HomeMy WebLinkAboutProcedures for the Public Dissemination of Project Information Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: }) ROCGl:l \lR.e. 5 \l 0 ~'-T\l1iO l\,e,u c. D i S Soe I'l j IV AT 10 tJ ",.f 1'~C) ~ E C T ::I N{)O R. M r't"l ; 0 ~ DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: Q.DD ~ BOX NUMBER: ) lo FILE NUMBER: , le 30 ~ NUMBER OF PAGES: ;)f) f . . i . . . . . . . . . J 30 , r-----:.I.\r:~;:7."-;:;..i;-.-, ' . I I' .vlre ".,- " : , i SEP 0 S 2ara-- : II Ii I': lAUG1ISTA.IlI':WW',) "CII'nv 'O"~'I~IO':) I: I ~~="=-~-='::"_':;:' .:.'.. ..~.~:: ._.;;.~.:;: lI_.~'!c:..~~j I I L..-___ Procedures for the Public Dissemi~~ Project Info~1 - ~ti~\~ · 1 ~J= I I - AssOCiated ~ugOsta- Richmond County Code Requirements Prepared By Sandra K. Tyler May 1,2002 . . . . Procedures for the Public Dissemination of Project Information andAssociated Augusta-Richmond CotU11y.--Code Requirements C:U:J ~rQ) D\ 1"ff"1I~<VfL-j Augusta-Richmond County Code (current edition) Lr- ...../ ...... ....~ 1. ~5-2-70 (d): Where Augusta-Richmond County water is available, no connection to the sanitary sewer system of the Commission shall be made or permitted until the consumer is supplied with water from the water system of the Commission. 2. ~5-2-70 (e): Where the sanitary sewer system of the Commission is accessible and Augusta-Richmond County water is not available, the assessment charge for the residential use of the sanitary sewer system of the Commission will be eight dollars and thirty cents ($8.30) per month. Any industrial user shall pay based upon the measured sewer in accordance with the rates set forth above. 3. ~5-3-3 (d): Sewer connection required if available. The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within Augusta-Richmond County and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public sanitary sewer of Augusta-Richmond County, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect to such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within 200 feet (61 meters) of the property line. Conclusions 1. If only the public water system is available, the choice of connecting, or not connecting, is with the consumer. 2. If only the public sewer system is available, and within 200 feet of his property, the consumer has 90 days within which to connect. 3. If both the publiC water and sewer systems are available, and the sewer is within 200 feet of the consumer's property, the consumer has 90 days within which to connect to both systems. 2 Methods for Enforcement of Augusta-Richmond County Code Associated with Water and Sewer Projects Public Water System As of the writing of these procedures, property owners are not required to connect to the public water system when it becomes available to them. Therefore, a project notification will suffice. Cl7 Procedure ------' 1. Obtain list of property owners: I ~ a. Property owners from wh'OiTi'easerents-wi1l be bCqUired can be obtained from Lan~cqUiSifron / {' \ _/.J I b. Oth_ezpra,pert-Y-()1Hn~rs, JO w~on\publicrwater will . e....tnade available by this r-p;:OJect, c~n I:i~.-Gb~ine~ frdm)GIS\ l J p. :AnY ho~+owner assoqiati,9r.1S~",~n the project area can be identified by the ! iPla~ni~g andrZ~~!pmissibn. 2. ppc/,,~( of~ owners by checking deed records. 3. ~r the completion of the project design, prepare a notice and mail to property owners and homeowner associations. Notice to include, at a minimum: a. Project identification b. General information on the route c. Estimated beginning and ending construction dates d. Contact telephone numbers e. Information on the Public Information Meeting (if one is being held) 4. Prepare for and hold a Public Information Meeting (if the decision has been made that one is needed) SEE PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SECTION. 5. The second notice will be made just prior to beginning construction and will be coordinated by the project inspector and contractor. 