HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 Annual Financial Statements Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: \ qq ~ An n LJj)2 t:; nan l0 oJ S-+~ DOCUMENT TYPE: YEAR: \q.q~ FILE NUMBER: /0 I Jf-S 13 ~ BOX NUM~ER: NUMBER OF PAGES:- 13~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I. J~.# Itl?!:3 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Annual Financial Statements December 31,1998 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Table of Contents I Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants I General-jPurpose Financial Statements: Comhined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups I Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental . Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds I Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Fund Types I Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund Balances - All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types and Nonexpendable Trust Funds I Pension Trust Funds. Statements of Plan Net Assets I Pensi>on Trl.lst Funds. Statements of Changes in Plan Net Assets Notes to Financial Statements I Pension Plan Required Supplementary Information Year 2000 Readiness Required Supplementary Information I Combinil1lg and Individual Fund Financial Statements: I General Fund Combining Balance Sheet I Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) I I General Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget (GAAP Basis) Clnd Actual Canal Authority Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) Clnd Actual I Law Enforcement Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) ~!Ild Actual I State Grants Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Port Authority Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) nnd Actual I Page 3 7 9 11 12 13 14 18 43 51 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 I I Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Special Revenue Funds I Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) I Urban Services District Fund: ::;tatement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Emergency Telephone System Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual .1 Capital Outlay Fund: matement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) lnd Actual I I Law Enforcement Fund: ~:tatement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Fire Protection Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) Hnd Actual . I Occupational Tax Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit)- Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Special Assessment Fund: Si:atement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I ProfficltionlTourism Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I 1 Housing and Neighborhood Development Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Urban Development Action Grant Fund (UDAG): Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Downtown Development Authority Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I State Capital Grants Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Page 62 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 I I Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet I Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances I Debt Service Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Urban Debt Service Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) ,md Actual I Capital Proiects Funds I Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances I Community Development Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Special Sales Tax Fund: Sl:atement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Specid Sales Tax Phase II Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I I Special Sales Tax Phase III Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual I Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet I Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficits) Combining Statement of Cash Flows I Internd Service Funds I Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficits) I Combiaing Statement of Cash Flows Trust and Agencv Funds I Combining Balance Sheet I Page 83 84 85 86 89 91 93 94 95 96 99 103 105 109 110 111 115 I I Agencv Funds Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities I Expendable Trust Funds I Comhining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) Nonexpendable Trust Funds I Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances Pension Trust Funds I Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances I Nonexpendable Trust Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows I Complialllce Section: Independent Auditors' Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards I Schec\ule of Expenditures of Federal Awards I Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings I RepOlt ofIndependent Certified Public Accountants on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Perfonned in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards I RepOlt of Independent Certified Public Accountants on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Each Major Program and Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 I Schedule of Findings I I I I I I Page 117 120 121 122 123 126 127 128 129 130 132 I I I' I REPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS I To the Board of Commissioners Augusta-Richmond County Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia I I . We have audited the accompanying general-purpose fmancial statements of Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia as of and forth~ year ended December 31, 1998, as listed in the table of contents. These general-purpose fmancial statements are the re!ponsibility of the County's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general-purpose financial :,tatements based on our audit. . I I - We condllcted our audit In accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general-purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general-purpose financial :;tatements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall general-purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. I I In our opinion, the general-purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Augusta- Richmond County, Georgia as of December 31, 1998, and the results of its operations and cash flow., of its proprietary and fiduciary fund types for the year then ended in confonnity with generally accepted accounting principles. ' I I The year :2000 supplementary infonnation onpage 51 is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary infonnation required.by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, and we did not audit and do not expre1:S an opinion on such infonnation. . Further, we were unable to apply to the information certain procedures prescribed by professional standards because of the nature ofthe subject matter underlying the disclosure requirements ' and becau~e sufficiently specific criteria regarding the matters to be disclosed have not been established. In addition, we do not provide .assurance that Augusta-Richmond County is or will become year 2000 compliant, that Augusta- Richmond County's year 2000 remediation efforts will be successful in whole or in part or that parties with which Augusta-Richmond County does business are or will become year 2000 compliant. I I In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued a report dated July 30, 1999 on our consideradon of Augusta-Richmond County's, internal control structure and a report dated July 30, 1999 on its compliance with laws and regulations. I I Our audit was conducted for the purpose of fonning an opinion on the general-purpose financial statements taken as a whole~ The combining and'individual fund financial statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes o)f additional analysis and are not a required part of the general-purpose financial statements of Augusta- Richmond County, Georgia. Such infonnation'has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied fu the audit of the general-purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the general-purpose financial sta:ments taken as ;hole~ i- f f ;/1 !~/, j.. L, /~ (>tLR.-tL.?fD-ffaL <- Augusta, Georgia July 30, 1999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General-Purpose Financial Statements I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups December 31,1998 I I I I I I I ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Cash and temporary investments Investments Receivables (net of allowances for uncollectibles) Taxes Accounts Loans Interest Note Intergovernmental Other Prepaid expenses Inventory Restricted assets: Certificates of participation investments: Acquisition/construction account Reserve account Revetlue bond cash and investments: Construction account Current debt service account Issuance costs account Sinking fund account Customer deposits . DefeITed compensation investments Real estate investment Due from other funds - current portion Property, plant and equipment (net) Due from other funds - long-term portion Other assets: DefelTed bond issuance costs Revenue bond discount Other debits: Amount available in debt service fund Amount to be providl~d for retirement of general long..term debt I I I I I I I Total assets and <other debits I I See notes to fitlancial statements. ASSETS Governmental Fund Types General Special Revenue Debt Service . Capital Proiects $14,982,025 $16,631,627 $1,022,175 $68,377,507 1,264,983 1,864,362 600,000 2,180,152 54,168 52,168 13,381,469 1,030,008 201,023 3,873,985 53,003 1,080,796 444,533 148,231 1,254 834,800 86,301 1,219,371 7,915 2,360,308 10,000 $34379327 $23314.975 $3320.047 $70.747.815 3 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups - Concluded I December 31, 1998 I LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY I Governmental Fund Types Special Debt . Capital I General Revenue Service Proiects LIABILITIES Accounts and other pay abIes $ 2,656,726 $ 1,166,305 $ - $ 959,020 I Accrued interest 205,596 Due to others Due to other funds 1,246,481 4,353,884 4,634,553 I Accrued !,alaries and vacation 1,113,169 245,717 38,533 Other accrued liabilities 515,669 Current portion of notes payable Current portion of capital leases payable - I Payable fi'om restricted al':sets: Accmed revenue bond interest Cum:nt portion of revenue bonds payable I Customer deposits Uncollected taxes Deferred revenues 2,140,158 8,227,405 133,761 I Deferred compensation btmefits payable Certificatl~s of participation Bonds payable I Notes payable - long-ternl portion Capital leases payable - long-term portion Unfunded pension benefilt obligation Closure/postclosure accrual I Total liabilities 7.672.203 14.198.907 133.761 5.632.106 FUND EQUITY AND OTHJ~R CREDITS Contributed capital I Investment in general fixed assets Retained earnings: Reserved for revenm: bond debt Unreserved I Fund balances: Reserve for encumbrances 678,997 2,754,821 18,095,561 Reserved for special sales tax projects 46,775,315 I Reserved for special purposes 1,967,274 Reserved for inventory/prepaid expenses 106,336 'Reserved for employees' pension benefits I Reserved for debt seJ:vice 3,186,286 Unreserved - desigmlted for capital improvements 244,833 Unreserved - designated for risk benefit 4,705,061 250,000 I Unreserved - undesignated 19.280.456 6.111.247 Total fund equity and other credits 26.707.124 9.1 16.068 3.186.286 65.1 15.709 Total liabilities and fund equity and other credits $34.379.327 $23.314.975 $3.320.047 $70.747.815 I See notes to financial statements. 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND C,OUNTY, GEORGIA Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Chang1es in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds YearEnded December 31,1998 General REVENUES Taxes Licenses :md perin its Use of money and property Charges for services Fines and fees , Intergovernmental Cost reim bursements Sale of property Other $54,539,294 1,882,135 1,464,238 4,214,266 7,220,710 1,570,403 3,818)55 2.916 74.712.1l7 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administration Economic:, community and environmental Finance and tax administration Judicial Public saiety Public works Health and welfare Culture and recreation Debt service Capital outlay Other 8,979,316 552,045 5,016,781 7,576,259 31,487,212 6,463,472 4,051,476 7,038,742 1,614,877 3,925,796 308.197 Total expenditur'~s 77.014.173 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (2,302,056) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capital leases Operating: transfers in . 13,645,301 Operating: transfers out (9.259.900) Excess ofrevenu.es over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) Fund balances, beginning of year, as previously stated Prior period adjustments (Note 7) Fund balances, beginning of year, as restated 2.083.345 24,404,274 219.505 24.623.779 Fund balances, end of year $26.707.124 $ 9.116.068 $3.186.286 $65.115.709 See notes to financial statemerlts. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Combined Statt:ment of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual- General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Fund Types REVENUES Taxes Licenses and permits Use of money and property Charges for services Fines and fees Intergovernmental Cost reimbursements Sale of property Other Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administration Economic, community and environmental Finance and tax administration Judicial Public safety. Public works Health and welfar,e Culture and recre~!tion Debt service Capital outlay Other Fund balances, end of year See notes to financial statements. Year Ended December 31,1998 General Soecial Revenue Budget 10,849,293 673,501 . 5,432,483 7,862,979 35,198,863 6,795,557 4,071,055 7,220,096 1,621,244 4,689,327 84.414.398 44,361,232 1'37.064.104) Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures ( 8,530,609) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capital leases Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) $f 1.233.481) . Fund balances, beginning of year, as previously stated Prior period adjustments Fund balances, beginning of year, restated . Residual equity transfers 8,979,316 1,869,977 3,014,752 2,231,429 552,045 121,456 5,006,969 6,528,850 5,016,781 415,702 1,044,661 759,021 7,576,259 286,720 337,446 231,353 31,487,212 3,711,651 15,861,228 .15,404,626 6,463,472 332,085 6,825,344 6,213,223 4,051,476 19,579 7,038,742 181,354 550,785 467,329 1,614,877 6,367 4,553,412 3,129,570 3,925,796 763,531 308.197 ( 308.197) 64.502 53.659 77.014.173 7 ,400.225 37.259.099 35.019.060 (2,302,056) 6,228,553 ( 3,847,739) 2,121,556 2,165,759 82,394 13,645,301 (30,715,931) 9,865,263 9,609,846 (9.259.900) 27.804.204 04.664.698) 04.662.012) 2.083.345 $ 3.316.826 $( 6.481.415) ( 2.848.216) 24,404,274 219505 11,390,148 574.136 24,623,779 11,964,284 $26.707.124 $ 9.116.068 9 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable ) $( 584,077) ( 291,347) 198,369 ( 49,024) 3,314,711 994,575 146.049 3.729.256 783,323 ( 1,521,881 ) 285,640 106,093 456,602 612,121 83,456 1,423,842 10.843 2.240.039 5,969,295 . ( 2,083,365) ( 255,417) 2.686 $ 3.633.199 I I I I I Debt Service Capital Proiects Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Bu(~ ActuaL (Unfavorable ) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) I $1,3l4,600 $1,285,307 $(29,293) $ 29,391,895 $28,701,125 $( 690,770) I 40,000 129,420 . 89,420 2,335,000 3,130,324 795,324 I 3,906,509 1,413,989 (2,492,520) - - 81.452 28.155 ( 53.297) -- -- I 1.414.727 60.127 35.714.856 33.273.593 (2,441.263) I I I 1,411,360 1,487,608 (76,248) 88,872,010 20,723,195 68,148,815 - - -- -- I 1.411.360 1.487.608 (76.248) 88.872.010 20.723.195 68.148.815 ( %,760) ( 72,881) (16,121) (53,157,154) 12,550,398 65,707,552 I 1),360 6,360 543,971 ( 543,971) - - ( 3.632.819) 0.785.647) 1.847.172 I -- -- I $( 50,400) UQ,1W $(16.121) $(56.246.002) 10.764.751 $67.010.753 3,252,807 51,933,141 I - 2,417.817 -- 3,252,8:07 54,350,958 I $3.186.2:86 $65.1 15.709 I 10 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA. Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings/Fund B~llances - I All Proprietary Fund Types and Similar Trust Funds, . Year Ended December 31,1998 I Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fiduciary Fund Types (Memorandum Only) Internal Nonexpendable Pension I Enterprise Service Trust . Trust 1998 1997 OPERA TING REVENUES Charges and fees $42,997,358 $11,314,302. $ $ $ 54,311,660 $ 54,081,540 Contributions 2,344,833 2,344,833 1,887,588 . I Interest. ---.-ill 9.645.538 9.645.713 13.206.665 Total operating revenues 42.997.358 11.314.302 ---.-ill 11.990.371 66.302.206 69.175.793 OPERATING EXPENSES Personal services 10,838,842 215,889 11,054,731 10,255,609 I Utilities and telephone 2,758,232 89,596 2,847,828 2,763,704 Maintenance and repairs 3,212,825 101,529 3,314,354 3,063,551 Materials and supplies 6,719,597 16,989 6,736,586 3,981,889 I Professional servil:es 1,898,433 3,540,533 5,438,966 5,740,744 Rentals 118,258 118,258 110,396 Other 1,494,795 123,181 1,617,976 3,526,290 Depreciation 7,598,161 40,795 7,638,956 7,307,025 I Closure/postclosuJ'e accrual 839,629 839,629 850,374 Risk benefit charges 11,444,308 11,444,308 12,199,202 Administration 936,001 936,001 729,163 Benefit payments 5,167,250 5,167,250 4,785,513 I Refunds - 136.691 - Total operating expenses 35.478.772 15.572.820 - 6.103.251 57 .154.843 55.450.151 - Operating income (loss) 7.5 18.586 (4.258.518) ---.-ill 5.887.120 9.147.363 13.725.642 I NONOPERATING Rj~VENUES (EXPENSES) Interest revenue 797,800 6,380 804,180 342,096 Other revenue 4,984,172 236,447 5,220,619 2,477,775 Interest expense (4,363,659) ( 51,882) ( 4,415,541) ( 4,379,088) I Intergovernmental revenue 5.598.081 - 5.598.081 9.818.007 - Total nonoperating revenues (expenses) 7.016.394 190.945 - 7.207.339 8.258.790 - Income (loss) before operating I transfer,; 14,534,980 (4,067,573) 175 5,887,120 16,354,702 21,984,432 Operating transfers in 5,347,586 4,364,639 774,040 10,486,265 10,433,082 Operating transfers out (7 .941.177) ( 7 . 779) - ( 91.257) ( 8.040.213) ( 9.900.630) - I Net income (loss) 1 1.941.389 289.287 ---.-ill 6.569,903 18.800.754 22.5 16.884 Retained earnings/fund balances, beginning of I year, as previously stated 76,199,898 436,003 343,800 88,339,433 165,319,134 135,243,577 Prior period adjustment:. - 7.558.673 - Retained earnings/fund balances, beginning of I year, as restated 76.199.898 436.003 343,800 88.339.433 165.319.134 142.802.250 Retained earnings/fund balances, end of :rear $ 88.14 1.287 $ 725.290 $343.975 $94.909.336 $184.1l9.888 $165.319,134 I I I See notes to finanCial scatements. 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Combined Statement of Cash Flows - All Proprietary Fund Types and Nonexpendable Trust Funds Year Ended December 31, 1998 Fiduciary Totals Proprietary Fund Types Fund Type (Memorandum Only) Internal Nonexpendable , Enterprise Service Trust 1998 1997 Cash flows from operating activities Operating income (loss) $ 7,518,586 $(4,258,518) $ 175 $ 3,260,243 $ 4,317,879 Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by openlting activities Depreciation and amortization 8,177,786 40,795 8,218,581 7,307,025 Net change in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 149,087 ( 430) 148,657 328,544 Intergovernmental receivable 475,333 475,333 537,044) Other receivable 22,842 22,842 2,337) Prepaid expenses 4,935 4,935 228,361 In"entory 219,2~4) 75,464) 294,758) 102,282) Due from other funds 367,459 367,459 1,843,234 Other assets Accounts payable ( 189,953) 362,055 172,102 478,476) Accrued salaries and vacation ( 350,577) 6,740) ( 357,317) 100,934 ,Due to other funds ( 2,012,090) 11,862 ( 2,000,228) ( 4,409,976) Customer deposits 4,867 4,867 6,600 CIlJsure/postclosure accrual 839.629 - 839.629 850.374 - Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 14.788.610 (3.926.440) ---111 10.862.345 9.452.836 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities Other revenue 4,984,172 236,447 5,220,619 2,477,775 Intergovernmental revenue 5,598,081 5,598,081 9,818,007 Operating transfers (net) ( 2.593.59 1) 4.356.860 - 1.763.269 130.378) - Net cash provided (used) by noncapital financing activities 7.988.662 4.593.307 - 12.581.969 12.165.404 - Cash flows from capital and related financing activities Acquisition and construction of capital assets (18,301,949) 183,828) (18,485,777) (11,150,656) Principal paid on revenue bonds ( 1,145,000) ( 1,145,000) ( 1,080,000) Principal paid on capital lease:; ( 834) ( 834) ( 250,898) Principal paid on notes payable ( 781,556) ( 781,556) ( 318,964) Proceeds from revenue bonds 5,779,147 Bond issuan.;e costs ( 114,449) Payments to refund debt escrow ( 6,760,198) Proceeds fro m certificates of participation 1,705,000 1,705,000 Interest paid . ( 4,572,349) 51,882) ( 4,624,231) ( 3,200,796) Contributed capital 47.640 - 47.640 1.209.576 - Net cash provided (used) by capital and related li<:tivities (23.049.048) 235.710) - (23.284.758) (15.887.238) - Cash flows from investing activities Interest recei.ved 797,800 6,380 804,180 342,096 Purchase of investment 63.362) 63.362) 73.104) NEt cash provided (used) by investing activities 734.438 6.380 - 740.818 268.992 - Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 462,662 437,537 175 900,374 5,999,994 Cash and cash eql1ivalents, beginning of year 60.465.630 1.664.166 343.800 62.473.596 56.473.602 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $ 60.928.292 $ 2.101.703 $343.975 $ 63.373.970 $ 62.473.596 See notes to financial statements. 