HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHILDREN YOUTH COORDINATING COUNCIL Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: Q.X\ \ \O'(EX) <>\: \j\J_x\t1 (J)Q"(O\ ro t\ ~ CUJ,nC) \ DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: C() BOX NUMBER: \ \ FILE NUMBER: \~~\ NUMBER OF PAGES: \~ ..:. AP~ROVE[1l fier tr3/~~:1 CHILDREN ANDoVO~~~TCOO~ N?~ ~~ rO\JHT'I COMMISSIOffl 3-} Roy E. Barnes Governor Judy Neal Executive Director September 22, 2000 Mr. Bob Young Chairman Augusta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners 530 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901 Dear Mr. Young: Thank you for submitting a grant application to the Governor's Children and Youth Coordinating Council (CYCC) during our fall 2000 application cycle. It is my pleasure to affirm Governor Barnes' advisory to you that your application for grant funds has been approved for funding of $34,713.00. Your program, Juvenile DelinquencyfEarly Intervention, has been designated as sub grant 00P-02-000 1-000 1. Enclosed is the Statement of Subgrant Award, General Conditions and Special Conditions (if applicable) placed on the subgrant. After careful study of the conditions, please acknowledge your acceptance by signing the original Statement of Subgrant A ward, General Conditions and Special Conditions and return them to my office by October 20,2000. It is important that you retain a copy of the all records for your files and reference. Failure to return these documents by the deadline may result in the loss of the grant award. As stated in the General Conditions, the Council requests that you include a statement as to the funding source of this program on all correspondence, publications and media releases, etc. Enclosed is a copy of Governor Barnes' press release announcing the Council's grant decisions. You may wish to provide a copy of this release to your local newspaper in the event they did not receive a copy from the Governor's Press Office. If you have any questions regarding this grant, please do not hesitate to contact my staff at (404) 656-1725. Sincerely, ~~ [J;~e-aP Executive Director CC: Ms. Robetta McKenzie, Project Director Ms. Barbara Butler, Finance Director Central Savannah RDC Suite 410' 10 Park Place South' Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2928. (404) 656-1725. Fax (404) 651-9354 www.cycc.state.ga.us * AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Printed on Recycled Paper C.HILDREN AND YOUTH COORDINATING COUNCIL SUITE 410,10 PARK PLACE SOUTH ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 STATEMENT OF SUBGRANT AWARD Subgrantee: Augusta-Richmond County Board of Cnmmi~~innA~ Date of Award: 8/19/00 Project Title: Juvenile Delinquency/Early Intervention Federal Funds: $34,713.00 Grant Perlod: 4/1/01 - 3/31/02 Matching Funds: $20,858.00 Grant Number OOP-02-0001-0001 Total Project Cos:: $55.571.00 Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above of a grant under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, P.L. 93-415. as amended. to the above-mentioned subgrantee. in accordance with the plan set forth in the application of the above-mentioned subgrantee and subject to the attached general and special conditions. This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and conditions as prescribed by the Children and Youth. Coordinating Council's Subgrantee Financial and Grants Management Manual, OMB Circulars A-87, A-110, A-122 and A-133 and the U.S. Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide. It is also subject to such further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably prescribed by the State of Georgia and the United States Department of Justice, consistent with the purposes and authorization of P.L. 93-415, as amended. This grant shall become effective on the beginning date of the grant period, provided that within thirty (30) days of the award execution date (below), the properly executed original of the .Statement of Subgrant Award" is returned to the Children and Youth Coordinating Council. Children and Youth Coordinating Council ~~~ Judy N Execu ve Director 9/22100 Date Executed IQ ;, It) 6 D~te of/Acceptance QtDW Title I, Bob Young , acting