HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development Block Grant Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ~\\\\\j \)e)J~ ~~G'(nD\- DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: Q9 BOX NUMBER: \'5 FILE NUMBER: \ l.Q()\ 0 NUMBER OF PAGES: r:9D , U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT . Community Development Block Grant, Rental Rehabilitation and Housing Development Grant Programs ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RECORD FORMAT II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE.SSMENT PROJECT: 3t>ttoL be~fo~~t C:~rf3>r~to~ H(x)c'(~_ PrD'I~ t""~T~o ) rJ,l tVt\s(tN E" Wee PROG RAM: Co"",^v,\1 h. bMhbkPAa-f -glp~ Grz^,+ HO~- r PROJECT ABSTRACT FORMAT II ENYIR 0 NMENT AL ASSESSMENT Narrw cfG~~ _ AV4n+~ ~ R~~ t\AMI\~ Co f.rA ~NGrlUll N~ Fro,": 01 ' 01. To: a~...e 1- ~rr;";'J => R~fU /. f Amt~lIl.! NfJmI! and ruJ~ ofCorifying efficer: '&ob ~ I Mayor S?O (,.r-t~e stv<<.--t Ajvt{~ . (,). '}oqo I Proj~ct Name: 'O~ft\O~I\'~t ~~~()" .; P~2Se lr "" (Bt:{h {~~\c,+Ol'lG 1>t~~,rr ') Lacariaru of Physical D~t!lapmellJ(s): lqO() ~lDC.F- ~qv,.\(t~ HoUeV Stfeei (l),,^t\S L'ZHt I ~1UC.tz ~~"v-t ~D ~"l trteL:2J.J G ( UadAgt!JtC'j: HO"~;Mv t Ntr~L4.,..6d ~elo~t Addrcr: ONe. lc.",-r... 'n'Jt..GGr. 50(1'6 If. 3 0 4JCi'U~'T a I(,A 'Gq~ J Projut Represe1ttJJliw: ?'2vc.. ~tJ.,""p ~ S'i" 'ftL.f21jZ. 4'1". (J2~S S+a-l-e,") '70 ~ 92.1- Tt!~pho1lt!: 7DG ~~/- Av",...,rrz . G-A- ~oClO I 17'(7 ("(tt(;. Project Injomr4tion: \i.€....s,t-1 ?o-wat, ~: t;~ S" -re:&.of2\lt-.rr TelephoM: Avrrv 5 --r A . ($-~ . ~l- nq.c. ~ 0<10 , Project SU11IIf'ItITJ Description: t Environme'ntal' Assessment pa&e PROJECT DATA -P~t.t IT "1~\J,tw ~,*zf~ PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: STATUS OF THE PROJECT: PROJECT AND AREA DESCRIPTION: L , Environmental' Assessment paae PROJEcr DATA ~WA.t "It- r Z.l{~ \J ~ ~st~te-> EXISTING CONDmONS AND TRENDS: Bethlehem is a historic neighborhood that has been the focus of improvements in housing and infrastructure in recent years. These improvements have helped stabilize the neighborhood to some extent, but it is imperative that other needs be addressed in the coming years. Based on verbal comments received at the neighborhood meetings, residents are concerned about crime, _ housing conditions, property maintenance, dilapidated buildings, vacant lots, historic presezvation, _ land use, tmffic, garbage pick-up, and recreation opportunities. The opinion surveys completed by _ some residents also identified these same types of problems. These problems and needs are SlImm:nized below under five categories : land use and zoning, housing, public facilities and services, transportation and circulation, and historic' preservation. The housing market in Bethlehem is not:a typical one. Good housing is mixed in with bad _ housing, and .vacant lots are everywhere. Well kept housing is most evident along the major_ streets in the neighborhood, such as mill, Foresa, Piquet, Chestnut, 12th, Wrightsboro, Old- Savannah, and Maple Street. Yet some of the narrow alleys and dead end streets also have- residences in relatively good condition. The mix of good and bad housing, presence of vacant lots, _ and preponderance of rental units makes it difficult to know where to begin in stabilizing the _ h.ousing market and preventing tUrtfer deterioration. PROJECT AND AREA MAPS AND PLANS: 'Jet Ath.c1eJ MAr ~\tf\eNtr if t ; Environmental Assessment Project Name and Identification No. 3D10 l De!\;'{\ 0 pMl\l\+ CDr ~ Checklist or Applicable Statutes and Regulations CP~~If Statutory Checklist - lJ >. .. ~." Cl - I: .. Q Q .. I: - .. - =- ;-; aI -;~ ~ .!! - Area of Statutory . Regulatory ." go .