HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcCombs Road (6) Augusta Richmond GA DOCUMENT NAME: (Y) C.~bS \2006 DOCUMENT TYPE: deed YEAR: C\~ BOX NUMBER: D-\ FILENUMBER: \~L\~ NUMBER OF PAGES: \R ;.~^,-!~P:\~ ,. ~.-'''''' ... ....., REEL 59! PAGE 1406 RETURN TO: '. Harry D. Revell 454 Greene St. ?\} ;i{ Y \\:f{!.\'::~ :,,;~U .' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED .~ ';: \ 8 c. fl'\'" B I\P~ - 0 . Q. p.1 ,...n'" . . . ~.\ .,~ \ ,I t .~ AUGUS'r.{\, d~E0;I:W~~\" \ [L fA \ ;:'~.~: r" \ ~'~ "':~ F, \ \u 1\ '-, . ~ ~'J i. ~ t ~J. (',~'gHIS CONVEYANCE made and 19. . PROJECT McCombs Road, Section II executed the -Z7~ay Ofl1J...~ti.., WITNESSETH that Bobbv Graham Ellerbee, the undersigned, is the owner of a tract of land in Richmond County, through which McCombs Road, section II, known as Project McCombs Road. .Sect16n II, has been laid out by Brian G. Besson and Associates, P.C., being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Suburban Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision of the state of Georgia, and their successors in office so much land as to make a right-of-way for said project as surveyed. ,Said right-of-way is hereby conveyed in fee simple, consisting of 0.13 acre, more or less, and N/A acre of temporary construction easement, more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by Brian G. Besson & Associates, P.C., d~ted November 1997, and revised N/A, attached hereto and made a part of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said conveyed premises in fee simple. I hereby warrant that I have the right to sell and convey said land and bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. JUST IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered' this ~day of Jt1JA...,l' . , 19...s:.8., ~n the presence ' of: . ~ ~(L.S.) Y Graham' Ellerbee ORIGINAL REEL RECORDED REEL 591 PAGE 1406 WIP 10: 352815 (L.S.) '. ,"!Ih .~..' ~ f 1",,,' 'V.7", ~ ,\~ " ~.\ '., ~-.. 1";.::Lylr~?i:i~ . ~.:~\;. ..- 'J~ - ......- , ""'I..,,,)~... ,X,C., ~'(iJJ3JaI C .:~i:"':?,. ; ,")r" A '~'~l". 'ffr 10 . ; "1", oJ:' "~. {".' \ ':_1 ~.._ "'-Jf' .. +:'\~:I,.~\' \, '\ ,. 1'~ t? . ~_'~. . /{!,)':'.'i.;"(,,~ Not~ry, ~ubije, ;RlchmQ!ld County, Georgia i\:'!jt:". },:~. COmmiSsion ~ir~s October 13, 2001, . Ii,',,f'"' ,~. .., -"'~., . ..'.., .. Tax Ir;>.)~~J~!.!:- S;" L\~) . .~.:' . ]:~~J:i2;~t~"/D 7 ~~~:~,(;\,::,/ (L.S.) Map 353, Parcel 11.01 RICHMOND COWTY, GEORGIA Re04 Ji:.lt.~ .1hussfer Tar ", P"Jd $ .:p-.. Dete /- ~ -:7 . ~,e.. ElaiJfI.f c. Jolm: (;.Ten\' 8/ &sperWr Cp&U1 ~i. ~~~~ j~~ rHu~ !~~( 'r" ' " '"'! -~..... , .. - -- .-:t;: -:-=-~ NOTE: fiELD SURVEY Of ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. ,. -N- .IE a:: o z ci <( ::i ...~'-r' NEW ROADWAY B I.fI ~. ,> ,> ~.~. '0'~' 'b~ - .35.3/11 - ~. - .35.3/11. 