b) :~ :.vorkers' Compensation l,mplover's Liability (or as required by Law) ~:ommercial Gener:ll Liabilitv (Including Contractual Liability) L\utomobile Liabilitv (:overing vehicles owned, hired, rented, or non-owned). ~:onsull.ants Environmental Liability (,?rofessionaJ Liability and Contractor's Pollution Legal Liability) Limits As required by Statute. S500,OOO per occurrence (c) S 1,000,000 per occurrence S2,OOO,OOO general aggregate SI,OOO,OOO combined single limits (d) (e) S3,OOO.OOO e:ach claim SJ,OOO,OOO general aggregate Revised 11197 Page lof2 . , , .. . . Clayton ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Clayton shall name Client :IS additional insured and other parties that it deems appropriate to be additional insured under Clayton's Conunercial Galeral Liability policy . and Automobile Liability polic::r, if requested to do so by Client 8. Warranty. Clayton Warrant.! that the services, tindings, reconunendations and/or advice provided to Client will be prepucd, performed. and rendered in accordance with procedures, protocols and pr=tices generally accepted in Clayton's profession for use in similar assignments. Client acknowledges and agrees that Clayton has made no other implied or expre::sed represenwion, warranty or condition with respect to the servie<:s, ftndings, reconunendatioru or advice to be provided by Clayton. 9. lndenmiftc.ation and Liabilit'~, Clayton shall indcmni1Y and hold harmless Client from and against all losses, liabilities, and reasonable costs and expenses for property damage and bodily injury (including reasonable anomcy's fees), to the extent directly and proximatdy arising from Clayton's negligent performance of services or breach of warranty under this Agreement The total and aggregale obligation of Clayton purnuant to the provisions of this lndemnific.ation and for any and all liability and any and all damages to Client, or to any other person or entity, arising out of. or resulting from, this Agreement or the services provided by Clayton, shall in no event exceed the lesser of i) one-and-one-halfthe value of the Agreement; or ii) S~;OO,OOO. Client shall defend. indemnify and hold harmless Clayton, its employees, dircctorn, and agents, from and against any and all c1airru. losses, liabilities, and reasonable casu and expenses (including reHsonable anomey's fees) that arc: i) related to, or caused in any way by, the negligence or willful misconduct of Client, its employees, or agcnu; ii) related to this Agreement or the work to be performed by Clayton for which Clayton is not expressly resporuible; or iii) the expressed responsibility of the Client under this Agreement 10. Pavrnent. Clayton shall invoice Client and Client shall pay to Clayton for its consulting services as follows: (a) Fees and all other charges will be billed to Client as provided in the Companion Documents. (b) Fees shall be paid net by Client within thirty days of being invoiced by Clayton. tfthe invoice is not paid within such period, Client shall be liable to Clayton for a late charge aCCruing from the date of such invoice to the date of payment at the lower of 18 percent per annum or the maximum rate allowed by law. (c) tf Client f:lils to pay any invoice fully within thirty days after invoice date, Clayton may, at any time, and without waiving any other rights or claims aglinst Client and without thereby incurring any liability to Client, elect to terminate performance of services immediately following wrincn notice from Clayton to Client :-.Iotwithstanding any such termination of services, Client shall pay Clayton for all services rendered by Clayton up to the date oftennination ofscrvices plus all interest, tennination costs and expenses incurred by Clayton. Client shall reimburne Clayton for all costs and expenses of collection, including reasonable anomey's fees. I!. Non-Disclosure Agreement The technical and pricing information contained in any proposal or other documents submitted to Client by Clayton is to be considered confidential and proprielMy and s..uJI not be released or disclosed to a thiri! party without Clayton's wrillCn consent 12. Use of Data. Clayton shall not be responsible for any loss, liability, damage, expense or cost arising from any use of Clayton's analyses, reports, certificatiODS or advice, which is conIn1ry to, or in,:onsistcnt with, or beyond the provisions and purposes set forth therein or included in these Terms and Conditions, or in the Companion Documents. Client undcmands alld agrees that Clayton's analyses, reports, and Ccrtific.atiollS shall be used solely by the Client 13, Independent Contractor. In p",forming its services under this Agreemcnl, Clayton shall be deemed to be acting as an independent contractor, and it is not an agan. servant, employee, or representati\'e of Client Clayton shall not be responsible for the activities of any conlr.lctorn or subconlr.lctorn or their employees or agents at the Site unless retained by Clayton (in which event Clayton shall be responsible solely for monitoring their performance of the services in accordance with generally accepted practices of Clayton's profession). 