- ~ u :; f- .. u Compliance - ... !: :l . . - .. . r::r ~ ... - Q." ~ Q e .. u .. -u u " .. .. .. ~ .. (Preci~ citations for applicable - I: U I: .- .Q :l :l ,2=- aI :l swutes and regulations are printed aI I: r::r r::r r::r lJ oS U - '" u U (II ..; on the back of this Checklist - " =: c- 1:Cl: Reference to Notes Providing Q, (II _ (II Q Q, - '" e > - iii - ~ - .: = Documentation Sources and -< :l - .. 0 iii U IE .. .. ." 0 Correspondence - I: .;;: .. - =- =: 0 0 u u u =- o lJ Z U =: c. Q-< u-< HISTORiC PROPERTIES X SeLtl~VI \()~ doGVrVl ~ to~ FWODPLAlN MANAGEMENT' X X PrrlitCt sJe. not in t(ODd20tV WE:IT.ANDS PROTECJION X X Proiut;lh. hOt In wett~s , COASTAL AREAS PRaJECJION X X T AND MANAGEMENT rruitd: Sl~e.. l~ 13)" ~I\e.c., t~ [1i~ WATER QUAUTY: X X ~~tPA li':lt l~~~f~ v\o SOU SOURCE AQUIFERS f]o e sollte,e €qUi en AvllV(~ ENDANGERED SPECIES IX X Nv. e.~~~ ,'1p,tt1l.7 , r \. w/~Ii}e. '1':, X J NC> VII&!4 ,I' ~iv ~'o(.y5 WlU) AND SCENIC RiVERS ji\ hvu.i~ tI\~e.A AiR QUAUI'Y ^ ~ "Vdvs~ L\ C-IIJ~~n ~ J 01 I ~ fl.\&-\ FARMUNDS PROTECJION X X No t~VM.\~"'~ ~fhJed. b; (AUf, v, ~ e..~ NOISE. X X yroli~ !101\Yt'Ut\. G%(e rct VI l "...... w. v~ RUNWAY CI...E.U. ZONES. CLE.A.R 'f X f'rOJed" "ite~ ~t ~l~,~ Zf)NES AND ACCIDENT POTEN17AL ZONES RV"\,N~clelV" IV Au-,k-J fb1 ~. THERMAL AND EXPLOSNE X X ~~t\t ~nll'trS'ltic() ~! Htvl-tA HAZARDS -rt'tfu --Au:. t:;,-r/l. h~'n~' ... 9.-i4' -,- ..J , Atbv~lll 1 t ~J 8An"... '.,UUIlC' tluJt ,.,quintl IU:tUJu .\4." ."11 UU'". Statutory Checklist (continued, page 2) I I Checklist or Applicable Statutes and Regulations Permits, Licenses, Forms of Compliance Under Other Laws (FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS) - ... ~ III ...~ = .... = ~ Q Q I. U = - i:l. -- CI '" CI -.Q ~ OTHEl? AREAS OF STATr,;TORY AND ~ - - ." ;0 - ~ u ~ REGULATORY COMPUANCE l- I. U - III Al'PUCABLE TO PROJECT Q :::I . . - .. . =' " -- Q~ - ~ Q 5 ~ U III - U " I. I. ." I. ~ .. - = ~ =- - ~ :::I ::a ,gi:l. . ~ CI = =' =' ~ ,g u u - - '" ~ " =: . If! ==: Reference to Notes Providing Q, - =- CI _ CI Q Q. - ~ :! 5 > - If! Documentation Sources and - -< :::I - I. Q .:: = lit ~ e u I. ." Q Correspondence - = > I. _ Cl. =-= Q Q u u ~ Cl. Q ~ Z U =: i:l. Q-< u-< WATER QUAllIY ~ ~ SOUD WASTE DISPOSAL X ~ FISH AND W/LJ)UFE X No (Po\.rro~rt\e'^:t, 4 f ~ J If) hi' M41(~ /1(" :rf.c, l'fo/Il ~~ STATE OR LOCAL ST AIUTES ; (TO BE ADDED BY LOCAL COMMUNrrt) Sitt .p\Q.1\ Re",vL,. tIUv\S X X \'l'e.e.. Of J i no.v\ce. X X ~.\\ "E:rOStC\,\ "'- .s~. ~V'hJ\ X X - , Environment'al Assessment Environmental Assessment Checklist Project Name and Identification No. 3 c'lD l D-e'Vt \ OO~~ t (tf 'P. C pk}( _m 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 ~ = = c:l - 0 - ell t"l = 5 " oS " " ~ - ~ c:l - " ell II t"l <12- "" ~ ~ ;: '"' = <II = I. _ Y " " " ~i.I) = - = > e oS C"l - " " == " " " = - = -< t"l -< I. ell .... -< c:l c:l CIa c:l ~Q ~~ - I. Source or Documentation - >.. - c.. t"l ~ (Note date of contact or II ell - '" - 100 "" ~ - ell " ~ ~ u page reference) e - -: .. I. = = .- =- '" - u " = " = " = Additional material may be - _ 1:1' _ 1:1' .. I:r Impact Categories c:l c:l c:l " c:l .. .. " attached. Z c.. c..=: c..=: z =: Land Develonment Conformance Widt X L~l\i.\ i)~ ~ch~ lr\ ee~ k~ Comprehensive N ~\ i ~~ hoo~ plCu'l t:AA Lc(,'I"Lt'j<5 Plans and Zoning re.de~\o ~ l1.CM-t". Compatibilicy and X Pl"c.~e.c-t Lr\\Jclr te~'H1,JMev. ~ Urban Impact , l tlo\O~1tl."tt~ ~'\..n, P C'Jl.Lt ~4v'e l'\ L~~ b~Y' hGcA c.oMM I V~ Slope X ~I\t\ \'e.. ~i pt is ft~ h~~. ~t"t. Ne 5'51'1' I~-t c..