01 - <<' R.R. 276, PG. 360. . .' -- 0.13 ACRE ___' . '. .' ---440.':r7' . ---:-w , =----s-BO'55' 4-5 . C '\l.1~ o~ . ,\Oot>-\> :1~'() ~ ~ \~'?p \ BEARING DISTANCE A B :::I S 2912'00" E 14.83' 'I B C :::I S 60'54'10" W .374.84' C 0 :::I S 80'55'45" W 41.14' o A - N 60'48'00" E 41.3.47' GA,RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK SUPERIOR COURT FILED FOR RECORD 06 APR 1998 AT 03:18PM RECORDED 06 APR 1998 O. 50 100 , GRAPHIC SCALE 200 . -. 1" :::I' 100' \ \ / ''. \ 57-8905-096 i \ fPiAT I PREP ARED fOR .....'''l''.~ .RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA SHOWING RIGHT-Of-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED fOR' PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124th G.M.D. BOBBY G. ELLERBEE DRA'M-l BY: S.W.H. SCALE: 1".100' ~ PREPARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON . and ASSOCIATES, P.C. \ . .' 1005 EMMETT STREET. SUIrE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30904 .... . (706)733-6456' DArE: NOV. 1997 REVISED: JOB NO, 00996-ESMTS (353-11-1) <:;;1.r"I ;aJ~'1 !:~rr1 .hj;J:.<1 J _IV e ('- " -1 :;iO I :::1.3',U;? :::n3.D 'ln1UC(} miOt1H;:'1 I $1 ,AJ , ! i:~ t ';"t) T f', ;=:,::;::;:~ t ''l'''l:~ Cifl IJ9.0J3:i1 10'4 tJ3J Ii 8~0t ~9A 00 03U~OJ3~ ..T~-' ,,:;r~ " .-- ~"'~~'-~~~~:';";'2~~t~~~~~:- .,' .i-~t~..;,:._ .~ .. ~'..."" -;:4~ ~.-. 4,,7.. .' .-,;,;..,< ~. / j'-....." 4'_ . ,4" _~, w_~ -:: -~ ~- " .' RETURN TO: .J:larry D. Revell 454 Greene St. , \\t&~\i::;\fi(SL':;\ - . '1\ '3: '33 (\\ \\r~ -5 rl :It) . ," n ~.l AUGUSTk~~GEORGIA ~ \"'" ". -- ,." c' '\j'-' E\_f\ :.'4":"":C~1":-~-ft\U\\ \~ . .. ,,\:1-\\ lJ.r ,y_J. ~ ~.LL."" - THIS CONVEYANCE made 19 ff AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED REEL 591 PAGE 1408 PROJECT McCombs Road, section II fil and executed the 2t -- day of /VI AYA.e-" WITNESSETH that Leroy TinleyC(Life Estate) and Jackie Tinley (Heir), the undersigned, is the owner of a tract of land in Richmond County, through which McCombs Road, Section II, known as Project McCombs Road, section II, has been laid out by Brian G. Besson and Associates, P.C., being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Suburban Public Works, Department, to which reference is hereby made. , NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, and their successors in office so much land as to make a right-of-way for said project as surveyed. Said right-of-way is hereby conveyed in fee simple, consisting of 0.46 acre, more or less, and N/A acre of temporary construction easement, more or less, as. shown on a plat of the property prepared by Brian G. Besson & Associates, P.C., dated November 1997, and revised February 1998, attached hereto and made a part of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sai~ conveyed premises in fee simple. I hereby warrant that I have the right to sell and convey said land and bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. JUST IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered this ~day of M~ . . , . 19~, in the pres en e of: ;-~~?