12 I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Pension Trust Funds Statements of Plan Net Assets Assets Cash and short-term investments Investments, at fair value U.S. Government obligations Domestic corporate bonds Domestic sto,;ks International stocks Mortgages Real estate Total investments Due from other funds Total assets Liabilities Accounts payable Due to other funds Total liabilities Net assets held ill trust for pension benefits . (A schedule of funding progress for each plan is presented 011 pages 43 - 44) See notes to fimmcial statements. December 31, 1998 1945 Plan $ 1,151,334 1,845,622 3,731,068 5,954,947 343,457 208,372 12.083.466 600.000 13.834.800 58.258 58.258 $13.776.542 General Retirement Total 1977 Plan Plan (Memorandum Only) $2,119,641 $ 2,665,346 $ 5,936,321 1,629,993 13,278,714 16,754,329 2,671,887 18,378,588 24,781,543 3,336,086 35,089,926 44,380,959 219,185 1,224,001 1,786,643 208,372 975.095 975.095 7.857.151 68.946.324 88.886.941 600.000 9,976.792 71.611.670 95.423.262 1,765 1,765 453.903 512.161 1.765 453.903 513.926 $9.975.027 $71.157.767 $94.909.336 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Pension Trust Funds Statements of Changes in Plan Net Assets For the Year Ended December 31, 1998 1945 Plan Additions Contributions Employer Plan member Total contributions $ 8.604 8.604 Investment income Net appreciation in fair value of investments Interest Dividends Total investment income 568,699 409,707 140.941 1.119.347 Total additions 1.127.951 Deductions Benefits Administrative eli,penses ' Total deductions 932,191 104.362 1.036.553 Net increase befure operating transfers 91,398 Operating transfers Transfers in Transfers out Total operating tran~;fers 26.165) 26.165) Net increase 65,233 Net assets held ill trust for pension benefits Beginning of year 13.711.309 End of year $13.776.542 See notes to financial statements. . . General Retirement Total 1977 Plan Plan (Memorandum Only) $ 897,930 $ $ 897,930 1.057.428 380.871 1.446.903 1.955.358 380.871 2.344.833 132,709 5,438,257 6,139,665 260,420 2,046,681 2,716,808 91.057 557.067 789.065 484.186 8.042.005 9.645.538 2.439.544 8.422.876 11,990.371 410,251 3,824,808 5,167,250 28L351 550.288 936.001 691.602 4.375.096 6.103.251 1,747,942 4,047,780 5,887,120 774,040 774,040 9.157) 55.935) 91.257) 9.157) 718.1 05 682.783 1,738,785 4,765,885 6,569,903 8.236.242 66.391.882 88.339.433 $9.975.027 $71.157.767 $94.909.336 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15 I I I' I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I Notes to Financial Statements 16 I I I I I I' I I I I I I' I I I I I I I . " 17 I I AUGUSTA:-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements I . December 31,1998 I Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies I , . Augusta-Richmond County ("the County") accounts for itS [mancial position and results of operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting1principles (GAAP) applicable to governmental units. The County's reporting entity applies all relevant Govemment Accounting Standards Board (GASB) pronouncements. Proprietary funds apply Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) pronouncements and Accounting Principles Board (APB)opinions issued on or before November 30, 1989, unless those pronoun.cements conflict with or contradict GASB pronouncements, in which case, GASB prevails. Accordingly, the County uses several funds and account groups, which are described below. I A. Fund typ,es and account groups I A fund or account group is an accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts established to record the financial position and results of operations ofa specific governmental activity. The County maintains the following fund types and account groups: I I Govemmentalfund types, that include the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, and Capital Projects Funds, are us'edto record the general operations ofthe County. Governmental funds are accounted for using the current financial measurement focus. Only current assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets. Their operating statements present sources and uses of available resources during a given period. I Prop,oietary fund types, that are used to account for activities conducted on a fee for service basis in a manner similar to commercial enterpi:ises, provide services to the County (Internal Service Funds) and the public (Enterprise Funds). Proprietary funds use the economic resources measurement focus~ The accounting objectives are determination of net income, financial position, and cash flows. All assets and liabilities associated with a proprietary fund's activities are included on its balance sheet. Proprietary fund equity is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings. I I Fiduciary fund types (trust and agency funds), that are used to account for assets held by the County as an agent for private individuals or;organizations or in trust. Expendable trust funds account for [mancial activity in essentially the same manner as govemmental funds. Pension Trust Funds use the economic measurement focus in essentially the same mariner as proprietary funds. Agency funds are custodial in nature and do not involve measurement of results of operations. I Generalfixed assets and general long-term debt account groups, that are used to account for property and equipment and I'Jng-term obligations of governmental funds. I The general-purpose finar:lcial statements include total columns that aggregate the [mancial statements of the various fund types and account groups:. The columns are designated "memorandum only" because the totals are not comparable to a consolidation in that interfund transactions are not eliminated. Comparative information presented for 1997 presentation contains certain reclassincations to conform to the 1998 presentation. I I B. Reporting entity I Augusta-Richmond County is located in the northeast section ofthe state on the south bank of the Savannah River, which serves as the boundary b~~tween Georgia and South Carolina. The County is on the fall line and has a landscape dotted with foothills which desd~nd to the coastal plain. The County is the head of the navigation on the Savannah River and is 135 mile:; east of AtlantZL, 127 miles northwest of the port of Savannah, and 72 miles southwest of Columbia South Carolina. The County is the trade center for 13 counties in Georgia and five in South Carolina, a section known as the Central Savannah River i\.rea. I I. The County was created by legislative act in the State of Georgia in 1995 from the unification of the two governments, the City of Augusta, Georgia and Richmond County, Georgia. On June 20, 1995, the citizens of Richmond County and the III I I I I I I I 1- I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued December 31, 1998 Note 1 - Summary of signifkant accounting policies (Continued) City of Augusta voted to c:onsolidate into one government named Augusta-Richmond C()unty, Georgia. The officials for the new government wen~ elected and, based on the charter, took office on January 1, 1996. The unified government combined. all functions and began fmancialoperations January 1, 1996. Augusta-Richmond Coun,ty is governed by a full-time Mayor, with a term offour years, and a ten member Commission, who servt: on a part-time 1,basis and are elected to staggered terms of four years. The Mayor and Commission appoint an Administrator who serves as a full-time administrative officer and is responsible for the daily operations of the County. For financial reporting p,urposes, the County includes all funds, account groups, agencies, board, commissions, and authorities that are controlled by or financially dependent upon the County. Control or financial dependence is determined on the basis of the County',s obligation for finance of deficits, guarantee of debts, selection of governing authority, approval of budget, authority to make a public levy, ownership of assets, scope of public service and special fmancing relationships where there is only partial or no oversight responsibility. . Utilizing the above criter'ia, the following agencies and commissions were included using the blending method in the financial :itatements: Aug;usta Port Authority, Augusta Canal Authority, Downtown Development Authority, Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. (see Note 4E), Augusta Public Transit, and the Aviation commissions of Bush and Daniel Fields. Complete financial statements for the individual component units may be obtained at the following address: Augusta- Richmond, County, Georgia Finance Department 501 Greene Street Augusta, Georgia 30901 The following organizaticm was excluded from the reporting entity because the County's accountability does not extend beyond appointing a voting majority of the organization's board members. Financial statements are available from the organization. Augusta-Richmond County Coliseum Authority - an authority created to maintain a multiple-use coliseum. C. Basis of Hccounting \ Governmental fund typen, agency funds and the expendable trust fund use a modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when available and measurable. Revenues that are accrued include federal and state grants and subventions, property tIDms, transient occupancy taxes, sales taxes collected by the State on behalf of the County prior to y"ear-end, interest, and cefltain charges for current services. Revenues that are not considered susceptible to accrual include certain licenses, permits, fines, forfeitures, penalties, and other taxes. Expenditures, other than interest on long-term debt, are recorded when the Iialbility is incurred. Proprietary fund types and the nonexpendable trust fund and pension trust funds are accounted for on the accrual basis. The accmal basis of accounting recognizes revenues when earned. Expenses are recorded when incurred. D. Fixed as~:ets and long-term liabilities The accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long-term liabilities associated with a fund are determinc:d by its measun~ment focus. Fixed assets used in a governmental fund type operation (general fixed assets) are 10 I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31, 1998 . I Note 1- Summary of signifil:ant accounting policies (Continued) accounted for in the' General Fixed Asset Account Group, rather .than in the governmental funds. Public domain ("infrastructure") general I fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems, are not capitalized. I I All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated fixed asse:ts are valued at their estimated fair value on the date donated. Long-term liabilities expected to be financed from governmlmtal funds are accounted for in the General Long-term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. I The two :iccount groups are not "funds". They only measure the financial position not the measurement of results of operations. I Noncurrent portions of long-term receivables due to governmental funds are reported on their balance sheets, in spite of their spending measurem;ent focus. Special reporting treatments are used to indicate, however, that they should not be considered "available spei1dable resources," because they do not represent net current assets. Recognition of governmental fund type revenues repre~;ented by noncurrent receivables is deferred until they become current receivables. Noncurrent portions of long-term loans receivable are offset by fund balance reserve accounts. I I Special r'~porting treatments also are applied to governmental fund inventories to indicate that they do not represent "availabk spendable resources,"even though they are a component of net current assets. Such amounts generally are offset by fund balance re:ierve accounts. I Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for governmental fund types is limited to exclude amounts :represented by n'.oncurrent liabilities. Because they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. They instead are reported as liabilities in. the General Long-term Debt Account Group. I All proprletary funds and Nonexpendable Trust and Pension Trust Funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measuremf!nt focus. Depreciation of all exhaustible fixed assets used by proprietary funds is charged as an expense against their operations. Accumulated depreciation has been provided over the estimated useful lives using the straight-line method. Th,~ estimated useful lives are as follows: I I Buildings VehicIes 'Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Water and sewerage systems Landfill Cell II C 7 - 40 years 1 - 15 years 1 - 20 years 1 - 15 years 10 - 40 years 10 years I I Major outlays for capital assets and improvements are capitalized in proprietary funds as projects are constructed. Interest incurred during the construction phase of proprietary fund fixed assets is reflected in the capitalized value of the asset constructed, net of interest earned on the invested proceeds over the same period. During 1998, no interest costs were capitalized because interl~st expenditures related to constructed assets did not exceed related interest revenue. I . E. Budgets and budgetary accounting I The County generally foHows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: I 1. Budgetary hearings are held in October to discuss departmental budgets. 2. The Finance Committee presents the tentative budget to the County Commissioners in November. .,,, 1 AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31, 1998 I. Note 1 ~ Summary of significant accounting policies (Continued) I 3. The permanent budge,t is legally adopted by the County Commission prior to the start of the next fiscal year. 4. All budget revisions or changes must be approved as required by Georgia law and administrative policy. Transfer of budgeted amounts between object categories within departments requires the approval of the County Administrator. The Hoard of Commissioners must approve revisions that alter the total expenditures of any department or fund. Budg,~ts for capital ite:ms are reappropriated in the ensuing year's budget. Departments may request for other budget, items to be reappropdated in the form ofa budget adjustment, contingent of the County Commission's approval. 5. Formal budgetary intl':gration is employed as a management control device during the year for the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. 6. Budgl~ts for these funos are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). I I Budget information for eXJ)enditures represent the operating budget (as amended) as approved by the Augusta-Richmond County Board of Commissioners. I F. Encumbrances I Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts, and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recor0:ed in order to I:eserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, is employed as an extension of formal budgetary integration fOl' the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds. Encumbrances are record,'~d when purchase orders are issued but are not considered expenditures until liabilities for payments are incurred. Encumbrances for outstanding purchase orders do not lapse at year end. Therefore, they are reported as reservations of fund balance. I I G. ' Cash and cash equivalents I The County maintains a c~lsh and investment pool in which the General Fund and all funds share. Each fund's portion of the pool is displayed on its respective balance sheet as cash and cash equivalents and includes non-pooled cash and investments separately held: Funds which have an excess of outstanding checks over bank balance have had these balances reclassified as a due to the General Fund for purposes of financial statement presentation. Interest income is allocated to each fund monthly based on its average monthly balance. I I For the pu.rposes of financial statement presentation, the County considers all highly liquid investinents with an original maturity of three months or les~, or with insignificant early withdrawal penalties, to be cash equivalents. Exceptions include thl: County's pension plans which classify only cash as cash equivalents in order to appropriately report investment activity. Cash equivalents include amounts in certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, and U.S. Treasury bills, and are stated at cost which approximates market. All deposits are stated at cost plus accrued interest, which reasonably estimates fair value. I I The State statutes authorize the County to invest in obligations of the United States government and agencies thereof, general obligations of the State of Georgia or any of its political subdivisions, or banks and savings and loan associations to the extent that they are secured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. H. Investments I I Investments are reported at cost, except for the investments in the County's pension plans and deferred compensation plan which are reported at fair value. For these investments, fair value is determined as follows: short-term investments are reported at cost, which approximates fair value; securities traded on national exchanges are valued at current prices or current prices of similar securities; securities for which an established market does not exist are reported at estimated fair value using selling prices for similar investments for which there is an active market; fair value ofreal estate is based on cost. I. ?1 I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I , . Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I. December 31,1998 I Note 1 - Summary of significant accounting policies (Continued) I. Inventories and prepaid expenses I lnventorit:s in the governmental funds are valued at cost using the first-in, first-out method. Inventories in the proprietary funds are valued at the lower of cost (fIrst-in, first-out) or market. The costs of governmental fund~type inventories and prepaid expenses are recorded as expenditures when consumed rather than when purchased. Reported inventories and prepaid e:{penses are eqiJally offset by a fund balance reserve which indicates that they do not constitute "available spendable resources". I I J. Interfund transactions I During the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between individual funds for goods provided or services rendered. Thes!;l receivables and payables are classified as "due from other funds" or "due to other funds" on the balance sheet. I Quasi-external transactions are accounted for as revenues, expenditures or expenses. Transactions that constitute reimbursement to a fund for expenditures/expenses initially made on behalf of another fund are recorded as expenditures/expenses in the reimbursing fund and as reductions of expenditures/expenses in the fund that is being reimbursed. I I All other interfund transactions, except for quasi-external transactions and reimbursements, are reported as transfers. Nonrecun.ing or non-routine permanent transfers of equity are reported as residual equity transfers. All other interfund transfers lire reported as operating transfers. K. Bond disl:ounts and issuance costs I Bond discounts and issuance costs for proprietary funds are deferred and amortized over the term of the bonds using the effective-interest method. Bond discounts are presented as a reduction of the face amount of bonds payable, whereas issuance costs are recorded as deferred charges. I L. Restricted assets I Certain a:;sets of the Capital Projects Fund and Enterprise Fund are classified as restricted assets on the balance sheet because their use is limited by applicable debt covenants. M. Compem:ated absences I I County employees are entitled to certain compensated absences based upon their length of employment. No liability is reported for unpaid accumulated sick leave since it is the County's policy to record the cost of sick leave only when it is used. Va.cation pay and comp time are accrued when incurred in proprietary funds and reported as a fund liability. Vacation pay and comp time that are expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources is reported as an explmditure and a fund liability of the governmental fund that will pay it. Amounts not expected to be liquidated with expendable available fmancial resources are reported in the General Long-term Debt Account Group and no expenditure is reported for these amounts. I N. Comparative data I I Comparative total data for the prior year has been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in the County's financial position and operations. However, comparative (i.e., presentations of prior year totals by fund type) data has not been presented in each ofthe statements because their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficult to read. "l"l I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I' I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, (;EORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued December 31, 1998 Note 1 - Sunimary of significant accounting policies (Continued) O. Memorandum only - total columns . Total columns on the general-purpose [mancial statements are captioned "memorandum only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns does not present financial position, results of operations or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. Note 2 - Stewardship, compliance and accountability A. Excess of expenditures ove.r appropriations Expenditures Budget Actual (Excess) General $46,441,694 $43,457,938 $ 2,983,756 CanaL Authority 494,259 150,190 344,069 Law Enforcement Fund 36,724,073 32,613,321 4,110,752 State Grants 9,919 9,919 Port Authority 344,684 267,111 77,573 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants 399.769 525.613 ( 125.844) Total General Funds $84.414.398 $77,014.173 $ 7.400.225 Urban Services District $ 7,346,733 $ 5,574,078 $ 1,772,655 Emergency Telephone System 1,784,973 1,516,648 268,325 CapitaL Outlay 7,779,491 4,977,471 2,802,020 Law Enforcement 210,669 183,871 26,798 Fire Protection 13,797,293 13,283,957 513,336 , Special Assessment 1,146,560 1,149,419 ( 2,859) Prom otion/T ourism 3,367,000 3,607,469 ( 240,469) Housing and Neighborhood Development 2,934,506 (2,934,506) Urban. Development Action Grant 1,474 3,759 ( 2,285) Downtown Development Authority 1,824,906 1,787,728 37,178 State Capital Grants 154 ( 154) Total Special Revenue Funds $37.259.099 $35.019.060 $ 2.240.039 Debt Service $ 921,580 $ 1,052,055 $( 130,475) Urbarr Debt Service 489.780 435.553 54.227 Total Debt Service Funds $ 1.411.360 $ 1.487.608 $( 76.248) Special Sales Tax $ 3,054,711 $ 781,982 $ 2,272,729 Special Sales Tax Phase II 22,477,010 3,811,767 18,665,243 Special Sales Tax Phase III 63.340.289 16.129.446 47.210.843 Total Capital Projects Funds $88.872.010 $20.723.195 $68.148.815 Waste Management $ 6,114,484 $ 4,008,300 $ 2,106,184 Water and Sewerage 21,595,552 21,441,593 153,959 Bush Field Airport 6,728,633 6,400,497 328,136 Municipal Golf Course 388,667 372,929 15,738 Transit 5,172,168 2,880,584 2,291,584 Daniel Field Airport 79,594 72,889 6,705 Old Government House 81,303 76,373 4,930 Newman Tennis Center 233.1 77 225.607 7 .570 Total Enterprise Funds $40.393.578 $35.478~772 $ 4.914.806 ')< I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued December 31, 1998 Note 2 - Stewardship, compliance and accountability (Concluded) Expenditures Budget Actual (Excess ) Risk Management $11,654,367 $11,900,832 $(246,465) Fleet Operations 3.450.227 3,671.988 (221.761) Total Internal Service Funds $15,104.594 $15.572.820 $(468.226) 1945 Pen~ion Fund $ 1,954,359 $ 1,036,553 $ 917,806 1977 Pension Fund 1,187,723 691,602 ' 496,121 General Retirement 3,523,200 4,375,096 (851,896) Expendable Trust Fund - Joseph Lamar 175 175 Expendable Trust Fund - Perpetual Care 35.200 17,288 17.912 Total Trust & Agency Funds $ 6.700,657 $ 6.120.714 $ 579.943 B. Fund Balance or Retained Earnings (deficit) Following is a detail of fund balance/retained earnings (deficit) by fund. Agency funds, which serve only a custodial function, do not have fund balances and are, therefore, not included. Fund Balance/EQuitv General General Canal Authority Law Enforcement State Grants Port Authority Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Total General Funds $25,385,723 1,196,256 638,506 ( 365,276) 165,920 ( 314.005) $26.707.124 Special Revenue Urban Services District Emergency Telephone System CapHal0utlay Law Enforcement Fire Protection Occupational Tax Spec:ial Assessment Promotion/Tourism Housing and Neighborhood Development Urban Development Action Grant . Downtown Development Authority State Capital Grants Total Special Revenue Funds $( 604,468) ( 676,399) 2,533,949 169,947 1,195,394 ( 111,635) 70,296 4,175 1,058,557 4,964,615 510,972 665 $ 9.116.068 "'. I I AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I I , , December 31, 1998 Note 2 - Stewardship, compliance and accountability (Concluded) Fund Balance/Eauitv I I Debt Service Debt Service Urban Debt Service Total Debt Service Funds $ 2,986,300 199.986 $ 3.186.286 I I Capital Projects Community Development Special Sales Tax Special Sales Tax Phase II Special Sales Tax Phase III Total Capital Projects Funds $ 244,833 5,305,628 19,476,049 40.089.199 $ 65.115.709 I Enterprise . 