HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndigent Defense Grant Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: In d i ~.e...n +- D-e fe{1Se.. c"CvI'\--t DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: )[)O\ BOX NUMBER: ,:;). FILE NUMBER: 1 5 LfLJ 4 NUMBER OF PAGES: 14 .a- 16; . t. L[C OF ~ ~/~3)11 AP~fjOVED JUN 0 5 2001 (AU lA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION) AGENDA ITEM: EDITION: -2 - DATE: The Honorable Bob Young, Mayor Members of the Commission ,Chairman, Public Safety Committee George R. Kolb, Administrator ~ TO: THROUGH: FROM: Edward L. Goode, Director Indigent Defense SUBJECT: Grant Approval CAPTION: Approval of Indigent Defense Grant for 2002 funds BACKGROUND: Annually the Indigent Defense Tripartite Committee applies for a Grant from the Georgia Indigent Defense Council in Atlanta in order to secure funding for the local indigent defense program. Funds come to Richmond County through the Indigent Defense Office ANALYSIS: FINANCIAL IMPACT: If the Grant is not approved Richmond County stands to lose approximately $150,000.00 ALTERNATIVES: Loss of the Grant monies and full funding of program by Richmond County. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Grant REQUESTED AGENDA DATE: 5/29/01 f;~~f'~;';~X;,~:">':,;".:'..". :,>f;'~::~'", L.~~' , . ..,.;'!,..... " ,."-~ 't'~"k I '01"" '".,:1 ,;,y ',00. "" "0 ". If -~.,. 'n t;:t~c~.. .J.: 'i..I.i_ ,?;;r- ." . "";~;5!~A.' ~t~Y 2 2 'mo1 r;;:-~:'~~' ....,~u ~g~.:,":, . lll:w_.~,_ ~ ~~ f:~j['~:.":I\'Y . ,. .-l'~ .'" " \' DEPARTMENT &ii~CYL..- DIRECTOR: ADMINISTRATOR: AGENDA ITEM: EDITION: .".l DATE: PAGE 2 FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS: FINANCE: - . . , ~ ----- ,.- -= -= . ~- ~ ~ . e'" = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~'_. ..... .. '~.._- -- ... .... ..........~ ~ - ....--. ~.._._.- '-iiI ~. _.~. ~ ~ I. 1i\IPORTANT COi'lTACT Ii'lFORMATION Section Completed 0 II. ELIGIBILITY DETER!\IINA TION & APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL Section Completed 0 Ill. PROGRAi\1 DESCRIPTION Program Description Attached 0 IV. INDIGE1'o'T CASE COUNTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2000 Adult Felony & i\lisdemeanor Information Completed 0 Juvenile Information Completed 0 V. CALE1\'DAR YEAR 2000 EXPEi\;DITURES Section Completed 0 Cost Reconry Program Description Attached D Audit AttachedD Audit Will Be Sent Under Separate Cover 0 VI. SYSTBIS OF SERVICE (C0:\IPLETE ONLY O\'E SYSTEi\1 OF SERVICE SEcrIOj\~ Aopointed/Panel Attorney Section Cohmleted D List of Appointed Attorneys Attached D Fee Schedule Attached 0 Contract Prooram Section Comoleted 0 List of Appointed Attorneys Attached 0 Fee Schedule Attached 0 Copies of aLL Current Executed Contracts and Subcontracts Attached 0 Public Defender Pro!!ram Section Comoleted 0 List of Appointed Attorneys Attached 0 Fee Schedule Attached 0 Copies of ALL Current Executed Contracts and Subcontracts Attach~d 0 SIGNATURE PAGE Signature Page Completed with All required Signatures D Send a Slngk Copy of the COMPLETED Application to: Governmental Relations Division 1FY2002 Applications Georgia Indigent Defense Council 985 Ponce de Leon Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30306 '.' , :1. FY 2002 APPLICATION FOR GIDC FUNDS Application Deadline June I, 2001 SEND A SIi\'GLE COpy OF THE COi\lPLETED APPLICATION TO: Govcrnmcntal Rclations Division/F.Y2002 Applications Georgia Indigent Defense Council 985 Ponce de Leon A venue Atlanta. GA 30306 + CompleTe a separaTe applicaTion for EA CH COUNTY of a CirclIiT wide program If you have questions, please contact AIi Marin or Becky Chase at GIDC (404) 894-2595, (800) 676-4432, facsimile (404) 206-5154 and/or by e-mail toamarin@gidc.statc.ga.usorbchase@gidc.state.ga.us Bicl1mond COUNTY I. Il\IPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION N,m, ~rdal;.. ~e T;<I, ~i r~r Address Au 1 . 01 Pho", 12,~1-~SI4- F" ~O~~ I~g~ E-m,;1 + Inmate grievances and funding checks will be sent to the contact person named above unless a designee is provided below: Name Title Address Phone Fax E-mail II. ELIGIBILITY DETERI\1INA TION & APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL I. Does every defendant who requests an attorney have the opportunity to complete an Indigency Affidavit? 