HomeMy WebLinkAboutWillis Foreman Road Drainage Improvement (2) Augusta Richmond GA . DOCUMENT NAME: LD\\ \\ S Vcxe\0lJJ\ \2.DX\ bY~ lrnprovemert DOCUMENT TYPE: ea~e0~ YEAR: ~C\ BOX NUMBER: ()'6 FILE NUMBER: \l-\~ \ NUMBER OF PAGES: 6 .-.:. ~ )' ... -\ RETURN~TO: · Harry D. Revell 454 Greene St. ... ,,~" .' . ,. l\ 'I. ~..: \', l~' r ;<;.' ,,:''''J: C;f.;' : . :1;.:.~~';>1,-~."", - 99 JUL \ 2 Pt'l 3: 45 , .,- i 'C'\,\~lS0N E' AI~F ~,. ,I) ., ""'uPT t_ ~: .u ,ne iJ-\f]1\ ~v ,\ !:LE~'(!'\ i:ir ,:).)\ ~"\ . REEL 650 PAGE 1353 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA EASEMENT ORIGINAL REEL RECORDED REEL 650 PAGE 1353 lHP ID: 404189 GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY PROJECT - Willis Foreman Road Drainage Improvement WITNESSETH that Henry and Crystal M. Washington, the undersigned, is the owner of a tract of land in RICHMOND COUNTY, which over, through, and across the above Project has been laid out by W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc., being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Augusta Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to Augusta, Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, a perpetual easement for the purpose and uses hereinafter set forth, over, through and across the following lands, to-wit: SAID perpetual easement consists of 0,03 acre, more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc., dated March 11. 1999, and revised March 30. 1999, attached hereto and made by reference a part hereof for a more accurate and complete description of the perpetual easement. ALSO, granted is a temporary construction easement consisting of N/ A sq. ft., more or less, as shown on said plat; said temporary construction easement to expire at the completion and final acceptance of said project by Augusta, Georgia. This easement is granted for the following purposes and uses, to wit: storm drainage. WITNESS, the hand(s) and seales) of the undersigned, this 2!!!:.- day of ::[1IJ...7 ,1922. Signed, Sealed and Delivered This "qt!Ldayof:rrJu , 19 'i ,inthepr~ . ~ , _(L.S.) I ~ \ i-~Ulfj)\..\ " ~~..[!;') o(Jf ~~ "0 /:.' !;)" .J' ~~ '1.COS0pe. 02. ~~Q":r~~ ~~ J/!? 'GCOGS'" 'i!.~' 4Y ~,"Orv(J CO\S,<,>~ \~~""ii..:~.~-Q..~ /By Henry erbert Washington Tax Map 178, Parcel ~ Attorney In Fact ....::. --- """-:' {. t ;; . " '. . .. REEL 650 PAGE ~ /3r-~ .. I HElUmy GIVE ANn GRANT {INTO MY ATTORNI~Y FllLL I'OWlm. AND AtJTIIOHITY TO no AND PERFORM EACH AND EVEH.Y ACT AND MATTEH. CONClmNING MY F.STATE, PROI'F.RTY, AND AFFAIRS AS FULLY AND EFFECTUALLY TO ALL INTENTS AND l'URI'()SI~S AS I COllLD DO LI~GALLY IF I 'VERE I'RESI<:NT. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE MY ATTORNEY TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD II.'\HMLESSANY TIIIRD PARTY WHO ACCEI'TS AND ACTS UNDER OR IN ACCORDANCE WITII TillS powlm OF ATTORNEY. I intend ror this to hc a DURAOLE Power of Attorney. This Power of Attorney will continuc 10 be ",rfective if I become disabled, incapacitnted, or incompetent, I direct my allorney-in-facllo scek legal cOllnsel in order 10 de(errlline the existcnce oflegal requiremenls, such liS required filing or placcment or nOlices, which may affect the v:llidity of Ihis doculllent. I IIERIWY HATIFY ALL THAT MY ATT()HNI~Y SIIAI.I, LAW'FULLY DO on CAUSE TO HI<: DONE BY THIS DOCUMENT. This Power of Attorney shall become effcctive whcn J si'~lI nnd execule il hc.low. Further. IIIltess sooner revoked or tenllinated oy me, this Power of Allolllcy shall becollle NULL nnd VOID on /c!I~_~_ooJ.____.___, Nolwithstanding lilY inclusion of a specific expiration dale herein, if (Ill lhe nhov('.