HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoccer Complex and Recreational Park Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ~ ~\e.)( ~ffi \( eLVeCr"t\c:fUJ ?J- Y 'h DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: ~I BOX NUMBER: C) ~ FILE NUMBER: \ 60<6 Y' : NUMBER OF PAGES: c9\O I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I' I I I I I January 19, 1997 ~;.t # /3/Jl;/ ~ ..- ~ ~- Soccer Complex and Recreation Park Maddox Road PREPARED FOR .Augusta-Richmond County Commission. Parks and Recreation Department Augusta, Ga. 30911 1 - -:.-, PREPARED BY JOHNSON, LASCHOBER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ., , JLA PrQject No.42.602 ~i,. <, ~ 'I -, ,i .: \ \ . - , .~ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS' . .' - ". ", AlA Document Al11 Performance Bond \ . KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Blair Construction, Inc. IHtI' ,nUll Ivll n"... .nd .dd,," 01 ".., ',II, 01 ConllOClotl PO Box 770, Evans, Georgia 30809 IS Principal, herelnaft'!r called Contractor, and, American Casualty CompanY of Reading, [H", lI'\ull fvll n,tn, .nd .ctd"" 0' 1'1,1 1111, 01 ~","l..,.l Pennsylvania, CNA Plaza, Chicago, Ill. 60685 ~s Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Augusta-Richmond County ., . 530 G St t IHt,t ,~.." 'vII n."', .nd tdd'tll 0' Itl.1 "II, 01 0-", CommIssIon-CouncIl, reene ree Municipal Building, Augusta, Georgia 30911 IS Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, In the amount of Eig-ht Hundred Fifteen Thousand and no/1 OOs----------------------------------- Dollars ($ 815,000.00 ), for the payment where()f Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement dated eM". III'''' Ivll 11Im., Iddrtll IlId d~'(rlp'ioll of proj.cll Soccer Complex and Recreational Park '9 , entered into a contract wilh Owner for In accordanee with Drawings and SpecificatIons prepared by Associates, PC, PO Box 2103, Augusta, GA 30903 Johnson, Laschober & CH", ""\"1 full n.m, .nd .dd"u 0' 1'1.1 1111, 01 A'Chdf'CIJ I I "; ~ wt;tch contract Is .by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. Cis byY;~ ,to ~/--<k I..~esi.dent agent A'A OOCUMfNT AJ11 . rrRfORMAN([ BOND AND lA8()R ^NO "\AHRI^l PAYMFNl Bnso . AlA ~ HBRUARv 11)"0 [D.' TH[ A"'FIUC"N I/,;STITUTE OF ^RCHIT[CT~. 1- \~., Y A,.j . N W. WA'>HI"\.ll IN 0 C )fX)()t, 1 -. ;;. " . ".. I . PERFORMANCE BOND ) l' NOW. 1HrRUORr. THE CONDITION Of THIS OlllCATION is such Ih'l, if Conlractor slHII nromplly and .Idllhlully p~rform uid Conlrac!. Inen this obligalion shJII be null and void: olh('(w'\(' " ,hJII '('mJ'" ." lull to', \ .d.d .'!I(OI' The Surety hereby wllves nolice o( .ny illei.tion or extension 01 lime made by the Owner. Whenever COnlrAC\Or ah,lI be, ,nd declired by Owner 10 be in delavll under tne Conlract, Ine Owne' .havlng performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the SU(('ly m,y promplly remedy Ihe delault, or sh,lI promplly ') Complele Ihe ConlrlCt i" accordance with ilS lerms llnd condilions, or 2) Obl.in I bid or bida for completin8 the Contract In accord. nee with Its terms and conditions, and upon de. termination by Surety 01 lhe lowest responsiblt> blddel. or, if the Owner elects, vpon delerminalion by Ihe Owner ,nd the Surety jointly 01 lhe lowest responslblt> bidder, ,mnge lor a conlr"l belwun such bidder and Owner, and m.lr.e available IS Work progresses {even Ihouah Ihere should be a delault or a succession of Slsned And st',led this day of def.ults unde; ilic c6nlr4cl or CClr.llrach 01 (omnl~\I0n '/I,ng('d unci(', Ih" \.>.I'J~',\Uh\ ,,,1(., .('''1 (\I"d, \1\ pJY Ih~ Cosl of complet,on le\s Ihl' h,\IJn(t' 01 Ihe ,onll.( I pll("(' but nOI eHt>ed,nll, .n,lurl,n!.: IIlhr' lOll, ,Inn UJm,q,:r, lor \o'lwhl(h Ihr )u,('lv mJ\ hi' If,.I)I\' nr'I,,\/nc1l'/ Ihf' .lmIIU". \el to"t> "' Ihl;' 1'"1 I','''\:' Jj)h 1..."",1 I 'll' I.'or" 1..IJne ,. 01 (h t ton". (I p" ( C. J' u \ ~ d ." ,,,., /l J ' ., \:' J ~ n ,h _II me.n Ii'll' 101.11 ,mOunl pJYdhlr by ()wnt',.I" ('O""HIO' under Ihe Conl,.,1 Jnd Jny ..m~ndme'"'' '''1''('111. 11'\' Ihe amounl properly p.,d by Owner 10 (O,n""Clor Any lUll undt'( 11'1,\ bond mU\1 be ,nll"l.Jlt'd ht'IO(E' Ihe exp"'llon of Iw() (I' ,ed" I,n", Ih(' (j..I(' on whiCh f,ndl pdymt>nl under Ihr (onl'H I i,llll dup NO ('1~hl of aCllon IhJl1 _e IIIJl' (I" ,h.. ~""c1 Ihe ule of dny pello" (1' I (\'O"'J""" (1lh"1 Own", r'ldmed h(',(',n '" .hp I,C'." ",(,( ulO" I(alo'\ or succe\\or\ 01 Ih(' Ownl" III lJf 10' I hJ" I hr .JOI"T"\If"'\" 19 Blair Construction, Inc. ~ ~ ~' ~-;-u~~-~ 1 "'1111\'/1,1/" .'::,': ~,~. ~ - --___ I" ~....... ~ ___~/,. IWj'nc')~' I J 1./1/1' /? I. ~~!: ~' 5~ ~ ~.~ ..J"J3~)J)J!i-t7/YY\ 1\ ~~_ _ ~- .- 0 -, -:-=--'-~ .""", .r:r--.,..i-;7;V--~'~~ ~ Casua 1 ty compan;:-;' _ ~./ PennSYlvania IU~ ~~ IWi. ))1 American Reading, \ B~[ ." 'BUCK La i gf:V I.' III.... \ . ,''',11t -I ,t -..."",. \~"::1\J ., /: ~' f_1\~~\. _~-----"'.'. 14..~ A t~'~n'e ~,~~i n :".Fa c t .~.~l:J ~~...,.;". ~f--'. , ~ $:./ .~~,~ ~; \~ ^ ~L{;~; ?:~. ~-. ~>.J ~-.. . ...no: c.'S ~ """ - . ;c?, -::.. ~~-.....= ~ '..;.' .. ~ ~ "~,,\ ~-,~ . ..~- ~ "f~ ~I....~ ~/~ ..... I~. 11.""'~-'--_.'J/_ .' '.ff,p:',:; ;~"',.~ , 1 ,II,'"' AlA DOCUM'....T AlII, NUORMANC! 90NO '...NO lABOR AND M"'l(RIAI PAYM(NT 8()Nn ' r(1\W.U^Il~ 'f)~1I lD ' TH( ^M[~ll^N IN~T\lUTl (If ^1l(III1IC I' "\'. N Y "vI. ./ W .."...,,,,....., ".'. , ~ ~:..~~~ t ...". . " (I- ~ . ... , . ,. . . .' THE AMERICAN~INSTITUTt.. OF ARCHITECTS } ., " . . AlA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS BOND IS ISSUID SIMULTANEOUSlV WITH PERFORMANCE 80ND IN. fAVOR OF THE OWNER CONDITIONED ON THE FULL AND F^ITHFUl PERFORMM,CE Of THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Blair Construction, Inc. (Melt '''\tit 'vII ".m, ,ntJ uJd'r\~ 0' 11'1'/ Illle 01 ContlHIOtl PO Box~770, Evans, Georgia 30809 II Principal, hereinafter called Principal, and, American Casualty Company of Reading, IHele In"It 'ull tume' .nd .dd,cu Of le,.1 1I1le 01 S""CIYI Pennsylvania, CNA Plaza, Chicago, Ill. 60685 , . is Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Augusta-Richmond County Commission-Council, 530 Greene Street (Hflt ,nItti/vii n.mt .nd Iddlfll OlltJtll,.lt 0/ Ownfl) Municipal Building, Augusta, Georgia 30911 IS Obligee. hereinafter called Own<<!r, (or the use and benefit or claimants i\S hereinbelow defined. in the amount of. Eight Hundred Fifteen Thousand and no/100s (HI" III"" . IU'" ,quII 10 .. I.." Oll,.h,ll 01 ,h, conI/HI p,let) Doll a rs ($ 8 1 5 , 000 . 00 ), for the payment whereof Principal and Surety bind themselves. their heirs. executors. administrators. Successors and assigns, jointly and severally, (irmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has by written agreement dated (He" 111'"1 full IlIn". Idd"" Ind dtlC"pllon 01 Ploj'Cll Soccer Complex and Recreational Park '9 . entered into a contract with Owner for In Iccordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by Associates, PC, PO Box 2103, Augusta, GA 30903 which contract .Is by reference made a part hereof, and is Johnson, Laschober & IHr't inlrlllvll n,!mt .nd .dd,tll o,.ir,tl i111. 01 A'ch,lfCll .~. .~ , hereinafter referred to as the Contract. AlA DOCUMENT A311 . PERFORMANCE BONO ^ND L^80R AND MAHRIAl P^Y,'v\fNT BOND . A!A i!l fE8RU^RY 1~~O ED.' THE ^M(RIC^"~ INSTITUl{ Of ,~RCHITECTS, 17)) N Y ^VE., N W. W^SH"'C TON. 0 C 10006 ") ...) WARNINQ: UnlloenMcl photocopying vlolat" U.8, copyright 1_ Ind II lubltctto I~II proMCutlon, '\ '"\ ""-~ >>: ..' , LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND I, NOW, Tli(Uf(lIt(. TH[ C()NDITION 0' THIS 'OBlIC^T10N 'is such thai, i( Piincip:lI sh:lll promptly niI:lk~ p~ymenl 10 all cl,)imanl\ ,)\ herein,)lter defined, (or all I"bor and m.)leri;d used or rea\onably required for u~e in Ihe pe'rfofmJnGe of Ihe ConlrH:I, Ihen Ihi\ obligalion sh..II be void; olherwise il shJII remain in lull (orce Jnd eHecI, subjecl. howevc', 10 the (01. lowin~ condilions: '., ! .B~ / d~-< Buck Lei~h" mtll') ,I -. /\\;"~~ ~'~ :~J ~ ''', \-"\ ~ ~1. '~If'--''''''__ .:,.'/~ ~~~~1:'r~ ",/'v;"~ -.......!''' ~ ~;: ^~~<{> ~..:...:...., ~ ~t .....".- ~' . ,r At t:or:n:ei-:=: i n ":'-Fact - ~ o.:rt-~ ~.;. ~ r~ % ~~i:J k I'.:-t --- )';---... . ~..,._. ,.41 "_ A/4 DOCUMrNT A)11 ' l'r1r(OAM^NCC DON() ^ND '^flOW ^Nt) Io.,^HWIM "^YM(NTR()ND . ^I^ 18l~ ~;;:;:., '" ,.;,2':-- r(UllU^llY 1~]1I (1).. lH! ^M(RIC^N INSTiluH ur ^WCHII(C1S,.17 1\ N.Y. ^V!., N.W, W^St1INCTON, I) C /IU;)(, \.~~>~~.___ __~_,-:A'" ....~.,., ... /:~..... I "'.-.,. ". "': " . " ^ c1:1im:lnl Is defined u one having I direct con- trHI wilh Ihe Principal or wilh a Subcontractor of ,he Principal fur IJbor, malerial, or bOlh, used or reasonJbly lequired lor use in the perform:lnce o( lhe ConlrJCl. labor and malcri~1 beinR conslrued to include Ih~1 pJrt 01 w,)ltr, SH, f)ower, lighl. heat, oil, gasoline. lelC'f)hone service (,JI renldl o( equir>menr direclly app'.ioble 10 lhe Conlr.cl. 2, The Jbove n.1mecJ Principal and Surety herehy JOinlly ,)ncJ severally JKree wi!h Ihe Ownl.'r IhJI eVl:ry claim,)nl a~ herein defined. who hJS nor been r~ici in lull belore Ihe expiralion o( " period o( ninl:ly (90) c1JYs .)II&-r Ihc cJ~lC on which Ihc lasr o( such cl,lim,'''I'~ \Vor~ Or IJbol was done or performed, or mJlt'riJls wrrr lurnished by such clc\im:lnt, mJY sue on Ihis bond lor .he u\e o( such cloljm~nl, pro~ecule the suil 10 linJI iudS'menl lor such sum or ~lIms as mJY be ;uslly due c1aimanl, and hJve exe(ution rhereon, The Owner slt,)11 nOI be liable lor the payment o( any COSlS or CXrel1\('s o( :lny such suil. 3. Nn suit or action sh~1I be commenced hereundt.r by J~y cl:limant: al Unless c1;lilTlanl, olher lh.ln <me h:lving iI direct conlrJCI wilh lhe Principal, shall h"ve given wrille" nOlice 10 ~Ily IwO 01 Ihe lollowing: the I'rincip~l, rhe Ownrr. or the Surely Jbove n,)med, wilhin ninety (90) days aller su(h clJ;manl did or performed Ihl.' last o( Ihe wOlk or Ic\hor. or (urnished Ihe lasl o( the maleriJls (or 'which Solid claim is m:lde, Haling with subSlanliJI Signed and $caled this day or c;L-~-;~ IWi,nl'U) 711 ~ ~/' <~--ed L--> .......- IWiln .\) accuracy the :lmount claimed Jnd the name o( the puty 10 whom Ihe ma leriJls well;' rllfnilheu, ur (or whom Ihe work or labor wJS done or ['erformec1 Such notice shall be serve'd by mc\ilinb Ihe I.lme by Il'g'llered mJil or cerli(ied mail; pOSlJge rH('J"lJid, in In envelope ad. dressed 10 lhe Principal, Owne, 01 Su,ely. .11 any place where an ollice is rebulJlly mJinlJinec! fOl Ihe lIan\. aClion 01 business, or \erved in ,)ny mJnne, in which legal process may be served in Ihe Slale ,n which llle aforesaid proit'cl is loealed, IJve Ih,)1 such lervice need nOI be mJde by J public oH'Cl'r b) Atler Ihe expirJlion or nnt' III ye.l' ",llow,ng the dJle on which Plinclf)al Cl'.11l'clWo,k on I.l,d Con Ira", it being underslOod, howev('/. i1'JI il Jny 1.""IJllon tm, budied in thi s bond i I P ,uh ib II ed by ~ l1y 1.1'" con I rollln b the conSllllClion hereof \(IC" I,mdalinn ~",1" I)e cieemed 10 be ~mencJed so JS 10 be ('1(l/,1' 1(1 Ii'll' m"'''l\um ptriod u( limit.llion permilleci by IUlh 1.1w cl Olher IhJn in J It~le C(Jl/'1 01 compele'''1 JUflldiction in ~nd (or Ihe counly or DlhL'f polili",1 lubd,vi~ion or Ihe stale in which the ProJect, or any pJrl ,hereof, is silualed, or in lhe Uniled SI~les Di~llicl Courl (or Ihe' diwicl in which the Project, 01 Jny pJII 'hereof, is silo u~led, and not elsewhere, 4. The JmOunl o( Ihi~ hond \hJII bl: '('c!uced by and 10 Ihe exlenl of .ny pJymenl l)/ f'l.lyme"ll mJcle ,n ~ood (Jilh hereunder, inclu~ive or Ihe pJymell1 Ily Surely of mechJnics' liens which mJy be liled of r('cord againSl said improvemenl, whelher or not claim for Ii'll' amounl o( such lien be presenled under and ag~in~1 Ihis bond. 19 , Blair Construction, Inc. _,.\',- ~,,' ,,' ! '1'IinCI(l~/I' ~. "" ';. . . \AA 1;. t,~ ;:j":: ~:{ ~ 1 ~ . -- - '-'-f r- JJ ~~ t(, -/A ( il~iq~ ~_~~ IS"Ii~ ; - ';.'" '- , .,. American Reading '. Casualty Company Pennsylvania (SUII'I'!) of I~ull I . American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania c,wNA For AU the Commitments You Mak~ Offices/Chicago, illinois . POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY.IN.FACT Know All Men by these Presents, That AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA. a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and having its principal office in the City of Chicago. and State of Illinois, does hereby make, constitute and appoint James 0, Thaxton, Theodore J. Marek, Robert A. Johnson, Buck Leigh, Individually of Columbia, South Carol ina its true and lawful Attorney-in.Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute in its behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature - ln Unl im1ted Amounts - and to bind AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by the duly authorized officers of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-Law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company, . "Article VI-Execution of Obligations and Appointment of Attorney.in.Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney.in.fact. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys.in.fact to act in behalf of the Company in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys.in.fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company. thereto. The President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney.in-fact." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By-Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond or undertaking to whiCh it is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." In Witness Whereof, AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA has caused these presents 10 be signed by its Group Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this Z9fn day of ,'Novemoer , 19 ~ . AMERICAN CASUAL COMP NY OF EADING, PENNSYLVANIA ~~~~ ~\~'(Il.:a ~\ M' 11 ! ~ lID! " . . State of Illinois } ss County of Cook Group Vice President. On this 29th day of November . 19~, before me personally came M,C. Vonnahme, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the Village of Oarien, State of Illinois; that he is a Group Vice President of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. My CERTIFICATE I, John M. Littler. Assistant Secretary of AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING PENNSYLVANIA, do certif at e Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that Section 2 of the Article VI of the By-Laws of the Co pany and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in said Power of Attorney are still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribe.: my name and affixed the seal of the said Company this day of .19 _' 8-23142-0 -=: '.... THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON'THE CERTIFICATE' HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER SUTTER McLELLAN & GILBREATH 3861 Holcomb Bridge Road P. O.Bol: 921488 Norcross GA 30092 COMPANY A Transcontinental Ins. Co. INSURED Blair Construction Inc .P. O. BOl( 770 COMPANY B Ellans GA 30809 COMPANY C COMPANY D COVe#AGES:'::'.:::.:;"",:,::::,,;,:,:,,:,;,;,:,;,;)::)i:(:':i':i::::::m::f::f::::mm:mf::m::::'ffff::::::::::::::::::::::::m;:;:;:,;:;:::;:,:::;::::::;;::::;:::;:::::;:;:::,\:::\,:::::::::;:;:;::::::':::::::::::::::::':::/\:,:':'::.::':.::::\:r:,/::\::(:::;:;:;:;::::",}:,/},::,:::{;::;;:;::::::::::.::;:::::':':':"::';:::.:>:':::'::::/,+:::.:;:,:',..::::::::::::;,;,}::;:,::::'?::(.. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING AN,Y REQUI.REMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 'IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. . CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER Lm A ~ERAL LIABILITY. CO .1035739868 ]{ COMMERCiAl GENERAL LIABILITY :i:.... j CLAIMS MADE o OCCUR - OWNER'S & CONl:RACTOR'S PROT ~OMOBILE L1ABILIlY _ ANY AUTO _ ALL OWNED AUTOS _ SCHEDULED AUTOS _ HIRED AUT.OS _ NON.OWNED AUTOS ~AGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO -- EXCESS LIABILITY ~r~MBRELLA FORM . OTIiER TIiAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' L1ABILlTY- TIiE PROPRIETOR! RINCL PARTNERS.qECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL , OTIiER A Leased &/or Rented Equip C01035739868 $75,000. per item $150,000. max - $1000 ded . DESCRIPTION OF OPERAnONStlOCATlONSNEHICLESISPECIAlHEMS POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YV) DATE (MM/ODffY) LIMITS 12/31/96 12/31/97 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS COMPIOP AGG $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Any ona nra) S MED EXP (Any ona person) $ 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1 ,,000,000 50,000 5,000 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT . BODILY INJURY (Par ,person) $ BODILY INJURY (Par aee/danl) . . 'PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDENT S , OTIiER THAN AUTO ONLY: \:;.' . S S EACH OCCURRENCE S AGGREGATE S $ I T'f!,~VS,~~-m~ I 1'1,~-I::'.. ...::.,:. ..; EL EACH ACCIDENT S EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYEE $ 12/31/96 12/31/97: ::cgfifiF16AJliIHbt6gfi?::::::::::::?::::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::??////:::::j:::::::::::::::::j:::::::::::::::j:::j:?/:i?/:/:j{{{:/:{/:j'CAijc~ttA1ibN::::::::::::?::j:j:j:j:j:j:)::r::::m:):/:::r:::::::j:):/):})::r::ml::j:::):):)m/m:::::::::}::}::::::::::::::::):):::}):}//}/}}}:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:} SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE TIiE Augusta GA 30906 EXPIRATION DATE ~EREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRlmN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO TIiE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO. OBLIGATION OR"L1ABILlTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AU1l-IORlZEO REPRESENTATIVE Marte. C. Jaynes, CSP ...0;~{(H:~~ .j~r~ Richmond County License & Inspection Dept. P.O. BOl( 6399 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " , j', January 19,1997 Soccer Complex and Recreation Park Maddox Road PREPARED FOR Augusta-~chmond County Commission Parks arid Recreation Department Augusta, Ga. 30911 PREPARED BY JOHNSON, LA SCHOBER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AUGUSTA,- GEORGIA JLA PrQject No.42.602 '" I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Soccer'Com~ and Recreation Park' Maddox Road Augusta-Richmond County Title Index to Specifications Invitation To Bid Bid Form Instruction To Bidders General Conditions Supplementary General Conditions Standard Form of Agreement Notice fo Award 'Notice to Proceed Application for Payment Change Order . Certificate of Substantial Completion , Division Division 1 01010 01027 01030 01050 01200 01300 01400 01700 Title GENERAL REOUIREMENTS summary of Work Applications for Payment Alternates Field Engineering Project Meetings Submittals Quality Control Project Closeout I I I I I I I I' - ,,, . , I I I Division 2 SITEWORK 02110 02200 02510 02511 02520 02700 02810 02831 02900 , Site Clearing Earthwork Water Distribution Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Portland Cement Concrete Paving Storm Drainage Irrigation Systems " Chain Link Fences and Gates Landscaping ., ' Dvision 16 ELECTRICAL 16050 16120 '16130 16195 16452 16470 16525' 16670 . ' Basic Electrical Materials and Methods . . .~'"' Conducto~s' and Cables Raceways and Boxes Electrical Identification .. Grounding " . Panelboards . . " . . E?cterior Lighting , Lightning Protection Index to Drawin2s , , . , , , " ::"":,\'" Drawing Nii~b'er;.;_:c,~."'~~'; L'"'Drawing Title. I' :',.' ',,:,'. y . ",....,,' .'.' ," .,..' .' . " , . <:S.1 ..., . ," . ',' Cover Sheet CO.1 Boundary & Topographic Survey C 1.1 , Layout Plan & Utility Plan C 1.2 Grading Limits Plan Cl.3 Grading & Drainage Plan C2.1 Miscellaneous Profiles C3.1 Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plan C3.2 Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Notes & Details C4.1 Miscellaneous Details C4.2 Miscellaneous Details C4.3 Miscellaneous Details E 1.1 Field Lighting Site Plan El.2 Roadway Lighting Site Plan E2.1 Field Lighting Pole Plans E2.2 Electrical Details I I I I I I I , :"~ '. .:..1....:. ~ ,~ Bidding documents may be obtained'at the office of the engineer, Iohnson,.Laschober & Associates, ,'", P.C., Consulting: Engineers". 1296' Broad,. Street,.,. Augusta".Georgia.:,3090L. Applications" for" documents,. together: with: a',deposit.of.$5,O. 00" per. set shall be"filed, promptly"with;.the;, engineer~"". . Bidding material, will be forwarded, .shipping charges. collect, as soon.as"poss!ble. , The full amount '.. I of deposit for one set will be refunded to each general contractor who submit~ a bon, a fide. bid upon. ' , " return of such set in good condition within 30 days after date of opening of bids. All other deposits, ., . " ,~ ::J..:fj,~.~;;., will be' refunded;,with':deductions'approximating:cost-of:reproduction.of:documents uponrretum1oL::r ;" .' .' same in good condition within 30 days after date of opening bids. Bid.documents may be viewed at I the following locations: The Augusta Richmond County Commission Purchasing Department, The..- .. ..;" ,-x',;. Engineer's ,Office;: Dodge Plan Room;.Augusta, Builder's Exchange ,and:, the: CSRkBusiness League;,. .' ,: I Office. I I I I I I I I B R. I I I I I I INVITATION TO BID Bid Item #97-013, Soccer Complex and Recreation Park, Maddox Road - Project No. 42602 Sealed proposals from General Contractors will be received by the Augusta-Richmond County Commission, Purchasing Department, Room 605, Municipal Building, 530 Greene Street, Augusta, Ga. 30911, until-3- p.m. legally prevailing time on Februaty 27 r 19-21 for th~ construction of: Soccer Complex and Recreation Park Maddox Road . ' At the time and place noted above the proposals will be publicly opened and r~ad. No extension of the bidding period will be made. -, 'I"~'. Contract, ifawarded;,wilLbe on.a lump.sub.basisi,.,No.bid,may~bewithdrawn.for.aperiod of45 days." ;, after time has been' called ,on the.date:ofopening., Bids must be accompaniedby,a bid.bond and.in.; '., an amount not less than ,100.10 ofthe.base,bid:,Botha performance bond and,a'payment..bond,will:.be:.... required in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. ' The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. Please mark Bid Item # and Project Name on the outside of the envelope. GERI A. SAMS, Purchasing Director Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Government Augusta Chronicle - January 28, February 4, 12,20 Augusta Focus - February 6,20 Metro Courier - February 12, 19 , , I .II .II . . . . . iiii - - = .. ,01> 3. / BID FORM Date: J:EIU 11.4g,y 2.'~I'997 PROJECT NAME: Soccer Complex and Recreation Park Maddox Road TIllS BID IS SUBMIITED TO: Augusta-Richmond County Commisssion Purchasing Department, Room 605 Municipal Building 530 Greene Street Augusta, Ga. 30911 1. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to eriter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price ~d wjtbin the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and '. InStiuctions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for forty-five days after the day of Bid opening. BIDDER will sign and submit the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen days after the date of OWNER'S Notice of Award. , , In submitting this Bid, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that: a. :B~DDER has examined copies' of ali the Bidding'Documents and of the following .Addenda. (receipt.of all Which is hereby aclqlO~l~dged};- Date F'~All..y l~~, 19')? Number J b. BIDDER has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and aJllocal conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. c. BIDDER has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations~ investigations, explorations,testsand studies which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions at th~ site or otherwise flLll\lC:\42601\ADUIN\SPECSIIllO.F1lN , , -' --- - - - - .. d. -- - - ,- .. . .. .. - / may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accOrdance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar information or data are or will be required by BIDDER for such purposes. BIDDER has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities ~t or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports or similar informat!on or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by BIDDER in order to perform and furnish the WORK at the Contract Price, within the Contract. Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4.3 of the General Conditions. ,BIDDER has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Documents. ~ . r BIDDER has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to BIDDER. ' g. This bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; BIDDER has not solicited or induced any'person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over OWNER. .. . ~. FlLl!\K:\41601V.DMIN\SPl!CS\BID,f1U,I (f -I I ~I 1 I 11 I I: I. J7',~~", .' _ r . '. J:.........'; : y-- ~' / . 4. BIDDER will complete the WORK for the following price(s): BASE BID -$8 J~Dnn~OC) lo,.(!,'-o Base bid includes a ten thousand dollar ($10,000) allowance for paying Owner Selcted Testing Agency as required by Supplementary General Conditions. Add Alternate 1 Add field lighting for FIELD NO.2 Add 4 3.'-'; l o4.on Alternate No. 1 a .. I .~ ii Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.2 to a IILight- Structure Systemll as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, po!etop luminaire assembly using uSportscluster-2u..Iuminaires, , electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. .~ ! . AdcL$ 2.. c.,l,.e, .00 . . Alternate No.2 Add field lighting for FIELD NO.1 . Add 4> 44.0..$ I.n~ " . Alternate No. 2a . . Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO. 1 to a ULight- Structure SystemU as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using uSportscluster-2u luminaires, electrical components ~nclosure) and wire harness. n . -. "Ada~ , 01 <1,00 , . Alternate No.3 Add field lighting for FIELD NO.4 .. .. Add .f. 3C), "ff40,OO . Alternate No. 3a Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO. 4 to a ULight-Structure ."".....".'" System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, tel,~phonecn~2) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, .poletop luminaire FlLI!\K:\41601\ADMIN\SPI!CS\BID.1'RM I I I I 11 i ,I i ;jl , . II II II sl il ,I ~ all II II' II II - assembly ushtg "Sportsclust~r-2" lumiruures, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. . Alternate No.4 Add field lighting for FIELD NO.5 Alternate No. 4a Add 4 I {")n~ ~ (;) C , Add-f ~gJ ~~.c:o Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO. 5 to a "Light-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986, ' System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and' wire harness:' . " . J\!ternate No.5 , Add field lighting for FIELD NO.3 Alternate No. 5a Add -4> (. on 0, on Add,f> LjL) 4!A'?,t:/O Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO. 3 to a "Light-Structure Systemll as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include' precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. . A~d_.f '.0 I? .I'>n . .... . Alternate No.6 Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELDS NO. 6,7 to aULight-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986, System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. ,Add-/> ~9q.tJO flLEIK:\41601IADMIMSPI!CSI8ID.FRM II . . d . II II III II II . . . . . . . . . / Alternate No. 7 Add paving to Parking Lots A, B ,and D and delete 1 1/2" of stone base and concrete header curb. Add J; J () DC> f!'), rY') , Alternate No. 7a Deduct asphalt paving and concrete header curbs to limit shown on drawings. Asphalt on ac~el\decellane shall remain. Deduct t. 2...', 00 a~ O~ Alternate No. 8 Add.treated wood border and 4" of stone screenings for nature/jogging'trail' in. areas indicated on drawings. Add--f ..53,400.00 Alternate No.9 Add to installl 1/2" asphalt paved nature/jogging trail on existing prepared coIrip~cted earth subgrade in areas indicated on drawings. Add-4 .:37_,000,00 Alternate No. lO Provide temporary Irrigation water, including all supply lines complete and all costs of water including the meter and water costs of the serving utility if water service is notavailaele at Maddox ~oad by Iune 1, 1997. . Add f 1..6 oon. r:>n , The Owner may dect to accept any Add Alternate, and incorporate sum as a Change Order. Contractor shall notify the Owner when the decission of ac'cepting an Add Alternate must be made for the Contractor to be able to hold the stated "Add Cost" in the above bid form. However, the decission of Add Alternate No. 10 will notbe made until May 15 unless the Contractor notifies the Owner that an 'earlier date is required to accpmplish the Scheduled planting of the soccer fields. flLE\K:'42602IADMlI/ISPECS\810.FRM III II . . . I . . . . . ill ..... . II III d ~ --- =- ~ ~ -- ~! ~ , . / Unit Price Schedule to ,be used if required by the Engin.eer in- developing Change Order. 1. Sidewalk.... ........... .'.......... ....... ......... ... .................................. ----10.1>;1;., ~C:::;:() /sq. ft. 2. 6" Crush ~ stone compacted in place................................. f ?nD /sq. yd. 3. 6' Chain Link Fence Complete In Place..........................................:..~ I 2-,00 / ft. 4. 4' Chain Link Fence Complete In Place............................................. ~ &./, 1_C, / ft. 5. ' 1 1/2" Type E Asphalt Complete In Place.................................... ~". ~~ /sq. yd. 5. BIDDER agrees that the Work will be substantially complete and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions on or before July 15, 1997 after notice to , proceed and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 1~4. 13 of th~ General Conditions on or before ' August 15 ,19 97 . ' 6. The following documents are attached to and made a condition of,thisBid: a)} Bid Bond b)' Bidder's Qualification Statement 7. Communications concerning this Bid shall be addressed to: WlLUA./-.^-' 2..'~T/Me.1L The address of BIDDER indicated below. "J..1.J\.' JZ. c.t)Al ST~ DC_TIOAl," ~ - . ~.D, 'RO'll ??D €.JIAAJ.c:. r.,.~.L)" r~,A' -~O~9 .' . 8. The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the General Conditions of the Construction , , Contract included as part of the Contract Documents have the meanings' assigned to them in the General Conditions. .. . SUBM1.TTED Qn , - flLI!\K;\41601IADMINISPECSlBID,f'RM I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I 1<- I I I " r If BIDDER is: / An Individual By (Individual's Name) doing business as Business address: ".t",,_ Phone.No.: A Partnership By .. (Individual's Name) (general partner) Business address: 'Phone No.: A Corporation By By (Corporation Seal) Attest'7IJJ.A A 7n(~ L~ 71 (Secretary) P,n.~)l 7?D ' e:..\lAAlS ('~~I21'.JA. :~o.809 , ')D{..-sv:..~ -lq,sD Business address: Phone No.: ' A Joint Venture .' By , . (Name) . - . (Address) (Name) (Address) By (Each joint venturer must sign. -The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and . . corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above). FlLl!\IC:\416lnIADMIN\SPECSIBID.F1l.N I r I:' I I I I (;. I I I I I I I I I I I I ---THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH\TECTS / " AlA Document A310 Bid Bond KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thatwe Blair Construction, Inc. .HI'I I~UII l\lltl n.m, ,n&J "uO",'" (I' lCloI' 1:I~t ",I (.r,""'(\OI. PO Box 770, Evans, Georgia 30809 al Principal, hereInafter caUed the Prlnclpal, and American Casualty Company of Rea'ding, ~ (~.,. ,,,,,,, 1,,11 ft."" 'I'\U .dcJf,\\'QI 1,'~.1 '.li" 1')1 \\11"'. Pennsylvania, CNA Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60685 a corporation duly organIzed under the laws of the Sta te of Pen n s y lva n i a . as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unlO Augusta-Rlchrnond County commission-Council, 530 Greene Street IH.,. .n"'llull nom. .no .ull'n' u' "'1,1 "'Ie 110 u_n." ,Municipal Building, Augusta, Georgia 30911 ,. u Obligee, hereInafter called the Obligee, In the sum of Ten percent of amount bld "ocr' , Dollars ($ 10% of bid;), for the payment of whIch sum well and truly to be made. the said Principal and the said Surety, bi~d ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and asslg"~, ioinlly illld ~t:Vl.:I.t1:..,.. film:'" -by these p'resents. WHEREAS, the Principal has lubmltted a bid for Soccer ;.~,~~,P,t,~~~o~~~",~;;,~if.,~,~,~"~'?,l},,,,~t~rk, Maddox Road , , NOW, THEREfORE, If the Obligee shall accept the bid of Ihe Principal and Ihe Prlncip.1 sh.1I enler inlO . Contr.cl wilh Ihe Obligee inlCcordance with lhe terms 01 such bid. and give such bond O' bonds H mdy be \I.ecil..,d oil Ih,: hlddlng or Conlll" OncumenlS wilh food and suHicienl surely tor Iht liilhful lJellu.m.H,r:c III such CIH"'d<l ~OHI IVI III" Il.umpl paymenl 01 labor and maleria lurnished in Ihe proseculion Ihetfol. 01 .n Ihe ev,,'" 01 Ihe lidol" ..1 tht I',,"(O/lil lei tnle' such Conlllcllnd give such bond or bonds. if lhe Principalsh.1I PlY 10 Ihe Oblig~e Ihe diHerence ""I 10 t.(t:l'd rl'l' /ll.nally hereol belween Ihe Imounl specified in uld bid Ind luch Ilrllet Imounl lu, whoch Ihl: Obloll"" III.)' III IIliull '.oln f..,II1/HI wllh anolhe' puly 10 p.,lolm Ihe WOlk covered by uid bid. Ihen Ihis ohlogllllln shill be null intJ yuoo. u'h"twl'l: IU ":"'I.n In full force and .Heel. .' " . .. . Pebruary 19 97 Ciay of , II. - SI8ned and leahtcrthll 27th . .." . Blair Construction, Inc. \ ",'nc1.,I) . .L.I ':JO~A R il'~f ~A American Casualty Company of \Reading, Pennsylvania - . (Surety) ~ ~/'d~~ " Buck Leigh ti 'CTltlt) Attot~~y-in:Fact " .~) ~CA~ ~,~ ,- 'iWfi;~;),- 71r ~ . ~ ~ # :S.-4'~ ~A.Aj CWIIIIfIJ) (Se./) AlA DOCUMENT A3'O:~:8ID BONO. AlA e. FEBRUARY 1970 (0'" .THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECTS. 17)S N.V. AVE.. N.W., W^S~\II...GlON. O. (. 10001> .. \:":-!.:~'; '''! "r .~c~,.. , ,. I I I I I I I I I I 11 II II (I fl 1'1 'I I POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL A TIORNEY -IN-FACT Know All Men By These Presents, That CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, an IUinois corporation, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, a connecticut corpora6on, 'AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA. a Pennsylvania corporation (herein collectively called "the CNA Surety CompaniB$"), are duly organized and existing cQrporations having their principal offices in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, and that they do by virtue of the signature and seals herein affixed hereby make, constitute and appoint James D. Thaxton, Theodore J. Marek, Buck L ':>" , GA Weathersb , Individuall of Columbia, South Carolina their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact with tun power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute for and on their behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instrUments of similar nature _ In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind them thereby as tully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by a duly authorized officer of their Corporations and all the acts of said AttorneYl pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the By-Laws and Resolutions. printed on the reverse hereof, duly adopted, as indicated, by the BQBI'ds of Directors of the corporations. In Witness Whereof, the CNA Sureties Companies have caused these presents to be signed by their Group Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 21 st day of January . ~. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA ~~ M.C. Vonnahme Group Vice President State of IUinois. County of Cook, SS: On this 21 st day of January , .~, before me personally came M, C. Vonnahme , to me known. who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the Village of Darien ,State of lIIinois; that he is a Group Vice President of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY, NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA described in and which executed the above instrument; that he '!awWS the seals of said corporations; that the seals affixed to the said instrument art! such corporate seals; that they were so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said corporations and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknoWledges same to be the act and deed of said corporations. ~S~ 1. P.~ =J~ ~" ~. Co. . . , . \~1.P~ My commissiOn Expir~s- June 5, 2000 . . - Eileen T: Pachuta Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, Robert E. Ayo. Assistant SecretarY of CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFO and AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA do hereby certify that the power of Attorney herein above set for still in force. and further certify that the By-Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of each corporation printed on the reverse hereof at in force, In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seals of the said corporations this Z1th day of FebnBrY ' lCH7 . - - CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING. PENNSYLV .. .~"" fA--<F' tl .,. -...1 . ,.. , ._._ .~'r" .. # ~ Assistant Secre Robert E. Ayo (Rev.7114J95) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,..-- --,J-.:_.'.~:I~V Authorizing By-Laws and Resolutions ~ ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTiNENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY: .;~ This Power Of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-Law duiy adopted tiy the Board of Directors of the Company. ' , "ArtIcle IX--Executlon of Documents Section 3, Appointment of Attomey-in-fact. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act in behalf of the Company In the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like .nature. Such attorneys-in-fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President or the Board of Directors, may, at any time, revoke an power and authority previously given to any attomey-in-fact. This Power of Attomey is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President pnd the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any pqweIf of attcjr.1ey' granteB pursuant to Se~on 3 of Article IX of the By-La.lrts, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant sea:e\ary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimne to any certificate of any such power and any power or certificate bearing such facsimOe signature and seal shall be valid and bindIng on the C~ny. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate SCl executed and sealed shall, WIth respect to any boOd or undertaking to which It is attached, continue to be valid and binding on the Company." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-law duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. "ArtIcle Vl--Executlon of Obligations and Appolnbnerlt of Attomey.fn-Fact Section 2. Appointment of Attorney-in-fact. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may, from time to time, appoint by written certificates attorneys-in-fact to act In behalf of the Company In the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature. Such attorneys-in-fact, subject to the limitations , . set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such , instruments and to attach the seal of the Company thereto. The President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vice President may at any time , revoke all power and authority previously given to any attorney-In-fact.. . .. .:;. ,',: This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following R8soIution adopted by the Board '.,' of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. ,.. , ' ".' :. ,.1 '. "Resolved, that the signature of the President or any Executive, Senior or Group Vrce President and the sea; of the Company may, be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to Section 2 of Article VI of the By-Laws, and the signature of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any power or certificate bearing such facsimOe signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company. Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall, with respect to any bond Or undertaking to Which It is attached, continue to bevalid and binding on the Company." ' ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD: This Power of Attomey is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following Resolution duly adopted on February 17,1993 by the Board of Directors of the Company, "RESOLVED: That the President, an Executive Vice President, or any Senior or Group Vice President of the Corporation may, from time to time, appoint, by written certificates, Attorneys-In-Fact to act in behalf of the Corporation in the execution of policies of insurance, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature, Such Attorney-in-Fact, subject to the limitations set forth in their respective certificates of authority, shall have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instrument and to attach the seal of the Corporation thereto, The PreSident, an Executive Vice President, any Senior or Group Vrce President or the Board of Directors may at any time revoke all power and authority previously given to any Attorney-In-Fact.. , This Power of Attomey is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following R~ution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 17th day of February, 1993. "RESOl VEO: That the signature of the President, an Executive Vice President or any Seriior or Group Vice President and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed by tcicsimile on any power of attorney granted pursuant to the Resolution adopted by this Board of Directors on , February 17, 1993 and the signature of a Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed by facsh'nile to any certificate of any such power, and any power or certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Corporation, Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed, shall with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid, and binding on the Corporition." ..h, ' , ,f/!.,'~J ,,,... .r;"",... . '7'=:;-:.:~..i:t~..i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS '. 1. Defined Terms. Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract (No. 1910-8, 1983 ed.) have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Bidder" means one who submits a Bid directly to Owner, as distinct from a sub-bidder, who submits a bid to a Bidder. The term "Successful Bidder" means the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom Owner (on the basis of Owner's evaluation as hereinafter , provided) makes an award. The term "Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Invitation to ~id, Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids). 2. 'Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1 Complete sets of the Bidding Documents in the numher and for the deposit sum stated in the ", , Advertisement or Iirvitation to Bid may be obtained from Engineer. 2.2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be used in preparing Bids; neither Owner nor Engineer assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3 OWner and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available on the above terms do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. . 3. Qualifications of Bidders. To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder must be prepared to submit within five (5) days,ofOwner's request written evidence, such as financial data, previous experience, present commitments and other such data as may be called for below (or in the Supplementary Instructions). Each Bid must contain evidence of Bidder's quaIification to do business in the state where the Project is located or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. Indicate the GA. utility contractor's license number for all utility contractors. 4. Examination of Contract Documents and Site. 4.1 It is the responsibility of each Bidder before submitting a Bid, to (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b) visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may affect cost, progress performance or furnishing of the Work, ( c) consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work, (d) study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents~ and (e) notify Engineer of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. , 4.2 Information and data reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or coiltiguous to the site is based upon information and data fuinlslled' 'to Owner ffi-l PId~.BIIl I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and Engineer by owners of such Underground Facilities or others, and Owner does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless it is expressly provided otherwise'in the Supplementary Conditions. 4.3 Provis~ons concerning responsibilities for the, adequacy of data furnished to prospective Bidders on subsurface conditions, Underground Facilities and other physical conditions, and possible changes in the Contract Documents due to differing conditions appear in Paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3 of the General Conditions. 4.4 Before submitting a.Bid each Bidder will be responsible to make or obtain such explorations, tests and data concerning physical conditions: (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities) at or contiguous to the site, or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work and which Bidder deems necessary to determine its Bid for performing and furnishing the Work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 4.5 On request in advance, Owner will provid~each'Bidder,access:.to,the.siteto ,conduct such. " explorations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid;. ~idder. shalL . fill all holes, clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion of such. explorations. ; - ''''.;. .:"~:.,, 4.6';;:'':':"". The lands upon'which the:W ork'is to' be performed;: rights-of-way: and'.easements'for 'access... ".., thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents. Easements are to be obtained and paid for by the Owner. 4.6.1 The contractor shall begin prioritize work on the site as follows: 1. Site Rough Grading 2. SoccerFieldFmaI Grading, Grassing & Irrigation (By June 1, 1997). Contractor may be required to provide temporary irrigation water if County water is not available to the site. See Add Alternate No.1 0 4.7 The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Article 4,that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the Contract Documents, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing the Work. 5. Interpretations and Addenda. 5.1 All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to Engineer. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by Engineer in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered .to all parties recorded by IB-2 PId..~.BID I I D I I I I I 1- .......... ,~ ,. - . . - - ' I' I I I I I I I I I .. . -:-." 5.2 6. 6.1 6.2. 7. Engineer as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten (10) days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will , be without legal effect. Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by Owner or Engineer. Bid Security. Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid security made payable to Owner in an amount of ten, percent of the Bidder's maximum Bid price and in the form of a certified or bank check or a: Bid Bond issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.1 of the General. Conditions. The Bid security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the" Agreement and furnished the'fequired contract security, whereuponthe.Bid security,wilLbe~i_' '. , returned. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement 'and furnish the ' -, required contract' security within fifteen (15) days after the, Notice of Award, Owner may c annul the Notice of Award and the Bid security of that Bidder will be forfeited., The Bid ~ "., security of other'Bidders;whom,Owner"believes.to have a reasonable"chance,of receiving4he~',.' ,i '.' award may be'retait1ed;by."Owner,until"the';earlier:of, the. seventh; (7th)' day.: after~the;Effective'.~-<",,; '. Date of the Agreement or the forth-sixth (46) day: after:the Bid opening, whereupon Bid security furnished by such, Bidders. will be' returned;.,Bid security. with Bids which ,are not. ., : competitive'willbe returned"within~seven{7): days.afterthe:Bid':opening-;-.::':,;;' .- Contract Time. The numbers of days within which, or the dates by which, the Work is to be substantially completed and also completed and ready for final payment (the Contract Time) are set forth in the Bid Form and the Agreement. 8. Substitute or "Or Equal" Items. The materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents establish a standard of required function, dimension, appearance and quality to be met by any proposed substitution. No substitution will be considered unless written. request for approval has been submitted by the Bidder and has been received by Engineer at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date for receipt of Bids. Each such request shall include the name of the material or equipment for which it is to be substituted and a complete description-of the proposed substitute including drawings, cuts, performance and test data and any other information necessary for an evaluation. A statement setting forth any changes in other materials, equipment of Work that incorporation of the substitute would require shall be included. The burden of proof of the merit of the proposed substitute is upon the Bidder. The Engineer's decision of approval or disapproval of a proposed substitution shall be final. If Engineer approves any proposed substitution, such approval will be set forth in an Addendum issued to all prospective" . ffi-3 l'Idt.'\CUO%IADlGllISPBCS\IllS .BID I I I I ..I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. Bidders. Bidders shall not rely upon approvals made in any other manner. 9. Bid Form. 9.1 The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies may be obtained from Engineer (or the issuing office). 9.2 All blanks on the Bid Form must be completed in ink or by typewriter. 9.3 Bids by corpQrations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice.,. . president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature. 9.4 Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 9.5 , All names mu~t be typed or printed below the signature. 9.6 The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt ofall Addenda (the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 9.7 The address and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid must be shown. . lQ~ ' . Submission of Bids. .' Bids- shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid and . 'shall be"enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope,. marked with the Project title (~d, if applicable, the designated portion of the Project for which th~ Bid is submitted) and name and address of the Bidder , , and accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. ' 11. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids. 11.1 Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a Bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. ffi-4 PkX.'\Uti02:\ADMIN\SPECS\JN.BID B I I I I I I I I I I I I I g, I. I I I 11.2 n: within twenty-four (24) hours after Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed, written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of its Bid, that Bidder may withdraw it~ Bid and the Bid security will be returned. Thereafter, that Bidder will be disqualified from further bidding on the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents. 12. Opening of Bids. Bids will be opened and (unless obviously non-responsive) read aloud publicly. An abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available to Bidders after the opening of Bids. 13. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance. All bids will remain subject to acceptance for forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid opening, but Owner may" in its sole discretion, rel~ase any Bid and return the Bid security prior to that date. 14. Award of Contract. . 14.1 Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, Owner reserVes the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if Owner believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsible or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or,criteria established by Owner., Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column offigures and the . correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. . 14.2 In evaluating Bids, Owner will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether ornot the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates, unit prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 14.3 Owner may consider the qualificatio~ and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Supplementary Conditions. Owner also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such datil is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. ffi-5 PIcX.~\JNST.Bm I I I, I ,I' I I I'" '8 - ,I I I I'....',: I I I I, I I 14.4 Owner may conduct such investigations as Owner deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and funiishthe Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's'satisfaction within the prescribed time. 14.5 If the contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest Bidder whose evaluation by Owner indicates to Owner that the award will be in the best interests of the Project. 14.6 If the contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within forty-five (45) days after the day of the Bid opening. ' :B.s. Contract Security. Paragraph 5.1 of the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth Owner's requirements as to performance and payment Bonds. When the Successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to Owner, it must be accompanied by the required performance and payinent . , Bonds. ' 17.- ., 'Signing of Agreement. When owner gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract , Documents attached. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter. Contractor shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to Owner with the required Bonds. Within ten (10) days thereafter Owner shall deliver one (1) fully signed counterpart to Contractor. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. ' IB-6 n.:x.."\CCiOZ\ADlGN\SPECS\INST .BID I GENERAL CONDITIONS I ARTICLE I-DEFINITIONS ";lV"Y\1" . H~-:-'::"U.~ . . - -""~fiI" ~";f" Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Doctunents the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: I' Addenda-Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct or change the bidding documents or the Contract Documents. I" I Agreement-The written agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR covering the Work to be performed; other Contract Documents are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof as provided therein. I I' I App/lcation for Payment-The form accepted by ENGINEER which is to be used by CONTRACTOR in requesting progress or final payments and which is to include such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents:.:. ,. .' Bid--The offer or proposal oLthe,'bidder,.submitted" on "the",",-",,,. prescribed form setting forth the prices, for the Work to be .. " ' performed. ' :'1 Bonds-Bid, performance and payment bonds. and other instruments of security.. I Change Order-A doctunent recommended by ENGINEER, which is signed by CONTRACTOR and OWNER and authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Work; or an adjustment,in the".:,. Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the'" Effective Date of the Agreeqlent' Contract Documents-The Agreement, Addenda (which pertain to,;..." ' th~ CO'1H:act Docl,lII1ents), CONTRACTOR's Bid (inclu4~g, .". documentation accompanying' the ' Bid and any post ~Bid, documentation submitted prior to the Notice of Award) when , attached as an exhibit to the Agreement, the Bonds, these General""...... Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions, the Specifications and the Drawings as the same are more specifically identified in the Agreement, together with all amendments, modifications and supplements issued pursuant.to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 oil or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. Contract Prlce- The moneys payable by OWNER to CON- TRACTOR under the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of paragraph 11. 9.1 in the case of Unit Price Work). I ,I: I' I, ,I I, Contract Time-The number of days (computed as provided in paragraph 17.2) or the date stated in the Agreement for the C completion of the Work. 