6. The third notice mailing, or OFFICIAL NOTICE, will take place upon Augusta's acceptance of the project and will include, at a minimum: a. Project identification b. The date of Augusta's acceptance of the project c. Brochure on how to connect to public water system 3 Public Sewer System The burden is much heavier upon the property owner when a public sewer system is constructed within 200 hundred feet of his/her property. The Augusta-Richmond County Code requires the following: . If the public sewer system is available, and within 200 feet of his property, the consumer (property owner) has 90 days within which to connect. . If both the public water and sewer systems are available, and the sewer is within 200 feet of the consumer's property, the consumer has 90 days within which to connect to both systems. Therefore, . the d!ssemination of this information to t~P-fqf3e~rer must be given more consideration. ~ L- ~r~::,';~ list o~qwne~ II ~ ~ l . . a. er.o~ert~ o,^!ners fr9m wh~ easemen s will be a~.Qulred can be obtained .----- from Lamd ACq~i~ition I' \ I J ! b.IO~er\p~operty owre~, to-WAq!Jl\PtlbflC water will be made available by I i thi}s p[Oj~ct, rean be\e.~ih.ed fror:n ~IS. . . . I c.j AAY ~lon;'eown~r-assoclatlons within the project area can be Identified by I >-tll~Plannin-g and Zoning Commission L--- 2. Update list of property owners by checking deed records. 3. Near the completion of the design phase, prepare a first notice and mail to property owners and homeowner associations. This first notice will include, at a minimum: a. Project identification b. General information on the route c. Estimated beginning and ending construction dates d. Contact telephone numbers e. Information on the Public Information Meeting (if one is being held) 4. Prepare for and hold a Public Information Meeting (if the decision has been made that one is needed) SEE PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SECTION 5. The second notice will be made just prior to beginning construction and will be coordinated by the project inspector and contractor. 6. The third notice mailing, or OFFICIAL NOTICE, will take place upon Augusta's acceptance of the project and will include, at a minimum: a. Project identification b. Augusta-Richmond County Code Sections covering connection to public sewer c. The date of Augusta's acceptance of the project d. Notice that the property owner has 90 days from the date of acceptance to connect to the sewer, and, if applicable, water e. Brochure on how to connect to public sewer 4 Public Infonnation Meeting (PIM) If it is determined that a Public Information Meeting (PIM) will be held, the following steps will be taken: A. Before the meeting 1. Coordinate the need for the meeting with the Administrator. The Administrator will coordinate with the Commissioners. 2. Decide on date, time and place of meeting. 3. Make all arrangements for meeting. 4. Coordinate with the Clerk of Commission on advertising the PIM (Although this is not a legal requirement, it is a recommended step in order to get the information out to the public.) 5. Send notices to all pertinent Augusta Utilities Department personnel, design engineer and other persons who should attend. ............... 6. Prepare comment forms for the PIM (this will pre<rludefhe need of taking minutes). ~ L.-- I 7. Prepare flyer on how to connect to ~e pu~lIc ~ewer and Iwater, and the cost. 8. Gather all needed items (such rl~ns, map(s....eto.) for tJM B. Dunn~ rO) /6 \ 1. Req~est\that all comments be l1J.ad~rltln 2. E~PI,in rout~ of prfj8ct \ / ~ 3. Give gel)bral irltorpatIQIl-e'H-project 4. ErPldirr'CO~ r~uirements , ./ , -----:::.: C. After tlie PIM 1. Review and address comments 2. Make project changes. if necessary 3. File information on the PIM in the permanent files of Augusta Utilities Department 5 Project Information Flow Chart PROJECT PUBLIC SANITARV SEVVER and PUBLIC VVATER Obtain Property Ovvners Names From GIS Update Property Ovvners List Through Deed Records Mail First Notice If Public Information Meeting VVill Be Held If Public Information Meeting VVi II NOT Be Held Make Preparations For Meeting Mail Second Notice Just Prior to Construction Start Advertise Meeting Mail