HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL RECOVERY CT -JAG B82-262 01/01/10-12/31/12 .... OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL AMEl::tlCAN RECOVERY AND REINVESMENT ACT OF 2009 EDWAlID BYRNE MEMORIAL .JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT - CFDA 16.803 REFERENCE NO.: 1B002 SUBGRANT AWARD SUBGRANTl!:E: Richmond County {:MPI:.EMEN'J:'ING AGENCY: Augusta/Richmond County PROJECT N'ANE: Recovery Act - JAG SUBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 FEDERAL FUNDS: MATCHING FUNDS: TOTAL !'UNDS: GRANT PERIOD: $' 35,750 $ 0 $ 35,750 01/01/10-12/31/12 Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above for a grant supported under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Bureau of Justice ~ssistance - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant) Pub. L. No. 111-5, 42 USC 3750-3758. The award is made in accordance with the plan set forth in the application of the 3ubgrantee and subject to any attached special conditions. rhe Subgrantee has agreed through the executed copy of certified assurances to be subject to all rules, regulations, and conditions applicable to this grant program. [his Subgrant shall become effective on the beginning date of the grant period, Jrovided that within forty-five (45) days of the award execution date (below) the )roperly executed original of this "Subgrant Award" is returned to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. AGENCY APPROVAL SUB GRANTEE APPROVAL ~ Molly J. . er , Dir ctor Criminal Justice Coortlinating cJl~ Signature 0 Authorized Official Date Council Date Executed: 01/01/10 Deke Copenhaver, Mayor Typed Name & Title of Authorized Official 58-2204274-004 Employer Tax Identification Number (ErN) ~************************************************************************************ NTERNAL USE ONLY TRANS CD REFERENCE ORDER EFF DATE TYPE PAY DATE INVOICE CONTRACT # 102 1B002 1 01/01/10 9 ** 882-8-261 OVERRIDE ORGAN CLASS PROJECT VENDOR CODE 2 46 4 471141341 ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION 25 CHARACTERS EXPENSE ACCT AMOUNT , Recovery Act - JAG 624.41 $ 35,750 .i CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL AMe:RICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESMENT ACT OF 2009 ED~ BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT - CFDA 16.803 SPECIAL CONDITIONS S UBGRAN'TEE : PF.OJEC'l" NAME: Richmond County Recovery Act - JAG B82-8-261 $35,750 : ,r.,' '-,.., - ~~t:. -r ,.... S l'JBGRAbrT~"'tt"MBER : SUBGRANT AWARD: 1. By signing the special conditions outlined below, I certify that I have read and understand the terms and conditions for all federal requirements pertaining to the FY09 Recovery Act- Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). Furthermore, I acknowledge that failure to adhere to these requirements will be in violation of the terms of this agreement and the award will be subject to termination for cause or other administrative action as appropriate. Ini. tials (1..t1 ) 2. The project budget and summary will not be established, or officially approved, until the subgrantee receives a written approval notice from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. All project costs and project activities must coincide with the approved budget, and summary unless subsequent revisions are approved by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. Initials ~ 3. Subgrantee agrees to submit performance indicators, and substantiall~ from what was Initials ~) revised project evaluation plan proposed in the narrative, goals, obj~ctives, if the project changes subgrant application. 4. The subgrantee agrees to comply with the financial and administrative requirements set forth in the current edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OJ1;>. Financial Guide. Initials ~~ 5. Statistical and/or evaluation data describing project performance must be submitted to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council on a quarterly basis using the prescribed format provided to the subgrantee. Failure to submit this data by the specified deadline will result in a recommendatioon to the Co~n~il for ~~r award to be rescinded. In~tlals t(t{.A) 6. The subgrantee agrees to take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For more information on the civil rights responsibilities that recipients have in providing language services to LEP individuals, please see the website at http://www.lep.gov. . stJBG~ maMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 2) In addition, subgrantees who provide hotline service will provide do cumentation of a contract for 24-hour language interpretation service for callers who do not speak English. Subgrantees who provide hotline service will ensure that their TTY machine is operable at all times and that all staff, volunteers and interns who answer the hotline receive training and onqoing re~f TTY answering procedures. In.itials ... 