'Wast'~ Management Water and Sewerage Bush Field Airport Municipal Golf Course Tram,it Danid Field Airport Old Government House Newman Tennis Center Total Enterprise Funds $ 690,767 74,108,497 18,739,906 243,479 ( 5,723,558) ( 68,674) 158,334 ( 7.464) $ 88.141.287 I I I I Internal Service Risk management Fleet Operations Central Services Total Internal Service Funds $ 777,385 ( 52,088) ( 7) $ 725.290 I Trust 1945 Pension Fund 1977 Pension Fund Gem:ral Retirement Expendable Trust Fund - Joseph Lamar Expendable Trust Fund - Perpetual Care Non-expendable Trust Fund - Joseph Lamar Non-expendable Trust Fund - Perpetual Care Total Trust Funds $ 13,776,542 9,975,027 71,157,767 ( 350) 554,459 5,350 338.625 $ 95.807.420 I I The County plans to fund the deficits through con.tributed capital and the general operations of the County. I Note 3 - Debited notes on all funds and account groups A. Deposits and investments I I At December 31, 1998, the County's cash and cash equivalents balance on the combined balance sheet included demand deposits, certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, and local government investment pools. The cash balance was secured by Federal Depository Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF)or by collateral held by the agent in the County's name. I . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued December 31,1998 I I Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) The carrying amount of the County's deposits with financial institutions was $32,926,539 and the bank balance was $35,418,471. The bank balance was categorized as follows: I Amount insured by the FDIC Amount collateralized with securities held by pledging institutions in the County's name Amount uncollateralized $ 700,000 34,202,033 516,438 I I Total bank balance of deposits $35,418,471 Proper collateral of securities held by the County or by its agent in the County's name was pledged within ten days after year-end, as in accordance with applicable statutes. I I Investments made by the County, including repurchase agreements consisting of U.S. Treasury notes, are summarized below. The investrrients that are represented by specific identifiable investment securities are classified asto credit risk by the three categories described below: Category ~ ---L- Carrying Market Amount Value $ 88,054,955 $ 88,054,955 22,754,673 22,754,673 71.157.517 71.157.517 52,980,561 52,980,561 6,372,437 . 6,372,437 32.926.539 32.926.539 $274,246.682 $274.246.682 I I I Repu.rchase agreements U.S. Government securities Corporate bonds and equity securities $ 88,054,955 $ - $ 22,754,673 71.157.517 - - 181,967,145 Local government investment pool Deferred compensation investments Carr:ring amount of deposits with financial institutions The balances shown on the combined balance sheet are as follows: I I I I Cash and temporary investments Invelitments Restricted assets: Certificates of participation investments: Acquisition/construction account Reserve account Revenue bond cash and cash equivalents: Construction account. Current debt service account Issuance costs account Sinking fund account Customer deposits Deferred compensation investments $126,840,551 89,125,168 86,301 1,219,371 46,140,609 2,326,961 151,690 1,931,427 52,167 6.372,437 I $274.246.682 I 26 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31,1998 I 'Note 3 - Detaiiled notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) I 'The County's investments are shown by type, carrying amount, market value and level of risk assumed in the holding of the various securities. The level:; of risk assumed in the various investments are categorized as follows: I Category 1: includes the investments that are insured or registered or for which the securities are held by the County or its agent in the County's name. I Category 2: includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the bank's or dealer's trust department or agent in the County's name. I Category 3: includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the bank or dealer, or by its trust department or agent but not in the County's name. B. Receivables I Property taxes are administered on a calendar year basis subject to the following dates: I Lien date Levy date Collection period Due date January 1 August 15 September 15 - November 15 November 15 I Receivables at December 31, 1998, including the applicable allowances for uncollectible accounts, consist ofthe following: I Special Debt General Revenue Service Recehables: Taxes $1,542,075 $1,303,157 $162,072 j.ccounts 2,162,081 201,023 1,254 Loans 3,921,999 Interest 53,003 Note 600;000 Intergovernmental 2.180,152 1.080.796 - Gross receivables 6,484,308 6,559,978 163,326 Less: allowance for uncollectibles ( 574.811) ( 321.163) (13.841) Net total receivables $5 .909 .497 $6,238.815 $149.485 Capital Proiects Internal Trust and Enterprise Service Agency Total $ $ $10,370,525 $13,371,829 4,266,734 1,726 6,632,818 3,921,999 140,836 5,304 199,143 600,000 409.685 - 6.030.941 - 4,817,255 1,726 10,375,829 30,762,730 ( 625,507) - (1.535,322) - $4.191. 748 $1,726 $10,3 75.829 $29.227.408 $ I I 2.360.308 2,360,308 I $2,360,308 I In addition to the above loans receivable, a bank maintains records for certain notes receivable that are not recorded in the accounts of the County. These loans represent funds received through RUD's Housing Rehabilitation Program. The Houstng Rehabilitation Program is designed to fund improvements to homes owned and occupied by persons in low to moderate income ranges. In 1993, loans were also made to owners of rental units under a deferred loan arrangement as part of the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Loans made for these projects vary as to amounts and interest rates based on the level of income of the owner/occupiers. Repayments of these loans are recorded as other revenue in the Housing and Neighborhood Development Fund. I I I In a prior year, the former City of Augusta entered into an agreement with the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority (GHF A) to aid in the administration of Federal funds granted through the State for HUD's Rental Rehabilitation Program. The COUllty acts only in an administrative capacity and does not directly receive or disburse any funds related to this project. Therefore, the receipts, disbursements and related notes receivable for the GRF A program have not been included in the fmancial statements. 27 I I AUGUSTA~RICHMOND COUNTY; GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I I December 31, 1998 , . Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) C. Fixed assoets I Activity in the General Fixed Assets Account Group for the year ended December 31, 1998, was as follows: I Balance January I. 1998 I I Land Buildings Tax kvy acquisitions Vehicles Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Other capital Cons1:ruction in progress Richmond County Public Facil ities, hie. $13,514,624 46,646,176 30,984 19,382,003 7,153,723 6,725,63 I 8,294,884 28,870,412 I 12.655,483 I $143.273.920 Fixed assets for proprietary funds as of December 3 I, 1998, were as follows: Enterprise Internal Service State and Federal laws and regulations requite the County to place a final cover on its landfill when closed and perform certain maintenance and monitoring functions at the landfill site for thirty years after closure. In addition to operating expenses related to current activities of the landfill, an expense provision and related liability are being recognized based on the fu1ure closure andpostclosure care costs that will be incurred near or after the date the landfill no longer accepts waste. The recognition of these landfill closure and postclosure care costs is based on the amount ofthe landfill used during the year. The estimated liability for landfill closure and postclosure care costs has a balance of$5,637,158 as of December 31, 1998, which is based on 51 % usage (filled) of Cell II C which is operating currently, and 100% usage (filled) of Cells II A and n B. It is estimated that an additional $4,377,179 will be recognized as closure and postclosure care expenses between the date of the balance sheet and the date the landfill is expected to be filled to capacity, which is in the next 3 to I I I Land Buildings Vehicles Machinery and equipment Furniture and fixtures Water and sewerage systems Contributed water and sewerage systems Other capital Construction in progress Landfill Cell II C Total Less accumulated depreciation I I Net property, plant and equipment I D. Landfill dosure and postclosure costs I I I Balance Additions Deletions December 3 I. 1998 $ 665,418 $ 781,651 3,624,332 503,761 3,363,590 1,163,272 10,593,748 $ 14,180,042 47,427,827 30,984 23,006,335 7,657,484 .10,089,221 9,458,156 39,464,160 12.655,483 $20.695.772 $ $163.969,692 $ 7,880,153 $ 52,735,229 10,948,824 5,773,957 658,063 147,142,802 10,563,423 15,400,829 24,017,337 3.719.149 278,839,766 (97.494.166) 107,751 185,967 79,727 12,962 386,407 085.935) $181.345,600 $ 200,472 '"'0 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31,1998 I Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) I 5 years. The estimated total current cost ofthe landfill closure and postclosure care ($10,014,337) is based on the amount that would be paid if all equipment, facilities, and services required to close, monitor, and maintain the landfill were acquired as of December 31, 1998. However, the actual cost of closure and postclosure care maybe higher due to inflation, .changes in technology, or changes in landfill laws and regulations. I The County expects to finance the costs for the estimated landfill closure and postclosure care costs as they become due during the coming thirty years through the regular operations of the County. I E.Long-term debt 1. General long-term debt I Changes in general long-term liabilities . During th,~ year ended December 31, 1998, the following changes occurred in liabilities reported in the General Long-term Debt account group (in thousands): I Accrued Unfunded General Certificates Vacation/ Pension Obligation of Notes Revenue Camp Capital Benefit Bonds Particioation Payable Bonds Time Leases Obligation Total Balance:, 12-31-97 $5,990 $ 5,875 $ 2,756 $ 8,511 $ 2,276 $ 4,605 $ 4,955 $ 34,968 Additions 3,930 190 454 4,574 Retirements LW.) (1.745) UQ1) L.ill) f.1ill) !.111.ID L.lli) ilQJ1D Balance, 12-31-98 $5.045 $ 4.130 $ 2.249 $ 7.769 $ 2.492 $ 3.017 $ 4.669 $ 29.371 I I I General Obligation Bonds $8,000,001) 1981 Public Building Bonds - due in annual installments of$550,000 to $990,000, plus interest at 6.5% to 9.6%, through January 2002. $3,370,000 I $7,020,0001973 Public Improvement Bonds - due in annual installments of$325,000 to $350,000,. plus interest at 4.75% to 5.5% through November 2003. 1.675,000 I Total $5.045.000 I Certificate s of Participation $33,650,01)0 Certificates of Participation (Series 1993) issued by Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. (see Note 4E) - due in annual installments of$1,325,000 to $1,430,000, plus interest at 4.0% to 4.2% through October 2001. $4.130.000 I I In a prior year, a portion of the Certificates of Participation (Series 1993) was defeased by the creation of an irrevocable trust fund. Original proceeds remaining from the issue were used to purchase U.S. Government securities that were placed in a trust fund. The investments and .fixed earnings from the investment are sufficient to fully service the defeased debt until the debt matures. For financial reporting purposes, the debt is considered defeased and, therefore, not included as a liability in the General Long-term Debt account group. As of December 31, 1998, the amount of defeased debt outstanding but removed from the General Long-term Debt account group is $480,000. I I ')Q I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I. . December 31, 1998 I Note 3 - Detaiiled notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) I Notes pavable Downtown Development Authority: $3,900,000 line of credit with bank ~ due in monthly installments of $38,937, plus interest at 8.53%, through November 2000. I Housing and Neighborhood Development . Section lO810an - due in annual installments of$45,000 to $1,010,000, plus interest at 35 basis points above LIB OR adjusted on the firstday of each month, through August 2005. I I Total . Revenue bonds Downtown Development AuthoritY: $2,600,000 1989 Downtown Development Authority Bonds - due in annual installments of $125,000 to $270,000, plus interest at 7.4%, through January 2010. I I $3,816,000 1990 Downtown Development Authority Bonds - due in annual installments of$170,000 to $375,000, plus interest at 7.55%, through January 2010. I $3,500,000 1993 Downtown Development Authority Bonds - due in monthly principal and in.terest installments of$41,075 through April 2002. I I Augusta P,xt Authority: $1,200,000 1993 Augusta Port Authority Bonds - due in monthly principal and interest installments of$9,773 through May 2008. Total 2. Enterprise Funds' debt 1 I Revenue bonds Water and Sewer: $66,640,000 1996 Water and Sewer Bonds - due in annual installments of $920,000 to $4,445,000, plus interest at 3.6% to 6.25%, through October 2028 (this liability is reflected in the Water and Sewer Fund net of deferred refunding amount of $2,253,903). I $5,910,0001997 Water and Sewer Bond - duein annual installments of$100,000 to $400,000, plus interest at 3.6% to 5.25%, through October 2021. (This liability is reflected in the Water and Sewer.Fund net of deferred refunding amount of $489,554). I Bush Field Airport: $1,200,000 1972 Augusta Airport Improvement Bonds - due in annual installments of $70,000 to $85,000, plus interest at 5.9% through April 2002. I I ..,^ $ 893,555 1.355,000 $ 2.248.555 $ 2,275,000 3,125,000 1,511 ,439 857,370 $ 7,768,809 $64,790,000 5,670,000 325,000 $70,785,000 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31, 1998 I Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) I Notes payable . Water and Sewer Fund: State n:volving loan - due in quarterly principal and interest installments of$94,668, plus interest at 4%, through May 2016. $ 4,749,347 I State n:volving loan- due in quarterlyprincipal and interest installments of $305,904, plus interest at 5.5%, through June 2011. 10,828,727 I State n:volving loan - principal and interest at 4% due in quarterly installments beginning 90 days after completion of project. $1,781,686 remaining loan available at December 31, 1997. 4.288.863 . I Total $19;866.937 I Certificate s of Participation Municipal Golf Course Fund: $1,705,000 Certificates of Participation (Series 1998) Augusta Golf Course Project - due in semi-annual installments of$37,700 to $80,800, plus interest of 5.18% (to be adjusted to not more than 15% on December 31,2003) through June 2013. $ 1.705.000 I I During 1996, the County issued $66.6 million in Series 1996 Water and Sewer revenue bonds. A portion of the proceeds ii'om the sale of these bonds was used to advance refund all of the former City o(Augusta's Series 1972 and 1991 Wate:r and Sewer revenue bonds and the former Richmond County's Series 1987 and 1991 Water and Sewer revenue bonds. Proceeds of $19.4 million plus an additional $4.9 million of sinking fund monies from the defeased issues were: used to purchase U.S. government securities. Those securities were deposited in an irrevocable trust fund with an esc:row agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the above-mentioned bonds. As a result, the bonds are c:onsidered to be defeased and the liabilities for those bonds have been removed from the Water and Sewer Fund. I I In 1997, the County issued $5.9 million in Series 1997 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these bonds was used to advance refund all of the former Richmond County's Series 1986 Water and . Sewer Revenue Bond. Proceeds of approximately $5.6 million plus an additional $.9 million of sinking fund monies from the defeased issues were used to purchase U.S. government securities. Those securities were deposited in an irrevocable trust fund with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the above-mentioned bonds. As a result, the bonds are. considered defeased and the liability for those bonds have been removed from the Water and Sewer Fund. I I As of December 31, 1998, the amount of these defeased debts outstanding but removed from the Water and Sewer Fund is $16,628.,508. I I . The advance refundirig during 1996 resulted in a difference between .the reacquisition price and the net carrying amount of the old debt of approximately $2.5 million. . This difference, reported in the accompanying fmancial statements as a deduction from bonds payable, is being charged to operations through the year 2028 using the effective-interest method. The refunding increased the total debt service payments over the next 30 years by approximately $8.6 million and produc:ed an economic gain of approximately $260,000. I I The advan,;e refunding during 1997 resulted in a difference between the reacquisition price and the net carrying amount of the old debt of approximately $540,000. This difference, reported in the accompanying fmancial statements as a deduction :from bonds payable, is being charged to operations through the year 2021 using the effective- interest method. The refunding will increase total debt service payments over the next 24 years by approximately $2.1 million and will produce an economic gain of approximately $110,000. '), I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-:RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued, ' , December 31,1998 Note 3 - Detai.led notes on all funds and account groups (Continued)' In a prior year, the former Richmond County Water and Sewer 1984 revenue bond issue was defeased by the creation of an irrevocable trust fund. New debt was issued and the proceeds were used to purchase U.S. Governnient securities that were placed in a trust fund. The investments and fixed earnings from the investments are sufficient to fully service the defease:d debt until it is called or matures. For fmancial reporting purposes, the debtis considered defeased and, therefore, not included as a liability in the Water and Sewer Fund. As of December 31, 1998, the amount of this defeased debt outstanding but removed from the Water and Sewer Fund is $110,453. 