Third Notice Upon Project Acceptance Hold Meeting Revievv & Address Comments From Meeting Mail Second Notice Just Prior to Construction Start Mail Third Notice Upon Project Acceptance 6 Example Notices, Forms and Reports Page 8 PWS-l First Notice regarding public water system Page 9 PWS-2 Second notice regarding public water system Page 10 PWS-3 Third Notice regarding public water s~stem----J "How to Cormect to the Public w~~ Jewer S~tems" . ~ [ Page 11 PSS-l F~Ob~g wb s wt s stem Page 12 PSS-2 S---- d I f ~ di 'of .J t ' coon no '~ ar ng-pu lC- wer sys em ! I! , \1-; Pages 13-14 PSS-3 t!JHnyho~ re aiiling public sewer s~tem " ,w to Connect to the Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Systems" Page 15 POL-l Property owners list from GIS Page 16 PIM-l Public Information Meeting comment form Pages 17-20 BRO-l Brochure "How to Connect to the Public Water & Sanitary Sewer Systems" 7 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P.E" Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A, Cheek, P,E., Assistant Director March 13, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 !*i-' ~ -=. ~..;.. -- ::..... ...............~ ." ..llfDRlIIIIlIlI1telnIlDPBnf,"d. :-. .'':'.Ft.......' 1"1" t .......:..;,."r.~:.:'...I... I.~' ". ','.~ ;,y~.. ':.l'~'I;" .....:~: ~i;I:.. ~,".:.!'. ......i: .~.' ..:I.il'j":..r:,..,:'....:...,~.ri.:I:: I ....~~I~.f.:~: -_.~. --., - ~ -"-_. -- ----. Tax Map 200, Par~1 ~. .. .... ~ 1"23 Bass Street - - --- ----- = ::::=:: = -' Construction of the B~et =PUblic water system is estimated to begin in -' . ~.. .- ..~ -. . R.... ~ .. ~ - November 2002. Estimated completion date for this project is November 2003. The general route of the water system is: A Public Information Meeting on this project will be held at PLACE, on DA TE, at TIME. We would welcome your attendance. Please bring any questions and comments you have to the meeting. An official notice, giving information on to connect to the public water system, will be sent when this project is completed and the system is approved to accept customers. Exhibit PWS-l 8 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P.E., Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A. Cheek, P.E., Assistant Director May 10, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 ~'= ~ -.';.... ~ .- ---.- -.... If ; .,. ea"'" '.....U'.'.cn'''.:...''..O.''.I.' IDn"..'.."..oCE:.TD"...,.'PR".'..1a=PERTY....- .-..'.-:-... .....'...'ER' "i'f:.):::'.'i;hi':;'. ..~.':' L .'. 11810. ~.: ..; ...:~i:.~:(>.::~:.~.r::...:.:... ...... ! .". . ...<_.....I~_.. ,.r.~.~!,I.. _.~..- _...:.:.~...~......;.........~..."i..:_~~......... ....~.:._.:.:. ~. .- = ===: ::=..-=. : ~,- - Tax Map 200, Pareel:20a=: =' ....:..-.:::=f2~-ass-street Construction on the Basgtr~ptB[(c water-system will begin within the next two weeks. Once the pr~comPfeted and the system is approved to .accept customers, you will be sent an Official Notice, which will include instructions on connecting to the public water system. - ,,- Exhibit PWS-2 9 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P .E" Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A, Cheek, P.E., Assistant Director September 10, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 ::--. == .- ~". ~ _ _.- ..0..,..- --- ~- -- .~:: i.:':::.:DFR-C..!NIdIE'ra'~PRIPil1t~'d.ER':~::;:~:~~;(: ", '." .'. .'.,....: ,"' . ....:~.~.:~).:~..I.~.. ..v."J''''I:~:: ,;}1. '~"I',,' __' :::.i'i-f..t::.~'r .....<:..:.:l.~!'.;:"...,.:.~ ..:..l~__.:):j:..':._ ::~~h::','l. ."::l Tax Map 200, Parce~O ....... . ....... .... ~3.I:m.ss Street --- ----.. '., ~........ =...:.-. ~ = -0:--' -- ---- ~; . ,--:;:::::: . . . .~ - --------- You are hereby notified thatth's Bass Street public water system is now ready to accept customers. If you are interested in connecting to the public water system, please read the enclosed brochure entitled "How to Connect to the Public Water And Sanitary Sewer Systems." Exhibit PWS-3 10 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P .E" Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A. Cheek, P,E" Assistant Director March 13, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 .