HomeMy WebLinkAboutT W JOSEY TRAFFIC CONTROL HIGH SCHOOL PARADE T,) be comoleted bv 10'::::11 ';'f)Vernment Name ofSpi:cial Event: ~f,t} ~&'1 & l-bME-eouw6 Ef/Guj'f$ Do.ti: of Event~. (;) 9 Times ofEvem: t9:tJO .- //..Jdt:J;I'H C it)'"lCount"J: iljl~41-:p--= Smte Route No; "7 A TT ACHlVIENT to REQUEST TO INTERRUPT STATE ROUTE TRAFFIC FOR SPECLU EVENTS TO: STATE DEPARTl\ilENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TENNILLE, GEORGIA 31089 INDE:VINIFlCATION AND HOLD HARl'\ltLESS AGREEMENT Th~ und~rsigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Georgia Department of Transportation, the State I)f Georzia, irs agencies and instItlmentalitie~ and all of their respective officers, members, employe~s and direCtors (collectively referred to as the "DOTn) from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, costs or expenses, i:nduding atto!1tl:Ys' fees, ~nd from the paytnent of any i>um or sums of money to any persons whomsoever (including third persons~'or subcontractors, employee. or agents of the ~cttrsigned or of DOT), for any lO$:;; d.ue to personal injury, bodily injury, death, or propeC"t)' damage arising ,~ut of, amibutablCl to Or n:suHing from this special event Or in;my way attributable to the locatioo, construction, operation or mainrtnllnce of,he traffic: control plan approved for this re:qul::st; or due to any viola.tion af [he approval by the requesting party; oc" dUe to the application or violation of any pel'tiMn[ Federal, State or local law, rule or regulation in connection with this special event or the approv::d traftic control plan. If and to the extent such damage or loss covered by this inde:mnitication is paid by any State self-insured funds (the "Funds") eS.ablished and maintained by the State of Georgia. Department of Administrative Service5 Risk Management Division (DOAS)4.e undersigned llgtees to reimburs~ the Funds for such monies paid OUt by the Funds. The undersignl:d ac:knowli:d~es tbat tre.ffic control plans for sped:!.1 eventS C:1n be approved in sirJtltions whr:re loc3.1 Streets are on or off the Statt Route System, and thaI. the DOT makes no warr,,-my, express or implied, conc~ming the State Route System or loc31 stre~ts and roads or other .:ngineering considerations involved in approving this craffic control pian. The undr::rsignr:d further acknowlediles that the DOT has relied upon the representations made by the undersigned in requesting approval cfthe traffic concrol plan for this event, inclLJdin~ the undersigned's representations that all conditions of th~ plan shalt be met and that [hi! undersigned shall meet all DOT specifclltlOns, as well as all rdevant Federa.l, S~ace and local laws, rules or regulations in thl:: construction, maintl!:nnnce, and operation Df :he approved tnffic control plan. This indemnification 5h~1l apply where the DOT may be partially responsibh: for the siru<l.tion ~.iving rise to the claim. Requested this I tj dol y 0 f S EPtEM/3CR-J 2C'<JC( By: ULf.", f :rayor/C i ~inistrator \Vicness: .. ..;/ \ ..... ..,," S' ,_, ....~.tlIeoa ..:;~~ ~\. GEmlG\~-"'" ,......-. .....,...,~... ...........",""'.:;;,\;...., Copy and use as needed Richmond County Sheri.ffs Deputies and Richmond County Boad ofEducanon Police wi 11 lead the p:arBde and close the side streets as the parade passes. The; parade portion of 15th Street. SR 4~ was blocked for less than 15 minutes during last year's parade and it is antioip~ted to be the same this year. ~ ~~ ~~ ~t" . D.cr ~ ~ 1- '.:.