'Yes 0 No 2. Is counsel provided for misdemeanor cases? J Yes 0 No 3. When does the defendant fill out the Indigency Affidavit? o at booking J at time of initial appearance before magistrate 0 first day in jail 0 other 4. Is counsel for in-custody indigent defendants appointed within 72 hours of arrest? J Yes 0 No 5. How does the county handle appointment of counsel in cases where the defendant . . i' . III. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION jprogranJ Description Attached Attach a program description outlining the rules of operation for the county indigent defense program. It should define the relationship between the county & the attorneys who represent indigents; between these attorneys & their clients; and between the county & the Georgin Indigent Defense Council. This should be a nnrrative that nddresses the method of indigent service delivery; how attorneys are pnid; the process for fee grievances: the role of the IDA & the Tripartite Committee; when an attorney is assigned; how often the attorney should confer with their clients whether in person; by phone or in writing. Visit our web site www.l!idc.comfor examples. IV. INDIGENT CASE COUNTS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2000 . Shall' The lIumber of CASES opelled ill The COIIllTy dllrillg CALENDAR YEAR 2000 . A CASE is a sil1"le de(elldallT charged \l'iTh one or 11/01'1' COUNTS arising ollT of a sillgle event or a series of relaTed evellts and II'hich is disposed 0/ as a single IInit ADULT FELONY & i\lISDEi\IE.-\J'\;OR INFOR;'IA TION + Shall' ONL r The nllmber of cases lI'here a criminal de{<:ndanT had cOllI/sid flrm'ided Tn Irim or Irer in STA TE, SUPERIOR. PROBATE OR M,.jGISTRATE COURT during CALENDAR YEAR 2000 Public Defender Appointed Attornev 1 4-C:Q . ~ J'l 35 Contract Defender Total number of State nnd Superior cnses for CY2000. Show combined totnl of indigent and non- indi~n,t cases. Iql~15 Felony M isdcmeanor Probation Revocation Appeals Other TOTALS + 1858 + -'858 Source for Adult Caselond Information: -E:dt1..lard L. ~e. Telephone:~ JUVENILE INFORJ'l-\TION + Sholl' ONL r tire IIl1mber of persons IInder the age of 17 or their parenTS or guardialls II'ho frad COllllset flrot'ided (0 /rim or her for proceedings in JUVENILE COURT dllring CALENDAR YEAR JUOU Public Defender Appointed Attorney Delinquency '50~ 30 Unruly 150 ---L- Deprivation ~OO 60 Tennination of 10 5 Parental Rights Other _156 10 TOTALS 10:23 + ~+ Contract Defender Total number of juvenile cases for CY2000. Show combined total of indigent and non- inltJ.:~ases. _II~ Source for Juvenile Case load Infonnation: Bi.lL..l::ecJn Telephone:~ - 5b"lS Total Adult & Juvenile Indigent Cases: ~ Tot:!l Adult & Juyenile Cases (combined total of indigent alld non-indigent c:!ses) from boxes above: ~O ,444- V. CALENDAR YEAR 2000 EXPENDITURES 1. Show total amount the county spent on legal representation for people who could not afford counsel between January 1 and December 31,2000 in Superior. State, Magistrate. Probate and Juvenile Courts. This does not include costs of court-appointed counsel in civil or probate matters. transcripts. jailing indigent defendants, or other related jail costs hUI does include salaries of public defenders. monies paid under contract to an attorney(s) and fees of appointed counsel as well as expenses for defense experts and investigations. Public Defender s18, O~ 00 (JUvenile) Appointed Attorney s ~~, 0G,q. 54:... Contract Defender S Other S 2. Show total amount the county spent on administrative costs for indigent defense between January I and December 31,2000. (This includes supplies. rent, and salaries for staff supporting indigent defense). S ~~I 5104-. CO Total under numbers 1 & 2, above S~ it 0,0 14 315.54 3. How much has the county budgeted for indigent defense in FY1002? (Lisl all indigent defense expenditures directly related to the provisioll ofilldigelll defense in Superior, State. Probate. Magistrate. and Juvenile Courts. Include salaries of Public Defenders. year~\' conrractfees of contracl auameys. expendilllresfor appointed auo/"lle.,'s. expenses for defellse experts. investigators. and adlllinistrali!'e casls a/indigent defense): s.-:..NA 4. Is the county still payin.g on a death penalty case opencd prior to ('{OO? -Yes If yes. total paid in CYOO S 1'1)::13'=\.50 5. Docs your county have a cost reco\'ery program? J Yes 0 No If yes. amount recovered in CY99 s.3001. gq . lfno. are YOll interestcd in starting a program to recover costs? 