HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment of Natural Resources Environmetal Protection Division Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: 1)e.. f~X+meh T " (0 f J\1oJ-U,YQ \ 'Be SOL.LYC.e.- S t: In v \ ,,~h\ -vvoted-lon V \ \/ i S j 0 r) DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: BOX NUMBER: ~ I~~DL} FILE NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES: '( .. State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental grotection Division NOTICE OF INTENT General Permit To Discharge Filter Backwash Associated With Water Treatment Plant Activity With Sludge Handling Capability New Facility_Existing Facility XX Change of Information_ I. Name of owner/organization: Auqusta Richmonil C'mmt-y Commiooion ~jdress: Municipal Building 530 Greene Strp.pr City: Augusta State: GA Zip code 'H1911 County: Richmonil Phone: (706)821-1831 II. Name of facility producing filter backwash discharge: Augusta Water Filter Plant A. ~Iailing Address: Street Address: 2822 Central Avenue City: Auqusta State: GA Zip Code 10QnQ County: Richmond Phone: (706) 736-8497 B. Site Location: J\ddress: 1425 Highland Avenue City: Auqusta State: GA Zip Code 30g0g County: Richmond Phone: (706)733-3831 III. Description of facility and activity information: A. arief description of water treatment process (attach process :Elow chart if available) : ~pp ~tti~ROd oficct~ . . 6~t H~adloss, Turbidity Breakthrough, Frequency of F~lter Backwash~ng.Mpil'rl ~pr<=>riOlt:ign; or 125 IIr~. Max Volume of water used during backwash: 300,000 to 600,000 Gals./Filter; AVg. j7U,UUU Gals./Filter B. . Frequency of Basin Washdown: Quarterly Volume of water used during washdown: 3 MG Est. in a 3 day period Method of sludge handling and treatment: ni c:r],.::lr'Je "is Etorm sewer to Turknett Storm water holding basin Is sludge disposal area located in flood plain or subject to flooding? No Comments: C. Design flow (average-aa~~y) of facility~MGD; Exist Permit 45 MGD Exist Avg. 24 MGD Percent TSS removed (actual): N/A population served: a.___1-199 b.___200-499 c. 500-999 --- d.___l,OOO-4,999 e.___5,OOO-9,999 f.KK-10,OOO or more Number of separate discharge points:-1- D. Additional Information: How much does your facility discharge per operating day ? (flow MGD): a.Average: 0.3 b.Maximum: 0 q How much volume is treated before discharging? (percent): NO Is any sludge ultimately returned to a waterway?~ 070 n,/A Name of receiving water or waters: Storm Water Coll prt- i n'J Ib !Din-Oates Creek IV. Certification: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the persoll or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Printed Name : Title: ~tl7f ??l2JtW .. 'VATER PRURlFICATION AT THE AUGUSTA/RICHMOND CO. SURF ACE WATER PLANT "Raw water" is pumped from the Augusta Canal and/or Savannah River 4 miles into two large reservoirs having a combined capacity of 125 million gallons. This untreated water remains in the reservoir for two to three days where larger particles settle. Water is discharged, as needed, through a 42" main from the reservoirs to the Filter Plant. The Filter Plant purifies water using five stages as described below: Coagulation/Flocculation Aluminum sulfate (polymers and lime during "upsets") are added to water to form aluminum hydroxide, better known as "floc". "Floc" is a insoluble "sticky" material witt! a positive charge. Once floc is formed paddles slowly mix "floc particles" in a larg'~ basin. Floc remains in this Coagulation/Flocculation basin 30 to 45 minutes. During this time paddles agitate this "coagulated water" forcing small particles (consisting of mud, bacteria, minerals, etc) to bump into sticky floc particles. Very fme part:lc1es "clump" together to form larger, heavier particles. Sedimentation Water next passes through "settling basins". These basins are 13 feet deep and cover approximately 4 acres. Over 90% of all "undesirables" contained in Savannah River water are settled out as water slowly (4 to 6 hours) passes through the settling basins. Filtration The fmal step in the removal of particulate impurities is the filtration process. Filtration is the process of passing water through coal, sand, and gravel. Augusta has 10 Dual Media Filters capable of filtering 60 million gallons per day. Each filter contains 20 inches of anthracite and four feet of sand and gravel. Disinfection Approximately 3 parts per million of chlorine gas is added to Augusta water in two separate stages. Chlorine is added prior to coagulation to kill most pathogenic bacteria and to oxidize iron and maganese so these nuisance minerals can be "settled out" and removed. After filtration another dose of chorine is added to insure bacteria has been killed and to provide a small disinfectant residual to keep microorganisms out of drinking water until it reaches the consumer. Corlrosion Control Lime is added after filtration in order to boost treated water pH to approximately 7.3. pH adjustment in conjunction with the addition of orthophosphate keeps corrosion rates at a minimum. Corrosion "racks' are located in three areas of Augusta. The lowest circu:lation area and consequently worst corrosion area is #1 Fire Station located 10 miles from the treatment plant. Test reveal generally a 3.5 mils/years corrosion rate at this location. Augusta Water Operators and lab personnel test hourly and insure proper dosage of the above chemicals. Distribution Five underground clearwells store 15,400,000 gallons of treated water; 4 elevated tanks supply 2 1/2 million gallons of water. Water demand varies seasonally. 