HomeMy WebLinkAboutRules for Guidance of Inmates Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENTNAME ~uJt.5for C UdJ(j()e-"- if J::rJ ~eS DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: I q~ (0 BOX NUMBER: ) FILE NUMBER: ! I) 7lfl.o NUMBER OF PAGES: :J;} . j RICHMOND COUNTY , ,SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT , RULE'S FOR GUID'ANCE OF INM'ATES IN THE RICHMOND COUNTY JAIL / CHARLES B. WEBSTER, SHERIFF CHARLES A. TOOLE, SR. JAILOR CAPT. WILLIAM E. JOHNSON, ASST. JAILOR PROPERTY OF THE RICHMOND COUNTY JAIL, DO NOT DESTROY. lE...DESTROYED. ClUM:lliAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEM RICHMOND COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RULES FOR GUIDANCE OF INMATES IN THE RICHMOND COL~TY JAIL RULES FOR GUIDANCE OF INMATES IN THE RICHMOND COUNTY JAIL I PURPOSE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS The Jail is operated bv the Sheriff and his staff. These rules will explain what is eXpected of you and what will be done for you while you are in this Jail. . YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to expect that as a human being. :;ou will be treated respectfully and fairly by all personnel. YOU ,HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to treat other, both staff and inmates, in the same manner. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be informed of the rule and procedures concerning you while you are in Jail. YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY to know and obey them. .,". II ADMISSION, CLASSIFICATION AND ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED GENERAL Each arrestee .inmediately after completion of booking, shall be advised of his right to, and allowed to complete two local or collect telephone calls to persons of his choice who may be able to came to his assistance. If the arrestee chooses to place the calls allowed, this information shall be noted on the reverse side of arres tee s BOOKING SHEET on the form provided. 1. CAlLY SCHEOOLE (a) Each pre-trial inmate shall have access to a dayroom, which consists of cell block areas, at meal times. In addition. each pre-trail inmate shall have access to an ample supply of games (for example: checkers. cards. monopoly. etc. ) reading materials at all time and be permitted to view television at meal times, if television is available. -1- (b) Each post-trail inmate' shall have ',access to a davroom, which consists of cell block areas at meal time. In addition, each post-trail inmate shall have access to an amole supply of games, (for example: checkers, cards, mOnopoly, etc.) reading materials at all time and bepexmitted to ',iew television at meal time, if television is available. III FOOD SERVICE 1. Three meals ~lill be served each day. breakfast is served between the hours of 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Lunch is served between 11 : 00 a . m. - 1 : 00 p,. m. dinner is served between 4: 00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2. Coffee, tea, milk or other beverages shall be served with each meal. SPECIAL DIETS 1. Anv inmate who thinks he has a medical problem which requires a special diet shall tell the guard at regular sick call. Special diets shall be 'provided for inmates who need them if recomnended by the Jail Doctor. ' 2. Special diets will be logged in the inmates medical records. IV HEALTH SERVICES 1. MEDICAL SERVICES (a) A Sick Call will be conducted by the Jail Doctor each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Irmates must fill out medical request fOIm" provided by the Floor Officer. (b) A physician will be on call at all times. (c) Inmates who need emergency treatment' 'will be taken to University Hospital. (d) All complaints of illness or injury shall be reported in the ,medical log maintained by the Jail doctor. The medical log s hall record the action on each c~laint and the treatment prescribed, if any. -2- 2. DENTAL CARE .' Regular dental sick calls are not scheduled. An inmate should contact the Jail Doctor durIng regular sick call. 3. MEDICATION All medication will be securely stored, given only upon prescriPtion by a physician and. issued only by Medical Personnel. The issuing nurse or officer shall obse~/e that the medicine is taken as'directed. NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION will be issued by the Jail Personnel upon request. 