~ d~",,,,,,, tllll"''': .,." '~;I'" .. IJ/J -~ J ,,'::~'}'l''"_t.~:i .v\ .-.,~.;tjW~ "-:V'.,N, Ry..;pU-el'4IC - :, ',' ~:!.'~ t'-li"l:,t..,~ t:~,l'." .'\{rn'.:',J ~ .,:::-,'::h,:' ......."'11trl,~~_l ,;-. '.' ;I(~.;.';\ ~ ~ tj[,'i':(~::~'NQwyTRl)bliC RiGlimo'fj,d County. Georgia ::'l)' . ';t My Commission ~pIre~~October 13. 2001. . ';,\)\ 'o/J . .,,:,~<e, ,)'j,'f,f ~ Tax Map 367, Parcel 1 '.J',:""". .' tj f"'j' L 'C. .:- :' '~::{'?\';~:J~ ~. ..... :.,,\;(!l~~/: :;t, (.;01.1'",,'...'';-:..,'.. .t''', "" .; ORIG!NAL REEL RECORDED REEL 591 PAGE 1408 ~ '. ' I.JIP IO: 352816 ~ ' (L.S.) Leroy Tin ey (L fe Estate) ~j~ j~ J. ie Tinley (Heir (L.S.) (L.S.) JUCR1~10ND COUNTY. GEORGiA . R,,{,.~ .~t&Ul Tr'iUUff(tr 1'.u: feLt $ -...:rr-='-- p,:;k '-f - (p ~ cr y; ~J ~.-()~.AVWV Blai>>.g C. lo1u~ - . (!lent D/ Superior Courl REEL 591 PAGE 1409 ~ .. .. ,~ ~ ~ ' ;o~ NOTE: ,FIELD SURVEY OF ENllRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. -;l.: '" ~~t' -N- :~ .1/ .~ 1117':f: ~. . TOTAL R/W TO BE ACQUIREO=O.46 ACRE - 367/5 - +f .i<) .0 CD - 367/1 - R. R. 242, PG. 1771. , 9 ';ti ~ -0 ~ ~ OJ o ~ () o ~ -0 ):> Z :< z () j o (}I' ~\ - 367/5 - R.R. I"') "- I'- CD I"') I m "- I'- CD I') - 367/8 - DISTANCE 16.47' 906.73' L = 36.05' 11.80' L = 14.78' 922.28' BEARING N 33'42' W N 57'10"0" E R = 2331.83' S 05'13'52" E R = 1555.36' S 56'48'49" W --' A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F A = DISTANCE 386.94' L = 1 48.1 7' 18.64' L = 159.81' 390.51' 16,08' BEARING S 57'27'10" W R = 585.00' S 87'28'57" W R = 598.99' N 57'10'10" E S 33'46'01" E A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F A = 800 I 1" = 400' o 200 400 I - GRAPHIC SCALE 57-8905-096 I PLAT I PREP AREO FOR RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA DRA~ BY: S,W.H. SHOWING RIGHT-OF -WA Y TO BE ACQUIREO FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124th G.M.D, LEROY TINLEY SCALE: 1-=400' DATE: NOV. 1997 REVISEO: FEB, 1998 PREPARED BY bf BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1005 EMMETT STREET. SUITE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30904 - .', (70 . - '1~r.J F I LED FOR RECO~:D 0:!PlflfI'W.ll2~6ifJ:SM3"s3(Wj1-1) PECOR OED ~36 APR 199:::' 3.' 3 S 1> nJ a-Nt!.- (t:-- ~ ..i' ~ ;~j_:. .~ '", p \ (' ,\; \.; \'::Y;:: \~;\1-\\~:~~ \. \ \~'0J-i.';'\\:I\U~~\ 3'. J~ 0<(; \.\tR -0 , c.(\\'\ _ j ._. \ \,.\-l, \~ ';:. (\ \ \\-\. \ ~VqRS.TA:!i~ 9,EQRGIA PROJECT McCombs Road, Section II c,C'0'J)'-, Ci\~~IS CONVEYANCE made and executed the 5~ '- daX of Att\N~ 19 ~~'. . . REEL 591 PAGE 1410 RETURN TO: Ha't'ry D. Revell 454 Greene St. ,,::; - '.