-specifiell cxpirntion dale, or dming lhe sixty (GO) day period preceding thnt specified expirnlion d;lle, I ~lJould he or hnvc been delerminell hy Ihe United Slates Government to be a mililary status of "missing," "1l1i.~siug ill ;lelion," or "prisoller of wor," Ihenthi~ Power of ^llorney shall remain valid and in full cfrecll/l1ti! sixly (GO) days afler [ have rctllrflcrl 1.0 lJllilcd Slates military conlrol following (ermilla(;ol1 of sllch stn(IlS UNLl~SS OTIIF.RWISI~ H1~VOI<r." OR TEltMIN^TIW IIY MK . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sigl1, scal, declmr., pllhli~h, IIInke alld COIlslitll(C this as and fOlmy Power or Allomcy in the pre.s('.nce of the Notnry Public witncssing it nl lilY reqllest this (!:lIe, /t2.f~/fiIJ9...u_u_..._._' ~~~. ./ .' . -.--' . .. _._:~ ~'--'-- :-. L_-. OlOolor', Signntllfe 7 WITH THE ARMED FOHCI~S AT SJ~OUL, KOREA 1,Ihe ulldersigllcd, certify (hall alii n dilly cOlmllissiolled, 1)\!:,llilied, alld authorized 1l<:1lnry public, BcrOl'cllIc pcrwnally. within the lerritorial limils of my w;m;1II1 of nlllhmily, aJ1Pcnred(,1':'h'-J:.k1I.Mlc.';':el/e_lf:.7~..D~i'~&n ill pcr~oll who is descrihed herein, w/rose IlUIIIC is subscribed to, lInd who si~lIed thir. Power or .K 1I()11H~)' as Uranlor, and whQ,'h:winp, been duly sworn, :Jckllowledged that this inslnllnent w3sexeculed aner ils contents were rend wd duly expl;)jned, and thai sHch execution was n free and voluntary lief and deed for the uses :lnd purposes herein sel forth. . Suhscribe~, f,WOfl1 to and acknowledged before mc on._/J!_~~~.!~E.._!J22.._, by .?!::JllL:?/_L!:1ichEI/e 4--kfA-~~thc grantor, who IS known 10 lIIC 10 be a member of or accolllpanying the Arllled Forces of the !(Jl1iled Slntcs, Thi!f .acknowledgment is executed in lilY ofIicial cnpacily IInder the BlIlhOl'ily grnlllcd hy Tille 10, United Stnles Code, Section 10443 which also slales that no se;!t is Icrplired 011 Ihis ncknowleclgmelll. . (s;gn)~____________ (Print) __ .1] f)L-I~l.e(?_ __,_...._.._.._____. Official Capacity ---IAr{-::__.!~L~1 j tt1 Hct. A t to~ RlIllk/( ;olllponcnl ~.I' r --;!z-IJ &Ok I.JE1[ en. JA LllALASSlSTANCE ATTORNEY ~ .' ,~ .~,t. ,. ....[ i! ;. "~~'. ~~ i 1,'/ Ii?: ;0/';..): :M,., (1.' . REEL 650 PAGE ~ /3,S.s:- , ,t 1. :':~ ~.: ~.:. . GENEJ~A.L l'()WER ()F A1'TOH.NEY :\,~ i1if~: :( . l ,I' I :; ,f . '~'fltig'r;FI ',": . , '. ' '1(.~.J!IIS1S a MILiTARY I'OWElt OF ATTOHNEY prepllred l'"r~lIallt to Tille In, Unitl~.l Slllle~ Code, Secli~1I \ lO44n IInd execnted by n per!ion :l1Ithllri1.cd It) rCI:cive leJ~lll n~~istllncc fr'oll1 the milit:1/")' snvices. Fellernl iaw exempts the Power of Atlorney fro/ll niiy rcq"jrclI1cII(of fo I' III , slIhstance, formality, or l'econJillg that is prescribed for I'owers of Altorlley lIlIder the I:\w.~ of n stllte, the Djstrict of Colll/llhln, 01' a tenltoll', COllllJlol1wc:llth, or pos.~essi()n of the United Stall's. FCIII:rallaw sJlecilics th:lllhis Power of Attorney shnll he givcn (he :o;nmc legal effet:lllS a Power of Atlol'l1('Y pl'l~I':l1'1:d and exccuted in llCt:onl:lI1ce with (he Inws of (he jlidsdiclioll where it is pre:o;ell(ed. !: . .-.-..---....-.----.. ._.,.~..._.._-----_._-_.._---_. KNOW 2J;L PP:RSONS BY 'I'll ~Sr: PIU:Sft:NTS: Thnt I, t:Jt5.J!:'~~ " '. .. ._..___.... Social Security NUl1lber .;;!i!l..~/:J{~___ ..._...n member of or f1CC01111'1r'1ying tile United SI"I~:; ^rll1,ed fce.~.. cllITel~ly ill KorcrI. do hereby apP\lilll.}i:nq/..d~.i?eY.:~~1~~.'_' pre~elltry of 1!!./gI(Jyli:::r.;;h~..dCt.k;.~.M.,j/.~r.!;>_.. l\lY Irlle lllld hwfut :lllol'llcy.nl.fnct tnln;'lll:lgc nnd conJ~~;Y ;'Ifrairs nlHI net in alllll;'lllcr~ in my n;tr'lIe ;'Ind ill lilY behalr. Such aels sll;'lll include: I. To lense, scll, usc, eSlaulish titlc IO,.register, insurc, Iransrer, 1ll0ltgilgC, l11:tintaill, lI1all:lge, pledgc, cxclwnge or otherwise . dispose of or encumuer :1I1Y a 11(1 all ofl11Y properly, reill, pcrson:ll, (lr lI1i:<ed, including 1lI0tOl' vchicles of all)' kind ond to ex.ecule .' ,lI1d deliver good and sufficient deeds or olher ins(rlllllellls for (he le;1.