HomeMy WebLinkAboutBedford Heights Wastewater Collection System (2) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: 'bed .G rcl WeJahts IJXBle woJu-- CD/I e~-Jio Y) . ~~m ~ . . . f DOCUMENT TYPE: f.{lSeme"n+ YEAR: (PO()D BOX NUM.BER: ) D FILE NUMBER: 1 L) '6 sq NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 '" ~ . LAW OFFICES , " BURNSIDE, WALL, DANIEL, ELLISON & REVELL THOMAS R. BURNS;IDE, JR., P.C. JAMES B. WALL, P.:::. JAMES W. ELLISON HARRY D. REVELL THOMAS R. BURNS;IDE, III LEE H. LITTLE A PARTNERSHIP INCLUOING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS OFFICE 454 GREENE STREET p, 0, BOX 2125 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30903 (706) 722-0768 TELECOPIER (706) 722-5984 E-MAIL BumWall@aol.com ROBERT C. DANIEL, JR. (1943-1993) June 15, 2000 Ms. Lena Bonner Clerk of Commission Municipal Building (11) Aug usta, Georg ia 30911 Re: Bedford Heights Wastewater Collection System Dear Lena: I am enclosing herewith easement to 'Augusta, Georgia (Tax Map 20-3, Parcel 162) from Robert H. Ellsworth and Sherry D. Ellsworth, dated June 1, 2000, in connection with the above project, which has been recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, in Realty Reel 689, pages 98-99. With kind regards, I am HDR:hbs CC: Public Works (w/enclosure) ~ E ~ ~ RETURN TO: Harry D~ Revell 4,5'4 Greene St. .~~;~ '4;; .~ ;. .. "\ (' Book 00689:0098 Augusta - Richmond County 200001918706/05/200016:402200 ~.~1'191~1I~.~~~~~.~.~1.1.1I1.11l"11.1II1..11"1 ( 111111111111 1111I11111 1111I111111111111111111111I11I1111I111 \, 2000019187 Augusta - Richmond County A UGUSTA, GEORGIA EASEMENT GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY PROJECT - Bedford Heights Wastewater Collection System WITNESSETH that Robert H. and Sherry D. Ellsworth, the undersigned, is the owner of a tract of land in IUCHMOND COUNTY, which over, through, and across the above Project has been laid out by James G., Swift and Associates, being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Augmta Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to Augusta, Georgia, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, a perpetual easement for the purpose and uses hereinafter set forth, over, through and across the following lands, to-wit: SAID perpetual easement consists of 3.706 sq. ft., more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by James G. Swift and Associates, dated March 23.2000, and revised N/A, attached hereto and made by reference a part hereof for a more accurate and complete description of the perpetual easement. ALSO, granted