- ""- },4 '.._" AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED WITNESSETH that Bettv T. Bates, the undersigned, is the owner of ~ tract of land in Richmond County, through which McCombs Road, Se,ction II, known as Project McCombs Road. Section II, has been laid out by Brian G. Besson and Associates, P.C~, being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Suburban Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a po);itical subdivision of the State of Georgia, and their successors in office so much land as to make a right-of-way for said project as surveyed. Said right-of-way is hereby conveyed in fee simple, consisting of 0.66 acre, more or less, and 0.03 acre of permanent storm drainage easement, and N/A acre of temporary construction easement, more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by Brian G. Besson & Associates, P.C., dated December 1997, and revised N/A, attached hereto and made a part of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said conveyed premises in fee simple. I hereby warrant that I have the right to sell and convey said land and bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. JUST IN WITNESS THEREOF; I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day above written. Signed, Sealed and Delive!ed .this 3~1JI. day of MAA.e.tI , 19~ , in the presence of: ~ rr '7J~ Betty, .. Bates (L.S.) (> (L.S.) (L.S.) T: I,,'" ~ ~ : r~ ~ ~ g mwm_ : ~ ~ ~ePUBL\C J ~ G ,~-a"o ~ ~ 0" c:i$ ~t'Y:;;:t~.~~~?:<;..~..~~;; -~"OJVD CO~~~. \\\,~'9..~"'~- . Tax Map 367, ORIGINAL REEL RECORDED REEL 591 PAGE Rf4'f''9fOND COUNTY, 'GEOlUJIA WIP ID: 352817 .!"lc(.;J fkW.JJc Tnmifu ADZ parceT SA PaM $__ ~ I DaJe ~-t, jy .9.-#' . . .. 4 ~-I . ~ (.,/. .>.~v~/.1.Af)U ElaiM C. }of'mw. Cfent (If Supei'br~CQu.-t REEL 591 PAGE 1411 '- ---, ." .~ NOTE: FIELD SURVEY OF ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. a" 0:3: >-'- UJO: -J ~~ ;==0 CO I I 980:1:' I I nNLEY ~~ R/W OF I ~ ~~E~.~ ~ ~~_A / \ / A/ ( .~;/ ,/ ~/V, O~ '" c,. ~'?' A B = B C 0 COo D E = E F = F G = G A = BEARING N 07'01'26" W R 0 2331.83' N 61'10'42" E N 61'50'10" E S 11'36'39" E S 61'46'02" W R = 1555.36' DISTANCE 11.82' L = 208.09' 352.26' 314.79' 16.82' 702.02' L = 172.55' fJ1* o '. r;; , / / / - 367/5 - R,R. 157, PG. 850-851. - 353/14.2 - - 367/8 - " " ~ "> E ~ ~\ "'j "'j ~"" .~/ '" ( ,lY " T /.... /. /'67/'- 4> . '0' j.' . ,"5 '.4> ,.... TOTAL R/W TO BE ACQUIRED=0.66 ACRE ~..J. :90. ~ ~ - 367/5 - R.R. 157, PG, 850-851, / Q " / Q MA TCH LINE FOR CONTINUATION ,~~ A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F G = G A = BEARING N 81'34'05- E S 61'50'10" W S 61'10'40" W R = 2251.83' N 07'01'26" W R = 1505.36' N 61'46'02" E DISTANCE 41.73' 524.85' 351.58' L = 241.27' 21.66' L = 192.74' 877.75' SHEET 1 OF 2 57-8905-096 !PLATI PREPARED FOR RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA SHOWING RIGHT-OF - WA Y TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124th C.M.D. BETTY T. BATES DRAlIN BY: S.W.H. SCALE: 1"=400' o 200 400 , GRAPHIC SCALE 800 . 1" = 400' ~ PREP ARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1005 Et.lt.lETI SlREET, SUITE B AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30904 (705)733-6456 DATE: DEC. 1997 REVISED: JOB NO. 00996-ESMTS '(367-5) GA, RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK SUPERIOR COURT FILED FOR RECORD 06 APR 1998 AT 03:34PM RECORDED 06 APR 1998 _ .;,.:J'!:!....