~jt it\ ~t tcpc<\~t.l~:i"'l.f \;D tt~J l-t 'h-~ n(oO Erosion X' 1..,"'1 SOt I &~s\o~ i Sqi\i1t\fl.l.t " CA\tve\. Ot~\\~t .~te-~ rtn.~h I Pre tec..tao., ~.f 5i te.. Dvnt\o;\ CD-t\s~ Soil Suitability X ~~~ofo\~~~ Co. c;c;\ .s-Vt'Ii~7J JDW' I~\I~-te.> bc~~- ()~""" . (", rAcd-Gvt\.tt~ .SV}ofn 11 \J.:-'~ I.'~I \ . Hazards and X fhcrlt. C~I"~Sc.\.hQ'VI wI Nuisances, Including Lt. Ht.'("kt T~'(r1 "f- ^'-:.'rJ~b\ Site Safety +:1(1' De..bt. $.- 1'4 Energy X ..~M;.~DhA~ hov-;Q Vi'\\r~ Consumption , w\~\ be CCVl.,~r\Ji) - ~ f"q;ut . . sih: -- Noise E1fec1S of Ambic:Dt X Noise on Project aDd Conlribution to Com- munity Noise Levels ~ Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued. page 2) Project Name and Identification No. 5 oqo i \)e:v-e \Cp,~~t Cot'p.. (P~Je I9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;0.. c c = 0 - ell c: u I: -e - .; - ~ ~ - ~ -e 41 OIl = OIl y 41"0 :;: Q, C <It c. "" = ] 41 100 41 100 _ = = ~ E ~"-l = - - u -e ~ -e u - y c: == - u ~ ~ y -< ... ell - = = ~ = ~Q ;o..::E ... Source or Doc:umeDta tion - ;0.. - =- y - (Note date 01 contact or OIl ell - iii a; iii ::E III Q, - CII U ._ U 41 e - -= ... _ 100 .:. page reference) c: =- = .- <It - U iW ~ iW = "0 ~ Additional material 1D2Y 1m pact Categories - _ r:f' _ r:f' iW r:r be = Q Q 41 = iW U 41 Z =- =-=: =-= z =: attacbed. Air Oualitv Effects of Ambient Air Quality on Project and ;< 5!e- 5Qt~h~1 cJec.k L 51 Conaibution to Com- munirv Pollution Levels Environmental Desil!D and Historic: Values Visual Quality 1 Coherence. Diversity, X Compatible Use, and Scale Historic, Cultural. X X ;md Archaeological Resources Socioeconomic \. ~4t^'UcI X O1aracter OuInges Displacement X Employment and X 't-JO tfr\rAC-t to t",~l~~\ ro Income Patterns MeA.. Community Facilities aDd Services Educatiooal Facilities X Pl'C~u.t JNLll i~e ~(.~o, l D.if- 11f'" Commercial Facilities X PfDjt(;~:W~\l. ~ ~'t\. t'\~ ~OM~i I~ ~ooc.. HeaJmCare X PfOia.t wilA Vlot in~c\1.'{. h~j I ~ rb.'lP . 1-..r Ll~he" Social Services X ~c \i\\~~t 0-.\ C)au!\.\ ~\~ Environmental . Assessment Checklist (continued, page 3) Projed Name and Identification No 3C10l OelJ't~CbM.~ ~ (G\f'/;) . P kem 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ = = Q 0 - (II ("l = c -= - ,$1 "= ~ ~ - ~ Q (II ("l 4.1 (II u" ::e ",,- c. ;:: \00 = "" ::I \00 _ :B v v v ~CI) = - - = > e .!: ("l = v -= :I "= U - U -< = -< ("l < \00 1II .... Q Q 0.0 Q ~Q >.~ - .. Source or Doeumenution - >. - c.. <.I - (Note date or can bet or 1II - - <II "; ... :; C. 1II (II U '" - _ u u e - -:: .. - .. .:. page reference) = =- =- "" - 4.1 V ::I u ::I "= :I Additional material may be Impact Categories - - ~ _0" '" ~ Q Q Q U Q U V u atucbed. Z c.. c..a: =-Cl: z a: Community Facilities and Services (Continued)- Solid Waste X Pr:j'vt site 10 be..5C'Nt~ b15d;~ was te n&lvle-r Waste Water X PttJ et.t -jI) 8e"eIl't\tt uv&\~ AAl: er eAr~ b,le.}f.. bc-\t~ n4Y'u\ \u\ ~ iJf.~ tl . Storm Water .X ; 'YfGj ~t . :1 toy M wAtt;.to 1>e clift( ~ 11> ~;4~tlll~ C'l\-'( S ~~~ , Wat/:r Supply X pr DjtLt rv be t:~t\tLkeA tb e~~+; ~ DV~\lC. wC\-k't ~~~ Public Safety Police X P'fo.'}er;f WI t-\lu1 i"1.'~ih~t ~e\"V'Ic.e l. <Are" ,,~ 5k'f' H ~ ~pt FIre X pt,\ett .;te ';It\..~ '-1>;tl~ ~e:f~ic.~ ~.e~ If tre ~ . Emergency X pro jtc-t $~ te sev-~I\ l>~ Medka1 e~eN'~tvlc.i( p'e~i(4\ ~~~Vt('t;l Open Open Space 'A Nc rl.ort) fw. ri~ 5 t lI. (.. (. I ~ Spa:: aDd ~~ .r. R~ Reaearial X No ~.) ~ re.cfek~~l Je\J,IT ~'I w,-r. j:~";;;;-I~ ~~ l>ro~:~",~~ Cultural 'A Cv\~~ T~}i~i GS. ~c~\lt.;~ I Facilities k\~ "'C! T~ X pr'ic.tt ~.l \e. WI ~\~ (m~ \'\llC.K o~ "eQ.fe5t \lV'~\.t.,. 'tv'~\~4t-'f'Nl ~ C~ o ~u,t. . Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued., page 4) Project Name and Identification No. 30C1Dl D tv{ \0 P.Ae'l. t Co (I) (p h"-St :rr:\ . 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 ao, = - = Q 0 - - :II C y C ~ - 0 ~ ~ - ao, ~ U :II Q III y u~ ~ Co C 11I- III = '- = .. - :9 " .. .. :1;1:I = = > e ~ - - OJ I: .. ~ = ~ " .. = - < < \J < 10. II - 0 Q ~ Q ao,Q ao,~ 10. Source or Documentation - ao, - ~ \J - - (Note date of contact or III - '" -; '" ;:; Co ~ ~ .. "" E - -= .. - .. u page reference) - '- '- = c- c- '" - . - .. u = .. = ~ = Additional material may Impact Categories - - 1:1' -eT u r:3' be 0 Q o .. o .. .. u Z =- c.= =-== Z == attached. Natura) Features War.er Resou.rces ^ Swf~ Water X ; Floodplains X Wetlands X I CoasCll Zone X Unique Naaual X Feaaues and Agricultun1 Lands Vegewion aDd X Wildlife -- Environmental · Assessment (continued, pa~e 5) Summary of Findings and Conclusions: j/\; ~~ j~ t,.QV' ot- MwxSi. fJk,i1~ OY1 ~()~ i (. 12t~vtc.eS ~\J.ir-e ~. . Summary of Environmental Conditions: ill Nail4 \ -[1\ CO n;1J elJ'q~ f1~SO("l'\.teJ.. ~(,Q"'^-\uee\. ~ ""i \-~ t \'1\ t\te ~f~Je.ct <'yeZet.tC41honS. Project Modifications and Alternatives Considered: --.1.D Do Nc~\"~ - \t~vt ?'C \ e.cX l. "c, S~D\tvc. quo. 1., WV'J.. \'\~ \o~ \~C)f\.S ~ ~ 'J'\(.:\fU ~ <OJ\~V\~'' . ~V'~~;t'> I'Ll ","e.\,- (3) \1.t,lnU\~ t~'ih~ ~;o"i'rhCb 1 ^s ro~CJu\~. Environmental Assessmen't (continued, paie 6) Additional Studies Performed (Attach Study or Summary) No MAl baM' StVil~S ~e>fto~M~q Mitigation Measures Needed: tKeCvtl~ g.f- MO~ IN ( {~~~ SHf!LJ1J Meet Stoh~ lob ~ . N KP Ar 't"V\{e.~-t> - . . \ I. Environmental Assessment Checklist page Project Name and Identification No. '3 Dq 0 l b eve lop 1V\<l-v\. t Co V' p- C fiv..ltS ) 1. Is project in comp ce with applicable laws and regulations? Yes 0 No 2. Is an EIS required? 0 Yes ~o 3. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONS!) can be made. Project will not significantly affect the quality of the human en~nment 0 Yes 0 No Prepared by --.JV.,L. ~. r~ \. I. Dare J;i'i11 u>> 'Z-. Title -f~--r.. A: flC.,fC, I ' ~ Environmental Assessment Checklist page Project Name and Identification No. 30Q C! De'\JeJopM~ + Ce-rp. f~.se. +r: - ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW FINDING On the basis of the environmental assessment of the above project I have made the following finding:. . I A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT 1 I fInd that this project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on. the human environment and that a request to HUD for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement 4/q~~ "ID1rP Slrll4llln, Titu 41Ul "'iUI,u~ of C.1'tifJille Offic., I A FINDING OF SIGNIFICANT IMP ACT I fmd that this project is a major federal action which may or will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to HUD for the release of project funds will require an Environmental Impact Statement. (DGU) Si'1I4tan, Till. "u Ad4nu of C.,'tlhill~ oJJk.,. ,,, . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. Community Oevelopment Block Grant, Rental Rehabilitation and Housing Development Grant Programs ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RECORD FORMAT II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROJECT: 1010\ DB'Iet1.0P'-"'€Ni C:O~O(l2.noM LaN~ 51v~rt.. tf1n.':z~'(ID:) PROGRAM: ~N)AVN~ ~61.0fMENl -gL.OCJ~ r, rt~~r .f HOMe .v (, PROJECT ABSTRACT FORMAT II ENVIR 0 NMENT AL ASS ESS MENT Harre if GrTZ1llU , .4~v<,fz ; ~1J...MD1-d Co ~nlGraJlJ NlI1rlbe ~ From: oi -Or To: ''2.-01. Revi.siolU AnYr..dmt!11L! N~ and rule ofCmifying OffICer: 'gob 'lov..., I )A..z,lor ~30 b...