7. The subgranten ,s9rees to comply with the Equal Treatment Regulation (28 C.F.R"palt 38) which prohibits recipients from using federal grant funding for inherently religious activities. While faith-based organizations can engage ill non-f~nded inherently religious activities, the activities must be he~d sepa.::: 3t..:;ly h. om the grant-funded program, and customers or beneficiaries cannot be compelled to participate in them. The Equal Treatment Regulation makes clear that organizations receiving federal grant funding are not permitted to discriminate when providing services on the basis of a ~~e~iciary's religion. I ni ti a 1 s ct.,.l.t..) "' -' ~_: .; .> 8. In accordance with Federal regulations, your organization must comply with the following EEOP reporting requirements: If your organization has received an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting both full- and part-time employees but excluding political appointees), then it has to prepare an EEOP and submit it to the Office of Civll Rights (OCR), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice for review within 60 days from the date of this award. For assistance in developing an EEOP, please consult OCR's website at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. You may also request technical assistance from an EEOP specialist at OCR by dialing (202) 616-3208. If your organization received an award between $25,000 and $500,000 and has 50 or more employees, your organization must prepare an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP), but it does not have to submit the EEOP to OCR for review. Instead, your organization has to maintain the EEOP on file and make it available for review on request. In addition, your organization has to complete Section B of the Certification Form and return it to OCR within 60 days from the date of this award. The Certification Form can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. If your organization received an award for less than $25,000; or if your organization has less than 50 employees, regardless of the amount of the award; or if your organization is a medical institution, educational institution, nonprofit organization or Indian tribe, then your organization is exempt from the EEOP requirement. However, your organization must complete Section A of the Certification Form and return it to OCR within 60 days from the date of this award. The Certification Form can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocr/eeop.htm. The subgrantee must maintain proof of compliance with the above requirements and be able to provide such proof to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council upon request. .SUBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 3) Initials a~.tJ 9. In the event a federal or state court or federal or state administrative agency makes an adverse finding of discrimination against your organization after a due process hearing, on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex, your organization must submit a copy of ~he finding to the Office of Civil Rights and. the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. Initials O....t..l ) '?,.~ 10. The subgrantee certifies th.C)~ federal funds will not be used to supplant funds that would otherwise be rnade available for grant-funded initiatives. Federal funds must be used to ~uppl~ment existing funds for program activi ties and not replace fljpds app.ropriated for the same purpose. Potential supplanting will be the ~ bject of application review, as well as pre-award review, post-award monito ing, and audit. If there is a potential presence of supplanting, the subgra tee will be required to document that the reduction in non-federal resour es occurred for reasons other than the receipt or anticipated receipt of f deral funds. Initials tJ~ 11. The subgrantee certifies that l)tit e to all equipment and/or supplies purchased with funds under this sub rant shall vest in the agency that purchased the property; 2)equipment and/or supplies will be maintained in accordance with established local 0 state procedures as long as the equipment and/or supplies are used or program-related purposes; and 3} once the project concludes and/or equipm nt is no longer utilized for its grant-funded purpose, the Criminal ustice Coordinating Council will be informed of the available equipment and determine its future use to assure it is utilized in furtherance of t e goals and objectives of the grant program and theJtate of Georgia. Initials ~ 12. The subgrantee agrees to abide by a 1 administrative and financial guidelines as stipulated in the Off'ce of Justice Program's Financial Guide for Grants (http://www.ojp.usdoj.go/financialguide/index.htm) . All services paid by federal and/or mat hing funds must have a valid contract that has been pre-approved by the C iminal Justice Coordinating Council to ensure compliance with federal and state guidelines and statutes. Initials Ct.A..