- .' MATCH LINE FOR CONTINUATION ~ REEL 591 PAGE 1412 NOTE: FIELD SURVEY OF ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. ,/ ~~' 0'<- "" (,. ~~ SEE SHEET 1 OF 2 / )0J .'>Y "- - 367 f7 - .,SO; . '-... /. ~ "<- .-- ~ ~.\ ) #~~/ - 367/5 - R.R. 157, PG. 650-651. o 200 400 , GRAPHIC SCALE 600 . I" = 400' / .'f SHEET 2 OF 2 I PLAT I PREPARED FOR RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124th G.M.D. BETTY T. BATES bf PREPARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, p.e. 1005 EMMETT STREET. SUITE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30904 (706)733-6456 ) 57-8905-096 DRAWN BY: S.W.H, SCALE: '"-400' DATE: DEe, 1997 REVISED: JOB NO. 00996-ESMTS (367-5) J.- /v C (I.- .-. .!- ~'. Jo .:::. .1.1~1 i .'f-:":~.'~ 3~,!j:r=t ,i~c J3B:~:' . ' ..........-;""-: .1' ~ ",.. i ..........~ ::~, 1~'-'"''''' if;:;o ., .".-; :~ :::::^'o ......m^' -om...... r-Ci ..... ..... o 1.)1 :z: .. '..0:0- w-r U/"'IJA:I r-v :t> IT, OJ ... ITl -mr OJ -^, .;:..m -(j ("'J~ '=' I'TI '=' - .' -,'.' ',-\C~, f" n ; ~~ \ 't1\\ '.) .-";:\..:; -i r ,\,".~,,,i:\~~~\'l!.Ar) ~',...:di\ \ "\ C'I \ ~ ,.. \ \l.. J' '\~ i." ".1' C. 0\-,\ 3'. '3 ~ R -'0 ~ II '3B fl.?_ n~\ AU~V~~~~~~~~B~IA C\ .r"'\\"..:-"I\~'\l\\\j\. , \- .,.., . l'~ ~ ,-. i..1 , ... , . , -, ~':L'C:\\\ /~HIS CONVEYANCE made 19.:::t.a- . - RETURN TO: Harry D. Revell 454 Greene St. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED ~L 591 PAGE 1413 and PROJECT McCombs Road, section II ~/~+ " J1J.~ executed the ~day of ~ WITNESSETH that Mamie Elizabeth Neelv, the und'ersigned, is the owner of a tract of land in Richmond County, through which McCombs Road, section II, known as Project McCombs Road. section II, has been laid out by Brian G. Besson and Associates, P.C., being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Suburban Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the constrUction -and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision 'of the State of Georgia, and their successors in office s9 much land as to make a right-of-way for said project as surveyed. Said right-of-way is hereby conveyed in fee simple, consisting of 0.87 acre, more or less, an~ N/A acre of temporary construction easement, more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by Brian G. Besson & Associates, P.C., dated November 1997, and revised N/A, attached hereto and made a part of this description. TO HAVE AND' TO HOLD the said conveyed premises in fee simple. I hereby warrant that I have the right to sell and convey said land and bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. JUST IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day above written. signed, Sealed and Delivered this ~day of .L11~ " , 19..5:3.., in the presence of: , /7n~ e . Mamie Elizabeth . S. ) (L.S.) (L.S.) RICHMOIW COUNTY, GEORGIA Tax Map 375 ~ Parcel 1. 