'I I CQNTRACTOR-The person, firm or corporation with whom OWNER has ente,red into the Agreement. I Defedive--An adjective which when modifying the word Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the Contract Documents" or does not meet the requirem~ts~ any inspection, reference standard.. test, or appJ;Oval referred to m the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment (unless responsibility for the protection thereof has been asswned by OWNER at Substantial Completion in accordance with paragraph 14'xor 14.10). Drawings-The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by ENGINEER and are referred to in the Contract Documents. ' Effective Dale of the Agreement-The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. ENGINEER-The person, firm or corporation named as such in the Agreement. Field Order-:"'A written order issued by ENGINEER which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 9.5 but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price or the Contract Time. General Requirements-Sections of. Division I of the Speci- . fications . . Laws and Regulations; Laws or Regutailons-Laws, rules, regulations; ordinances, codes and/or orders. Notke of Award--The written notice by OWNER to the apparent successful bidder stating that upon compliance by the apparent su~cessful bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, owr,mR will sign and deliver the Agreement. Notlee to Proceed-A written notice given by OWNER to CONTRACTOR (with a copy to ENGINEER) fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to nul and on which CONTRACTOR shall start to perform CONTRACTOR'S obligations under the Contract Documents. OWNER-The public body or authority, corporation, association, firm or person with whom CONTRACTOR has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be provided. Partial UtiJization-Placing a portion of the Work in service for the . purpose for which it is intended (or a related purpose) before reaching Substantial Completion for all the Work. Project-The total construction of which the Work to be provided under the Contract Documents may be the whole, or a part as indicated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, F1LE:H:IACCTGICONTRACl\MASI'ERSlI910,8 I I I' :1. Substantial Completion-:-TheWork (ora specified part thereof)- has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of ENGINEER , . ' '. :.:.as ~den~,~d ?r ?NqINEER:f~~~tivecertific~!e ofSubstantial:/".;,';",' "I: '. CompletiorC it is sUfficientlyfcomplete;' 'in accOrdance' with the':.; }" , ' , ARTICLE 2-- PRELIMINARY MA TIERS ',(.-::, Contract Documents, so that the Work (or'specified part) can be;".", '. ,: . utilized for the purposes for which it is intended;' or if there be no ;:;;';'1 ,..' DeUvery of Bonds: ' , .' I' such certificate issued" when ,final'payment, is due in acCordance;''.)',,:,,: ;.,' , 2.1: When CONTRACfOR delivers the executed Agreements,' with paragraph, '14. 1 3.:'The:tenns! ~substantially. complete~.andc';~',:;:;':;,;; 'to OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall also. deliver to' OWNER.. "',' ,. "substantially.,:;,completed\1 as:'applieddol'any'l.';Worlc; ,refer" to :'(;';~:,'fi"':such' Bonds as.CONTRACTORmay.:be'required:to-fumish:in!,.' ' I Substantial Completion thereof. "..,'.: ' accordance with paragraph 5.1. . Su~plemenJary:CondJtlons-,.,Thepart.ofthe.Contr~~tDocuments'iJ;:i'''", ' Coples of Documents: "',:' ;", ,', -.. '.',' . 'I, WsuhipC'Phu"e::ds::~::::,ts:::::,er:co:dihO: '::~'::);'D':'~;: ..., ':~~7~ ~=~~:~~~:~~~=~~~~~::~~:~ ' . pc~ p 'er, ,. 's . u or" ditions) of the Contract Documents as are reasonably nec- materialman or vendor. .. essmy for the execution of the Work. Additional copies will be furnished, upon request, .atth.~. ~st of reprQduction. ' I Resident Project Representative-The authorized representative of 'I ENGINEER who is assigned to the site or any part thereof. Shop Dr(Jwlngs-AlI drawings, diagrams"ilh~~!ratiQ~~hedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for I' CONTRACTOR to illustrate some portion of the Work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, penormance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a Supplier and submitted by CONTRACTOR to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work. Speciflcations- Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto, Subcontractor-An individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with CONfRACTOR or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the cite. ,,1 'I " UndergrouTuJ Facilities-All pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables;':' ' wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels or other such facilities or attachments. and any encasements containing such facilities which have been installed underground to ,furnish any of the following services or materials: electricity, gases, steam, liquid, petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television. sewage and drainage removal, traffic or other control systems or water. I "1 ',..'~ Unit Price Work-Work to be paid for on the basis of unit pnces . ,I. 'I I, Work--The entire completed construction or the various sep- arately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. Work is the result of performing services, furnishing labor and furnishing and, incofporating materials and equipment into the construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. Work Directive Change-A written directive to CONTRAC- I TOR, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and signed by OWNER and recommended by ENGINEER, ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work, or responding to differing or unforeseen'physical<conditions under.. which the Work is to be performed as provided in paragraph 4.2 or 4.3 or to emergencies under paragraph 6.22. A Work Directive Change may not change the Contract Price or the Contract Time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Directive Change will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change. Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Time as provided in paragraph 10,2. Written Amendment-A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the non engineering Of nontechnical rather than strictly Work-related aspects of the Contract Documents. Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed: 2.3. The Contract Time will commence to run'on the thirtieth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, Of, if a Notice to Proceed is given, on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within thirty days after the Effective Date of the Agreement. In no event will the Contract Time commence to run later than the seventy-fIfth day after the day of Bid opening or the thirtieth day after the Effective Date of the Agreement, whichever date is earlier. Starting the Project: 2.4. CONTRACTOR shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Time commences to run, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. Before Starting Construction: 2.5. Before undertaking each part of the Work, CON- 2 FILE:H:\ACCTG\COtmtAC'l\MAS'rnRS\1910,8 Intent: 3.1. The Contract Documents comprise the, entire agree-: " , . 2.6,2.',' a prelirillnary'schedule' of Shop';Drawing'sub..:,t;A~"',~,-o :'" ment between.OWNER'and CONTRACTORconceming:the,,<:o.. missions; and Work. The Contract Documents are complementary;,what is, called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. The 2.6.3. a preliminary' schedule' of values for all of the :,"; "" Contract Documents will be construed in accordance with the'. Work which, will include quantities' and'prices"ofitems"'ii'~'"i:',,, . law of the' place of the Project.- :",. ',' . aggregating the ContractPrice and,..will. subdivide:.the:W ork:'.~'~;<:;:L'" . , into component parts in. sufficient detail to serveas'.thec,(",..,3.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe ' basis for progress payments,"during construction....Such,;.'.;,;. , ,:,' a functionally complete,Project (or part thereof) to be con- , '. .,c,. prices:willinclude: an, appropriate ,amount.of.overhead'and J'::r.1::;':;;;,-" ~.structed, in" accordance:.with . the. Contract., Documents. ,Any'" , profit applicable to each.item ofW orkwhich'will :be' con::?""~." . Work; materials'or equipment that may reasonably be inferred " .. firmed in writing by CONTRACTOR at the time of ~ub-:-~". ,. from the Contract Documents as being required to produce the mission. ~ intended result will be supplied whether or not specifically called for. When words which have a well-known technical or ' trade meaning are.~e<l to,desc;::ribe; Work" materials or equipment such words shall be interpreted in accordance, with" that meaning. Reference to standard specifications. manuals or codes of any technical society. organization or association, or to the Laws or Regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual. code or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or, on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids). except as may be otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of OWNER, CONTRACTOR or ENGINEER, or any of their consultants, agents or employees from those set forth in the Contract Documents. nor shall it be effective to assign to ENGINEER, or any of ENGINEER's consultants. agents or employees. any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to I I ....~,.., I I I I ",1 . ;;..~" .~. ... " ,I:' .'1 .1: ~.::'_;c-':t:: .. 'I I," ,,' I I I I I' I I TRACTOR shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures s~()wn thereon and all applicable field measurements. CONTRAC- TOR shall promptly report. in, writingt.tor ENGINEER- any'.. conflict, error or discrepancy which CONTRACTOR may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarifi- cation from ENGINEER before proceeding with any Work affected thereby; however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. 2.6. Within ten days after the Effective Date, of the Agree- ment (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review: 2.6.1. an estimated progress schedule indicating the starting and completion dates of the various stages of the . Work. 2.7. Before any Work at the,site.is started, CONTRAC-~,;:~..: TOR shall deliver to OWNER, with a copy to ENGINEER,'." !..." . certificates (and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNER) which CONTRAcrOR is required to purchase .and maintain in accordance with paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4, and OWNER shall deliver to CONTRACTOR certificates (and other evidence of insurance requested by CONTRACTOR) which OWNER is required to purchase and maintairi in accordance with paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7. Preconstruction Coriference: 2.8. Within twenty days after the Effective Date of the Agreement, but before CONTRACTOR starts the Work at the site, a conference attended by CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER and others as appropriate will be held to discuss the schedules referred to in paragraph 2.6, to discuss procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for' processing Applications for Payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. Finaliz.lng Schedules: 2.9. At least ten days before submission of the first Appli- cation for 'Payment a conference attended by CONTRACfOR, ENGINEER and others, as appropriate will be held.to finalize the scheduIes submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.6. The finalized progress schedule will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing an orderly .progression of the Work to completion within the Contract Time, but such acceptance will neither impose on ENGINEER responsibility for the progress or scheduling of the Work nor relieve CONTRACTOR from full responsibility there for. The finalized schedule of Shop Drawing submissions will be acceptable to ENGINEER as providing a workable arrangement for processing the submissions. The finalized schedule of values will be acceptable to ENGINEER as to form and substance. ARTICLE 3--CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: AMENDING. REUSE INTENT, 3 F1L1!.H:\ACCJ'G\CON1ll.ACl\MASfERSlI910,8 I I I I I I Amending and Supplementing Contraet Documents: 3.4. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide I for additions, deletions and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof in one or more of the ' "Fl1~':"':"";follo\vii1g'ways:"""""""":::;;::""";';;'~.,.:;~', .,' :",',e'"".,,;. - "" -".., ",,'''.. , .;...'".' ,;..... ' , the provisions of paragraph 9.15 or 9.16. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by ENGINEER as provided in paragraph 9.4. 3.3. If, during the performance of the Work, CONTRAC- TOR fmds a conflict, error or discrepancy in the Contract Documents, CONTRACTOR shall so report to ENGINEER in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affecte_d thereby shall obtain a written 'interpretation or clarification from ENGINEER; however, CONTRACTOR shall not be liable to OWNER or ENGINEER for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy, in the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. ~;~':I''''':.' .. ...' :... '. . "'''''/ ,.-1'" ...' . . ..\"", 3.4.1. a formaIWritten,Amendment;I>,~ " ..! ;'1.' ~:, ,.- ", . . '~>_':,t;;! ;'"~;"" '\.' .,. -' -- "- .' '. consent of OWNER and ENGINEER and specific written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER. ARTICLE 4-A V AILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDnnONS:REFERENCEPO~ AvailDblliJy of Lands: . 4.1. OWNER shall furnish, as indicated in the Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of CONTRACTOR. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by OWNER, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that any delay in OWNER's furnishing these lands, rights-of-way or easements entitles CONTRACTOR to an extension of the Contract Time, CONTRACTOR may make a claim there for as provided in Article 12: CONTRACTOR shall provide.for:aU additional' lands and access thereto that may be requiredfor:temporal)'/: , construction facilities or storage of materials, and equipment:', , ;,; ,i ",';" f.'" .f,.' 3.4.2: a Change Order, (purs~antto paragraphrlO,4);oor,:H;J2:k,', ;, 'Physical CondiJions:",', . ;' "I' " ',' ' ',: . ,". 4.2.1. Explorations and Reports: Reference is made to ,', '. ' .. ". ;". ' 3.4.3, a Work Directive Change ,(pursuant to paragraph.i>!:c:'~;"::','" .,'", the Supplemental)' Conditions forddentification' of those : io',','.' .' '::;;,,~':.lO.l)>': ; ", .' ... ',. "., .'" ....,.... : ./ , reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions!at:.' "1 "'. ,:.' ". ,:: , . the site that have been utilized by ENGINEER in prep- .' . As indicated in paragraphs 1l.2,and.12.1, Contract Priceand';i::ck<-:.,;~..:' aration of the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR may" .~". Contract Time may: only be. changedi'by.~a"Change,Order,or,:a.!"ti.:~!i;i;':,,::"~:, rely upon.,the accuracy :of the, technical data contained .in, ,., ';':'1" WrittenAmendment."".,, '".. .,",'...;' '..' " .,... i-<".'" '.-:; ~:c~=:~b;~:t:,:n~~~:m:;aio~a:~~~~;~::~::, . ' , 3.5. In addition, the requirements 'of the Contract.Docu;;',..,;.; .'~ thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indi- ments may be supplemented;.and minor variations and devia-i'::!;,," ,..' ~cated in the immediately preceding sentence and in para- tions L.t the Work maybeauthorized,.in,one or more of the',;",,::' graph 4.2.6, COlITRACfOR shall have full,responsibility, following ways: . with respect to subsurface conditions at the site. I I I I I I I I 3.5.1. a Field Order (pursuant to paragraph 9.5), 3.5.2. ENGINEER's approval of a Shop Drawing or Sample (pursuant to paragraphs 6.26 and 6.27), or 3.5.3. ENGINEER's written interpretation or clarifi- cation (pursuant to paragraph '9.4). Reuse of Documents: 3.6. Neither CONTRACTOR nor any Subcontractor or Supplier or other person or organization performing or fur- nishing any of the Work weier a direct or indirect contract with OWNER shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of ENGINEER; and they shall not reuse any' of them on exte~ions of the Project or any other project without written . 4.2.2. Existing structures: Reference is made to the Supplementary Conditions for identification of those , drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing . surface and subsurface structures (except Underground ; Facilities referred to in paragraph 4.3) which are at or . contiguous to the site that have been utilized by ENGI- NEER in preparation of the Contract Documents. CON- TRACTOR may rely upon the accuracy of the technical data contained in such drawings, but not for the complete- ness thereof for CONTRACTOR's purposes. Except as indicated in the immediately preceding sentence and in paragraph 4.2.6, CONTRACTOR shall have full respon- sibility with respect to physical conditions in or relating to such structures. 4.2.3. Report of Differing Conditions: IfCONTRAC- TOR believes that: 4 RLE:H:IACCTG\COm1tAC1\MASI1!RS\I910,8 4.3.2. Not Shown or Indicated. If an Underground Facility is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents and which CONTRACTOR could not reasonably have been expected to be aware of, CONTRACTOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work affected 4.2.4. ENGINEER's Review: ENGINEER will promptly thereby (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph review the pertinent conditions, determine the necessity of 6.22), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and I' ,. , obtaining additiOn. al explorations or tes,ts with respec,t . give written notice thereof to that owner and to OWNER and thereto and advise OWNER in writing (with a copy to , ENGINEER. ENGINEER will promptly review the :: . ,,",..,.,>"... ., CONTRACTOR) G"'of' ...ENGINEER.s.;;:.findings...."and',iii'~,.:..".., Underground 'Facility,to, determine the extenHo.which.the..'. - . conclusions.+'- + , .'.:-'.T. Contract -,~Documents~.should...~be. modified'.:,.to.:.:retlect:-;and;-;-:. ,::,1..... document the" 'consequences' of the existence" of, the. ,. . i., 4.2.S.' Posslble\;\'Document,'"Change::,:,If'. ENGINEER\{f!:',:~:.., 'Underground,Facility,.'and,the'Contract;:Documents',wilhbe:;.." ' , , ' '..' , . 'concludes: that there', is. a' materi aL error, in :,the.:Contract:;7:it:j',:,; ': . amended or supplemented to.the,extent necessary.':During'such ',I , ";'1 ' , .' ,Documents or that because of newly discovered conditionsMh:".i"" ,time, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the safety,and,' , "..,::' .:: a change ,in, the Contract Documents is' required;~a'..Workh~) .'ie,,:' protection' .of' such " Underground" F acility..as i provided "in. , ';;f;; ;'i~:;":,',:,', 'DireCtive ':Change:oca,~'.chai1ge(.Orderi,wilh be:issued'as~~g~,'t,': paragraph. 6:20.., CONrRACfOR shaltbe'aIlowed:anincrease, ;,;, , .1" " "provided; in' Artic1~'lOto "reflec~.and. document,.the',,;;[i"',,:; ,inthe Contract Price or an extensi~n of the Contrac~ Time, or. ;' ",,' 'consequences ofthemaccuracy or difference:i 'I;~ ;, "',' ::. <...',.). .~,' both, to the extent that they are attnbutable to the eXIstence of. .',,,,.~'" . ".' any Underground Facility that was not shown or indicated in" "I' ,., ',:' 42.6. PossibliPrlce and 17me AtQUSfmenJs:In each,such':'i.w"'Q'~":' the ContractDocwnents and,which.CONTRACTORcould not . . case, an increase or decrease in the Contract Price or an ',." ,',,' , reasonably have been expected to be aware of. If the parties' extension or shortening of the Contract Time; or" any'" are unable to agr~ as to' the amount. or length, thereof, combination thereof;'will be allowable to the extentthat',"':H' CONTRACTOR may make a claim there for as provided'in they are attributable to any,such inaccuracy or difference.~;':~ Articles 1 Land 12. . ,,,.N' If OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to ..:.~~~.;-::. the amount or length thereot: a claim may be made there for as provided in Articles 11 and 12. I I ,I I I I' .1 I I I I I I I any technical data on which CONTRAC- TOR is entitled to rely as provided in paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 is inaccurate, or . ....{~i.'t...... ':.:.~~:'\'h:~.' any physical condition uncovered or revealed a1 the site differs materially from that indi- cated, reflected or referred to in the Contract Docu- ments, CONTRACfOR shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as permitted by paragraph 6.22), notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing about the inaccuracy or difference. Physical Condltlons-Underground Faellilles: _ 4.3.1. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is , based on information and data furnished to OWNER or ENGINEER by the owners of such Underground Facilities or by others. Unless it' is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: OWNER and ENGINEER shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and, CONTRACTOR shall have full responsibility for reviewing and checking all such information and data, for locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, for coordination of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities during - construction;' for the safety'and protection thereof as provided in paragraph 6.20 and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work, the cost of all of which will be considered as having been included in the Contract Price. Reference Points: 4.4. OWNER shall provide engineering swveys to establish reference points for-'construction which in ENGINEER's judgment are necessary to enable CONTRACTOR to proceed with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for lay- ing out the Work (unless otherwise specified in the General Requirements), shall protect and preserve the established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of OWNER. CONTRAC- TOR shall report to ENGINEER whenever any reference point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for the accurate replacement or relocation of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. ARTICLE 5--BONDS AND INSURANCE Performance and Other Bonds: 5 F1LE:H:\ACCTGICOl'mlACl\MASTERSlI910,8 I 5.1. CONTRACTOR shall furnish performanCe and pay- I ment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract , Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of "'all' CONTRACTOR's obligations under the Contract Docu~' un " ,;i' I. ments. These Bonds shall remain in effect at least until one year after the date when final payment becomes due. except as otherwise provided by Law or Regulation or by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall also furnish such other I Bonds as are required by the Supple~entary Conditions. All Bonds shall be in the forms prescribed by Law or Regulation or by the Contract Documents and be executed by such I sureties as are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published I in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff BUreau of . AccOlmts, U.S. Treasury Department. All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority I to act. The insurance required by this paragraph 5.3 shall include the specific coverages and be written for not less than the limits of ;;'woor", :\:, '. c' 5:2':"If the' sUrety' 'On any' Bond .furnished 'by CONfRAC;.',;,;:', - ,.;. . liability . and "coverages provided in the' Supplementary , "1' , , -, TOR is declared'a bankrupt or becomesinsolventorjts:right,;;;,:,~:..:; J' Conditions, 'or . required 'by law;'-'whicheverr,is -greater:,-;;The',' :'.' ,. to d~ btis~ess'is termfu.ated'in any'state'where.~'partof.the"n:;~"':"" comprehensive" ~ene~;' liability '~'insuranceo;!~~alb~clude,;' '., Project IS locatedor'lt'ceases"to meet the:reqw.rements 'ofnt:'f:""'''' completed operatIons' msurance:"All of the pohcles'ofmsur-:. .., '." ;"paragraph' 5.1', . CONTRACTOR, 'sliall. >Within , 'five 'days:;'j,;,'F. ance so required to be"purchased and.maintained.(oc',the.., " ..:1 ' thereafter sub~titute another Bon~ and SuretY, both. of whichl,""":" " certificates or other evidence thereot) shall contain ~ provision. ' .' . . must be acceptable: to OWNER. ,'..' ',.:' .,. "',' , ' ::. . or' endorsement. that ..the, coverage.afforded'wdl :not" be "."." .,' .. ',cancelled;materially changed orrenewal refused until,at least-. , 'I 'Contractor's LlabilJJy..lnsurance:.':,....,:,.; ,', ".'." ,'. '.-:' " thirty days' prior written notice has been given to OWNER and " '5.3. CONTRACTOR shall'purchase' and. maintain',such ,~7;~'.,;..;,i!::.:, ENGINEER by certified mail' All such insurance shall remain .:."".;;;-'0;" ..:,(comprehensive(,general:; liability l'and"otheri.;insurance,~:as;ds ~r~,~,;.'~:",'iin effect,ootil.fmal. payment' and ,at'all :times ,there> aft .when:,.!' , appropriate fcir,the ,Work- being performed. and ,furnished 'and::;:::'i:"":'" :CONTRACTOR may be correcting,: removing or'replacing: ' , as will provide protection from claims, set fortbbelow which,':: ;,,' !: ,:,q defective Work in accordance : with paragraph 13.12.' In , may arise out of or resUItfrom CONTRACTOR's performance';", ", addition, CONTRACfOR shall maintain such complete' and furnishing, of the Work and, CONTRACTOR's' other, r ~..: . operations insurance for at least ~o years after final pay me obligations under the .Contract'Documents, whether it. is to be' i)'. :.,;" q and furnish.OWNER with evidence of continuation of such. . '., performed or furnished by CONTRACTOR,' by" any" "',, :' insurance at fmal payment and one year thereafter;', . Subcontractor, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by" any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose 'acts any of them may be liable: '''I' .':1, I I I I I ,I I 5.3.1. Claims under workers' or workmen's compen- sation, disability benefits and other similar employee ben- efit acts; 5.3.2. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of CONTRAC- TOR's employees; 5.3.3. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than CONTRACTOR's employees; 5.3.4. Claims for damages ~ured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (a) by any person as a result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the employment of such person by CONTRACTOR, or (b) by any other person for any other reason; - \ . ~,7 ,.' -... -.\': '.'; ...... ':;~i 5.3.5. Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property wherever located, including loss of use resulting therefrom; 5.3.6. Claims arising out of operation of Laws or Reg- ulations for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or for damage to property; and 5.3.7. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle. Contractual LabUity Insurance: . 5.4. The Comprehensive general liability insurance required by paragraph 5.3 will include contractual liability insurance applicable to CONTRACTOR's obligations under paragraphs 6.30 and 6.31. . Owner's Liability Insurance: 5.5. OWNER shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining OWNER's own liability insurance and. at OWNER's option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect OWNER against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract-Documents. Property Insurance: 5,6. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, OWNER shall purchase and maintain property insurance upon the Work at the site to the full insurable value 6 F1LI!:H:IACCTG\COI'mtAC1\MAS'll!RS\ 191 0,8 Waiver oj RighJs: 5.11.1. OWNER and CONTRACTOR waive all rights against each other for all losses and damages caused by any of the perils covered by the policies of insurance provided in response to paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 and any other property insurance applicable to the Wode, and also waive all such rights against the Subcontractors, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's consultants and all other parties named as insureds in such policies for losses and damages so caused. As required by paragraph 6.11, each subcontract between CONTRACTOR and a Subcontractor will contain similar waiver provisions by the Subcontractor in favor of OWNER, CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ENGINEER's consultants and all other parties named as insureds. None of the above waivers shall extend to the rights that any of '... the insured.parties may,have,to the. proceeds, of insurance. held by OWNER as trustee or otherwise payable under. any 5 .7..0WNERshallpurchaseandmaintain'suchboileriand:,~i$;:f"'P:'" policy. so issued.:,:. >- ,,' ..' "machinery, insurance or additional property insurance as, may.'J! !';',:~, , ,~. . ",.., , be required' bithe'Supplementary Conditions or.Laws andf:e".~:.c,:'h, 5.11.2. OWNER and CONTRACTOR intend that any.. . ',1', Regulations which' will includeth~ 'interests of.OWNE~"';-';''''/I'\ '. policies provided in res~ns~ to paragraphs,,~.6~d,5.7 . ,,';, CONTRACTOR" ',":'Subcontractors,::-: ..ENGINEER':',r,AND;";,\','l';:"~;,:'"",, ,shall protect all of the parl1es,msured and.proVldepnmary { ~""~Z~';;';'~;:'ENGINEER's::ConSUltantsl;injthe,Work; ;alh:ofwhom?shall \bef,l%~;i",,;id:'f:ff.;;poverageJor; aU. losses , and,damag(!s;.caused.,by,ithe, perils~: .,~ 'I' listed as insured or additional insured,parties;,;,(.:,; ';", ,', ,'. ;,;;, 'j I,'"~ ' covered thereby. Accordingly, all such policies shall.con- lain provisions to the effect that in the event of payment of "'~.""'" '.;, '.: 5;'8?Allthe:policies of insurance (or the;certificates.'or;other\Wttf~t~"j~.'':~;' any, loss ,!or..;damage; .the ;.insurer..will'.,have ,no- rights..of 'I ,. evidence th~eof) required: to. be purchased' and. maintained'~yiW! "i(,~h:'..';,y: r~v~ry' a~ainst any of~e p~es ,named as: insureds .or", , OWNER m' accordance WIth paragraphs' 5;6" and 5;7 WIll" i d.lT ;"::'. addltlonal msureds, and. if the,msurers, reqU1!'e separate . contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded,:, ".'" waiver forms to be signed by ENGINEER~ or ENGI- I will not be cancelled or materially changed or renewal refused",,,-;,:'; , ' NEER's consultant OWNER will obtain the same. and if . \mtil at least<thirty days'prior written notice has been given to ,.,.,. , such waivet: forms are required, arany Subconlfactor" CONTRACTOR by certified mail and will contain waiver""""",,:,;: ' . CONTRACTOR will,obtain the same.. I. ' provisions in accordance with paragraph 5.11.2. Receipt and AppUcation oj Proceeds: 5.9~' OWNER shall not be responsible for purchasing and 5.12. Any insured loss Wlder the policies of insurance maintaining any property insurance to protect the interests of required by paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7 will be adjusted with I CONTRACfOR, Subcontractors or others in the Work to the OWNER and made payable to OWNER as trustee for the extent of any deductible amoWlts that are provided in the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the require- Supplementary Conditions. The risk of loss within the ments of any applicable mortgage clause and o( paragraph I deductible amoWlt, will be borne by CONTRACTOR, Sub- 5.13. OWNER shall deposit in a separate acco\mt any money' - contractor or others suffering any such loss and if any of them so received, and shall distribute it in accordance with such wishes property insurance coverage within the limits of such agreement as the parties in interest may reach. If no other . amo\mts, each may purchase and maintain it at the purchaser's special agreement is reached the damaged Work shall be II own expense. repaired or replaced, the moneys so received applied on accOlmt thereof and the Work and the cost thereof covered by E 5 ,} O. If CONTRACTOR requests in writing that other an appropriate Change Order or Written Amendment. special insurance be included in the property insurance policy, OWNER shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereofwill be charged to CONTRACfOR by appropriate I Change Order or Written Amendment. Prior to commencement I I thereof (subject to such deductible amoWlts as may be prO- D vided in the Supplementary Conditions or required by Law, s and Regulations). This insurance shall include the interests of ,c "'q" :OWNER, CONTRACfOR,'Subcontractors, ENGINEERand';'i'j.<' ENGINEER's consultants in the Work, all of whom shall be listed as insureds or additional insured parties, shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss and damage including theft, vandalism and malicious mischief, collapse and water damage, and such other perils as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions, and shall include damages, losses and expenses arising out of or resulting from any insured loss or incurred in the repair or replacement of any insured property (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals). If not covered under the "all risk" insurance or otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall purchase I. and maintain similar property insurance on portions of the ,,~, , . , ,work sto~ on and o~ the si~ ~r in transi~ wh.en such portions . . ,.... ,.,.,., of the Workareto be' mcluded' m'anAppltcationfor 'Payment;i':";':"~';)"t'.' B I I I .1 ,:-}.: .. '''.'':.~'' i" ,...:. of the Work at the site, OWNER shall in writing advise CONTRACfOR whether or not such other insurance has been procured by OWNER. ,. ....~ .....i.~..~:'~!_.~_ ..':!:Lf:.....l\~ 5.13. OWNER as trustee shall have power to adjust and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within fIfteen days after the 7 F1LI!:H:IACCJ'G\COm1tAC1\MASTERSI 191 0,8 I I I I Acceptance 01 Insurance: ' 5.14. If OWNER has any objection to, the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance required, to be I purchased and maintained by CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 on the basis of its not complying with the Contract Documents, OWNER shall notify CONTRACTOR in I writing thereof within ten days of the date of delivery of such certificates to OWNER in accordance with paragraph 2.7. If CONTRACTOR has any objection to the coverage afforded by or Labor, Materials and Equipment: I other provisions of the policies of insurance required to be 6.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide competent, suitably purchased and maintained by OWNER in accordance with qualified personnel to survey and layout the Work and per- "";"""""""paragraphs.5:6and-5:7'on.the basis,oftheirnot complying'with"vr-i';'i'"'i"~.form'" construction' as 'required . by the ,Contract ,Documents., ',F''''''''''' the Contract Documents; CONTRACTOR.' shallnotify,oWNER'::in'C:::l.ii;"" ",; , CONTRACTOR shall at, all times maintain, good:discipline^, . ;(,-,1, ,',' wri~g' thereof-within ten days, ~fthe.date ofde~veryofsuch.,m~';.;~,:" " and" or~er at.the site.: Except;iri.connection,with,the'saf~tyor /'( ," certificates.to CONTRACTOR 10 accordance Wlth'paragraph1Q1;~"''''':'''' protection -of: persons', or, the' W ork', or. property: at, the. site ,or, ,,', '" 2.7. OWNER and CONTRACTOR shall each provide tothe:Jl~t,,(":"""" adj acent 'thereto,. and ,except as.othenvise indicated ;in,the,~ ': 'I' other such additional, information' in. respect. of..insurance~l"':,:;:'" Contract, Documents, all Work at, the site shall, be performed. -,' , provided by'each, as thei other. may- reasonably. request: 'Failurej:':,,;<;t,; ,y, ,..during regular working hours~,and CONTRACTOR,willnot !, .....;1')\':'.', byrOWNER'Or.ieONTRACTORffui givefany' such~notice,of:;;:i::)0.-~~~s'ipermit'overtime ,work- or..:the :performance':ofW ork,on,Sat.;,', I objectio~ within the time provided shall constitute.acce~tance'::',:i~!'~"i;.",.W'day,S~day or any l~al h~liday ~thout OWNER's.written'" , . ' of such msurance purchased by the other as complymgWlth thei".:;\:.,..' " consent glVen after pnorwntten notice to ENGINEER",. ... Contract,Documents:. I I I ,I I I I I I ,r occurrence of loss to OWNER's exercise of this power. If such objection be made, OWNER as trustee shall make settlement with the insurers in accordance with such agreement as the parties in',interest may reach. If required~in~writinglbyany party in interest, OWNER as trustee shall, upon the occurrence of an insured loss, give bond for the proper performance of such duties. Partial Util/zation-Property -Insurance: ' 5.15. If OWNER fmds it necessary: to occupy or useta :",:,. portion or portions of the Work prior to, Substantial Comple-::'~., " tion of alLthe Work, such use, or occupancy may be accom-..""',:~~<",, plished in accordance with paragraph 14. I 0;., provided that no,;(,:,:\;.. . such use or occupancy shall commence before the insurers, '. ,., . providing the property insurance have acknowledged notice thereof and in writing effected the changes in coverage neces-. sitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or lapse on account of any such partial use or occupancy.. ARTICLE 6--CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSmILmES Supervision and Superintendence: 6.1. CONTRACTOR shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, but CONTRACTOR shall not be responsible for the negligence of others in the design or selection of a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction which is indicated in and required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shallbe'tesponsibhrto see that .." the finished Work complies accurately with the Contract Documents. 6.2. CONTRACTOR shall keep on the Work at all times during its progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER except under extraordinary circumstances. The superintendent will be CONTRACTOR's representative at the site and shall have authority to act on behalf of CON- TRACTOR All communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to CONTRACTOR 6.4. Unless otherwise specified in the General Require- ments, CONTRACTOR shall furnish arid assume full respon- sibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel,- . !lower, light, heat, telephone,. water, sap,itary facilities, temporary. facilities and all, other .facilities: and incidentals, necessaI)' for the furnishing, performance,- testing, start-up and completion of the Work. 6.5. All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as othenvise provided in the Contract Doc- uments. If required by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, con- nected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable Supplier except as othenvise provided in the Contract Documents; but no pro- vision of any such instructions will be effective to assign to ENGINEER, or any of ENGINEER's consultants, agents or employees, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work or, any duty or authority .to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions of paragraph 9.15 or 9.16. ' 8 F1LE:H:IACCTG\COJomlAC1\MASrnRSl 1910,8 I I SubstiJuJes or "Or-Equal" Items: I 6.7.1. Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier the I naming of the item is intended to establish the type, 6.7.3. ENGINEER.will be allowed a reasonable time function and quality required. Unless the name is followed within which to evaluate each proposed substitute. ENGI- by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, NEER will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no materials or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized without ..,l".. ~O~~~Ru.::::~~=~~~~=~th~"."",."" :~~~~;~:'~:.:~.':~;~;::ed","S:;," the material or. equipment proposed is.equivalent.or.equal"di:~';-:.' "", ' Drawing.: OWNER may. require: CONTRACTOR-to fur~"., " ,I,," to that named;'.The.procedure for,review.byENGINEER!::;;;",,:''\~'';r\:';' nish,at CONTRACfOR's expense:,a special..performance:..." . will include the following as : supplemented in the, General;.;t;,;,;.~,y;,,~., ;', guarantee:.or other surety with:respect to, any. ,substitute;., , ,.; Requirements..,Requests for review of substitute items,.of:t.!.,:,.,..."., ENGINEER will record time required by ENGINEER and., . I material and equipment will not be accepted by ENGI-:,[.\\::.~, ENGINEER's consultants .in evaluating;. substitutions. . . ':, NEER from,anyone other. than CONTRACTORJf CON-l;:,::~~!,;i.;'';';'', proposed by CO~crOR and in making'changes'in the ", :. "..;:,:;;},':t;;:-TRACTOR;wishes::to' furnish; on use;:a'.substitute.item:,of~~~i-.4f':~i:.p., Contract Documents: occasioned ,thereby:, .:Whether"or: noL..., I " material or equipment, CONTRACTOR shall make written,.;:<:::'~;;:;,,;~:, ;, ENGINEER, accepts . a . proposed" substitute, . CON- application to ENGINEER for acceptance thereof;,",.,,,.,,., TRACTOR shall reimburse OWNER for the charges of , " .7'~'~~".",:~'certifying,,;that;,the.:proposed,substitute,wiILperform':ade~i-j~;!<;!~:;,;oi,,,,,:. ENGINEER and.ENGINEER's:, consultants ,for evaluatiDg ';" "'1' , quately the'functions 'and achieve the results calledfor by:v;~"., ,~-,,"" each proposed substitute:", : " , the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that, ,. , :. specified and be suited to the same use as that specified., C"" ;,' Coru:erning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others: The application' will state that the evaluation. and 7',' 6.8.1. CONTRACTOR shall not employ any Subcon- ,,1 acceptance of the proposed substitute will not prejudi~,,:" '.' ~ ' tractor, Supplier or oth~r perso~.Qr organizatio_n (including, CONTRACTOR's achievement of Substantial Completion ,..', .'. , those acceptable to OWNER and ENGINEER as indicated on time, whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in paragraph 6.8.2), whether initially or as a substitute, I in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract against whom OWNER or ENGINEER may have Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract reasonable objection. CONTRACTOR shall not be with OWNER for work on the Project) to adapt the design required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other I to the proposed substitute and whether or not incorporation person or organization to furnish or perform any of the or use 'of the substitute in connection with the Work is Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable subject to payment of any license fee or royalty, All objection. I variations of the proposed substitute from that specified will be identified in the application and available 6.8.2. If the Supplementary Conditions require the maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indi- identity of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers or other per- I cated. The application will also contain an itemized esti- sons or. organizations (including those who are to furnish mate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly from the principal items of materials and equipment) to be sub- acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign mitted to OWNER in advance of the specified date prior to I and claims of other contractors affected by the resulting the Effective Date of the Agreement for acceptance by change, all of which shall be considered by ENGINEER in OWNER and ENGINEER and if CONTRACTOR has evaluating the proposed substitute. ENGINEER may submitted a list thereof in accordance with the Supple- require CONTRACTOR to furnish at CONTRACTOR's mentary Conditions, OWNER's or ENGINEER's acccpt- I expense additional data about the proposed substitute. ance (either in writing or by failing to make written objec- . I I I AcfJusting Progress Schedule: 6.6. CONTRACTOR. sh~ll su~mit to EN,GINEE~ for '" "'acceptance (to the extent mdicated~m paragraph 2.9) adJust- ....,'. ments in the progress schedule to reflect the impact thereon of new developments; these will conform generally to the progress schedule then in effect and additionally will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 6.7.2. If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents;,G0NU&4..CTOR may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, sequence, technique or procedure of construction acceptable to ENGINEER, if CONTRACTOR submits sufficient information to allow ENGINEER to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that indicated or required by the Contract Documents. The procedure for review by ENGINEER will be similar to that provided in paragraph 6.7.1 as applied by ENGINEER and as may be supplemented in the General Requirements. 9 F1LE:H:\ACCI'G\CONTRACJ\MASJeRS\1910.8 6,9. CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible to OWNER and ENGINEER for all acts and omissions of the Subcon- tractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations per- PermiJs: I forming or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or 6.13. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary indirect contract with CONTRACTOR just as CONTRAC- Conditions, CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for all con- ,';i ~."::', TOR is:responsible foc'CONTRACTOR's' own acts andomis~I:'",.- ' struction' permits "and 'licenses.' OWNER shall assist CON- '.':". :sions.- Nothing in the Contract,Documents shall create'anY'.''';'!1 TRACTOR, when necessary; in obtaining such permits and :'; I'" 'eontraclua1relationship between' ~~R'or"ENGINEER' ani:P;:~.tt i ' 'licenses. CONTRAcrOR:shall'payall gove~entaJ. charges.' any such Subcontractor," SupplIer" or .. other" person "'or'" ',) " and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution' of the Work,- organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part'of'<;'"", '" , which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or if there OWNER or ENGINEER t<fpay or to see to the payment of "'/'; " ,are no Bids on the Effective Date of the Agreement. CON- any moneys due any' such Subcontractor.. Supplier or other";:,'\-::,;;;.::. TRACTOR shall pay all charges of utility owners,for con- person or organiZationiexcept-as: may:otherwise,be' required"bym};M;"",,:,.'.nections to, the.,W ork;' and, OWNER-shall pay: all charges: of:.' Laws and Regulations. . , , such utility owners for capital costs related thereto such as plant investment-fees. 6.10., The divisions and, sections.,ofthe Specificatioris ,and':"d'i:;i~ ':':"')" ' the identifications of any' Drawings shall not control CON':"" .\,.' , .., Laws and Regulations:' ' , " , 'TRACTOR in dividing the Work among Subcontractors'or:',:., .6.14.1. CONTRACTOR . shall give all notices and SuPpliers or delineating the Work to be performed by any:' comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to fur- specific trade. nishing and performance of the Work. Except where oth- . . erwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regu- 6.11. All Work performed for CONTRACTOR by a'.Sub:-':1-;.;,. " lations, neither OWNER nor, ENGINEER shall be respon- contractor will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement" ' , sible for monitoring CONTRACTOR's compliance with between CONTRACTOR and the Subcontractor which any Laws or Regulations. officially binds the Subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of O~R and ENGINEER and contains waiver provisions as required by paragraph 5.11. CONTRACTOR shall pay each Subcontractor a just share of any insurance moneys received by CONTRACTOR on accOlmt of losses'under policies issued pursuant to paragraphs 5.6 and 5.7. I I I I I I tion thereto by the date indicated for acceptance or objection in the bidding documents or the Contract Documents) of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization so identified may he 'revoked~"oii.\the basis of reasonable objection after due investigation, in which case CONTRACTOR shall submit an acceptable substitute, the Contract Price will be i,ncreased by the difference in the cost occasioned by such substitution and an appropriate Change Order will be issued or Written Amendment signed. No acceptance by OWNER or ENGINEER of any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization shall constitute a waiver of any right of OWNER or ENGINEER to reject defective Work. ','1 '"' .~;:' ,:. I I .-1. I I I I I I I Patent Fees and Roya/Jies: 6.12. CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and roy- , alties and assume all costs incident to the Use in the perfor- mance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design, process, product or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if to the actual knowledge of OWNER or ENGINEER its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of slichtnghtiFsh'iill be di~closed by'OWNER in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and ENGINEER and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court and arbitration costs) ari~jng out of any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from the incorporation ' in the Work of any invention, design, process, product or device not specified in the Contract Documents, and shall defend all such claims in connection with any alleged infringement of such rights. 6.14.2. If CONTRACTOR observes that the Specifi- cations or Drawings are at variance with any Laws or Regulations, CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER prompt written notice thereof, and any necessary changes will be authorized by one of the methods indicated in paragraph 3.4. If CONTRACTOR performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to such Laws or Regulations, and without such notice to , ENGlNEER, CONTRACTOR shall bear all costs arising therefrom; however~ it shall not be CONTRACTOR's pri- mary responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with such Laws and Regulations . Taxes: 10 F1L1!:H:IACCTG\CONI'RACI\MASI'I!RS\ 191 0,8 Use of Premises: 6.16. CONTRACTOR shall confine construction equip- ment, the storage of materials and equipment and the oper- ations of workers to the Project site and land and areas iden- tified in and permitted by the Contract Documents and other land and areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, rights- of-way, permits and easements, and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall assume full ' responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof or of any land or areas contig- I uous thereto, resulting from the performance of the Work. 6.20.1. all employees on the Work and other persons Should any claim be made against OWNER or ENGINEER and organizations who may be affected thereby; }.,~.<"~'"by any.such\owner;or!occupant'because ofthe,performance,of.lf<I':c.";:."",,.,'i:"i, '.... ,.,," :i",:,-" the W ork;CONTRACTOR shall promptly 'attemptto.settle,"J!,~~i;;','~;'.:,: ,', 6.20.2. all the Work-and materials,and,equipment to.be", .ii '" '. wi~such'o~er p.artyby: agreement-ior otherwise resolve,:the.~':";:'':i.:,;'"-,,, " " incorporated:,therein;,whethercin storage,on:orof'f the:site;.;,. ","__ ,...' 'claun by'arbltranon orat:law..,CONTRACTORshall"to,the::'\i'.:,'.n~"::,:,":' and ,... ., ,,,..,. 'f,': fullest extent permitted',by:..Lawsand' Regulations; indemnUyA-::"L<\ ;:'". ' '1 and hold OWNERand ENGINEER harmless fromand:againsh',,.,',;-"i.... 6.20.3. other property.,at the, site, or adjacent-thereto,,' ., . all claims, damages~ losses 'and expenses, (including;.butnot,\:.:!.;.,.'.. ~:' including.. trees, shrubs;,iawns;,.walks; pavements;..road-., . ,.\={.:, ; ',;". limited:to;'.fees:: of; engineers;, architects;lattomeys-and'. other;;\l1tf~:~:';::F ,r,; ways;' structures;. utilities i and: Underground: F aciliiies.~ot,~:' , I' professionals and court and arbitration costs}arising'directly;:;"~,,,.:..:, designated for. removal, relocation or replacement.in the. indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equi- ,; :~. {..,' , course of construction. " ....:.. table, brought by any such'other party'against-OWNER.or:.:".':;:...,' "'1:' , . ENGINEER to.th.'e:extent, based on:a clairilarising'out.oLi"':;""", CONTRACTOR shall comply:with:all.applicableLawsand , CONTRACTOR'~ performance of the Work.,: : ' ....: Regulations of any public body..having jurisdiction foe the " safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, 6.17. During the progress of the Work, CONTRACTOR.: " , injury or loss; and shall erect mid maintain all necessary, .1 shalL keep ,the premises free from. accumulations of, waste, !.-;, '" safeguards for such s.afety JUld p.rotecti.o~.; CONTRACTOR materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from.the;Worb:;,./,.~,,' shall notify owners of adjacent. property. and. of Underground , ,., At the completion of the Work CONTRACTOR shall remove, ',', Facilities and utility owners when prosecutio~ of the Work I all waste materiaJs, rubbish and debris from and about the may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the pro- premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equip.- tection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. ment and machinery, and surplus materials, and shall leave the All damage, injwy or loss to any property referred to in I. site clean and ready for occupancy by OWNER CON- paragraph 6.20.2 or 6.20,3 caused, directly or indirectly, in TRACTOR shall r:estore to original condition all property not whole or in part, by CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. Supplier or any other person or organization directly or indi- I recdy employed by ai1y of them to perform or furnish any of 6.18. CONTRACTOR shall not load nor permit any part of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the shall be remedied by CONTRACTOR (except damage or loss I structure, nor shall CONTRACTOR subject any part of the attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will acts or omissions of OWNER or ENGINEER or anyone endanger it. employed by either of them or anyone for whose acts either of I them may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, Record Documents: in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CON- 6.19. CONTRACTOR shall maintain in a safe place at the TRACTOR). CONTRACTOR's duties and responsibilities for site one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such I' Written' Amen~ents, Change Orders, Work Directive time as all the Work is completed and ENGINEER has issued I I I I I I I 6.15. CONTRACTOR shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Laws and Regulations of the place of the Project-which'are applicable during the performance of the Work. Changes, Field Orders and written interpretations and clarifications (issued pursuant to paragraph 9.4) in good order and annotated to show all changes made during construction. These record documents together.withall approved samples and a counterpart of all approved Shop Drawings Will be available to ENGINEER for reference. Upon completion of the Work, these record documents, samples and Shop Drawings will be delivered to ENGINEER for OWNER Sqfety and Protection: 6.20. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining at).d supervising all safety precautions and pro- grams in connection with the Work. CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: II FlL.Jl:H;\ACcrG\CO/mlACl\MASffiRSlI910.8 I B I I I Emergencies: 6.22. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, I CONTRACfOR, without special instruction or authorization from ENGINEER or OWNER, is obligated to act to prevent . threatened damage, injury or loss. CONTRACTOR shall give I ENGINEER prompt written notice if CONTRACTOR believes that any significant changes in the Work or variations ":';~e". c, frofil' ,the , Contract 'Documents'have' been caused"thereby;', If""""::,,,,.., ','" .' 6.26: ENGINEER will review,and'approve, with reasonable.,' , :' ,'.,' ENGINEER. determines:that..a . change"'in . the '. Contract-:.;;,'"i"'''' ., promptness Shop ,Drawings and samples, ,but ENGINEER's,.,. ,I Documents is required'because of the action takenin.response~")i:,,<,,,..,, review and approval,willbe.only:.for,conformance ,with.,the! , ,',,: ' to an emergency~'a' Work Directive Change or Change OrderJ;'~','.",,:,,::,: 'design. concept ..of the ;Project. and, for. compliance'.with,.the". , will be issued todocwnent-the consequences' of the changes or,'",":,;" , :.,.' information given' in the : Contract Documents and. shall not, ' c 'I variations. extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. of construction (except where a specific means, method. ,,;,I.p ':~'.ShopDraw;ngs,'and.samples:"!>":(':',:,:, :,.",~, '.,. .. ~ ':,"~;": -, technique;: sequence or procedure oLconstruction,is'.indicated,:. 1", 6;23. Aftercheckingandverifyingallfieldmeasurements'~:':'7;'!:" ,in or required by the Contract, Documents) or to.safety . and after complying with applicable procedures specified, in the'.'"..,,;:,;;,:' . precautions ,or, programs. incident thereto." The review. and. "';'.-<'- '.: Generak'Requirements,:":.CONTRAcrOR: :shalL'submit;"to:~<ff;;::'i'V"f_, approval'ofa,separate,item.as ,such will not, indicate, approval "" "'1- " ENGINEER.for'review and approval in accordance with the <~.~ '~;,,: ,.,,>, of the assembly in which the'item functions. .CONTRACTOR.. accepted schedule of Shop Drawing submissions (see para-, :;,,' , , shall make corrections required by ENGINEER, .and shall, graph 2.9), or for other appropriatecaction if so indicated in the ' .',' return the required, number of corrected copies of Shop Supplementary Conditions, five" copies (unless otherwise.., Drawings and submit as required new samples for review and I . specified ,in the General,Requirements) of all Shop Drawings, ;.,. ' approval. CONTRACTOR .shall' direct specific attention .in, which will bear, a stamp or specific written indication 'that ;,";" ' "writing to revisions, other .than ,the corrections called for, by I CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsi-;: ". ENGINEER on previous submittals, ' biIities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submission. All submissions will be identified as ENGINEER may require. The .data shown on the Shop I Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimen- sions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to enable ENGINEER to review the information I as required. I I I I a notice to OWNER and CONTRACTOR in accordance with paragraph 14.13 that the Work is acceptable (except as otherwise expressly provided in connection with Substantial Completion~;''''''''' , '" .'". 