HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUSTA BUILDING COMPANY APPLE VALLEY SEWER . . . G E 0 RG I A , eCH MONO COO NTY .....PWt'J'.Flt'. ','". '. .EAS~MENT. . .\ .~~ ! i~'ltu l:. ;}t)if; ~. ~1 RICH MO'NO\:.c'bU;NiNii: <C:i'; ii' L! ; .:'.- R'-EL 47'') P "I~- 1 ......,.... ..t:. . I~ . b~.::; RETURN TO: Jim Wall 454 Greene St. . ' !". .... ..:....,. ".J r > PROJECT Apple Valley. Sewer . '. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 91~ OCT - 7 Prl 3: I 8 19 TH IS CONV,~I~:~'~::~~:in.\ade a~,d: executed the '-Ll_day of' ~~ 94 c....tt~h. Ut ":Vi l.i\:dn L,Ut.lI\1 . WIT N E S S~H '. t hat _^-.!!9. u s ~@ jl, mer i can B u i 1 din q ~ 0 m p a n,.y the undersigned, is the owner;o'f a tract of land 1n R.ICHMOND COUNTY, whiCll over, through, and across the above Project has been laid out by, . Ji...JL3.JLO 1 e E 1l..SL-. Co. , b e i n g m 0 r e par tic u 1 a r 1 y .' des c rib e d . in. a . map and d raw i n g 0 f s aid pro j e c t, i nth e R i c h m 0 n d (p u n t y W jl t f> r ..L s p w p r n p r art tTI e n i- . __, to whi ch reference 1 s hereby made. NOW, TH EREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DO LLAR ($1. 00), in hand pa i d, the recei pt whereof 'i s hereby acknowl edged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to Richmond County and their su~cessors in office a perpetual easement for the'purpose and uses hereinafter set forth, over, through and across the following lands, 'to-wit: Said easement is hereby conveyed, consisting of" 690 S. F. of drainage and utility easement and a temporary construction.easement.as shown o nap 1 a t 0 f the pro per t y pre par e d by l~ ~ R . T n n 1 f> . F n gin p p r i ilJ:l-..c..o _____, d ate d M a y 4, 1 9 9 4 ; rev i sed 'N / A . . . . . .. ,a t t a c tl e d li ere t 0 and mad e a part of this description. This easement is granted 'for the followingpurposes.and.us~s,.to-wit:, In s tall a t ion and m a i n ten a n ceo f . San i t ar y Sewer, The easement herein granted shall bind the heirs and as~igns of the undersigned. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the d~y above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered th is /1/ day of Cltt-~hAlf- , 19 9'f ' in the presenci1Of':---- ~. ~-J1~~ . " Notary PubUc, Richmond County, Georgia. My ecarnmisslon Expires September 4, 1995 i>i'~ 'J '~'Y",.,\\\\.\n. . . ""\\(.n~)", " '\ '" .; '_.';~_}~;,~:!:-iS . r~ r' ~~_";'~\, ~;. {~ 3; r : '. . I.'f') '~' '-;.::{,-::; ;;. ". ,;;;:,.,'~ {', :! , \~,' ".' ~ . ....,....-.1..(..:: ..; ....~ ~' .~,:~\~. }.,:'f, '. l J4' 1'1' : ~,~.~I"';IJ;:&~~tl'l.\": ORIGINAL REEL RECORDED REEL 472 PAGE 1622 m P ID: 2013757 a. Augusta Amer ..R ~_( L. s,l Building Co. (L.S,) 'Parc.el. No. 10 Tax Map' 13'4 ... . ~ . . '-' . I- Z W ~ W . Ul I- c(alL wW . 0::0 )-_Ul ~50 .J () CJl 1=c(1O :::> "WU ..,m<( WON "1-0 c( . Z 0 ;( 0:: a N d ...J U ~ ffi5~ ~I=o.. O~ . o..(f)~ <(,..... "mo.. a:::=><( o(f)~ w " X ~ , ~ <( c::; 0:: 01- Wz "w . ~ lOw t'---Ul ......c( "W Zo:: ~~ xO wa. I- Z W ~ W Ul c( W ::) .:g c:i a w 0:: :::> o w 0:: ~ . CO ",. . N ....<>> Pari o ell) ~c:i .......... 0:: a O::zw wWO:: IlL:::> I- lL Ul -c( OO::w I-"~ ...J W U a::: a::: W<( ~o.. o O~. mt") >-..... a::: a.. a:::<( ~~ X ~ f;.:EEL 472 f."'GE t") . ..... d u "0 z..... O...J ...JW -u =>a::: m<( zo.. <( U~ a:::t") w..... ~o.. <(<( <(~ liiX =>~ " => <( 1623 '(J) ~ ~ ~ a:: :>-c z ~a z E-40 ,,0 ~ Z ~ ~ Vi ~ '(J) IX) ~ 0 ~ ~ :0:: U::?j ~ . ~e ~ a ~ ~a.~~~Z ~c(ZO(}~ c(~ U 00 W ...J(,) o ~ ::?j~ffi ~O~ U a. ~~ ~Q ~~ ~z < ~O o Ul ~ ~ ~ a w ...J a:: ~ o () "'" CJl CJl .0 C)~ ~~ ~~ o .. (!) ClJ.2 ~~ Q)~ Q)l ~l . r-4 J. ~ )- c( ~ r.;: ;:r. I..;..' 1:'1", .'~,""" "I:S~ f~",5 LU Ct:: . r,- 0::: I,:s:. . c. CI HJ...'-:!,J "C1~ lI..J ,-" .., -' .:-:: ......(w LL.e::: o N Q) ....-.4~ O,g a.. 01 E-4! I .... .. . .. ~~ .. c .. . .. ~~ "It' .., . ...... W ...J c( () Ul f--4 r.::l f: o N