-L) 13. All project costs not exclusively re ated to this approved project must be prorated, and only the costs of proj ct-related activities will be reimbursable under the subgrant awar Initials ~ 14. The subgrantee agrees to submit requ sts for reimbursement on either a monthly or quarterly basis, as selec ed by the subgrantee at the time of award. Subgrant Expenditure Reports are due 15 days after the end of the month (if reporting monthly) or 30 d ys after the end of the quarter (if re~o~ting qua3ter~y) . Inltlals ~ 15. The subgrantee agrees to fully coope ate with any monitoring or evaluation activities, and any related training activities, initiated and/or conducted .StJBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 4) by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council during and subsequent to the award period. Ini tials (J.,I.1 ) 16. The subgrantee agrees that consultant/contractor fees in excess of $4~O.OO per eight hour day ($56.25 per hour) must have prior approval from ~le Office of Justice Programs and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. Initials ~) 17. If any changes occur in the subgrantee' s lo~ying status or activities, a revised Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Form' must be submitted. Recipient further understands and agrees that it camwt us.eany federal funds, either directly or indirectly, in support of the en2~tment, repeal, modification, or adoption of any law, regulation or policy, at any level of government, without the express prior written approval of Office of Justice Programs. Ini tials a.uJ 18. If any changes occur in the subgrantee's eligibility status regarding debarment, a revised Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion form must be submitted to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council~ Initials ~~ 19. The subgrantee understands that this funding has been approved for the organization's primary project(s) only. Any shift to a contingent project must be submitted to CJCC 60 days prior to the proposed implementation date. Furthermore, CJCC must approve all expenditures before the execution of contingent projects. ~ 20. The subgrantee understands and agrees that late submissions of any reports may result in a recommendation to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to rescind your award. These reports include but are not limited to Subgrant Expenditure Reports, Progress Reports, Quaterly Statistical Reports, Semi-Annual Outcome Performance Teports, and the Annual Certified Agency 5% Add-On Fines Report. Initials ~~ ) 21. The subgrantee must submit Subgrant Adjustment Request #1 with the completed award package. The adjustment request must be accompanied by a detailed project budget that itemizes all projected expenditures and a revised project summary. The project budget and project summary will not be established, or officially approved, until the subgrantee receives a written approval notice from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. All project costs and project activities must coincide with the approved budget, and project summary unless subsequent revisions are approved by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. The project summary must include specific duties of all personnel funded with this ARRA grant, the hours worked, and th~ ~TE (Ful})Tfm~ Equivalent) for all positions funded. InJ.t~als ~ 22. The subgrantee must submit subsequent requests to revise the budget and project summary prior to any substantial changes, but no later than 60 days prior to the end)of the subgrant period. Ini tials ~ L . sUBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 5) 23. RECOVERY ACT - Evaluations The subgrantee agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluations efforts, or information or data collection requests, including, but not limiteQ to, the provision of any information for the assessment or evaluation of .~.ny acti vi ties wi thin this proj ect . Ini tials _<<W .'~ .. {-!1't 24. RECOVERY AC'l'.c Reporting The 3~1bgrantee agrees to comply with all reporting, data collectil)n al.-) . evaluation requirements, as prescribed by CJCC and BJA in the (.n;og_am guidance for the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). Compliance of these requirements ~!l) be monitored by CJCC and BJA. Initials ~ ':", ...' ./} . 25. RECOVERY ACT - Technology The subgrantee agree that any information technology system funded or supported by OJP funds will comply with 28 C.F.R. Part 23 Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies, if OJP determined this regulation to be applicable. Should OJP determine 28 C.F.R. Part 23 to be applicable, OJP may, at its discretion, perform audits of the system, as per 28 C.F.R. 23.20 (g). Should any violation of 28 C.F.R. Part 23 occur, the subgrantee may be fined as per 42 U.S.C. 3789 (c)-(d). The subgrantee may not satisfy such a fine with federal funds. Initials tZ~~ 26. RECOVERY ACT - IT Systems To avoid duplicating existing networks of IT systems in any initiatives funded by BJA for law enforcement information sharing systems which involve interstate connectivity between jurisdiction, such systems shall employ, to the extent possible, existing networks as the communication backbone to achieve interstate connectivity, unless the grantee can demonstrate to the satisfaction of BJA that this requirement would not be cost effective or would impair the functionality of any existing or proposed IT system. The grantee agrees to comply wit the applicable requirements