HomeMy WebLinkAboutNaval & Marine Corps Reserve Center Renewal Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: ,l0Qvo.. \ "~ N\CLr~nc. c....o\~S '~e:se-rJe Cent-e.r '-~en e.L.~ \ DOCUMENT TYPE: Le.o.:s e YEAR: oL\ BOX NUMBER:/2.3 FILE NUMBER: \l3Ca. \ /oJ'"'"' NUMBER OF PAGES: \ ~ _'iI DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SOUTHERN DIVlSON NAViIL.FACluTlES ENGINEERING COMMAND P.O. BOX 190010 2155 EAGLE ORNE NORTH CHARLESTON, s.c. 29419-llO10 ! i : ! 1'--\ . CODE REICIESD EMAIL: Liz.Dotson@Navy.Mil 10 May 2004 i : ! NOTICE OF RENEWAL OF GOVERNMENT LEASE TO: CITY OF AUGUSTA . CITY HALL AUGUSTA, GA 30902 ,-<"'! , I i 1 SUB): LEASE NOY@-40225, AT NA V AL & MARINE CORPS RESERVE CENTER, AUGUSTA, QA r ' , I i i 1. Notice is hereby given that the Government desires to renew the Lease for the term 1 JULY 2004 THRU 30 JUNE 2005. r-1 I .,,-. , .' .\ ; i I ...., .__J ..) ,~., C t~^.~ ~M~ S. P. C~~~{L . ij:EAD, REAL ESTATE BRANCH "C" :l . 1 ,.,J Copy to: NRC AUGUSTA,Gf\. II ! I 1...._1 NO FUNDS REQUIREP. i I ..1 f . _.:~ ~ I I.. :J ,...I ,J ... ) '0 1 I i i i.J ,\., ) ~ "". /' l "-..- LJ .. {{ ~.; " 1. THIS LEASE, made and entered mto this first day of July -by and between in the year one thousand nine hundred and - forty _ s ix- CITY OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA whose address is City Hall, Augusta, Georgia,_ for itael1" 3- +'R' ~~m~~D s_ uccessors, and-assigns, hereinafter called the Lessor, ~dd THE" Um " - _, after called the. Government: _ , _ - WITNESSETH: The parties hereto for the considerations hereinafter mentioned covenant and a.gree as follows: - 2. The Lessor hereby leases to the Government the following described premises, viz: A tI' a 0, ot land aontainingapproximately 1.3 aoresot land situated easterly of the western City liini ts and norther Ogle thorpe' Avenue in the a1 t: of Augusta, Georgia, being more speoifioally described as follows Beginning at a point located an the Nerth boundary of Oglethorpe Avenue at a distanoe 01'-60. feet -East of City limit, thence _eastWardl:, 300 feet along the NorthboundaI'Y of Oglethorpe Avenue toa point, thence to - the left 90 degrees ,a distanoe of 190 feet in a' northe.rly direction parallel to - Highland- Avenue, tQ a point, thenoe _ to the left 90 -degrees, ,adistanoeof 300 feet in a weste'rly d;i.rection par- allel to OglethoX'pe Avenue to a point, th.enoe'to the left 90 degrees, a ,distance of 190 feet in a southerly direction - parallel. to Highlt:l.Iid Avenue to the plaoe of beginning, as _ shown on photostatic copy' of sketch attached hereto and made._ a- part hereof ~ - and other Governmental purposes. ~.'iS', -- to - be used, exchisive1y for -. the following purposes - (see instruction No.3). : - Naval Rese I've t - - 3.1'0 HAvE AND TO HOLD the said premises with their appurtenances for' the term beginning July-l, 1946 -and ending with T 30 1947. Clune . ~ ]0-1ll8D ,'./"-."\, i . i '-'j ! ; , , , \ j 1"'--1 ! I ; , I L.. !I '. j.. l.:i. ) / ; '1 . I 1 lJ. II . I , 4. The Government .shall not assign this leas~ ~ any event, and s?all not suJ:>let the demised premises except to a desrrable tenant, and for a similar purpose, and will not permIt the use of said premises by anyone other than the Government, such sublessee, and the agents and servants of. the Government, or of such sublessee. . 5. This lease may, at the option of the Government, be renewed from year to year at a rental of One Dollarr ~l~ 00) per annutll . and otherwise upon tile terms ana co:h'ih1ions herem specified,. proVldednotice be given in writing to the Lessor. at least. .;. T.~ ( ., days before this lease or an~ renewal thereof would otherwise expire: Provl~cM;1ilt n<be$1ewal thereof shall extend the penod of occupancy of the premises beyond the 30th day of June, 1956. 6. The Lessor shall furnish to the Govermn~nt, d~g the occupancy of said premises, under the terms of this lease, as part of the rental consIderatIon, the followmg; . Nothing . ~.. . .-J.,"t ..