6.21. CONTRACTOR shall designate a responsible rep- resentative at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be CONTRACTOR's superin- tendent unless otherwise designated in writing by CON- TRACTOR to OWNER 6.24. CONTRACTOR shall also submit to ENGINEER for review and approval with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work, all samples required by the Contract Doc- uments. All samples will have been checked by and accom- panied by a specific written indication that CONTRACTOR has satisfied CONTRACTOR's responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the sub- mission arid will be identified clearly as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for which intended . ~..'1 ....'. _~ , ' . 6.25.1. Before submission of each Shop Drawing or sample CONTRACTOR; shall have determined and verified";,,~ all quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria. installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with other Shop Drawings and samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 6.25.2. At the time of each submission, CONTRAC- TOR shall give ENGINEER specific written notice of each variation that, the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing submitted to ENGINEER for review and approval of each such variation. 6.27. ENGINEER's review and approval of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless CONTRACTOR has in writing called ENGINEER's attention to each such variation at the time of submission as required by paragraph 6.25.2 and ENGINEER has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Shop Drawing or sample approval; nor will any approval by ENGINEER relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or from responsibility for having complied with the provisions of paragraph 6.25. ] . 6.28. Where a Shop Drawing or sample is required by the Specifications, any related Work performed prior to ENGl- 12 F1LE:H:IACcrG\COmllACl\MASTERS\1910,8 I I ~ :'#;-l'~. I I I I .....I..~. .. I , " ...1. NEER's review and approval of the pertinent submission will be the sole expense and responsibility of CO~tTOR. Related Work at Site: 7.1. OWNER may perform other work related to the Proj- ect at the site by OWNER's own forces, have other work 'Continuing the Work:'" '" .. "'~,'p< ' "\f:;.'~".' performed by utility owners or let other direct contracts-there"" 6.29. CONTRACfOR shall carry on the Work and adhere for which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. If to the progress schedule during all disputes or disagreements the fact that such other work is to be petformed was not noted with OWNER. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pend- in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof will be given ing resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as to CONTRACfOR prior to starting any such other work; and, permitted by paragraph 15.5 or as CONTRACfOR and if CONTRACTOR believes that such performance will OWNER may otherwise agree in writing. involve additional expense to CONTRACTOR or requires additional time and the parties are unable to agree as to the extent thereof: CONTRACfOR may make a claim there for as provided in Articles 11 and 12. Indemnification: 6.30. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regu- lations CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless OWNER and ENGINEER and their consultants, agents and 7.2. CONTRACTOR shall afford each utility owner and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract (or expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (including but not OWNER, if OWNER is performing the additional work with limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys OWNER's employees) proper and safe access to the site and and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of out'of or-' resulting from 'the 'performance,'of,the'W ork;'such ....,,,,,' " ,materials and equipment- and ,the execution,ofsuch work;. and , . claim, damage, loss or expense (a)'is attributable' to: bodily:/..;~.".". shall properly connect. an&coordinate theWork,with theirs.., injury, sickness, disease'oT.'deatlt; ,or to' injury to or'destruction'l. C:":,".{"f' , CONTRACfOR shall do all cutting, fitting and patching:of,the >. of tangible property (other than the W orkitself) including .the'",,';"", .W ork that may., be ,required .to make', its several parts, ccme. loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is' caused in whole'orin,..u:.,::"; . , together properly and integrate with. such other work., CON-, part by any negligent act or omission of CONTRACTOR,. any ";.: .' "",'. ;.TRACfOR shall not endanger, any work of others by cutting,. . Subcontractor,. any person or organization directly or indireCtly.~..;,:;,~".:,.;. :excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only,cut, ' ';~'i!';:'~i~,;'.remployed".by'any'of.them\to'petform'orf.fumish~.any;iof:the;,~,~::,);,;':'" ;.or alter.theirworkwith.the.written.consentof,ENGINEER',and::. I Work or anyorie for whose, acts any' of them may be liable/ :,..;\"" ,', .". the, others whose work will,: be. affected. The, duties and ... regardless' of whether or not it, is:caused in part, by a party J";,~"::,,,:':, -'. responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this paragraph are ' , .,.;,;:,;(("..,4'.',.! indemriified',hereunder;or,arises.,by,ods :imposed, by,:LaW!.andl';'~;,i::i'f.~'i,.',forthe benefit, of such, utility.. owners ,and other, contractors ,to ,:.... , .- I' " . , Regulations regardless of the negligence of-any: such 'party.';" ~' ,,:"f:,', ',: : the extent that there are comparable. provisions, for the benefit,. of CONTRACfOR in said direct contracts between OWNER, 6.31. In 'any and all claims against OWNE~ or ENGI-., . and such utility owners and other contractors. I NEER or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any , '. - employee of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontract!}'T, any,person:';' 7.3...-If any part.of CONTRACTOR's Work depends, for or organization directly or indirectly employed by' any of them ' , proper execution or results upon the work of any such other to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose contractor or utility owner (or OWNER), CONTRACTOR I acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation shall inspect and promptly report to ENGINEER in writing under paragraph 6.30 shall not be limited in any way by any any delays, defects or deficiencies in such work that render it limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or unavailable or unsuitable for such proper execution and I benefits payable by or for CONTRACfOR or any such results. CONTRACTOR's failure so to report will constitute Subcontractor or other person or organization under workers' an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integra- or workmen's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or tion with CONTRACfOR's Work except for latent or non I other employee benefit acts. apparent defects and deficiencies in the other work. I I I ARTICLE 7 - OTHER WORK I 6.32. The obligations of CONTRACTOR under paragraph 6.30 shall not extend to the liability of ENGINEER, ENqINEER's consultants, agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications. Coordination: 7.4. If OWNER contracts with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the site, the person or organization who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various prime con tractors will be identified in the Supplemental)' Conditions, and the specific matters to be covered by such authority and 13 .., mE:H:\ACcrG\CONTllAC1\MASTERS\1910.8 responsibility will be itemized, and the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. in the Supplementary Conditions. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, neither OWNER nor ENGINEER'sniill have"any" authority or responsibility in respect of such coordination. ARTICLE 8-0WNER'S RESPONSmILITIES 8.1. OWNER shall issue all communications to CON- TRACTOR through ENGINEER. . 8.2. In case of termination of the employment 'of ENGI- NEER, OWNER shall appoint an engineer against whom CONTRACTOR makes no reasonable objection, whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former ENGINEER. Any dispute in connection with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration. 8.5. OWNER's responsibilities in respect ofpurchasing>"-~ and maintaining liability and property insurance are set forth,." , ., in paragraphs 55 through 5;8. 8.6. OWNER is obligated to execute Change Orders as. indicated in paragraph 10.4. 8.7. OWNER's responsibility in respect of certain inspections, tests and approvals is set forth in paragraph 13.4. 8.8. In connection with OWNER's right to stop Work or, suspend Work, see paragraphs 13.10 and 15.1. Paragraph 15.2 deals with OWNER's right to terminate services of CON- TRACTOR under certain circumstances. ARTICLE 9-ENGINEER'S STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION Owner's Representative: 9.1. ENGINEER will be OWNER's representative during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of ENGINEER as, OWNER's representatlve during construchon are set forth m the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without writteii'consent of OWNER and ENGINEER. VISits to Site: 9.2. ENGINEER will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. ENGINEER will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. ENGINEER's efforts will be directed toward providing for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations as an experienced and qualified design profes- sional, ENGINEER will keep OWNER informed of the prog- ress of the Work and will endeavor to 'guard OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the ,Work., '. ,- ~: Clarifications and Interpretations:., - 9.4. ENGINEER will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the require- ments of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as ENGINEER may determine, necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. If CONTRACTOR believes that a written clarification or interpretation justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time and the parties are unable to agree to the amoUnt or extent thereof: CONTRACTOR may make a claim there for as provided in Article 11 or Article 12. Authorized Variations in Work: 9.5. ENGINEER may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on OWNER, and also on 14 FlLE:H:\ACCTGICONl'RAC1\MAS'll!RS\1910,8 9.12. When functioning as interpreter and judge under paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11, ENGINEER will not show par- tiality to OWNER or CONTRACTOR and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of a decision by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraphs 9.10 and 9.11 with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in paragraph 14.16) will be a condition precedent to any exercise by OWNER or CONTRACTOR of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws or Regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. 9.8;-.. Incorinection.with,'ENGINEER's' responsibilities'as':,:<> '", ii,..:, " :: -,. to Change Orders; see Articles. 10,.11 and,12.1'... ,. " ..-:';.:..-"'" Limitations on ENGINEER's Responsibilities:,,;, '. .' '.. I . 9.13. Neither ENGINEER's authority to act under this 9.9. In connection with.ENGINEER's responsibilities,int",~i""""", Article ,9 or elsewhere, in the Contract ,Documents, nor, any" respect of Applications,for,Paymentj:etc...;.see<ArticleJ4:'c'.,...;"."....;O'i.. ' decision made by ENGINEER in good faith either..to exercise,. I' or not exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or '" :, Determinations for Unit, Prices: ".c',?, ,:"'C '..' ", ':. ,., , JE. ,:.. responsibility of ENGINEER to CONTRACTOR any:Sub- ,,:,;;;;.:;'.....,.,: "..,: 9.10. ENGINEER-Will determine.the'actual.quantities:and~:.6,;\~\"";';~'contractor,.' any.-Supplier,. or,' any other' person or organization':' ',' 'I' , classifications;. of, Unit, Pri~ 'W ?rk. ~ormed ..by-, CON-:'~':1:;~:)" .~, performing any of the Work; or to any surety for any of them.'. ' TRACTOR ENGINEER will reVlew,Wlth,CONTRACTORi":5:'.::; " ,~~,:';J,,,7 ,'ENGINEERls:"preliminary.;,determinations'i,on.i'such'imaiters'f-"~",,tl.c,,~ ,.: ,~. ,9.14. ",Whenever in ,the Contract,Documents ,the, terms:~'as.. b ti d. 'tt d .. th (b d ed"" dir ted" " . ed"" II edIt " "1" eorerenenng,awnen',eclslon,:, ereon~ y,recomm, en-,':r""""..:,;orer ,.,..as ec ..."asreqwr ,;',asaow ,..,as dation of an Application for PaYment or. otherwise).: ENGk,~!, "',' approved" ,or terms of like effect or.import are used, or the NEER's written decisions thereon will be final'and binding,..;;: adjectives ~ 'reasonable' " "suitable' ',-' 'acceptable", ' 'proper" upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR, unless, within ten days:. . or "satisfactory" or adjectives oflike effect or import ace used ' ,:...1 after the date of any suchdeeision, either OWNER or CON-:" ".' ' -' to describe a requir~~ent, direction,review.or judgme.:':lt of,:. . , TRACTOR delivers to the other party to the Agreement and:,.-,.":,,,,,.. ENGINEER, as to the, Work, . it is intended that, such, to ENGINEER written notice of intention to appeal from such, '. requirement, direction, review or judgment will be solely to, I a decision. evaluate the Work for compliance with the Contract Docu- ments (unless there is a specific statement indicating other- Decisions on Disputes: wise). The use of any such term or adjective shall not be 'I 9.11. ENGINEER will be the initial interpreter of the effective ~ assign to ENGINEER any duty or authority to requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the supervise or direct the furnishing or performance of the Work acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and or any duty. or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to I other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the the provisions of paragraph 9.15 or 9.16. interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to the performance and furnishing of the Work and I claims under Articles 11 and 12 in respect of changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time'will be referred initially to ENGINEER in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance' with this paragraph, which ENGINEER will I render in writing within a reasonable time. Written notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter will be delivered by the Claimant. to ENGINEER and the other party to' th~ I Agreement promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) I I I I I I I Shop Drawings, Change Orders and Payments: 9.7. In connection with ENGINEER's responsibility for Shop Drawings and samples, see paragraphs 6.23 through 6.29 inclusive. :,;.~I">",,,.. CONTRACTOR who shall perform the Work involved promptly. If CONTRACTOR believes that a Field Order justifies an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the '" Contract Time and the parties are'unable,to"agree as to the '. amoWlt or extent thereof, CONTRACTOR may make a claim there for as provided in Article 11 or 12. Rejecting Defective Work: 9.6. ENGINEER will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which ENGINEER believes to be defective, and will8lso have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.9, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. after the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to ENGINEER and the other party within sixty days after such occurrence unless ", ENGINEER allows an additional perio<f;oftime to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim. 9.15. ENGINEER will not be responsible for CON- TRACTOR's means, methods, techniques, sequences or pro- . cedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and ENGINEER will not be responsible for CONTRACTOR's failure to perform or furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.16. ENGINEER will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of CONTRACTOR or of any Subcontractor, any 15 F1LE:H:IACcrG\COmRACJ\MASrnRSlJ910,8 11.1. The Contract Price constitutes the total compen- sation (subject to authorized adjustments) payable to CON- TRACfOR for performing the Work. All duties, responsibil- ities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by CON- TRACTOR shall be at his expense without change in the 10.2. If OWNER and CONTRACfOR are unable to Contract Price. I agree as to the extent, if any, of an increase or decrease in the , <'.' ''''. C~?~~t ,~,~ or an extensio~ or sho~ning of th~ ~ontr~~t.. . <' .' . 11.~. The Contract. Price may only be chan~ed by a ~'a~, -.,' TIme 'that shoUld'be'allowed'as'a'restiltof a 'WorkDlTective~;;'i:""'"'''' Change Order or by'a WnttenAmendment:-Any claw for an". . {n, . . Change, a claim- may .be made there for as provided in:. Article~;,':'~"~~:~:.:1 ':~ro':" . increase 'or:decrease in the' Contract Price shall bel based,' on; I .. 11 or Article 12 written notice'delivered by the party making the claim to the' , .. other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later 10.3. CONTRACfORshall not be entitled to airincrease';i~";"i,",'than.thirtydays) after the'occurrence' of the event giving rise' I in the Contract Price or an extension of the ContractTime with ',,,,,;,; ~..: ; to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice . . , respect. to" any:, W ork'performed that.js".not'.tequired,by ,the~~/.'ri;;~,;',;,,:, of the.. amount of. the claim with ,supporting, data.. shall be' ., ,~'J" ,': :':COntract DoCUnlents,' as"amended;:modified 'and'supplemented't.<i ~J;H{':.':.,deli vered ':within ':sixty,;days,~after',such ';occurrence." (unless :; , 'I' as provided in par8graphs 3.4 and 3.5"except in the case of an "ik.;.;/"'; c~ ENGINEER allows an additional period of time to 'ascertain, , emergency'as provided 'in paragraph ,6:22 and except. in;the~\".'!'l,\"il' more accurate ' data. in support of the claim) and shall, be ' ",," "'caseofuncoveringW orkas'providedrin'paragraph~13 ;9t':~"::~;'f.':~l:~:'~'ri!l accompanied;by' claimant's written statement that the' amount.. I claimed covers all known amounts (direct, indirect and con-' 10.4. OWNER and CONTRACfOR shall execute appro-',;,')" sequential) to which the claimant is entitled as a result of the priate Change Orders (or Written Amendments) covering: .'. " ,., occurrence of said event~ All claims for adjustment in the I Contract Price shall be determined by ENGINEER in accor- , 10.4.1. changes..in the Work which are ordered'by .'.. dance with paragraph 9.1 LifOWNER and CONTRACfOR OWN ER pursuant to paragraph 10.1, are required because ,/.. cannot otherwise agree on' the amount involved. No claim for' I of acceptance of deftctive Work under paragraph 13 ,13 or ' , an adjusbnent in the Contract Price will be valid if not correcting detective Work under paragraph 13.14, or are submitted in accordance with this paragraph 11.2. agreed to by the parties; o I I I I' I I I ." ~- . I I I I Supplier, or of any other person or organization performing or furnishing any of the Work. ." '~"ri""''' ; :t;,'i"; .('tt}o~' ~. :.!.. ARTICLE 10--CHANGES IN THE WORK 10.1. Without invalidating the Agreement and without notice to any surety, OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions in the Work; these will be authorized by a Written Amendment, a Change Order, or a Work Directive Change. Upon receipt of any such document, CONTRACTOR shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). 10.4.2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties; and 10.4. 3 . changes in the Contract Price .or Contract Time which embody the substance of any written decision rendered by ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 9.11; provided that, in lieu of executing any such Change Order, an appeal may be taken from any such decision in accordance with the provisions of the Contract DOCuments and applicable Laws and Regulations, but during any such appeal, CONTRACTOR shall cany on the Work and adhere to the progress schedule as provided in paragraph 6.29. . ' 10.5. Ifnotice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work ()r the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time) is required by the'provisions"of any Bond to be "given to a SW'ety, the giving of any such notice will be CONTRACfOR's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable Bond will be adjusted accordingly. ARTICLE ll-CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE 11.3. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be determined in one of the following ways: 11.3.1. Where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of paragraphs 11.9.1. through 1 1.9.3, inclusive). 11.3.2. By mutual acceptance of a lump sum (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with paragraph 11.3.3. On the basis of the Cost of the Work (deter- 16 F1LI!:H:\ACCTG\CONTRACl\MAmRS\1910.8 11.4.1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of CONTRACTOR in the performance of the Work under Cost, including transportation and main- schedules of job classifications agreed upon by OWNER tenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machin- 1,,' and CONTRACTOR PayroIl costs for employees not ery, appliances, office and temporary facilities at the employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the site and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are '~i;;;,"~,~""",,;;,:- ..basis' of..theiF,. time,spent'on-'the..Work.-,PayroIlcosts,:shaIl \',i'...;"":;,~;.~~'Ji.i~." ,'.", consumed in the performance 'of. the' Work; and'costless " include, but not be limited to,: sal~esand wages, plus the, 'li:;i~h.~ ;,., 't.:. ..,':-' markeL value of such,jtems, used. ,but not" consumed-.: ' cost of fringe benefits whichshall.include, social securitycr.~'.r(";"'0: "':';,'.'" which remain the property.' of CONTRACTOR" ;',"," , contributions, unemployment". excise': and ';payroIl': taxesV~,;'~.i1.;;:; ,:.y\~' ,::: ',' ", workers'or workmen~scompensation,' health. and retirement::,w,~n'~<l'?:"~'" Rentals' of all constructionequipment:and~ 'I benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holidaypay""::'~:";';', ';:' machinery and the parts, thereof whether rented from applicable. thereto. ,Such, :.employees. . shaII :. include,;".;":;:';",,,: ';, ~', CONTRACTOR or others in. accordance with rentaL ....'~.:.7;;"Y ::~':; superintendents: and, foremen-at'the:'site~:'The:expenses,'ofi'f.\,,~.f,;;\':n~'.:,~,i~:,~ {, '.c. agreements. approved'by,;OWNER-.with. the, advice"ot ,:" I performing Work after regular working' hours, on SaturdaY;":",':'iFy..;;::,: .; ENGINEER, and the . costs of transportation, loading, ,,' SWlClay orIegal holidays, shall be included in the above to .': ,;: ,:', ) "',.' . , unloading, instaIlation, dismantling ,and removal . ,~. ;;;, ..'. ~,~..: ,::the extent:authorized by OWNER :". i, ,;. :..':. ". ,:~, T',. "".:' :i::,-;:;~;.;..; ,. " ,': thereof--aIl in accordance'" with . terms of said . rental, " 'I' agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machin- " 11.4.2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnishedc::,~:,.',' ery or parts shaIlcease when, the ~e thereof is no and incorporated in the Work, including costs of trans-.,.,..;, longer necessary for the Work. ' portation and storage thereof; and Suppliers'. field services", .-', .'.'" I required in connection therewith. AIl cash discountsshall'-,>" c.' accrue to CONfRACTOR unless OWNER deposits funds, :;I~,:'.", ' with CONTRACTOR with which to make payments, in I which case the cash discounts shall accrue to OWNER All trade discounts, rebates and refunds and all returns from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to I OWNER, and CONTRACTOR shaIl make provisions so that they may be obtained. I I I I I I I \1 I I I "I,. mined as provided in paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5) plus a CONTRACfOR's Fee for overhead and profit (detefinined as provided in paragraphs 11.6 and 11.7). to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. "'--i'" 1.:::.V;.ffn;" 11.4.4: Costs;ot:'special consultants, (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, sur- veyors, attorneys and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. - -, _'\.~.~; ,~ Cost of the Work: 11. 4. The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by CONTRACTOR in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by OWNER, such costS shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, shall include only the foIlowing items and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph 11.5: 11.4.5. Supplemental costs including the following: The proportion of necessary transporta- tion, travel and subsistence expenses of CONTRAC- TOR's employees incurred in discharge of duties con- nected with the Work. , 1 I.4,5A.,_Sall::~, cOQSum~.!, use,..,~r similar taxes related to the Work, and for which CONTRACTOR is liable, iinposed by Laws and Regulations. Deposits lost for causes other than negli- gence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be li'abIe, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. 11.4.3. Payments made by CONTRACTOR to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to CON- TRACTOR and shaIl deliver such bids to OWNER who will then determine, with the advice of ENGINEER, which bids wiII be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work shall be determined in the same manner 3;S CONTRAC- TOR's Cost of the Work. All subcontracts shall be subject Losses and damages (and related expenses), not compensated by insurance or othenvise, to the Work or othenvise sustained by CONTRACTOR in connection with the performance and furnishing of the Work (except losses and, damages within the deductible amounts of property insurance established by OWNER in accordance with paragraph 5.9), provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence of CONTRACTOR, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for 17 FILE:H:IACCJ'G\CONTRAcnMAsrnRS\1910,8 I I I. I I I '~:~:;I: li~:':' , whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of OWNER. No such losses, damages and expenses' shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining CONTRACTOR's Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and CONTRACTOR 'is placed in charge thereof: CONTRAcrOR shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph 11.6.2. The cost of utilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. 11.5.2. Expenses of CONTRACTOR's principal and branch offices other than CONTRACTOR's offiCe at the site 11.5.3. Any part of CONTRACTOR's capital expenses, including interest on CONTRACTOR'S capital employed for the Work and charges against CONTRACTOR for delinquent payments. 11.5.4. Cost of premiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not CONTRACTOR is required by the Contract Docwnents to purchase and maintain the same. (except for the cost of premiUms covered by sub- paragraph above). 11.5.5. Costs due to the negligence of CONTRACTOR, '" ,any SubcOntractor. or anyone directly or indirectly"" employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective Work. disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 11.5.6. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph 11.4. CONTRACTOR'S Fee: 11.6,2.3, no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.4.4, 11.4.5 and 11.5: the amount of credit to be allowed by CONTRACTOR to OWNER for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease plus a deduction in CONTRACTOR's Fee by an amount equal to ten percent of the net decrease: and when both additions and credits are involved in anyone change, the adjustment in CON- lRAcrOR's Fee shall be computed on the basis of the net change in accordance with paragraphs through inclusive. 11.7. Whenever the cost of any Wark is to be determined 18 FILI!:H:\ACCJ'Ci\CONffiAcnMASIl!RS\1910.8 12.1. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order or a Written Amendment. Any claim for an extension or shortening of the Contract Time shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party and to ENGINEER promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Notice I 11.8.2. CONTRACTOR's costs for unloading and ' of die extent of the claim with supporting data shall be deliv- i . ' .handling on the site, labor, installation costs. overhead, ered within sixty day~ .after suc.h occw:ence (unless .ENGI- ,,,,.,,' ,"~:'." c. profit and, other' expenses'contempl ated for the allowances:. ',:,.,!i ;. ; " NEERallows'an additIonalpenod of tIme 'to 'ascertaln.more' ,',.. '" . .. have been included in the Contract Price andnot:in'the:,',';:;;::',.., accurate data'in support; of the, claim) and"shall...be;accom.,;::. ":~'I": ,,,Co.,, allowances. No d~mand,f~r'additionatpaymenton 'accounh~l,\<\\: ';"" ;~ed b~the'cl~ant's ~tten' stateme~t.that.thea,djUSbnent ~'" "'i-' ..., ""of any thereofwill be:valid;: , " :. n,',:::" .,;. ' ": ,',i:,": "," clauned'lsthe entire adJusbnent, to:,which 'the claunant,:'has'i, '. " '.., .. ",', reason to believe it is entitled as a result of the'occurrence,of ' "I' '.' ~rior to final 'payment, an appropriate. Change Order:will: bel t!;!C:.:"'.,, " said event. All ~laims for' adjusbnent.-in the Contract !ime:24 ", " '... 'lssued::,as',recommended',by."ENGINEERi.to: ref1ect',actualiti':~\'1;';":"shall be determt)led by:ENGINEERmaccordance WIthpara-,.; : ''<:(;''iY':amounts'due,GONTRACfOItol'i'aecounfof.;W citkcOvered~,by(jf,)li~};,~~~:;giaph.9;lLifOWNERand,CONTRA.CTOR:caimot otherwise "~,i' "'.1." , all.owances, ,and, the' Contract Price shall' be, correspondinglyt:!rf':"";~ "~..Noclaim f~r an ~justment in. the .Contract T~e will be ,': adJusted;' " , ," ' , , vahd if not subDlltted m accordance WIth the reqUIrements of this Paragraph 12.1. I I 1 't~"- I I I I pursuant to paragraph 11.4 or 11.5, CONTRActOR will submit in form acceptable to ENGINEER anitertllzed cost breakdown together with supporting data, - . -. : ,.~, ..... '-.- "-.~:~ Cash Allowances: 11.8. It is understood that CONTRACTOR has included in Jhe Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so' covered to be done by such Subcontractors or Suppliers and for such sums within the limit of the allowances as may be acceptable to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR agrees that: 11.8.1. The allowances include the cost to CON- TRACTOR (less any applicable trade discounts) of mate- rials and equipment required by the allowances to be deliv- ered at the site. and all applicable taxes: and "I I I I I I I I I Unit Price Work:, , 11.9.1. Where the Contract Documents provide that:all'.,:,': >: or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the..; Contract Price will'be deemed to include for all UnitPrice,!'" Work an amount'equal to'the sum of the established unit", "., '. prices for each separately'identified-item of Unit' Price';'i;"'~\ Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR will be made by ENGINEER in accor- dance with Paragraph 9.10. 11.9.2. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by CONTRACTOR to be adequate to cover CONTRACTOR's overhead and profit for each sep- arately identified item. 11.9.3. Where the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work perfOlmed by CONTRACTOR differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement and there is no corresponding ,'{~'..;-~ . adjustment with respect to any other item of Work and if CONTRACTOR believes that CONTRACTOR has incurred additional expense as a result thereof, CON- ..TRACTOR may make a claim for an increasein'the' GOn-' ~>f tract PriCe in accordance with Article 11 if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount of any such increase. , . . ~ ..,. ARTICLE 12-CHANGE OF CONTRACf TIME 12.2. The Contract Time will be extended in an amount equal to time lost due to delays beyond the control of CON-, TRACTOR if a claim is made there for as provided in para- ",,'graph 12. LSuch delays shall include,. but nut be limited to, ;, acts or neglect by OWNER or others performing, additional, work as contemplated by Article 7, or to fires, floods, labor disputes, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions or acts of God. 12.3. All time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. The provisions of this Article 12 shall not exclude recovery for damages (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) for delay by either party. ARTICLE 13--WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE; TESTS AND INSPECI10NS; CORRECI10N, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 19 F1L1!:H:IACCl'G\COl'ffilACI\MASTI!RS\19\ 0.8 I I Access to Work: ' 13.2. ENGlNEER and ENGlNEER's representatives, other 13.9. If ENGINEER considers it necessmy or advisable representatives of OWNER, testing agencies and governmental that covered Work be observed by ENGINEER or inspected I agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the or tested by others, CONTRAcrOR, at ENGINEER's request, Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspecting and shall uncover, expose or otherwise make available for testing, CONTRACTOR shall provide proper and safe observation, inspection or testing as ENGINEER may require, I conditions for such access. that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessaJ)' labor, material and equipment. If it is found that such Work is Tests and Inspections: defective, CONTRACTOR shall bear all direct, indirect and I 13.3. CONTRACTOR shall give ENGINEER timely consequential costs of such Wlcovering, exposure, observation, .. , . . , notice of readiness ~f the Work for all required' inspections, inspection and testing and of satisfactory reconstruction, !,.",;",,, "tests or approvals':'?:'" , ~"...;'" .";~ ", 'C': " . ' (including' but not limited to fees' and charges, 'of engineers, ' "..:.'..',.,: ,..., . .. '.' .' architects, attorneys and other. professionals), and OWNER ."~:I'::~':.' ".13: 4'.. 'If La~ or Regulations. of-any public' body~aving'-'~"~:<:';~\'" ,. sh~l': be en~tled':to'; ~:'appropriate,'decrease,'ini the "Contract",' ,...,-:~ JUIlsdichonreqwre any'Work-(or:part thereof) to specifically;"r".;;;":':" "Price; 'and;:if the pames:are'unable,to;agreeas.,to.the'amount-: .,. .,,~' ~.: be inspected; testedc., oC'. approved.:, CONTRACTOR,',shall~"r.,<'" " , thereof; may make a claim there for,as provided in Article 11. '1" 'assum~fullrespo~ibility there for, pay all c.osts in c.onnection >::~,.< . If" however, ,such Work' is notf?und to. be, defective, " .' . therewtthand,furnish'ENGINEERthe.reqwred certificates of,;-".i';;,):;~;:?'CONTRAcrOR shall beallow~ an mcrease,m the Contract .'. ,"ij~',:. ,,,,,..inspection;~testing:orj approval';,:GONTRACTOR shall ,also:,be:i';j.,t'i::~:i:' !~:.Price.or.an 'extension~ofthe:Contract' Time; or.. both, directly:;, 1,.,. responsible for and shall'pay'all- costs in connection ,with 'any' '0; "!";..~'''-'' attributable to ,.such. ; uncovering," ,exposure", observation; . , inspection or testing required in connection with OWNER's or",,:,;,:, ...' . inspection, testing and reconstruction:;and, if the parties are ' , -".:' ">ENGINEER's:. acceptance,..of,:'a 'iSupplier:;oLmaterials..'1or.;,t~,",!.-;..','.,unable..'.to:,;.agree,.< as':.to,rthe 'amount:, or; ,.extent, thereof, " 'I" -.-equipment'proposed,to'be':incorporatedinthe.,Work,,'~or,'of:',1',i'~,;:,:,,,, CONTRACTOR may make a claim.there for as provided in. materials or equipment submitted for approval prior to CON-1" "~"'.' Articles 11 and 12. ~ TRAcrOR' s purchase thereoffor incorporation in the Work.. ., The cost of-all inspections;,tests and approvals in addition to,' the.above,which are required by the Contract. pocuments shall:' , be paid by OWNER (unless otherwise specified). I Warranty and Guarantee: I 13.1. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees to , , OWNER and ENGINEER that all Work will be in accordance - "'f;" ;.' with the Contract Documents and will not be defective,:;'Promptl:,t." notice of all defects shall be given to CONTRACTOR All defective Work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Article 13 . ,I 'I I ,I I I I I 13.5. ' All inspections, tests or approvals other than those required by Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceptable to OWNER and CONTRACTOR (or by ENGINEER if so specified). 13.6. If any Work (including the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written concurrence of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGI- NEER, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at CONTRACTOR's expense unless CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER timely notice of CONTRACTOR's inten- tion to cover the same and ENGINEER has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. 13.7, Neither observations by ENGINEER nor inspec- tions, tests or approvals by others shall relieve CONTRAC- TOR fro~ CONTRAcrOR's obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Uncovering . Work: .. ~""~'~:.T'" '. :.",... . 13.8. If any Work is covered contrmy to the written request of ENGINEER, it must, if requested by ENGINEER, be uncovered for ENGINEER's observation and replaced at CONTRACTOR's expense. Owner May Stop the Work: ' 13.10, If the Work is defective. or CONTRACT,ORfails, to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, OWNER may order CONTRACTOR to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, Wltil the cause for such order has been eliminated~ however, this right of OWNER to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part' of OWNER to exercise this right for the benefit of CONTRACTOR or any " other party. Co"ection or Removal of Defedive Work: 13 .11. Ifrequired by ENGINEER, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, as directed, either correct all defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by ENGINEER, remove it from the site and replace it with non defective Work. CONTRAcrOR shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such correction or removal (~cludirtg but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other profes- 20 FILI!:H:IACCTGICONmACI"IMASl1lRSlI910.8 TRACTOR fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, OWNER may, after seven days' written One Year Co"ection Period: notice to CONTRACTOR, correct and remedy any such 13:l2..,If within one year after the. date!'of,Substantial deficiency.-In exercising the rights'"an&remedies under this Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed paragraph OWNER shall proceed expeditiously. To the extent by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, special guarantee required by the Contract Documents or by OWNER may exclude CONTRACTOR from all or part of the any specific provision of the Contract Documents. any Work site, take possession of all or part of the Work. and suspend is foqnd to be defective, CONTRACTOR shall promptly, CONTRACTOR's services related thereto, take possession of without cost to OWNER and in accordance with OWNER's CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment written instructions, either correct such defective Work, or, if and machinery at the site and incorporate in the Work all it has been rejected by OWNER, remove it from the site and materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWN replace it with non defective Work. If CONTRACTOR does ER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere. not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in CONTRACTOR shall allow OWNER, OWNER's represen- an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or tatives, agents and employees such access to the site as may be damage, OWNER may have the defective Work corrected or necessary to enable OWNER to exercise the rights and the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all direct, remedies under this paragraph. All direct, indirect and con- indirect and consequential costs of such removal and sequential costs of OWNER in exercising such rights and ",I rep~acement (~c1uding but not limited to fees ~d charg.es of ' remedies will be charged against CONTRACTOR in an ~-,.=,-.!.", engmeers;' architects~oattomeys"and'other'professlOnals)'WlIl) be::";...,,, :,~""'-amOlmt approved. astoreasonableness.byENGINEER",and a- .,,, . .. paid by. CONTRACTOR"In' special circumstances'where;;a!l':'~,i,: -.:,:::' Change"Order:':will be' issued ,.incorporating.i,the:necessary., I particular item of equipment is 'place<h in ccontinuous;:service,;"'-::~!':'::- "',' revisions in the Contract-Documents:,with,respect to:,the ,Work;~: .' before Substantial' Completion of all the ,Work; the correction.,..",,,:"':" .c. and OWNER shall be entitled to'an'appropriate,decrease.in.the, . . period for that item may start to run from an earlier date ifso':,~,,"~:;~:' Contract Price; and, if the parties:are unable to agree as to the " 'I . provided in the Specifications.or by WrittenAmendment.., :". j~';': amount thereof, 'OWNER may make a claim there for.as . provided in Article 11. Such direct, indirect and consequential ~'\'.'ri;,"'<:!"'''''A'cceptance.,ofDefective"Work:..:i'':'''','S~';,:,;<!,;"'-.~ ,......;', , .." '" .... ',' "',::.' , , ",costs :willinclude,but not..be.limited ,to ,fees, and ,charges; of, ' I B.B.If, instead of-requiring correction or removal and.':::;,"":' ,engineers, architects,attorneys and other' professionals, all , .. replacement, of. defective . Work, ,OWNER. (and, "prior.to".,,"""'" ..court and, arbitration costs and ,all costs of repair and i';;',~~'::":" ENGINEER's:~,'.recommendation:,>,of,;,-:final 'l.payment,,;\'also:;::~~,...:.-,:. replacement'::oL work, of-others: destroyed.. or.. damaged; by 'H I" , , '.', ENGINEE, R) preferS to accept it, OWNER may do so., CON';~,;~..,:;~..:'j correction, , removal: or, replacement. of., CONTRACTOR's ' TRACTOR,shall bear all direct, indirect and consequential,., defective Work. CONTRACTOR shall not be allowed an , costs attributable to OWNER's evaluation of and determi-, . , extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in per- 'I nation to aCcept such defective Work (such costs to be . formance of the Work attributable to the exercise by OWNER . approved by. ENGINEER as to reasonableness and to include ",,' of OWNER's rights arid remedies hereunder. but not be Iinlited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, '. ' attorneys and other professionals). If any such acceptance I occurs prior to ENGINEER's recommendation of final , payment, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents With respect to I the Work; and OWNER shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in die Contract Price, and, if the parties are unable to agree as to the amount thereof, OWNER may make a claim I there for as provided in Article 11. If the acceptance occUrs , - after such recommendation, an appropriate amount will be paid by CONTRACTOR to OWNER I I I I I ,I I I I I sionals) made necessary thereby. OWNER May Co"ect Defective Work: 13.14. If CONTRACTOR fails within a reasonable time after written notice of ENGINEER to proceed to correct and to correct defective Work or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by ENGINEER in accordance with para- graph 13.11. or if CONTRACTOR fails to perform the Work in' accordance with the Contract Documents, or if CON- ARTICLE 14--PA YMENTS TO CONTRACfOR AND COMPLETION Schedule of Values: .. 14.1. The schedule of values established as provided in paragraph 2.9 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Pay- ment acceptable to ENGINEER Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. Application for Progress Payment: 14.2. At least twenty days before each progress payment is scheduled (but not more often than once a month), CON- TRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Appli- cation for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR covering die Work completed as of the date of the Application 21 F1LE:H:IACCI'G\CONffiAC1\MAS'rnRSlI910,8 CONTRACTOR's Warranty of Tule: 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or I 14.3. CONTRACTOR warrants and guarantees that title any'part of any payment if, in ENGINEER's opinion, it would ,;. .... to ~~ Work, materials and ~quipment co~ered by ~y Appli- ., be incorrect to make such representations to OWNER ,t4"1 -, "catIon for Payment.;. Wl1ether mcorporated'm'the'ProJecrornot;",I.,~.,,:., < ,. ENGINEER.may.aJso refuse to recommend'any'such'payment;' '.' ' will pass to OWNER rio later than the time'ofpaymentfree':\,'rc;,",:",""'or;'because'ofsubsequentlydiscovered evidence or., the results'r, ',1 and clear of all Liens:"" of subsequent inspections, or tests;'nullify any suchpaymenti " , , , -." , previously recommended;' to such extent as may be necessary. , Review of Applicationsfor Progress Payment: ..',' '" ' ,.".,.,... ..., in ENGINEER's' opinion' 'to.. protect "OWNER ,from . loss ' I 14.4. ENGINEER will, within ten days.after'receiptof .~i':'..': because: , ; each Application for' Payment, either indicate:in .writing .a,';~?'",;,,::" .:.;' , ,,14.7.L:the Work is.defective"or, completed ,Work has ";,17:' ":}":.recommendation~'of, paymentyand, present.,the', Application!,to~I~:t'".:",:" '; i' been damaged requiring'correction',or'replacement,~ "~":",;:'-.', ' I OWNER, or return the Application to CONTRACfORindi-';;Lji:';: ":" , "cating in writing ENGINEER's, reasons for refusing, to rec-:;.".'.y..,,, ';" ' '-,,14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced by-Written , 'j:.", ',' ommend,:paymenb :In:;the,-latter,'case",CONTRAcrOR~may!j;\~:h;d:,', ,., " Amendment or, Change,;Order":::,,, .":' , ."., '" make the necessary corrections' and resubmit the Application;'~:! i 'F:', .. Ten days after presentation- of the Application for Payment .",,<!,;.. with ENGINEER's recommet}dation, the amOlmt recommended, "" will (subject to the provisions of the last sentence of paragraph .'. 14.7) become due and when due,will be,paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR D and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is I required by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the ,,, ""Work but delivered and suitablyst6red at,the1site or at another' ~..." location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all liens, charges, security interests and encumbrances (which are hereinafter in these General Conditions referred to as "Liens") and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and other arrangements to protect OWNER's interest therein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. The amount of retain age with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Agreement. I I I I '...1 I ,I I I, I I I I 14.5. ENGINEER's recommendation of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will constitute a representation by ENGINEER to OWNER, based on ENGI- NEER's on-site observatio~ of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified design professional and on ENGI- NEER's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules that the Work has pro- gressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of ENGINEER's knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Substantial Completion, 'to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, to a [mal determination of quantities and classifications for Unit Price Work under paragraph 9.10, and to any other qualifications stated in the recolnmendation); and that CONTRACTOR is entitled to payment of the', amount recommended. However, by recommendiilg any such payment ENGINEER will not thereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check ~e quality or the quantity of the Work beyond'the 'responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents or that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRACTOR to be paid additionally by OWNER ' or OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. 14.6. ENGINEER's recommendation of final payment will constitute an additional representation by ENGINEER to OWNER that the conditions precedent to CONTRACTOR's being entitled to fmal payment as set forth in paragraph 14.13 have been fulfilled. 14.7.3. OWNER has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.14, or .' .... -.' '1..:'1'" \ . 14.7.4. of ENGINEER's actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.9 inclusive. OWNER may refuse to make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because,claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONTRACTOR's per- formance or furnishing of the Work or Liens have been filed in connection with the Work or there are other items entitling OWNER to a set-off against the amount recommended, but OWNER must give CONTRACTOR immediate written notice (with a copy to ENGINEER) stating the reasons for such action. Substantial Completion: 14.8. When CONTRACTOR considers the entire Work ready for its intended use CONTRACTOR shall notify OWNER and ENGINEER in writing that the entire Wor~ is substantially complete (except for items specifically listed by 22 F1LE:H:\ACCI'G\COtorI1tACI\MASTI!RS\I910.8 I CONTRACTOR as incomplete) and request that ENGINEER I issue a certificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, OWNER, CONTRACTOR and 14.10.1. OWNER at any time may request CON- . "ENGINEER shall makehaninspection of the Work.to,deter- TRACTOR in-writingito'permit OWNER to use any such mine the status of completion. If ENGINEER does not con- part of the Work which OWNER believes to be ready for I sider the Work substantially complete, ENGINEER will notify its intended use and substantially complete. If CON- CONTRACTOR in writing giving the reasons there for. If TRACTOR agrees, CONTRACTOR will certify to OWN ENGINEER considers the Work substantially complete, ER and ENGINEER that said part of the Work is I ENGINEER will prepare and deliver to OWNER a tentative substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a certificate of Substantial Completion which shall fix the date certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to the Work. CONTRACTOR at any time may notify OWNER I certificate a tentative list of items to be completed or corrected and ENGINEER in writing that CONTRACTOR considers before fmal payment. OWNER shall have seven days after any such part of the Work ready for its intended use and receipt of the tentative certificate during which to make written substantially complete and request ENGINEER to issue a I objection to ENGINEER as to any provisions of the certificate certificate of Substantial Completion for that part of the or attached list. If, after considering such objections, Work. Within a reasonable time after either such request, ENGINEER concludes that the Work is not substantially OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an complete, ENGINEER will within fourteen days after inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of 'F,:,I",,-- "'~~=~~:~'~:;~;s::c~~:r:S~=r~'f~~:~~";t,;,_""",!,;,,o,"'~~:~:~~~~~~~=;a~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~~wi~ ' .- -,. ' after consideration, of, OWNER's objections, ENGINEER:;,.:.,',:.:."" notifY OWNER and CONTRACTORin.writing.-giving the, '1 considers the Work substantially.complete~'ENGINEER-,will"!':'";-i:''::''''' .;, reasons there for; IfENGINEERco~iders.thatpart.ofthe:.' " : within said fow1een days executeand'deliver.toOWNERand,~1 :,';:(\1',1. [;"..! Work to be' substantially complete;. the provisions of para-;,. CONTRACTOR a definitive, certificate,; of: .Substantial;'r;"'u"'h" , graphs 14.8 and 14.9 will apply with respect to certification, ' I Completion (with a revised tentative ,list of items 'to becom-.1:-:";"Y-":';-' of Substantial Completion of that part, of the Work and the pleted or corrected) reflecting such changes from the tentative:,:~:t~:;:';-i,:-;".> ; , division of responsibility in respect thereof and access , .'certificate asENGINEERbelievesjustified:after consideration\';1oi:~;i,)"i;i;~,:"." thereto; , " I of any objections from OWNER,At the time of delivery. of the";,',;:: :~, .".' . . tentative certificate,of Substantial,Completion,ENGINEERr:"~:,.~,.,, , 14.10.2. OWNER may at any time request CON. ,;',':. wilLdeliver-to',.oWNER',;and,;CONTRACTORi.a ,written';;;.:~~.~;f",x:' ,TRACTOR:in writing' to.permiLOWNER.totake.over. recommendation as to division ofresponsibilities'pendingfinal;;i.';>~""""'"' operation of any such part of the Work although "it is not payment between OWNER and CONTRACtOR with respect ,'., ," .'. ' . substantially complete. A copy of such request will be sent' to security, operation, safety, maintenan~, heat, utilities, to ENGINEER and within a reasonable time thereafter insurance and warranties. Unless 'OWNER and OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall make an CONTRACTOR,agree other:wise in writing. and so inform . inspeCtion of that part.ofthe Work tQ,detennine its. status of ENGINEER prior to ENGINEER's issuing the definitive completion and will prepare a list of the items remaining to certificate of Substantial Completion, ENGINEER's aforesaid be completed or corrected thereon before final payment. If recommendation will be binding on OWNER and CON- CONTRACTOR does not object in writing to OWNER TRACTOR until fmal payment. and ENGINEER that such part of the Work is not ready for separate operation by OWNER, ENGINEER will finalize the list of items to be completed or corrected and will deliver such list to OWNER and CONTRACTOR together. with a written recommendation as to the division of responsibilities pending final payment between OWNER and CONTRACTOR with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, utilities, insurance, warranties and guarantees for that part of the Work which will become binding upon OWNER and CONTRACTOR at the time when OWNER takes over such operation (unless they shall have otherwise agreed in writing and so informed ENGINEER). During such operation and prior to Substantial Completion of such part of the Work, OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on said list and to complete other related mg: I I I I I I I I I 14.9. OWNER shall have the right tQ exclude CON- TRACTOR from the Work after the date of Substantial Com- pletion, but OWNER shall allow CONTRACTOR reasonable access to complete or correct items on'the tentative list. Partial Utilization: 14.10. Use by OWNER of any finished part of the Work, which has specifically been identified in the Contract Docu- ments, or which OWNER, ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR agree constitutes a separately functioning and use able part of the Work that can be used by OWNER without significant interference with CONTRACTOR's performance of the remainder of the Work, may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work subject to the follow- 23 F1LI!:H:IACCTGICONTRAC'l\MASTERS\1910.8 I I I Final Inspection: . I' 14.11. Upon written notice from CONTRACTOR that the entire Work or an agreed portion thereof is complete, ENGI- NEER will make a fmal inspection with OWNER and CON- I TRACTOR and will notify CONTRACTOR in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. CONTRACTOR shall immediately I take such measures as are necessary to remedy such defi- CienCies. 14.14. It: through no fault of CONTRACTOR, fmal com- pletion of the Work is significantly delayed and if ENGINEER I Final Application for Payment: so confirms, OWNER shall, upon receipt of CONTRACTOR's 14.12. After CONTRACTOR has completed all such cor- final Application for Payment and recommendation of , , rections to the satisfaction"of ENGINEER, and, delivered.' all," ''', :,. ".," ENGINEER, ,and without terminating,. the. Agreement,., make " , I maintenance and operating instructions; schedules, guarantees;,;;\';,.:.':' payment ,of the balance due for that portion of the W orkfully , Bonds, certificates of inspection, marked-up record .documents,. ,;,:"i;, ,. completed and accepted.. If the remaining balance to ,be held by.. (as provided'in paragraph 6;19) and'other.documents--allas ,':}""j OWNER for Work not fully completed or corrected, is ,less., required by the Contract Documents; and after ENGINEER :.'!,:;;.: . than the retain 'age stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds I has indicated that the Work is acceptable (subject to the:.'.;;,.,. havebeenfumishedasrequiredinparagraph5.1,thewritten . provisions of paragraph J 4.16), CONTRACTOR may make:'~';~'~, :, ';. consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that ""~\, ".:.. application ,for;,final:;~paymenLfollowing~;,the ,procedure,.fon,}i-:,!.~y;",': : portion , of. the, ,W orkfully:completed, and, accepted, shall ,be,. . I progress payments; The finalApplicationfor,Payment shall be;:;;.':;! :;., submitted, by CONTRACTOR to ENGINEER with the accompanied:by all documentation' called for,in,the:Contract"~;,'13"",, ' :Application for such payment 'such payment shall be made, .,;,;.....~, ' .:Documents;~r;together:',;withi"complete;~ and ~ legally l!effective'~-J.';'/i":,:' .,:under,the terms 'and conditions'goveming,final"payment,except.. , I. re~e~ses or waivers (s~tisfactory. to" O~R) Of,' aU ,Li:ns"~!>,;', ' , that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. ansmg out of or filed m connection With' the Work. In heu i" thereof and as approved by OWNER, CONTRACTOR may ~ Contractor's Continuing Ohligation: furnish receipts or releases in full~ an affidavit of CON- 14.15. CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform and com- I TRACTOR that the,releases,and.receipts include all labor, " plete the Wor~in aCCQrdance,with the.