~": II.RIlftIiI;"~lltIeE::fI!:PRIPIM;':I..":', ....~ 'I.~"." . .~'.'..:.I:. .".:",. :~.I".I_lL.'i':',,,,:!,::,;, ....: 'I..:!.!~h:t...';: ~ -. .'.:~':_':...: ..~.:..~'." ~.;~:.~~~~.,,_:~'r.. ':""J:"~;.:~,:;. .." .~:.I."':..:.;'~~r.'~':':' Tax Map 200, Parcel 200 .""___ 12B=:= S~ t S __'_ . as.s. l.:~e _ '-'. = .............. :== ==. ~ ~. - - -.---... ~ =------ ~ ---- -' ~ ~=.~-;."=-- ~ -.,. _ w--. _ Construction of the Bass Striii sa~l')6S@wa.r;;;sySfem is estimated to begin in November 2002. Estimated ct5m~n C1ft for this project is November 2003. ~. -" The general route of the new sanitary sewer system is: A Public Information Meeting on this project will be held at PLACE, on DA TE, at TIME. We would welcome your attendance. Please bring any questions and comments you have to the meeting. An official notice, giving instructions on how to connect to the public sanitary sewer system, will be sent when this project is completed and the system is approved to accept customers. Exhibit PSS-! 11 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P .E., Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A. Cheek, P.E., Assistant Director May 10, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 ..- i. . :.... :;~; .;~..:::'~;:...~itQC1iI..._Jd~_.JD~~I~.~r:~:.:;::;:..'::i .:'.Jrc:= Tax Map 200, Parcel 200 123 Ba~tre~ = ..--=.. . "- =--" -~ - - Construction on the Bass Street sar:rit:a:~ sewer ~~enSiU~in=.wUhin the next two weeks. Once the project is~~d~ sysm~~~ed to accept customers, you will be sent an ~icifiotreB, ~II inClUde instructions on connecting to the sanitary sewe~ ~ :'.. -:;;:-~. The following are the connection-requirements: Sewer connection required if available. The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within Augusta-Richmond County and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public sanitary ... sewer of Augusta-Richmond County, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within 200 feet (61 meters) of the property line. (Augusta-Rlchmond County Code 95-3-3 (d)) Where Augusta-Richmond County water is available, no connection to the sanitary sewer system of the Commission shall be made or permitted until the consumer is supplied with water from the water system of the Commission. (Augusta-Rlchmond County Code 95-2-70 (d)) Exhibit PSS-2 12 Augusta Utilities Department N. Max Hicks, P ,E., Director Engineering and Construction Division 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 312-4132 Fax (706) 312-4133 Douglas A, Cheek, P ,E., Assistant Director September 10, 2002 Jane and John Smith 123 Bass Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 f 't(':I''"FR:'" ',," e" ......'... '~:I....,~m. :":.... e" .F.E:.~TI:r.::1" .'..Ol.....!.. 'O':":'!iI*IriV;;"::: 1"'=.' ".'.:-~.::;,~...r""-",.:.~.;};!.: .... I u. ! ..~ I!~.I;;.I" . .".", .- 1~L~' .~~:. .; ". ..,~. ..': ":;'.:,....." l~:~::!j.. '~..:-.'.i-:' ."....:..~.,~...~~:M-.:..: .~J.~::i :::'~:"".!:':';:;,~,;~ .:;~,::.;':._..;~.,....:.:~.:t.'.I,...;,.;~.Y~:~.r:~..~~:< . ".. Tax Map 200, Parcel 200 123 Ba~s Str~ -..' m. .----. ---- ~ . = ,-0:;: ....: : : You are hereby notified that the constructio~~P~ sam.tarY sewe:~ -." ---...' ~ --- .............. .-----.............--- .. = ..-:::JiEEf :::=...-.:.=. . . . was accepted by Augusta-Richmol!C!Cotthty ~-E. _ . '=::- '-:" = ==-=-= .... o . _. ~ The following are the connection rmi1:WEe.ments:' -----' ~. Sewer connection required if available. The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within Augusta-Richmond County and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public sanitary...sewer of Augusta-Richmond County, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the proper pUblic sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within 200 feet (61 meters) of the property line. (Augusta-Richmond County Code 65-3-3 (d)) Where Augusta-Richmond County water is available, no connection to the sanitary sewer system of the Commission shall be made or permitted until