under my authori acceptance for the subgrantee of the above-described grant on the terms and 58-2204274 Subgrantee Federal Employer Identification Number ....., INTERNAL USE ONLY TIF-EA REFERENCE ! VOUCHER I EFF.DATE I CONTRACT # 47-003001 I I 4/1/01 i POO010001 I ORGANIZATIONAL CODE I SUBCLASS I PROJECT I VENDOR CODE I CHECK NOTE (20 MAX) T I -I I I 422470100 680 28047001 ! Juv. Delinquency DESCRIPTION (23 MAX) I EXPENSE ACCOUNT I AMOUNT Juv. Delinquency I 707002 ! $34.713.00 ! DETAILED BUDGET SUMMARY For CYCC Use Only 00P-02-0001-0001 SubQlallt Numller BUDGET CATEGORY REQUESTED BUDGET APPROVED BUDGET GRANT FUNOS MATCHING FUNDS XlJ Federal 0 State MATCHING FUNDS A. PERSONAl SERVICES: 1. Salaries 2 Supervisors 6.360 6 Teachers 11 . q?"i 2 Custodians 1.484 ? T. . 1 1.0 J. 2 School counselors '''-770 Pro~ram Coordinator 8,400' I I 2. Fringe Benefits: l,9qO ? OQ? I Sub-Total 28,013 11. 382 I B. REGULAR OPERATING: i , Snacks Classroom materials 1,700 !. ~ fnT a &7t:. I I I I Sub-Total 1.700 q476 c. TRAVEl.; Field Trips (local and out of town) ?OOO I. Sub-Total 2.000 ! D. EQUIPMENT: I .- Sub-Total E. PER DIEM. FEES & CONTRACTS: Program Evaluator 1 .onn Parent/Family Activities 2,000 i Sub-Total 1 .000 i - ! ! F. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: j I I 1 I Sub-Total I GRAND TOTALS $34,713.00 $20,858 : R = 1/99 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING DETAILED BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL INFORMATION The Detailed Budget Summary should be completed for each of the six major categories for which funding is being requested. For each item listed within a given category, simply show the appropriate grant and matching funds of the total cost of the item in the appropriate column. under ~Requested Budget." _ DO NOT WRITE under the heading of "Approved Budget," as this is for Council use only. USE ONLY WHOLE DOLLAR FIGURES. . Do not complete the space marked "Subgrant Number" as this will be assigned by the Council. SUBGRANT CHART OF ACCOUNTS . .. .. .. The following .indicates the appropriate allocation of grant expenditures for each budget category. This information , ' . has been adapted from the State of Georgia accounting system for ease in reporting grant funds from various state agencies. PERSONAL SERVICES Regular Salaries Employer Paid Benefits (FICA, Retirement, Etc.) Health Insurance, Liability Insurance, Etc. REGULAR OPERATING Supplies & Materials Insurance Postage Dues & Subscriptions Registration Fees Duplication Expenses Snacks TRAVEL Staff Travel. Lodging, Subsistence Vehicle Rental EQUIPMENT Purchases over $1,000 Rental of Equipment PER DIEM, FEES & CONTRACTS Consultant Fees Contracts Stipends TELECOMMUNICATIONS Vendor Payments TOTAL REQUESTED BUDGET List the sum of the category sub-totals for grant funds and local funds (if available) with a grand total project cost. If additional space is needed, please continue on plain white paper 8 % x 11 clearly specifying the category. - COMPLETE A BUDGET NARRATIVE AS DESCRIBED ON THE NEXT PAGE- Augusta-Rlchmond County Board of Commissioners OOP..Q2..Q001..Q001 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The subgrantee agrees and understands that neither this grant award nor its successful implementation commits the Children and Youth Coordinating Council to any future funding. 2. All contracts and purchases must be awarded in accordance with state and federal regulations as specified in the CYCC Subgrantee Financial and Grants Management Manual. Purchases (individual or several on one purchase order) totaling $2,500 or more must follow state regulations in regard to soliciting competitive bids. 3. Requests for proposals or invitations for bid issued by the subgrantee to implement the grant project are to provide notice to prospective bidders that the JJDP organization conflict of interest provision is applicable in that contractors who develop or draft specifications. requirements, statements of work and/or RFPs for proposed procurement shall be excluded from bidding or submitting a proposal to compete for the award of such procurement. Ref: U.S. Department of Justice Financial Guide. 