HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOEL DEVELOPMENT CO STEPHEN BEAZLEY BUILDERS DEED OF DEDICATION UTILITY WATER AND GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER MANCHESTER SECTION 5 • AUGUSTA LAW DEPT Book 01272:1757 Augusta - Richmond County 501 GREENE ST STE 302 201003813908/31 /201015:44:00.01 AUGUSTA, $ 0.00 WARR DEED GA 3080 nn15 11 "1li m1limi1"11 1 111! i�P �11�� �� GA A - = 0 - ! Iiifii +ihl i lit� i� i l�i 1�1�i Ill�i iii�i illii iil� f�li 2010038139 Augusta - Richmond County STATE OF GEORGIA ) DEED OF DEDICATION COUNTY OF RICHMOND) UTILITY — Water and Gravity Sanitary Sewer MANCHESTER, SECTION 5 THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this /7 day of , 2010, between COEL DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. and STEPHEN BEAZLEY ILDERS INC., hereinafter referred to as the Party of the First Part, and AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, hereinafter referred to as the Party of the Second Part; WITNESSETH: THAT SAID UTILITY PIPELINES, herein described, have been inspected by the Augusta Utilities Department and accepted on the 17th day of February, 2010; and THAT the said Party of the First Part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and no /100 ($10.00) in cash to it in hand paid by the Party of the Second Part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, at and /or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, and other good and valuable considerations, has granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns the following described property, to -wit: EASEMENTS IN PERPETUITY UNDER, ACROSS AND THROUGH the approximately marked strips of land, together with the water and gravity sanitary sewer pipelines and appurtenances located therein, which are delineated on plat as noted: Section 5, prepared for Coel Development Co. by Southern Partners, Inc., dated February 23, 2010, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, Georgia, in Plat Book 6, page 74. Said plat being incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and to which plat reference is made for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said easements, pipelines and appurtenances; THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART has agreed that neither the Party of the Second Part, nor any of its departments, shall maintain individual force mains and /or grinder 1 or • Book 01272:1758 Augusta - Richmond County 2010038139 08/31 /2010 15:44:00.01 pumps and that any said individual force mains and /or grinder pumps shall remain private. SAID EASEMENTS BEING IN THE NATURE of a right -of -way for the purpose of laying, relaying, installing, extending, expanding, adding, operating, repairing, and maintaining pipelines transporting and carrying the utility services of the Party of the Second Part; TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT, when construction or maintenance is necessary, to dig such trenches in said property, as may be necessary for the project; to pile thereon the material excavated, and to haul pipe, supplies and equipment connected with the construction and maintenance thereof, over, along, and across the said property, along with the free right of ingress and egress to and from said easements for these purposes. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, its successors, legal representatives, and assigns, does also grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Augusta, its successors and assigns, the right, but not the duty, to clear, and keep clear, all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions from said permanent easement, along with the free right of ingress and egress to and from said permanent easements for these purposes. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, its successors, legal representatives, and assigns do agree that no other utilities may be constructed within the aforesaid easements in perpetuity. THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, its successors, assigns and legal representatives, after the completion of this Project, shall have the right to use said parcels of land in any manner not inconsistent or interfering with the rights herein granted, excluding, however, the right to plant thereon any trees or other vegetation that may interfere with the laying, relaying, installing, adding, extending, operating, repairing and maintaining of pipelines transporting and carrying utility services of the Party of the Second Part and the right to erect, construct or maintain thereon any buildings, structures, or other permanent improvements. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid rights, ways, easements, privileges and appurtenances unto the said Party of the Second Part, its successors and assigns, in perpetuity. AND THE SAID PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, its successors, legal representatives, and assigns, shall and will forever warrant and defend unto the Party of the Second Part, his successors and assigns, the rights, ways, and easements, privileges, and appurtenances conveyed herein, against the claim or claims of any person or person whomsoever. WHENEVER there shall be more than one grantor, the phrase "Party of the First Part" and 2 • • Book 01272:1759 Augusta = Richmond County 2010038139 08/31/2010 1 all such phrases, related pronouns and verbs shall read as if written in the plural form. When the grantor is an individual, all such phrases, related pronouns and relative pronouns shall be read as if written in the feminine, masculine, or neuter and the word "heirs" shall be substituted for the word "successors" at the appropriate place or places. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written as the date of these presents. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED in our presence: COEL DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. OAP By: i NESS 1 6/L- (//1 c4_,(4. As Its: RI- 12-1 - -- (-z - b- -1.— N PUBLIC 64s1 C btuir ca-- County, Georgia Attest: A ` ,0 My C604,14ion Expires: al 3 °)° As its: e kr,/ r�� b .r STEPHEN BEAZLEY BUILDERS INC, BY: A-A/ ESS � ( - ?q/ttr As Its: - ,:a4. I TARY PUBLIC (e/gyp /,U U d County, Georgia Attest: KLA:Y& i 8 'A - to/ M. Qommission Expires: 6.1_ j(-) As its: S c C.74v- y % 9 A 1 1 ,� 3 • Book 01272:1760 Augusta - Richmond County 2010038139 08/31/2010 15:44:00.01 (SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) ACCEPTED BY: AUGUSTA, GEORGIA U WITNESS J / A / y( Deke Copenh ver ik (2 =='�'' /. 9 &e;c ) ' % / l�! As Its: Mayor NOTARUUBLIC "Gta,'a)County, Ge'ru • My Commission s • 4 •�� Attest: � ����/ 41 O i / � Clerk of Co 9/ fission �� F ♦a '�wN e, � � 1 t� � BIA C O Q? ����∎∎��e (SEAL) Filed in this office: Augusta - Richmond County 08/31/2010 15:44:00.01 ELAINE C. JOHNSON Clerk of Superior Court 4