~e~ e strut ,4,,111" obi I Colt ;oqo ( Project Name: ~O~vt(o~'" ~~ratlv~ .- p"~,.za, ~ (&f(;,/eJ.e,." ~c. D~~n~+) lAcariclU of Physical D~t!iop~/IJ(s): l'fOO blOG.K ~Ollflded. by L4~tIbt 7tr~tj &uft-\tv '. c,t<P1'~ ~o"lette L.zJJt lA~d. Po~. ' I UDdAgen.cy: ... "O~l\t~ r r{tl'~ C>tvt!Pr~t Addrcs: b8\e Te,t\-& Shett I ~;fe, 't~o Av~~rlt. J &A ;o'tQJ Projt!ct Repr!st!1IUlli~: pafl De c..z..t.tp AJdrcr l)l) Tt'\ f e,i.... s+(~f Projt!ctlnform4Jioll: kel'J(~ rtl~tq Addrc:: ~z<; T~lf~l'~ S+lfft.,t c.J~s S~[c) 7V<O gZ/ 11'17 Telt!phoM: -rob 82-1- 17qt:> ~,,~+ z. , tr^ ~o'to ( Te/epItoM: 7" Sz.t -/7~' AII~~ I GA ~o( Project SI./m1rttIrj DescriptitJlI.' CDBG Fr.t.IIdr Other . -{( 4J>o 000 (Projected) . . Co~ck""vho~ 0+ Q ~I'M;.V" c.;*11&\ c.oMr'~ d.fFec-f\~ tt~) ftbre--tieS. , tlM 6'~(lo) .V2.tl.V\t lDts .1k P(O~ .j,,"oll/'t.J Qc,!~!idro~s.~(~hO\v . ~trlltl'tWV\ 6f z ~ -,,~.-t ore ~ fINo btr).rooM ~~. "tI,e . r'AlN\plplx ..,., II be It'LM.~t"'I'~ ....~r~~ ltlWaKd &fMior C.tizet'l..s, Environmental Assessment pa~e PROJECT DATA PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: Tke P.illose D~ pto{e~t is tc ~rl1Vld~ z.,J otfD(tv~,~ ~ ~~or pen ~~ "iJ CDvp\e.s -b ~ W\z.t'V\ an Q.t,t~ ptut of ~e c.DfI\"'Ur\l+~ ,.~ ~tIex will ~ ~ of ~ ~e'itt...~ieus of rld~l.~ c,~t'''i:6t ",c-u~r:'Il~__ ~rt~.,Vl t\tt ~t\\te.~ \),lot'{'lt:t . L.l~~ ~z~ w~ll ~ (;. ~i~h ql1C:.(I~ ~~ ~\e. ~0V4.~ ~It~rn~-nw. for i"depeMl~t ~Ior~ . wit\, ~ to6'l~~"'~I: r~ 2~e\\i ,e~ "t,oU~\ lce$ t ~ro ~e v lmvt iS~ ihsf (,~.c'h l &c,. Co""M"~\+t, ~SOv,tt ~-ttv "",rJ. -the ~ er -h" (AM_V", I ht f{~i:tk. STATUS OF THE PROJECT: bvf kb ~ ~,it .J ~ r~ju:t ~Vl~ ~\'7l-0;1c.. rt"S<<v'z.tlo~ (~.~I;'-2tl~1 -Ht:c. ~tct tCM2.'lA S ~ ~ r>h~t\LIV\, ,t~,e( tit, ~ ~. l5-?~ . VC'2.ft( \.cI~l\ f,llo~ PROJECT AND AREA DESCRIPTION: ~ Bt-HAltb r\t"hbw~8t)d UJW'X~ 4.Prfo,tiM~ttll 1/'dD acre~ 1ft &, ~vfu.ts-br- ~ If ~ c.i-hc. t(4.e ~&1w>o,.bd Ie, bo1lM@6 by WtI~k.h.'bo(O RtA. ~~ ~ ~tlAe. S'\I~ TlIt"ri" \-\~ll ~\,L\"'f' ~~ Oi\ thE=' ~O~ r f.k-t N,ttollc Sovfkv)' ~ Oft .{.(Ae ellc,t I ~t\d Mt L1.1J ~ st__eet Dh\t ~ C5~ Beltll\l..e, 'R~a(.~~ (;l(\ ~t v.ler,'t Mo~t~'t !>>1'1\e f~\l~ A--'~ &vp{t,t fe~;det\c.t) f\'ak ~p ~ ht~rr If ~e Bet~Je~eW\ t\e\~~~t"toJ. r~d"'s4vi2.\ t'z,;..d \I~e.t, ,,,,d ~2.\l'~ltd ~'i\fh tl'ta~ ~ ~tUl\ 0"1\ ~ tt,\ I "O\J,,^ 110'" 6 wt;t ~vw,,~-; 2,t\cl bU~ln~s.et, ~<.. c;c.t.i\.~e.i ~V\~ ~1lM'AA-. Environm~ntal . Assessment paze ~r,^ elb1 $fv~r<..- P~t 1U ~ PROJEcr DATA EXISTING CONDmONS AND TRE~DS: Bethlehem is a historic neighborhood that has been the focus of improvements in housing and infrastrucrure in recent years. These improvements have helped stabilize the neighborhood to some extent, but it is imperative that other needs be addressed in the coming years. Based on _ verbal comments received at the neighborhood meetings, residents are concerned about crime, _ housing conditions, property maintenance, dilapidated buildings, vacant lots, historic preservation, _ land use, tmffic, garbage pick-~p, and recreation opportunities. The opinion surveys completed by _ some residents also identified these same types of problems. These problems and needs are SlImm:nized below under five categories : land use and zoning, housing, public facilities and services, transportation and circulation, and historic preservation. The housing market in Bethlehem is not,a typical one. Good housing is mixed in with bad _ housing, and vacant lots are everywhere. Well kept housing is most evident along the major- streets in the neigh.borhood, such as mill, Forest, Piquet, Chestnut, 12th, Wrightsboro, Old- Savannah, and Maple Street. Yet some of the narrow alleys and dead end streets also have- residences in relatively good condition. The mix of good and bad housing, presence of vacant lots, _ and preponderance of rental units makes it difficult to know where to begin in stabilizing the _ housing market and preventing iilrffer deterioration. PROJECT AND AREA MAPS AND PLANS: 'Set A+h.