HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 Action Plan Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: \O9\l (\~-nO'(\ ~OJ) DOCUMENT TYPE: -. YEAR: C\l \ BOX NUMBER: \ ~ FILE NUMBER: \Lo15(b NUMBER OF PAGES: \0-\ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ - .... :r: J) s: m 2 C s: m 2 .... en I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I "TI o :::a ~ CD CD .... I o c m G) l> 3: m Z c 3: m Z -I en ;1 i :1 ! I ~I -- - ---- co .. COZ cos:: com CO:I: CO:I: COG) co G)' COO ee> "'0 -..JZ -..J(D -..J(D -..J(D -..Jo -..J- -..Jo -..J - -..JCJ) ......c :::a om 0-. 0_ 0- Oc -.;:0 00 o::!.. ~~ Oco -'0 0) co O)~ 0):2: CJ)en ~ :::c. -.en Utc 0 N CJ)::r ~o OCD Ut - 0 Qo Ntn _ C'" N> ::r -~ N :I: N> - c... Wo Nee -. - m m O~ CJ)C CD CJ)> N 0 COC oee C1l::r (X) CO 3 CJ)c 0 "C -..JC'" -..JCD -< 0 0 C CD ~ 0 -I 0 en j"" - c c. - cC' ::r ~ - m ::r s:: 0 ::r I 0 - > 0 ::r - m m CD - 0 C > (') m c co co ~ ::r ::l tn - c 5" CD 5' ~ CD tn ee ~ co iJ - I m m G) CD or -< iJ ~ m ~ 0 m c.... ::l C C 0 - - - ::l 2' ::r CD 0 cn CD ~ - CD ~' -. 0 0 -. 0 0 -. 0 0 -. 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".:--...- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /;.!-. /' ....-J' .::JI"''''.~ ~ /-:'~._ ~ LARRy E. SCOl\'YERS M-\YOR Mr. John Perry, Director Office of Community Planning and Development U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Richard B. Russell Federal Building 75 Spring Street, S. W. Atlanta, GA 30303-3388 Dear Mr. Perry: Enclosed is Augusta-Richmond County's 1997 Consolidated Strategy and Plan (CSP). Also, enclosed with the plan are the following: > Application for Federal Assistance for 1997 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds > Application for Federal Assistance for 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Funds > Application for Federal Assistance for 1997 HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Funds > Certifications for 1997 CDBG, ESG and HOME Programs > Resolution for filing of the 1997 CSP > Resolution for filing of the 1997 Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds If you should any questions, please call Keven Mack, Director of the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department at (70s) 821-1797. S~, 0/:'0 <:C~ ~ /~;;@:o~~~o RLW/LES/rlw Enclosures 530 GREE-"''E STREET · AUGUSTA, GEORGl-\ 30911 · 706/821-1831 · Eo\..,( 706 / 821-1838 PPLlCA TION FOR EDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. D" TE SUB"ITTED Aoplicanl IClenliiier t. TYPE Of SU."!S$lOf(: WiC4110n ~ ConslrUClion 2. 0" TE RECEIVED IV S'T "TE SUIt. AQpIil:.ation Identifier PrNpplic.'iOfJ o ConstruCtion o Non-ConSlruction .... DATE RECEIVED IV FEDERAL AGENCY FeCleralldenlif.. o Non-ConSl'UCllon APPLICANT INFOR.....TION ~89tl Name: Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia ACOress I'r... crty. COUllty. s,.,.. .na zip code}: One Tenth Street, Suite 430 Augusta, Georgia 30901 5. EMPLOYER IDENTlFICATION NUMBER IEIN): ~._.2 .. 'n'PE OF 4PPLICATION: ~ New o Continuation o i=\e1lision ~. II Rl!V1sion. enler appropriale len,r(sJ in box(es): 0 0 A Increase Award 8. Decrease Award C. Incre2se Duration D. Decrease DuratIOn Other (s:>ecify): '0. CATAlOG OF FEDERAL DOMEsnc l>.SSIST ANCE NUMBER; TITLE: HOME Investment Partnershi p I f AREAS AFFECTED BV PROJECT ICltles. covntres. slates. elc.}: Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia PROPOSED PROJECT: u. CONGRESSIONAL :lISTRICTS OF: S:art Ollie Ending Dale a. Applicant 1/1/97 12/31/97 10th Oroanilllional Unit: Housing & Nei Name ,nd telephone numbel of t.... person to be contacted on rnallefS invOlvino this ,ppliellhon (give .,.. code) Keven J. Mack (706) 821-1797 7. TYPE OF IJ'PLICAKT: (enr., appropn."e le"er in bolt) A. ~te H. Independent Sc:hool Oist. B. County I. State ControlleCllnstitution of Higher Learnino C. Municipal J. Pr iva Ie Univer sity D. Township K. Indian Tribe E. InllrSlale L Individ~1 F, Int,rmunlci\>lll t.A, Profit Organization G. Special District N. Othel (Specify): I. NAME OF FEDERAl. AGENCY: U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 9 ". PESCRIPTIVE TrTl.E OF APPLIC~Ni"S PROJECT: 1997 HOME Program- To correct substandard housing conditions and provide new affordable housing in low and moderate income neighborhoods. : b. Project 10th 15. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECunVE OROER \2272 PROCESS' a. YES. THIS ?~E.APPlICATION/APPLlCAnON WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE S7ATE EXECU71VE ORDEl=l 12372 PFlOCESS FOt:lI:lEVIEW ON: , 5. UTI"A TeO FUNDING: a Feder~ S .00 1,137,000 0 Applicant S .00 I : S:ale S .00 II d Local S .00 I eOther S .00 I 1 Prooram Income S .00 I lJ TOT~L $ 1 , 13 7 , 000 .00 CAre b NO. t?j PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED 3Y EO. , 2:;72 o OR ?t:lOGRAM HAS NOT 9==N SELECTED 6Y STATE FOt:l REVIEW o Yes 17. IS THE APPLICAHi OELINOUENT ON :.NY FEDERAL DEBn If 'Yes.' attach an explanation. ~ No '.. TO THE BEST Of "Y KNOW1.EOOE AND BELIEF. ALL DATA IN THIS ,e.PPLICATtONlPt:lEAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN OU:'v i I I AUTHOt:llZED BY THE GOVERNING eODY OF THE APPLICAHi AND THE APPLICAHi WlLl COMPLV WTTH THE AnACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED a T'(Ped Name,D' Au ed epresentatlve Larry t., 0 ers r/'? I d s.o~e U~~~8P'~ntalive .<~~.~> >~. ". ".< -, ....-. vi/ ,.,.,.' -,. tr. 'q'--"~ --'-......:__;:."".~::.-:.~"- ...~ ( ~ ~ ... I b. TIlle Mayor C( ]e6e6T82ui_i'797 - ~rr ~I'-''' I IV'" rvn EDERAL ASSISTANCE l. PAT[ $UeWrrno A.cJpIcanI ldenlil_ """ 0# ~ ~/tOtl 0: Construc1lOn 1. DAT! 1tfCEJYa) 8Y nATt $\all AQclIlcation ~ o Non-Cor\s1'uetCln A~~LICANT 1lol~""'TlON f>rNpp/a 'ion o Con$tfVCIion o ~sl'uction 4. DAT[ REC!JYtD IY FEDEIV.i. AOIHCl' Federal IcMnlifier County, Georgi a .Il.6Cl,eg (g'''' CIty. county. JI.... and Z'P code): One Tenth Street, Suite 430 Augusta, Georgia 30901 .'. lM~O~1l ~NTt..lCAnoH NVllIIER (~INI: ~ OJII-'2 2 ~ I. TYPE 01' AP~ICA"T1CIN: . ~ New : I! ~ enl.. Ippropriate Ien.'(sl in bo>:(esl: I . A ~ue A".'d B. Decrease Award .. 0 Decrease Our.tlOtl Otl'\et' (S~Clfy): o ContinUlll()tI o ~ion o o C Inc.u.se Our'lion '0. CATAlOO OF FEDEIUL. OOMESTlC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: nTt.E Community Development Block Grantl . Entitlement Grants 1'2. ~EAS 4FFECTED BY PROJECT (;;II,.s. covnl..s. SI.I.S. IIIC ): I Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia ~ 1 J - 1,4. CONCRESSIONAl ~ISiRICiS OF: II A;lpliunl PRoPOSEC PR~JECT: S~'I o.le Ench~ ::II it 1/1/97 12/31/97 10th I 15. ESTlI,LUEtl FUI,J~ING: . ~ede'al S ~~/\IZlltOt\al UM: Housing & Neighborhood Development Department Name and ,..phone numbel 01 t.... l)e<son to be conlaCled on man..s InlIOiYino t!\tJ .;:lpl-ull()tl (J;i... ..,.. ~) Keven J. Mack (706) 821-1797 7. TVPE OF ~ICAHT: (ellie' Ulpropri.... ~n.r in bo~) A. SuI. M. ln6ep...denl SdlOOI Oist. 8. County I. St... Controlled lnStiUltion 0/ Hiqher Ln' ninQ C. Uuf\icIpaJ J. Privll. l.Jniwr sity O. Township I(. Indian Tribe E. In'.'S~I. L lndMclual F. 1n1.'munlCJWl U Profit Org.-niutlOtl G S~I Otslrie1 N. Othef (Speeify): t. N","'E OF FEOEIUL. AGENCY: U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 8 ". ;:lESeRIPTlvE nn.E OF .....PLIC...NT'$ PROJECT: 1997 Community Development Block Grant Prog. : b P'OteCI 10th .00 '6. IS APPLIC...TlON SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STAT[ EXECUTlVl Ol'lDER 12372 PROCESS' a. ':';oS ,.-t:S ;:>=l~PP..ICATiONI.c.?P..ICAT1ON WAS MADE AIIAlLASLE TO n.e S7:.-.: E:XECUTlVE OM~ 12372 ?I=lOCCSS FOl=l ~EVIEW ON: c ~ic:anl I~ ~ _ S~le I lid ~~ : ~ :>1hef i 1\: P'oo'.m InC01'>e , Q TOTAL S .00 I 3,049,000 'I. TO THE BEST OF IoIY ICNOWl.EOGE AND BU.IEF. ALL O...U IN THIS .o.PPlICATION,"EAPPLICATION ARE mUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUloIENT HAS BEEN DULY I AUTHORIZED BY THE COYEi:lNINC BOOY OF THE APPlICA..r. AND THE ",PPlICANT WILl COMPLY ~ THE ATTACHED ASSUl'lANCES IF THE ASSI$TAItCE IS AWARDE~ 2,929,000 s .00 s .00 b S 00 s .00 :lA TE NO ~ ;:>~OGr:<AM IS NOT COIlEl=lEO BY EO. 123;:2 o O~ ;:>=lOGMAM HAS NOT aEE:N SE:~ECTEO 3Y S7ATE Fo;:l "lE\r.EW DYes 17. IS "rHE "'PPlIC...NT DeliNQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEan If 'Yes.' a!lach IIn ellp/a".tlOtl. g No s 00 120,000 I a Typed Nllme 01 A",ll'\otlzed Representatl.... La rry E. S.eOn}ers..--, .-----:> d Soon.-lur. 0" .~Ged ~e~~l'llalive': " .,x .~.>~r:; <:"';_ ..::.':..,. "'~:. :._0 >""~ r /" " t /' '\ '4tVlOuS cOlllons ....01 Usa ,-. /' t~' I I' b. T,lle ~ayor .. c.,. Sooned APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1. OATE SUaMlTTEo AppIic:anl ldenlif., I. TYPf Of' SUBMISSIOft: Mp'iUI/OI'I 8- Conslruclion J. OATE RECaVED av stloTE sal. ADoIiulion ICIenlih... PrNp~icalion o Conslrvc:lion o ~I'UClion 4. OATE RfcnvED IY FEDERAl. ..oENCY Federal lOenlilier o Non-ConslrUCloon ~. IoPPllCAN1' l1'IFOI'llolA TlON LeQ,fIl Name: Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia A(Sd'e$3 I",,,. city. county. S'.'.. and zip code): One 10th Street~Suite 430 Augusta, Georgia 30901 &. TYPE Of AJ'PlICAnoH: :tLf New o Continuation o ~sion Il RevIsion. enler appropriate Iene,(s) in box(es): 0 0 A Incruse Award B. Dec,ease Award C. Increase OurlIlion O. Decrease Duration Other (s~cify): '0. CATAlOG Of FEDERAl. DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 1 i1TLE: Emergency Shelter Grant Program I :2. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (ctlies. counlles. Slales. elc.): I Augusta-Richmond County, Georgia 111. PROPOSED PROJECT: S:arl Dale EndinO Dale ,.... CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: a. A;)plicant 1/1/97 12/31/97 IllS. ESTIMATED FUNDINQ: a Federal $ 10th Organizalional Unit: Housing & Neighborhood Development Department Name ancllelepnone numbel of lhe person 10 be conlacled on maIlers involYing IhlS applic.ahon (give ar.. code) Keven J. Mack (706) 821-1797 7. TYPE OF APPliCANT: (enl., ADProp';ale I."e, in bole) A. SUle H. Independent Sc:hooI Oist. B. County I. Stale ControlleCllnSlitution of HiQher Lell,nino C. Municipal J. Privale University D. Township K. Indian jribe E. Inlerstale L. IndMd~1 F. Intermunicival M Prolit Organiution G. Special OIslliet N. Other (Specify): I. NAME OF FeDERAl. AGENCY: u.s. Department of Housing & Urban Development 1 tl. DESCRIPTIVE Tm.E OF APPI.IC":'N"rS PROJECT: 1997 Emergency Shelter Grant Program- Provide assistance to local homeless service providers so that they can increase services to the homeless. : b. ::lro,eCI 10th 60,000 .00 t5. IS Io.PPI.ICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STAn EXEClITlVE OROER t2372 PROCESS? a. YES, THIS ?MCAPPlICATIONIAPPLICATION WAS MADE AVAllAflLE TO THE SlATE EXECUTIVE ORDEl=l '2372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: I o. Applicant S : State S I d :'ocal $ I e Othe, $ I P'coram Income $ I' 0 TOTAL $ 60,000 .00 .00 DATE b NO [19 PMOGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY EO. 123;2 .00 .00 o 0;:' PROGRAM HAS NOT BE:N SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW .00 DYes .00 17. IS THE APPllCANi DELINOUENi ON ANY FEDEltAl DEBr? If 'Yes. - at19ch an e.planation. ~ No 120,000 1 II. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ANO BELIEF. ALL DATA 1101 THIS APPl.'CATlONiPREAPPl.lCATlON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE OOCUMENi HAS BEEN DULY A.UTHORIZEtl BY THE GOVERIoIIN(j BODY OF THE APPLICANi ....HO.THE APPLICANT WilL COMPLY WITl1 THE AnACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED I 1 b. T'lIe ~1ayo r c Telephone numbet (706) 821-1797 e. Dale s.o~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L n. m. IV. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY 1997 CONSOLIDATED PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A Purpose of Consolidated Plan B. Lead Agency C. Background on Augusta-Richmond County CITIZEN PARTICIPATION A Citizen Participation Plan B. Citizen Participation and Development of Consolidated Plan C. Consultation with Other Agencies HOUSING AND HOMELESS NEEDS ASSESSMENT A General Characteristics of Housing Market B. Public and Assisted Housing Facilities C. Barriers to Affordable Housing D. Homeless and Special Needs Facilities E. Housing Needs F. Homeless Assistance Needs G. Non-Housing Community Development Needs STRATEGIC PLAN A Housing and Community Development Resources B. Housing Strategy C. Homeless Strategy D. Non-Housing Community Development Strategy PAGE 1 2 4 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PAGE v. 1997 ACTION PLAN 17 A Introduction and Executive Summary B. Federal and Other Resources C. Acquisition / Public Facilities and Improvements D. Public Services E. Housing Construction F. Rehabilitation G. Repayment of Section 108 Principal H. Administration, Planning and Contingency I. HOME Program 1. Homeless Assistance Program K Public Housing Initiatives L. Other Actions and Program Requirements VI. MAPS, CHARTS, & TABLES vn. CERTIFICATIONS vm. LISTING OF PROPOSED PROJECTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Consolidated Plan The Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated Strategy and Plan (CSP) serves two purposes. First, the CSP is a planning document that outlines the local strategy to address needs in the areas of community development, economic development, housing, and homelessness. The CSP includes background information on Augusta-Richmond County, a three-year housing and community development strategy, and descriptions of each project or activity to be implemented during the 1997 program year. Second, the CSP serves as the grant application for projects funded under the fonowing formula based programs: Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), Emergency Sheher Grant Program (ESG), and HOME Investment Partnership Program. The CSP is a requirement of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) initiated in 1995 and designed to encourage more coordination of economic and commnnity development activities at the local level, to promote citizen participation, and to simplify the