HomeMy WebLinkAboutThird Party Leasing Arrangement/Family and Children Services Augusta Richmond GA '. DOCUMENT NAME: 11-1 I ~ \) PflR1'l L€ ps,I'\lJ A~\tA"'''lep? VV'T I FA"" ILY Arv ~ e... \-+ I L \) R~N ~G~ V Ie €"s. DOCUMENT TYPE: leA ~E: YEAR: ") C)~ ~ BOX NUMBER: G FILE NUMBER: I ~o, ) ~ NUMBER OF PAGES: 5 ,~f ~;".. :I,..:\f:~~ " Georgia Department of Human Resources Division of Family and Children Services LOCAL STATEMENT OF SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE COSTS IN LIEU OF RENT IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS OR THIRD PARTY LEASING ARRANGEMENT PREPARE IN QUADRUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT RICHMOND CO U NTY AUGUSTA GEORGIA TO: GA. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES RICHMOND CO. DEPT. OF FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES . known as the FAMILY & CHILDREN SERVICES For third party space or service and maintenance costs in providing your agency with office space in the public facility building building, located at 520 FENWICK STREET AUGUSTA Georgia. 77159 Square Feet @ S 15. 851/f1J[;;tt per Square Foot per Annum S 1,223,344 " - - _.~.:: 1. ~!.c} '. :;";. -. -; ~ Monthly Charge (01arge per Annum Divided by 12) ~'.~: .':: S 101,945",3.3 TH IS MONTH L Y CHARG E. in lieu of rent or for third party lease payment, is to remain constant for a minimum period of twelve (12) months from date of acceptance by the local Human Resources program, and the basis on which it is computed is shown on the reverse side herein. This monthly charge has been determined solely for the purpose of obtaining State and Federal participation in costs incurred by County/City fiscal authorities in providing office space for a Human Resources program. It is understood that acceptance by the Georgia Department of Human Resources is subject to review and audit by the Internal Audit Unit, and the County/City fiscal recor~ f'om whkh ,uoh 00'" h", b..n d,"'m'n'd w'" b, op,n fo, th,', 'n,p",'on. Th, .ud', m.y b, "th" S'm 0' F,d,,,1 10' bOth);t- r IDE CLA R E . THA T th, info'm"'on fu 'n' m,d h ,"'n '0 th, bm of my kn w" .nd be" i, " oO"""nd oompl'f Date YJ11h1 /1; 19 q~- ~ I:v. .~ (AFTER EXECUTION; COUNTY FISCAL AUTHORITY WILL TRANSMIT IN TRIPLICATE TO OIRECTOR) ACCEPTANCE 4'M~ t;l;e..J PA YMENTS against this agreement are to be made to: Commlsslone.. CHR Date 4jo 19,9Y FOR INVENTOR' PURPOSES ONLY 'I ~ ~ N\~ ~ Q .b.J. ~~~~T;::.~ -. Q. DEPT. OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERViC:..VZ~ , SPACE M'ANAGE ENT / 4-- . DATE: e 1 0 I 4 Form 746 (3.84) JUN 04 '98 08:11AM DFCS ADMINISTRATIVE ~hed'I.{le in sulp~rt of Third Party Space OR Service and Maintenance Coru in Lieu of Rent in PUbl" B . . Ie uJ/dlngs SCHEOUle A-SERVice ANO MAINTENANce expeNses For the County Fiscal Year ended P.3 TABLE I-ELEMENTS OF eXPENSE AggliCllbl!! To All A~gli=bre To Iofu~n Oc:c:ugants of Suil"ing FlUourQ Progl'lllTl Only Heat 740 00 ~ Ligh ts 127.118 00 Water 2734 00 CUstodia" Service -~2 .078 00 Janicor ana Maid Servic:e 56.168 00 Ele...ator Servic:e C1eal1ing SUI:l~Iil!