is a temporary construction easement consisting of 5.605 sq. ft., more or less, as shown on said plat; said temporary construction easement to expire at the completion and final acceptance of said project by Augusta, Georgia. Thi~; easement is granted for the followin'g purposes and uses, to 'wit: sanitary sewer replacement. WITNESS, the hand(s) and seales) of the undersigned, this ;21 day of 7rv1JL, 20 co. .(.(~ ~A.s) obert H. Ellsworth \\0' , _~Th\s~ lsw rth , , \~..~;;~'1:i:::,..~~" ". 'w~, .." \~ rtT10111~\~}..J.;<!F!1~SS _: ~1~ , .:t~;~t,t'4. .'~ ;~.~~( :';:f~' \ ,>'--, ,tr';;i', ,'~/j?,. '';-'1111 - . '-.' 1:,,-,(11" ,w~. ~~r ~ ,':4Ry.p.lfBtI~ ' i);'~~~" l" I~~e~~~~";:~" :~,~~~~ >,t~f~. ~ ,- ~ . C,,;/,';; j~ No~ ' q)/p1 tll(:ljn~nd;County, Georgia r'ii" 't,WJl9~" )ssion ,~~plie~:Ogtober '13, 2001. . ffi)C~?;';%;~'~;Mt;':~.. . Tax Map 20-3, Parcel 162 . rJ l' BEDFORD'HEIGHTS<< .' , .' . . ......... '1.,- H, ' ""f WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM,,;; ':_1, j'l : " ::.;':1 ,,:, ~ ." .: ,:' .;': '; '.' ':';:;f:~;' ~;' '::~..',w', .f'OR':;?i;'~':~ i;~t- ,. !:'~ t_' , ":AUGUSTA~OMMISSIONERS~!;f: ~'. '~'" PROPERTY LOCATED:IN THE88th":G.M.D.t;:;}:~~; .' .., .' . '~" "'\ ,,;. '., ii;\' AUGUSTA.: GEORGIA~~.;~~. ~," , " ',~;,'j': "AR'C[1:'2..1 '2'0' 00' "-~. ,:W' :i:, t " "::':.:. ..... __- ~ . . ~_'J _"~~: ,.:..' . '\ :~~""/~; ,~~, o ": ,', 50 !~:\ ...~~. rr;:::}?':~: ~,~ . " ..;;;l ,:;. ",,:,..1, . :;f:, .::r:.':+t:(~::f.;~}' '''' , ,', ; '." :l~:""" "":' PREPARED::BY:,';;"".tJ;.l- ",' ' JAMES ;G. SWI FT, 8tji AS SO CIA'TE S,{~J~ ~,'~..;:', .'.~1.:, 'A .~,,'. '., , 'CONSULTING', ,ENGINEERS:;t.'~~~~ ::: ,1206 ,INTERS TATE PARKWAY. ;,~:.AUGUST A.~G~'( "::~.30909:~~~1 .,r,;}\.~,..,',' ,:.~.~'.,~,'.,:'. , " \!,h6ne;(706t:'868i~88q3.'~.I;.iiS: :.. . :.;._ . .~. :::. '}~}.~ ;'-",::d-1.;J~lJo I.'. ~ 1~~:. .~? . ":.' BtDPlA'~~t~~~I~ .; ... ''';\.J?/ i'>\~:' ~ . I . j" ~ j .' . ,: ,;~ff.:~'j:1lht i;, , '''''I'' '" ,t", '., .' , . . l' ft ~:.:; '. 1 Book 006 . ~'-' 'n'.'l'~1.':.~_ d\:\ ....:.. \'q - f'~- . -p~:tfI.~.r~~;l,,,:\~,~,,,~,g i.: _ ."~' -."':~r-~,iS~'!t-(::!.; 890099 Au ~4("""",''-'" 2000019187 06~~s~a - Richmond County t~s~.';~;;i,:~~ . . <_~. ~ 12000 16:40:22.00)" . "f..',~ I,' . . .f~:tlt~ .. c, :~~I t?' :; t'1: "J .- [:":;"<:';;:." ;',1 .),.J. .\.~. ,'. "'I',f'r-,'I': " j ;: ,,'. .l FtfW;EN't~;l.~~~~s:i: :, !', ~< .>l.":';";~:! ,j tl :n:'l.t;~I~ ;UR'k:'(: WAS"~E~~ORMED; ~TH_:~ 5,~EC! ~EOD0L1T~.,i u: :' AN ~,D.M., AND A 200 STEEL TAPE:, I . I" 2.' DATE, Of SlJR~Y: MARCH 22, 2000, : i-t I 3.' fiELD. CLOSURE = SURVEY PERfORMED RADIAi..l Y.. NO ADJUSTMEN r: MADE. t'I,' -.j"..:. ( :>T . .! '.. , i ) i' ,.::' ~ I .1 ' .; .... . ~I:" , , .h~.t ; ::.,,~l; ";'Ij' . ;,~ti ." .. ",",-..;' t ~ . t '.1.