process for obtaining federal funds under HUD programs. B. Lead Agency The Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HND), formerly the Community Development Department, prepared the CSP and is the lead agency in planning and implementing housing and community development projects in Augusta-Richmond County. The department has a staff of ten, and is divided into two sections: Housing Programs and Neighborhood Development. The Housing Programs Section coordinates CDBG and HOME-financed housing rehabilitation projects, downpayment assistance and new housing construction. The Neighborhood Development Section is concerned with public improvements, business development, and public and nonprofit service delivery affecting low and moderate income areas. It also coordinates projects funded under the Emergency Sheher Grant Program. The department has over twenty years experience in administering Augusta's CDBG Program As a resuh, the department has established relationships with neighborhood groups, nonprofit organizations, financial institutions, developers, and social service agencies involved in community development. C. Background on Augusta-Richmond County Augusta-Richmond County is located in east central Georgia adjacent to the state's border with South Carolina. Augusta-Richmond is the county seat for Richmond County, and Heph..zJ.1>ah and Blythe are the other two incorporated places in the county. Augusta-Richmond County is a central city in the Augusta - Aiken, GA - SC Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Other counties in the MSA are Columbia and McDuffie in Georgia and Aiken and Edgefield in South Carolina. Figure 1 shows the location of Augusta-Richmond County in relation to the surrounding counties. I Augusta-Richmond County is a new municipality, having officially come into existence on January 1, 1996. It is the product of the merger of the city of Augusta and unincorporated areas of Richmond County. A consolidation bill was passed by the Georgia General Assembly in March 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1995. On June 9, 1995, the U.S. Justice Department approved the scheduled vote on a referendum to merge the two governments. Voters in Augusta and unincorporated Richmond County approved consolidation by a two to one margin in the referendum conducted on June 20, 1995. HephZJ.1>ah residents voted to retain their city's charter and not to consolidate with Augusta and Richmond County. Following the referendum, a transition task force was formed to make recommendations regarding the merger of city and county governments. After reviewing the results of the referendum, The Justice Department precleared the consolidation under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act on September 15, 1995. Elections were held in November and December 1995 to fill the seats on the ne1'V governing body, including the position of mayor. Augusta-Richmond County is a growing municipality that reflects the demographic characteristics of an older city merged with newer suburbs. Chart A snmmarizes population change in Richmond County between 1980 and 1994. During this period, the total population of the then unincorporated part of Richmond County increased while the population of the city of Augusta declined. While the rate of population decline in the former city has slowed in recent years, the trend reflects the migration of people out of the city and the decline in average household size. HephZJ.1>ah and Blythe are relatively small municipalities that have experienced only modest changes in population in recent decades. Hephzibah's population increase in the last ten years is due largely to the annexation of unincorporated areas. II. CITIZEN P ARTICIP A TION A. Citizen Participation Plan The purpose of the Augusta-Richmond County's Citizen Participation Plan is to enable citizens, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, the Augusta-Richmond County Housing Authority, adjacent units of local government, and other interested parties to participate in the development of the consolidated plan, any amendments to the plan, and the performance report. Technical assistance is provided to low-income groups that request assistance in developing funding proposals. Augusta-Richmond County will follow the citizen participation plan in preparing and submitting the 1997 CSP. At least two (2) public hearings will be held to obtain input on the CSP and the City's performance on CDBG and related activities. At least one (1) of these hearings will be held before the proposed CSP is published for comment. Adequate, timely notification will be given, stating the time, date, and purpose of the hearings. The hearings will be held at a convenient time and place for those most likely to benefit from the program. A court reporter will be present at the hearings. Upon request, provisions will be made for non-English speaking persons and those with disabilities. Citizens, public agencies and other interested parties will have the opportunity to receive information, review the information and submit comments on any proposed submission concerning the amount of funds available (including the estimated amount proposed to benefit low-income residents). These groups will have access to the plans to minimize displacement and to assist those displaced as a result of these activities. Citizens and citizen groups will have access 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to records for at least five years. All written complaints or grievances related to the program will be answered in writing within 15 business days, where practical. The City will publish a snmmary of the CSP in the local paper, along with a list oflocations where copies of the plan can be found. A 30-day comment will follow publication of the plan. The City will consider the views of the respondents and attach a summary of the comments to the final consolidated submission. If any comments are not accepted, the City will include a written explanation as to why they were not accepted. Once adopted, the CSP will be made available to citizens and units of general local government. An amendment to the CSP will be necessary when a substantial change in the use ofCDBG funds occurs, or when there is a substantial change in the method of distnoution of CDBG funds. A substantial change in the use ofCDBG funds is defined as a shift of$ 50,000.00 or more from one eligible activity to another eligtole activity. A substantial change in the distnoution of funds occurs when there is a change in the adminiqrator of the funds. If amendments to the plan do occur, citizens and local government agencies will be provided a 30 day opportunity to comment before final submission of the amendments to lllJD. A summary of citizen and government comments concerning the amendments will be provided to lllJD Any written complaints and grievances concerning the proposed amendment will be answered within 15 business days, where practical B. Citizen Participation and Development of Consolidated Plan Augusta-Richmond held nine (9) public hearings to obtain citizen participation in the development of the Consolidated Plan. Advertisements for the hearings were placed in the Augusta Chronicle, the Augusta Focus and the Metro Courier. The advertisements stated the time, date, locatio~ and purpose of the hearings. They further noted that provisions would be made for non-English speaking persons and the disabled if they or someone on their behalf expressed their a need. Notices about the hearings were sent in advance to the Housing Authority, homeless service providers, nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations and other interested parties. Seven of the hearings took place at schools, commnnity centers, and recreation facilities located indifferent neighborhoods. Two of the hearings were held in the Augusta-Richmond County Municipal Building. fIND staff took notes at the meetings, and a court reporter was present at the Municipal Building hearings. The purpose of these hearings was to provide an overview of the CDBG, ESG, and HOME programs, obtain input on housing and community development needs, and solicit project proposals for inclusion in the 1997 esp. All participants had the opportunity to receive information and to review and submit comments on the content of the esp including the proposed activities, amount of assistance expected to be received, and plans to minim17.e displacement of individuals as well as assist those displaced by activities. Technical assistance was made available to low income group representatives developing proposals for the inclusion in the plan. The level and type of assistance was based on individual needs. A number of housing and community development needs were mentioned during the hearings. Residents oflow and moderate income neighborhoods are concerned about the level of crime, the accumulation of trash and debris in the streets and on vacant lots, the dilapidated condition of 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I housing units, and environmental hazards in or near their neighborhoods. They believe that CDBG funds should be spent on cleaning up neighborhoods, improving the delivery of public services, rehabilitating owner and renter housing, relocation assistance, code enforcement, providing assistance to businesses, historic preservation, and building new facilities that offer more opportunities for recreation and the delivery of programs and services. Several nonprofit organizations expressed a need for property acquisition, repairs to facilities, operating and maintenance assistance, transportation assistance, and funding to offer new or expanded levels of service. Representatives of the nonprofit groups said their clients needed more affordable housing, job opportunities, and improved access to services. These nonprofit organizations represented a diverse group including the homeless, seniors, the handicapped, veterans and low income neighborhoods. Some individuals expressed a need for assistance in starting up or expanding businesses in low income neighborhoods, and in providing job training for low income residents. The City of Augusta-Richmond County made the CSP available to the public for examination and comment thirty days prior to its submission. A snmmllry of the proposed plan was published in the Augusta Chronicle newspaper. The summary descnoed the content of the plan, the purpose of the submission, and included the location where copies of the plan could be examined. During the thirty day examination period, the City received comments from one person concerning the amount of funding and target area for the limited rehabilitation program. No other comments were received from the general public, public agencies or other interested parties. Once adopted, the CSP (including amendments and performance report) was made available to citizens and units of general local government to afford them a reasonable opportunity to examine its contents. C. Consultation with Other Agencies In preparing the CSP, Augusta-Richmond County consulted with many public and private agencies that provide assisted housing, health services, and social services. The City also consuhed with adjacent units of local government in preparing descriptions of non-housing community development needs. Finally, the City consuhed with the Housing Authority concerning consideration of public housing needs and planned comprehensive grant program activities. III. HOUSING AND HOMELESS NEEDS ASSESSMENT A. General Characteristics of Housing Market The housing market in Augusta-Richmond County reflects historic development patterns in the community. Older single-family and duplex units are concentrated in the neighborhoods of the former city of Augusta. Conventional subdivisions, with units in a variety of price ranges, are concentrated in suburban areas. Apartment complexes, many of which have been developed in the last 25 years, are clustered in west Augusta and south Augusta. Generally speaking, the west Augusta housing market is geared to households desiring a location near employment centers in the former city and in South Carolina. The south Augusta market is targeted to those households desiring proximity to Fort Gordon and other major employers on the south side of town. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In 1990 there were 77,288 total housing units in Augusta-Richmond County, reflecting a 19% increase over the 1980 total. Census tracts in the western and southern sections of the community had the greatest increases in housing units. Fourteen census tracts had housing unit gains exceeding 20%, including six along the western edge of the county and another six located south of Butler Creek. Census tracts within the former city of Augusta registered the largest decline in housing units during the decade. The Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission estimates there were 81,825 total housing units in Augusta-Richmond County as of January 1, 1996. 