4. The subgrantee agrees that when issuing statements, press releases, RFPs, bid solicitations', and other documents describing the project, funded in whole or in part with CYCC money, shall clearly state (1) the percentage of the total cost of the project which will be financed with federal/state money, (2) the dollar amount of federal/state funds for the project, and (3) the source of grant funds. 5. Subgrantee must provide written notification to the Children and Youth Coordinating Council that the project has been implemented within sixty (60) days of the date of this grant award. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF GRANT FUNDS. 6. Continuation awards (if applicable) are subject to termination if a final evaluation report for the preceding grant year is not filed within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of that grant year. This report must include data regarding each objective described in the grant application for that year. 7. It is the responsibility of the subgrantee to adhere to audit requirements outlined in the CYCC Subgrantee Financial and Grants Management Manual. 8. All financial records must be maintained in good order and must be available at all times during the regular business day for audit purposes to the CYCC, U.S. Department of Justice, the Comptroller General of the United States, or their representatives. ~ (~~lo I D~te rvl,~~ Title OOP-02-o001-o001 Augusta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners Special Conditions 1. Subgrantee must provide detailed Methods and Procedures including information about specific activities, schedules and location. DateDue: 11/1/00 2. Prior to the reimbursement of funds, subgrantee must submit a Certification of Lobbying, Debarment and Drug-Free Wor1<place signed by Mayor Bob Young. DateDue: 11/1/00 cf I () A ,Io<J 6ate / Title .,~"'."; . . . . . I ...... 'J S n!::p"~TMe:NT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS OFFICE OF THE COMPTROL.L.ER CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARM,ENT, SUSPENSION. AND _ _ OTHER RESPONSIBIUTY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS ....It.. .... Applicants should refer to me regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to" anest. Applicants should also review the instruction. for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 28 CFR Part 69. "New Restrictions on lobbying" and 28 CFR Part 67, "Government-wide Debarment and SuspenSion INonprocurement) and Government.wide Requirements for Drug.Free Woncplace (Grantsl." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department of Justice determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreemam. _ 1. LOBBYING As required by Section 1352. Title 31 of the U.S. Cod.. Ind implemented at 28 CFR Pa" 69. for persons enterin9 into a grant or cooperative .eement OVM ., 00.000. as defined at 28 CFR Pa" 69. the apptlcant certifies mat: (al No Fed.ral Ippropriated funds have been p~.d or will be I)aid. by or on behalf of dle unaarsign..."to any person for in- f1uencinv or anemPtinv to influence an officer or emoloyee of any agency. a Member of Congress. an OffiCM or employee of Congress. or an employee of I Member of Congre.. in c0n- nection witt! the makin9 of any Federal grant. m. entetinv into of any cooperative agreement. and the elltension. continuation. renewal. amendment. or rnodification of any Federal grant or Cooperative agreement: (bl If any funds other tNtn Fed...., appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influenci"9 or It- temotJn9 to influence an oHicer or emplovee of any soenc:v. a Member ot Congress. an officer 01' smploy.. of Co~re... 01' an employee of a Member of Co",r... in connection wim this Federa. grant or CooperMive agreement. the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form - lU.. "Oisclosure of Lobbying Activiti..,.. in accordance wim its instructions: (cl The undersigned IhaII reQUirI that me lanvuage of dlis cat- tification be included in UIe IW8fd document. for a/l .ubawerds at a/l tiers lincludina suDgran... contracts under grants and caooerative agreements. and subc:ontrectsl and that 1/1 sub- recipients "'all csrtify end disclos. accordinvly. 2. DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION; AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MAnERS (DIRECT REC)P1ENT1 As required by Executive Order 12549. Oebarment and Susoenslon. and implemented It 28 CFR Psn 67. for prospec- tive panlcipants in primary covered transactions. as defined It 28 CFR Part 67. Section 67.510- A. Th. applicant certifies that it and its principala: I.. Are not presently debarred. SUSPended, prOJ'OMd for debar- ~. declered inlligible, untlf...oId to a denial of Feder.. benefits by I Stala or Federal court. or voluntarily excludad from covered tranaactiona by any Fed.rel department 01 agency; lb. Have not within a three-vear period precedinv this applica. tion been convicted of or hed a cMI judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or I crimin" oHen.. in connec:- tion with obtaininv, Ittempting to obtain. 01' performinv a .:.. '~':;t'":'" . ,-. ;J"";.- . .-", -.;-;. "~... " I)ublic (Federat. Stlt.. or Iocall transaction or contract under a public trllluction: violation of Federal or Stat. anbtrUlt statutes or commission of embeuJement. theft. fOlVIfY. bribery. falsification 01' destruction of records. making fa'" statements. or receiving Itoten property; Icl Are not presently indicted fOl' or odlerwi.. criminally or cMlly charged by a governmental entity IF'deral. Stata, or locaIl with commission of any of dle offenses enumerated in I)-agraph 1111bl of ttua certlfication: and . - ~ '! - ... ~ (dl Have not within I dlree.year period preceding this' aoPt;c.. lion had one or more public transactions IFederal. State, or IocaIl terminated for c:auu or default: and B. Wh...e the applicant is unable to ce"ify to any of the statements in this certification. he or she shall Inach In e_planation to mis application. _, , .~ 3. DRUG-FAEE WORKPLACE (GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS) As rllQuired by the Oruv-Free Workplace Act of 1 9B8. and imoJemented It 28 CFR Pa" 67. Subpa" F. fM grllltllll. u defined at 28 CFA Pa" 67 Sections 67.615 and 67;620- A. The applicant certifies mat it will or will continue 10 provide a dl'UQ-tr.. workplace by: (al Publiahinv a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution. dispensing, poueuion. or use of . controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's WOfkptKe Ind ~ the actions that will be taken against emptoyees for violation of such prohibition: Ibl Establishing In on~ druv-free awareness Df'ovr8m to infonn employ... ebout- . " (1) The dangers ot drug IDuse In Ine workplace; 121 The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free wOfitplace; (3J Any available drug counulinQ. rehabilitation, and ~.,.. ...tance programs: and ': .' (41 The penalties that may be impos8d . upon employen 1M ! drug abuse violations occurring in the woritplace; . ... _ _ I _. (cJ Maklnv it I requirement that each employee to be engaged i in dle performance of the grMt be' given a copy of the ltate. rnent required by paragraph fal: IdJ Notifying the IIftClIovH in the statement'required by p.ag~ lal dlal. U I condition of employment under m. . grant. the employ.. wiI- ,. o..~ ~OIU. .0.1/. 13..11 'U:~I.AC~s 0.... "O"",s .0.1/2. .oe1/2 ANO 40.1/4 W"IC" A". O.SOl.&TE. 111 Abida by tha tarms of tha stltlment: and 121 Notify .tha emplover in writino of hil or her conviction for I viottltion of I crimin" druv Ilatuta occurrinV in tha wonollCa no IItar thin fiva cllendlr dlVS Ittar such ConVICtion: 'a' Notifvino me Igency. in writino. wiU'lin 10 cllendlf diva eft.. receivino notice under aubC)IfIQrlOi\ Idll21 from an efftC'tovea or oU'lerwi.. recaivino actull ncmc:. of such convic- tiOn. Etn1'lova,. of convicted 8mCllov... mult provida notlCa. indudino polition title. to: Deparunent of Justica. Office of Juatice PrOQrama. A TTN: Control Duk. 633 Indiana Avenua. N.W,. Washington. D.C. 20531. Notice ohIII includa the iden- tiflution numberCII of aKtl affected Qfent: 1ft Takin9 one of the followinl; actionI. within 30 calandar dive of receivino notice under lubC)lflQraph Cd1l21. with r..pect to any amplOV" who il 10 convicted- ( U T lkinQ Ippropriata panonneI ec:tion IQIinIt IUch an efftSIloy... up to and incIudin9 termination. consiltent with tha requirementl of tha Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as