4. MENTAL PROBLEMS - Inmates will be evaluated by the Jail Doctor and determined if further Mental Evaluation is needed. If the inmate is in need of help, the Jail Doctor will notify GEORGIA REGIONAL HOSPITAL for assistance. TELEPHONE Telephones are provided for inmate use from 0600 hours until 2330 hours daily. Telephones will not be turned on for use until the detention areas have been cleaned. If an emergency exists, notify your Control Officer It+EDIATELY. VI t1AI L 1. OUTGOING MAIL Outgoing mail of inmates addressed to the following will not be opened or otherwise interfered with: (a) Officials of the federal, state and local courts.. (b) All federal officials, including the President of the United States, any senator or congressman, and officials, including the governor, members of the State Senate and House of Representatives;. and officials' of any state agency or department. -3- (c), All members and employees of the State Probation and Parole Board. (d) The attorney of record of an innate in any pending action. civil or criminal. in any duly constituted local. state or federal court. Other outgoing mail of innates to any other addressee will not be interfered with except to open and inspect. in the presence of the innate where prison officials have reasonable grounds to suspect such conrnunicatlon is an at~t to formulate, devise or otherwise effectuate a plan to escape frOm the Jail. 2. ItIn1ING t-1AIL Incomdng mail from any source will not be interfered with except to open and inspect such mail. in the presence of the innate addre~see, whenever the prison officials have reasons able grounds to suspect escape attemPts or to discover drugs. weapons or other material expres sly prohibi tad by state or federal laws or by prison rules. Inmates shall be given wr! tten notice which describes any material confiscated or returned and the renson for such action. Any material confiscated because of alleged obscene content shall be recorded and forwarded to federal postal authorities appropriate action. OOT -OF- T~ IWATES (PAa<AGES): Inmates from out-of-town will be allowed to receive packages from family mentJers, containing what is specified only in Jail Regulations. 3 MAIL LIMITATIONS There shall be no restriction placed on the nlJ1'tler of letters - ..- an innate shall write. ' , Any persons leaving a package at the Jail to be delivered to an innate will be provided a receipt. The receipt shall' sped ficall y s tate what i terns were left and the quantity. The innate upon receiving the package shall be provided with a copy of the receipt and should sign the receipt indicating he received the package as delivered- to him. Innates are to be provided with 2 sheet of paper and an envelope each day. VII Innates will be penni tted to buy cokes and crackers out of the vending machines at the times posted by the Jailor. -4- VIII 1. ACCESS TO lAWYERS An irwate has the right to consult with his attorney privately as many times and for .such periods of time as is necessary. If there is a genuine possibility of violence or escape by the inmate, he may be kept under observation, but his conversation with his attorney cannot be overheard. 2. ACCESS TO COURTS (a) An inmate has the right to the unrestricted and confidential acces s to the court and to the executive agencies of the government. (b) If an inmate does not have legal counsel, he has a right to prepare and file legal papers with the Court. In preparing legal papers an inmates is entitled to have access to law books and other legal materials together with reasonable aroounts of writing material and to confer with other prisoners about the case. Any docurents so prepared must be transmitted to the court by Jail Personnel at the public expense, if necessary . IX SEARCHES Fran time to time there are shakedowns conducted of irmates, their persons, cells or working quarters. Sane of these are routine and are used as a method of controlling contraband. A shakedown do not necessarily mean that you are under suspicion, however, you will be expected to cooperate fully wi th the officers conducting shakedowns, othenlise you may expect disciplinary action. . x You have a right to contact GEORGIA LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAMS, 811 Telfair Street, Augusta, Georgia 30903, Phone (706) 721-2327 or Augusta-Richmond County Human Relations Commission if you have any complaints about the treatment or condition you recieve in the Richmond County Jail. -5- XI CHURCH'SERVICES Inmates shall have the riQht to freedom of religious affiliation and voluntary religious worship. You will be expected to recognize" and respect the ~ights of others in this regard . XII PRISONER COMPLAINTS Complaints of a routine nature should be addressed to one of the Jailors on duty and routinely an answer should be given within twenty-four (24) hours Ca11)laints of more serious nature' may be addres sed to the Sheriff in an envelope marked "CONFIDENTIAl" and will be treated confidentially. Communications with any court or newspaper will not be censored. XIII INTIMIDATION OF PRISONERS The Jail is managed and controlled by the Sheriff and his staff. No irrnate has the