HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment of Family and Children Services Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: De-pa.--bnen t Or J;,l-Yl; \ y QrLol c,,\., ;\d ren , Se~v; ~ DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: 05 BOX NUMBER: z3 FILE NUMBER: 170 22 NUMBER OF PAGES: (.{) " ..-' LARRY E. SCONYERS C~airman 'I FREDDIE L. HANDY Vice-Chairman B,Of~RD OF :C:01Yll\tlISSlrONERS HENRY H. BRIGHAM JERRY BRIGHAM Wm. "WILLIE' H. MAYS, III LEE NEEL, III J. B. POWELL MOSES TODD ROOM 605. crTY.COUNTY MUNICIPAL BLDG. (11)" AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 Bus. (706) 621.2400 Fax No. (706) 821.2819 LINDA W. BEAZLEY County Administrator WALTER S: HORNSBY, III Ass!. County Administrator April 5, 1995' JAMES B. WALL County Attorney Miss Pat Fitzgerald, Director Richmond County Department of Family and Children' Services 520 Fenwick Street p'. o. Box 2277 ,Augusta, Georgia 30903-2277 Dear Pat: At the Richmond County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting held Tuesday, April 4, 1995, the Commission approved the Maintenance in Lieu of Rent Agreement for, an annual charge of $~,~50,638 ($95,886.50 per month) for the Richmond County Department of Family and Children Services. ,Please send a requisition to ,the purchasing, Department, in order for them to issue a Purchase Order for ,this project. The documents, executed by this office, are enclosed for your further ..handling. When fully executed, please return one original to this office for our file. Should you have any questions in this regard, i please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ Linda W. Beazley County Adrninistrator LWB/llc ,/ Enclosures cc: A. B. McKie Donna Williams Lewis Johnson Ann Barker 4-4-95@ ~ idrmnnb C1lnunt~ ~epartnrent , OF JIf ami! ~,J\nb <:!Iqi!bnm ~er&iccs ')i)~~n;an'\l1?i~~~ ' '~ll~~L!\!f J~~,!fl, J lA, \\V ({~,Iw,l ~} ~ , >.i,.<~ iJ.} , lo-~"'~ MAR 2'1 1995 ,~- ~,' 'i MISS PAT FITZGERALD. DIRECTOR 520 FENWICK STREET - P. O. BOX 2277 AUGUSTA GEORGIA 30903-2277 RICHMOND GOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OFFICE March 20,1995 Mrs. Linda W. Beazley County Administrator Richmond County Board of Commissioners City-Coun ty Municipal Building (11) Room 605 Augusta GA30911 Dear Mrs. Beazley:, Enclosed is the (MIL) Maintenance, in Lieu of' Rent for Commission approvaL This is the mechanism used to pay other government entities rent on a building. The principle behind it is that government from whom we rent should not make a profit but receive only the cost of the building plus maintenance. In Richmond County, instead of depreciating over the life of the building (generally 50 years), it was agreed by the County Attorney and a State employee to depreciate over the life of the loan (COPS). ' We in Richmond County have a unique approach to the MIL. Many local governments prepare the MIL and write all of the expense checks but we have alw~ys provided this service to the County. We appreciate the good working relationship we have always had with the County. L Mi County PF:s Encl. ,~ G~r,.i.'o.