HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHELLY A DAVIS ALEXANDER DRIVE WIDENING & RELOCATION PROJECT DOT PROJECT NO STP 0001-00(794) , . ,\ . r , , - Book 01191:0112 Augusta - Richmond County 200804104109/10/200815:37:31.00 $0.00 RIGHT OF WAY DEED 1111111111111111I11111 1111I1111/11111111111111I1111111111111 2008041041 Augusta - Richmond County T2.t.~1II. 10., ~ r. 'P"..H.hil-- GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Lf-Zl} WvJl:u. ft. UffW Lf. Vt,., { ~~S""'- Gf.1 ] ~ 90 I RIGHT OF WAY DEED 801 Highway 15 South, Tennille, GA 31089-0008 GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY PROJECT NO. STP-OOOI-OO (794) P.1. NO. 0001794 WITNESSETH that Shelly A. Davis, the undersigned, (hereina ter referred to as 'Grantor'), is the owner of a tract of land in Augusta, Georgia through which Alexander Drive Improvements, known as Project No. STP-0001-00 (794), has been laid out by the Department of Transportation being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said road in the office of the Department of Transportation, NO.2 Capitol Square, Atlanta, Georgia, to which reference is hereby made. ,206 THIS CONVEYANCE made and executed the a- day of NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said road, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby grant, sell and convey to said Augusta, Georgia, and their successors in office so much land as to make a right of way for said road as surveyed, being more particularly described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot n/a of the n/a Land District and/or 90th Georgia Militia District of Richmond County, Georgia, and being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereto by this reference. Said right of way is hereby conveyed, consisting of 0.017 acres, more or less, as shown colored yellow on the plat of the property prepared by the Department of Transportation, dated May 4, 2006; revised May 21,2008, said plat attached hereto and made a part of this deed as Exhibit "B". For the same consideration Grantor hereby conveys and relinquishes to the Augusta, Georgia all rights of access between the limited access highway and approaches thereto on the above numbered highway project and Grantor's remaining real property from which said right of way is taken except at such points as designated and shown on the attached plat prepared by the Department of Transportation said right being 0 linear feet. Parcel No. 32 , " . . Book 01191 :0113 Augusta-Richmond County 2008041041 09/10/2008 15:37:31,00 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said conveyed premises in fee simple and any rights Grantor has or may have in and to existing public rights of way are hereby quitclaimed and conveyed unto the Augusta, Georgia. Grantor hereby warrants that Grantor has the right to sell and convey said land and bind himself, his heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered this.$dayof ~ 20AJ.!:f, in the presence of: ~~~ 0^.\Yl^~ (L.S.) Shelly A. Davis a&/~ ~ W ess (L.S.) Nl!::j{)~~ , fr/ r/1/(O t '''... (L.S.) (L.S.) ,'1 ...... ,\~~.. 'A ",.!' ~~~~rl', . i'~ \:~il- . ~.. 4\. .[,. ~~'J~ " '" . " \-' ~.,; \." ,4;.;" , . .t, P U . l;. .1' ~ . ~ ~ u~:;" ~'.."..ir. ..J~;f;." .,:"'" ,'~ ....,.~.t" ........ '". If' .. ;r'~:~~ 0 (;t' , ; \ ~~ Parcel No. 32 DOT118 Revised 1/00 , '\ ' r Book 01191 :0114 Augusta-Richmond County 2008041041 09/10/2008 15:37:31.00 EXHIBIT "A" P.1. NO.: STP-OOO 1-00 (794) 0001794 Richmond County PROJECT NO.: PARCEL NO.: 32 DATE OF R/W PLANS: May 04, 2006 REVISION DATE: May 21,2008 Page 1 of 2 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot n/a of the n/a Land District and/or 90th Georgia Militia District of Richmond County, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 65 feet left of and opposite Station 21 +57.84 on the construction centerline of Alexander Drive on Georgia Highway Project No. STP-0001-00 (794) ; running thence N 24044'24.6" E a distance of 30.90 feet to a point 65.00 feet left of and opposite station 21 +88.74 on said construction centerline laid out for ALEXANDER DRIVE; thence S 65055'46.8" E a distance of 23.73 feet to a point 41.27 feet left of and opposite station 21 +89.02 on said construction centerline laid out for ALEXANDER DRIVE; thence S 24004'04.6" W a distance of 30.90 feet to a point 40.91 feet left of and opposite station 21 +58,12 on said construction centerline laid out for ALEXANDER DRIVE; thence N 65055'26.5" W a distance of 24.1 0 feet back to the point of beginning. Containing 0.017 acres more or less. Book 01191 :0115 Augusta-Richmond County 2008041041 09/10/200815:37:31.00 EXHIBIT "A" p,l. NO.: STP-OOO 1-00 (794) 0001794 Richmond County PROJECT NO.: PARCEL NO.: 32 REVISION DATE: May 04, 2006 May 21, 2008 Page 2 of 2 DATE OF R/W PLANS: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot n/a of the n/a Land District and/or 90th Georgia Militia District of Richmond County, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows: ALSO, granted is the right to execute certain construction over and upon my land abutting on and adjacent to the right of way in such manner as said Department may deem proper to support or accommodate the improvement of said road, including the right to slope the adjacent ground to tie in with the roar,way or sidewalk elevations and to construct any required slopes within the easement areas shown colored green on the attached plats. Any slopes constructed will remain in place and the Department of Transportation will cease to maintain said slopes upon expiration of said easement. Said easement is to become effective at the beginning of construction of the above numbered project and will expire upon completion and final acceptance of said project by the Department of Transportation. o o T""" ~('I') 5/'0-. 0('1') U " -cLO CT""" o ECX) .r:.O .20 q:~ CllO 'tilT""" ;::,- ~O') <Co co .... .... 9 T""" ~ o .... T""" O)~ ;::0 ocx) ~O 00 IlJN , ,- o'C ._ N~", w~~ W""o Xw", "'C< ""0 ~o::z ~~4 'r , , ~ ! ~ u. l _ ,-~_l!l____~ ., , IS ~ / _ / ~~.'/O~_~ / -- l-;; NI-V106 / ~ ~ ? I-~~ N,/ :..:; ~ ~ ~<6~/ :~~~ ~i51~ ~~/ ~ r?' ~~ , , , , , , , z 2 ~ ~ /~/ '\'\\ t.: \\ ~ \\\ \ .. I ! ~ ~~ il ~~~~ ~~~~ ~<t5~ N ., N '" ~ '-' ~ '..@-- ~~ o >-::J , "" r 30'-' ' ~ o 8 H ;~ ,0 Ii .."..,..~~.~.~~H -=~=~--$~~ '" CJ ~Q.; ~ ~ ~ "'1:0:: ~ '- -0 g t=lQ.)... 1 ~~ ~ g ~ ~ <":>et <::> :oe J::: ~h ~ ~~~" VI OLl.. 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