HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT ACCESS 1/1/08 12/31/08 Fundin re uest from Outside A Agency: Richmond County Medical Society-Project Access Budget Time Frame: 1/1/08 to 12/31/08 Submitted by: Rtwls p(OjtJ (\'-~~1..'Inc... ~~~[~I MAR 0 3 2008 Accounting {)ep'a'trrl~Nt .. BUDGET PREP ARA TION CHECKLIST The following checklist is provided to assist you in preparing the required budget documentation and must be included as part of your department's budget submittal. The Department Director must sign the "statement of compliance" at the end of this checklist prior to budget submission. YES NO 1. You have received all information related to your entire department. If not V contact your Budget Analyst immediately. 2. MISSION STATEMENT ./ a. Departmental Goals and Objectives b. Performance Measures/Managing for Results c. Function Charts 3. ORGANIZATIONS CHART(s) 4. SUMMARY OF MAJOR ISSUES a. Major issues identified Af.Jr b. Brief description of each issue ~}\+ 5. PROGRAM AND SERVICE INVENTORY FORMS a. Program and Service Inv,!::ntory fams are included for all current rI)~ services - b. Program and Service Inventory fams are included for each Request -.!!JA- for Additional Funding 6. EXPENSES a. Expense Budget input (Budget Forms) ./ - b. Input Data has been checked for accuracy V' c. Supplementary Expense sheets included v 7. POSITION CONTROL - review all position control information a. Verified position information f'J J 'iT b. Updated pay information as needed ./ c. Included vacant positions projected to be filled in FY2007 "'-/'(:1. d. Included budget for seasonal and temporary positions /VJ~ e. Positions Summaries have been completed according to instructions ~A- f. The Position Summary and the Personnel Report agree as to the number ~~ and classification of positions BUDGET PREPARATION CHECKLIST YES NO 8. CAPITAL BUDGET a. Capital Budget Request previously submitted b. Relationship to General Fund Highlighted rJJ~ fII!f.Y STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The budget submittal for the Department of a.. compliance with the guidelines as set forth by the Finance De checked and verified against the above checklist. ~C:'Q f.~ Director ~ d.,. d P ,. ;;La 0 g Date RCMS Project Access, Inc. 2008 Officers, Board of Directors and Staff Officers: (2 year terms) 2008-2009 President Vice PresidentIPresident Elect Secretary Treasurer Terrence 1. Cook, M.D. Peter Payne, M.D. Jill Haunstein, M.D. William L. FaIT, M.D. Board of Directors: (3 year terms) (terms to be staggered so that 1/3 is elected annually) Terrence J. Cook, M.D., Chairman (2010) Joseph P. Bailey, M.D. (2010) Adair Blackwood, M.D. (2010) Tommy Boyles (2008) Comm. Jerry Brigham (2010) Donnie Dunagan, M.D. (2009) William L. Farr, M.D. (2008) Joe Griffin, M.D. (2008) Jill Hauenstein, M.D. (2008) Jonathan Krauss, M.D. (2010) Staff: Daniel R. Walton Stacie McGahee Nancy Graham Heather Palmer Denise Mooney Monique Lentz, M.D. (2009) Donald H. Loebl, M.D. (2010) Lucy Marion, Ph.D., RN (2008) Peter Payne, M.D. (2008) John Salazar, M.D. (2008) Amy Sprague, M.D. (2009) Luther Thomas, III, M.D. (2009) Al Carr, M.D. (2010) Ketty Gonzales, M.D. (2008) Ram Mohan, M.D. (2010) Executive Director Administrator Project Coordinator Administrative Assistant Case Worker (DFCS Employee) . , . Foon W.g Request for T axpaye r Identification Number and Certification Giverorm to tile requelier. Do not aend to the IRS, (l'lw. Ombllr 2007) ==~ llama (1IlIlhlMD m }OS h:ctrI;.tm rWrn'j liir~lInIpt ~ ~t ran;, II"d III:IdIWl (q:I:b1al) 30qo~ r Identification Number B1tar )'Our TIN In 1he approprtata Ix>x. TIle TIN pFm'kiild must match 1I1e ralllil qrm on Una 1 to lJl'Old ~~ 'A1lt1hOk:ln; For IndMduals. 