~r-jnent of HloIm.n RcsourClU , Divilion of Family and Olildr.n Services L.OCAL STATEMENT OF SE~"ICE ANC MAINTENANCE COSTS IN L.IEU OF RENT IN PUB~lCBU'L.OINGS , OR THIRO PARTY I.EASING ARRANGEMENT mr'...AL ~r:: ~8 3246 PRE.!' All. E: ,11" QUAORUPl.icA':' OFFICE OF THE Richmond County Board of Commissioners Richmond COUNTY Augusta GEORGIA TO: GA Department of Human Resources, Richmond County Dept of Family and Children Services For third partY lpa~ or service and mail1unanCtl cosu in providing your a911ncy with office SpiCll in the public facility buildir lctIcwn as the Family and Children Services buildin'o. loc:.aUdat 520 Fenwick Street Augusta G4lorgia. 77 , 159 SC;uare Flat @ S 14, 9126 per square Foot per Annum Pgm 106: $95,150.84 Monthly OIarge (Clarge per Annum Divided by 12Pgm 473: ' $ 735.66 $1,150,638.00 95,886.50 S ' , THIS MON-r:HL Y Q-iARGE, in)iau of rent or for third party ltase p.yment, ii to remain ~nsunt for. minimum period c , twelve <121 months from date of 'CQlptlna! by UUf loc.tlHum.n R.sourCZ5 prQ9ram, ind the basis on whic:i1' it is ~mputed is shew on the ,.."use side herein. This monthly charge has been determined solely for the purpose of obuining Stltl: .nd Fecleral particip.tion in costS incurred County/City fi5QI luthorities In Pfovidi";~ otfi~ ~CI for I Human ,AetOurca progr;m. It is understood th~t .cceptlnCt bV 'tr. Georgi~ Department of HUrNn ReSourC2s Is subject to review and Audit by the Internal Audit Unit, and the, County/City fi~1 rec:lrc from whicl'\ such costs hive betn deurmined will b. open for their in~ction. The audit m.y be either State or Federal' (or beth I . ,I OeCLARE THAT the intormatlon hlmisi'l.d h.rein to the best of my'lcnowl One ~ ~ 0 ~ 19 Q'5' (AFTER EXECUTION. COuNTY "'SCAL. AUTHOAITY WIl...L. TRA"'~IT IN TRIPL.lCATE TO OIRECTOR) ACCEPTANCE Oat. 19_ CDmmlM10_', OHR PA YMENTS a~inst this 'lJl"Hment Ire to be made to: ...._, ....1 .. Schedule In support of Third ~V1y Spac::t OR Sarvies and MaintananceC.:lrtl in Lieu of Rent in Public Building.s . , SCHEDULSA-SERV1CE AND MAINTENANCE eX?ENSES , For It'It C~untY FiSt:~1 YIM Endlld June 30 19~ T TABLE l-ELEMENTS OF EXPENSE Aggllab/. 1'0 All .1 AgpllaOI. To )of"""." Occupenu of Buildinq Rlloura ;a'Cl9"m O"ly Helt I I 1200 100 Liqtm I 103000 100 Wlt'lIr I 2500 100 Custodian Service Blda C::llrl<>Tint. I . 