1bis represents an increase of 4,537 units (5.8%) since 1990. The estimates are based on building permit data and reflect the continued growth of suburban areas. Census tracts in the former unincorporated area accounted for 4,801 new housing units built between 1990 and 1995. Census tracts in the former city of Augusta experienced a net loss of 263 housing units during the same period. Inner city census tracts were particularly hard hit by the demolition of dilapidated and fire-damaged units. The single family site-built home is the dominant type of housing unit in the market, representing 60% of the total units in 1990, compared to 71% of the housing stock in 1980. Between 1980 and 1990, both multifamily units and mobile homes increased their share of the local housing market. Multifamily units increased from 24% to 30.7% of total units, and mobile homes rose from 3.8% to 9.3% by 1990. Of the 68,675 occupied housing units in Augusta-Richmond County in 1990, 38,762 (56.4%) were owner-occupied and 29,913 (43.6%) were renter-occupied. Significantly, rental units made up 57% of the total occupied units in the former city of Augusta. The percentage of owner occupancy increased during the 1960s and 1970s, but declined during the 1980s. Housing vacancy rates increased from 8.2% in 1980 to 11.1% in 1990. The Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission estimates that the vacancy rate was 12.3% as of January 1, 1996. According to HUD estimates, low and moderate income families are geographically concentrated in the census tracts in and near the old city limits of Augusta. Figure 2 shows the census tracts in which at least 51 % of the total population is classified as low and moderate income. The shaded areas on the map indicate that the low and moderate income census tracts run in a southwest direction from the Savannah River toward Fort Gordon (Census Tract 108). Figure 3 shows that many of the same census tracts have a high concentration (51 % or more) of minority population, principally Afiican-Americans. One indicator of housing conditions is the age of units. In 1960, 46% of all housing units in Augusta-Richmond County had been buih prior to 1939. By 1990 only 10% of the total units had been built prior to 1939, and 82% of the units were built between 1950 and 1989. Of the 7,656 units buih before 1939,6,404 (84%) were located within the former city of Augusta. Another indicator of housing conditions is the number of units lacking complete plumbing I facilities. In Augusta-Richmond County, occupied housing units lacking complete plumbing numbered 5,874 in 1960, or 16.8% of total occupied housing units. By 1990, only 495 occupied housing units (.7%) lacked complete plumbing facilities. Forty-six percent (46%), or 228 of the 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I units lacking complete plumbing, were located in the former city of Augusta. Overcrowded housing units (ones with over 1.01 persons per room) numbered 3,114 in 1990, or 4.5% of all occupied units in Augusta-Richmond County. Approximately one-third of the overcrowded units ( 1,0 11 units) were concentrated in the former city of Augusta The presence of lead-based paint is another issue affecting local housing. Childhood lead poisoning has been identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as "the number one environmental heahh hazard facing American children." Because lead-based house paint was not banned for residential and consumer use until 1978, there are housing units in Augusta-Richmond County that contain lead-based paint. An estimate of the number of housing units within the City that are occupied by low-income and very low-income households and that contain lead based paint hazards is shown in Chart B. The cost of housing has increased dramatically in Augusta-Richmond County over the last thirty years. The median value of an owner occupied housing unit in Richmond County increased from $8,300 in 1960 to $58,500 in 1990. In the former city of Augusta, the median value of a house increased from $7,800 in 1960 to $49,000 in 1990. During the same time period, median apartment rents increased from $38 to $305 in Richmond County, and from $34 to $217 in Augusta. B. Public and Assisted Housing Facilities The Housing Authority of Augusta and Richmond County is the designated Local Public Housing Agency (PHA). Established in 1937, The Housing Authority is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the local government. An Executive Director and staff of employees oversee the day-to-day operations of the Housing Authority and its properties. The Housing Authority currently operates and maintains fourteen (14) properties in Augusta-Richmond County. Together, these properties house approximately 6,800 people in 2,777 living units. Another 6,122 people are assisted through the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program. The annual budget for the Housing Authority exceeds $20 million and includes expenditures to operate and maintain the public housing projects, provide housing assistance payments to Section 8 program participants, make capital improvements, provide security and other community services, and overall administration of the program The Housing Authority was designated as a high performer by RUDiS Atlanta Office for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1995. The designation reflects the Authority's high achievement in the areas of modernization, financial management, occupancy rates, and maintenance. C. Barriers to Affordable Housing Both individual circumstances and government policies can selVe as barriers to affordable housing. Individuals and families often lack the information, income, and access to financing that make it possible for them to live in affordable, standard housing. Some have to pay excessive amounts of their income for shelter and related costs. The types of government actions that can affect the supply of affordable housing include real estate taxes, land use controls, building codes, and code enforcement. 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I High sheker costs is a problem faced by many households in Augusta-Richmond County, and is especially prevalent among low-income renters. Census data indicate that renters have lower incomes than owner occupants, more often pay a higher share of income for sheker, and experience substandard living conditions more frequently than owners. Households paying 30% or more of their income for housing are considered cost burdened. In 1989, 11,572 renter households, 39% of all renter households in Augusta-Richmond County, devoted 30% or more of their income for housing costs. Approximately 62% of the cost burdened renters had less than $10,000 in household income, and 95% had less than $20,000 in income. An examination of comparable data for owner-occupied households indicates that 6,141, or about 18.5% of all owner households, were cost burdened. Renter households also experience substandard housing conditions more frequently than owner households. Of the 409 occupied housing in Augusta-Richmond County lacking complete plumbing facilities, 268 or 65% were occupied by renters. Lower than average household income has other implications for renters desiring to become homeowners. Renters often lack the funds needed to cover downpayment and closing costs. According to information compiled in 1990 under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, insufficient funds was one of the reasons for denial of applications for FHA, VA, and FMHA home mortgage loans in the Augusta area. Credit history, employment history and debt-to-income ratio were some of the other reasons for denial. Renters also are unable to take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction available to homeowners. The home mortgage interest deduction serves to reduce the yearly tax liability of homeowners. Finally, renters need assistance in shopping for a house, selecting a reahor, estimating the annual costs of home ownership, and completing the purchase of a house. Provisions in a local zoning ordinance that control such factors as the density of development, the number of unrelated people residing in a living unit, and the location of manufactured homes can increase the cost of housing and concentrate affordable housing units in certain parts of the community. Code enforcement activities can lead to the removal of units that might be suitable for rehabilitation and reuse as affordable housing. Subdivision regulations require new development to occur on lots that meet minimum size requirements, but existing lots may be buih on without regard to their size. D. Homeless and Special Needs Facilities In Augusta-Richmond County there are emergency shekers, transitional housing, permanent housing units, and supportive services for the estimated 1,052 homeless individuals and 166 homeless families in Augusta. According to the information in Table 1 (Homeless Populations and Subpopulations), approximately 94% of the local homeless population is served in some manner by homeless service providers. Most of those are served by emergency shekers, with day shelters and transitional housing facilities serving the remainder. An estimated 6% of the homeless population is unsheltered at the present time. Forty percent of those who are homeless and have service needs suffer from a combination of severe mental illness and drug abuse. 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The agencies and organizations providing housing and services to the homeless include the Augusta Task Force for the Homeless, the Salvation Army, the Augusta Rescue Mission, Safe Homes of Augusta, God's Love Mission, the Golden Harvest Food Bank, CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority (EOA), Catholic Social Services, the Housing Authority, the Department of Family and Children's Services (DFACS), the Friendship Community Center, St. Stephen's Ministry of Augusta, the Community Mental Health Center, the Crisis Pregnancy Center, and the Augusta Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. There are four (4) emergency shehers in Augusta-Richmond County. The Salvation Army and the Augusta Rescue Mission operate shehers that take any adult who can get a police clearance. The Salvation Army averages 80-120 people per night, and the Rescue Mission has a sleeping capacity of35. These two shehers also accept children under 12 years of age when accompanied by a woman. A third sheher, Safe Homes of Augusta, Inc., serves battered women and their children. On average, SAFE Homes provides shelter to 100-150 women and 175 - 220 dependent children each year. The fourth shelter, God's Love Mission, also serves women and children. There are eleven (11) transitional housing units for homeless families with children, one unit for four AIDS clients, one unit for families with AIDS, twenty (20) beds for single males recovering from substance abuse, eight (8) beds for single females recovering from substance abuse, ten (10) beds for homeless disabled veterans, an eight (8) bed maternity home, seven (7) crisis beds, and eight (8) transitional house beds for mentally ill adults. Agencies involved in providing transitional housing include Augusta Urban Ministries, the EOA, St. Stephen's Ministry, and the Community Mental Health Center The Crisis Pregnancy Center offers a shepherding home program to homeless pregnant women. Fifteen to twenty families in the community will open their homes to these women. Occasionally families are able to house a woman with a child. The Center also refers younger homeless pregnant women to two (2) maternity houses in other cities. For those women who already have children, the Center provides financial counseling, introductions to potential roommates, referrals . to community resources, and classes dealing with budgeting, child development, and related topics. The Center also provides financial assistance to a limited number of families. The only permanent supportive housing in Augusta-Richmond County for the homeless is provided at forty (40) supervised apartments for the mentally ill. The Community Mental Health Center's Supportive Living Program provides support in daily living activities, counseling, and links clients with other community resources. In addition, the Veterans Administration Hospital (Uptown Division) maintains a Homeless Chronically Mentally m Program for qualified veterans. Support services for the homeless are many and varied in the community. The Salvation Army offers a soup kitchen each evening during the week for transients. Those spending the night at the Salvation Army are able to stay for breakfast. On Sundays, the transients who accompany the residents to church are able to stay for lunch. The Salvation Army also distnlmtes clothing vouchers to individuals and families every four months. Each person receives a voucher for eight (8) articles of clothing and a pair of shoes. Pebple receive furniture and food assistance if they have been a resident of the Salvation Army and fulfilled programmatic requirements, or if they are 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I displaced from their house because of a fire. Other services of the Salvation Army include an adult literacy program, legal advocacy and referral through Georgia Legal Services, an emergency medical clinic maintained by students of the Medical College of Georgia, medical prescriptions through a local pharmacy, social rehabilitation services, and substance abuse counseling sessions. The EOA supports two clinics that give free health care to the homeless, provides limited transportation assistance, and funds part-time day care at the Salvation Army. In 1995, EOA assisted 553 persons at the heahh clinic and provided bus tickets. EOA also purchased approximately $ 20 worth of food per month from the Food Bank for homeless clients, particularly those in transitional houses. The EOA also operates a Rent Assistance Voucher Program for homeless individuals and families, not to exceed $ 200 per family per year. The EOA also operates a day sheher for homeless persons at 1730 Walker Street. The Golden Harvest Food Bank maintains a soup kitchen at 842 Fenwick Street. In addition, Catholic Social SetVices and Augusta Urban Ministries provide food, clothing, household goods, and other assistance to the homeless. Catholic Social Services also helps people with rent payments as long as they show an intent to follow through with some plan of action. The Richmond County Department of Family and Children Services assists homeless individuals in obtaining food stamps, welfare benefits, and information and referral services to homeless clients requesting their assistance. The Housing Authority also provides housing vouchers, but requires a homeless certification for priority on Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program. The In-Home Crisis Team of the Community Mental Heahh Center goes into homes and meets with families