11115 Is )'OOr IIOOIBl securtty nlJl1ber (SBI'ij. I-k:tNfier, fOr a rEElGlint allan. sola J:fllp1etCf. er dlsregartlad enl~, 8ee1he Part I hslru=tlona on page :l For ether errtI1Ies, It IS )'011" emplo'fer k>3nt~att:fl nlJl1ber (EI~. 1f)'OO do not have I rumbar, see Hew to gel Ii 1W on page a. Not.. If the ao::ount IS In mOIll ihan one name, see1he Ch!ft on page41a IJ.ll:lellnBS 00 'Atloae nulTtEr to entEr. Certification Uooer perallles Dfpequl'j'. I certify 1I1at: 1. Tl1e nlJl1ber ShD'",n Cfl1ll1s fcrm If> IT'o/ cctTEGt tm:payer Iderrlmcallon rumbar (or I <I'll wathg 1a 8. nulTtEr tob!lIssuEd to Illil). arK:l 2. 1111I rot su~ecl to bBCll:UP wrltfladlng tKlIIJS!l: (B} I am alelJlX from ~lwp wlthl1Oldhg. or ~) I have not bEa'l nolltlEd try iha Internal Ril\'mue 8el'i1ce (IRS) that I am SUbject to ~k1.p WIIl1hol:ll~ as I resut of a falUIll to fE1Xlrt Blllnterest Cf d'ildends. or (c) the IRS has octlllad me 1tlat I am no kl~er SUbject to ~~ 'A1lt1hOk:lrg. !lid 3. 1111I a U.s. cilium or other U.S. pllBOn (dEl'l1ed below). certlflcailCfllnslrucllons. You must CfCGS out Item 2 alx7ie If )'Ou hm'eb!len no1lnEd try iha IRS that )'00 are currenl~ sul;1Ect to bBCll:up y,1thh:lldhg because )~u hm'e faled to Illpcrt allnlelllst !lid dNk>300S 00 )'OOrtD IllIum. For real 83l:ate tI'!f1Sa.ctlCflS, Item 2 does not ~If. Fer matga;je Interellt FXlId. acqul'altt:fl or abandonmerrt Df secured propErly, carKlillL!llon of dell't, COn1rtxrtlCflS to an lool\'KiIal re1Jllllllilnt BITiJ'g:llIEmt (IRA). and 9!f1eraJlf, pa'j1lliln1li ether than 1rrler'8st an::! dMdmcls, )'CtJ alll not rEqllred to lil!1J the Gertmcatt:n, but )'Ou must pfCYi1de )'oor OOTect TIN. Bee the Instru:llons Cfl page 4- ~61p11nor l) ~ /) Hwo U.ltpiifSOR .. <1..---' I<. . General Instructions Sedion merencea are to 1M lrt€fTlalReverue Code unlEea otherMae I"Dted. Purpose of Form A~, wtlo ill req.Jired to fie III inforrnSliCflr&1Um with tll3 IHS must romn )'OOr 000'eCt tmlpayef Dernificsttlln numbEf (TIN) to.rt. for example, income paid to you. real eatatll tl'tl1eactiorl9. m::ngsgeintEfeetyou paid. soqliation or abllldonment of IlEClftdproperty. c!f1OellBlion 01 debt. or contribuliona you made to IIri 1M Uae FoonW-9 onlyif)'OO Bill a ua pEf9Cfl ~nduding a reeident elen). topl'O'li.. '09)'OOr lXIITect TIN to 1M pereon requee1ing it !the I'a:lUBetEfl and, whon ~icabla; to: 1. O:!rtify that tho TIN .yetI CC9!l.f ivi~ is correct (or yeti <<e waiting for a number 10 be iSElUedj. 2.. O:!rtify that you nnot eubject to backLp wilhholdirg. Cf 3. Claim exemption. from... 00. clwp witltiolding !fyou are Ii UA exempt payee. If~icS:le. yoo areliao certll)'i~ that ea a UB. ~. }'OOr sl~e l'lI1are of lUTj pattft9l'8hip i100me from e U.s. tm or D1J9i1eae is not slbjact to 1M wittmldirg tax on foreignpsrtner&' share d etfsctivelyoonnect!ld incorTllt. Note. If e requester gNE<!! you II form o1hef thanFoon W-Id to I'lKlUBI!t~r TIN. yoomuet use the I'a:lUBetEf'e fumI if it ill aJb9tantialy aimHEr to thill Form W.lJ. ~ Oefllritioo of a us. pel'SOn.For federal tiIX pu~. you are conaklerid a UA pEf9Cflif you Ere: . AA indWidu&! who ie a U.a ci12.en Cf U.S. reaidSltriien. . A partnership, ocrporstion. oompany. or