33193 00 JanitOr and Maid Strviee I 55148 00 Elevator Service Clllnin; SuClpliea and ContrlC'tJ L.J3/l:l 00 Pzinting and Decorating Molin tananceRepa irs: (Contr~cts) Repair~ and Repair Part$: Electrical Plumbing and Huti"9 Elevators 1701 00 Buildi"lil. General (Generator.Soace Saver,Cleanin~.Securit ~-y 46221 00 Maintenance Repair and Engineering Service , 3168 ,00 Upl(~ep of Grounds I Insurance - 2247 100 Depreciation (From Table 2) Hand Tools and Minor M;lntenanCII Equipment Other E~nses (Sp~~ ( - . h7 l' <> 5 t- ., linen Air Fresn ners) 36105 00 L~AS ARRAN~ ,!:r',.. - 840777 00 Toul E;cpense / 1150638 00 Total Squ~Footage of Building 77 159 ...,. ft. Annaul Cost per Square Foot (Oi-</ide Total E.xpens.n by Toul FootaqeJ 14.9126 ' u~re Feet Occupied cy hum;n resource progr;m 77,159 .,.,.fT 0-(<.13 AnnuJI Cast tl.l l\.Jman ruourC'lt prOCjjflm 11506~8100 (SQuare Fe.t OCClJpjl:{j by Ar.nual Cost per Squa're Footl (8 OT,j:l L ANNUAL CHARGE TO HVMAN RESCVRCE PROGRAM (Add (AI and(S) 1150638 00 NNUAL CHARGE ?!:R SQUARE FOOT TO HUMAN R~SOVACE PROGFlAM 14 9126 (Divide Total Annual Charge by Square'Feet OCOJpied) (A) $Q PT A TABLE 2-EXPLANATJON rQA DEPRECIATION CLAIMED IN TABLE 1 TVP'E CONSTRUCTION OF 8UI~OINa OATE ACQUIA!:O ie.JU",.~ to<l UI'loGlt V_I" ACCU",U- aUn, 0.- I>re-clulon COST (...ch.tI.... gf I.nel) OEPRECIATION I' R~,"'AIN'NG COST I C€I'~I!:CIAT10N IN PRIOR yEARS l5e9lnnh,. o( Y..... T>-IIS Y'€AI'I , I . r I "'" -- j-'~l'l~ oEl'''. RATE: .4 I; - ~ :I:] 1 f.] I I - . .- . -L_ . , ?l'l ,- j I I , 1. MIllO".." 50lid _. ~IQ!:,.D.:...Erll~ _. ___ UG.mt.-. __"_ ~diti,,".: lif anv' TOTAL fEnter.. Oe""~tlgn e"lHn....cow; l&nd<< TaCla 1) I ~ify b"ildlnog n IU ~.,.~ ot alnttfuC'lion as Indlcntd tbo... II".. 1 thN J. AOdltlcn. If "'y. Ii..- .4 and 5. U.. ~roori8t't OepAd.uon ...~. $IN p~~ .. lor cUt:lliled innrl&cionl. Form 7oJA; (3""'1 ~_ 2 <t1 4 ; $.d"IeOu1e in aJpport of T~ird Pliny Spac:ll' OR Soenica ane:! M.in~n.nc. Cons in LieY of R.nt in ;>\Jblic Sc..:ildinqs SCl"tEDULE A-SEMVICE AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (CONiINUEJl i"A8LS J_BUILOtNG OES~AIP";'10N Services, 520 Fenwick Stree Augusta GA 30903 Story brick bldg and three story drvvit Na~ and Loation .o{ 3uildinQ G,.nefll o..s.cription of BuildinQ (Attad'\ S&otCl a1 ~'c:.J o~pi~) rr:t~ It'ld m~U~ri~1 ot c:::lnstru~ion. Ite.! Original Single ad]oiningbldg. ' Richmond County Dept of Family & Children c;.n~nJ CAndidon of auildi~ 'Excellent AQe 4 , Yr~. 