14, Assignment There shall be no assignment of the rights or obligations in this Agreement by either party without the wrincn consent of the other party and any assigmnent shall be null and void and shall render the corresponding duties and obligations of the other party null and void. I~. Cause of Action. If Client makes a claim against Clayton, for any alleged C'lTor, omission. or other act arising out of the perfonnance of its professional services and to the extent the'Client fails 10 prove such claim. then the Client shall pay all costs including attorney's fees incurred by Clayton in defending the claim. Any claim brought against Clayton shall be brought within one-year of the work pcrfonned under this Agreement 16. Waiver. Failure of either part)' to enforce any of its rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights. tf any provision herein is held invalid or unenforceable. such provision shall thereupon be deemed modified only to the extent necessary to render it valid or e"cluded from this Agreeman. as the situation may require, and this Agreement shall be enforced and construed as if such provision has been included herein as so modified in scope or applicability or had not been included herein, as the case may be. 17, T ennination of Al!reement N"twitbstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, ~ither party may tenninate this Agreement at any time. in whole or in part. by providing wrinen notice oftennination to the other party. Except as otherwise mutually agreed by Clayton and Client, tcnnination shall be effective ten days from receipt of the notice. Client shall compensate Clayton for work performed prior to tennination, plus all reasonable costs incurred :IS a result of termination, on a time- and-materials basis in accordance with Clayton's current hourly rates, ifClienttenninates this Agreement, or if Clayton tenninates it for good legal cause, 18. Complete Agreement. These T:nns and Conditions and the Companion Documents constitute the full and complete Agreement of the parties and may only be amended. added to. supen;eded or waived in a writing signed by both parties that specific.ally stales that it is an amendment of this Agreement Reference by Clayton or Client to any purchase or work number or order supplied by Client shall be for accounting identification purposes only and shall have no other legal effect. Revised 1 1/97 Page 2 of2 I-LL-I~~~ I~: I~AM rKUJ'.1 P.2 .. " - . '. ANALYTICAL ENV'IRONMENT AL SERVICES INe. 3181 PREsiDENTIAL PARKWAY SUITE 111 ATLANTA, GA 30:140 QUOTE 'DATE QUOTE #, .........'- 12/16197 567 [~_~~ I ADDRESS 1 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND CO. I PUBLIC WORKS-ENGINEERING DIVISION 530 GREENE SiT. ROOM 701 AUGUSTA, GA 30911 DR. HAMEED MALIK. P.E. PROJECT '~-'''-, I _.~'. DESGRIPTJON RAlt Matrix aTY TOTAl Chemical Analysis i!rlduding: 20(fo(r~ Groundwater 106 21,200.00 Appendix I VOC's (Method 8260A) Appendix I Metals (Method 6010nOOO) f'Chl~ride, Conductivity. pH, 'TOS. TOe. Cations: Mg, Na. K, Ca I Anions: C03, 504, HC03 & Metals: Fe I Dr. Malik: - I I I Thank you tor the opportunity to provide this I .quote for sefVicesl I(you need any additional information, please call me at (800) 972-4889, I Mehmet Yildirim I Laboratory Manager ~Piease Sign iiie IxittOmol the qUOll> & lax 10 US @ (nO) 46H188' TOTAL 521,200.00. ,/ I SIGNATURE/DATE ~ JAN.23'98 12:32 1 604 444 4833 DISCERNING SYSTEMS INC 003 P02 """ ~ ~.: . '. DUMPStat.. Pricing Information "lbank you for your intcrC:lt in DUMPStat. DUMPS tat is a ground-w;ltcr monitoring software: product sold by Robert D. Gibbons Ltd. and is disrrihuted and supported by Discerning Systems Inc. A DUMPSc:a.t site license is required for each individual facilicy. The cost of each site license is a (me-time fee of $2,500 which includes free program updates and technical support for one yeaL'. ,After one year, new ver!lions of DUMPS[ar can be purchased for $300 with 90 days 0.: technical support. Support \,:an be extended for ;U\ additional fee. Technical support can be obtained by telephone, facsimile or electronic mail. Please l10te that the USEP A has reviewed DUMPStat and has found that it is consistent with the Subtitle C and D regulations and associated guidance DUMPStat also compli~~ with thc: ASTM Stancbrd PS64-96. For a review of thc program see the October 1994 issue of W ar'.~ /'1gt. Dr. Robert Gibbons will also provide DUMPSr~r to companies as part of a multi-site Contract' that includes his statistical consultation. Typically, the cost of this complete consultation wiU be about $10,500 and include the following activities; 1~. Evaluation of a111.'"\Jrrent monitoring data. 2. Evaluation of statistical :;L"pecrs of the current ground-water monitoring network. 3. Preparation of the sc:a.tistical section of the ground.water monitoring permi[ application. 4. Complete setup of the DUMPStat program with aU existing site dara. 5, A report and analysis of the first semi-annual monitoring event under the Subtitle D monitoring program. 6. A DUMPStat sire license. 7. Regulatory support and negotiation as needed. For companies that do nat wish to perform the ongoing monitoring activities required for their facilities, Dr. Gibbuns will underCIke to do so for $1,200 per sirc, per monitoring event. n:is service will include: 1. Updalin~ the database with new data. 2. ~aintaining the database and backups 3. Analysis of new data. 4. Updating background statistical limits on an <U1nual basis. 5. Preparation of statistical report. All prices are quoted in US funds and are in effecl until further notice.