aesociation ~ or org!llized in the Unite.d StatEe Cf undar the .ltrNs .of the United Sts1ea. . Nt estate (othEf 1Mn a foreign ~l. Cf . A domeetic trust (as defined In Regtlatiooa seetion 301,7701-71, Special rulM for pm:inersbips. Ptrtl1elltlipt. that oonduct a trade or buai1eall In the United States Ere generally teqJired to pa'J e witItIoldirg tax on any foreign partnel8' mare of inOCfll9 f1'OO'l sooh buaineea. FurthEf, in oertsin c:aese wtlere a Foon W-Id hea not beenftlCaved, a partnership illl'a:llired to p<<l9ume Ihst aplltner ill a foreign pEf9Cfl, and pay 1he Wi1hholdi~ tax. Th~ if )'00 8Ill a !J.a pEf8Ol1 that ie a partner n a partnel8tip cordooti1g Ii trD or buainetlS in the United Statile.. pro'lide FOOD W-Id to tMplltnerehip to eetttXieh yoor U.s. B1EItue and a.void withhoking on )011" mare of partnerahp inClOlTla. The per80n who gMleFoon W.lJ to 1hepartnership for ptJrpoeea of satatItShing ita UA status and IillIODi1g with~ding onn allocable share d flirtnoome from 1he plltllEf'llhip cof'IiiJctinge trade or businetlS in 1ha United Statile i& in 1he followirg .caeee; . The UA owner of a d~arded entity a'ld not 1he entity, ClIl. 1\1:). 10231;( FDITlI W..Q (RW. 10-2001) ~.. ~, a.'7- ~O O~ This AGREEMENT made and entered this 4th day of January, 2008, between Augusta, Georgia, acting by and through the Augusta-Richmond County Commission, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter refeITed to as "Augusta" or "County"), and the Richmond County Medical Society-Proiect Access., (hereinafter refeITed to as the "Organization" or "AGENCY"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Augusta-Richmond County Commission desires to contract with the above named Organization to PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE OPERATIONS OF THE AGENCY Whereas the amount of $450,000 is now available for use by AGENCY., according to the GENERAL FUND BUDGET ADOPTED ON DECEMBER 6, 2007; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements between the parties, it is agreed as follows: The County agrees to appropriate the following sums to the Organization for the purpose of: Project Access $450,000.00 The Organization agrees to use such funds that it may receive, pursuant to this Agreement, solely and exclusively for the above described Project; said Project, including the Project Budget, is more specifically described at "Exhibits" attached hereto and incorporated herein. In consideration of the disbursement of said funds, AGENCY shall observe all conditions that the law imposes on the use of said funds, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following 1. The agency shall provide the county with a narrative description of the program and a detailed program budget. The budget should include all funding sources that the agency anticipates receiving. 2. The Agency shall provide the following information as part of the narrative: a. Mission Statement b. Performance Budget Overview c. Budget Request d. Summary 3. The Agency shall complete the following forms as part of the budgeting process: a. Budget Preparation Checklist b. Agency / Joint Funding Budget Request (Form AJ) c. Agency / Joint Funding Budget Request Payroll Costs (Form AJ-1) d. Copy of Agencies most recent financial statements. 