HomeMy WebLinkAboutGroundwater Treatment Plan Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: 2t\ YOG\nd uJ3teY 1r emmcnt IDn DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR\)\ BOX NUMBER: \ "---\ FILE NUMBER: \~lq\:) NUMBER OF PAGES: V " , ~\ Davi's; Bob/CL T To: Cc: Subject: Scott, Larry/ A TL Lorentz, Rob/ATL Augusta CIP - Groundwater Treatment Plant No; 4 Wellfield Larry, As discussed and requested, we have obtained some pricing from Graves Well Drilling to perform aquifer testing in the proposed Groundwater Treatment Plant NO.4 area. Graves was chosen for their demonstrated capabilities for well installation, well development, and aquifer testing. They also provide a very good database of information about the local aquifers from the experience in the area. Graves has proposed the following: . Testing of Existing Production Well #127 - They will remove the permanent pump from the well, conduct a video inspection of the well interior, isolate the lowest screen section with inflatable packers, install a temporary pump and operate it at 100 - 200 gpm to collect water samples from the isolated screened section. They will repeat this process of isolating, pumping, and sampling for each of the six screened zones within the well. A full spectrum water quality analysis (or a limited analysis based upon our request) will be run on the samples taken from each of the screened sections. Once the sampling and analysis is complete, Graves will reinstall the permanent pump. The intent of the isolation of the screened sections is to determine what specific screened section any particular problems are coming from. . . Installation of one 4" or 6" test well - Graves will drill and conduct geophysical logging of the test bore hole to approximately 700 BGS. Once completed, they will drill and construct a well to 650' total depth with 160' of screens. They will develop the well, then isolate the determined screened intervals (4 included) as with the existing production well. The difference between the 4" and 6" wells is that only 5 - 10 gpm can be pumped from the 4" while 50 - 60 gpm can be pumped from the 6" well. The higher pumping rate will more closely approximate the flow from the well. A full spectrum water quality analysis (or a limited analysis based upon our request) will be run on the samples taken from each of the four screened sections. The proposed cost for this work i~ as follows: Total Estimated Cost $30,500 $21 ,000 (full spectl umirr6 ZOlles @ $3,500/zolle) $79,500 $14,000 (full spectrum in 4 zones @ $3,500/zone) $145,000 . Existing production well testing -.----Water Quality At,alysis fr011l existillg well . New 6" well . Water Quality Analysis from new well The proposal does not include clearly necessary for the new well location. Clearing and access won't likely be difficult given the conditions in the area. Please let me know how you wish us to proceed. I'll have Rob check on the schedule for completing the work since the proposal does not address this. Bob Davis, P .E. CH2M HILL 360 Bay Street, Suite 100 Augusta, GA 30901 (706)303-2426 Fax (706)303-2429 Mobile (704)231-1049 e-mail gdavis1@ch2m.com Computer Fax (678)579-8026 1 RECEIVED: 10/30/01 ;8:28;' ->CH2M HILL; #109; PAGE 2 .... .OC~ 30 01 09:39a GRAVES 8034719211 10.2 "\ GRAVES \ I (vt" / \-'7' " ./i I" dlO~ ~ ibt: ,'- ~ '\ / 1(fJ 1/ /{,' '\'~ 'l;J(\ //\ ,\ (I'll P ".. 