~eJ ~f ~\f'I\~~ if t Environmental Assessment Checklist of Applicable Statutes' and Regulations Project Name and Identification No. ?o1D\ OCltl'p~t C.lJr~_1.f~zct, ra:. ) Statutory Checklist - \"l >. '" \"l" = Q' = u 0 '" I: - .. - Q", -- ell ... III Ilt w;~ ~ - Area of Statutory. Regulatory ~ " go .:; '" ~ .. u Compliance - = 0 = . . .. . C" " ... - 0" - " o S '" '" '" - '" '" g: .. .: .. " .. (Precise citations for applicable - - = I: 41 = .- ~ = oQ., ell ~ Stan1tes and regulations are printed ell c C" C" \"l 0 41 III ; ~ ~ III on tbe back of this Checklisl - =: =: c - == Reference to Notes Providing CI. ell _ ell 0 CI. - .., e > -= III - :t - Documentation Sources and < = - .. 0 .- c '" '" e III .. " 0 Correspondence - c .;: .. - Q, c -= 0 0 '" '" u Q, o CJ Z U =: c.. Q< u< HISTORiC PROPERTIES ~ ~r(,t(ot\ Lib. k(,VMtt\1Z.hol\ FLOODPUlN MANAGEMENT '^ X Prot(ti\' ~i tt ADt ~" .H.6,{ 'to"t. WF:IlANDS PROTECTION X '" Pro",tLt ,,;ft. Vlot i~ wtft~~ COA.STAL AllEAS PROTECTION X X AND MANAGEMFNI' Pri1lc! site. is B~ ",~la frO'M,G( ik.t WATER QUA.UrI: X X re~(~ cPA (,'st \ fu~t 4it ~o SOLE SOURCE AQUIFERS 4jO e 50ur/P ~vi \tHC 'IM\. ... ... ENDANGERED SPECIE.S X. ~ ~ Mtjz"'1tte~. td~ 0 ( v ~ild l\fc At te, WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS X tJo wilt{ IY ~.c. W1~ il\ ~fO;ff.t AU"~~ A.1RQUA.UTY X X. A~~ta" ,~ (.II'~ M 41fzi""'mt A~ F ARMUNDS PROTECTION y; 1- tlo h:rlM...d ~~ b~ ~ ell, heJ NOISE ;<. )( r~~~d tkC.flVltl!J ~r~ ~t ':, c.o....ihll't 115 e RUNWAY CLEAR ZONES. CI...EAJl ~(oj"d' SI'teS ~t ~~'" ZONES AND AeCIDENI' k -X: ~ POTENT1AL ZONES YI1t'\W2.JL ciJ1er Dr ~ul.-+ Po THEllMAL AND EXPWS/VE I X X Nvowt. '-fJrwtN> 2J b ~ wf lli. ". ..J,.. HAZARDS '/t-oN"~ "~"c;t~ f.re ~ ~I 7.A. y~ -A.ttlUlt ,"UUllC, tJuu nquiNJ tJ.Cti.oIU U." )". tJJklll. Statutory CheckIjst (continued, page 2) Checklist or Applicable Statutes and Regulations Permits, Licenses, Forms of Compliance Under Other Laws (FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS) - v ~ III l"j~ = ...., = 1lI ~ 0 '" 1lI C - =- - - ~ '" ~ Q.CI OTHER AREAS OF STATUTORY AND ~ e,:; - ~ ~o - -= 1lI ~ REGULATORY COMPUANCE Eo- '" U '" APPUCABLE TO PROJECT .:! :::::I . . - .. . ~ " -- Q" " Q E 1lI III III - 1lI ~ cc: '" .: '" ~ ... a v c- ~ :::::I :::::I QQ. ~ ~ (II a ~ r::1' v Q " " "; ~ fill V - cc: = c- c= Reference to Notes Providing Q, ~ - IS Q Q, - ~ :: E >- ~ ~ Documentation Sources and - -< :::::I ... Q III ~ S V ... ~ Q Correspondence - c >- .. - Q, c-= Q Q v v v Q, Q C.l Z U = =- Q< u< W AIER QUAI../rf X X SOUD WASTE DISPOSAL ^ J FISH AND WILDUFE X ,\h ""'rfO~ ~~f5 of- . 10 _ 1tIIO~ acttS IT ATE OR LOCAL ST MUTES (TO BE ADDED BY LOCAL COMMUNrrr) c,:t't y/-z.", ~'UI2t.O~) X I)' tf'e! Or a\V\fA.~v4-' k; ~ X ~'(l er~~"Of\ 7 W.,~~( )G IX \ - I Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment Checklist Project Name and Identification No. ~oqOLDe'fotlop~e..1 Cttrp. LPh4\~ 1lr - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >, c C Q C - ~ .... c 5 ~ - .~ ~ iU ~ - >, Q - iU ~ ell .... iU~ ~ Q, ;: '" - '" ::I '- C '-- ] iU iU iU ~cn C - - c ~ e Q l"j C iU ~ ::I ~ iU - iU -< == -< .... -< '- ~ - Q Q Q ~ '- Source or Documentation >,Q >,~ .- - >, - =- .... - :::E (Note date or contact or ell ~ - '" -; ... '" Cl. - CII iU _ iU iU page reference) e - :: '- - ... '- c = .