77,159 f't. Wid'th ft. No. of Floon Av.rllWf! Squire FooQ<3e per Floor (Net \.I~lIble sp.ac:=1 77 , 159 Cimen$ions of Buildir-.g: L~nq'th Squ.are FootaQe at Buildi".. (Net usabla spac:l Loa,tion in B)Jilding of hum~n reSOurce prataram(S) Occupies entire building Number of Room~ OCCl.lpied by hUIT\.an ruolJl"~ prataram All Total Squ~re Foouqe Oc;upied All _ FaCilities Furnished to,me hum~n' ru.ourc: I)l'ogrllm (~'fn.struC:tio"" Fire Insurance. 'Janitor and Maid Services, Utilities, Buildin Sec FUND ING OUT CLAUSE No~id'l$a"ding 'an.,. ather prCl'tision of tnls Jogrwem.nt. the paro.s harete aQne that the rltnt hereunder l.s payabht by the Les.s~ 101~ly from ~ropc'i~tion' received by VIa L~su lrcm~. Ganenl ASAmbl.,. of VIII State of GIrOf"r;i.a. In tne event such ~propri.tio"~ are determined. in tr'le sole discretion of the chief ~atin~ offia:', of U'le Lnsee., no lon...r to .xj~ or to be inwltic:ient wiO'\ 'respect to ttle rent peyable hereunder. 1I'Iis JIf'&ernent st'llll tIIrmin,u ""i1t'lout fur'the.r obligation of me LlIS$e~ as at that moment (hcreinaftllr r.f.rred to as -pentH). In suc:o"l EVlnt. the d\1ef operltl~ aHar of the Lus~e stI~1l cartlfy tI:l ~~ L.andlord me oc:::ur rena tn.reof. and sudl c:rtifiC3tion shall be eonclwivl. Tl\.c. iJ..truct..... an 10 upl&ift 11.. ~ or, _4 ~. ,.qvlnlm..a.ta III ~ prtIP-'".lIon o( FOC"m ,... 1.ocal StaJnn.n' or S.....icc and )'hinten."c C_u I';' L.i.,. ot Jl.ul 11\ l'ulllio:. BWlc1.lllp.OR TIlIrd l'Vty l..-Iq An_i.ana!. ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOCAL STATEMENT OF SERV1CE AND MAINTE,"4ANCECOSlS GENERAL IHSTRUCTION$ .. ~ of F-o~ n. pvrpo. o( In. rorm II 10 ,,--Id. (01 SL&U LIld Fed..... pIl1l1:1~1'- In 11"0. ~l iocvtnd &lid ,.Id d.lncUI' ~":" lJw OQvnty/d~ ft.ac.al ...tJ\cx:it* r~ al""r.t1n& II\d ".alnuinittc I pwOllc klJdln& III ..~C:. I llu_ l'nO.....ca ,..o"um oeC:llpoOea Jpaea. ~e.H~ 0- PTovoulil for F...:t.rll ~Ic:lllns ~ ~. .IJ'I~ mainten.nce COIU beC'oma .rrlOCti.... ..;11'1 Ow 1I\0"t" III _Idcll III". tft ace.pt.d ~y 11'1. I, b llm&l\ ....,..,C I pro Cn.m. t.1a 101 Ol..-poo I ~~ by W....... Cart- fof orne:-. ,p.CT ""d.. 11Ii6 polk:7 IltOoWOft will l>~ al1o-.rd On bMlI 0(. IIJIltOl"m monthJy !"',toq",,"" root cII&1"(l. wt,II a "nit c'cuc bawc 11M lotal o( ..odl up.n- "sad cUte.,l'l' 11'1' rll. ,ovnl)" ~.aJ a"IlIanl;" ro, vreeedlac collnIY/=ry I\K.IJ yur. 11"1 III DO ltulan,. 10 UC:~ Ii'll COli ......Id ~ ....vir.d rOl" occu"lncy of C'lImpanlllc "...u In a ;>ri....i.. b"ild Tb. ....uochly ver I<Q....... fOOl cIlall.. .Or.' ...'ablu"mlftl and ace.p....nc. I,.. local """,an ..._r" ,....oVWm. ""ISI ..."",Ill ...,uunl fo, a ...ini""," l'W'O/'roo ..-u/M. Il~N. ",lie, IIV-'''' 0' d..-nwv.s. "..y !la ''''0,1. .ne, 11'1. upt"llo" ~ Ilia raqllltw4 'Ine. n.. ro,m Ii 10 lit Il/"ltp.ud. III q....dnoplic.I.. in llle. omu of In. co"nly/dIY ~al a"t1lonl)". en-cl/teuI o( C'Gvnty{dtr ameW prop.u;n&. or "",,"i&JIiA& i"(ormal;o,, reM Ilt'lpu.uon of Sdl.d~ A. Tall"" I. I Uld ), rrom _Ill"" lftQ"'I'I'y ellutl ror tllaer ;. d'l.rmin.d. la ,..qlllrad OIl ::-c'I ). 