of 28 C.F.R. part 38, the Department of Justice regulation governing "Equal Treatment for Faith Based Organizations" (The "Equal Treatment Regulation"). The Equal Treatment Regulation provides in part that Department of Justice grant awards of direct funding may not be used to fund any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or proselytization. Subgrantees of direct grants may still engage in inherently religious activities, but such activities must be separate in time or place from the Department of Justice funded program, and participation in such activities but individuals receiving services from the grantee or a sub-grantee must be voluntary. The Equal Treatment Regulation also males clear that organizations participating in programs directly funded by the Department of Justice are not permitted to discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of a beneficiary's religion. Not withstanding any other special condition of this award, faith-based organization may, in some circumstance, consider religion as a basis for employment. See http://www.~.gqv/about/ocr/equal_fbo.htm. Ini tials U.M/ $UBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 6) 27. The subgrantee agrees to comply with the organizational audit requirements of the Single Audit Act as detailed in OMB Circular A-133. The CFOA number for this gra~ program is 16.803 Initials ~) . 28. RECOVERY ACT - Conflict with Other Standard Terms and Conditions. The subgra!ltye:..;n;understand~ iUl.d agrees that all other terms and conditions contain~; ,~'t:!r- this award, or in applicable CJCC grant policy statements or gu~danc~,.applyunless they conflict or are superseded by the terms and condi~ions i.~cluded here that specifically implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 ("ARRA" or "Recovery Act") requirements. Ini tials tlL{) ,,;.-t> '::'.. 29. RECOVERY ACT - Access to Records; Interviews The subgrantee understands and agrees that CJCC and OOJ (Department of Justice) including OJP and the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and its representatives, and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) shall have access to and the right to examine all records (including, but not limited to, books, papers, and documents related to this Recovery Act award, including such records of any contractor and subcontractor. The subgrantee also understands and agrees that DOJ and the GAO are authorized to interview any officer or employee of the subgrantee recipient (or of any subrecipient, contractor) regarding transactions related to this Recovery Act award. Initials ~ ~ - 30. RECOVERY ACT - One-time funding The subgrantee understands and agrees that awards under the Recovery Act will be one-time awards and accordingly that its proposed project activities and deliverables are to be accomplished without additional DOJ funding. Initials ~~ 31. RECOVERY ACT - Separate Tracking and Reporting of Recovery Act Funds and Outcomes The subgrantee agrees to track, account for, and report on all funds from this Recovery Act award (including specific outcomes and benefits attributable to Recovery Act funds) separately from all other funds, including DOJ award funds from non-Recovery Act awards awarded for the same or similar purposes or programs. (Recovery Act funds may be used in conjunction with other funding as necessary to complete projects, but tracking and reporting of Recovery Act funds must be separate.) Accordingly, the accounting systems of the subgrantee must ensure that funds from this Recovery Act award are not commingled with funds from any other source. The subgrantee further agrees that all personnel whose activities are to be charged to the award will maintain time sheets to document hours worked for activities related to this award and non-award related activities. . SVBGMNT NUMBER: 882-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 7) Initials duJ 32. RECOVERY ACT - DUNS Reporting The subgrantee agrees to obtain and maintain a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering (DUNS) Number (www.dnb.com) and to notify CJCC in writing as soon as this number is obtained if not Glready reported. Initials ~) 33. RECOVERY ACT - Central Contracto.rRegistrat.io;r.. '-~CCR) The subgrantee agrees toobt",in and maintain active Central COntractor Registratlon (CCR), and to notify its registration. Initials registration with the the CJCC in writing of ~u 34. RECOVERY ACT - Recovery Act Transactions Listed in Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (a) The subgrantee agrees to maintain records that identify adequately the source and application of Recovery Act funds, to maximize the transparency and accountability of funds. (b) The subgrantee agrees to separately identify the expenditures for Federal awards under the Recovery Act on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFAl and the Data Collection Form (SF-SAC) required by OMB Circular A-133. This condition only applies if the subgrantee is covered by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." This shall be accomplished by identifying expenditures for Federal awards made under the Recovery