5u / u ,/(~\ \/-;)\ 7724 Alomic Road Jackson, SC 29831 803-471-3353 800-221-2935 WATER SERVfCES, fNC. / QUOTATION 102501-1 October 25, 2001 Mr. Rob Lorentz CH2M Hill 360 DRY St., Suite 100 Augusta, GA 30901. RE: Atluifer Testing nen I-Iorseshoe 1\<.1,& r-ligbwny 56. DESCRIPTION Following are estimates for various testing of aquifers for the Augusta-Richmond Utilities nt the area referred to RS the "Kimberly-Clark Well field": A Testing of Existing Production Well # 127: EstimRte to remove permanent pump from well, conduct video inspection of well interior, isolate lowest screen section with inflatable packers, install temporary submersible pump and operate at approximately 100-200 GPM in order to coUect Wl\ter snmples (:Il1:1lysis by others), and check flow I drllwdown of screened area. Repeat isolation, pumping, nnd amtlysis procedme for total of six screen zones in well. Reinstllll permanent pump andprep:\[e to opemte into system. $ 30,500.00 13. four Inch Test Well: E!ltiI11ll.te to chill and conduct geophysical logging of the test bote hole . to ;lpproxil11:1.te 700' depth; drill nnd COf1!ltruct test well to 650' totnl depth with 1 GO'x4" sln;nlcss steel screcns 1I1lt! 4l)(J'x4" carhon stecl c;l!lillg. Isoblc lowcst screen secliol1 wirh inflatable p:lckcts. Install tCl11pomry submersible pump find operate at approximately 5-lO GPM for collection of wntet snmples (analysis by others). Repe\lt isol\ltion, pumping and sampling procedures fot total of four sepamte screen zones. $ 69,900.00 C. Six Inch Test Well: Estimate to driU and conduct geophysical logging of test bore hole to approximate 790' depth; driU llnd constrllct test welJ to 650' total depth with 160'x6" stainless steel screens 1111d 490'x6" !lteel casing. Isolate screen sections with inflntnble packers, install and ope.rate submersible pump at approximately 50-60 GP.M for collection of water samples (:lI1alysis by others). Repent procedure [or total of four separate screen zones. $ 79,500.00 Submitted By otM& i?v1IL-L Time y E, Miles. ~. RECEIVED: 10/30/01 ;8:29;" ->CH2M HILL; #109; PAGE 3 " Oat' 30 01 09:39a GRAVES 8034719211 p.3 '\ As noted above, cl::1emical analyses from the various screen zones are not included in this estimate. However, for reference purposes, a full analysis of water from a new well as required by GAEPD is approxllnately $3,000.00 - 3,500.00. The project scope would include sampling from each isolated screen zone, but "full" analyses may not be necessaty from each sample. Cbtl-i.ng of area(s), ingress and egress is to be provided by others and is not included in these estimates. Unit prices for lesser/greater depth(s), screen sections, screen lengths, pumping tests, etc. can' be furnished prior to awardoE the project. Thank you for your interest and for considering Graves for the project. Please give me a call at your convenience to discuss this proposaL 2 '" , Davls, Soh/eL T From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lorentz, Rob/ATL November 09, 2001 8:38 AM Davis, Bob/CL T Scott, Larry/A TL RE: Augusta CIP - Groundwater Treatment Plant No, 4 Wellfield Reecieved a fax from Graves yesterday noting that the work associated with the existing well would take (4) weeks to complete and the remainder of the work would take up to (4) months to complete. He did note that the work at the existing well could be done concurrent with that of the new well. So the long and short of it, it will take approximately four months to complete. There is approximately 3 to 4 weeks in the process where no progress on site will be completed. This time is for sizing of the pump and recieving the equipment to install. We also know that the results of the testing can very dependent upon the tests required. --Original Message-- From: Davis, Bob/CL T Sent: November 01, 2001 2:54 PM To: Lorentz, Rob/ATL Cc: Scott, Larry/ATL Subject: RE: Augusta CIP - Groundwater Treatment Plant NO.4 Wellfield Rob, Could you find out how long it is estimated to take to complete the work once they are started? -Original Message--- From: Lorentz, Rob/ATL Sent: November 01, 2001 2:41 PM To: Davis, Bob/CL T; Scott, Larry/A TL Subject: RE: Augusta CIP - Groundwater Treatment Plant NO.4 Wellfield Graves indicated that they would be in a position to begin work on the existing well within three weeks of notification if not sooner. ----Original Message---- From: Davis, Bob/CL T Sent: November 01, 