16 million gallons of water treated would reflect typical slow winter day. A dry summer day would require as much as 40 million gallons to be delivered. Approximately, one-third of Augusta customers receive water via gravity; two thirds of the demand is satisfied by 11 high service pumps. ..c co co c: '> ~ ..... "(3 > ~ c= co ._ ~, (J) a: ,) ,- ~ u q: u ~ ~ o ... . o :;, :::: o -5 ~ Q) en CO ..... o ,:i) '(tj ,5: E ..... IS? c: o :;:; .5 E .;:: .& en rJ) c~ ~ C3~ I ":"'t ""\ ;:;~~~ -'., . ""\ ;:", -' ~~:!fft ""\;'~~ ..J ..1; ""\ :..'~"!1 =< ::i -' '~;1tC ;.:;~, o--HJ +B C3~ ..c rJ) CO -::..... c:~Q) Q)O- a. CO CO (J)cc3: __ ------- .!!l Qi 2: co Q) U ..c rJ) co -x u.. .- ...:.~ rJ) o a.. c: o :;:; CO ..... == iL: s::: o :;:; CO - s::: Q) E :0 Q) (J) c: .2 co ;:] o u o u: ..c rJ) ~x u.. .- .:2 Q) ..... a.. u c ...: o (f) c ~ ~ c<: C 'i: :J 1'"'\ r= c: Cij r r- 'CO ..... o .D ..c o a: rJ) ca ;:] 't:l 'ij) Q) a: -= ca c... :: .2 ...... 0 ca._ I... ...... ...... ca :-:: E ~ Q) -0 ..s::: :: 0 OC/:J E ~ ..s::: 0 0_ .- ~ 0;: en ca en ...... Q) en u ;:] 0 001... ;:]c... -< T"" I CO) Q) .... :J en u::: l;().:) l<{'b~ :>S'II'Ct~cn:D ~' State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Notice of Intent For Coverage Under General Permit GAROOOOOO To Discharge Storm Water Associated With Industrial Activity I. FACILITY LOC.c,TION INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: AUQUSta J. B. Messerly WPCP PHONE: (706) 793-1691 STRa:r ADDRESS: MA/UNG ADORES S: 1820 [bug Barnard Parkway 530 Greene Street, Room 701 CITY: A11(fUSta COUNTY: Richmnd ZIP CODE: 30911 II. FACILITY OWNER-OPERATOR INFORMATION LEGAL NAME: Augusta-Richrrond County 530 Greene Street, 8th Floor PHONE: (706) 831-2400 ADDRESS: Aucrusta CITY: STATE: Georqia ZIP CODE: 30911 o Private Ii( Public [ 0 Stats o Fedsral ~ounty/Cjty ) III. SITE ACTrvlTY INFORMATION SIC CODES: Primary: AND / OR 4952 Secondary: o Landfill o Hazardous Waste TSO 8l Wastewatsr Trsatmsnt o Power Generation Other NPDES Permi,: Numbers: GA. 0020087 Name of Receiving Waters: Phinizv Ditch Municipal Storm Sewer Operator Name: Augusta- Richrrond County Latitude: ':no,1' 41" Longitude: 810 58' 35" Facility Contact: Name: Thorras D. Wiedmeier Title: Assistant Director Tefl~phone Number: (706) 796-5012 :luantitative Data of Storm Water Discharges Available? 0 Yes l8 No V. COMMENTS . CERTIFICATION: i certify under penalty of lar' that this document and all attachments wers prepared under my dirsction or supervision in :cordancs with a systsm dssigned to assurs th~4Ualified psrsonnsl properly gathersd and sveluated the information submittsd. Based upon my quiry of the psrson or persons who manags ~,tn8" systsm, or those psrsons dirsctly rssponsibJe for Qathsring the information, the information bmitted is, to the best of my k.nowledge anct"belief, tryll, eccurate, and complete. 'em aware that thsre ars significant penaltiss for submitting Jse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for k.nowing violations. Title: Mayor Date: Tunp 1 R _ 1998 arion Inetructlon. on Revef8e Version: Special State of Georgia Department ofNaturaJ Resources Notice of Intent For Coverage Under General Pennit GAROOOOOO To Discharge Stann Water Associated With Industrial Activity I. FACILITY LOC,(ITION INFORMATION FACILITY NAME: CoOOrich Street Landfill PHONE: NjA STREET ADDRES~i: 1800 Block of Goodrich Street MAILING ADDRESS: 530 Greene Street, Room 701 CITY: AUClusta COUNTY: Richrrond ZIP CODE: 30911 II. FACILITY OWNER-OPERATOR INFORMATION LEGAL NAME: Auqusta-RichIrond County ADDRESS: ---5..:ll1 Greene Street, 8th Floor PHON~ (706) 821-2400 CITY: Aucrusta STATE: Georgia ZIP CODE: 30911 o Private ~ Public [ 0 State o Federal ~ County/City ) 11/. SITE ACTIVITY INFORMATION SIC CODES: Primary: 4953 Secondary: AND / OR CJ Hazardous Waste TSD ~ Landfill * CJ Wastewater Treatment CJ Power Generation Other NPDES Permit Numbers: NIL Name of Receivi~~e~_, Hawks Gulley Municipal Storm Sewer Operator Name: Augusta- Richrrond County 330 29' 21" ...atitude: Longitude: 810 59' 37" ,=acility Contact: Na me: Hameed U. Malik Title: Environmental Engineer Telephone Number: (706) 821-1706 luantitative Data of Storm Water Discharges Available? CJ Yes ~ No I. COMMENTS * Closed Inert Material Landfill (Used by fanner City for internal use, has not been open to the public. ) , CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepered under my direction or supervision in cordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered end evaluated the information submitted. Based upon my ~uiry of the person or persons who manage tha system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information :lmitted is, to the best of my knowledga and belief. true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significent penalties for submining se information, including th 0 ibility of fine and' prisonment for knowing violations. nted N~/ Larl . Title, l:::~::t~. " Type All Information Date: Cl r 0 InatructfoM on Reve,... Mayor:... . '__.' ._ June 18. 1998 Version: Special ~ r.irl.l8'DI#'rt,,/c"'tI~"'~/'~'~M~...' 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