HomeMy WebLinkAboutRICHARD S GUINN $48,850.00 OPTION FOR RIGHT OF WAY ALEXANDER DRIVE 'P) t '11 fJ g 8'P' c\ ~c\ ~\ec\<<f,e ~e\rs, ~o .. rn"'1 e'o"'1 '3.C ~se\~, ''''er . ""c\ rnJ .. \s ~~ \'o\v iteO~ '1\ t\\e ' t ~\\e \\ere\, t\\en receW t\onec\ 5000, ec\ '0"'1 IDe ",,,,, ~ oWl' eOf \\0\\"" roieet of $ IDe "'" lJIt net. ct I$\.()Q) 050<\ I' he 5""" lS \0 lle ~ I' ,,",ole 1 f o1\e, he 1"01' ",e t oS"",,,,, ""ll "'" bet1\g ?Jf).9 "'" 0 '" t f I'~~ ""ll e ,j.O 1~<' ~ctC~ . tne 5 ",e ftO neteO '" t'tt\e ho<\ net ()Q\ -00 ~ dti~ev;., GeO'Ib'~' ri~ell b~ l\e< date e 5itt'1' ell!'".tIoC 5~:0 fee ~1\1l ,;""",at'J 1\gus"" "e\\IS lle da'f' ~ o,g\~, f\...,~~ '" "",' eet 1\. \1\ I'll j>" te e ,0<\ of :of IDe -: fo\\0..,5. 1\ ""fuit\ ~~gust~, ~e tl~t-~et ut\~:9S.1 4; ,~ l",e) ~o\tell f~:1\ let"'\.\~ oS5'gns .;'" 5\>ll M~et to co\o' o~e j>,,\""~ \ "",e lI'""te . oil '~ "",,1'0 [5'" GeO'" II lle to<\ '" 01\ t of O. pJf>O IDe I'et' "t of ' gust'" ee",te'" ,eflee ..~05"" ,5\i1lg ",,,,,t. '1 '~ec\ to en~e '\""" or . II P-'" 0 "" ",oWl' ~ I'~r c01\5 e>!if' \ilt' ' P 'r J~ ". ~e;:~ '3.V}c\ee~~cn ~ ~o, \>\~;~5) ~~t""""oo~~-OO 194. .\\1'<\'5 ""'"",e b~ \lle n~""g ;e~""'e:) S\O'. 'crt\e, use \ 1'~ &, ~ "1" 0.\\]>11: of 5 50tlS II "" gt<'~ 'J lle'5\1O \0 be I))}:.-' ct,01\ . ect S, );'>;0 ""ce I'et <lee et ,5 ll~' ~fe,,,,,c~1"" }A~';,t c~~e "'" ovJ'oR'i II ,.ccei'~~te. ""~ otn~t't01\ of ""\>\cne: ,,,,,,0~~""5 ce\~f 1'"""~~",,Ue< mat ~~I'\,j.'o~~ ",,\\ te 55e55,01\ ll:e of e~~~~",\~~~ ~~ ~o ll!'1'~~55e:;s\~1\~ j1J. "tl5) 01\ uJ\llet5\O:1l "'1'01\ ~ );p$);]>II: 1\0'" ,1\ 0~b5 "o:'t no"'5~01\al:: ~1I'",:et""""t::'o<\ to ~~e \0 $e",e eo<\ ""llll I'toiec~J'IIl'O~ ""~ t",,~1\~o (l.) 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G' t b,o'" ab5"" II \0 IDe cee<l. 5 ,elb" II IDO P ""ll 5e < '" IDe ,,,,,,o~e . ce to ",0 ..&n""c:':ll no\ e'le, t be · ot\' s O. . '3. "'. nO"'. ",015 alte' " al\ \~.., GeO'Ib'.' llobn5 <Ia' da'f' 1~ ..,,\ll uJ\t~, nere"" C'3.\et\' ,\\ corn~ onc\ CO.~",p,ct\on ~\n , ^ "'''''' ._~,,\" - SORG~\\T ~ ~ ~S1~, ~rl1~O"~ ~uG "oR ~ ""'\O~ oy~ ~1~ ~CO BlCrl1'AO 194 S '3.C1 trUcwr~ s( ~ec\ s o'3.\!\' \oc'3.\ 'o~t:) 10 c\ to re eec\ to ~'3."'1 l\o~e as '3.V} \1l~"'1 (\e or '3. ~tor \\: \\'3.'o\e 1\ be rn""c\ t\\'3.t ~ Inot be _ "",ts. s s\\'3. . _p,e . ..~('\n ~ ,sly made of the eS5ence of thi5 Special provi5io" a"d in the evoot gtantOt fails to coml'ly with ,atiollS, all5nms held by Augusta, Goo,gia, 5hall be retained as liquidated damages, and title to and / love said structures shall vest in the Augusta, Georgia. * * * *** * *** * * * ***OTHER PROVISIONS **** **** *** * **** ** * * ** ** ** ** ** It may execute and delive, fee 5imple title to Augusta, GeOtgia, to the above ,efereJlced right of way