0 Yes 0 No If you responded positively, please attach a description of your cost recovery program. 'Cost Recovery Description.Attached 6. What are the dates of your county's fiscal year? 'JOn \ - Dee. 3\ 7. Please :lU:lch :l copy of the most recent county audit. 0 Audit attached J Audit will be sent under separate cover Source fo~ Expe~diture Information: t.d~rd L. ~e:c!e Title: -.D\reC':1tJr Telephone: 10b - ~~ I - ~ S ( 4- VI. SYSTEMS OF SERVICE (COMPLETE ONLY ONE SECTION) + I f your county uses an appointed/panel system as its primary method of indigent defense representation, please complete ONL Y the YELLOW form. titled SYSTEM OF SERVICE: APPOINTED/PANEL A TIORNEY PROGRAM (indigent cases are appointed to private attorneys who are paid on a per C:lse basis) + I fyour county uses a contract system as its primary method of indigent defense representation, please complete ONLY the ~ form titled SYSTEM OF SERVICE: CONTRACT PROGRAM (private attorneys contract \\ith the county to provide indigent representation t)'pically in addition to their private practice) ... If your county uses a public defender system as its primary method of indigent defense representation, please complete ONLY the .Ill.!.!.E form titled SYSTEM OF SERVICE: PUBLIC DEFENDER PROGRAM (full-time salaried attorneys employed by the count)' or circuit to h:lndle only indigent criminal or juvenile cases) **ALL COUNTIES MUST COMPLETE THE CONTRACT! SIGNATURE PAGE WHICH FOLLOWS THE SYSTEM OF SERVICE SECTION** ','j- VI. SYSTEM OF SERVICE: APPOINTED/PANEL ATIORNEY PROGRAM l. Who decides which attorney will work on a given case? Ed 1..1lQ r~L &::::cx::Je 2. Number of attorneys on appointment list? 3lo 3. Average number of cases appointed to each attorney in 2000? 5 \ 4. Is it mandatory for attorneys to take indigent cases? 0 Yes J No 5. In court hourly rate? $~ r If yes, for how many years? Out of court hourly rate? s~h r- 6. Is there a maximum fee for certain types of cases? 0 Yes rI No If yes, please describe or attach list 0 List Attached 7. Are fees paid hourly in death penalty cases? 'Yes 0 No In court hourIy rate? S IoC) Out of court hourly rate? S~ 8. Is there a maximum fee in death penalty cases? 0 Yes rI No I f yes. amount S 9. Has an attorney been appointed in a lie'" death penalty case been opened in CYOO? rJ Yes 0 No 10. Who approves attorney fee requests?*I5OD'" b..dow: Edward L. b)e. above. -/500 = Ccmmi ike JUVENILE CASES II. How are juvenile cases handled? o Appointed attorneys 0 Contract defender J Public defender If your county uses a public defender or contract defender for its juvenile cases please provide the following contact information: N,m'~ nt, Address 3dr,II~ ~ ed: Aug~, & 30Qa Phone 1CkJ- 'l~4 -O~CoIa Fax E-mail 12. Please)lttach a list of all attorneys appointed to handle indigent cases including addresses and phone number for each. III List of Appointed attorneys Attached , Fee Schedule Attached 13. Please attach a copy of co~nty fee schedule **ALL COUNTIES MUST COMPLETE THE CONTRACT/ SIGNATURE PAGE WHICH FOLLOWS THE SYSTEM OF SERVICE SECTION** . . ~l . VI. SYSTEM OF SERVICE: CONTRACT PROGRAM I. Law tirm(s) or lawyer(s) holding current contract for indigent representation: 2. How was the local contract defender selected? 3. By whom? 4. How often does the contract come up for consideration? 5. Does the Tripartite Committee observe the contract defenders' performance? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, how often? 6. Is any part of this contract subcontracted out (this includes representation for contlict cases)? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, what part? To whom? 7. How many individual attorneys take indigent cases under this contract? or any subcontract? 8. Total number of indigent cases handled under all contracts or subcontracts? 9. Are there caseload limits for contract defenders? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, total caseload limit: Felonies Misdemeanors Appeals Probation (Parole Revocations Juvenile Offender Cases Juvenile Dependency Clients Civil Commitments If no, how does the office prevent excessive case loads from interfering with the quality of representation? (Please attach separate sheet.) 