3. Debt service requirements to maturity The annual requirements to amortize debt outstanding as of December 31, 1998, including interest are as follows: General Certificates Obligation of Notes Revenue Bonds Participation Payable Bonds Total 1999 $1,356, I 00 $ 1,660,163 $ 2,615,351 $ 6,153,735 $ 11,785,349 2000 1,368,625 1,657,163 2,535,485 6,120,008 11,681,281 2001 1,383,550 1,655,788 2,091,511 6,111,659 11,242,508 2002 1,415,475 165,728 2,091,492 5,688,273 9,360,968 2003 366,625 165,728 2,090,972 5,472,675 8,096,000 Thereafter 1.574.424 19,191.563 122,204.705 142.970.692 5,890,375 6,878,994 30,616,374 151,751,055 195,136,798 Less interest ( 845,375) (1.043,994) (8.500,882) (73.197,246) (83.587.497) $5,045,000 $ 5.835.000 $22.115.492 $ 78.553.809 $111.549.301 F. Leases, The County has entered into several long-term lease agreements for various vehicles and machinery and equipment. Although the leases contain clauses which provide that the leases are cancelable if funds are not appropriated for the periodic payments for any future fiscal periods, the leases meet the criteria of a capital lease as defmed by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 13 ("Accounting for Leases" and the National Council on Governmental Accounting Statement No.5" Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles for Lease Agreements of State and Local Govemme:ilts"). Future minimum'lease payments under the leases and the net present value of the minimum lease payments as of December 31, 1998 are as follows: General Long-term Obligations 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total minimum lease payments Less: amount representing interest $2,242,876 375,096 332,432 284,076 87,867 3,322,347 ( 304.889) Present value of lease payments $3.017.458 ,") I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I. December 31, 1998 I I Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and.account groups (Continued) The County is lessor ofterminal space, land and buildings aiBush Field and Daniel Field under various operating leases. Revenues ~md related expenses for Bush Field are recorded in the Bush Field Airport Fund while the revenue and related expenses fi)r Daniel Field are recorded in the Daniel Field Airport Fund. Some of the leases provide for additional payments based on usage activity in addition to non-cancelable amounts of fixed rates. I Future minimum lease rentals to the County at December 31, 1998 are as follows: I I I Bush Field Daniel Field . 1999 $ 198,176 $ 83,500 2000 204,369 83,500 2001 210,872 83,500 2002 217,000 83,500 2003 217,000 83,500 Thereafter 957.186 362,000 Total $2,004,603 $ 779.500 I During 1998, rental income totaled approximately $2.7 million and $81,600 in the Bush Field and Daniel Field Airport Funds, respectively. I The assets acquired through capital leases as of December 31, 1998 are as follows: I I General Enterprise Fixed Assets Funds Vehicles $5,879,716 $ 459,841 Machinery and equipment 2,731.641 696,873 8,611,357 1,156,714 Less: accumulated depreciation ( 389,977) Carrying value $8.611.357 $ 766,737 I I I I I I 11 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I " December 31, 1998 I I Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) G. Due to/from"other funds Interfund Receivable Payable General Funds: General Fund" Law Enforcement State Grants Local Law Enforcement Special Revenue Funds: Urban :~ervices District Emergency Telephone Capital Outlay Fire Protection Occupational Tax Housing and Neighborhood Development Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Downtown Development Authority " Debt Service Fund: Debt Service Capital Projects Funds: Community Development Special Sales Tax Phase II Special Sales Tax Phase III Enterprise Funds: Water and Sewer Bush Field Airport Municipal Golf Course Transit Da~iel Field NewmlID Tennis Center Internal Service Funds: Risk Management Central Services Trust and Agency Funds: 1945 Plan Tax Commissioner Probate: Civil Court Clerk of Court Joseph R. Lamar Expendable Trust General Retirement I I I I I I 10,000 I I 1,761,012 34,238 18,551 I I 600,000 I I $16.257.718 I I 'lA 230,413 354,450 4,049,690 1,114,306 802,663 610,985 380,602 174,298 2,599 13,743 15,191 58,258 625,205 14,437 143,459 1,612,801 350 453.903 $16,257,718 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA ,. Notes t.o Financial Statements - Continued . December 31,1998 Note 3 - Detailed notes on all funds and account groups (Continued) H. Contriibutedcapital During 1998, contributed capital in proprietary funds changed as follows: Bush Daniel Old Waste Water Field Field Government Enterprise Funds Management and Sewer Airoort Transit Airport . House Totals Contributed capital, January 1, 1998 $1,741,644 $41,896,587 $10,980,252 $8,933,627 $314,900 $28,199 $63,895,209 Capital ,;ontributions: Sub dividers! developers 47.640 - 47.640 - Contributed capital, December 31, 1998 $1.741,644 . $41,896,587 $10,980,252 $8.981,267 $314.900 $28.199 $63,942,849 Note 4 - Other information A. Risk management The Coun;ly is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters for which the County is self-insured. The Risk Management Fund (an internal service fund) is ut ilized by the County to account for and finance its self-insured risks ofloss. Future claims can be paid from designated funds established in 1987 from previously unrestricted-unreserved funds. Balances as of December 31, 1998, include the following: General Fund Fire Protection Fund Risk Management Fund $4,705,061 250,000 777.385 Total reserve $5.732.446 Related liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not reported (IBNRs). Claim liabilities are calculated considering the effects of inflation, recent claim settlement trends including frequency and amount of payouts a1il.d other economic and social factors. . During 1998, changes in the balance of claim liabilities are as follows: Unpaid claims, December 31, H97 Incurred claims (including ffiNRs) Claim payments $ 125,640 2,435,830 (2.283.805) Unpaid claims, December 31, 1998 $ 277.665 35 I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31, 1998 I Note 4 - OtheJr information (Continued) B. Segment iinformation for Enterprise funds I Augusta-FUclunond County maintains seven enterprise funds. Segment infonnation for the year ended December 31, 1998, is pieesented below: Water and Sewer Bush Field Airport Municipal Golf Course Transit Daniel Field Airport Old Newman Government Tennis House .Center I Waste Management I Operating revenues $5,134,359 $ 29,376,306 $ 7,083,550 $ 368,008 $ 729,604 $ 81,630 $ 50,975 $172,926 Depreciation and amortization 912,385 5,830,368 927,439 3,451 488,874 7,988 7,281 Operating income (loss) 1,126,059 7,934,713 683,053 ( 4,921) (2, I 50,980) 8,741 (25,398) (52,681 ) Operating transfers (net) ( 360,642) (3,700,000) ( 80,134) ( 23,124) 1,515,5Q3 ( 6,028) 30,206 30,628 Net income (loss) 889,458 9,689,990 1,745,50 I 19,199 ( 416,286) 15,034 4,808 ( 6,315) Contributed capital contributions 47,640 Net working capital 1,486,458 4,379,794 5,077,330 ( 623,041) 239,211) 149,591 13,531 ( 7,464) Property, plant and equipment additions 530,001 13,788,314 3,098,089 732,310 120,008 24,736 8,491 Total assets 8,341,335 207,427,163 31,122,076 2,610,579 3,777,614 429,800 192,680 7,44 i Bonds payable and other long-term liabilities 5,637,158 85,478,864 250,000 1,705,000 Total retainl~d earnings (deficit) 690,767 74,108,497 18,739,906 243,479 (5,723,558) (68,674) 158,334 ( 7,464) Total equity 2,432,411 116,005,084 29,720,158 243,479 3,257,709 246,226 186,533 ( 7,464) C. Contingent liabilities I I I I I I Litigation The County is party to various legal proceedings which nonnally occur in governmental operations. The County follows the practice of recording liabilities resulting from claims and legal actions only when they become probable and measurable. The County has accrued a liability in the Risk Management Fund (an internal service fund) for all claims for which a loss is probable and measurable. I Possible tlnasserted claims Augusta-Richmond County participates in a number of Federal and state assisted grant programs, which are subject to program compliance audits under the Single Audit Act of 1984. An audit of these programs has been perfonned for the year ended December 31, 1998, in compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and OMB Circular A-133. However: the audit is pending final acceptance by the various grantor agencies. The amount, if any, of expenditures, which may be disallowed by the granting agencies, is expected to be immaterial. I I D. Contracts and commitments I Augusta-Richmond County Coliseum Authority The County has committed to provide funds to service the Augusta-Riclunond County Coliseum Authority's debt to the extent it exceeds the Hotel-Motel Excise Tax and Beer Tax. I Development Authority of Richmond County The County has contracted with the Development Authority for services related to the "Forward Together" program of the Metro Augusta Chamber of Commerce. The contract provides for funding by the County of $500,000 to be disbursed in increments of $1 00,000 per year over a five-year period. The contract expires in 2000. I 36 I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I . December 31, 1998 I Note 4 - Othe!r information (Continued) I Collection of solid waste; yard waste. and bulk waste . The County has various contracts related to the privatization of its sanitation operations. The terms of the contracts are summarized as follows: . I 1999 $197.299 E. Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. I The Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. isa nonprofit organization, tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code . Section 501(c)(3). The purpose of this nonprofit organization is to construct and maintain buildings and equipment to be leas,~d by Augusta-Richmond County, the Department of Family and Children Services, and the Richmond County Board of Education. The Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. is part of the reporting entity of Augusta- Richmond CountY, Georgia, due to the degree of control the County has over the Board of Directors of Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. I I Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. issued Certificates of Participation to provide funds for the County to refund the 1990 Certificates of Participation issue and for certain capital projects. The related assets are included in the financial ~.tatements ofthe County in the General Fixed Asset account group and the Quasi Capital Projects Fund (a capital projects fund). The liability is included in the General Long-term Debt account group. In addition, the Richmond County Public Facilities, Inc. issued Certificates of Participation of $13,240,000 for the Richmond County Board of Education in a prior year. These Certificates of Participation are the sole responsibility of the Richmond County Board of Education and the related assets and liabilities have not been included in the financial ~tatements of Augusta-Richmond County. I I I Note 5 - Pension plans A. Plan descriptions, contribution information and funding policies I The County has seven single-employer pension plans and one agent multiple-employer pension plan currently in existence. These plans are defined benefit plans. The following is a summary of funding policies, contribution methods, and benefit provisions for each plan. I I Single-employer pension plans 1945 Plan The 1945 Plan was available to all former Richmond County employees hired prior to October 1, 1975 that met the Plan's ag~: and length of service requirements. Participants in the Plan who retired at or after age 60 are entitled to a monthly benefit equal to 2% of average earnings multiplied by years of service. Also, the benefit is not to exceed 60% of the aVf:rage earnings. The Plan provides death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all other requirements including amendments are established by County ordinance. The Plan also provides for reduced benefits if the part[cipant elects to retire after attaining age 50 and completing 15 years of service. Employees are required to make contributions to the Plan equal to 5% of earnings. The County is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the Plan. If a participant terminates employment prior to completion often years of credited service, the participant receives a lump-sum amount equal to his total contributions to the Plan, with 5% interest computed from January I, 1997. After completion of at least ten years of credited service, the participant receives a monthly benefit deferred 10 his normal retirement date, equal to the benefit computed as for normal retirement multiplied by the percentage based on completed years of credited service, as follows: 50% after 10 years, increasing 10% each year to 100% after 15 years of credited service. This is a closed retirement plan (new employees may not participate in the Plan). I I I I "''"7 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I December 31, 1998 I Note 5 - Pension plans (Continued) I 1977 Plan, . ' ...... ..' The 1977 Plan was available to all former Richmond County full-time employees who were not participants in: the 1945 Plan provided that they were not hired after reaching age 60. Normal retirement for the Plan is age 65 or the date when age 62 is attained and an employee completes 25 years of credited service. At that time, the employee is entitled to a monthly benefit equal to 1 % of average earnings multiplied by years of credited service. The Plan provides death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all other requirements including amendments are established by County OIdinance. The Plan also provides for reduced benefits if the participant elects to retire after attaining age 50 and completing 15 years of service. Employees are required to make contributions to the Plan equal t04% of earnings. The County is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the Plan. If a participant terminates employmmt prior to completion of five years of credited service, the participant receives a lump-sum amount equal to his total contributions to the Plan, with interest. After completing at least five years of credited service, the participant receives a monthly benefit deferred to his normal retirement date, equal to the benefit computed as for normal retirement. This isa -closed retirement plan (new employees may not participate in the Plan). I I I I The funding policy for the 1945 and 1977 Plans provide for actuarially determined periodic contributions at rates that, for individual employees, remain stable over time so that sufficient assets will be available to pay benefits when due. The attained age aggregate cost method has been used to compute the normal cost for the plan. Any unfunded plan costs are spread over the average future working lifetime of the participants as a level percentage of payroll. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute pension contribution requirements are the same as those used to determim: the standard measure of the pension obligation. I I General F'ension Plan. Policemen's Pension Phin. Firemen's Pension Plan and the City Employee's Pension Plan These Plans covered former City of Augusta employees. Policemen and firemen hired before 1945 are covered under the General Pension Plan. Policemen hired between 1945 and 1949 are covered under the Policemen's Pension Plan. Firemen hired between 1945 and 1949 are covered under the Firemen's Pension Plan. Other former City of Augusta employees hired between 1945 and 1949 are covered by the City Employee's Pension Plan. Pension benefits are being paid under these Plans to retired employees and beneficiaries. These are closed retirement plans (new employees may not participate in the plans). I I General Retirement Plan Employees hired after March 1, 1949 and before March I, 1987, whose age did not exceed thirty-five years at the time of their employment and are not participants ofthe 1977 Plan are covered under the General Retirement Plan. Pension benefits vest after an employee is 45 years of age and has 15 years of full-time employment. An employee may retire at age 60 with 25 years of service and receive annual pension benefits equal to 2% of the employee's average salary earned d\!'ring the last three years of employment, multiplied by the number of full-time years of employment. The Plan provides death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all other requirements including amendments are established by County ordinance. 'All full-time employees hired before July 1, 1980, must contribute 8% of gross earnings to the Plan, with the County contributing remaining amounts sufficient to provide future pensions. This is a closed retirement plan (new employees may not participate in the Plan). I I I I Periodic I~mployer contributions to the pension plan are determined on an actuarial basis using the frozen entry age cost method. The unfunded accrued liability is composed of pieces that are amortized over various periods to comply with Georgia ]iaw. When the actuarial value of ass'ets exceeds 150% of the present value of accrued benefits, the Official Code of Georgia states that there is no minimum required contribution. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute pension contribution requirements are the same as those used to determine the standard measure of the pension obligation. I I Agent multiple-employer pension plan Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System (GMEBS) Employees hired after March 1, 1987 and who are not participants in any other employer-sponsored retirement plan are covered under the Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System. The Plan provides pension benefits, deferred allowances, and death and disability benefits. These benefit provisions and all other requirements including I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA '. Notes to Financial Statements - Continued , December 31,1998 Note 5 - Pension plans (Continued) . amendments are established by County ordinance. A participant may retire after reaching the age of 65 if the participan;: is not classified as public safety personnel; participating public safety personnel may retire at age 65 or age . 55 with 2~i years oftotal credited service, whichever is earlier. Early retirement may be taken at age 55 with 10 years of creditell service. Benefits vest after 10 years of service. Employees whoretire at or after age 55with 10 or more years of s~:rvice are entitled to pension payments for the remainder of their lives equal to 1 1/4% oftheirfinal five-year average sdary times the number of years of which they were employed as a participant in the GMEBS. The fmal five- year average salary is the average salary of the employee during the final five years of full-time employment. Pension provision~: include deferred allowances, whereby an employee may terminate his or her employment with the County after accumulating 10 years of service but before reaching the age of 55. If the employee does not withdraw his or her accumulated contributions, the employee is entitled to all pension benefits upon reaching the age of 55. Employees must contribute 3.5% of their gross earnings to the Plan. In addition, the County must provide annual contributions sufficient to satisfy the actuarially determined contribution requirements as amended by GMEBS. The GMEBS Retirement Fund issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be obtained by writing to Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System, 201 Pryor Street, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Periodic employer contributions to the pension plan are determined on an actuarial basis using the entry age normal actuarial cost method. Normal cost is funded on a current basis. The Plan is subject to the minimum funding standards of the Public Retirement Systems Standards Law. Since the County's policy is to contribute the pension expense in each year, the funding strategy should provide sufficient resources to pay employee pension benefits on a timely basis. The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute pension contribution requirements are the same as those used to determine the standardized measure of the pension obligation. Membership of the plans are as follows: Terminated plan members Retirees and beneficiaries entitled to but not yet receiving benefits receiving benefits Active Plan members 1945 Plan 1977 Plan General Pension Plan Policemen's Pension Plan Firemen's Pension Plan City Employees' Pension Plan General Retirement Plan GMEBS 43 52 5 3 12 20 ,167 -1!. 1 2 4 948 1 ...l 171 -2ll Total 373 7 1.506 The cost of administering the plans are financed through investment earnings. Actuarial assumptions and other information'used to determine the annual required contributions are located in the Supplementary Information section of this report. B. Summary of significant account policies Pension trust funds are accounted for on the accrual basis. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues when . earned. Expenses are recorded when incurred. Plan member contributions are recognized in the period in which the contributions are due. Employer contributions are recognized when due and the County has made a formal commitment to provide the contributions. Benefits and refunds are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terms of the plan. For information relating to reported investment values, see Note 1 H. I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Continued I . December 31, 1998 I Note 5 - Pension plans (Continued) I Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of the plan's assets for the year includes realized gains and losses on investment activity of approximately $764,000. The measurementofrealized gains and losses.is independent of the measurement of the net appreciation (depreciation) in the fair value of plan net assets. Investments purchased in a previous year and sold in the current year resulted in their realized gains and losses being reported in the current year . and their net appreciation (depreciation) in plan assets being reported in both the current year and the previous years. I C. Con'centrations and reserves I There are no assets legally reserved for purposes other than the payment of plan member benefits for any plans. I The plans held no individual investments whose market value exceeds five percent or more of net assets available for benefits. There are no long-term contracts for contributions. D. Annual pension cost and net pension obligation I The County's annual pension cost is determined using the calculation methodology defined in GASB Statement No. 27. The allnual pension cost equals the CountY's annual required contribution, plus any adjustments required to reflect defined minimum and maximum amortization periods and any prior period differences between the actual contribution p~id into the plans and the annual pension cost. I E. Three year trend information I Fiscal Year Beginning Annual Actual County Pension Cost Contribution Percentage of Net Pension APC Contributed Obligation I ] 945 Plan 01/01/1998 $ $ 100% $ 1977 Plan 01/01/1998 897,930 897,930 100% General Pension Plan 01/01/1998 107,338 107,338 100% Policemen's Pension Plan 01/01/1998 63,169 63,169 100% Firemen's Pension Plan 01/01/1998 237,914 237,914 100% City Employees' Pension Plan 01/0111998 331,619 331,619 100% General Retirement Plan {City 1949) 01/01/1998 100% GMEBS 01/01/1998 208,746 208,746 100% Note 6 - Defelired compensation plan I I I I The County offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to aU County employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. I All amounts of compensation deferred under the pIan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable to those amounts, property, or rights are (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the County (without being restricted to the provisions of benefits under the plan), subject only to the claims of the County's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal to those of general creditors of th~ County in an amount equal to the fair market value of the deferred account for each participant. I I It is the opinicn of the County's legal counsel that the County has no liability for losses under the plan but does have the , duty of care that would be required of an ordinary prudent investor. The County believes that it is unlikely that it will use the assets to satisfy the claims of general creditors in the future. 11(\ I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Notes to Financial Statements - Concluded I December 31,1998 I Note 7 - Prior period adjustments I , . General Fund In the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1997, an error was made in accounting for grant revenue in the Local Law Enforcement Fund, resulting in an understatement of excess of revenues over expenditures of $219,505. The error has been corrected and has had the following effect on the beginning fund balance: I Beginnmg fund balance/(deficit), as previously reported Adjustment of deferred revenues $( 206,437) 219,505 I Beginning fund balance, as restated $ 13.068 I Special Revenue Fund In the [mancial statements for the year ended December 31, 1991, an error waS made in accounting for alcohol license fees revenue in the Urban Services District Fund, resulting in an understatement of excess of revenues over expenditures of $574, 136. Thl~ error has been corrected and has had the following effect on the beginning fund balance: I Beginning fund balance/(deficit), as previously reported Adjustment of deferred revenues $(1,061,430) 574.136 I ileginning fund balance/(deficit), as restated $( 487.294) I Capital Proiects Fund In the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1997, an error was made in accounting for sales tax revenue in the Special Sales Tax Phase III Fund, resulting in an understatement of excess of revenues over expenditures of $2,417,817. The error has been corrected and has had the following effect on the beginning fund balance: I I Beginning fund balance, as previously reported Adjustment of accounts receivable $24,183,647 2.417.817 Beginning fund balance, as restated $26,601,464 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Pension Plan Required Supplementary Information 4?, I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Defined Benefit Pension Trusts - Required Supplementary Information I . . December 31,1998 I A. . Schedules of funding progress I 1945 Plan Actuarial (Funded) (FAAL) Accrued Unfunded UAAL as I Actuarial Actuarial Liability AAL a%of Valuation Value of AAL (F AAL) Funded Covered Covered Date Assets Entry Age UAAL Ratio Payroll. Payroll I, 01/01/88 $ 7,597,755 $7,158,289 $( 439,466) 106% $ 601,644 ( 73)% 01/01/91 9,055,522 8,084,072 ( 971,450) 112 670,286 ( 145) 01/01/93 10,044,942 8,595,027 (1,449,915) 117 620,412 ( 234) I 01/01/94 10,047,526 8,927,649 (1,119,877) 113 606,450 ( 185) 01/01/95 9,936,022 9,440,717 ( 495,305) 105 598,795 ( 83) 01/01/96 11,537,840 9,566,390 (1,971,450) 121 629,034 ( 313) I 01/01/98 13,934,975 9,431,701 (4,503,274) 148 160,888 (2,799) 1977 Plan I 01/01/88 $ 1,731,201 $1,035,494 $( 695,707) 167% $ 2,467,668 ( 28)% 01/01/91 3,018,241 1,430,898 (1,587,343) 211 3,772,441 ( 42) 01/01/93 3,892,816 1,937,061 (1,955,755) 201 4,607,419 ( 42) I 01/01/94 4,262,572 2,813,432 (1,449,140) 152 5,180,438 ( 28) 01/01/95 4,439,451 3,333,577 (1,105,874) 133 6,797,338 ( 16) 01/01/96 5,446,380 4,332,024 (1,114,356) 126 8,952,224 ( 12) 01/01/97 6,285,732 5,510,585 ( 775,147) 114 11,509,974 ( 7) I General Pension Plan I 12/3 1/92 $ $ 771,812 $ 771,812 $ 12/31/93 629,859 629,859 12/31/94 619,418 619,418 I 12/31/95 587,797 587,797 12/31/96 564,008 564,008 12/3 1/97 637,605 637,605 12/31/98 533,575 533,575 I Policemen's Pension Plan I 12/3 1/92 $ $ 827,659 $ 827,659 $ 12/31/93 528,904 528,904 12/3 1/94 437,814 437,814 12/31/95 422,070 422,070 I 12/31/96 417,725 417,725 12/31/97 391,153 391,153 12/31/98 389,072 389,072 I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMON}) COUNTY, GEORGIA I ' Defined Benefit Pension Trusts - Required Supplementary Information - Continued I . December 31, 1998 I A. Schedules of funding progress(Continued) Firemen's Pension Plan I Actuarial (Funded) (F AAL) Accrued Unfunded UAAL as Actuarial Actuarial Liability AAL a%of Valuation Value of AAL (FAAL) Funded Covered Covered I Date Assets Entry Age UAAL Ratio Payro II Payroll 12/31/92 $ $ 1,678,386 $ 1,678,386 -% $ - % I 12/31/93 1,475,590 1,475,590 12/3 1/94 1,342,821 1,342,821 12/31/95 1,296,843 1,296,843 I . 12/31/96 1,202,831 ,1,202,831 12/3 1/97 1,507,501 1,507,501 12/31/98 1,479,472 1,479,472 I City Einployees' Pension Plan 12/3 1/92 $ $ 3,149,994 $ 3,149,994 - % $ - % I 12/31/93 2,960,183 2,960,183 12/3 1/94 2,704,129 2,704, I 29 12/31/95 2,598,066 2,598,066 12/31/96 2,584,786 2,584,786 I 12/31/97 2,418,723 2,418,723 12/31/98 2,266,704 2,266,704 I General Retirement Plan 01/01/92 $44,538,174 $32,563,498 $(11,974,676) $ 7,604,624 137% (158)% I 01/01193 47,314,256 38,551,529 ( 8,762,727) 123 7,397,577 ( 119) 01/01/94 49,875,350 36,456,408 (13,418,942) 137 7,243,580 (185) 01/01/95 47,710,074 39,699,516 ( 8,010,558) 120 7,053,091 (114) o 1/0 1/96 56,004,033 41,587,715 (14,416,318) 135 6,345,073 (227) I 01/01/97 59,413,476 42,712,240 (16,701,236) 139 5,165,172 (323) I GMEBS 03/01/93 $ 2,107,098 $ 2,345,501 $ 238,403 90% $ 8,864,510 3.0% 03{01/94 2,754,918 2,903,208 148,290 95 10,375,830 1.0 I 03/01/95 3,351,907 3,315,936 ( 35,971) 101 10,657,439 ( .3) 03/01/96 3,731,118 3,568,982 ( 162,136) 105 9,369,684 ( 2.0) 03/01/97 4,144,704 5,312,277 1,167,573 78 8,082,062 14.0 I, 03/01/98 4,609,848 5,756,304 1,146,456 80 8,913,934 13.0 I I AA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Defin€:d Benefit Pension Trusts - Required Supplementary Information - Continued , December 31,1998 B. Schedule!! of employer contributions (Continued) City Employees' Pension Plan Annual , Required Contribution Fiscal Year . 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 $466,306 442,423 415,480 408,999 . 369,477 409~88l 331,619 General Retirement Plan 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 $ GMEBS 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 $206,321 216,604 232,298 106,440 187,548 197,167 214,536 C. Notes to ):equired supplementary information 1945 Plan Valuation date Actuarial cost method Amortiza'tion method Amortization period Actuarial asset valuation method Actuarial assumptions: Inve~:tment rate of return Proj~:cted salary increases Post retirement benefit increases Infla'tion 1/1/98 Attained age aggregate Level percentage of payroll A verage future working lifetime' Market value 8% 5% 5% 5% 111': Percentage Contributed 100% 100 100 100 100 100 100 - % 100% 100 100 100 100 100 100 1977 Plan 1/1/97 Attained age aggregate Level percentage of payroll Average future working lifetime Market value 8% 5% 5% 5% I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Definf:d Benefit Pension Trusts - Required Supplementary Information - Continued I . December 31, 1998 I c. 'Notes to required supplementary information (Continued) I , General Pension Plan Valuation date Actuarial ':ost method 12/31/98 Actuarial present value of total projected benefits N/A N/A N/A I Amortization method Amortization period Actuarial :lsset valuation method Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return ProjeGted salary increases Post retirement benefit increases Inflation 8% N/A N/A N/A I I I I Firemen's Pension Plan Valuation date' Actuarial ,:ost method 12/31/98 Actuarial present value of total projected benefits N/A N/A N/A I Amortization method Amortization period Actuarial ,lsset valuation method ActuariallSsumptions: Investment rate of return Proje,;ted salary increases Post retirement benefit increases Inflation 8% N/A N/A N/A I I I I I I I I """ Policemen's Pension Plan 12/31/98 Actuarial present value of total projected benefits N/A N/A N/A 8% N/A N/A N/A City Employees' Pension Plan 12/31/98 Actuarial present value of total projected benefits N/A N/A N/A 8% N/A N/A N/A I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA DefiDf~d Benefit Pension Trusts - Required Supplementary Information .. Continue~ I I ,December 31,1998 C. Notes to ,'equired supplementary information (Continued) I I Valuation date Actuarial cost method Amortization method Amortization period I Actuarial asset valuation method I I I I Actuarial assumptions: Inve~tment rate of return Projected salary increases Post retirement benefit increases Inflation I I I I I I I I General Retirement Pension Plan 1/1/97 Frozen entry age Level percentage of payroll Variousperiods to comply with state law The sum of the actuarial value of assets on the preceding valuation date, net contributions and disbursements during the preceding year, interest on the items calculated using the valuation investment return assumption, and 20% ofthe difference between the market value of assets on the current valuation date and the sum of the first three items. 8.0% 5.5% 4.0% 4.0% GMEBS 3/1/98 . . Projected unit credit Level dollar 30 years open Roll forward prior year's actuarial value with contributions, disbursements, and expected return of investments, plus 10% of investment gains (losses) during 10 prior years. 8% 6% None None I I' . I' I I I' I I I I I I' I . . I . I I I I I 49 I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Year 2000 Readiness Required Supplemental Information 50 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Year 2000 Readiness Required Supplementary Information I , December 31, 1998 I . Many existing computer systems and applications, and mother control devices, use only two digits to identify a year in the date ,field, without considering the impact of the upcoming changes in the century. As a result, such systems and applications could fail or create erroneous results unless corrected so that they can process data related to the year 2000. Augusta-Richmond County (the "County") relies on its systems, applications and devices in operating and monitoring all major aspects of its business, including fmancial systems, customer services, infrastructure, embedded computer chips, netWorks, and '"elecommunications equipment and end products. The County also relies, directly and indirectly, on external systems of othf:r companies and organizations such as suppliers, creditors, financial services organizations and governmental entities for accurate exchange of data. The County's current estimate is thatthe costs associated with the year 2000 issue, will not have H material adverse effect on the results of operations or financial position of the County in any given year. However, despite the County's efforts to address the year 2000 impact on its internal systems, the County has not fully identified such impact or whether it can resolve it without disruption of its business and without incurring significant expense. In addition, even if the internal systems of the County are not materially affected by the year 2000 issue, the County could be affected through disruption in the operation of the enterprises with which the County interacts. I I I I The County has expended approximately $128,000 through December 31, 1998 and in addition expects to incur apprqximately $679,000 through December 31, 1999 to achieve year 2000 compliance. I The County h2s established a budget for year 2000 compliance arid believes it has identified all mission-critical hardware and software applications. The County is currently modifying or replacing systems to accomplish year 2000 compliance. I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , ' Combining and Individual Fund Financial Statements 52 I I I I I I' I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I 53 I I I I GeneralFund I The Genenl Fund is used to account for all of the County's fmancial resources except those resources that must be accounted' for in a special purpose fund. Current inflows are typically from revenue sources such as property taxes, fines, and penalties. Current outflows are generally related to the provision of various governmental services such as health and welfare, public safety, and general governmental administration. I I General Fund - This fund is the general operating fund of the County. It is used for ail fmancial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. I Canal Authority Fund - This fund is a sub-fund of the General Fund. It is used to account for revenues, other fmancing sources, al1d expenditures ofthe Augusta Canal Authority. I Law Enforcement Fund - This fund is a sub-fund of the General Fund. It accounts for property tax revenues from the established mill rate for law enforcement, and other revenues, other financing sources, and expenditures related to law enforcemerlt. I State Grants Fund - This fund is a sub-fund ofthe General Fund. It accounts for expenditures and receipts of general state grant;. I Port Authc,ritv Fund - This fund is a sub-fund ofthe General Fund. It accounts for revenues, other financing sources, and expenditures of the Augusta Port Authority. I Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Fund - This fund is a sub-fund of the General Fund. It accounts for receipts and expenditures of a two year grant to fund five deputies and one purchasing clerk. I I I' I I I I 54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I See notes to financial. statements. AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA 55 I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I General Fund I ' Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) I Year Ended December 31,1998 I Local Law Canal Law State Port Enforcement Totals General Authority Enforcement Grants Authority Block Grants 1998 1997 I REVENUES Taxes $25,112,731 $ $29,426,563 $ - $ $ $54,539,294 $51,325,256 Licenses and permits 1,882,135 1,882,135 1,737,089 Use of money and property 1,383,098 65,933 15,207 1,464,238 1,383,982 I Charges for service, 3,956,844 257,304 118 4,214,266 4,311,020 Fines and fees 5,945,335 1,195,515 79,860 7,220,710 , 7,228,185 Intergovernmental 1,387,070 183,333 1,570,403 1,458,561 Cost reimbursements 1,618,939 ' . 2,199,216 3,818,155 2,181,934 I - Other 1.997 520 399 2.916 279.862 Total revenues 41.288.149 323.757 32.821.693 79.978 198,540 74.712.117 69.905.889 I EXPENDITURES Administration 8,202,965 142,115 139,673 494,563 8,979,316 7,183,929 Economic, community and environmental 552,045 552,045 640,761 I Finarice and tax administration 5,016,781 5,016,781 4,961,106 Judicial 7,576,259 7,576,259 7,207,635 Public safety 2,753,114 28,734,098 31,487,212 26,916,661 Public works 6,463,472 6,463,472 6,914,503 I Health and welfare 4,051,476 4,051,476 5,833,040 Culture and recreation 7,038,742 7,038,742 7,541,909 Debt service 1,497,599 117,278 1,614,877 1,611,720 Capital outlay 8,075 3,879,223 7,448 31,050 3,925,796 434,380 I Other 305.485 2.712 308.197 110.556 Totalexpellditures 43.457.938 150.190 32,613.321 261.111 525.613 77.014.173 69.356.200 I Excess of r,~venues over (under) expenditures (2,169,789) 173,567 208,372 (187,133) (327,073) (2,302,056) 549,689 I OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 9,137,607 4,204,820 302,874 13,645,301 7,459,383 Operating transfers out (5.444.242) 1.949) (3.774.686) ( 39.023) (9.259.900) ( 4.239.287) I Excess of mvenues over (under) expenditul'es and I other financing sources (m:es) 1,523,576 171,618 638,506 76,718 (327,073) 2,083,345 3,769,785 Fund balances (deficits), beginning I of year, as previously reported 23,862,147 1,024,638 (365,276) 89,202 (206,437) 24,404,274 20,634,489 Prior period adjustments 219.505 219.505 Fund balances (deficits}, beginning of year, . restated 23.862.147 1.024.638 (365.276) 89.202 13.068 24.623.779 20.634.489 I Fund balances (deficitl), end oryear $25.385.723 $1.196,256 $ 638.506 $(365,276) $ 165,920 $(314.005) $26,707.124 $24.404.274 I See notes to financial statements. 56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICIlMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA' General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997). Ex(ess of revenues over (under) expenditures Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ 54,665,273 $25,112,731 $(29,552,542) $51,325,256 1,770,000 1,882,135 112,135 1,737,089 850,000 1,383,098 533,098 1,350,234 3,918,849. 3,956,844 37,995 3,629,620 6,220,851 5,945,335 ( 275,516) 7,228,054 1,440,902 1,387,070 ( 53,832) 1,453;955 1,448,852 1,618,939 170,087 2,181,934 1.997 1.997 274.870 70.314.727 41.288.149 (29.026.578) 69.181.012 9,928,341 8,202,965 1,725,376 6,840,372 673,501 552,045 111,456 640,761 5,432,483 5,016,781 415,702 4,961,106 7,862,979 7,576,259 286,720 7,207,635 2,958,717 2,753,114 205,603 26,916,661 6,795,557 6,463,472 332,085 6,914,503 4,071,055 4,051,476 19,579 5,833,040 7,220,096 7,038,742 181,354 7,541,909 1,498,965 1,497,599 1,366 1,494,442 305,485 305,485) 110.556 46.441.694 43.457.938 2.983.756 68.460.985 23,873,033 (2,169,789) (26,042,822) 720,027 9,189,251 9,137,607 ( 51,644) 7,198,684 (34.254.176) (5,444.242) 28.809.934 (4.228.124) $( 1.191.892) 1,523,576 $ 2.715.468 3,690,587 23.862.147 20.171.560 $25.385.723 $23.862.147 REVENUES Taxes Licenses and permits Use of money and property Charges fOil' services Fines and fees Intergovemmental Cost reimbursements Other Total rev'enues EXPENDITURES Administration Economic, community and environmental Finance and tax administration Judicial Public safety Public works Health and welfare Culture and recreation Debt service Other Total expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating icransfers in . Operating itransfers out Ex(:ess of revenues over expenditures and . other financing sources (uses) , Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year . See notes to financial statements. 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Canal Authority Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual REVENUES Use of money and property $ $ 65,933 $ 65,933 $ 21,557 Charges for services 475,000 257,304 (217,696) 602,776 Other 520 520 1.494 Total revenues 475.000 323.757 051.243) 625,827 EXPENDITURES Administration 444,259 142,115 302,144 87,173 Capital outlay 50.000 8.075 41.925 3.759 Total expenditures 494.259 150,190 344,069 90.932 Ex(ess of revenues .over expenditures (19,259) 173,567 192,826 534,895 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating 1:ransfers out ( 1.322) ( 1.949) ( 627) ( 299) Ex(ess of revenues over expenditures and other financing sources (uses) $(20.581) 171,618 $ 192.1 99 534,596 Fund balances, beginning of year I .024,63 8 490,042 Fund. balances, end of year $1.196.256 $1.024,638 See notes to fUlancial statements. .'iR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Law Enforcemen.t Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended Deceinber 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Budget Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes Fines and fees Cost reimbursements Other $ - $29,426,563 $ 29,426,563 989,655 1,195,515 205,860 2,451,058 2,199,216 ( 251,842) 1.169.980 399 ( 1.169.581)' 4.610.693 32.821.693 28.211.000 Total revenues EXPENDITU RES Public safety Capital outlay Total expenditures 32,240,146 28,734,098 4.483.927 3.879.223 36.724.073 32.613.321 3,506,048 604.704 4.110.752 Excess of revenues over expenditures (32,113,380) 208,372 32,321,752 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating lransfers out 34,869,107 4,204,820 (30,664,287) (2.765.707) 0.774.686) ( 1.008.979) Excess of revenues over expenditures and other financing sources (uses) 9.980) 638,506 $ 648.486 $( Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year $ 638.506 See notes to fi!nancial statements. 