4. The agency shall have an annual audit performed by an independent CPA Firm. The Agency should specify the County as a funding source. The agency shall provide the County a copy of the audited financial statements within 30 days of delivery of the audit by the contractor. Said reports shall be delivered to Augusta Finance Department, Municipal Building Augusta, GA 30911 to the attention of Ms. Donna Williams, Finance Director or her Designee. S. The agency shall also submit a completed form W -9 to Augusta Finance Department. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION By: U ~-f M ..-.,,~--....:. '.. -'t'T', ayor ...,;,'" ~.~U:lt'10,V' \'.1 ~-i!. /' . . J'\ .. r ,A,~j':;'.:~~ +......of'.....j'..,~~. ':~J";' ::~ ..:)". ..... -"" (..~. ~) ATTEST: .of .~.... '. ";'. ~ ,,.;;' __ ,_ ., I" if, 1'1.),: ~..,~ 1 . '.. By: , ---- . . . I';. b ....r.i.".'...,;o>..._~:._~..........- t,.: ~:r 'J.~. ~o;;~.t?:: Clerk ofCollimj.ssion ~e.'.:F : ~b .....(f-~C)... ~,~..: .,~,:;~ GeORG1.~ ~'-:f;1' '~'-I:" ~~';f\~_~~?~7~;";""'-' ~\\b~ ORGANIZATION: g<:..MS ~(D0e.J.. (jc.c.e~-, Tnc. AGENCY By: Mc'(J l. b As its G'Ytt..L\.~~"1L t5ire.J-lf" ATTESL--v... 1Jfltt6 / J'L~~ As its ad~'i1;s-lrA.-fvr' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA FY 2008 BUDGET I FUND: I DEPARTMENT C9~f;o...t - MISSION STATEMENT: I 0 e ~ \-Q.. \0 \\ s n r co..o't A c.c..c n to Q.. pp..-o (>t''' Q. h.. J n \~h Q....... \ ~ \- Y \-\eo. f ~ Ca (" q.. Co ^ 0 ( t..lo.. \- ~ ~ e...~ V \ ,~. oJ ~ ~ c. lJ,~ \ (H~ (~ J I Q\..:) + 0 (V\ 0 d...rca ~ c... -:Lt\c.cr-. ..... ~ 1'1 k. or (l..c.h (\I\~ td\.\r'\~ c:;.s a1'\ i ~ \-c.~n. \ CoM PfM-'n.}. o~ H.-\e. e~ M"".,; \-7') \)JuC411 h~~ {~c.a"'-e... Sys~c,!N\. BUDGET GOALS FY 2008: ~ Ie (Jf'O\(\de., CltL~~~ to c;.aL:~ neQ.(~ (phy~iU"~ t- K.o~v~k.L.) SU\lI'C~S to ~ unint'vft.d I , . 0\..) 1-0 Mod,,~ ~ e.. \ ~ ~c... J VI R"c.h t\\ d'\.o t fl"".r\ ~y . 2006 2007 2008 2008 ACTUAL BUDGET REQUEST BUDGET SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS s-q\.3(o( 4-1'1', ~,~ <.f?k, '500 't "?(p~ \00 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 'f + 'f c.t POSITIONS Augusta, Georgia Agency/Joint Funding Budget Request 2008 Budget Worksheet Form (AJ) Fund No: General Department No. & Name: RCMS Project Access, Inc. Account No.: 2006 2007 2008 Expenditures Actual Budget Request Salaries & Wages (Sch. B-2) $ 113,720 $ 118,500 $ 115,000 $ (3,500) -3% Personnel Services $ 33,280 $ 36,000 $ 36,000 $ 0% Support Services $ 21,662 $ 20,117 $ 25,000 $ 4,883 24% Repairs & Maintenance $ $ $ $ 0% Materials & Supplies $ 15,995 $ 7,851 $ 16,500 $ 8,649 110% Public Works $ $ $ $ 0% Other Charges $ $ $ 3,000 $ 3,000 100% Capital Equipment $ 4,313 $ 2,574 $ 10,500 $ 7,926 308% Other: $ Patient Prescriptions $ 358,992 $ 183,548 $ 208,000 $ 24,452 13% Legal & Accounting $ 5,114 $ 3,180 $ 4,000 $ 820 26% Telephone $ 1,749 $ 1,942 $ 2,500 $ 558 29% Rent $ 15,000 $ 15,500 $ 16,000 $ 500 3% Support To Miracle Making Ministires $ 21,536 $ 25,000 $ $ (25,000) -100% Total Expenditures $ 591,361 $ 414,212 $ 436,500 $ 22,288 5% Source of Revenue Augusta $ 400,000 $ 450,000 $ 450,000 $ 0% United Way State of Georgia U.S. Government I Agencies Other $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ $ (1,000) -1 00% Total Revenues $ 401,000 $ 451,000 $ 450,000 $ (1,000) 0% Revenue Over Expenditures $ (190,361) $ 36,788 $ 13,500 $ . (23,288) -63% Fund No: General Augusta, Georgia Agency/Joint Funding Budget Request Payroll Costs 2008 Budget Worksheet Account No.: Department No. & Name: RCMS Project Acces, Inc. Employee Name/Position Daniel