~ .7. TheGov~rnment shall pay the Lesser for the premises rent at the following rate: . One Dollar \ ($l.OO) _per annum. !"'::;j ':J-~ . Payment shall be made at the end of each fiscal yea...~upon. receipt of dul.y -oer.tified in- ~ioes . BYT~~~~aHYe.~~~~t~~J1!A~e~Jfitfh11e&~~g~~alieJItl~ Base, , attach fixtures and erect additions, structures, or signs, in or. upon the premises hereby leased S. C ., :. (provided such' alterations, additions,. structures, or signs shall.not be detrimental to or inconsistent with the rights granted to other ~~ts on the property or in ~~e building in which said premises are located) . which fixtures, additions, or structures so placed ill or upon or attached. to the said premises sh:;{ll be and remain the property of the Government and may be removed therefrom by tlle Government prior to the. termina~on of this lease, and. the Government, iirequired by the Les- . sor, shall, before the expiration of thIS lease or renewal thereof, restore the premises to the same coD4ition as that eyJsting at. the time of entering upon the same Under this lease, reasonable. and ordmary wear and tear and damages by the elements or by circumstances over . which the GOvern- .,ment has no control, ~xcepted: Provided, however, that if the Lessor requires such restoration, the !;y;;:ssor sl?-all }pve written notice thereof to the Government. days before ~\ ,e ternllnatlOn of the lease.. . twenty. (20) 1~1880 \;';i< u. s. sta.nda.1:l1 Fonn No.2 (Revised May 6, 1935) (Sheet 2) . [LEASE] ,9. The Lessor snaIl, unless herein specified to the contrary, maintain the said premiSes in good repair and tenantable condition during the continuance of this lease, except in case of damagearis- ing from the act or the negligence of the Governmen,t's agents or employees. For the purpose of l:!O maintaining the premises, the Lessor reserves the nght at reasonable times to enter and inspect premises and to make any necessary repairs thereto. 10. If the said premises be destroyed by fire or other casualty this lease shall immediately ter- minate. In case of partialdestrtiction or damage, so as to render the premises untenantable, either party may terminate the lease by giving written notice to the other within fifteen days thereafter, and if so terminated no rent shall accrue to the Lessor after such partial destruction or damage. 11. No Member of Or Delegate to Congress or Resident Co:i:nmissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this lease or to any benefit to arise therefrom; Nothing, however, herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorporated company, if the lease be for the general benefit" of such corporation or company. . . 12. This lease may be. terminat,edby the Government at any. time . on thirty (30)' days" notioe to the Lessor in 1ivri ting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names as. of the date. first above written.. . . In presence of:, - '.-" /R,..... --; ,(0.. ~ . ,;' -,/.. ..1,1/ / ~.... .. ,'. . . , ~''''. 41" ) ."1 ,r J , ,~ lQe- C-c;..t.--t.k_ C, J.': y. ,,~. j.,,~ ~Y':.-- s:z:- .. , ',.. j) !:};; :. ~./L..~ .U. ,:::<--'L-':::...."--.i,~;/ ...a.t,C&tt......aZ,\l- <.Addressl-,.r;::"/ -,:': _ By CITY OF AUGUSTA., GEORGIA ~r! C~J/ Its Mayor(j Lessor. .' " ;,-" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Payment .to be made by'U .S.Navy Central Disbursing .Offioe, 6th Naval Distriot, Naval Base, s.c. By..lr~~~~~f Yare and D~cks,_a~~i~~der the directio~ t the.~eoret~ti'Ot' the Navy. . '. . (If Lessor is. a cqrporation, the following c.ertificate shall be executed by the secretary or assist:mt secretary..) . I, __:______~-_-_"_---.---- , certify that I am the Secretary of the corporation named al? Lessor in: the attached lease; that. ---------------------_~_~_~________, who signed said lease on behalf .of the Lessor, was. then . -------- . _________~_ of said corporation; that said lease was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its cor- porate powers. 10-1860 ___________________________[ CO~~TE] _ '- L:>?""C'f..><;,;<,:'---,-.7" "-".'