0 Explanation Attached 10. Does the contract cover death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, does it provide for additional fees? 0 Yes 0 No In court hourly rate for death penalty case? S Out of court hourly rate for death penalty cases? S Is there a maximum fee in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, amount S II. Has a death penalty case been opened in CYOO? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, was it handled by a contract defender? 0 Yes 0 No JUVENILE CASES 12. How are juvenile cases handled? o Appointed attorneys 0 Contract defender o Public defender If your county uses a public defender or contract defender for its juvenile cases please provide the following contact information: Name Title Address Phone Fax E-mail Ifthe county uses appointed attorneys for juvenile cases, attach a list of these attorneys including addresses and phone number for each and a copy of the county fee schedule. o List of Juvenile Appointed Attorneys Attached o Fee Schedule Attached CONFLICT CASES 13. How are your contlict cases handled? (Describe the method used to provide an attorney when the contract attorney can not handle the case because of any conflicts of interest or due to excessive case loads) o Appointed attorneys (Please answer questions 14-25) o Contract with a finn(s) or attorney(s) specifically to take conflict cases (Skip questions 14-24, go to question 25) 14. Who decides which attorney will work on a given case? 15. Number of Attorneys on appointment list? 16. Average number of cases appointed to each attorney in 2000? 17. Is it mandatory for attorneys to take indigent cases? 0 Yes 0 No I f yes, for how many years? 18. In court hourly rate? S Out of court hourly rate? S 19. Is there a maximum fee for certain types of cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes. please describe or attach list. 0 List Attached 20. Are fees paid hourly in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No In court hourly rate? $_ Out of court hourly rate? $_ 21. Is there a maximum fee in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes. amount S 22. Has an attorney been appointed in a new death penalty case been opened in CYOO? 0 Yes 0 No 23. Who approves attorney fee requests? 24. Please attach a list of attorneys who handle indigent cases including addresses and phone number for each and the county fee schedule. o List of Appointed Attorneys Attached o Fee Schedule Attached 25. Attach a CODV of ALL current executed contracts and subcontracts a Copies of ALL Current Executed Contracts and Subcontracts Attached ** ALL COUNTIES MUST COMPLETE THE CONTRACT! SIGNATURE PAGE wmCH FOLLOWS THE SYSTEM OF SERVICE SECTION** VI. SYSTEM OF SERVICE: PUBLIC DEFENDER PROGRAM I. Contact information: Name Address Phone Title Fax Email 2. Number of: Full-time attorneys: In vestigators/P ara I e ga Is: Part-time attorneys: Administrative Staff: 3. Average yearly caseload per attorney: 4. Are there case load limits for attorneys? 0 Yes 0 No If yes. total case load limit: Felonies Misdemeanors Appeals Probation IParole Revocations Juvenile Offender Cases Juvenile Dependency Clients Civil Commitments If no, how does the office prevent excessive caseloads from interfering with the quality of representation? (Please attach separate sheet.) 0 Explanation Attached 5. PO salary? S 6. Starting salary for assistant PO? $ 7. Who selects the Public Defender? 8. Does the Tripartite Committee observe the PO's performance? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, how often? 9. Does the Public Defender's Office undertake representation in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, # currently open: Number of death penalty cases opened in CYOO: Is there a maximum # of death penalty cases the PO's can handle at a time? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, how many? JUVENILE CASES 10. How are juvenile cases handled? o Appointed attorneys 0 Contract defender o Public defender If your county uses a public defender or contract defender for its juvenile cases please provide the following contact information: Name Title Address Phone Fax E-mail If the county uses appointed attorneys for juvenile cases, please attach a list of these attorneys including addresses and phone number for each and a copy of the county fee schedule. o List of Juvenile Appointed Attorneys Attached o Fee Schedule Attached CONFLICT CASES II. How are your conflict cases handled? (Describe the method used to provide an attorney when the PD"s office can not handle the case because ofany conflicts of interest or due to excessive case loads) o Appointed attorneys (Please answer questions 12-22) o Contract with a firm(s) or attorney(s) specifically to take conflict cases (Answer questions 23-34) 12. Who decides which attorney will work on a given case? 13. Number of attorneys on appointment list? . , 14. Average number of cases appointed to each attorney in 2000? IS. Is it mandatory for attorneys to take indigent cases? 0 Yes 0 No I f yes, for how many years? 16. In court hourly rate? $ Out of court hourly rate? $ 17. Is there a maximum fee for certain types of cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, please describe or attach list 0 List Attached 18. Are fees paid hourly in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No I n court hourly rate? $_ Out of court hourly rate? $_ 19. Is there a maximum fee in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No I f yes, amount $ 20. Has an attorney been appointed in a lIew death penalty case been opened in CYOD? 0 Yes 0 No 21. Who approves attorney fee requests? 22. Attach a list of attorneys who handle indigent cases including addresses and phone number for each and the county fee schedule o List of Appointed Attorneys Attached o Fee Schedule Attached 23. Law firm(s) or lawyer(s) holding current contract for indigent representation: 24. How was the local contract defender selected? 25. By whom? 26. How often does the contract come up for consideration? 27. Does the Tripartite Committee observe the contract defenders' perfonnance? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, how often? 28. Is any part of this contract subcontracted out? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, what part? To whom? 29. How many individual attorneys take indigent cases under this contract? Or any subcontract? 30. Total number of indigent cases handled under all contracts or subcontracts? 31. Are there case load limits for contract defenders? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, total caseload limit: Felonies MisderI,leanors Appeals Probation IParole Revocations Juvenile Offender Cases Juvenile Dependency Clients Civil Commitments Ifno, how does the office prevent excessive caseloads from interfering with the quality of representation? (Please attach separate sheet.) 0 Explanation Attached 32. Does the contract cover death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, does it provide for additional fees? 0 Yes 0 No In court hourly rate for death penalty case? $ Out of court hourly rate for death penalty cases? $ Is there a maximum fee in death penalty cases? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, amount $ 33. Has a death penalty case been opened in CYOO? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, was it handled by a contract defender? 0 Yes 0 No 34. Please attach a copy of ALL current executed contracts and subcontracts o Copies of ALL Current Executed Contracts and Subcontracts Attached **ALL COUNTIES MUST COMPLETE THE CONTRACT/ SIGNATURE PAGE WHICH FOLLOWS THE SYSTEM OF SERVICE SECTION** Directions for SIGNATURE PAGE 1. Please note that O.C.G.A. 17-12-37 (c) prohibits iudges. prosecutors. or public defenders from sitting on the Indigent Defense Committee. The local Tripartite Committee must be composed in accordance with this Code section as of June 1,2001 in order for your county to be considered for G IDC Grants to Counties funding. 2. By signing this document the local Indigent Defense Committee is entering into a binding legal agreement. The Committee members should be aware that they are agreeing to abide by the current Indigent Defense Guidelines as approved by the Supreme Court of Georgia. A copy of the current Guidelines is av.ailable at the GIDC website www.~idc.com/guidelin htm or will be sent upon request. 3. Note the Ylli each representative was appointed and whether they were appointed by the Chief Judge, Local Bar or County Commission. The Committee must have a representative from each of these three areas. An additional signature page is included for those counties that have larger committees. The Committee members III list sign a separate contractfor each county of a multi-county program. 