the consumer is supplied with water from the water system of the Commission. (A.ugusta-Richmond County Code 9J-2-70 (d)) 13 The brochure, "How to Connect to the Public Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems is enclosed with this notice. Included in this brochure is information on connection fees and rates. The requirement to tie to a public sanitary sewer system is due to the need to eliminate septic tank systems that discharge septic liquid into the ground. Because this discharge has not been fully treated, this discharge can negatively affect the groundwater and environment. By connecting to the public sanitary sewer system, the sewage is transported to a wastewater treatment facility where the sewage is treated according to current regulations prior to discharging. The Augusta Utilities Department looks forward to providing this most valuable service and is pleased to have you as a customer. The brochure ~ ;:grt::::::: - --," - .-- - - ---- - ,- -- ----- - - ..- - .. - .--.=. -:-- -'" = ~- -" -- ----- - - -. ,. --- === -=.. =- ~ ~ ..-::=:= =~ .. . - - - -:-' ::-: =- . .~ ..-' pertinent telephone numbers. ..-...-' ---- ~ n: . . . . == -- -- ::-- Exhibit PSS-3 14 c.. I -' s ::x:..:5> w..P7J,;:/ ...l..C'.. '/ S-\;;){VMO ..<. L7Jd}d oClcL ....ww....mwwm....wwwwmwwwmwwmwwwwwwwww~w....w=w OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~OOOOOOOOOOON~OOOO~ ~~ggg8g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a8~~~~~ N~~MM""MMMMMMM~MMM~MMMMMMMMMMMMM~~~M~M w ~ ~c(c(c(c(~c(c(<c(c(<c(c(c(c(c(c(<c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(c(<c(c(c(c(~~~ cn~~~~~~~C!)C!)~~C!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C!)~C!)~~~ UJ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~ cncnencnzcncncncncncncncnencncncncncncncnencncnencncncncn~NcncncnWcn ~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z:c~~~z~~ ~C!)~~~~~~C!)~~~~C!)~~~C!)~C!)C!)~~~C!)~~C!)C!)C!)~c.~~C!) ~ u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~ ll:ll: ll: ~ ~ ~ll:0:: ll: ~ll:ll: O::ll:ll: 0:: Co:: 00 0 - c ~co 0 ~oo 000 0 0::0 W ~g g ~ ~ ~go 0 ~~~ ~go ~~~Q ~ ~~ ~ll:cn o::~ cn~~ll: ~ll:cn~~ll:!~~ll:~>-~ ~c oZ 0 0000 0 0 OC~~O ~ o~o::fz Cz ll: 0:: UO::~U 0:: UJ oll:~~UJ ~ w~O::en uw ffi~~ll:3<~ffiO::~~~~O::<<~~<~~~~~<~<~~&ll:~ ~~N Nm~:C~Z~~m~~~~~~:C~~~:C:SW:C:C~:C~:C~I~g~ 3~~ cncn:cw~5:cUJ~5~:cUJ:cw~5~0~550x~5~~550555o59~5 ~w~ 00 cnO~ -0<0 oo:c o~ OO:COOO:CO~-O ->0 ~~encn~UJenen~~encn>o~cnencngcncn~cncncncncncnencn~~en cnw~ OMm~M~""_MM~WM~MOm.... 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II? II? lit II? lit lit ~ ~ ~ ~ . lit ~ ~ ~ ~ In. ~ ~ ~ o ~~~____~__~__~-~~~~~~~~o_o~-~~~~~-~~- o N ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~ ~~ z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~....~ -........................................................~....~................~....................................~....~~ c.~ \. ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ '-~ }~"S ~ '\ ~",-:::" ,.:;:" '>.; ~~~~, ~ - :;, ~ PROJECT NAME PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING COMMENT FORM Date Time Place Name: Address: Telephone Number: (Home) (Work) Comments: r----\ I I '\ \ I i I i ,. , I I L~/ J I / I.. . 1~ ~-_. L-ur I .J Exhibit PIM -1 16 How to Connect to the Public Water or Sanitary Sewer System , April 2002 Auausta Utilities DeDartment Note: Rates and Fees may have changed since this issue. Please check with the appropriate deparlment for the latest rates and fees. InstrucQ, Connecting fA \ 1. ~p q (+es) is required to be paid prior I L-tOlervic'j' connection. A list of these fees are /\ rirlthis pafTlphlet under the heading "Augusta 1. Full Service Tap F_ees~ [~l (\ ~ I Utilities Dep~rtment Tap & Miscellaneous [ \ .