59 1997 Actual $ $ I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA State Grants Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Acfual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) ) See notes to financial statements. no I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Port Authority Fund . Statement of Revenues, Expenditures. and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual ,Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) See notes to ti:n.ancial statements. 1\1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31, 1997) REVENUES Use of money and property Fines and fees Intergovemmental Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administration Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Fund balance (deficit), beginning of year as previously reported (206,437) Prior period adjustment 219.505 Fund balances, beginning of year, restated 13.068 Fund balances (deficit), end of year $(314.005) See notes to financial statements. 62 746 746 $(206.437) I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I . , , ' 63 I. I I I Special Revenue Funds I Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds from specific revenue sources which are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. I Urban Services District Fund - This fund accounts for revenue primarily from ad valorem taxes from areas within the . former city limits and expenditures related to governmental services such as "Main Street", "Urban Street Lights", and "Sanitation". I I Emergencv Telephone System Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of revenues of the emergency telephone response system. I Capital Ouday Fund - This fund accounts for the disbursement of revenues for aU capital expenditures in General Fund departments. Capital expenditures are defmed as any non-disposable item over $500 which includes vehicles, office and computer equipment, communications equipment, building renovations and office furniture. I Law Enfor,:ement Fund - This fund accounts for revenue and expenditures of the Sheriffs Department and Jail. Fire Protection Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of tax revenues restricted for fire protection services in the unincorporated area only. I Occupational Tax Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of tax revenues restricted for fire protection :3ervices in the unincorporated area only. I Special As~;essment Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of street light assessment taxes for the installation of street lights in the County. ' I PromotioruTourism Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of hotel/motel and beer/wine tax revenues tc, the Augusta-Richmond County Convention & Visitors Bureau and the Augusta-Richmond County Coliseum Authority . I Housing and Neighborhood Development Fund - This fund accounts for the financing and construction of various community development projects from grants received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. I I Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Fund - This fund accounts for loan transaCtions in relation to urban, development action grants. Repayments of initial grant revenue loaned to qualified recipients are restricted to additional financing to qualified applicants. DowntoWl1! Development Authority Fund - This 'fund accounts for funding it receives from the County and from special tax on downtown merchants. I State Capital Grants Fund - This fund accounts for receipt and expenditure of the State Capital Grant, which is restricted for capital expenditures only. I I 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet , December 31, 1998 Urban . Services' District Emergency Telephone System Law Fire Enforcement Protection Occupational Tax Capital Outlay ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $2,005,165 $ $2,188,953 $162,527 $8,702,443 $ Receivables (net, where applicable of allowance for uncollectibles) Taxes 599,337 193,823 94,165 Accounts 33,553 149,111 4,364 ' 8,463 3,320 Loans 48,885 Interest 946 Intergovernmental 588,444 492,352 Prepaid eXpen!leS Due from other funds 352.506 27 .544 16.617 Total assets $3.628.836 $ 149.111 $2,907.036 $170.990 $8.813.225 $ 3,320 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES (DEFICITS) See notes to financial statements. 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA.:.RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA ,. Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures . and Changes in Fund ~alances (Deficits) Year Ended December 31,199S Urban Services District Emergency Telephone Svstem Law . Fire Occupational Enforcement Protection Tax Capital Outlay REVENUES , Taxes Licenses and permits Use of money and property Charges for services IntergoveIlunental Sale of property Other $ - $ 2,623,480 $12,737,571 $ 13,686 200,212 343,388 15,455 6,261 1,751,413 1,100 492,352 21,490 23,704 63.543 1.751.413 3.186.736 281.581 13.064.346 213.898 8.385.424 1.627.619, Total revenues EXPENDITURES . Administration Economic, community and environment Finance and tax administration Judicial Public safety Public wo!,ks Culture and recreation Debt service Other 1,766,364 620,584 759,021 231,353 1,516,648 420,150 4,844,659 219,145 467,329 722,002 493,525 7.417 5.574.078 1.516.648 4.977.471 7,490,268 234,765 (1,790,735) ~ 183,871 13,283,957 183.871 13.283.957 Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 30,027 (4,898,533) 1,627,619 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capital leases , Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) 82,394 5,053,254 ( 610.423) (1.739.254) 24,382350,000 2,918,826 , (7.631.824) (376.780) (4.230.644) 30,027 ( 373,308) ( 111,635) (117,174) 207,985 (3,102,553) Fund balances (deficits), beginning of year, as previously reported Prior period adjustment Fund balances (deficits), beginning of year, as restated 139,920 1,568,702 (1,061,430) (884,384) 5,636,502 574,136 (487.294) ( 884.384) 5.636.502 139.920 1.568.702 Fund balances (deficits), end of year $( 604.468) $( 676.399)$ 2.533.949 $169.947 $ 1.195.394 $( 111.635) See notes to financial statements. 67 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUST A.;RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Urban Services' District Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) '" Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) REVENUES Taxes Use of mcney and property Charges for services Other . Total revenues Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $13;348,000 $12,737,571 $( 610,429) $12,621,624 160,000 21,490 ( 138,510) 135,030 110,000 23,704 ( 86,296) 155.000 281.581 126.581 512.503 13.773.000 13.064.346 ( 708.654) 13.269;157 5,065,305 4,844,659 220,646 4,424,298 2,231,459 722,002 1,509,457 880,839 49.969 7.417 42.552 7.346.733 5.574.078 1.772.655 5.305.137 6,426,267 7,490,268 1,064,001 7,964,020 24,382 24,382 (6.947.760) (7.631.824) (684.064) (6.945.161) EXPENDITURES Public works Debt services Other Total expenditures :Excess of revenues over expenditures OTHER FINANCING USES Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Excess of revenues over expenditures and other financing uses $( 497.111) ( 117,174) $ 379.937 1,018,859 Fund balance (deficit), beginning of year as previously reported Prior period adjustment Fund balance (deficit), beginning of year, as restated (1,061,430) 574.136 487.294) (2,080,289) Fund balance (deficit), end of year $( 604.468) $(1.061,430) See notes to financial statements. 09 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Emergency Telephone System Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31, 1997) REVENUES Charges for services Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $1.728.000 $1.751.413 $ 23.413 $1.511,412 EXPENDITUJRES Public safety Excess of revenues u.nder expenditures 1.784.973 _ ( 56,973) 1.516.648 234,765 268.325. 291,738 1.828.140 (316,728) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capitallea,ses Operating transfers in Operating transfers out 209,698 350,000 350,000 ( 367.322) ( 376.780) ( 9,458) $( 74.295) 207,985 $282,280 ( 884.384) $( 676.399) ( 42.580) E.xcess of revenues under expenditures Hnd other financing sources (uses) ( 149,610) Fund balance (deficit), begimiing of year ( 734.774) $( 884.384) Fund balance (deficit), end of year See notes to financial statements. . 7(\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Capital Outhiy Fund. . . Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Budget Variance Favorable . Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes Use of money and property Charges for services Intergovernmental Other $ 2,547,600 $ 2,623,480 $ 6,261 1,100 492,352 60.000 63.543 2.607.600 3.186.736 75,880 6,261 1,100 492,352 3.543 579.136 'Total revenues EXPENDITURES Adm inistr,ation Economic I community and environmental Finance and tax administration Judicial Public safi~ty Public works Culture and recreation Debt services Other 3,014,752 1,766,364 1,248,388 1,639,969 620,584 1,019,385 1,044,661 759,021 285,640 337,446 231,353 106,093 68,293 420, I 50 ( 351,857) 613,479 219,145 394,334 550,785 467,329 83,456 498,525 493,525 5,000 11.581 11.581 7.779.491 4.977.471 2.802.020 (5,171,891) (1,790,735) 3,381,156 2,083,365 (2,083,365) 2,990,997 2,918,826 ( 72,171) (4.866.893) (4,230.644) 636.249 $(4.964.422) . (3,102,553)$ 1.861.869 5.636.502 $ 2.533,949 Total expenditures E.xcess of revenues under expenditures OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capital leases Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) Fund balance:, beginning of year Fund balance:, end of year See notes to financial statements. 71 , 1997 Actual , $ 2,534,848 749 2.535.597 806,521 55,418 217,189 163,483 2,268,674 73,130 63,169 495,545 46.538 4.189.667 (1,654,070) 892,475 384,160 ( 377,435) 6.013.937 $ 5.636.502 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Law Enforcement Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 . . (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) REVENUES Use of money and property Charges fix services Total revenues , Variance . Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ $ 13,686 $13,686 $ 9,025 200.658 200.212 Lill) 204,261 200.658 213.898 13.240 213.286 EXP~NDITURES Public safety l~xcess of revenues over expenditures 210,669 (10,011) 183,871 30,027 26,798 40,038 145.774 67,512 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers out (50,221) Excess of revenues over expenditures and other Jinancing sources (uses) $00.011) $40.038 30,027 17,291 Fund balance, beginning of year 139.920 122,629 Fund balance, end of year $169,947 $139,920 See notes to financial statements. n I I' I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Fire Protection Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and' Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP. Basis) and Actual' Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31, 1997) I:xcess of revenues under expenditures Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ 7,999,298 $ 8,026,581 $ 27,283 $ 7,697,450 100,000 343,388 243,388 325,493 2.250 15.455 13.205 1.575 8.101.548 8.385.424 283.876 8.024.518 13.797.293 13.283.957 513.336 11.879.171 (5,695,745) (4,898,533) 797,212 (3,854,653) 82,394 82,394 5,236,500 5,053,254, ( 183,246) 4,607,142 ( 558.725) ( 610.423) ( 51.698) ( 804.913) $( 935.576) ( 373,308) $ 562.268 ( 52,424) 1.568.702 1.621.126 $ U95.394 $ 1.568.702 REVENUES Taxes Use of money and property Charges for services Total revenues EXPENDITURES Public safety OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Capital leases Operating transfers in Operating transfers out I:xcess of revenues under expenditures and other financing sources (uses) Fund balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year See notes to financial statements. 73 I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I 'AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Occupational Tax Fund -Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes.in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (WithConiparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) REVENUES Licenses ~~nd permits Use of mcney and property Total revenues Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual $ 1,902,500 $ '1,611,153 $(291,347) $ 1,775,927 20.000 16.466 ( 3.534) 22.307 1.922.500 1.627.619 (294.881 ) 1.798.234 0.922.500) 0.739.254) 183 .246 0.798.234) $ ( 111,635) $(111.635) OTHER FINANCING USES Operating transfers out l:xcess of revenues over financing uses Fund balance (deficit), beginning of year Fund balance (deficit), end of year $( 111.635) $ See notes to financial statements. 74 I I I I I I D I I I I, I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Special Assessment Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual REVENUES Taxes $1.148.058 $1.033.601 $(114.457) $1.095.647 EXPENDITURES Public works E,xcess of revenues over (under) expenditures 1.146.560 1.149.419 ( 2.859) 1.108.057 1,498 ( 115,818) (117,316) ( 12,410) 1.498) ( 1.498) ( 100.000) ( 117,3 16) $(117.316) . ( 112,410) 187.612 300.022 $ 70.296 $ 187.612 OTHER FINANCING USES Operating transfers out Excess of revenues under expenditures and other financing uses $ Fund balance" beginning of year Fund balance" end of year See notes to financial statements. 7" I I D I, I I I I I I I I U I I I I I I . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA ., ' PromotionlTourism Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Budget Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Taxes $3.367.000 $3.611.644 $ 244.644 EXPENDITURES Economic:, community and environmental 3.367.000 3.607.469 (240.469) $ 4,175 $ 4.175 Excess of revenues over expenditures Fund balance, beginning of year $ 4.175 Fund balance, end of year \ J See notes to financial statements. ...,~ 1997 Actual . $3.137.725 3.137.725 $ I I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I B I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Housing and Neighborhood Development Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and . Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Budget Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Intergovemmental Sale ofprDperty Other $ $2;822,359 $ 2,822,359 994,575 994,575 15.925 15,925 3,832,859 3.832,859 Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administration Economic, community and environmental . Debt serv:ice Total expenditures 465,065 2,300,797 168.644 2,934.506 ( 465,065) (2,300,797) ( 168,644) (2,934,506) Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 898,353 898,353 OTHER FINAi'lCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers out ( 71.589) ( 71.589) l:xcess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) $ 826,764 $ 826,764 Fund balance, beginning of year ( Fund balance, end of year 23 L 793 $1.058.557 , I See notes to financial ~tatements. I ...,..., . 1997 Actual $2,116,784 248,835 2,365,619 306,369 1,970,461 172,204 2.449,034 ( 83,415) 70,511 ( . 8.101) ( 21,005) 252,798 $ 23 1.793 I I I I' I 'I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Urban Development Action Grant Fund (UDAG) , , , . Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) l!:xcess of revenues over expenditures Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ ----=- $ 73.035 $73,035 $ 159.342 1,474 3,759 (2.285) 43.847 (1,474) 69,276 70,750 115,495 1.474 1,474 - - $ - 70,750 $70,750 115,495 4,893,865 10,134,824 (5.356,454) 4.893,865 4,778.370 $4,964.615 $ 4.893,865 REVENUES Use of money and property EXPENDITURES Other OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in l!:xcess of revenues over expenditures and . other financing sources Fund balance, beginning of year, as previously reported Prior period acUustment Fund balance, beginning of year, as restated Fund balances, end of year See notes to financial statements. ...,0 I I I I I o I I I I I I D I I I I B I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Downtown Development Authority Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget(GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) See notes to financial statements. ""0 I I' I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA State Capital Grants Fund statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31,1998 ,(With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) EXPENDITURES Use of money and property Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) $ $ 154 $~ $ (154) $( 154) 819 $ 665 Excess of revenues under expenditures Fund balance:s, beginning of year Fund balance:~, end of year See notes to financial statements. 1997 Actual $--=- ~ $ 819 I I I I I ' , I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 81 I I. I I Debt Service Funds I The Debt Service Funds are used to account for resources that will be used to service generallong-temi debt that is recorded in the Genera] Long-Term Debt Account Group. In general, Debt Service Funds are established onlyiflegatly required or when resources are being accumulated to meet principal and interest payments that will be made in future periods. I I Debt Service Fund - This fund accounts for general obligation bonds and notes payable and any other debts not recorded in the Enterprise Funds. I Urban Debt Service Fund - This fund accounts for general obligation bonds related to the former City of Augusta. I I I I I I I I I I I 82 I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet December 31, 1998 Urban Debt Debt Totals Service Service 1998 1997 ASSETS Cash and l:ash equivalents $ 833,899 $188,276 $1,022,175 $ 984,631 Receivabks (net of allowances for uncollectibles) Taxes 64,483 83,748 148,231 135,934 Accounts 1,254 1,254 855 Prepaid expenses 834,800 . 834,800 779,600 . Certificates of participation investments Acquisition/construction acc'ount_ 8(i,301 86,301 Reserve account 1,219,371 1,219,371 Due from other funds 7.915 7.915 1.378.276 Total assets $3.048.023 $272.024 $3,320.047 $3.279.296 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS See notes to fjnancial statements. In I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Debt Service Funds 'Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended December 31,1998 Urban Debt Debt Totals Service Service 1998 1997 REVENUES , Taxes $ 806A31 $478,876 $1,285,307 $1,402,526 Use of money and property 122.897 6.523 129.420 52.628 Total revenues ' 929.328 485.399 1.414.727 1.455.154 EXPENDITURES Debt service 1.052.055 435.553 1.487.608 1.320.131 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures ( 122,727) 49,846 ( 72,881 ) 135,023 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 3.180 3.1 80 6.360 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) ( 119,547) 53,026 ( 66,521) 135,023 Fund balance.~, beginning of year 3,105,847 146,960 3,252,807 1,739,508 Residual equiW transfer 1.378.276, Fu'nd balances, end of year $2.986.300 $199.986 $3.186.286 $3.252.807 See notes to financial statements. OA I I I D I D I I- I U B I I I I I I B I AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in lfund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis)'and Actual ' Year Ended December 31,1998 (With Comparative Totals for theYear Ended December 31,1997) Variance Favorable 1997 Budget' Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual REVENUES Taxes $828,000 . $ 806,431 $( 21,569) $ 826,635 Use of money and property 40.000 122.897 82.897 52.628 Total revenues 868.000 929.328 61.328 879.263 EXPENDITURES Debt service 921.580 1.052.055 (130.475) 891.200 Excess of revenues under expenditures (53,580) ( 122,727) ( 69,147) ( 11,937) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in 3.180 3.180 :E:xcess of revenues under expenditures and other financing sources (uses) $(50.400) (119,547) $( 69.147) ( 11,937) Fund balance~, beginning of year 3,105,847 1,739,508 Residual equi~f transfer 1.378.276 Fund balance" end of year $2.986.300 $3J05.847 See notes to financial statements. oc:: I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA' Urban Debt Service Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) See notes to financial statements. Slh, I n I I I I' I I I I I I I I, I I I I I 87 I I D I Capital Projects Funds. I I The acquisition or construction of capital projects, other than those financed by Enterprise Funds, Internal Service Funds, or Trust Funds, may be accounted for in a Capital Projects Fund. Usually a Capital Projects Fund is used to account for major capital expenditures such as the construction of civic centers, libraries, and general administrative service buildings. The acquisition of other capital assets, such as machinery, furniture, and vehicles, is usually accounted tor in the fund that is responsible for the fmancing of the expenditure. I Communi!'! Development Fund - This fund accounts for the financing and construction of various community development projects. Financing is provided by grants received from the U.S. Department ofHUD. I . Special Sales Tax Fund - This fund accounts for financing and construction of various road improvement projects. Financing is provided by receipts from a 1987 special one percent local option sales tax referendum. I Special Sales Tax Phase II Fund - This fund accounts for financing and construction of various construction and road improvements, drainage, jail improvemen'ts and museums. Financing is to be provided by receipts from a 1991 special one perceDit local option sales tax referendum. I I Special Sales Tax Phase III Fund - This fund was established to account for expenditures specifically budgeted from revenues from the one cent sales tax (Phase III) collected from the years 1996 - 2000 to be used primarily for public works, recreation and outside agency projects. I I I I I I I I 88 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY~,GEORGIA I D I' ASSETS Cash and eash equivalents Receivabll~s: Intergovernmental Other Certificate s of participation investments: Acquiisition/construction account Reserve 'account Due from other funds I I I Total assets D LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES I LIABILITIE~; Accounts and other payables Due to other funds Accrued salaries and vacation Total liabilities I Capital Projects Funds Combining Balance Sheet December 31,1998 FUND BALANCES . Reserved for special sales tax projects Unreserved - designated for capital improvements Total fund balances I I I I Total liabilities and fund balances I I I I . See notes to f:inancial statements. 