right to assign work to other innates or to have any control or' supervision over them. Kangaroo Court, Sani t.a.ry Court and all other irrnate organizations which tend to intimidate any other irrnates are fo%bidden. XVI SUGGESTIONS The Sheriff and his staff will welccme any suggestions which you have to i!11]rove the existing program to the end that and innate will be rehabilitated and upon the termination of his/her sentence become a" useful" and law-abiding citizen. - -6- xv ,COPY OF FIRE"EVACUATION PLAN INSTRUCTION IN CASE OF FIRE ' (Each handbook will contain these two (2) documents) XVI DISCIPLINARY CODE., Violations of any of the following regulations governing the conduct of irmates wi thin the Rictvnond County Jail will result in loss of privileges and/or other disciplinary action as deemed necessary. ' 1. Refusal to obey order of jailors or other personnel assigned to the jail. 2.. Refusal to maintain cell areas in clean and sanitary condition. 3. Refusal to bathes or change clothing as directed. 4. As saul t (of any type) on irmates or Department Personnel. 5. Use of obscene or abusive language toward Jail Personnel. ,6. Destruction of property wi thin the Jail proper. 7. Introduction into the Jailor possession of contraband item. 8. Inciting to or participating in any type action that would disrupt the normal operation of the Jail. 9. Attempt at or conspiring to assist others in escape. 10. Making and/or possessing any instrument designed to be used as a dangerous weapon. 11. Gambling, in any manner within the Jail. -7- VISITATION Each inmate will be limited to one (1) person per visitation day for a period of 30 minutes: It will be the responsibility of the irmate to give the correct name of his visitor to the control officer and notify the person who is to visit of the correct visitation hours. ITEMS ACCEPTED INTO THE JAIL FROM THE PUBLIC Money will also be accepted into the Jail on Sunday unless the irmate was committed since the last Sunday and then only on a one (1) time basis. The following i terns have been approved for inmate use and WILL be aa:epted by the Visitation Officer or the Control Officer on Sunday: 1. Money (One & Five Dollar Bills, limited $35.00 per week) 2. S~s 3. Playing Cards 4. Books & fo1a'Y'7ines (limit 2 & NO OBSCENE MATERIAL) 5. S~ (In clear plastic bottles) 6. Cloth Booties (Females only) 2 pro 1. Bra & Panties (Females only) 2 pro e. Athletic socks, 2 paix 9. Bat.teries The following items will be accepted for FEMALE INMATES ONLY. '1- 2. 3. 4. 5. Liquid Powder Eye Shadow Liquid Blush Mascara Lipstick (In plastic tube s~lar to toothpaste) (In liquid tube or pencil) (In tube similar to toothpaste) (In clear plastic t.ube) (In plastic tube) RADIOS will be acc:epted int.O the Jz:il only on Weekdays (Monday thru Friday) from 8:00 a.m. until, 4:00 p.m. Radios must be small and play with earphones ONLY. No cassette player radios will be accepted. CLOTHING for Court will be accepted into the Jail only on weekdays (Monday thru Friday) from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Property Offic:ex will b~ contacted before any clothing .is accepted . CLOTHING NOTICE: Only one (l) change of clothing will be aa:epted for Court appearances. This includes one (1) c:oat, one (1) shirt, one (1) tie, one (1) pro shoes, one (1) pro socks, one (1) pro trousers, one (1) pro undershorts ancf one , (1) T -shiJ:t. -8- The following i terns \-Jill NOT be acceo'ted into the jail ror inmates at anv time: 1. 'Lotion (face, $kin or hair) 2. Baby 011 3. Noxema Face Cream 4. Vaseline 5. Ball Point Pens 6. Shoe Horns 7. Food of any kind 8. News oaper s 9.. Cigarettes 10. Cigars VISITATION HOURS WEOOESDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Any changes made in this sChedule will be done at the direction of the Jailor or Assistant Jailor. LIMITATION OF VISITORS: It+EDIATE FPMILY ONLY. Any exceptions must be approved by the Jailor or Assistant Jailor. Each inmate will be Umi ted to, one 30 minute ...tisi teach visitation day. VIOLATIONS THE FOLLOWING ARE ESTABLISHED AND SHAlLGOVERN YOUR CONOOCT UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE BOARD OF CORRECTION. 