2 ' Ritii.1J..r;.:U~Troli!ler i(a Paid $ P- DaU 4-~~ 9 y ~,;' ~)---;;-- //] ~ ~.L, c/o (--/t.J~~ E'-'.." I' ~""l"""!'';'? au4l1'f.... '-"- ,.., '.. 'I'. "'i.~ '~rlr 01 Supo'ir)Y'COIl11 OJ _ ,/L/!,'t\-!_ REEL 591 PAGE ct4lq-o i_Ii . -. 7' ~ NOTE: FIELD SURVEY OF ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. I MAG, NORTH "rZ I - 375/1.1 - SI.1Il'J.f ' ~8f?~NCH - 1048' NEW ROADWAY TM 375/1.2 ~/ -~ ~ r-.. /' E' lr~~ - "O~O.,~ DC 4~~ .... B /~// L A__;;~/..// ~~.,~ .-- --- ------ --~ =------.--. . . o "( BEARING R=422.72' S 84'07'46" E N 05'52'14" E S 84'07'46" E R=427.72' S 54'52'46" E R=1131.36' S 69'52'46" E R=643.11' N 01'33'27" W N 68'24'50" W R "" 845.53' A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F G = G H = HI= I J = J K = K L = L A = o , 150 300 600 I 1" = 300' GRAPHIC SCALE I PLAT I PREPARED FOR DISTANCE L=145.00' 36.13' 5.00' 143.04' L=218.35' 370.6" L=296.19' 128.99' L=141.09' 25.68' 1468.01' L "" 61.31' 57-8905-096 RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PROPERTY LOCA TED IN THE 124th G.M,D. MAMIE ELIZABETH NEELY ~ PREPARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, P.C, 1005 EMMETT STREET, SUITE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30904 (706)7.33-6456 DRAv.tl BY: S.W.H. SCALE: 1"=300' OATE: NOV. 1997 REVISED: JOB NO, 00996-ESMTS (375-1-2) '. . .. " I ", .' .r/j ~..J. d / / G '..~~. ~- ." - .. '"",,- , . . NOTE: FIELD SURVEY OF ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS AND DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. REEL 591 PAGE 1415 -N- if a: o ;z d '0( ~ , J J I I I I / , " 1/ ,.- ~ f I 1~.4'~ ~ I 1/_' " . \ A B = ~ I I uol1"~. B C = 'I .",,- CD= gj: //1' \ ~~: ,..., I: FG= II-H GH= I I /~. H A = I I . ~jill \ ~ / I . ~. II 0/' II fJ} II .~~ Il ./f . I I ~ II ~' '"'f I I I I I I I I I I I : I I , I , , I , I I' I, I ' I I ll~ \ . II~- . " \\ \ '. , , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '-- \ ~- . \ t- \ \\,.. \ \ \\ . \ \ . \\ \ \ - 366/1 - BEARING R=512.72' S 88'27'11" E S 02'50' 4 7" E N 89'45'17" W R=2523.48' N 8y'21'07" W R=1479.47' N 84'15'55" W .. \\ 347,5' J \ 366/3 -, ~;. \ 200 . . \ - 375/1.2 - .. W 87'20'57 0,<0 \ !">....: - 366/4 - C"I .- o "" (j) C NEW .R/w---:...... MCCOMBS ROAD NEW ROADWAY o , 100 200 400 I 1. = 200' GRAPHIC SCALE I PLAT I PREPARED FOR .__~.:..r.... 'RICHMOND COUNTY, GEORGIA SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124lh G.M.D. . MAMIE ELIZABETH NEELY PREPARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON' and ASSOCIATES, P.C. ~ 1005 EMMETT STREET. SUITE B AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30904 (7~.33Ri}lIDHtl(JH[j COUH r.,' CLERK SL 96 -~ DISTANCE L=143.JO' 141.17' 24.50' 47.72' Lc116.87' 9.79' L= 79. 70' 30.23' 57-8905-096 DRA'Mi BY: S.W.H. SCALE: 1...200' DATE: NOV. 1997 . REVISED: 3- tV C {L- '" .- .... ::- . ~A" :;~- O. .; , ;.; 2;~ ~'::':LfJ {il' ~'f~ 'tu 1..1 ._'1.; ~"_ -~ ;: ~"".,:-, ~'T' ",'~ ./ REEL 591 PAGE 1416 RETURN TO: Harry D. Revell 454 Greene St. ~c. .' ..