89 Community Development $475,246 $475.246 Special Sales Tax $5,480,488 $5.480.488 I D " AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Capital Projects Funds I D ,I I . . .. Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended December 31, 1998 REVENUES Taxes Use of money and property Intergovemmental ' Cost reimbursements Other I I I Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital ouday Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures I OTHER FINANCING USES Operating transfers out Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) I Fund balance~i, beginning of year, as previously reported I I I I Prior period adjustment Fund balance:;, beginning of year, as restated Residual equity transfer Fund balance:l, end of year I I I 1- See notes to financial statements. 01 Community Development $ 780 780 780 780 244,053 244,053 $244.833 . Special Sales Tax $ 304,154 275,866 580.020 781.982 ( 201,962) ( 3.713) ( 205,675) 5,511,303 5,511,303 $5.305.628 I I 0 I I Special . Special . Sales Tax Sales Tax . Totals Phase II Phase III 1998 1997 I $ $28,701,125 $28,701,125 $24,504,512 1,114,979 1,711,191 3,130,324 . 2,857,405 I 329,605 580,880 556,463 1,413,989 1,616,326 374 27.781 28.155 111.073 I 1.696.233 30.996.560 33.273.593 29.418.921 I 3.811.767 16.129.446 20.723.195 37.156.105 (2,115,534) 14,867,114 12,550,398 (7,737,184) I ( 402.5ill 0.379.379) 0.785.647) 0.016.973) I (2,518,089) 13,487,735 10,764,751 (8,754,157) 21,994,138 24,183,647 51,933,141 61,265,574 I 2.417.817 2.417.817 800.000 I 21,994,138 26,601,464 54,350,958 62,065,574 0,378.276) I $19.476.049 $40.089.199 $65.115.709 $51.933.141 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I D I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, .GEORGIA Community Development Fund . Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and . Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) - Budget (GAAPBasis) and Actual . . Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the YearEnded December 31,1997) See notes to financial statements. n"l I I I' I I I D I I I I I I I I I I I I . AUGUST A,RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA. Special Sales Tax Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and , Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual , . Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997) Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ 150,000 $ 304,154 $ 154,154 $ 276,284 464.193 275.866 ( 188.327) 262.019 614.193 580.020 ( 34.173) 538.303 REVENUES Use of money and property Cost reimbursements Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital outlay 3,054.711 781.982 2.272.729 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (2,440,518) (201,962) 2,238,556 OTHER FINANCING USES Operating transfers out . (703.963) ( 3.713) 700.250 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Hnd other financing uses $(3.144.481) (205,675) $2.938.806 Fund balance" beginning of year 5.511.303 Fund balance" end of year $5,305;628 See notes to financial statements. 94 122.300 . 416,003 ( 48.110) 367,893 5.143.410 $5.511.303 I I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Special Sales Tax Phase II Fund Statement of Revenues, Expendifures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget(GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 , . .' . (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 3i, i997) E,xcess of revenues over (under) (~xpenditures Variance Favorable 1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ $ - $ $ 864 935,000 1,114,979 179,979 1,491,397 1,382,399 580,880 ( 801,519) 1,354,307 81.452 374 ( 81.078) 23.000 2.398.851 1.696.233 ( 702.618) 2.869.568 22.477.010 3.811.767 18.665.243 17.473.444 (20,078,159) (2,115,534) 17,962,625 (14,603,876) 543,971 - ( 543,971) ( 1.008.632) ( 402.555) 606.077 REVENUES Taxes Use of money and property . Cost reimbursement Other Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital outlay , OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) , Operating transfers in Operating transfers out E:xcess of revenues over (under) l~xpenditures and other financing ~:ources (uses) $(20.542.820) (2,518,089)$18.024.731 (14,603,876) Fund balance, beginning of year 21.994.138 36.598.014 Fund balance, end of year $19.476.049 $ 21.994.138 See notes to financial statements. 95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Special Sales Tax Phase In Fund StatemeQ,t of Revenues, Expenditures and 'Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual Year Ended December 31, 1998 (With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended December 31,1997), Excess of revenues over (under) l:xpenditures Variance Favorable ,1997 Budget Actual (Unfavorable ) Actual $ 29,391,895 $28,701,125 $( 690,770) $24,503,648 1,250,000 1,711,191 . 461,191 1,089,724 . 2,059,917 556,463 (1,503,454) 27.781 27.781 . 12.552 32.701.812 30.996.560 0.705.252) 25.605.924 63.340.289 16.129.446 47.210.843 19.530.145 (30,638,477) 14,867,114 45,505,591 6,075,779 REVENUES Taxes Use of money and property Cost reimhursement Other Total revenues. EXPENDITURES Capital outlay OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Operating transfers in Operating transfers out ( 1.920.224) (1;379.379) 540.845 ( 968.863) .Excess of revenues over (under) <<:xpenditures and other finimcing ~iources (uses) $(32.558.701) 13,487,735 $46.046.436 5,106,916 Fund balance, beginning of year, as previously reported 24,183,647 19,076,731 Prior period adjustment 2.417'.817 Fund balance, beginningofyear, as restated 26.601.464 19.076.731 Fund balance, end of 'year $40.089.199 $24.183.647 See notes to financial statements. 96 I U D I I I' I I I I I I' I, I I I I I I 97 I I I I Enterprise Funds I Enterprise Funds are generally established if the intent of the governing body is that the cost of providing goods or services is financed or recovered primarily through user charges or if the go'verning body has decided that periodic detenrimation ofn:vemies earned, expenses incurred, and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public poiicy; acc.)untability, or other purposes. I I Waste Management Fund - This fund accounts for the provision oflandfill services to residents and industries of the County. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund including, but not limited to, administrat ion, operations, billing and collection. I Water and Sewer Fund - This fund accounts for the provision of water and sewer services to residents ofthe County. All activities necessary to provide such services are accounted for in this fund, including, but not limited to, administration, operations, maintenance, financing and related debt service and bitting and collection. I Bush Field Airport Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of Bush Field Airport, the. only airport within the . County from which service from the major airlines is available. I Municipal Golf Course Fund - This fund accounts for the operation of the Municipal Golf Course, an l8-hole golf course loc~!ted within the city limits. I Transit Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of the Augusta Public Transit which provides scheduled bus service within Richmond and Columbia counties. I Daniel Field Airport Fund - This fund accounts for revenue and expenditures related to Daniel Field Airport. I Old Govemment House Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of the Old Government House, a historic building within the dty limits. The house is available for short-term rentals. . I Newman Tennis Center Fund - This fund accounts for receipt and expenditures related to the operations at Newman Tennis Center. I I I I I 98 I 'I: 'I I I I I I U D I I I I I I I I I AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet December 31, 1998 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and temporary investments Investments Receivablt:s (net of allowances for uncolIectibles) Acconnts Intere,t Intergovernmental Other Prepaid expenses Inventory Due from other funds (current portion) Total current assets RESTRICTED ASSETS Revenue bond cash and cash equivalents: Construction account Current debt service account Issuance costs account Sinking Fund Customer deposits Total restricted assets PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (net of accuffii(Jlated depreciation). OTHER ASS]~TS Deferred hond issuance costs Revenue bond discount Long-ternl portion - due from other funds Total other assets Total assets 99 Waste . Management Water and Sewer Bush Field Aimort $ 915,098 $ 4,334,291 $ '4,716,490 1,213,322 790,959 1.706.057 2,357,141 477,792 23,402 115,098 337,814 1,279,853 98,317 402.811 9.208.009 6.148.322 I I I I I Old Newman Municipal Daniel Field Government Tennis Totals Golf Course Transit Airport House Center 1998 1997 I $ 455 $ 1,150 $330,829 $ 19,678 $7,447 $ 10,325,438 $ 14,499,831 - 1,213,322 1,149,960 I 15,335 3,641,227 ' 3,796,814 2,336 140,836 36,374 71,871 . 409,6'85 885,018 I 127,304 - 6,500 6,500 . 4,935 4,366 167,287 1,549,823 1,330,529 I 34.238 18.551 - 455.600 420.248 - 39.059 280.694 333.165 19,678 7.447 17.742.431 22.251.013 I 1,668,522 46,140,609 42,149,835 I 2,326,961 2,324,792 34,100 151,690 88,451 83,372 1,931,4p 1,355,421 I - 52.167 47.300 - 1.785.994 - 50.602.854 45.965.799 - I 785.526 3.496.920 96.635 173.002 - 181.345.600 170.641.811 - I 1,237,499 1,365,516 1,622,109 1,789,913 - 1.358.201 1.761.012 - I - 4.217.809 4.916.441 - $2.610.579 $3.777.614 $429.800 $192.680 $7.447 $253.908.694 $243.775.064 I I I I 100 Continued on following page. I I I I I I I - AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Enterprise Funds Combining Balance Sheet - Continued December 31, 1998 . LIABILITIES AND FUND EQVITY CURRENT I.IABILITIES Accounts and other payables Accrued interest Due to other funds Accrued ~:alaries and vacation Notes payable - current Capital leases payable - current Jlotal current liabilities I I U I I' I I I I I I I CURRENT UABILITIES (payable from restricted assets). Accrued revenue bond interest Revenue bonds payable - current Customer deposits Total current liabilities (payable from restricted assets) LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Revenue bonds payable Notes payable Certificates of Participation Closure/postclosure accrual Total long-term liabilities Total liabilities FUND EQUrry Contributl~d capital Retained earnings (deficits) Reserved for revenue bond debt Unre:;erved Total retained earnings (deficits) Total fund equity Total liabilities and fund equity See notes to financial statements. 101 . Waste Water Bush Field Management and Sewer Airport $ 165,928 $ 996,597 $ 168,032 1,368,424 .1,114,306 802,663 51,170 330,669 100,297 989,616 2.501 .28.603 219.599 4.828.215 1.070.992 5,926 1,115,000 75,000 52.167 52.167 1.1 15.000 80.926 66,60 I ,543 250,000 18,877,321 5.637.158 5.637.158 85.478.864 250.000 5.908.924 91.422.079 1.40 1.918 1.741.644 41.896.587 10~980.252 1,735,377 690.767 74.108.497 17.004.529 690.767 74.108.497 18.739.906 2.432.411 116.005.084 29.720.158 . $8.341.335 $207.427.163 $3 1.122.076 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Enterprise Funds CombiniIig Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficits) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest n:venue 16,896 202,255 533,458 Other revenue 78,169 4,861,794 14,097 Interest expense (4,343,131) ( 20,528) Intergovernmental revenue 28,976 4,734.359 615.555 Net nonoperating revenues (expenses) 124.041 5.455.277 1.142.582 Income (loss) before operating transfers 1,250, I 00 13,389,990 1,825,635 Operating trar,sfers in 374 3,565,394 33,077 Operating transfers out ( 361.016) (7.265.394) ( 113.211) Net income (loss), 889,458 9,689,990 1,745,501 Retained earnings (deficits), beginning of year, as previously reported ( 198,691) 64,418,507 16,994,405 . Prior period adjustment Retained earnings (deficits), beginning of year, as restated ( 198,691) . 64.418.507 16.994.405 Retained earnings (deficits), end of year $ 690.767$74.108.497 $18,739,906 See notes to financial statements 103 I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEO;RGIA ,Enterprise Funds I · Combining Statement of Cash Flows I Year Ended December 31, 1998 I Cash flows Cr.om operating activities. Operating income (loss) Adjw;tments to reconcile' operating income (loss) to net cash. provided by operating activities: Depreciation AmortiZation Net change in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable Intergovernmental receivable Other receivable Prepaid expenses Inventory Due from other funds Other assets Accounts payable Accrued salaries and vacation Due to other funds Customer deposits Closure/postclosure accrual : Net cash provided (used) by operating activities Cash flows from noncapital financing activities Other revenue Intergovemmental revenue Operating transfers (net) Net cash provided (used) by noncapital financing activities Cash flows from capital and related financing activities AcquisiticlO and construction of capital assets Principal paid on revenue bonds Principal paid on capital leases Principal paid on notes payable Proceeds itrom revenue bonds Bond issuance costs Payments on refund debt escrow Proceeds :from certificates of participation, Interest paid' Contributed capital Net cash provided (used by) capital and related ifinancing activities Cash flows from investing activities. Interest received Purchase of investment Net cash provided (used) by investing activities Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year D I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I See notes to financial statements. 105 Waste Management $1,126,059 912,385 ( 288,038) ( 149,781) ( 29,192) ( 728,528) 4,867 839,629 1.687.401 78,169 28,976 ( 360.642) ( 253.497) ( 530,001) ( 834) Water and Sewer Bush Field Airport $ 7,934,713 $ 683,053 . 5,250,743 927,439 579,625 471,994 ( 21,673) 3,294 11,565. ( 114,374) ( 217,344) 35,677 367,459 207,980 ( 128,680) ( 195,585) ( 50,310) ( 688,857) ( 921,637) 13.354.834 780.248 4,861,794 14,097 4,734,359 615,555 ( 3.700.000) ( 80.134) 5.896.1 53 549.518 (13,788,314) (3,098,089) ( 1,075,000) ( 70,000) ( 781,556) ( 4,550,780) ( 21,569) ( 530.835) (20.195.650) (3.189.658) 16,896 202,255 533,458 ( 63.362) 16.896 138.893 533.458 919,965 ( 805,770) (1,326,434) 47.300 53.484.888 6.462.790 $ 967 .265 $ 52.679.118 $ 5.136.356 I I I, I I I' I I. I I I I I I I I I I I 107 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Internal Service Funds Internal service funds are used to account for goods or services provided by a central service department or agency to other departments, agencies, or component units of the governmental unit, or to other unrelated governmental units, .' usually on a cost reimbursement basis. Risk Mana':!ement Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of worker's compensation Claims, settlement exposure and damage expense claims, unemployment benefits, commercial insurance premiums, bond on certain ernployees and elected officials and employee insurance benefits for health and dental claims. Fleet Operations Fund - This fund accounts for the operation and maintenance of County vehicles. The Fund bills other County funds at amounts that will approximately recover all the cost of the services provided. Central Services Fund - This fund accounts for maintenance and printing services provided to other County funds. The Fund bills other County funds at amounts that will approximately recover all the cost of the services provided. 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Internal Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet December 31, 1998 See notes to financial statements. 109 I I I I I I, I I I U I I I I I I I H I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND CpUNTY, GEORGIA Internal Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficits) OPERATING REVENUES Charges and fees Total operating revenues Year Ended December 31,1998 Risk Fleet Central Totals Management Operations Services 1998 1997 ,$ 7.655.062 $3.659.240 $.:....-..::..- $11.314.302 $10.961.336 7.655.062 3.659.240 - 11.314.302 10.961.336 - 2 I 5,889 215;889 201,843 2,414 87,182 89,596 105,473 1,220 100,309 101,529 12,100 7,664 .9,325 16,989 4,670 163,835 3,376,698 3,540,533 3,798,932 39,834 83,347 123,181 202,685 25,668 15,127 40,795 54,617 11.444.308 - 11.444.308 12.199.202 - 11.900.832 3.671.988 - 15.572.820 16.579.522 - (4,245,770) ( . 12,748) (4,258,518) (5,618,186) OPERATING EXPENSES , Personal Sl~rvices Utilities and telephone Maintenance and repairs Materials :md supplies Professional services . Other Depreciation Risk benelfit charges Total operating expenses Operating loss NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest revenue Other revenue Interest expense Income (loss) before operating transfers 6,380 236,447 1,750 ( 51.882) ( 68.277) (4,067,573) (5,684,713) 4,364,639 4,343,253 ( 7.779) ( 79.219) 289,287 (1,420,679) 436.003 1.856.682 $ 725.290 $ 436.003 Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Net income (loss) Retained earnings (deficits), beginning of year . L..2) $( 7) Retained earnings (deficits), end of year See notes to financial statements. 110 I D D I D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Internal Service Funds . Comb,ining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, 1998 , Risk Fleet Management Operations' I Totals 1998 1997 Central Services Cash flows from operating activities Operating 'loss $(4;245,770) $(12,748) $ - $(4,258,518) $(5,618,186) Adjustments to reconcile operating loss to net cash provided (used) by operating activities: Depredation 25,668 15,127 40,795 54,617 Net change in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable ( 430) ( 430) 196,796 Prepaid expenses 232,796 Inventory (73,561) ( 1,903) ( 75,464) ( 102,282) Due from other funds 1,510,237 Accounts payable. 334,528 72,051 (44,524) 362,055 ( 250,972) A ccrued salaries and vacation ( 9,348) 2,608 ( 6,740) ( 74,394) Due to other funds 11.862 11.862 (1,213,654) Net cash provided (used) by operating ~Ictivities (3.895.352) 3.477 (34.565) (3,926.440) (5,265,042) Cash flows from noncapital financing activities Other reve:nue 207,380 29,067 236,447 1,750 Operating transfers (net) 4.364.639 ( 7,779) 4.356,860 4.264.034 Net cash provided by operating lIoncapital financing activities 4.572.019 2 1.288 4.593.307 4.265,784 Cash flows from capital and related financing activities Acquisition: of capital assets ( 158,776) (25,052) ( 183,828) ( 28,455) Interest paid ( 51.882) ( 51.882) ( 68.277) Net'cash used by capital and related ilinancing activities ( 210.658) (25.052) 235.710) ( 96.732) Cash flows from investjng activities Intenist received 6,380 6,380 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 466,009 6,093 (34,565) , 437,537 (1,095,990) Cash and cash equivalentS, beginning of year 1.220,784 408.817 34.565 1.664.166 2,760.156 Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $ 1.686,793 $414,910 $ - $ 2.101.703 $ 1.664,166 See notes to financial statements. 111 I I I I Trust and Agency Funds I Fiduciary funds are used to account for assets when a governmental uniUs functioning either as a trustee or as an agent for. another party. Because the CountY is functioning in a fiduciary capacity, the authority to employ, dispose of, or otherwise u,e the assets is not determined by a legislative body or oversight board, but by the public laws and private '. agreemerits that created the trustee or agency relationship. I, I Agency Funds - An agency fund is created to act as custodianfor other funds, governmental units, or private entities. Assets are TI~corded by the agency fund, held for a period of time as determined by legal contract or circumstances, and then returnf:d to their owners. The County utilizes agency funds to account for the following: I Tax Commiissioner - This fund accounts for tax billings, collections and remittances made by the Tax Commissioner on behalf of the County and other governmental agencies. I Probate Jud~ - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of licenses and other fees collected by the Probate Judge. I Sheriff s Department - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of funds collected by the department from individuals posting bond. I Civil Court - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of court-ordered fines, fees and garnishments made on behalf of third parties and traffic violation fines. I Clerk of Court - This fund accounts for the receipt and disbursement of court-ordered fines and fees made on behalf of third partie~;. I . Deferred Compensation - This fund accounts for monies voluntarily deducted from employee's pay checks which is then invested for the employee's future use. I Expendable Trust Funds - Those trust funds whose principal and income may be expended in the course o(their designated ,)perations so that they are depleted by the endoftheir designated life. An expendable trust fund is accounted for in the same manner as governmental funds. ' I Joseph R. Lamar Fund - This fund accounts for the receipt of investment earnings from the Joseph R. Lamar Principal Fund and payment of the annual award. I Perpetual Care Fund ~ This fund accounts for monies collected from sale of perpetual care contracts at County-owned . cemeteries after October 1, 1970, as weB as receipt of investment earnings on aB perpetual care investments and payment of cemetery rnaintenance expenditures. I Nonexpenc1able Trust Funds - Trust funds that allow the earnings to be used to achieve the objectives of the fund, but require that the principal be preserved intact. J:.. noriexpendable trust fund is accounted for in essentially the same . manner as :1 proprietary fund. I Joseph R. Lamar Fund - This fund accounts for monies provided by a private donor to finance awards for children attending Joseph R. Lamar School. The principal amount of the gift is to be maintained intact and invested. Investment earnings are used for the awards. I 112 I I Perpetual Care Fund - This fund accounts for monies collected from the sale of perpetual care contracts at County- owned cemeteries before October 1, 1970. The principal must be maintained intact and invested. Investment earnings are used for cemetery maintenance. I ,Pension Trust Funds - Pension trust funds account for the assets ofthe County's employees' retirement plans. I . ' 1945 Pension Trust Fund - This fund accounts for tIi,e accumulation of resourc~s to be used for retirement annuity payments to participants of the 1945 Plan at appropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by the CountY at amounts determined using actuarial assumptions and calculations. Resources contributed by employees are based Oll a percentage of an individual's gross salary. I u . . 