~e, cOl1veyancc, 1ll0ltg;'lge, I1lflinlcnane~, or 11::llIsfer of Ihe sallie, . ' 2, To buy, reccive, leilse, accept or olherwise ilequire ill illY lIilll1e ill)(J for my accounl, properly, rcal, persollnl 01' mixedupOI1 such lerms, cOlIsiderntions :llld conuilions ns my silid :llloflley-ill-fncl shnll deem :lppropri:lle. 3. To Irnllsacl all bllSillcs~ of lI1ille UII lilY bclmlf including entering 11110 cOlllr;'lcts :lnllthe Illnldng of such investmcnls as my nttorney shall decm sound, tI, To instilule nlld prosecule, or to :lI1I'Cill' :llId defend, ;'Iny cl:lilll5 or liligation involvillg IllC or illY ill leresis. This shall include, but not be limited to: the :llIlhorily to presellt n claim ngnin.~t rhe \ )J1i(cd States for 9ilmnge 10 or loss of persollal properly. 5. To prcp:lre, execute, nnt! file all lax retll1l15 alld IOl'eccivc :1l1r.1negOlintc ;'IlIln)( refulld chccks. G. To execute nil doclllnen(~ nceded ror lrnvei or my ril1l1ily nH.'ll\h('r~ nnd IrnnsportntiOIl or SIorrlgc or my property, os authorized by law nnd Milit:lry regulations; to sign for and de<1r govcrlllncl!: or other qunrters ill the best inlcrests of my f:unily members and . in accordance with law and Mililary regulntiolls. ':,' 7. To del11alld, act 10 rccover, nllll receivc, all sums of mOlley which nre now or will becomc owing or belonging to me, and to institule accounts 01\ illY behnlf and to deposit, drn\\! upon or e:<pclld sllch funds of mine as are necessnry in furthcrance of the powers granled herein. This shall include, bulnot hc limited tn, the :lulllOrity 10 receive, endorsc, cash, or deposit negolinblc .Instrumcnls tn<1de payable 10 me <1l1d drawllupOIl the TrcnslIrcr, or olher rhcal officer or depository, of the Unil~d Slnles: . :!.!\I,l(r':!'" '. . ,.1.. The "hove described powcrs arc merely examples of rile <1Ulhority glnnled by this docllmcnl :lnd nol in limilalion or definition thereof. However, illY ^gent shall hnve 110 rights 01' l.\(lwcr~ hereunder with respcct to the following: a. Life JIlSllrnnce: My ^lIorncy shall h<1ve nl} righls l}r powcrs hereunder 10 cilneel or chnnge the bCl1cficinry OrallY policy oflife insurancc owned by me. b. Filluciary Powers: My ^ltorney shnll have no rights or pOWCI~ herellndcr wilh respect 10 ;'II\Y :lei, power, duty, rigllt or obligalioll, rclntillg \0 :IllY persoll, 111;'111er, Irallsacllon or propCltYI oWlled by II\C or in \I1Y cllstody :lS:l trustee, custodian, persollal . reprcselltalive or other fiducinry e:lp:lci\y for somcone else, ' , ..... ;. 'f~ tV (! IL. ~.~.-' i~f.:-~~ (J) 1\)18: ptJ 0111 o . . ~ I IT! ~ "lJ ~ ;l: ~ ~ ~ ~;:;; "U ~~0):fj~~ ~ ~~h!~~~ ::I <:0)~ ~'6 fT1 \Q;:::~~"l::t: Ul .v' ~ ri,,-!'1~"-~Ic;)Z );':....~.... ..., .....0)~~Yl~ 0 "i::<:)) ~~ ;0 ~~:.G~~"l 3:: ~"l~~'i;'~ )>- ~f)I~ ::I L'1' ~Yl:1l-,. 0 N !:'i~ ~. z ~~8i~:);:~ .. ~~ t'j~lJj ~ ~~ '1 ;:::~ ~ :ll ~1~'~'~'~I""I~ .... s... ~ fiil:-t ""S') ~'"' lS~ ~I~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I:li: :li: ~I ~ ~ A ~ Cl I ............\111:) ~i:>I-...~~~~ ~!-<i:>I~!\if...j ~~~~~~!:: lSlS~~lSlSi . . !::i!::i. . "1 "1"1"1"1 1''1 ~ '" ,'1 z-t :-., ~~~~~~"1 ~~~~~i\;~ A:l.:l.A:l.:l.RI ~~~~~~~ I~I~~ ~~~I ....I...I....I...I....I...I~ ~~~~~~~ " ~~o ~ ,,~') i-~ \. ~ <<' \,lq b-.J.f- -y \0 ",I> q,~' 1:. ~ '\~':i-8 i-"). z 1;, '" q,' I>"fo. '" ~ '{o "" O~, ~ '" .. '0 (XJ .j>.. .1\) o I IT! .' oJ,. S-.J.Y'l> ~,,-4.~ ~ ~ S~p ~" . ~\:)~ oJ,. 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