HomeMy WebLinkAboutCURTIS PETERS $188,000.00 ALEXANDER DRIVE PROJECT .~ 'I; C,4,~ o3/l,f3 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA OPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY rIA, RICHMOND COUNTY 101794 ived of Augusta, Georgia, the sum of one ($LOO) dollar, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and deration of the benefits derived by me from the proposed project mentioned herein, I bind myself, my heirs, rs and ac;signs as follows: " : said Augusta, Georgia, shall within 60 days after date hereof, pay me the sum of $ .188,000.00, then the ~ed agrees to execute and deliver to Augusta, Georgia, fee simple title and easements to the land owned by ~rsigned, which is shown reflected in color on the right-of-way map attached hereto and made a part hereof 'ence, to be used for highway purposes on the Alexander Drive Proiect, STP-000I-00(794), being Project 29 , (Tax Map 013-1, Parcel(s).106), consisting of 0.203 acre (8,831.40 SQ. ft.) in fee and N/A acre of ~nt construction & maintenance easement. Also granted is ( are) N/ A temporary driveway easement( s) on ler Drive Proiect, STP-000I-00(794)). agreed and understood that TEMPORARY EASEMENTS are limited to the period required for the ::tion of said project and upon completion and acceptance of same by the Department of Transportation ~ contractor, said TEMPORARY EASEMENT will terminate. agreed and understood that I, or any tenant, now in possession or any other persons having a claim or in subject property, will have not less than two (2) months from date of execution of a deed and easements residential properties three (3) months from the date replacement housing is available, whichever is greater) te the premises and that on vacating of said premises, only items of personal property will be removed, all ,ttached to the property and being classed as realty to remain. The above agreement to apply unless .se provided in Special Provision. If Augusta, Georgia, agrees to allow the Grantor or tenant in possession py th~ject premises beyond the two month period stated above, that person will be required to pay a ee of ooQ f 00 payable each month in advance. Subsequent to the date of transfer of title to a, Georgia, and prior to vacation of subject premises, the person in possession will hold Augusta harmless as ::laim in connection with the occupancy of said premises. The above option price includes payment for the f-way above described, together with all improvements wholly or partially situated thereon and the right to lpon the adjacent lands not included in said required right-of-way and easements, for the - purpose of ng or demolishing such improvements. ldersigned further agrees that the Department will be designated an authorized agent for the removal of round storage tank systems located wholly or partially in said right of way or easement. *** ***** ********* ** ***SPECIAL PROVISION************* *** ** *** utor may retain title to tV I It- for sum of $ ~,( 0, which shall be deducted from the option price at the time ing, PROVIDED, he will obligate and firmly bind himself and his successors in title to strictly and faithfully { with ea,::h of the following conditions: mtor will demolish or remove all above described improvements from the right-of-way, easements conveyed t back area from the said right-of-way sufficient to comply with County Building Code requirements; er, in the absence of County Requirements, a minimum set back of 50 feet is required. All rubbish and must be removed to the satisfaction of authorized personnel of Augusta Engineering Department within .lQ ar days after notice to proceed. mtor will comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, or building code applicable to demolition or removal ldings in Richmond County, Georgia, and hold the Department of Transportation and Augusta, Georgia, :ss as to any claim in connection herein. .s understood and agreed that no utility connections shall be made or allowed to relocated structures across or :11 _ __ ...:I :'xp~e5sly made of the essence of this Special Provision and in the event grantor fails to comply with Qbligations, all sums held by Augusta, Georgia, shall be retained as liquidated damages, and title to and o remove said structures shall vest in the Augusta, Georgia. ********************OTHERPROVISIONS****************************** . rantor may execute and deliver fee simple title to Augusta, Georgia, to the above referenced right of way iditional .~ acres of land owned by the undersigned adjacent to an abutting on the above numbered for the total' consideration of $ . tt? which includes payment for the above referenced right of way ~nts, ether rights and conditions described herein and additional lands. This additional land being shown ached plat as Parcel No. ndersigned herein agrees, for the same consideration, to provide, without cost to Augusta, Georgia, a quit ed or such other releases as may be required by the closing attorney from any tenant now in possession of Iroperty and any other parties having a claim or interest in subject property. llither agreed for said consideration to convey and relinquish to the City of Augusta all rights of access the limited access highway and approaches thereto on the above numbered highway and all of the 19 real property of the undersigned except at such points as designated by the City of Augusta. This h is not applicable unless access rights are indicated on the attached plat. ,aid parcel of land as above indicated is shown upon plans on file in the office of Augusta Engineering, , Georgia, said plans being identified as Project Alexander Drive, STP-000I-00(794). . : (We) do (do not) elect to retain improvements as set out in Special Provision. [(We) do (do not) elect to execute and deliver deeds set out in Other Provisions. ess my hand and seal this /8 fLday of 1-~. , 200$ ~d, Sealed and Delivered resence of: (L.S.) fficial Witness k~~ ~ARY PUBLIC (L.S.) ~ 1/)&/:10/1 (L.S.) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Administrator ~ ;g c ~ ::0 ~ ~ ~ - CI) ...., ~ ., ==~&. ~~J.~~~~ .-.n7"'M\ODN\IR~I-&.t-AM ~" ., . . I -t~ .... .-... .-... .'U1..LJ,&l7,l't,Z1.D.111.Z~~ .........-- (S 133HS 33S) 00+91 'ns - 3NJ1 H:ll VW :0 ~ ~ t ,...--"'-- \ I I , , \ C'") \ a;;i \ U11 c::o ' C I ~,'" ~~ j ~ \ "'~ .::l;IOl-- 0 .. 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