lmended:or 121 Requirino such employee to participate satilfactorily in a druo abula lniltanca or rehabilitation pfOQl'am Ipproved for such pUfl)OUS by a Federal. Stata. or local health. law enforce' memo or other apClfOPI'iIIta IGencv: . Igl MakinQ a good faith effort to continua to maintain I drug. fr.. workplaca thrOUQh implementation of parlQrapha lal. (bl. leI. Idl. lei. and (fl. B. The grantee may innrt in U'le space pfQallided tNilow tha sitaCII for the perlormanee of w~' done in connection with me lpecific grlnt: Pfece of Perlormance (Street addrtlll. city. county. state. zip codel Check 0 if there ara worilplec:n on file that Ire not .ndal,bfiad" ...... Section 67. 630 of tha reQUlationa providel that I grant.. m.t il a Stata INIY elact to meaa ona certification in eacft Fader.. filCli ye.. A copy of which lhouId ba included with eactt .. plication for Department of Justice fundinQ. Stat.. and Sta.. aganciaI may elact to use OJP Form 4081/7. ChacIt 0 if tha Stata h.. elected to completa OJP Form 4081/7. DRUG-FREE WORKPlACE (GRANTEES WHO ARE .INDIVIDUALS) . AI reQuired by tha Druv.free WorkplllC8 Act of 1988. and implemented It 28 CFR Plrt 67. SubPart F. for granteel. n defined It 28 CFR Part 67: Sections 67.615 and 67.620- A. As I condition of the Qrant. I certify that I will not en;aga. in the unlawful manufacture. distribution. dispensinQ. poua. sion. or usa of I controlled substance in conductin9 any activity with the grant: Ind 8. If convicted of a criminal ~ offense relultinO "om a YioIation occurrinQ durinQ the conduct of any grant ec:tivity. I will report the conviction. in writino. within 10 calendar days of the conviction. to: Department of Justice. Office of JuAce PrOQrama. ATTN: Control Desk. 633 Indiana AYenUa. N.W_ Washington. D.C. 20531. ,_"'t'., '"''~~~''' As the dulv authorized representative of the applicant. I hereby certify that the applicant will comply with me lbove cartificationL 1. Grlntee Nlme and Add,...: 2. Application Number and/or Projact Name ~ " 3. GrlntH IRSNendor Numbat :- .. '. c~ ~: :::._. I~""" '-. ~- ~. "i""R;'.& _ "to- .,'~ ....:__ ~k... ~- OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR , CHILDREN AND YOUTH COORDINATING COUNCIL Roy E. Barnes Governor Judy Neal Executive Director GOVERNOR ANNOUNCES $2 MILLION IN GRANT AWARDS FOR JUVENILE PREVENTION PROGRAMS For Immediate Release: September 11, 2000 Contact: Judy Neal, Executive Director (404) 656-1725 Atlanta - Governor Roy E. Barnes announced today the approval of 68 grants for at-risk youth and abstinence education programs totaling more than $2 million from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and the Georgia General Assembly. The grants are for programs entering either their first or second year of funding, or their third and final year of funding - with the exception of abstinence education grants, which are funded for five years. The grants will be administered through the Governor's Children and Youth Coordinating Council (CYCC). "These types of community-based programs are designed to enhance the quality of life of young people and provide them with both emotional support and positive role models," said Governor Barnes. "They help reduce risk factors, and give children an opportunity to begin developing to their fullest potential." . The following programs will receive new or continuation funding: (" denotes Abstinence Education programs) I Agency Name Counties Served Year Grant Amou;'-I"t'~~~ "A Friend's House, Inc. IHenry 11 st I $13.430.00 "Arnett Enrichment and Recreational Center, Inc. Screven 1 st $20,000.00 ." Athens Neighborhood Health Center Clarke 1 st I $20.000.00 Augusta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners Richmond 3rd $34,713.00 'Baker County Board of Education Baker 3rd I $30,716.00 ,Baldwin County Board of Education Baldwin 3rd I $33,750.00 Berrien County School System Berrien 3rd $9,165.00 .Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Georgia, Inc. Habersham, Stephens 12nd I $35,880.00 . "Boys and Girls Club of Augusta, Inc. McDuffie 1 st $15,545.00 '"Boys and Girls Club of Toombs County Toombs 1 st $20,000.00 : "Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus and Phenix City, Inc. Muscogee 1 st $17,922.00 : "Brantley County Department of Family and Children Services Brantley 3rd I $43,630.00 I 'Carrollton Housing Authority Carroll 3rd $44,105.00 ;Chatham County Board of Commissioners Chatham 3rd $50,000.00 ;Chatham County Board of Commissioners Chatham 3rd $34,794.00 -More- Suite 410 . 10 Pari< Place South' Atlanta. Georgia 30303-2928 . (404) 656-1725 . Fax (404) 651.9354 www.cycc.state.gaus AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER * PrintBCl on RecycI9d Paper I Agency Name Counties Served Year Grant Amounf. " 'Chattahoochee County Board of Education IChattahoochee 3rd I $24,180.00 '"Chattahoochee County Board of Education Chattahoochee 1 st $20,000.00 . "Chattooga Board of Education Chattooga 1 st I $19,950.00 I ,Clarke County Board of Education Clarke 3rd I $20,962.00 ,.Coftee County Board of Education ICoftee 3rd I $42,176.00 I :Columbia Community Connections, Inc. Dekalb 12nd I $35,000.00 :Community Foundation of Southwest Georgia, Inc. jThomas 2nd $30,000.00 Dawson County Board of Commissioners Dawson 3rd $15,200.00 ;Department of Human Resources Fulton 3rd $37,500.00 ~East Lake Community Foundation, Inc. Fulton, Dekalb 2nd $50,000.00 ! "Fannin County Family Connection, Inc. Fannin 1 st I $20,000.00 'Fayette County Board of Education Fayette 2nd $12,270.00 ; "Floyd Health Care Foundation Floyd 3rd $40,691.00 "Forsyth County School System I Forsyth 3rd $30,638.00 "Gainesville Care Center Hall 1 st I $10,000.00 Georgia Council on Child Abuse, Inc. !Fulton 2nd ! $39,138.00 . "Gilmer County Board of Education IGilmer 3rd $40,000.00 ! "Girls Incorporated of Columbus and Phenix-Russell !Muscogee 1 st $8,980.00 ~Good Shepherd Services IGwinnett 2nd $29,150.00 ;Henry County Board of Commissioners Henry 2nd $17,918.00 : "Housing Authority of the City of Jesup Wayne 3rd $43,899.00 :Jones County Board of Commissioners Jones 2nd $49,784.00 I "Lamar County School System Lamar 3rd $20,860.00 :Lowndes County Board of Commissioners Lowndes 2nd $26,622.00 : "Macon-Bibb County Health Department Bibb 3rd $83,000.00 '"Metro Atlanta Youth for Christ, Inc. Gwinnett, Fulton, DeKalb 3rd $37,100.00 "Morgan County Board of Education ,Morgan 13rd I $40,000.00 I" Randolph County Board of Education RandOlph 3rd $50,000.00 '"Saint Joseph's Mercy Care Services, Inc. Dekalb 1 st $9,600.00 !" Savannah State University Chatham 11 st $20,000.00 .Spalding County Board of Commissioners Spalding 3rd $27,922.00 'Tattnall County Board of Commissioners Tattnall 3rd 1 $23,877.00 : " Tattnall County Department of Family and Children Services ITattnall 13rd $46,590.00 ! "Taylor County Board of Education Taylor 3rd $44,598.00 '"Terrell County Family Connection, Inc. Terrell 11 st $20,000.00 !The Bridging the Gap Project, Inc. Dekalb, Cobb 2nd I $50,000.00 iThe Center for Pan.Asian Community Services, Inc. Gwinnett, Fulton, 2nd $32,530.00 The Salvation Army Fulton, Oekalb 2nd $50,000.00 :Tift County Board of Commissioners Tift 3rd $31,979.00 ,"Toccoa life, Inc. Stephens 3rd $36,000.00 :Toombs County Board of Education Toombs 2nd $41,228.00 tUrban Action, Inc. Richmond 2nd $26,700.00 ! "Valdosta City Schools Lowndes 3rd $50,000.00 '"Washington-Wilkes Parks and Recreation Wilkes 1 st $19,996.00 !Webster County Board of Education Webster 2nd $30,000.00 ,"Wheeler County Board of Education Wheeler, Treutlen, 2nd $37,398.00 Montgomery --Moren . . .' r Agency Name Counties Served Year! Grant AmounF"_: Whitfield County Board of Commissioners !Murray, Whitfield 13rd I $34,725.00 .Wholistic Stress Control Institute, Inc. Fulton 3rd I $50,000.00 Wilkinson County Board of Education Wilkinson 2nd I $31,000.00 TOTAL GRANT AWARDS I $2,032,811.00 CYCC is the state agency charged with administering federal and state grant monies intended to control and prevent juvenile delinquency. In addition, the agency administers the Georgia abstinence education initiative, which includes the promotion of abstinence until marriage as a teen pregnancy prevention initiative. CYCC also is responsible for providing statewide leadership and coordination regarding services for at-risk youth with particular interest on juvenile justice. CYCC monitors juvenile courts, adult