1'rop06&I fo, cjaitftl"C 1.4...1 partldoation' In U,. "...II,lI.ly <Jl.&rTI to d.t.",.h..d 1& _4.. 0....' ,t.. .i....tll... of Ill. C'O"n'y/ehy ""ell autllonlY 11\ ~M' pro.;d" _ pAC" I. "''''.r. (">Aeal ",lllorlty 1& _lreI 'n , Ja....s ot eo",_lonl'ft. 'bt .......t..,.. ~..11 b~ th.' at th.. Chalr....."- "'-.... ,.m.mbC"l' lilAC ,/I. dOOl....'".'io" (Of' cll~.~ "'0-" on "':'"aQ\on ....4 J o( tlM 1.ou.l Stat.man. '" Sa"';.. Jncl )oIauu.nanu C~a will lI. r.. pa.u&b<lIt r 0' l/'I.e 10<.1 cOllnty/clt'T n...cal a"lho'''r. TlI. C4C ~"I...nl O( Hllman )l,ooll,e. _v....~ 1\0 aalli/itY rar a..eli, ...Ullli.o..... '.... .: , '. PREPAi=\.ATICN OF SCHEDULE A .' T....8I.E 1 - !1.!:WEN~ 0' .X~~."'S( T~, (olh'_,,,, IIUlt..C!tO", o:I...crll" I;" cJ.._. o( ""."0:111"... -'''Cll ....t looo cl......4 .. Soo,,,"c, "'d '4.."'....nC~ C~.;,. i~'H ..r....""",.. "'.' ~. ."'" '....d '0 ./1 .c.""..." o( 1/\, ~"ildl"(. 01 }("'" CUI/J ",oy b. 1"0'11.4 ."d ',p.nclihuu (U, I"" ..Chu...... ~..n.(1l o( "" ^U"'." ''''0'''... :"OC"... ,(II,,,,u :"" ... I'" ,..I"",,, ,~n.ioJ....J: Ir II".." elI.'ln .rt mid" 10 Ill. ~lIm." r"oC'ue~ ,"0'" 1m. J'",llorly , u~"altw.. In' ,II. '..clo..".... .)....,(" o( "'n., O(("rl"" ..~ I" .'. '.I<I..e,,"'" "0.'" p""OljlhO". ~1ItU.,,( Iftd D'CU'llint. ~1:..nlcn."c. ll.p.ir~, Ind Up''''r of C,o"nal i"~J"lI.d II.,.," It, rouli". 0' o,din,,:-. nOI "'"'01,.lIy ~'o'lun(ln( III.. 11('.0' incr..... i", 1/\. ..1... of Ille il,al"ctt). lr~m. 0' ..,..ice1 "16I'C""....d in 1.\"e q.unl"i... (0' _r.1 0'. .11 ~"ildinu of a C'Ounlrlclly. ~",. ~ P'O"I'~ Imon~ lI"ildinu. on I ~UI.S of leUol"~!,' a17I"Ollm.,ion ~I ItI.. u.. o( · Co"'...on ul'lil o( m.u...,.. ,or .ny 'nd III .ue/\ ile",,", warkine ".....,~, "'..mor./\dum1. 0' 011'1., elll. y~C:;/\ c..",n'lin, '0", IlIo"ld br h.lo:I (0' CI.lm.".lion br S.II(' .nd 1".000.r'l 'udllon. Do 1101 rIa.... '" r1liAo '1UI. m~"I. I" ~:u p.nJilultl ('om 111. ':l,/\'k 'CeO"'''1 or 1M lIum." re10l.lla proU'..... HI:AT.' LIGHTS. \Io'AT:::~: Inelu~ totll ot ",o..ldi/\c !a..,. li,"II, u..1 Wile" whellle, pure:!&acd, o. (wn;u.cd by . (0"'/\'" OC(.oiUllon. Do nor Include und., M&.inl~n'nc,. i{'lllin, u ",nllltur.. """Cft ,lUlU. "'" /WOlo,,( rh. lire. 01 inans. IIle. 'l"IJu~ o( 11\. ~"lIdinr. el, ~"ildi,,( ,ouipm,n'\ .nd '"'''''0''' '''auld b. .od'd, 10 ia east .nd rccov"",d ~y ur",,"l :kPNciuio.. O( lmarri.zatinn .Ha...nc.... CUSTODl.A.N; JA."'IITOR AND MAIO, ELEVATOR SERVIC4: InclucM ..,.....iC"c. of lI..ildi/\f ...'"c,i",endc",. cUlloala". ........llm.n. )&tIllors. potten. IIIIich. rtc~lo' oll..r:llort. ICC. ,l.