1. VIOLATIONS OF STATUTES You are under the juxisdiction of the State Board of Corrections and subject to all laws of the United States and of the State of Georgia. Any prisoner violating these laws may be charged and tried for that violation in the same manner as any other citizen in the appropriate state or federal court. These"violatior.s are: . (a) Violation of any law or statute of the State of Georgia. (b) Violation of any law or statute of the United States. -9- 2. VIOLATIONS AGAINST PERSONS (a) Intentionally, causing the death or bodily injury to any person. (b) Striking any person with hands, fists, feet or with any weapon or object. (c) Shooting or shooting at any person with any type of firearm . (d) Intentionally projecting any item at another person by the use of hands or by any mechanical device. (e) Verbally threatening or menacing any person with death, violence or inju~/. (f) Threatening or menacing any person with death, violence or injury. (g) Fighting, boxing, wrestling and any other fonn of physical encounter which causes or could cause injury to another person, except as part of an approved recreational or athletic activi ty. (h) Participating in homosexual or any sexual behavior or, activity with any person make or female. , (i) Requesting, demanding, threatening or in any other way inducing another person to participate in homosexual or any other sexual behavior or activity. (j) Indecent or unnecessary exposure or exhibition of the geni tal organs. (k) Use of written or verbal profane, obscene (as prescribed by applicable constitutional standards) or abusive words,' language or gesture to another person. (1) Insubordination to a staff member. Insubordination is defined as cursing, demanding, or acting in a sullen, uncooperative, or disrespectful manner toward any employee. (m) Offering or giving of any 'gift, personal service, favor, money or anything else' of value to any person as a bribe, or in any other way attempting to influence that person to anything prohibited by these rules or the laws of the United State or the State of Georgia. " -10- (n) Reoues~ing, demanding, :nducinq and/or goods. prooer~/. personal service. favor. gift of value in re~urn For protec~ion or other considera~ion. receiving any item services anv of or (0) Obstr~cting, interfering with or preventing any ~taff member from car~/ing out h~s orders, duties or assignments. 3. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO THE SECURITY AND THE ORDERLY OPERATION OF THE INSTITUTION :(a) Participation in' any grouo demonstration. disturbance, riot strike, refusal to work, work stoppage or work slow down. (b) Escaping, walking away or otherwise absenting oneself from the institution without prior' specific authorization and permission from a staff member. (c) Escaping, walking away or otherwise absenting oneself from the immediate jurisdiction, control or supervision of a staff member or other legally constituted authority. (d) Participating in the planning of. or otherwise conspiring with ano~her person to aid, abet or prevent discove~1 of the escape or walk-away of another prisoner from the institution or from the immediate jurisdiction, control or supervision of a staff member or other legally constituted authority. (e) Unauthorized possession on one's person, in one's cell, immediate sleeoing area. locker or immediate place of work assignment, unauthorized reoelvlng from or giving to another person; unauthorized fashioning or manufacturing; unauthorized introduction or arrangement for the introduction into the insti tution of: ~l. Any key, lock, locking device. chain, rope, ladder. tool or other item which could be used to effect an escaoe. 2. Any mannequin. dlmTlV, replica. or hunan bodv, or any i tern or devise which would cause any prisoner to be counted as being present at the designated time and place when, in fact, he would be absent. or in any way would aid or abet the escape or walk-away of a prisoner. . 3. Any mask, wig or disguise, or any other means of alerting no~l phySical appearance which would make ready identification of a prisoner difficult. (f) Tampering with, removal of, damage to, destruction of, blocking of or in any way making inoperable any lock, door, blocking devise or allied equipment, or any fire or safety equipment. -11- (g) Knowinqlv not beinq physical~y present at the designated time and place of a count of all of the inmate population or that '~art of the population of which the inmate is a member without, the ,prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (h) Causing or participating in any interference, delay, disruption or deception with regard to the process or counting part of all of the inmate population. (1) Absence from one's cellar immediate housing area, place' of work, training assignment, or other area designated by a staff member, without the specific prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (j) Unauthorized presence or being out of place in any building, facility area, location, vehicle or restricted place. (k) Failure to perform or complete any work, training or other assignment, as ordered, directed or instructed, either verbal Iv or in writing by a staff member. ..... (1) Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, or any intoxicant, depressant or sttmulant not specifically authorized, prescribe or issured by a staff member of the institution. (m) Refusal to allow, hindering of, or obstruction of the search of a prisoner, his cellar his property by a staff member. (n) Hanging, fastening or attaching of any sheet, blanket, curtain, drapery or other materials, whether transparent or not, or any part of all of the front, or dOor, or a, cell or around a dormi tory bed or other, immediate sleeping area without the prior permission of a staff member. -12- 4. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO POSSESSION, t~FACTURING ,~O INTRODUCTION OF CONTRABAND (a) Unauthorized possession of any item on,his person, in his cell, immediate sleeoing area, locker or immediate place of work or assignment; unauthorized receiving from, or giving to another person; unauthorized fashioning or manufacturing; unauthorized introduction, or in any way arranging for the unauthorized introduction on s tate property of any i tern; unauthorized mailing, shipping, dispatching or smuggle away from . state property any i tern considered contraband by the institution, possession of any item, not sold in the institution store, not permitted by the established policy of the institution or by these rules or which is otherwise NOT EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED and approved for receipt and/or retention by the individual prisoner. (b) Possession of one's person, in one' cell, immediate place of ~rork or assignment; receiving from or giving to another person, fashioning or manufacturing, introduction or arranging for the introduction into the institution without prior knowledge and permission of a staff member of: 1. Any gun, knife, pointed or sharpened instrument, club or weapon capable of causing or inflicting bodily injury to another person. 2. Any flammable. poisonous or explosive material or device. or any type of ammunition. 3. Any drug, narcotic, intoxicant, depressant or stimulant, including alcohol and alcoholic beverages. ": 4. Any devise, equipment, paraphernalia or any other i tern which can be used for the injection, inhalation or absorption of drugs, narcotics, intoxicants or medicine, not specifically described, authorized or issued to the individual prisoner by a staff member. 5. Any form of securi ties, bonds, coins, currency, legal tender, official papers or documents at articles of identification by the ,individual institution concerned. 6. Any permitted or issued clothing, tools equipment, goods, property, materials or i terns in excess of the nl.Jroer and amount authorized or issued to the individual prisoner. 7. TOBACCO PRODUCTS ARE CONSIDERED CONTRABAND AND ANY INMATE FOUND TO BE IN POSSESSION OF ANY TOBACCO PRODUCT OR ACCESSORIES AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1993 AT 12 MIDNIGHT WILL BE SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION. -13- 7. Any obscene material "Obscene" is. defined as meaning: That which considered as a whole has as its dominant theme or purpose an appeal to prurient interest or a shameful or morbid interest in nudity, sex or lewdness going substantially beyond customary limits of candor in description or representation' of such matters and is utterly without redeeming social importance. 8. Any contraband,' illegally manufactured, or altered food or drink. (c) Selling, giving, bartering, disposing of or administering any medicine, drug, narcotic, intoxicant, stimulant, depressant or medical supply other than as expressly instructed by a staff member. . (d) Possession in his cell, immediate sleeping area or locker of an excessive amount of personal goods, property, materials or items to the degree that his sleeping or living area or locker presents unkept, untidy, excessively cluttered or offensive appearance, or to the degree that it restricts or interferes wi th the free movement of another prisoner, with officers visual obser/ation of the cellar sleeping area or creates a fire or safety hazard. 5. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO AND INVOLVING FRAUD (a) Receiving from or giving to another person, possession on one's person, in one's cell, immediate sleeping area, locker -or immediate place of work or assignment of any goods, property or item of value to another prisoner without prior knowledge and approval of a staff member. (b) Theft or otherwise taking possession of any goods, property or item of value of another prisoner, staff member or the State of Georgia without the prior authorization of a staff member or taking by the use of threats, duress, " deception or force. (c) Altering, damaging, or destroying goods, property or any item of value belonging to another prisoner of Richmond County. (d) Giving, loaning or ..0theIwise providing money, goods, property or any item of value to another person for profit or increase