- c- '" .- . - iU iU ::I iU ::I ~ ::I Additional material may be - _ t::f' _ t::f' iU t::f' Impact Categories Q Q o iU o '" iU 'II attached. Z =- =-Q:: =-Q:: Z Q:: Land Develonment Confonnanre With .LZM v~t: t'l~'y;'" B8~~ Comprehensive X Jl/tt,\"'bo-.Me\ ll'.~ e.ftt.1JV'~~~ Plans and Zoning nd~lupMtt\.l' Compatibiliry and ?('~tc.t 1"'''r.\\1'6 f'tclevH.r-_t Urban Impact X- iX- M~~ ..z.c.....V\\ \1."" ,.",(;l , lIbJ-4-t ~ 0. ~v~".... Slope X b"t\...~ '),~ is ('I~n~11 f(z.t. tJo Ji~;C.z..t" ~""d (~ +t roo 1i) ~ If- ,"^ U'Q re~ . Erosion Lo<3( ~i( er.lij4., t ~Mt";-r ^ (lIr\~~')((hMMc.c. 1M~1.ff.r ~_ I)t~ 011\ '* 5ite. dut"'l" .L ic .. Soil Suitabiliry ~~MC7~ GO. ~i\ Svr"~ Lli(17) X 1~LCAt4 ~~fV~. V.. b..t ~ C4. ~ ~~-HL 4vikl ~ ",,'~ u~ Hazmls and ~It..~ c..o~zfio~ wt (..t- . Nuisances. Including X Site Safery HbI~t'te('y - t\,,,~.. filt- Dqk Energy ~~~~ j., be- Consumption X CoO W\Sitvtked 4 (\ ~~ eJ sAe _. Noise Etfeas of Ambient X Noise on Project aDd Cooaibution to Com- munity Noise Levels lox Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued., page 2) Project Name and Identification No. ?Plot 1>eYtlDt~~t C~4seJI1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ~ = = Q - 0 - III y c: c: " - .s: " '" ~ - - '" ell >, Q III y III - "'" :; Q. l: _ c: '" = - - :~ ... '" '" :(1] = - - I: > e .:! y = ... " := " '" - '" < = < y -< - III -. Q Q QG Q >,Q >,:; - - Source or Documentation - >.. - Q. y - (Note date or contact or III ell - '" '; '" :; "" Q. - III "" .- '" '" page reference) 8 - -= I- - l- I. = =- = .- III - ... '" := "" = " := Additional material may be - _ 1!:1' _ r::J' '" 1!:1' Impact Categories Q Q Q ... Q "" "" '" attached. Z Q. c.C!: c.C!: Z C!: Air Oualitv Effects of Ambient Air ^ Quality on Project and St.e ~tvtlfYl lkc Jc. ht Conlribution to Com- munity Pollution Levels Environmental Desi2n and Historic Values Visual Quality- Coherence. Divemcy, X Compatible Use.. and Scale Historic, Cultural. X X and Archaeological Resources Socioeconom ic Demogt .lphicJ Xl 01aracter Olanges Displacement ~ Employment and X fjo LMP2.(;t ~ 8~~~ Income Patterns It ~ez. Community Facilities aDd Services Educ.atiooaJ Facilities X. ~~O'( w~lt~ - JetllO( AAl-b Commercial Facilities X tf9~eo\ ~t t\O\ .~ (IiPIJ c..o~~~ua ? ~2.("t Heald! Care X Nilltct wII t aut \"c.\\I~ ~'cM ~ CQ CIl1t ",;ttlt ~tcP I~ ..w ,...Q,l Social Servic= A NO \ ~Q.vt Ii' ~OLAZ.( ~tfv~" ~\ (tc~\.; tl \1-t'l6. tu ~ ( . e. M"'N~ ~ ~ Cl \ut ~ Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued,. page 3) Project Name and Identification No 3 C10 l o~'I"~\CbM~ ~ CGif(;:> . P k~ 1rt\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ c - Q = C - III ~ = c - - .g ~ '0 ~ - ~ Q III <.l " CCI "":l :; OIl- =- -= 100 = 011 = 1.0 _ ~ II U II ~'" C - = ;.. e Q <.l - " ~ ::I ~ v - II = - < = -< ~ -< ... III ..... Q Q 0 ~ ... Source or Docnmentation - >.. ~Q ~~ - Q., <.l - - ;:; (Note date or conUct or - III III - 'II - ., 011 =- - III II ~ V ... page reference) e - ': 1.0 - ... .: . = = .- c- OlI - U II ::l II = ~ ::I Additional material may be Impact Categories - -~ _ r::" u ~ ~ Q Q 011 Q v U II attached. Z ~ ~a: Cl.a: z a: Community Facilities and Services (C on tinued) Solid Waste X ?r:ja,t site 10 be..se.'r'It" hI5d;~ W.lS k ~C4vl~ Waste Waa:r X P1'e~et.t itl 8enelm\t .~"s-\e. IMl: er C4ir~ki~'pf.. bli~j hf4V'ut \tA ~ t1-~ ~ ,\" Storm w a.ter 'X ; .Yfcj~t ,toyM w~.~ -to ~ lll"ft{ ~ f11l e~~t(~~ cA-", 5 ~~~, Wau:r Supply X pr DjtLt ~ be CCl\ttlL,teA tb C :u.~+; ~ pv~i ic. w,,-k'r '::AA ~ ~ Public: Safety Police X p'ro.'jec,f wi t-\..tw! i'1-l~h~~ '>CY'V'ILe II- a.rel.