(~I'lInl"c' ...d ft"OWld. )l.nonncl II. 1n('lud'd in .nOlllcr ell.,o,y. UI'KZtl" OF GROUNDS: lncI"dc ~"";cu o( ,udencn.. Y.rd""c". rlC.. ....d Icneult...uI U'Id boe.nle.' lupplfe~ ....4 In UCllcup of ~..i1din. J,0..;n4.. 00 '01 InClude UI."liY. r10uncU im"l"O"'zncnu' or 0"111,.. "!lien mUctullr .nn.n<< llIc pro17.rly. INSURANC::: Inelud. p/"EmJulTU (or i:.."nnc:,. co".tinC 10... or d.tnu Ie of Ih.1I41nl 0( ca"tanU. !'rcmiunu ".Ia lA od"'Wnec ..... ro b. '''[Io,no",c: . ..,nuaJly. .....: 11Ie lit. a( 1I~. poUey an . uniC/'Il tim. b&&u:. 00 "0' in~:"<:l' pllotie li.abUlty Illsunnu. C:'EANI1'4G SUPPLU:'S A/'fD CON.RACiS: Indud. cocu of arlicl.... .na ,ro4uc:U .....d In l..pinC !lundinl 0"4 .qulp",.nl In r.a.niluy and' .(nc:Je.n1 :ondieion. Aloa bu(lc1jne CI..nll\( or 'c"'le~ COnrtlC:U, lueA U ..;ndow cl..anln, ..r-ic... to""',,' J.c~icr.. rtc.. l'AINTT1'4G AND DECORATINC: ,Inclua.. COOl' o:l painlln, buildln, .lerloc. noor r..f1/\UI'I,n,. ~..I.rl/\I. lIape';"I, .Ie. AIa4. incl...de -MC~ al .lln,er, pllSl".', tIC. 00 "0. i/\c1uae plin.ln, or oll\c~,..nlU.shlnC enllt.. ueriOI o( b..ildln,. at a...~Otall", projceu 1h&1 .......naJly prolan. 1lI.,lIf..... ICte_ Ill.. "'l". 0( l!l.. bWlaina. Sin" IhUt InurllctlotU lYule 10 Ih.. ateuwinc o( dclpt9ciadOl\. IMy /nAy ~ cl1.eprd.d b)' C1:nul1icl(c:ldes /lot d.aimlne depreciation, or wnaJC buildl/\I> "'e and 1/'11' .,'" Hated ~ T.lIll' 1. T'Y"~ OF CO/'o(STRUCTION: C1uo.1'y 'bu'i1au..C .. to Iype 0( =...uvC11ol\, 0110""2: T'~I.E '% - Oe~RECI...nO~ HA1'IO Tool.S "1'10 ....INOR. ....AINTc:1'''NC~ ~Ql't""'ENT: IncJ..d. IJlprndh",es' for IIllJld toob .nd mlnCl. Ite,"" o( equirmcnl UO.d b~ cm;>loy,.,. In lAc ml&"leAI.DC"c o( Ill. bw1dlnC .nd IIpk",1' o( lit" Jround1. "',,:.'1 .... c:ar~ntcr loobl. plumoin<< Cools, pu/\, )nz&lt~, IheU'll. nlkCl.. Iho>..I1, I.WBmo_n, 110.... IfC. OTHER. EXPENSES: Lnclud.e Ul"'n4jllu.~ /"Cl.ti... to Ill. ""'1" .noJ lIIaJnCl/\_cw o( lbe bullcWtC. ~"'I no' claullied W1d.c, i1recccll.., lIaadi",>. .~.nta.l teirnouncmenc for 9tTvUc I....... TOTAl. 'QUARE: FCOTAC'E: Inc:Ju.d~ l.nlU11.o~ IRAS onJy, l~.. otric.s, Qllutroonu, Jut'7 roCIlN, JU4...... c:lIlmO....., Cle. Do nOl !nelud.. lI.ll~. ~arTiC:on, na&r ...111. lalleu, or C1ll1e, 1I0n-I'/\lIIcaOI.l Ite~ MAINTENA."4cr REPAIRS AND IlEPAJIl'ARTS: Include by alerol")', lnO' Oi' o,dine,y ~p&in by outside acencies, .na raplll m.I.nal 011' pArts IUad' '"...Iar ma;ntcl\lncl' .mployeou In /nAida, rouane rapain. Ir4AlNTZNM~CE: IlEPAlR AXO tNC~EE.iUNG URVIG: Include "";UI o( coun,y omplcyoid Inaln'en..,," .,,<t onJinHriq ,.",ploy.... (1'IlU lie. p.-, ~.m. << Ilourlr 'buill. IUCl! u bwldin, laPn""', lIIei:l\aI\lcs. clricl.1l1. 