to prevent the disintegration of the family unit and, in many cases, to prevent homelessness. The Center also has programs to help clients adjust to living in the community in a self- sufficient manner and to minimize hosp~alization. These programs teach community and support networking, independent living skills, job readiness and educational skills, vocational or prevocational training, and recreational or leisure skills. E. Housing Needs Census data, field surveys, and input from the public and interest groups reveal a number of housing problems and needs. Lack of routine maintenance and repair work is evidence of the need for limited and moderate rehabilitation. There is a particularly high concentration of older, substandard housing units within neighborhoods in the former city of Augusta. Smaller pockets of deteriorating units are located in almost all of the neighborhoods. Still other housing units are abandoned, dilapidated, and used for criminal activities. These units need to be deah with either through code enforcement or total reconstruction. where dilapidate units have been removed, the resulting vacant lots have become blighting influences on neighborhoods. The vacant lots represent opportunities for construction of new housing. Standard rental and owner units are available throughout the community, but cannot be accessed by those in need of better housing because they lack the necessary income, financing, or credit history. The high cost of housing has made it necessary for an increasing number of Augusta-Richmond County families to turn to manufactured housing and low-cost rental units as 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the housing of choice. Some renters are paying excessive amounts of their income for shelter, and others cannot afford the downpayment or other costs related to purchasing a home. These conditions and trends are all indicators of the need for the construction of more affordable housing, and the provision of more rental subsidies and downpayment assistance. F. Homeless Assistance Needs Based on input received at the public meetings and in funding proposals submitted by service providers, homeless assistance needs remain in the following areas : Assessment/Outreach, Emergency Sheher, Transitional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, and Permanent Housing. Service providers need additional funds to staff and operate their programs, expand their services, and assist the homeless and near homeless with immediate problems (food, transportation, medical assistance, etc.). Emergency shelters are able to handle a high percentage of the homeless population, but there is an ongoing need to expand these facilities to meet increasing demand. Additional transitional housing is needed to take some of the burden off of the emergency shehers, and to help more of the homeless take an initial step towards moving into permanent housing. Permanent supportive housing is also needed, particularly for people with mental and physical disabilities. G. Non-Housine Community Development Needs Based on input received during the development of the CSP, Non-Housing Community Development needs can be grouped into three categories: public facilities and seIVices, economic development, and social services. Public facilities that need improving include recreation facilities, senior citizens centers, streets, sidewalks, street lights, water and sewer lines, and fire stations. Handicapped acceSSIbility to public facilities also needs to be addressed. Public seIVices that need to be improved or expanded include police protection and related anti-crime efforts, code enforcement, job training, removal of dilapidated structures, and the removal of trash and debris from vacant lots. Improvements to public facilities and seIVices, especially in conjunction with housing and economic development activities, are of benefit to the entire living environment for residents oflow income neighborhoods. Economic development needs include jobs for unemployed and under employed residents, access to financing for existing businesses, technical and financial assistance for starting new businesses, and bringing more private investment into low income neighborhoods. Social service problems identified include infant mortality, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, HIV / AIDS, school dropout and truancy, irresponSIble parenting, and lack of marketable job skills. Several nonprofit organizations expressed a need for property acquisition, repairs to facilities, operating and I maintenance assistance, transportation assistance, and funding to offer new or expanded levels of social services dealing with many of these problems. Residents also said that there was a lack of knowledge about community resources already in place to help residents deal with these problems. 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IV. STRATEGIC PLAN Over the next three years, Augusta-Richmond County will implement a strategic plan for housing and community development to provide decent housing, create a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. The City will implement the Strategic Plan with the following local objectives in mind: 1. Encourage citizen participation in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the community development program. 2. Improve the existing housing stock for low and moderate income households. 3. Increase the number of jobs and amount of private capital invested in the city, particularly in the Central Business District and neighborhood commercial areas. 4. Support public facilities and services that contribute to revitalization and provide public facility improvements that support physical development and revitalization. 5. Promote the preservation and restoration of historically significant structures and landmarks in the city. The plan identifies housing and community development resources expected to be available, sets forth goals, strategies and performance benchmarks for measuring progress, and descnbes how the city will coordinate resources to achieve its objectives. A. Housing and Community Development Resources Augusta- Richmond County expects a mix of public and private resources to be available during the next three years. Public resources include CDBG, HOME, ESG, and local government funds and in-kind contnbutions. The required one-to-one match for ESG funds will be in the form of funding committed by the agencies that receive assistance. Private resources include equity, bank loans, and in-kind contnlmtions from for-profit and nonprofit entities. It is anticipated that private and nonprofit entities will seek funding for projects under the Section 202 and Section 811 Programs in furtherance of the objectives spelled out in the Strategic Plan. Homeless service providers will be encouraged to apply for funding to provide transitional housing and rental assistance programs. It is also assumed that the Housing Authority will continue to receive funding, and apply for Section 8 certificates and vouchers and other programs to benefit its client groups. Chart C summarizes the estimated resources available in the next three years. B. Housing Strategy The Augusta-Richmond County housing market is a growing one, but one in which much of the new construction is taking place in suburban areas. As a result, housing units in many older neighborhoods have deteriorated, been abandoned, or demolished. The deterioration of the housing stock leads to an erosion of the living environment for residents in the affected 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I neighborhoods, and reduces housing choices for those who cannot afford to live elsewhere. Housing affordability is another problem revealed by the market analysis. There are cost burdened owners and renters in both inner city and suburban neighborhoods. These represent households that lack the income and/or information needed to expand their choice of housing. In some cases, they also face institutional barriers to living in affordable, standard housing. With these problems in mind., the goals of the housing strategy are to preserve the existing housing stock for low and moderate income families, increase the supply of affordable housing for low and moderate income families, and enable more low and moderate income families to own their own homes. The strategy involves. a mix of rehabilitation, new construction, code enforcement, housing counseling and downpayment assistance projects and activities. The HND Department and the Augusta Housing Authority will implement many of the projects, but nonprofit, neighborhood-based organizations also will playa role in housing activities. During the next three years, particular emphasis will be placed on activities to address the housing needs of cost-burdened owners and renters, and those living in substandard units. Among both owners and renters, those with incomes between 0 and 30% of the Median Family Income (MFI) for the area have a high priority. Elderly and small family renters occupy the highest estimated number of units in need of assistance. Large family renters occupy substantially fewer units in need of assistance. Iffunds are available, owners and renters with income between 31% and 50 % of the MFI will be targeted for assistance. Rehabilitation activities will preserve the eXJ.Stmg housing stock by correcting substandard components, improving energy efficiency and updating interior finishes. It also affords an opportunity to reuse historic residential structures that characterize many older neighborhoods. New construction will increase the supply of affordable units, make use of vacant lots, and help stabilize neighborhoods threatened by blight. If any relocation is necessary as a part of new construction, it will be done in a manner that minimizes involuntary displacement by following the Uniform Relocation Act and/or Barney Frank Amendments. Code enforcement helps correct minor housing deficiencies before they become a serious problem, and eliminates dilapidated structures that have become a health and safety hazard. Downpayment assistance and housing counseling helps families overcome the lack of information and income needed to expand their housing choices. During the next three years, expected accompIishments include the rehabilitation of 75 owner-occupied housing units, limited rehabilitation of another 107 units, construction of 40 new units, code inspections of 125 units, and downpayment assistance to 30 first time home buyers. c. Homeless Strategy The goals of the homeless strategy are to help homeless persons obtain appropriate housing, provide the homeless with the necessary support services, and prevent persons at risk from becoming homeless. The components of the strategy include developing an outreach and assessment system, increasing the number of housing units available to the homeless (emergency sheher beds, transitional units, permanent housing, and permanent supportive housing), and increasing support services for the homeless and near homeless. The strategy is designed to help 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I homeless persons make the transition to permanent housing and independent living, and prevent low-income individuals and families with children from becoming homeless. The Augusta Task Force for the Homeless will be the agency in Augusta-Richmond County to perform the initial outreach, assessment, and referral of homeless persons. Particular emphasis will be placed on street sweeps to find the homeless living on the streets and under bridges. The Augusta Task Force consists of representatives from local government offices, several nonprofit organizations, and formerly homeless people. The organization was incorporated in 1995 and obtained its 501 (c)(3) status in 1996. There is an executive council that serves the Task Force and five permanent committees. Membership dues are paid by each agency, and each individual is asked to serve on one or more standing committees. The Task Force provides a forum for discussion of information on funding opportunities and other relevant topics. The long term goal of the Task Force is to continue the efforts already begun and eventually to operate an intake center that will provide information about services available to the homeless. In 1996 the Task Force expects to receive funding from the Georgia Legislature in the amount of$27,000. These funds and private donations will be used to establish an office and hire staff The major component of the strategy for transitional housing is to serve more homeless men., including veterans, and more single women recovering from substance abuse. Existing transitional housing Units will continue to be available. In addition, The Bethel Outreach Center, Inc. proposes to rehabilitate an old church and fund supportive staff positions to be used for forty (40) transitional units. This will be called the Carrie 1. Mays Outreach Center, Inc. Bethel Outreach Center, Inc. began as an outgrowth of services provided by the African-American congregation of Bethel AME Church. Volunteers from the Bethel Outreach Center, Inc. will donate time valued at $60,000 to the Carrie 1. Mays Outreach Center. The Hope House for Women, Inc. operates an eight-bed transitional house for females recovering from substance abuse. In the coming year, Hope House will hire a full-time day manager to provide case management for occupants of the transitional house. Hope House receives funding from several different sources, including the Housing Assistance Division of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Richmond County, and the Governor's Discretionary Fund. The strategy for permanent supportive housing is to continue the programs of the Community Mental Heahh Center, and provide permanent supportive housing for persons with AIDS. Currently there is no permanent supportive housing for homeless persons with AIDS in ' Augusta- Richmond County, an area with the second highest