4. Original signatures are required on the signature page. The Chair of the Count)' Commission and the first three members of the Tripartite Committee must all sign on tlte W!.!l!.page. ~COUNTY WHEREAS the Indigent Defense Committee of ~County (hereinafter County) has submitted an application to GIDC for state funds and the County has agreed to accept such state funds for the provision of indigent defense in the Superior. State. Magistrate. Probate and Juvenile Courts of ,this County. The Indigent Defense Committee, the County, and the Georgia Indigent Defense Council certify and agree as follows: I. The Chairperson and members of the local Indigent Oerense Committee.of the County certify that the information contained in the Application is true and correct and that the Committee will operate the Local Indigent Defense Program within the Indigent Defense Act and any amendments thereto (O.C .G.A. S 17-12-30 et seq. l. the Clerk's and Sheriffs Trust Account Laws (O.e.G.A. S 15-6-76.1 et seq.) and the Guidelines of the Georgia Indigent Defense Council for the Operation of Local Indigent Defense Programs which have been or will be adopted and approved by the Supreme Court of Georgia, 2. It is specifically covenanted and agreed that for and in consideration of monies received from GIDC (and any additional monies distributed to the County by GIDC in the current fiscal year), the County IIereby agree~' 10 use t!lese fimds for purpose of operatiug tile local indigent defellse program of said County during the 2002 fiscal year. 3, The provisions of this contract are non-cumulative and stand as independent covenants between the parties. Should any section or subsection be found void or invalid it shall not void or invalidate remaining sections or subsections provided the remaining sections or subsections can remain in effect without material prejudice to either party. WHEREFORE, the parties having set their hands and affixed their seals on the date set out below, this contract becomes in full force and effect. Director. Georgia Indigent Defense Council . 200 I. APPROVED this _ day of Georgia Indigent Defense Council By: By: (I) Year Apptd. J.99.9. Appointed by & to represent: Phone Number Slate .,~ .1~~" .,C~ Fax Number E-mail Q ~hief Judge .....Bar ASSOCIation Q County Commission (2) Year Apptd. jg!j9.. lG9ustn ~~.'1~.15 ( 1 eo Appointed by & to represent: (3) State "lOb. "l~~ .. 5~S4. Fax Number E-mail ~Ol Zip Q Chief Judge Q Bar Association "County Commission Year Apptd. ~I Appointed by & to represent: Adq,ress s1:a .AUgU ~tv Qb- '1 a~ . 4-111 Phone Number State 10b."~~-4811 Fax Number E-mail ~Ol Zip Q Chief Judge Q Bar Association ci'County Commission Committee Information (continued) Use this page for Committees wirh more rhan three members. Remember that each Committee must be composed of an equal number of representatives of the Superior Co un Judges. County Commission and local Bar Association. (4) ~y P~ta~J2~~aqre.IDC Member ~d~f);, .""A~~ fi... ~oro CL City State "lC:lo . 554-~~4 71), - 554 - caso Year Apptd.l9..99 Appointed by & to represent: eosao Zip r.I Chief Judge o Bar Association o County Commission Phone Number Fax Number E-mail (5) Year Apptd. ~ A~SS ens Citv ..I , Db- 'aba -OSh- Appointed by & to represent: Stale 3C€CA Zip ~Chief Judge o Bar Association o County Commission Phone Number Fax Number E-mail (6) Year Apptd..l9.ftJ PrjQ.ted NajD,e & SignaljJre. IDC Member ~. O. OD'X:. 1~'" ~ eo acA03-J+'1'1 <;.4tv Stale Zip ..:..,06-'1.;)4-01'11 "Ob-'1~" 45'13 Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Appointed by & to represent: o Chief Judge M13ar Association o County Commission (7) Printed Name & Signature, IDC Member Address City State Zip Phone Number Fax Number E-mail (8) Printed Name & Signalure, IDC Member Address City State Zip Phone Number Fax Number E-mail (9) Printed Name & Signature, IDC Member Address City Slate Zip Phone Number Fax Number E-mail Year Apptd. _ Appointed by & to represenl: o Chief Judge o Bar Association o County Commission Year Apptd._ Appointed by & to represent: o Chief Judge o Bar Association o County Commission Year Apptd._ Appointed by & to represent: o Chief Judge o Bar Association o County Commission