-/ /" / ,Fees." Fees may be paid at either of the A. Water: Meter sizes 5/8fth?oug~ "and T~siies'----~ L-- following branches, based on the location of ~"through 2": CostlinclUde~ tap, serfic'e Iin!!;L......J the property: corporation stop, curb s't~! r1J~te ~ a~d-meter. Cost does not include road crossing or sidewalk 2760 Peach Orchard Road, Augusta, GA 30906 replacement-these ~i1/-beadded if such work is Customer Service ............. (706) 796-5000 involved. Augusta Utilities Department Tap & Miscellaneous Fees 2822 Central Avenue, Augusta, GA 30909 Customer Service ............. (706) 736-8497 TABLE 1A SIZE ~"Ta & 5/8"X3/4" Meter 1" Ta & 5/8"X3/4" Meter 1" Ta & 1" Meter 2" Ta & 1-1/2" Meter 2" Ta & 2" Meter 2" Ta & 2" Meter with b - ass TAP FEE 2. $350.00 $390.00 3. $435.00 $575.00 $975.00 $1,225.00 4. Upon payment of the fee(s), a receipt will be issued to you. You will need to hire a certified plumber to make the necessary connections from the private residence to the public water/sewer system(s).* continued on page 2 Your certified plumber will need to present the receipt to the License & Inspection Department, 1815 Marvin Griffin Road, (706) 796-5050 and purchase a permit based on the total cost of labor and materials per job as set out below: (See Augusta-Richmond County Code g7-1- 90) INSIDE THIS ISSUE $100.00 and less - No fee unless inspection required, in which case a $15.00 fee for each inspection shall be charged. 1 1 3 3 4 Tap & Miscellaneous Fees Instructions for Connecting Backflow Prevention & Cross-Connections $101.00 to $2.000.00- $6.00 per thousand or fraction thereof. Connection Requirements Water and Sewer Rates $2.001.00 to $15.000.00- $12.00 for the first $2,000.00 . plus $3.60 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $15,000.00. . It Is recommended to solicit prices from several plumbers for this worlc. continued on page 3 How to Connect 1 Augusta Utilities Department Tap & Miscellaneous Fees Full Service TaD Fees (continued/rom page I) B. Water: Meter sizes 3" and larger: On "M&S" listings the cost includes only the meter and strainer and does not include any valves or pipe. On "M&S w/by-pass" listing includes meter, strainer, by-pass pipe and fittings, and three (3) valves. The meter box shall be constructed by the owner of such size and materials as approved by the Augusta Utilities Department. TABLE 1B SIZE 3"M&S 3" M&S w/3"b - ass 4"M&S 4" M&S w/3" b - ass 4" M&S w/4" b - ass 6"M&S 6" M&S w/4" b - ass 6" M&S w/6" b - ass 8"M&S 8" M&S w/6" b - ass C. Sewer. Cost includesJap, service line and clean- out. Cost does not include road crossing or sidewalk replacement-these will be added if such work is involved. TABLE 1C Size 6" Sewer Ta & 6" Line 2. Pre-Tap Bv Contractor A. Water. Meter sizes 5/8" through 2"; Cost includes only meter and strainer plus the installation of meter and strainer. TABLE 2A Size Fee %"X5/8" $140.00 1" $200.00 1-1/2" $360.00 2" $575.00 B. Water. Meter sizes 3" and larger: See Table 1 B for information and fee schedule. Fee $125.00/unit $125.00/unit 3. Commercial Dwellina Development Fees In addition to the standard water and sewer tap fees, a Commercial Dwelling Development Fee will be assessed at the following rates for Mobile Home Parks, Apartments and Hotel/Motels. A. Water. see chart TABLE 3A Mobile Home Parks A artments Hotels/Motels Indust ICommercial B. se.we~ TA /..E'3B . I ........., M bilfrHome Pa ks \ A artrmfrit /\ \ H .tels/Motels j L ~---, ~ $125.00/s ace $125.00/a artment $125.00/room $125.00 ta -on fee $125.00/s ace $125.00/a artment $125.00/room A. Road Crossings (Cuts or Jack & Bores) $150.00 per lane B. Sidewalk Cuts $110.00 C. Relocate Water Meter $125.00 D. Reduce Meter Size $125.00 plus meter cost Offset Meter (5/8"X3/4" or 1") $200.00 plus cost of meter and box E. F. Establish New Account or Transfer Service Residential or Commercial - All Accounts $25.00 G. Cut-Off and Re-Establish Fee Delinquent, Occupant list, or Returned Check $25.00 H. Attached Locking Device 2nd trip after water has already been turned off $65.00 I. Remove Meter 3rd trip after water has already been turned off $105.00 J. Removal of Straight LinelUnauthorized Meter $125.00 *p1us citation continued on page 3 How to Connect 2 Augusta Utilities Department Tap & Miseellaneous Fees Miscellaneous Fees (Continued from page 2) K. Returned Check fee $20.00 BACKFLOW PREVENTION AND CROSS- CONNECTION All