AIDS population in Georgia. St. I Stephen's Ministry of Augusta is working on a project to provide permanent supportive housing for persons with AIDS. St. Stephen's was formed in 1990 to provide housing and assistance to I persons with AIDS. Since 1992, S1. Stephen's Ministry and the EOA have jointly operated two (2) transitional houses for individuals and families with AIDS. In 1995, St. Stephen's Ministry was awarded $550,000 from the Georgia Housing Finance Authority (now the Housing Finance Division of DCA), and $100,000 from the city of Augusta, to convert an old YWCA residence 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I facility into a permanent supportive housing facility for persons with AIDS. St. Stephen's has acquired the property and is seeking additional funding to finance the renovation work. Hospice care for the residents of the facility will be provided through St. Joseph's Hospital under a contract for services valued at $60,000. Increasing the number of permanent housing units for the homeless and near homeless will involve a combination of direct action and dissemination of information. The Augusta Chapter of Habitat for Humanity will build an additional twelve (12) housing units in Augusta-Richmond County with the help of a $114,000 grant/loan from Habitat International. The Augusta Habitat Chapter has identified an inner city neighborhood for the project and is in the process of seeking assistance from the City and others to fully develop the project. Catholic Social Services and the EOA will continue to provide financial assistance so that the homeless can rent permanent housing. These two agencies have a long history of assisting homeless persons with the first month's rent so they can move from emergency shehers to permanent housing. The HND Department will also disseminate information about available financing sources for home loans, such as the OWNHOME Program. Operated in Augusta-Richmond County by EOA, the OWNHOME program provides an interest free second mortgage loan from the state of Georgia to pay almost all of the downpayment and closing costs for low income persons. If given sufficient supportive services, some of the homeless are able to successfully make the move from shehers to transitional and permanent housing. In the area of supportive services, the objective is to expand the ability of existing agencies and organizations toselVe the homeless, near homeless, and those with special needs. Augusta-Richmond County will do this by providing both CDBG and ESG funds to some of the service organizations during the next three years. To summarize, expected accomplishments under the homeless strategy include the addition of 40 new transitional beds, 16 more permanent supportive beds, and the construction of 12 permanent housing units during the next three years. Augusta-Richmond County will also make CDBG and ESG funds available to approximately 8-10 agencies and organizations serving the homeless and near homeless populations. D. Non - Housing Community Development Strategy The goal of the Non-Housing Community Development Strategy is to improve the quality of public facilities and public services, and expand economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The strategy involves making direct investments in public facilities, providing financial and technical assistance that creates and retains jobs, and supporting agencies that provide public services to low income and special needs populations. The strategy will improve the safety and livability of neighborhoods, create new business opportunities, and improve access to capital and credit for development activities. 1. Public Facilities and Services - In the area of public facilities and services, Augusta-Richmond County will continue to use a combination of CDBG and local funds to improve facilities and services in low and moderate income neighborhoods. Emphasis will continue to be placed on a combination of improvements to sewers, streets, sidewalks, street 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lights, fire protection, and recreation facilities. Barriers to handicapped accesSIbility will also be dealt with as needed. In addition, residents will be given the information and support needed to reduce criminal activity in their neighborhoods. Expected accomplishments related to public facilities include the completion of three more sewer separation projects, improvements to three community centers, installation of street lights in low income neighborhoods, and improvements at four recreation sites in targeted neighborhoods. In the area of public services, expected accomplishments include providing assistance to 10-12 agencies and organizations providing services to disadvantaged youth, the elderly, the homeless, the handicapped, people with alcohol and substance abuse problems, and residents oflow and moderate income neighborhoods 2. Economic Development - In an effort to increase economic development opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses and create new job opportunities for low and moderate income persons, Augusta-Richmond County will initiate the following strategy: 1. Increase access to capital for small and micro-businesses. 2. Initiate a training program to strengthen long range planning, management, finance and accounting capabilities of small businesses. 3. Provide small businesses with assistance in securing contracts and procurement opportunities in the private and public sectors. 4. Provide assistance.in developing additional business opportunities through mentors and joint-ventures. Accessing capital through conventional sources has traditionally been difficult for small and minority businesses. The HND Department has developed loan programs that will assist these disadvantaged businesses in obtaining capital. The Augusta-Richmond County Economic Development Loan Fund (ARCEDLF) and Recaptured Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) funds will be used to make loans to eligible small and minority owned businesses to help retain existing jobs and/or to create new job opportunities for low and moderate income persons. Loan amounts under both programs range from $5,000 up to $20,000. Loan funds can be used to start up or expand a business, develop or recycle blighted or vacant land and/or facilities, and provide capital for manufacturing to help achieve economic diversification. The increased business and employment opportunities will benefit the city by reducing unemployment and increasing the tax base. HND or a contracted agency may also assist small and minority businesses in locating other sources of financing. Augusta-Richmond County expects to make 45 economic development loans over the next three years. Augusta-Richmond County also offers the Link Deposit Funds program to small and minority owned businesses. The program was established to encourage sma11 and minority owned businesses to do business with the local government. These funds are activated by small and minority vendors who are awarded contracts for providing a seIVice or product to Augusta-Richmond County. The loan amount is based on a contract or bid award. The HND Department or a contracted agency will also initiate the following training and technical assistance services to sma11 and minority owned businesses: act as a clearinghouse for information regarding financial assistance programs, assist in packaging loan requests for businesses, conduct 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I seminars related to financing, and explore public and private resources to provide financial and business development services to small and minorities owned businesses. The HND Department or a contracted agency will also develop a program to assist smaI1 and minority owned businesses in obtaining bonding for private and county contracts. Additionally, fIND will provide management and technical assistance to contractors. Contracted agencies that may be involved in training and technical assistance activities include the Chamber of Commerce, CSRA Business League, Women in Business, the Internal Revenue Service, local colleges and technical schools, insurance and bonding companies, lenders, and smaI1 and minority business owners. The HND Department will also take an aggressive approach to marketing its procurement needs in a timely manner, affording small and minority entrepreneurs adequate time to prepare 'ror the bid process. Advertisements will be placed in newspapers that target the smaI1 and disadvantaged business market. Training or pre bid conferences will be held to ensure a proper understanding of the contract specifications. Also, fIND will also establish relationships with local industries and manufacturers seeking small and minority entrepreneurs to work on private projects. We will also encourage our clients to utilize small and minority entrepreneurs from our micro-business listing. Issues facing micro-businesses are really no different from those addressed for small and minority owned businesses. The fIND Department or a contracted agency will develop a data base listing of micro-businesses. This data base will include the name of each micro-business, the owner's name, the type of business, the number of employees, and the business address, telephone number and contact person. Once the data base has been created, the HND Department will help micro-businesses participate in mentoring and joint venture projects with other established businesses. Joint venture and mentoring projects will enable micro-businesses to gain access to more work, learn by example from established businesses, and increase their knowledge and skills. 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I v. 1997 ACTION PLAN A. Introduction and Executive Summary During 1997 Augusta-Richmond County will implement a variety of activities designed to further the strategic plan and address the priority housing and community development needs outlined in the CSP. Some projects will be implemented by the HND Department in cooperation with other city departments. Other projects will be carried out by nonprofit organizations addressing a particular need or working in a specific neighborhood. The Action Plan includes a discussion of the resources to be used in implementing the activities, followed by an outline of the activities to be undertaken. The CDBG-funded activities are subdivided into the following categories: Acquisition / Public Facilities and Improvements, Public Services, Housing Construction., Rehabilitation., Repayment of Section 108 Loan, and Administration., Planning and Contingency. HOME, ESG, and Public Housing activities are listed separately. The Action Plan concludes with a discussion of other actions and program requirements the City intends to address during the coming years. It is anticipated that the majority of the activities will be implemented during the 1997 calendar year. Projects requiring more planning and preparation, such as new housing construction., will likely take 18-24 months to complete. In developing the Action Plan, the City followed the citizen participation plan outlined in Section II (B) of the CSP. The geographic distnlmtion of 1997 Action Plan activities is shown on the census tract and neighborhood maps labeled Figures 4 through 11. Figures 4 through 7 show the locations of CDBG-funded activities. Figure 8 shows the location ofCDBG, HOME, ESG, and Public Housing Authority (PHA) projects. Figures 9 through 11 show the location of all activities in relation to concentrations oflow and moderate income persons, minorities, and the unemployed. The maps indicate that almost all of the activities (CDBG, HOME, ESG, & PHA) included in the 1997 Action Plan are targeted to the census tracts with the highest concentrations of low and moderate income persons, minorities, and the unemployed. These areas have the highest priority because they exlnbit the greatest need for eligible CDBG, HOME, and ESG-funded projects. By targeting assistance to these areas, the City is also helping achieve the objectives of the strategic plan. They are also the location of almost all of the Public Housing Authority facilities. Where activity locations are outside low and moderate income areas, assistance is targeted to organizations serving eligiole groups, such as the homeless and the elderly. It is important to note that these census tracts also coincide with the boundaries of neighborhoods having the highest concentrations oflow and moderate income persons, minorities, unemployed, and deteriorated housing. The neighborhoods include Albion Acres, Bethlehem, Harrisburg, Laney-Walker, May Park, Old Town, Sand Hills, Turpin Hill and West End (see Figures 6 and 7). 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Federal and Other Resources In 1997, Augusta-Richmond County will use both Federal and non-Federal public and private resources to address the priority needs and objectives identified in the strategic plan. Federal resources to be spent in 1997 include $2.929 million in CDBG funds, $1.137 million in HOME funds, and $60,000 in ESG funds. Approximately $120,000 in CnBG program income will also be spent to further the strategic plan. Other resources to be used include $60,000 in in-kind contnlmtions from several agencies, to match the ESG funds, and in-kind contnlmtions from the City Engineering and Recreation and Parks Departments. It is unclear at this time what private resources (e.g. equity, bank loans) will be committed during the 1997 program year. Private funds are most likely to be committed to new housing construction. It is anticipated that private and nonprofit entities will seek funding for projects under the Section 202 and Section 811 Programs in furtherance of the objectives spelled out in the Strategic Plan. Homeless seIVice providers will be encouraged to apply for funding to provide transitional housing and rental assistance programs. It is also assumed that the Housing Authority will continue to receive funding, and apply for Section 8 certificates and vouchers and other programs to benefit its client groups. C. Acquisition I Public Facilities and Improvements (see Figure 4) 1. Girls Inc. of the CSRA - $12,000 to pay for acquisition ofproperty adjacent to the existing Girls Inc. facility at 1919 Watkins Street in the Harrisburg neighborhood (Census Tract 2). Girls Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing programs and seIVices to low and moderate income girls. 