-Contract Documents. services, material and equipment for which a Lien could be shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any progress or filed, and that all payrolls, material and equipment bills. and final payment by ENGINEER, nor the issuance of a certificate I other indebtedness connected~th ~e Work for which, of Substantial Completion,.nor any payment by OWNER to OWNER or OWNER's property'ID.1ght m any way be respon- CONTRACTOR under the Contract Documents, nor any use sible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied~ and consent of the . or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by OWNER, nor I surety, if any, to fmal payment. If any Subcontractor or: any act of acceptance by OWNER nor any failure to do so, nor Supplier fails to furnish a release or receipt in full, CON- , any review and approval of a. Shop Drawing or sample TRACTOR may fiunish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory, submission, nor the issuance of a notice of acceptability by I to OWNER to indemnify OWNER against any Lien. ENGINEER pursuant to paragraph 14.13, nor any correction of defective Work by OWNER will conStitute an acceptance Final Payment and Acceptance: of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a I 14.13. It: on the basis of ENGINEER's observation of the release of CONTRACTOR's obligation to perform the Work Work during construction and final inspection, and in accordance with the Contract Documents (except as ENGINEER's review of the final Application for Payment and provided in paragraph 14.16). I accompanying documentation--all as required by the Contract , Documents, ENGINEER is satisfied that the Work has been Waiver o/Claims: completed and CONTRACTOR's other obligations under the 14.16. The making and acceptance offmal payment will Contract Documents have been fulfilled, ENGINEER will, constitute: I within ten days after receipt of the fuIal Application for I Work. 14.10.3. No occupancy or separate operation of part of the Work will'be'accOinplished prior'to'compliance with ' the requirements of paragraph 5.15 in respect of property msurance . Payment, indicate in writing ENGINEER's recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER for payment. Thereupon ENGINEER will give written notice to OWNER and CONTRACF0R::that the Work'is acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph 14.16. Otherwise, ENGINEER will return the Application to CONTRACTOR, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend fmal payment, in which case CONTRACTOR shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Thirty days after presentation to OWNER of the Application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance, and with ENGINEER's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by ENGINEER will become due and will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. 24 F1L1!:H:\ACCTGICO/omlAC1\MASI'I!RS\1910.8 I I I I I I .c.I" I I . :: .\~ I', .. .'~.' I I I I I I I I I' 14.16.1. a waiver of all claims by OWNER against CONTRACTOR, except claims arising from unsettled ',.," Liens, from defective Work appearing after fmal inspection plD"SWlllt to paragraph 14.1 1 or from failure to comply with the ConJract Documents or the terms of' any special guarantees specified therein~ however, it will not constitute a waiver by OWNER of any rights in respect of CONTRACTOR's continuing obligations under the Con- tract Documents; and 14.16.2. a waiver of all claims by CONTRACTOR against OWNER other than those previously made in writ- ing and still unsettled. , ARTICLE l~SUSPENSION OF- WORK;AND~'", ., TERMINA nON . ", . ~ . . ....,..). for the benefit of creditors~ 15.2.4. if a trustee, receiver, custodian or agent of CONTRACTOR is appointed under applicable law or under contract, whose appointment or authority to take. charge of property ofCONTRACfOR is for the purpose of enforcing a Lien against such property or for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of CONTRACTOR's creditors~ 15.2.5. if CONTRACTOR admits in writing an inabi- lity to pay its debts generally as they become due: I.!: 15.2.6. ifCONTRACfOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents Owner May Suspend Work: (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient 15.1. OWNER may, at anytime and without cause; SUS-h;. skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment or, pend the Work or any portion thereof for a period of not more : '''- failure to adhere to the progress schedule established under 'than ninety days:bynotice in writing to CONTRACTOR and,":h''\>T.':'''''" paragraph 2.9 as revised from time to time)~. , ENGINEER:which'wiRfix,the;date!on'which".Work,will:be...(;\,~f.:'''!i,'l",'.,,"'. ",.;'. ," resumed CONTRACTOR shall-tesume the Work oil thedate:,k:':;J-,':'",'" , 15.2.7. if CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regu- , so fixed CONTRACTOR shall be allowed an increase in.the';':j,'jt~;,'?; . ,lations of any public body having jurisdiction;", , :, Contract'Price' or.,an'extension,of the:Contract:Time,:or:both;;~~~"""'~h\'c:'i;';",,: :,.. ":,' . .,: , diiectly':attributable'. to.any suspension'.if:CONTRACTOR{:::~!;;Y',,'. ,'. 15.2.8. if CONTRACTOR disregards the authority of makes an approved claim there for as provided in Articles 11.' ,,;,.. ENGINEER; or and 12. Owner MaY.Terminate:.... -,' 1.5.2. Upon the occurrence of anyone or more of the following events: 15.2.1. if CONTRACTOR commences a voluntary case under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code (Title 11. United States Code), as now or hereafter in effect, or if CONTRACfOR takes any equivalent or similar action by filing a petition or otherwise under any other federal or state law in effeCt' at such time relating to the bankruptcy or insolvency~ 15.2.2. if a petition is filed against CONTRACTOR under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code as now or hereafter in effect at the time' of filing. or if a petition is filed seeking any such equivalent or similar relief against CONTRACTOR under any other federal or state law in effect at the time relating to bankruptcy or insolvency~ 15,2.3. ifCONTRACfORmakes a general assignment .. 15.2.9. if CONTRACTOR otherwise violates in any substantial way. any provisions of the Contract Documents: OWNER may, after giving CONTRACTOR (and the surety, if there. be one) seven days' written potice and to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, terminate the services of CONTRACTOR, exclude CONTRACTOR from the site and take possession of the Work and of all CONTRACTOR's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by CONTRActOR (without liability to CONTRACTOR for trespass or conversion), incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive 'any further payment until the Work is finished If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct, indirect and consequential costs of completing the Work (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects. attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) such excess will 25 P1L1!:H:\ACCTG\COmllAC'l\MASTERS\1910.8 15.4. Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, OWNER may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and terminate the Agreement In such case. CONTRACTOR shaU'be paid:for all'Workexecutedandany'''-'':'c,;'''''':~;:~'o:,-",,:,.. ;',,:',' expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses; which "',,' .' will include" but, not be limited, to, direct, indirect and con"', . . ' " " . sequential costs (including; but not limited to, fees and charges .:' ". :, of engineers, architects; attorneys and other professionals and';,::,' ,'. ..,. court and arbitration costs). I be paid to CONTRACTOR If such costs exceed stich unpaid I balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the difference to OWNER Such costs incurred by OWNER will be , approved as to . . '. '''r.~h, reasonableness by ENGINEER and incorporated in a Change'"'' I Order, but when exercising any rights or remedies under this paragraph OWNER shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. I I I ...1 '1 'I I I I I I I I I I I 15.3. Where CONTRACTOR's services have been so terminated by OWNER, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of OWNER against CONTRACTOR then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by OWNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. within thirty days after it is submitted, or OWNER fails for thirty days to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due, then CONTRACTOR may, upon seven days' written ,-, .-(3'.'OOtioo to OWNER'and ENGINEER, terminate the'Agreement~~.-.."w and recover from OWNER payment for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Agreement, -if ENGINEER has failed to act on an Application for Payment or OWNER has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, CONTRACTOR may upon seven days' written notice to OWNER and ENGINEER stop the Work until payment of all amounts then due. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve CONTRACTOR of the obligations under paragraph 6.29 to carry on the Work in accordance with the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with OWNER 0'1+,:; . [The remainder of this'. page was left blank,", intentionally.l. Contractor May' Stop:Work.'or~Terminate:,;;;,r..':';".;".:; '"..." i"; '., '-,~' ,',':-":, ,..'"... " ." . 15.5. If, through no, act or:faultof,CONTRACTOR,..the't;i:.,:~;;-:, ,.<,... Work is suspended for a period of more than ~ety days. by,~~:,-.":,.,, ' , OWN ERor under, an 'order:of court"or:other .pubhc;authonty~'\.'fi!i';;;;,i:~;:";:;.,,:, :','+ ,.".. ,,':,',' ;.." or ENGINEER fails:to, act onany'Applicationfor:Payment!JA;;i,::,> ',,,..., . 26 P1L1!:H:\ACCTCiICOI'mlAC'I\MASI'I!RS\1910.8 I I ARTICLE 16-ARBITRA TION - ;"!' , I.:,~'l' .' I I I I I 16.2. No demand for arbitration of any claim, dispute'or:.:"f',::":,..::,~,-, other matter that is required to, be referred to ENGINEER"..~ I initially for decision jnaccordancewith paragraph 9.11 will be'.;., ',., made Wltil the earlier of (a) the date on which ENGINEER has , ;':., rendered a decision or (b) the tenth day after the parties have '~i". " I' presented their evidence to ENGINEER if a written decision has not been rendered by ENGINEER before th~t date. No;.,.. , , . :,. demand I for' arbitration"of'any.'such;'claim;;'dispute',orother4~';;';-;'':;;';:;;;."::';",;'~-' -16.4.3.., the.writtenconsent of the other, person or, entity, ' I matter will be. made later than thirty'days'after the date on",;}"",:,;;, :' , sought to be included and of OWNER andCONTRAC- which ENGINEER has rendered a'written decision in respect >.', ;:' ':., ',' TOR has been obtained for such inclusion, which consent . .', ,. 'thereofin'accordance'withparagrapho9..t1';iand,the:failure,to~f.'1'(,-:'i':~,,::,:.!lshall.makespeCific reference to.this,paragraph;but no such, I ' demand arbitration within said thirty'days' period shall result",..<::, .' ." consent shall constitute consent to arbitration of any dispute in ENGINEER's decision being final and binding uPon' not specifically described in such consent or to arbitration OWNER and CONTRACTOR If ENGINEER renders a with any party not specifically identif1ed in such consent. , I decision after arbitration proceedings have been initiated, such '.. decision may be entered as evidence but will not supersede the 16.5. The award rendered by the arbitrators will be fmal, . , arbitration proceedings, except where the decision is judgment may be entered upon it in any court having juris- I acceptable to the parties concerned. No demand for arbitration diction thereof, and will not be subject to modification or of any written decision of ENGINEER rendered in accordance appeal except to the extent permitted by Sections 10 and 11 of with paragraph 9.10 will be made later than ten days after the the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. 10,11). party making such demand has delivered written notice of I intention to appeal as provided in paragraph 9.10. . I I I I I .,,~.-:, . "=f~;:'-~ ..,t- ;:':'1'1r;;;.,\,~"" 16.1. All claims, disputes and other, matters in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of, or relating to the Contract Documents or the breach thereof (except for claims which have been waived ~r the making or acceptance of final payment as provided by paragraph 14.16) will be decided by arbitration in accordance with the Con- struction Industry Arbitration Rules of. the American Arbi- tration Association then obtaining subject to the limitations of this Article 16. This agreement so to arbitrate and any other agreement or consent to arbitrate entered into in accordance herewith as provided in this Article 16 will be specifically enforceable under the prevailing law of any court having jurisdiction. 16.3. Notice of the demand for arbitration will be filed in writing with the other party to the Agreement and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy will be sent to ENGINEER for information. The demand for arbitration will be made within the thirty-day or ten-day period specified in paragraph-16.2 as applicable, and in all other'caseS'\vithin a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, and in no event shall any such demand be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limi- tations . 16.4. No arbitration arising out of or relating to the Con- tract Documents shall include by consolidation, joinder or in any other manner any other person or entity (including ENGINEER, ENGINEER's agents, employees or consultants) who is not a party to this contract unless: 16.4.1. the inclusion of such other person or entity is necessary if complete relief is to be afforded among those who are already parties to the arbitration,..., ,16.4.2. . such other,person or' entity is substantially involved in a question of law or factwhich:is common to those who are already parties to the arbitration and which will arise in such proceedings, and [The remainder of this page was left blank intentionally.] 27 FlLE:H:IACCTG\CONTRACl'.MASTERS\1910,8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I. I I I I I I I ARTICLE 17-MISCELLANEOUS . "-#~'+~'.~. - "',.~..,a~~"",; Giving Notice: 17.1. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. Computation Or Tune: 17.2.1. When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Swulay or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, such day-will be omitted from the' '., computation. . ' 17.2.2. ,.A calendar day of twenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight shall constitute,aday. '-:. \ General: 17.3: Should ,OWNER or, CONTRACfOR suffer injwyor:.;;;h;,':,' damage to person or property because of any error,omission,..c,.<" or act of the other party or of any of the other party's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is legally liable, claim will be made in writing to the other party within a reasonable time of the firsr'observanee'of such injury or damage. The provisions of this paragraph 17.3 shall not be construed as a substitute for or a waiver of the provisions of any applicable statute of limitations or repose. 17.4. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACfORbyparagraphs 6.30,13.1,13.12,13.14,14.3 and 15.2 and all of the rights and remedies available to OWNER and ENGINEER thereunder, are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph.will be as effective as if repeated specifically in, the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties and guarantees made in'the Contract Documents will survive final payment and termination or completion of the Agreement. 28 I'lLE:H:IACCTO\COm'RAC1\MAS1l!RS\J 910.8 I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I D o D ,~ -' .,.,... . REVISED SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDmONS . 1. These supplementary conditions amend or supplement the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and effect. 2. The terms used in the supplementary condition which are defined in the Standard General Conditions to the Construction Contract have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. 3. Amend first sentence of paragraph 2.2. Owner shall furnish to Contractor up to five (5) copies. . . 4. Revise paragraph 2.7. , Before any work at tne'site is started, CONTRACTOR shall deliver to OWNER, with' " a copy to::ENGINEER, certificates ( and other evidence of insurance requested by OWNERYwhich CONfRACTOR is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with para8raPhs 5.3 and 5.4. 5. , Amend paragraph 4.1. Add: Contractor shall schedule work as prioritized in the Instruction to Bidders. 6. Amend paragraph 4.2.1 Add: Soil boring report is not available. If the ~oring logs are completed prior to bids, the logs will be made available to th~ bidders. 7. The limits of liability for the insurance required by paragraph 5.3 of the General Conditions shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by Laws and Regulations: a. Policies, Certificates, Limits and Disposition of Documents. - The Contractor shall obtain at his expense insurance with limits as shown hereinbelow unless the Contractor desires to broaden the limits and obtairi more protection. [1] OWNER'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken out in name of the owner as insured. (See Invitation to Bid for exact legatname of owner.) Bodily injury, including death -limits of$I,OOO,OOO.OO for each person and $2,000,000.00 for each accident. Property damage -limits of $500,000.00 for each accidentand $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSITION: Original policy must'beddeposited with owner prior to _.; ~I_l'~' . 1 PILI!\X:\42602\AONJNISPECS'SUPL.CON I .1 I I I I I I I I I I o o o '1 I I I commencement of work. ' [2] CONTRACTOR'S PROTECTIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken: out in the name of the Contractor. Bodily injury, including death -limits of $1,000,000.00 for each person and $2,000,000.00.for each accident. Property damage -limits of$500,000.OO for each accident and $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSmON: Certificate of insurance must be sent to owner prior to commencement of work. [3] CONTRACTOR'S PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE - Taken out in the name of the Contractor. Bodily injury, including death -limits of$I,OOO,OOO.OO for each person and $2,000,000.00 for each accident. Property damage -limits of$500,OOO.OO for each accident and $1,000,000.00 for the aggregate of operations. DISPOSITION: Certificate of insurance must be sent to Owner prior to commencement of work. [4 r BUII..DER'S RISK INSURANCE - Payable to the'Contractor and OWiler, as their interests may appear, upon the entire structurecand upon all materials in or adjacent thereto which are to be made a part of the insured structure to 100% of the insurable value thereof covering fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief. DISPOSmON: Original policy must be deposited with Owner prior to commencement of work. b. Acceptability of Insurers to Owner. - No insurance will be acceptable unless written by a company licensed by the State Insurance Commissioner to do business in Georgia at the time the policy is issued, and the company must in addition be acceptable to the ~" ,..' . Owner. To avoid inconvenience, any general contractor'or subcontractor must get in touch with the Owner to determine whether the insurance company or companies he expects to use is or are acceptable to the Owner. All policies and certificates must be signed or countersigned, as the case may be, by resident Georgia agents. c. Termination of Obligation to Insure. - Unless otherwise expressly provided to the contrary, the obligation to insure as prescribed herein shall not terminate until the Engineer shall have executed the final certificate. d. Contractor ,shall purchase and maintain during the full course of construction "All Risk" Builder's Risk Insurance coverage which names the Contractor, Owner and Engineer as co-insured. e. The Contractor will turn over areas completed for construction prior to substantial completion. Contractor shall maintain insurance on work he performs within "battery , limits". ";~:,. ' ,... ' , ":~\:'h..'.-.., .,.,. .....10 r. _ 2 FlLE\K:\41602V.DMlNISPECSlSUPL.CON I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I I I ~ 8. Add to, paragraph 6.8.2. The CONTRACTOR shall identify Utility Contractor at time of bid and mark the Bid with th Utility Contractor's Georgia License Number. Within two (2) days of being notified that the CONTRACTOR is the apparent low bidder, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a list to the ENGINEER of the following SUBCONTRACTORS that he plans to use on this project. The list shall include: a. Irrigation subcontractor b. Grading subcontractor c. Sprigging subcontractor d. Electrical subcontractor e. Paving subcontractor 9. Add paragraph 7.5 7.5. Should CONTRACTOR cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor at the site, or should any claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the' Work at the site be 'made by any separate contractor against CONTRACTOR, OWNER, ENGINEER, the Construction Coordinator or any other person, CONTRACTOR shall promptly attempt to settle with such other contractor by agreement, or to otherwise resolve the dispute by arbitration or at law. CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, indemnify and hold OWNER, ENGINEER and the Construction Coordinator harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including, but not limited to, fees of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising directly, indirectly or consequentially out of any action, legal or equitable, brought by any separate contractor against OWNER, ENGINEER, or the Construction Coordinator to th~ extent based on a claim arising out of CONTRACTOR's performance of the Work. Should a separate contractor cause damage to the Work or property of CONTRACTOR or should the performance of Work by any separate contractor at the site give rise to any other claim, CONTRACTOR shall not institute any action, legal or equitable, against OWNER, ENGINEER or the Construction Coordinator or permit any action against any of them to be maintained and continued in its name or for its benefit in any court or before any arbiter which seeks to impose liability on or to recover damages from OWNER, ENGINEER or the Construction Coordinator on account of any such damage or claim. If CONTRACTOR is delayed at any time in perfonning or furnishing Work by any act or neglect of a separate contractor and OWNER and CONTRACTOR are unable to agree as to t he extent of any adjustment in Contract Time attnbutable thereto, CONTRACTOR may make a claim for an extension of time in accordance with Article 12. An extension of the Contract Time shall be CONTRACTOR's exclusive remedy with respect to OWNER, ENGINEER and Construction Coordinator for any delay; disruption, interference or hinderance . caused -by any separate ..,.... '.,-' 3 FlLI!\K:\42602\ADMIN\SPI!CS\SUPL.COH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. 11. . 12. contractor. This paragraph does not .prevent recovery from OWNER, ENGINEER or, Construction Coordinator for activities that are their respective responsibilities. Delete paragraph 9.10 of the General ConcJitions in its entirely and insert the following in its place: 9.10 ENGINEER will have authority to determine the actual quantities and classifications of items of Unit Price Work performed by CONTRACTOR, and the written decisio~ of ENGINEER on such matters will be final, binding on OWNER and CO~CTOR and not subject to appeal (except as modified by ENGINEER to reflect changed factual conditions). Add to paragraph 13.3 The OWNER will select the TESTING AGENCY for the PROJECT. The CONTRACTOR shall pay the TESTING AGENCY for services rendered in connection with the PROJECT from the "Allowance set forth in' the BID FORM. Contractor may not markup ~STING AGENCY'S bills. TESTING AGENCY'S invoices to the CONTRACTO)t shall be submitted with the CONTRACTOR'S Pay Request and correlated to the Pay Request line item Testing Allowance. Contractor shall also submit a WAIVER OF LIEN for all prior months billings by TESTING AGENCY as well as all other SUBCONTRACTORS. Delete ARTICLE 16. 4 f1LIlIK.:\426O%1ADMIN'3PI!CS\SUPL.CON I, I , ' I I. I I I I ~I I I I I I ,I II I I I . " -. .,,~. " ~' . , ' STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT BElWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the / ~ f, day of Oo~ in the year 1997 by and between Augusta-Richmond County coI11Il1i{sion (hereinafter called OWNER) and Blair Construction, Inc. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK. CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: Soccer Complex and Recreational Park, Maddox Road The Project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally described as follows:. Constructing a Soccer Compl~and Recreational Park, Maddox Road, Augusta-RichmondCounty, Cia. - Article 2. ENGINEER. The Project has been designed by Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. 1296 Broad Street , Augusta, Ga. 30901 who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who is to act as OWNER's representative, assume all duties and responsibilities and have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract ' Documents in connection with completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Article 3. CONTRACT TIME. 3.1. The Work will be substantially completed on or before July 15, 1997, and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions on or before August 15,1997. F1LE:K\42602\ADMINISPECSlI910.8A I I 1\ ~71~-,j.!;;'(":' I. I I: I I. I 'I I I ,I I I I I I 'I I 3.2.,LiquidatedDamages. OWNER:1and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the 'essence , .. 1-1':1'" of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not completed within the times, specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Hundred dollars ($ 100.00 ) for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for Substantial Completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the Contract Time or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Hundred dollars ($ 100.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3. I for completion and readiness for final payment. Article 4. CONTRACT PRICE. 4.1. OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds as follows: Base Bid Geotechnical Testing Allowance $815,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Total Contract Amount $~05,000.00 plus Testing Reimbursement. Article 5.' PAYMENT PROCEDURES..,. ,^, CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with Article 14 of the General Conditions. Applications for Payment will be processed by ENGINEER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1. Progress Payments. OWNER shall; make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment as recommended by ENGINEER, on or about the 25 day of each month during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work measured by the schedule of values established in paragraph 2.9 of the General Conditions (and in the case of Unit Price Work based on the number of units completed) or, in the event there is no schedule of values, as provided in the GeneraJ Requirements. 5.1.1. Prior to Substantial Completion, progress payments will be made in an amount equal to the percentage indicated below, but, in each case, less the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance With paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 2 ~ FlLI!:K\42602\ADMlN\SPECSI 191 O,8A1 I I I I I I I: :1 'I I ,I' "d I,.' I I I I ,I I II . ~" .....-... \'; . '. ....;. .'1 .. .... -' . .'.-. ..' . .~'... ~ 10 % of Work completed. If Work has been 50% completed as determined by ENGINEER, and if the character and progress of the Work have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determine that as long as the character and progress of the Work remain satisfactory to them, there will be no additional retainage on account of Work completed in which case the remaining progress payments prior to Substantial Completion will be in an amount equal to 100% of the Work completed. 5.1.2. Upon Substantial Completion, in an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95 % of the Contract Price, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or OWNER may withhold, in accordance with paragraph 14.7 of the General Conditions. 5.2. Final Payment. Upon fihal completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with paragraph 14.13 of the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the remainder of the Contract 'Price as recommended by ENGINEER as provided in said paragraph 14.13. Article 6. DELETED Article 7. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS. In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement CONTRACTOR makes the following: representations: 7. 1. CONTRACTOR has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, site, locality, and, all local conditions and Laws and Regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 7.2. CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions which are identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in paragraph 4 . 2 'of the General Conditions, and accepts the determination set forth in paragraph S C-4. 2 of the Supplementary Conditions of the extent of the technical data contained in such reports and drawings upon which CONTRACTOR is entitled to reply. 7.3. CONTRACTOR has obtained and carefully studied (or assumes responsibility for obtaining and carefully studying) all such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies (in addition to or to supplement those referred to in paragraph 7 . 2 above) which pertain to the subsurface or physical conditions at or contiguous to the site or otherwise may affect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work as CONTRACTOR considers necessary for the performanCe or furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the provisions of paragraph 4 . 2 of the General Conditions; and no additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data .are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 7.4. CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract 3 I'lLI!:K.\42602\ADMIN\SPI!CSlI910.8AI I I j I I I I 'I 'I I I I I I ,I- I I I I Documents with"respect.,to, existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous,<;to,the,,'si~'.and assumes. responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including specifically the' provisions of paragraph 4 . 3 ' of the General Conditions. 7.5. CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports and studies with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 7.6. CONTRACTOR has given ENGINEER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents and the written resolution thereof by ENGINEER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. Article 8. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER,and CONTRACTOR concerning the Work consist of the following: ' 8.l. This Agreement (pages 1 to 6, inclusive). 8.2. Exhibits to this Agreement - None 8.3. PerformanCe and Payment Bonds, 8.4. Notice of Award. 8.5. General Conditions (pages 1 to 28 inclusive) . 8.6. Supplementary Conditions (pages 1 to 4, inclusive). 8.7. Specifications consisting of Divisions 1,2 and 16, as listed in table of contents thereof. 8.8. Drawings, consisting of a cover sheet and sheets numbered CO.1 through E2.2, inclusive with each sheet bearing the following general title: CO.1 Cl.l Cl.2 Cl.3 C2.1 C3.1 C3.2 C4.1 C4.2 C4.3 El.l El.2 E2.1 E2.2 Boundary & Topographic Survey Layout Plan & Utility Plan Grading Limits Plan Grading & Drainage Plan ". Miscellaneous Plan Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Notes & Details Miscellaneous Details Miscellaneous Details Miscellaneous Details Field Lighting Site Plan. Roadway Lighting Site Plan Field Lighting Pole Plans Electrical Details -~"'.~' 4 FlLB:K\42602\ADMIN\SPBCSlI91 a.SA I I I I I I I 'I I 'I il I I I I' I I I I I 8.9. Addenda number 1, inclusive. "'.' ''''_~1J:;; ': 8.10. CONTRACTOR's Bid (pages 1 to 7, inclusive). 8.11. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and are not attached hereto: All Written Amendments and other documents amending, modifying, or supplementing the Contract Documents pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the General Conditions. 8.12. The documents listed in paragraphs 8.2 et seq. above are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above). There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 8. The Contract Documents may only be amended, modified or supplemented as provided in paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the General Conditions, Article 9. MISCELLANEOUS. 9.1. Terms used in this Agreement which are defmed in Article I of the General Conditions will have the ' meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 9.2. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law), and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment Will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 9.3. OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal represen- tatives to the other party hereto, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect of all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract DoCuments. Article 10. OTHER PROVISIONS. 10.1 GEORGIA PROMPT PAY ACT This agreement is intended by the parties to, and does, supercede any and all provisions of the Georgia Prompt Pay Act, O.C.G.A. ,. 13-11-1, et seq. In the event any provision of this Agreement is inconsistent with any provision of the Prompt Pay Act, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. 10.2 -CONSENT TO JURISDICTION All claims, disputes and other matters in question between the OWNER ~d the CONtRACTOR arising out of or related to the Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be decided in the Superior Court ofRicbmond County, Georgia. The Contractor, by executing this Agreement, specifically consents to venue in Ricbmond County and waives any right to contest the venue in the Superior Court of Ricbmond County, Georgia, 10.3 RETAINAGE Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, the parties agree that no interest shall be due CONTRACTOR on any sum held as retainage pursuant to this Agreement and CONTRACTOR specifically waives any claim to same. 5 F1LI!:K\42602\ADMINISPECS\1910.8A1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I IN WITNESS"WHEREOF, OWNER and CONTRACTOR have signed this.Agreement in triplicate. One counterpart each has been delivered to OWNER, CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by OWNER and CONTRACTOR or by ENGINEER on their behalf. This Agreement will be effective on fMR-!L /" .19~. OWNER: Augusta-Richmond County Commission Augusta, Ga. BY This documont approved as to legal sufficiency and form. . ~ f:f7 CONTRACTOR ' Blair Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 770 Evans, GA 30809 BY /Al~~~~ (( 1fIff&d\llM PR5S~ [CORPORATE SEAL] Attest 'J">, O~L '-J-n <....J+ ."... '; '\ ~,,,\\'......\ \ ~~,. ~~ ~ :. ;:-.::::-- ~ ...~..... ~... ~?'"l / ~:~ ~~ :;;';~c i -; -'; -" .......... ~ J' r-. ~ Address for giving notices ~ - "'.' :: b~'" .~."" ~ " .-:, ~" " -../ - '0/" -.-, ".' ",;'4.~'" P.o. bOx.. 770 ~_ 1~ AAJ So. n. A, 3.02.09 / 0;- ;' License No. l)(, -' ~O() Jon Agent for service of process: Rv 'D ~ V A../)IAJ LAA11:::J GS 71 MA."f"l!)/l.-- 6 P1LE:K\42602\ADMIN\SPECSlI91 a.SAI I I I I I I I I 'I I I I..... I I 'I I I I 1- NOTICE OF AWARD . Dated April 18, 1997 TO: Blair Construction. Inc. (Bidder) ADDRESS: P.O. Box 770 Evans GA 30809 PROJECT Soccer Comolex and Recreational Park ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO 42.602 CONTRACT FOR Constructing a Soccer Comolex and Recreational Park. Maddox Road. Augusta- Richmond County, GA You are notified that your Bid dated February 27, 1997 for the abqve Contract has been considered. You are the apparent successful bidder and have been awarded a ~ontract for The Base Bid. The Contract Price of your contract is Eight hundred five thousand. dollars. Dollars ($ 805.000). plus Testing Reimbursement. Three copies of each of-the proposed Contract Documents (including Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. You must comply with,the following conditions precedent within fifteen days' of the' date of this Notice of Award, that is by May 3, 1997. 1. You must deliver to the OWNER three fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents. This includes the triplicate sets of Drawings. Each of the Contract Documents must bear your signature on the cover of the speCifications and every page of the Drawings. F1L1!:K:\42602\ADMIN\SPECSlI910,22 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I '1 J I I 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instructions to Bidders (paragraph 17), General Conditions (para graph 5.1) and Supplementary Conditions (paragraph SC-5.1). General Contractors of America. 3. (List other conditions precedent). Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten days after you comply with those conditions, OWNER will return to you one fully signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. Augusta-Richmond County Commission :~ER);1 ~ k (AtrrHORIZED SIGNA11JRE) Joe Johnson, P.E. - Project Engineer (TITLE) Copy to ENGINEER (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested or Hand Deliver) F1LE:K:\426021ADMIN\SPECSlI910,22 I I I I- I I I I NOTICE TO PROCEED Dated TO: (Contractor) ADDRESS: PROJECT Soccer Complex and Recreational Park OWNER'S PROJECT NO. 42.601 CONTRACTFOR" Constructing a Soccer Comolex'andRecreational Park 'Maddox Road."; " Augusta-Richmond Countv~ Ga.,. 'I ,':, (InsertnameOlCOOlm:l...lappearsmlllellllldIngUOCUIDel1l!) , '~~:':,~'~:." "';..' 'X-'t::::,'-;::'J.,' ,Y ouare,notified. that .the'Contract,Time'undef::the:above:contract,wiU:commence,to,run.,on. ;;","~":c " .~:,'....: ';:'.' <".-,' . ..""By that.date,:you are: to ,start: performing your obligations_under the Contract.::~:.::' ',' . Documents., In accordance with Article. 3 of the Agreement the dates of Substantial Completion and :';,'c;' " FinalCompletion!are.' .. . and, L......_ ,',' respectively. I I I I I I I I I' I Before you may start any Work at the site, paragraph 2.7 of the General Conditions provides that you' and Owner must each deliver to the other (with copies to ENGINEER) certificates of insurance' which each is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with the Contract Documents. Also before you may start any Work at the site, you must .' (add olhciRqUiremcnts) Copy to ENGINEER (Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested) . (OWNER) By (AurnORIZED SIGNATIJRE) (TITLE) - P1L1!:H:IACCTGICOI<TRACl'.MASl'ERSlI91 0.23 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I EJCDC 1910-23 (1983 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers' Joint.Con~~ct Documents Committee and endorsed by Th,e,AS~ociat~d General Contractors of America. . . " P1LI!:H:IACCTGICONTRACl\MASTERSl1910,23 I I I I I I .1.. . -.--'.- .- ...;,~".._......... - ". -I . I 'I I I I I I I I I I I APPLICA nON FOR PAYMENT NO. To Augsta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners (OWNER) . ~ .....;.,,:~_ .. ~..-=,-"".'...w... '., Contract for Soccer Complex and Recreational Park Maddox Road ENGINEER's Project No. 42.602 For Work accomplished through the date of ITEM CONfRACTOR's Schedule of Values WorK Completed Unit Price Quantity Ammmt Quantity Amount $ $ $ .... .'. Total $ $ 'COng. Contract)" , .. -....... n ___ , . '" C. O. No. I C. O. No, 2 Accompanying Documentation:.. '" GROSS AMOUNT DUE ............. $ LESS % RETAINAGE .............. . , $ AMOUNT DUE TO DATE ........... , $ LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ....... $ AMOUNT DUE TIllS APPLICATION.. $ CONfRACTOR'S Certification: The undersigned CONTRACTOR certifies that (I) all previous progress payments received from OWNER on account of Work done under the Contract referred to above have been applied to discharge in full all obligations of CONfRACTOR incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment numbered I tlrrough . inclusive; and (2) title to all materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to OWNER at time of payment free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances (except such as covered by Bond acceptable to OWNER). Dated Contractor By Payment of the above AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION is recommended. Dated JOHNSON.LASCHOBER & ASSOCIATES. P,C, Engineer By EJCDC NO. 1910.8-E I I ..',;....~ I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I 9 I D o APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT INSTRUCflONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This standard form is intended as a guide only., Many projects require a much more extensive form with space for numerous items. descriptions of Change Orders, identification of variable quantity adjustments, summary of materials and equipment stored at the site ao,d other information. It is expected that a separate form will be developed by Engineer or Contractor at the time Contractor's Schedule of Values is finalized. Note also that the format for retain age must be changed if the A8I:eement permits (or the La".V.provides), ~~ Contractor ~lects, the deposit of securities in lieu of retain age. Refer to Article 14 of the General Conditions for proVlSIOns concernmg payments,to Contractor. B. COMPLETING THE FORM The Schedule of Values, submitted and approved as provided in paragraphs 2.6.3 and 2.9 of the General Conditions, should be copied in the space indicated on the Application For Payment form, Note that the cost of materials and equipment is often listed separately from the cost of their installation. All Change Orders affecting the Contract Price should be identified and include such supplemental Schedules of Values as required for progress payments. The form is suitable for use in the Final Application for Payment as well as for Progress Payments; however, the required ~ccoI?panying-documenta~on .is 'usually> more 'extensive 'for- final 'payment'~All 'accompanying' documentation'should;be """"7'~'" Identified m the space proVlded on the form. ." ,. " , , , , C. ENGINEER'S REVIEW' , Engineer must review all Applications.for payment-with.care, to' avoid: recommending ,any, payments not yet earned by':.,,,,,, Contractor: All accompanying documentation oflegal nature,.such as lien waivers; should be reVlewed by an attorney,and:,-',:. Engineer should so advise Owner..,;,.""" '. ._. EJene NO, 1910.8-E I I I I I I I . .'. I 'I I" I I I I I I I I I CHANGE ORDER No. PROJECT: Soccer Complex and Recreational Park DATE OF ISSUANCE: OWNER: Augusta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners CONTRACTOR: ENGINEER: Johnson, Laschober & Aisoc" P.C. CONTRACT FOR: Soccer Complex and Recreational Park, Maddox Road ENGINEER's Project No. 42.602 Y Oll are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Pw-pose of Change Order: Attachments: '(List documents'supporting change) .,~-, ".... ,'-, '" ." , " ;.-;.\_.\.......,. ~'''''. . CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price "-'" --., $ CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Time ,~~. .... Previous Change Orders,No. $ to No. . Net change from previous Change Orders ';:, Contract Price prior to this Change Order $ Contract Time Prior to this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order Contract Price with all approved Change Orders $ Contract Time with all approved Change Orders RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: by by by Engineer Owner Contractor CHANGE ORDER EJCDC NO. 1910-8.B I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I U B o INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Directive Change must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Time. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating change order items to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. , For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Time. a Field Order may be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the form. including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both, Once Engineer has completed and signed the form. all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval. After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. Ifa change only'applies to price or to time, cross out the part of the tabulation:thatdoes not apply. ,=,,,.....'., EJCDC NO. 1910-8.8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ENGINEER's Project No. 42.602 Project Soccer Complex and Recreational Park CONTRACTOR Contract Date Contract For ' Constructin~ Soccer Com~x andRecreational Park. Maddox Road. Augusta-Rtc ond County, This Certificate of Substantial Completion applies to all Work under the Contract Docwnents or to the following specified parts thereof: ' To: " OWNER AudTo CONTRACTOR The Work to which this Certificate applies has been inspected by authorized representatives of OWNER. CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER, and that Work is hereby declared to be substantially complete in accordance with the Contract Documents Date of Substantial Completion , A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected is attached hereto. This list may not be all-inclusive, and the failure to include an item in it does not alter the responsibility of CONTRACTOR to complete all the Work in accordance with the Contract Docwnents. The items in the tentative list shall be completed or corrected by CONTRACTOR within days of the above date of Substantial Completion. EJCDC NO. 1910,8-0 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I The responsibilities between OWNER arid CONTRACTOR for security, operation. safety, maintenance, heat, utilities, insurance and warranties shall be as follows: RESPONSrnll.ITIES: OWNER: CONTRACTOR: The following documents are attached to and made a part of this Certificate: This certificate does not constitute an acceptance,ofWorknot in accordance;with.the Contract Documents nor.is ita release""" ,'<,'" ,,' of CONTRACTOR's obligation to complete the Workin accordance with the Contract Documents: ". .;.y~;:.~~,.. . , Executed by ENGINEER on JOHNSON, LA SCHOBER &'ASSOCIATES. P.C:;, ' ENGINEER By CONTRACTOR accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on CONTRACTOR By OWNER accepts this Certificate of Substantial Completion on -~J ,.' '>;.:; ! OWNER By EJCDC NO. 1910,8-0 I I I I I I I I '1" I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Project consists of: Constructing a Soccer Complex and Recreational,Park, 1. Project-Location: Maddox)Road~,;Augusta-Richmond, County~,Georgia",: '. 2. Owner:';, Augusta-Richmond'.County1Board,'of Commissioners,.;:. " '., ..,. '-'" . . Recreation and Parks ,Department: P.O.Box 5596 Augusta, Ga. 30916-5596 ' ' B.. Contract Documents, dated . December 19, :1996 were prepared" for .theProject::by:'o::" Johnson, Laschober & Associates; P.C. 1296 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. 30901. C. The Work consists of: Clearing and grubbing the grading limits; Installing. an outlet. structure in the. existing dam, modifying the dam as shown on the contract documents, cleaning and removing dead growth;vines and debris from the pond banks (while protecting trees and shrubs on the bank) and remove all growth within the limits of the pond, installing athletic fields, sprigging and irrigation systems and controls, protect and reconnect existing irrigation controls and irrigation system, water system, asphalt paving, concrete curb and gutter, crusher run parking areas, natureljogging trails, athletic field lighting, roadway lighting, fencing, storm drainage, soil erosion and sediment control devices and general disturbed area grassing, french drains and installing permanent monuments for the soccer field comers by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Georgia. D. The Work will be constructed under a single prime contract. SUMMARY OF WORK ~ 01010 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1.3 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. General: During the construction period the Contractor shall have full use of the premises for construction operations, including use of the site. The Contractor's use ofthe premises is limited only by the Owner's right to perform work or to retain other contractors on portions of the Project. B. Use of the Site: Limit use of the premises to work in areas indicated. Confine operations to areas within contract limits indicated. Do not disturb portions of the site beyond the areas in which the Work is indicated. 1. Driveways and Entrances: Keep driveways and entrances serving the premises clear and available to the Owner, the Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site.. . 1.4 OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS , ., "A..' Partial Owner Occupancy:"'TheOwner.:reservesthe'.rightto'occupy\'an&,to~place:and,'installi,;.'r~"!;;:'''' . --. - . equipment in completed areas prior to: Substantial' Completion,. provided~such occupancY,'.:;.1.j;'. " '.., - , -,. _ does not, interfere with completion:ofthei'W ork.,;,;, Such;placing;ofequipment..and; partiaL~~,~;:,i.,.., . , occupancy shall not constitute'acceptance of the total..W ork." Contractor shall maintain all: '~L' ;7'. ., , " insurance coverage for the entire site until such time the Substantial Completion is issued,. ,.., -. , ,':~""'" .-.:.< c", ", r. ',;'.' for ALL the work-on, the entire site:',;Partiatoccupancy' does not:,relieve,the;Contractor,,:;:'i\:""::;": . of this obligation to maintain insurance for the entire project' site. .. 1. The Engineer will prepare a Certificate~of Substantial Completion for each specific portion of the Work to be occupied prior to Owner occupancy. 2. Prior to partial Owner occupancy, electrical systems shall be fully operational. Required inspections and tests shall have been successfully completed. Upon . occupancy; the Owner'wilI'operate an~maintain electrical systems:'~"'''-'''' . ,..".. c ., , -,.. 3. Upon occupancy, the Owner will assume responsibility for maintenance and custodial service for occupied portions of the site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 01010 - 2 I I I I I I .1 m 'I I D .0 D ,I m I I I I SECTION 01027 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT " ~.',.,. ... PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections,. apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements govermng the Contractor's Applications for Payment. B. ' This Section specifies'administrative~and~procedural,:requirements;goveming,~contractorls ':,~;\\:;:!;;::'. , Applications forPayment:~:~;:,. 1. . Coordinate'the '''Scbedule;;'of'Values'':and"-Applications'''for,' Payment,.~withl' the',.,,:... ' Contractor's Construction '.Schedule;Submittal, Schedule~1 and List of Subcontracts..::',,'. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF.VALUES": -: -. ,'-.' ~ . . "."" '" ' A. ' Coordination:,.~Coordinate~preparation:ofthe:Schedule~:ofYalues.withpreparation:ofthe:i~r;:ic~;" Contractor's Construction Schedule." , ' 1. Submit the Schedule of Values to the Architect at the earliest possible date but no later than 7 days before the date scheduled for submittal of the initial Applications for Payment. -. B. Format and Content: . Use the Project'Manualtable'ofcont~nts as..a guide-to'establish,the,...,,,"J.. format for the Schedule of Values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. I. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the Schedule of Values: ' a. Project name and location. b. Name of the Engineer. c. Project number. d. Contractor's name and address. e. Date of submittal. 2. Arrange the Schedule of Values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: . APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 1 I I . "'. :~...,' - I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Related Specification Section or Division. Description of Work. Name of subcontractor." Name of manufacturer or fabricator. Name of supplier. Change . Orders (numbers) that affect value. Dollar value. . .~.' ..- ... 1) Percentage of Contract Sum to nearest one-hundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 3. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in sufficient detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with the Project Manual table of contents. Break principal subcontract amounts down into several line items. , 4. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; the total shall equal the Contract Sum. 5. Provide a separate line item intheSchedule,ofValues,for:each,part:of.the,Work " ' where' Applications,for:Payment, may' include.;materials~or, equipment,:;,purchased,;or.,;;;,:.", fabricated, and stored,: but. not.yetjnstalled'~;'~: ~ ;':~.- ';', a. Differentiate between items 'stored' on-site 'and 'items stored,'off-site~':':Include":':,' . " requirements for insurance and bonded warehousing;, if required: " "; , , ,.6. : ' Schedule Updating:':,~.update'and,resubmitthe!.Schedule.of..Yaluesprior.to-theriextJ:"""~':,-, Applications for Payment when Change Orders: or. Construction. Change:Directives .;/:::;,\> ' result in a change in the Contract Sum.' " ;. '1.4 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments , as certified by the 'Engineer and paid for by the Owner. 1. The initial Application for Payment; the Application..' fOf" Payment. at time of" Substantial Completion, and the final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. B. Payment-Application Times: The date for each progress payment is the 15th day of each month. The period covered by each Application for Payment starts on the day following the end of the preceding period and ends 15 days prior to the date for each, progress payment. C. Payment-Application Forms: Use forms provided by the Owner for Applications for Payment. Sample copies are included at the end of this Section. ' D. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on the form. Include notarization and execution by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the Contractor. The Engineer will return incomplete applications without action. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 2 I I I I I I I; I 'I I I' ,I: I I I I I I I 1. Entries shall match data on the Schedule of Values and the Contractor's Construction Schedule. ,Use updated schedules if revisions were made. 2. Include amounts ofCtt,ange Orders and Construction Change Directives issued prior to the last day of the construction period covered by the application. ., E. Transmittal: Submit 3 signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to the Engineer by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall be complete, including waivers of lien and similar attachments, when required. 1. Transmit each copy with a 'transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information related to the application, in a: manner acceptable to the Engineer. F. Waivers of Mechanics Lien: With each Application for Payment, submit waivers of mechanics liens from subcontractors, sub-subcontractors and suppliers for the construction period 'covered by the previous application. 1. Submit partial waivers on each item for the amount requested, prior to deduction for retain age, on each item. 2. When an application shows completion of an item,'. submit final, or-filiI, waivers:,! '~. 3. The Owner reserves the' right to designate which entities involved,in:the,;WorkmusL-:.::, submit waivers. 4. Waiver Delays: Submit each Application for Payment with the'Contractor's'waiver.-~':;'", of mechanics lien for the period of construction covered' by. the application; . :'" " a. Submit final Applications for Payment with or preceded by.final.waivers from'.'.. " every entity involved with performance of the Work,covered.,.by,the :,'., application who is lawfully entitled to a lien. 5. ~ Waiver Forms: ' Submit waivers of lien on forms, and executed in a manner, , " ~ acceptable to the Owner. G. Initial AppliCation for Payment: 'Administrative actions and submittals, that must precede or coincide with submittal of the first Application for Payment, include the following: 1. . List of subcontractors. , 2. ,List of principal suppliers and fabricators. 3. ' Schedule of Values. 4. I Contractor's Construction Schedule (preliminary if not final). 5. . Schedule of principal products. ...", - 6. Schedule of unit prices. 7. Submittal Schedule (preliminary ifnot final). 8. List of Contractor's staff assignments. 9. List of Contractor's principal consultants. 10. Copies of building permits. 11. Copies of authorizations and licenses from governing authorities for performance of the Work. 12. Initial progress report. 13. Report of preconstruction meeting. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 3 I I . . I I I I I I 'I I I I ".,1 I I I I I I 14. .Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. '15. Performance and payment bonds. 16. Data needed to acquire the Owner's insurance. 17. Initial settlement survey and damage report, if required. H. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: Following issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment. 1. This application sllall reflect Certificates of Partial Substantial Completion issued , previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. 2. Administrative actions and submittals that shall precede or coincide with this application include: a. b. c. d. e. f g. h. 1. J. ,k. .... 1. Occupancy permits and similar approvals. Warranties (guarantees) and maintenance agreements. Test/adjustlbalance records. Maintenance instructions. Meter readings. Startup performance reports..,: .. Changeover infonnationrelated to Owner's,occupancy, use, operation;~and...: maintenance. Final cleaning..' , Application for reduction of retain age and consent of surety... . ;, ',. Advice on shiftinginsurance.coverages;-;,:; 0:'"' ". Final progress photographs. : ' List of incomplete Work; recognized. as exceptions to Engineer's Certificate , ;.,..:. ' of Substantial Completion. '" , I. Final Payment Application: Administrative actions and submittals ,that' must. precede or ,'"., coincide with submittal of the final Application for Payment.include the followini 1. 2. 3. 4. Completion of Project closeout requirements. Completion of items specified for completion after Substantial Completion. Ensure that unsettled claims will be settled.'"'''' ".,'. ; , . . , Ensure that incomplete Work is not accepted and will be completed without 'undue delay. Transmittal of required Project construction records to the Owner. Certified property survey. Proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. Removal of temporary facilities and services. Removal of surplus materials, rubbish, and similar elements. Change of door locks to Owner's access. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ,...., " PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01027 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 01027 - 4 I I' I I I I I ,I 'I ~_... ~ :t.~ ~i..: ~~:''''::''::'.:F'-:'''''~ ::.! :." " '_,' I ~ -'-'~." . .... ': ",.:. '1 I' I I -I I I I I SECTION 01030 - ALTERNATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections,. apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing Alternates. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Definition: An alternate is an amount proposed by bidders and stated on the Bid Form for' certain work defined in the Bidding Requirements,that may be added to or dedl,lcted from:"" :...., , the Base Bid amount if the OWner decides to accept a corresponding change in either the:'.-..: : , amount of construction,to;be'completec4~or.in,the"products;,materials~';equipment;:..systems,..i;:.~,-"'::",1 ,'". or installation methods described in the Contract Documents. : . -', . ., 1. The 'cost or credit for each, alternate ,is ,the net'addition to'or,deductionfrom,the,,~Y,:~"j:.., Contract' Sum to incorporate the Alternate into the Work: No other' adjustments are .,~, .; made to the Contract Sum. 1.4' PROCEDURES A. Coordination: . Modify or adjust affected adjacent'Workas necessaryto'completely'and"', fully integrate that Work into the Project. 1. Include as part of each alternate, miscellaneous devices, accessory objects, and similar items incidental to or required for a complete installation whether or not mentioned as part of the Alternate7 ". ' B. Notification: Immediately following the award of the Contract, notify each party involved, in writing, of the status of each alternate. Indicate whether alternates have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for later consideration. Include a complete description of negotiated modifications to alternates. C. Execute accepted alternates under the same conditions as other Work of this Contract. D~ Schedule: A "Schedule of Altemates"is included at the end of this Section. Specificatio.n ALTERNATES 01030 - 1 I I I I I ,I I ,I 'I I I I I I' I I ,I I I Sections referenced in the Schedule contain requirements for materials necessary to achieve the Work described under each alternate. E. Within five days of being notified that you are the "Apparent Low Bidder", submifa schedule of dates that Add Alternates must be either accepted or rejected. This shedule may be used to determine the Award of Contract. A non-responsive or unreasonable schedule will give the Owner cause to reject the Bid. The submitted schedule shall have additional backup information with anticipated delivery dates and shall be coodinated with the construction schedule. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1'.SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES, , A. Alternate NO.1: Add field lighting for FIELD NO.2 Alternate No. la: Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.2 to a "Light-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases,' steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "...:;'; ".',-, "Sportscluster..;2',~ luminaires~'.electricaLcomponents,enclosurei,and..wireiharness.~:"v.: ';:. ",. :' ..., B. Alternate No.2: Add field lighting for FIELD NO., 1 Alternate No. 2a:Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.'1 to a "Light-Structure., ' " ' :,.-:." ,.. System!" asmanufactured'.by'MuscoLighting,'telephone (352).331-7986.".System,shalL,;, ',' include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire, assembly" using' , "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. C. Alternate NO.3: Add field lighting for'FIELD NO.4 Alternate No. 3a: Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.4 to a "Light-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaire~, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. D. Alternate NO.4: Add field lighting for FIELD NO.5 Alternate No. 4a: Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.5 to a "Light-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall , include precast concrete! bases, steel poles, pQletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure,and wire harness. E.' Alternate No.5: Add field lighting for FIELD NO.3 Alternate No. 5a: Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELD NO.3 to a "Light-Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall ,include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaireassembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. F. Alternate No.6: Add for upgrading field lighting for FIELDS NO. 6,7 to a "Light- Structure System" as manufactured by Musco Lighting, telephone (352) 331-7986. System shall include precast concrete bases, steel poles, poletop luminaire assembly using "Sportscluster-2" luminaires, electrical components enclosure, and wire harness. ALTERNATES "01030 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I m I I I D a o B D U G. Alternate No.7: Add paVing to Parking Lots A, B ,and D and delete 1 1/2" of stone base and concrete header curb. Alternate No. 7a: Deduct asphalt paving and concrete headers curbs to limit shown on drawings. Asphalt' on accel\decellane shall remain. H. Alternate No.8: Add treated wood border and 4" of stone screenings for natureljogging trail in areas indicated on drawings. I. Alternate NO.9: Add to install 1 1/2" asphalt paved natureljogging trail existing prepared , compacted earth sub grade in areas indicated on drawings. H. Alternate No. 10: Provide temporary Irrigation water, including all supply lines complete and all costs of water including the meter and water costs of the serving utility if water service is not available at Maddox Road by Iunel,1997; The Owner may elect to accept any Add or Deduct Alternate, and incorporate sum as a Change Order. Contractor shall notify the Owner when the decision of accepting an Add Alternate must be made for the Contractor to be able to hold the stated "Add Cost" in the above bid form. ' However, the decision'ofAddtAlternate 'No,," lQj,Will' not~ be",made, until, May: 15 ' unless:"the:'<:: :.' Contractor notifies the' Owner that' an earlier" date" is~. required. to' accomplish:the. Scheduled;-c:.:. . planting of the soccer fields. ' END OF SECTION 01030 . . ALTERNATES 01030 - 3'~ I I I '1 I I I I 'I I ~I " I I :1 I D U o o SECTION 01050 - FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. General: This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for field- engineering services including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Land survey. work. 1.3 SUBMITTALS . A.' Certificates:~':Submit'.a, certificate.signed,by"a Georgia.,RegisteredProfessionaL,Land.;,,~,~:. , : ' Surveyor certifyingthe'location and elevation of improvements.., PART 2 - PRODUCl'S(NotApplicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION ~. Identification: The Owner will identify existing control points and property line corner stakes. B. Verify layout information shown on the Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks, before proceeding to layout the Work. Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points. Preserve permanent reference points during construction. 1. Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without prior written approval. Promptly report lost or destroyed reference points or requirement's to relocate reference points because of necessary changes in grades or locations. 2. Promptly replace lost or destroyed Project control points. Base replacements on the original survey control points. C. Establish and maintain a minimum, of 2 permanent benchmarks on the site, referenced to FIELD ENGINEERING 01050 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I' I data established by survey Control points. 1. Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents. D. Existing Utilities an.d Equipment: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated, as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities and other construction. - 1. Prior to construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connection of storm sewer, and water-service piping. 3.2 PERFORMANCE A Work from lines and levels established by the property survey. Establish benchmarks and markers to set lines and levels at each story of construction and elsewhere as needed, to. ,,",' , locate each element of the Project. Calculate and measure required dimensions within ,.'... indicated or recognized tolerances. Do not scale Drawings to determine dimensions. 1. Advise entities engaged in construction activities of marked lines and levels provided for their use. 2. As construction proceeds, check every major element for line, level,.and plumb..' . B. Surveyor's Log: _ Maintain a surveyor's log of control and other survey work. Make this log available for reference. . 1. Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise the Engineer when deviations thaLexceed indicated or recognized tolerances are detected. On Project Record Drawings, record deviations that are accepted and not corrected. C. Site Improvements': Locate and layout site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations. . D. Soccer Field Comers: Locate and install a survey monument (No.5 Re-Bar with plastic cap at ground level) at each comer of each soccer field by a,Registered Professional Land Surveyor. END OF SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING 01050 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I' I SECTION 01200 - PROJECT MEETINGS p ART .1 - GENERAL 1. 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section, 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project meetings, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Preconstruction conferences, 2. Preinstallation conferences, 3. Progress meetings. 4. Coordination meetings. 1.3 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ' A. Schedule a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to the Owner and the Architect, but no later than 15 days after execution of the Agreement. Hold the conference at the Project Site or another convenient location. Conduct the meeting to review responsibilities and personnel assig1ments. ' B, . Attendees: Authorized representatives of the Owner, Architect" and their consultants; the Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; manufacturers; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference, All participants at the conference shall be familiar with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. C, Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: 1. Tentative construction schedule. 2. Critical work sequencing, . 3. Designation of responsible personnel. 4. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. 5. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. 6, Distribution of Contract Documents, 7, Submittal of Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples.' 8, Preparation of record documents, 9. Use of the premises. 10, Parking availability. 11, Office, work, and storage areas. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 1 I I I I.. I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 12. Equipment deliveries and priorities. 13. Safety procedures, 14. First aid. 15, Security. 16. Housekeeping. 17. Working hours. - 1.4 PREINST ALLA TION CONFERENCES A. Conduct a preinstallation conference at the Project Site before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction, B. Attendees: The Contractor, Sub...Contractors and Suppliers involved in or affected by the installation, and its. coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise the Architect of scheduled meeting dates. 1. Review the progress of other construction, activities and preparations for' the particular activity under consideration at each preinstallation conference, including requirements for the following: a. Contract Documents. . b. Options, c. Related Ch,ange Orders. d. Purchases.. e. Deliveries, f. Shop Drawings"Product Data, and quality-control samples, g. Possible conflicts. h. Compatibility problems. 1. Time schedules. J. Weather limitations, k. Manufacturer's recommendations. l. Warranty requirements. m, Compatibility of materials. . n. Acceptability of previously installed mat~rial, o. Temporary facilities. p. Space and access limitations, q. Governing regulations. r, Safety. s. Inspecting and testing requirements. t. Required performance results. u. R~cording requirements. v. Protection, ,2, Record significant discussions and agreements and disagreements of each conference, and. the approved schedule. Promptly distribute the record of the meeting to everyone concerned, including the Owner and'the Architect. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Do not proceed with the installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of Work and reconvene the conference at the earliest feasible date. 1.5 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Conduct progress meetings at the Project Site at regular intervals. Notify the Owner and the Architect of scheduled meeting dates. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of the payment request. B. Attendees: In addition to representatives of the Owner and the Architect, each subcontractor, supplier, or other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the conference shall be familiar with the Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. C. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous progress meeting. Review other items of significanCe that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion' as appropriate to the status of the Project. 1. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine, where each activity is in relation to 'the Contractor's Construction, Schedule, , whether on time or ahead or behind schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to insure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. 2, Review ~e present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: a. Interface requirements. b. Time. c. Sequences, d. Status of submittals, e. Deliveries. f Access. g. Site utilization.' h. T~mporary facilities and services, 1. !lours of work. ' J. Hazards and risks. k. Housekeeping. 1. Quality and work standards. m. Change Orders, n. Documentation of information for payment requests. . D. Reporting: No later than 3 days after each meeting, distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to parties who should have been present. Include a brief summary, in narrative form, of progress since the previous meeting and report. PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Schedule Updating: Revise the Contractor's Construction Schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue the revised schedule con.~~,rrently with the. report of each meeting. 1.6 COORDINATION MEETINGS ' A. Conduct project coordination meetings at regular intervals convenient for all parties involved, Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as regUlar progress meetings and special preinstallation meetings. B. Request representation at each meeting by every party currently involved in coordination or planning for the construction activities involved. . C. Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others ' affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting, PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable), PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) , , END OF SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 01200 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01300 -, SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section, 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for submittals required for performance of the Work, including the following: 1. Contractor's construction'schedule. 2. Submittal schedule. 3, Daily construction reports. 4. Shop Drawings, . ~, Product Data. 6. Quality assurance' submittals. B. Administrative Submittals: Refer to other Division 1 Sections and other Contract' Documents for requirements for administrative submittals. Such submittals include, but are not limited to, the following: 1, Permits. 2. Applications for Payment. , 3, Performance and payment bonds. 4. Insurance certificates. 5. List of subcontractors. 1.3 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation and processing of submittals with performance of construction activities. Transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of performance of related construction activities to avoid delay. 1. Coordinate each submittal with other submittals, and related' activities that require sequential activity, ' 2. Coordinate transmittal of different types of submittals for related elements of the Work so processing will not be delayed by the need to review submittals concurrently for coordination, SUBMITT ALS 01300 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I D n o o D a. The Engineer reserves the right to withhold action on a submittal requiring coordination with other submittals until all related submittals are received, 3, Processing: To avoid the need to delay installation'as a result of the time required to process submittals, allow sufficient time for submittal review, including time for resubmittals. a. Allow 2 weeks for initial review. Allow additional time if the Engineer must delay processing to permit coordination with subsequent submittals, b. If an intermediate submittal is necessary, process the same as the initial submittal. c, Allow 2 weeks for reprocessing each submittal. d. ' No extension of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the Engineer sufficiently in advance of the Work to permit processmg. . B. Submittal Preparation: ' Place a permanent label or title block on each submittal, for identification. Indicate the riame of the entity that prepared each submittal on the label or title block. 1. Provide a space approximately 4 by 5 inches (100 by 125 nun) on the label or beside the title block on Shop Drawings to record the Contractor's review and approval markings' arid the action taken. 2. Include the following information on the label for processing and recording action taken. a. Project name. b. Date. c. Name and address of the Contractor, d, Name and address of the subcontractor. e. Name and address of the supplier, f Name of the manufacturer. g. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section. h, Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, C. Submittal Transmittal: Package each submittal appropriately for transmittal and handling, Transmit each submittal from the Contractor to the Engineer using a transmittal form. The Engineer will not accept submittals received from sources other than the Contractor, 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Bar-Chart Schedule: Prepare a fully developed, horizontal bar-chart-type, contractor's construction schedule, Submit within 30 days after the date' established for "Commencement of the Work." SUBMITT ALS 01300 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I B. Cost Correlation: At the head of the schedule, provide a cost correlation line, indicating ,planned and. actual costs. On the line, show dollar volume of Work performed as of the dates used for preparation of payment requests. ' - C. Distribution: Following response to the initial submittal, print and distribute copies to the Engineer, Owner, subcontractors, and other parties required to comply with scheduled, dates. Post copies in the Project meeting room and temporary field office. 1. When revisions are made, distribute to the same parties and post in the same locations, Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in construction activities. D, Schedule Updating: . Revise the schedule after each meeting, event, or activity where revisions have been recognized or made. Issue the updated schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting, 1.5 DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORTS A Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at the site, and submit duplicate copies to the Engineer at weekly intervals: , , , 1, List of subcontractors at'the site. 2, Approximate count of personnel at the site. 3, High and low temperatures; general weather conditions, 4. Accidents and unusual events. 5. Meetings and significant decisions. 6, Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses, 7. Meter readings and similar recordings. 8, Emergency procedures. ' 9. Orders and requests of governing authorities. 10, Change Orders received, implemented. . 11. Services connected,. disconnected. 12, Equipment or system tests and startups. 13. Partial Completions, occupancies. 14. Substantial Completions authorized. 1.6 SHOP DRAWINGS A Sub.mit newly prepared information drawn accurately to scale. Highlight, encircle, or otherwise indicate deviat~ons from the Contract Documents. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information as the basis of Shop Drawings. Standard information prepared without specific reference to the Project is not a Shop Drawing, SUBMITT ALS 01300 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1.7 PRODUCT DATA A. Collect Product Data into a single submittal for each element of construction or system. Product Data includes pririted information, such as manufacturers installation instructions, catalog cuts, roughing-in diagrams and templates, standard wiring diagrams, and performance curves. 1,8 QUALITY ASSURANCE SUBMITTALS A. Submit quality-control submittals, including design data, certifications, manufacturer's instructions, manufacturer's field reports, and other quality-control submittals as required under other Sections of the Specifications. B. Certifications: Where other Sections of the Specifications require certification that a , product, material, or installation complies with specified requirements, submit a notarized certification from the manufacturer certifying compliance with specified requirements~ 1. Signature: ..Certification' shall be signed by an officer of the manufacturer or other individual authorized to' sign documents on behalf of the company, C. Inspection and Test l\eports: Submittal of inspection and test reports from independent. testing agencies . ' 1.9 ENGINEER'S ACTION A. Except for submittals for the record or information, where action anH return is required, the Engineer will review each submittal, mark to indicate action taken, and return promptly, 1. Compliance with specified characteristics is the Contractors responsibility. B. Action Stamp: The Engineer will stamp each submittal with a uniform, action stamp. The Engineer will mark the stamp appropriately to indicate the action taken, C. Unsolicited Submittals: The Engineer will return unsolicited submittals to the sender without action, PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 01300 SUB MITT ALS 01300 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01400:- QUALITY CONTROL . " . I'; \ PART 1 - GENERAL, 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality-control servIces. B. Quality-control services include inspections, tests, and related actions, including reports performed by Contractor, by independent agencies, and by governing authorities. they do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Engineer. C. Inspection and testing services are required to verifY compliance with requirements specified' or indicated. These servicesdo not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with, Contract Document requirements: D. Requirements of this Section relate to customized fabrication and installation procedures~ not production of standard products. 1. Specific quality-control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. 2. Specified inspections, tests, and related actions do not limit Contractor's quality- control procedures that facilitate compliance with Contract Document requirements. 3. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-control services required by Engineer, Owner, or authorities bavingjurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. 1.3 RESPONSIBILITIES , A. Contractor Responsibilities: Unless otherwise indicated as the responsibility of another identified entity, Contractor shall provide inspections, tests, and other quality-control , services specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents and required by authorities having jurisdiction. Costs for these services are included in the Contract Sum. 1. Where individual Sections specifically indicate that certain inspections, tests, and other quality-control services are required, the Owner will engage the services of a qualified independent testing agency to perform those services. Payment for these. services will be made by the Contractor from the Inspection and Testing Allowance. QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 1 I ,I, I I I I I I I I D U D B D U I I I as setup in the Bid Form. Contractor shall submit the invoice of the Testing Agency 'with the Monthly Payment request and Waiver of Lien for the previous months invoice of the Testing Agency B. Retesting: The Contractor is responsible for retesting where results of inspections, tests, or other quality-control services prove unsatisfactory and indicate noncompliance with Contract Document requirements, regardless of whether the original test was Contractor's responsibility . 1., The cost of retesting construction, revised or replaced by the Contractor, is the Contractor's responsibility where required tests perfonp.ed on original construction indicated noncompliance with Contract Document requirements. C. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required inspections, tests, and similar services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify the agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Auxiliary services required include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Provide access to the Work. 2. Furnish incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate inspections and tests. 3. Take adequate quantities of representative samples of materials that require testing or assist the agency in taking samples. 4. Provide facilities for storage arid curing of test samples. 5. Deliver samples to testing laboratories. 6. Provide the agency with a preliminary design mix proposed for use for materials mixes that require control by the testing agency. 7. Provide security and protection of samples and test equipment at the Project Site. D. Duties of the Testing Agency: The independent agency engaged to perform inspections, sampling, and testing of materials and construction specified in individual Sections shall cooperate with the Engineer and the Contractor in performance of the agency's duties. The testing agency shall provide qualified personnel to perform required inspections and tests. 1. The agency shall notify the Engineer and the Contractor promptly of irregularities or deficiencies observed in the Work during performance of its services. 2. The agency is not authorized to release, revoke, alter, or enlarge requirements of the Contract Documents or approve or accept any portion of the Work. 3. The agency shall not perform any duties of the Contractor. E. Coordination: Coordinate the sequence of activities to accommodate required services with a minimum of delay. Coordinate activities to avoid the necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate inspections and tests. 1. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling times for inspections, tests, taking samples, and similar activities. QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I g I o D o 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. The independent testing i:;lgency shall submit a certified written report, in duplicate, of each inspection, test, or similar service to the Engineer. 1. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to the governing authority, . when the authority so directs. . 2. ' Report Data: Written reports of each inspection, test, or similar service include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Date of issue. b. Project title and number. c. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. d. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. e. Names of individuals making the inspection or test. f. Designation of the Work and test method. g. Identification of product and Specification Section. h. Complete inspection or test data. 1. Test results and an interpretation of test results. J. Ambient conditions at the time of sample taking and testing. k. Comments or professional opinion on whether inspected or tested Work complies with Contract Document requirements. 1. Name and signature of laboratory inspector. m. Recommendations on retesting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3,- EXECUTION 3.1 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: Upon completion of inspection, testing, sample taking and similar services, repair' damaged construction and restore substrates. B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service 'activities, and protect; repaired construction. C. Repair and protection is Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for inspection, testing, or similar services. END OF SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 01400 - 3 I I, I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART I-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-l Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for project closeout, including but not limited to: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Project record document submittal. 3. Operating and maintenance manual submittal. 4. Submittal of warranties. 5. Final cleaning. 1.3 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial COI1?-pletion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. .. 1. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100 percent cOInpletion for the portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these Contract Documents and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. a. If-l 00 percent completion cannot be shown, include a list of incomplete items, the value of incomplete construction, and reasons the Work is not complete. 2. Advise Owner of pending insurance change-over requirements. , 3. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar documents. 4. Obtain and submit releases enabling the Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities; iilclude occupancy permits, operating certificates and similar releases. . 5. Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final projecfphotographs, damage or settlement survey, property survey, and similar final record information. 6. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items., PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I' 7. Make final change;.over of permanent locks and transmit keys to the Owner. Advise the Owner's personnel of change-over in security provisions. 8. Complete start-up testing of systems, and instructipn of the Owner's operating and 'maintenance personnet Discontinue or change over and remove temporary facilities from the site, along with construction tools, mock-ups, and similar elements. 9. Complete final clean up requirements, including touch-up painting. Touch-up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes. B. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspection, the Engineer will either proceed with inspection or advise the Contractor ofun::filled requirements. The Engineer will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion following inspection, or advise the Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. 1. The Engineer will repeat inspection when requested and assured that the Work has been substantially completed. 2. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. 1.4 FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification of final acceptance and final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include certificates of insurance for products and completed operations where required. 2. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Sum. 3. Submit a certified copy of the Engineer's final inspection list of items to be completed or corrected, stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance, and the list has been endorsed and dated by the Engineer. 4. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the date of Substantial Completion, or when the Owner took possession of and responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. 5. Submit consent of surety to final payment. 6. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement. 7.- Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. B. Reinspection Procedure: The Engineer will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work, including inspection list items from earlier inspections, has been completed, except items whose completion haS been delayed because of circumstances acceptable to the Engineer. 1. Upon completion of reinspection, the Engineer will prepare a certificate of final acceptance, or advise the Contractor of Work that is incomplete or of obligations PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I that have not been fulfilled but are required for final acceptance. 2. If necessary, reinspection will be repeated. 1.5 RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS A. General: Do not use record documents for construction purposes; protect from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistive location; provide access to record documents for the Engineer's reference during normal working hours. B. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white-prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set to show the actual installation . where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately; where Shop Drawings are used, record a cross-reference at the corresponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 1. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil; use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of the Work. 2. Mark new information that is important to the Owner, but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. 3. Note related Change Order numbers where applicable. 4. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets, bind with durable paper cover sheets, and print suitable titles, dates and other identification on the cover of each set. C. Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual, including addenda, and one copy of other :~tten construction documents such as Change Orders and modifications issued in printed form during construction. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison with the text of the Specifications and modifications. Give particular attention to substitutions; selection of options and similar information on elements that are concealed or cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation Note related record drawing information and Product Data. 1. Upon completion of the Work, submit record Specifications to the Engineer for the Owner's records. .\ ." D. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each Product Data submittal. Mark these documents to show significant variations in actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the site, and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work which cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. Note related Change Orders and mark-up of record drawings and Specifications. 1. Upon completion of mark-up, submit complete set of record Product Data to the PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I .- I ,I I I I Engineer for the Owner's records. E. Record Sample Submitted: Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, the Contractor will meet at the site With the-Engineer and the Owner's personnel to determine which of the submitted Samples that have been maintained during progress of the Work are to be transmitted to the OWner for record purposes. Comply with delivery to the Owner's Sample storage area. ,1 " F. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other Specification Sectionsfor requirements of miscellaneous record-keeping and submittals in connection with actual performance of the Work. Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, complete miscellaneous records and place in good order, properly identified and bound or filed, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to the Engineer for the Owner's records. G. Maintenance Manuals: Organize operating and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size. Bind properly indexed data in individual heavy-duty 2-inch, 3-ring vinyl-covered binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark appropriate identification on front and 'spine of each binder. Include the following types of information: 1. Emergency instructions. 2. Spare parts list. 3. Copies of warranties. 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Recommended "turn around" cycles. 6. Inspection procedures. 7. Shop Drawings and Product Data. 8. Fixture lamping schedule. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES A. 'Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner's personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. If installers are not experienced in procedures, provide instruction by rDanufacturer's representatives. Include a detailed review of the following items: 1. Maintenance manuals. 2. Record documents. 3. Spare parts and materials. 4. Tools. PROJECT CLOSEOUT ,01700 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I U 5. Lubricants. 6. Fuels. 7. Identification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards. 10. Cleaning. 11. Warranties and bonds. 12. Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. B. As part of instruction for operating equipment, demonstrate the following procedures: 1. Start-up. 2. Shutdown. 3. Emergency operations. 4. Noise and vibration adjustments. 5. Safety procedures. 6. Economy and efficiency adjustments. 7. Effective energy utilization. 3.2 FINAL CLEANING A. General: General cleaning during construction is required by the General Conditions and included in Section "Temporary Facilities". B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before:: requesting inspection for Certification of Substantial Completion. a. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. b. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compound and other substances that are noticeable vision-obscuring materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent materials. c. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dust-free ,~" condition, free of stains, films and-similar foreignt"substances. Restore reflective surfuces to their original reflective condition. Leave concrete floors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. d. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamps. e. Clean the site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean; remove stains, spills and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted, to a smooth even-textured surface. PROJECT CLOSEOUT ;' 01700 -'5 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I C. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and facilities installed for prote~tion of the Work during construction. D. Compliance: Comply with' regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety/ standards for cleaning. Do not bum w~e materials. Do not bury debris or excess materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful or dangerous materials into drainage systems. Remove waste materials from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner. - 1. Where extra materials of value remaining after completion of associated Work have become the Owner's property, arrange for disposition of these materials as directed. END OF SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01700 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I m I I I 9 SECTION 02110 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions ~d Division 1 Specification Sections,. apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Protection of existing trees indicated to remain. . 2. Removal of trees and other vegetation. 3. Topsoil stripping. 4. Clearing and grubbing. 5. Removing above-grade improvements. 6. Removing below-grade improvements. 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Traffic: Conduct site-clearing operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other occupied or used facilities without permission from authorities: having jurisdiction. B. Protection of Existing Improvements: Provide protections necessary to prevent damage to existing improvements indicated to remain in place. 1. Protect improvements on adjoining properties and on Owner's property. 2. Restore damaged improvements to their original condition, as acceptable to property owners. C. Protection of Existing Trees and Vegetation: Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning or bruising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be 'left standing. 1. Water trees and other vegetation to remain within limits of contract work as required to maintain their health during course of construction operations. SITE CLEARING 02110 - 1 . I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I' I 2. Provide protection for roots over 1-1/2 inch in diameter that are cut during construction operations. Coat cut faces with an emulsified asphalt or other acceptable coating formulated to use on damaged plant tissues. Temporarily cover , exposed roots with wet burlap to prevent roots from drying out; cover with earth as soon as possible. 3. Repair or replace trees and vegetation indicated to remain that are damaged by construction operations in amanner acceptable to Engineer. Employ a licensed arborist to repair damage to trees and shrubs. 4. Replace trees that cannot be repaired and restored to full-growth status, as determined by arborist. D. Salvable Improvements: Carefully remove items indicated to be salvaged and store on Owner's premises where indicated or directed. 1.4 EXISTING SERVICES A. General: Indicated locations are approximate; determine exact locations before commencing Work. B. Arrange and pay for disconnecting, removing, capping, and plugging utility services. Notify affected utility companies in advance and obtain approval before starting this Work. C. Place markers to indicate location of disconnected services. Identify service lines and capping locations on Project Record Documents. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SITE CLEARING A. General: Remove trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation, improvements, or obstructions, as required, to permit installation of new construction. Remove similar items elsewhere on site or premises as specificiilly indicated. Removal includes digging out and off-site disposal of stumps and roots. . 1. Cut minor roots and branches of trees indicated to remain in a clean and careful manner where such roots and branches obstruct installation of new construction. B. Topsoil: Topsoil is defined as friable clay loam surface soil found in a depth of not less than 4 inches. Satisfactory topsoil is reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, stones, and other objects over 2 inches in diameter, and without weeds, roots, and other objectionable material. . SITE CLEARING 02110 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Strip topsoil to whateyer depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. Remove heavy growths of grass from areas before stripping. . a. Where existing trees are indicated to remain, leave existing topsoil in place within drip lines to prevent damage to root system. 2. Stockpile topsoil in storage piles in areas indicated or directed. Construct storage piles to provide free drainage of surface water. Cover'storage piles, if required, to prevent wind erosion. 3. Dispose of unsuitable or excess topsoil as specified for disposal of waste material. C. Clearing and Grubbing: Clear site of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation, except for those indicated to be left standing. 1. Completely remove stumps, roots, and other debris protruding through ground surface. ' 2. Use only hand methods for grubbing inside drip line of trees indicated to remain. 3. Fill depressions caused by clearing and grubbing operations with satisfactory soil' material, unless further excavation or earthwork is indicated. a. Place fill material in horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches loose depth, and thoroughly compact each layer to a density equal to adjacent original ground. D. Removal of Improvements: Remove existing above-grade and below-grade improvements as indicated and as necessary to facilitate new construction. 3.2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS A. Burning on Owner's Property: Burning is not permitted on Owner's property without prior approval from local governing authority, B. Removal to Owner's Spoil Area: Transport noncombustible waste materials and unsuitable topsoil materials to designated spoil areas on Owner's property and dispose of as directed. Tires and noncombustible debris larger than 12 cubic inches shall be removed from property and legally disposed. END OF SECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING 02110 - 3 I I I I "I I I I 'I I I I- I I I I I I' I SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Preparing and grading subgrades for slabs-on-grade, walks, pavements, and landscaping. 2. Excavating and backfilling for buildings and structures. 3. Subbase course for walks and pavements. 4. Subsurface drainage backfill trenches. 5. Excavating and backfilling for underground mechanical and electrical utilities and appurtenances. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Excavation consists of the removal of material encountered to subgr~de elevations and the reuse or disposal of materials removed. - B. Subgrade: The uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, or topsoil materials. C. Borrow: Soil materia! obtained off-site when sufficient approved soil material is not available from excavations. D. Subbase Course: The layer placed between the subgrade and base course in a paving system or the layer placed between the subgrade and surface of a pavement or walk. E. Base Course: The layer placed between the subbase and surface pavement in a paving system. F. Drainage Fill: Course of washed granular material placed to cut off water and used to backfill "frenchdrains". G. Unauthorized excavation consists of removing materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without direction by the-Engineer; Unauthorized excavation, as EARTHWORK 02200 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I m' I well as remedial work directed by the Engineer, shall be at the Contractor's expense. H. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man.;.made stationary features constructed above or below ground surface. -- I. Utilities include on-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within building lines. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product data for the following: 1. Each type of plastic warning tape. 2. Filter fabric. 3. Geo- Textiles for bank stabilization C. Test Reports: In addition to test reports required under field quality control, submit the following: 1. Laboratory analysis of each soil material proposed for fill and backfill from on-site and borrow sources. 2. One optimum moisture-maximum density curve for each soil material. 3. Chemical and Physical analysis of topsoil in each field (8 samples per field) to be submitted to Georgia Extension Service. Recommendations for fertilization and soil enhancement based on submitted tests will be submitted and will be the required specification for fertilization and soil enhancement for the soccer fields. Cost of testing is not part of the testing outlined in Section 01400. 1.5 . QUALITY ASSURANCE A. : Codes and Standards: Perform earthwork complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Testing and Inspection Service: Owner will employ a qualified independent geotechnical engineering testing agency to classify proposed on-site and borrow soils to verifY that soils comply with specified requirements and to perform required field and laboratory testing. Cost of these services will be paid by the Contractor, from the Testing Allowance as set up in the Bid. - . C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. 1. Before commencing earthwork, meet with representatives of the goverrung EARTHWORK 02200 - 2 I I ;-., . _.. I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I g o o o authorities, Owner, Engineer, consultants, Geotechnical Engineer, independent testing agency, and other concerned entities; Review earthwork procedures and responsibilities includIng testing and, inspection procedures and requirements. NotifY participants at leaSt 3' working " days prior to' convening conference. Record discussions and agreements and furnish a copy to each participant. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others except when permitted in writing by the Engineer and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. 1. Provide a minimum 48-hours' notice to the Engineer and receive written notice to proceed before interrupting any utility. B. Demolish and completely remove from site existing underground utilities mdicated to be . removed. Coordinate with utility companies to shutoff services if lines are active. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. General: Provide approved borrow soil materials from off-site when sufficient approved soil materials are not available from excavations. B. Satisfactory Soil Materials: ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups GW, GP, GM, SW, SP, and SM; free of rock or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other deleterious matter. C. Unsatisfactory Soil Materials: ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups GC, SC, ML, MIl, CL, CR, OL, OR, and PT. D. Backfill and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials. E. Subbase and Base Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand, ASTM D 2940, with at least 95 percent passing a 1-1I2-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve ( Georgia DOT specification for Graded Aggregate Base). ' F. Engineered Fill: Subbase or base materials. G. Bedding Material: Subbase or base materials with 100 percent passing a l-inch sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. H. Drainage Fill: Washed, evenly graded mixture of crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed EARTHWORK 02200 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I m I I I I I I I g g gravel, ASTM D 448, coarse aggregate grading size 57, with 100 percent passing a 1-l/2-inch sieve and not lll(jre than 5 percent passing a No.8 sieve. -;;-'--"1. Impervious Fill: Clayey sand mixture 'capable of compacting to a dense impervious state. . 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Detectable Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick minimum, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protective jacket for corrosion protection, detectable by metal detector when tape is buried up to 2'-6" deep. 1. Tape Colors: Provide tape colors to utilities as follows: a. Red: Electric. b. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. c. Orange: Telephone and other communications. d. Blue: Water systems. e. Green: Sewer systems. B. Filter Fabric: Manufacturer's standard nonwoven pervious geotextile fabric of polypropylene, nylon or polyester fibers, or a combination 1. Provide filter fabrics< that meet or exceed the listed minimum physical properties determined according to ASTM D 4759 and the referenced standard test method in parentheses: a. Grab Tensile Strength (ASTM D 4632): 100 lb. b. _ Apparent Opening Size (ASTM D 4751): #100 U.S. Standard sieve. c. Permeability (ASTM D 4491): 150 gallonS per minute per sq. ft. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. B. Provide erosion control measures to prevent erosion or displacement of soils and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff or airborne dust to adjacent properties and walkways. C. Tree protection is specified in the Division 2 Section "Site Clearing." EARTHWORK ~ 02200 - 4 I I I I I I I I D I .11 - .0 .0 I I m I I - 3.2 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from~~t~~g:~~~~~~ti~~~ from'" ponding on prepared"subgrades, and from flooding Project site and sUrrouriding area. , ".\. B. Protect. subgrade soils from softening and damage by rain or water accumulation. 3.3 EXCAVATION A. Explosives: Do not use explosives. B. Unclassified Excavation: Excavation is unclassified and includes excavation to required subgrade elevations regardless of the character of materials and obstructions encountered. 3.4 STABILITY OF EXCAVATIONS . , .' .', 1 .~ A. Comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction to maintain stable excavations. 3.5 EXCAVATION FOR WALKS AND PAVEMENTS A. Excavate surfaces under walks and pavements to indicated cross sections, elevations, and grades. 3.6 EXCAVATION FOR UTILITY TRENCHES . .. ..., \..... """ . \....., ~ A. Excavate trenches to indicated slopes, lines, depths, and invert elevations. \. 1. Beyond building perimeter, excavate trenches to allow installation of top of pipe below frost line. B: Excavate trenches to uniform widths to provide a working clearance on each side of pipe or conduit. Excavate trench walls vertically from trench bottom to 12 inches higher than . top of pipe or conduit, unless otherwise indicated. . d ':'. 1. Clearance: 12 inches each side of pipe or conduit. C. Trench Bottoms: Excavate and shape trench bottoms to provide uniform bearing and support of pipes and conduit, Shape subgrade to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and baITels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. Remove stones and sharp objects to avoid point loading. 1. For pipes or conduit less than 6 inches in nominal diameter and flat-bottomed, multiple-duct conduit units, hand-excavate trench bottoms and support pipe and EARTHWORK 02200 - 5 U I I .0 U D o D I o o o D D- O" D D o o conduit on an undisturbed subgrade. 2. For pipes and conduit 6 inches or larger in nominal diameter, shape bottom of trench to support bottom 90 degrees of pipe circumference. Fill depressions with tamped sandbackfill.""-c;" ' ".,". 3.7 APPROVAL OF SUBGRADE A- Notify Engineer when excavations have reached required subgrade. B. When Engineer determines that unforeseen unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. 1. Unforeseen additional excavation and replacement material will be paid according to the Contract provisions for changes in Work. C. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by the Engineer. 3.8 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending indicated bOttom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering required top elevation. Lean concrete fill may be uSed to bring elevations to proper position when acceptable to the Engineer. 1. Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction as directed by the Engineer. B. Where indicated widths of utility trenches are exceeded,~provide stronger pipe, or special installation procedures, as required by the Engineer. 3.9 STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS A Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for backfill' and fill soil materials, including acceptable borrow materials. Stockpile soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain stl!face water. 1. Stockpile soil'materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip 'n. line of remaining trees. 