new commercial/industrial facilities and new residential customers are required to install backflow prevention assemblies on the potable and fire service lines where city water is supplied to their facilities. Generallnfonnatlon The Type of Backflow Prevention Assembly is determined by Augusta as set forth in the American Water Works Association's Manual 14, Second Edition, titled Recommended Practice for BacIdlow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control. Assemblies shall have current endorsement from the University of Southern California; Foundation for Cross-Connection and Hydraulic Research, which incorporates standards A WW A CS10-89 for double check assemblies, and A WW A CSII-89 for reduced pressure zone assemblies or approved equal certifications. Augusta's Backflow Prevention Section must approve any deviation from these specifications in writing prior to the start of installation. Requirements for the le=el -~~Protection are based on the hazard category of the user"-fI rd categories define the level of hazard potentiar:e.tIiCj)Ota.!!Je ten system from backflow or cross-connection Flow/Residual Test at Fire Hydrant --!sed on the 1'kelillood of ana ~ of material subject to backflow or $100.00 - cross-co nectn.in~dent. The h;;brd categories are described below but . ~, a~ not I bo% ~si've of allliaJillties/residences in a respective category. 5. Work Not SpeCified L.. .fJ... . J. I \CA1EGbRVs I-HIGH Risk Installation and other work ~~ Willl).e...oil~J fo L -- ~!. ..1. .. labor material and equipme t afOflitY''O.partmenty _' _~(i:o~~-tdbe potentIal sou~ce ofa contammate. Contammates are , I ) I r \ - ) t~X1C substances or those creatmg a health hazard due to the nature of the costS. I \ product, raw materials or processes in use by the customer. This Category './ / j. would include such customers as hospitals, mortuaries, doctor's offices, Instructions For Conneding (Co finuecffrom-page 1) dentist offices, veterinary offices, metal plating operations, chemical ,.---/ companies, pest control companies and other commerciaIllndustrlal $15 001 00 t $50 000 00:- $58 80 & th f' t customers using toxic chemicals. Water Service connections to these _' . 0 _" . .or e Irs customers must be protected by a REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE $15,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional thousand or (RPZ)(up to three inch (3") Watts Model # 009 or equivalent, Four (4") fraction thereof to and including $50 000.00 and larger Watts Model #909 or equivalent) BACKFLOW , , PREVENTION ASSEMBY or an AIR GAP to provide maximum protection. The Alternative to the single RPZ at the meter would be a Double Check Valve (DCV A) Backflow Prevention Assembly at the meter and one or more RPZ's inside the facility at strategic locations to provide isolation/containment protection for the municipal water system. If the DCVlRPZ installation configuration is used then all assemblies must be tested annually with the reports sent to the Backflow Prevention Office. L. Convenience Cut-on For purpose of Cleaning or showing homes $35.00 M. Requested turn-off and on for Emergency and Repairs No Charge N. After hours cut-on for Cut-off due to delinquent payment, Occupant list or returned check No Charge O. $50.001.00 to $100.000.00- $163.80 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.40 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00. $100.001.00 to $500.000.00- $283.80 for the first $100,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00. $500.000.00 and UD- $883.80 for the first $500,000.00 plus $0.90 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof. 5. Have connection process inspected by License & Inspection Department. Connection Requirements Connection to the public sanitary sewer system is required within 90 days after the date of official notice to do so, provided the sanitary sewer system is within 200 feet (61 meters) of the property line. (See Augusta-Richmond County Code g5-3-3 (d)) If both public water and public sewer are available, connection must be made