>\~\ \\,:\'~~,~:~~~/'i ~ \' " '.' ' "'H'!. " ilL ": j.....~.;~._\'~~",.v' r:;;.. ~}V\ ',,-,'e" ~'\;\ n....S ~(',~,. 1\\'''' . ,,,,.,':) '~, '" \ a~ ~'. I At!GqS~~~~\\\GEORGIA ) ,\.\':" \_!~.._:\:,~\\.i~' S\--:.rt3'~;\)' .' THIS CONVEYANCE ~ade and executed the ;II. te day of 1'7~e.I-/ \',\,\.r\,' 19 98 AUGUSTA, GEORGIA RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED \:.~ PROJECT McCombs Road, Section II " '. WITNESSETH that Walter Dachenhausen. Sr., the undersigned, is ,the owner of a tract of land in Richmond County, through which McCombs Road, section IIi known as Project McCombs Road. Section II, has been laid out by Brian G. Besson and Associates, P.C., being more particularly described in a map and drawing of said project in the Suburban Public Works Department, to which reference is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefit to said property by the construction and maintenance of said project, and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby a'cknowledged, I do hereby grant, sell and convey to AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, and their successors in office so much land as to make a right-of-way for said project as surveyed. Said right-of-way is hereby conveyed in'fee simple, consisting of 0.07 acre, more or less, and N/A acre of temporary construction easement, more or less, as shown on a plat of the property prepared by Brian G. Besson & Associates, P.C., dated November 1997, and revised N/A, attached hereto and made a part of this description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said conveyed premises in fee simple. I hereby warrant that I have the right to sell and convey said land and bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators forever to defend by virtue of these presents. JUST IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day above written. signe~ Sealed and Delivered this :G.6~day of M~A , 19~, in the presence of: ~c2~. .. ll.';L" " ..tf 1111 'th"J/f/ ., . ,-rl.~ " It" il"I/' Q" ,:.;~~.,. '1\ \ '" '" ,j ,,'- '0'~, /Ai "p'fl. ~. ..--> ,:'f ,:~\' .NO Y'!<PJ:JBLIC ' ..{,.',,, .-..,.. ....,.. '~--p :~;~i~71{~~t~~~1.;~~;~~~~:~nty. Georgia . J'1't;.' ~ C6JnmlSSIOn!E~plre~Oc,t9ber 13, 2001. Tax Map 353 Parcel 4. 7 , . .....~ I~ -' U f-" \ C: .;; ,; '- ~... ",....). . ~; .... i . ~!! ~ ,.up .~ r "'v~ t;". . J' . ~. '-:..il ........ '"k .~.: ._::.j '/..'-1' '1;':~_~:!....:'_'; ,...1-.., ....: _~:'~ "."', "0" ..' ;";>\' .";' ..:/1) ~ ,~\.., . "'-- .., '"l'.~:. ..,-i":_ol ,..~", " " . tJ()/i ~4&~/(L.S.) ,Walter Dachenha sen, Sr. (L.S.) ORIGINAL REEL RECORDEQ, REEL 591 PAGE 1416 -"'lIP ID: 352819 (L.S.) RICHMOND COUN1l', GEORGIA Real &tate TT'OIiSler Tar PaUl $ -e-- . , ~- ~.i DaJe f - to -'7 !5 .~~. ()~~-^o~ . ElaiIt.': c. Johr-tT"""''-'''' aerie of Superior CoUrl .c.; .t . n.. . n, '.