Act separately on the SEFA, and as separate rows under Item 9 of Part III on the SF-SAC by CFDA number, and inclusion of the prefix "ARRA-"in identifying the name of the Federal program on the SEFA and as the first characters in Item 9d of Part III on the SF-SAC. Ini tials ttiJ:) 35. RECOVERY ACT - Reporting Potential Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, and Similar Misconduct The subgrantee agrees to promptly refer to the DOJ OIG any credible evidence that an employee, agent, contractor, subcontractor, or other person has either I} submitted a false claim for Recovery Act funds under the False Claims Act; or 2) committed a criminal or civil violation of laws pertaining to fraud, conflict of interest, bribery, gratuity, or similar misconduct involving Recovery Act funds. Potential fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct should be reported to the OIG by mail: Office of the Inspector General u.S. Department of Justice Investigations Division 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Room 4706 Washington, DC 20530 SVBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 8) e-mail: oig.hotline@usdoj.gov hotline: (contact information in English and Spanish): (800) 869-4499 or hotline fax: (202) 616-9881 (1 Additional information www.usdoj.gov/oig. Initials ~~) is available from the DOJ OIG website at ~.~ ~.. t': a .-'!'" 36. RECOVERY ACT - Misuse of Award Funds The recipient understands and agrees that misuse 'of award funds may result in a range of penalties, including suspension of cu~rent and future funds, suspension or debarment from federal grants, recoupment of monies provided under an award, and civil and/or criminal penalties. Initials ~ 37. RECOVERY ACT - Additional Requirements and Guidance The recipient agrees to comply with any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law, CJCC, and futureOJP (including government~ guidance and clarifications of Recovery Act requirements Initials 38. RECOVERY ACT - Protecting State and Local Government and Contractor Whistleblowers (Recovery Act, section 1553) The recipient recognizes that the Recovery Act provides certain protections against reprisals for employees of non-Federal employers who disclose information reasonably believed to be evidence of gross mis-management, gross waste, substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, abuse of authority, or violations of law related to contracts or grants using Recovery Act funds. For additional information, refer to section 1553 of the Recovery Act. The text of Recovery Act is available at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/recovery. Initials ~ 39. RECOVERY ACT - Limit on Funds (Recovery Act, section 1604) The recipient agrees that none of the funds under this award may be used by any State or local government, or any private entity, for construction costs or any other support of any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool. Initials ~ 40. RECOVERY ACT - Infrastructure Investment (Recovery Act, sections 1511 and 1602) The recipient agrees that it may not use any funds made available under this Recovery Act award for infrastructure investment absent submission of a satisfactory certification under section 1511 of the Recovery Act. Should the recipient decide to use funds for infrastructure investment subsequent to award, the recipient must submit appropriate certifications under section 1511 of the Recovery Act and receive prior approval from OJP. In seeking such approval, the recipient shall give preference to activities that can be started and completed expeditiously, and shall use award funds in a manner that maximizes job creation and economic benefits. The text of the Recovery ,SUBGRANT NUMBER: B82-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 9) Act (including sections 1511 and 1602) is available at www.ojp.usdoj.gov/recovery. Initials. tZU-J 41. RECOVERY ACT ~Buy American Notification (Recovery Act, section 1605) The subgrantee understands that this award is subject to the provisions of section 16DE; of the Recovery Act ("Buy American"). No award funds may be Used ff)r~r'j':l, steel, or manufactured goods for a project for the CCllst,rUC1::10n, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public building ~)r public work, unless the recipient provides advance wri ttennot.i:::i c:::,tiC;l to the OJP program office, and a Grant Adjustment Notice is issued ~Jlat modifies this special condition to add government-wide standeX'd con.diti,:ms (anticipated to be published in subpart B of 2 C. F .R. part 176) Ll1ar'fj:n::.ther implement the specific requirements or exceptions of section 1605. _ ,', r,{ . . < - - . . '1':""",/.,' Section 1605 of the Recovery Act prohibits use of any Recovery Act funds for a project for the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of a public building or public work unless all of the iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in the project are produced in the United States, subject to certain exceptions, including United States obligations under international agreements. For purposes of this special condition, the following