return. (e) Providing false reports, giving false statements, lying. misrepresenting or distorting the truth, or otherwise communicating inaccurate, untrue or misleading information to a staff member. -14- (f) Counterfeiting, manufacture, or reproquction, forgery, or possession of. any official paper or doa.ment, money, currenCY, coins or articles or identification without prior knowledge and permission of a staff member~ (g) Transfer or attempt to transfer funds from the trust account. of one prisoner to that of another without, prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (h) Exchanging, trading, bartering, giving, receiving, or other participation in' the transfer of money, personal property or any other item value from one prisoner to another without. the prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (i) Contracting or arranging to fashion, design, construct or manufacture any hobby item, art work, craft item or any other item for another prisoner without the prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. 6. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO POLICY AND PROCEDURES (a) Participating in any betting, gambling or games of chance. or preparing or conducting games of chance or a gambling pool. (b) Possession on one's person, in one's cell locker, sleeping area, Lmmediate place of work or assignment, fashioning, designing or manufacturing, introducing or attempting to introduce into the institution any betting or gambling items without the prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (c) Transmitting or attempting to transmit through the mail threats, demands or obscene material. -(d) Violating of any United State postal laws or regulations. (e) Violation or attempting to violate any institutional mailing rule or regulation. (f) Violating or attemPting to violate any institutional visiting rule or regulation. (g) Feigning or misrepresenting illness, injury or physical condi tion. . . 7. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND SANITATION (a) Willful failure of an inmate to keep his body, hair and cloths in a clean, sanitary neat and odor-free condition as it possible under the circumstances of his particular custody. -(b) Failure of an inmate to keep his cellar immediate sleeping area clean, odor-free, sanitary, free of trash and debris and available to visual observation of a staff member. -15- (c)- wearing on the person, body clothing of earrings, beads, pendan~s, medallions or other items. or decorations or jewelry. Wedding rings, religious medals or. crosses are accePted. The Jailor of the Richmond Coun~y Jail may prescribe and publish equivalent specific restrictions concerning female inmates (see page 6). 8. VIOLATIONS PERTAINING TO SAFETY (a) Failure' to observe, follow and comply with any Jail Safety policies or rules and regulations, (b) Operation or use any tool, equipment, machinery or vehicle without the permission of a staff member. (c) Careless, reckless or negligent operation of use of any institutional tool, equipment. machinery orvehic1e. (d) Use, handling of, tampering with. or carelessly, negligently, reckless or willfully causing damage or destruction to any piece of safety equipment or safety device, except in the case of an emergency or with the prior knowledge and permission of a staff member. (e) Repair alteration, modification, carelessly, negligently, recklessly or damage to or destruction of any part plumbing, water, institutional utilities knowledge and permission of a staff member. tampering with or willfully causing of the electrical, without the prior (f) Any careless, . reckless , negligent or willful act or behavior which causes or could cause death or injury to another person. (g) Smoking in any area or building whenever or wherever smoking is restricted or prohibited. 9. DISPOSITION OF VIOLATIONS OF RULES WHICH ARE ALSO VIOLATIONS OF STATE OR,FEOERAL STATUTES (a) When a prisoner is alleged to have committed a violation of rules which is also a violation of the laws or statutes of the State of Georgia or of the United States, the processing and disposition of the violation will be handled in the same manner as acts which are not necessarily violations of statutes of laws. (b) In the case of such concurrent violations, the Chief Jailor or Assistant Jailor, at his discretion may order an investigation into the matter and direct the that case be referred to the appropriate state or federal authorities. - -16- (c) Tne Jailor or Assistant Jailor may cause the appropriate staff members or appropriate law enforcement officers to investigate the matter in question; and submit the findings and e'/idence' to appropriate prosecuting authorities within 60 day.s. (d) During the total investigating and charging period ( i.e., 60 days investigation and 30 days in which charges may be filed) the inmate, at the discretion of the Chief Jailor/Assis~nt Jailor may be assigned to Administrative Segregation and housed in a cell or other facility designated as housing for prisoners classified as security risks. The inmate will be afforded the same privileges and activities as other maximun securi ty inmates. 10. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES A. GENERAL (1) It is the responsibility of the Sheriff and his staff to establish uniform rules and disciplinary sanctions to guide the conduct of all inmates. (2) Each inmate Hill receive a printed copy of the rules and disciplinary sanctions upon entering the jail. (3) All serious infractions of the rules shall be reported in wxiting to the Assistant Jailor by the staff member observing or discovering the act. Such reports shall become a part of the prisoner's jail file. B. DISCIPLINARY BOARD The Disciplinary Board currently consists of the following persons but may be changed at the discretion of the Sheriff. Captain Gene Johnson Chief Charles Toole C. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAJOR AND MINOR INFRACTIONS OF JAIL RULES AND REGULATIONS When an incident occurs that may require disciplinary measures, the staff member involved will decide what initial punishment will be administered. Punishment may consist of the following. singly or in -any combination: (1) MINOR INFRACTIONS - PUNISHMENT Los s of privileges (2) MAJOR INFRACTIONS - PUNISHMENT Removal from the general population either by isolation in the inmates's cell or removal to a solitar; confinement cell. -11- D. DISCIPLINE PLAN F.OR MINOR INFRACTIONS (1) PROCEDURES (a) t~inor acts of non-conformance of. minor violations of rules may be handled informally by any staff member bv reprimand, vJarning, or counseling. Such incidents may become a part of the prisoner's file only with the approval of the supervisor and .,erbal notification to the prisoner. (b) If loss' of privileges is recommended by the involved, he must submit a written statement to Jailor who will then determine whether to recommended action. staff member the Assistant impose the (c) The Assistant Jailor's action must be reviewed by the Chief Jailor within twenty-four (24) hours except on weekends, when review will take place on the ~~nday following. E. DISCIPLINARY PLAN FOR MAJOR INFRACTIONS (1) PROCEDURES (a) Any charges pending against an inmate shall be acted on as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, after observation or discovery of the infraction. (b) The inmate shall receive a copy of the written infraction report made by the staff member observance or discovering the act. (c) The Assistant Jailor shall be required to prepare a written statement of the disciplinary prOceeding consisting of: 1. Factual findings; 2. Reasons .for the disciplinary action taken. (e) The inmate ~hall,be advised of the decision and given a copy of the written statement. (f) Where an illiterate prison is charged or where there is a complexity of the issue, the inmate shall have the right to seek the aid of a fellow innate', staff mentler or and inmate designated by the jailor. (g) The Assistant Jailor shall be required. to find evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt before imposing a sanction. -18- - INMATE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRE OR 8~ERGENCY l. Upon ndtifi~tion by Fl~or Officer of a fire or potential emergency in their Cell Block, inmates assigned to the affected block will comply with the follow~ng: (a) Immediately line up in an orderly fashion at a designated exit door to be escorted to the exterior of the jail if necessary. (b) No items of personal property, other that clothing \-lorn will be Carried out of the Jail be any inmate. (c) Upon reaching the exterior of the, Jail, Inmates will not approach any barrier (wall, gate. fence. etc:.) wi thin twenty (20) feet unless so designated by Jail Personnel. (d) Upon notification of All Clear, Inmates will line up in an orderly fashion to be returned to their respective Floors. (e) Compliance with the above instruc:tions will result in the safety and well-being of each Inmate within the Richmond County Jail. -19- l&'IIL I'OlA - -... o RRE ESCAPE PlAN f o o o o lAIaRY Q'ftIIW" ... LI\I& 011I -, z ~ CL W CL C U en au w c: a: " ~ c: o l~ :: -, ~ ~---6 J I _:::.:...-="-- .. 0 . U '---.- ~ L-~' I ~ :w 1 :.:. -: .J.. I /;. / I H- I' , ~,-.. --. : "~' ~.~ - c: 'Q h 1jg" '. .' ",.9' 8;' t. r . ~ ~.. . ~..-l P r- Y,-LIJJ1f _ -4- . . 0 1 ' ....~' 'A] ~ ljU"Ul ~ it ! II o .' % ' C. o ~,2' mO . A ,0, ;I-ll , ....1 C - U ~-.' , z , , - - : ~r I I - r. . o c o c \. ~-- " - Z III % U ~ ii t D ~ II: ~ a: e ::; -~. ~ ~ ii; ~ z ~ & III /. ~ :, ~ *