\ tJ ~ .$k'rl tt ~ ~6t' Fue X Pt'i<ct !rite .iI~,. /.):l; h~ Se:f' ~ic.r. cne~ ,~ +\re ~ . Emergency X ~I'P jat $~ re JeY'Yen ~~ Medica.l e.\"M'f~tvlO( JVI~Jjc....\ l'\~';4\\(\lIl OpeD Open Space ^ Nc rl~) ~ Cfi!.v\ 5til.t(. l~ Space aDd ~\t~ Reaearioo RecreaDa1 X Nc ~) !-by re.cflll"WoI4L de'J~r -1.. w.-r. j:k";;- i~ ~"" l>fti~:~~~~ It CuJJura1 ~ C'l~~ k'\,b '-S. ~O~\~~.-;~ I F~1itil!$ I { I;..w.... -<> . "'Cb Traasporwioa X pr~ jc.tt ~'l tt WI ~\n C'YI"f bl~~ I o~ v'\eQRc;t \)V.~\.t.. tv-~\~~t-'f'Nf ~ lh , hu.t Environmental Assessment Checklist (continued, page 4) Project Name and Identification No. 30itDl D eve. \OPrv'Ie'C t (.D ('~ (p h~(. ~ -= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... = = Q 0 - elf C"j - 5 ~ - ~ ~ .. - ~ u <SI .... 0 .. C"j u~ ~ a. C ..,- .., = 'y U ~Ioo : 100 _ = = ~ e ~~ Q - - C"j = u ~ = ~ u u = - < < ... ~ .. .. -- Q Q 1IG Q ....Q ....~ 100 Source or Documentation - ~ - =- ... - .. - - .., Cii Oft ~ (Note date or contact or a. .. ~ u Oft - _ u ~ e - -.: 100 - .. 100 page reference) = =- =- '"' - - u u = u = " = Additional material may Impact Categories - _ a- - a- u r:3' be Q Q Q U Q u u v Z =- c.:z: c.a= z a= attached. Natural Features WateI' Resourc.es ^ Surf:lCe Wa.a:r X ; Aoodplains X Wetl.aods X II. Coastal Zone X Unique Namral X Feamres and. Agricultural Lands VegewiCIJ and. X WiJdlife -- Environmental . Assessment (continued, paie S) Summary of Findings and Conclusions: JV\~ ~~j~~\'OV) of- AA'M.JfSf.. t~-tt, ~Y1 H(~~\L l2e',c\iil.eS \lt4\J .;i'e ~. . Summary of Environmental Conditions: o ~i~\ '[J\con\jOt\\~ t1~Scc.,l4tteJ.. wl- ~tfui:t,o~ ~wts \J;t{ k .~())iJ'^.\uet~_ ~ be.# ~ h.j,^tet\ bllV\COt-yOf~1:i0 ,ttt 4Q.k, (ettvlt~t \l\ t\te ~r~Ju."t <.yet:(ttUl-honS, ll. Project Modifications and Alternatives Considered: ~ ~O NC~\I\~ - \t~vt ?lC\ttX ~c, )b~~,,<;. quO. ~ i'I\ \<<.... \"\1rt \ Q C~ \ ;O":S l i-. tIvt. ~.\ e,i l\ I ~ ~ ~ c<,u.\ ~ ,-\- e , ~ Lll\I\\,\1I\G\l,> ~~.~I:.v, i't\ " "w..- (3) \1.LlnCil.\t t~'i\:~ ~"fo"t....ht> 1 ~ ~~CJec\~. I I , . Environmental Assessment - (continued, paze 6) Additional Studies Performed (Attach Study 01" Summary) No MA. hen..\ stva'lt~ ~~to"'Me~ Mi tigation Measures Needed: t~cu.hV't\ ~ MO~ W ( (Tf'~~ S~ 'Me-tt Se-c..-tL~ lob * . N i-t9 A. "e,^iJ\W-~~ - , .. \ II. Environmental . - Assessment ChecKlist page Project Name and Identification No.~ol Devel,~--t CDrr. ~~ JJI=- 1. Is project in com]Jliance with applicable laws and regulations? E:J Yes 0 No / 2. Is an EIS required? 0 Yes fQ No 3. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) can be made. Project will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment 0 Yes 0 No Prepared by f~ ~ Date Title eJ~ ~v ~ Environmental .. Assessment Checklist . . page Project Name and Identification No. ~oqo( Dt'v.tlo~~t ~ rh~~ JIL ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW FINDING On the basis of the environmental assessment of the above project I have .made the following fllKling: . I A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT 1 I fmd that this project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on the hurrum environment and that a request to HUD for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement #t- ~7~ (DoI~ . Mfl'JdV' Sifll4tJu'., Titu IUI4 A.dd,u~ of C.rtilJillf Offic,,. I I A FINDING OF SIGNIFICANT IMP ACT I fInd that this project is a major federal action which mayor will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to HUD for the release of project funds will require an Environmental Impact Statement. (Dau) Slf1l4lJU'f, Titl. 4U A.ddl'UI of C,,1thlllf OfJk.,.