! , ! i .' : i ( J , 1...1 r.., ~ I :l 1'-1 i ; I I , ~, .. J :i ! I . i..J ( ) r I I : I l..J : \' L~.. , , i i ......1 .....J , J I I L....! : i , i :....j 'i :....i J I I' ) J .......~_.. \ I , l_~ INSTRBCTIONS TO BE OBSERVED. IN EXECUTING L~ASE L This standard form of lease shall' be used. whenever the Government is the lessee of rea). property; except that when the total consideration does not exceed $100 and the -term. of the lease dOes not exceed 1 year the use of this form is optional. In all cases where the rental to be paid exceeds $2,000 per annlim the annual rental shall not exceed 15 per centum of the fair market value of the rented premises at the date of.lease. Alterations, improvements, and repairs of the rented pllQlD.isea by the Government shall not exceed.25 per centum of the amount of the rent for the first year of the rental term or for the rental term if less than 1 year. .. . 2. The lease shall be dated and the full name and address of the lessor clearly written in paragraph. L 3.. The premises shall be fully described, ana, incase of rooms, the floor and room number of each room given. The langUage inserted at the end of article 2 of the lease should specify only the general nature of the use, that is, "office quarter~," "storage space," etc. . . , 4. . Whenever the lease is,executed by an attorney, agent,. or trustee. on behalf of the l~sor, two authenticated copies of his power of attorney, or other evidence to act on behalf of the lessor, shall- accompany the lease: . . 5. When the lessor is a partnership,. theriames of the partners composmg the firm shall be stated in the body of the lease. The lease shall be signed with the partnership name, followed by the name of the partner signing the same. 6. Where the lessor is a corporation, the lease. sb,all be signed. willi the corporate name,' fol- lowed by the'signature and title of the officer or other person signing the lease on its behalf,. duly attested, and, if requested by the Government,. evidence afhis authority so. to act shall he furniShed. 7. Under paragraph 6 ot.the lease insert necessary facilities to be furnished, such as hSat, light, . janitor service, etc. 8. There shall be no . deviation from thisfonn: without prior authorization by the Director of Procurement, excep~. . . . . (a) Paragraph 3 may be drafted to cover a monthly. tenancy or other period-less ,than a year. (b) . In paragraph 5, if a renewal for a specified period other thana -year, or for a period optilimal with the Government is desired, the phrase "from year to.year" shall be deleted and. . proper substitution made.. If the right of renewal is not desired or' cannot be secured para- . graph.5 may be deleted. (c) Paragraph. 6 may be deleted if the owner is not to furnish additional facilities. .(d) If the premises are suitable without alterations, etc., paragraph 8 maybe deleted. (e) Paragraph 9 provides that the lessor shall, "unless herein specified to the contrary, maintain the said. premises in good repair, etc." A modification or- elimination of this requirement would not therefore be a deviation. (I) In case the premises consist of unimproved land, paragraph 10 may be deleted. (g) Whenexecutingleases covering premises in foreign countries,departuie from the standard form is permissible to the extent necessary to conform to 'local laws, customs, or practices. . . (h) Additional provisions, relating. to the 'particular subject matter mutually agreed upon, may be inserted, if not in conflict with the standard. provisions, mcluding a mutual right to terminate the lease upon a stated number of days' notice, but to permit only the lessor so to terminate would be a deviation requirillg approval as above provided. 9. When deletions or other alterations are permitted specific notation thereofshaIl be' entered in the blank space following paragraph 11 before signing. 10. If the property leased is located in a State requiring the recording of leases in order to protect the tenant's rights, care should be taken to complY-with all such statutory requirements. u. $. GOVERNMENT 'RINTINa OF'ICI; 10--1860 \..