mal _ acre5 of land OWI\ed by the unde'5igued adjllCCtl.t to an abutti"g 0" the above numbered he total collSidemtio" of $ which include5 payment fOt the above ,efere"ced right of way . othet rights and co"ditiollS de5cribed herein and additionallancls. This additional land bei"g wown ~d plat as Parcel No. etSigued herein agtee5, fo, the same cOllSidera!ion, to I'rovide, without C05t to A",gu5ta, Gco,gia, a quit 0' =h other ",leases as may be 'e<\ui",d by the closing attomey from any terumt "Ow in 1'05sessio" of petty and any othe, partie5 havi"g a claim 0' interest in SIlbject I'roperly. ther agteed for 5aid cO"5ideration to convey and ,elinqui5h to the City of Augusta all rights of acCess oe limited acceS5 highway and approaches the,eto on the above "umbeted highwaymd all of the ",al property of the undetSigued except at such points as designated by the City of Augusta. Thi5 is not applicable unless access rights are indicated on the attached plat. id plltCel of land as wove indicated is shoWI\ "'1'0" I'lans 0" file i1\ the office of Augusta Engineering, Geo,gia, said plans being idootified as project Alexander Dri~e. STP -000 1-00(794). (JV e) do (do not) elect to ",tain improveme"ts as ""t out in Special Ptoviaio". (JV e) do (do "ot) elect to execute and delivet dee<\s ""t out in Othe, Ptovi5iollS. ~ss my hand and seal this ~ day of A W't"lA,ST ,20 67. ~d, Sea1ed and Delivered ~ presence of: <<' . &~.S.) fc-IA,2/ 'chard S. Guinn (L.S.) ~ARY.P~LIC ~ ~COUI'lY QeOI9I8 =-.~~_,e 3009 (L.S.) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Administrator " /1//// ..............&2I-Z1..... .lU2AIBJ7.ftA,ZS.1U7,1l1".111,3UL1~ (S i33HS 33S) 00+91 "ViS - 3NI1H:ll V~ I , , , ~ II....... 1 " , " , . H~:J_ I ", ", " " " " " "TI~ "'~VI Z I'T1 C".1'T1 CD:::tJVI CI'T1::J: C:"'1'T1 Z~1'T1 CI'T1-l VI-l.... -1'T1 VlID r-- , I , , , , Nlcn \ ... + -"" :::l:I"'- ---- ......U'1 ,--- . " g , (/l , n_ \ ::J:".@\ c:-< N ' !:;~ .... ... N , L--- \ , 1 , , (') , U'I , 01 NI' <.01\ 0, , , \ I I I I I I I , 1 ---' 1\ II 1\ 1\ 1\ 1\ 1\ 1\ :: -; u,..~- -- ;-;-.:"...-~ --:.:::-- :: ~- II ------, --if-- 1\ II II 1\ "'--... - II -", II '... 1\ 1\ 1\ 1\ II 1\ 1\ 1\ I:)> "r UITl X )> Z o ITl :::0 "TI~ - 0 ".0 VI - ..... Z:::tJ1'T1 ...... C ". I'T1 C') < m:::tJVI :::tJ ITl 01'T1::J: C:"'1'T1 Z~1'T1 C -l VI-i ~ ....1'T1.... VlID 0 ~ i ~ I~ I L__ -Vl C') (')';g~ ~-l ~~~~~~ <.oI.....cn _ U1 Ul - + ". Co. ID r-:;-<_ ....... Uln UlO "TI~ ".0 VI Z:::tJ1'T1 C".1'T1 CD:::tJ(/l 01'T1::J: C:"'1'T1 Z~1'T1 OI'T1-l (/l-l.... ....1'T1 (/lID , I I , ---~:::::: ~ _-r -- I I , I , , , , , I I , , , , , I (II ,., ", (II ;:z: ", ", -I 01 "11.... ~~(I) ~ I'T1 O~"" CD:U(l) O"":r c::~"" ~r"" ~(fj-f -;;t- (1)'0 / , // '/ , , " " " '~~.:-.:-~ ^^ . ^"