'lrp~nlCl'l. nc. 1- 104 ^ SON it y, SOLID' a..ildlnp of ISo- bumlnc 0It r&nproo( ~(""ction-,u'h u muo/\"., brick.. cona.ec. Co/\cr.l& 0' cio4.e, blocb, rlle, It Ind flre/. j\....' rnm.. n.d IIId "uceo, He. COST: Show C'tMI o( put't'lIua 011' con.rructlClI'I o( 1l..i1dl/\C~ Thi.t COil to lie:' '.1;cl...I>,. o( lAc eext 01 Uw land ..p.... -/liell Ill. buadi", u&ncU. l( (&I\d ~O.' i. ItGr known.. twMOt'l.blc _lImatc or .ppr....., ...uI ~ .ec'pl~. :- WASON R. y. F'71A).(!:: lIuaa.np ,,( III. 11m. uterion Ja atlo_. bUI --ood.n (ra",_ In'lInorJ. DEi'REClATION IN 'RIOR yt.AJl.S: Compuu dellf'O:ci'lion (OC ;rno! ,.Nn. u... (rom dale o( Ic.quultJol1 by CQunty 10 ClUTC,,1 :r.u. ~y 'LX o( IlIptopriau Inn...l ,ltC, ."d il\Wtt In IPW. COlumn. . Fl'tAIo4E:: a..lldines a( wooden frame M unUlII' COftacruC1lo... It:E......AININC cas. 8ECll'lNINC Of' Yt.Alt: Viol.... o( b..&ldinJ lfter ,tlor 7'11\.(1 4cpr.daLlon ;. cMdUC'1cd fro... .orlfil\&l CO&t. ADOllIONS: o.~ tit. .ddJ,io" 14 bulldin,. Cn. -lllDllh.d ...(uJ Appl)' '17PCopri,,'~ cSc17redlllCln !'Sa, 1.4.. ra.te lppll.:.able 10 type of rUClIon, U ti...n in Talll. :. DE1Ri:CIAnON THI.S Y1:AJt.: C.::ln:aPUI. d.17....d.lIon ror ~lT'IInl rcu llr - of a"propriau rs.. &114 IIlarrt III lhi.t Cl2lumn. Aac, CatTy ellu lmo WIlla T.el. I. . ... um. lnd loc:a lioll of ~ullllll\l: -Newton CO...,I)' Co..rtJ'lou_, C.....tntIOf\. C.."...i., - ~ ""Cobb Co"nl)' orne:. auiJdlne. loC"~ll', C;~i.a ", Cil... r~n~'ll 'Ion: '"T_o JlO'Y rid ~ic~ buildlnc. - Sho... ren...1 a:llldllla" of repAil' II: EzccLHnL. COod, Fait, ~,)lundo_". Slubby. rt... Gj~ meUl.Il..mc"IJ of 'c Ind ~ua'" (OOt.Ce. Ne. :.atbll Ipla l& U'* ~u&n too~p 1.. ao"-AalIllbl. ........ MIdi u .!I.JIl, IoU.". nC. Ci/oot ~dOft o( llurn.lJ\ rac..,.ee "1"OoC' ''''.W. CM"c, o( Iccond n'~ot, - a..nd /lumber o( roo_ JI1d ~u.ul foa,ac' oc:vpl.d by th.ar )l'Of"UI\. Wet t.CJlltie& Uld ~c.. rutnla/leot Ihc ll...lTU/\ ,.." p,osr'lT1' -Priv". loilel. J4nitor ~Mce. I4/lcs, lle&1. water.- .te... ~OM COlli an lD.cilld~ In 'r4Wc' 1. T.....LE 3 - 'UILO'NO oac"'mON PREPARATION OF SCHEDULE B Il.'.m.."I of eom~blc r.", (J:'ot'm 5"'65) la 10 ftUolUJl tbe (acI 11\.r tJ\c cilll'y'or 'a u.. ""m.... 'Uouror ;rr~", f~ .l"Y1("'t ana "'eil\l~ft./\~ ""11, i. /.aM'U of C'lUT'Cnl /"Ell! In r1\. .0......Wlley. ro, C'OmparaoN 'Plot, f.d!lILn v"l .~ In . ~l. !lulldin,. T1M. ,II,... ........."" ....." l>ot (tom. ai:<U'lI. ".lir..d p.non: ,...110'. !aui/dinC and I...n .aaaoClatlo" ~. o.oalc om~l. lie.. II C&/\",oe boe (~fQ . ....Illlc omdal. , - FROM. - in.,I ft..... of lI"',...n makin, Ill. L1al.lltaAl. Atla:r '"OF. - 1Ia-n 1U& ldd.rnc.. Ci..... Ilia ~oi'neJo"a' "".lIneatlono. 1""-" a.. M....bCf' .'e 3o..,.d; l'~lc1a/\l. Jonn 0_ lh.lly Co.. etc. . (3-....) ,