jails, detention centers and other facilities for compliance with federal regulations and state laws related to the detention of juveniles. CYCC monitors and tracks all potential state and federal legislation related to children and youth, then advises the Governor's office staff and the General Assembly on the potential impact of the legislation, and supports funding requests for programs serving children and youth. CYCC also educates local community service providers, school systems, youth and parents on Georgia laws relating to juvenile justice and other issues concerning youth. The agency provides valuable information concerning programs and services for children to the Office of the Governor, government officials and members of the General Assembly. In addition, CYCC administers the Juvenile Justice Training Network that provides free training for juvenile justice field staff and offers special training to law enforcement on topics such as juvenile law, youth-oriented community policing, and federal regulations concerning removing children from adult jails, and status offender detention. For an overview of CYCC and general program information contact Judy Neal, executive director, at (404) 656-1725. For detailed information on abstinence education programs contact Suzanne Luker, grants administrator, at (404) 656-9343, and for detailed information on juvenile, justice programs contact Pete Colbenson, juvenile justice specialist, at (404) 657-6982. --End-- CHILDREN AND YOUTH COORDINATING COUNCIL Important Grant Facts I. Return the original Statement of Subgrant Award and General/Special Conditions promptly. The grant will not become effective until receipt of both documents. II. Special conditions must be cleared in a timely manner. III. Funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis only. Quarterly reporting is mandatory; however, you may seek reimbursement on a monthly basis. Your check will be issued by the Govemor's Office of Planning and Budget. Please allow 4-5 weeks for processing. IV. Performance data must be reported quarterly, unless indicated otherwise on the special conditions. Quarters are based on the grant period, not the calendar year. V. Final reports, both progress and expense, are due 30 days following the grant end date. Final payment will not be processed until the final progress report is received and approved by CYCC. Note: evaluation must cover all outcome measures noted in the original (or revised) grant proposal. VI. Audits requirements are listed in the Subgrantee Financial and Grants Management Manual. The following information will be necessary to indicate appropriate funding source for audit preparation. · State of Georgia funds are represented by a "s" as the third digit of the grant number. · Grants represented by a "J" as the third digit: U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Formula Grant CFDA 16.540 · Grants represented by a "P" as the third digit: U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Title V Prevention CFDA 16.548 · Grants represented by a "C" as the third digit: U.s. Department of Justice, OJJDP Challenge Grant CFDA 16.549 · Grants represented by a "B" as the third digit: U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant CFDA 16.523 · Grants represented by a "D" as the third digit: U.S Department of Justice, OJJDP Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws CFDA 16.727 · Grants represented by a "SD" as the third & fourth digits: U.S. Department of Justice, OJJDP Underage Drinking Project I CFDA 16.542 I · Grants represented by a "A" or "AM" as the third digit: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Abstinence Education Block Grant CFDA 93.235 en ~ ~ ~ a: t--I t-4 ~ > Q t:rJ ~ ~ tr:2 t--t ~ n ~ t;fJ > en ~ o .... e- II . N Ul -.... 53 -. -= ~ 2: ~ ~ II . N 00 -.... a -. .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (j ~ ~ -< ~ '-i ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I> N o o o " ~n~ ~::r'~ .g .~ ~ ~ '<:: .0 1""'1'-- ~nC/) ~::r'::r' :3 3 8 ~o-o:: _. en '-< :3 ~ 0 '-< '"1 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ..0 <:: '"1 ~ U;' o-~::r' ~ 1""'1'- 1""'1'- 0... 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