[ ~! " . ," J, .. ~ I -J', REFERENCES r. PLAT' OF BEDFORD HEIGH1S BY WALTON FLYTHE DATED SEPT. 15, 1941 & RECORDED IN REALTY BOOK 14L: PAGE 'I . i 2: PLAT: OF LOT NO.8 FOR JAMES H. HELML Y , BY B08BY G. PRICE DATED JUNE 11, 1984. c 357, . ,.- ...11 r.' I , ~. .: : _.~j '~ ; ~ , 1 : } , .ft " ;'M.' '. . , , p. . i . ., I LEGEND .~: ':. #4 RAF -------.:. 1/2" 'REBAR FOUND'< elF' -------- CRIMPPED TO!;> PIN FOU,ND L':,:;;. '.' :.~~j,,; ::f', :[ l.: ..' . \ f' I' " 1 :1 .f " ~ ' /' / ' >::> C:Y:' /;1 / ,7 ~:';1 .--/' , J. ' , 10' ltMP. CONST. j" x.,:~S ,- 10', TEt.lP. CONSTRUCTlON EASEMENT , EASEt.lE~T,\// ;/ ~ J~/l I .', ,,\"/ \ /,;--. -J/1 #4 RBF ... ,__,..., " \: "\ -/ /t '.n l? J''/ ; #4 R8F ,\" i \-' '1,./,.' / N oot' Y / 'I \,\,,-'" ,/ "/'0" . . . \'}\)" C. // /,/.;/,t:r;. ~j/ 7,/7/7 #4 R8r : '. ~O:- . \ ~l~ /( ,:;:,,:,,';;:;>:4"x;., CCi:?4:~':<~;': , : \\~S)\~ \j i\\~ . \ .8J<,;':~~<~~9I':'IO'~,P~~b ~"lll.O()' . '\' '/" . / '/,'.l'.:-/"'S fI40<<'r.n" E,:X.':,("~"EASE"ENTA<:'I . '\. __ ,"(y. .~,., ,J,) ;J" ry ,:'-: ,", . ' .M. . .....' <" __ 0"'3' 7''''./';''1- "',.,....-;">..../-.#j"7:'t-.,.4~.,./'I"'/:.._L)'.,> N~:' .. __, ..).. /,>1'. .'/' // 1'/ / /// /r // //,' / / / " ,- // // -,,\I":) , ~-- : . ~// /,.' // //// / /,/ ///./> ,.' ////,' ./, //'/,//,! '- . ~ ,;. . ". " 1~ ',;:-;~~~'.)7~,-~:.~~.~~y5~q~.. ~~~~.~N~,<:,~, ~;~ , . GEORGIA POv.{R CO. -\. '/~//,/<-<../:~/.<< ./<~.'//~<,./r..::;-~'/ ,.// 0:1: TAX ~AP 20-3 v L.,"j-Lr ",J L.L l.L L..L ...L./..,,,/j,. ,./",/"/L~' Z.: PARCEL \.36 'S-. :P -:P, \.' '. ) ~ ; ~ .: .... . ,,' elF ".1 ',' t, ; . TAX MAP 20-3 : PARCEL 134 . ~~ , . . J.., . . , ; i , " ,": ~ ! . #4 RBF <I' " . " .,e :.?, GEORGIA PO~R CO:' 60; R/W,:,' ": ': ~ ,~ . 1 :.. : : ;.. .AN ,.- , EASEMENT PLAT.'< :'~ TEMP, CONST EASEMENT 5605 sq, ft. V////1 .J" // // , #4.' R8F 20' PEHMANEN 1 EASEMENT 3706 sq,ft. F:;;~~;:.2:] . .~ ''',- j , . l ~i .- . , ! ~ . R8F . ...... , , l? i'... ';; . ; ; r; lAX ~AP 20--3 PARCEL 162 N,Ir R08ERT H, El.lSWORTH & SHERRY D. ELLSWORTH ;: ~',..; . j, ; r , i, . , i' t, ~:. ';" I:' .. i , . ! . ~7 ' . , t~: :",:, ~ . f; I~: . i. ".:' ';, r '. :. ~ ~: " t;.,' : ~ i " i ' , I ' _.i' i.. . I , , ':! Filed in thii; office: ; i Augusta - Richmond County ',! 06/05/200J 16:40~2200 I I Elaine C Johnson f I .~. '.,:, ",,01" "', r'.' f, ,1 1. ~' :.l- , j'. : ~ "i, '\ , !~: , . 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