$ and Ccmtrilc:tS' 76.110 00 Painting and OecQrating Maintenance Repairs: Re~airs and Repair Paru: Eleccr;c:al .R' REPLACEMENT OF CHILLERBARRF.L 24.169 ob Plumbing and Heating Elevators 1.836 00 Building, c:ieneral 4.875 00 Mail1tenance Repair and E!lgineering Ser',ic:e 3,000 00 Upkeep of Grounds Insurance I 2.360 00 Depr!ciation (From 'jable 2J Hand Tools a~c Minor Maint!inanc:e Equipment Otner E.lCpenses (SgecifYI 51 ""6"79' ~- ::::00 · Third Flart',! Lease Arrangement 840.41'- no t.... /- Total Exp@nse 1.223 344 on ( Tetal Square Footage of Building 77 ,159 sq. ft. Annaul Cost ~el' Squars Foot 1 5 . 8 5'V(J))rH (Divide Total Expenses by ioul Footage) 'J. SQuare Fe@t Oc:cuClied by hl.lman reSQurce J:lrogram. 77.159 I so, for Pro.ra.; Annual Cast to human r'source program (SQuare Feat Oc:cu;lied bv Annual COS'C !:Ie,. SQuare Foot) , . .~ --~ TOTAL ANNUAL CJ.4ARGE TO I-4UMAN Re:SOURCE PROGRAM " (Add (A) and Ie) ..../ 1)223,344 00 " ANNUAL C""ARCiE ~eA SOUAA~ FOOT'TO HUMAN RESOURCe: PROGR~M 15 .8 S'95W51f9j (Oivide Total Antlual Chargl! by SGuarll Feet OCQ.lpied) 19_ Al 51 TABLE 2-EXPLANATlON FOR oePRECIATION CLAIMeO IN TABLe 1 '. , Est,m,!.ec1 TvllS C:ONSTRUC:TION CATS Ute eoe. COST OEF>>"~C:/ATION ~e;MAINI""Ci COST OEPAe:CIATIO.... Of!P". Usea I.. OF eUI~OING ACQUIRe;O' Ac:c:l.Il'fty. 'UC:lllal". ot loll"'" IN PRIQ#t Yl!ARS alt!ll""I~ 0' YSlr """5 Y~AR RAl"i: ~a;~~~.~ 00 j M~ ~"... C!....,jtl ~ 0 ..... , M~....,,_, =,~_.. .,., , /., 0 , ,,"'- ., cu__ .,c: ...... AdditIon,: IIf anvl 4. ; I TOTAL IEne!!' at Ce~nlCIi41io" SliP'''.. aCo...,. yftcl!!, TaCle 11 crani fv blJilCSI"lJ U 10 W~, Qf c:o"'1tIlI;t;O" 811ndlG;l11d Billa.... ""1111 thrll 3. Addlcianl if I"", li"sl 4 aMi 5. Use IClCl"':'s:lrllns c1l!t:1reGluiel\ 1"lI1'I. $8. Paoe 4 'or C1euil~ i"ltr...~iClns. , ~Q'," 746 IJ.841 Page :z 0' 4 HMa(lJ .l;}UO!SS!lllUIOJ 'pe;}lSlliIO 'J AWWOl tDWf e!2lO;l:) 'nlrepv . 1\'\1\1 'ldd.IlS ;ld.Illpe;ld Z . S;l:)JnOS;l(I lreuJnH JO lU;lUU-wddQ eI210d:) ,. ~fi/AO'ldW3 LUINnDIOddO 7vnD3 NV . ." S:~ure in Stippqrt of Third Party Spa"" OR Seovice and Maintenance Cons in Lieu of Rent in Public Buildings SCHEDULE A-SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (CONTINUED) TABLE 3-BUILDING DESCRIPTION Name and Location of Building RICHMOND COUNTY DEPT. OF General Description of Building (Attach sketch of space occupied.' (Type and material of construction, etc.)" ORIGINAL SINGLE STORY DRYVIT ADJOINING BUILDING. 520 FENWICK ST. ERVICES AUGUSTA GA 30903 General Condition of Building EXCELLENT BRTr.K BUILDING AND A THREE STORY Dimensions of Building: Length Square Footage of Building (Net usable space) 77,159 Age 7 Yrs. ft. Width ft. No. of Floors Average Square Footage 'per Floor (Net usable space) Location in Building of human reSOurce program(s) HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAM OCCUPIES THE ENTIRE BUILDING Number of Rooms Occupied by human resource program ALL Total Square Footage Occupied 77 , 159 Facilities Furnished to the human resource program (See Instructions) FIRE INSURANCE, JANITOR AND MAID SERVICES UTILITIES, BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT, SECURITY SERVTr.ES. MATNTENANrF. ANn PARKTNr. FUNDING OUT CLAUSE NOtwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, the parties hereto agree that the rent hereunder is payable by the Lessee solely from appropriations receivec by the Lessee from the General Assembly of the State of Georgia. In the event such appropriations are determined, in the sole discretion of the ch ief operating officer of the Lessee, no longer to exist or to be insufficient ~ith respect to the rent payable hereunder, this agreement shall terminate without further obligation of the Lessee as of that moment (hereinafter: referred to as "Event"), I n such Event. the chief operating officer of the Lessee shall certify to the Landlord the occur. rence thereof, and such certification shall be conclusive. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOCAL STATEMENT OF SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE COSTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are to explain the purpose of, and describe requirements in the preparation of Form 746. Local Statement of Service and Maintenance Costs in l.ieu of Rent in Public Buildinp 0 R Third P:arty Leasing Arrangement. Purpose of Forms The purpose of thu form is to provide for State and Federal participation in those cosu incurred and paid directly by the county/city fIScal authorities for operating and maintaining a public building in which a human resource prOgum occupiu Space. Prepared by Whom This form is to be prepared. in quadruplic:ue. in the office of the county/city fiscal authority, ,Certificate of county/city official preparing, or furnishing information for preparation o( Schedule A. Tables I. 1. and 3. from which monthly charge (or Space is determined. is required on page 3. Proposal for claiming Federal participation in the monthly Charge so determined is made over the signature of the county/city fiscal authority in space provided on page l. Where fiscal authority is v"sled in a Board of Commissioners, the signature shall be that of the Chairman. Form 746 (3.84) Ac:ceptance-EHective Date Proposals for Federal matching o( service and maintenance costs will become effective with the month in which they are accepted by the local human resource program. Basis for Char9l!'S Charges for office space under this policy provision will be allowed on the basu of a uniform monthly per square fooe charge. with a unit cost based on the total of such expenses paid directly by the COunty fiscal auehonties for the preceding county/city fiscal year. bue in no instance to e:<ceed the cos,e t.hat would be required (or Oc:cupancy o( comparable space in a privaee building. The monthly per square (oot charge. after establishment and acc:p~ance by the local human resource program. must, remain constant for a m,"lmu~ of twelve months. Revisions. either upward or downward, may be negoClated after the expiration of [his required term. Please remember that the documentation for charges shown on T~bles 1.1- and 3 of the Loc:al Statement of S"rvice and ~bintenance Costs Will be the responsibility of the local county/city fiscal authority. The. Ceorgia Department of Human Resources assumes no liability for audit exc:eptlons. PageJol4 j' 7hIst . !IaI1ml:r . ServtIt GOVtrnor ZtlJ Mf1kr Commissioner DollY KtlmbIe Roach Department of Administrative Services Statewide BusiDess Services - Space Management Two Nortbside 75, Suite 134 Atlanta, Georgia 30318-7701 404/352-4890 · FAX 404/352-4889 Elliott Penso Manager Date: & -/7-c;g To:~-R~4~~ 1,1). . ~ 6~~ FROM, ~?f?W Rental Agreement # J;<f ~ SUBJECT: Enclosed is an executed copy of the Agreement for space occupied by L?~ located at,5":?tJn . 'R: ~~ 0/9- Please note that we have forw rded executed copies of, , i this agreement to the occupying agency, and one fully executed copy has been retained in our office. Should you require additional information or have any questions, please contact me.