2. Good Hope Ministry, Inc. - $48,000 to help pay for acquisition of real property to be used for the construction of affordable housing. Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church Social Services Ministry, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that is currently sponsoring the construction of affordable housing units for the elderly. The property proposed for acquisition is located on Magnolia Avenue in east Augusta (Census Tract 106). 3. Savannah Place Community Center - $80,000 to pay for playground equipment, basketball courts, and parking improvements at Savannah Place Park in the South Turpin Hill Neighborhood (Census Tract 104). Coordinate with Recreation and Parks Department. 4. Street Lights - $160,000 to pay for street light installation on 11th and 12th Streets and in low and moderate income neighborhoods (Census Tract 7). Coordinate with Public Works and Engineering Department. 5. Wesley Homes, Inc. - $40,000 to help upgrade two elevators at S1. John's Towers at 724 Greene Street in downtown Augusta (Census Tract 4). S1. John's Towers is a high-rise residence facility for the elderly. 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Public Services (see Figure 5) 1. Able-Disabled, Inc. - $ 8,000 to pay for transportation seIVices for people with disabilities. Able-Disabled, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing counseling, referral services, and transportation assistance to the disabled and their families (Census Tract 8). The clients to be assisted will be located throughout Augusta-Richmond County. 2. CSRA Agency on Aging - $40,000 to pay for the costs of improving handicapped accessibility of housing units occupied by the disabled. CSRA Agency on Aging is a nonprofit organization located at 2123 Wrightsboro Road that provides support and seIVices to the elderly and handicapped (Census Tract 12). The housing units to be assisted will be located throughout Augusta-Richmond County. 3. Augusta Mini-Theater, Inc. - $ 8,000 to pay for scholarships to low and moderate income students for training in the arts. The Augusta Mini-Theater, Inc. is a nonprofit organization located at 430 Eighth Street in downtown Augusta that provides training in the arts to low and moderate income youth (Census Tract 4). The youth to be assisted come from neighborhoods throughout Augusta-Richmond County. 4. Augusta Youth Center, Inc.- $ 8,000 to pay for anti-drug and tutoring programs for disadvantaged youths. The Augusta Youth Center is a nonprofit organization, located at 602 Third Street in the Olde Town neighborhood, that provides recreational, educational, and employment-related assistance to low and moderate income children (Census Tract 6). 5. Catholic Social Services, Inc. - $ 8,000 to pay for rental assistance to the homeless and near homeless. Catholic Social Services, Inc., is a nonprofit organization, located at 1419 Arsenal Avenue, that provides food, clothing, transportation, rental assistance, and other support services to the homeless and others in need (Census Tract 11). The people to be assisted come from neighborhoods throughout Augusta-Richmond County. 6. CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority I Operation Self-Help - $16,000 to pay for operating costs (e.g. salaries, fringe benefits, equipment, overhead) associated with Operation Self-Help. The CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority is an entity organized pursuant to Title vn of the Headstart, Economic Opportunity, and Community Partnership Act of 1974. Operation Self-Help is a program designed to enhance access to community resources (social, medical, educational, etc.) for low and moderate income persons. The program is headquartered at the Beulah Grove Human Resource Center at 1448 Linden Street in the BetWehem neighborhood (Census Tract 14). 7. D.C. Flyers Track Oub, Inc. - $ 6,400 to help pay for equipment used in track and field events. D.C. Flyers Track Club, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that sponsors track and field events and seminars for the benefit of disadvantaged youths. The program is headquartered at 515 15th Street (Census Tract 8). Services will be rendered to disadvantaged youths at Track and field sites located elsewhere in Augusta-Richmond 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8. East Georgia Easter Seal Society - $40,000 to pay for operating the Job Readiness Program. The Job Readiness Program provides basic adult education, job seeking skills, on-the-job-training, and work experience to persons with disabilities. The East Georgia Easter Seal Society is a nonprofit organization that provides vocationally oriented services to adults with disabilities in an effort to return them to employment. The organization is located at 1241 Reynolds Street in downtown Augusta (Census Tract 4). 9. Family Self-Sufficiency Program (Augusta Housing Authority) - $ 8,000 to help pay the operating costs (salaries, supplies, educational, transportation and audit fees) of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program sponsored by the Augusta Housing Authority. The program is designed to promote economic independence from all government assistance within five years of a commitment to participate. Section 8 Program participants are eligible for the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (Census Tract 8). 10. God's Love Mission, Inc. - $ 8,000 to help pay for operating costs (salary, equipment) of a homeless service provider. God's Love Mission, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing shelter, referral, and related services to the homeless. God's Love Mission is located at 2158 Broad Street in the West End neighborhood (Census Tract 2). 11. Bethlehem Neighborhood Watch Program (Lighthouse Plan) - $ 8,000 to purchase equipment for use in a neighborhood watch program. Bethlehem is a low and moderate income neighborhood located south of downtown Augusta (Census Tract 15). 12. People Empowering People (PEP), Inc. - $ 8,000 to help pay for operating costs (salary, equipment, supplies) of People Empowering People, Inc. PEP is a nonprofit organization providing educational and social services to at-risk youth. The organization is located at 907 D'Antignac Street in the Laney Walker neighborhood (Census Tract 7). . 13. Professional Service Enterprise, Inc. - $ 8,000 to help pay for operating costs (salary, equipment, supplies) of a comprehensive community center providing assistance to the homeless. The De'borah Community Center is located at 2330 Millegeville Road in the South Turpin Hill neighborhood (Census Tract 103). 14. Senior Citizens Council- $24,000 to help pay for transportation services for st?nior citizens participating in programs sponsored by the Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA. Funds will also be used to purchase one kiln for the Council's Ceramics Program. The Senior Citizens Council is located at 515 15th Street in downtown Augusta (Census Tract 3). E. Housin1: Construction (see Figure 6) 1. Housing Development - $689,600 to pay for construction of new housing in the Laney- Walker, Bethlehem and Turpin Hill neighborhoods (Census Tracts 7, 9. 14, & 15). The HND Department will coordinate this activity. 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Laney-Walker Development Corporation - $80,000 to pay for continuation and expansion of the HOME Affordable Housing Program in the Laney-Walker (Census Tract 9). The Laney Walker Neighborhood Corporation is a nonprofit organization located at 851 Laney-Walker Blvd. in the Laney-Walker neighborhood. F. Rehabilitation (see Figure 7) 1. Care Management Services, Inc. - $24,000 to pay for the repair and replacement of the HV AC system, root: and plumbing at the facility occupied by Care Management Services, Inc. at 1105 Druid Park Avenue in the Academy-Baker neighborhood. Care Management Services, Inc. provides setvices to the frail elderly and their caregivers. 2. Housing Rehabilitation Program - $550,000 to pay for continuation of housing rehabilitation program to qualified low and moderate income homeowners in CDBG eligIble neighborhoods. Program components include deferred and low-interest rate loans to finance repairs to substandard single family and muhifamily residences, emergency grants to correct dangerous or hazardous conditions in single family residences, and free paint for use on the exterior of residences. The HND Department will coordinate the program Expected accomplishments during the year include the rehabilitation of25 owner-occupied housing units. construction of 40 new . units, 3. Limited Rental Rehabilitation Program - $250,000 to finance the rehabilitation of single family and multifamily residences in CDBG eligible neighborhoods. The HND Department will coordinate the program, and assistance will take the form of grants and low-interest loans. Expected accomplishments during the year include the limited rehabilitation of35 housing units. . G. Repayment of Section 108 Loan Principal 1. Olde Town Properties - $200,000 to repay Section 108 loan and legal fees associated with the Olde Town Properties Project. This project involved the rehabilitation of approximately 54 rental residential properties located in the Olde Town neighborhood. The HND Department will coordinate the project. H. Administration. Planning and Contingency Funds 1. Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission - $25,000 to pay for costs of providing program planning and environmental review assistance to the CDBG Program. The Augusta- Richmond County Planning Commission conducts planning and zoning activities for Augusta- Richmond County and has provided assistance to the CDBG Program for many years. 2. Historic Augusta, Inc. - $12~000 to pay for costs of providing historic preservation planning assistance to Low and moderate income neighborhoods. Historic Augusta is a nonprofit organiza- tion that has provided similar assistance for several years. 3. General Administration - $480,000 to pay for costs incurred by the Housing and Neighbor- hood Development Department in the general administration of the CDBG, ESG, And HOME 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Programs. The Housing and Neighborhood Development Department is a line agency of the Augusta-Richmond County Commission. 4. Contingency Funds - $200,000 to be used to cover unforeseen project costs and overruns. I. HOME Proeram (see Figure 8) 1. HOME Program - $1,137,000 to be used by eligible CHOOs to increase the supply of affordable, standard rental housing for very low and low income families through moderate rehabilitation and new construction. The City has worked with both the Laney Walker Development Corporation (LWDC) and Antioch Housing Ministries, Inc. to implement affordable housing projects in the Laney Walker neighborhood. It is anticipated that one or both of these organizations will again be involved in similar activities during 1997. Expected accomplishments during the year include the rehabilitation and lor construction of 10 housing units. J. Homeless Assistance Program (see Figure 8) 1. The Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program - $60,000 to pay for activities to improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, to help make additional emergency shelters available, to help meet the costs of operating emergency shelters, and to provide certain essential social services to homeless individuals. The program not only provides access to safe and sanitary shelters but also provides supportive services and other kinds of assistance the homeless need. The program is also intended to restrict the increase ofhomelessness through the funding of preventive programs and activities. There are 3 (three) categories of funding - operating costs, essential services and homeless prevention. The HND Department will coordinate the distnbution of ESG :fimds to the homeless assistance providers listed below. Each of the listed homeless assistance providers will provide a dollar-for-dollar match to the ESG funds through in-kind contnlmtions of labor, materials and supplies. Approximately 1,000 homeless individuals and families are expected to be assisted through the ESG Program 1997 ESG Recipients Agency Augusta Urban Ministries CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc. Friendship Community Center Georgia Legal Services Golden Harvest Food Bank Hope House For Women SAFE Homes of Augusta, Inc. Salvation Army S1. Stephen's Ministry of Augusta, Inc. Amount $ 6,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 7.000 $60,000 TOTAL 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I K. Public Bousin~ Initiatives The HUD-funded Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program provides rent subsidy to very low-income residents so that they do not pay more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities. Families must qualify through the same income adjustment criteria as used for public housing and are given certificates or vouchers to apply toward their rent. Certificates are based on the fair market value of rental property. There are more than 2,300 low-income individuals and/or families in the Section 8 program and approximately 4,000 have been placed on a waiting list. Priority is given to the homeless, those living in substandard housing, and those paying more than half of their income for rent and utilities. No specific geographical area of the City will be targeted for rental assistance. Service delivery and management will be