Walton, Executive Director Stacie McGahee, Administrator Nancy Graham, PIT, Project Coordinator James Lyle, PIT, CEO Heather Palmer, PIT, Admin. Assist. Total 2006 Actual $ 48,000 $ 32,000 $ 15,000 $ 18,720 $ 2007 Budget $ 50,000 $ 33,000 $ 15,500 $ 20,000 $ Form (AJ-1) $ 113,720 $ 118,500 $115,000 $ (3,500) Present GROSS ANNUAL SALARY regardless of funding source % 2% 3% -3% -100% 100% -3% RCMS PROJECT ACCESS, INC. 5 YEAR COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT RICHMOND COUNTY AS OF 12/31/2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 REVENUE Donated Care/Services/Rx Physician Services (primary and specialty) 117,207 201,117 269,765 193,157 Hos ita I Services incl. labs & xra s 741,687 763,483 1,047,483 889,489 Doctors Hospital 105,388 . 111,093 62,194 . 37,47.1 MCG 4;535 Trinity Hospital .248,486 12,239 1,975 > 2,066 University Hospital 383,278 . . . 639,770 . 983,314>. .849,953 Walton. Rehab 381 Donated Care/Services-30906 Clinic 12,000 12,000 Donated Care/Services-30901 Clinic 12,000 12,000 Donated Care/Services-St. Vincents DePaul 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Medical Director 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 12,000 RCMS Management Support 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 9,000 Rx (discount frpm wholesale - 15%) 22,497 32,033 35,384 53,849 27,532 Pharmacy dispensing/counseling fees ($5/Rx filled) 10,092 14,356 38,120 55,525 34,165 Total Donated Care/Services/Rx 565,061 965,282 1,074,104 1,462,622 1,171,344 Total Grants/Appropriations 450,000 450,000 400,000 401,000 451,000 TOTAL REVENUE 1,015,061 1,415,282 1,474,104 1,863,622 1,622,344 EXPENSE Care/Services/Rx Provided Physician Services (primary and specialty) 106,795 117,207 201,117 269,765 193,157 Hospital Services (incl. labs & xrays) 365,677 741,687 763,483 1,047,483 889,489 Donated Care/Services-30906 Clinic 12,000 12,000 Donated Care/Services-30901 Clinic 12,000 12,000 Donated Care/Services-St. Vincents DePaul 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Medical Director 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 12,000 RCMS Management Support 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 9,000 Rx (discount from wholesale - 15%) 22,497 32,033 35,384 53,849 27,532 Pharmacy dispensing/counseling fees ($5/Rx filled) 10,092 14,356 38,120 55,525 34,165 Total Donated Care/Services/Rx 565,061 965,282 1,074,104 1,462,622 1,171,344 Prescription Medication Prescription Medication 89,987 128,130 235,892 358,992 183,548 Total Prescription Medication Related 89,987 128,130 235,892 358,992 183,548 (number of grescrip,tions filled) 2,523 3;5,89 7,624 11,W 6,833' Direct Expenses Advertising/Postage/Printing 8,222 11,054 10,365 250 6,235 Annual Banquet Expenses 6,485 11,163 Board Contingency Funds 10,000 1,550 320 Contract Labor-(DFCS Employee) 21,156 21,662 20,117 Depreciation 2,769 3,854 4,440 4,313 2,574 Donation - MM Ministries (30904 Clinic & Staff) 50,000 62,079 21,536 25,000 Start up & Management 126,064 150,000 156,000 162,000 160,860 Meetings/Office Supplies 808 4,151 4,568 4,582 1,296 Other (Legal, Accounting, D&O) 8,394 5,929 5,189 5,114 3,180 Telephone 689 1,986 1,777 1,749 1,942 Travel(Employee Expenses 2,194 1,093 Total Direct Expenses 149,140 238,067 273,609 232,368 221 ,523 TOTAL EXPENSES 804,188 1,331,479 1,583,605 2,053,983 1,576,415 Other Income 594 76 41 46 14 NET TO RESERVES 211 ,467 83,879 (109,460) (190,315) 45,942