definitions apply: "Public building" and "public work" means a public building of, and a public work of, a governmental entity (the United States; the District of Columbia; commonwealths, territories, and minor outlying islands of the United States; State and local governments; and multi-State, regional, or interstate entities which have governmental functions). These buildings and works may include, without limitation, bridges, dams, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, pumping stations, heavy generators, railways, airports, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, and canals, and the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of such buildings and works. "Manufactured good" means a good brought to the construction site for incorporation into the building or work that has been-- (1) Processed into a specific form and shape; or (2) Combined with other raw material to create a material that has different properties than the properties of the individual raw materials. "Steel" means an alloy that includes at least 50 percent iron, between .02 and 2 percent carbon, and may include other elements. For purposes of OJP grants, projects involving construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of jails, detention facilities, prisons, public crime victims' shelters, police facilities, or other similar projects will likely trigger this provision. NOTE: The subgrantee is encouraged to contact CJCC - in advance - with any questions concerning this condition, including its applicability to . ,S~GRANT NUMBER: 882-8-261 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 10) particular circumstances. Initials ~) 42. RECOVERY ACT - Wage Rate Requirements under section 1606 of the Recovery Act (a) Section 1606 of the Recovp~y Act requires that all laborers and mechanics employed by contra...:tors and subcontractors on projects funded directly by or assisted jn w:...ole or in part by and through the Federal Government..PlJriSuant to the l~ecovery Act shall be paid wages at rates not less . tQ'Vlc.,~bose prevailing on proj ects of a character similar in the local~LYds determined by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with subdt$pter';:fV I:;;.,{ chapter 31 of title 40, United States Code. \-.~..... - - (.-, \:-~ ~... 'l"'l :: 1:' i' r:-", Pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 14 and the Copeland Act, 40 U.S.C. 3145, the Department of Labor has issued regulations at 29 CFR Parts 1, 3, and 5 to implement the Davis-Bacon and related Acts. Regulations in 29 CFR 5.5 instruct agencies concerning application of. the standard Davis-Bacon contract clauses set forth in that section. The standard Davis-Bacon contract clauses found in 29 CFR 5.5(a) are to be incorporated in any covered contracts'made under this award that are in excess of $2,000 for construction, alteration or repair (including painting and decorating) . (b) For additional guidance on the wage rate requirements of section.1606, contact your awarding agency. Recipients of grants, cooperative agreements and loans should direct their initial inquiries concerning the application of Davis-Bacon requirements to a particular federally assisted project to the Federal agency funding the project. The Secretary of Labor retains final coverage authority under Reorganization Plan Number 14. Initials ~ 43. RECOVERY ACT - NEPA and Related Laws The recipient understands that all OJP awards are subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 42 U.S.C. section 4321 et seq.) and other related Federal laws (including the National Historic Preservation Act), if applicable. The recipient agrees to assist OJP in carrying out its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws, if the recipient plans to use Recovery Act funds (directly or through subaward or contract) to undertake any activity that triggers these requirements, such as renovation or construction. (See 28 C.F.R. Part 61, App. D.) The recipient also agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations applicable to the development and implementation of the activities to be funded under this award. Initials ~ 44. The subgrantee agrees that each new project employee delivering direct victim services will attend and successfully complete the On-Line Victim As~i~tance T~ini~g {On-Line VAT} within 90 days of hire. Illl.tlals ~ 45. RECOVERY ACT - Jobs Reporting Not later than 5 days after the end of each calendar quarter, each recipient must submit a report to CJCC that contains detailed information regarding the jobs created or retained as a result of receiving Recovery Act funding. .. sU,BtTRANT NUMBER: 882-8-261 Ini tials dLt J SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Page 11) p lease be advised that failure to comply with any of the Special Conditions will result in material noncompliance with the Subgrant Agreement, thus subjecting the subgrant Agreement to possible termination by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. Typed name of Authorized Official: DAkA CnpAnhnYP.T C I' , _..;_....~.- ,./' Title Mayor S i.qna ture cJ2-^--:.J/L '!. ~ ~: I) ~- l. Date t:., (1"1 / (<~