to both systems. (See Augusta- Richmond County Code g5-2-70 (d)) CA TEGORY II-MEDIUM RISK Considered to be a potential source of a pollutant. Pollutants are substances, which are objectionable in nature such as those causing discoloration, odor or taste in the water. Typical customers in this category would include commercial businesses such as grocery stores, dayc:are facilities, multifamily housing on a single meter, office buildings and any premises Including residences, with an auxiliary water supply. Water Service connections in this category are required to be protected by a minimum of a DOUBLE CHECK VALVE (DCV A) (up to three inch (3") Watts Model # 007 or equivalent, four (4") and larger Watts Model #709 or equivalent) BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBL Y AT THE METER. CA TEGORY III-LOW RISK Those considered being least likely to be a possible source of a contaminant or pollutant. Typically this category includes single family residential customers. A DUAL CHECK (OUCV) ('I." and I" Meters Walls Model #7 or Equivalent) BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY AT THE METER shall protect the water service connections to these customers. How to Connect 3 ~ SCHEDULE OF WATER AND SEWER RATES AND MINIMUM CHARGES (See Augusta-Richmond County Code ~5-2-45) (a) Water Rates, and Sewer Rates where public water is available, effective Aoril1. 2002: Residential Rate Structure Meter Size Water Rate per 1,000 Sewer Rate per Base gals. (kgal.) Base 1,000 gals. Chame Charae (koalJ All meters $10.51 - $ 9.44 <3 kaal All meters $ 7.28 $1.00 for 1"' $13.24 $1.22 >3 kgal 3,000 $1.12 over 3,000 COMMERCIAL (NON-RESIDENCE RATE STRUCTURE: Meter Size Water Rate per 1,000 Sewer Rate per Base gals. (kgal.) Base 1,000 gals. Chame Charae (kQalJ 5/8" & %" $7.90 $1.28 for 1"' $13.95 $1.54 3,000 ( $1.41 over 3,0.0.0. 1" $11.19 Same $19.94 ___ . $1.54 / 1%" & 1%" $18.55 Same ~ $33.31. ,.- -$1.54 f 2" $26.64 Same r ~.1~ L.. /$1.,54 r I 3" $44.58 Same f r - \ $81~Oo. $1":64 / ,. 4" $64.58 Same ! J I $111qs I \$1.54, I ) 6" $108.89 Same I , J $1S8.a3 I $j..;54'~ 8" $157.95 Same i ~ $287.95-' $1.54 10." $210..96 Same ! ~ $384.90. $1.54 12" $273.76 Same - $487.47 $1.54 (b) The monthly residential sewer rate shall be charged based on the average water usage for that address from the previous December, January and February billing cycles. (c) In cases wher~ a December, January and February consumption is not previously established for that address, the monthly residential sewer charge shall be the lesser of $21.82, or the amount calculated for actual water usage for that month. (d) The rate for wastewater from co-generation facilities is established at the rate of $1.25/kgal. Effective April 1, 2002, and annually thereafter, the rate for wastewater from co-generation facilities as set forth in this section shall be adjusted equal to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers for the South Region. (Ord. # 6441, December 3, 2001) (e) The rates for water and sewer set forth in this section shall be-adjUlted as established in the budgeLadpPted ~y.-tt\e Augusta-Richmond COUflty~.!!ld,ission f~r such year o~ as s~t in a \ ~esoJuti9h duly adqpte~ as a part of financing for ^ ~mprbvements to t~e water and sewer system. 1\ ~nYfhangein the ratd shall be effective on April J \Of ~ach . year followirfg adoption of such budget V~~E!~tlon. (Ord. # 6298, August 15, 2000) Sanitary Sewer Rate Where Public Water Access Is Not Available The assessment charge for residential use of the sanitary sewer system will be eight dollars and thirty cents ($8.30) per month. Any industrial user shall pay based upon the measured sewer in accordance with rates set forth in the Commercial Rate Structure Table. (See Augusta-Richmond County Code ~5-2-70 (e)) Augusta Utilities Department 360 Bay Street, Suite 180 Augusta, Georgia 30901 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED BULK RATE US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 98765 Mailing Address Street Number and Name City, State 98765-4321 How to Connect 4