provided by the Augusta Housing Authority. Augusta-Richmond County will work with the Augusta Housing Authority and nonprofit housing providers to identifY public housing tenants who are interested in moving into new or rehabilitated housing assisted through the CDBG and HOME Programs. The Housing Authority also will continue to receive funds under HUD's Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP). According to the CGP Action Plan, the Housing Authority expects to receive approximately $4.32 million each year between 1997 and the year 2000. The funds will be used for a combination of physical improvements, management improvements, and administrative costs affecting Authority-owned properties. Jennings Homes on Olive Road, and Underwood Homes on Fairhope Street, will be the focus of most of the physical improvements. Landscaping, fencing, and security improvements will also be made at Gilbert Manor. The majority of management improvement funds will pay for additional police officers to patrol Authority-owned properties. L. Other Actions and Program Requirements 1. Program Income - CDBG program income will be spent only on eligible activities that help implement the Action Plan. 2. Income From Float-Funded Activities - Float-funded actMtles are any activities which Augusta-Richmond County funds through the use of a "float", which is the amount of Augusta-Richmond County's CDBG funds budgeted for one or more activities that do not need the funds immediately. Float-funded activities are undertaken with the expectation that they will generate sufficient program income to allow for completion of the projects originally budgeted to receive the funds. No funds are expected to be received from float-funded activities included in the 1997 CSP, and no funds are expected to be received during the program year from a float-funded activity descn'bed in a prior statement or plan. 3. Urgent Needs Activity - No urgent needs activities are included in the 1997 Action Plan. 4. Surplus Urban Renewal Funds - There are no surplus CDBG funds from any urban renewal settlement for community development and housing activities, and no CDBG grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not been included in a subsequent statement or plan. 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5. Plan to Reduce Barriers to Affordable Housinl: - The City will follow all of the affirmative marketing, minority and women business outreach requirements as defined in 24 CFR 92.350 and 92.351, respectively. The City has conducted a Fair-Housing Study and will integrate the information from that study as well. 6. Anti-Poverty Stratq::y - Existing anti-poverty programs in the community will be continued. The Crisis Pregnancy Center has a program in 1996 for women with children which provides financial counseling, referrals to community resources, and classes on budgeting. They are also able to offer financial assistance to a limited number offamilies. The Salvation Army has a Comprehensive Social Rehabilitation Service Program in which men are given jobs, spiritual guidance, job training, and taught motivational techniques. The Housing Authority's Family Self-Sufficiency Program gives people under the poverty level occupational skills training, remediation/GED instructions, job search/placement assistance, and self-esteem building. The City, along with many public and private agencies, has many goals and programs for producing affordable housing, as set forth earlier in this Plan. As housing becomes more affordable, those who are in transitional housing or who are renting will be able to own their own homes. Not only does home ownership boost a sense of pride in the owner, it also enables him or her to begin building equity in a home. Housing affordability coupled with the programs already mentioned that are focused on educating, motivating, and finding jobs for low and very low-income people will help to reduce the number of Augustans living below the poverty line. 7. Institutional Structure and Coordination of Efforts - The institutional structure is in place to implement the Action Plan. As previously mentioned, the HND Department has many years of experience in planning and implementing CDBG and related program activities. The Augusta Housing Authority also has many years of experience in providing public housing and related support services, and has been designated as a high performer by RUD's Atlanta Office. These two agencies will be responsible for the implementation of the majority of projects covered by the strategy. However, a number of well-established agencies and organizations will serve as subrecipients, and will share in the responsibility for the implementation of projects and delivery of services. Augusta-Richmond County and the Augusta Housing Authority will keep lines of communication open with the involved parties to assure coordination and effective implementation of all activities. The HND Department also will continue to conduct monitoring reviews of all subrecipients on a regular basis to assure that projects are carried out in accordance with the CSP. Monitoring will also be done to assure that projects meet all regulatory requirements and adhere to the necessary financial management techniques. 24 -.' ""- (") o = :t- n c ftl lQ = C III Cf III AI .. o 0" - AI ~ '< 0" I " -"'_... n :I:::c _ -"""::""_'-. It (") 0 - C>. _: c ~ - g. c::l-o % ~ b 3 ::0' .g III ~ g m' c... :;l - Q. N: 5 AI s: (") }>I It n 0 0 --c..c: l8 "'0 =' '" ftl-< .., III o =' III - .. < . J ! ; /~,I .- ,P ,- ,~ c~. "_ .' - i I :.. ,.- .~;;t .....t _",/" ~ .r ./ /./'" ...... ~'....... '~< "', -~~. -'. ' - ",-,-~ '. '.,. -.~ ...... ." t......... 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I I N - Q; g "0 s- o 0 U'1 ...- t-' CD CDO -t 1-" Q Q) 0 () '< ~ QI 0" r- t-' Z (1) ..... ..... c: ~ .. m ~ en- ~ 1.0 U'1 N ':='16 OJ co 0'\ N 0 N -m.... m ....J w 0 ~ 0'\ C':l -co ::c "'-'" CD CD ... ::l en en C':l m '< ::c < m c ~ OJ -f --< 0 ::co:; - A I A ..... -f co co 0 0 o = '"';::' = (J) sa - en =:" - _..-~ !!. ::l 0 CO = I 9:. : I I I I I I I I I I I I I Priority Needs Summary Table I I I I I I ,. Priority Need level ESTIMATED ESTIMATED PRIORIiY HOUSING NEEDS High. Medium. Low. No Such Need UNITS OOllARS TO (households) ADDRESS 0-30% 31.50% 51-80% Cost Burden > 30"", H H M 1 ,630 125,000 Cost Burden > SO% H M L 603 75,000 Small Related Substandard H M M 85 200,000 Overcrowded M M M 327 50,000 Cost Burden > 30% H M M 434 125,000 Cost Burden > 50% H M L 180 75,000 Renter Large Retced Substandard H M M 20 300,0~0 Overcrowded H M M 276 100,000 Cost Burden > 30% H M M 1,738 150,000 Cost Burden> SO% M M L 468 75,000 . Elderly Substandard H M M 57 250,000 Overcrowded M M M 221 75,000 Cost Burden> 30"-' H M M 1,026 100,000 Cost Burden > 50% I H M L 994 75,000 Owner , Substandard H M M 205 350,000 .' Overcrowded M M M 241 50,000 PRIORflY HOMELESS NEEDS Priority Need Level ESTlIlATED High, Medium, Low, No such need DOLLARS TO ADORESS Assessment/Outreach FIllftiIioes IIldiwaaIs "--'" wi ~ "-' H M L 90,000 Emergency Shelter FWBiies Indiwicluals "-- wi ~ Neeas L H L 100,000 Transitional Housing FamiDes IndiviOuaIs "--'" wi ~ Neeas H L L 200,000 Permanent Supportive Housing FlIIftiIies ~ "-- wi Spec:iaI Neecs L I L L 300,000 Permanent Housing Families lndiYiduals p..."". wi Scecial Neeas H M L 500,000 I - PRIORITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Priority N~ed Level ESTIMATED NEEDS High. Medium. I..ow. No Such Need DOLLARS TO , ADDRESS PUBUC FACIUTY NEEDS Senior Cemers M I 500,000 Youth Cemers M I 500,000 Neighborhood Facilities M 500,000 Child Care Centers M 50.000 Parks and/or Recreation Facilities H 1,500,000 Health Facilities H 100,000 Parking Facilities M 100,000 Other Public Facilities - - INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT Solid Waste Disposal Improvements M 50,000 Flood Drain Improvements H 1,000,000 . Wmer Improvements M 1 000,000 Street Improvements M 200 000 Sidewalk Improvements M 100,000 Sewer Improvements H 3,000,000 Asbestos Removal L 50,000 Other InfnLstructure Improvement Needs - - PUBUC SERVICE NEEDS Senior Services H 75,000 Handicapped Services H 80.000 Youth Services H 75,000 TraNportation Services M 50,000 Substance AbWle Services H 75,000 Employment Training H 75,000 I I Crime Awareness H 80,00iO I Fair HOWling Counseling M 30,00!0 I I Tenant/Landlord Counseling M 30,000 Child Care Services M 30,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ....V.'RAFr'.. . ", . . . . .... . '. . . ~. Health Services H 100,000 Other Public Service Needs - 75,000 ACCESSIBIlITY NEEDS M 100,000 RESIDENTlAL HISTORIC PRESERYAnON NEEDS M 300,000 NON-AESlDEHTIA1. HISTORIC PRESERVAnON NEEDS M 200,000 ECONOMIC DEYE1.CPIIEHT NEEDS ~FWlUlRll..lion M 250,000 ~~ M 200,000 0Iner ~ Irnprowmera M 100,000 t.Iicro-BuIina: M 100.000 Other Bulin I I M 1nn nnn Technical AsaiItance u r;n nnn Other Economic ~~1'Il Needa - 50,000 OTHER COIlIIUNrTY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS Energy Efficiency Imp~dl. M 1C;n nno Lead BaecI ~ M 1nn ()n() Code Cnforceu_nt H 150,000 PlANNING M 100,000 TOTAL ESTJIIATED DOUARs. NEEDED: 14,740,000 1342 -42- J1Ily 28. 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CERTIFlCA nONS In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations governing the Housing and Community Development Plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that: Afllrmatively Further Fair Housing - The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting that analysis and actions in this regard. Anti-displacement and Relocation Plan - It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and implementing regulations at 49 CFR 24; and it has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan required under section 1000d) of the Housing and Comrriunity Development Act of 1974, as amended, in connection with any activity assisted with funding under the CDBG or HOME programs. Drug Free Workplace - It will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited- in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about _ (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1; 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will _ (a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (b) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number( s) of each affected grant; 6. . Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted - (a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Anti-Lobbying - To the best of the jurisdiction's knowledge and belief: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying, " in accordance with its instructions; and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. It will require that the language of paragraph 1 and 2 of this anti-lobbying certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Authority of Jurisdiction- The consolidated plan is authorized under State and local law (as applicable) and the jurisdiction possesses the legal authority to carry out the programs for which it is seeking funding in accordance with applicable HUD regulations. Consistency with plan- The housing activities to be undertaken with CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPW A funds are consistent with the strategic plan. Mayor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specific CDBG Certifications The Entitlement Community certifies that: Citizen Participation- It is in full compliance and following a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105. Community Development Plan - It has developed a community development plan identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both short and long-tenn community development objectives that provide decent housing, expand economic opportunities primarily for persons oflow and moderate income. (See CFR 24 570.2 and CPR 24 570) Following a plan- It is following a current consolidated plan (or Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) that has been approved by HUn. Use of Funds- It has complied with the following criteria: 1. Maximum Possible Priority. With respect to activities expected to be assisted with COBG funds, it certifies that is has developed its Action Plan so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit low and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. The Action Plan may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available); 2. Overall Benefit. The aggregate use of CnBG funds include section 108 guaranteed loans during program year(s) 1997, (a period specified by the grantee consisting of one, two, or three specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a manner that ensures that at least 70 percent of the amount is expended for activities that benefit such persons during the designated period; 3. Special Assessments. It will not attempt to recover any capital costs .of public improvements assisted with COBG funds including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements. However, if CnBG funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with COBG funds) financed from other revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with eDBG funds, including Section 108, unless enBG funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements financed from other revenue sources. In this case, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. Also, in the case of properties owned and occupied by moderate income (not low income) families, an assessment or charge may be made against the property for public improvements financed by a source other than eDBG funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks eDBG funds to cover the assessment. Excessive Force - It has adopted and is enforcing: 1. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and 2. A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non- violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction; Compliance With Anti-discrimination laws- The grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 use 2000d), the Fair Housing Act (42 use 3601-3619), and implementing regulations. Lead-Based Paint - Its notification, inspection, testing and abatement procedures concerning lead-based paint will comply with ~570.608; Compliance with Laws- It will comply with applicable laws. , .