- REEL 591 PAGE 1417 '. ~ NOTE: FIELD SURVEY OF ENTIRE TRACT NOT PERFORMED; BEARINGS ANO DIMENSIONS TAKEN FROM REALTY REFERENCES. '. /' NEW ROADWAY -N- ~ 0:: o Z o < :::i: \ \00.00' ___' . ~51"00" ~ \~\ "~"'~ \~\~ - 353/4:7 - \ '('J RR. 336, PG, 274. , ,0 , .~ \~ "-..1 . \'L . 50' ~-Ej r-' " - 353/4.5 - \ \ - 353/4.1 - ~~ ~\ <6, ~ - 353/9 - ~\ \ ~~ 'Q o. ,,:( ~ A B = B C = C 0 = o E = E A = BEARING R = 507.72' S 60'01'18- W N 24'12'00- W N 60'48'00" E S 11'24'14" E. DISTANCE L = 30,05' '170.36' 16.75' 203.10' 13.74' /PLATI PREPARED FOR ". GAl RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK SUPERIOR COUR FILED FOR RECORD 06 APR 1998 AT 03:34PM RECORDED 06 APR 1.998 ' 57-8905-096 Rld-i'MOND COUNTY, GEORGIA 0', 50 100 , GRAPHIC SCALE 200 . ,- =.'00' SHOWING RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE ACQUIRED FOR. PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 124th G.M.D. WALTER A. DACHENHAUSEN, SR. DRAI'tN BY: S.W.H. SCALE: '-.100' bf PREPARED BY BRIAN G. BESSON and ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1005 EMMETT STREET, SUITE B ,AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30904 (706)7JJ-6:4~6 ' DATE: NOV. 1997 REVISED: JOB NO. 00996-ESMTS (353"':4-7) oL-N e Ie...... ";' ! ~ 1 ~ill~, I{i!! J.~ ro, T';;UOJ :,IOI:'i]<:UJ:3 >l$l::U::1 '-lTHUO::! OYiOt'I!-rH;tj I.A;) tl'lf;.::'", :~'J iH 8Rel S1'=1A ~(l a~~O:j3x 9iCfi IJ3Jr-l see 1 ~9A all! Q:aOf.\ll);J~>l ~~~~ont.ij1f ,,;~, '1-.....~~~~::~ i,;L;A ..\, j~. .... "0 ,;'..,: r,. _ J ~ '"\. I &'--:0.....:" ~ .... ',. +: ,r,. f~ z ~.. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY COMMISSION LARRY E. SCONYERS Mayor ROOM 801 MUNICIPAL BLDG. (11) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA 30911 Bus. (706) 821-2488 Fax No. (706) 722-5984 ULMER BRIDGES JERRY BRIGHAM HENRY H. BRIGHAM FREDDIE 1.. HANDY WILUAM B. KUHLKE, JR. WM. "WILUE" H. MAYS, ill J. B. POWELL STEPHEN E. SHEPARD MOSES roOD LEE BEARD Mayor Pro Tem April 15, 1998 CHARLES R. OUVER, P E, CPA Adminisuator JAMES B. WALL Attorney Ms. Lena Bonner Clerk of Commission Municipal Building (11) Augusta, Georgia 30911 Reply to: P.O. BOX 2125 Augusta, GA. 30903 Re: McCombs Road, Section II Dear Lena: I am enclosing herewith the following right-of-way deeds in connection with the above project, in favor of Augusta, Georgia, which have been recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, in Realty Reel 591, on the indicated pages: (1) Bobby Graham Ellerbee (Tax Map 353, Parcel 11.01) dated March 27, 1997, on pages 1406-1407; (2) Leroy Tinley and Jackie Tinley (Tax May 367, Parcel 1) dated March 26, 1998, on pages 1408-1409; (3) Betty T. Bates (Tax Map 367, Parcel 5) dated March 30, 1998, on pages 1410-1412; (4) Mamie Elizabeth Neely (Tax Map 375, Parcel 1.2) dated March 31, 1998, on pages 1413-1415; and (5) Walter Dachenhausen, Sr. (Tax Map 353, Parcel 4.7) dated March 26, 1998, on pages 1416-1417. With kind regards, I am // very truly, J;:l; 'HARRY~ ~ HDRhbs Enclosures CC: Mr. Jim Brown