3.10 BACKFILL A Backfill excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1.. Surveying locations of underground utilities for record documents. 2. Testing, inspecting, and approval of underground utilities. EARTHWORK 02200 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Concrete formwork removal. 4. Removal of trash and debris from excavatiom 5. Removal of temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. . I"" "" . 3.11 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL A. Place and compact bedding course on rock and other unyielding bearing surfaces and to fill unauthorized excavations. Shape bedding course to provide continuous support for bells, joints, and barrels of pipes and for joints, fittings, and bodies of conduits. B. Place and compact initial backfill of satisfactory soil material or subbase material, free of particles larger than 1 inch, to a height of 12 inches over the utility pipe or conduit. 1. Carefully compact material under pipe haunches and bring backfill evenly up on both sides and along the full length of utility piping or conduit to avoid damage or displacement of utility system. C. Coordinate backfilling with utilities testing. D. Place and compact final backfill of satisfactory soil material to final subgrade. E. Install warning tape directly above utilities, 12 inches below finished grade, except 6 inches below subgrade under pavements and slabs. 3.12 SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE BACKFILL A. Substfrface Drain: Place a layer of filter fabric around perimeter of drainage trench, as indicated. Place a 6-inch compacted course of filtering material on filter fabric to support drainage pipe. After installing and testing. encase drainage pipe to the finished grade of compacted filtering material and wrap in filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 6 inches. B. Drainage Backfill: Place and compact drainage backfill of filtering material over subsurface drain, in width indicated, to final grade. Overlay drainage backfill with one layer of filter fabric, overlapping edges at least 6 inches. 3.13 FILL' A. Preparation: Remove vegetation, topsoil, debris, wet, and unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placing fills. 1. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing surface. . B. When subgrade or existing ground surface to receive fill has a density less than that required for fill, break up ground surface to depth required, pulverize, moisture-condition or aerate soil and recompact to required density. EARTHWORK 02200 - 7 I I I I I I I I 'I I I ,I I I I I I I" I C. Place fill material in layers to required elevations for each location listed below. 1. Under grass, use satisfactory excavated or borrow soil material. 2. Under walks and pavements, use subbase or base material, or 'SatiSfactory excavated or borrow soil material. 3.14 MOISTURE CONTROL A. Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air-dry satisfactory soil material that is too wet to compact to specified density. a. Stockpile or spread and dry removed wet satisfactory soil material. 3.15 COMPACTION A. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 8 inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. B. Place backfill and fill materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations. Place backfill and fill uniformly along the full length of each structure. ~ C. Percentage of Maximum Dry Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less thafl the following percentages of maximum dry density according to ASTM D 1557: 1. Under pavements, compact the top 12 inches below subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent maximum dry density. 2. Under walkways, compact the top 6 inches below subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent maximum dry density. 3. Under lawn or unpaved areas, compact the top 6 inches below subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent maximum dry density. 3.16 GRADING A. General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free from irregular surface changes. Comply with cOInpaction requirements and gTade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. , 2. Provide a smooth transition between existing adjacent grades and new grades. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to conform to required surface EARTHWORK 02200 - 8 I I I -I I I I I 'I I I I I I g I U U D \ tolerances. B. Site Grading: Slope grades to prevent ponding. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 0.10 foot. 2. Walks: Plus or minus 0.10 foot. 3. Pavements: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. 3.17 SUBBASE AND BASE COURSES A. Under pavements and walks, place subbase course material on prepared subgrades. Place base course material over subbases to pavements. I. Compact subbase and base courses at optimum moisture content to required grades, lines, cross sections and thickness to not less than 95 percent of Modified Proctor 2. Shape subbase and base to required crown elevations and cross-slope grades. 3. When thickness of compacted subbase or base course is 6 inches or less, place materials in a single layer. 4. When thickness of compacted subbase or base course exceeds 6 inches, place materials in equal layers, with no layer more than 6 inches thick or less than 3 inches thick when compacted. B. Pavement Shoulders: Place shoulders along edges of subbase and base course to prevent lateral movement. Construct shoulders at least 12 inches wide of acceptable soil materials and compact simultaneously with each subbase and base layer. 3.18 HELD QUALITY CONTROL ~ A. Testing Agency Services: Allow testing agency to inspect and test each subgrade and each fill or backfill layer. Do not proceed until test resuhs for previously completed work verifY compliance with requirements. . 1. Perform field in-place density tests according to ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method), ASTM D 2167 (rubber balloon method), or ASTM D 2937 (drive cylinder method), as applicable. ,t .... ... rt a. Field in-place density tests may also be performed by the nuclear' method according to ASTM D 2922, provided that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to correlate to tests performed using ASTM D 1556. With each density calibration check, check the calibration curves furnished with the moisture gages according to ASTM D 3017. ' When field in-place density tests are performed using nuclear methods, make calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning of work, on each different type of material encountered, and at intervals as directed by the Engineer. b. EARTHWORK 02200 - 9 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I m I I I I I 2. Paved Areas: At subgrade and at each compacted' fill and backfill layer, perform at least one field in-place density test for every 2,000 sq. ft. or less of paved area or, '.,' but in no case fewer than three tests."" , 3. Trench Backfill: In each compacted initial and final backfill layer, perform at least one field in-place density test for each 150 feet or less of trench, but no fewer than two tests. B. When testing agency reports that subgrades, fills, or backfills are below specified density, scarify and moisten or aerate, or remove and replace soil to the depth required, recompact and retest until required density is obtained. 3.19 PROTECTION 'A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and re-establish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 1. ScarifY or remove and replace material to depth directed by the Engineer; reshape and recompact at optimum moisture content to the 'required density. C. Settling: Where settling occurs during the Project correction period, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional approved material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 1. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to the greatest extent possible. 3.20 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Remove surplus satisfactory s~il and waste material, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. B. Disposal: Transport surplus satisfactory soil to designated storage areas on the Owiler's ''''property. Stockpile or spread soil as directed by Engineer. 1. Remove waste material, iricluding unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK 02200 - 10 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02510 - WATER DISTRIBUTION' PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section, 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes piping and specialties for combined potable-water and fire-protectio~ water service. . B. This Section does not include tapping of utility company water inain. . . C. Utility-furnished products include water meters that will be furnished to site, ready for installation. Contractor shall obtain meter and pay all tap fees and other fees required by the utility. Installation will be coordinated with water utility. Contractor shan pay utility for installation if required by the utility. If utility does not install or furnish the meter,. Contractor shall purchase and install meter. All costs regardless of who furnishes or installs the meter, will be by the Contractor. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. The following are industry abbreviations for plastic and rubber materials: 1. NP: Nylon. 2. PE: Polyethylene. 3. PP: Polypropylene. 4, PTFE: Polytetrafluoroethylene; 5, PVC: PolyVinyl chloride. 1."4 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE'REQUIREl\1ENTS " ;.jo....~.- A. Minimum Working Pressures: The following are minimum pressure requirements for piping and specialties, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Combined Potable~Water and Fire-Protection Water Service: 160 psig (1100 kPa). 1,5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For the following: WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510-1 1. Water meters. 2. Water-meter bars, 3. Backflow preventers. 4. Pipe and fittings. 5. Flexible pipe fittings. 6. Valves. 7. Fire hydrants. 8.' Flushing hydrants, B. Shop Drawings: For precast concrete structures, Include frames and covers and drains. C. Coordination Drawings: For piping and specialties including relation to other services in same area. Show piping and specialty sizes and valves, meter and specialty locations, and elevations. D. Record Drawings: At Project closeout of installed water-service piping according to DiVision 1 Section "Contract Closeout." E. Test Reports: As specified in "Field Quality Control" Article in Part 3. F.. Purging and Disinfecting Reports: As specified in "Cleaning" Article in Part 3. . .. . G. Maintenance Data: For specialties to include in the maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. Include data for the following: 1. Water meters: 2. Backflow preventers. 3. Valves. 4. Fire hydrants. 1.6 . QUALITY ASSURANCE 'A. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of water- . service piping specialties and are based on specific types and models indicated, Other manufacturers' products with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division 1 Section "Substitutions." . B. Comply with requirements of utility supplying water. Include tapping of water' mains and backflow prevention. ':'?-if':' C.. Comply with standards of authorities having jurisdiction for potable 'water-service piping, Include materials, installation, testing, and disinfection. . D, Comply with NSF 61, "Drinking Water System Components-- Health Effects," for materials for potable water. E. Comply with standards of authorities having jurisdiction for fire-protection water..:service piping. Include materials, hose threads; installation, and testing. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I F. . Comply with NFPA 24, "Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurt'enances," for materials, installations, tests, flushing, and valve ~d hydrant supervision. G.. Comply with ASTM F 645, "Guide for Selection, Design, and Installation of Thermoplastic Water Pressure Piping. Systems." H. Comply with NFP A 70, . "National Electrical Code," for electrical connections between wiring and electrically operated devices, 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Preparation for Transport: Prepare valves, including fire hydrants, according to the following: 1. Ensure that valves are dry and internally protected against rust and corrosion. 2. Protect valves against damage to threaded ends and flange faces. 3. Set valves in best position for handling, Set valves closed to prevent rattling. B. During Storage: Use precautions for valves, including fire hydrants, according to the following: 1, Do not remove end protectors,' unless necessary for inspection; then reinstall for storage. 2. Protect from weather.. Store indoors and maintain temperature higher than ambient dew-point temperature. Support off the ground or pavement in watertight enclosures. when outdoor storage is necessary. C. Handling: Use sling to handle valves and fire hydrants whose size requires handling by crane or lift. Rig valves to avoid damage to exposed valve parts. Do not use handwheels' or stems as lifting or rigging points. D. Deliver piping with factory-applied end-caps. Maintain end-caps through shipping, storage, and handling to prevent pipe-end damage and to prevent entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture. E. Protect stored piping from moisture and dirt. Elevate above grade. Do not exceed structural capacity of floor when storing inside, F. Protect flanges, fittings, and specialties from moisture and dirt, G. Store plastic piping protected from direct sunlight. Support to prevent sagging and. bending, 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations, Contact utility-locating service for area where Project is located. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 3 I I I I' I I I I "1 I I I I I I I I I I B. Verify that water-service piping may be installed to comply with original design and referenced standards. 1.9 . SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate connection to water main with utility company, H. Coordinate piping materials, sizes, entry locations, and pressure requirements with building . water distribution piping. C. Coordinate piping materials, sizes, entry locations, and pressure requirements with building fire-protection water piping. D. Coordinate with other utility work ( irrigation system) and grassing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPES AND TUBES A. General: Applications of the following pipe and tube . materials are .indicated in Part 3 "Piping Applications" Article. .' B. Ductile-Iron, Push-on-Joint Pipe:' AWWA C151, with cement-mortar lining and seal coat according to AWWA: C104. Include rubber compression gasket according to. AWWA C11 1. E C. Ductile-Iron, Mechanical-Joint Pipe: AWWA C151, with cement-mortar lining and seal coat according to AWWA Cl04. Include gland, rubber gasket, and bolts and nuts' according to AWWA CIll. D. PVC Plastic, Fire-Service Pipe: UL 1285 and AWWA C900. Include elastomeric seal according to ASTM F 4.77. 2.2 PIPE AND TUBE FITTINGS A. General: Applications of the following pipe and tube fitting materials are indicated in Part 3 "Piping Applications" Article. B. . Ductile-Iron, Push-on-Joint Fittings: A WW A C 11 0, ductile-iron or cast-iron; or AWW A CI53, ductile-iron, compact type. Include cement-mortar lining and seal coat according to A WW A C 1 04 and rubber compression gaskets according to A WW A C Ill, C. Ductile-Iron, Mechanical-Joint Fittings: AWWA CllO, ductile-iron or cast-iron; or WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I g I I I I I AWW A C153, ductile-iron; compact type. Include cement-mortar lining and seal coat according to A WW A C 1 04. and glands, rubber gaskets, and bolts and nuts according to AWWACll1. . D. Ductile-Iron, Flanged Fittings: AWWA CllO, with cement-mortar lining and seal coat according to A WW A C 1 04 or epoxy, interiorcoating according to A WW A C550. Include gaskets and bolts and nuts. . E. Ductile-Iron, Deflection Fittings: Compound coupling fitting with sleeve and flexing sections, gaskets, and restrained-joint ends complying with A WW A C 11 0 or A WW A C 153. . Include 250-psig (1725-kPa) minimum working-pressure rating;. cement-mortar lining or epoxy, interior coating according to AWWA C550; deflection of at least 20 degrees (0,34 radians); and glands, rubber gaskets, and bolts and nuts according to A WW A C 111. F., Ductile-Iron Fittings for PVC Pipe: AWWA CllO, ductile-iron or cast-iron; or . A WW A C 153, ductile-iron, compact type; push-on- or mechanical-joint type. Include dimensions matching PVC pipe, cement-mortar' lining and seal coat according to AWWA CI04, and rubber compression gaskets according to AWWA Clll. 2.3 JOINING MATERIALS A. General: Applications of the following piping joining materials are indicated in Part 3 "Piping Applications" Article. B. Refer to Division 2 Section "Utility Materials" for commonly used joining materials. C. Ductile-Iron Piping: The following materials apply: 1, Push-on Joints: A WW A C 111 rubber gaskets and lubricant. 2. Mechanical Joints: AWWA Cl11 ductile-iron or gray-iron glands, high-strength steel bolts and nuts, and rubber gaskets. . 3. Flanged Joints: AWWA C115 ductile-iron or gray-iron pipe flanges, rubber gaskets, and high-strength steel bolts a,nd nuts. a. Gaskets: Rubber, flat face, 1/8 inch (3 rom) thick, unless otherwise indicated; and full-face or ring type, unless otherwise indicated. b. Flange Bolts and Nuts: AS:ME B 18.2.1, carbon steel, unless otherwise indicated. D. Pipe Couplings: Iron-body sleeve assembly, fabricated to match OD of pipes to be joined. 1. Sleeve: ASTM A 126, Class B, gray iron. 2. Followers: ASTM A47 (ASTM A 47M), malleable iron; or ASTM A 536, ductile Iron. 3. Gaskets: Rubber, 4. Bolts and Nuts: AWWA C1 i 1. 5. Finish: Enamel paint. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 5 I I I I I I I I 'I I - I I I I I I I I 2.4 VALVES A. .Nonrising-Stem, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves, 3-Inch NPS (DN80) and Larger: AWWA C509, gray- or ductile-iron body and bonnet; with bronze or gray- or ductile-iron gate, resilient seats, bronze stem, and stem nut. ID.clude 200-psig (1380-kPa) minimum working-pressure design, interior coating according to A WW A C550, and push-on- or mechanical-joint ends. B. Rising-Stem Gate Valves, 2-I/2-Inch NPS (DN65) and Larger: UL 262, PM approved, iron body and bonnet, bronze seating material, OS&Y, 175-psig (l200-kPa) working pressure, and flanged ends, C. Valve Boxes: Cast-iron box with top section and cover with lettering "WATER," bottom section with base of size to fit over valve and barrel approximately 5 inches (125 mm) in diameter, and adjustable cast-iron extension of length required for depth of bury of valve. 1. Provide steel tee-handle operating wrench with each valve box. Include tee handle with one pointed end, stem of length to operate valve, and socket-fitting valve- operating nut. 2.5 SPECIALTY VALVES A. Pressure-Regulating Valves: Automatic, pilot-operated, cast-iron body with interior coating according to A WW A C550. Include 250-psig (1725-kPa) working-pressure design, bronze pressure-reducing pilot valve and tubing, and means for discharge pressure adjustment. 2.6 WATER METERS ' A. Water meters may be furnished by utility company. Ifutility does not provide meter, furnish a meter complying with the utilities specifications for a water meter. In addition, Water meter assembly shall be UL and Fm listed suitable for use on fire water service 2.7 PITS A. Description: Precast, reinforced-concrete pit, designed for A-16 load designation according to ASTM C 857, and made according to ASTM C 858. . B. Ladder: ASTM A 36 (ASTM A 36M), steel or polyethylene-encased steel steps. 2.8 FREEST ANDING FIRE HYDRANTS - A. Description: Cast-iron body, compression-type valve, opening against pressure and closing with pressure, 6-inch (DN150) mechanical-joint inlet, and 150-psig (1035-kPa) minimum WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I .1 I I I I I I I I I working-pressure design. B. Outlet Threads: NFPA 1963, with external hose thread used by local fire department. Include cast-iron caps with steel chains, C. Operating and Cap Nuts: Pentagon 1-1/2 inch (40 mm) point to flat. D. Direction of Opening: counterclockwise. -:" Open hydrant valve by turning operating nut to left or E. Exterior Finish: per requirements of local fire department F. Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants: UL 246, PM-approved, two 2-i/2-inch NPS (DN65) and one 4-1/2-inch NPS (DN115) outlets, 5-1/4-inch (133-mm) main valve, drain valve, and 6-inch NPS (DNI50) mechanical-joint inlet. 2.9 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. General: Manufactured backflow preventers, of size indicated for maximum flow rate and maximum pressure loss indicated. B. Working Pressure: 150 psig (1035 kPa) minimum, unless otherwise indicated. C. 2-1/2-Inch NPS (DN65) and Larger: Bronze, cast-iron, steel, or stainless-steel body with . flanged ends. D. Interior Components: Corrosion-resistant materials. E. S!rainer on inlet is indicated and shall be UL and PM rated. F. Hose-Connection Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1011, nickel plated, with nonremovable and manual drain features, and ASME B1.20.7, 3/4-11.5NH threads for garden hose on outlet Units attached to rough-bronze-finish hose connections may be rough bronze. G. Double-Check- Valve Assembly: UL 312, FM approved. Assembly has two UL 312, FM- approved, iron-body, 175-psig (1200-kPa) working-pressure, flanged-end check valves, with two UL 262, FM-approved, iron-body, OS&Y, flanged, 175-psig (l200-kPa) working- pressure gate valves. 1. Pressure Loss: 5 psig (34 kPa) maximum through middle third of flow range. 2,10 . YARD HYDRANTS A. Yard Hydrants, Post Type: Nonfreeze. Include 3/4-inch NPS (DN20) inlet, integral or field-installed vacuum br~aker with outlet complying with ASME B1.20.7, 3/4-11.5NH threads for garden hose, Include bronze casing, cast-iron or cast-aluminum casing guard, tapped drain port in valve housing, and key operation. Include body -length required for installing inlet valve below frost line. Furnish 2 keys for each hydrant. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 7 I I I I I I .1 I 'I I I' I I I I I I I I 2.11 ANCHORAGES A. Clamps, Straps, and Washers: ASTM A 506, steel. B. Rods: ASTM A 575, steel. C. Rod Couplings: AS~ A 197 (ASTM A 197M), malleable iron. D. Bolts: ASTM A 307, steel. E. Cast-Iron Washers: ASTM A 126, gray iron. F. Concrete Reaction Backing: Portland cement concrete mix, 3000 psig (20.7 MPa). 1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. 4. Water: Potable.' 2.12 IDENTIFICATION . A. Refer to Division 2 Section . "Earthwork" for underground wal-ning tape materials, B. . Arrange for detectable warning tapes made of solid blue film with metallic core and continuously printed black-letter caption "CAUTION-..WATER LINE BURIED BELOW." PART 3 ..EXECUTION 3.1 EARTHWORK A. Refer to Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for excavation, trenching, and backfilling. B, Refer to Division 2 Section "Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving" for cutting and patching' of existing paVing. C. Refer to Division 2 Section "Portland Cement Concrete Paving" for cutting and patching of paving. 3.2 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. General: Use pipe, fittings, and joining methods for piping systems according to the following applications: WATER DISTRIBUTION . 02510 - 8 I I D I I I I I 'I 'I I I I I I I I I I . . B. Transition couplings and special fittings with pressure ratings at least equal to piping pressure rating may be used in applications below, unless otherwise indicated. . C. Do not use flanged couplings for underground piping. 1. Exception: Piping in boxes and structuies, but not buried, may be joined With flanges instead of joints indicat~d. D. Water-Service Piping: Use the following: 1, 4- to 8-Inch NPS (DNI00 to DN200): Ductile-iron, push-on-joint pipe; ductile-iron, push-on-joint fittings; and gasketed joints. 2. 4- to 8-Inch NPS (DNI00 to DN200): Ductile-iron, mechanical-joint pipe; ductile- iron, mechanical-joint fittings; and mechanical joints. 3. 4- to 8-Inch NPS (DNI00 to DN200): PVC plastic,C900 Class 150, fire-service pipe; PVC plastic fittings; and elastomeric seal joints. 3.3 VALVE APPLICATIONS . A. D~awings indicate valve types to be used. Where specific valve types are not indicated, the . following requirements apply: . 1. Underground Valves,3-Inch NPS (DN80) and Larger: AWWA, gate valves, nonrising stem, with valve box. . . 2. . Pit and Aboveground Installation Valves, 2-l/2-Inch NPS (DN65) and Larger: ULIFM, OS&Y gate vfves, 3.4 JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Refer to Division 2 Section "Utility Materials" for basic piping joint construction. B. Ductile-Iron Piping, Gasketed Joints: According to AWWA C600. c. Ductile-Iron Piping, GasketedJoints for Fire-Service Piping: According to UL 194 and AWWAC600. D. Flanged Joints: Align flanges and install gaskets. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt. tightening. Use lubricant on bolt threads. E. PVC Piping, Gasketed Joints: Use joining materials according to A WW A C900. Construct joints with elastomeric seals and lubricant according to ASTM D 2774 or ASTM D 3139 and pipe manufacturer's written instructions. 3.5 PIPING SYSTEMS - COMMON REQUIREl\.1ENTS WATER DISTRlBUTION 02510 - 9 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I '1. I I I I I A. General Locations and Arrangements: . Drawings indicate general location and arrangement . . of piping systems. Indicated locations and arrangemehts were used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, expansion, pump sizing, arid other design considerations. Install piping as indicated, unless deviations to layout are approved on Coordination Drawings. B.' Install piping at indicated slope, C. Install components with pressure ratina equal to or~reater than system operating pressure. D. Install piping free of sags and bends. E. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit valve servicing. F. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. . 3.6 PIPING INSTALLATION A. Water-Main Connection: Arrange for tap in water main, of size and in location indicated, from water utility. 3.7 ANCHORAGE INSTALLATION A. Install anchorages for tees, plugs and caps, bends, crosses, valves, and hydrant branches. Include anchorages for the following piping systems: 1. Gasketed-Joint, Ductile-Iron, Potable-Water Piping: According to AWWA C600. 2. Gasketed-Joint, PVC Potable-Water Piping: According to AWWA M23. 3. Fire'-Service Piping: According to NFPA 24. B. Apply full coat of asphalt or other acceptable corrosion-retarding material to surfaces of installed ferrous anchorage devices. 3.8 VALVE INSTALLATION A. General Application: Use mechanical-joint-end valves for 3-inch NPS (DN80) and larger underground installation. Use threaded- and flanged-end valves for installation in pits. B. A WW A-Type Gate Valves: Comply with A WW A C600. Install underground valves with , stem pointing up and with cast-iron valve box. C. UL/FM- Type Gate Valves: Comply with NFP A 24. Install underground valves and valves in pits with stem pointing up. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 10 R I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I' I '!-.J". 3.9 FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION A. General: Install each fire hydrant with separate gate valve in supply pipe, anchor with restrained joints or thrust blocks, and support in upright position. B. UL/FM-Type Fire Hydrants: Comply with NFPA 24. 3.10 WATER-METER INSTALLATION A. Install water meters, piping, and specialties according to utility company's written requirements. B. Water Meter: Install compound-type water meters, 3-inch NPS (DN80) and larger, in meter pits. Include shutoff'valves on water-meter inlet and outlet and valved bypass around meter. Support meters, valves, and piping on brick or concrete piers. 3.11 . ROUGHING-IN FOR WATER METERS A Rough-in piping and specialties for water-meter installation according to utility company's written instructions and requirements. 3.12 . PIT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION A. Construct pits according to utility company's written instructions and requirements and as indicated on the drawings. 3.13 BACKFLOW PREVENTER INSTALLATION A. Install bacldlow preventers of type, size, and capacity indi.cat~d. Include valves and test cocks. Install.according to plumbing and health department-authorities having jurisdiction. B. Do not install reduced-pressure-principle type in pit. C.' < Support backflow preventers, valves, and piping on brick or concrete piers. 3.14 IDENTIFICATION INSTALLATION A Install continuous plastic mettalic core underground warning.tape during back-filling of trench for underground water-service piping. Locate 6 to 8 inches (150 to 200 mm) below finished grade, directly over piping. WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - II B U I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I' I 3.15 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A.. Piping Tests: Conduct piping tests before joints are covered and after thrust blocks have hardened sufficiently. Fill pipeline 24 hours before testing and apply test pressure to stabilize system. Us~ only potable water. . B. Hydrostatic Tests: Test in accordance with A WW A and not less than 1-1/2 times working pressure for 2 hours. L Increase pressure in 50-psig (350-kPa) increments and inspect each joint between increments, Remake leaking joints with new materials and repeat test until leakage is within above limits, C. Prepare reports for testing activities. 3.16 CLEANING A. Clean and disinfect water distribution piping as follows: 1. Purge new water distribution piping systems and parts of existing systems that have been altered, extended,. or repaired before use. 2. Use purging and disinfecting procedure prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction or, if method is not prescribed by authorities, use procedure described in A WW A C651 or as described below: a. Comply with NFP A 24 for flushing of piping. Flush piping system with clean, potable water until dirty water does not appear at points of outlet. 1) Fill system or part of system with water/chlorine solution containing at least 50 ppm of chlorine. Isolate system or part thereof and allow to stand for 24 hours. Drain system or part of system of previous solution and refill with. water/chlorine solution containing' at least 200 ppm of chlorine; isolate and allow to stand for 3 hours. Following allowed standing time, flush system with clean, potable water until chlorine does not remain in water coming from system. Submit water samples in sterile bottles to authorities having jurisdiction. Repeat procedure' if biological examination shows evidence of contamination. 2) '. r,,-. . 3) 4). 1 \._, B. Prepare reports for purging and disinfecting activities. END OF SECTION 02510 WATER DISTRIBUTION 02510 - 12 I I I. I I I I I 'I I I. I I I I I I I I SECTION 02511 - HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2' SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1.. Hot-mix asphalt paving. 2. Pavement-marking paint. . 1.3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION " A. Provide hot-mix asphalt pavement according to the materials, workmanship, and other applicable requirements of the standard specifications of the state or of authorities havIng jurisdiction. . . 1. Standard Specification: Georgia'DepartmentqfTransportation. 2. Measurement and payment provisions and safety program submittals included in standard specifications do not apply to this Section. ' 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: . For each product specified. Include technical data and tested physical ~d performance properties. B. Job-Mix Designs: For each job mix proposed for the Work. C. . Material Test Reports: ,Indicate and interpret test results for compliance of materials with requirements indicated. D. Material Certificates: Certificates signed by manufacturers certifying that each material complies with requirements. . 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed hot-mix asphalt - HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 1 I I I I I' I I I I I I I o I '1 I I I I paving similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance, B. . Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements of Division 1 Section "Project Meetings" Review rn.-ethods and procedures related to asphalt paving including, but not limited to, the following: . 1. Review proposed sources of paving materials, including capabilities and location of plant that will manufacture hot-mix asphalt. 2. Review condition of substrate and preparatory work performed by other trades. ~. Review requirements for protecting paving work, including restriction of traffic during installation period and for remainder of construction p.eriod, 4. Review and finalize construction schedule for paving and related work. Verify availability of materials, paving Installer's personnel, and equipment required to execute the'Work Without delays. . 5. Review inspection and testing requirements, governing regulations, and proposed installation procedures. 6. Review forecasted weather ,conditions and procedures for coping with unfavorable conditions. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver pavement-marking materials to Project site in original packages with seals unbroken . and bearing manufacturer's labels containing brand name and type of material, date of manufacture, and directions for storage. ' B. Store pavement-marking matenals in a clean, dry, protected location and within temperature range required by manufacturer. Protect stored materials from direct sunlight. 1.7 . PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not apply asphalt materials if substrate is wet or excessively damp or if the following conditions are not met: !.s.. 1. 2. Prime and Tack Coats: Minimum surface temperature of60 deg F (15.5 deg C), Asphalt Base Course: Minimum surface temperature of 40 deg F (4 deg C) and rising at time of placement. Asphalt Surface Course: Minimum surface temperature of60 deg F (15.5 deg C) at time of placement. 3. B. Pavement-Marking Paint: Proceed with pavement marking only on clean, dry surfaces and at a minimum ambient or surface temperature of 40 deg F (4 deg C) for oil-based materials, 50 deg F (10 deg C) for water-based materials, and not exceeding 95 deg F (35 deg C). HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 AGGREGATES .' . A. ,General: Use materials and gradations that have performed satisfactorily in previous installations. B. Coarse Aggregate: Sound; angular crushed stone; crushed gravel; or properly cured, crushed blast-furnace slag; complying with ASTM D 692. C. Fine Aggregate: Sharp-edged natural sand or sand prepared from stone; gravel, properly cured blast-furnace slag, or combinations thereof; complying with ASTM D 1073. 1. For hot-mix asphalt, limit natural sand to a maximum of20 percent by weight of the total aggregate mass. D. Mineral Filler: Rock or slag dust, hydraulic cement, or other inert material complying with ASTM D 242. 2.2 ASPHALT MATERIALS A. Asphalt Cement: ASphalt cement complying with Ga. DOT specifications. B. Prime Coat: Asphalt emulsion prime conforming to Ga. pOT specifications. 'C. Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt or Cationic emulsifi~d asphalt, slow setting, factory diluted in water, of suitable grade and consistency for application conforming to Ga. DOT specifications. . D . Water: Potable. 2.3 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Herbicide: Commercial chemical for weed control, registered by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Provide granular, liquid, or wettable.powder form. B. Sand: ASTM D 1073, Grade Nos, 2 or J. C. Pavement-Marking Paint: Alkyd-resin type, ready-mixed, complying with FS TT -P-115, Type I, or AASHTO M-248, Type N. 1. Color: As indicated. HOT-MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I D. Wheel Stops: Precast, air-entrained concrete, 2500-psi (17.2-MPa) minimum compressive strength, approximately 6 inches (150 mm) high, 9 inches (225 rom) wide, and 84 inches . .-~., (2130.mm) long. Provide chamfered corners and drainage slots on underside, ~d provide holes for anchoring to substrate. . . 1. Dowels: Galvanized steel, diameter 3/4 inch (19 mm), minimum length 10 inches (254 mm). 2.4 MIXES A. Hot-Mix Asphalt: Provide dense, hot-laid, hot-mix asphalt plant mixes approved by authorities having jurisdiction; designed according to Ga. DOT specificatons PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that subgrade is dry and in suitable condition to support'paving and imposed loads. . . B. Proof-roll subbase using heavy, pneumatic-tired rollers to locate areas that are unstable or that require further compaction. C. NotifY Engineer in writing of any unsatisfactory conditions. Do not begin paving installation . until these conditions have been satisfactorily corrected. . ' 3.2 PATfHING AND REPAIRS A. Patching: Saw cut perimeter of patch and excavate existing pavement section to sound base. Recompact new subgrade. Excavate rectangular or trapezoidal patches, extending 12 inches (300 mm) into adjacent sound pavement, unless otherwise indicated, Cut excavation faces vertically. 1. . Tack coat faces of excavation and allow to cure before paving. 2.: Fill excavation with dense-graded, hot-mix asphalt base mix and, while still hot, , compact flush with adjacent surface. 3. Partially fill excavation with dense-graded, hot-mix asphalt base mix and compact while still hot. Cover asphalt base course with compacted, hot-mix surface layer finished flush with adjacent surfaces. . B. Tack Coat: Apply uniformly to existing surfaces of previously constructed asphalt or portland cement concrete paving and to surfaces abutting or projecting into new, hot-mix asphalt pavement. Apply at a uniform rate of 0.05 to 0.15 gal./sq. yd, (0.2 to 0.7 L/sq, m) of surface. HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I. '1 I I I I I I I I 1. Allow tack coat to cure undisturbed before paving. 2. Avoid smearing or staining adjoining surfaces, appurtenances, and surroundings. Remove spillages and clean affected surfaces. _," . 3.3 SURFACE PREPARATION A. " General: Immediately before placing asphalt materials, remove loose and deleterious material from substrate surfaces. Ensure that prepared sub grade is ready to receive paving. . 1. Sweep loose granular particles from surface of unbound-aggregate base course. Do not dislodge or disturb aggregate embedded in compacted surface of base course. B. Herbicide Treatment: Apply herbicide according to manufacturer's recommended rates and written application instructions. Apply to dry, prepared subgrade or surface of compacted- . aggregate base before applying paving materials. 1. Mix herbicide with prime coat when formulated by manufacturer for that purpose. C. Prime Coat: Apply uniformly over surface of compacted-aggregate base at a rate of 0.15 to 0.50 gal./sq. yd. (0.7 to 2.3 Llsq.' m). Apply enough material to penetrate and seal, but not flood, surface. Allow prime coat to cure for 72 hours minimum. 1. If prime coat is not entirely absorbed within 24 hours after application, spread sand over surface to blot excess asphalt. Use just enough sand to prevent pickup under traffic. Remove loose sand by sweeping before pavement is placed and after volatiles have evaporated. 2. Protect primed substrate from damage until ready to receive paving. . . 3.4 HOT-MIX ASPHALT PLACING A. Machine place hot-mix asphalt mix on prepared surface, spread uniformly, and strike off. Place asphalt mix by hand to areas inaccessible to equipment in a manner that prevents segregation of mix. Place each course to required grade, cross section, and thickness, when compacted. , . I':"': Place hot-mix asphalt base course in number oflifts"and thicknesses indicated. 2. Place hot-mix asphalt surface course in single lift. 3. Spread mix at minimum temperature of250 deg F (121 deg C). 4. Begin applying mix along centerline of crown for crowned sections and on high side of one-way slopes, unless otherwise indicated, 5. Regulate paver machine speed to obtain smooth, continuous surface free of pulls and tears in asphalt-paving mat. .:;...- B. . Place paving in consecutive strips not less than 10 feet (3 m) wide, ~xcept where infill edge strips of a lesser width are required. Jogging path width shall be 8' alternate is 'accepted. HOT -MIX ASP HAL T PAVING 02511 - 5 I I I, I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1. After first strip has been placed and rolled, place succeeding strips and extend rolling to overlap previous strips. Complete asphalt base course for a section before placing asphalt surface course. ' C. Promptly correct surface irregularities in paving course behind paver. Use suitable hand tools to remove excess material forming high spots. Fill depressions with hot-miX asphalt . to prevent segregation of mix; use suitable hand tools to smooth surface. 3.5 JOINTS A. Construct joints to ensure continuous bond between adjoining paving sections. Construct joints free of depressions with same texture and smoothness as other sections of hot-mix asphalt course. ' 1. Clean contact surfaces and apply tack coat. 2. Offset longitudinal joints in successive courses a minimum of6 inches (150 mm).. 3. Offset transverse joints in successive courses a minimum of24 inches (600 mm). 4, Construct transverse joints by bulkhead method or sawed vertical face method as described in AI's "The Asphalt Handbook. " 5. Compact joints as soon as hot-mix asphalt will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. 6. Compact asphalt at joints to a density yvithin 2 percent of specified course density. 3.6 COMPACTION A. General: Begin compaction as soon as placed hot-mix paving will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. Compact hot-mix paving with hot, hand tampers or vibratory-plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers, 1. Complete compaction before mix temperature cools to 185 deg F (85 deg C). . B. Breakdown Rolling: Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately after rolling joints and outside edge. Examine surface immediately after breakdown rolling for indicated crown, grade, and smoothness, Repair surfaces by loosening displaced material, filling with hot-mix asphalt, and terollipg to required elevations. c.: Intermediate' Rolling: Begin intermediate rolling immediately after breakdown rolling, while hot-mix asphalt is still hot enough to achieve specified density. Continue rolling until hot- mix asphalt course has been uniformly compacted to the following density: 1. Average Density: 96 percent of reference lab~ratory density according to ASTM D 1559, but not less than 94 percent nor greater than 100 percent. 2. Average Density: 92 percent of reference maximum theoretical density according to ASTM D 2041, but not less than 90 percent nor greater than 96 percent. D. Finish Rolling: Finish roll paved surfaces to remove roller marks while hot-mix asphalt is .- HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I U I still warm. E. Edge Shaping: While surface is being compacted and finished, trim edges of pavement to proper alignment. Bevel edges while still hot, with back of rake or smooth iron. Compact thoroughly using tamper or other satisfactory method. 'F. Repairs: Remove paved areas that are defective or contaminated with foreign materials: Remove paving course' over area affected and replace with fresh, hot-mix asphalt. Compact by rolling to specified density and surface smoothness. G. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. H. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic until mixture has cooled enough not to become marked. 3~7 INSTALLATION TOLERANCES . A. Thickness: Compact each course to produce the thickness indicated within the following tolerances: 1. Base Course: Plus or minus 1/2 inch (13 rom). 2. Surface Course: Plus 1/4 inch (6 mm), no minus. B. Surface Smoothness: Compact each course to produce a surface smoothness within the following tolerances as determined by using a la-foot (3-m) straightedge applied transversely or longitudinally to paved areas: 1. Base Course: 1/4 inch (6 mm). 2. Surface Course: 1/8 inch (3 mm). , 3, Crowned Surfaces: Test with crowned template centered and at right angle to crown. Maximum allowable variance from template is 1/4 inch (6 rrlm). 3.8 PAVEMENT MARKING A.' Do'not apply pavement-marking paint until layout, colors, and placement have been verified with Engineer. B. Allow paving to cure for 30 days before starting pavement marking. C. Sweep and clean surface to eliminate loose material and dust. D. Apply paint with mechanical equipment to produce pavement markings of dimensions indicated with uniform, straight edges. Apply at manufacturer's recommended rates to . provide a minimum wet film thickness of 15 mils (0.4 mm). - HOT-MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 7 I .1 I I I I I I 'I I' I I I I I I I I I 3.9 WHEEL STOPS A. Securely attach wheel stops into pavement with not less than 2 galvanized steel dowels embedded in precast concrete at one-third points. Firmly bond each dowel to. wheel stop and to pavement. . 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform field inspections and tests and to prepare test reports. 1. Testing agency will conduct and interpret tests and state in each report whether tested Work complies with or deviates from specified requirements. B.. Additional testing, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of corrected Work with specified requirements. . . C. Thickness: In-place compacted thickness of hot-mix asphalt courses will be determined according to ASTM D 3549. D. Surface Smoothness: Finished surface of each hot-mix asphalt course will be tested for compliance with smoothness tolerances. E. In-Place Density: Samples of un compacted paving mixtures.and compacted pavement will be secured by testing agency according to ASTM D 979. 1. Reference laboratory density will be determined by averaging results from 4 samples of hot-mix asphalt-paving mixture d~livered daily to site, prepared according to ASTM D 1559, and compacted accoiding to job-mix specifications, 2. Reference maximum theoretical density will be determined by averaging results t[om 4 samples of hot-mix asphalt-paving mixture delivered daily to site, prepared according to ASTM D 2041, and compacted according to job-mix specifications. 3. In-place density of compacted pavement will be determined by testing core samples according to ASTM D 1188 or ASTM D 2726. a. One core sample will be taken:for every 1000 sq. yd. (836 sq. m) or less of installed pavement, but in no case will fewer than 3 cores be taken. Field density of in-place compacted pavement may also be determined by nuclear method according to ASTM D 2950 and correlated with ASTM D 1188 or ASTM D 2726. b. F, Rem()ve and replace or install additional hot-mix asphalt where test results'or measurements indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements, .END OF SECTION 02511 HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVING 02511 - 8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I- I I I I I SECTION 02520 - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS . . A. . Drawings and general' provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY . A. This Section includes exterior portland cement concrete paving for the following: 1. Header curbs. 2. Curbs and gutters. 3 . Walkways. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections, B. Design mixes for each class of concrete, Include revised mix proportions when characteristics of materials, project conditions,' w~ther, test results,' or other circumstances warrant adjustments. . C.. Laboratory test reports for evaluation of concrete materials and mix design tests, D. Material certificates in lieu of material laboratory test reports when permitted by Engineer. Material certificates shilll be signed by manufacturer arid Contractor certifYing that each material item complies with or exceeds requirements. Provide certification from admixture manufacturers that chloride content complies with requi~ements. E. Minutes of preinstallation conference. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Concrete Stanqards: Comply with provisions of the' following standards, except where more stringent requirements are indicated. 1.. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. " . PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 2. ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinfor:ced Concrete." 3. Georgia DOT Specifications. . B. Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications: Manufacturer of ready-mixed concrete products complying with ASTM C 94 requirements for production facilities and equipment. . C. Concrete Testing Service: Contractor shall engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform materials evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes. D. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements of Division 1 Section "Project Meetings" and the following: . 1.. Before installing portland cement concrete paving, meet with representatives of authorities having jurisdiction, Owner, Engineer, consultants, independent testing agency, and other concerned entities to review requirements. Notify participants at least 3 working days before conference. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS . . A Traffic Control: Maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FORMS A. Form Materials: Plywood, metal~ metal-framed plywood, or other acceptable panel-type . materials to provide full-depth, continuous, straight, smooth exposed surfaces. 1. Use flexible or curved forms for curves ofa 100-foot or less radius. B. Form Release Agent: Provide commercial formulation form-release agent with a maximum of350 gIL volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that will not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. ........".:.. 2.2 REINFORCING MATERIALS A Reinforcing Bars and Tie Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed, B. Plain, Cold-Drawn Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, C. Welded Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, ~ PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 2 I I I I I I I- I 'I I I- I I I I I I I I 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. 1. Use one brand of cement throughout Project unless otherwise acceptable to Engineer. B. FlyAsh: ASTM C 618, Type F. C. Normal-Weight Aggregates: ASTM C 33, Class 4, and as follows. Provide aggregates from a single source. 1. Maximum Aggregate Size: 1-1/2 inches. 2. Do not use fine or coarse aggregates that contain substances that cause spalling. 3. Local aggregates not complying with ASTM C 33 that have been shown to produce concrete of adequate strength and durability by special tests or actual service may be used when acceptable to Engineer. D, Water: Potable. 2.4 ADMIXTURES A. Provide concrete admixtures that contain not more than 0.1 percent chloride ions. B. Air-Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260, certified by manufacturer to be compatible with ot"her required admixtures. C. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A. '2.5 CURINGMATERIALS A. Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kc:~naf, weighing approximately 9 oz. per sq. yd" complying with AASHTO M 182, Class 2. 't.. . B. Moisture-Retaining Cover: One of the following, complying.with ASTM C 171. 1. Polyethylene film. 2. White burlap-:polyethylene sheet. C. 'Clear Waterborne Membrane-Forming' Curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type I, Class B. 1. Provide material that has a maximum volatile organic compound (VOC) rating of 350 gIL. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I " I I I I I I I I I I 2.6 CONCRETE.MIX A. Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of normal-weight concrete by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods as specified in ACI 301. For the trial . batch method, use a qualified independent testing agency for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs. 1. Do not use the Owner's field quality-control testing agency as the independent . testing agency. . 2. Limit use of fly ash to 15 percent of cement conteht by weight. B. Proportion mixes according to ACI 211.1 and ACI 301 to provide normal-weight concrete , with the following properties: 1. Compressive Strength (28-Day): 4000 psi. 2. Maximum Water-Cement Ratio at Point of Placement: 0.50. 3. Slump Limit at Point of Placement: 4 inches. C. Add air-entraining admixture at manufacturer's prescribed rate to result in concrete at point of placement haVing an air content as follows with a tolerance" of plus or mitius 1-1/2 . percent: 1. Air Content: 5.5 percent for 1-1/2-inch maximum aggregate. 2, Air Content: 6.0 percent for l..;inch maximum aggregate. 3. Air Content: 6.0 percent for 3/4-inchmaximum aggregate. D. Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested by Csmtractor when characteristics of materials, project conditions, weather, test results, ";:orother circumstances warrant. . 2.7 CONCRETE MIXING A. Ready-Mixed Concrete: Comply with requirements and with ASTM C 94. 1. When air temperature is between 85 deg F (30 deg' C) and 90 deg F .c32 deg C), reduce "mixing and delivery time from 1-1/2-- hours to 75 minutes; when air temperature is above 90 deg F (32 deg C), reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE PREPARATION PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I D D A. Proof-roll prepared subbase surface to check for unstable areas and verify need for additional compaction. Do not begin paving work until sUch conditions have been cQrrected and are ready to receive pavirig. B. Remove loose material from compacted subbase surface immediately before placing concrete. 3.2 EDGE FORMS AND SCREED CONSTRUCTION A. Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed guides for pavlng . to required lines, grades, and elevations. Install forms to allow continuous progress of work and so that forms can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. B. Check completed formwork and screeds for grade and alignment to following tolerances: 1. Top of Forms: Not more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet. . 2. Vertical Face on Longitudinal Axis: Not more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet. C. Clean forms after each. use and coat with form release agent as required to ensure separation from concrete without damage. . 3.3 . PLACING REINFORCEMENT A. General: Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for . "Placing Reinforcing Bars" for placing and supporting reinforcement. B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, or other bond-reducing materials. C. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete placement. Maintain minimum cover to reinforcement. 3.4 JOINTS ~. A. General: Construct contraction, construction, and isolation joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to the centerline, unless indicated otherwise, B. Contraction Joints: Provide weakened-plane contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as shown on DrawingS. Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least 1/4 of the concrete thickness, as follows: 1. Tooled Joints: Form contraction joints in fresh concrete by grooving and finishing each edge of joint with a radiused jointer tool. PORTLAND CEMENT CONC~ETE PAVING 02520 - 5 I I .1 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I U D B I .2. Sawed Joints: Form contractionjoints with power saws equipped with shatterpro.of abrasive or diamond-rimmed blades. Cut 1/8-inch-wide joints into hardened .. .0 ,concrete when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface. and before development of random contraction cracks. 3. Inserts: Form contraction joints by inserting premolded plastic, hardboard, or fiberboard strips into fresh concrete until top surface of strip is flush with paving surface. Radius each joint edge with a jointer tool. Carefully remove strips or caps of two-piece assemblies after concrete has hardened.' Clean groove of loose' debris. C. Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end terminations of paving and at locations where paving operations are stopped for mote than 1/2 hour, unless paving terminates at isolation joints. 1. Provide bulkhead forms with keys. Embed keys at least 1-1/2 inches into concrete. D. Isolation Joints: Form isolation joints of preformed joint filler strips abutti~g concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets, structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated. . 1. Locate expansion joints at intervals of 50 feet, unless indicated otherwise. 2, Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint, not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished surface where joint sealant is indicated: Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete surface when no joint sealant is required. 3, Furnish joint fillet:s in one-piece lengths for full width being placed wherever possible. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip joint filler sections together. . 4. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement with a metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap. Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on both sid~s of joint. 3.5 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or cast in. Notify other trades to permit installation of their work; B. '. Remove snow, ice, or froSt from subbase surface and reinforcing before 'placing concrete. Do not place concrete on surfaces that are frozen. C, Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes or other structures until they are at the required finish elevation and alignment. . D. Comply with requirements and with ACI 304R for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing concrete. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I E. : Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between transverse joints. Do not push or drag concrete into place or use vibrators to move concrete into place. 1. When concrete placing is interrupted for more than 1/2 hour, place a construction joint. F. Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces. G. Consolidate concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment and procedures to'consolidate concrete complying with ACI 309R. 1. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square-faced shovels for hand-spreading and consolidation, Consolidate with care to prevent dislocating reinforcing, ~owels, and joint devices. H. Curbs and Gutters: When automatic machine placement is used for curb and gutter placement, submit revised mix design . and laboratory test results that meet or exceed requirements. Produce curbs and gutters to required cross section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and replace with formed concrete, I. Header Curb: Produce curbs and gutters to required cross section, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as specified for formed concrete. If results are not acceptable, remove and' . replace with formed concrete. J. Cold-Weather Placement: Comply with provisions of ACI 306R and as follows. Protect concrete work from physical damage dr reduced strength that could be caused by frost, freezing actions, or low temperatures. 1. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 deg F (4 deg C), uniformly heat water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture temperature of not less than 50 deg F (10 deg C) and not more than 80 deg F (27 deg C) at point of placement. , . 2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. 3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, ~r other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical accelerators unless otherwise accepted in mix designs. K. Hot-Weather Placement: Place concrete complying with ACI 305R and as specified when hot weather conditions exist. 1. Cool ingredients before miXing to maintain concrete temperature at time of placement to below 90 deg F (32 deg C). Mixing water may be chilled or chopped ice may be used to control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's 'option. . PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 7 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I. I 3.6 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Float Finish: Begin floating when bleed water sheen has disappeared and the concrete surface has stiffened sufficiently to permit operations. Float surface with power-driven . floats, or by hand-floating if area is small or inaccessible to power units. Finish surfaces to true planes within a tolerance of 1/4 inch in 1'0 feet as determined by a 10-foot-Iong straightedge placed anywhere on the surface in any directioIl. Cut down high spots and fill low spots. Refloat surface immediately to a uniform granular texture. 1. Burlap Finish: Drag a seamless strip of damp burlap across concrete, perpendicular to line of traffic, to provide a uniform gritty texture finish. 2. Medium-to-Fine- Textured Broom Finish: Draw a soft bristle broom across concrete surface perpendicular to line of traffic to provide a uniform fine line texture finish. 3. Medium-to-Coarse-Textured Broom Finish: Provide a coarse finish by striating surface 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch deep with a stiff-bristled broom, perpendicular to line of traffic. . B.' Final Tooling: Tool edges of paving, gutters, curbs, and joints formed in fresh concrete with a jointing tool to the following radius. Repeat tooling of edges and joints after applying surface finishes. Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces. , 1. Radius: 1/4 inch. 3.7 CONCRETE PROTECTION AND CURING A. ., General: Protect freshly placed concrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot . temperatures. Comply with the recommendations of ACI 306R for cold weather protection and AC130SR for hot weather protection during curing, B. Evaporation Control: In hot, dry, and windy weather, protect concrete from rapid moisture loss before and during finishing operations with an evaporation-control material. Apply according to manufacturers instructions after screeding and bull floating, but before floating. . C. Begin curing after finishing concrete but not before free water has disappeared from concrete surface. D. Curing Methods: ,,"Cure concrete by moisture curing, moisture-retaining..:cover curing, curing compound, or a combination of these as follows: I.. Moisture Curing: Keep surfaces continuously moist for not less than 7 days with the following materials: a. Absorptive cover, water saturated, and kept continuously wet. Cover concrete surfaces and edges with a 12-inch lap over adjacent absorptive covers, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I D I 2. Moisture-Retaining-Cover Curing: Cover concrete surfaces with moisture-retaining cover for curing concrete, placed in widest practicable width, with sides and ends . lapped at least 12 inches, and sealed by waterproof tape or. adhesive. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. 3. Curing Compound: Apply uniformly in continuous operation by power spray or roller according to manufacturer's directions. Recoat areas subjected to heavy rainfall within 3 hours after initial application. Maintain continuity of coating and repair damage during curing period. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. The Owner will employ a qualified testing and inspection agency paid by the Contractor from the Bid Allowance to sample materials, perform tests, and submit test reports during concrete placement. Sampling and testing for quality control may include the following: 1. Sampling Fresh Concrete: ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with ASTM C 94. . 2. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five strength tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from at least five randomly selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five are used. 3. When total. quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cu. yd., Engineer may waive strength testing if adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is proVided. . 4. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85 percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, evaluate current operations and provide corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in-place concrete. . 5, Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if averages of sets of three consecutive strength test results equal or exceed specified compressive strength and no individual strength test resUlt falls below specified compressive strength by more than 500 psi. B. Test results will be reported in writing to Engineer, concrete manufacturer, and Contractor within 24 hours of testing. Reports of compressive strength tests shall contain the Project identification name and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing agency, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in paving, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of break for both 7-day and 28-day tests, C. Nondestructive Testing: Impact hanuner, sonoscope, or other nondestructive device may be permitted but shall not be used as the sole basis for acceptance or rejection. D. Additional Tests: The testing agency will make additional tests of the concrete when test results indicate slump, air entrainment, concrete strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as directed by Engineer. Testing agency may conduct tests to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42, or by other methodsIas directed. Testing required by the Engineer due to any of these specifications not being' strictly met will be paid by the Contractor, '-.. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 9 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 3.9 REPAIRS AND PROTECTION A. Remove and replace concrete paving that is broken, damaged, or defective, or does not meet the requirements of this .Section. B. Drill test cores where directed by Engineer when necessary to determine magnitude of cra9ks _.or defective' areas. Fill drilled core holes in satisfactory pavement areas with portland cement concrete l?onded to paving with epoxy adhesive. ' C. Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from paving for at least 14 days after placement. . When construction traffic is permitted, maintain paving as clean as possible by removing surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur. D. . Maintain concrete paving free of stains, discoloration, dirt, and other foreign material. . Sweep concrete paving not more than 2 clays prior to date scheduled for Substantial Completion inspeCtions. END OF SECTION 02520 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 02520 - 10 I I I I I I I I .'1 I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02700 - STORM DRAINAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS . A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including the GeD.eral and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY . . A.' This Section includes sewerage and drainage systems outside the building. Systems . include the following:' ., 1. Storm drainage. 1.3 DEFINITIONS . . A. Drainage Piping: System of sewer pipe, fittings, and appurtenances for gravity flow of. storm drainage. '1.4 PERFORMANCE REQt.rrREMENTS A. Gravity-Flow, Nonpressure-Piping Pressure Ratings: ~t least equal to s1stem test pressure. 1.5 SUBMITTALS , A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Product data for the following: 1. Storm-water pipe and flared end sections. C. Shop drawings for precast concrete manholes and other structures. Include frames, covers, and grates. D, Shop drawings for cast-in-place concrete or field-erected masonry manholes and other structures. Include frames, covers, and grates. STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 1 I 1 I I I I, I I "1 I I I, I I I I I I I E. Inspection and test reports specified in the "Field Quality, Conh:ol" Article. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Product Options: Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, connections, and dimensional requirements of system components and are based on specific manufacturer types indicated, Other manufacturers' products with equal performance characteristics may be considered. 1. 7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect pipe, pipe fittings, and seals from dirt and damage, . B. ..Ha:ndle precast concrete manholes and other structures according to manufacturer's rigging instructions. 1,8 PROJECT .CONDITIONS A. Site Information: Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations.. B. Locate existing structures and piping to be closed and abandoned. C.' Existing Utilities: .Donot. interrupt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or 9thers except when permitted under the following conditions and then only after arranging to provide acceptable temporary utility services. 1. Notify Engineer not less than 48 . hours in advance of proposed utility interruptions. 2. Do not proceed with utility interruptions without receiving Engineer's written perrmSSlOn. 1.9 SEQUENCING"AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinat~ storm drainage system connections to County storm sewer, B. Coordinate storm drainage.system connections to existing on-site storm sewer. C. Coordinate with other utility work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1 PIPES AND FITTINGS A. Reinforced-Concrete Sewer Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 76 (ASTM C 76M), Class ill, Wall B, for gasketed joints. 1. Gaskets: ASTM C 443 (ASTM C 443M), rubber o-ring., 2.2 OUTLET STRUCTURE A. Precast Concrete: ASTM C 478 (ASTM C 478M), precast, reinforced concrete, of depth indicated, with provision for rubber gasket joints. 1. Ballast: Increase thickness of precast concrete sections or add concrete to base section, as required to prevent floatation. 2. Base Section: 6-inch (150-mm) minimum thickness for floor slab and 4-inch (100-mm) minimum thickness for walls and base riser sectio~, and having a separate base slab or base section with integral floor. .3. . . Riser Sections: 4-inch (lOO-mm) minimum thickness, 48-inch (1220-mm) diameter, and lengths to provide depth indicated. 4. Gaskets: ASTM C 443 (ASTM C 443M), rubber. 5. Steps: ASTM C 478(ASTM C 478M) individual steps or ladder. Omit steps for . manholesless'than 60 inches (1500 mm) deep. 6. .Pipe Connectors: ASTM C 923 (ASTM C 923M), resilient, of size required, for each pipe connecting to base section. 2.3 CONCRETE - A. General: Cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 3S0R, and the following: 1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I 2. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. 3. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. 4:' Water: Potable. . ,....: ,.,,.', B. Structures: Portland-cement design mix, 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) minimum, with 0.45 maximum water-cement ratio. 1. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: . ASTM A 615, Grade 60 (ASTM A 615M, Grade 400), deformed steel. STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I ,I I I I I I 2.4 OUTFALLS A. Install precast flareg end. sections (PES). Construct headwall, apron, .and. tapered sides of , cast-in-place, reinforced concrete. B. Riprap: Broken stone, irregular size and shape, weighing 15 to 50 pounds (7 to 23 kg) each. C. Energy Dissipators: Construction as indicated, from materials indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3:1 EARTHWORK A. Excavating, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." 3.2 PIPING APPLICATIONS A., General: Include watertight joints. B. Refer to Part 2 of this Section for detailed specifications for pipe and fitting products listed below. Use pipe, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. C. . Pipe Sizes 15 Inches and greater: Reinforced-concrete sewer pipe and fittings; o-ring rubber gaskets; and gasketed joints, 3.3 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans and details) indicate the general location and arrangemen[ . Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. B, Install' piping beginning' at low point of systems, true to grades 'and alignment. indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Install gaskets according to manufacturer's recommendations for use of lubricants, cements, and other installation requirements. Maintain swab or drag in line and pull past each joint as it is completed. C. , - Install gravity-flow-systems piping at constant slope between points and elevations indicated. Install straight piping runs at constant slope, not less than that specified, where slope is not indicated, STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 4 I I I I ,I I I I 'I I I. I I I I I I I I 3.4 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION A. General:. )Q,~nand install pipe and fittings according to th~ follqwing. ,. B. Concrete Pipe and Fittings: InstalJ according to ACP A "Concrete Pipe Handbook. II Use the following seals: I: Round Pipe and Fittings: ASTM C 443 (ASTM C 143M), rubber gaskets. , 3.5 STORM DRAINAGE INLET AND OUTFALL INSTALLATION A. . Install inlets that match grade, with flared end sections that match pipe, where indicated. B. Construct riprap of broken stone, as indicated. C. . Install outlets that spill onto grade, with flared end sections. that match pipe, where indicated. D. Construct energy dissipators at outlets, as indicated. 3.6 CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 3 50~ and as indicated. 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Clear interior of piping and structures of dirt and superfluou~ .material as the work . progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping and pull past each joint as it is completed. B. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage has occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches (600 rom) of backfill is in place, and again at completion of the Project. 1. Submit separate reports for each system inspection, -. 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: a. Alignment: Less than' full diameter of inside of pipe is visual between structures. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prevents passage of a ball or cylinder ofa size not less than 92.5 percent of piping diameter. Crushed, broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping.. b. c. d, . e, STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 5 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Replace defective piping using new materials and repeat inspections until defects are Within allowances specified. , 4. Reinspect and repeat procedUr~,ui1til results ar~ satisfactory. '. . ".J" . END OF SECTION 02700 STORM DRAINAGE 02700 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I o SECTION 02810 - IRRIGATION SYSTEMS .~...,.....,~""~" . ... .. '.r-~_~';r!"i' ,..,,,,. ....,...',;... , PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. ' 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the design and installation of valves, piping, sprinklers, specialties, accessories, controls, and wiring for athletic field irrigation systems. 1.3 DEFINITIONS A. Pipe sizes used in this Section are nominal pipe size (NPS) in inches. Tube sizes are Standarq sizein inches. Equivalent SI (metric) sizes are indicated in millimeters (mm) in parentheses. B. Supply Piping: Piping from water 'source to coruiection to irrigation 'system pressure piping. Piping is under same pressure as water supply. Piping in this category is not included in this Section. C. Pressure Piping: Piping downstream from supply piping to arid including control valves. Piping is .under irrigation system pressure. Piping in this category includes pressure regulators, water meters, and backflow preventers, when used. D. Circuit Piping: Piping downstream from control valves to irrigation system sprinklers, emitters, devices, and drain valves. Piping is under pressure (less than pressure piping) during flow. E. . Control Valve: Manual or automatic (electrically operated) v~ve for control water flow to irrigation system zone. ." F, Drain Piping: Downstream from ~cuit piping drain valves. Piping is not under pressure. G. Drain Valve: Manual or automatic (pressure operate~) drain valve for draining of irrigation system circuit piping, 1.4 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREl\1ENTS IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I o D D I I I A. . Location of Sprinklers and Devices: Contractor shall hire a certified sprinkler designer/installer to desigil and install all irrigation piping, valves, controllers and other devices necesarry foca.complete irrigation system. Make minor adjustments.necessary to avoid obstructions such as signs and light standards, B. Minimum Water Coverage: Not less than: 1. Turf Areas: 100 percent. C. Components and Installation: Capable of producing piping systems with the following minimum working pressure ratings except whereindicat"ed otherWise. 1. Pressure Piping: 150 psig (1035 kPa). 2: Circuit and Drain Piping: 100 psig (690 kPa), 1.5 SuBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. . B. Product data including pressure rating, rated capacity, settings, and electrical data of selected models for the following: . 1. Backflow preventers, including test equipment. 2. Pressure regulators. , , 3. Valves, including general-duty, underground, manual and automatic control, and quick-coupler types, and valve boxes. . 4. Sprinklers, including emitters, drip tubes, and devices. 5. Controls, including controller wiring diagrams. 6. Wiring, 7. Water hammer arresters. 8. Area drains. C. Wiring diagrams for electrical controllers, valves, and devices. :D. Shop drawings showing irrigation system, including plan layout aild locations, types, sizes, capacities, and flow characteristics of irrigation system components. Include, backflow preventers, valves, piping, sprinklers and devices, accessories, controls, and wiring. ~Show . areas of sprinkler spray and overspray, Submit hydraulic calculations with shop drawings. E. Coordination drawings showing piping and major system components. Indicate interface and spatial relationship between piping, system components, adjacent utilities, and proximate structures. F. Maintenance data for inclusion in "Operating and Maintenance Manual" specified in Division 1 Section "Project Closeout" for the following: IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I B I 1. Backflow preventers, including instructions for testing. 2. Pressure regulators. 3. AutomatiG control valves. 4. Sprinklers. 5. Controllers, 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of utility supplying water for prevention of backflow and backsiphonage. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed irrigation systems similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project that have resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. . C. Listing'and Labeling: Equipment, specialties, and accessories that are listed and labeled. L The Terms "Listed II and "Labeled": As defined in "National Electrical Code," Article 100. 2. Listing and Labeling' Agency Qualifications: A "Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory" (NRTL) as defined in OSHA Regulation 1910.7. D. Product. Options: Irrigation system piping, specialties, and accessories are based on specific types, manufa~ers, and models indicated. Components with equal performance characteristics produced by other manufacturers may be considered, proVided deviations' in dimensions, operation,' and other characteristics do not change design concept or intended performance as judged by the Engineer. The burden of proof of product equality is on th~ Contractor. . 1.7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing utility locations. Verify that irrigation system piping may be installed in compliance with original design and referenced standards. . 1.8 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate irrigation systems work with landscape work specified in Division 2 Section "Landscape Work." 1.9 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Deliver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials matching products installed as -described below. Package them with protective covering for storage and label clearly IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I describing contents. 1. Quick CQuplers: FUrnish. quailtity of units equal to 10 percent ,of.~ount of each size installed. 2. Sprinklers: Furnish quantity of units equal to 10 percent of amount of each type installed. . 3. Emitters, Drip Tube, and Devices: Furnish quantity of units equal to 10 percent of amount of each type in..~talled. 4. Valve Keys: Furnish quantity of tee-handle units equal to 25 percent of amount of each type key-operated, control valve installed. 5. Quick-Coupler Hose Swivels: Furnish quantity of units equal to 25 percent of amount of each type quick coupler installed. 6. .Quick-Coupler Operating Keys: Furnish quantity of units equal to 25 percent of amount of each type quick coupler installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS . A. Available Manufacturers: . Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incoryorated in the Work include, but are not liinited to, the following: 1. Backflow Preventers: a. Ames Co., Inc. b. Buckner, Inc. c. Cash by A.W. Cash Valve Mfg. Corp. d. CIa-Val Co. e. Conbraco Industries, Inc, f Febco. g. Hersey Products, Inc., Grinnell Corp. h. Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg, Corp, 1. Sparco, Inc. J.Watts Regulator Co. . k. Wilkins Regulator Div., Zurn Industries, Inc. 2. Pressure Regulators: a. Bermad. b. AW. Cash Valve Mfg. Corp. c. Cia-Val Co. d. Conbraco Industries, Inc. e, G A Industries, Inc, . f Honeywell Braukmann. _ IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I. .1 I I I I I I I I I g. O.c. Keckley Co. h. Spence Engineering Co., Inc. 1. Watts Regulator Co. . J. Wilkins Regulator Div" Zum Industries, fic. 3. Gate Valves for Underground Installation: a. American Darling Valve Div~ American Cast Iron Pipe Co. b. Clow Valve Co. Div., McWane, Inc.' c. Kennedy Valve Div., McWane,Inc. d. Stockham Valves & Fittings, Inc. e, Waterous Co. 4. Corporation Stops for Underground Installation: a. Ford Meter Box Co., Inc. b. Hays Div., Romac Industries. c. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. d. Mueller Co., Grinnell Corp.' ~ 5 . Valves for Aboveground and Pit Installation: a. Grinnell Supply Sales Co., Grinn~ll Corp. b. Jomar International, Ltd. c. Kitz Corp. of America. . d. Lunkenheimer Co, e, Milwaukee Valve Co., Inc.' f. Nibco, Inc. g. Hammond Valve Div., Prairie Manufacturing Corp. h. Red-White Valve Corp. 1. ,StOCkham Yalves & Fittings, Inc. J. Walworth Co. k. Watts Regulator Co. 1. Wm. Powell Co. 6. Automatic Control Valves: a. Buckner, Inc. b. Champion Irrigation Products. c. Hardie by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div, d. Hit Products Corp. e. Imperial Underground Sprinkler Co. f. Lawnlife by Ceres Products Corp. g. L.R. Nelson Corp, h, Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp. 1. Richdel by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div. J. Superior Controls Co" Inc, k.'Toro Co, IRRIGAT~ON SYSTEMS 02810 - 5 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1.' Valcon by Automatic Irrigation Equipment Co. m. Weather-matic Sprinkler Div., Telsco Iridtistries. . 7. Control Valve Boxes: a. Ametek by Plymouth Products Div., AMETEK.., b. Applied Engineering Products. c. Brooks Products, Inc., Polyplastics Div. . d. Carson Industries, Inc. e, DFW /HPI by Hefco Plastics, Inc. f National Diversified Sales, Inc. g. pepco Water Conservation Products, Inc. h. Quazite Div" Morrison Molded Fiber Glass Co. . . 8. Quick Couplers: a. Buckner, Inc. b. Champion Irrigation Products. c. Lawnlife by Ceres Products Corp. d. L.R. Nelson Corp. e. Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp. f Toro Co. g. Weather-matic Sprinkler Div., Telsco Industries. 9. Sprinklers: a. Buckner, Inc. b. Champion Irrigati~.m Products. c. Hardie by James ij:ardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div, d. Hit Products Corp. e. Hunter Industries. ' f Lawnlife by Ceres Products Corp. g. L.R. Nelson Corp. . h. Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp. 1. Richdel by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc" Landscape Div. J. . Senninger Irrigation, Inc. k. Toro Co. 1. Weather-matic Sprinkler Div., Telsco Industries. 10. Emitters, Drip Tubes, and Devices: a. Agrifim Irrigation Products, Inc. b. Buckner, Inc. c. Hardie by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div. d, Hit Products Corp. e. Olson Irrigation Systems. f Pepco Water Conservation Products, Inc. g. Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS Q2810 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I h. Raindrip, Inc. . 1. Salco Products; Inc. J.. Tornado by Plastro Irrigation, Inc. k. Toro Co. 1. Weather-matic Sprinkler Div., Telsco Industries. 11. Controllers: a. Buckner, Inc. b. Champion Irrigation Products. c. Dayni Controls Manufacturing Co. d. Hardie by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div.. e. Hydro-Electronics, Inc. f. Irritrol by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div. g. L.R. Nelson Corp. h. Oasis by Hit Products Corp. 1. Rain Bird Sprinkler Mfg. Corp. J. Richdel by James Hardie Irrigation, Inc., Landscape Div. k. Superior Controls Co., Inc. 1. Toro Co. m. Valcon by Automatic Irrigation Equipment Co, n. WaterS aver by EMC/Hirsch, Inc. o. Weather-matic Sprinkler Div., Telsco Industries. .12. Water Hammer Arresters and Area Drains: a, Ancon, Inc: b. Jones Manufacturing Co., Inc. c. Josam Co. , d. Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. Div., Sm1th Industries, Inc. e. ,Wade Div., Tyler Pipe Subsid" Tyler Corp. f. Zurn Hydromechanics Div., ZUfn Industries, Inc. ",". ' 2.2 PIPES AND TUBES A. Refer to Part 3 Article "Piping Applications" for identification of systems where pipe and tube materials specified below are used. b .:- B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe: ASTM D 1785, PVC 1120, Schedule 40, 160 psig (1100 kPa) minimum pressure rating for 8-inch (200mm) and smaller sizes, with plain ends. 2.3 PIPE AND TUBE FITTINGS , A. Refer to Part 3 Article "Piping Applications" for identification of systems where pipe and tube fitting materials specified below are used. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 7 ~ I I I I I I I I 'I I ~I ,I.'" .1 , :1 I I I I I B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings: ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, socket-type. 'J '.'~.. "';,....\. 2.4 JOINING MATERIALS A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods" for joining materials not included in this Section. B. Solvent Cement: ASTM F 656 primer and ASTM D 2564 solvent cement in color other than orange. C. Gaskets and Fasteners for Metal and Metal-to-Plastic Flanged Joints: ASME BI6.21, nonmetallic, asbestos-free, flat, 1I8-inch (3nun) thickness gaskets and ASME B 18.2.1, carbon steel bolts, nuts, and washers. D. Gaskets for Plastic Flanged Joints: Materials recommended by plastic pipe and fittings manufacturer. 2.5 BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. Description: ASSE Standard backflow preventers, of size indicated for maximum flow rate and maximum pressure loss indicated. , 1. Working Pressure: 150 psig (1035 kPa) minimum except where otherwise indicated. 2. 2 Inches (50 nun) and Smaller: Bronze body with threaded ends. 3. 2-112 Inches (65 nun) and Larger: Bronze, cast-iron, steel, or stainless-steel body with flanged ends, a. Interior Pr:otective Coating: A WW A C550, epoxy coating for .packflow. _.".' preventers with cast-iron or steel body. 4. Interior Components: Corrosion-resistant materials. 5. Strainer supplied with and compatible for size and capacity with unit, on inlet, where strainer is indicated. B. Hose Connection Vacuum Breakers: ASSE 1011, nickel-plated, with nonremovable and manual drain features, and ASME Bl,20,7 garden-hose threads on outlet. Units attached to rough-bronze-finish hose' connections may be rough bronze. C. Reduced-Pressure-Principle Backflow Preventer: ASSE 1013, with (OS&Y) gate valves on inlet and outlet and strainer on inlet. Include test cocks and pressure-differential.relief valve with ASME AI12.1.2 air-gap fitting located between 2 positive-seating check valves for continuous pressure application. 1. Pressure Loss: .15 psig (103 kPa) maximum, through middle third offlow range. 2. Gate valves supplied with and compatible for size and testing of unit on inlet and , IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I D I outlet, Valves 2 inches (50 rom) and smaller may be ball valves if these are unit manufacturer's standard valve for this application. " . 3. ,.T.est.,.Kit:.:,.:Ynit manufacturer supplied, complete calibrat~ ba.9.kflow preventer testing equipment kit with carrying case. 2.6 PRESSURE REGULATORS , . A. Description: ASSE 1003, single-seated, direct-operated-type water pressure regulators, rated for initial working pressure of 150 psig (1035 kPa) minimum, with size, flow rate, and inlet and outlet pressures indicated. Include integral factory-installed or separate field-installed Y -pattern strainer that is compatible with unit for size and capacity. 1. 2 Inches (50 mm) and Smaller: Bronze body with threaded ends. 2. 2-1/2 Inches (65 rom) and Larger: Bronze or cast-iron body with flanged ends. a. Interior Protective Coating: A WW A C550, epoxy coating, for regulators with a cast-iron body. 3. . Interior Components: Corrosion-resistant materials. 2.7 VALVES A. General: Valves are for general-duty and underground applications. Refer to "Valve Applications" Article for locations of various valve types specified in this Article. Refer to "Control Valves" Article for control valves and accessories and "Backflow Preventers" Article for backflow preventervalves. = B. Nonrising Stem Gate Valves 3 Inches (80 rom) and Larger: AWWA C500, cast-iron . double disc, bronze disc and seat rings or A WW A C509, resilient seated; bronze stern, cast-iron, or.ductile.,.iron body and bonnet, stem nut, 200 psig (1380 kPa) working pressure; and ends that fit NPS dimension, PVC pipe. Include elastomeric gaskets. C. Plastic Valves: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, with 150 psig (1035 kPa) minimum pressure rating, ends compatible with piping where valve is to be installed, and stem nut. D . Valve Boxes: Cast-iron box with top section and cover with lettering "W A TER, II bottom section with base to fit over valve and barrel approximately 5 inches (127 mm) in diameter, and adjustable cast-iron extension of length required for dep'tli"ofbury of valve. I.. Provide steel tee-handle shutoff rod with each valve box. Include tee-handle, shutoff rod with one pointed end, stem of length to operate valve, and end fitting valve operating nut. . 2.8 CONTROL VALVES A. Description: Manufacturer's standard control' valves for circuits, of type and sIze IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 9 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I "I I I I I indicated, and as follows: 1. Provide cast-bronze bodies, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Manual Control Valves: MSS SP-80, Class 125, globe valves. 3. Key-Operated~'Mamial Control, Valves: MSS SP-80, Class 125, globe valves~ fitted for key operation. 4. Automatic Control Valves: Diaphragm-type, normally closed, with manual flow adjustment, and operated by 24-volt-a.c, solenoid. 5. Automatic Drain Valves: Designed to open for drainage when line pressure drops below 3 psig (20 kPa). 6. Quick-Couplers: Factory-fabricated, 2-piece assembly. Include coupler water-seal valve; re,uovable upper body with spring-loaded or weighted, rubber-covered cap; hose swivel with ASME B1.20.7, 3/4-11.5NH threads for garden hose on outlet; and operating key. a. Locking Top Option: Include vandal-resistant, locking feature with 2 matching keys. B. Control Valve Boxes: Polyethylene (PE), acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), fiberglass, polymer concrete, or precast concrete box and cover. Size as required for application. 1. Drairiage Backfill: Cleaned gravel or crushed stone, graded from 3 inches (75 mm) maximum to 3/4 inch (19 mm) minimum. ' C. Service Boxes for Key-Operated Control Valves: Cast-iron box With telescoping top section of length. required for depth of bury of valve. . Incl~de cover with lettering . "W A TER, II and bottom section with base of size to fit over curb stop and barrel approximately 3 inches (75 mm) in diameter. . . . 1. Include valve key, 36 inches (915 rom) long with tee handle an&key end to fit valve. 2.9 SPRINKLERS A. Description: Manufacturer's standard sprinklers designed to provide uniform coverage over entire area of spray shown on Drawings at available water pressure, as follows: 1. Housings: Brass. 2. Interior Parts: Brass or other corrosion-resistant materials. 3. Pop-Up, Rotary Spray: Gear driven type rotor, full-circle and adjustable part-circle type, set on triple lifetime lubricated swing joints, 2,10 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM A. Description: Low-voltage controller system, made for control of irrigation system automatic control valves. Controller operates on 120 volts a.c. building power system, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 10 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I provides 24 volts ac. power to control valves, and includes stations for at least the number of control valves indicated. B. Exterior Control Enclosures: . Weatherproof enclosure with locking cover and 2 matching keys. Enclosure construction complies with NFP A 70 and NEMA 250, Type 4, and includes provision for grounding. 1, Material: Enameled-steel, sheet metal. 2. Mounting: Free-standing-type for concrete-pad mounting. C, Transformer: Internal-type, and suitable for converting' 120 volts a,c. building power to 24 volts a.c. power. D. Controller Stations for Automatic Control Valves: Each station is variable from approximately 5 to 60 minutes, Include switch for manual or automatic operation of each station. E. Timing Device: Adjustable, 24-hour, 14-day clock to operate any time of day, Include provision for the following settings: 1. Setting to skip operation any day in timer penod. 2. Setting for operation every other day. 3. Settings for operation 2 or more times daily. 4. Include manual or semi-automatic operation without disturbing preset automatic operation. 5. Provide NI-CAD battery and trickle charger to automatically power the timing device during power outages. F. Wiring: UL 493, solid copper conductor, insulated cable, suitable for d~ect bu~. . 1. . Feeder Circuit Cables: Type UF, No. 12 AWG minimum, between building and controllers. ' 2. Low-Voltage, Branch Circuit Cables: Type UF, No. 14 AWG minimum, between controllers and automatic control valves. Jacket color is other.. than feeder-circuit-cable jacket color. Furnish cables with jackets of different colors for multiple cable installation in same trench. . . 3. Splicing Materials: Pressure-sensitive thermoplastic tape and other materials required to mak~ specified connections, 2.11 WATER HAMMER ARRESTERS A. Water Hammer Arresters: AS:ME Al 12,26. 1M, ASSE 1010, or PDI WH-2~1, bellows or piston type with pressurized cushioning chamber. Sizes are based on water-supply fixture units, AS:ME Al12,26.1M sizes 1'A" through "F" and PDI WH-201 sizes "A" through "F," IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 11 I I ...~ .~t.:;.,',\, ".,.....;. ~.;.;.~~, I I I I I I 'I I I I .". I I I I I I I ,/ 2.12 2.13 CONCRETE BASES A. Concrete: Portland cement mix,..3000 psi (20:7 MPa). '-_" . i "~ ,I'" "1. :~:::t- 1. 2. 3. -4. Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C 33, sand. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33, crushed gravel. Water: Potable. B. Reinforcement: Steel conforming to the following: 1. 2. Fabric: ASTM A 185, welded wire fabric, plain. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed. IDENTIFICATION A. . Refer to Division 2 Section "Earthwork" for plastic underground warning tapes. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Investigate and determine available water supply water pressure and flow characteristics. 3.2 PREPARATION " A' Set stakes to identify proposed sprinkler locations.,' Obtain Engineer's approval before. excavation. 3.3 EARTHWORK A. Excavation, trenching, and backfilling are specified in Di~sion 2 Section "Earthwork." B. Underground warning tape installation is specified in Division 2 Section "Earthwork." 3.4 PIPING APPLICATIONS A. Refer to Part 2 of this Section for detailed specifications for pipe and fittings products listed below. Use pipe, tube, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. Piping in pits and aboveground may be joined with flanges instead of joints indicated. " IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 12 I I. I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I .1 B. Use pipe, tube, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. C. Pressure Piping Underground: Use the following: 1. 3 Inches (80 mm) and Smaller:' ASTM D 1785, Schedule 80, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2467, Schedule 80, PVC plastic, socket-type pipe fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. D. Circuit Piping: Use the following: 1. All Sizes: ASTM D 1785, Schedule ~O, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket-type fittings; and solvent cemented joints, E. Branches and Offsets at Sprinklers and Devices: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 80, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe with threaded ends; ASTM D 2464, Schedule 80, PVC plastic, threaded fittings; and threaded joints. 1. Option: Plastic piping made for this application may be used instead of pipe and fittings specified. F. ,Drain Piping: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM D 2466, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket":type fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. . G. Sleeves: ASTM D 1785, Schedule 40, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe; ASTM.D 2466, Schedule 40, PVC plastic, socket-type fittings; and solvent-cemented joints. i .,(,~. 3.5 JOINT CONSTRUCTION A. Flanged Joints: Align flanges and install gaskets. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tighten4tg. Use lubricant on bolt threads. B. Threaded Joints: Thread pipes with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1, apply tape or joint compound, and apply wrench to valve ends into which pipes are being threaded. C. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Piping Gasketed Joints: Construct joints between underground . A WW A-type, cast-iron valves and NPS PVC pipe; with elastomeric seals that fit pipe diameter and valve ends; and lubricant, according to ASTM D 3139. D. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Piping Solvent-Cemented Joints: Construct joints according to ASTM D 2672 and ASTM D 2855. 1. Handling of Solvent Cements, Primers, and Cleaners: Comply with procedures in IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 13 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I AS TM F 402 for safe handling when joining plastic pipe and fittings with solvent cements. J '~,.~. ~. - \,. ';"".;~ .. E. Dissimilar Materials Piping Joints: Construct joints using adapters that are compatible with both piping materials, outside diameters, and system working pressure. 3.6 PIPING SYSTEMS - COMMON REQUIREMENTS A. General Locations and Arrangements: Prepare calculations and drawings to indicate general location and arrangement of piping systems. Indicate locations and arrangementse used to size pipe and calculate friction loss, and in other design considerations, Install piping as indicated, except where deviations to layout are approved on coordination drawings. B. Install piping at a uniform slope of6 inches per 100 feet (1:200) minimum, down to drain points, C. Install components having pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating' pressure, D. Install piping free of sags and bends. E. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit valve servicing. F. Install fittings for changes in direction and branch connections. G. Piping Connections: Except as otherwise indicated make piping connections as specified below. 1. Install unions, in piping 2 inches (50 mm) and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final' connection -to' each piece of equipment having 2-inch (50mm) or smaller .~,.' threaded pipe connection. . Install flanges, in piping 2-1/2 inches (65 mm) and larger, adjacent to flanged valves and at final connection to each piece of equipment having flanged pipe connection." . Install dielectric fittings to connect piping of dissimilar metals. , ~'. .". 2. 3. 3.7 PIPING INSTALLATION A. Install underground polyvinyl chloride (pYC) plastic pipe according to ASTM D 2774. . , B. Lay piping on solid subbase, uniformly sloped without humps or depressions. 1. Slope circuit piping down toward drain valve minimum of 1/2 inch in 10 feet (1 :240), 2, Install polyvinyl chloride (pYC) plastic pipe in dry weather when temperature is above 40 deg F (4 deg C), Allow joints to cure at least 24 hours at temperature above 40 deg F (4 deg C) before testing, unless otherwise recommended by IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 14 I I I I I I I I 'I' I I I I I I I I 'I I manufacturer. . . ,. ,me, .,Cr';l'l'Drain Pockets:,.,Excavate to sizes indicated. Backfill/with'cleaned gravel-or crushed stone, graded from 3 inches (75 rom) to 3/4 inch (19 mm) minimum, drain material to 12 inches (300 rom) below grade. Cover drain material with sheet of ASTM D 226, Type IT, asphalt-saturated felt and backfill remainder with excavated material. D. Minimum Cover: Provide following minimum cover over top of buried piping: 1. Pressure Piping: 'Greater depth of minimum of 36inches (915 rom) below finished grade, or not less than 18 inches (460 rom) below average local frost depth. 2. Circuit Piping: 12 inches (300 rom). 3, Drain Piping: 12 inches (300 mm). 4. Sleeves: 24 inches (600 Inm). E. Water Hammer Arrester: Install between connection to main and circuit valves, in valve box. 3.8 VALVE APPLICATIONS A. The following requirements apply: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Buried Valves 3 Inches (80 rom) and Larger: . A WW A, gate valves, nonrising stem, with stem nut and valve box; Buried Valves 2 Inches (50 rom) and Smaller: Bronze-body,. with tee head, service box and shutoff rod. Buried Circuit and Drain Valves: Plastic valves, nonrising stem, with stem nut, valve or service box, and tee-handle shutoff rod. Pit and Aboveground Installation, Valves 2-112 Inches (65 mm) and Larger: MSS, nonrising stem, gate valves. . Pit and Aboveground Installation, Valves 2 Inches (50 mm) and Smaller: MSS,. nonrising stem gate valves. .' ..Pit Installation Circuit and Drain Valves: Plastic valves with tee handle. .' . 3.9 VALVE INSTALLATION A. Valves: Install underground valves in valve boxes or pits. 1. Install valves and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe with restrained, gasketed joints. R Control Valves: Install in valve control valve boxes, arranged for easy adjustment and removal. Install union on downstream side. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810' - 15 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 3.10 BACKFLOW PREVENTER INSTALLATION A.. ".Instalhbackflow preventers. of type, size, and capacity required by, calculations provided . by the Contractor for each field. Include valves and test cocks. Install according to plumbing code and health department authorities With jurisdiction. B. Install pressure-type vacuum breakers minimum of 12 inches (300 mm) above downstream' piping system; C. Do not install bypass around backflow preventer. D. Do not install backflow preyenters with drains or vents in pits or areas subject to flooding. E. Support backflow preventers, valves, and piping on 3000-psi (20.7MPa) minimum, portland-cement-mix concrete piers. 3.11 PRESSURE REGULATOR INSTALLATION A. Install pressure regulators with shutoff valve and strainer on inlet and pressure gage on outlet. Install shutoff valve on outlet and valved bypass where indicated. 3.12 PIT CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION A. Construct pits of cast-in-place concrete or provide precast concrete pits of dimensions indicated, with manhole frame and cover, ladder, and drain. Include sleeves with waterproof mechanical sleeve seals for pipe entry and exit. B. Connect area drain outlet to storm drain or run to, daylight. Storm drainage is specified in Division 2 Section "Storm Sewerage." 3.13 SPRINKLER INSTALLATION A. Sprinklers: Flush circuit piping wjthfull head of water and install sprinklers after hydrostatic test is completed. 1. Install athletic field sprinklers per manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Set all heads I" below turf Adjust heads after turf has been establihed. 3.14 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. Install controllers according to manufacturer's written instructions and as indicated. B. Install free-standing controllers on concrete pads. Where dimensions are not indicated, furnish bases not less than 36 inches (915 mm) by 24 inches (610 rom) by 4 inches (100 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ,~ 02810 - 16 I I I I I I I I 'I I I .1 I I I I I I I mm) thick, and not less than 6 inches (150 mm) greater in each direction than overall dimensions of controller. C. Install control wiring in same trench with piping. .3.15 CONNECTIONS A. Connect piping to sprinklers, devices, valves, control valves, specialties, and accessories. B. Connect water supplies to irrigation systems. Include backflow preventers on potable water supplies. C. Electrical Connections: Connect to power source, controllers, and automatic control valves. D. Minimum requirements for electrical installations are specified in Division 16. E. Ground systems according to Division' 16 Section "Grounding.". 3.16 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: Perform hydrostatic test of piping' and valves before backfilling trenches. Piping . may be tested in sections to expedite work. 1. . Cap and subject the piping system to a static water pressure of 50 psig above the operating pressure without exceeding pressure rating of~piping system materials. Isolate test source and allow to stand for 4 hours. Leak~ and loss in test pressure constitute defects that must be repaired. 2: Repair leaks and' defects with new materials and retest system or portion thereof until satisfactory results are obtained. . 3.17 . CLEANING AND ADJUSTING . A. Flush dirt and debris from piping before installing sprinklers and other devices. B. Adjust automatic control valves to provide flow rate of rated operating pressure required for each sprinkler Circuit. C. Carefully adjust sprinklers so they will be below finish grade after completion oflandscape work. D, Adjust settings of controllers and automatic control valves, 3.18 COMMISSIONING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 17 I I 'I I I I I I. 'I I I I I I I I I I I 'A. Starting Procedures: Follow manufacturer's written procedures. If no procedures are . . prescribed by manufactUrers, proceed as follows: 1. Verify that specialty valves and their accessories have been installed correctly and operate correctly. 2. Verify that specified tests. of piping are complete. 3, Check that sprinklers and devices are correct type. 4. Check that,dainaged sprinklers and devices have been replaced with new materials. 5. Check that potable water supplies have correct type backflow preventers. 6. Energize circuits to electrical equipment and devices. 7. Adjust operating controls. B. Operational Testing: Perform operational testing after hydrostatic testing is completed, backfill is'in place, and sprinklers are adjusted to final position. 3.19 DEMONSTRATION . . . . A. Demonstrate to Engineer that system meets coverage requirements and that automatic controls function properly. B. Demonstrate to Owner's . maintenance . personnel operation of equipment, sprinklers, specialties, arid accessories. . Review operating and maintenance information. C. . Provide 7 days' written notice in advance of demonstration. END pF SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 02810 - 18 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 02831 - CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section, 1.2 SUMMARY . A. This Section includes the following: 1. Galvanized-steel chain link fabric. 2. Privacy slats. B. This section includes the salvaging of existing fence and the reinstallation of the fence on this project. Re-installation shall be in accordance with P ART 3 - Execution in this specification, Contractor will provide additional new material if salvaged fencing is damaged during the salvaging operation or the re-installation, Contractor shall provide additonal material if salvaged material is insufficient to complete the fencing requirments of the project.. 1,3 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections, B. Product data in the form of manufacturer's technical data, specifications, and installation instructions for fence and gate posts, fabric, gates, gate operators, and accessories.' ' C. Shop drawings showing location offence, gates, each post, and details of post installation, extension arms, gate swing, hardware, and accessories. , . 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has at least three years' experience and has completed at least five chain link fence projects with same material and ' of similar scope to that indicated for this Project with a successful construction record of in-service performance. B. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain chain link fences and gates, including accessories, fittings, and fastenings, from a single source, CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS ., ~:.. . i '_ A. Field Measurements: Verify layout information for fences and gates shown on the Drawings in relation to the property survey and existing structures. Verify dimensions by field measurements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FABRIC A. Selvage: Knuckled ~t one selvage and twisted at the other for 2-inch and 2-1/8-inch mesh sizes and heights above 60 inches, B. Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric: Fabricated in one-piece widths for fencing 12 feet and less in height to comply with Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute (CLFMI) IIProduct Manualll and with requirements indicated below: 1. Mesh and Wire Size: 2-inch mesh, O,148-inch diameter (9 gage), 2. Coating: ASTM A 817, Type 2, Class 2, zinc-.cdated (galvanized). 2,2 FRAMING A. Round member sizes are given in actual outside diameter (OD) to the nearest thousandth of inches. Round fence posts and rails are often referred to in ASTM standard specifications by nominal pipe sizes (NPS) or the equivalent trade sizes in inches,: The following indicates these equivalents all measured in inches: ~ ~.9tl1.~_OD' NPS Size Trade Size 1.315 1 1-3/8 1.660 1-1/4 1-5/8 1.900 1-1/2 2 2,375 2 2-1/2 2,875 2-1/2 3 3,500 3 3-1/2 4,000 , .... ,,3-1/2 4 -..' -{' 6.625 6 6-5/8 8.625 8 8-5/8 B. Fence: Galvanized-steel tubing posts and rails conforming to ASTM F 761 with a minimum outside protective coating of 0.6 Oz, of zinc per sq. ft., a chromate conversion coating, and a clear polymer overcoat. Provide inside protective coating of 0.6 oz, of zinc per sq, ft, or 81 percent, 0.3-mil-thick zinc pigmented coating, Provide the following sizes of framing members with round galvanized-steel posts conforming to ASTM F 654. 1. Top Rail: 1.315-inch OD with O,055-inch minimum wall thickness. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I' I I I I I I I I I 2, Fence posts for fabric up to 6 feet high. ~ ::: ,~.., a. b. Line Posts: 1.660-inch OD with 0.065-inch minimum wall thickness. Terminal and Comer Posts: 1.900-inch OD with 0.065-inch minimum wall thickness. 3, Fence posts for fabric over 6 feet high, a, Line Posts: 1.900-inch OD with 0.065-inch minimum wall thickness, b. Terminal and Corner Posts: 2.3 75-inch .on with 0.065-inch minimum wall thickness. C, Type I Round Posts: Standard weight (schedule 40) galvanized-steel pipe conforming to ASTM F 1083, according to heavy industrial requirements of ASTM F 669, Group IA, with minimum yield strength of25,000 psi, not less than 1.8 oz. of zinc per sq. ft. Type A coating inside and outside according to ASTM F 1234, as determined by ASTM A 90, and weights per foot as follows: . ~ytlJ.~,tOD 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 Weight (lb/ft) 1.68 2.27 2.72 3.65 NPS Size 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 D. Top Rail: Manufacturer's l~ngest lengths (17 to 21 feet) with swedged-end or expansion-type coupling, approximately 6 inches long for joining, Provide rail ends or other means for attaching top fail securely to each gate comer, pull, and end post. E, Steel posts for fabric heights.up to 6 feet: 1. Round Line or Intermediate Posts: l,90-inch OD Type I, 2. Round End, Corner, aI)d Pull Posts: 2,37S-inch OD Type I. . F. Swing Gate Posts: Furnish posts to support single gate leaf, or one leaf of a double-gate installation, according to ASTM F 900, sized as follows for steel pipe posts: I. Steel posts for gate leaf a, 6.000-inch OD schedule 80 galvanized pipe, 2,3 FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 3 I I I I I I I I- 'I I I I .1 m I I I I I A. Material: Comply witlJ ASTM F 626, Galvanized iron or steel to suit manufacturer's standards. 