~ ? "'. ",- ,! ,.... /2!17/qfLJ Date Mavor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ESG Certifications The Emergency Shelter Grantee certifies that: Match - It will provide the matching supplemental funds required by 9575.51. Describe the sources and amounts of the supplemental funds. Each ESG Subrecipient is required to match the want amount allocated to them The required match will be provided by a combination of the followin~: private donations. church donations, membership drives. fund raising events and volunteer hours Terms of Assistance - It will comply with: (1) The requirements of 9575.53 concerning the continued use of buildings, for which emergency shelter grant amounts are used, as emergency shelters for the homeless; (2) The building standards requirements of 9575.55; and (3) The requirements of 9575.57 concerning assistance to the homeless. Non-profit Subrecipients - It will conduct its emergency shelter grant activities and the unit of general local government will ensure that nonprofit recipients conduct their activities in conformity with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements contained in 9575.59(a) and the other requirements of this part and of other applicable Federa1law. Use of Commercial Buildings - If grant amounts are proposed to be used to provide emergency shelter for the homeless in hotels or motels, or other commercial facilities providing transient housing: (1) The grantee or nonprofit recipient has executed (or will execute) an agreement with the provider of such housing that comparable living space, in terms of quality, available amenities, and square footage, will be available in the facility for use as emergency shelter for at least the applicable period specified in 9575.53; (2) Leases negotiated between the grantee or nonprofit recipient with the provider of such housing will make available such living space at substantially less than the daily room rate otherwise charged by the facility; and (3) The grantee or nonprofit recipient has considered using other facilities as emergency shelters, and has determined that the use of such living space in the facilities provides the most cost-effective means of providing emergency shelter for the homeless in its jurisdiction. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Environmental - It assures that no renovation, major rehabilitation, or conversion activity funded through the Emergency Shelter Grant Program will: (1) Involve alterations to a property that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is located in a historic district or is immediately adjacent to a property that is listed on the Register, or is deemed by the State Historic Preservation Officer to be eligible for listing on the Register; (2) Take place in any 100-year floodplain designated by map by the Federal Emergency Management Agency; or (3) \ d lLll ~ G Date Mayor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OPTIONAL CERTIFlCA nON CDBG Submit the following certification only when one or more of the activities in the final statement are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency as specified in 24 CPR 570.208(c): The grantee hereby certifies that the projected use of funds includes one or more specifically identified activities which are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community and other financial resources are\Y.1 . V!l1labl~~Ch needs. s~:Zl:Z~~ \ d l1Jl9 ~ Date Mayor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specific HOME Certifications The HOME participating jurisdiction certifies that: Tenant Based Rental Assistance - If the participating jurisdiction intends to provide tenant- based rental assistance: The use of HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance is an essential element of the participating jurisdiction's annual approved housing strategy for expanding the supply, affordability, and availability of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. Eligible Activities and Costs- it is using and will use HOME funds for eligible activities and costs, as described in 24 CFR ~92.205 through 92.209 and that it is not using and will not use HOME funds for prohibited activities, as described in ~92.214. Appropriate Financial Assistance - before committing any funds to a project, it will evaluate the project in accordance with the guidelines that it adopts for this purpose and will not invest any more HOME funds in combmation with oth~r Federal assistance than is necessary to provide affordable ho . ~o ~~ ,,,,j ,-,lJ.. .' }tVZ). -;C~o-- Signatj/e/ Au o' dO' _ld/17/q~ Date Mavor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HOPW A Certifications The HOPW A grantee certifies that: Activities - Activities funded under the program will meet urgent needs that are not being met by available public and private sources. Building- Any building or structure assisted under that program shall be operated for the purpose specified in the plan: 1. For at least 10 years ,in the case of assistance involving new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or acquisition of a facility. For at least 3 years in the case of assistance involving non-substantial rehabilitation O\~f a bwwmg~tructure. "",.J ) .''1 ~ ~ vrVa ~-t:~Q: SignatGre/ Au ed 0 cia! 2. Date /:2/lijQlo , , Mayor Title I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX TO CERTIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING LOBBYING AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS: A. Lobbying Certification This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. B. Drug-Free Workplace Certification 1. By signing and/or submitting this application or grant agreement, the grantee is providing the certification. 2. The certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance is placed when the agency awards the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action authorized under the Drug-Free Workplace Act. 3. F or grantees other than individuals, Alternate I applies. (This is the information to which entitlement grantees certify). 4. For grantees who are individuals, Alternate n applies. (Not applicable to CDBG Entitlement grantees.) 5 . Workplaces under grants, for grantees other than, individuals, need not be identified on the certification. If known, they may be identified in the grant application. If the grantee does not identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, if there is no application, the grantee must keep the identity of the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known workplaces constitutes a violation of the grantee's drug-free workplace requirements. 6. Workplace identifications must include the actual address of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be used (e.g., all vehicles ofa mass transit authority or State highway department while in operation, State employees in each local unemployment office, performers in concert halls or radio stations). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the change(s), ifit previously identified the workplaces in question (see paragraph five). 8. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code) Housing & Neighborhood Development Department One Tenth Street. Suite 430 AUiUsta Geor~a 30901 Check _ if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here: The certification with regard to the drug-free workplace required by 24 CFR part 24, subpart F. 9. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following definitions from these rules: IIControlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C.S12) and as further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 130S.15); IIConvictionll means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminaI.drug statutes; IICrirninal drug statute" means a Federal or non-Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance; IIEmployee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: (i) All "direct charge" employees; (ii) all "indirect charge" employees unless their impact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and (ill) temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are not on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantee's payroll; or employees of subrecipients or subcontractors in covered workplaces). ~J cc i. ~ .. ~I w....... ~j I I I ~~J - OCD ~C')I = 0 (Q= 01l):;C ~~IO ...g, o III ~li S g, III &~I= ,,= om .....'<1>> al !!t = a~1 o i I I I I " i I r-" o 0'" n..... eal nn 0- g,o al- " o ..... al n ~ ::; CD III = ~ o al II) n ~. ~ - o' = ~ <' ~ C') o ~ ~ ;:; ~ i 0' = ." C = g, S' (Q CI) o c ~ al . > n n" 0... 30 ~~ =0 .~ =r'al 3g, al = Ii ..... 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":.. :. w w (0,) ... .... ...... -<. . - CD Ct Ct 0 Ul 800800go , II i I > n n-v 0"" 30 "" =0 III III ::;TCD 3g, CD = ;r o o z o :2 I o n:: ~e= >- l- z ::> o o o " .. '0 ... ') ~ .. D~ ) 0 ''''''. ( ,,"'" V "i '\ '" ~ ~ ~ o o E- ~ o l..L. cId ~ ....:l a:l ~ ~ ~ o (J \I r >-- ~ o u @ o ~ u C2 I -< E- U') ;:, o ::J -< .~.. .....-.. .....: "':::~.. . ''; I '.I....:....~::.;:.;.~J o " . " " ? . .. I I I I I I I I II I II NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: That the Mayor and the Housing and II Neighborhood Development Department be authorized to prepare and submit the 1997 Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for I the 1997 Community Development Block Grant program and amendments thereto as well as provide the required assurances, certifications, and execution of the Grant Agreement; and II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Housing and Neighborhood Development I Department be authorized to carry o. ut the orderly execution of the final statement as I I approved by the Augusta-Richmond County Commission in compliance with all ! applicable law, rules, and regulations, I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FlUNG OF A 1997 FINAL STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS AND GRANTING THE AUTHORITY TO GIVE ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE U,S, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND GRANTING THE AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THE CONSOUDATED STRATEGY AND PLAN AS APPROVED, WHEREAS, AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA has availed itself of the provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to submit a Final Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for 1997 Community Development Block Grant Funds after public hearings have been held and projects suggested by citizens have been given careful and serious consideration; and WHEREAS, it order to expedite the orderly execution of the assurances, certifications and Grant Agreement, the Mayor is hereby given authority to provide such assurances, certifications and execute the Grant Agreement as required by the Secretary; and WHEREAS, in order to expedite the Community Development Block Grant Program, the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department is given authority to carry out the program as approved by the Augusta-Richmond County Commission. SEAL AUGUSTA-RICHM9NP COUNTY. GEORGIA \~, ~I ....~.~~. _, ':~Y;;& ~.~. .;-~~:~~~.:>:.- ~ ;~.'d~ BY: I I I I I ATTEST: ~k~ /f) 7??~ j Lema :J."'Bo;;;e;-- ~y Clerk of Commission CERTIFICATION ,A.!Aay tJ.lI~kj a'A I Lens_J,_ Bonne, ~ Clerk of Commission, herebv certify_that the above is a true and - I I I I I SEAL AUGUSTA-RI~,~~D C~TY ~EORGIA " . r,..:.r \ V ....~~~~~_.:":~ I..~,;.;:::....;t e/ ,(::~,n. 1'1,. I ,'.".' . "., .~. ,,--:'.~.J~ ,..!~ -- BY: V/ / -."," ,', .' '-' - O.-..r / LarQ Scon~rs Mayor ( I~ I~ I. l I~ I I- I I I I I I I I I I- I A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE CONSOUDA TED STRATEGY AND PLAN (CPS) FOR 1997 AND GRANTING THE AUTHORITY TO GIVE ASSURANCES AND CERTIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND GRANTING THE AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THE CONSOLIDATED STRATEGY AND PLAN AS APPROVED, WHEREAS, AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA has availed itself of the provisions of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to submit a 1997 Consolidated Strategy and Plan as a prerequisite to receiving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME). Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) , and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds after public hearings have been held and projects suggested by citizens have been given careful and serious consideration; and WHEREAS, it order to expedite the orderly execution of the assurances, certifications and Grant Agreement, the Mayor is hereby given authority to provide such assurances, certifications and execute the Grant Agreement as required by the Secretary; and WHEREAS, in order to expedite the federal programs included in the plan, the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department is given authority to carry out the programs as approved by Augusta.Richmond County Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Mayor and the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department be authorized to prepare and submit the 1997 Consolidated Strategy and Plan and amendments thereto as well as provide the required assurances, certifications, and execution of the Grant Agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Housing and Neighborhood Development Department be authorized to carry out the orderly execution of the 1997 Consolidated Strategy and Plan as approved by the Augusta-Richmond County Commission in compliance with all applicable law, rules, and regulations, ATTEST: 77~ ~ 7/?<9f~J' J, "nef 'UlY Clerk of Commission CEATIFICA TION .v~y tJ, #~ /JE.IJ. I. Lena J,Bonner !! Clerk of Commission. herebv certifv .that the above is..a true, and . I I I I I