2001 12:21 PM To: Scott, Larry/ATL Cc: Lorentz, Rob/ATL Subject: Augusta CIP - Groundwater Treatment Plant NO.4 Wellfield Larry, As discussed and requested, we have obtained some pricing from Graves Well Drilling to perform aquifer testing in the proposed Groundwater Treatment Plant NO.4 area. Graves was chosen for their demonstrated capabilities for well installation, well development, and aquifer testing. They also provide a very good database of information about the local aquifers from the experience in the area. Graves has proposed the following: . Testing of Existing Production Well #127 ~ They will remove the permanent pump from the well, conduct a video inspection of the well interior, isolate the lowest screen section with inflatable packers, install a temporary pump and operate it at 100 - 200 gpm to collect water samples from the isolated screened section. They will repeat this process of isolating, pumping, and sampling for each of the six screened zones within the well. A full spectrum water quality analysis (or a limited analysis based upon our request) will be run on the samples taken from each of the screened sections. Once the sampling and analysis is complete, Graves will reinstall the permanent pump. The intent of the isolation of the screened sections is to determine what specific screened section any particular problems are coming from. . Installation of one 4" or 6" test well - Graves will drill and conduct geophysical logging of the test bore hole to approximately 700 BGS. Once completed, they will drill and construct a well to 650' total depth with 160' of screens. They will develop the well, then isolate the determined screened intervals (4 included) as with the existing production well. The difference between the 4" and 6" wells is that only 5 - 10 gpm can be pumped from the 4" while 50 - 60 gpm can be pumped from the 6" well. The higher pumping rate will more closely approximate the flow from the well. A full spectrum water quality analysis (or a limited analysis based upon our request) will be run on the samples taken from each of the four screened sections. The proposed cost for this work is as follows: 1 " I ,. .. .1 . Existing production well testing $30,500 , . Water Quality Analysis from existing well $21,000 (full spectrum in 6 zones @ $3,500/zone) . New 6" well $79,500 . Water Quality Analysis from new well $14000 (full spectrum in 4 zones @ $3,500/zone) Total Estimated Cost $145,000 The proposal does not include clearly necessary for the new weillbcation. Clearing and access won't likely be difficult given the conditions in the area. Please let me know how you wish us to proceed. I'll have Rob check on the schedule for completing the work since the proposal does not address this. Bob Davis, P.E. CH2M HILL 360 Bay Street, Suite 100 Augusta, GA 30901 (706)303-2426 Fax (706)303-2429 Mobile (704 )231-1049 e-mail gdavis1@ch2m.com Computer Fax (678)579-8026 2 :.::Iet::ll.U::l.-....~;......-.~~1C e'liiii~lTJ_iiii...___!~K,C~:T...:tC'l~ Npv 08 01 03:43p GRAVES 8034719211 !O. 1 WATER SERVICES, ING. 7724 Atomic Road Jackson, SC 29831 803-4 71 ~3353 800-221-2935 GRAVES FACSIMILE. MESSAGE Fax Number (803) 471-9211 COMPANY: II/e/CJ( I ( R tJ73 .~€7VTZ- ,:r-z00/303 - 7-~2-9 , C#2- I/f1 Ht L.& TIME: C}-': 3D p-wr DATE: TO: FAX NO: FROM: TIM MILES TOTAL PAGES: .3 (INCLUDING COVER) REMARKS: t11- : ;;7/( /f1/~S cP U 0-/7f. ::rI /02. :J 01 -! {/I ,.:> II z ->' ;. I ) AQurce-;e Ie-Sf/Nt;.. ~ Au tr -,R .feN "VIG ~ /rflYl A-, (UtJ"X Ie ?s.,-; f/rl';=f-7C S' C err:' E: ;::::b-72 .tj ,k/-ecJ;!..S -rD C!~1,o~rc E X /577 ;J ~ we-I--I- /-r:crYl B/~ e sri t/Vlrl-rc '-I j/UCJ ~5 -ro C.cJY-rl ~ t....e- n- i.U&72-1G -:5 c. ~e Ft::rrl. . e:JH::. H ... . .--..--'--- ..-. . .-...--. -.. ... . wet-I-. c:!.G),;tI 5/72 u c::. -rc:;rJ . / -reJr1 J4 lj./o-r<..fL CA-w' .l.5e .pe7e~~er.:; copJc.U/2I2E71ff_ /"/6?r1&) IS ~ C!- -r-o tL/C);e.tL err ;~.