1. Steel and Iron: Unless specified otherwise, hot-dip galvanize pressed steel or cast-iron fence fittings and accessories with at least 1.2 oz. zinc per sq. ft. as determined by ASTM A 90. B, Post and Line Caps: Provide weathertight closure cap for each post, Provide line post caps with loop to receive tension wire or top rail. C, Post Brace Assembly: Manufacturer's standard adjustable brace, Use material specified below for brace, and truss to line posts with 3/8-inch-diameter rod and adjustable tightener. Provide manufacturer's standard galvanized-steel, or cast-iron for each end. 1, Round Steel: I.660-inch OD Type I or II steel pipe. D. Bottom and Center Rail: Same material as top rail. Provide manufacturer's standard galvanized-steel, cast-iron or cast-aluminum cap for each end, E. Tension or Stretcher Bars: Hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum length 2 inches less than the full height offabric, a minimum cross section of31l6 inch by 3/4 inch, and a minimum of 1.2 oz. of zinc coating per sq, ft, Provide one bar for each gate and end post, and two for each comer and pull post, except where fabric is integrally woven into the post. F. Tension and Brace Bands: 3/4-inch-wide minimum hot-dip galvanized steel with a minimum of 1.2 oz, of zinc coating per sq, ft, I 1. Tension Bands: 0,074 inch thick (14 gage) minimum. 2. . Brace Bands: 0.105 inch thick (12 gage) ininimum, . G. Tension Wire: O,177-inch-diameter metallic-coated steel marcelled tension wire conforming to ASTM A 824 with finish to match fabric. 1. Coating Type II zinc in the following class as determined by ASTM A 90, a. Class 1, with a minimum coating weight of 0,80 0Z. per sq, ft, of uncoated wire surface, H, Tie Wires: O,106-inch-diameter (12-gage) galvanized steel with a minimum of 0.80 oz. per sq. ft. of zinc coating according to ASTM A 641, Class 3. 2.4 PRIVACY SLATS CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 4 I .1, I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I -.- .f..... ..... ";" A. Material: Aluminum, O.OlO inch thick minimum, sized to fit mesh specified in direction indicated. .,., l' ~,t1"~ r ':' .'..1""'-, B. Color: Selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors, 2.5 CONCRETE A. Concrete: Provide concrete consisting of portland cement per ASTM C 150, aggregates per ASTM C 33, and potable water. Mix materials to obtain concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of3000 psi, Use at least four sacks of cement per cu, yd" 1-inch maximum size aggregate, 3-inch maximum slump, B. Packaged Concrete Mix: Mix dry-packaged normal-weight concrete conforming to ASTM C 387 with clean water to obtain a 2- to 3-inch slump, 2.6 GATES A Fabricate gates as shown on the drawings PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Install fence to comply with ASTM F 567. Do not begin installation and erection before final grading is completed, unless otherwise permitted, .. }, Apply fabric to outside of framework. Install fencing on boundary lines inside of property line established by survey as required by Division }, B, Excavation: Drill or hand-excavate (using post-hole d~gger) holes for posts to diameters and spacings indicated, in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. I, If not indicated on Drawings, excavate holes fOf: each post to minimum diameter recommended by fence manufacturer, but not less than four times the largest cross section of post. 2. Unless othe~se indicated, excavate hole depths approximately 3 inches lower than post bottom, with bottom of posts set not less than 36 inches below finish grade surface, . C. Setting Posts: Center and align posts in holes 3 inches'above bottom of excavation. Space a maximum of lO feet o,c" unless otherwjse indicated, 1. . Protect portion of posts above ground from concrete splatter, Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position during placement and finishing CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 5 .': r ZJ, ""4,";r:; ~ h..7=' I I I. I I I I I I I U I I B g I I I I operations. "":I.l'::I~!~F "'~.,;:.;\~~l";' " ..a;.".. Unless otherwise' indicated; extend concrete footings 2 inches above grade and trowel to a crown to shed water. . '.. . . ......,~. ~.tt..: ~ D. Top Rails: Run rail "continuously through line post caps, bending to radius for curved runs and at other posts terminating into rail end attached to posts or post caps fabricated to receive rail. Provide expansion couplings as recommended by fencing manufacturer, E. Center Rails: Install center rails in one piece between posts and flush with post on fabric side, using rail ends and special offset fittings where necessary, F, Brace Assemblies: Install braces at end and gate posts and at both sides of-corner and pull posts, Locate horizontal braces at midheight offabric on fences with top rail and at two thirds fabric height on fences without top rail. Install so posts are plumb when diagonal rod is under proper tension, G, Bottom Tension Wire: Install tension wire within 6 inches of bottom offabric before stretching fabric and tie to each post with not less than same gage and type of wire. Pull wire taut, without sags, Fasten fabric to tension wire with O,120-inch-diameter ( II-gage) hog rings of same material and finish as fabric wire, spaced a maximum of 24 inches O.c. H. Top Tension Wire: Install tension wire through post cap loops before stretching fabric, Pull wire taut, without sags, Fasten fabric to tension wire with O. 120-inch-diameter ( II-gage) hog rings of same material and finish as fabric wire, spaced a maximum of24 inches o.c, I. Fabric: Leave approximately 2 inches between finish grade and bottom selvage unless otherwise indicated, Pull fabric taut and tieto posts, rails, and tension wires, Install fabric on security side offence, and anchor to framework so that fabric remains under tension after pulling force is released. J. Tension or Stretcher Bars: Thread through fabric and secure to end, corner, pull, and gate posts with tension bands spaced not over 15 inches o,c, . K.. Tie Wires: Use wire of proper length to secure fabric firmly to posts and rails, Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to persons or clothing. 1. Maximum Spacing: Tie fabric to line posts 12 inches o.c, and to rails and braces 24 inches o.c. L. Fasteners: Install nuts for tension bands and carriage bolts on the side of the fence opposite the fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent removal of nuts for added security. M. Privacy Slats: Install slats in direction indicated, securely locked in place. CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 6 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Diagonally. '.,. r END OF SECTION 02831 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 02831 - 7 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I,. I I I I I I I SECTION 02900 - LANDSCAPING '. t f'lI . "~ . ';.: PART 1 - GENERAL .1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: 1. Athletic field Sprigging. 2. Topsoil and soil amendments. 3. Fertilizers and mulches. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. . General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and . Division 1 Specification Sections. . B. Product certificates signed by manufacturers certifying that their products comply with specified requirem~nts, 1. Manufacturer's certified-analysis for standard products. . .,.... 2. Analysis for other materials by a recognized laboratory made according to methods established by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, where applicable. 3. Label data substantiating that plants, trees, shrubs, and planting materials comply with specifie,d requirements. - C. Certification of graSs sprigs from sprig vendor stating the botanical and common name of species and variety, and purity of sprigs, 1. Certification of sprigs, identifying source, including name and telephone number of supplier. D. Qualification data for firms and persons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience, Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and address of engineers and owners, and other ipformati<?n specified, LANDSCAPING 02900 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I E. Material test reports from qualified independent testing agency (University of Georgia Extension Service) indicating and interpreting test results relative to compliance of the -~i'Y .' ,fo1l0wing materials.with requirements indicated. '.'l"....,.')"'\'li(r: ~ ,-,.,- 1, Analysis of existing surface soil. . 2. Analysis of imported topsoil. F. Planting schedule indicating anticipated dates and locations for each type of planting. G. Maintenance instructions recommending procedures to be established by Owner for maintenance of landscaping during an entire year. Submit before expiration of required maintenance periods. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. '. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed landscaping work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful landscape establishment. 1. Installer's Field Supervision: Require Installer to maintain an experienced full-time supervisor on the Project site during times that landscaping is in progress. B.' Topsoil Analysis: Furnish a soil analysis made by a qualified independent soil-testing agency (University of Georgia Extension Service) stating percentages of organic matter, . . inorganic matter (silt, clay, and sand), deleterious material, pH, and mineral and plant-nutrient content of topsoil. 1.. Report suitability of topsoil for growth of applicable planting material. State recommended quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash nutrients and any limesto'ne, aluminum sulfate, or other soil amendments, to be 'added to 'produce a satisfactory topsoil. .... '+ "-~ C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at .Project ,site to comply with requirements of Division 1 Section "Project Meetings." 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at site. B. Sprigs: Deliver sprigs moist and healthy in containers that can preserve sprigs until planted in labeled, and undamaged containers. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS LANDSCAPING 02900 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I -.1 I I '.m I I I- I I i . A. Utilities: Determine location of above grade and underground utilities and perform work in' a-manner"which will avoid'damage. Hand excavate, as required, "Maintain grade stakes until removal is mutually agreed upon by parties concerned. B. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, stich as rubble fill, adverse drainage conditions, or obstructions, notify Engineer before planting. 1.7 COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate installation of planting materials during normal planting seasons for each type of plant material required. 1.8. WARRANTY ." A. General Warranty: The special warranty specified in this Article shall. not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by . the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. . B. Special Warranty: Warrant the following living planting materials for a period of one year after date of Substantial Completion, against defects including death, excessive weed growth as determined soley by the Engineer and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects' resulting from lack of adequate maintenance, neglect, or abuse by Owner, abnormal weather conditions unusual for warranty period, or incidents that are beyond Contractor's control. C.' Replace planting materials that are more than 25 percent dead or in,an',unhealthy>condition"." at end of warranty period. . D. A limit of one replacement of sprigs will be required, except for losses or replacements . due to failure to comply with' requirements. 1.9 ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENANCE A. Begin maintenance immediately after each area is planted and continue until acceptable TURF is established, but for not less than the following periods: 1. Sprigged Lawns: 60 days after date of Substantial Completion. B, Maintain and establish by watering, fertilizing, weeding, mowing, trimming, replanting, and other operations. Rol~, regrade, and replant bare or eroded areas and remulch to produce a uniformly smooth lawn. After turf is established, apply chemical weed control LANDSCAPING 02900 - 3 . that is compatible with the turf and as recommended by the Extension service. C. ." Watering: Provide and maiiltain,temporary piping, hoses,-',and lawn-watering equipment:, .;' ....,..:,.;""" to convey water from sources and to keep athletic fields uniformly moist to a depth of 4 inches (100 mm). 1. Water athletic at the minimum rate of 1 inch (25 rom) per week. D. Mow athletic fields as soon as there is enough top growth to cut with mower set at specified height for principal species planted. Repeat mowing as required to maintain specified height without cutting more than 40 percent of the grass height. Remove no more than 40 percent of grass-leaf growth in initial or subsequent mowings, Do not delay mowing until grass blades bend over and become matted. Do not mow when grass is wet. E. Postfertilization: Apply fertilizer to lawn after first mowing and when grass is dry. 1. Use fertilizer that will provide actual nitrogen of at least lib per 1000 sq. ft. (0.5 kg per 100 sq. m) of grassed area. , PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 GRASS MATERIALS A. Sod Sprigs: Healthy living stems, rhizomes, or stolons with a minimum of2 nodes and any attached roots free of soil, of the following turfgrass species: 1. ' Species: BernlUdagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Tifton 419 2.2 TOPSOIL A. . Topsoil: ASTM D 5268, pH range of 5.5 to 7, 4 percent organic ,material minimum, free of stones 1 inch (25 rom) or larger in any dimension, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. 1. Topsoil Source: Reuse surface soil stockpiled on the site. Verify suitability of surface soil to produce topsoil meeting requirements and amend when necessary. Supplement with imported topsoil when quantities are insufficient, Clean topsoil of roots, plants, sods, stones, clay lumps, and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth or unsuitable for athletic fields. The opinion of the Engineer as to the suitability of the topsoil is binding, 2.3 SOn.. AMENHMENTS LANDSCAPING 02900 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I A. Lime: ASTM C 602, Class T, agricultural limestone containing a minimum 80 percent .. ".,,,,. "'~:i'''':':' . calcium carbonate equivaient, with a minimum 99'percertt passing a'.No:'8 (2.36 mm) sieve and a minimum 75 percent passing a No. 60 (250 micrometer) sieve. . .. ":"-':',..:.~ 1. Provide lime in the form of dolomitic limestone. B. Aluminum Sulfate: Commercial grade, unadulterated. C. Sand: Clean, washed, natural or manufactured sand, free of toxic materials. D. Perlite: Horticultural perlite, soil amendment grade. E. Peat Humus: Finely divided or granular texture, with a pH range of 6 to 7,5, composed of partially decomposed moss peat (other than sphagnum), peat humus, or reed-sedge peat. F. Peat Humus: For acid-tolerant trees and shrubs, provide moss peat, with a pH range of 3.2 to 4.5, coarse fibrous texture, medium-divided sphagnum moss peat or reed-sedge peat. G. Sawdust or Ground-Bark Humus: Decomposed, nitrogen-treated, of uniform texture, free of chips, stones, sticks, soil, or toxic materials. 1. When site treated, mix with at least 0,15 lb (2.4 kg) of ammonium nitrate or 0.25 lb (4 kg) ofammoniuni sulfate per cu. ft. (cu. m) of loose sawdust or ground bark. H. Manure: Well-rotted, unleached stable or cattle manure containing not- more than 25' percent by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding materials; free of t02QC substances, stones, sticks, soil, weed seed, and material harmful to plant growth. 1. Herbicides: EP A registered and approved, of type recommended by manufacturer. J. Water: Potable. 2.4 FERTILIZER A. Bonemeal: Commercial, raw, finely ground; minimum of 4 percent nitrogen and 20 percent phosphoric acid. B. Superphosphate: Commercial, phosphate mixture, soluble; minimum of 20 percent available phosphoric acid. C, Commercial Fertilizer: Commercial-grade complete fertilizer of neutral character, consisting of fast- and slow-release nitrogen, 50 percent derived from natural organic sources ofurea-fornl, phosphorous, and potassium in the fol1o~ng composition: LANDSCAPING 02900 - 5 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I .q,~ . 1. Composition: lib per 1000 sq. ft. (0.5 kg per 100 sq. m) of actual nitrogen,4 percent phosphorousi and 2 percent potassium, by weight. 2. Composition: -Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in amounts<recommended in' soil reports from a qualified soil-testing agency. D. Slow-Release Fertilizer: .' Granular fertilizer consisting of 50 percent water-insoluble . nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the following composition: 1. Composition: 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous, and 5 percent potassium, by weight. 2. Composition: 20 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous, and 10 percent potassium, by weight. 3. Composition: Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in amounts recommended in soil reports from a qualified soil-testing agency. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXMllNATION A. Examine areas to receive-landscaping for compliance with requirements and for conditions affecting performance of work of this Section. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected, 3.2 PREPARATION A. . Make minor adjustments as maybe required. 3.3 PLANTING SOIL PREPARATION A. . Before mixing, clean topsoil of roots, plants, sods, stones clay lumps, and other extraneous' materials harmful to plant growth. Treat fields with preemergent herbicedes and weed killers inaccordance with Extension Service recommendations. B. Mix soil amendments and fertilizers with topsoil at rates indicated indicated by Extension Service. Delay mixing fertilizer if planting does not follow placing of planting soil within a few days. 3.4 ATHLETIC FIELD PLANTING PREPARATION A. Limit subgrade preparation to areas that will be planted in the immediate future. B. Loosen subgra.de toa minimum depth of 4 inches (100 mm). Remove stones larger than LANDSCAPING 02900 - 6 I p..I~~ ~i.fj'/--~;' I I I I I I 'I I I -I I I I I I I I r.... . .. 1 inches in any dimension. and sticks, roots, rubbish, and other extraneous materials. ., 0;." ,. Spread planting soil mixture' to depth' required to meet thickness, grades, andelevations~;:p[,-,,,,, . shown, after light rolling and natural settlement. Do not spread ifplanting soil or subgrade. is frozen. 1. Place approximately 1/2 the thickness of planting soil mixture required. Work into . top of loosened subgrade to create a transition layer and then place remainder of planting soil mixture. D. Grade athletic fields to a smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture, Roll and rake, remove ridges, and fill depressions' to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas . that can be planted in the immediate future. Remove trash, debris, stones larger than 1 inches in any dimension, and other objects that may interfere with planting, maintenance operations, or may affect the "playing" on the field. E. Moisten prepared areas before planting when soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow . surface to dry before planting, Do not create muddy soil: F. Resto\e prepared areas if eroded or otherwise disturbed after fine grading and before planting and after planting until all areas 'are established with turf 3.5 SPRIG PLANTINGATHLETIC FIELDS A. Broadcast sprigs uniformly over prepared surface and mechanically force spngs approximately 2 inches (50 rom) into moistened soil. Lightly roll and firm soil around sprigs after planting. .. "1. Sprig Spacing: '6- inches (150 mm) apart in both directions. 2. Rate: minimum rate is 400 bushels per acre. B. Water sprigs immediately after planting and keep moist by frequent watering until well rooted. 3.6 RECONDITIONING ATHLETIC FIELDS A. Recondition existing areas damaged by Contractor's operations, including storage of materials or equipment and movement of vehicles. Also recondition areas where settlement or washouts occur or where minor regrading is required. I. Recondition by re-sprigging or using certified sod if directed by the engineer after contractor has attempted to recondition the area and has failed to establih turf B. Remove sod ang vegetation from diseased or unsatisfactory areas; do not bury into ~oil. Remove topsoil containing foreign materials resulting from Contractor's operations, LANDSCAPING 02900 - 7 I I .1 I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I including oil drippings, fuet" spills, stone, gravel, and other construction materials, and replace with new topsoil. 3.7 CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A. During landscaping~ keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition. B. Protect landscaping from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades, and trespassers. Maintain pf.otection during installation and , maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged landscape work as directed. 3.8 DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS A. Disposal: Remove surplus soil and waste material, including excess subsoil, unsuitable soil, trash, and debris, aIld legally dispose of it off the Owner's property. END OF SECTION 02900 ..,-.c\t . -.'" ~ LANDSCAPING 02900 - 8 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I", .1 I I I I I I SECTION 16050 - BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS . ~" -: '~"-P ,"". '..;. -, PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following electrical materials and methods: 1. Supporting devices for electrical components, 2, Concrete equipment bases, 3. Touchup painting. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with NFP A 70 for components and installation. B. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section tha~ are listed and labeled. 1.3 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Coordinate electrical equipment installation with other project components. B. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installing electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. C. Coordinate connecting electrical service to components furnished under other Sections. D, Coordinate connecting electrical systems with exterior underground and overhead utilities and services. Gomply. with requirements of governing regulations,. franchised service companies, and controlling agencies. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUPPORTING DEVICES A. Channel and angle support' systems designed to provide secure support for electrical components. 1. Material: Steel, protected from corrosion with zinc coating or with treatment of equivalent corrosion resistance. . 2. Metal Items for Use Outdoors: Hot-dip galvanized steel. B. Steel channel supports have 9/16-inch diameter holes at a maximum of8 inches'o.c., in at least I surface. Fittings and accessories mate and match with channels and are from the same manufacturer. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I t . I '; ~ : . ' C. Cable Supports for Vertical Conduit: Factory-fabricated assembly consisting of threaded body and insulating wedging plug for nonarmored electrical cables in riser conduits. Plugs .. IIi ;'-: rf have. number and size of conductor gripping holes as required to suit individual risers. Body constructed of malleable iron casting with hot-dip galvanized finish. 2.2 CONCRETE EQUIPMENT BASES A. Forms and Reinforcing-Materials: As specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete. " B. Concrete: 3000-ps~ 28-day compressive strength as specified in Division 3 Section "Cast- in-Place Concrete," 2,3 TOUCIWP PAINT A. For Equipment: Provided by equipment manufacturer and selected to match equipment finish. B. For Galvanized Surfaces: Zinc-rich paint recommended by item manufacturer. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3,1 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Install items level, plumb, and parallel and perpendicular to other systems and components. B. Install equipment to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Connect for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. . C. Give right of way to raceways and piping systems installed at a required slope. 3.2 ELECTRICAL SUPPORTING METHODS r A. Conform to manufacturer's recommendations for selecting supports. B. Strength of Supports: Adequate to carry all present and future loads, times a safety factor of at least 4; 200-lb-minimum design load. 3,3 INSTALLATION A. Install devices to securely and permanently fasten and support electrical components, B. Raceway Supports: Comply with NFP A 70. Conform to manufacturer's recommendations for selecting and insta.llir}g supports, In vertical runs, arrange support so the load produced by the weight of the raceway and the enclosed conductors is carried entirely by the conduit supports, with no weight load on raceway terminals. BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I C. Vertical Conductor Supports: Install simultaneously with conductors. D. Miscellaneous Supports: Install metal channel racks for mounting panelboards. E. Install concrete pads and bases according to requirements of Division 3 Section "Cast-in- Place Concrete." 3.4 TOUCHUP PAINTING A. ThorougWy clean damaged areas and provide primer, inteimediate, and finish coats to suit the degree of damage at each location. B. Follow paint manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation and for timing and application of s~ccessive coats. END OF SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 16050 - 3 I I I I I I I, I 'I. I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16120 - CONDUCTORS AND CABLES - . ,'. !.;~,:,." .. _ '+1:~: . . ~"""P:1?~ .I:~ .,..{.~.)\ ,-, . PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY - A. This Section includes wires and cables and associated connectors, splices, and terminations for wiring systems rated 600 V and less. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Listing and Labeling: Provide wires and cables specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. B. Comply with NFP A 70. 1.3 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of cables with other installations. B. Revise locations and elevations from those indicated, as r~quired to suit field conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1, WIRES AND CABLES "A. UL-listed .building wires and cables with conductor material, insulation type, cable construction, and rating as specified in Part 3 "Wire and Insulation Applications" Article. B. Thermoplastic Insulation Material: Comply with NEMA we 5. C. Conductor Material: Copper. D. Stranding: Stranded conductor for all sizes of wire. 2.2 CONNECTORS AND SPLICES A. UL-listed, factory-fabricated wiring connectors of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class for application and service indicated. Comply with Project's installation requirements and as specified in Part 3 "Wire and Insulation Applications" Article. - PART 3 - EXECUTION ,= CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 16120 - 1 I I k'::' k;~\f-f.-' ,I I I I I I 'I I I. I, I I I I I I o 3.1 EXAMINATION A. . Examine raceways to receivei.~wires,"and cables for compliance with requirements'\for .",",,<l~;'"' . installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of wires and cables. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected, 3.2 WIRE AND INSULATION APPLICATIONS A. Service Entrance: Type THWN, in raceway. B. Feeders: Type THHN/THWN, in raceway. C. Roadway Lighting Feeders: Type UF cable, direct buried. D. Branch Circuits: Type THHN/THWN, in raceway. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install wires and cables as indicated, according to manufacturers written instructions and NECA's "Standard ofInstallation," B. Pull Conductors: Use manufacturer-approved pulling compound or lubricant where necessary; compound used must not deteriorate conductor or insulation. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and sidewall pressure values. C, Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket-weave wire/cable grips, that will not damage cables or raceway. D. Identify wires and cables according to Di'fsion 16 Section "Electrical Identification." 3.4 CONNECTIONS A. Conductor Splices: Keep to minimum. B. Install splices and tapes that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than conductors being spliced. . . . C, Use splice and tap connectors compatible,with conductor material. D. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque- tightening values. END OF SECTION 16120 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 16120 - 2 I I I I, I I I I 'I I I I I. I I I. I I I SECTION 16130 - RACEWAYS AND BOXES .' ""',:~(d ., 'j;:'1~:~...~,..~ . . '" '~\~'(,'H'~" f . ".'f~-_; '~~~3'" PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SlJ1\.1MAR Y A. This Section includes raceways, fittings, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets for electrical wmng. 1, Raceways include the following: a. RMC: Rigid metal conduit. b. ,LFMC: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit. c. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit. 2. Boxes include the following: ;' a. Pull and junction boxes. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE ,A. Listing and Labeling: Provide raceways and boxes specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. B. Comply with NECA's "Standard of Installation: " . ~ C. Comply with NFP A 70. PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.1 METAL CONDUIT : A. Rigid Steel Conduit: ANSI C80.1. B.. LFMC: Flexible steel conduit with PVC jacket. ,) C, Fittings: NEMA FB 1; compatible with conduit materials. 2.2 NONMETALLIC CONDUIT A. RNC: NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 or 80 PVC. B, Fittings: NEMA TC 3; compatible with conduit materials. RACEWAYS AND BOXES 16130 - 1 I ,I ,I I I I I '1 "I I, I I I I I I, I I' I 2.3 PULL AND JUNCTION BOXES :;'/. . A. Small Sheet Metal Boxes: NEMA OS-I:, . ~ .~... '!.. ~. '.' ..';'~-: -~,.; . '-'\1t::--j~':~~Y , ' B. Cast-Metal Boxes: NEMA FB I, cast aluminum with gasketed cover. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces to receive raceways for compliance with installation tolerances and other cOnditions affecting performance of raceway installation. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 WIRING l\1ETHODS A. Outdoors: Use the following wiring methods: 1. Exposed: RMC. 2. Underground: RNC. 3, Connection to Lighting Fixture Ballasts: LFMC. 4, Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 3R or Type 4. 3.3 . INSTALLATION A. Install raceways, and boxes as indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions, B. Install raceways level and square. C. Complete raceway installation before starting conductor installation. D. Support raceways as specified in Division 16 Section "Basic Electrical Materials ,and Methods. " . E. Use temporary closures to prevent foreign matter from entering raceWays. F. Make bends and offsets so ill is not reduced, Keep legs of bends in the same plane and straight legs of offsets parallel. G. Use raceway fittings compatible with raceways and suitable for use and location. H. Run concealed raceways, with a minimum of bends, in the shortest practical distance, unless otherwise indicated. ' I. Join raceways with fittings designed and approved for the purpose and make joints tight. Make raceway terminations tight. Use bonding bushings or wedges at connections subject to vibration, Use bonding jumpers where joints cannot be made tight. Use insulating RACEWAYS AND BOXES 16130 - 2 I I I I, I I. I, I 'I ,I I I I ,I: I. I I I I bushings to protect conductors, " \",', ." f. h" Terminations: I, Where raceways are terminated with locknuts and bushings, align raceways to enter squarely and install locknuts with dished part against the box. Where terminations are not secure with I locknut, use 2 locknuts: I inside and 1 outside the box. K. Where raceways are t~rminated with threaded hubs, screw raceways or fittings tightly into the hub so the end bears against the wire protection shoulder. Where chase nipples are used, align raceways so the coupling is square to the box and tighten the chase nipple so no threads are exposed. L. Flexible Connections: Use maximum of 6 feet of flexible conduit for lighting fixtures. Use liquidtight flexible conduit in wet or damp locations. 3.4 PROTECTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure coatings; finishes, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer, 3.5 CLEANING A. On completion of installation, including outlet fittings and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, and construction debris and repair damaged finish, including chips, scratches, and abrasions. END OF SECTION 16130 RACEWAYS AND BOXES 16130 - 3 I I I I I' I. I I " ,I I: ,I I I, I I I I I SECTION 16195 - ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes identification of electrical materials, equipment, and installations. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with NFP A 70. PART 2 ~ PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAY AND CABLE LABELS A. Manufacturer's Standard Products: Where more than one type is listed for a specified . application, selection is Installer's option, but provide single type for each application category. Use colors prescribed by ANSI A13.1, NFPA 70, and these Specifications, B. Colored Adhesive Tape: Self-adhesive vinyl tape not less than 3 mils thick by 1 to 2 inches wide. C. Underground Line Warning Tape: Permanent, bright-colored, continuous-printed, vinyl tape with the following features: ,1. . Size: Not.less than 6 inches wide by 4 mils thick. 2. Compounded for permanent direct-burial service. 3. Embedded continuous metallic strip or core. 4, Printed Legend: Indicates type of underground line. -,..!.' ~ .' .... 2.2 ENGRAVED NAMEPLATES A. Manufacturer's Standard Products: Where more than one type is listed for' a specified application, selection is Installer's option, but provide single type for each application category, Use colors prescribed by ANSI A13,I, NFPA 70, an~ these Specifications. B. Engraving stock, melamine plastic laminate, 1/16-inch minimum thick for nameplates up to 20 sq. in., 1/8 inch thick for larger sizes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,1 INSTALLATION . ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16195 - 1 I I I I I I I I 'I I I' I I; I I I, I I I A. Install identification devices according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install labels where indicated and at locations for best convenience of viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. C. Lettering, Colors, and Graphics: Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations used for electrical identification with corresponding designations used in the Contract Documents, Use consistent designations throughout the Project. D. Self-Adhesive Identification Products: Clean surfaces of dust, loose material, and oily films before applying. E. Identify Paths of Underground Electrical Lines: During trench backfilling, for exterior underground power lines, install continuous underground plastic line marker located directly above line at 6 to 8 inches below finished grade. Where multiple lines installed in a common trench do not exceed an overall width of 16 inches, use a single line marker. Installline marker for underground wiring, both direct buried and in raceway. F. Color-Code Conductors: Secondary service, feeder, and branch circuit conductors throughout the secondary electrical system. 1. 240/120- V System: As follows: a. Phase A: Black. b. Phase B: Red. c. Neutral: White. d. Ground: Green. 2. Factory-apply color the entire length of the conductors, except the following field- applied, color-coding methods may be used in lieu of factory-coded wire for sizes larger than No. 10 AWG. a. Colored, pressure-sensitive plastic tape in half-lapped turns for a distance of 6 inches from tenninal points and in boxes. where splices or taps are made. Apply the last 2 turns of tape with no tension to prevent possible unwinding. Use l- inch-wide tape in colors as specified.; Adjust tape bands to avoid obscuring cable identification markings. ' G. Install identification as follows: 1. Apply equipment identification labels of engraved plastic laminate on each major unit of equipment. Provide a single line of text ,with 1/2-inch-high lettering on 1-1/2-inch- high label; where 2 lines of text are required, use lettering 2 inches high. Use white lettering on black field. END OF SECTION 16195 ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION 16195 - 2 I I I: I I I I 'I 'I I I~ I. I. I; I I' I: ,I I SECTION 16452 - GROUNDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes grounding of electrical systems and equipment and basic requirements for grounding for protection of life, equipment, circuits, and systems. Grounding requirements specified in this Section may be supplemented in other Sections of these Specifications, 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data for grounding rods, connectors and connection materials, and grounding fittings. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with NFP A 70. B. Comply with UL 467. C. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GROUNDING AND BONDING PRODUCTS A. Governing Requirements: Where types, sizes, ratings, and quantities indicated are in excess of National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements, the more stringent requirements and the greater size, rating, and quantity indications govern. 2.2 WIRE AND CABLE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS A.. Comply with Division 16 Section "Wires and Cables." Conform to NEC Table 8, except as otherwise indicated, for conductor properties, including stranding. B. Equipment Grounding Conductors: Insulated . with green color insulation. C. Grounding-Electrode Conductors: Stranded cable. D. Underground Conductors: Bare, tinned, stranded,. E, Bare Copper Conductors: Conform to ~he following: I. Solid Conductors: ASTM B 3. GROUNDING 16452 - 1 I "I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 2.' Assembly of Stranded Conductors: ASTM B 8. 3. Tinned Conductors: ASTM B 33. . ., ".~~!.iT. .'.- -'1';;)~r-~-,;~tJ .- , . ...._.'\.-!~if:;~.. . .:~ ...~5~~'-:U~-?:" 2.3 CONNECTOR PRODUCTS A. Pressure Connectors: High-conductivity-plated units. B. Bolted Clamps: Heavy-duty type. C. Exothermic-Welded Connections: Provided in lGtform ,and selected per manufacturer's written instructions for specific types, sizes, and combinations of conductors and connected items. 2.4 GROUNDING ELECTRODES A. Grounding Rods: Sectional type; copper-clad steel. Size: 3/4 inch by 120 inches. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 APPLICATION A. Equipment Grounding Conductors: Comply with NEC Article 250 for types, sizes, and quantities of equipment grounding conductors, except where specific types, larger sizes, or more conductors than required by NEC are indicated. 1. Install equipment grounding conductor with circuit conductors for the items below in addition to those required by Code: 'a. Feeders and branch circuits. b. Lighting circuits. c, Flexible raceway runs. B. Metal Poles Supporting Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Ground pole to a groundipg electrode in addition to separate equipment grounding conductor run with supply branch circuit. 3.2 . INSTALLATION A. General: Ground electrical systems and equipment according to NEC requirements, except where Drawings or Specifications exceed NEC requirements. B. Grounding Rods: Locate a minimum of I-rod length from each other and at least the same distance from any other grounding electrode. Drive until tops are 2 inches below finished. floor or final grade. Interconnect with grounding-electrode conductors. Use exothermic welds. Make these connections without damaging copper coating or exposing steel. C, Grounding Conductors: Route along the shortest and straightest paths possible. Avoid obstructing access or placing conductors where they may be subjected to strain, impact, or GROUNDING 16452 - 2 I I I I 'I I. I I 'I I I I..' I I I I I I I . ~.' ,;-~.. damage. . D. Underground Grounding{~onductors: Use bare copper wire. Bury at least'24:inches-.below grade. 3.3 CONNECTIONS A. General: Make connections so possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis is minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conductors, and connection methods so metals in direct contact will be galvanically compatible. Use electroplated or hot-tin-coated materials to assure high conductivity and to make contact points closer in order of galvanic series, . Make connections with clean, bare metal at points of contact, Coat and seal connections having dissimilar metals with inert material to prevent future penetration of moisture to contact surfaces, B. Exothermic-Welded Connections: Use for underground connections, Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Welds that are puffed up or that show convex surfaces indicating improper cleaning are not acceptable, ' C, Equipment Grounding-Wire Terminations: For NO.8 AWG and larger, use pressure-type grounding lugs. No. 10 AWG and smaller grounding conductors may be terminated with winged pressure-type' connectors. D. Noncontact Metal Raceway Terminations: Where metallic raceways terminate at metal housings without mechanical and electrical connection to housing, terminate each conduit with a grounding bushing. Connect grounding bushings with a bare grounding conductor to grounding bus or terminal in housing. Bond electrically noncontinuous conduits at both entrances,and exits with grounding bushings and bare grounding conductors, E. Tighten screws and bolts for grounding and bonding connectors and terminals according to manufactl,1rer's published torque-tightening values. t, F, Compression- Type Connections: Use hydraulic compression tools to provide correct circumferential pressure for compression connectors. Use tools and dies recommended by, . . manufacturer of connectors. Provide embossing die code or other standard method to make a visible ,indication that a connector has been adequately compressed on grounding conductor, G. Moisture Protection: Where insulated grounding conductors are connected to grounding rods or grounding buses, insulate entire area of connection and seal against moisture penetration of insulation ahd cable, 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL . . A. Tests: Subject the completed grounding system to a megger test at each service disconnect . enclosure grounding terminal. Measure ground resistance not less than 2 full days after the last trace of precipitation, and without the soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance, Perform tests by the 2-point method according to GROUNDING 16452 - 3 I I I I I I I I. 'I I I I I I I I I I I IEEE 81. HB. Maximum grounding to resistance value is 10 ohms. . 3.5 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Restore surface features at areas disturbed by work of this Section. Reestablish original grades. Restore areas disturbed by trenching, -storing of dirt, cable laying, and other activities to their original condition. END OF SECTION 16452 GROUNDING 16452 - 4 I I I I. I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16470 - PANELBOARDS .'; ","'.1 PART 1 - GENERAL 1,1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes lighting and power panelboards and associated auxiliary equipment rated 600 V and less. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: For panelboards. Include dimensioned plans, sections, and elevations, Show tabulations of installed devices, major features, and voltage rating. Include the following: . I. Enclosure type with details. 2, Bus configuration and current ratings. 3. Short-circuit current rating of panelboard. 4. Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of individual protective devices. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. B. Comply with NFP A 70. C. Comply with NEMA PB J.. 1.4 EXTRA MATERIALS .',. A. Keys: 6 spares of each tYPe for panelboard cabinet lock. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with r~quirements,provide products by the following: 1. Eaton Corp.; Westinghouse & Cutler-Hammer Products. 2, General Electric Co,; Electrical Distribution & Control Div. 3, Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 4, Square D Co" PANELBOARDS 16470 - 1 I I :". .. -". i -";'; -F~" I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I 2.2 P ANELBOARD FABRICATION A. -Enclosures: Surface-mounted cabinets as 'indicated. NEMA 250, Type 3R. ....i. B. Front: Secured to box with concealed trim clamps. Front for surface-mounted panelboards shall be same dimerisions as box. C. Directory Frame: Metal, mounted inside each panelboard door. D. Equipment Ground Bus: Adequate for feeder and branch-circuit equipment ground conductors. Bonded to box. E. Service Equipment Approval: Listed for use as service equipment for panelboards with main service disconnect. F. Future Devices: Equip with mounting brackets, bus connections, and necessary appurtenances, for the overcurrent protective device ampere ratings indicated for future installation of devices. 2.3 DISTRIBUTION P ANELBOARDS A. Doors: In panelboard front. Secure door with vault-type latch with tumbler lock, all keyed alike. B. Branch-Circuit Breakers: Use bolt-on circuit breakers, except circuit breakers 225-A frame size and greater may be plug-in type where individual positive-locking device requires mechanical release for removal, 2.4 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. Molded-Case Circuit Breaker: NEMA AB 1, handle lockable. 1. Characteristics: Frame size, trip rating, number of poles, and auxiliary devices as indicated and interrupting capacity rating to meet available fault current. 2. Application Listing: Appropriate for application. 3. Circuit Breakers, 200 A and Larger: Trip units inte~changeable within frame size. 4, Circuit Breakers, 400 A and Larger: Field-adjustable short-time and continuous current settings. 5. Lugs: Mechanical lugs and power-distribution connectors for number, size, and material of conductors indicated. PAR1,' 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install panelboards and accessory items accordir,tg to NEMA PB 1. 1, B. Mounting: Plumb and rigid without distortion of box, PANELBOARDS 16470 - 2 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I C. Circuit Directory: Type directory to indicate installed circuit loads. ". D~' Install filler ,plates in unused spaces, ."., '.., . t ~'. . . .--' ~"I-:.;. ~\. . 3.2 IDENTIFICATION A. Panelboard Nameplates: Label each panelboard with engraved laminated-plastic or metal nameplates mounted with corrosion-resistant screws. 3.3 GROUNDING A. Make equipment grounding connections for panelboards as indicated. 3.4 CONNECTIONS A. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals, including grounding connections, according to manufacturer's published torque-tightening values. 3.5 ADJUSTING A. Set field-adjustable circuit-breaker trip ranges as indicated. 3.6 CLEANING. A. On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of panelboards. Remove paint splatters and other spots, dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and mars of finish to match original finish. END OF SECTION 16470 PANELBOARDS 16470 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16525 - EXTERIOR LIGHTING . . ~ . t..; ~.~.~. --.."t~.:':\':;l,..~- ~- --' ,. ~!!: ~ -." ",.(1 ;;'.ft~."I' ~~. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes exterior lighting fixtures, lamps, ballasts, pole standards, and accessones. 1,2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data describing fixtures, lamps, ballasts, poles, and accessories. Arrange Product Data for fixtures in order of fixture designation, Include data on features, poles, accessories, finishes, and the following: 1. Outline drawings indicating dimensions and principal features of fixtures and poles. ' . 2. Electrical Ratings and Photometric Data: Certified results of independent laboratory tests for fixtures and lamps. B. Shop Drawings detailing fixtures and poles and indicating dimensions, weights, method of field assembly, components, and accessories. C. . Maintenance data for products to include in an operation and maintenance manual. "1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Electrical Corhpon~nt Standard: Provide components that comply witR NFP A 70 and that are listed and labeled by UL where available. B. Comply with ANSI C2. C. Listing and Labeling: Provide fixtures and accessories specified in this Section that are listed and labeled for their indicated use and installation conditions on Project. 1.4 STORAGE AND HANDLING OF POLES A. General: Store poles on decay-resistant treated skids at least 12 inches above grade and vegetation, Support pole to prevent distortion and arrange to provide free air circulation, B. Concrete and Metal Poles: Retain factory-applied pole wrappings until just before pole installation. Handle poles with web fabric straps, 1,5 EXTRA MATERIALS A.' furnish extra materials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16525 - 1 1. Lamps: 1 lamp for every 10 of each type and rating installed. Furnish at least one of each type. .., " 2, Glass and PlasticrLenses;,.,Govers, and .Other Optical Parts: 1 for. every ,,10 of,each.. .- type and rating installed, Furnish at least one of each type. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, fixtures that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified in the Lighting Fixture Schedule on the Drawings, 2.2 . FIXTURES AND FIXTURE COMPONENTS, GENERAL A. Metal Parts: Free from burrs, sharp edges, and corners. B. Sheet Metal Components and Housings: Rigidly formed, weather- and light-tight enclosures that will not warp, sag, or deform in use, C. Doors, Frames, and Other Internal Access:, Smooth operating, free from light leakage under operating conditions, and arranged to permit relamping without use of tools. Arrange doors, frames, lenses, diffusers, and other pieces to prevent accidentai falling during relamping and when secured in operating position. Provide for door removal for cleaning or replacing lens. D. Plastic Parts: High resistance to yellowing and other changes due to aging, exposure to heat, and UV radiation. 0-',. . E. Lenses and Refractors: Materials as indicated. Use heat- and aging-resistant, resilient gaskets to seal and cushion lens and refractor mounting in fixture doors. F. Photoelectric Relays: Conform to UL 773. 1, Contact Relays: Single throw, arranged to fail in the ON position and factory set to turn light unit ori at 1.5 to 3 foot-candles and off at 4,5 to 10 foot-candles with 15- second minimum time delay, 2. Relay Mounting: In fixture housing.. G. High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) Fixtures: Conform to UL 1572. H. HID Ballasts: Conform to UL 1029, and ANSI C82.4, Constant wattage autotransformer (CW A) or regulating high-power-factor type, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Ballast Fuses: One in each ~ngr(junded supply conductor. Voltage and current ratings as recommended by ballast manufacturer, 2, Operating Voltage: Match system voltage. EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16525 - 2 I I I I I .1 I I 'I I I I. I I I I I I I 3. Single-Lamp Ballasts: Minimum starting temperature of minus 30 deg C. 4. Open circuit operation will not reduce average life. . ... {. 5", "~iHigh-Pressure Sodium (lIPS) Ballasts: Equip with a solid-state igniter/starter having an average life in pulsing mode of 10,000 hours at an igniter/starter case temperature of 90 deg C. 6. Noise: Uniformly quiet operation, with a noise rating ofB or better. ' 1. Lamps: Comply with ANSI C78 series that is applicable to each type of lamp. Provide fixtures with indicated lamps of designated type, characteristics, and wattage. 2,3 FIXTURE SUPPORT COMPONENTS A. Wind-load strength of total support assembly, including pole, arms, appurtenances, base, and anchorage, is adequate to carry itself plus fixtures indicated at indicated heights above grade without failure, pennanent deflection, or whipping in steady winds of 100 mi./h with a gust factor of 1,3. B. Mountings, Fastenings, and Appurtenances: Corrosion-resistant items compatible with support components. Use materials that will not cause galvanic action at contact points. C. Aluminum Poles: ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 209M), 5052-H34 alloy, Provide access handhole in pole wall. . D. Metal Pole Grounding Provisions: Welded l/2-inch threaded lug, accessible through handhole. E. Prestressed Concrete Poles: Centrifugally cast, hollow-shaft type. Cure and age for a minimum of 15 days before installation. Fabricate poles with a hard, nonporous surface that is resistant to water, frost, and road and soil.fhemicals. Include the following: .J.~, Conduit Entrance Opening: Provide one 4 inch by 8 inch opening;" centered 24 inches below grade, 2. Handhole: Provide one 4 inch by 8 inch opening, centered 24 inches above grade. 3. Step Bolts: 3/4 inch diameter, alternately spaced on 18 inch interVals, 90-120 degrees apart. The top and bottom step locatio.ns are doubled (one step on each side of the pole). , 4. Ground Wire: Provide one #4 AWO stranded copper wire cast into the pole. Terminate the ground wire in a 1/2 inch tapped copper coupling at the top of the pole and at 12 inches below grade, F. Concrete for Metal Pole Foundations: Comply with Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete." Use 3000-psig strength, 28-day concrete, PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16525 - 3 I I I I I I I I 'I I ;1 ~I .1 ;1 I I I I I A. Set units plumb, square, level, and secure according to manufacturer's written instructions and approved Shop Drawings. B. Concrete Foundations for Roadway Lighting: Construct according t6 Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete." Comply with details and' manufacturer's recommendations for reinforcing, anchor bolts, nuts, and washers. Verify anchor-bolt templates by comparing with actual pole bases furnished. Trowel and rub smooth parts exposed to view. C. Embedded Poles: Set poles to indicated depth, but not less than 1/6 of pole length below finish grade. Dig holes large enough to permit use of tampers the full depth of hole. Backfill in 6-inch layers and thoroughly tamp each layer so compaction of backfill is equal to or greater than that of undisturbed earth. D. Pole Installation: Use web fabric slings (not chain or cable) to raise and set poles. E. Fixture Attachment: Fasten to indicated structural supports. F. Fixture Attachment with Adjustable Features or Aiming: Attach fixtures and supports to allow aiming. G. Lamp fixtures with indicated lamps according to manufacturer's written instructions. Replace malfunctioning lamps. 3.2 GROUNDING A. Ground fixtures and metal poles according to Division 16 Section "Grounding." Install 10- foot driven ground rod at each pole. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect each,installed unit for damage. Replace damaged fixtures and components. B. Tests and Observations: VerifY normal operation oflighting units after installing fixtures and energizing circuits with normal power source. C. Replace or repair damaged and malfunctionir:tg units, make necessary adjustments, and retest. Repeat procedure until all units operate properly. 3.4 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Clean units after installation. Use methods and materials recommended by manufacturer. B. Adjust aimable fixtures to provide required light intensities. END OF SECTION 16525 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 16525 - 4 I I I I I I I I 'I '1 I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16670 - LIGHTNING PROTECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section includes lightning protection for field lighting structures and requirements for lightning protection system components. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data for each component specified. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Listing and Labeling: Provide products specified in this Section that are listed and labeled. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by of one of the following: 1. Robbins Lightning, Inc. 2. Thompson Lightning Protection Co. 2.2 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Comply with UL 96. B. System Materials: Copper, with solid air terminals. C.. Ground Rods: Copper-clad.sted with a minimum of27 percent of rod weight in copper cladding. 1. Diameter: 3/4 inch. 2. Length: 10 feet. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION LIGHTNING PROTECTION 16670 - 1 I I I I I I I ,I 'I I I I I I I I I I I A. Examine . surfaces, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with conditions affecting performance of lightning protection. Do not proceed with installation ;, - '. until unsatisfactory conditions have been correCted~ .. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install'lightning protection as indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Comply with UL 96A, LPI-175, and NFP A 780. C. Conform to the most stringent requirements when more than one standard is specified. D. Install conductors with direct paths from air terminals to ground connections. Avoid sharp bends and narrow loops. E. Cable Connections: Use approved exothermic-welded connections for all conductor splices and connections between conductors and ground rods. END OF SECTION' 16670 LIGHTNING PROTECTION 16670 - 2