1977 Pensi,on Trust Fund - This fund, accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement annuity payments to participants of the 1977 Plan alappropriate amounts and times in the future. Resources are contributed by the County at amounts determined using actuarial assumptions and calculations. Resources contributed by employees are based on a percentag~ of an individual's gross salary. I General Retirement Fund - This fund accounts for contributions to the County's pension plan that are to be used for retirement payments at appropriate amounts and times in the future. I I I I I I I I I I I I 113 I I I o I I I I, I I I I I I I I, I I I 114 I . . AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I Trust and Agency Funds I Combining Balance Sheet . December 31, 1998 I I ASSETS Cash and ,cash equivalents . Investments Receivables: Taxes Inter,~st Other Restricted investments: Deferred compensation Real estate Due from other funds Agency Funds Tax Civil Clerk of Deferred Commissioher Probate Sheriff Court Court Compensation $ 1,829,598 $20,860 $919,385 $314,719 $3,484,091 $ I 10,370,525 I 6,372,437 I Total assets $12,200.123 $20,860 $919,385 $314,719 $3.484,091 $6,372.437 I ,LIABILITIE~; AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ $ $ $ $ $ Due to oth.ers 1,204,393 6,423 919,385 171,260 1,871,290 Due to oth.er funds 625,205 14,437 143,459 1,612,801 Uncollected taxes 10,370,525 Deferred compensation benefits payable - - 6,372.437 - - Total liabilities 12.200.123 20,860 919,385 314,719 3.484.091 6,372.437 FUND BALANCES (DEFICITS) Reserved for special purposes Reserved for employees' pension benefits Unreserved - - - Total fund balances (deficits) - - . - - - Total liabilities and fund balances (deficits) $12.200.123 $20.860 $919,385 $314,719 $3,484,091 $6,372.437 I I I I I I I I I I See notes to financial statements. 115 I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Exoendabl,~ Trust Funds Nonexoendable Trust Funds ' Pension Trust Funds Joseph R. Perpetual Joseph R. Perpetual 1945 1977 General Totals Lamar " Care Lamar Care Plan Plan Retirement 1998 1997 $ - $551,127 $5,350 $338,625 $ 1,151,334 $2,119,641 $ 2,665,346' $ 13,400,076 $8,982,206 12,083,466 7,857,151 67,971,229 87,911,846 . 82,570,085 10,370,525 8,895,001 5,304 5,304 8,327 6,678 6,372,437 5,179,085 975,095 975,095 975,095 - - - 600.000 600.000 1.115.361 - - - $~ $556.431 $5.350 $338.625 $13,834.800 $9.976.792 $71,611,670 $119.635.283 $107,731.838 $ - $ 1,972 $ $ $ $ 1,765 $ - $ 3,737 $ 4,758 4,172,751 . 2,735,863 350 58,258 453,903 2,908,413 1,714,732 10,370,525 8,895,001 - - - - 6.372.437 5.179,085 - - - - 350 .-!.2.7l - - 58.258 1. 765 453.903 23.827 .863 18.529.439 - - (350) 554,459 5,350 338,625 898,084 862,966 71,157,767 71,157,767 66,391,882 - - - 13.776,542 9,975.027 23.751.569 21.947,551 - - - (350) 554.459 5.350 338.625 13.776.542 9.975.027 71.157.767 95.807.420 89.202,399 $ - $556.431 $5.350 $338,625 $13.834.800 $9,976.792 $71.611.670 $119.635.283 $107.731.838 '116 I I g I I U D I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY,GEORGIA Agency Funds' , Combining Stat~ment of Changes in Assets and Liabilities ASSETS $ 18.255 $ 194.810 $ 192.205 $ 20.860 LIABILITIES . $ 5,700 $ 25,888 $ 25,165 $ 6,423 12.555 168.922 167.040 14.437 $ 18.255 $ 194.810 $ 192.205 $ 20.860 ASSETS $ 792,997 $ 2,906,655 $ 2,780,267 $ 919,385 390.315 390.315' $1.183.312 $ 2.906.655 $ 3.170.582 $ 919.385 LIABILITIES $1.183.312 $ 2.906.655 $ 3.170.582 $ 919.385 Year Ended December 31, 1998 Tax Commissioner December 31, 1997 Additions ASSETS $ 734,010 $ 98,473,754 8.895.001 99.949.278 $9.629.011 $198.423.032 LIABILITIES $ 502,301 $ 63,769,430 231,709 34,704,284 8.895.001 99.949.278 $9.629.011 $198.422.992 Cash Taxes receivable Total assets Due to otht:rs Due to other funds Uncollected taxes Total liabilities Probate Cash Due to othl~rs Due to oth'~r funds Total liabilities Sheriff Cash Due from other funds Total assets Due to oth ers See notes to financial statements. 117 December 31, Deductions 1998 $ 97,378,166 $ 1,829,598 98.473,754 10.370.525 $195.851.920 $12.200.123 $ 63,067,338 $ 1,204,393 34,310,788 625,205 98.473.754 10.370.525 $195.851.880 $12.200.123 I I I I I I I n D I I I D. I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, (;EORGIA . Agency Funds Combining Stateme'ntof Changes in Assets and Liabilities - Continued Year Ended December 31, 1998 Total liabilities December 3 I, December 3 1, 1997 Additions Deductions 1998 ASSETS . $ 287,634 $ 2,176,280 $2,149,195 $ 314,719 25.046 25.046 $ 312.680 $ 2.176.280 $2.174.241 $ 314.719 LIABILITIES $ 173,737 $ 326,778 $ 329,255 $ 171,260 138.943 1.849.502 1.844.986 143.459 $ 312.680 $ 2.176.280 $2.174.241 $ 314.719 ASSETS, $1.281.558 $10.729.751 $8.527 .218 $3.484.091 LIABILITIES $ 870,813 $ 5,031,460 $4,030,983 $1,871,290 410.745 5.743.291 4.541.235 1.612.801 $1.281.558 $10~774.751 $8.572.218 $3.484.091 ASSETS $5.179.085 $ 1.738.627 $ 545.275 $6.372.437 LIABILITIES $5.179.085 $ 1.738.627 $ 545.275 $6.372.437 Civil Cour! Cash Due from other funds Total assets Due to others Due to othl~r funds Total liabilities Clerk of Court Cash Due to oth'~rs Due to oth~r funds Deferred Compensation Restricted investments Deferred compensation benefits payable See notes to fmancial statements. 118 Continued on following page I I I I I I I o o I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY,' GEORGIA . Agency Funds . ' . . . , , . ' Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - Concluded Totals Cash' Taxes receivable Due from c,ther funds Restricted investments Total assets Due to others Due to othc:r funds 'Uncollected taxes Deferred compensation benefits payable Total liabilities See notes to fmancial statements. Year Ended December 31,1998 ' December 31, 1997 Additions Deductions ASSETS $ 3,114,454 $114,481,250 $111,027,051 8,895,00 I 99,949,278 98,473,754 415,361 415,361 5.1 79.085 1.738.627 545.275 $17.603.901 $216.169.155 $210,461,441 LIABILITIES $ 2,735,863 $ 72,060,211 $ 70,623,323 793,952 42,465,999 40,864,049 8,895,001 99,949,278 98,473,754 5.1 79.085 1.738.627 545.275 $17.603.901 $216.214.115 $210.506.401 119 December 31, 1998 $ 6,568,653 10,370,525 6.372.437 $23.311.615 $ 4,172,751 2,395,902 10,370,525 6.372.437 $23.311.615 I I I I I I B I D I I I I I I I I I I " AUGUSTA~RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Expendable Trust Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) Year Ended December 31,1998 Joseph R. Perpetual Totals Lamar Care 1998 1997 REVENUl~S Use of money and property $ $ 51;344 $ 51,344 $ 25,173 Other - 1.062 . . 1.062 870 - Total revenues - 52.406 52.406 26.043 - EXPENDITURES Operating supplies and materials 17,288 17,288 11,288 Other 175 175 175 Total expenditures 175 17.288 17.463. 11.463 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (175) 35,118 34,943 14,580 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Operating transfers in - 34.948 - Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (175) 35,118 34,943 49,528 Fund balances (deficit), beginning of year, as previously reported (175) 519,341 519,166 455,120 Prior period adjustment - 14.518 - Fund balances (deficit), beginning of year, restated (75) 519.341 519.166 469.638 Fund balances (deficit), end of year $(350) $554.459 $554.109 $519.166 See notes i:O financial statements. 120 I I I I I I B I I' I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Nonexpcndable Trust Funds, Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances OPERATING EXPENSES Operating income Operating transfers out Net income. Fund balances, beginning of year Fund balances, end of year See notes to financial statements. Year Ended December 31, 1998 Joseph R. Lamar Perpetual Care $ ---1.ll $ --1.ll 175 175 Totals: . 1998 1997 $ '175 175 175 175 $ 35.123 35.123 35,123 (34.948) 175 5.175 338.625 343.800 343.625 $5.350 $338.625 $343.975 $343.800 121 I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I' I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Pension Trust Funds . . . . , . . . . , Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes 'in Fund Balances . Year Ended December 31,1998 1945 1977 General Totals Plan Plan Retirement 1998 1997 . OPERATING REVENUES . Contributions $ 8,604 $1,955,358 $ 380,871 $ 2,344,833 $ 1,887,588 Interest 1.119.347 484.186 8.042.005 9.645.538 13.171.542 Total revenues 1.127.951 2.439.544 8.422.876 11.990.371 15.059.130 OPERA T1NG EXPENSES Administration 104,362 281,351 550,288 936,001 729,163 Benefit payments 932,191 410,251 3,824,808 5,167,250 4,785,513 Refunds 136.691 Total operating expenses 1.036.553 691.602 4.375.096 6.1 03.25 1 . 5.651.367 Operating income 91,398 1,747,942 4,047,780 5,887,120 9,407,763- Operating transfers in 774,040 774,040 947,525 Operating transfers out 26.165) 9.157) ( 55.935) ( '. 91.257) 284.695) Net income 65.233 1.738.785 4.765~885 6.569.903 10.070.593 Fund balances, beginning of year, as previously reported 13,711,309 8,236,242 66,391,882 88,339,433 70,378,891 Prior period adjustment 7.889.949 Fund balances, beginning of year, restated 13.711.309 8.236.242 66.391.882 88.339.433 78.268.840 Fund balances, end of year $13.776.542 $9.975.027 $71.157.767 $94.909.336 $88.339.433 See notes to fmancial statements. 122 I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY; GEORGIA Nonexpendable Trust Funds Combining Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, i998 See notes to financial statements. 123 I. ' . I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I ,I I I I Compliance Section, 124 I I I I I I' I I I I I I. I I I I' I I I 125 I " I I I INDEPENDENT AUDI1;'ORS' REPORT ON SCHEDULE OF ExPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AWARDS I I To the Board of Commissioners . Augusta-Richmond County , Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia I We have audited the general-purpose fmancial statements of Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia, as of and for the year ended Del:ember 31, 1998, and have issued our report thereon dated July 30, 1999~ These general-purpose fmancial statement; are the responsibility of the Augusta-Richmond County's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion 011 these general-purpose fmancial statements baseCton our audit. I I We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. . Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtaiil reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement; are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. I ,0 In our opinion, the general-purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia, as of December 31, 1998, and the results of its operations and the cash flows of its proprietary fund types and nonexpendable trust funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. I In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated July 30, 1999 on our' consideration of Augusta-Richmond County's internal control over fmancial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. I Our audit was conducted for the purpose offorming an opinion on the general-purpose financial statements of Augusta- Richmoncl County, Georgia taken as a whole. The accompanying schedule Of expenditures of federal awards is presented forpurposes of additional analysis as required by U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, and is not a required part ofthe general-purpose financial ~.tatements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures 'applied in the audit of the general- purpose flnancial statements and; in our opinion, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the general- purpose tinancial statements taken as a whole. . I I I Augusta, Georgia July 30, 1999 ". j 'i '() L I llJlt~vJ L. t /! V~( L).v12tU-t.~-t/7~ . . / '. I I I 126 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Year Ended December 31,1998 Federal Grantor / Federal Agency or Pass-through Grantor / CFDA Pass-through Federal Program Title Number Number Expenditures U.S. Department ofHOlising and Urban Development Direct Programs . Community Development Block Grant 14.218 B-98-MC-13-0003 $2,734,393 Emergency Shelter Grant 14.231 S-98-MC-13-0004 62,764 Home Grant 14.239 M-98-MC-13-0206 287.155 Total U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development .3.084.312 U.S. Depa:rtment of Justice Direct Programs COPS Ahead 16.710 95-CC-WX-0135 1,214,470 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 16.592 96-LB- VX-2759 121,249 16.592 97-LB- VX-5235 62,084 Pass-through from the Office of the Governor Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Drug Control and System Improvement . Formula Grants 16.579 B97-8"003 88,508 Victims Assistance Grants 16.575 98-V A-GX-0013 42,551 Violence Against Women 16.588 VW-96-48 69,832 Executive Office for Weed and Seed 16.595 9-W007-GA-WS 5.464 Total U.S. Department of Justice 1.604.158 U.S. Department of Transportation Direc1 Programs Urban Mass Transportation Capital and Operating Assistance Grants 20.507 GA-90-X093 139,731 20.507 GA-90-XI02 18,778 20.507 GA-90-XI12 47,021 , Airport Improvement Program Grants 20.106 3-13-0011-17 301,610 20.106 3-13-0011-18 314.998 Total U.S. Department of Transportation '822.138 U.S. Depa)ctment of Commerce Passed through Defense Adjustment Savannah River Plant Small Business Incubator 11.302 04-49-04242 492.352 Total $6.002.960 Note: The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. 127 I AUGUSTA~RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA I I Summary Schedule of Prior Audit Findings . Y e~r Ended December 31, 1998 I U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development I Findings ill Relation to.the Audit of the Financial Statements None I Findings fi)r Federal Awards I I . None U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Ad~inistration Findings in Relation to the Audit of the Financial Statements I None I Findings fm Federal Awards None .1 I I I I' I I I I 128 I I , I I JREPOgT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON . COMPLIANCE AND ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED. IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS I I To the B(lard of Commissioners Augusta-Richmond County Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia I I , . We have audited the fmancial statements of Augusta-Richmond County as of and for the year ended December 31, 1998, and have issued our report thereon dated July 30; 1999. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally . accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing S/andardr, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. . I Comoliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether Augusta-Richmond County's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions oflaws, regulations, contracts and grants, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. I I I Internal Control over Financial Reoorting In planning and performing our audit, we considered Augusta-Richmond County's internal control over financial . reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the fmancial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control over fmancial reporting. Our consideration of the internal control over fmancial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal controtover financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amounts lhat would be material in relation to the fmancial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions.' We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation we consider to be material weaknesses. I I, I This report is intended for the information of the audit committee, management and federal awarding agencies and pass- through tmtities. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. I Augusta, Georgia July 30, 1999 Utft7 B-efta<% rftMt,<?()L. i'l? I I I 129 I " I I I JREPORT OF INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO EACH MAJOR PROGRAM AND INTERNAL CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OMB CIRCULAR A-133 I I To the Board of Commissioners . Augusta-Richmond County Augusta-R.ichmond County, Georgia I I' Compliance , We have audited the compliance of Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia with the types of compliance requirements described in the u.s. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-I33 Compliance Supplement that are . . applicable to each of its federal programs for the year ended December 31, 1998. Augusta-Richmond County's major federal programs are identified in the summary of auditor's results section of the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. Compliance with the requirements ofIaws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to each . of its major federal programs is the responsibility of Augusta-Richmond County's management. Our respqnsibility is to expres:i an opinion on Augusta-Richmond County's compliance based on our audit. I I I We conducted our audit of compliance in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; the standards applicable to fmanciill audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; and OMB Circular A-l33, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. Those standards and OMB Circular A.,. I 33 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncompliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above that could have a direct and materiall~ffect on a major federal program occurred. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence about Augusta-Richmond' County's compliance with those requirements and performing such other procedures as we consideTf:d necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonablebasis for our opinion. Our audit does not provide a legal determination on Augusta-Richmond County's compliance with those requirements. ,1 I In our opinion Augusta-Richmond County complied, in all material respects, with the requirements referred to above that are applicable to ei.lch of its major federal programs for the year ended December 31, 1998. ' I Internal Control Over Compliance The management of Augusta-Richmond County is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal ,control over compliance with requirements oflaws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we considered Augusta-Richmond County's internal control over compliance with requirements that could have a direct and material effect on a major federal program in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with OMB CircularA-133. o I I Our conHideration of the internal control over' compliance would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the' design or operation of one or more ,of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that noncompliance with applicable requirements of laws, regulations, contracts and grants that would be material in relation to a major federal program being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by'employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over compliance and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses. I I 130 I I I I, I I I I I I I / I D I I I I I I , This report is intended for the information ofthe audit committee, management and federal awarding agencies andpass- through entities. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. Augusta, Georgia July 30, 1999 . . / '... j}'. .1_." ,L-J- LU6~) LL/ {/{/LR-7 6.epcu4 / 11'~.. J" 131 I AUGUST A-RICHMOND COUNTY I Schedule of Findings I Ye~r Ended December 31,1998 I Summary of the Auditor's Results . . 1. The in dependent auditor's report on the financial statements expressed an unqualified opinion. I' 2. There were no reportable conditions in interna] control over financial reporting disclosed in the audit of the financial statements. I .3. The audit did not disclose any material noncompliance matters in relation to the financial statements. 4.. There were no reportable conditions in internal control over compliance applicable to major, programs. I 5. The report on compliance for major programs expressed an unqualified opinion. 6. The audit disclosed no immaterial instances of noncompliance. I 7. The major programs of Augusta-Richmond County included in the audit were: I a. U,S. Dept. ofHUD.- Community Development Block grants - CFDA 14.218 b. U,S. Dept. of Justice - COPS AHEAD Grant - CFDA 16.710 c. U.S. Dept. of Transportation - Airport Improvement Program - CFDA 20.106 d. U ,S. Dept. of Commerce - Small Business Incubator - CFDA 11.302 I 8. The threshold for distinguishing Types A and B programs was $300,000. I I Findings in Relation to the Audit of the Financial Statements I None I Findings for Federal Awards None I I I I I I 132 I I I I I I' I. I - ,I I ,I I I I I ,I I I I , 133